English Malay Dictionary

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Author of "A Practical Malay Grammar,"

"Malay English Vocabulary" etc.

All Rights Reserved


Printed and Published by the Methodist Publishing llouse,

The accomplishment of the author's original intention, which was to
produce an English-Malay Yocahulary containing some three or four
thousand words, has been so long deferred through pressure of other literary
^yoTk, that it has been thought better to abandon it altogether, especially
in view of the fact that other vocabularies have appeared meanwhile which
supply the need for a limited word list. The scope of the original work
Ihas therefore been greatly extended, with the object of
producing not a
mere Vocabulary but a Dictionary which would be as complete as possible.
An intimate acquaintance with Favre's French-Malay and with Klin-
kert's Dutch-Malay dictionaries, and the constant use of these valuable
works during a period of many years, has enabled the author to profit by
the experience gained by these writers, and it is hoped that all the essential
information contained in these more voluminous works will be found in
this volume in a more convenient and accessible form.

Subsidiary Exglish Meaxixgs.

The great defect of many dictionaries of Oriental languages is that

in looking up an English word one finds a long list of unfamiliar equi-
valents, without any indication as to the precise shade of meaning which
is to be given to each. The English student is therefore quite at a loss
as to which word he should select and similarly the Oriental student who

is seeking tlie precise meaning of an English word finds so many almost

synonymous equivalents in his own language that he is very little the

wiser for his search. In order to obviate this difficulty as far as possible,
we have followed the plan of tlie best English-French and English-German
dictionaries, giving a number of English meanings wherever necessary for
each English word, and arranging the Malay equivalents under these
various headings. These English meanings have been taken in the main
from Webster's International Unabridged Dictionary, and in the same order
as they are found there, so whenever the student finds any ambiguity in
these meanings he should refer to Webster's dictionary. The typographic
arrangement of Eoman and Italic letters, and the placing of the subsidiary
English meanings in parentheses, has been designed so that the particular
meaning of the word of which the student is in search will readily meet
the eye, and thus the necessity for reading through a whole column of
meanings (such as will be found, for instance, in Klinkert's dictionary)
will be a\oided, thereby saving much time.

Proxuxciatioxs of Exglish Words.

Another feature which we believe is rather unusual in dictionaries
of Oriental languages is that for the sake of Asiatic students we have
given tlie pronunciation of every English word. These pronunciations

are based for the most part on Webster, but we have been careful to follo\r
the English usage rather than the American, and for this purpose have
consulted three or four other English dictionaries. This feature has addecl
enormously to the labour of the final preparation of the work, and is;
responsible for some delay, but we believe that it will be greatly appre-
ciated b}' Malay students and Malay-speaking Chinese.

Dialectic Diffeeexces ix Malay.

The Malay language is so widespread, and is spoken by such a variety
of different races (Malays proper, Javanese, S;indanese, Achinese,
Siamese, and Chinese) that the differences of dialect are very considerable.
The Malay spoken on the three great islands of Borneo. Java and Sumatra)
is not by any means the same. There are variations in different parts of
these islands, and along the coast of the Peninsula, the East Coast especial-
ly differing from the West. But for the purpose of the English student
of Malay or of tlie Malay student of English it is not at all necessary to-
consider all the differences of dialect. For practical purposes there are-
four main divisions of the Malay language. The first of these is the-
pure Malay, which is spoken in Malacca and Johore and the opposite coast
of Sumatra (Siak, Indragiri and Janibi) and is known to the Dutch as.
the Eiouw-Lingga Malay. This is the language of Malay literature, and
is understood by educated Malays everywhere. Secondly should be placed
the Malay spoken in the north of the Peninsula, which may be called Perak
or Penang Malay, and in which Kedah influences appear to predominate.
Thirdly tliere is the Malay spoken by the Babas or Straits-born Chinese,
which is a very distinct dialect, and is of great importance in a work of
this kind, owing to the fact that the Babas nearly all speak English as?
well as Malay, and that perhaps the majority of Europeans come in touch
wath them and learn Malay from them rather than from tlie Malays. And
fourtlily we have considered the 'Malay spoken in the Netherlands Indies-
as a separate dialect, and by this we mean not the so-called Batavia Malay,
which contains a very large proportion of Sundanese words, but the Malay
spoken in places so widely separated as Banjermasin, Pontianak, Palem-
bang and Medan, whicli a])proximates more nearly to the pure Malay, and
as compared with the Malay of Java contains only a small admixture of
Javanese and Dutch words. For the benefit of Englishmen and Americans
living in the Dutch Indies, and for the increasing number of Chinese
through the schools of the Tiong Hoa Iloe Koan are learning English,
we have givena large number of the words which are in general use through-
out Netherlands India.

Help Received with the Dialects.

The author has been very fortunate in being able to obtain valuable-
assistance in regard to all these dialectic differences. The first draft of
this dictionary from A
to L was made in collaboration with a Perak Malay,
Mr. Masohorbin Kulop Endut, and the remainder with a Riouw Malay,
Said Abdu'r-rahman. The latter has assisted with the final revision of
the whole work, and having living for some years in Palembang, was of

great assistance in regard to the Netherlands Indies words. A great

deal of help in regard to such words was also received from Mr. E. A.
Van Wulven, who worked with the author all through the preparation of
the first draft, turning up words in the Dutch and French dictionaries,
and thus rapidly placing these sources of information at his disposal.
Many valuable suggestions in regard to words used in the Dutch Indies
have also been received from Mr. Goh Leng Inn, a Banjermasin Chinese,
and in regard to Perak and Penang words, from Mohamed Said bin
Mahomed Hussain, of Alor Star, Kedah, and from Mr. G. M. Laidlaw, of
the Civil Service, who for many years was stationed in Perak, and from
Mr. Hellier of the Education Department, who read the proof sheets with
his visiting teacher, Haji Osman, of Province Wellesley. It is to be
regretted that pressure of time prevented the author from making use of
a great number of Penang words suggested by Guru Abdu '1-aziz, a Penang
man, who is a visiting teacher in Singapore. These valuable suggestions
have been filed for use in a future edition, if such be required. Haji
Mohamed Said, Secretary to the Sultan of Johore, has also read the proof
sheets and made many helpful corrections and additions. All the work
connected with the Baba dialect was done by Mr. Chew Cheng Yong, who
translated the Baba version of the New Testament in collaboration with
the author, and further help in regard to Baba words has been given by
Mr. Goh Hood Keng, by Mrs. Chew Cheng Yong, and by the linotype
operator who set the dictionary, Mr. Tan Keng Watt, who is himself a
Malay Eoot Forms Used.
In every Malay-English dictionary the Malay words are of necessity
to be found only in their root forms, derived forms being grouped under
the root heading. Similarly it has appeared to the author to be best
in this English-Malay dictionary to give the Malay equivalents for the
most part in the root form only. This is contrary to the plan adopted by
Favre and by Klinkert, who under "couper^' and "snijden," for example,
give memotorg, mergerat, memerggal, etc., and Klinkert feels it necessary
to add (van potorg) (van herat) (van perggal). It seems much simpler
to give only the root, and to trust to the intelligence of the student to
give the proper derived form when using the word. The author has made
this innovation in spite of the fact that a Malay will give the words every
time in the forms mmotoig, mrgrat, etc., rather than in the root form.
For the proper use of the prefix m, and other derived forms, the student
is referred to the author's Practical Malay Grammar.


customary in Oriental dictionaries to give derivations, and in a

It is
dictionary of Malay words the derivations are of unusual value, owing to
the language containing such a large proportion of foreign words. In an
English-Malay dictionary, however, the real importance of knowing the
derivation of a word is merely to give an indication as to whether the word
is likely to be known by the class of person to whom one is speaking or to

whom one is writing. Thus words

of Portuguese, English and Dutch
origin are not much known except in the great centres of population, and
Arabic words are for the most part only known to Mohammedans, and
many of them only to those Malays who have some knowledge of Moslem
literature. Some Arabic and Sanskrit words have, however, become so
thoroughly incorporated in the Malay language by long usage that they
are universally known, and are no longer to be considered as forieign words.
In this work the derivation of such words is not given, as for instance,
smoa, fikir, umor, haclia, etc. As regard Arabic, Sanskrit, Persian and
Hindustani words, it has been thought convenient to omit the derivation
from those words which are current to such an extent as to be known to
the Baba Chinese.

The Baba-Malay Dialect.

The importance of this dialect, as being the business language of the
Straits Settlements the medium of communication of the Chinese mer-
chants and shopkeepers with the Europeans on the one hand, and the
Malays on the other, seems to justify the attention which i given to it in
this work. Words and phrases which are not used by the Babas, and
would be unfamiliar to them, and perhaps hardly understood, are marked
with an asterisk [*], and those which are peculiar to them, being corrup-
tions of the pure Malay or actually Chinese words, are marked (B). By
this plan it is hoped to accomplish two purposes (1) to make the
dictionary useful to the Babas, and thereby introduce them to many Malay
words which they do not know, and which would greatly enrich their
vocabulary, and (2) to indicate to European students of Malay those words
which are most commonly used in the colloquial language of the Settle-
ments, which we think will be a great assistance to the vast majority hi
those who come to these lands, and have no ambition to make a thorough
study of the language as spoken by the Malays. A dissertation on the
" Baba "
will be found in the
subject Malay Appendix.
Chinese "Loan" Words.
A considerable number of Chinese words have become thoroughly in-
corporated in the Malay language, and are well known to the Malays.
Perhaps the most familiar are chat, chenterg, horgsi, loclierg, loterg, sampan
and sirykek, certain terms connected with gambling, and words used by
Chinese doctors, such as sergse, mek, po'ho, koyok, etc. The Chinese words
used by the Babas form a far larger class, and a great number of these
have not found a place in this dictionary, for where there is a Malay
equivalent in common use among the Babas we have not thought
it neces-

sary to always give the Chinese word. Moreover the Babas use an immense
number of Chinese words in connection with their marriage and other
ceremonials, which we have not yet had an opportunity to collect.
order to make these loan words accessible to the student of Chinese, we
have added in most cases the correct Chinese spelling with the tonal marks
as they will be found in Douglas' Dictionary of the Amoy Colloquial, with-
out which it would be exceedingly difficult to recognise them. It should

be remarked that it would appear that nearly all the Chinese words which
have come into the Malay language are from the so-called Hok-kien or
Amoy dialect, and many of them have the Chang-chew sounds, so that the
connection between the Baba pronunciation and the real Amoy sound as
given by Douglas is not always evident to a person unfamiliar with the
peculiarities of the Chinese dialects. For instance hoeh is from the Chang-
chew hoeli, and not from the Amoy leh; and paksui is from the Chang-
chew phah-sid", which looks quite different to the Amoy phah-srg, though
it is really the same. Similarly one would hardly guess that the word
chiau for oar could come from the Amoy chiu^ if one were not acquainted
with the Chang-chew sound, and it is not easy to recognise nuy-ll in the
Baba word muili.

Aeabic Words.

To find an Arabic derivation from the sound of the word as it is

pronounced by a Malay is almost as difficult as to discover the Chinese.
This difficulty arises from the fact that the Arabic has two h's, and two
t's, which the Malay pronounces just alike, and he makes very little if any
distinction between h, q and kh, and between stn^ shin, sad and thd, all of
which he sounds like our letter s. Consequently one often does not know
where to look for a word in either a Malay or an Arabic dictionary. More-
over many Arabic words are utterly mispronounced by Malays, having
apparently been picked up from the spelling rather than the sound; thus
to the average Malay who does not know Arabic wahyu becomes ivahi, and
fatwa has become ptua, the letter z is often changed to j, and where the
accent in Arabic falls on the last syllable it is almost always changed to
the penultimate, as in the very common words jawah and hitah, which in
Arabic are jaicab and kitab. Hence in order to assist the student who
desires to know the correct form of the Arabic words, and at the same
time to avoid the use of letters with dots under them, we have adopted a
system of spelling found in Faris' ilrabic Grammar, using small capitals h, t
for the Arabic hd, td and sad, and q for kaf, the other Arabic letters being
represented in the usual way by th for tJid, kh for khd, dz for dzdl, z for
zd, sh for shm, dl for dldd, tl for tld, and gh for ghain. Much of the
dictionary was already in type before this arrangement was decided upon,
and the necessary changes could not always be made, but as far as possible
the Arabic spelling has been given wherever the difference from the Malay
spellingis such as to make it difficult to find the word in a dictionary.

Generally the Arabic form is not given more than once in a group of
English words of similar meaning, so if not found under any particular
word it should be looked for under similar English words on the same
Persiax and Hindustani Words.
A number of Persian words are to be found in the Malay
language. Probably all of these have come to us through the Hindustani.
Mr. Ishwar Das, the District Court interpreter, Singapore, was kind enough
to give me some information in regard to a few words, and to lend me his

copy of Forbes' dictionary, with the aid of which I have been able to trace
several words to their original source. Further investigation along this
line would certainly yield very interesting results. It seems quite possible
that many Arabic words have also come to us
through Hindustani. For
instance, Forbes tells us that the Arabic word nuqqah signifies a casket
or box, and only in India does it have the
meaning "pipe," from which
the Malays get their word ogah. It is remarkable \hat the Arabic letter
^ very frequently becomes g in Malay. I am told that this is the pronun-
ciation in Hadramaut, whence most of the Arabs in this
part of the world
have come.
Dutch and Netheklands Indies Words.
Most of the words used exclusively in the Netherlands Indies, which
in this work are marked (N.I.), are of Javanese origin, but a number of
them are from the Dutch, sometimes in a very much corrupted form. As
far as possible the correct Dutch spelling of such words has been given,
which will be appreciated by English and Americans living in Netherlands-
India, and also by many of the English-speaking Chinese. When a word
is simply marked (D.) without the (N.I.), it may be taken that it is

generally known by Malays and Babas in the British possessions also.

Some words, marked (D.) are really French, but have come into Malay
through the Dutch, and the fact that such words are in most cases pro-
nounced by the Dutch people with the French accent will account for the
form in which they appear in Malay thus " gage " becomes gaji, loge
'' "
becomes losi, and sergeant is the Malay sersan. For many of the Dutch
derivations I am indebted to Mr. van Wulven. In most cases where I
have been in doubt in regard to any Dutch word I have referred the
matter to him, but it is quite possible that some errors may have crept
in for which he is not to be held responsible.

Nautical Terms.
Great pains has been taken to obtain the most complete and accurate
renderings of nautical terms. For years past the author has besieged
with all sort of questions the Malay officers and sailors of the local boats
on which he has made many coasting voyages. Boatmen at Malacca and
in Singapore have supplied many words, but the greatest assistance has
been rendered by Captain Matsum, the Indragiri pilot, who has been
kind enough to spend many days in going carefully through all the material
of the dia-
available, and explaining the Malay terms with the assistance
grams in a large book on seamanship. Unfortunately lack of time has-
prevented a more thorough investigation of this interesting subject.

Natural History.
In regard to plant names the work of the Malay lexicographer has been
immensely simplified by the splendid lists of Malay plant names published
Asiatic Society,
years ago* by Mr. H. N.Eidley in the Journals of the Royal
Straits Branch, to which the author is indebted for practically all such
material to be found in this work. The Malav names of birds, beasts, fishes

and reptiles have been much more difficult to obtain and to verif}^, but our
thanks are due to Dr. Hanitsch, the Curator of the Eaffles Museum, Sing-
apore, for his assistance in reading all the proof sheets and making some
corrections. Latin names have only been given where it seemed necessary
for the sake of a clearer identification. The words hurorg, ihan, pokok, etc.,.
which are usually prefixed by Malays to all names of birds, fish and plants,,
have in most cases been omitted, and should be supplied by the student.

Other Technical Tekms.

Our thanks are due to the Wardens of Mines in Perak, Pahang and
Banka for their kindness in supplying the correct terms used in the differ-
ent methods of tin and goldmining. Also to Mrs. H. B. Mansell and other
ladies who have taken infinite pains to try and discover and explain to a
man the technology of needlework. In the matter of medical terms it is to
be regretted that the Malay language is lamentably deficient, and even the
anatomy of the human body appears to be somewhat vague in Malay ter-
minology. The vocabulary of medical terms prepared by the late Dr.
Gerrard being a mere complication from all the dictionaries does not help to
decide where doctors disagree." Dr. Lim Boon Keng was kind enough to
read the proof sheets, and made a number of valuable suggestions, Avith
special reference to the words in use by the Baba Chinese. Dr. Connolly
began to revise the medical terms, but unfortunately his removal from
Singapore put an abrupt termination to his work on the dictionary. It is
to be hoped that some medical man will take up his special department of
Malay literature and publish a monograph in the Journal of the Eoyal
Asiatic Society.
OuE Peinters.
Great credit due to the Methodist Publishing House for the rapidity

and excellence work done in the printing of this dictionary. Over

of the
400 pages of the book were in type before a single sheet was printed off.
Tliis enabled the author to send proof sheets for criticism to a number of

persons, and to make an immense number of corrections which otherwise

could not have been made. Thus it was possible to take full advantage of
the experience gained during the progress of the printers' work.

In addition to the works of Favre and Klinkert already referred to,
the author desires to acknowledge his indebtedness to Wilkinson's Malay-
English dictionary, to which constant reference has been made in deter-
mining the exact meanings of Malay words. A few Malay words given
by Wilkinson which are not to be found in Klinkert's Malay-Dutch dic-
tionary, second edition, and which are unknown to my Malay assistants
and others of whom I have inquired, have been inserted with the sign
(W.), which indicates that I have found no other authority for the use
of the word. After the first draft was practically finished and while the-
printing was in progress, the parts of Winstedt's new English-Malay
Dictionary were published from time to time, but as it seemed unfair to
make use of Mr. Winstedt's material for a rival work which was in course

of preparation practically at the same time, I have ahstained from using

^ny of the new words which have appeared in his dictionary, except in so
far as I had already gleaned them myself from books published in the
Malay Literature series and from other sources. The author^s special
thanks are due to Guru Hussain of the Kampong Glam Vernacular School,
Singapore, and to his assistant teachers, who in the last few weeks of the
final correcting of the proof sheets have answered innumerable questions
in regard to many of the most difficult and almost unknown words, and
obscure dialectic forms. A great many of these difficult points have not
by any means been settled to the author's satisfaction, and all, whether
Europeans, Malays or Chinese, who use this dictionary, are cordially
invited to assist in the detection of any mistakes which may be found, and
to send their criticisms to the Book Editor of the Methodist Publishing
House, Singapore.
The Vowels.
The five vowels have the continental sounds:
a as in father. o as in hole.
e as the ey in they. u as in rude.
i as in ravine.

In open syllables these vowel sounds have always a greater degree of

intensity than in closed syllables.
In addition to the above, there is in Malay, as in nearly all Oriental

languages, another simple vowel sound which is often called the short
vowel sound. In the different systems of Eomanizing, this short vowel
sound has been variously represented by a, a, e, e, i, I, u, u; but all these
different methods of representing this vowel sound are open to the great
objection that they mislead Europeans and even natives into giving it an
incorrect pronunciation, and in a dictionary they have the additional dis-
advantage of giving rise to so much diversity and uncertainty in the
spelling of words containing the short vowel that prolonged search is
often necessary before it can be discovered which of these vowels has been
used by the lexicographer to represent the short vowel in the particular!
word which is being sought for. Experience has shown that the best w^ay
to spell words containing the short vowel wdth a view to helping the
student to a correct pronunciation, is to omit the vowel altogether. The
exact sound of the short vowel should be learnt if possible from a Malay;
it is almost identical with the half-vowel sound in the first syllable of
such words as machine '^ and " balloon."
When two vowels come together, both must be sounded, but the first
must be run into the second: thus au has very nearly the sound of ow in
cow," as pisau, mau; and ai tas almost the sound of the English i in
ice," as, suiyai, pal-ai.
The Malay consonants
are pronounced as in English, except that the
r should always be sounded much more clearly and with more of a ring
than in English. The consonant 7y represents a single sound in Malay,
and should be pronounced like ng in " singer," never as in " single " the ;

latter sound is represented in Malay by njg thus the two sounds are found

in the words: si-iya and suy-gali. The letter A: in Malay, w^hen it occurs
at the end of a word, is not sounded like the English Ic, but the syllable
in which it occurs must be pronounced very short indeed, and the breath
drawn in so as to produce the shortening of the sound. The apostrophe
at the end of a syllable indicates a similar abrupt sound.
In the transliteration of the purely Aral)ic letters no distinction has

been made between ^I-> and \s> ;

^ and ^ ;
-r and o ;
or ^ and iS

The other Arabic letters have been transliterated as follows :

^ ^h

^ kh, J clz, J z, u^ sh, ^ dl, ii tl,

gh, ^J f. The nasal
letter 'ain c. wliiih changes its sound according to the vowel written

with represented bv a rougli breathing (') placed before the vowel.

it, is
The purely Arabic letters given above are very generally
by Malays, dz being pronounced as z, ill as s, and sometimes / as y, and
z as j.

Orthographic Signs.
As already stated, the inverted comma re]n"esents the Arabic nasal
letter 'ain. It is placed before the vowel which has the nasal sound, as in
the words 'alam, 'ilmu, m'alim, do' a.
The apostrophe represents the Arabic sign Immzali, both at the end
of a word as- described above, and also in the middle of a word between
two vowels, where it indicates that the vowels must be pronounced separate-
ly; this is also the case where the short vowel sound is followed by another
vowel, as in the words s'isi, k'atas, t'ahan, the hamzah being used in such
cases in the Malay character. The apostrophe is further used to indicate
an initial short vowel before the consonants m and n, as in the words 'mhekj.
*ntali, 'rggan, etc.
The hyphen is used where a word is reduplicated, in compound words,
or to separate from the words to which they are attached those prefixes,
suffixes and other particles which do not form an integral part of the word
itself ; these are the preposition k-, the abbreviated numeral s-, the passive,

prefix di-, the pronominal suffixes, -ku, -mu, and -rya, and the particles
-lali, -Icali, -nail, -iali. The preposition di is distinguished from the passive
prefix di- by tlie absence of the liyphen.

Root Words and their Derivatives.

In the Malay language a very large number of words are derived from
root words by the addition of prefixes or suffixes.
Some prefixes and suffixes are only used to form nouns, and others
are used with verbs. The former are:
p, which denotes the agent.
p and suffix an, forming abstract nouns from verl)s.
per and suffix an, forming verbal iiouns from verbs.
k and suffix an, forming nouns from adjectives and nouns.
Suffix an forming nouns from verbs, and usually expressing the tiling
which is affected by the action.
The verbal forms are:
Prefix her, which forms present participles with intransitive verbs.
Prefix ter, which forms past participles.
Prefix di-, which forms the passive voice.
Prefix m, used witli transitive verbs.
Suffixes kan and i. which form transitive verbs.

derived words formed with the prefixes her, ter, per, di- and h,

the of the root undergoes no change, but with the prefixes

first syllable
7n and p the root in man}' cases changes its form. A
reference to the
following list of changes will usually enable the student to determine
what the root is:
If the root commences with
/, m, n, or r, it undergoes no change ;

1), the prefix becomes mm

or pm, as huka, mmhul'a:
p, the prefix becomes mm
or pm, and the initial p of the root is elided,
as putus, mmutus;
d or j, the prefix becomes mn or pn, as dapat, mndapat;
t or ch, the prefix becomes 7nn or pn, and the initial t or ch of the
root is elided, as tar oh, mnaroli;
g or h or a vowel, the prefix becomes miy or pty, as gali, mrggali;
A% tlie prefix become mig or pig, and the initial k of the root is elided,
as Jcaratg, migararg;
s and sometimes ch, the prefix becomes mry or pnj, and the initial s
or cli of the root is elided, as suroh, mryuroh.

The Peculiarities of Baba Malay Explained.

The following signs and abbreviations have been used in this dictionary
in order to distinguish (a) those words which are peculiar to the Babas,
and (b) those which they do not use.
1.Words marked (B) are used by the Babas, and also of course by
others who speak the colloquial Malay of the Straits Settlements, but are
not used by Malays wiien speaking among themselves, and in many cases
would not be understood by them.
2. Words and phrases marked * are not used by Babas, and for the
most part would not be understood by them.
3. If w^ords unfamiliar to the Babas are derived from some other
Oriental language, then instead of the * they have the signs (Ar.) (Sk.)
(Pers.) or (Hind.), according to the source from which they were derived.
In some cases, however, where the Malay spelling is different from that of
the language from w^hich the word is taken, tlie spelling of the original is
* shows that
given, and then the absence of the the word is used by the
4. AVords of European and Chinese origin, marked (D.) (E.) (Eur.)
(F.) (Port.) (Ch.), and also Tamil -words (Tam.), are practically all
familiar to the Babas.
5. Words peculiar to the Xetherlands Indies (N.I.), are not used by
Babas in the Straits unless they also have the sign (B.).
6. Nautical terms, and also many other technical terms, and the
names of animals and plants, are for the most part unknown to the Babas.
The differences in Baba pronunciation are not usually shown, as it has
been thought better to adhere to a uniform system of spelling. The principal
differences are as follows ai becomes e, au becomes o or u, oh becomes o

or u, eh becomes i, and ah becomes a, final h being never aspirated as it is


by Malays, / becomes p, I'li becomes I', the verbal prefix per becomes her,
and u sometimes becomes o, especially final id becomes ot. Where the
changes are not regular as here indicated, the Baba pronmiciation is often
given as well as the Malay.
Transitive verbs formed with the suffix -i, are not used by the Babas;
these are not usually marked *, but the suffix -l^an should in almost every
case be substituted for the -i, except in the word mula'i, which the Babas
pronounce as a two-syllable word, mulai.
In paraphrases the reader is expected to substitute Baba words where
necessary; for instance, sama for the preposition akan, and pada for hagi,
satu macham for s-jnis in names of animals, plants, etc., prgajaran or
kpandaian for 'ihnu in names of the sciences {'ilmv meaning ''magic" in
the Baba Malay), hal for yri in the translation of nouns expressing state
or action, and so forth. Similarly in compound words and examples, as
under the word ear," the Baba word kupirg should be substituted for the
Malay tlhga.
It should also be noted that the verbal prefix m
has a different use
among the Babas to that of the Malays. In many words the Babas consider
it an inseparable part of the Avord, as mnargis, 7nleleli, etc., the root forms
tmyis, leleli, etc., being never used by them. On the other hand the Babas
often omit the m where it would be used by Malays ; for instance, Babas
would say yarg trargkan instead of yaig mnrargkan. The sign * does not
always mean that the word is wholly unknown to the Babas, but that it is
not used in the particular sense given, similarly Hlmu is not marked (Ar.)
" " " it is so marked.
under the word magic," but under science
Where the sign (a) is used to show that a word which is usually a
noun is to be used adjectivally, that is to say is to follow a noun, it must
be understood that the Babas would use puiya, the word preceding the noun
" "
instead of following it thus, for
: the headman's house the Malays might
say ruinah prgliulu, and the Babas prghulu puiya rumah.
The root form of Malay word is given, as a general rule.
The proper derived form to be used must be learned from the Grammar.
The verbal form is given with roots which are seldom used as verbs, thus:
mmanjarg, to stretch, from panjarg; mnpi, to step aside, from tpi.
The derivation of foreign words familiar to the Babas is not given.
Arabic Transliteration.

h k q gh
tl T dl s sh s z dz kh n th t

Accented letters a i u indicate alif yd and wdw respectively in the Arabic.

^j> i*
J_^ ^ ia>- 4JU5 4aJ ^W j_^^3^ )\S'

dzikir Tam'a qabid saHiii khaT sifat labiat uddlir mashhur 'dlam
If the Malay spelling sufficiently indicates the letters, the Arabic spelling
is omitted.

The Arabic form is given only once in a group of similar words.

Notes on Baba Malay.
Words marked thus :

Ar. Sk. Pers. Hind. Turk, are not used by Babas.

Ch. D. E. Eur. Port, are generally known to Babas.
X.I. are not known by Babas unless also marked B.
B. are peculiar to the Babas.
Naut. are generally unknown to Babas.
Changes in Pronunciation.
ai to e, as pake, slise for pakai, slsai.
au to o or u, as kalu, yiso for kalau, pisau.
oh to o or u, as siirggu, muso for singgoh, musoh,
eh to i, as jerni, hersi for jerneh, herseh.
a to ak, as hapak, hukak for hapa, huka.
i to ik, as hijik for hiji, also kchik for kchil.
kh to k, as ksiat, kahar for khasiat, khabar.
i to p, as pikir, pakat for fikir, fakaf.
u to o, as patoi, btol for patut, htul.
per to ber, as hersgi for persgi.
Words to be substituted.
sama for akan. kerna for hagi.
kasi for hri. hal for pri.
saiyat for amat. satu macharn for s-jnis.
suffix -kan for -i in transitive verbs.
omit m
after yarg, as yarg trargkan for yarg mnrargkan.
use prgajaran or kpandaian for 'ilmu in sciences,
use purya for possessive after words marked (a).


(a, emph. a), the article, satu, S'piichoJc (shoot) with letters and
abbrev. to s-, which however is fireanns ;
Tisiially followed by the numeral s-targga (ladder) with native
coefficient, according to the class houses.
of noun referred to, thus: s-turus (pillar) with rolls of coins,
^- batarg (stem) with poles and packets of native sugar, etc.
other lono; objects, as, s-batarg Aaron (ar'?/n), s. Ilanin (Ar.).
gif/i, a tooth ;
Aback (a-bak'), adv. (Xaut.) layer
-hiji (seed) with small round hal'si (L.), layer timpa tiarg.
things, as, timha s-hiji, a bucket; Taken aback, terbirgorg.
-bilah* (splint) with knives, as, Abacus (ab'a-ki/s), s. snipoa^, spoa^
s-bUali pdaig, a sword: (Ch. srg-pod").
-bntoh (curve) with rings and Abaft (a-baff), adv. (Xaut.) di
fishhooks ; blal-aig, di buritan.
-bnali (fruit) with books and Abandon (a^ban'dim), v. t. (for-
large objects such as countries, sake) thygall'an; (desert) buarg-
houses and ships; Ian. Abandon a habit, bnargkari
-hutir (grain) with grain, jewels 'adat. To abandon one's self to
and fruit; one's fate, mmbuargkan diri-rya.
'elcor (tail) with animals; Abandoned (-d?md), adj. (for-
-lilai"^ or s-lai with thin or flat saken) tertirggal, ktirggalan; (in-
objects, as clothes, paper, hair, complete, of work) terbargai* ter-
etc. ; h'lgk-alai;* (deserted) terbuarg;
-l-ali (foot) with mushrooms and (profligate) lucliali, plonteh
flowers ; (X.L).
-I'ayu (wood) of rolls of cloth: Abase (a-bas'), v. t. rndalihan, hina-
lian, turunl'an.
-Ji'pirg (piece) of objects which
have been cut, as metals, planks, Abashed (a-bashf), adj. tersipU'
bread ; sipu, l-mahi-malvan.
-huntum (bud) of flowers; Abate v. t.
(a-biit'), (lessen) hu-
-la]ns (fold) in stating the num- ran)l-an; (reduce price) turunlcan
ber of thicknesses of the same or lierga; (bargain) iawar.
similar things ;
Abate, v. i.
(decrease) rda, ber-

'oraig (person) with beings su- l-urarg-lturaiy; (of water, slightly)

perior to animals in the scale of susiit; (considerably) surut; (en-
creation ; tirely) hriig ; (of tidal waters)
-pintu (door) with houses built in iimpas:'^ (of rain) tdoh, sidarg*
rows ;
Abatis (a-ba-t("'), s. prgmparg deri-
-potorg (cut) =s-'kpirg; pada dahan layn, saivar*
ate, ask, am, final, care, car. carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minMS, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Abattoir (a-bat-twar'), s. tmpat saigkalkan ; ( renounce ) in u rgkir,
persinhhlmn, tinpat mmhantai* eujkarkwi^ (Ar. ninnkir, inkar).
paun (E.). Ablaze (a-blaz'), adj. berjyala.
Abbreviate (ab-bre'vi-at), v. t. Able (a'bl), adj. (clever, talented)
pendel'kan, reiffl'askan,'^ seirfkat- pandai; (strong) kuat; (capable
I'an. -of) herkuasa; (skilled) paham,
Abbreviation (-a'shwii), s. potorg- ahli (Ar.), tahu; as, able to speak,.
an liuruf (Ar.), reiykasan,* heja^ tahu herkata-kata,* tahu chakap;
'an reiyl'as* (Ar. liija'), perkata- able to swim, tahu hernarg. To
'an pendelx. be able to, holeh, dapat,* larat, dan
Abdicate (rib'di-kat), y. i.
pcliat (P.), hisa (X.I.) ; as, tiada dapat
diri,^ turun deri-pada talclda h- masok, not able to enter.
raja' an. Able-bodied (-bod'id), adj. kuat^
Abdomen (ab-do'men or ab'do- tgap, gagaJi.
nieii), s. prot, isi prot. Ablution (ab-lii'shzm), s. pnihasoh^
Abduct (ab-dukf); v. t. larikan, an. To perform religious ablu-
hawa lari. tions, a?ihbil aijer snihahyarg,'^' amhil
Abeam (a-bem'), adv. (Xaiit.) di wiidlu (Ar.) (with sand) her-

rusok. The wind is abeam, argin tagamnm (Ar.). To perform

deri rusok, argin timha ruarg. ablutions after evacuations, ber-
Abel (a'bl), s. Ilahil (Ar.). chehok, beristinja (Ar.) ; (of the
Aberration (ab'er-ra'shim), s. whole body) mandi hadas kchil
(mental) irgatan kliru. (Pers. obdast) coition)
; (after
Abet (a-bef), v. t. (assist) tolorg, mandi hadas (after touch-
bantu, serta'i,'^' hersuhahat. ing a pig or dog) sertu.*
Abeyance (a-ba'ans), s. pertarggoh- Abnegation (ab'ne-ga'ishwn), s.

an."^ In abeyance, terhnti, ter- sargkaJan^ 8elf abnegation (self-

iarggoli,'^ tergantoig. denial), pri ninahan nafsu.
Abhor (ab-hor'), v. t. (detest) In- Abnormal (ab-nor'mal), adj. tiada
cJii; (feel repu<2:nance) gli-glwan* berperaturan, plek/^ fja^^jiL lain
Abhorrent (ab-hor'r^nt), adj. k- deri-pada 'adat.
hnchian. Aboard (a-bord'), adv. (Xaut.) di
Abide (a-bid'), v. i. (dwell) tirggal, kapal. 'To go aboard, 7iaik kapah
diam,'^ dudok; (stay) thy gal, nan- turun kapal, naik prahu, turun
ti, turggu; (remain stable) ttap. praJiu.
To abide by (adhere to), pgarg, Abode (a-bod'), s. tmpat tirggal, k-
pegarg (B.). To abide by a decis- diaman,* kdudokan."^
ion, trima hukimi. Abolish (a-bol'ish), v. t. (do away
Abide, v. t. tahan,
(bear) drita iwith) hapuskan,* hilargkan, tiada-'
(Sk.), targgorg; (await) nantikan. kan; (annul, make void) batalkan.
Ability (a-bil'i-ti), s. (power) Abolish a custom, buargkan 'adaf^
kua'^a; (skill) kpandaian. To the Abominable (a-bom'i-na-bl), adj.
best of his ability, drgan s-holeh- (odious) kbnchian; (loathsome)
drgan Jrina.
holeli-rya, s-hrapa daya- Z;//,*

upai/a-rga. -See able. Abominate (-nat), v. t. bnchi, luat;^

Abject (ab'jekt), adj. (degraded) bnrhi nilual.
hina, kji:'^^ (servile) rndali. Abomination (-na'shz/n), s. k-
Abjure (ab-jiir'), v. t. (disavow) hnchian.

ate, ask, rim, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin then.
Aborigines (ab'o-rij'i-nez), s. pi. baris, bersa'iig. Four abreast,
orajg hul-it, orarg asal negri. anipat s-baris, ampat s-ttar.^
Abortion (a-bor'sh?/n), s. (mis- Abridge (a-brij'), v. t. pendekkan,
carriage) kgugumn anak; (im- re rgkaskan, * s e lyka tka n.
mature product of fruits) huali Abroad (a-brawd'), adv. (widely)
hurok. To produce abortion, nim- rata; (outside, at large) di luar;
hiiajg anak. (everywhere) sana'Sinij (in for-
Abortive (-tiv), adj. (premature) eign parts) di negri asirg* di
kqiiguran; (ineffectual, coming to negri orarg. To get abroad (of
naught) yarc) ta'jadi, tiada liasil, news), pchah khabar. To live
hantut, hatal. abroad, berdagaig, tirggal di negri
Abound v. orarg (B.). All abroad (con-
(a-bownd'), lempali, i.

ramhak, jadi mewah, lachak* m- fused), ssat-barat.

Jeclmk (B.), berjebah,* niamw Abrogate (ab'ro-gat), v. t. man-
suklikan (Ar.).
About Abrogated (-ed), adj. mansukh
(a-bowf), prep, (concern-
deri-hal, fasaJ; (around) (Ar.).
klilitg; (near) dkat, hanipir.
Abrupt (ab-rupf), adj. (steep)
About to (in the act of) hndak, churani; (hasty) drgan gopoh,
mau. golot-golot.^

About, adv. (around) klilirg; (here

Abruptly (-li), adv. gopoh-gopoh,
and there) sana-sinl; (when mo- serta-merta, golof-golot.'''
tion is k-sana k-mari;*
Abscess (ab'ses), s. bisul, barah,
cliigkrerg;'^' (internal) snibaran.*
(nearly) hampir; (approximately,
more or less) kira-kira, agak-agak,
Abscond (ab-skond'), v. i. (hide)
Ibeh bersmbunji, smburyikan din; (ab-
ganiak-gamak* kurarg, anj-
sent one's self) lari.
gavan, bamrg; as, baraty dua-ptdoh
Absence (ab'sens), s. ktiada'an.
dim panjaig-nja, about twenty
fathoms long. To bring about, During my absence, s-pnnirggalan'
dataigkan. To set about, mula'i,
mulai (B.). Eound about, kUUtg.
Absent (-sent), adj. tidak ada,
tiada, tiada hadlir* (Ar. uddlir).
To put about, (Xaut.) belok.
Absentee (ab'sen-te'), yarg tiada
Above (a-buv'), prep, (higher than)
hadlir (Ar.).
at as, di at as, tirggi deri-pada;
Absent-minded (ab'sent-mind-ed),
(more than) Ibeli deri-pada.
Above tendama (Sk.). adj. iiga-irga,'^ laJai, plupa.^
Absolute (ab'so-lut), adj. (unres-
Above, adv. atas. Above-mention-
tricted) tiada berhirgga; (com-
ed, tersbot di atas. Over and
plete, perfect) smpurna; (without
above, lain deri-pada.
exception) saJiaja, s-mata-mata,
Aboveboard (-bord), adv. njata- skali. An
absolute falsehood, bo-
n/ata, trus-tratg.
horg sahaja, s-mata-rnata bohorg,
Abrade (ab-rad'), v. t. (of the skin) bohonj skali, bohorg trus, bohorg
lechet, glupas, tgak-tgak.'^^ An absolute impos-
Abraham (a'bra-ham), s. Ibrahim mustahil skali s-
sibility, (Ar.),
(Ar.). kali-kali
ta'boleh jadi; see below.
Abrasion (-ra'zhi/n), s. lechet, llas.^ Absolutely (-li), adv. (wholly) s-
Abreast (a-bresf), adv. s-jajar* s- mata-mata; (positively) skali-kali;

ate, ask, am. final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; lise, ns, minws, cure, injure,
hiirry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.

(completely) habis, as, absolutely Abundance (a-bun'dans), s. klem^

destroyed, hahis hinasa. palian, l-mewalian.
Absolution (-lu'shwn), s. Mjmsan Abundant (-dant), adj. meirali^,
deri-pada salali, ampunan. lenipah, laclml',* mleclial' (B.),,
Absolve (ab-solv'),(remit) v. t. herjehah,'^ ni'amur (Ar.).
anipunkan, mahapl'an (Ar. ma- Abundantly (-li), adv. digan A--

'df) ; (set free) Ipaskan. To ask le in palian.

to be absolved (from a debt), Abuse (a-biiz'), v. t. (misuse) ro-

mint a lialall'an.^ saH'an, saJah pal'ai; (illtreat) an^
Absorb (-sorb'), v. t. (swallow np) iat/al-an, hergl-eig;^ (revile) cher^
mail' an, tlan; (suck up) hisap, clia (Sk.), nsta (Sk.), hamwi;*
lap, ttapf^ (permeate) msra.'^ (with obscenity or rude words)
To be absorbed, srap* jrap* malii; (disparage) clilalun;_ (ma-
Absorbent (-ent), adj. yarg mrg- lign) urn pat.

mnlan. Abuse (a-bus'), s. (reviling) clier-

liimp, t/aiy
clia (Sk.), nsta
(Sk.), Jiamun,'^'
Absorption (-sorp'slii/n), s. pri
mahi, as above; (immoral act) Av
sal ah an, aniaya.
Abstain (ab-stan'), v. i.
taliani din,
Abusive (-iv), adj. pniali, pnsta
jauhkan din; (refrain
tauhat deri-pada.'^' To ab- (8k.), kasar.
stain from Abut (a-buf), v. i. rapat, hertempeh
intoxicants, pantargl'art
Abutment (-ment), s. (of a bridge)
Abstemious torgliat, alasan.
(-ste'mi-i^s), adj. /i-
mat. Abyss (a-bis'), s. loharg yarg tiada

Abstinence terduga [taholeh di-duga (B.)].

(ab'sti-nens), s. jimat.
Abyssinia (ab'is-sin'i-a), s. negri
abstinence, lial mmaniarg-
lian arah.
Abyssinian (-an), s. orarg Ilabshi,
Abstract (ab-strakf), v. t. (take Academy (a-kad'e-mi), s. skoJah,.
away) Muarl-an, cliabotl'an.
trnpat blajar 'ilmu.^-'
Abstract (ab'strakt), s. (epitome) Accede (ak-sed'), v. i. To accede to.
revfjl-asan.^ siidi aVan,''^ sudikan, berl-nankan,*"
Abstract, adj. (as opposed to con- l-abnll-an* (Ar. gab id), yal-an.
crete) latin (Ar.). Accelerate v. t. Ikas-
Abstracted (ab-strakt'ed), adj. (in kan, sgrahan, bargatkan.'^
mind) iiya-irga* Accent (ak'sent), s. (manner of
Abstraction (ab-strak'shwn), s. (of pronouncing) lidah, Jafatl (Ar.) ;
mind) iiga."^ (incorrect or foreign accent) pe-
Abstruse (-stroos'), adj. dalam, lat; (stress) biKyi kras, tkanan
ralisia, riisia (B.), 'umuni^ (Ar. suara.
gluimtnn ?). Accentuate (ak-sen'chu-at), v. t.
Absurd (-serd'), adj. (nonsensical) (])ronounce distinctly) kraskan bu^
I'arut; (incredible) mustahil iyi; (make prominent) ryatakan,
(Ar.) ; (stupid) hodoli; (of talk) Ibelikan.
repel', mrapelc (B.). Accept (-sept'), V. t. (receive) tri-

Absurdity (-i-ti),perhara yaiy

s. ma, satnbot; (acqniesce) sudi, ka-
mustahil (Ar.), khodolian, lumt; bid.'^' To accept responsibility
see above. for, sarggop.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, rec(?nt, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old. not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/jeu.
Acceptable (-sep'ta-bl), adj. (can Accomplice (-kom'plis), s. kawan
be received) hoJeh di-trima; dalam ksalahan, subahat.
(agreeable) herhian, yarg di- Accomplish (-plish), v. t. (achieve)
suhai. samjxiikan, Jiasilkan* lakukan;*
Access (ak'ses), s. (admittance) (complete) habiskan, siidahkan,
dapat masok, izin masoh. gnapi, slsaikan, (B.),
Accessible jlaska n sin p u rnaka n .
(ak-ses'si-bl), adj. (ap-

proachable) yarg hoi eh di-ham- Accomplished (-plisht), adj. 6er-

plajaran,'^ yarg ada plajaran (B.).
piri* boleh di-masol'ki, yarg snatg
rapat (B.) (obtainable) yanj bo-
Accomplishment (-plish-m^nt), s.
leh di-dapail. (completion) pighahisan, ksudah^
Accession (-sesh'^ai), s. (something
an; (scholastic attainment) pla-

added) tolwl:; (to a throne) hal jaran, pndapatan.*

naik raja, hal naih l-raja'an. Accord (ak-kord'), v. t. (grant)
Accessories (ak-ses'so-ris), s. pi.
bri; (harmonise) perstujukan,"^
patutkan, stujukan (B.).
(of machinery) perl-akas, alatan*
Accessory adj. yarg
Accord, v. i.
(agree with) berstuju
mnjertai,'^ yarg mnolorg, yarg mm-

hantii, s-kutu;* (in a bad sense)

Accord, s. perstujuan, muafakat
(Ar.), pakat. With one accord,
Accident drgan satu hati. Of one's own ac-,
(ak'si-dent), s. (mis-
cord, drgan kahandak diri.
diance) chlaka, mara* kmalargan, Accordance (-ans), s. perstujuan.
mala-pstaka/^ halak (Ar. haW).
According as (-iug az), prep, s-
Accidentally (-den'tal-li),
perli, s-bginmna.
(unintentionally) hukan digan s- to
According (-ing too), prep.
rgaja; (by accident) tiba-tiha,^
mnurut, atas; according to my
aleh-aleli,* s-hunjonj-kiinjorg /^ top-
opinion, mnurut bichara-ku;* ac-
cording to the law of Moses, atas
Acclaim (ak-klam'), v. t. sorakJcan. hukum Musa.
Acclamation (ak'kla-ma'shzai), s. adv. sbab
Accordingly (-li), itu,
sorak, impel'. oleh itu* drgan yarg drnkian,"^
Acclimatize (ak-kirma-tlz), v. t.
sperti yarg dnikian.'*
hiasakan pada haiva negri Iain. Accordion ko-
(ak-kor'di-'Z/n), s.
Acclivity (-kliv'i-ti), s. churaman. dian (E.), harnionika (N.I.),
Accommodate (-kom'mo-dat), v. t. Accost (ak-kosf), v. t. (speak to)
(adapt) patutkan, samakan; tgvr, sapa,* triak.
(oblige) tolorg; (adjust, settle) Accoucheur (ak-koo-sher'), s. bi-
slsaikan, slisekan (B.). To ac- dan, dukun.
commodate ten persons, viuat s- Accouchment (ak-koosh'max), s.

puloh oraty. beranak, bersalin.

Accommodation (-da'shim), s. Account (ak-kownf), s. (computa-
(supply of a
want) pertolorgan; tion) bilargan, kira-kira; (narra-
(lodging) tmnpargan. tive)^ chrita; (importance) guna;
Accompany (ak-kum'pa-ni), v. t. (reason) sbab. On account of,
(go with) serta'i* ikut, kawan- sbab. To take account of, pduli,
kan, tmani;* (escort) hantar; hirau,'* anibil tahu. Of no ac-
(escort royalty) irug.^ count, tabrat, reigan, alarg-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, mins, cure, injure,
hurry; f5(3d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
Ji'palaty* On one's own account, a lawsuit) d'awa; (blame) salali-
ata-s prentali sndiri, atas lial-rya kan, cilia.
sndiri. Accuser (-er), s. pnudoh,* pn-
Account, V. t. (consider, deem) hi- d'aiva,^ orary yarg daica (B.),
lary, hilaiykan, Mrakan. pncJila.
Account, V.(render an account)
i. Accustom (-kus'ti^m), v. t. hiasa-
hri kira-hira; (answer for) hri kan.
jawab. That accounts for it, itu- Accustomed (-tmd), adj. (wont-
loll shdb-iya. To account for, ed) hiasa, pachak (N.I.) ; (ex-
lyatakan, trarykan, hri shot. pert) talm, mahir (Ar.) ; (habi-
Accountable (-a-bl), adj. yarg m- tual) lazim (Ar.).
naiyoiT). He is accountable, ia- Ace (as), s. (in cards) sat. AVithin
lah yanj nuiafygorg, atas dia-lah. an ace, climas,^ njaris.'^
Accountant (-ant), s. krani kirar Acerbity (a-ser'bi-ti), s. (of taste)
kira, tukaiy kira-kira, chai-hu (Ch.). klat; (of disposition) rryus,* hryis.
Accoutre (ak-koo'ter), v. t. Irykap- Ache (ak), v. i. herrasa sakit, her-
kaii,alatkan (Ar.). rasa pdeh,* herrasa ryilu.
Accoutrements (-ments), s. pi. Ache, s. sakit; (of the stomach)
alat (Ar.), kliykapan, pakaian. sakit the
snak, niiilas, prot; (of
Accredit (-kred'it), v. t. (give au- .
muscles) s)yal.
thority to) ivakilkan, hri kuasa, Acheen (a-chen'), s. Acheh.
hnarkan; (put trust in) liarapkan, Achieve (a-chev'), v. t. (perform)
perch ay a.
sanipaikan, hasilkan,* lakukanj*
Accretion (-kre'shwn), s. tamhali-
(gain, obtain) heroleh,* dapat.
an, tokok. Achievement (-ment), s. (comple-
Accrue (-kroo'), v. i. makin her-
tion) ptyhahisan; (successful ac-
iamhali, h ertarn hali-tam hah .

tion) pkerjaan yary hasil;'^ (he-

Accumulate (-ku'mu-lat), v. t.
roic) perhuatan perkasa (Sk.).
(pile up) timhonkan; (collect) Achilles tendon ten'-
Idmponkan,^ kiimpolkan, kampory-
dwn), s. kiiry.^
kan; (materials for a building,
Aching (ak'ing), s. sakit, pdeh,*
etc.) ramu.^
njilu; (of the emotions) sdeli.
Accumulate, v. i. hertamhaJi-tam-
Achromatic (ak'ro-mat'ik), adj.
hahj hertimhon-timhon.
tiada herwerna.
Accumulation (-la'shwn), s. (act
of accumulating) hal mryliimpon'
Acid (as'id), s. asam.

kan;* Acid, adj. masam, klat, asam (B.).

(heap, mass) timhonan,
Acidity (a-sid'i-ti), s. asam, klat.
Accuracy (ak'ku-ra-si), s. khtulan, Acknowledge (ak-norej), v. t.

khnaran. (own, admit) mryaku, herikrar

Accurate (-ret), adj. hlul, hnar. (Ar.).
Accursed (ak-kersf or ak-kers'ed), Acknowledgment (-ment), s.

adj. chlaka, terkutok, terVanat (verbal) pnjakuan, akuan, ikrar*

(Ar.), hdhah (Pers.), maVun (Ar. iqrar).
(Ar.). Acme (ak'me), s. (supreme excel-
Accusation (ak'ku-zri'sh?in), s. tu- lence) utania(Sk.), piinchak.
dohan* d'awa. Acorn (a'korn), s. huah hraiyan
Accuse (ak-kiiz'), v. t. tudoh;* (in hahi.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Acoustics (a-kows'tiks or a-koos'-), Acrostic (-tik), s. tka-tki.

s. Hlmii'^ pnrgamn/^ 'ilmu* huvji. Act (akt), V. t. (feign) buat-buat,
Acquaint (ak-kwanf), v. t. (mako pura-pura. To act the fool, main
to know) hri tahu, kasi taliu (B.), gila.
Icnalkan; (inform) mfalumkan Act, V. i. (behave) berlaku, mlaku-
(Ar). To be acquainted witii, kan din;* (put forth energy) b-
tahu, hnal, paham, ramah drgan* kerja: (perform on the stage) ber^
herjinak-jinak'an dnjan, biasa main tvayarg, lakon* (Jav.). To
act for, mmargku.
drgari; (mutually) herhnal-hialati.
To acquaint one's self with, dapat Act, perbuatan, pkerja'an, klaku-

tahu. an. Act

of parliament, undaig-
Acquaintance (-ans), s. (know- undaig negri. Acts of the Apos-
ledge) piyiahuan; (a person) k- tles, Kesah Perbuatan Rasul-rasul.
nalan. Acting (akt'ing), adj. (officiating)
Acquiesce (ak'kwi-es'), v. i. kabul,"^ pmaigku.
berkiiau, sudi. Action (ak'shwn), s. (deed) peV'
Acquire (ak-kwir'), v. t. beroleh* buatan, pkerja'an, fe'el (Ar.) ;
dapat, dapati. (behaviour) klakuan; (lawsuit)
Acquirement (-ment), s. peroleh- d'awaan, kes (E.) ; (fight, battle)
an,"^ pndapatan. pprargan.
Acquisition (ak'kwi-zish'wn), s. Actionable (-a-bl), adj. yaig boleh
(act of acquiring) pri mndapat: di-d'awa.
(the thing gained) perolehan* Active (-tiv), adj. (agile) pantas,
pndapatan. targkas;* (working) yarg ber-
Acquit (ak-kwif), v. t. (release, laku* yaiy bkerja; .(^ii^i^^^t)
discharge) Ipaskan. To acquit rajin, clterkas.*
one's self, lakukan diri,* berlakn. Activity (ak-tiv'i-ti), s. kpantasan,
Acquittal (-tal), s.klpasan. rajin, usaha.
Acre (a'ker), s. ekar, ekel; (the Actor (ak'ter), s. anak-wayarg, anak
Malay acre) rloty
= li English bargsawan, dalarg.* Principal ac-
acres. tor, orarg muda.
Acrid (ak'rid), adj. (of taste) Actress (-tres), s. prempuan tvayarg.
pdar;"^ (of smell) mauiy/^ pratj^ Principal actress, sri parggorg.
hapak, trgek."^ Actual (-chu-al), adj. (real) surg-
Acrimonious (ak'ri-mo'ni-ws), adj. goh, yarg s-bnar-rya; (now exist-
berhati pdeh,'^ pahit, brgis. ing) yarg ada skararg. The actual
Acrimony (-mo-ni), s. kpahitan state of affairs, halrehwal yarg sah.*
hati. Actually (-li), adv. diyan s-suig-
Acrobat (ak'ro-bat), s. oranj yaiy goh-jya, btul-nja.
buat pemiainan yarg berbahya* Actuate (-at), v. t. grakkan, jalan-
orarg bermain buaian. kan.
Across (a-kros'), prep, (athwart, Acumen (a-kii'men), s. 'akal yarg
crosswise) lintarg ; (quite over) s- tajam, clierdek, kpintaran (X.I.).
brarg, s-blah. To step across, Acute (a-kuf), adj. (pointed) ron-
rnlavgkah. To go across (a river), cherg;* (shrewd) cherdek, tajam;
mnjbrarg. To come across (meet), (of sickness) trok.
bertmu drgan, jrmpak.^' A.D. {Anno Dominium the year
Across, adv. lintarg, sbraig. of our Lord) tarikh Msihi (Ar,),

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carrj; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; lise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
tahun Msihi, tahun orarg Kristen Adherent (-ent), s. (of a leader)
(B.). murid; (of a party) sidary*
Adage (ad'ej)^ s. perl'ata'an oraty Adhesive (-he'siv), adj. ya7g mlkat,
dliulu kala, bidal* ppatali,* p- Iket* jreket.'^
Adieu (a-du'), interj. talek, slamat
Adam am) {^di' ^
^. ndbi Adam (Ar.). tiiyyal, slamat jalan, salam 'alair-
Adam's apple (ad'amz ap'pl), s. kum (Ar.).
ll-um (Ar. mdqum). Adipose (ad'i-p5s), adj. Imak.
Adapt (a-dapf), v. t. patidhan, sa- Adjacent (a-ja'sent), adj. di sisi*
makan, stujukan, suaikan* di tpi, dkat, hampir* rajxit, her-^
Adapted (-ed), adj. padan, patut, dampiig.*
(ai/ak, s-rasi, siiai* Adjective (aj'ek-tiv), s. (Gram.)
Add (ad), V. t. (augment) tamhaJi- sifall (Ar.).'
I'an; (in small quantities) tokoh; Adjoin (a-join'), v. i. hersaniborg,
(sum up) jmlahl'an (Ar.) ; (ap- herliuhoig/^ rapat, hertempel.*
pend) samhon). Adjoining (-ing), adj. bersamhorg
Addendum (ad-den'dimi), s. sam- drgan, lierhampiran drgan.^
h organ. Adjourn (a-jern'), v. t. (postpone)
Addict (ad-dikf), v. t. hiasal'an, taiggohlian,'^ tempohkan,* gantorg,
iaicani.^ Addicted to vice, ter- fjospon (E.).
iaivan oJeli haiva-nafsu-iya* Adjourn, v. i. pcliali, hersurai*
Addition (-dish'?/n), s. (increase) Adjudge (a-juj'), v. t. (decide ju-
pnanibahan; (slight increase) to- idicially) liukumkan, putuskan hu-
kok; (sum) jmlali (Ar.) ; (an- kmn; (deem, consider) bilargkan,
nex) huhoiyan/^ samhorgan; kirakan.
(Math.) tamhali. Adjudicate (a-ju'di-kat), v. t. pu-
Additional (-a\), adj. tamhali, Iheh tuskan link Kill, jatohkan liuhum.
lafji. Adjunct (aj'ungkt), s. tempelan.*
Addled (ad'dld), adj. tmhlary. Adjuration (aj'u-ra'shwn), s. sum-
Address (ad-dres'), v. t. (speak to) pah.
fyur, sapa;'* (direct in writing) Adjure (a-jur'), v. t. suroh hersum-
alamatkan (Ar.). pah.
Address, s. (speech, statement) per- Adjust (a-jusf), V. t. (fit) patut-
cJiakapan, uchapan; (direction of kan, pasaig, rapatkan; (put in
a letter) 'alamat surat;* (place of order) aturkan; (settle, as ac-
residence) tmpat thy gal. Form counts, differences, quarrels) slsai-
of address, peraturan bhasa. kan, slisekan (B.), jlaskan.
Adduce (-dus'), v. t. shotkan, haiva, Adjutant (aj'u-tant), s. ajudan
purgut. (N.L).
Adept (ad'ept), s. oraig pandai, Adjutant bird (herd), s. huroig
orarg ahli (Ar.). hahi."^^

Adept (a-depf), adj. pandai, pa- Administer (ad-min'is-ter), y. t.

ham, piniar (X.I.). (jnanage) aturkan, jalankan;

Adequate (ad'e-kwet), adj. chukop, (give out) hhagikan, hri. To ad-
pada,^ layak, mnasabah (Ar.). minister an oath, hri sum^mh.
Adhere (ad-her'), v. i. (stick) Ikat, Administration (-tra'sh?/n), s.

jrekci;* (to a party) rapatkan (act of administering) peraturan;

diri; (to an opinion) ttap, herkuat. (the executive) pnjawatan,* pren-

ate, ask, am, finwl, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, hoAv, oil; thin then.
taJian^ Letters of administration, Adopt (a-dopf), v. t. (a view or
surat kiiam psaka. policy) pileh, trima, pakai, ikut,
Administrator (-tra-ter), s. yaiy turut; (a child) anjkat.
mnjalankan, pmerentah, pnjawat;* Adopted (-ed), adj.' Adopted child,
(legal) huasa, wakil* (Ar. ivahil). anak argkat.
Admirable (ad'mi-ra-bl), adj. teru- Adoptive (-iv), adj. Adoptive fa-
tarn a (Sk.), terpuji, el ok, indah. ther, hapa aigkat.
Admiral (-ral), s. laksamana (Sk.), Adorable (a-dor'a-bl), adj. yarg
prgliiiia laut. patut di-smbah, yarg di-
Admiration (-ra'shwn), s. hal mrg- kasehi; see adore.
indaJikan. Adoration (ad'o-ra'sh?m), smbah.
Admire (ad-mir'), v. t. (prize high- Adore (a-dor'), v. t. (worship) sm-
ly) indahkan; (regard with appro- bah; (love) kasehi, chinta.
bation) suka akan, herknan akan, Adorn v. t.
(a-dorn'_), (decorate)
gmar akan/^ hilargkan elok. riaskan (B.) ; (beau-
hias,'^ hiasi,*
Admirer (-er), s. yarg mnjindali-
tify) elokkan, tambahi k'elokan.*
kan, yaiy mrgasehi. Adornment (-ment), s. perhiasan,
Admissible (-mis'si-bl), adj. lulus, prasan (B.), k'elokan.
yarg boleh di-luluskan, yarg boleh Adrift (a-driff), adv. haryut, ter-
di-hri masok.
aporg-apoig* teratorg-atorg,* ber-
Admission (-mish't/n), s. (access)
izin masok; (acknowledgement) Adroit (a-droif), adv. pandai, pan-
prgakuaru To gain admission, tos, chakatan,^'^ pintar (i^.I.).
dapat masok. Adulation (ad'u-la'shwn), s.
Admit (-mit'),Y. t. (give entrance)
hri 7nasok; (receive) trima, sam-
hot; (acknowledge, concede) mrg-
Adulatory (-la-to-ri), adj. yarg
sargat mmuji.
aku, ikrar (Ar.) ; (allow) lulus-
Adult (ad'ult or a-dulf), adj. yarg
Admittance sudah sampai 'umor, chukop
(-tans), masok.s. izin
No 'umor, baligh (Ar.) (of men) ;
admittance, tgalian masok.
Admitting that bujarg; (of women) dara.
(-ting ^Mt), conj.
Adulterate (a-dul'ter-at), v. t. (de-
surggoh-pun, smntarg-pun.'^
Admixture (-miks'chur), s. cliam' base) lanchorgkan,"^ palsukan; (by
puran, gaidan.^^ admixture) champurkan.
Admonish v.
Adulterated (-ed), adj. lanchorg,'*'
(-mon'ish), (re- t.

prove, exhort) tgur, ajar, nasikat' palsu, champuran.

kan; (warn) Adulterer (-er), s. laki-laki yarg
Admonition (^'mo-nishW), s. berzina, yatg bermukah,* yarg ber-
nasihat, ajaran.
Admonitory (ad-mon'i-to-ri), adj.
Adulteress (-es), s. prempuan yarg

yarg mlarargkan. berzina, yarg bermukah* yarg ber-

Ado (a-doo'), s. susah. To make kndak.
no more ado, tiada ambil susah Adultery (-i), s. zina, mukah,* kn^
lagi, tiada liirau lagi.^ dak. To commit adultery, ber-
Adolescence (ad'o-les'sens), s. la- zina, bermukah,* berkndak.
Ugh (Ar.), rmaja (Sk.), cliukop Ad valorem (ad va-lor'em), adj.
'umor. yarg mnurut herga.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f65d, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
Advance (ad-vans'), v. i.
(go for- Advertise (ad'ver-tiz), v. t. (an-
ward) herjalan, 7nam* tampil* nounce publicly) masoliorkan (Ar.
maju:* (step forward in fencing) niaslihur), bri tahu, kasi iahu
sarak;* (increase in knowledge, (B.), ivarwarkan* hebalikan*
age, etc.) naik, tertamhali; (in- Advertisement (ad-ver'tiz-ment),
crease in price) naik. s. notis (E.), knjata'an, 'alan
Advance, v. t. (bring to the front) (Ar.).
hadapkan, tampilkan* majukan;* Advice (ad-vIs'), s. bichara, nasihat,
(in rank) naikkan; (earnest rKtidiryan,* ptyajaran; (of a doc-
money) hri cliiykram, tayer dliu- tor) ptua* (Ar. fatwa) ; (inform-
lu; (the price) naikkan Jierga; ation) khabar, pkliabaran.^
( wages ) pinjamkan. Advisable (-viz'a-bl), adj. patut,
Advance, s. kmajnan* kmara'an;* berfaidali.
(earnest money) chiykrani; (of Advise (-viz'), v. t. (counsel) bi-
wages) pinjaman. In advance, charakan, nasiliatkan ; (inform)
di hadapan, dliulu. bri tahu, m'alumkan (Ar.).
Advancement (-ment), s. (pro- Advisedly (-ed-li), adv. dryan s-

gress) kmajuan;* (promotion) rgaja.

naik paiykat. Adviser (-er), s. pmbicliara, pna-
Advantage (ad-van'tej), (bene- s. s ill at.

fit) guna, faidali, khajikan;* Advocacy (ad'vo-ka-si), s. lial mm-

(gain, profit) untoiy, laba,* m- bantu, lial mmhicliarakan.
nafaat (Ar.). To get an ad- Advocate (-ket), s. ivakil bichara,*

vantage, ninaiy. To take advan- pgitam* loyar (E.).

tage of (use), gunakan; (cheat) Advocate (-kat), v. t. (defend at
perdayakan* law) toloig, bantu; (recommend)
Advantageous (ad'van-ta'jws), adj. bicharakan.
lerguna, heruntorg, herfa'idah. Adze (adz), s. patil;* (larger) rni~
Advent (ad'vent), s. kdaiaiyan. bas/^ chtam.*
Adventitious (ad'ven-tish'z^), adj. i^olian harp (e-o'li-an harp), s.

tiada s-mna-mn-a,^ datatg-datarg} buloh prindu.*

Adventure (ad-ven'chur), s. per- Aerated (a'er-at-ed), adj. (bub-
kara yatg herhaJiya, perkara yarg bling) glgak, merivap (B.), mn-
hairan. dideli, mndidi (B.). Aerated
Adventurous (-i/s), adj. (daring) water, ayef mams,ayer lamnet{^.).
hrani kna hahya, nekatj* (risky) Aerial (ar'i-al), adj. argin (a),
herbahya. udara (a), di udara.
Adversary (ad'ver-sa-ri), s. op- Aeronaut (a'er-o-nawt), s. orary
ponent) lawan; (personal enemy) naik pundi-pundi terbary.*
stru;* (national enemy) musoh. Aeroplane (-plan), s. kapal terbaty,
Adverse (-vers), adj. (opposing) intra terbaty* kapal udara.*
yarg mlawan; (of wind) sakal; /Esthetics (es-thet'iks), s. pi. HU
(unpropitious) malaig, sial. mil k'elokan* 'ilmu perhiasan* k-
Adversity (ad-vers'i-tij, s. kmalaty- pandaian fasal rias (B.).
an, cMaka, balak (Ar. bald'). Afar (a-far'), adv. jauh.
Advert ( ad-vert'), v. i. irgat [akan), Affable (af'fa-bl), adj. laku manis,
knarg akan. To advert to, itgat- prarnah, berbhasa, tergkah-laku Im-
kan. bot (B.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, ns, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Affair (af-far'), s. (matter, con- pal; (as a plaster) Ikapkan. To
cern) hah perlwu; (business) affix a seal, buboh chap.
pkerjaan. Afflict (-flikf), V. t. susahkan, an^
Affect (-fekf), v. t. (influence, iayakan, seksakan, sakiti, harn^
move) gmJclvan; (feign) huat-
huat, pura-piira. To affect un- Affliction (-flik'shwn), s. ksusahan,
favourably, datargkan chlaJca. To seksa, balak (Ar. balaf) ; (disease)
be affected by, kna. ptyakit.
Affectation s. Affluence (af 'flu-ens), s. (pro-
tenjliah pura-pnra, mu'ka^iuka. fusion) klempahan,* kmewahan;
Affected ( wealth ) kkaya'an .
(af-fektVd), adj. yarg
- Affluent (-ent), (abundant)
p u ra-p u ra lak u iya . adj.

Affecting (-ing), adj. yaty mmhri mewah, lempah;'^ (rich) kaya.

rawanf^ yarg mmhri pilu, yarg m-
Afford (af-ford'), v. t. (give) bri;

milul'an, yarg mrawanhan* (stand, bear) tahan. Cannot

Affection (-fek'shzm), s. (love) afford, tiada mampu* tiada daya,
ta' rnpa.
l-aseh, sayarg; (strong) msra
(Sk.) ; (mental impulse, feeling) Affray (-fra'), s. perklahian, gadoh,
'cliita-cliitaj^ rasa, perrasaan hati; pergadoh an, huru-hara.
(disease) pnjahit. To gain a per- Affright (-frit'), v. t. kjotkan, bri
son's affections, ambil hati orarg. takot,gntarkan, pranjatkan, bri
Affectionate dahshat (Ar.).
(-et), adj. pryayarg,^
yarg mrgasehi;* (mutually affec- Affright, s. ktakotan, dahshat
tionate) herl'aseh-Jcasehan. (Ar.), hebat (Ar. haibat).
Affianced her- Affront (-frunf), v. t. bri main, bri
(af-fl'anst), adj.
'aib (Ar.), 'aibkan (Ar.), biiat
Affidavit s. surat honar (Pers.).
sumpah. Affront, s. ararg dl muka, 'aib

Affiliate (af-fil'i-at), v. t. (adopt) (Ar.), honar (Pers.).

argkat anah:
(attach to, unite Afghan (afgan), s. orarg Kabul
with) hubonjlcan drgan.^ (Ar.).
Affinity s.
Afire (a-fir'), adj. yaiy kna api.
(af-fin'i-ti), (kinship
generally) persaudara'anf^ Jcna- Aflame (-flam'), adj. berryah.
mrgna (B.), Jcrabat (Ax.) (con- ;
Afloat (-flof), adj. and adv. (float-
nection) perdampliyan* hrapat- ing) timbol; (adrift) haryut, ter-
an/^ perhuborgan. aporg-aporg;* (in circulation) ma"
Affirm (af-ferm'), v. t. sohor (Ar. mashhur).
tgohkan, ttaplcan; (assert positive- Afoot (-foot'), adv. berjalan kaki.
ly) katahan drgan tntu, surggoh- Aforesaid (a-for'sed), adj. yarg
I'an, yakan. tersbot di atas.
Affirmation (affer-ma'shwn), s. Aforetime (-tim), adv. dhidu kala,
htgohan, kttapan, htntuan. pada zaman dhulu, jman dhulu
Affirmative (af-ferm'a-tiv), adj. (B.).
yarg mryurggohTcan, yarg mrgya- Afraid (a-frad'), adj. takot, ryri,*
lian."^ grun.
Affix (af-fiks'), V. t. (annex) hu- Afresh (-fresh'), adv. lagi skali,
borgkan; (fasten) Ikatkan, tarn- hmbali, s-mula.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f55d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
African (af'ri-kan), s. oraiy Kapri, tidor, tidor pula* To happen
oranj Jafggi* oratrj hitam. again, mndua kali.*
African marigold (mar'i-gold), s. Against (a-gensf), prep, (upon, in
hurga tahi aijam. contact with) pada, h-pada, akan;*
Aft (aft), adv. (N'aut.) di Uakaig, (in opposition to) mlarggar, m-
di buriian. lawan. Over against, tntarg, dkat,
After di di sisi.* Against the wind, m-
(aft'er), prep, (of place)
m- njoigsorg argvn. The wind was
blal'arg; (following) migikut,
nurut; (of time) Tcmdian deri- against us, aigin salah.
pada, I
pas, liabis, sudali; (ac- Agape (a-gap'), adj. (with astonish- '

cording to) sperti, mnurut. After ment) termatyu,* terblargu.*

that, hmdian deri-^ada itu. After Agate (ag'et), s. 'akek kunirg.
that , s-tlah* Tcmdian deri-pada Age (aj), s. 'umor, usia (Sk.) ;

. After eating, Ipas malt'an, (period, generation) zaman, jman

hahis mal'a?i. After 3 (B.). Of age, sudali sampai
Wlmt are you 'umor. Under
age, bliim sampai
Ipas pul'ol tiga.
after? a pa huat? One after an- 'umor. Middle age, sparoh 'umor.
other (successively) herganti-gan-
What is his age? brapa 'umor-tyaf
The present age, zaman ini. Past
ti, hergilir-gilir;*
(in Indian file) herbuntut-huntut, ages, zaman dhulu. Twelve years
berekor-ehor. After all (finally), of age, dua-blas taliun 'umor-iya.

akliir-iya ( Ar. ) , lama-Mama an. * Age after age, zaman-berzaman.

To go after, cliati, cliarek (B.).
He is of the same age as this man,
'umor-tya- s-baya oratg ini.
After, adv. (of place) blal'arg; (of
Age, V. i. jadi tua.
time) hmdian.
Afterbirth (-berth), s. uri.
Aged (a'jed), adj. tua.
Afternoon Agency (a'jen-si), s. wakil (Ar.),
(-noon'), s. ptaiy, sore
pkerja'an wakil* (Ar. wakil).
(X.I.) ; (noon to 3 p.m.) lohor*
Agenda (a-jen'da), s. pi. pkerja'an.
(Ar. tlohor) ; (3 to 6 p.m.) 'asar
Agent (a'jent). s. kuasa, wakil
(Ar.) ; (6 to 6.30 p.m.) maglirib
In the afternoon, pta7g- {Av.),agen (N.L) (D.).
Aggrandize (ag'gran-diz), v. t.
bsarkan, Ibehkan; (in rank) tiiggi-
Aftertliought (-thawt), s. fihiran kan.
yarg jnndaiarg. Aggrandizement (ag-gran'diz-
Afterwards (-werdz), adv. hndimi, ment), s. kbsaran, klhelian, ktirggi-
hmdian den-pada itu, blakaig, s- an.
tlah itu/^ blahaig Icali (X.I.). Aggravate (ag'-gra-vat), v. t. (in-
Again (a-gen'), adv. (back, in re- tensify) bratkan, Ibehkan, tarn-
turn) kmbali; (once more) lagi s- bald; (irritate) bn marali, sakit-
Jcali; (moreover, besides) lagi, kan hati, gusari;* (as animals)
pula. Over again, s-mula. Again galakkan; (of bntanka^i.
and again, bendarg-ulayg. To Aggravation (-va'shwn), s. (act of
do again and
again, ulargkan. intensifying) hal mmhratkan, hal
Now and again, Icadarg-kadarg As . m Ibehkan; (that which aggra-
large again, dua kali bsar. Nev- vates) pnambah; (that which ir-
er do it again, jargan sJcaU-kali ritates) kmaralian; (of disease)
hvat lagi. To sleep again, balek but an.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, mins, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Aggregate (ag'gre-gat), v. t. hum' Agony (-ni), s. seksa, sigsara (Sk.),
Aggregating 'azal/-' (Ar. 'adzdh).
polkan, himponl'an.
100 piciils, jmlah-nja'^ s-ratus Agrarian (a-grar'i-an), adj. deri-
hal ladarg. Agi'arian law, undarg-
Aggregate (-get), s. (assemblage) undarg chocliok-tanam.*
perkumpolan; (sum, total) jmlah Agree (a-gre'), v. i. (be in unison)
(Ar.). In the aggregate, bersama- berstuju, muafakat (Ar.) ; (con-
sania. sent) kabul* sudi, herknan, redla
Aggression (ag-gresh'wn), s. sraiy, ( Ar .
) ; ( promise ) b erjanji; ( be
serbu, tinpoli. suitable, as food or medicine) s-
Aggressive (-gres'siv), adj. yaiy rasi; (coincide) stuju, sama; as,
uinjratg, yaig hndak nilawan. jam, ini tiada sama, these clocks do
Aggressor (-ser), s. pnjraiy, yarg not agree.
terdhidu mlarggar. Agreeable (-a-bl), adj. (to the
Aggrieve (ag-grev'), v. t. diika- sdap; (to the mind) ber-
chitakan (Sk.), susahi, susahkan knan; (willing) sudi, kabul;*
Jiafi oraig, hri masligliul (Ar.). (conformable) s-tuju.
Aghast (a-gasf), adj. terchigarg, Agreement {-ment), s. (contract)
ferpranjat, grim. perjanjkm; (harmony) muafakat
Agila wood (a-ge'Ia wood), s. gha- (Ar.) (concurrence) perstujuan.

ni. Agriculture (ag'ri-kul-chur), s.

Agile (aj'il or aj'il), adj. panias, 'ilmu* pladarg, 'ilmu* bertanam,


fatgkas* ilm u berchocli ok-ianam.

Agility (a-jiri-ti), s. kpaJitasan. Aground (a-grownd'), adv. (Naut.)
Agitate (aj'i-tat), v. t. (move vio- terkandas, tersadai; (cast ashore,
lently) goncliarg; (disturb) ka- wrecked ) terdam par.
chau, haru;^ (of liquids) kochak; Ague (a'gu), s. dmam kura, dmam
(discuss) hichcuakan. He was gigil.'^

agitated, herdhar-lak liati-iya. Ah (a), int. ah I hai!

Agitation (disturb-
(-ta'sliwn), s. Aha (a-ha'), int. ivah! ambohi!
ance) gmpar, kachau, haru-biru,^ Ahead (a-hed'), adv. (in
rusoli ;* (incitement) asutan, usot- front) di muka; (contrary, of
cm (B.) :
(mental perturbation) wind) sakal; (in advance) di ha-
kloli-ksali.'^ dapan. To go ahead, berjalan
Agitator (-ta-ter), s. prgasut, pig- dhulu. To go or get ahead of,
usot (B.), prgachau, prgachum* mndhului; (surpass) alahkan,*
Agnostic yarg tiada
(ag-nos'tik), s. kalahkan (B.). To push a boat
mnjtaliui akan Allah* yaig m- ahead, sororg.
njargkal al'ati Allah. Ahem (a-hem'), int. daham.
Ago (a-go'), adv. dliulu, lain. Two Aid (ad), v. t. tolotg, bantu.
years ago, dua taliun lain. How Aid, s. pertolorgan, bantuan.
long ago? hrapa lama dlmluf Aide-de-camp (ad'd6?-kaN), s. ka-
Long ago, lama dhulu, lama sudah. pit,'-^ prgapit, prgirirg.*
Agonize (ag'o-mz), v. i. (be in Aigrette (a'gret), s. jambul; (arti-
agony) rasa i
srgsara (Sk.) ; (strive ficial) tajok,* jumbai.*
earnestly) hermati-mati, migglu- Ail (al), V. i. rasa sakit, sakit.
por (B.) ; (with contortions of the Ailment (al'ment), s. pryakit.
body) ronia.* Aim (am), v. i. (by closing one

rate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve. hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, ns, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin (Tien.
eye) bed eh;* (direct a missile Alacrity (a-lak'ri-ti), s. (briskness)
or weapon) tuju; (endeavour) kpa n tarn n; ( eage rness ) yakm
choha; (by magic) tilek. (Ar.).
Aim, V. t. tujuhan, Italakan* Alarm (a-larm'), v. t. (arouse to
Aim, s. (intention) JcahandaJc, mak- vigilance) jagakan, kjotkan;
Slid, kasad (Ar.), hajat (At.) ; cause excitement) gm-
(direction) liala,* tujiian. parkan; (frighten) gertakkan,' bri
Aimless (am'les), adj. tatniu liala- takot, bri dahsliat (Ar.), kaget
tya/-' tatniu arah, tatntu tuju-iya. (X.I.). Alarmed, terpranjat, ier-
Air (ar), s. (atmosphere) udara, kjot, 7gn.'^
hawa; (air in motion) aiyin; Alarm, s.
(fear) ktakotan, tyri,'^
(tune) lafju, ragam; (appearance) gru n , dahsh at Ar
( .
) ; ( warning-
rupa, chara. To take fresh air, signal) smboyan."^
mal'an argin, anibil argin. Airs Alarm clock (klok), s. jam smbo-
(affected manner), muka-mulca, yan,"^ jam piyjot tidor.*
ragam. To put on airs, mragam, Alarmist (-istj, s.
prggertak, pm-
bersikap* hersolel'.'^
ranjat, piygmpar.
Air, V. t. (expose to the air) argin- Alarum (a-lar'wm), s. smboyan*
l-an; (expose to heat) diarg* Alas int.
(a-las'), ay oh, adolii, sa-
garggarg; (expose to the sun)
yarg, waliai."^
pnor; (hang on a line) sidai."^' Albatross (al'ba-tros), s. s-jnis
Air-bubble (-bub-bl), s. (as in
bnrorg chamar yaiy bsar skali.*
glass) inerteh.*
Air-cushion Albeit (awl-be'it)^ conj. singgoli pun^
(-koosh-z/n), s. hantal
Albino (al-be'no, u. s. al-bi'no), s.
glmhorg, hantal ghot.*
Airship (-ship), s. kapal terharg, oraiy sabon/^ oraig balar;* (of
kapal udara, belun berjntra (E. buffaloes) balar.'^

Album (arbz/m), s. buhu kosorg
Air-tight (-tit), tiada
s. bagi^ gambar, etc. \kerna (B.)].
hoJeh masolc atgin, ia'tlap.'^ Albumen (al-bu'men), s. (white of
Airing (-ing), s. To take an airing, an egg) puteli tlor.
wakan argin, ambil aigin. Alchemist (al'ke-mist), s. tukaiy
Airy (-i), adj. (open to the kimia (Ar.).
beranjin: (delicate of texture) Alchemy (-mi), s. 'ilmu kimia
lialus. (Ar.).
Aisle (il), s.
(passage between Alcohol (-ko-hol), s. pati arak,*"
seats) lororg antara hursi [krosi raclinn arak (B.).
Alcove (-kov), s. (recess in a room)
.(B.)]. .

Ajar (a-jar'), adj. rrggaig, ber- chrok, anak bilek;* (garden bow-
jarak* er) balai
jambaiya?!* punjorg*
Akimbo (a-kim'bo), adv. berchkak Alderman (awl'der-man), s. sidarg
pirggarg, bertlkan pirggarg.* majlis bandar.*
Akin adj. (of blood re-
(a-kin'), Ale (al), s. bir (E.).
lations) bersaudara, bersanak;"^ Alert (a-lerf), adj. (watchful) ber-
(similar to) s-rupa, s^nacham, s'- irgat, jaga; (brisk) pantas, tatg-
akan-akan.* kas.*
Alabaster (al'a-bas'ter), s. batu Alexander (al'ekz-an'der), s. 7s-
pvalam* (Tam.). kandar (Ar.). Alexander the

ate, ask, am, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
finol, care, car,
mirror ; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry ;

hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
G-reat, Isl'andar dzu 'l-karnain Alkali (arka-li), s. garam abu.
(Ar.). All (awl), adj. (of persons or things
Alexandria (-dri-a) s. Iskandariah considered individually) smoa, s-
(Ar.). gala, sometmies followed by &-
Algebra (cirje-bra), s. 'ilmu 'l-jahr laka;* (more emphatic) sklian;
(Ar.). (all over a surface) sluroh, as,
Alias (a'li-cls), s. nanm palsu. sluroh bumi, all over the earth;
Alibi (al'i-bl), s. Idrargaii tiada ha- sluroh badan, sluroh tuboh* all
dlir pada tmpat di-tudoli.'^ over the body; (the whole of any-
Alien (a'li-en or aryen), adj. (for- thing) s-gnap, as, s-gnap perliim-
eign) dagmy; (different, incon- ponan, all the assembly; (of du-
gruous) Iain, herlainan. ration or length) s-panjarg, as, s-
Alien, s. oraty asity/^ orarg Muar- panjatg all day; s-panjarg
anf^ omtg dagarg. jalan, the way.
all Other com-
Alienable (-a-bl), adj. yaig holeli pounds of s- are frequently used to
di-jual. express all, as, s'isi rumah, all
Alienate (-at), y. t. (transfer pro- those in the house; d^gan s-bulat
perty) jual, srahkan; (the atfec- hati, with all one's heart; drgan
tions) jaiihJiWi liati orarg. s-habis-habis kuasa-rya, with all his
Alienation (-a'sli?/n), s. (of pro- power; drgan s-pnoh-pnoli harap,
perty) hal mihjual, lial miyraWkan; with all confidence; s-malam-ma-
(of the affections) jauli liati, per- laman, all night. All alone, s-
striian* m ufarrakah ( Ar. ) .
batarg karah. All but, ryarisf^
Alight (a-lit'j, v. (spring down)
i. hampir. All over, s-rata-rata
terjun, trujiui (B.), turun; (of tmpat; (prep.) sluroh, antero
Vnrds) liirggap. (N.I.). All sorts of, berbagai-
Alight, adj. terpasarg. bagai, plbagai,^ serba. On all

Align (a-W), MuIJcan haris,

v. t. fours, mrargkak. All of them,
htullun banjar* luruskan jajar,^ ksmoa-nja. All at once, s-kali gus.
htidl-an nirai.^ All together, s-rmpak. All of a
Alignment (-ment), s. 'baris yarg sudden, pada s-ktika.
htul, ban jar yarg lurus;* (act of All, adv. (entirely) s-mata-mata.'^
aligning) hal mmhtidl'aii hanjar* Allay (al-la'), v. t. (quiet) diam-
Alike (a-lTk'), adj. s-rupa, s- kati; (appease) puaskan; (evil
macliam, sama. Somewhat alike, feelings) padamkan; (alleviate)
aJi'an-akan sama,^ man dJcat sama kuraigkan, snargkan.
(B.). Allegation (al'ie-ga'shwn), s. k-
Alike, adv. sama. traigati, akuan.
Aliment (aFi-ment), s. makanan, Allege (al-lej'), v. t. katakan drgan
rjhi (Ar. rizH), jerki (B.). tntu, lyatakan, tranjkan, mrgaku.
Alimentary (-men'ta-ri), adj. yarg Allegiance (-kVjans), s. stia,^ bakti
mnjadi makanan. (Sk.).
Alimony (-mo-ni), s. hlanja, naf- Allegorise (al'le-go-riz), v. i. 'iba-
kah (Ar.). raikan, mesalkan, misalkan ((B.),
Alive (a-llv'), adj. (living) hidop, kiaskan (Ar.).
herhayat (Ar.), henyawa; (lively) Allegory (-ri), s. perumpamflan,*
panfas, chakatan.^ To keep alive 'ibarat, mesalan (Ar. mithal), kias
(as fire or affection), hidopkan. (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Alleviate (al-le'vi-at), v. t. huraiy- Allusion (ril-h"i'zli7ai), see allude.
kan, ren/anl'an. Alluvial (-vi-al), s.
kukop* Allu-
Alley (arii), s. loroiy. Blind alley, vial soil, tanak 'nap*
lororrj s-l'rat, jalan huntu. Ally (al-ir), v.t. liuborg, liuboig-
Alliance (union) per-
(al-ll'ans), s. kan.
huhonjan, perskutuaiif (league; Ally (iirii), s.
pinbantu, pnolotg, s-
compact) perjail jian stia,'^ rniia- kiitn^
fal-at (Ar.). Almanac (awrma-nak), s. takwim
Alligator (arii-ga-ter), s. huaj/a. (Ar.).
Alliteration (al-lit'er-a'slmn), s. Almeirah (al-mfra), s. alniari^
ulargan huruf yarg sama bunji.'^ hnari; (for crockery) grobok.* '

Allocate (al'lo-kat), v. t. hliagikan, Almighty (awl-mlt'i), adj. yatg-

untoVk'an. vial a kuasa.

Allocation (-ka'shzm), s. (arrange- Almond (a'm/aid), s. badam* The

ment) peraturaii'; (allotment) 'Indian almond, ktapaig. AlmoncJ
hliaqian, witoJc. eyes, mata sepet.
Allot (al-lof), v.t (distribute) Almost (awl'most), adv. hampir^
hhagikan, untol-kan; (assign, ap- dl'at,lyaris* chmas;* (almost hit-
point) tntukan. ting a mark) sipi.
Allotment (-ment), s. hhagian, nn- Alms (amz), s. sdkah, derma (Sk.) ;
tok, hahvan* (poor rate, incumbent on Mos-
Allow (al-low'), v.t. (give, grant) lems) zakat (Ar.), To distribute
bri, kasi (B.) (as a deduction)
; alms, dadar.'*
potoiy, tolak; (permit) luluskan,'^ Almsgiving (amz'giv-ing), s. mm-
bnarkan, Jpaskan, biar, kasi (B.) ; bri sdkali, mndadar.*
(acknowledge) nuyakii. To allow Almshouse (-hows), s. rumali tvakaf
to leave, Ipas klitar. bagi orarg miskin.*
Allowable (-a-bl), adj. (permis- Aloe (rd'6), s. (Aloe ferox) lidah
sible) boleh di-bri, lulus;* (law- buaga. Extract of aloes, jadam.
ful) halal. Aloes- wood (al'dz-wood), s. (the
Allowance s. (quantity al-
(-aus), fragrant wood found in knots on
lowed, food) plabur/^ msara*
of the karas tree, xiquilaria malac-
(x\r. miisMliarat) ; (of money) cense) gharu.
blanja; (deduction) pot organ. Aloft (a-loff), adv. di atas, Vatas;
Alloy (al-loi'), s. (compound of (Xaut.) di tiarg. To go aloft^
metals) panclia-logam'^' (Tarn.) ;
naih tiarg.
(admixture) champuran. Gold Alone (a-lon'), adj. (solitary) tuig-
alloy, siiasa. gal, s' orarg diri, terkoteig-ko-
Alloy, V. t. champur. terg f'' (only) sahaja. All alone,
Allude (-lud'), v. i. baiva cliakap; s-baia>rg karali, s-batarg galah*
as, mmbaiva cliakap deri-hal sianiL, Along (a-long'), prep, mnurut, as^
to allude to Mr. so-and-so. mnurut jalan, along the road.
Allure (-lur'), v. t. (entice by bait) All along the road, s-panjarg-pan-
umpankan; (by a decoy) pikat;* jam jalan. See below.
(by familiarising) jinak-jinakkan; Along, adv. (lengthwise) pada bu-
(bv sounds) rlkut* kesek* jor;* (onward) k-hadapan. To
Allurement (-ment), s. umpan, go along the edge of, mnjusor; as,
pmikat.* nuyusor pantai, along the shore.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mim/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Along with, serta drgan, hserta. sluroli tanali Jawa itn skali-pun,
All along (of time), slalu, s- although the whole of Java; pada
memaig: (of direction) s-panjaig. hal* as, although he is not guilty
Alongside (-sid'), adv. di sisi*_ di he professes to be so, ia mrgaku
tpi. To bring alongside, kpilkari/^ diii-nja bersaJah pada lial tiada
Aloof (a-l65f'), adv. jauli sdihit. bersalah.
To hold aloof, tar eh diri. Altitude (al'ti-tud), s. tiiggi.
Aloud (a-lowd'), adv. drgan siiam Altogether (awl'too-gef/t'er), adv.
yarg ryarirg. s-niata-mata, skali.
Alpaca (al-pak'a), s. s-jnis Jcain Altruism (al'troo-izm), s. hal mn-
buhl. chari faidali orarg lain.
Alphabet (arfa-bet), s. alif-ba-taJ^ Alum {ixVum.), s. taicas.

Alphabetical adj. In
(-bet'i-kal), Aluminium (-u-min'i-mn), s. s-jnis
alphabetical order, mnurut susiin- timah yanj amat rergan.
an liurufj^ Alumnus (a-lum'ni/s), s. anak sko^
Already (awl-red'i), adv. mematg, ah, murid.

sdia, sdia sudali. Always (awl'waz), adv. slalu, sn-

Also (awl'so), adv. and conj. pun, tiasa (Sk.), snntiasa (Sk.), sdia^

pjda, jug a, lagi. kala X^k.), malar, '^ madarg,* s-

Altar (awl'ter or
ol'ter), s. tmpat memarg. To be always doing,
korhan (Ar.), tmpat persmblehan, slaroh,^ mtylaroli.'^ To be always-
mizbaJi^ (Ar. midzba'H.). using, llarkan.*
Alter, V. t. ohahhan; (of position) Am (am), see be.
aleli;^ (amend, improve) piiida;* Amalgam (a-mal'gain), s. cJiam-
see CHANGE. puran raksa.
Alter, V. i. herohali. Amalgamate (-at), v. t. (of
Alteration (-a'shim), s. obahan, metals) champur drgan raksa;
pin da an. (combine, unite) liuhorgkan,.
Altercation (-ka'shzm), s. pertrg- satukan.
Imran, perhantalian/^ perhabila7i* Amalgamation (-a'shwn), s. (of
Alternate (ol-ter'net), adj. yaig metals) hal mnchampur drgan
berg anting anti, hergilir-gilir,'^ ber- raksa; (combination) perhuhovgan,.
slanj. Alternate days, slarg s-hari, perchampwwi.
bersJarg-slaig liari, lat s-hari. Amanuensis (a-man'u-en'sis), s..

Alternate (ol'ter-nat)^ v. i. ganti- juru-iulis.

berganti, berganti-ganti, berJat-Jat. Amass (a-mas'), v. t. kumpolkan,.
Alternation (-na'shwn), s. per- hinipotikan,^ timbonkan, kamporg-
gantian. kan.
Alternative (ol-ter'na-tive), s. (one Amateur (am'a-tur), s,oraig yarg
of two things offered to one's bkerja atau bermain drgan tiada
choice) salah satu; (thing offered mnriwa upah.
in place of another) gantian. You Amatory (-to-ri), adj. yaig mn-
may choose either alternative, bo- dataigkan brahi,^ deri-hal braM,^
Jeh pileh salah-satu-nja. There is drgan 'ashik (Ar.).
no alternative, tiada jalan lain. Amaze (a-maz'), v. t. chrgarykan,
Although (awl-^/to'), conj. mski, bri hairan, fajubkan (Ar.).
mski-pun, surggoh, surggoh-pun, Amazed, terchrgarg, t'ajub (Ar.),.
jikalau. . .
.skali-pun, as, jikalau (Ar.), termargu-margu.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hiirry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Amazement (-meiit), s. liairan, Amerce (a-mers'), v. t. dndakan.
clmjojy, t'ajub (Ar.). America (a-mer'i-ka), s. Amerika,
Amazon (am'a-zzm), s. soldado negri Merikan.
prempuan. American (-kan), s. orayy Amerika,
Ambassador (am-bas'sa-der), s.
oraiy Merikan.
utusan/^ ivakil Jiraja'an* Amethyst (am'-e-thist), s. latu k-
Amber (am'ber), s. amhar (Ar. chuhory.'*
^anhar). Amiability (a'mi-a-bil'i-ti), s. laku
Ambergris (-gres), s. anibar, 'anhar yaiy manis, pigaselian.
(Ar.). Amiable (-bl), adj. yarg manis
Ambidextrous (am'bi-deks'trws), balk laku, berpryasehan.
adj. yarg taigan-tya sama huat. Amicable (am'i-ka-bl), adj. (friend-
Ambiguous (am-big'u-ws), adj. bersahabat* bersobat (B.),
ijan) dua mana-rya, yaiy tatntu
arti-iya/ umuin^' (Ai\ ghu mum ?). Amid di di
Ambition (a-mid'), prep, tryali,
(-bish'wn), s. h'ivginan
aiitara, dalam.
tuygi, liimmah tirggi*
Ambitious Amidships (-ships), adv. (Nant.)
{-us), adj. djajg irgin
di pmiryyaryan.
al-an Jchsaran atau I'uasa, yarg mn-
Amidst (a-midsf), prep, di tryah,
cJiari nama, ya^y herhimmah tirg-
di antara, dalam.
Amble (am'bl), v. herjalan seiget.
Amiss (a-mis'), adj. and adv.
Amboina (am-boi'iia), s. Amhon. (wrong) salali; (improper) ta'-
Ambulance (am'bu-kns), s. hreta patut, tasnonoh; (ont of order)
takna. To take amiss, berkchiU
hagi oraig sakit atau lul'a.
Ambuscade (-b?/s-kad'), s. pasoTcan

prgndap. Amity (am'i-ti), s. persahabatan*

Ambush (am'boosli), piyndap.
s. perstnjuan.
Ambush, v. t. 'ndap, adarg* dryan
Ammonia (am-m5'ni-a), s. yaram
bersnihutyi. kncliiiy kuda. Salts of ammonia,
.Ameliorate (a-mel'yo-rat or a-mer- sadir'^' (Pers. nushddir), yaram
i-o-rat), V. t. haikJci, pinda.'*
Amen (a-men'), int. amin (Ar.). Ammunition (am'mu-nish''Zin), s.

Amenable (a-men'a-bl), adj. (to (military stores) alat ppraryan;*

law or government) dalam pren- (cartridges) patrum,* kertus,"*

tah, dalam huJcum; (liable to pluru, pelor (N.I.) (Port, pelou-

trial) boleli l-na hicliara; (tract- ro).
able) snaiy di-patahi^ suka mnurut Amnesty (-nes-ti), s. ampun deri-

ajaran, yaiy mmyar kata. pada kraja'an, mahap bayi orarg

Amend (a-mend'), v. t. haikki, derliaka.
htulkan, pinda.'^ Among (a-miing'), prep, di tiyah,
Amendment (-ment), s. perohah- di antara, dalam.
an, pinda* pindaan.'^ Amongst (a-mnngsf), = among,
Amends (a-mendz'), s. (compen- q. V.
sation) halasan. To make amends, Amorous (am'o-rs), adj. bralii,*
ya?itikrugian, hayar diat (Ar.). 'ashik (Ar.).
Amenity (a-men'i-ti), s. laku yarg Amount (a-mownf), s. (total) jm-
manis, Imdh-lmhot. lah (Ar.) ; (quantity) baryak.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Amount, v. i. (reach) jadi, sampai Analysis (-i-sis), s. hal mmbuka
akan.^ To amount to (aggre- dan ?mnreksa sgala\ bliagian yarg
gate), jmlah (Ar.). It amounts mnjadikan s-suatu;* (Gram.)
to nothing, tiadd herfa'idah satu 'irab (Ar.).
pun, ta'apa guna-iya (B.). Analyze (an'a-liz), v. t. pcliahkan
Amphibious (am-fib'i-ws), adj. yarg asal-iisid.
boleh hidop di laid dan darat pun. Anarchist (an'ark-ist), s. orarg
Ample (am'pl), adj. (spacious) yarg tamau turut prentah, orarg
lapaiy, Iga, luas; (sufficient) chii- derhaka.
I'op, pada.'^ Anarchy (-i), s. haru-bim* hum-
Amplify (-pli-fi), v.
lanjuthan t. hara, derhaka.
chnta, panjargl-an kalamj'^ shurah Anathema (a-nath'e-ma), s. kutok^
(Ar.). sum pah, Vanat
Amplitude (-tud), s. Uiiasan, Ic- Anatomize (a-nat'o-miz), v. t.

Japargan. (dissect) lapah,* prggal-prggal;*

Amply (-ph), adv. (sufficiently) (discriminate minutely) slidek,*'

chnl-op. siasat (Ar.).

Amputate (-pu-tat), v. t. Jcrat, po- Anatomy (-mi), s. 'ilmii slerah arg-
tonj, kodorgkan, kudorgkan (B.). gota.^'
Amputation (-ta'shwn), s. hal Ancestor (an'ses-ter), s. nenek^
mrgrat. moyaiy, datok-nenek.*
Amuck (a-muk'). To run amuck, Ancestral (an-ses'tral), adj. (in-
amok. herited) psaka. Ancestral cus-
Amulet (am'u-let), s. taigkal, 'azi- toms, 'adat nenek-moyarg. An-
mat (Ar.), cestral worship, hal mrymbah ne-
Amuse (a-miiz'), v. t. sukakan liati, nek-moyarg.
bri tertawa, glikan hati. Ancestry (an'ses-tri), s. (ancestral
Amusement (-ment), s. (that lineage) asal; (race, descent)
which amuses) ksuka'an, kgmar- bargsa. Of noble ancestry, ber-
an* prggli hati;* (pastime) per- bargsa, bargsawan* turunan baik-
wainan. baik (B.).
Amusing (-ing), adj. pneniawa* Anchor (ang'ker), s. saidi. To cast
prggli hati, sronok* anchor, buaig sauJi, labohkaii sauJi^
An (an), see a. berlaboh. To weigh anchor, borg-
Anachronism (an-ak'ro-nizm), s. kar sauli.

silap fasal peraturan masa.* Anchorage (-ej), s. labohan, pla-

Anaemia (a-ne'mi-a), s. kurarg da- bohan.
rah, sriat (W.). Anchorite (-ko-rit), s. (hermit)
Anaemic (-mik), adj. puchat Isi* orarg bertapa, zahid (Ar.).
Anaesthetic (an'es-th'et'ik), s. hiiis* Anchovy (an-cho'vi), s. ikan bilis.
(Pers. hihaush) ; (narcotics used Ancient (an'shent), adj. (aged)
by thieves) skut,* pukaii. tua; (opposed to modern) dhulu
Analogous (a-nal'o-gus), adj. her- kala: (of long duration) lama.
stuju, sama. And (and), eonj. dan, pun, serta,
Analogy (-ji), s.
(resemblance) drgan, lagi, sraya;* pun always fol-
umpama '(Sk.), perbandirgan, me- lows the noun or pronoun to which
sal, misal (B.) (Ar. mitlial), Hba- it refers. The conjunction is omit-
rat, tamsil* (Ar. tamthil). ted in such phrases as: tua muda.
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurrj'; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
old and young; siayy malam, day Animadversion (an'i-mad-ver'-
and night; anal'-bini, wife and tguran, hardek,^' chla.
sh?/n), s.

children pergi anihU, go and get.

: Animal (an'i-mal), s. hinataig, kai-
Andiron (and'i-ern), s. (jalary kayu wan (Ar.). Wild animals in
a /fir' general, mergastua (Sk.). Do-
Anecdote (an'ek-dot)^ s. clirita, mestic animals, hinataig jinak.
keMih .
Savage animals, hinatarg huas.
Anemone (a-nem'o-ni), s. Sea Wild animals, hinatarg liar.
anemone, huran* Animal, adj. binaiarg (a), cliara
Aneroid (an'e-roid), pnhnharg u- hinutary. The animal, passions,
haira nafsii. Animal food, dayity.
Aneurism (an'ii-rizm), s. hisid di Animalcule (-markul), s. kjadian
urat darali, hrgkah urat darali. yary amat lialus, kuman, hama.
Anew (a-nii'), adv. (over again) Animate (-mat), v. t. (give life)
lagi s-mula, pula, hmbali
s-kali, hidopkan; (stimulate) yrakkan
(X.I.) ; (in a new form) hliaru. liati.
-Angel (an'jel), s. mlaikat. The Animated (-ed), adj. herliati Jiidop,
angel of death, tnalaku 'l-maut clterkas/^ pantas.
(Ar.). Animation s.
(-ma'sh?/n), ksgaran,
Angelic (an-jel'ik), adj. mla'ikat rsini yarg sgar.
(a), sperti mJa'tkat. Animism (-mizm), s. percliaya
Anger (ang'ger), s. marah, amarah* akan ^majgat dan liantu.
panas liati, haiyat haii* gusar^^ Animosity (-mos'i-ti), s. (hatred)
jgrin;* (resentful anger) gram;
hnclii; (enmity) perstruan*
(of God or kings) murka (Ar.). Animus {-mm), s. (intention)
Angle (-gi), s. (corner) pnjuru,
bvchu* sudut;"^ (bend) siku. maksud, niat; (temper) marah.
Anise (an'is), s. (Pimpinella ani-
Angle, V. i. miya'il, panchhy.
sum) jintan manis. Chinese anise
-Angler (-gler), s. prgail.
(Illicium anisatum) adas manis.
Anglican (-gli-kan), adj. Iiyyris.
buat cliara
Aniseed (-i-sed), s. hiji adas manis,
Anglicize (-siz), v. t.
hiji jintan manis; see above.
Ankle (ang'kl), s. perglargan kaki.*
-Angry (ang'gri), adv. marali, gu-
mr* Ankle bone, huku lali* mata kaki.
)yrin;* (resentful) gram; (of
God or Ivings) murka (Ar.). To Anklet (-klet), s. gla^g kaki, kron-
be angry with, gnsari* To be an- (dioiy.

gry, (stronger) m-
naik marah; Annals (an'nalz), s. hikayat, tawa-
rikh (Ar.), sjarah (Ar.).
radary, mmheraiy, naik mradary,
naik heiwy; (of princes) her- Anneal (an-nel'), v. t. spoil.

surgut* Annex (-neks'), v. t. (affix) liuhorg-

-Anglo- (-glo), Iiggm. kan, sambo rgkan : (add) tambahi.
Anguish (-gwish), s. (physical Annexation (an'neks-a'shtfn), s.

pain) hisa, seksa, stysara(Sk.) ; perliuhnigan.

(mental suffering) susah had, k- Annihilate (an-m'hi-lat), v. t. ti-

susaJian. adakan, binasakan^ tumpaskan, ,

Angular (-gu-ler), adj. (pointed) hapnskan, jhannam kan.

ranchory* renchory;'* (lean) ku- Annihilation (-la'shwn), s. kbi-
rus. nasa'an, ktiada'an.*

rate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t^en.
Anniversary (an'ni-ver'sa-ri), s. Anonymous (-i-mws), adj. tiada
ulatgan taliim, see axxual. bernanm. Anonymous letter, su-
Anno-Domini (aii'nd dom'i-nl), rat glap, svrat lerbarg,* surat ra-
takun Tuhan, taril'liMsiiii (Ar.). cliun aryin*
Annotate (an'iio-tat), v. t. in ana- Another (an-u//i'er), adj. (one
l-cm (Ar.), tafsirJiwi (Ar.). more) lagi satu; (different) lain.
Annotation (-ta'sht/n), s. tafsir One after another, Ipas satu satu,
(Ar.). berturut-turut, bertubi-tubi* One
Announce (an-nowns'), v. t. Ma- thing or another, tasatu satu.
barkan, hri taliu, malumkan Answer (an'ser), s. jawab, sahutan,
(Ar.), siarkan, icarwarkan,^ sra- balasan.
kan.^ Answer, v. t. jawab akan, sahuti.
Announcement (-ment), s. khabar, To answer a letter, balaskan surat.
perkhabaran, brita (Sk.). Answer, v. i. jawab, bri jawab,
Annoy (-noi'), v. t. usek, susalii, sahut. To answer for (be respon-
sal-atr sible), taiygorg, mrgaku, jamin.
Annoyance (-ans), s. usek, susah, Answerable adj. (respon-
sible) yarg mrgaku, yary 7nnmg-
Annual (an'vu-al), adj. (each .year) yory; (proportionate) s-kadar
tiap-tiap s-iaJiun ; (lastiiio: a year) (Ar.). I am answerable for that,
s-iahun. Annual assessment, cliu- aku-lah yaty vmaryyoiy lial itu,
kai s-tahun. Annual feast, knduri hal itu di alas aku.
hoi* ( Ar. Haul = year) Ant (ant), s. smut.

Flying ants,
Annuity (an-nu'i-ti), s. penelien klkatu.* The large red ant, krryya.
(E.), pansiiui (X.I.). White ants (termites), anai-anai,*
Annul (an-nul'), v. t. (reduce to smut put ell {B.),rayap (N.I.).
nothing) tiadakan; ) (obliterate) Antagonist (an-tag'o-nist), s. la-
hapuskan;* (make void) buargkan, wan, stru.*
hatalkan; (abrogate) matisiikhkan Antagonistic (-nis'tik), adj. yarg
(Ar.). mhiwan, berstru,* bantahan.*
Annular (an'yu-ler), adj. her- Antarctic (ant-ark'tik), adj. kutuh
nmpai. slatan* (a).
Annunciation (an-nun'si-a'shi/n), Ant-eater (ant'et-er), s. trgyiliry.
s. perkhabaran, brita (Sk.). Antecedent (an'te-sed'ent), adj.
Anodyne (an'o-din), s.
obat yaiy miyhilatx/kan ksakitan. yary terdhulu, yaiy nmdhidui.*
Anoint (a-noinf), v. t. mityakki; Antechamber (-cham-ber), s. bi-
lek luar, balai mnanti.*
(with a cosmetic or perfume)
Antedate (-dat'), v. t. dhulukan
urap, raksi*
Anomalous (a-nom'a-ls), adj.
tiada lain
Antediluvian (-di-liiVi-an), adj.
bperatwran* ganjil,
yary dhulu deri-pada zaman nabi
deri-pada 'adat, plek*
-Anomaly (-li), s. perkara yaix) lain
deri-pada 'adat. Antelope (-lop), s. kambiry hutan,
Anon (a-non'), adv.(soon) sgra. kambirg grun.*
Ever and anon, kadarg-kadaig,
Antenna (an-ten'na), s. (pi. an-
krap kali, krap-krap, srirg kali tenna?) smyut-suiyut,* patiL*
(N.L). Anterior (-ter'i-er),, adj. (in time)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry ; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ice, it, fire, -,

mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
yarg terdhulii; (in place) yarg Antiquarian (an'ti-kwar'i-an), adj.
di hadapan. deri-Jial perkara zaman'^ dhulu
Anteroom (an'te-room), s. hilelc Ijman (B.)].
hiar, halai miianti* Antiquated (-kwat-ed), adj. siidah
Anthem (an'them), s. (Moslem iua, sudah Jama, sudah 'umor.
chant of praise to God) dzikir Antique (an-tek'), adj. iua, lama,
(Ar.). National anthem, lagu zaman.'^
harysa. Antiquity (-tik'wi-ti), s. (ancient
Anther (-ther), s. hujoiy sulor times) dhidu kola, zamati dhidti,*-
jman dhulu (B.), perha-kala
Ant-hill (ant'-hil), s. lusut, porg- (Sk.).
Antiseptic (an'ti-sep'tik), adj. yaiy^
Anthracite (an'thra-sit), s. arajg mrghilargkan husok.
hat II yarg hras. Antithesis (an-tith'e-sis), s. (of
Anthropology (an'thro-poro-ji), s.
words) perhandirgan ;'^ (contrast)
'ihnu'^ manusia. herlainan.
Anthropomorphism (-po-mor'- Antler (ant'ler), s. tandok rusa
fizm), s. pnjlmaan (Sk.). yarg herchahaig, tandok herchrarg-
Antic (an'tik), s. Tclahar, laivah gali.*
(P.). Anus (a'n?is), s. klpasan* jubor*"
Antichrist (an'ti-krist), s. lawan (Ar. duhiir).
Almaseh, Almasehu 'd-dajjal Anvil (an'vil), s. landasan,'^ plan-
(x\r.), si-dajal.* das.^
Antichristian (-kris'chan), adj. Anxiety (ang-zi'e-ti), s. (dis-
yaig mlawan agama Msihi* Ucris- quietude) khuatir, himharg, gon^
ten (B.)]. dali-gaulana;'^ (eagerness) rindu^
Anticipate (an-tis'i-pat), v. t. (be geraig (I^.I.).
beforehand) dhului; (foresee) Anxious (angk'shws), adj. (dis-
irgat dliulu, sargka. I did not an- quieted) khuatir, himhaig, her-
it would rain, saliya
ticipate that gonduh hatv;* (desirous) rindu.
hndak hujan.
ta'sanjica Any (en'i), adj. and pron. hararg^
Anticipation (-pa'shwn), s. p7i- s-haraig; (one of a number) salali
dhuluan* sargJca. To thank in satu, salah s'orarg.^ At any time,
anticipation, mniima kaseh terlheli
hararg hila,* hila-hila pun (B.).
dliulu. Any kind of, s-haraig, s-nika* In
Antidote (an'ti-dot), s. pnawar ra- many phrases this word requires-
chun. no equivalent in Malay, as, have
Antimacassar (-ma-kas'ser), s.
you any more? ada-kah lagif I
kain lapek kpala. cannot bear it any longer, sahya
Antimony (-mo-ni), s. hatu Sara- taholeh talian lagi. Any, with a ne-
ivak* hatu clilak* gative, is translated by the phrase,.
Antipathy (an-tip'a-thi), s. (ha- satu pun tidak or tiada, as, I do-
tred) bnchi; (repugnance) gli- not see any, satu pun tiada aku
gbtian* gli-gman.
Antipodes (-o-dez), s. shiah sana Anybody (-bod-i), s. hara7g siapa,
humi; (something contrary) her- hararg s'orarg,'^ s'oratg pun.
lainan skali. Anyhow (-how), adv. hgimana pun.
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
Anyone (-wnn), s. haraty siapa, Apollinaris (a-pol'li-nar'is), s. ayer
hararg s'ovanj/^ sorarg pun. blanda. "^
Anything (-thing), s. haraty apa, Apoplexy (ap'o-pleks-i), s. satcan
baratg s-suatu* apa-apa. Any- terjun/^ sawan bargkai.*
thing but (not at all), sl-ali-kali Apostate (a-pos'tet), s. murtad
tiddk. (Ai-.).
Anywhere (-whar), adv. hararg di Apostie (-si), s. rasul (Ar.).
mana pun, di mana-mana pun. Apothecary (a-poth'e-ka-ri), s. tu-
Aorta (a-or'ta), s. urat nadi hsar/^ kaig obat, prgadon obat,'^ apotek
urat herdntyut.'^ (N.I.) (D.).
Apace (a-pas'), adv. clipat, sgra, Appall (ap-pawl'), v. t. bri takot,
JJi-as. bri dahshat (Ar.), bacliolkan,'^^ ta-
Apart (a-parf), adv. (separately) warkan hati.

herasiiy;* (independently) satu- Apparatus (ap-pa-ra'tzfs), s. per-

satu, asirg-asirg; (separated by in- kakas, alat (Ar.).
tervals) rnjgarg. To set apart. Apparel (-par'd), s. pakaian.
sblahkan, asirgkan.'^ Apparent (-par'ent), adj. (plain)
Apartment (-ment), s. hileh, Tcamar ryata, tranj; (appearing to the
(N.I.) (D.). eye) yaig klihatan. Heir ap-
Apathetic (ap'a-thet'ik), adj. lalai, parent, bakal leans'^ (Ar. ivdrith).
alpa* tiada pduli, tiada herrasa. Apparently (-li), adv. rupa-tya,
Apathy alpa (Sk.), lalai.
(-tin), s. nampak-nja, pada lahir-tya^ (Ar.
Ape (ap), s. J7iis muryit yaig tiada tlahir).
berekor. For various species see Apparition (ap'pa-rish'im), s. prg-
MONKEY. lihatan; (spectre) hantu.
Ape, V. t. tiru/'' ajok, jajat (P.). Appeal (ap-pel'), v. i.
Aperient (a-per'i-ent), s. pncha- minta; (refer to a higher court)
har,"^' obat pnjuclii prot, julap. bawa bichara,* minta pindahkan
Aperture (ap'er-chur), s. (hole) bichara, apil (E.) ; (call on an-
lobavj, clilah, liarg;^ (opening) other to vindicate one^s rights)
mulut; (width) buka. adu* adukan hal.
Apex (a'peks), s. (top) kmunchak, Appeal, s. (at law) apil (E.) ; (call
punch ak, merchuj* (tip) hujorg. for help) perminta'an.
Aphis (a'iis), s. kusin (Ch. kusin) , Appear (-per'), v. i.
(come or be in
Aphorism (afo-rizm), s. bidal* sight) nampak', tampak,* klihatan^
tlabai/^ PpataJi.* tlahir (Ay.) ; (come into notice, or
Apiece (a-pes'), adv. satu-satu, above the surface of land or water,
masiixj-masirg One apiece, s'oraig
. or as the sun rising) timbol, terbit.
satu, s'oraig s-biji, etc., see a. To apjiear before a judge, mrg'
Apocalypse (a-pok'a-lips), s. hiya- hadap hakim. Appear, with the
taan, walii* (Ar. ivanyu). meaning to seem, is expressed by
Apocryphal adj. yarg
(-ri-fal), ti- rupa-nja used impersonally, as, he
ada sah. appears to be drunk, mabok rupa-
Apologize (a-poro-jiz), v. i. ininta rya. It appeared to me, pada p-
am pun, minta mahap (x\r. ma'df). mandatyan-ku.
Apology (defence) sahut-
(-ji), s. Appearance (-ans), s. (look, as-
an, jawab; (admission of wrong) pect) rupa, bargun,^ paras,*
perminta'an mahap (Ar. ma'af). meh;* (thing seen) piylihat-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin i/ien.
an. To put
in an appearance, ha- Apply (ap-pli'), V. t. (put on) hu-
dllr^(Ar. iiadUr). boh, knakan; (of flat surfaces)
Appease (-pcz'), v. t. (make quiet) Ikapkan; (use, employ) pakai,
snanikan, diamJcan; (pacify) da- qunakan.
maikan, 'baihlmn; (hunger or Apply, V. i.
(make application)
thirst) MlaTykan. minta; (attend closely to) iisaha-
Appellation (ap'pel-la'shwn), s. na- kan diri. It does not apply to-
ma, sboian, glaran, parggiJan. me, takna-mrgna drgan aku, taapa
Append (ap-pend'), v. t. samborg- kna sama goa (B.). To apply for,.
kan, tamhalii, liuhoiyhan. minta, pohonkan.^
Appendage (-ej), s. tempelan/^ liu- Appoint (-point'), v. t. (fix by de-
hoigan. cree) titalikan;'^ (assign, desig-
Appendicitis (ap-pen'di-si'tis), s. nate) jadikan, tntukan, Itakkan-;
pnjakit tali-prot yarg rnnempel* (to a post) argkat; (equip) hg^
Appendix (-diks), samhorgan.
s. kapkan.
Appertain (ap'per-tan'), v. i. hna- Appointment (-ment), s. (act of
imgna, sargkot drgan, sdbit drgati* appointing) hal mnitahkan,* hal
(Ar. tJiahit), herhnaan diyan. mnntukan, etc., as above; (station,,
Appetite (ap'pe-tit), s. (desire for position, office) jaivatan,* pgargan^
food) nafsu makan, slera;"^ (a^y peganjan (B.) ; (to meet) perjan-
strong desire) k'irginan; (craving, jian hndak bertmu.*
as for opium) ktageli/^ ktagehan Apportion (-por'shi^n), v. t. bhagi-
(B.). kan, untokkan.
Appetizer (-ti-zer), s. umpanikak,'^ Apportionment (-ment), s. (act
unipan slera,* pnibuka nafsu, pm- of apportioning) hal mmbkagikan;
hitka sJera* (thing apportioned) bhagian, un
Applaud (ap-plawd'), V. t. (praise) tok, habvan.'^'
puji; (by acclamation) sorak; (by Apposite (ap'po-zit), adj. patut ^
clapping) hertpok targan. jjadan, kna, berkna'an.'^
Applause (-plawz'), s. (shouting) Appraise (ap-praz'), v. t. hergakan^
sorak; (clapping of hands) tpok- nilaikan lierga;^ taroh herga, tak^
tpok tanjan; (praise) puji. sirkan (D.).
Apple (ap'pl), s. apel (E.), tufali* Appreciable (-pre'shi-a-bl), adj.
(Ar. tuifaH). Adam's apple, yarg boleh di-hergakan-; (percept-
Ikum* (Ar. iiulqiun). Apple of ible) yarg boleh di-rasa, yaig boleh
the eye (pupil), anak mata,"^ hiji nampak.
mata (B.) ; (term of endearment) Appreciate (-at), v. t. (estimate
hiji mata. justly) taroh herga, nilaikan;^
Appliance (ap-pli'ans), s. perkakas, (esteem highly) indahkan, per-
klrgkapan. hergakan/^ (raise in value) naik-
Applicable (ap'pli-ka-bl), adj. yarg kan herga; (be sensible of) tahu,
patut dnjan, ya^g kna, herkna'an!* tahu bezakan (Sk.). To appre-
Application (-ka'shi^n), s. (act of ciate a kindness, knargkan budi.

applying) hal mmakai, hal m^m- Appreciate, v. i.

(rise in value)
hiiboli, etc., see below; (close at- naik herga.
tention) vsaha; (request) per- Appreciation (-a'sh?/n), s. hal mrg-
minta'an, swat pe?'moJionan* prg- indahkan, hal mnilaikan,* etc., as
adiian. above.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Appreciative (-a-tiv), adj. yarg April (a'pril), s. bulan oraiy puteh
nnyindaJd'an, yaiy mTynaty budi. yarg k'am pat.
Apprehend (ap'pre-hend'), v. t. Apron (a'prim or a'pern), s. kain
( arrest )
ia rgl-ap; ( unde rstand ) at as dada, band kerja, kain parg-
mrgerti, iahii, paJiam* dapat; ku;*' (of a buggy) kain tutop
(fear) ial'ot. bogi; (of a ricksha) kampo (Ch.
Apprehension (-hen'shwn), s. kham-pd').
(fear) liakotan; (understauding) Apropos (ap'ro-po), adj. (oppor-
prgertian, pndapatan. tune) berstuju. Apropos of, tn-
Apprehensive (-siv), adj. talcot. targ.
Apprentice (ap-pren'tis), s. orcurj Apse (aps), s. (of mosques) milirdb
ijaixjmasok perjanjian pada hlajar (Ar.).
ttuatu pkerjaan, plateh* magarg Apt (apt), adj. (suitable) patut,
(X.I.). padan; (habitually inclined) bia-
Apprise (-prTz'), v. t. inalumlcan sa; (qualified, expert) ahli (Ar.),
(Ar.), hri ialiu, kasi taliu (B.). pandai. Apt to forget, phipa*
Approach (-proch'), v. t. hampir,'^- lazim lijpa,'^' rajin lupa, kuat-kuat
hampin* dkati* dkat sama (B.). lupa.
Approach, s. (act of
drawing near) Aptitude (ap'ti-tud), s. kpatutan*
hal nnyhampiri;'^ (way of access) kbiasa'an, kpandaian; see above.
jalan masok. Aquarium (a-kwar'i-wm), s. kolah
Approachable (-a-bl), adj. yarr/ kaclia bagi ikan-ikan.'^
hololi di-hampiri* Aquatic (a-kwat'ik), adj. yafy hi-
Approbation (ap'pro-ba'sht^n), s. dop dalam ayer. Aquatic birds,
Ji'bnaran^ kredla'an (Ar.) ; see ap- buroiy ayer.
prove. Aqueduct (ak'we-dukt), s. sahiran,
Appropriate (ap-pr5'pri-et), adj. jKinchuram; (for irrigation) tali
jKidan, patut, Jayak, riinasahak ayer.
(Ar.). Aqueous (a'kwi-i/s), adj. berayer.
Appropriate (-at), v. t. (for one's Aquiline (ak'wi-lin or -lin), adj.
self) ambil bagi diri, pakaikan (of the nose) borgkok."^ beiykoh
(B.) (for a special purpose) tn-
fukan. Arab (ar'ab), s. orarg 'Arab.
Approval (-proov'al), s. kabul'^ Arabia (a-ra'bi-a), s. negri 'Arab.
( Ar. qabid), kbnaran, sudi, kredla- Arabian {-an), adj. 'Arab. The
'an (Ar.) see below.
; Aralnan Xights, s-ribu satu ma-
Approve (-proov'), v. t. (sanction, law * alf laila wa laila (Ar.).
ratify) bnarkan, kabulkan;* (be Arabic (ar'a-bik), s. bhasa 'Arab.
pleased with) berknankan, redla'i Malay written in Arabic characters,
(Ar.) ; (receive with favour) sudi- Imnif Jawi/^ Jawi.
kan. Arable (-bl), adj. yaiy di-bajak.*
Approximate (-proks'i-mat), v. i. Arable land (dry), tanah bajak*
hampir, dkat. tanah tiygala;* (irrigated) tanah
Approximately (-met-K), adv. sairah, bndarg.*
kira-kim, Ibeli-ktirarg, agak-agak, Arbiter (ar'bi-ter), s. pmbichara*
gamak^gamak."^ liakim.
Approximation (-ma'sh?m), s. lial Arbitrary (-tra-ri), adj. (at one's
mnjadi dkat. own discretion) mnurut kahandak

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, mins, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
sndiri; (despotic, tyrannical) pjy- Ardent (ar'dent), adj. (hot) panas,.
aniaiia,^ tlalim (Ar.). hargat;* (passionate, zealous) ra-
Arbitrate (-trat), y. t. hicliarakan , jin, bersuiygoh-hati, gatal tularg^
putuskan bichara, nhuafak-atkan gerarg (X.I.). Ardent spirit^
(Ar.). arak.
Arbitration (-tra'shwn), s. hal Ardour (-der), s. (heat) hargat*
mmhicharal'an, Jial muafakatkan panas; (passion, zeal) rajin, vsaha^
(Ar.). gerarg (X.I.) ragap (X.I.).
Arbitrator (-tra-ter), s. pmhicliara, Arduous (-du-?is), adj. (involving
oraiy tiyali, piyantara.^ toil) trokj (difficult) sukar* su-
Arbour (ar'ber), s. halai peraiyin- sail, mnshkil (Ar.).
an/-' punjorg* Are (ar), see be.
Arc (ark), s. hyhorg, gloiyJ^ Area (ar'i-a), s. (open space) hala-
Arcade (ar-kad'), s. smmhi hykoiy- man, tnipat la/xirg; (superficial
extent) luas, liuasan;* (tract)
Arch (arch), v. t. liyltorykanf (of bidarg.
the back) horgl-okVan. Areca (a-re'ka), s. (Areca catechu).
Arch, s. liylcory,"^' Injl-oiy batii.'^ pinarg.
Archaeology (ar'ke-ol'o-ji), s. '//- Arena (-na), s. (in a cock-fight or
7iiu'^ perkara zanian dliidu. other contest) glarggaigf (field
Archaic dludu of battle) medan (Ar.maiddn).
(ar-ka'ik), adj. yary
kola. Argue (ar'gu), v. t. bautahkan* bi^
Archangel (ark-an'jel), s. pryhulu
mlaikat. Argue, V. i. berbantah* berbicliaraf'
Archbishop bi- (dispute) bertrgkar.
(arch-bish'wp), s.

sliop bsar, ktua bishop (X.). Argument (-gu-ment), s. (reason

offered in proof) kiyata'an; (dis-
Archdeacon (-de'kn), s. padri yaiy
cussion) perbantahan*
mnolorg soraig bishop (X.).
Arched (archt), adj. berhgkorgan* Argumentative (-men'ta-tiv), adj.
(of ]>ersons) yaiy berbantah,* yarg
Archer (arch'er), s. oraty pmanah.'^
suka berbantah* bantahan;* (of a
Archery (-i), s. main panah, Hlmu
subject) yarg mndatatgkan per-
mmanah* bant ah 071*
Archetype (ar'ke-tip), s. chontoh
Argus pheasant (ar'gws fez'ant).
yarg asal, hdadan. s. kuau* kuarg ray a*
Archipelago (ar'ki-pel'a-go), s. gu- Arid (ar'id), adj. kriig, kkrirgan*
giisan pulau;'^ (of small islands) Aright (a-rif), adv. btul, drgan s-
tokory pulau.'^'
btid-nja, drgan s-patut-iya.
Architect (-tekt), s. pmta rumah,'^^ Arise v. naik;
(a-riz'), i.
tukarg plen (E.). (get up) bargun, batgkit; (from
Architecture (-tek-chur), s. 'ilmii^
sleep) sdar, bargun tidor; (spring
mmbuat rumali dan s-bagai-rya. up) biiykas;* (come above horizon
Archives (ar'klvz), s. pi. surat- or surface of land or water) iini-
siiratkrajaan, surat asal-usul. bol, terbit; (come into action or
Archway (arch'wa), s. jalan di ba- notice) tei'bit.
wall Irgkorg* Aristocracy (ar'is-tok'ra-si), s.
Arctic (ark'tik), adj. sblah utara, bargsa baik, orarg bsar-bsar.
sblah kutub utara;* see polar. Aristocrat (Tir'is-to-krat), s. oraig

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mintts, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
bei^harysa,"^ anak hailc-baik, oraty Aroma (a-ro'ma), s. bau, ban yarg
hsar-bsar. l^arom/^ bau yarg waiyi.
Aristocratic (-krat'ik), adj. laiy- Aromatic ha-
(ar'o-mat'ik), adj.
miran/^ herbargsa* hatysa baik, rom,'^ waiyi.
bal'a baik. Around (a-rownd'), prep, hlilirg.
Arithmetic (a-rith'me-tik), s. 'ilmu'^ adv. bevUilirg.
'Umu* hitoiyan, 'ilmu*
I'ira-kira, Arouse (a-rowz'), v. t. bargunkan,
I'jotkan, sdarkan, bargkitkan.
Ark (ark), s. (Xoalfs ark), bahira Arrack (ar'rflk), s. arak.
(Sk.); (ark of the covenant) ta-
but (Ar.), pti perjanjian.* Arraign (ar-ran'), v. t. d'aiva, tu-
Arm (arm), s. Irgan;
(forearm, and
often the entire limb) Arrange t. (put in or-
(-ranj'), v.
Arm of the sea, tloh. To fold the der) aturkan; together) rakit-
kan,"* rapatkan, susunkan; (as the
amis, ploh tiiboh* ploh targan
To keep at arm's length, hair) dandan;"* (as flowers in a
jauhJcan. See also l4R:^[s.
bouquet, or jewels in their setting)
kararg; (adjust, settle) slsaikan,
Arm, V. t.
Irgkapl'an drgan snjata.
Armada (ar-ma'da), s.
(B.) ; (determine) tiitu-
I'apal/^ hlrgkapan kapal.
Armadillo s.
Arrangement (-ment), s. aturan,
(ar'ma-dil'lo), trg-
peraturan, karargan, ktntuan; see
Armament (-ment), s.
alat snjata (Ar.). Arrant (ar'rant), adj. s-mata-mata.
Armchair (arm'char'), s. hursi Array (ar-ra'), v. t. (as troops)
targan,^ hrosi targan (B.). atur; (adorn) hiasi* riaskan
Armenia (ar-me'ni-a), s. negri Ar-
mini. Array, (order of battle) ikat

Armful (arm'fool), s. s-prgampu- prarg; pakaian.

an,* s-pargkuan,^ s-prgeleFan* Arrears (-rerz'), s. pi. baki hutargj^
Armistice (ar'mis-tis), s. perdamai-
The rent is in arrears, seiva dhulu
an smantara.^ bluni bayer.
Armlet (armlet), s. pontoh* Arrest (-rest'), v. t. (seize) targ-
Armour (ar'mer), s. plapek badan kap; (hinder, restrain) tahan,
bagi pprargan/^ baju bsi, baju tgah, laraig.
zirah (Hind.). Arrival (-ri'val), s. kdatargan.
Armourer (-er), s.
tid'atg snjata.
Arrive (ar-riv'), v. i. sampai, tiba,*
Armoury (-i), s. gdorg snjata, tm- datarg.
pat Sim pan snjata (B.). Arrogance (ar'ro-gans), s. som^
Armpit (arm'pit), s. Uiah, leleh boig, purgah,* tkbur (Ar. takab-
(^".I.). bur).
Arms (armz), s. pi. snjata, alat* Arrogant (-gant), adj. somborg,
ppraigan. -Small arms, snaparg. dakar,"^ purgah,'* tkbur (Ar.).
Army (ar'mi), s. tntra* bala-tn- Arrogate (-gat), v. t. d'awa diri;*
tra: 'asl-ar (Ar.). as, mnd'awa dm pandai* to arro-
Aroid (ar'oid), s. (yam) Uadi, gate wisdom to one's self.
tambohf (larger) birali,'* Jc- Arrow (ar'ro), s. anak-panali, anak
maliarg."^ busor*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min?/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Arrowroot (-root), s. sagii hlan- As (az), adv. and conj. (like) ^-
da:^ brolii* vbi garut. pertly laksana; (resembling) s'-
Arsenal (ar'se-nal), s. tnipat mm- umpaina (Sk.) ; (in the same-
huat snjata, gdoig snjata.'^ manner) s-bgiviana; (while) ser-
Arsenic (-nik), s. wamrgan (Jav.), ta* sanibil; (because, since) s~
hmrgan.'^ darg ; (for instance) sperti, mesal-
Arson (ar'sn), s. lial mmhakar ru- tya, misal-rya (B.) (Ar. mithal).
in ah dig an srgaja. As. .as.
. . . . sama. . .
.sperti. . .
Art (art), s.
hpandaiaii, prgtaliuan, As far as, sampai, lihgga/^ s-
hikmat (Ar.) (device) ujMija,'^
hirgga, takat,^ s-jauh.* A&
'al-al: (branch of learning) 'il- for, as to, akan.* As if, s'akan-
DIU.^ akaii,'^ s'olah-olali.'^ As it were,.
Artery (ar'ter-i), s. umt nadi/"' urat pnaka/^ As large as, s-bsar. As-
darah. long as (of time), s-lama, s-lagi.
Artful (art'fool), adj. clierdelc, pan- As much as, s-baiyak, s-brapa. As-
jaig 'akal, herakal, pintar (X.I.). soon as, serta* apabila/^ apakala.*
Article (ar'ti-kl), s. (clause of con- As usual, bagai s-lama, bagai slaliu
tract, etc.) bab {ki\),fasalj (com- As well as, sama sperti. You
position) karargan; (a distinct know as well as I, Uian sama iahv^
part) bliagian; (a particular one As yet, lagi. As if it were night,.
of various thino:s) perkara, bararg. s-lakii liari sudali malam. The
Articulate (ar-tik'u-let), adj. yarg same as, sama sperti. The same as
di-buiyikan diyari traiy. before, sperti sdiakala (Sk.), sperti
Articulate (-lat), v. t. butyikan s-lama.
satn-satu. Asafoetida (as'a-fe'tid-a or -fet'i-
Artifice (ar'ti-fis), s. daya, 'akal, da), s. (the gum of Ferula nar-
el all- (Ar. iiilali), dak (B.). thex) irggu.
Artificer (ar-tif'i-ser), s. iukarg, Asbestos (as-bes'tos), s. s-jnis batic
uias,'^ pandai* yatg tahan api.
Artificial (ar'ti-frsh'al), adj. per- Ascend (as-send'), v. i. t. (a hill,,
buatan mannsia; '(feigned) pura- ladder, throne) naik ; (a hill)
pura. Artificial flowers, burga daki:"^ (a tree) panjat; (a river)
kertas. Artificial teeth, gigi batu, mudek.^'
gigi palsu, gigi tarn pal (B.) ; (the Ascendency (-en-si), s. prentah^
gold between teeth) siinibi gigi. kuasa.
Artillery (ar-til'ler-i), s. (cannon) Ascension (as-sen'shwn), s. hat
7)main; (soldiers who work the naik; (of Mohammed) niirat^
guns) soldado mriam, 'askar m- (Ar. iniraj).
riam (Ar.). Ascent (-sent'), s. (act of rising)
Artisan (ar'ti-ziin).. s. tukaiy, utas.'^ hal naik; (slope) chvraman.
Artist (art'ist), s. (in general) pan- Ascertain (as'ser-trm'), v. t. dapat
dai; (painter, sculptor) pmdis, tab u.
prgukir, tiikatg gambar, iukarg Ascetic (as-set'ik), s. orarg bertapa.
Ink is. Asceticism (-i-sizm), s. pertapa'an^
Artless (-les), adj. (unskilful) ku- hal bertapa.
rarg pandai; (sincere, guileless) Ascribe (as-krib'), v. t. bilargkan^
tuhis, Jiati jenieh* liati Imirg/^ agakkan, saiykakan. His death
hati bersi (B.). was ascribed to noison, di-sawka-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,,
mirror: old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
liurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
l-an 'kna racliun. The book was Askew (a-sku'), adj. and adv. se-
ascribed to as its author, di- rotg, gen jut, beigut, erut,*'
hilaiyl-an prgarang hitab itu. Aslant (a-slant'), adj. and adv.
Ash nania pohoiv^' l-ayu di
(ash), s. merity, serget.
Eropah [pokol- (B.)]. Asleep (a-slep'), adj. and adv. ti-

Ash, s. ahu. dor; (of princes) heradu;^ (of a

Ashamed (a-shamd'), adj. malu, top) ligat. Half aslee]), terpikau^
(Ar.), tersipu-sipu. pikau/^
Ashen (ash'en), adj. (the colour) Asp (asp), s. s-jnis vJar.
Mahu. Asparagus (as-par'a-gws), s. sjMroh
Ashes (-ez), s. ahu. kras"^ (E.) ; alar farsi^'
Ashore (a-shor'), adv. (on shore) Aspect (as'pekt), s. (appearance)
di damt, mndarat;^ (aground) pmandatyan* bargun* rupa; (po-
terJiandas, tersadai;* (cast ashore, sition, direction) hala* arah. A
wrecked) terdanipar* To go a- northern aspect, mrghadap k-sblah"
shore (Xaut.), naiJc, turun, naiJc utara.
k-darat. Asperity (as-per'i-ti), s. (of sur-
Ashy (ash'i), adj. (ash-coloured) face) grutu/^ mrggrutu (B.), ksat^
klabu. kasap;'^ (of taste) klat; (of cha-
Asia (a'shi-a), s. hniia Ashia.'^ ract(ir) kasar, kras, kkrasau.
Aside (a-sid'), adv. (apart) her- Asperse (-pers'), v. t. (sprinkle)
asirg r- (to one side) di tpi, sblah. rnjis, siram ;
(calumniate) chJa-
To lay aside, shlaltJcan, tpil'an. kan, unipatkan, fitnahkan (Ar.).
To set aside (annul), tiadalun, Aspersion (-per'shun), s. lial m-
haialkan. Tostep aside, mnpi. rnjis, liaJ mnjiram, urn pat, fitn-ah
Asinine (as'i-nin), adj. s-lahu Jcal- (Ar. ) ;
see above.
dai, dgil, hodoli. Asphalt (as'falt), s. bolnrg tanah."^
Ask (ask), v. i.
(request) minia, Asphyxia (as-fiks'i-a), s. Ima-s.

jyinta;^ (inquire) hertarya, her- Asphyxiate (-at), v. t. Imaskan.

siial. Aspirant (-pir'ant), s. oranj yanj-
Ask, V. t. pinta* minta,
(request) iigiu, orarg yarg rindu.
miniakan, pohonlwi;* (demand) Aspirate (as'pi-ret),
s. buiyi nafas,.
tnntut; (question) tatya^ tanja- buryi huruf li/'"^'

kan; (invite) ajak, ajat (B.), Aspiration (-ra'shwn), s. (sound)

laira,^ jnipot, silakan;^ see ix- bunji huruf li;"^ (desire) k'irgin^
viTE. To ask a favour, srai/a,'^ an.
samhat To ask leave,
(X.L). Aspire (as-plr'), v. i. (desire, long
minta To
ask leave to go,
izin. for) irgin, rindu, gerauj (X.L),.
hermohon* minia diri* minta kpirgin (X.L).
roklisali (Ar.). To ask in mar- Ass (as), s. kaldai.
riage, pinarg.^' To ask for pay- Assail (as-Stir), v. t. Jarggar, srarg^
ment of a debt, turggu, tag eh serbn, amok.
Assailant (-ant), s. orarg yaig m^
Askance (a-skans'), adv. (with a larggar, plarggar,* prganwk."^
side glance) serorg, drgan ekor Assassin (-sas'sin), s. pnibunoh
mata;-^ (with suspicion) digan cliuri.'^
mnaroh shak.'^ To look askance, Assassinate (-at), v. t. bunoli mn^
kei-lirg* jlirg. churi-cJiuri, tikani dturi.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; lise, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Assault (-sawlf), v. t. Jarggar, Assignment (as-sin'ment), s. Z;-

f<ran), serbu, amok, tmpoh. , tniuan, pnjrahan ; see assign.

Assay (-sa'), v. t. iiji. Assimilate (-sim'i-lat), v. i. (be-
Assemblage (-sem'blej) ,
s. per- come incorporated) msra ('Sk.),
l-u ni polan-, perhim ponan .
bersatu;* (digest) hadlam (Ar.),
Assemble (-bl),v. t. humpolkan, hanckor, cherna (Sk.) (N.I.),
I'ampotgltan, li
impo7il'an.* siau (B.) (Ch.).
Assemble, v. i. herhimpon,^ her- Assimilate, v. t. (make similar)
l-u.mpol, berlwnpoig; (in crowds) samakan; (absorb) srap; (as
herJirumun, hertbat* food) hanehorkan, hadlamkaru
Assembly (-bli), s. perhumpolan , (Ar.), cherna (Sk.) (N.I.).
peril im po7ia}i* m ajlis. Assist (-sisf), V. t. tolonj, bantu,
Assent (-sent'), v. i.
(acquiesce) serta'i*
berhnari, Jcabul (Ar.). To assent Assistance (-ans), s. pertolorgan,
to (admit as true), bnarhan. bantuan.
Assert (-serf), v. t. (state positive- Assistant (-ant), s. pnoloig, pm-
ly) sbotkan, katalwi drgan tntu; baniu.
(maintain) trargkan. To assert
Assizes s. mahkamah
(-siz'ez), pi.
one's self, tnjalikan cUri/^
bsar (Ar.), kot bsar (E.).
Assertion (-ser'shmi), s. sbotan, Associate (-so'shi-et), s. (compan-
ion) kawan, sahabat, sobat (B.),
Assess (-ses'), v. t.
(valne) 7iilai-
taulan,* handai; (partner) rakan
l-an;"^taksirkan (D.) ; (tax) elm-
(Ar.) ; (member of an associ-
ation) sidarg*
Assessment (-ment), s. nilaian,^
Associate (-at), v. i.
chukai piiitu, chukai ianali, liadl
bersahabat,* berkawan, bertman;*
see above.
Assessor (-ser), s. (legal) pmbantu
Association (-si-a'shzm), s. (con-
hakim* kapitan liakwi;* (of pro-
nection) perhuborgan; (society)
perty) pnilai.'^
Assets a de-
koiysi (Ch.), kJap (E. club), per-
(as'sets), pi. (of
ceased person) herta psaka; (of a skutuan,* sharikat (Ar.).
Assort (-sort'), v. t. ashg-asirgkan
bankrupt) baki herta;'* (entire
jnis-nja,* pileh jnis-nja.
property) modal, herta.
Asseverate kata- Assortment (-ment), s. (assorted
(as-sev'er-at), v. t.

kan drgan sutggoh, surggohkati* things) bararg yarg terasirgf (a

Asseveration (-a'shzm), s. pnjmg- variety) berbagai-bagai jnis*
gohan* Assuage (-swaj'), v. t. (pain or
Assiduity (as'si-du'i-ti), s. usaha, grief) renjankan, hilargkan; (heat
or passion) kurargkan, sjokkan;
rajin, tkun, gerarg (X.I.).
Assiduous (as-sid'u-ws), adj. rajin, (appetite) liilaigkan.

berikun, berusaha, geraig (X.I.). Assume (-sum'),v. t. (take) ambil;

Assign (as-sin'), v. t. (appoint) (appropriate) pakai; (suppose)
intukan; (make over) srahkan. satgka; (take for granted) trima,
Assignation (as'sig-na'shwn), s. bnarkan* To assume responsibil-
pertmuan* (drgan niat jahat). ity for, targgoig, saiygop.
Assignee (-si-ne'), s. (in bank- Assumed (-siimd'), adj. (pretend-
ruptcy) icakil (Ar.). ed) pura-pura, muka-muka.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min?<s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Assumption (-siimp'shiai), s. (act Astronomer (as-tron'o-mer), s..

of assuming) lial mrgamhil; (sup- oranj yaiy taJiu 'ilnm'^' bintary.

position) saryl'a. Astronomy (-mi), s. 'ilniu* bin-
Assurance (-slioor'ans), s. (certain- tary.
ty) ktntuan; (confidence) yakin Astute (as-tuf), adj. panjary 'akal,.
(Ar.), hpercliayaanj* (boldness) cJierdek, bijak.'^
hrani/ ( guarantee ) p rgak iian, gren ti Asunder (a-sun'der), adv. bercJirai,
(E.) (insurance)
; insliuran, an- berasiig-asiry.'^^ Wide asunder,.
shiiran (E.). jauJi jarak-nja.^' Tq fall asunder,.
Assure (-shoor'), v. t. (make cer- jatoJi pcJiaJi-blaJi.
tain) tntukan; (guarantee) mrg- Asylum (a-sl'lian), s. (refuge) tni-
aku; (make true) surggohkan* pat berlindorg. Lunatic asylum,.
Assuredly (-^d-li), adv. tntu, s- rumah sakit gila, Jiospital gila.
sinygoh-iya.* At (at), ])rep. (in proximity to) diy
Assyria (-sir'i-a), s. neqri Aram pada, dkat; (in some state, con-
(Ar.). dition, or employment) dalam,.
Astern (a-stern'), adv. (N'aut.) (in trgaJi, as, dalam sntausa, at peace;;
the stern) di buritan; (behind a trgali bkerja, at work; (of time)
ship) di blakarg; (backward) k- pada, as, pada mida-^ya,* at first.

hlakarg. To go astern, undor. In many phrases "at*" has no-

Asthma (as'ma), s. llali, ssak dada, equivalent in Malay, as, at all,
sakit termrgah-m rgah. skali-kali; at first, dJiulu, mula-
Asthmatic (as-mat'ik), adj. sakit mida; at last, Jcmdian, akJdr-ri/a
Uah, (Ar.) ; at least, s-kiirarg-kuraiy ;
Astonish (-ton'ish), v. t. bri Jiairan, at once, serta-merta; at one, ber^
chiyaiykan, fajubkwi (Ar.). As- stuju; at present, skararg; at
tonished, Jiairan, terchrgarg, fajub times, Jiadarg-kadarg.
(Ar.). Atheism (a'the-izm), s. Jial mniada^
Astonishment (-ment), s. liairan, kan AllaJi*
chrgarg, t'ajiib (Ar.). Atheist (-ist), s. orarg yary mniada-
Astound (-townd'), v. t. (stun, stu- kan AllaJi.'^
pify) birgoiykan, klirukan. Athirst (a-thersf), adj. berdJiaya,"^'
Astounding (-ing), adj. Jiairan, Jiaus.

'ajaib (Ar.). Athlete (ath'let), s. oraiy yarg biasa

Astray (a-stra'), adj. and adv. ssat, bersnani berlumba dan s-bagai-
ksasar (^.I.). To lead astray, 5- rya.^'
satJtWi. Athletic (ath-let'ik), adj. palilaivan
Astride (-strld), adv. (as one rid- (Pers.), gagaJi. i^thletic sports,
ing) tercJiapok/^ tercJilapak;"^ linnba berlari.
(with legs apart) terkarykary. Athletics (-iks), s. pi. perlawanan
Astringent (as-trin'jent), adj. (in luniba berlari.
taste) klat; (of medicine) pnaJian Athwart (a-thwarf), prep, and adv.
buary ayer.^ lintarg, mlintarg.
Astrologers (-troFo-jerz), s. pi.
Atlas (at'las), s. kitah pta dunia.*
aJilu (Ar.), sastrawan
'n-nujum Atmosphere (at'mos-fer), s. udara^
(Sk.), aJili falak (Ar.). Jiaira.

Astrology (-ji), s. 'ilmu nujuni Atom (at'zan), s. bnda"^ yary byitu

(Ar.), 'ilmu falak (Ar.). Jialus sanipai taboleJi di-bJiayikan

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
lagi [barmy (B.)], abu atyin* Attainment (-m^'nt), s. pndapat-
jarah* (Ar. dzarrah). To crush an, perolelian.^
to atoms, liafichor-lulohkan* Not Attar (after), s. minjak atar"^ (Ar.
an atom, s-biji hanm pun t'ada* 'a'rar).
Atomize (-Iz), v. t. Tianchor-luloh- Attempt (at-temf), v. t. clioba,
I'an.'^ achii, pandu She made
Atone (a-ton'), v. i. (make repar- two or three attempts, dua tiga kali
ation for) balasl'an; (stand as an di-acliu-iya.
equivalent for) gantilwi. Attend (-tend'), v. i. (pay atten-
Atonement (-ment), s. (reconcili- tion) irgat; (be in attendance)
ation) perdamaianj (reparation, layan;"^^ (be present) liadlir (Ar.).
substitution) ganti, ganiian. To attend to, perhatikan,* pduli-
Atrocious (a-tro'sli;/s), adj. terlaJu kan, plihara, bla,* jaga.
jahat, terlalu bigis* terlalu brat, Attend, v. t. (accompany) liantar-
jaliat mmbaTcar."^ kan, iriigkan;* (wait on) layani,
Atrocity (a-tros'i-ti), s. jaliat mm- layankan; (care for) plihara, bla,*
bakar,'^ jahat mrghaiyim,^' khigis- jaga; (be present at) kadlir akan
an yaig amat saiyat/^ (Ar.).
Atrophy (at'ro-fi), s. kuriis Tcriiy, Attendance (-ans), s. (service) pla-
Jcurus mrbgkai.* yanan;* (presence) kahadliran
Attach (at-tach'), v. t. (by adhe- (Ar.).
sion) Ikatkan, tampalkan; (by Attendant (-ant), s. (servant) p-
pinning) smatkan; (by tying) layan,''' juak-juak,* kundarg;*
ikat, tambat; (by catching on a t m an ;*

( companion ) prgirirg,^
])eg or projection) sargkot; (two (female) dayarg-dayaig, inarg,*
similar things) kmbarkan: (con- kuli po (B.) '(Cii.).'
nect) liuhoig, samborg; (by ties Attendant, adj. yarg liadlir (Ar.),
of love or self-interest) dampi7y* yarg mlayan;* (consequent on)
sargkot; (seize by legal authority) yarg miyertai.'^
taJian. Attention (-ten'sh?/n), s. iigatan,
Attachment (-ment), s. (to a perliatian.'^ To pay attention,
friend or party) perdampirgan/^ taroli iryatan, perhatikan. To
pcrsahabatanj^ (connection) sarg- pay attention to (be attentive),
kotan, perhuboigan; (of pro- indahkan,* bena (Pers.) ; (con-
perty) lial mnalian. sider important) brati, bratkan.
Attack (-tak'), v. t. larggar, srarg, Attentive (-tiv), adj. (intent) ber-
serbu, amok, tmpoli, rmpoh* da- tkun, berirgat-irgat f (courteous)
targi;* (of animals) lurv* ter- berhham, beradab (x^r.).
kam; (of birds) prap;* (of evil Attenuated (-u-rit-ed), adj. (thin,
spirits) rasok;* (of diseases) hia. slender) kurus; (less viscid) clia-

Attack, s. ptyrargan, serbu, tmpoh, 'ir.

amok, Jarggaran; see above. Attest (-test'), v. t. (certify, wit-

Attain (-tan'), v. t. (achieve) ]iess saksikan;
to) (manifest)
sampaikan, lakukan* hasilkan f lyatakan, traigkan : (affirm to be
(gain) beroleh,'^ dapat. true) singgohkan,* yakan.
Attainable (-a-bl), adj. yaig boUk Attestation (at'tes-ta'shwn), s. h-
disampaikan, yarg boleh di-dapati. saksian, kryaia'an, ktraryan.

ate, ask. am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; Ose, us, minf/s, cure, injure,
hurry; fdod, foot, awfool (awful) ;' law, how, oil; thin t^en.

Attic (at'tik), s. /jam,* hileh dkat sidarg majlis,^ majlis. To grant

atap. an audience (interview), hri mrg-
Attire (at-tir'), s. pakaian, per- hadap.
hiasan* Audit (aw'dit), v. t. prehsa (kira-
Attire, v. t. (dress) hnakan pakai- kira).
an; (adorn) liiasi* riaskan (B.). Auditor (-di-ter), s. (of accounts)
Attitude (noble bear-
(at'ti-tud), s. pmreksa* kira-kira [orarg yarg
ing) sikap; (posture) gaya, ha- preksa (B.)]; (hearer) pnrgar*
rgun;* (feeling, intention) mak- oraiy yaiy mnrgar.
Slid, kasad (Ar.), hajat (Ar.). Auditorium (-tor'i-m), s. (hall of

Attorney (at-ter'ni), s. (legal assembly) runiah tmpat orarg her-

agent) tvakil (Ar.), kuasa. Power kumpol.
of attorney, surat kuasa, siirat Auger (aw'ger), s. gurdi, grodi
tcakil (Ar.). General power of (B.), bor (D.), prggerek.
attorney, surat wakil mutlak* Aught (awt), s. bararg apa, baraiy
(Ar. icakil muTlaq). s-suatn,^ apa-apa.
Attract (at-trakf), v. t. (draw to) Augment (awg-menf), v. t. tam-
farek : (influence the afl'ections) bahi, Ibehkan, banjakkan, bsarkan.
nirgamhil liati: (bring) hawa. Augmentation (awg'men-ta'shim),
Attraction (-trak'shwn), s. lial m- s. (act of augmenting) hal mnam-

narek, kuasa mnarek, bararg yarg bahi, etc., as above; (thing added)
ninarek, pnarehJ^ iambahan.
Attractive (-tiv), adj. yaixj mrg- Augur (aw'gur), v. i. (foretell from
anihU liati, yarg nirggmarkan* omens) tilck, mnilek (B.), tnorg;"^
Attribute (-trib'nt), v. t. (impute) ( betoken ) tan dakan .

hilatgkan; (ascribe) saigkakan; Augur, s. (soothsayer) pnnorg,'^ p-

^ee ASCRIBE. nilek.
Attribute (at'tri-but), s. sifat Augury (-gu-ri), s. (art of divi-

(Ar.). nation) ptnorgan,* 'ihnu sihir

Attune (at-tun'), v. t. s-talakan."^ (Ar.) ; (omen, prognostication)
Auburn (aw'bern), adj. perarg. pdah,'^ tanda, 'alamat, chogan*
Auction (awk'shwn), s. lelorg, lelarg August (aw-gusf), mtdia.adj.
(X.I.). August (aw'gwst), bulan agus,*

Auctioneer (-er), s, tukarg lelorg. bulan orarg puteh yang k-dlapan,

Audacious (aw-da'sh^ys), adj. (dar- bulan I a pan orarg puteh (B.).
ing) hrani, nekat;'^ (impudent) Aunt (ant), s. niak saudara, mah
Jjiadah (Pers.), larggar hhasa, ku- pnakan (P.).
rarg ajar, kurarg adah (Ar.) ; (in- Auricular (aw-rik'u-ler), adj. deri-
solent) horgkak* hal tlitga \kupiiy (B.)], yaiy di-
Audacity (-dc1s'i-ti), s. (daring) drgar.
bratii, nekat:^ (impudence) hia- Auriferous (-rifer-/is), adj. yarg
dab (Pers.), larggaran hhasa; (in- berisi 'mas.
solence) horgkak.-'' Auspice (aws'pis), s. (omen) p-
Audible (aw'di-bl), adj. yanj holeh dah,^ tanda, 'alamat, chogan.*
di-drgar, kdrgaran.'^ Auspicious (aws-pish's), adj. ber-
Audience (-ens), s. (act of hear- tuah, heruntorg, berbhagia (Sk.).
ing) pn/rgaran; (interview) hal Auspicious moment, ktika yarg
mrghadap; (assembly of hearers) baik, saat yatg smpurna.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Austere (-ter'), adj. hras. chbis* hruniolian'^' (fanah atau

Austerity (-ter'i-ti), s. (severit\-) ayer bhu.)
l'l-ms(UL. Avarice (-ris), s. (desire to hoard
Authentic (aw-tben'tik), adj. wealtli) hikir* cliihd* kdkut, lo-
siuggoli,,^ hnar, sail. Vek, bal-hil (Ar.) (covetousnesss) ;

Authenticate hnar- iani'a (Ar.), tmahak (B.), loba.*"

(-ti-kat), v. t.

I'au, '^urgfjohJiW(* sahl'an.

Avaricious (-rish'i(s), adv. Tcihir*-

Author (aw'ther), s. pnjamrg, mii- lol'el', I am' a (Ar. Tarn' a), tmaliak-
aliif (Ar.), yarg ampiuya chrita,^ (B.), loba.*
sahihii l-liikaijat (Ar.). A vaunt (a-vawnf), int. ryah ^
Authoritative (aw-thor'i-ta-tiv), njah-lah,* inchit.^
adj. drgan prentah, diyan hiiasa. Avenge (a-venj'), v. t. baJas, balas-

Authorit^^ s.(power) hiiasa; l-an, belahan (iSk.) ; (spitefully)

(jurisdiction, dominion) prentah; haJas dndam.
(sanction) limamn. Avenger (-er), s. pmbalas, pnuntut
Authorize v. bela
(a\v'ther-iz), t. (em-
hri huam, ivaliU-an (Ar.) ; Avenue (av'e-nu), s. (approach)
(sanction) hmrhaii, hri izin; jalan masol-; (bordered by trees)
(make legal) sahl'an. jalan naotg.'^
Autocrat Aver (a-ver'), v. t. lataVan drgan
(aw'to-krat), pmrentali s.
yarg tiada tertgali* pmrentali yarg
luutlak'^ (Ar. viuTlag). Average (av'er-ej), v. t. (reduce to
a mean) ratakan, samakan; (divide
Autograph (-graf), s. (original
manuscript) rtusl-ltah (Ar.) (sig- ;
among a number) bliagikan sama
nature) tanda iargan, M'as targan.
Automatic (-mat'ik), adj. yarg her- Average, adj. (of medium size or
t|uality) sdarg, pertrgahan* sder-
grah sndiri-rya, herpsaimt.*
liana (Sk.). -General average, k~
Automaton (aw-tom'a-ton), s. pa-
rngian yarg di-bliagikan antara ka-
tory yaig boleli hergraJr, gainhar
pal drgan 7nuatan.* 'Particular
Automobile average, krugian masirg-masirg..
(aw'to-mo'bil or -mo- On the average, pukol luta* pukol
bel'), s. matoka (E. motor oar),
mohil (X.I.).
Averse (a-vers'), adj. tasuka, ta-
Autopsy (aw'top-si), s. hal niinUah
ginar:'' ta'sudi.
ay at. Aversion s. (repug-
Autumn (aw't//m), s. mnsim huah, ]iance) gli-glma7t* gli-gmam
musitii liiroh* pennulaan mvsim
(B.); (dislike)'Z>/ir/ri; (for food)
sjol'. viuak.-' 'J'o have a feeling of
Auxiliary (awgz-iryei'-i), adj. /^m- aversion, ralat* (Ar. ghalaT).
hantu, pnolorg. Avert (a-verf), v. t. (ward off)
Avail (a-val'), v, i. (be of use) her- elakkan, tjnskan., tatgkiskan* sa-
yuna; (be of advantage) herfa'- lahkan :'^ (turn away, the face or
idak; (have foi'ce) berkuasa. Of eyes) patirg* palix.^
no avail, sia-sia, percliuina. Aviary (a'vi-a-ri), s. kurorgan bu-
Available (-a-bl), adj. yafg holeli
roig, satgkarati bsar; see cage.
di-palm. Aviation (-a'shzni), s. 'ilmu* ier^
Avalanche (av'a-lanch), s. ter- baig.

ate, ask, iim, final, care, car, carry; eve, lien, recent, mere, her, ferry j ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mins, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ;' law, how, oil; thin Ihcn.
Aviator (-a-ter), s. pnaih* lapal away. with, make
To do away
ierhanj [oraty yaiy naih (B.)]. awa}' hinasakan, hilargkan.
Avidity (a-vid'i-ti), s. (greediness) To throw away, huatg.
(jlojoh, hosorf (eagerness) raj'm, Awe (aw), s. ktakotan, dahshat
(Ar.), hebat (Ar. haibat).
Avocation (av'o-ka'sli(/n), s. p- Awesome (aw's?/m), adj. yarg mru'
h-erjaati, pnrliarian. brl dalishat (Ar.).
Avoid (a-void'), v. t. (keep away Awestruck (-struk), adj. grun.
from) jauhl'on diri deri-pada; Awful (-fool), adj. (awe inspiring)
( abstain from ) pan ta lylwi ; hebat (Ar. haibat).
(evade) ehiJcl'an ; (escape) Ipas Awhile (a-whir), adv. s-bntar, s-
deri-pada, luput.'^ ktika, s-jurus, s-saat (Ar.).
Avoidable (-a-bl), adj. yarg holeh Awkward adv.
(awk'werd), jary-
di-elak, yarg holeh di-luput.^
gal,'^ chaiggorg, kekok.
Avoirdupois (av'er-dii-poiz'), s.
Awl (awl), s. piyochok.
and adj. timhatgan hggris.
Avouch Awning (awn'ing), s. (of sail-
(a-vowcli'), v. t. (maintain
cloth) chtri (L.), tenda; (of mat-
as true) yakan,"^ suiggolil'an;'^
ting, moveable) kajanj; (of mat-
(affirm) katal'an dtgan tutu.
ting, fixed) jrubotgf (over a ped-
Avow (a-vow'), V. t. (acknowledge) dler's stall) srodorg;* (in front of
nuyaku; (declare openly) lyata- a Awning cur-
shop) perdah*
tains, perdah/^
Avowal (-al), s. prgakuan.
Await (-waf), v. t. nanti, nantikan. Awry (a-ri'), adj. serotg, erut,*
eraig-erut,* bergut, genjutS^
Awake (-wak'), v. t. hargunkan,
Axe (aks), s. (Malay pattern, the
sdarl'an, hargl'ltkan* jagal-an*
ade fastened to the handle by
ka-n jag a (
B ) , hjo tl'a n.

rattan lashings) bliorg; (the usual

Awake, v. i. hargun, jaga, sdar, ter-
])attern) kapak.
Awaken Axiom (aks'i-?/m), s. perkara yarg
(-n), v. t. hargunl-an, sdar-
kasi tertntu, perkara yarg tausah di-
I'an^ haigkitkan./^ jagalwi*
jaga (B.).
mm- Axis (-is), s. (of the earth) baJah
Awakening (-n-ing)^ s. hal
buuri;^ (of a top) paksi,^ pargsi.
hargunl'an, etc., as above.
Award v. liu- Axle (aks'l), s. gandar roda,* achi*
(a-ward'), t. putuskan
kum, putuskan hichara, jatolikan (E.).
hukum. Axle box (boks), s. gantanj-gantarg
Aware (vigilant) &er-
(-war'), adj. roda,^ kpala roda, pusat roda, bu-
iigat-irgat; (conscious) sdar, tahii. yoty roda (P.)-
Awash (-wasli'), adj. sama aras Axletree (-tre), s. rasok kreta.*
drgan ayer:* (as a rock) her- Aye (a), adv. (always) s-lama-rya,
rndam.^ s-lama-lama-nja; (yes) bahkan*
Away (-wfi'), adv. (at a distance) ya.
jauh; (absent) tiada, as, away Azimuth (az'i-m?/th), s. sukatan di
from home, tiada di rumali; (from kaki largit drgan siku deri sblah
a place) [jergi, as in the phrases, utara.'^
haica pergi, take away; sudah per- Azure (azh'ur), adj. biru muda,
gi, gone away; surah pergi, send biru laut, biru largit.

at^, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mim<s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
aliig, ulatg-alek. To give back,
knthalikan, pulaigkan. To keep
Baa (ba), v. i. (bleat as a sheep) back, tahankan.
'nil) el' /^bek. Back, V. t. (force
backwards) nndor^
Babble (bab'bl), v. i. (utter in- kan; (support, aid) bantu, tolorg;
articulate sounds) repek* mrapek To back water
(bet) bertaroh.
(B.), repet; (talk much) bletir, (rowing), abah.* To turn a boat
mletir (B.). checlier* lyanjaJi,^ m-
by backing water on one side^
lyenjeh (B.), chramali^' laij-!.'^

Babbler pletir* pnclie-

(-bier), s. Backache sakit
(bak'ilk), s. pirg-
dier* hibiran,'^ pah mletir (B.),
wok mletir (B.). Backbite (-bit), v. t. nmpat, fitnah-
Babe (bab), s. I'anak-lianak, hudak kan (Ar.).
Irhil, anak kchil.
Backbiting (-ing), s. umpat, filriak
Babel (the city) Bahil;
(ba'bel), s.
. (confused sound of voices) hisiiy, Backboard (-bord), s. (of a boai >
geger* irgar* rioh-rndah, see
CHATTER papan sandar, pnjandar.^

Backbone (-bon), s. tuJaig hlakarg;

Baboon (ba-boon'), s. hrok di negri
(the coccyx) tularg torgkerg,* tu-
larg sulbi (Ar.).
Baby (ba'bi), s. kanak-kanak, hndak
kchil, anak kcliil.
(-dor'), s. pintu hlakaig^
pinlu malirg.^
Babyhood (-hood), s. masa kcliil.
From babyhood, deri kchil. Backgammon (-gam'mwn), s. /a-
Babyish (-ish), adj. khudak -hudak-
'an, kanak-kanak (a). Background (-grownd), s. (of a

Babylon pattern) tanali dasar;* (of ground

(bab'i-lv/n), s. negri Ba-
in the rear or behind) tanait sblah

Bachelor hlakarg. To keep one's self in the-

(bach'e-ler), s. hujarg.'^
background, tarek diri.
truna,^ orarg yarg bluni kahwin
Backhanded (-handed), adj. (with
Bacillus the back of the hand) drgan hla-
(ba-sil'h/s), s. tumhohan
halus-halus yarg di-lihai karg targan; (indirect, insincere)
drgan troporg, hama, which is pro-
perly a small insect, but is also Backing (-ing), s. (lining) alasan;
used to mean pollen. (support, aid) pnibantuan, per-
Back (bak), s.
hlakarg : toloigan.
the sliouldors) tamparan ryamok;* Backscratcher (-skrach-er), s. pn-
(of a chakar,'^' pnggarok.
house, hill, island, etc.)
halek. Back of the neck, trgkok. Backsight (-sit), s. (of firearms)
To turn one's back towards a per- liar-liar.'^

son, blakaigi.'^ Lyin^^^ on one's Backside (-sld'), s. puiggorg, pan-

back, terlntarg. lal, loujkerg.
Back, adv. (in the rear) di hlakaty; Backslide (-slid), v. i.
(to the rear) k-hlakarg ; (to a for- 'i had at (Ar.).
mer place or condition) pula^g, Backstay (-sta), s. (Xaut.) tin-
knihali, There and back,
halek. berarg turut, tahan turut, perdi,.
pergi-halek. Back and forth, ularg- tali lerggarg.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minits, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Backstitch (-stich), s. ha* jahii Bag (bag), v. t. (put in bags) isi

bl-ia, stik*
(D. steel). dalani karorg ; (capture) targkap,
Backward (-werd), adv. (with the see CATCH.
back foremost) inmhlakaiT] ; (to- Bag, s. (of sack cloth) gu7ii,goni
wards the back) I'-blakanj ; (re- (B.) ; (of palm leaves, with two
versely) sunjsanj. Backwards and corners, large) karoig ; (smaller)
forwards, ularxf-aUiy , ularg-alek. kauipit, sumpit;* (with four cor-
Backward, adj. (reluctant) tasudi, ners) biijam,* kban;* (for &/a-
ta'suka; (dilatory) leixjah; (behind chan) toporg;* (of paper, for
hand) lamhat; (in growth) Jeer- cakes, etc.)kmbal;* (for clothes,
dil* eliding; (in learninor) hurarg with wooden base) buntil;* (of
plajaran, hurarg kpandaian. rattan network) rajut;* (for
Backwater (-waw-ter), s. olaJc* money, small) opaii (Ch. io-pau) ;

ajjer herolal'.* (larger) pundi-pundi, unchaig;*

Backwoods (-woodz), s. liutan di (wallet) sitak,* bokcha (Turk.) ;
ulu-ulu. (leather valise, European) bek
Backwoodsman (-man), s. orarg (E.) ; (quantity of game) per-
ulii, orarg pargan."^ olehan*
Backyard (-yard), s. halaman bJa- Bagatelle (bag'a-tel'), s. (a trifle)
I'arg,^' taiiah di hJakarg rumali. perkara yaty kcJiil-kchil; (the
Bacon (ba.'k?/n), dagirg habi sa-
s. game) meja bola smhilan.
Jai, liem (E. ham), babi hem (B.). Baggage (bag'gej), s. baratg-bararg;
Bacterium (bak-ter'i-imi), s. (pi. (of an army) perkakas prarg.
bacteria) tumbohan halus-halus Bagging (-ing), s. kain guni.
yarg dapat di-Uhat digan tropoirj, Baggy (-gi), adj. Indur/^ ber-
dan ada yarg mndatarghan pnjakit, gdabir;* (as loose trowsers)
liama, see bacillus. gdobor/^
Bad (bad), adj. (morally) jaliat; Bagpipe (-pip), s. srunai pundi-
(defective) ta'baih, Tcurarg baik; pundi*
(worn out, decayed, rotten) burok; Bah (bah), int. cUeh.
(putrid) busok; (unfortunate) Bail (bal), v. t. (water) timba,
malarg, jahat; (counterfeit) lan- chedokkan. To bail out a boat
clioig* palsu; (severe, of sickness) (Kaut.), timba ruarg.
brat, trok, pay ah ; (of wounds) Bail, V. t. (give security for a prison-
parah. A bad e^g (addled) tlor er) jaminkan, akukan, targgorgkan.
tmbjarg; (containing a dead Bail, s. jamin, prgakuan.
chicken) burgkm* A bad
tlor Bailable (bal'a-bl), adj. yarg boleh
name, nama jahat, nama Ita* di-jamin.
Badge (baj), s. (mark, token) tan- Bailer (-er), s. (bucket) timba;
da, 'alamat (Ar) ; (of police or (cup with a handle) gayorg, chen-
soldiers) marka. torg, chaniirg.*
Badger (baj'er), v. t. vsek. Bailiff (-if), s. (sheriff's deputy)
Badger, s.
'unjul (Ar.). wata-mata saman; (overseer) wfl-
Baffle (baffl), v. t. (check) tafian- dor bsar.
kan, tgahkan; (disconcert) birgorg- Bailor (bal-or'), s. orarg jamin, pn-
kan, klirukan^; (thwart) skatkan. jamin.
Baffling winds, argin beraleh-aleh* Bait (bat), v. t. (harass for sport)

argin pancharoba.'* o/a;* (feed, as horses) bri makan;

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thiu then..
(furnish bait) umpani, hiiboh um- Ball, s. (dancing party) pnarian,
pan. To bait a hook, kait umpan, pesfa mnari (N.L), majlis mnaii.
buhoh umpan, jatyhit (W.). Ballad (bal'lad), s. slia'ir.

Bait, s. umpan; (for crocodiles) Ballast (-last), s. (Xaut.) tolak

alir* umpan alir* bara; (gravel) batu klikir.
Baize (baz), s. Imn hmbli* lumli. Ballet (-Ifi), s. tandak s-kaivan, tan-
Bake (bak), v. t. (over a lire) paiy- dak s-rmpak*
(/arg; (before a fire) garggarg; (in Balloon (bal-lo5n'), s.
hot ashes) hnham; (in an oven) mlayaig, belun (E.).
balur. Ballot (bal'lwt), s. undi mmileh,
Bakehouse (bak'hows), s. rumali buah undi, surat undi.
hakar rati. Ballot, V. i.
buarg undi, migundi.
Baker (-er), s. tukarg roti. Balm (bam), s. (of resin) balsam
Bakery (-er-i), s. rumah bakar roti (Ar.) ; (that which soothes) pna-
Balance (bal'ans), s. (scales) nra- war, pnjlipor*
(ha;* (steelyard) dachiig; (any Balmy (bam'i), adj. (odoriferous)
apparatus for weighing) timbaiy- liarom* wargi; (refreshing) yarg
an; (of an account) Iheh, baki* sgarkan.
(Ar. bdqi) ; (equipoise) twibal- Balsam (bawl'sflm), s. (balm of
an* Giload) balsam (Ar.). The water
Balance, (keep in equilibrium)
v. t. balsam, inai paya. A pink balsam
timbarg, timbal;* (equal) sama'i; growing on hills, inai batu.
(adjust an account) slsaikan, slise- Balustrade (barus-trad'), s. (ma-
W(B.). sonry) kisi-kisi
batu; (of wood)
Balcony (bal'kon-i), s. anjorg* adan* skat, kelek-kelekan; (of a
branda (Port.), sotoli (Ar.j, la'- staircase) susoran targga, pmgarg
pe^ (Ch. ICiu-pV'), taigga.
Bald (bawld) adj. botak; (on the Bamboo (bam-boo'), s. buloh, aur,^
temples) suak ;* (from disease) bambu (B.), The hedge bamboo,
sulah* bubus* bulus* buloh China. The large yellow
Bale (bal), s. butgkusan, bandla bamboo, aur gadiig.* Bamboo
(Eur.). shoots, rborg. bamboo
Joints of
Bale, V. t. ikat bandla. used as buckets or boxes, taborg.
Baleful (bal'fool), adj. yaig mn- Longer bamboo buckets for carry-
datargkan bncliana, yarg mmbinasa- ing water, bach ok.*
kan, yarg mmbri niudlarat
(Ar.). Bamboozle (-zl), v. t. tipu, birgoig-
Balk (bawk), s. (beam) rasok* ba- kan, perkonunkan*
lak (D.). Ban (ban), s. (interdiction) laraig-
Balk. V. t. (frustrate) tahankan, an, pantaig; (cur,se) kutok, sum-
skatkan, tgalikan. To be balked pah.
(disappointed) , kaharajjan. Ban, V. t. (prohibit) pantargkan, la-

Balk, V. i. (stand still) chandi* rargkan; (curse) kutok, sumpaM.

Ball (bawl), s. bola; (bullet) plum; Banana (ba-na'na), s. pisarg. Ba-
(of twine) buku; (polJet rolled be- nana flower, jantorg pisatg. Dried
tween fingers) gentel; (the Malay bananas, rim pi.*
football ) se]mk-iaqa. Ball of the Band (band), s. (fastening) ptg-
eye, biji mata. Ball of the foot, ikat, ikatan ; (ornamental ferrule)
itgah tapak. sampak;* (strap, ring) rlatg,* sim-
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, ns, minus, cure, injure,
hurr}'; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
pai; (of musicians, European) Banishment (-ment), s. pri kna
hen (E.) ; (Javanese musicians) buarg negri, pnondorgan*
gamlan* 'Band of robbers, haivan Banister (-is-ter), s. pmgarg targga,
pnjamon, hnmpolan pryamon. susoran targga.
Band, v. i. (conspire) hermnafakat Bank (bangk), s. (establishment
(Ar.), pal-at. trading in money) berg (E.).
Bandage (band'ej), s. (large) ha- Bank, s. (of a river or ditch) tbirg,
rut: (small) hahd, hhat, bhatan.
tpi; (steep slope) churaman, tu-
Suspensory bandage (after circum- pis;'^ (sand bank) bnsorg btirg, :'^'

cision), tali I'lindaiTj.'^ See bind-

(separating rice fields) batas; (em-
bankment, dike) budorg."^
Bandage, v. t. band, balut, bbat.
Bank, v. t. (heap up earth) tambak,
Bandbox (-boks), s. l-otah hertas. timbo7ikan. To bank a fire, ban-
Bandit (-it), s. piyamon. tutkan api, pupok'^' api.
Bandmaster (-mast-er), s. hpala Banknote (bangk'nof), s. warg ker^
ben (E.). not (E.).
Bandolier (ban'do-ler'), s. sandaiy
Bankrupt (-rupt), adj. jatoh, benj-
ptrum* sandarg kertus* slepaty* krap (E.), baiykrut'iis.l.) (D.).
Bandy (band'i), v. t. baJas-mmbalas.
Bankruptcy (-si), s. hal jatoh.
Bandylegged (-legd), adj. l-aki
Banner (ban'ner), s. tuiggid,^
perglmr, kenjl'arg.
Bane mm' panji-panji* bndera (B.).
(ban), s. pmbinasa. yaig
bawa cMaka. Banquet (bang'kwet), s. perjamu-
an, pesta (X.I.).
Baneful (ban'fool), adj. yarg mm-
Bantam (ban'tam), s. ayam katek.
binasahan, yarg mndatargkan mu-
dlarat (Ar.).
Banter (-ter), v. t. bergurau, ber-
Bang (bang), s. (a blow) tumbok, jnaka,'^ bersnda,* lawak*

palu, pukol; (the sound, of large Bantling (bant'ling), s. kanak-ka-

objects) gerda^n-gerdom; (smaller, nak, anak kcliik (B.).
as doors and windows) dntam-dn- Banyan, s. see banian.
torn: (smaller still) kertap-kertup; Baptism (bap'tizm), s. baptis, pm-
(as iirearms) Intam-Intom; (as the baptisan (X.).
fall of a brass vessel) paig, porg : Baptize (bap-tiz'), v. t. baptiskan
see THUD. (X.).
Bang, V.t. (strike) tumbok, pukol, Bar (bar), s. (to fasten doors or
palv :
(so as to make a noise) dn- windows, short) slak, prganchirg;
tomkan. (long) srgkarg, palarg,* kaya
Bang, V. i. (strike) berantok, teran- palarg;^ (rails in a fence or gate)
tok; (the sound) berdntom. kayu mlintarg., kayu rembat*
Bang, int. dntom. pak palaiy
pagar,"^^ (bamer) f
Bangle (bang'gl), s. glaig cliri,'^^ sawar* rbaJ;* (grating of a win-
wahri* (Tam.), glarg tan/an (B.). dow) jerjak;* (closing the lower
Banian (ban'yan or ban'yan), s. part of a window) kisi-kim;* (at the
(Ficus indica) ara tampok pinarg* mouth of a river) alargan ; (coun-
ara tandok * ter over which liquors are sold)
Banish (-ish), v. t. btiaig negri, meja tmpat jual arak; (place for
biiarg bombai, tondorg* jauhkan prisoners in court) kandarg; (the
deri-pada negri. legal profession) pkerja'an pnoloig

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minits, cure, injure,
hiirry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
hichara, pl'erjaati loyar (E.). Bar berkasut, kaki terhuka, berkaki
iron, bsi batary. ayani.*
Bar, V. t. (obstruct, as with a bar- Bareheaded (-hed'ed), adj. yondol,
rier) 'mjxity, skat, galaty; (fasten tiada bertopi, tiada berkopiah.
with a bar) siykaty, kanckiiy; (ex- Barelegged (-legd), adj. btis ter-
cept) kclivalikan* huka*
Barb (barb), s. ruit,* duri pandan. Barely (-li), adv. (merely) sahaja;
Barbed wire, I'awat herduri* dawai (scarcely) hampir ia' ;
njaris* ta',
duri (B.). as, barely enough, hampir ta'chu-
Barbarian (bar-bar'i-an), s. (un- kop; barely escaped, njaris* ta'-
civilized) orary hutan, orary ja- dapat Ipas, hampir ta'lpas.
l-un; (cruel, savage) oraiy bfyis, Bargain (bar'gen), s. (agreement)
oraty tlalim (Ar.), orary Icasar perjanjian; (advantageous pur-
(B.). chase) untoiy; (some tiling bought
Barbarism (bar'ba-rizm) s. (un- cheap) barary murah. To strike a
civilized state) hal orary hutan; bargain, putuskan herya, ttapkan,
(fault in language) perhataaii jualan. Into the bargain, Ibeh
kasar. layi, basi.*
Barbarity (bar-bar'i-ti), s. hbryis- Bargain, v. i. (to beat down the
an, I'kasaran (B.), perbuatan ja- price) tawar.
hat-jahat. Barge s.
(barj), (cargo boat) toiy-
Barbarous (bar'ba-riis), adj. (un- kaiy, jo7ykory;* (Malay fiat-bot-
civilized) kasar; (cruel) biyis, tomed boat) ktiap;* (Chinese
garan/, yanas.^ boat) sampan kotak; (pleasure
Barbed (barbd), adj. berruit,^ her- boat for a raja) lanchary,* yebeiy,*
duri. Barbed wire, kaivat berduri, prahu knaikan; (for his atten-
dawai duri (B.). dants) peJarg.*
Barber (bar'ber), s. titkary cliukor, Bargepole s. yalah.
tukary yuntiry. Bark (bark),(of a tree) kulit

Barbet (bar'bet), s. buro)y pkaka kayu; (for tanning) kulit samak;*

hutan* buroiy pkaka rimba* (sound of a dog) salak, mryalak
Bard (bard), s. pryarary shair. (B.), kotrjkory; (the vessel) see
Bare (bar), v. t. buka, ddah, btyai* BARQUE.
Bare, adj. (deprived of covering, as Bark, v. i. (of a dog) salak, nmjolak
the head or hills) yondol, lokosj* (B.), korykoty.
(of trees) reryyes* lokos* botak Bark, v. t. (remove the bark from)
(B.) ; (naked) tJanjaiy, boyil,* kopak, kupaskan; (in strips) soyak,
hulns;* (exposed, but not absolute- siat, soyat;* (rub off skin) ylu-
ly naked) terhuka, terddah; (only pas.
just) hatya,* chuma, as, only a Bar-keeper (bar'kep-er), s. oraty
bare living, hanja''" chukop niakan jual arak.
salt a/a \cliuma
(B.)]. Barley (-li), s. slia'ir (Ar.). Pearl
Bareback (bar'bak), adv. tiada ber- bai'ley, bras Blanda.
plana* tiada bersela* Barmaid (-mad), s. prempuan jual
Barefaced (-fasd), adj. (shameless) arak.
muka tbal, muka slarnba, muka pa- Barm (barm), s. rayi.
pan. Barn (barn), s. (Malay rice store)
Barefooted (-foot-ed), adj. tiada Irykiatg* jlapaty,* brmban* ba-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Zo/i,* hnilonj (P.)? lumhorg (the metal which serves as a found'-
(X.I.), see Bix; (any store) ation for plating) snam*
gdory, gudarg, hygiLan;"^ (shed) Base, V. t. alaskan.
hanjsal. Baseless (ba-s'les), adj. tiada her^
Barnacle (bar'na-kl), s. (sessile) sbab, tiada beralas.
teritip; (stalked) gugidan^' Basement (-ment), s. tergkat ru'
Barometer (ba-rom'e-ter), s. p- mail yarg masok k-tanah.
nimharr/ udara. Bashful (bash'fool), adj. kmalu-
Baron (bar'^/n),paigTcat s. suatu maluan, ksipu-sipvan, ta'lpas la-
hargsawan orarg Eropali, see duke. ku^
Baronet (-et), s. pargJcat yaig di Basil (baz'il), s. (Ocymum basil-
hawah baron/' icum) slaseh antan, imku-ruku*
Barque (bark), s. l^apal dua tiarg s- Basin (ba'sn), s. (metal) bokor*
trgah. bajan* loyarg ; (earthenware)
Barracks (bar'iaks), s. haret (E.), margkok, pasu, paso (B.).
rumah soldado, iargsi (X.I.). Basis (-sis), s. (principal compon-
Barrel (-rel), s. (cask) toig, pi]xif ent) z&m;' (fundamental principle)
(of a gun) Jaras. Double barrel- alas, pokok.
led gun, snaparg dua laras, snaparg Bask (bask), v. t. (in the sun) ber-
kmhar. jmor.
Barren (-ren), adj. (childless) Basket (bas'ket), s. (coarse, open
mandul* taberanak (B.) ; (of plaiting, as follows in order of
raga^ krun^
land) huriis, dargl'ol.'^ size) kranjarg, jaras,
Barricade (-ri-kad'), s. skat, 'm- kumbu,*
toig,* trgka-
parg, saivar.'^ larg;* (close plaiting) srok,"*" ba-
Barricade, v. t. rhat,"^ 'mparg. kul, potgkis, rantarg,^ targkil,*
Barrier (-ri-er), s. skatan, pagar, kudai,* tenorgf (carried on the
saivavf (leaves, etc., hung as a back) galas,* rargkiiy,'^ katarg,*
sign to bar the way) gawar* jargki,* amborg,* garirg;"* (in sets,
Barring (bar'ring), prep, (except- one inside another) romborg; (on
ing) mJainkan, liaiya.'^ a pole for gathering fruit) sarg-
Barrister (bar'ris-ter), s. pguam* gorg;* (for setting round-bottomed
pnoJorg Uchara, loyar (E.), see pots in) Ikar. To begin to make
LAWYER. a basket, /fl/rt.*
Barrow (-ro), s. kreta sororg, Jcreta Bass (has), adj. (of the voice) m-
tolaJc. rrgkorg,* bam (Ar.).
Barter (bar'ter), v. t. tukar. Bassinet (bas'si-nef), s. (cradle)
Basalt (ba'sawlt or ba-sawlt'), s. buaian rotan, bo-bue rotan (B.),
bat II marmar hitam* ayunan rotan,"^ 'ndul ragaJ^
Basal (ba'sal), adj. asal (a), deri' Bast (bast), s. (of the banana tree)
pada asal. tali pisarg, slisir;'^ (of palms) sam- ,

Base (bas), adj. (morally low) lyi* pil*

biisoh (B.). Bastard (bas'terd), s. anak tanikali,
Base, (foundation) alas; (pedes-
s. anak zina, anak gamparg, anak
tal) tapaJc: (the lower part, as of siindal; (child of a concubine)
walls or pillars) kaki; (of trees) anak gundek. As a term of abuse,

pargkal; (essential part) pokok; karam-zadah, anak liaram.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin then.
Baste (bast), v. t. (cudgel) hatitai, Batter, v. t. (beat repeatedly) titeh,
pukol, gasah; (in cooking) clie- ktok, tinnbok; (demolish) rmok-
rher* d}xjan Imak; (in sewing) kan, hanclior.
jlujor, lari hnmy. Battered (-terd), adj. (demolish-
Bastinado (bas'ti-na'do), s. ssah ed) rmok; (dented) Ikok, kniok-
tapak I'aki. kmek*
Bastion (bas'chwn), s. slekoli kota* Battering-ram (-ing-ram'), s. p-
Uluin (Tarn.). numbok tembok kota.
Bat (bat), (the large fruit bat)
s. Battery (-i), s. (fort) kubu, benterg
hliiatg, (the common
k'lanibit;* (X.I.) ; (of artillery) pasokan in-
small bat) Mlaivar/^ hlawar, Jcla- rianu; (electric) obat talipon;
war-lawar;^' (a smaller species) h- (stamps for ore) pnumbok karaty.
Battle (bat'tl), s. prntg, ppfwgan.
Batavia (ba-ta'vi-a), s. Btawi. Battle, V. i. berprarg, berlawan.
Batch (bach), s. (of bread) s-kali Battle-axe (aks), s. kapak pprargan,
hal'ar; (group or collection of (hi pan*

things) s-lotygol', s-rmpah/^ s-tom- Battlefield (-feld), s. medan ppraiy-

pok; (of persons) s-kawan, s-kum- an, padaty pprargan.
pol. Battlement (-ment), s. kmunchah
Bath (bath), s. (receptacle) haldi tembok i/arg berchlah-chlah.
mandi;'^ (act of bathing) mandi. Battue (bat'too) s. perburnan.
Bathe (hiith), v. i. mandi; (of royal- Bauble (baw'bl), s. perhiasan yarg
ty)bersiram* murali.
Bathe,v. t. mandikan. Baulk (bawk), s. balak (D.), rasok*
Bathing cloth (ba^/i'ing clawth), batarg kayu.
s. ka'm hasaJian, kain hasali, cliokin Bawd (bawd), s. alku, barua, pinary
(Ch. chho'-kun), clitikin (B.). mud a (P.).
Bathos (ba'thos), s. perkara hsar- Bawl (bawl), v. i. bertriak-triak, pit,
bsar di-tamfkan diyan yarg hukan- mnjret (B.), pkek, kriau (P.).
hukan, s-hirgga mmhri tertaiva.^ Bay (ba), adj. (of horses) merah.
Bathroom (bath'room), s. tmpat Bay, s, tlok; (very small) suak;*
mandi, hilek p&rmandian, kamar (division of a structure between
mandi (N.I.). pillars) ruaig f
(laurel tree) po-
Baton (bat'wn), s. torgkat khsaran lion salam;* (prolonged barking)

iiarg di-pakai oleli prglima prarg, koigkorg. At bay '(facing assail-

torgkat kpala hen (E. band) ; (po- ant), bertalian, mlaivan, mnntaiy.
liceman's) blantan* torgkat tvariri Bay, V. i. (prolonged barking) kory-
(E. warrant). kory.
Battalion (ba-tary-?m), s. pasokan Bayonet (ba'o-net), s. mata sarg-
s-ribu. kor* pdarg snapaig (B.).
Batten (bat'tn), s. broti, kai/u pak* Bay window (win-do), s. jndela
Batten, v. t. To batten down a mrganjiir* iirgkap mryoroiy*
hatch, tutop palkah (L.), tutop Bazaar (ba-zar'), s. (market) pasar,
gladak. pkan*
Batter (-ter), s. (in cooking) adon- Be (be), v. i. (exist, be present)
an* berchampnr tlor, susu, dan s- ada; (exist in a certain manner or
bagai-rya. relation) jadi: (take place, hap-
Batter, s. (slope) churaman. pen) jadi; (as passive auxilliary)

ate, ask, Tiin, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mini/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Icna, as, he was beaten, dia Ten a (endure) talian, drita (Sk.), targ-
pnkol; (with present participles) gorg; (bring forth children) ber-
trgahj sdarg, as, he is sleeping, dia anak; (of royalty) bersalin; (bring
trgah tidor. To be oft", pergi. Be forth fruit) berbudli, klnarkan
off! 7yah-lah,* hinchit* beramhus, bvah. To bear arms, pakai snjata.
tlunjlxop-lah.^ To bear down (as a woman in
Beach (beeh), s. panted. labour), tran. To bear mind, m
Beach, (^aut.) kandaskan.
v. t. irgat. To bear malice, mnaroh dn-
Beachcomber (bech'kom-er), s. dam. To bear off, baiva pergi.
oranj bargsat, oraiy hanjut. To bear with, sabarkaiv. To bear
Beacon (be'kn), s. (pole on or near witness, bersaksi, naik saksi. Can-
shore) bairvp;* (to guide fisher- not bear, tiada lamt, tiada rut*
men) tanda, pancliaig. taboleli talian. See also under
Bead (bed), (perforated ball)
manek, manek-manek ; (of liquid Bear, v. i. (produce fruit) berbuah;

or molten metal or glass) titekr (refer or relate to) kna-mrgna. It

'Coral beads, merjan.'* string of A bears due north (Naut.), hala-n/a
beads for prayer, tasbeh (Ar.). utara tpat. To bear away (Kaut.),
Beading (bed'ihg), s. (ornamental turut. To bear up (be firm), ber-
edging) lis (D. lijst), kumai* ttap liati.

Beak (bek), s. (of a bird) paroh* Bearable (bar'a-bl), adj. yarg ter-
Beaker (belv'er), s. (cup with a drita (Sk.), yarg dapat di-tahan.
foot) pialaj^ Beard (herd), s. jaiygot.
Beam (bem), s. balak (D.), batarg Beard, v. lawan berliadapan, tn-

kayu: (supporting fioor-joists) targ, laican bersmiika*

rasok;"^ (floor joists) glgar;"^ (wall Bearded (berd'ed), adj. berjarggot.
plate) alarg* tutop tiarg; (roof Beardless (-les), adj. tiada berjarg-
tie beams) kasau;* (beam of a got.
plough) iaigkai bajak, kmudi ba- Bearer (bar'er), s. (one who car-
jak, tatgkai trggala (P.) (Pk.) ; ries) pmbaiua; (at funerals) prg-
(of a loom) psa;'^ (of an an- usoig r}iayat.*
chor) batary sanh; (of light) sinar, Bearing (-ing), s. (deportment)
clialiya; (width of a ship) bulca. gaya, bargun;* (good or noble ap-
On its beams ends (Naut.), t^r- pearance) siZ'a/?; (behaviour) laku*
srendeig. terykali-laku ; (meaning) arti; (di-
Beam, v. i. bersinar. rection) hala;* (journals in ma-
Beamy (bem'i), adj. (Naut.) bun- chinery) lobarg ganda 7'oda.*
tak. Bearing rein (ran), s. ras lipat.
Bean (ben), s. kacharg. French Beast (best), s. binatarg, haiwan
beans, kachaiy pendek. Kidney (Ar.) ;(wild animals in general)
'beanSj kacharg bunchis'^ (D.)- mergastua (Sk.).
Yam bean, ubi srgktiary* Bean Beastly (best'H), s. (degraded)
sprouts, kchambaJi* tauge (Ch. kji,"^ hina, bagai binatarg.

tau-ge). Beat (bet), v. t. (generally) piikol,

Bear (bar), s. bruarg. The Great Jin tarn; (with a stick) palu,
Bear, bintarg bidok* bintarg jorg* korg;"^ (a heavy stick) godam;'^
Bear, v. t. (carry) bawa, bawak (with something pliable) sbat,
(B.) ; (support, sustain) targgorg; ssah; (slang words) gasak, halian,*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, more, her, ferry; ice, it, fire
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, mim<s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin th^u.
balun* hdal, hantai; (with the Beautify (-fi), v. t. (make beauti-
fist) (as a woman) go-
tumhol'; ful) elokkanj* (adorn) liia><i/^

choh;* (grain in threshing, or riaskan (B.), adon*

clothes in washing, or as waves) Beauty (bu'ti), s. k'elokan. Beauty
hantifxj; (asthah;* (as
carpets) spot, talii Mat, talk lalat (B.).
drums) pukol, palu,* titir* tpok; Becalm (be-kam'), v. t. tdolikan.
(in a mortar) tumhok; (on an Becalmed (-kamd'), adj. (N^aut.)
anvil) tmpa, titek; (overcome) kmatian atyin.
alahl-an* kalahkan (B.). To Because (-kawz'), conj. sbab, kenia.
beat down (in price), tawar. To Because of, prep, oleh,* ohh sbab,*
beat up (as eggs), pukol, ham* deri sbab, fasal, lantaran (N.I.).
puiar, pudi;* (up and down) Beche de mer (bash'de-mar'), s.
^njut. To beat the breast, tbah tiijMtg, gam at,* haisom (B.)
dada,* tanipar dada, tpok dada. (Ch.).
To beat time on a drum, teiykah.'^ Beclc (bek), s. sogok,* isarat (Ar.
Beat, (throb) berdbar; (as wind
V. i. ishdrai).
or waves) tmpoh, bantity; (Naut. Beckon (bek'n), v. t. sogok,* bri
= tack) berpal-pal, buaiy prai. isarat (Ar. islidrat), isaratkan; (by
Beat, s. (stroke) jmIu; (pulsation) weaving the hand or some object)
dbar, dtuyut;* (of music) sajak lambai; (with the fingers) gamit;*
(Ar. saj'a) ; (round of a watch- (with one finger) knit.
man) sambajy.'^' Becloud (-klowd'), v. t. klamkan,*
Beaten (bet'n), adj. (vanquished) glapkan.
kalali, tewas;* (of metal) tnipa- Become (-kum') v. i. jadi, mnjadi.
'an* tmpawan* To become a Moslem, niasok Islam,
Beating (-ing), s. (act of striking) masok Mlayu.
hal mmukol, hal nunalu, etc., see Become, v. t. (suit, match) padan.
beat; (pulsation) dnnjut* dbar; Becoming adj. (appropri-
(tacking) berpal-pal, buary prai. ate) padan, patiit, kna, layak; (de-
Beatific (be-a-tif'ik), adj. yarg corous) snonoh.
mmbhayiakan '(Sk.), yary nuyuka- Bed (bed), s. (gen.) tmpat tidor;
kan. (of princes) peraduan;* (bed-
Beatify (be-at'i-fi), v. t. (regard stead) ranjarg, katil;* (made of
as happy) bilatykan bliagia (vSk.), wood) gta;* (raised platform for
bilarykan untoiy (B.) ; (make hap- sleeping on) pntas;* (bridal bed)
py) bhagiakan (Sk.) ; (E.G.) ma- plamin,* ranjarg kmantin (B.) ;
sokkan dalam bilaryan oraiy kra- (mattress) tilam; (of a river)
mat. palo?y suryai;* (of gardens)
Beatitude (be-at'i-tud), s. (happi- petak; (foundation) alasan. To
ness) bhagia (Sk.), sntosa. be in bed, tidor. Bed rock, batu
Beau (bo), s. (dandy) si kachak, hampar,* dadur.* To go to bed,
psolek* bisai;* (lover) kkaselt. masok klambu, peryi tidor* (speak-
Beauteous (bu'ti-i/s), adj. elok,* ing to a child) pergi bam.*
tnolek. Bed, V. t. (set in earth) tanam,
Beautiful (-fool), adj. elok* molek, bnam.
chantek, bagiis; (of places) per- Bedaub (be-dawb'), v. t. linnorkan;
mai;* (of things, words or appear- (slightly, as with the finger) pa-
ance) indah. lit,* clialit.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minits, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin i/ien.
Bedbug (bed'buo-)? s. pijat-pijat, make a bee line, nirgunibarg {kum-
kutu- husok, I'pindinj (N.I.), ha sat harg).
(B.) (Cli. hat-sat). Beer (ber), ^. hlr (E.).
Bedchamber (-cham-ber), s. hiJel: Bees-nest (bez'nest), s. sararg Ihah,
ticlor: (of princes) hileJv peradu- skilarg;* (abandoned) samharg.*
an/^ Beeswax (-waks), s. lilin Ihah, li-
Bedclothes (-klo//iz), s. (sheet) lin samhaig.^
chadar (Hind.) ; (covering) sli- Beet (bet), s. lohak hitani.
mui, ghar.'" Beetle (be'tl), s. kumharg.
Bedding (-ding), s. (native) tiJcar- Befall (be-fawl'), v. t. datarg atas,
hantal; (mattress) tilain; (for a herlaku aias,* kna.
hinclia/^ Befall, V. i.
jadi, herlaku,^ ter-
Bedeck (be-dek'), v. t. liiasi,'^ rias dorongf"' datarg.
(B.). Befitting (-fit'ting), adj. padan,
Bedew (-dfi'), 'mhunkan, ha-
v. t. patut, I a yak.
sahJi-an spevti dnjan 'inhun. To Befog (-fog'), V. t. kahuskan.''
be bedewed, hna 'mhun, her'mhun. Before (-for'), prep, (of place) di
Bedim (-dim'), v. t. (make dim) hadapan, dpan, di miika; (of
kahusl-an;* (obscure) klamlwi.^ time) s-hlum, dhulu deri-pada;
Bedlam (bed'lam), s. (madhouse) (facing) tntatg, hertntargan drg-
rumah sahit of
an. Before long, tiada hrapa
gila; (place up-
lama, tiada herlanjut masa.*
roar) tmpat huru-liam.
Bedouin s. omrg B- Before, adv. (of place) di hadapan,
dawi (Ar.). dpan, di muka; (of time) dhulu;
(earlier) Iheh dhulu, terdhulu;
Bedpost (-post), s. tlatg 'katil,'^
(already) memarg, sdia. As be-
tiarg ranjarg.
fore, sperH sdiakala (Sk.), sperti
Bedraggle (be-drag'gl), v. t. glu-
Bedridden Before, conj. s-hlum, dhulu deri-
(bed'rid-dn), adj. sahit
fa hoi eh hargun, sakit terhampar* Beforehand (-hand), adv. ter-
Bedroom (-room), s. hiJeh tidor; dhulu.
(of princes) hilek peraduan.'^
Befoul (be-fowl'), v. t. chmarkan,
Bedsore (-sor), s. lechet* shah lama
najiskan, kotorkan.
terharirg [mlechet (B.)]. Befriend v. t.
(-frend'), toloty,
Bedstead (-sted), katil* ranjarg.
Bee (be), s. (honey bee) Ihah; Beg (beg), v. t. (ask) minta, jnnta;*
(smaller species) l-lulut* hram* To
(make a petition) poho?ikan.*
Ihah lalat (B.) ; (carpenter bee) pardon, minta maliap (Ar.
l-umharg. ma'df), minta am pun. To beg to
Beef (bef), s. dagirg Imhu. be excused, minta diri.^
Beefsteak (bef'stak'), s. s-potoirj Beg, V. i. (ask alms) minta sdkah,
dagirg Imhu, histek (E.). dadok,* kicliak (Oh. khit chidh).
Beehive (be'hiv), s. rumah Ihah. Beget (be-gef), v. t. heranakkan.
Beehunter (-hunt-er), s. pawaig Beggar (beg'ger), s.
oraiy yarg
Ihah. minta sdkah, oratg kichak (Ch.) ;
Bee line (-iTn), s. jalan mmutus,'^ (religious mendicant) fakir (Ar.),
jalan mnntas* jalan mrgat.* To daru'ish (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it,' fire'
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minj/s, cure, injure
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

v. time) blakarg, terkrndian. Left

Beggar, t. (make poor) papa-
knn behi nd, ktirggalan
;* (make inadeciiiate, surpass)

Jbehl Behindhand (-hand), adv. (in

Beggarly (-H), adj. (poor) mislin, time) terkmdian, teral'hir (Ar.) ;

pa])a;'^ (contemptible) liina, Ua* (tardv) lambat, lewat.

nmlai; Behold (-hold'), v. t. (look at)
Begin (be-gin'), a*, i. t.

fergok, pandaig, kleh (P.) ; (see)

(inweaving mats) lagargf (in
making baskets) iaja*
Behold, int. tcrgok, ienjok-ldh.
Beginner (-er), s. orarg yaty hharu
Beholden (-hold'n), adj. (bound
i, orarg hliaru hiajar.
in gratitude) yaig mnrima kaseh:
Beginning (-ing), s. inula, per-
awal (indebted) berliutaig kaseh.
muJaan, (Ar.) ;
Beholder (-er), s. oraig yarg m-
(origin) aj<aL From the
very be-
lihal, pneigok.
ginning, dcri awal pertama-rya.*
Behove (-hov'), v. t. patut, hndak^
Begone (-gon'), int.
ryak* niali- liar us, IV a jib
lah* inchit* (Ar.).
heramhus, mrgam-
bus Being (be'ing), s. (existence) k'^
(B.), pergi-lali.
ada'an; (a living thing) kjadian^
Begrime (-grim'), v. t. berslekeh-
maJihlok (Ar.).
kan* Belabour v. t.
(be-la'ber), (beat
Begrudge (-grnj'), v. t. (regret ex-
soundly) baniai, bdal, gasak, Jin^
penditure) sayarg.
tarn, tuMrg.
Beguile (-gH'), v. t. tipu, perdaya- Belated (-lat'ed), adj. lewat.
kan,-^ ssatkafi.
Belay (-la'), v. t. (^aut.) tambat^
Behalf (-haf ), s. In behalf of, ker- ikat.
bagi pihak.'^
f)a, akaii/^'
Belaying pin (-ing pin), s.
Behave (-hav'), v. i. berlakU; m-
(Xaut.) tol, tiili-hili.
laknkan din, baica diri. Belch (belch), v. i. serdawa, sndawa
Behaviour (-yer), s. laku, klakuan, (B.). To belch forth (emit),
prargai, feel (Ar.), tergkah-ldku, kluarkan, smborkan-; (vomit)
tlaiah.'^ i^ninialikan.
Behead (be-hed'), v. t. prggal* le-
Beleaguer (be-le'ger), v. t. kpoiy^
liir, panchorg kpala, tndas* kvala, iidergkorgi.
potorg kpala, iampaiy'^ JcpaJa, krat Belfry (bel'fri), s. baigun-bargun^
kpala. an loclieig, rumah locherg.
Behest (-hesf), s. liuhum, psari; Belie (be-l'i'), v. t. dustakan (Sk.)^
(of a king) titali/^
Behind (-hind'), prep, di blakarg, Belief (-lef), s. perchaya, iman
di balek; (if motion is implied) (Ar.) ; (creed, religion) agama.
k-blakarg, k-balek ; as, he went bo- ugama,^ igania.
hind the hill, dia pergi k-baiek Believe (-lev'), v. t. (regard as
hnkit. Behind the door, di balek perchaya; (place confidence
pintu. One behind another, ber- in) liarap, yakinkan'^ (Ar. yaqln).
irirg-irirg. berbiintut-bnntut, ber- Believe, v. i. (think, suppose) fikir,.
tovda-tonda* Behind one's back, sargka. To believe in (have re-
Hada s-ialiu. ligious faith in), perchaya akan;
Behind, adv. (of place) di blakarg ; (have confidence in) yakinkan
(towards the back) k-blakarg; (of (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, fiual, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, ns, min?/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (av. ful) ; law, Low, oil; thin then.

Believer (-er), s. (religions)

Beloved (-luv'ed), s. kkaseh, chin-
bprinicuh (Ar.), orarg mumin ia, ksayargan, biiah liati.
Below (-15'), prep, and adv. bawah,
Belittle lunakan, l-ji-
v. t. di bawah, terkbawah; (when mo-
tion is implied) k-bawali ; (down
Z-fl//,* l-<hUl-an, rndald'an; retyan-
stream) sblali hilir.
Bell s.lonclierg*
Belt (belt), s. (girdle) ikat pirg-
(bel). lochety,,
l/nta;* (cow-bell) l-runtur/* Jcron- yary; (with cla^p) tali pndiry; (a
ckoiy; (miniature bells) giruy- long cloth) brykorg; (sword heLt
worn over the shoulder) sandaiy.*
Bellicose adj. yary Belting (belt'ing), s. (of machin-
ei'y) tali psawat,* tali jntra.
suka herpratg.
Beluchistan (be-loo'chi-stan'), s.
Belligerent (bel-lij'er-<^nt), adj.
negri Balclii.
jjarg herprary.
Bell metal (bel'met-al), s. loijary*
Bemoan (be-mon'), v. t. (by wail-
ing) ratapkan; (pity) kasehankan,
gargsa,* tmhaga prurggu*
ksiankan (B.) ; (lament) ssalkan.
Bell-mouthed, adj. muhit herl'cliU' Bench (bench), s. (long seat) barg-
kii; (trestle) kiida-kuda; (work-
Bellow (bel'lo), v. i. (of cattle)
mankind) man's) meja tiikaty, meja bindu;*
l-uak",^ mryuah"f (of
(judge's seat) kiirsi bichara:
raorg, nira'ory (B) ; (of wind)
(court of justice) rnajlis bichara,
mndru (B.).
mahkamali (Ar. ).
Bellows (bel'loz), s. puputan* hm- Bend (bend), v. t. (curve slightly)
hiimn/^ prghmhus'/^ tiop-tiop apt Intor* bntor;--' (sharply) bntok;^
(B.). (bend down under pressure) In-
Belly (-11), s. prot. diit* Idory* To bend the knee,
Bellyache (-ak), s. saJcit prot, sal-it
lipat liitiit. To bend dow^n (bow
mmulds, mulaSy snak; see colic.
the head), tundokkan.
Bellyband (-band), (of a horse) s.
Bend, v. i. (be crooked or curving as
iaJi prot; (of children) Ijarut; (of a river) lergkoig; (as trees with
an elephant) tali rnut.^ wind) layali.^ To bend down
Bellyful (-fool), s. To have one's
(the body), tundok: (boughs of a
bellyful, jmu, mual\^ tree) Impai,* llai;"^ (with fruit)
Belong (be the pro-
(be-long'), v.
Inyot* To bend the body (side-
perty of) jadi milek (Ar.), am- ways) leiyyok; (in any direction)
piLujaf^ pii^ya, in such phrases as, I a yah. ^
it belongs to me, aku-Jah yarg am- Bend. s. (in a stick, etc.) klok*
plifya dia, la-lali milek-ku, itu bergkok (B.)
kalok,"" bntok,'' (in ;

mliija punja (B.) ; (be connected a road or river) slekoli,'^ lergkok*

witii) wasok,
jadi sidafy* jadi bliku* be/tgkok (B.) ; (in a kris)
member (B.), as, he belongs to lok.*
that club, dia jadi sidary perskutu- Beneath (be-neth'), prep, and adv.
an if 11. di bawah;(unworthy of) tiada
Belongings (-ingz). s. lierta bnda, layak, tiada padan.
hak (Ar.), milek (Ar.) : as, these Benediction (ben'e-dik'shim), s.

are my belongings, ini-lah liak hcrkaf.

mhya. Benefaction (-fak'shttn), s. (bene-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
fit conferred) lihajikan, khaikan Bent, s. (tendency of the mind)
(B.) ; (gift) kuniia (Sk.), derma chndrorg liati, cliondroig liati (B.).
(Sk.). Benumbed (be-numd'), adj.
Benefactor (-ter), s. yaty mmhuat (slightly) t<har, khas; (more)
khajikan, orarg demmwan (Sk.). lali.*
Benefice (-fis), s. wakaf (Ar.). Benzine (ben-zen'), s. miiyak hen^
Beneficence (be-nefi-sens), s. zin.
(kindness) kiuurahan; (good Benzoin (-zoin), s. (sty rax ben-
deeds) kbajikan, khaikan (B.). zoin) kmnnjan, niryan (X.I.).
Beneficent (-sent), adj. (kind) Bequeath (be-kwet'h'), v. t. (by
murali liati; (producing good) will) irasiatkan (Ar.) ; (leave to-

yarg mmhuat kbajikan. l)osterity ) tiiggalkan .

Beneficial (ben'e-fish'al), adj. her- Bequest (-kwesf), s. ivasiat (Ar.).

guna, herfaidah. Bereave (-revl), v. t. (deprive of)
Benefit (-fit), s. (favour, act of hilargkan, putuskan ; (by death, of
kindness) kurnia (Sk.), khajikan; children, etc.) pupnskan*
(advantage, profit) fa'idah, un- Bereft (reft'), see bereave.
torg. Beri-beri (ber'i-ber-i), s. pryakit
Benefit, v. t. (be beneficial to) hri smhap kaki, hasal* hiri-hiri.
faidah, hri union). Berry (ber'ri), s. huali kcliil, sperti
Benefit, v. i. (gain advantage) ho.r- km-untirg, mata kucliirg dan s^
oleh untoig/-' dapat untorg, her- bagai-rya.
untorg, herfa'idali. Berth (berth), s. (appointed place)
Benevolence (be-nev'o-lens), s. tmpat; (sleeping place) tmpat
(good will) prgasehan, kmurahan; tidor, pntas;* (employment) pker-
(act of kindness) khajikan, khaik- ja'an.
an (B.). Beseech (be-sech'), v. t. polion^
Benevolent (-lent), adj. herprg- kan,* minta sargat, minta haryak^
aselian, murali liati. Ijaryak.
Bengal (beng-gal'), s. negri Brg- Beset (-set'), v. t. (press in upon)
gaJa. impit, em pet (B.) ; (surround)
Bengalee (-i), s. orarg BiggaU. lergkorg,* krumuni; (as enemies)
Benighted (be-nlt'ed), adj. (over- kporg.
taken by darkness) kmalaman, Beside (-sid'), prep, (at the side-
kgla])an, ksilaman.'^ of) di sisi,* di tpi; (near) dkat;
Benign (-nin'), adj. hnhot liati, (over and above) lain deri-pada^
murali liati; (of diseases) rergan. To be beside one's self with anger^
Benignant (-nig'nant), adj. murali lupakan diri.
liati. Beside, Besides (be-s!dz'), adv.
Bent (bent), adj. (of the body (more than that) lain lagi, lagi
backwards) kdek,* ldiig;* (down- pula: (moreover) tamhahan pula^
wards) horgkok : (sideways) herg- lagi pun.
kok; (concave) Intek ; (warped) Besiege (-sej'), v. t. kporg.
Idirg;"^' (up and down) horgkok- Besmear (-smer'), v. t. lumorkan,
kdek;* (zigzag) hiarg-hiut,* herg- palit:* (slightly) chalit.*
karg-hergkok, hergkak-he7gkok{B. ) , Besmirch (-smerch'), v. t. chmar^
kelajg-kelok;'^' (crooked) end,* kan; (as reputation) husokkan
hergut. nama.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, miuHS, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t7?en.
Besot (-sot'), V. t. biigorgkan. Betel tray (tra), s. (of metal)
Bespatter (-spat'ter), v. t. percliek jorotg;^^ (witli a foot) chranaf'
drgan chmar; (intentionally) //<- (boat shaped) chrana bidok*
jis dnjan rliniar. Bethink (be-thingk'), v. t. Bethink
Bespeak (-spek') v. t. (eno^age be- one's self, knarg, terktiarg.
forehand) impah, psan terdhulu; Betide (-tid'), v. t. (happen to)
( indicate ) nja iak'an . berlaku alas.
Besprinkle (-spring'kl), v. t. per- Betide, v. i. berlaku, jadi.
cliel', rnjis. Betimes (-timz'), adj. (early) siaiy
Best (best), adj. and adv. yarg haik hari; (in good time) awal waktu
skali, teiibeJi hail', terlbeh utarna
(Ar.), siarg-siarg.
(Sk.), terutama (Sk.). The best Betoken (-to'kn), v. t. (show by
possible, s-baik-hail'-n/a. To do
tandakan; (indicate) ryata-
one's best to ,
choba s-brapa kan.
Betray (-tra'), v. t. (give up by
Bestial (bes'chal), adj. cJiara bina-
'treachery) srahkan drgan khianat
(Ar.) ; (deceive) tipu, perdai/a-
Bestir (be-ster'), v. i. grakhan. To kan* To
betray one's ignorance,
bestir one^s self, bergolot-golot,^
njatakan kbodohan. To betray a
bergloUglot, bergopoli-gopoh. secret, bukakan rahsia.
Bestman (best-man'), s. prgapit hal
Betrayal (-al), s, miyrahkan,.
mmplai,^ pnjawat mmplai* pa- lial riinipu, etc., as above.
wai,^' pua-kia" (B.) (Ch. phod"- Betroth [-{Yoth'), v. t. tunarg.
Mci"). Betrothal (-al), s. pertunargan.
Bestow (be-std'), v. t. (store) sim-
Betrothed (-tvothd), adj. ber^
pan, taroh; (give) bri, kurnial'an
(Sk.), anugrahlwi (Sk.), Jcasi
Betrothed, s. tunatgan.
Bestride v.
Better (bet'ter), adj. Ibeh baik,
(-strld'), t. I'argkarg,
lagi baik; (in health) baik, sehat,
chlapak^' cliJapokf (step over)
ryaman, smboh,* btaJi.'^ Better
Bet than, baik deri-pada, Ibeh baih
(bet), v. i. bertaroJi.
deri-^pada. It were better, had
Bet, s. ptarohan.
better, rmak, Ibeh baik
Betake (-tak'), v. t. To betake one's arggor,"^

self (B.) ; as,rmak mati deri-pada hi-

(resort to), pakai, gunakan;
dop, it were better to die than live.
(go) pergi.
Betel (be'tl), s. pokok sireh. To think better of (person), in-
Betel box (boks), s. tepak* tmpat dahkan ada maia
Ibeh, tetgok Ibeh

sireh, bkas pinarg ;'^' (for princes

(B.) ; (an opinion) aleh bichara,*
and obah fikiran. To be better off,.
weddings) pvan :'^ (hexa-
berfaidah,"^ Ibeh snarg (B.).
gonal) smbrap:* (pouch of 711 n/-
Better, v. t. (make better) baikki;
kuarg) bujam* epok;^ (of cloth,
for a bridegroom) burgkiisan. (surpass) Ibehi.
See also betel tray. Between (be-twen'), prep, antara,
Betel nut (nut), s. (the fruit of the di tigah. Between.". .and. .. .^ .

areca palm) buah pinarg. antara. . .

Betel pepper (pep'per), s. (piper Bevel (bev'el), s. senderg serorg.

betle) sireh. Bevel, V. t. serorgkan senderg.

ate, ask, am, fincrl, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; iise, us, mimis, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.

Bevel gear (ger), s. gigi jnira Bibliography (-og'ra-fi), s. daftar

kitab-kitab dan surai-surat.*
Beverage (bev'er-ej), s. nnnuiuan. Biceps (bi'seps), s. Imah ligan,
Bevy (bev'i), s. (of persons) Jiuin- kuclmg-kuchirg.'^
polan; (of birds) luwan.^ Bicker (bik'er), v. i.
Bewail (be-wal'), v. t. rataplan, Bickering (-ing), s. pertiykaran.
la trjiM* 7)1 na
lyl'iskan, trial'ka n Bicycle (bl'si-kl), s. kreta lere)rj,
kreta argin,* baisikal (E.), kreta
Beware (-war'), v. i.
Injat, jaga. roda (B.).
To beware of, jaga din deri-pada. Bid (bid), v. t. (offer a price) ta-
Bewilder (-wil'der), v. t. hbgotg- war : (order) suroh; (invite)
kan, klirukan, Merukan (B.), s- parggil, jmpnt, chia" (B.) (Ch.
satkait 'akal. chhicV^). In such phrases as, to
Bewildered (-derd), adj. h'uyoig, bid defiance, to bid one welcome,
kliru, klera (B.). to bid farewell, bid can be repre-
Bewitch (-wieh'), v. t. knakan ohat- sented by bri. To bid fair (seem
guna, liikniatkan (Ar.), knakan likely), rupa-nja man, boleh di-
,s/7i/V* (Ar. .s'iniV). harap.
Bewitched (-wiehf), adj. terkna Bid, s. pnawaran.
ohat-gvna, terkna siliir (Ar.). Bide (bid), v. i.
Bewitching (-witch'in^^), adj. yaig Bide, V. t. (wait for) 7}antikan;
niiyukal'an, yatg mnihrahikan.'^ (endure) tahan, drita (Sk.).
Beyond (-yond'), prep, (on the Biennial (bi-en'ni-al), adj. yarg
further side) shlaJi, di halek; (of dua tahiin skali, tiap-tiup dua
roads or Avater) sbrarg; (in time) tahun.
lewat deri-pada; (exceeding) Iheh Bier (ber), s. usorgan,* jnazaJi
deri-pada, terlauipau deri-pada* (Ar.).
To go beyond, laluii* Ihehi* lam- Bifurcated (bl-fer'kat-ed), adj.
paid,'* hnat terlampon pulak (B.). berchabarg.
Bezoar (-zor'), s. gmala,* guUga, Big (big), adj. bsar, gdavg (Sum.),
mstika (Jav.), huntat. agoig (Jav.).
Bhang (bang), s. (Cannabis indica) Bigamy bay oh* To
(big'a-mi), s.

ganja. commit bigamy a woman),(of

Bias (bi'fls), s. (leaning of the knibarkan laki, duakan laki, kah-
mind) chndrorg liati,* chondroig ivin dua laki (B.). To be in a
liati (B.)
(slant) serorg.
; state of bigamy (of a woman),
Bias. V.
chndron/kan,'^ chondroig-
t. bermadu.
kan (B.). Bight (bit), s. (bay) tlok; (bend
Biassed (-ast), adj. hrat sblali. of knee or elbows) plijmtan; (of
Bib (bib), s. kain lapek dada pada rope, Xaut.) gobah.
waktn makan. Bigot (big'wt), s. orary buta hati,
Bible (bl'bl), s. Kitab, Kitab Allah. oraig dgil deri-hal agama.
The Mohammedans know only Bigoted (-ed), adj. dgil deri-hal
three divisions of the Bible, name- agama.
ly, the Law (Tamit), the Psalms Bigotry (-ri), s. hati dgil deri-hal
(Zahur), and tlie Gospel (Injil). agama.
Biblical (bib'li-kal), adj. deri-hal Bile (bll). s. (the secretion) hin-
Kitab Allah, Kitab Allah (a). pdu; (anger) marah.

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, fr-rry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minj/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool ("awful); law, how, oil; thin tJien.
Bilge (bilj), s. (Xaiit,) (flat part back) kilas; in bundles)
of a ship's bottom) prot Jcapal; berkaskan* ikat
bergmal-gmal :*
(place for bailing) timba-ruarg. (bandage) bahit, bbat; (as the
Bilge water (Naiit.), ayer man}. edge of a mat or garment) om-
Bilingual (bi-ling'gwalj, adj. yairj pok/^ lapis: (as the spurs are
herb ham dua. bound on a fighting cock) bularg:'^
Bilious (biryy/s), adj. sahit Urn- (books) jelet* kitab (x\r. jilid),
par^ (passionate) pmarah; (ill- jalnt buku (B.) ; (compel) paksa.
tempered) prrgus/^ prampus* Binder (bind'er), (that which
brgis (B.). binds) piyikat; (bandage) barut,
Bilk (bilk) J
v. t. t'lpu, perdayakan/'' kain bbat; (after childbirth) barut
ponteig. paujaig: (book binder) tukarg
Bill (bil), s. (of birds) parohf jclet^ (Ar. jilid), tukarq jalnt
(billhook) paraiij jargok;"^ (state- buku (B).
ment of account) surat hutarg, bil Binding (-ing), s. (on edge of
(E.), rekning (D.) ; (a draft of cloth) ompok;* (of a book) jelet'^
a law) nuskkah tindarg-undaig (Ar. jilid).
(Ar.) ; (placard) pikat, palhat Binnacle (bin'na-kl), s.
(B.). Bill of fare, daftar nama- rumali pdoman, rumah kompas^
7iama mal'anan*
Billet (bil'lct), s. (of wood) s-krat Binocular (bi-nok'u-ler), adj. ber^
layu, baJian,'^' tiial ;* (a note, short mata-dua. Binocular glasses, tro-
letter) surat rergl-as;"^ (berth, ponj dua mata.
position) pherja'an. Biography (-og'ra-fi), s.
Billet, V. t. tumparglwi soJdado di
kuhidopan orarg [chrita (B.)].
rinnah-rumali orarg.
Biology (-ol'o-ji), s. Hlmu haiiat
Billhook (-hook), s. pararg jargohf^
pararg cliandorg.^
Billiards (-yerdz), s. biliad (E.), Biped (bi'ped), adj. berkaki-dm.
Birch (berch), s. nama poll on kayu.
meja bola (Port.). Bird (herd), s. biirorg, urggas."^
Billion (-Vim), s. s-juta juta/' satu
milian milian s- Ladybird, anak diina.'^
(B.) ; (U. S.)
ribu jyfa* s-ribu milian (B.). Birdcage (-kaj), s. sargkar^ sig-
Billow karan (B.).
(-15), s. ombal% glomhaiy,
alun.^ Birdcatcher (-kach-er), s. pmikaf
Billowy (-i), adj. berglombanj, her- buroig.
ombal-, beralun.'^
Birdlime (-iTm), s. gtali burorg.
Billsticker (-stik-er), s. Bird of paradise (uv par'a-dis), s.
orarg yanj
mnampal pR-at [paR'at (B.)]. bur on) chndrawaseh,'^ buro7g indra-
Bimonthly (bl-mimth'li), 2i^]. yanj iraseh (B.).
dua bnlan s-kaU. Bird's nest (berdz'nest), s. saraty
Bin (bin), s. (enclosed space) I'o- burorg.
tak; (for rice) kpok, kmborg^ Birth (berth), s. (being born) jadi,
blubor* Dust bin, torg sampah. kjadian, lahir (Ar. tldhir) ; (lin-
Bind (bind), v. t. (tie, make fast) eage, descent) a-ml, kturunan;
ikat: (tie up, tether) tambat; (tie (origin) ami. Of high birth,
hands and feet or four legs) ra- bargsawan* berbargsa, orarg bsar^
pus,^ rempoigf (hands behind bsar (B.). Of low birth, bargsa

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use. ns, minws, cure, injure,
hurry food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil thin then.
; ;
rndah. A king by birth, raja ber- Bitumen (bi-tii'men), s. bolorg ta-
a'<al. nali.'^

Birthday (bertli'da), ?. liari jadi, Bivalve (bi'valv), adj. isi-kararg

liari laJiir'^ (Ar. tldliir), hari di- yatg bertatgkup, sperti kima,* ku-
peranalckan. parg, tokan, tiram, kjmli, kratg,
Birthmark (-mark), s. tanda sania dan s-bagai-iya.
jadi, tanda deri inemanj,^ tanda Bivouac (biv'oo-ak), v. i. bermalani
hemnak (B.). di tanah.
Birthplace (-plas), s. tmpat tuni- Blab (blab), v. i. bebel* pchahkan
pa/i davali, tanali ayer, tmpat lahir rah si a.
(Ar.), tmpat chut-si (B.) (Ch. mulut bochor, orarg bebel-
Blab, s.

(hhut-sl). an* chiipak psok,* midut clilu-

Birthright (-lit), s. (of primo- par.*

geniture) lialv I'sulonjan. Black (blak), adj. liitam, Igam;

Biscuit (bis'kit), s. hiskut, mskot Pitch
(gloomy, as the sky) rdop.
(N.L). blacky Jdtam Igam. Black under
Bisect (bi-sekf), v. t. krat dua. the eyes, berglatggatg liitam di
Bishop (bisli'op), s.
hisliop (X.) ;
mata.'" A black eye, mata bakup.*
(in chess) gajah. Black and blue (of bruises), Tbani,
Bison (bi'son), s. sladary Amerika. The black substance used for stain-
Bit (bit), s. (for horses) karg, k- The
ing teeth, grarg* baja.*
karg,^'lagam (Hind.) ; (piece) 5- ])lack art, 'ilmu sihir (Ar.).
kpiig, s-krat, s-chmpirg* s-chhis* Blackball (blak'bawl), v. t. bua)y
s-tand'ug/^ s-jorerg/* (a little) s-
undi tatrima*
Blackboard (-b5rd), s. papan Id-
Bitch (bich), s. anjirg htina.
tan}, papan tulis.
Bite (bit), V. t. gigit, luggis; (as
Blacken (blak'n), v. t. hitamkan;
birds and snakes) patok, pagut,
(the teeth) gratg* berbaja:* (the
chatok; (as savage animals) to-
eyes) berclilak; (the eyebrows)
kakf^ (as cattle) ragut;^ (as in-
sects or pantis.*
fish) ktit/^' ktip,^ ktep Black eye (T), s. mata bakup*
(B.) (take hold, as an anchor)

makan; (take bait, as a hsh) ma- Blackguard (blag'gard), s. (scoun-

kafi ka'il. To bite the lips, ktap drel) oraig kji* orarg busok, pn-
hibii\ jara (B.), oratg lucliali, oraixj
Jcdie; (vagabond) baigsat.
Bite, (place bitten off) s-uiygis;

(mark of the teeth) hkain. Mos- Blacking (blak'ing), s. blargkvi

cfuito bite, bkas ktip lyamok, bin-

(E.), blekking (B.).
tit,'^ bintat.
Black lead (-led), s. tras pensH.*
Biting (blt'ing), adj. (sliarp, sar- Blackleg (-leg), s. prgelat.
castic) tajam.
Blackmail (-mal), v. t. tiintut watg
Bitter (bit'ter), adj. (of taste) pa- drgan pakm ataii gertak, minta
nnyimpan ralisia.
liit; (of pain) bim; (severe) kras, Jipah
bigii^: (of weeping) sdeli.
Blacksmith (-smith), s. tuka^g bsi.
Bitterly (-li), adv. (of weeping) Bladder (blad'der), s. (taken out
* and inflated with
/ e rsdeli
-sdeh, tersdan-sdan. air) glmbonjan;
Bittern (-tern), s. puchorg. (urinary bladder) tmpat knchiig;
Bitts (bits), s. (Naut.) mut. (blister) tpoh, tmholok* ^Gall

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min?(s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
bladder, pundi-pundi hmpdu* Blast (blast), s. (of air) hmbus;
tinpat iSL limpdu (B.). (from bellows) hmbusan, puput-
Blade (blild), s. (of grass) s-lai, s- an;* (of steam) hmbusan wap;
hlai;*' (of a knife) mata; (of an (sound) bunji trompet; (blight)
oar) daun dai/o)y; (of a paddle) balak (Ar. bala) ; (explosion)
daiin prgaijoh; an anchor) (of Itopati.
I'ukii sauh; (of a ploughshare) Blast, V. t. (cause to wither) layu-
imi/am* Shonlder blade, tularg kan; (ruin) binasakan. To blast
hUl-at,-'^ tularg hahu. Blade of a rocks, tembak bain, bantunkan
])ropeller, daun kipas-kapal. batiL*
Blain (blan), s. hisul. Blasting (-ing), s. kltopan, klayu-
Blame (blam), v. i. chia, salahhan, an, kbinasa'an, see above.
chacliat, tarn pel'.*
Blatant (bla-tant), adj. yarg mn-
Blame, s.
(censure) cJila, JccJiIa'an; jrit, ryarirg.
Blaze (blaz), s.
(fault) salali, l-mJahan, dosa. njaJa.
Blameless Blaze, V. i.
(blam'les), adj. tiada
V. t. (mark
herchla, tiada hersalali, suchi deri- trees) rancliah;*
pada sal ah .
(make public) masohorkan (Ar.
Blameworthy (-wer-///i), adj. ber-
maslihur), m'alumkan (i^r.).
clda, saJah. Blazing (blaz'ing), adj. benyala.
Blanch v. t.
Blazon (bla'zn), v. t. (make public)
(blanch), pidehJian.
masohorkan (Ar. mashhur) ; (em-
Blanch, i,
mnjadi piichat.
bellish) hiasi* riaskan
Bland (bland), adj. Imah-lmhot, (B.).
Bleach (blech), v. t. putehkan.
man is lahu.
Bleak (blek), adj. (cold)
Blandishment (blan'dish-ment), s. sjok,
dirgin;* (exposed) yarg kna argin
pnjol', cliiimhu-cliiimhuan,'^ piijolv-
raiju* Blear
Blank (bier), adj. Blear-eyed, mata
(blangk), adj. (empty) ko- bills, mata kabnr.
sorg, ham pa;* (without writing) Blear, v. t. kaburkan.
tiada hersurat; (without expres- Bleared (blerd), adj. kabnr.
sion, of the face) muka batii. Bleat (blet), v. i. 'mbek, bek.
Blank cartridge, ptriim herisi obat Bleed (bled), v. i. bcrdarah, kluar
sahaja, tiada berpluru. darah.
Blank, s. tmpat kosorg, tmpat la-
Bleed, v. t. bkam*
(by cupping)
buarg darah.
Blanket (blang'ket), s. (the fa- Blemish (blem'ish), s.
kmbli* kamli; (bed cover- (defect)
bric) chdru
charhat, (Sk.) ; (in
ing) sliniut, gbar* gbar panas*
character) kclilaan, chachat.
slimut kamli. A wet blanket, ba- Blend v.
(blend), t. champur.
ratg ataii orarg yaty mnawarkan Bless (bles), v. t.(invoke a blessing
on) ber-kati; (make happy) bha-
Blarney (blar'ni), s. pujok. giakan (Sk.) ; (pronounce holy)
Blaspheme (blas-fem'), v. i. t. hu- kiiduskan (Ar.) ; (praise, glorify)
puji, bsarkan.
Blasphemous (blas'fe-ms), adj. Blessed (blesVd), adj. (worthy of
f/arg mrghujat.*
adoration) ter-pnji; (happv, highly *

Blasphemy (-mi), s. hujat.* favoured) bhagia (Sk.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice it fire
' '
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, s5rry; use, us, minws, cure injure
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Blessedness (-nes), s. hJiagia Bloated (blot'ed), adj. bigkak, sm-
(8k.). bap; (of the
stomach) bunchit^
Blessing (bles'iuo:), s. (divine fa- kniboig; (with pride) borgkak*
vour, benediction) herkat; (means Block (blok), s. (of wood, sawn off)
of happiness) hliagia (Sk.). reja; (hewn) bahan,'^ torgkol*
Blight (blTt), s. (of insects) hnahf boigkah* tual;"* (for chopping
(mildew) lapok, mlapok (B.), on) landas;* (mold for a fez)
hulat* clindawan; (destruction) kalbot (Ar) (of tin) jorgkorg;*'

I'layuan, khin asaan .

(pulley) takal (E.), kapi;* (ob-
Blight, V. t. layukan, rosakkan. struction) skatan. Double block
Blind (blind), adj. buta. Blind of (Xaut.), takal dna mata.
one eye, huta s-hlah. Blind alley, Block, v. t. (obstruct) srgkarg, skat;
lor org s-krat, jalan huntu. Blind (stop up) timbus, kambu-s;* (of
drunk, mabok huiya slaseh.'^ Blind holes) sumbat.
fool, clieme'^ (Ch. chhi"-m%). Blockade (blok-ad'), v. t. (of a
Blind, V. t. hvtakan. port) kporg; (obstruct) skat.
Blind, s. (screen of bamboo or rat- Blockhead (blok'hed), s. orary
tan) Udai; (of a palanquin) kerki bodoli, orarg tolu, orary drgu,*"
(Tam.). Venetian blinds, tirgkap orarg torgorg.*
Upas, rap-rap (B.), tiiykap ram"^ Blockhouse (-hows), s. (Malay
(I),raam - window) .
stockade) kuba.
Blindfold (blind'fold), adj. hertkap Block-tin s. timah jorgkoiy.'^
mata, bertkop mata;'^ (reckless) Blonde (blond), s, (of hair) perarg.
buta-tuli, babi buta.'* Blood (blud), s. darali. Flesh and
Blindly (-li), adj. To act blindly blood darali.
(relations), dagirg
or recklessly, buat buta-tuli, mm- Blue baik, darah
blood, batysa
babl-buta.* His blood boiled, darah-
Blindman's buff (-manz buf), s.
rya mryirap.*
main Cliina-buta,'* tutop ibu/^ Bloodless (blud'les), adj. kuraty
main les,"* main tutop mata (B.). darah.
Blink (blingk), v. i. klip mata,
Bloodletting (-let-ting), s. buaty
kijip 7nata,^ kjap mataJ* Blink-
darah, bkaui.'*
ing, terklip-klip. Blood money (mun'i), s. tbusan
Blinker (-er), s. pnutop mata kuda.
Bliss njawa, diat (Ar.).
(blis), s. (blessedness) bhagia
Bloodrelation ( -re-la 'shwn), s. da-
(Sk.) ; (joy) suka-chita (Sk.),
girg-darali, sanak-saudara.'^

Blister as a
Bloodshed (-shed), s, (slaughter)
(blis'ter), s. (small,
mosquito bite) bintat, bintil, bintel
Bloodshot (-shot), adj. Bloodshot
(B.) ; (larger) Ipoh, glmborg.
mata merah, mata biji saga.
Blister, v. i. Icheh* Icliop* rnltop,
Ipoli, glmborg; (by burning) Bloodthirsty (-therst-i), adj. ya>g
Ichor* Ichop* Hop, Ipoh, hertm- suka nimbnnoh, yary hndak w-
bolok* mimpahkan darali.
Blithe (hMth), adj. suka-liati, ber- Blood vessel (-ves-sd), s. urof
suka-fMta (Sk.). darah.
Blizzard (bliz'zerd), s. argin ribot Bloody f-i), adj. berdarah. her-

yanj amat sjok. lumor darah.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, ns, min7/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin
Bloom (bloom), s. hinga; (on fruits) the lingei-s) Ichit irgus.* To blow
la /III n buah* I'
poll huali* over (as a storm), bias.* Rain
Blooming (-ing), adj. (flowering) blown in, tnipias.
hevburya; (health}') bersehat. Blowpipe (bkVpIp), s. (blow gan)
Blossom (blos's;/m), s. biirga; }>nnipitan; (to intensify heat)
(bud) kudop, kuntum; (of palm
trees) mai)arg; (of bananas) jan- Blubber (blub'ber), s. hnak pans,
iorg. In bJossom, berburga, ber- niinjak ikan pans.
iiiaijarg, berjantorg. Bludgeon (bluj'wn), s. blantan.*
Blossom, V. berbiuga:
i. (of palm Blue (bloo), adj. biru. Dark blue,
trees) bermai/aig; (of bananas) biru tita. Light blue, biru muda.
berjantorg. Sky blue, biru largit. Blue eyes,
Blot (blot), T. t. (stain) choreiy, niata sabun, mata pasak,* mata
chonteig, slel-ehkati;* (with blot- i/u.* Black and blue, biru Ibam.
ting paper) lapkan, sapkan* tkap- Blue blood, bargsa baik, darah
lan. To blot out, liapus,'^ bunoli. puteh.
Blot, s. iitek, titik (B.), chonteig. Blue, s. (the pigment, indigo) nila,
slekeh.^ blau (D.) (X.L)
Blotch (bloch), s. clioreig: (on the Bluebottle (bloo'bot-tl), s. Mat
skin, small) bintek ; (white) pa- hi jail, laigau hijau.
nan biuga; (black) pa7iau bsi; Bluestone (-ston), s. trusi.*
(white, on hands and feet) sojxik. Bluff (bhif), adj. (steep) cliurani;
Blotter (blot'ter), s. piglap surat. (rough in manner) kurarg bhasa,
Blotting paper (-ting pa'per), s. kasar.
kertas kmbaig, kertas lap, kertas Bluff, s. (steep bank) tbiiy tirggi;
pdap* kertas tkap, kertas pntap,* (braggadocio) gertak, ugut.*
kertas sap.* Bluff, y. t. gertak, ugut.*
Blouse (blowz), s. bajii yaig di-pa- Blunder (blun'der), s. silap.
kai oleh prempnan oraig puteh Blunderbuss (-bus), s. pniuras.*
Blow (bio), s. (with a stick) sbat, Blunt (blunt), adj. tunipol, kurarg
pain; (with the flat of i\\(t hand) taiani, majal;* (unceremonious)
tmpelerg, tarn par, spalc: (with the kurarg bhasa.
side of the tist) parap, gochoJi:^' Blunt, y. t. tunipolkan.
(with the knuckles) tumbok, tin- Blur (bier), y. t. (soil) kumalkan;*

ju.* (of yision) kabnskan* kaburkan.

Blow, y. i. t. tiop; (with the mouth) Blurred (blerd), adj. (of vision)
hmbns; (wind instruments) tiop; Uani, kabur, kabus;* (of writing,
(as w^hales) patgusj* (of bellows) by soiling) kumalf (of colours,
puput.* To blow away (as the by wetting) turun.
wind), layargkan, terbargkan. To Blurt out (blert owt), v. t. katakan
blow out (a light), padani, Hop. drgan bergolot-golot.'"
Blown out of one's course Blush (blush), s. bra muka,* ch-
(Xaut.), bias, rem pat. To blow pua,* muka berobah (B.),
up (swell), kniborg, glmborxf; (ex- Blush, v. i. berobah werna muka.
plode) Itop. To blow out (liquid Bluster (blus'ter), y. i. (of wdnd)
from the mouth), smbur. To bertiop knchaiy; (of persons)
blow the nose, buarg iigus; (the rargah.*
sound) 'sarg,* ksatg,* sih:* (with Bluster, s. ratgah.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mins, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Boa constrictor (bo'a kon-strik'- Boatman (-man), s. anak praliu.

ter), s. alar sawa di Amerika. Boatswain (Xaut.) r/a-
(bo'sn), s.

Boar (I)or), s. hahi jantaii. Wild nil (E. gunner). Boatswain's

boar, hahi hutan. mate, tandil, srarg, kasap. Boat-
Board (bord), s. (timber) papan; swain's chair, planchar, aram-
(food) makanan; (council) ma- a ram.
jlis, jmadh (Ar.). On board ship, Bob (bob), V. i. (up and down mo-
di k-apal, naik lea pal. Chess board, tion) tergmbut-gmbut;* (on the
papan chaUw.^ To go b}^ the surface of water) teratoty-atorg ;*
board, hinasa. (in water) timboUtiyglam.
Board, y. t. (feed) hi mal'an; (a Bob, s. (of the head) arggok;
ship) nail' kapal. (plumh bob) baiu tali sipat.
Board, v. i. (take meals) makan Bobbin (bob'bin), s. (for lace-mak-
drc/anhayeran. ing) biiah renda;
(in weaving)
Boarder (bdrd'er), s. oraiy yary m- anak torak,^ pltirg;* (for thread)
numpaiy, orarg yary mmhayev ma- buku bnarg, glendorg bnarg.
l-an. Bobstay (-sta), s. (Xaut.) tali

Boarding (-ing), s. (with planks) j org or.

lial mniuJiol papan; (the planks) Bode (bod), v. t. It bodes no good,.
papan dindby, papan lantai; tiada baik padah-nja.^
(feeding) hal mmhri malcan. Bodice (ho^'i^), ^.bajukotorg;'^ (of
Boarding house, rumah mnum- Indian women) choli (Hind.),
paiy. Boarding school, skolah m- kutaig (X.I.).
numpaty. Bodily (-i-li), adj. deri-hal badan,
Boast (bost), V. i. myahkan diri* badan (a) ; (corporeal, as opposed
bsarl'an din, bermgah* chakap to spiritual) berlmbaga.'^
tsar, chakap mlamhorg, tvnjoJc Bodily, adv. (entirely) s-mata-
})atrasi^ tunjoh rarggi, mnjoinhorg. mata, skaH, habis.
Boasting (bost'ing), s. kmgalian f Bodkin (-kin), s. (stiletto) pnjo-
(empty boasting) chakap argin, chok; (tape needle) jar am pnjo^
chakap raboiy,'* chakap mlamhory. chok.
Boat (bot),prahu, sampan; (a
s. Body (-i), s. badan, tiiboh;"^ (dead
large Malay sampan) gehery ;* (at body, of mankind) mayat; (of
Malacca) jwahu nadir; (fishing animals) bargkai; (trunk, as dis-
boat) hidok;^ (river boat) ktiap;* tinguished from the head and
(European, sailing boat) skochi limbs) batarg tuboh;* (the ma-
(U.) ; (pleasure boat for rajas, terial part, as opposed to the spiri-
also model boat, for offerings to tual) Imbaga;^ (a mass, a thing)
the spirits) lancharg;* (a child's bncla; (a corporation) perhimpoJi-
model boat) jo7y. See also barge, an, majlis, Imbaga; (a person)
CAXOE. Ferry boat, sampan tarn- oraig, as, anybody, bararg s'oraig;
harg. nobody, s'orarg pun tidak. A. body
Boat hook (hook), s. hodok (E.) ; of troops, pasokan.
(forked for pushing away from Bodyguard (-gard), s. juak-juak."^
branches in rivers) galah sargga Bog (bog), s. paya yambut,* paya
mara* goyanj.
Boat house (hows), s. dargsal Bogey (bo'gi), s. hantu, momok.
prahu. Boil (boil), V. i. (be in ebullition)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin <7ien.
mndideh, hual; (violently, with Bolt, V. i. (start or go suddenly)
noise) glgah; (be in boiling water) cJiabot laii.
Thus; (be excited with passion) Boltrope (-rop), s. (Xaut.) vis.

niradaixj. 'To boil over, lemhal'* Bomb (bom), s. priok api.

ruap. His blood boiled, darah-nja Bombard (bom-bard'), v. t. teni-
}inr/irap.* baki, tembaki drgan priok api,
Boil, (cook in water) rbus; (of
V. t. bdil.

rice) tanak;* (of leaves) chlor; Bombardment (-ment), s. lial m-

(things in general) masak; (to nembak dtyan mriani atau priok-
softness) lodehf (in a double api.
saucepan) Urn (Ch.)- See steam. Bombast (bom'bast), s. chakap
A hard boiled egg, tlor rbus, tlor bsar.
niat)y (X.I.). A soft boiled egg, Bombastic (bom-bas'tik), adj. ber-
tlor S'tnjah masak, tlor s-tiyah bual bsar.
matty (X.I.). Bona fide (bo'na fi'di), adj. and
Boil, s. bisul. Core of a boil, punat. adv. suiygoli, dtgan s-suiggoh-
A blind boil, bisul sbun.'^ nja, sail.
Boiler (boil'er), s. (vessel) l-uali; Bond (bond), s. (fastening) ikatan;
(of copper) grensety, dandaty;^ (shackles) rantai, blurggu,'^' ikat-
(of a steamship) bailar (E.) ; see an;(binding influence) prgikat,
CAULDRON, PAX. Boilcr plate, bsi perhuhoiyan, tambatan; (legal obli-
papan, bsi bailar. gation) surat jamin, surat perjanji-
Boisterous (bois'ter-ws), adj. (of an, surat akuan. In bond, kna ta-
wind) hicliarg; (of people) ga- han s-blum bayer chukai.
rarg; (stormy) glora'^ Bondage (bond'ej), s. perliambaan,
Bold (bold), adj. (brave) brant; tairanan.-^

(too forward) hurarg malu, muka Bondservant (-serv-ant), s. hamba.

slamba, mnka tbal, muka cliandi. Bone (bon), s. tuJaig. bone of A
To make bold, tbalkan muka. contention, perkara trgkaran.
Boldfaced (bold'fast), adj. muka Bonfire (bon'fir), s. api bsar, api
tbal, muka slamba. tanda ksuka'an.
Bollard (bol'lerd), s. (Xaiit.) mut, Bonnet (-net), s. tojyi mem-mem.
mol (X.L). Bonny (-ni), adj. chantek, molek.
Bolster (bol'ster), s. bantal gulirg,^' Bonus (bo'ni/s), s. bayeran kerna
bantal golek* bantal plok, bantal s-suatu k'untorgan, hadiah (Ar.).
panjary.^' Bony (-ni), adj. bertulaiy.
Bolster, v. (prop with pillows)
t. Boo (boo), V. i. (make a noise to
sndaJ;"^ (support) sokotg; (aid) startle) sergah.
tolotg. Booby s.
(boo'bi), oraiy bodoh,
Bolt (bolt), (arrow) anak panah;
s. oraig drgu,"^ oraig tolu.
( thunderbolt ) Jialil in tar, pan ah Book (book), s. (generally) surat,
ptir; (door fastening) kanchirg, buku (E.) ; (religious and scien-
lachak* slak;"^ (of cloth) kaj/u. tificworks) kitab (Ar.). Ac-
Bolt and nut, pasak skrup.* count book, surat kira-kira. Story
Bolt, V. t. (fasten with a bolt) slak* book, buku chrita. Book of
kanchiig; (swallow whole) tlan, charms, surat pustaka (Sk.), tib
lulur.* (Ar.). To bring to book, tmplak.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Book, V. t. ( register, enter in a Boozer (b5oz'er), s. pmabok, tahi
book) sw'atl'an. arak.
Bookbinder (book'bind-er), s. tu- Borax (bdr'aks), s. tergkal (Sk.).
l-aiy jelet"^ (Ar. jilid), tukarg Border (-der), s. (edge) p'ug- tpi,
jahit huJcu (B.). gir (N".!.) ;
(strip laid along thc^
Bookcase (-kas), s. almari Viiab, edge) birgkai,* birai;* (of cloth)
ahnari bid'u, groboh suratJ^ tpi, ompok:* (of lace) biku;"*'-
Bookkeeper (-kep-er), s. iukarg (boundary) smpadan, batasan*
kim-hira, pnjurat kira-hira, tukan/. Border, v. i. (be adjacent) bertern-
luasok bull, chai-lui (Ch. fsdi-hu), pel,"^ berdempet* berdampirg j"^""

Bookrest (-rest), s. rehal (Ar.). (approach) hauipir*

Bookseller (-sel-er),, s. pnjual ki- Bore (bor), v. t. (make a hole-

tab, orcuy jiial buku. through) tbok, kerbok* korok,"^-

Bookworm (-wemi), s. (insect) krok; (with a sharp instrument)
ggat : (person always reading) gerek; (make a hole in, but not
orarg rajin mmbacha. necessarily tlirough) korek; (an-
Boom (boom), s.
(Nant.) an- noy) jiuukan; (bore the ears)
tindek* chochok kupirg (B.) ; (for
daiy-andaig ha wall, bom (E.) ;
oil or water) korek.
(obstruction to a harbour) batarg;
(hollow sound) dgam. Bore, s. (tidal flood) onibak bnaf'
(hole, perforation) thok'an; (of a
Boom, V. i. berdnioni :^ (rise in .

value) naik lierga.

gun) liatg snaparg* lobarg snaparg :
Boon (boon), s. kurnia ('Sk.), ptn- (a tool for boring) prggerek, gur-
brian. di,grodi (B.), bar,* biji nargka;*"
Boor (a tiresome person) prgharu, oraig
(boor), s. (rustic) orarg du-
sun: mtyaru (B.).
(ill-bred person) oraig kurarg
Borer (b5r'er), s. (a larva which
ajar, orarg liniau.
eats into wood) klarah ;* (marine
Boorish (-isli), s. kurarg ajar, bia-
dab (Pers.), worm) tmbelok ;* (teredo navalis)
ka.sar, cliroboliJ^
Boot s.
(boot), sfxitu (Port.), spatu Born (born), see bear. First born,.
but (E.). To boot, tanibahan
anak sulorg. Still-born, uiati da-
lam prot. 'Vo be born, jadi, tnm-
Bootblack (boot'bJclk), s. prggosok
pah darah.
s])atu,pmblargkin spatu* Borneo (bor'ni-o), s. tanali Brunai^
Booth (b5o///), s. (for hunting)
Borough (biir'o), s. kampoig, ban-
jrumbun* bunibun;* (to live in) dar krliil.
pondok, pondorg,* dargauj* (stall Borrow v.
(bor'ro), t. pinjam.
in market) bargku.
Bosh (bosh), s. karut, perkataan
Bootlace (boot'las), s. tali kasut, sia-sia.
tali spatu. Bosom (booz'z/m), s. (breast) da-
Bootless (-les), adj. (unsuccessful) da: of affections) hati;
tmda berfa'idah, seman;* (use- (folds of dress) kendojgan.
less) sia-sia, perchurtia. Boss (bos), s. (knob) cliomhol,
Bootmaker (-mak-er), s. tukarg bonjkol* tombnl : (master) tumir
s])atu, tukarg kasut. kpala.
Booty (-i), rampasan, jarahan*
s. Botanic (bo-tiln'ik), adj. deryial
Booze (booz), v. i. minum mahok. 'ihrm tumboh-tumbohan. Botanic

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, rec"nt, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) law, how, oil; thin then. ;
Gardens (in Singapore), Tihun Boulder (bol'der), s. hatu hulat
hu)ga. hsar.

Botany (bot'a-ni) s. 'ihuu tumhoh- Boulevard (bo5'le-vard), s. jalan

tiunbohan. hsar.
Botch (boch),v. t. (patch) tampal, Bounce (bowns), v.
i. (hit and re-
tampoty;'^ (mar by bad work) bound) auibid,^ lantun* antul,*
rosakl'an, ropak-rapekhan* pantidf (spring unceremonious-
Botch, s. (patcli) tampal, tamporg :* ly) lompat.
(clumsy work) sogehj* krepot, Bounce, (rebound) ambid,'^ etc.,

kloloh* kerja ropak-rapek.* as above; (bluster) rargah*

Both (both), adj. kdua, kdva-dua, Bound (bownd) s. (boundary) sm-
dua-dua; (of the members of the padan; perhirgya'an, had
body or things in pairs) kdua-hlah, (Ar.) ; lompat.(leap)
as, kdua-hlah mata, both eyes. On Bound, V. t. (limit) perhirggakari;
both sides, shiah-mnjhiah, kdua hadkan (Ar.) ; (form a boundary
pihak. Both of them, kdaa-nia. of) smpadankan.
Both of us, kiia kdua, kita berdiia. Bound, V. i.
(spring) lompat, lam-
Both mother and child, anak sbJah hoig; (rebound) ambnl,* a?itul,*
inak sblah. tnclaig.
Bound, adj. and p.p. see bixd.
Both, conj. Both. . . .and. . .
., haik
.... haik . . . .
, as, both men and Bound, adj. (N'aut.) (going to)
haik laki-Jaki haik prem^
hndak k-, mnnjii.
Boundary (bownd'er-i), adj. sm-
Bother v. t. padan, perhirgga'an, prerggan*
(bo//i'er), (annoy)
mtara,* iratas (X.I.) ; (of rice
mek, garggukan,'^ swsalikan; (dis-
fields) baias.
turb) haru.
Bounden (-n), adj. wajih (Ar.),
Bother, v. i.
(worry) khuatir.
ferdln (Ar.), perlu (X.I.).
Bottle (bot'tl), s.'hotol (E.), ha- Boundless (-les), adj. tiada ier-
laigf (small) huli-hidi^
hiigga, tiada bperhiigga'an, tiada
Bottom {-turn), s. (lowest part, as herliad (Ar.).
of a hill) kaki; (of a hole) ha wall ; Bounteous (bown'ti-?/s), adj. (gen-
(the under surface, as of a vessel) erous) murah liati, derma wan
pantat; (foundation) aim, lapek; (Sk.) (plentiful) Jempa/i,* me-

(fundament) huntut, pantat, putg- m'amup (Ar.).

gotg. Bottom upwards, tlurg- Bountiful (-fool), adj. = bounteous.
kop,* kpaJa di ha wall (B.). At Bounty (-ti), s. (generosity) kmu-
bottom (really), s-hnar-rga. To rahan; (premium) hadiah (Ar.).
be at the bottom of, sbahkan, jadi
Bouquet (boo-ka'), s. karargan
haniii (B.). 'I'o go to the
bottom, binga.
tigglam. Bourne (boorn or born), s. sm-
Bottomless (-les), adj. tiada ier-
padan, perhiiggaa n .

dug a. Bourse (boors), s. tnipat perniaga-

Boudoir (boo'dwor), s. hilek bagi 'an, broker (E.).
prenipuan. Bout (bowt), s. (turn) giliranf
Bough (bow), s. (large) dahan; (contest) la wan.
(main branch or fork) cliabarg. Bow (bow) V. i.
(the head) tundok;
See also branch. (the body) mmboigkok, soja (B.)
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recftnt, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 5ld, not, connect, sore, sort sorry; use, us, mins, cure, injure,,

hurry; food, foot, awfool (aw ful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
(Oil. chhiu"'iid) ; (the whole body pu;* (receptacle made of a bamboo
witli the liead to the ground) surg- joint) taborg_, gdaborg;"^ (of paper)
hor, sujud (Ar.), see bend. kmbal;^' (tobacco box) si pa, chlpa;
Bow, V. t. tundohkan, etc., as abov^e. (sireh box) tmpat sireh, tepak,*"
Bow, (of a ship or boat) lialaan;
s. puati;* (a box on the ear) tmpe-
(overhanging bow of a koleJc) log; (driver's seat) ierpul.*^
saok. Clipper bow, haluan rbah. Cash box, kotak dint. Money box,
'Straight bow, haluan tgak. vndil,'^ taboig, chelerg/'' Also-
Bow (bo), (the weapon) ^xrnah,
s. see BETEI- BOX.
busor:'^ (of a violin) pnjgesek; Box, V. i. (fight with the fists) ber-
(slip-knot) sintpol sentak, simpol tinju,'^ bertunvhok, bersantak*
hidop, simpol pideh;* (necktie) Boy (boi), s. budak, budak laki-laki,
dad (D. dasje). Bow window, bvdak jantan.
jndela vinjanjur.^ Boyhood (boi'hood), s. masa kcliil.

Bowels (bow'elz), s. prot, isi prot, Boyish (-ish), adj. kbudak-budak-

tali prot. The bowels of the earth, 'an,'^ sperti budak.
liati bunii. Brace (bras), s. (prop) sokorg ;
Bower (er), s. punjorg.^ (Xaut.) brasan, tali bawatan;
Bowl (bol), s. (earthenware) marg- (pair) pasarg; (suspenders) tali

kok, pasn, paso (B.), glok, chawan, sluar.

erotg;^ (metal) bokor* batil* la- Brace, v. t. (prop up) sokorg;
yanj, sarggan* sargku ;* (a coco- (tighten) rganjkan, tgargkan; (in-
nut shell) tm pur Gig, dasar* che- vigorate) sgar; (strengthen) kuat^
bok :'^ (covered bowl) perni* mu- kan: (Xaut.) tar el' tali brasan.
kunf^ iiuugkok, molorg* Bracelet (bras'let), s. glatg, glarg
Bowl, V. t. (rollalong) golekkan. targan.
Bowl, V. i. (play bowls) maiii pan- Bracing (-ing), adj. (invigorating)
chatg;* lempar bola,
(at cricket) yarg ninjgarkan.
rjam bola; (under hand) liumban Bracken (brak'n), s. paku s-rakit,'-^
bola, bola.^ rsarn.
Bow-legged (bo'legd), adj. kaki Bracket (-et), s. (shelf) para-
pergkar, kergkarg. pava:'^ (triangular projection)
Bowling (bol'ing), s. main pan- siku-sikn.'^
chat g.'^ Brackish (-ish), adj. payau.
Bowls (bolz), s. main pancharg.'^ Brad (brad), s. paku hahis, paku
Bowman (bo'man), s. pmanah. smat.
Bowsprit (-sprit), s. (Naut.) chu- Brad awl (awl), s. prggerek, pnjo-
chor jip (E.), jolorg-jolorg, jorgor, ch ok.

bosprit (L.). Bowsprit shrouds, Brag (brag), v. i.

mgahkan diri,

bosprit perdi (L.). k nib or,* lair a.

Box (boks), s. (large) pii; this wo^xl Braggadocio (brag'ga-do'shi-5), s.
is commonly used by Europeans rJiakap raboig,* chakap mlam-
for all boxes, but Malays use many borg, chakap somborg.
other words, as (an empty packing Braggart (-gert),s. orarg yarg mm-

case) ion/; (small rectangular gahkan diri, pa' mlaiva (B.).

box) kotak; (small box of light Brahmin (bra'min), s. brahman,.
material) kpok-kppk; (small boxes berman.
with covers) chmbul* chpu, km- Braid (brad), v. t. anjam, slampit.^

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Braid, s. (of hair) slainpit;'^ (fa- Brave (brav), adj. bratii, perl-am
bric) pita (Port.). (Sk.).
Brail (bral), s. (Xaiit.) stirggi. Brave, v. t. tntarg drgan brani, lan^
Brail, v. t. (Xaut.) stirggi layer, am- da.''

hil layer. Bravery (brav'er-i), s. (courage)

Brain (bran), s. otak. I'branian, perl'asa (Sk.), laki-laki^
Brake (brak), s. (appliance to a as, he wants to show his bravery,.
wheel to clieck
motion) lasirg* dia mau mmmjokJi'an laki-lahi-iya ;
pnahan rocla: (a fern) rsam, pa- (fine dress) perhiasan/^ pahaian
Ixu s-ral-it;"^ (thicket) smal'. cliantel'.
Bramble (bram'bl), s. pohoh duri. Bravo (bra'v5), int. sahas.
Bran (bran), s. ddak, husi (Hind.), Brawl (brawl), v. i.-
bergadoh, ber^
abok bras. trglxar.
Branch (branch), s. (main fork of Brawl, s. pertrgl-aran, gadoli, hiiru-
a tree) chabaig; (large secondary hara.
stem) dalian; (small or tertiary) Brawn (brawn),
s. (muscle) dagirg

charaiy ; (of palm trees) pi pah; pjal,'^ dagirg kjal;^ (muscular

(of a river) ariak surgai, sroVan ;'^ strength) H'uatan; (of the boar)
(of a railway) chabarg; (of a fa- dagirg babi d end erg, dagirg babi
mily) sid-u bargsaf (of an asso- saJai.'^

ciation) chaicargan .'^^ Brawny (brawn'i), adj. tgap-sasa,"^^

Branch, berchabarg; (in many
v. i. I'uat.

])ranches) rarggaJi,'^ chra^ygah.* Bray (bra), v. t. tumbok, pi pis, gi-^

To branch off (diverge), mnjem^ litg : see grixd.
parg. To branch out (speak dif- Bray, s. jrit kaldai, pkek kaldai,
fusively), rambarg. kaldai punja triak (B.), kriau
Brand (brand), s. (wood partly kaldai (P.).
burnt) puntorg, puntorg api; Braze (braz), v. t. ptrikan drgan
(mark of a hot iron) bJias slar; tmbaga {patrikan (B,)].
(trademark) cliap; (stigma) ckla, Brazen (bra'zn), adj. (of hrass)
ianda I'aliina'an. tmbaga (a), deri-pada tmbaga:
Brand, v. t. (with hot iron) sJar; (shameless, immodest) iinika tbaJ,
(affix a mark) buboh chap; (stig- muka papan, miika slamba, muka
matize) chlal'an. kill it babi.*
Brandish (-ish), v. t. (threatening- Brazenfaced (-fast), adj. muka
ly) achu; (in sword dance) /a- tbal, muka papan, muka slamba,.

yarn.^ muka kulit babi.'*

Brand-new (brand'-nu'), adj. bha- Brazier (-zher), s. (worker in
rii sluli. brass) tukarg tmbaga; (pan for
Brandy (-i), s. brandi (E.). live coals) kran* trgkararg,* per-
Brass (bras),tmbaga I'unirg;s. bara-an* tmpat bara, arglo (Ch.
(bell metal) tmbaga loyarg, tm- Jia)g-ld').
haga prurggu.'^ Sheet brass, tm- Brazil wood (bra-zil' wood), s..
baga tapisan. (the wood of Ccesalpinia sappan)
Brat (brat), s. (contemptuously of kayu spaig.
a child) bal-a."^ Breach (brech), s. (gap, opening)
Bravado (bra-va'do or bra-va'do), prohorg* pruak. Breach of faith,
s. rargali* gertal-. hal mrgobahkan stia. Breach of

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
contract, lial myyohcMan janji, p- hea.rt, pchah hati. To break a
chaJi janji Breach of the
(B.). horse, ajar kuda. To break in
peace, pergadoJian. Breach of (tame), jinakkan. To break a
etiquette, latygamn bliasa, larrjgar journey at, sityyah di. To break
'adat (B.). Breach of trust, khia- a law, laiyyar hukum. To break
nat (Ar.), pcliak amanat (Ar.), an oath, makaii sumpah. To
pcliah harapan. break off (as a bough), champoiy.*
Bread (bred), s. roti; (native thin To break open (as durians), ch-
cakes) apani,'* apom (B.). kah* biika (B.). To break a pro-
Breadfruit (bred'froot), s. (the mise, muiykir janji, obah janji.
fruit of artocarpus incisa) hiiah To break wind, kntut.
sukun; (a variety without seeds) Break, s.
(interruption) kputusan;
hulor/^ klueh (B.) (Jav.). (pause) perhntian; (fracture) />
Breadth (bredth), s. (distance from (hah an.
side to side) lebar;
(open space, as Breakable (brak'a-bl), adj. (fra-
between doorposts) huka; (extent
gile) rapoh.
of surface) hidaiy, Muamnf (as Breakage (-ej), s. (thing broken)
opposed to length) lintaiy. The pchahan, patahan.
length and breadtli, hitjor^ lintaiy- Breakdown (-down), s. (of car-
fija Breadth of character, Huas-
riages, etc.) krosak'ati, rntan.
an hati.
Breaker (waves) pchahan
(-er), s.
Break (brfdv), v. i. (by pulling)
ombak, limpasan glombaiy; (water
put us; (transversely, of long ob-
cask) (Naut.) ;;i/?rt ayer, leyir
jects) pat ah; (but
severed) not
serkah* skali ;* (in ineces) pcliah ; (D. leyyer).
Breakfast (brek'fast), s. makan
(in minute fragments) s/;ai,* r-
pagi, potor (Ar. futur).
mok; (by pressure from within, as
an e^^ when hatched) ttas,"^ m- Breakneck (brak'nek), adj. (dan-
gerous) yary mnibaira merbahya*
ntas (B.) (of a seam) rtas* m-

rtas (B.) ; (with a jerk) ruiitas;* ya ry tnndata lyka n bah ya.

(of waves) hm/xis. To break away
Breakwater (-w>iw-ter), s. koia
batu pndindiry ombak* batu tahan
(as a fish) rahut. To break
down (as a carriage), rosak. To onibak (B.).
In'eak a fast, huka pua-sa. To bi-eak Breast (brest), s. (chest) dada;
off (desist), put us. To break open (mamnijje) susu, tetek; (seat of
To break consciousness or affection) hati.
(as durians), merkah.
as an assembly or To make a clean breast of a thing,
up (disperse,
crowd), pchah, bertmpiaran.^ To nnyaku rahsia atau ksalahan.
Breast, v. t. (struggle with) lawan,
bi'eak up for holidays (of a
vschool), tutop. The dawn breaks, sotysory.* To breast the waves, m-
terbit fajar (Ar.). Heart broken, njorysouj ombak* inlawan ombak.
pchah hati. Breast-bone (brest'bon), s. tularg
Break, v. t. (in the respective senses papan dada.
given above) putuskan, patahkan, Breast-plate (-jjlfit), s. lapek-dada
})chahkan, rmokkan; (with a jerk)
runias* Break a custom, salahi Breastwork (-work), s. (fort)
'adat* Jaiyf/ar 'adat. To break a kubu, benteig (X.l.) (on a ship) ;

habit, buaifj 'adat. To break one's apilan.'^'

lite, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mini/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin than.

Breath (breth), s. nafas. Out of Brewery (broo'er-i), s. tmpat ma-

breath, lUKjah , termiyah-nuyah, sak bir (E.).
chunjap-cliunjap. To draw a long
Briar (bri'er), s. pokok mairar hu-
breath, Uoh,"^ iarel' nafas panjair). tan.
To hold one's breath, talian nafas. Bribe (brih). s. snap, soroiy. To
Breathe v. i. bernafas, give abribe, bri snap, tumbok
tarek nafas. To breathe one's last, rusok.* To receive a bribe, ma-
kan snap, makan sororg*
putns lyawa.
Breathless (breth'les), adj. ter- Bribery (brlb'er-i), s. hal bri aiau
ssah nafas, serg'kat
makan snap.
Brick (brik), s. bata/"' batu baia.
nafas,"^ Wgeh* ntrgeh.*
Breech Brickbat (brik'bat), s. pclialian
(brech), s. (hinder part of
baia. blahan bata,'-^ baia s-krat,.
anythino^) paniat.
baia s'-r/</>i.y.*
Breechblock (brech'blok), s. l-opah
Brickkiln (-kiln), s. dapur baia,
snapa)g, kopal' mriani.
pmbakaran baia, inipai bakar baia
Breechcloth (-klawth), s. cliawat.
baia (B.).
Breeches (brich'es), s. sluar, srual'^
Bricklayer (-la-er), s. tukarg batu..
(Ar. sartval), cfilana (X.I.).
Brickwork (-werk), s. kerja tukarg
Breechloader (brech'lod-er), s. (as
snyder rifle) snaparg kopak; (as mm-
shot guns) snapam patali, snaparg
Brickyard (-yard), s. tmpat
buai baia.
Bridal (brid'al), adj. prgantin (a).
Breed (bred), v. i. (produce off- Bridal bed, plamin-,'^ pJaminan,^
spring) heranak; (be pregnant) Bri-
trnpai-tidor kmantin (B.).
nirgandonj. dal procession, perarakan prgantin..
Breed, v. t. (bring forth, beget) Bride (brid), s. prgantin prenipuan,.
beranakkan; (bring up) bla,* pli- kmantin (B.).
liamkaii, p/iara; (cause, occasion)
Breed mag-
Bridegroom (-groom), s. prgantin
datargkan, adakan. laki-laJci, mmplai (Tam.).
gots, beridat. Bridesmaid (bridz'mad), s. pra-
Breed, s.
(race) bargsa; (variety, wan^ prgirirg prgantin prempuan,
kind) baka, bneh.
pnjafrat* prgantin, prgapit prgan-
Breeding (bred'ing), s. (care of
animals) pmJdiaraan; (good man- Bridge (brij), s. jmbaian, geriak r
ners) bliasa. titian ;
(footbridge) titi, (foot-
Breeze (brez), s. argin. Land
bridge with handrail) titi ber-
breeze, argin darat. Sea breeze, Jawa:*
adan,"^ titian (of a ship)
argin laid. 8tiff breeze, argin kn- bris (E.), branda: (of a violin)
charg. Moderate breeze, atyin t- kuda-knda. Bridge of the nose^
garg argin sderhana (Sk.).
batanj hidorg. Draw bridge, jm-
Light breeze, argin spui-spui.'^ baian argkat. Suspension bridge,.
Brethren (hveth'ven), s. see bko-
jmbaian ganiorg.
THER. Bridge, v. t. buai jmbaian, buboh
Brevity (brev'i-ti), s. rergkas.^ titian,* buai gertak.*
Brew (broo), v. t. (as beer, etc.) Bridle (bri'dl), s. kkarg,'^ karg.
masak; (plot, contrive) adakan, Bridle, v. t. karg ;
pal:ai (restrain^
huat. control) takan, klola'^

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, rain?/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, hoAV, oil; thin then.
Bridlepath (-path), s. jalan hcliil; liantarkan; (cause, produce) shah^
(track of wild animals) d^iai* kan, datatykan. To bring about,
Brief (bref), adj. re)ykas* sergkat* hawa, daiatykan-. To bring back,
pendeh. kmhalikath pulargkan. To bring
Brief, s. (concise writing) rerglcas- forth (produce fruit), khiarkan;
an* (young) heranakkau; (make ma-
Brig (brig), s. l-apal layer hertiaiy nifest) kluarkan, terhitkaii,^ lahir-
dua. kan (Ar. tlaJiir). Bring in, hawa
Brigade (bri-gad'), s. Jcumpolani masok. To bi'ing on, hawa, datarg-
dua-tiga pasolwi s-ribu soldado. kan. To bring to Mght, n/atakan.
See BATTALION. To bring to pass, adakan, sampai-
Brigand (brig'and), s. piyamon, kan. To bring up, hawa naik;
prompak. (rear) 6/a,* plihara, piara; (vomit)
Brigandage (-ej), pnjamonan. niuntalikan.
Brigantine (brig'an-ten'), s. kapal Brinjal (brin'jal), s. tronj.
satu tiarg s-Ugah. Brink (bringk), s. tpi, piragir
Bright (brit), adj. (shining, shed- (X.L).
ding light) tranj-hndrarg/^ chmer- Briny (brin'i), adj. mmin, asiri
* * herch
la rg, g ilarg-g m ila ig, aliya ; (B.).
(clear, transmitting light) trarg, Brisk (brisk), adj. panfas, rJipat.
chrali;* (clear, as the sky) chua- Brisket (bris'ket), s. dada hinatarg.
(ha; (of colours) tua, chiiacha;* Bristle (bris'sl), s. hulu kjor.'^
(intelligent) rergan- l-pala, ttwy Bristle, v. i. (of hair) chgat* r-
liati; (cheerful) hersuka liati, riiarg,'^ germarg ;* (of larger ob-
ria;* (quick witted) tajam. jects) cliracliak, herchranchargan*
Brighten (brit'n), v. t. tranjkan. Bristly (-sli), adj. kjor^
Brightness (-nes), s. trarg, chaliya, British (brit'ish), adj. J?^.(7ns. See
kchrahan* See bright.
cliuaclia,'^ GI?EAT BRITAIN.
Bright's disease (brits' diz-ez'), s. Brittle (-tl), adj. (hard substances)
s-jnis pjyakit huali pin/garg. rapoh, rtis;* (as wood) rpiit,*
Brilliancy (bril'van-si), s. cliahya, rpak,^ rpas;* (as toast) rargup*
kilat, chiuerlarg/'' sinar. Broach (broch), v. t. (pierce, tap)
Brilliant (-yant), adj. (bright) rJiocJwk; (open) huka: (publish)
rhmerJarg* herkilat-kilat; (splen- kluarkan, laltirkan (Ar. tldhir).
did, as persons, talents, etc.) pan- Broad (brawd), adj. (wide) lehar;
dai, mnlia. (extensive, of land, sea or river)
Brim (brim), s. (of cups, plates, lua^s,Iga: (of the chest or should-
hihir: liati Iga.
etc.) (q(\^q, margin) tpi, ers) hidarg ; (li])eral)
pUggir (X.I.). Broadcast (brawd'kast), adj. ter-
Brimful (brim 'fool'), adj. pnoli, sppah, hrrtahiiran, berkaparan,'^
fpasy^ tpii* herlianihoran, herteharan.
Brimstone (-ston), s. hlerarg. Broadcloth (-klawth), s. mkhlat
Brindled (brin'dld), adj. hlaiy. (Pers.).
Brine (bi'Tn), s. ayer yarani. Broaden (-n), v. t. luaskan, lehar"
Bring(bring), (convev, but not
v. t. knn, lapaigkan, Igakan.
exclusively in the direction of the Broadside (-sid), s. (side of a ship)
speaker) haira; (fetch) a nihil : lauihorg, eren/an;* (discharge of
(conduct, bring with one) hantar. all guns) temhak s-rmpak.*

ate, ask, fim, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, ns, minws, cure, injure,
hiirry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Brocade (bro-kruV), s. sundus Broomstick (broom'stik), s. bataiy
(Ar.), kain soufVet. piyapu.
Brogue (brog), s. pelai. Broth (brawtli), s. ><op (E.), tim
Broil (broil), s. cjiupar, gadoli, rioh- (Ch.) ; (chicken broth) kaldu*
rndah. (Port.) ; (if it contains rice or
Broil, V. t. paigganj, gaKjgatrj. other grain) bub or dagirg.^
Broiling (broiring), adj. (of heat) Brothel (bro^//'el), s. rumah prem^
h-fk, panas trek. puan jahat, rumali jalaig, rumah
Broken (bro'kn), adj. put us, patali, panjarg,^ rumah suiidal, rumah
prhah ; see break; (in gap?, as chalda (Hind.).
teetli or a fence) rotgah; (of Brother (bru^///er), s. saudara laku
l)rancbes) shah ;'^ (of water) ler- laki; (elder brother) abarg, (polite
l-ochal', I'onchak;* (in healtli) tiia form) kakanda ;'^ (younger bro-
JontoJi-;* (imperfectly spoken) pe- ther) adek, (polite form) adinda.'^

Jat. Broken ground, ianali R'ak- Half brother (of the same mo-
ll'ol'. Broken off (as branches, ther), saudara aujiig: (of the
etc.) cliamporg* same father) saudara s-bapa.
Broker dalal
(-kerj, s.
(Ar.), Brother german, sa,uda7'a s'ibu s-
cliarghu,'^ yarg berjual-hli
orarg bapa sa u dara s-pan ch ar.

haqi orarg lain, broker (E.), mak- Brother-in-law (-in-law'), s. ipar,

lar (D.).'
ipar duai;^ (the relationship be-
Brokerage (-ej), s. (commission) tween men who have married
kainse?i (E.), dalal (Ar.), homisi sisters) biros,
targ-mui (B.)
(x.r.) (D.). (Ch. Uug-mrg).
Bronchial (brong'ki-al), adj. krorg-
Brotherly (-li), adj. adek-beradek.
k-oig (a). Brow (brow), s. (ridge over the
Bronchitis (brong-ki'tis), s. ^sak
eye) knirg, alls (X.I.) ; (fore-
krorgkorg, smh dada.
head) dahi.
Bronze (bronz), s. tmhaga snam, Browbeat v.
(brow'bet), t. gertak,
gargm,"^ loyarg.^
Brooch (broch), s. krosarg, kron-
Brown (brown), adj. hitam manis;
Brood on eggs) (light brown) peraig;^ (reddish
(brood), v. i. t.
brown) erarg.'^
kraiii, mrgram; (think long and
Browse (browz), v. t. ragut;^ f/ctfy-
anxiously) ronseig,*^ tfknr (Ar.),
fiVir-fl-ir (B.).
Bruin (broo'in), s. si bruarg.
Brood, s. prinduan* perindok'an.'^
Brook (brook), s. anak Bruise (brdoz), v. t. (of fruit) m-
sroVan* inarkan :'^ (of flesh, discoloured)

Brook, V. t. (l)ear, endure) tahan, Ibamkan; (swollen) brgkak;

drita (smaller) binchut.
(Sk.), targgorg.
Brooklet s. anak Bruise, s. mmxir/^ Ibani, brgkak,
(brook'l^^t), ai/er.
Broom (br56m), s.
pryapii; (of
binchut, as above.
straw) pryapu padi, piyapu ro- Bruit ( b root ) v t kh abarkan, m a-
. .

(of coco-nut midribs) piya-

iiian;'^ sohorkan (Ar. fuaslihur), siarkan.
Brunette (broo-nef), s. mem orarg
pu lidi, piyapu kasar (B.) (of ;

coco-nut fibre) piyapu sahot ; (of puteh yarg berrambot hitam.

kaborg fibre) piyapu ijoh* Brunt (brunt), s. trnpoh yarg kras.
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

rmpoh/'' To bear the brunt, hna (bend) Intor* To buckle to^

irol'. hantirg tularg.
Brush hrus (E.), pmP^^> Buckler (-kler), s. (small round
pirjgosol', (N.!.) sikai

; shield) utar-utar;*' (square) K

wood) smal'; (Mahiy tooth ])rush) long:* (larger) prisai.
Buckram (-ram), s. kain rami
Brush, V. t. (/osol-, sapu; (the teeth)
Buckshot (-shot), s. arggor sua-
sufji,"^ f/nsolv (B.).
Brushwood s. pauj/^ kacliarg-kacharg,^ pnahur
(small) smal; (larger) rpoJi,"^
Buckskin (-skin), s. kulit rusa
ramhunf (secondary jungle) hlu-
kijarg dan s-bagai-nja.
Bud (bud), s. (of leaves or stem)
Brusque (broosk), adj. praiy-prus;^
tunas; (unopened flower) kun~
rigus,* pranipiis.^
Brutal Una- tiim, kudop*
(broo'tal), adj. sperti
Bud, Y. i. bertunas, berkuntum,, ber^
taig; (cruel) Irgis; (savage) ga-
Buddhism (bood'dizm), s. agama
Brute (broot), binatmg. s. (beast)
Brutish (br56'tish), adj. rsmi hina- yarg di-ajar ohli s'orarg Hindu
yarg berglar Buddha.
Bubble v. i.
Budge (buj), v. i. bergrak, berkesut^
huah,'^ (give a gurgling
Budget (buj'et), s. arggaran blanja^
sound) glgcilx, glohoh,'^ rohok;'^ Buff (buf), s. kulit Inibu atau ker-
(as aerated waters) reneh,^ m- bau yarg Imbek.
rtiap (B.). Buff, adj. irerna kulit.
Bubble, s. (film inflated with air) Buffalo (buf'fa-lo), s. kerbau.
glmhoig, hlinhorg (B.) ;
(globule Buffer (-fer), s. perkakas tahan tm-
of air in a solid or liquid) merteh*
poll pada kreta ajn.
Bubo (bu'bo), s. sakit Mnjaran, Buffet (-fgt), v. t. (with the fist)
hlialaw;* (under armpit) haraU tumbok; (with the open hand)
kllawarf' (svphilitic) margga. waves) tmpoh, ban-
tampar; (as
Buccaneer (buk-ka-ner'), s. prom- tirg, pukoly hmpas.
pak. Buffeting (-ing), s. tmpohan.
Buck (buk), s. riisa jantan, kamhirg Buffoon (buf-ioon') s. ogak-ogak,"^
jantan. alan-alan^ oraig klakar* orarg
Buck, V. i. (of horses) terloncliaU
jnaka,'^ pnernawa,'^ orarg plmimkr
Ion chat.
Bucket s. (for baling)
(buk'ft), Buffoonery (-er-i), s. klakar,*"
twiba; (for carrying, of wood) pkuraVan.
torg; (of iron) baJdi; (of bamboo Bug (bug), s, (bedbug) pijat-pijat^
or tin) chentoig, chantirg ;* (of a kutu busok, kpindirg (N.I.),.
joint of bamboo) iahoig : (of two ba'sat (Ch. bat-sat) ; (varieties^
or three joints) hachok.'^ with a bad smell) piarggatg,*"
Buckle (buk'ki), s. kpaJa tali pirg- rJnnngau.*
garg, kpala tali kidit : (a metal Bugbear (bug'biir), s. momok.
plate) pndirg. Buggy (-gi), s. bogi (E.), kreta
Buckle, V. t.
(fasten) ganchiikan; bogi.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, feriy; ice, it, fire.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hiirry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful) ;* law, how, oil; thin then.
Bugle (bu'o'l), s. troinpet (E.), Bullock-heart (-hart), s. (the fruit
begol (E.) ; slompret (N.I.) ; of Anona reticulata) buah nona,
(native horn) tuaiy-tuaiy* buah nana jantorg (B.).
Bugler (-gler), s. pniop trompet, BulFs eye (boolz'i), (of a target)

tul-arg Hop trompet. mata sasaran;^ (lantern) lampu

Build (bild),(of brick) ha-
v. t. glap, plita glap.
ir/ imkan, huat, ikat, hikin (B.) Bully (bool'li), v. t.
(threaten) ger-
(X.T.) ; (of plank houses) diri- tak, ugut;* (coerce)
kan, fgakkcui* To build up, Bully, s. piggertak, pigugut.^
itapkan, tgohkan. Bulrush (-rush), s. mndrorg,^ ker-
Builder (bild'er), s. tiikaig huat ru- cliut,'^^ kumpai.*
mah. Bulwark (-werk), s. (fortification)
Building (-ing), s. rumah, haiyun- kota; (Naut.) berdu (L.) ; (de-
an. Building materials, ramu- fence) perlindo'rgan.
ramnan.'^ Bumblebee (bum'bl-be), s. kum-
-Bulb (bulb), s. m lairarg. barg.
Bulge (bulj), V. i. (swell out) km- Bumboat (-bot), s. sampan pnjaja,
borg, kpolif (be protuberant) gaigbot.
honjol, bujal* jojol/^' gmbol* Bump (bump), s. (swelling) brg-
tombol,* tonjol.* kak; (protuberance) benjol,"^ bon-
Bulk (bulk), s. (size) bsar, bsar- jol; (blow) ant ok.
nja; (principal part) kbaiyakaii. Bump, V. t. 'nlakkan, antokkan, ban^
To break bulk (Naut.), inula i tirg.
pwggah. To load in bulk, mnat- Bump, V. i. befntak, berantok, ter-
kan tiada berburgkus, lembamkan.^ antok.
Bulkhead (bulk'hed), s. (Naut.) Bumper (bump'er), s.
piala pnoh
dindirg peiak kapal. mlembaJi.
Bulky (-i), adj. bsar, rintafg* Bumpkin (-kin), s. oraiy hutan,
Bull (bool), s. Imbu jantan, sapi oruHj dusun.*
jantan (X.I.). The wild bull, Bumptious (-shws), adj. yarg mm-
sJadanj. bmrkan din, yarg migatas-igatas*
Bull, s. (E.G.) surat prentah papa; Bun (bun), s. roti kismis; (plain)
(1)1 under) sUap. rati manis, bludal."^
Bulldog (bool'dog), s. s~jnis an jug Bunch (bunch), s. (tuft of grass,
j/arg brani. etc.) rumpun; (cluster of fruit)
Bullet (-let), s. phtru, peJor (N.I.) taigkai, ranjkai, tandan, gugus*
(Port, pelouro). roigkol;"^ (bananas) sisir, sikat;*
Bullet-proof (-proof), adj. yarg (keys) rargkai; (of cut flowers,
iahan pliiru, yarg tiada di-makan etc.) jaras.-^
plum. Bundle (bun'dl), s. (wrapped up)
Bullfrog (-frog), s. kaiak btoigf" bunjkus, bandla (Eur.) ; (tied up)
kodok btoig (B.). kbat* gmalJ^
berkas, ikat,
Bullion {-yui\), s. padu."" Mas Bundle, v. t.
(wrap up) burgkus-
padu,^ gold in ingots, as opposed kan, balutkan; (tie up) ikat, her-
to mas urai, gold dust; also mas kaskan, kbaf.'^
jorgkoig.* Bung (bung), s. (stopper) sumbat
Bullock (-lok), s. Imbu, Imhu km- tonj; (the hole) mulut torg, lobarg
biri, Imbu kasi/^ sapi (N.I.). toig.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min^s, cure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin f/ien.
Bungalow (biiii<>'o-a-]o), .s.
hcug- buran,* tanah kubur. Burial
hi (Hind.). ser\ice, talkin (Ar.).
Bunghole (-I16I), s. see bung. Burlesque (ber-lesk'), s. ajok yaig
Bungle (-0^1 ), V. t.
liniaty-puharg- ninibri tertawa, jnaka/^
l^an, h'usntkan, ropak-rapekhan. Burly (ber'li), adj. tgap, tgap-
Bungle, s. sogeJi,^ herja lintarg- msa.^^
pukarg. kerja tasnnnoh, kcrja ta- Burn (bern), v. t. (set on fire)
kruan (^".l.), kerja kmut. bakar, tunu;* (reduce to ashes)
Bunion (bun'ywn), s. sakit buku ibu liarguskan, rntoig f
(expose to
kaki. heat) bakar ; (scald) clilor; (with
Bunker (bimg'ker), s. kofak, peiak. red-hot metal) star; (with acids)
Coal bunker, peiak araty di kapal. btok;^ (heaps of logs) p7-un*
Bunting (l)iTn'tin^), s. kaxn bndera. Burn, V. i. (be on fire) kna api, di-
Buoy (boi). s.
plampo^g* boya niakan api ; (flame) benyata.
(Port.), bairup/^^ which aLso Burn, s. (injury) luka hargus;^''
means beacox, q.v. (scald) Ichor* Ipoh/'' clilor (B.).
Buoy, V. t. (cause to float) iimbol- Burning (bern'ing), adj. (flaming)
kaii; (support, sustain) targgorg; benyata; (vehement) gatak.
(fix buoys) plain poigkan."^ To Burnish (ber'nish), v. t. gilap/'^
buoy up one's spirits, itapkan liati. 11
Buoyancy (boi'an-si), s. planiporg- Burnt (bernt), adj. di-makan api^
an (of spirits) liati rergan.
lian/iis. Burnt offering, korban
Buoyant {-ant), adj. (tending: to (Ar.).
float) fimbol, lamporg ; (light Burr (ber), (rough edge) grigis-

hearted) rergan hati. an: (on head of a chisel)

Burden (ber'dn), s. (load) bban,"^ pay org;* (prickly seed pod) buah
pikulan. targg organ; (something putut-pnlut*
grievous) kbratan: (jSTaut.) innat- Burrow (bur'ro), v. i. gorok* gah\
an. Beast of burden, binatarg korek. krok.
yarg mmbawa bban;^ binatarg arg- Burrow, s. krok'an, lobarg binataig

kat bararg (B.). dalani tanah.

Burden, v. t. brafkan. Burst (berst), v. i. (explode) Itop;
Burdensome (-smn), adj. brat, (break open, as pods) rkah, mer-
sukar'^' di-targgorg, snsah di-ta)r/- kali: (as buds) kmbarg : (as
gorg. seams) rtas; (break in pieces)
Bureau (bu-ro' or bii'ro), s. (desk) berkai*
meja talis ; (ofliee) opis (E.) ; Bury (ber'ri), v. t. tanain : (in a
(chest of drawers) ahnari lachi, grave) kuburkan, kbvniikan :* (of
hero'-^ (Eur.). |)rinces) nmkanikan, (Ar.) (im- ;

Bureaucracy (l)u-rok'ra-si), s. l)ed) bnam.

pre n tail, pgairal.^ Bush (boosh), s. (thicket) smak,-
Burglar (ber'gler), s. prgamon ru- (shrub) goniporg*
77iah, orarg pchali pintu. Bushel (boosh'el), s. sukatan Itggris-
Burglary (-i), s. hal mmcliah pintu.
= 6f gantarg.
Burgomaster (l)er'go-nias'ter), s. Bushy (-i), adj. (of trees) rendaig,
prglnilu bandar.'^' rihtbun* rampak;* (of eyebrows,
Burial (ber'ri-d), s. hal mrguhyr- etc.) tbat: (of mane or tail) km-
kan oranj. Burial ground, pku- barg, tbat.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Business (biz'nes), s. (occupation) Button, V. t. kanchirykan.
kerja, plcerjaan, jawatan;* (com- Button-hole (-hoi), s. loharg bu-
merce) perniagaan; (affair) per- taig, mata jrok*
Imra, hal. To engao'e in business, Buttonhook (-hook), s. chaiykok^
herdagarg,'^ bemiaga. Buttress s.
(but'tres), pnjokorg
Businesslike (-likj, adj. (system- tenibok; (natural, at the base of
atic) bperatumn. trees) banir.^
Bust (bust), s. patorg s-l-rat dada. Buxom (buks'7/m), adj. tgap, tgap-
Bustle (bus'sl), v. i. hersihok, ter-
kochoh^kochoh, herhinclmiy-kirap,
Buy (bi), V. t. bit. To buy and sell,
berjual-blL To buy for another
Busy (biz'i), adj. (at work) dhok, on To buy
ada credit, pialargkanj^
l-erja, tamanj, taslesa* in order to sell again, raeli.*
Busybody (-bod-i), s. (a meddling Buzz (buz), V. i. (of the ears) ber-
person) prgacliau, prygaiggu.'*
But dsiiy; (as a bee) berdrgotg.
(but), adv. prep, and conj. (ex-
Buzzard (buz'zerd), s. The honey
cept) harga* chuma,
the buzzard, laiy batek, laig borek.
(on contrary, yet, however)
itapi, akan ttapi. Nothing but
By (bl), prep, (near) dkat, ham,'
tiada lain mlainkan daun pir:^ (with, by means of, through)
olelt, dtgan; (in oaths) dmi/^ By
Butcher and by, s-bntar lagi, lagi s-kjap.
(booch'er), s. piymbleJi,
priihantai/^ pnjual dagirg.
By day, pada siaty hari. By one's
Butcher, v. t. smlleh, hantai, po-
self, s'orarg diri. By the side of,
pada sisi,^ di tpi (B.). One by
torg; (murder) hunoli drgan hrgis.
one, s'oraiy Ipas s'oraty, Ipas satu
Butchery (-i), s. pmbunohan drgan
saiu, satu-satu. Day by day, s-
big is.
Butler s.
liarl-liari, s-hari k-s-hari. To go
(but'ler), hpala playan,*
kpala boi, botlir
by land, jalan mndarat, jalan
(D.) (X.I.) ; (of
princes)' pnjawat mntapan* bn-
tarn (Sk.). By, adv. (near) dkat; (passing)
Butt (but), s. (cask) pipa (Port.); lalu; (past, beyond) largsorg.
(thicker end) paiykal; (target) By-law (bi'law), s.
mmr;"^ (of a rifle) buntut snaparg. Bypath (-path), s. jalan semparyan,
Butt, V. i. (with the head) sondol; jalan sidit^'
(with horns) tandok; (meet at the Bystander (-stand-er), s. oraiy
end) jjak* bertmu. yarg berdiri dkat.
Butter (bnt'ter), s. mntega (Port.). Byway (-wa), s. jalan sulit.^'

Butterfly (-fli), s. kupu-kupu; see Byword (-werd), s. (proverb) per-

MOTH. umpamaan, bidal;'^ (contemp-
Buttermilk (-milk), s. dadeh,"^' tuous saying) sin divan, tlabai.^
tairu (Tam.).
Buttertree (-tre), s. pokok srg-
Buttocks (but'toks), s. pi. purggonj, Cab (kab), ?. kreta sew a.
pan fat, totgkerg. Cabal (ka-bal'), s. muafakat glap/''
Button (-tn), s. kanchirg baju, bu- muafakat jaliat,^' pakatan, suba-
targ (Port.). hat'^

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, miuMs, ciire, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin */ien.
Cabbage (kab'bej), s. Icohis (E.), Cage, V. t. kurotg,
Jiohis Cain (kan), s. Kabil (Ar.).
Cabin (-in), s. (on a steamer) hileJc, Cairn (karn), s. timhonan batu jadi
heben (E.), kamar (D.) ; (on a tanda periigatan.
Malay boat) Jcurory* magun;* Caisson (kas'son), s. 'mpanjan ayer,
(small house) pondoh. pintu ayer.
Cabinet (-et), s. (private room) Cajole (ka-jol'), v. t. pujok, bujok*
bileh; (cupboard or chest of draw- kechek.
ers) bero^ (Eur. bureau) ; (advi- Caitiff (ka'tif), s. oraig kji* orarg

sory council) masliuarat (Ar.),

jahat, orairg luchah.
majlis sgala mniri* Cabinet
Cake (kak), s, (gen.) kueli (Ch.),
council, mashuarat m7itri* Ca-
prganan,''" juadah* (Pers.) ;
binet minister, ahlu 'l-mashuarat
ous kinds are, lempirg, wajek, dO'
(Ar.). dol, bergkaig, surabai,"^ chuchor,
Cable (ka'bl), s. tali sauli, rantai
jmput-jmput, biigka, asida.* Oil
sauh; (of coco-nut fibre) tali sa-
cake,hampas bijan, hampas klapa.
bot; (measure of length) 100 bva,h ulu, baulu. A
Sponge cake,
dpa; (telegraphic message) Jcawat. cake of soap, s-buku sabon, s-kpirg
Cable, V. t. piikol haivat, pukol iali- sabon. Cake cutter, trap.'^
grap (E.).
Cake, V. i. (as rice in a pot) ber-
Cablegram (-gram), s, pMabaran krak; (as mud) bertepek. Caked
kawat, khabar kawat.
dirt, kredak, gredak (B.).
Caboose (ka-boos'), s. (Xaut.) da- Calabash (kal'a-bash), s. labu ayer,
pur kapal. labu jantorg.
Cackle (kak'kl), v. i. (of fowls)
kekek* kakak* mrgakak* ber- Caladium (ka-la'di-wm), s. kladi.
Calamitous (ka-lam'i-tiis), adj.
ktok; (when frightened) berkiok^^;
7nalarg, clilaka.
(giggle) kekek.
Calamity (-ti), s. clilaka, mer-
Cackle, s. ktok, kiok", kekek, as
bahya,'^ kuiolargan, mara/^ balah
Cactus (kak'ti^s), s. lidah jin/^' li-
(Ar. bald').
dah badak* lidah buaya. Calcareous (kal-kar'i-ws), s. deri-

Cad (kad), s. oraig kurarg ajar.

pada batu kapur.
Cadaverous Calculate (kal'ldi-lat), v. i. t. (reck-
(ka-dav'er-ws), adj.
on) kira, liitorg, bilargkan, liisab
pucliat Isu, puchat Isi,* puchat
Jsek,'^ pucliat manai.'^
(Ar.), reken (N".I.) (D.) ; (on
Cadence the fingers) main jari; (estimate,
(ka'dens), s. lagham
compute) arggarkan, taksirkan
(Ar.). In cadence, berlagham.
Cadet (ka-def), s. bakal pgawai* (D.).
Cadet corps, pasokan snldado bu- Calculation (-la'shi/n), s. kira-kira,
dak skolah. bilargan, liitoigan, arggaran, taksir
Cadge (kaj), v. t. indiig,'^ mrg- (D.j.
Calculus (-bfs), s. (Math.) satii
viditg (B.), bawa prot.
Caesar (se'zer), s. kaisar (Ar.). jnis kira-kira; (Med.) batu kararg,
Cafe (ka-fa'), s. rmnah makan mi- Eenal calculus, batu buah pirggarg.
num. Caldron (kawl'drMn), see caul-
Cage (kaj), s. sargkar, kurorgan:
Hrgkaran (B.). Calendar (kal'en-der), s. (arrange-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, ber, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, min?fs, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
ment of time) iariJch (Ar.) (al- ; (of water) ina^g; (of the mind)
manac) fahvim (Ar.) (schedule) ; tnarg-liati, ttap-hati, sabar.
duftar {Ar.),jdival (Ar.). Calm, s. kmatian- aiyin, tdoh.
Calender, v. t. grus dnjan Jcelarg* Calm, V. t. (the elements) tdohkan;
Calf (kaf), s. anak Imhu; (of the (the mind) ttapkan hati, snargkan
leg) jantorg btis* hvah htis,"^ prot hati. To calm one's self, tahan
kali (B.) ; (leather) knlit anak hati.
Imhu. Calomel (bH'o-mel), s. abu raksa."^^

Calibre (kari-ber or ka-le'ber), s. Caltrop ranjau cham-

(kal'trop), s.

buka mulut mriam aiau snaparg. pak,* ranjau mata ampat,* ranjau
The calibre of this caimon is 4 poris kaborg.*
inches, mulut mriam ini ampat Calumniate (ka-lum'ni-at), v. t.

inchi huka-nja. umpat, fHnahka?i (Ar.), jaliatkan,

Calico (kal'i-ko), s. hJacliu; (print- busokkan nam a.
ed) chit, cliita. Calumny (karum-ni), s. umpat, fit-

Calipers (-perz), s. jaryka. nah (Ar.).

Caliph (ka/lif), s. khalifah (Ar.). Calyx (ka'liks), s. klopak buiga.
Calk (kawk), v. t. see caulk. Calve (kav), v. i. beranak {pada
Call (kawl), v. t. (summon) parg- Imbu saliaja).
gil; (by shouting) laorg/'' ruah;^ Cam (kam), s. roda psawat* yarg
(as troops) krah;* (invite) jmpot, tiada buJat.
silakan;'^ (remind of invitation) Camber (kam'ber), s. hykorgan*
sonsorg:'^ (name) shot, namakan, Cambric (kam'brik), s. kain kasa
glar: (arouse from sleep) parggil, (Ar. khamh).
sdarkan, kjotkan, bargunkan; (en- Cambium (kam'bi-?/m), s. slupat
tice birds) dkut.'^ To call to kayu* kulit manis.
mind, irgat, knarg. To call on Camel (kam'el), s. onta.
(as God), sni:^ To call to pray- Cameo (kam'i-5), s. gambar tim-
er, ba)g (Pers.). bol.

Call, V. i. (cry out) bersru,^ ber- Camera (-er-a), s. pti prgamhil gam-
triak; (make a short visit) sirggah. bar, pti fotograp, pti piyamhil
To call on (visit), lawat, mlaivat pta.*
(B.), vrtjoiy* ziarali (Ar.) ;
see Camp (kamp), s. padarg khemah,
VISIT. perkliemahan intra.*
Call, s. tiiak, srii,'^ laorg .'^
(cry) Camp, V. i. berkhemah, bntarg klie-
(visit) sirggahmi, lawatan;* (in- mall, pasarg khemah, berpondok.
vitation) jmpotan. To pay calls Campaign (kam-pan'), s. praig, p-
(mutually) , berdatarg-datarg .
Calling (kawFing), s. (employ- Camphor (kam'fer), s. kapur ba-
ment) pkerjaan, jaivatan* pgarg- rus.*
an* pegaigan (B.) ; (act of call- Can (kan), v. i. (able) boleh, dapat,
ing) piyruan^' dan (P.), bisa (N.I.) ; (have
Callosity (kal-los'i-ti), s. blulaTy* time) smpat. See able.
Callous (kariws), adj. (of the skin) Can, s. ten,* tin (E,), kalirg (X.I.).
mm^batu, mmMularg :'^ (in mxind) Water can, tmpat ayer. Oil can,
kras haii, hati batu. tmpat miryak.
Callus, s. blularcj* Canaan (ka'na-an), s. negii Ka-
Calm (kam), adj. (of wind) tdoh; naan (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, 85re, sort, sorry; use, us, mimo, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then..
Canal s. trusan* parit,
Canker (krmg'ker), s. pkorg, cha-
Canker, v. t. (eat away) makan da-
Cancel (kan's^l), v. t. (mark out)
a lam: (corrupt) rosak, rosakkan.
paraig,* potorg, hunoli; (with
Cannibal (kan'ni-bal), s. orarg yaiy
cross) paiyk-ah; (annul,
niakan oraiy.
oral%* hatalkan.
Cannon (-m/n), s. mriam, hdil hsar.
Cancer s. (Med.) kaj/ap api;
(-ser), See
Cannon ball, plum mriam.
(sign of the zodiac) sertan"^ (Ar. GUN.
sarTan). Cannonade v. t. temhak
Candid (-did), adj. (sincere) tulus,
drgan mriam.
ehhias (Ar.), hati htul (B.) ; Canoe s. kolek; (dugout)
(frank) lurm, trus-trarg.
jalur,'^ sagw'^ (Pk.) ; (smaller)
Candidate (-di-det), s. yarg alili
hndak di-pileh atau di-lantelc* Canon s. (rule) kanun
orarg yarg mnchari pkerja'an. (Ar.) ; (church official) pargkat
Candied (kan'did), adj. hersira,
padri. Canon law, Uukum agama.
hersaJcar/' Candied peel, halwa* Canonical (ka-non'i-kal), adj. yarg
limau. mnurut kanun (Ar.). Canon-
Candle (-dl), s. dimi;^ lilin. Eo- icals, pakaian padri.
nian candles, matahr Canonize (kan'i^n-iz), v. t. (E.C.)
Candlenut (-nut), s. huali I'vas, masokkan dalam hilargan orarg
buah hmiri/^ kramat; see saint.
Candlestick (-stik), s. kalci-dianf' Canopy (-o-pi), s. twykup,'^ laigit-
luki-Ulin. largit; (in processions) pay org
Candour uhor-iihor.*
(-der), s. (sincerity) h-
tulusan, hati htul, Cant (kant), s. serget.
puteh liati,
Cant, V. t. seigetkan.
ekhlas* (Ar. ikhlds) ; (frankness)
trus trarg.. Cant, s. (hypocritical speech) per-
kata'an pura-pura.
Candy (-di),manisdn, lialwa:^
Can't - cannot (kant), taholeh.
Sugar candy, gala hatu.
Cantankerous (kan-tang'ker-iis) ,
Candy, v. t. dra. Candied, her-
sakar* hersira. adj. hantalian,* dgil, hirgal^'
Canteen (-ten'), s. (vessel) tmpat
Cane (kan), s. (rattan) rotan;
hkal:"^ (building) kdai hagi sol-
(walking stick) torgkat. Malacca dado.
cane, smamhu* Sugar cane, tbu.
Canter herlari
(kan'ter), v. i. mig-
Cane work (as chair seats), mata
punai. Cantharides s.
Cane, v. t. palu dtgan. rotan, ssali
drgan rotan. To be caned, kna Cantilever (kan'ti-lo-ver) ,
s. (brack-
et) siku-siku; (projecting beam)
Canine (ka-nln'), adj. cliara anjirg, 7'ayok miyanjiir.*
anjirg (a). Canine tooth, gigi an- Cantonese (kan-to-nez'), s. orarg
jirg, gigi amf' (of animals) gigi Mdkau, China Kua.nl org.
tarirg. Cantonment (kan-t6on'm?nt), s.
Canister (kan'is-ter), s. ten,'^ tin kampoig yarg di-untokkan hagi
(E.), bkas ayan,"^ kalirg (N.I.). soldado.*

ate, ask, ara. finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51(1, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, ns, mins, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Canvas (kan'vas), s. kain layer, Capon (ka'pon), s. ayam kmhiri,

a yam kasi* (Ar. khasl).
kain mota.^
Canvass, v. t. (examine) prelm, Caprice (ka-pres'), s. rayam, teiy-
slidek* To canvass for subscrip- kah, olaJi.'^

tions,mnjajah mmuiyut yuran* Capricious (-prish'i^s), adj. hati

mnjajah pmyut warg (B.). niranihary, hati tattap, haryak ra-

Canyon (kan'y?m), s. Imhali yaiy yam, hanjak olah,* haryak terykah,

hanjak chrewet (N.I.)
saryaf churam, yaory. (B.).'
Caoutchouc (kow'chook, r. s. ko5'- Capricorn (kap'ri-korn), s. (sign
of tlie zodiac) jidyan (Ar.).
chook), s. ytah, Imret (X.I.).
Cap (kap), s. soryhoh, kopiali;
Capsicum (-si-km), s. lada merah,
ko- cha.bai lada
(white) ktayap* hopiah thai* (Jav.)
cliili, ; (dried)
liaji. Percussion cap, kep kriry, chili kriry.
Capsize (kap-slz'), v. i.
Capability (ka'pa-biri-ti), s. kpan-
daian, kuasa. Capsize, v. t.
tliDykupkan,* ter-
Capable (kri'])a-bl), adj. pandai,
herhuasa, alili (Ar.). Capstan (kap'stan), s. (iS^aut.) piL-
luas, taran sauh, putaran lawary, putar-
Capacious (ka-pa'shws), adj.
an janjkar (L.), kepseii (E.).
lya, lapary.
Capacity (ka-pas'i-ti), s. (extent of Capstan bars, anak bari.
space) kluasan, klaparyan; (abil-
Capsule (-sill), s. (pod) kulit biji;
ity) kuasa; (condition, occupa-
(of a bottle) pnutop botol; (for
tion) pkerjaan. What is the medicine) savory obat.
capacity of this jar, hrapa muat Captain (-ten), s.
kaptan, kpitan,
tin pay an ini. nakhoda (Pers.), juragan (Jav.).
Cape (kap), s. (promontory) tan- Captious (-shws), adj. pnjachat,*
jory, liujoiy tanali; (garment) pnchla, siika chla (B.).
Ijaju hujan s-krai. Captivate (-ti-vat), v. t. hambat
Caper (kap'er), v. i. lompat-lompat, liali,'^ ambil hati; (please) suka-
lonjak4onjak/^ linjak-linjak* ylin-
Captive (-tiv), s. orary tawanan/'-
Capillary (ka-pil'la-ri), s. urat yaiy Captivity (kap-tiv'i-ti), s. tawan-
lialux sperti rainhiit. an ^^
Capital (kap'i-tal), adj. (first in Capture (kap'chur), v. t.
importance) terutama (Sk.), iau~ (in war) taivanJ^
kin (Ch.) (B.) ; (excellent) indali, Car (kar), s. kveta; (with two
elok, hayus. Capital punishment, wheels) kreta s-krat.'^ Motor car,
hukiun mati. Capital letter, liu- matoka. Tram car, kveta eleJc'
ruf hsar.^ trik,* trem (E.).
Capital, s. (chief city) ibii neyri, Carat (kar'at), s. timbaryan per-
kpala neyri; (money) modal, po- mata; (of gems) krat; (of gold)
kok; (of a pillar) kpala tiaiy. mutu.
Capitalist (-ist), s. ovary hermodal, Caravan (kar'a-van'), s. (company
orarg herherta. of travellers) kafilah (Ar.), am-
Capitulate (ka-pich'u-lat), v. i. Tcatan;^ (covered vehicle) kreta
srahkan diri. pondok,'^ kreta tmpat kdiaman.'^

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin *7ien.
Caravansary (-sa-ri),8. rumah per- an; (course of life) hal kahidop-
siiygahan, rumah wakaf (Ar.). an, pkerja'an, pncharian.
Caraway (-wa), s. jintan, jmuju. Career, v. i. (of animals) lari turg-
Carbine (kar'bm), s. siiaparg pen-
garg-latggarg ; (of ships) jalan
dek. laju.
Carbon (-bon), s. araiy. Careful (kar'fool), adj. jimat, iigat,
Carboy (-boi), s. buy org Icacha. chermat, baik-baik, jaga, ati-ati
Carbuncle (-bung-kl), s. (Med.) (N.I.).
piyakit raja, pkotg i7ias* pa'ipa;* Careless (-les), adj. (negligent, in-
(precious stone) hatu yakut attentive) ta jimat, lalai, chuai,*

(Ar.). alpa (Sk.) ; (heedless, indifferent)

Carcase hargkai; (when
(-kas), s. hgai,"^ klesa.*
putrid) danur; (swollen and float- Caress (ka-res'), v. t. blai,* pujok-
ing in water) buntarg."^ chumbu,* tunjok kaseh-sayarg
Card (kard), s. (pasteboard) kertas (B.).
tbal; (playing cards) kartu,^ daun Caretaker (kar'tak-er), s. orary
skoporg* (D.)> daun trap (D.), jaga; (of a mosque) noja (Ar.),
dmin pakau (Ch.) ; (Chinese play- siak (P.).
ing cards) daun chki, kertas chki Cargo (kar'g5), s. muatan kapal
(B.) ; (visiting card) kat (E.), a tail praliu.
karcliis (D. kaartje), (X.I.). Caricature (kar'i-ka-tiir'), v. t.

Card, V. t. sisir. ejek.

Cardamom (kar'da-mi/m), s. buah Caricature, s. gambar pnernawa,*
pJaga, kapidaga* puar* gambar prgejek.
Cardboard (kard'bord), s. kertas Carnage (kar'nej), s. pmbunohan
tbal oratg ramai.
Cardinal (kar'di-nal), adj. teru- Carnal (-nal), adj. (pertaining to
tama* Cardinal points
'terbsar. the body) derl-pada badan, ber-
of the compass (Xaut.), ibu mata rya wa; (lustful) berhawa-nafsu,
pdoman, ibu mata argin. ludiali. Carnal passions, Jiaiva-

Cardinal, s.
(E.C.) pargkat padri. nafsu.
Care (kar), s. (anxiety) khuatir Carnation (kar-na'shim), s. burga
(Ar. khaiudtir) ; (attention, cau- tluki.

tion, watchfulness) jaga, turggu, Carnelian (kar-ne'li-an), s. batu

bgat, pduli, himmat (Ar.) ; 'akek merah (Ar.).
(charge, management) plihara, Carnival (kar'ni-val), s. permainan
hla-plihara* To take care, hgat- ramai-ramai, kelah*
itgat, baik-baik. Carnivorous (-niv'er-ws), adj. yarg
Care, pduli, bena*
v. i. To care for makan dagirg.
(take care of), plihara, jaga, bla;'^ Carol (kar'ol), s.
ryanjian, puji-
(like, desire) suka, indahkan. pujian.
What do I care? ifidah apa k- Carousal (ka-row'zal), s. kluchdh-
pada-kuf* apa sahya pduli (B.). an.
Careen (ka-ren'), v. i. serget, me- Carouse (ka-rowz'), v. i. minum
rerg. mabok.
Careen, v. t. (Naut.) sergetkan, me- Carp (karp), s. ilxan gurami (Jav.).
rergkan. Carp, v. i. clila digan tiada bersbab,
Career (-rer'), s. (running) plari- chari ksalahan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, cany; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mins, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Carpel (kar'pel), s. pargsa. jalanka7i, kerjakan. To carry
Carpenter (-pen-ter), s. tukarg out, (execute), lakukan,^' jalan-
kayu. kan.
Carpet (-pet), s. permaidani, ham- Cart (kart),s. kreta,
grobak,* pdati
paran;'^ (smaller) hamhal;'^ (at (^.I.). Cart load, muatan kreta.
weddings, etc.) puadai'^ (Tarn.). Carter (kart'er), s. sais kreta aigkat
Carriage (kar'rej), s. (vehicle) bararg, kuli kreta.
kreta; (deportment) sikap, ha- Cartilage (kar'ti-lej), s. tidarg ra-
rgun* gaya. Carriage and pair, ivan,'^ tidavg muda.
kreta jori. Cartoon (kar-toon'), s. gambar bsar.
Carrier (kar'ri-er), s. orary pmhawa Cartridge (kar'trij), s.ptrum (D.
bararg, kuli kreta. patroon), kertus (F. cartouche),
Carrion {-un), s. dagvg husok, harg- pluru, pelor (X.I.) (Port, pe-
kai, damir. louro).
Carrot (-r'?^t), s. lohak merah. Carve (karv), v. i. t. (sculpture)
Carry (gen.) hawa; (on
(-ri), v. t. ukir; (as fretwork, perforated)
the head) junjorg; (in the mouth) sogek;^ (engrave) lukis; (as
gorggorg; (on the shoulders) pi- meat) kernai.^
kul; (between two or more per- Carving (karv'ing),s. ukiran; (per-

sons) nso7g,'^ argkat (B.) ; (on forated) krawarg, sogek'an."^

the end of a stick over the shoul- Cascade (kas-kad'), s. ayer terjun,
der) tuil* tumpil* tuas* cha- jram."^
kus* chrgkuas* pikul (B.) (two ;
Case (kas), s. (covering) sarorg,
burdens on a pole) kandar* gan- sampid;"^ (box) pti, torg; (state,
dar;'^ (astride on the shoulders) circumstance) hal, perkara; (law-
jularg;* (on a sling over the shoul- suit) perkara, kes (E.). In any
der) sandarg;"^ (on the back, pick- case, s-bgimana pun, apa macham
aback) dukorg, dokorg (B.) ; (on pun (B.). In case, jikalau, jika
the back, in a basket) galas, gon- s-kira-iya,'^ asal,^ kalau.
doig;* (in a scarf) pondorg;* Case, V. t. salut,* lapiskan.

(resting on the hip) kelek;* (un- Casemate (kas'mat), s. bilek di

der the armpit) kpit,^ kpet (B.) ; baivah kubu.
(in the folds of a cloth) kendorg; Casement (-ment), s. tirgkap, jn-
(in the womb) kandorg; (as a dela.
child in a sling on the breast) Cash (kash), s. tvarg, warg tunai.
(support on both hands)
amhiti;'^ Cash box, kotak duit.
ampu; (on the bent arms and lap) Cash, V. t. To cash a cheque, tukar
pargku; (on the palm of one chek (E.).
hand) tatarg; (hot things tossed Cashew (ka-sh5o'), s. gajus, jamhu
on the hand outstretched) tatirg;* smpal,* jarggus* (P.).
(with the hand hanging down) Cashier (kash-er'), s. iukarg warg.
hemhet, hibit;* (as above, but Cashier, v. t. pchat.*
smaller objects) jenjet, jenjerg;* Cashmere (kash'mer), s. kashmiri,*
(as a child in the arms) rempus* kJamkari,* kain bulu domba.
To carry by instalments or piece- Casing (kas'ing), s. salutan* lapis-
meal, argknt. To carry off, hawa an.
pergi, haiva lari, rampas, sambar; Cask (kask), s. torg, pipa* (Port.),
(as a thief) tatirg. To carry on. legir* (D. legger).

ate, ask, am, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it,^ fire'
final, care, car,
mirror old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry ; use, us, minws, cure, injure,

hurry; fdod, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Casket (kas'ket), s. chmhol* chpu, Casting-net (-net), s. jala; (with
chanda pti;* (for writing ma- wide meshes) jala ramhaig.'^
terials) klamdan (Pers.) (cof- ; Castle (kas'l),s. kota; (in chess)
fin) (U. S.) lonj,"^ Wanda,* pti tir.*' To build castles in the air,
oranj mati (B.). m rggan taig asap,* a )ga n-argan
Casque (kask), s. l-toporg* kosorg.*
Cassava (kas-sa'va), s. ubi hayu. Castor (kas'ter), s. lererg* kaki
Cassia (kash'i-a), (the bark) laa-
s. ranjaiy meja dan s-hagai-nja
yii manis; (leaves used as a pur- [roda (B.)].
irative) sna inakki* Castor oil s.
(oil), miiyak jarak.
Cassock (kas'swk), s. jubah* padri, Castor oil pokok jarak.
baju padri (B.). Castrate (kas-traf), v. t. kmhiri-
Cassowary (kas'so-wa-ri), s. huroiy kan, kasi* (Ar. kliasi).
kasnari. Castration (-tra'shwn), s. kmhiri.
Cast (kast), v. t. (throw) lempar, Casual (kazh'u-al), adj. yarg tiada
lontar, lotaf;'^ (with a twisting dl-sargka, yaty hukan sryaja.
motion) halivg;* (lob) umhan;* Casualty (-ti), s. kmalaiyan, nahas
.(upwards) lamborg; (downwards) (Ar.).
chain pak, limpas, hantirg; (pour Casuarina (-a-re-na), s. pokok 'ru,
into a mould) tuarg. To cast an- polion chmara (Jav.).
chor, labolikan sauh. To cast Cat (kat), s. kuchiry. Cat o' nine
awa}^, huarg. To cast dice, pareh.* tails, jari ampai.* Wild cat, ku-
To cast down (deject), tawarkan chity liutan, kuchiiy jalarg (B.).
liati. To cast lots, huaiy undi. The cat is out of the bag, kata
To cast a net, teha?- jala. To cast sudali tlanjur, kata sudah terlarg-
off (reject), tolak; (Naut.) Ipas. sorg.
To cast out, huarg. To cast the Cataclysm (kat'a-klizm), s. ayer
lead, huarg prumj^ To cast a thing hah: (great change) peridaran du-
in one's teeth, hargkit. To cast up nia*
(of earth) tamhak; (reckon) hi- Catacomb (-koom, u. s. -kom), s.

larg, jmlahkan (Ar.). kid)ur dalam, goa hsar.'*

Cast, s. (act of throwing) prg- Catalepsy (-lep-si), s. pitam.
unihan;'^ (throw of dice) pmareli:'^ Catalogue (-log), v. t. daftarkan
(in a mould) tuarg. cast in A (Ar.).
the eye, mata jidirg. Catalogue, s. daftar (Ar.), pres
Castanet (kas'ta-net), s. dandi* koran< (N^.I.)(D. prijscourant) .

(Tarn.). Catamaran (-ma-ran'), s. (Naut.)

Castaway (kast'a-wa), s. orarg k- (raft) rakit; (boat with out-
huargan, orarg yarg kna karam. rigger) praliu herkatir.
Caste (kast), s.
(class) hatgsa. Catapult (-pult), s. (used by boys)
Caste-mark, paiykah. To lose laslik (E.) ; (obsolete weapon)
caste, jadi hina di mata
oraty. terhil:*
Half-caste (of Malays), Jawi per- Cataract (-rakt), s. ayer terjun,
anakan, Jawi pkan. jram hsar;* (of the eye) slupat
Castigate (kas'ti-gat), v. t. palu, mata.*
sekmkan. Catarrh (ka-tar'), s. slsma, sma-
Casting (kast'ing), s. (of metal) srna* slesma (B.).
tuargan. Catastrophe (ka-tas'tro-fi), s. k-

ate, ask, am, firol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
kiirry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t^en.
nialargan hsar, cldak'a, halah (Ar. Cathartic (ka-thar'tik), s. pncha-
hala). har,* julap, obat pnjuchi prot.
Catch (kach), s.
(fastenino-) gan- Cathead (kat'hed), s. (Xaut.) jarg^ '

cliu: (that which is caught) taty- kar dewi (L.), kaiwg halak.
k'itpan, perolelian.* Cathedral (ka-the'dral), s.
Catch, V. t. (seize) chapai ; (seize bsar.

liastily) sanihar, semhar;^ (cap- Catheter (kath'e-ter), s. p?yochoh

ture) tatyl-ap; (with one hand tin pat
downwards) clihop; (in the open Catholic (-o-lik), adj. (general,
hand or vessel) tadah; (in the universal) rata; (liberal minded)
mouth) targJitip:* (under a ves- hati Japan/. The Roman Catholic
sel) serkap, serkop; (capture in Church, Perkumpolan oraiy Srani.
war) tawan* iaiykap (B.). To Catholicity (-lis'i-ti), s. kJapargan
catch birds (by snaring), mmikat; hati.
(with a net) mnjaniy; (with bird- Cat's-eye (kats'i), s. (stone) batu
lime) mnjgtah. To catch fish mata-kucliirg, ba/iduri;* (the
(with nets), mnjala, mnjarirg, fruit) buatb mata-kiieliirg.
mmukat, mnargkid, tnujondorg.'^ Cat's-paw (-paw), s. (on the wa-
To catch a ball, mnihot hola. To ter) krarhak;* (dupe, tool) anak
catch a train, da pat kreta api, kjar targan. To make a person one's
kreta api (B.). Caught by the cat's-paw, tarfrtA^A'a/i tularg orargj^
flames, di-srggau oleh api* -
Catsup, KETCHUP, q.v.
Catch, V. i. (be entangled or fas- Cattle (kat'tl), s. (oxen) Imhu,
tened) sargkot; (communicate, as (X.I.) (domestic animals) hi-

fire or disease) jaigkit. dop-/(idopan* binatarg yarg piara

Catching (kach'ing), adj. (infec- di-ruma/i (B.).
tious) berjaigkit. Catty (-ti), s. kati.
Catechism (kat'e-kizm), s. kitah Caudal (kaw'dd), adj. ekor (a).
sual-jawah (X.). Caul (kawl), s. (intestinal) ramek-
Catechist (-kist), s. prgajar (X.). ramekf (on the head of new born
Catechize (-kiz), v. t. (instruct) babe) sampid,'^ tmbuni.*
ajar drgan sua!,* taiya dan jawab Cauldron (kawl'drwn), s. (flat shap-
(B.) ; (interrogate) preksa, sli- ed) kawah; (larger) rncliak;^
dek^ ( withi small mou th ) kanchah ;* (of
Catechu (-chii), s. kachur^ brass) grenserg.
Categorically (-gor'i-kal-li), adv. Cauliflower s. kobis
digan ttap, digan tutu. l)v}ga.
Category (-go-ri), s.
pargkat,taraf'^' Caulk (kawk), v. t. (with fibre)
(Ar. Taraf). pakaJ/^ klpatf' (with pitch) gala-
Cater (ka'ter), v. i. bri bkal. galakan.*
Caterer (-er), s. pmbkal. Cause (kawz), s. sbab, mida, asal,
Caterpillar (kat'er-pil-ler), s. idat; Jantaran (X.I.) ; (lawsuit) per^
(large green) idat sntadu;* kara, kes (E.). Without a cause,
(hairy) idat bidu. drgan tiada bersbab, tiada s-mna-^
Caterwaul (-wawl), v. i.
nirgiau. iiina.*

Catgut (kat'gut), s. arpus,'* tali Cause, V. t. jctdikan, dataigkan, sbab-

targsi* (Ch. thdrg-si). kan.

.ie. ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Causeless (kawz'les), adj. diyan Ceiling (sel'ing), s.
(of cloth or
iiada hcrshab, tiada s-inna-mna.'^ canvas) largit-largit ; (of boards)
Causeway (-wa), s. jalaii iambal\ para,'-^ pran,"^' fiagu.^
Caustic (kaws'tik), adj. (corrosive) Celebrate v.
(sel'e-brat), t. (hon-
yan/ mmakan, yaiy mmhakar; our) muliakan, hsarkan, irgatkan;
(satirical) piyindir, mulut tajam. (observe, as a fast) pgarg, peganj
Cauterize (kaw'ter-iz), v. t. slar, (B.) ; (perform) jaJankan.
hakar. Celebrated (-ed), adj. ternama.
Caution (-sliiai), s. (prudence) ji- hernama, knamaan,* terbilarg,
mat; (care) irgat, jaga; (warn- termasohor (Ar. maslihur).
ing) larargan, nasihat,^^ amaran Celebrity (se-leb'ri-ti), s. (renown-
(Ai-.). ed person) oranj yarg ternama;
Caution, v. t. (warn) irgafkan, na- (fame) kmidia'an.
sihaU'an, lararg, hri amaran (Ar.). Celerity (-ler'i-ti), s. kpantasan,
Cautious (-sh^^s), adj. herinjat- panfas, chpai, chakatan.'^
iiyat, herjimat. Celery (sel'er-i), s. daun sadri (D.
Cavalcade (kav'al-kad'), s. argTiat- selderij), daun sop."^
an yaig herhuda.'^ Celestial (se-les'chal), adj.
yarg di
Cavalier (-a-ler'), s. soldado yaig largit, deri laiyit, laigii' (a,), deri
herJvvda. slwrga, slwrga (a).
Cavalier, adj. (brusque) pra7g- Celibacy (sel'i-ba-si or se-lib'a-si),.
prus,^ rrgus;^ (haughty) somhorg. kbnjargan, lial bujarg.
Cavalry (-al-ri), s. soldado herkuda. Celibate (sel'i-bet), s. orarg bujarg^
Cave (kav), s. goa, golia, lohaig Cell (sel), s. .(of prisons) bileh
hatu, grorggarg"^ dalam hatu. kcliil,pefak; (of a police station)
Cave, V. i. To cave in (of earth), lokap (E.) (smallest element in

runtoli; (submit) sralikan dni, living bodies) petak yarg halm-

tundok. liahis dalam
dagirg, kayu, dan s-
Caveat (ka'vi-at), s. surat tgaJian. bagai-nja.
Cavern (kav'ern), s. goa, golia, lya- Cellar (sel'ler), s. korok,^ gdorg di
rai.'^ bairah tanak.
Caviare (kav'i-ar'), s. tJor truhok Cellular (-lu-ler), adj. berkotak-
asin. kofak, bei-bilek-bilek, berpetak-
Cavil (-il), v. i. clila, cliari ksalahan. pefak.
Cavity (-i-ti), s. Ikok, grorgga^y;'^ Cement (se-menf), s. kapur batu,.
(as a surface mine) lomborg. kapvr perkat, simen (E.). Port-
Caw (kaAv), v. i.
gak-gak. land cement, kaptir hitam,
Cayenne (ka-en'), s. Ca.yenne pep- Era pah.
per, Jada china, cliahai (Jav.). Cement, v. t. perkat.
Cease (ses), v. i. berhnti, hrenti Cemetery (sem'e-ter-i), s.
(B.), pntus. an, ianali kubur.
Ceaseless adj. tiada her-
Censer (sen'ser), s.
kputusan, tiada herhnti. perbara'an* perdupa'an,* tmpat
Ceaselessly (-li), adv. snntiasa* bara.
sntiam (Sk.), tiada herhnti-rnti. Censor (-sor), s. pmreksa surat.
Cedar (se'der), s. poJion araz (Ar.). Censorious (sen-sor'i-?/s), adj. pi-
Cede (sed), v. t. sralikan. ch la
Ceil (sel), v. t. pagukan* Censure (sen'slmr), s. kchla'an.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car,carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror ; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry ; use, lis, mina, cure, injure.
hurry; 65(1, foot, awfool (awf ji1) ; law, how, oil; thin t/ten.
Censure, v. t. chla, chercha (Sk.). tntu, nschaya (Sk.), psti* pasti
Census (-s//s), s. hanclii.* (B.).
Cent (sent) ^. sen, didt (P.) (Pk.). Certainty (-ti), s. ktntuan.
Centenary (sen'te-na-ri or sen-ten'- Certificate s.
(ser-tifi-ket), surat
er-i), s. idaryan s-ratus iahun. prgakuan, surat ktntuan, surat
Centennial (sen-ten'ni-al), adj. knjataan, surat tanda, sartifiket
ijaiy s-ratus iahun s-kali. (E.).
Centipede (sen'ti-ped), s. lipan, Certify (ser'ti-fl), v. t. (make cer-
hlipan, halipan (B.), Maharg tain) tntukan, yakinkan (Ar.) ;

(X.I.) ; (a small phosphorescent (testify) nugaku, ryatakan.

variety) klmaj/ar; (a kind that Certitude (-tud), s. ktntuan.
curls spirally) chachirg glary- Cessation (ses-sa'shzm), s. kputus-
glaiy,^ ulat monjgohf (that an, perhntian.
curls in a ball) srggulorg. Cession (sesh'z/n), s. srahan,* k-
Centra! (sen'tral), adj. yaig di srahan."^
rgah -t tgah, pmirggaig. Cesspool (ses'pool), s. plimhah,*
Centralize (-iz), v. r. (bring to a tumpuan lonjkatg."^
centre) hunipolkan k-tigah, hawa Ceylon (se-lon'), s. pulau 8 elan,
h-trgali; (bring to one system) pulau Srindit.'^
satukan. Chafe (cliaf), y. i. (wear by fric-
Centre (sen'ter), s. trgali, pusat; tion) gesek; (be vexed) shal.*
(of a lathe) pa)gsi pJarek* pargsi Chafe, V. t. (massage) unit.
hindu.^ Centre of a circle, pusat Chafed (chaft), adj. llas,^ lecliet,
1) ulat an. mlecJiet (B.), terklupas.
Centreboard (-b5rd), s. (Xaut.) Chaff (chaf), s. (husks) skam;
lunas liidop, ga'iig. (jesting) olok-olok, chakap main-
Centreing (-ing), s. rargka letg- main (B.).
ko)ga7i* Chaff, V. t. olok-olokkan.
Centurion (sen-tur'i-im), s. kpala Chafing (chafing), s. (act of rub-
s-mtits soldado, liuhihalaig atas s- bing) urutan. Chafing gear,
ratus ^askar (Ar.). (Xaut.) alasan tali.

Century (sen'chu-ri or sen'tu-ri), s. Chagrin (sha-gren' or shag'rin), s.

s-ratus tahun. sakit liati.

Cereal (ser'i-al), s. pokok herhiji,
Chain (chan), s. rantai; (ornamen-
sperti padi, jagorg, gandom dan s- worn round the neck)
tal, kalorg.*
hagai-nja. Chain, v. t. rantaikan.
Cerebral (ser'e-bral), s. otak (a). Chain gang (gang), s. orarg jel,
Ceremonial (ser'e-mo'ni-al), adj. orarg rantai (X.I.).
deri-hal istiadat,* deri-hal 'adat. Chain mail (mal), s. baju rantai,
Ceremonious (-ws), adj. drgan isti- hajn zirah (Ar.).
'adat* drgan 'adat. Chain pump (pump), s. kinchir.*
Ceremony (ser'e-mo-ni), s. aturan, Chain shot (shot), s. pluru hularg'
prentah, istiadat* balirg, pluru berrantai.
Certain (ser'tn or ser'ten), adj. Chain stitch (stich), s. jahitan hkia
tutu, tunai, yakin (Ar.). cer- A mrgkot, kia satgkot.*
tain city, negri anu. certain A Chair (char), s. kursi, krosi
(B.) ;
man, si-polan (Ar. fulan), si-anu. (chairman) kpaJa majlis; (sedan
Certainly (-li), adj. ta'dapat-tiada. chair) usorgan,* tandu,* kio (B.)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not. connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
(Cli. kid). To take the chair, good chance (favourable op|)or
kpalal'an majlis. tunity), paksa.'^'
Chairman (char'man), s. I'pala Chance, v. i. jadi.
kpala mitirg (E.), Mua
Chancel (chan'sel), s. (niche in
mashuarat (Ar.), yaiy di-pertua.* mosques, before which the imam
Chaise s. hreta dua roda, stands) mihrah'^ (Ar. minrab)^
hogi (E.).
Chancellor (-ler), s. mntri hsar.
Chaldea (kal-de'a), s. negri 'Irak Chancery (-ser-i), s. mahkamah
perd'awaan ivarg,^ kot perkara
(Ar. 'iraq).
Chalk (chawk), s. hatu kapur; wary (E. court).
Chancre (shang'ker), s. mata kau.^
(prepared for schools) kapur hlan-
Chandelier (shan'de-ler'), s. lauipu
Chalk-line (chawk'lm), s. hnaty herchabarg.
Chandler (clian'dler), s. tukary
Challenge (charienj), (call to v. t.
dian/^ tukaig lilin. Sbip's chan-
a contest) minta Jaivan, ajak her- dler, pmbkal kapal, kdai baraiy
mkis* kapal.
adii; (defy) mrghisf'
Chandoo (chan'doo), s. madat^
(take exception to) tamau trirna,
r hand a.
toJak. To challenge the truth of
a statement, dustakan,^ hoJiorgkan. Change (chanj), v. t. (alter) obaJi;
s. aduan, pmrgkisan^'
( exchange) tukar, sa--
lin, yanti, yilir:'^ (change posi
Chamber (cham'ber), s. Wei' tidor,
tion) aleh, jnndah; (as a liquid
kamar tidor (^.I.) (of princes) ;
from one vessel to another) salin;
hilek peradimn;'^ (legislative as-
(as the wind, voice, seasons, opin-
sembly) majlis. Chamber of Com-
ion, etc.) aleh ; (money) tukar^
merce, majlis saudagar.
Chamberlain (-len), s. mntri da- urup (X.I.).
Change, v. i. berobah; (of the mon-
soon) berkaleJi musim* bertukar
Chambermaid (-mad), s. dayaiy."^ musim. (Chopping and changing,
Chameleon (ka-me'li-n), s. sum- rnchah-riichali^' To change into^
pah-snmpah. berobah mrijadi, jhna mnjadi.
Chamois (sham'wa), s. kamhiiy Change, s. (alteration) perobahan-;
gunoig di Eroj)ah. Chamois lea- (of the moon) peridaran;* (of
ther (sham'i le^//'er), kulit kam-
clothing) persalinan; (small
hirg kunirg. money) tukaran, urupan (X.I.),
Champ (champ), v. i. t. mamali.
wajy pchah; (silver money) si-
Champagne (sham-pan'), s. ayer liry (E.). Cliange of life, putus
arggor pof (^.1.), shampen (E.). darali .

Champion (cbam'pi-wn), s. pah- Changeable (chanj'a-bl), adj. ber^

lairan (Pers.), adi (Sk.), joJian obali-nbah :
(fickle) rm-hah,^ lin-
Pers. ) , li ulu
( halaig,^ prglima, c/iah,;^ (of the wind) pancharoba^
pndekar.^ beral ell -aleh.
Champion, v. t. (support) hantu; Channel (chan'nel), s. (deep part
(protect) plihara. of a river) alur, yloiy r^ (strait)
Chance (chans), s. nasih, witoiy. slat: (groove) lurahf^ (canal)
By chance (unexpectedly), tiha- trusmi;"^ (means of transmitting)
tiba* aleh-aleh,'^' datarg-datary. A jalan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car. carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, avvfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Chant (chant), v. i. t.
njaiyi, her- Charger (-er), s. kuda praig.
dzikir (Ar.). Chariot (char'i-ot), s. ra/a/ knaik-
Chant, s. njcuyian, dzilcir (Ar.). an/^
Chanticleer (chan'ti-kler), s. ayam Charitable (-ta-bl), adj. (benev-
j an tan. olent, liberal) dermawan (Sk.),
Chaos (ka'os), s. ga'alan, cJiampur- mvrah-hati; (lenient, favourable)
an. herkasehan.
Chaotic (ka-ot'ik), adj. cJiampur- Charity (-ti), s.
(love) kaseh;
haur,'^ champur-gaul. ( liberality ) km iirahan ; (alms )
Chap (chap), v. i. t. rtak, pcliah; derma (Sk.), kurnia (Sk.), sdkali,
(of wide cracks, as earth) merl-ali. zakat'^
{Ax.zakdt). See alms.
Chap, s. (jaw of animals) inpi; Charlatan (shar'la-tan), s. oraig
(fellow) orarg. yaig nindUiwa diri-iya pandai^^
Chapel (chap'el), s. greja hcliil. Charm (charm), (incantation, s.
Chaplain (-len), s. padri, padri mantra
spell) pustaka(Sk.),
hagi tntra,'^ padri soldado.
(Sk.), taigkal, sihir (Ar.), pna-
Chaplet (-let), s. (rosary of beads) war, jampi, ohat gvna; (attractive
tasheh (Ar.) (head ornament)
power) pmikat;'^ liikmat (Ar.) ;
jainaig/'' gandek* (object worn to avert mis-
Chapter (-ter), s. fasal, hah (Ar.). 'azimat (Ar.) ;
Char (char), s. kerja upahan, kerja fortune) targkal,
(curse, evil influence) srapali/^
sranah, tidah;'^ (to prevent a
Char, V. t. liargus.
Character marriage) plalan.^^
(kar'ak-ter), s. (letter)
Charm, v. t. (by incantation) jam-
humf (Ar.) (figure)
; atgha;
pikan, knakan hikmat;^ knakan
(style of writing) tulisan; (qual-
'ilmn; (soothe, allay) tawar; (de-
ity, disposition) tahiat, prargai,
light) sukakan, perknankan, ra-
prami (B.), pkerti (Sk.). wankafi.'^
Characteristic (-is'tik), adj. yaig
mnjatal-an pmigai.
Charming (charm'ing), adj. (in
appearance) elok, molek, jlita;^
Characteristic, s. 'alamat, tanda.
(as a view) permai,'^ chantek
Characterize (-iz), v. t. 7yatakan,
tunjol-kan, tandakan.
Charcoal Charnel house (char'nel hows), s.
(char'kol), s. amig.
Charge tmpat mtyimpan tuJarg orarg mati.
(charj), v. i. t. (command,
Chart (chart), s. pta laid.
instruct) suroh, psan; (fix a
Charter (char'ter), s. surat prentah
price) tar oh lierga: (load, fill) isi,
imkan: (accuse) tudoh* d'awa; deri-pada krdjaan; (constitution)
surat k'ada'an; (of a ship) pajah
(attack) sraig, laiygar, tmpoh,

serhu, hirn,'*' amok. kapaJ.

Charge, s. (order) psanan; (thing Charter, v. t. (a ship) pajak.
cared for) pgargan; (accusation) Charwoman (-woom-an), s. prem-
d-awaan, tudoJian;^ (attack) puan upahan.
sranj, etc., as above. To have Chary (char'i), adj. jimat, jaga,
charge of, hla,'^ jaga. cJiermat.
Chargeable (charj'a-bl), adj. yaiy Chase (chas), v. t. (pursue) huru^
holeh masok kira, yarg holeh di- kjar, usir,^ hanihat; (engrave)
d'aiva. lukis, vkir.^

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carty; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin then.
Chase, s. (the act) ptnhvruan; (restraint) tyahan; (order for
(thing hunted) perhuruan. money) chek (E.) ; (design in
Chasm (kazm), s. chlah batu. squares) chorak chatur,* tapak
Chaste (chast), adj. suchi, berseh. chatur,* chorak dam-dam (D.).
Chasten (cha'sn), v. t. (punish) Checkered (chek'erd), adj. ber-
ajar, selsalwi, hukum'kan; (pu- chorak tapak chatur,* dam-dam
rify) suchil-an, halusl'an. (D.) ; (diversified) berobah-obah.
Chastise (ehas-tiz'), v. t. seksakan, Checkers (-erz), s. (the game)
ajar, liukumkan. main dam (D.). See draughts.
Chastisement (chas'tiz-ment), s. Checkerwork (-er-werk), s. chorak
seksa, ajaran, hukuman; (from tapak chatur,* chorak dam-dam
God) I'isas* (Ar. gisas).
Chastity (-ti-ti), s. hsuchian, hal Checkmate (-mat), s. shah-mat*
mnahan nafsii j'wia (Ar.). (D. schaakmat).
Chat (chat), v. i. berbual, berbeJca* Checkmate, v. t. alah-
checheh,^ lahir, mlabir (B.), kan,"^ kalahkan (B.).
omojy-omoiy (N.I.). Checkroll (-rol), s. daftar nama
Chattels .(chat'tlz), s. herta-bnda.
kidi,* Stat (iST.I.) (D. staat).
Chatter (-ter), s. bisby, bechok* Cheek (chek), s. pipi; (impudence)
Chatter, v. i. (talk) biiat bishy, buat mva*
hechol'* yrichmh;* (of monkeys)
Cheeky (-i), adj. mua* To be
reta-reta,'^ kreh;* (of the teeth)
cheeky, dapat muka.
berantok,* ylatok,* yluynt.*
Cheep (chep), v. i. chi"ap-chi"ap.
Chatterbox (-boks), s. yrniyau, Cheer (cher), s. (mirth) suka-hati,
petes.^ suka-chita (Sk.) ; (shout) soraJc,
Chatty (-ti), adj. chramah*
Chatty, (earthen vessel) klalaiy/^
Cheer, (gladden) sukakan hati;
v. t.
yarnoli,'^ kuja,'^ yudu* dorak.* bri hati] ttapkan hati;
Chauffeur (sho-fer'), s. ptijalan*
(applaud) soraki*
mat oka, draiber matoka (E. motor
car driver).
Cheer, v. i. (shout) bersorak, ber-
Chaw tmpek. To cheer up, berttap hati,
(chaw), v. t. mamah, baham.^
To be- rayap (X.I.).
Cheap (chep), adj. murah. Cheerful (cher'fool), adj. Wa,* ber-
come cheap, jatoh lierya. To
make one's self cheap, murahkan,
Cheering (-ing), tmpek-sorak.

Cheese (chez), keju (Port.).

Cheapen (che'pn), t. tawar.
Cheat C-ream cheese, dadeh kriry*
(chet), v. t. Hpu, perdayakan,
sfjiu,* knakan, kichii,* kecJiohj*
Chemise (she-mez'), s. baju dalam
(in games) vliuraiy, elat, pn- panjary {pada prempnan), siines
churajy (B.), pryelat (B.). (E.).'
Cheat, s. (fraud, deception) t\pu-
Chemist (kem'ist), s. (seller of

daya; (impostor) pnipu, piyelat, drugs) tukary obat.

Chemistry (-is-tri), s. 'ilmu kimia
Check (chek), v. t. talian, iyah, 'm- (Ar.).
jmry : (verify, as accounts) preksa, Cheque (chek), s. chek (E.).
saJiehkaii'^ (Ar. saiiiii). Chequered (chek'erd), adj. see

Check, s. (in chess) shah* (D.) ; ClIKCKERED.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, c&rry ; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ice, it, fire, ;

mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimis, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Cherish (cher'ish), v. t. pUhara, higher rank than pryhulu) orarg-
bla/' kaya* datok.
Cheroot (she-roof, u. s. che-root'), Chignon (sliin'yox), s. sarggul,
s. cJirut, chrutu. siput,honde (Tam. kimdai).
Cherry (cher'ri), g. suatu jnis buah Chilblain (chirblan), s. ^^c/m/t kulit
di Eropali. shah sjoh.
Cherub (chef'wb), s. l-arub (Ar.).
Child (child), s. (son or daughter)
Cherubim (-ii-bim), s. pi. Tcaruhiun anak; (of princes) ptra* ptri;
(An). (an infant) anak mryusu, kanak-
Chess (dies), s. cliatur/^ gajali.'^ kanak; (from 4 or 5 3^ears of age)
To play chess, maiji cJiatur,'^' main bvdak; (descendants) bani (Ar.).
The children of Israel, baiii

Chessboard s.
Inrael."^ To be with child, mrgan^
(ches'bord), papaii
chatur/^ loh cJicdur/-' papan dam dorg, buniirg, (Ar.).
Child's play(easy task), mudah
Chessman (-man), s. buah chatur* di-perbnat,'^ snarg sahaja.
Chest s. saharah* hotak, Childbirth (chiid'berth), s. hal ber-
anak, sakit beranak.
pti plakai* pti bsar; (breast) da-
da. Chest of bero'^
Childhood (-hood), s. masa budak,.
(Eur. bureau), Iniari laclii-lachi. mam (Second .childhood,
balelc budak, lyanjok. From child-
Chestnut (ches'nut), s. poJcoJc
hood, deri kchil.
Childish (-ish), adj. kbudak-budak-
Chestnut, adj. (the colour) perarg.
rsmi budak-budak.
Chew (chu), (with front
v. i. t.
Childless (-les), adj. taberanak;
teeth) (with the grind-
(of women) mandul.'^
ers) mamali; (as a person without
Childlike (-lik), adj. sperti budak-
teeth) gonjeli, gonjel.^ To chew
the cud, mamah biak.^
Chili (chil'i), s. lada china, chabai
Chick (chik), (chicken) anah
ayam :
(window blind) bidai, Nat Chill (chil), s. sjok. Chills and
aiglit-arghit,'^ Ire (N.I.).
Chicken (chik'en), s. a7iah aijam, fever, dmam sjok, dmam kura,
dmam gigil.
ayam prarggarg. V. t.
Chicken pox (-poks), s. cliachar Chill, (make cold) sjokkan;
(cause to shiver) sramkan, gigiU
kan; (discourage, depress) taivar-
Chicory (-er-i), s. liindaban (Ar.). kan Jiati.
Chide (chid), v. i. t. trglcirg, her- Chilliness (chil'li-nes), s. sjok,
Chief (chef), s. (village headman)
Chilly (-li), adj. sjok, dirgin,'^ sram^
pigliulu, hpala, Hua, batinf (in sram sjok, srirg-sram.'^
X. I.) piyeran, 'dipati, pmbarap, Chime (chim), s. locheig berlagu.
hia. See chieftain.
Chimerical (ki-mer'i-kal), adj! yar^
Chief, adj. yarg terutama (Sk.), di-sargka-sargka, yarg di-ivaham-
l^.pala. kan (Ar.).
Chiefly (chefli), adv. terWeli pula, Chimney s.
(chim'ni), chororg asap^
istimeiva* terutama skali (Sk.).
sroml)oig> asap* smprorg asap, som-
Chieftain (-ten), s. (Malays of
prorg asap (B.). Lamp chimney^
ate, ask, am, final, care, ear,
carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferrj-; ice, it ' fire
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, lis, mim/s, cure,
injure '
hurry; f55d, foot, awfool (awful) ;' law, how, oil; thin then.
choroix) lampu, smproiy lampu Chit (cliit), s.
(sprout) tunas;
(X.I.), chi7nni (E.). (small, insignificant person) ker^
Chimney piece (pOs), s. para di dil.^-

alas dapur* Chitchat (chit'chat), s. cliecheh."^^

Chimney sweep (swep), s. orarg Chitty (-ti), s. cJiti, cfieti (B.).
yatij itnyapu clioroig. Chivalrous (shiv'al-ri^s), adj. jjer-
Chin (chin), s. dagu. kasa'^ dan beradat.
China (clii'na), s. negri China; Chivalry (-ri), s. (warriors) orarg
(porcelain) pirggan matgl'oh. pahlawan, orarg prarg; (gallantry
China grass (gras), s. rami. and courtesy) klakuan perkasa*
Chinaman (-man), s. oratg Cliina; dan Uudi bhasa.
(Straits-born) China peranakan, Chloroform (klor'o-form), s. obat
Baba, Baba China; (China-born, bins'* (Pers. bihaush), obat tidor
unable to speak Malay) China (X.I.) (B.).
totok ;'^ (new-comer) China dtg- Chock (chok), s. pnjargga,^ sndal*
I'ek (Ch. Mn-kheh). jritnarg.* '

China ware (war), s. pitggan maig- Chockablock (chok'a-blok'), adj.

kol\, inibikar* (Xaut.) rapat-'rapat, habis rapat,
Chinchew (chin'clui), s. chinchu. ch kar.
Chinese (chi-nez'), adj. china. Chock-full (-fool'), adj. pnoh ssak.
Chink (chingk), s. (gap) chldJi, Chocolate (-o-let), s. choklat
chlak (B.), rkalian: (the sound) (Eur.).
dniirg, drirg,^^ kmchirg. Choice (chois), s.
pileh , aklitiar^
Chink, V.
berdntirg, berdriixj.^
i. (At. ikhiiar).
Chink, V. t. tintirg.* Choice, adj. pilehan.
Chintz (chints), s. chita, cliit. Choir (kwlr), s. kumpolan oraiy m-
Chip (chip), V. t. takek, tokek* njanji.
* Choke v. ch-
sempak* serpeJi cliompis/^ (chok), t. (strangle)
chbis.'^- kek; (with rope) kujut; (with a
Chip, s. fish ])one) ktidargan :"* (obstruct
(of stone) ktul;^ (smaller)
bukn; (of wood) tatal;^ kpirg, any passage) turn pat,"* kainbns,*
I'ompis;* (eitlier stone or wood) sbii;'* choked through fast
serpeh.* eating) termigklan,* mrgklan.
Chiromancy (ki'ro-man-si), s. (pal- Choler (kol'er), s. (anger) marah;
nustry) iilek rtak tanjan. (of prijices) 7nnrka (Ar.).
Chiropodist (ki-rop'o-dist), s. tu- Cholera (-a), s. kolera, ta'un'^^ (Ar.
karg kluarkan bubnl* atau blulaty'^ Tahn), sakii miintah-berak, ha-
di kaki. irar.

Chirp (cherp), y. i. chit chit, gri- Choleric (-ik), adj. (irascible) Ikas
chau.''^ niaraJi.
Chisel (chiz'el), s. pahat; (braziers) Choose (chdoz), v. t.
pilch, akhtiar-
mata kan'^ (Ar. ikhtiar).
garg,^ gogol;^ (turners)
plarek;* (stonecutter's) patitg.* Chop (cliop), V. i. t. (cut by striking
Various kinds of chisel pahat are, I'epeatedly) chncharg:^ chincharg
sromborg* pahat kuku, pahat pu- (B.), chlis;* (one or more blows)
iar, pahat pmbmioh ,^ paliat jan- tlak, pararg. To chop off, pnjgal,*
ian,^ pahat lebar. panchorg. To chop up (as a car-
Chisel, V. t. pahat, pahatkan. case), piygal,* lapah;* (in small

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror: old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mins, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
pieces)chncharg. See CUT. To ulat; (of the silk worm) indory'-^
chop and change, rnchah. sutia.
Chop, s. s-kpirg daging. Chrysolite (-o-lit), s. ratna* dim-
Chopper (cliop'per), s. para)ij, go- paka.
Chubby (chub'bi), adj. sirital'^
Chopping-block (-ping blok), s. in until.

kayu landas.^ Chuck (chuk), v. t.

(throw) cham-
Chopping-knife (nif), s. pararg, pak, huarg.
golol-.'^ Chuck, s. ragum plarek.*
Choppy (-pi), adj. honchah* her- Chuckle (chuk'kl), v. i. glakak,
k'ochak. Choppy waves, onibak glak kak-kak.*
saborg-miyaborg, omhah samhorg- Chum (chum), s. handai,^ sobat-
iinyaiiihotg (B.), glomban/ hpala andai (B.), saJiabat yarg rapat,
l-ra/' gloinharg hurga Ipatg.^ sobat baik (B.).
Chopsticks (-stiks), s. spit, sum pit Chunk (clmngk), s. (of wood) 6--
krat; (of stone) totgkol; (small-
Choral (kor'al), adj. njanjian, den- er) ktul,^ buku.
Jial mryaiyi. Church (cherch), s.
(building) gre-
Chorus (-?/s), s.
(of singers) kum- ja; body of Christians) per-
polan oraig mryaiyi; (of a song) kumpolan (X) (the church uni-

ulatgan* versal) eklisia (G.) (X.).

Chord (kord), s.
(in music) hinyi Churchyard (cherch'yard), s. ha-
s-tala.^ larnan greja.
Chore (chor), s. herja hcliil, kerja Churl (cherl), s.
orarg hutan, ovary
hari. kasar, orarg dirobohf (miser)
Christ (krist), s. Almaseh (Ar.). orarg lokek.
Christen (kris'n), v. t. haptiskan Churlish (cherl'ish), adj. (rude)
(X.). kasar, chrobohf (stingy) lokek.
Christian (kris'chan), s.
orarg m- Churn (chern), s. putaran mntega,
siJii,'^ orarg kristian, orarg krist en jara.^^
(X.L) ; (Eoman Catholic) orarg Churn, v. t. buat mntega; (agitate)
'<rani, nasrani (Ar.). korhak.
Christianity (kris'chi-an'i-ti), s. Cicada (si-ka'da, u. s.
si-ka'da), s.

agama msilii* (Ar. masUii). riarg-riarg.

ana ma krist en. Cicatrice s.
(sik'a-tiis), parut;^
Christmas (-mas), s. liari jadi Al- bkas luka.
maseh,'^ hari natal (E.C.), hari Cider (sl'der), s. tuak buah tufak
krismas. (Ar.) ; see apple.
Chronic (kron'ik), adj.mrana, m- Cigar (si-gar'), s. chrat, chrutii,
reiyeh/^ mrargai* idapan.^ rokok blanda (X.I.).
Chronicle (-i-kl), s. kitab taioarikh Cigarette (sig'a-ref), s. rokok, ro-
(Ar.). kok kertas.
Chronology (kro-nol'o-ji), s. Hlmu Cinchona (sin-ko'na), s. pokoh
tawarikh (x\r.). ktviriin (E.), pokok kina (X.I.).
Chronometer (-nom'e-ter), s. jam Cincture (singk'chur), s. tali pirg-
yarg htul
waktu-rya hagi kapal, garg, ikat pirggarg^
arJoji kapal, horloji kapal (N.I.). Cinder (sin'der), s. ararg.
Chrysalis (kris'a-lis), s.
sarorg Cinematograph (sin'e-mat'o-graf).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car,

carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it ' fire
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

wayaiy gamhar, Jcomidi gambar

8. Circumlocution (ser'kwm-lo-ku'-
wayanj glap.
(X.I.).' shwn), s. perkata'an mlemhorg*'
Cingalese (sing'ga-lez'), s. orarg perkaiaan lanjut*
Selan. Circumnavigate (-nav'i-gat), v. t.
Cinnabar (sin'iia-bar), s. hatu hJayer klilirg, klilirgi*
Jiawi* Circumscribe (-skrii)'), v. t. hirgga-
Cinnamon (-mun), s. Icayu manis. kan;^ liadkan (i\r.).
Cipher (srfer)^ s. (the figure 0) Circumspect (-spekt), adj. iigat^
aigka kosoiyj^ argka not* nomhor jaga, saksania (Sk.).
kosorg (B.), nul (N.I.) ; (inter- Circumstance (-stans), s. hal, pri,*"
woven letters) hiiruf hertaigkup;'^ pri-hal, hal-ehiral* (Ar. arnvdl,
(secret writing) tulisan rahsia. \)\.
of Hrti).
Circle (ser'kl), s. tulatan,* lulat, Circumstantial (-stan'shal), adj.
htindar (N.I.). ycng batyak pri-lial-nja.*
Circle, v. i. (move in a circle) her- Circumvent (-vent'), v. t. perdaya-
idar,'* piisirg-piishy (B.) ; (as a kan, elahkan.
hawk) legar* Circus (ser-kws), s. wayaig kuda,
Circle, v. t. (encompass) klilirgi* komidi kuda (X.I.), sarkas (E.),
Circuit s. (revolution) per-
(-kit), tvayarg sarkas.
idaran;* (district) dairah (Ar.) Cistern (sis'tern), s. kolah; (lar-
Circuitous (ser-ku'i-t^/s), adj. m^
ger) kolam.
lergkok, mlemhorg* Citadel (sit'a-del), s. kota dalam.
Circular (ser'ku-ler), adj. mlerg-
Citation (si-ta'shn), s. (summons)
korg, hertmu punclia,'* hidat, hun- samau (E.)
dar (N.I.). ; (quotation) purgut-
an* sbotan.
Circular, s. siirat yarg di-peridar- Cite (sit), v. t. (summon) saman
kan/'' saklar (E.).
Circulate v. in a (E.) ; (quote) pwgut, sbot.
(-lat), i. (move Citizen s. anak
(sit'i-zn), 7iegri.
circle) heridarj* herkitar;'^ (from
Citizenship (-ship), s. liak anak
place to place) herjalan, herlaku;*
negri,* hal ninjadi anak-negri.
(of news) pcliah.
Citron (sit'r?/n), s. limau bali.
Circulate, v. t. idarkan/^ kitarkan,'^
Citronella grass (-el'la gras), s.
jalankan klilirg.
Circulation (-lri'sh?7n), s. (act of
City (sit'i), s. negri; (fortified)
moving round) peridamn* per-
kota; (sea port) bandar.
kitara7i;* (diffusion) laku; (of
the blood) jala7i darah. Civet (siv'et), s. mnsarg-jbat.
Circumambulate (ser'k^m-am'bu-
Civic (-ik), adj. negri (a), as, hah

lat), V. t. slisir* klilirgi* 7iegri* civic rights.

Circumcise v. t. kJiaiankan Civil (-il), adj. (polite) beradab
in speech) ber-
(Ar.), sunatkan. (Ar.) ; (polite
Circumciser (-er), s. mudim* (Ar. bham; (not official) preman.
mudzin). Civil action, d'aivaan perkara liak
Circumcision s. khaian atau lierta. Civil service, kerja
kompni, kerja kraja'an. Civil
(Ar.), sunat.
Circumference (ser-kum'fer-ens), war, praig antara orarg s-negri.
s. lilit
bidatan, lergkarg* klilirg- Civilian (si-vil'yan), s. orarg pre-
rya (B.). 7nan (D. vriJ7nan).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recfnt, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not. .connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Civility (-i-ti), s. adab (Ar.), hudi- Clap (klap), V. t. (as the hands)
hhasa. tpok; (place suddenly on, as the
Civilisation (siv'i-li-za'sh?<n), s. hand on the mouth) Ikapkan.
tamaddun (Ar.), hahalumii 'adat. Clap, s. (of thunder) buryi ptir, yu^
Civilize (-Hz), v. 1. haluskan kla- roh/^ yuntor (X.I.) (B.).
I'uandan 'adaf. Clapper (kiap'per), s. (of a bell)
Civilized (-Hzd), adj. hermudun anak loclieiy; (of wood) klntoiy;
(Ar.). (turned by the wind) bolary-ba-
Clack (klak), v. t. herlunji Tcloh- Jiry*
k-luk;* (of speech) hJetir. Claret (klar'et), s. s-jnis ayer aiy-
Clad (klad), v.
berpakaian.t. Clad yor, argyor merah.
in blue, berpakaian biru. Clarify (-i-fi), v. t. jernelikan,
Claim (klam), v. t. (demand) tuH' bcrsehkan, h niiykanJ^
tat; (challenge as a right) d'awa, Clarionet (-i-o-nef). s. srunai, sroni

akui.'^ (B.), klarnet (Eur.) .

Claim, (demand) d'awa, tuntut-

s. Clash (klash), v. i. (of sound) ym-
an; (right, privilege) hak (Ar.). nichary;* (collide) berlargyar, ber-
Claimant (klam'ant), s. orary yaiy antok, terantok; (contend) ber-
mnd'awa, pnuntut* sliseh*
Clairvoyance (klar-voi'ans), s. Clasp (klasp), s. (a catch) gancliu;
aicas* 'ihnu trus mata. (of a belt) pndhy; (embrace)
Clam (klam), s. kraiy. pi ok; (closer) dakap.* Clasp
Clamber (klam'ber), v. i. rargkak, knife, pisau lipat.
mraiykak (B.). Clasp, V. t. (fasten) yanchtikan;
Clammy (-mi), adj. (sticky) ber- (embrace) plok; (more closely)
hyas; (damp) hnbap, 'mbal;* (of dakap."^
the skin) Iket* bergtah. Class s.
(klas), (group) parykat,

Clamorous adj.
(-er-z^s), bertriak- taraf* (Ar. Taraf) ; (in school)
t riak, b ersorak-sor'ak. klas, derjah (Ar.) ; (division)
Clamour (-er), s. bisiry, rioh, rioh' bhayian; (kind, variety) jnis,
rndah, ityar,'* geger* baigsa.
Clamour, v. i, bertriak-triak. Class, V. t. aturkan berpaiykat-
Clamp (klamp), g. apitan/^ pncluy- parykat, asirykan berjnis-jnis.
ka))i* Classic (klas'sik), s. kitab yaiy ter-
Clamp, V. t. apit* utama,* kitab bhasa Grik dan Rom.
Clan (klan), s. kaum (Ar.), suku,^^ Classical (-si-kal), adj. deri-lial
suku-barysa* bliasa Grik dan Rom, deri-hal bhasa
Clandestine (klan-des'tin), adj. yatg lialus.
hersmhuiyi, mncliuri-cliuri, diam- Classification (-fi-ka'shn), s. per-
diani. aturan sperti panjkat atau jnis,
Clang (klang), v. i.
ymnicliaiy* paiykat.
berdmry* berdroty* berdriiy* Classify (-fl), v. t. aturkan berpary-
Clang, s. krory-kraty* droiy-draiy /^ kat- parykat, asitykan berjnis-jnis.
k riich aiy-krnclihy, ym ratak* Classmate (klas'mat), s. kawan
Clank (klangk), v. i.
ymrjicJiaty* m ?gaji.
klntaiy. Clatter (klat'ter), s. Itap-ltop, ker-
Clannish (klan'nish), adj. yaiy ta'- tap-kertop, krory-lrary,* yrodah,
mau diampur barysa lain. yerdak-gerdok, ymratak;* (of

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire'
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
feet on a plank floor) gerdum- clearing) ktraygan; (distance a-
gerdani. ])art) jarak* Port clearance, pa$
Clause (klawz), s. (in documents) blaijer.
bah (Ar.), fasal; (Gram.) ary- Clear-cut (-kut), adj. trarg.
(jolapcrkataan.^ Clear-headed (-hed'ed), adj. ./a./a/^
Clavicle (kiriv'i-kl), s.
tularg darg- 'akal.
l-a^ Clearing (-ing), s. (in jungle)
Claw (klaw), s. (of beasts and chrargf (felled, but not yet
birds) I'/uhii; (of crabs) spit; (the burnt) r&a.*
wliole foot of birds) cliakar. Clear-sighted (-sit'ed), adj. mala
Claw, V. t. (grip with nails) chl-au; tajain.
(scratch with nails) garu,'^' garok; Cleat (klet), s. tupai-tupai^'

(of fowls) l-ais, chalw. Cleave (klev), v. i. (stick) Ikat;

Clay (kla), s. tanah liai. (unite by affection or interest) liu~
Clean (klen), adj. berseh, perselif' bora, dampiig.^
(morally) ta'berdosa (B.).
suclii, Cleave, v. t. blah.
Clean, adv. skali, skali-hali, s-mata- Cleaver (klev'er), s. pisau pmotoiy
ntata. dagirg.
Clean, v. t. ckuchi, berseJd-an, suclii- Cleft (kleft), s. chJah, chlak (B.) ;
l-an; (by washing) basoli ; (as cot- (made by cutting) takek.
ton) biisar* To clean the teeth, Clemency (klem'en-si), s. kmurah-
)ersugi. To clean rice or fish in an, bias.
water, hosel'. To clean fish or Clench (klench), v. t. pant; (the
vegetables for cooking, siaig,^ per- fist) gnjgaml'an targan; (the teeth
siarg (B.). Also see avash. ktap.
Cleanly (klen'li), adj. berseh. Clergy (kler'ji), s. padri, pndita
Cleanse (klenz), v. t. chuchi, chu- (X.L).
chikarh, bersehkan. To cleanse Clergyman (-man), s. padri, guru
one's after defilement, ber-
self agama, pndita (X.L).
siiclii, herd eh ok, beristinja (Ar.) ;
I Clerical (kler'i-kal), adj. padri (a),.
(ceremonially) anibil aijer smbah- krani (a). Clerical dress, pakaian
yarg; (from defilement of pigs or padri. Clerical work, pkerja'an
dogs) sertu.^ See ablution. krani.
Clear (kler), adj. (transparent) Clerk (klark, u. s. klerk), s. juru-
hnirg* jerneh; (of the atmos- lulis, krani.

phere) clirah, cimacha; (evident) Clever (klev'er), adj. pandai, bijak^

frarg, vjata, jlas; (keen, acute, as cdierdek, ahli (Ar.), pintar (X.L),
sight or mind) tajam, trarg; Cleverness (-nes), s. kpandaian, k-
(bright) trarg -imrarg ;* (free pintaran (X.L).
from blemishes or obstructions) Clew (kloo or klu), s. (ball of
tratg, ;* (of sounds) trarg,
jlali tbread) tukal;^ (hint) pertunjok^
tyarirg. Clear sky, cliuacha, cima- 'an; (Xaut.) kaki layer.
cha baik. Clew, V. t. (Xaut.) To clew up, s-
Clear, v. t. iranjkan, chraltkan, jer- tiKiqi layer.
nehkaM, as above. To clear jungle, Click (klik), v.i. kteli^, dtek.^
tban); (undergrowth) tba^. To Click, s. ktek, dtek.*
clear a path, rntas, rntis* Client (kli'ent), s. (at law) oraty^
Clearance (kler'ans), s. (act of yarg mrgupah pguam* orarg yarg'

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin *7ten.
pal-ai loyar (E.) ; (in business) Clockwork (klok'werk), s. psawat
oraig herlaigganan/^ jam,^ psawat arloji (1).), psawat
Cliff (klif), s. tbitg tirygi, thirg yaig horloji (N".!.).
cliumm, c/iuraman hukit. Clod (klod), s. (of earth) gumpal;
Climate (kli'met), s. hawa. (of clay) kpal;* (a dolt) oraty
Climax (-maks), s. (steady in- tola, orarg iorgorg.*
crease) pnambahan; (highest Clodhopper (klod'hop-per), s. oi'arg
* kniuncli hid an, orarg kurary ajar.
point ) p uncli ok, ok.
Climb (klim), v. i. t.
panjat, naiJi; Clog (klog), V. t. (obstruct) skat;
(hills) claki;"^ (of plants) jalar* (choke) kamhus,'^ turnpat;'^ (im-
lata, mlata (B.). pede) taliankan, tgah.
Climber (klim'er), s. pinanjat, ya^g Clog, s. (impediment) tgalian, p-
ninjalar,^ yarg mJata, as above. nuinpat,"^ (block of wood) pnjrg-
Clinch (klinch), v. t. hergkokkan karg; (wooden sandals) trompali,
hnjoiy paku; (confirm, as an argu- cliakiak (Ch. chlid-kidh) .

ment) ttapkan. Cloister (covered

(klois'ter), s.

Cling (kling), v. (by twining

i. walk) (monastery), ru-
round) hlit; (adhere to) Ikat; mall oraiy ber-klialwat (Ar.), ru-
(hold fast to) pant. rrtali orarg raliih (Ar.).
Clinic (klin'ik), s. plajaran mrgohati Close (kloz), V. i. (end) habis;
oraig sakit. (come together) rapat; (as a flow-
Clink (klingk), s. drirg,'^' dcliirg,'^ er) kuncJiop.
klntirg, kltiig. Close, V. t. (shut) tutop, katop; (the
Clinker (klingk'er), s. talii ararg eyes) kjam, pjani :^ (the hand)
hatu. grggamkan; (the teeth or lips)
Clinker-built (-bilt), adj. (Xaut.) Map; (an umbrella) kimchop; (of
iindeh-kaseli, papan herlapis, pa- bivalves) targkup;* (a hole or
pan hersirip. well) sbn,"^ timbus; (draw to-
Clip (klip), V. t. (cut off) guntirg; gether, unite) rapatkan; (con-
(clasp) chiykani. clude, consummate ) liabiskan,
Clipper (klip'per), s. (for cutting slsaikan, slisekan (B.), jlaskan.^
hair) guntirg kuda; (Xaut.) kapal Close, s. (conclusion) pigliabisan,
ilaig tiga yarg laju. Clipper bow ksudalian, kjlasan;* (of a narra-
(Naut.) haluan seroig, lialuan tive) tamat (Ar.) ; (precinct of a
rbali. catliedral) halaman.
Clique (klek), s. perskutiian orarg Close (klos), adj. (near) dkat, hain-
yarg tarnau berramah-ramahah pir/^ rapat, berdampiry ;^^ (nar-
drgan orarg lain.^ row) smpit; (stingy) lokek, etc.,
Cloak (klok), s. (garment) baju see below; (dense, compact) rnam^
kllawarf (pretext, cover) pnu- pat, ttal:'^ (intimate) rapat, rafik
dmy, piyanmr.^ (Ar.,), ikrah (Ar. aqrdb).
Cloak, V. t. (conceal) tudory, samar-- Closefisted (klosTist'ed), adj. lokek,
kari/^ srnbnryikan. kikir, kdkut, chekel,* tarykai jrirg,
Cloakroom (klok'room), s. trnpat bakhil (Ar.), ayer di-grygam ta'-
miyirnpan pakaian orarg rarnai. tiris (Prov.).
Clock (klok), jam bsar, jam din-
s. Closehauled (-hawld'), adj.
ditg,^ jam tembok (B.). (Naut.) )}rryoigsorg aryin.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, fier, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, avvfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Closereefed (-reft), adj. (Naut.) kain s-climpirgf (patch) kain
layer habis di-anclak. tanipal; (a blow) spak, tampar.
Closet (kloz'et), s. bilel: hcliil. Clout, V. t. (patch) tarn pal, tarn-
Closing (kl5z'iiig), adj. yarg prg- porgf tampar, spak;
hahlsan, yarg al'hir (Ar.). (witli pukol paku.
Closure (klo'zhur), s. Jcputusan Clove (klov), s. buTga chrgkeh, biugct.
mashuarat (Ar.). chirgkeh (B.). Clove hitch, tarn-
Clot (klot), s. bul,-u, gumpal, Icpal, bat ay am.
kopah* Cloven (klo'vn), adj. terblah.
Clot, V. i. berhid-u, bergumpal, ber- Cloven-footed (-foot-ed), adj. ber^
bkn^ blah kuku.
Cloth (klawth or kloth), s. (the Clown (klown), s. (in a circus)
fabric) kain; (of a billiard table) orarg klakar, alan-alan* pran,'^'
lakan (D.) ; (spread on the floor smar,"^ orarg lauak (P.) (rustic) ;

at a meal) sufrah (Ar.) ; (clerical orarg hut an.

profession) pargkat padri. Broad- Qlownish (klown'ish), adj. s-laku
cloth, sakhlat (Pers.), kain stg- orarg hutan,* burok laku,"^ terg-
Mat (B.). Cloth of gold, kain kah-lakii sperti oraig hutan.
bnarg mas. Cloy (kloi), V. t. jmu,* muak."^
Clothe (klbtk), v. t.
pakai, pakaikan, Club (klub), s. (cudgel) blantan;"^
knakan. (longer) pmntoigf (in cards) kla-
Clothes (klothz), s. pakaian, kain- war; (association) perskutiian,'^
baju. With only the clothes one perkumpolan. Map (E.). See-
has on, drgan s-lai s-pirgga.rg. MACE.
Clothes-horse (klo^/iz'hdrs), s. Club, V. i. (unite) bermtu; (to pay)
mrapaian^ kain. berte'yan (Ch. theh-ien).
Clothes-line (-lin), s. tali pnjmor Club, V. t. pntorg,* pukol drgan torg-
kain, ampaian* kain, tali pryidai* kat, pargkorg.
kain. Clubfoot (klub'foot), s. pekok,'^
Clothing (klo^/i,'iug), s. pakaian, chepoh,^ chepok (B.).
kain -baju. Clubhouse (-hows), s. speles (D^
Cloud (klowd), s. awan; (red) meqa speelhuis).
(Sk.), teja (Sk.); (blemish) cJia- Cluck (kluk), V. i. berktok.
cliat. Bain cloud, awan mrgan- Clue (kloo or klii), s. (hint) per-
dorg hujan. iStorm cloud, pokok- tanjok'an, tanda, 'alamat, turut-
aiyin.^ A
cloud of smoke, kpulan turutan.'^
asap* asap berkpul-kpid* amp Clump (klump), s. (of wood, sawn
naik iabun'mnabun.* off) reja; bahanf' (of
(hewn oif)
Cloud, V. t. (cover with cloud) sapid trees) gompoig,* tompok. Mom-
atvan;* ( darken ) kabuskan* glap- pok; (of grass or bamboos) rum-
kan, klamkanf (stain) datargkan pun.
rh achat. Clumsiness (klum'zi-nes), s. kcharg-
Cloudless (klowd'les), adj. tiada g organ.
berawan, chuacha baik, chuacha,"^ Clumsy, adj. (awkward) jarggal,*"
chrah. charggoig; (of work) kloloh,'^ ta'-
Cloudy (-i), adj. rdop, surani* inu- snono h , ropak-rapek * .

ram;'* (indistinct) kabus.* Cluster (klus'ter), s. (of fruit on

Clout (kiowt), s. (cloth) kains-krat. one stalk) taigkai, tandan, teig-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minj/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
A-e?/' roiyMj* (of grass, bamboos, Coarseness (kors'nes), s. kkasaran,
etc.) rumpun; (of islands or etc., as above.
separate fruits) gugusan;* (of Coast (kost), s. pantai, tpi laut, pirg^
trees or men) klompok, tompok; gir (X.I.). Coast guard, klasi

(tied together) raigkai. yarg mnjaga di tpi taut. Coast

Cluster, Y. i. herkrumun, berkum- line, tlok raiitau.'"
Coast, V. i. susur* rantau.*
pol, herdompak/^ herdempel/^ her-
ieigkel,* trergkel.* Coasting (kost'ing), adj. yarg m-
Clutch (kluch), V. t. (seize with njiisur.
Coat (kot), s. baju; (long) jubah
hands) paut, cliapai; (in the closed
Coat of
fist) gig gam; (between finger and
(Ar.) ; (layer) lapis.

thumb) clirgkatn; (in fighting) mail, baju rantai, baju zirah (Ar.).
chkau, cherkaii, clnykau/^ arggau*
To wear the coat inside the sarong,
Clutter (klut'ter), v. t. ropak-m- berdagatg luar.*
Coat, V. t. (with metal or cloth) sa-
Coach kreta lut;'^ (with dirt) lumurkan, tepek;
(k5ch), s. (carriage)
(with sugar) sira.* Coated as
lamhaigan, kreta platgkin: (tu-
the inside of a cooking pot, ber-
tor) guru pmhantu; (trainer) kredak.
orarg yarg mngajar kuda atau oraig
Coating (kot'ing), s. salutan/'' lapis.
yatg herlujiiba.
Coax (koks), v. t. pujok, bujok*
Coach, T. t. ajar.
cliumbu, kechek.
Coachman (koch'man), s. sais,
Coaxing (koks'ing), s. pujok-rayu.*
orarg ijarg mnjalankan kreta, kusir Cob (kob), s. (of maize) mmpulor;*
(horse) kuda turggarg yaig tgap;
Coadjutor (ko'a-ju'ter), s. pnoloig,
(lump) buku.
pmhantu. Cobble (kob'bl), y. t. tampal, tarn"
Coagulate (ko-ag'u-lat), v. i. her-
hukii, I)erbku* hergumpal, kntal. Cobbler (-bier), s. tukarg mmbaik-
Coagulate, \. i. hkukan/^ kntalkan, kan kasut, tukarg jaliit kasiit.
pkatkan. Cobblestone (-bl-ston), s. batu li-
Coal (kol), (charred fragment,
chin, batu ayer.*
extinguished) aratg; (still hot) Cobra (ko'bra), s. idar tdorg.
bara api; (the mineral) araiy batu. Cobweb (kob' web), s. sararg labah-
Coal gas, gas. Coal mine, galian labah; (pi. in a house) sawarg.*
ararg. Coal oil, mhyak tanah, Festooned with cobwebs, berslirat*
nrityak gas. Coal tar, miryak tar, digan sararg labah-labah.
(E.), miryak ter (D.), bolorg.^ Coccyx (kok'siks), s. tularg torg-
Coalesce (ko'a-les'), v. i.
(unite) kerg.^
bersaiu. Cochin China (ko'chin chi'na), s.
Coalition pakatan, per-
(-lish'wn), s.
negri Kamboja.
stujuan, perskutuan.'* Cock (kok), s. (fowl) ayam jantan,
Coarse (kors), adj. (of size) kasar; mandorg,'^^ ayam jagok (N.I.) ;

(of texture) ksat, kasap* grutu; (tap) chrat,'^ pili ayer;"^ (ham-
(thick) tbal; (of words or actions) mer of a gun) jjltop, fmitek*
kasar, kakar (Ar.), tasnonoh, cliro- ptek'a7i* Fighting cock, ayam
boh :'^'
(rough workmanshi])) fa'- sahorg, ayam saborgan.
snonoli, gabas,'^ sergut.* Cock, V. t. (of small things, as a tail)
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, min?<s, ciire, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
jnjkit;* (of larger things) jorgkit; Code (kod), s. peraturan sgala hu-
(the eye) hUaklmi mata, jliiy; (a kum, undarg-imdan).
gun) ptek.* Codger (koj'er), s. (miser) oranj
Cockade (kok-ad'), s. 'alamat deri- lokek: (eccentric old man) lya-
j)(ida pita di-pakai pada topi.'^ njok* pa' pandir.*
Cock-a- whoop (kok'a-lioop'), adj. Codicil (kod'i-sil), s. iambahan surat
lawa. wasiat.
Cockatoo (-too'), s. hurorg kakak- Codify (ko'di-fi), v. t. aturkan hu-
tua. kuin atau undarg-undarg.
Cockatrice (-tris), s. idar jadi-jadi- Coerce (ko-ers'), v. t. (restrain)
tgahkaih, tahankan; (compel) pak^
Cockchafer (kok'cha-fer), s. s-jnis xa, krasi, kraskan, gagahi.*
kuiiibarg. Coercion (-er'sh/zn),s. paksa, kkras-

Cockerel (kok'rel), s. anak aijam an.

jantan. Coercive (-siv), adj. yaiy mmaksa^
Cockfight (-fit), s. mhorgan ai/arn. Coeval (ko-e'val), atlj. sama 'umor,
Cockle (-kl), s. krarg, lokan. s-umor, sama zaman.
Cockle. V. t. berkrut, herkdut.'^ Coexist (ko'egz-isf), v. i. ada ber-
Cockleshell (-shel), s. siput krarg, sania-saina.
pniiig piri.^ Coextensive (ko'eks-ten'siv), adj.
Cockney (-ni), s. anak negri Lon- sama rata, sama luas.
don. Coffee (koffi), s. kopl (D.), kahiva
Cockpit (-pit), s. glatggarg; (Ar.).
(Xaut.) bilek bagi orarg luka. Coffeehouse (-hows), s. kdai kopL
Cockroach (-r5ch), s. Upas* ka- Coffeepot (-pot), s. kipsiau^ (Ch.
chuak (B.) (Ch. kd-tsodh). kip-do), pochi kopi (D. potje).
Cockscomb (koks'kom), s. (the Coffer (koffer), s. pti.
flower) birrga baloiy ay am,"* binga Cofferdam (-dam), s. 'mpargan
jirggeli ay am (B.) (Jav. jergger). m rgritgkan ayer.
See COMB and coxcomb. Coffin (-fin), s. lorg;^' tarorg,* kran-
Cocksure (kok'shiir'), adj. tertniu, da (Sk.), pti orarg mati (B).
iniu skali. Cog (kog), s. (of a wheel) gigt
Cockswain (-sn), s. juni-miidi, jntra;* (tenon) putirg.
sraig. Cogency (ko'j^n-si), s. kuasa dalam
Cocktail (-tal), s. nrmuman ber- bicliara.

chaiiipur arak. Cogent (-jent), adj. knat, berkuam

Cocoa (ko'ko), s. pokok choklat datam bichara.
(K). Cogitate (koj'i-tat), v. i.
fikir, k^
Coco, or coco palm (ko'ko), s. po- natg, tfkur (Ar.).
kok lyiur,'^ pokok klapa. Cognate (kog'net), adj. (allied by
Coconut (-nut'), s. buah ryiur,* blood) bersaudara, bersanak* s-
baali klapa. Coconut matting, dagirg s-darali; (of similar nature)
tikar sabot. s-macliam.
s-jnis, s-J)argsa,
Cocoon (ko-kodn'), s. mronj idat; Cognizance (kog'ni-zans or kon'i-
(of silk) indok* sutra. zans), s. pigtail nan.
Cod (kod), s. s'-jnis ikan. Cod-liver- Cognizant (-z^rnt), adj. s-ta]iu.*
oil, niinjak ikan. Cognomen (kog-no'men), s. nama
Coddle (kod'dl), v. t. manjakan. kluarga* se" (B.) (Ch. .s*i").

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Cogwheel (kog'woel), s. jnira ber- cold blood, drgan liati sjok; (de-
f/if/i, roda bergigi. liberately) drgan srgaja.
Cohabit (ko-lmb'it), v. i. (live to- Cold, (absence of warmth) sjok,

gether) iirggal bersama-sama; (as dirgiri;* (catarrh) slsma, sma-

liusband and wife) bersatu, s- srna,^ slesma (B.).
Ji-tidoran/' s-pertidoran .* Cold-blooded (kold'blud-ed), s. (of
Cohabitation (-i-ta'slrwn), s. s- fish, etc.) darali sjok; (hard-heart-
kdiidokan. ed) kras hati.
Coheir (ko-ar'), s. sama s-waris. Colic (kol'ik), s. sakit rnmnlas, chi-
Cohere (ko-her'), v. i. berliuhorg, ka, snak, rnjat.'^
jreketf' (logically) berstiiju. Collaboration (kol-lab-o-ra'shim),.
Coherent (-ent), adj. berhuborg, s. Jial bkerja bersama-sauia.
jreket;'^ (logically) berstiiju, drgan Collapse (kol-laps'), v. i. (as a bal-
pcmiuran. loon or pneumatic tyre) kmpis;
Cohesion (ko-he'zhim), s. perliu- (as the sides of a well) runtoh,
boigan, perdamp'ugari,^' hal m- ruboh (B.) ; (fail completely) ha-
Ikat, krapatan. bis rosak, liUarg largsorg.
Cohesive (-siv), adj. yarg ber- Collar (kol'ler), s. (of a coat) lehir
Jiiiboig, yarg mlkat, yarg jreket.^^ baju, kalar (E.), krali (B.kraag) ;.

Cohort (ko'liort), s. pasokan soldado (ornamental, of metal) /c/m,* ka-

oratg Bom dJiulii kala. lorg;'^ (for a dog) riarg;* (ring of
Coil (koil), V. t.
leigkar, leiykarkan, metal or rattan) siuipai. Col-
Jilitkan-; (ropes) lergkar, sarqli lar bone,
tularg slargka* tulaig
(L.). chnak.* Collar stud, butarg dasi
Coil, V. i. berJergkar, berlilit, berblit. (D. dasje), kanchirg lehir.
Coil, s. lergkar, Jeiykaran, lilitan, Collate (kol-laf), v. t. bandirgkan.
bJiian, guJorg, sargli (L,). Collateral (kr?I-lat'er-al), adj. ber-
Coin (koin), s. (corner) pnjuru; huborg, berdampirg* berstuju.
(money) warg. Collation (kol-la'shim), s. (act of
Coin, V. t. (mint) fnipa warg/^ liiarg collating) hal nvmhandircfkan ;
warg, bikin warg (B.) ; (invent, (light meal) makan alas jwot.*
originate) adakan, reka. Colleague (kol'leg), s.
oratg yarg
Coinage (koin'ej), s. hal mnmpa^ sauia juwatan,'^ oranj yarg sama
ii'dig, etc., as above. kerja.
Coincide (k5'in-sld'), v. i. bersama- Collect (kol-lekf), v. i. (assemble)
'an; (in place) s-tmpat, bertmu; b erk u m po I, b erh irn *
pan .

(in time) s-masa;'^ (concur, agree) Collect, V. t. (bring together) kum-

s-kaia, s-turut, berstuju. polka n, 1 im po nka n , ka mpo rgka n ;

Coincidence (ko-in'si-dens), s. per- (pick up) kutip; (obtain pay-

mmaan, perstujuan, pertmuan. ment) purgnt; (gather in heaps)
Coition (ko-ish'wn), s. jitna (Ar.). lonjgokkan; (material for build-
Coir (koir), s. mbot. Coir matting, ings, etc.) ramu.*
tikar sabot. Coir rope, tali sabot. Collect (kol'lekt), s. sural do a.
Coke (kok), s. tahl ararg batu. Collected (kol-lekt'ed), adj. (calm,
Colander (kul'mi-der), s. tapisan. composed) sjok hati, diam, tnaig
Cold (k5ld), adj. sjok, dirgin-f (suf- hati.
fering from cold) kdirginan* kna Collection (-lek'sh?/n), s. (act of
sjok. Cold chisel, paliat bsi. In collecting) hal mrgumpolkan, -etc..

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror old, not, connect, sore, r^ort, sorry use, us, mins,
injure, ; ciire,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
as above; (the thing collected) Colossal (ko-los'sal), adj. U7nba7g*
kmmpolan, himponan*
piurjutan, bag or bsar skali, sargat bsar,
rauiuan;* (contribution of money) a 7)2 at bsar.*
ijurrm* te'i/an (Ch. theh-ien). Colossus (siis), s. patoig ya7g aniat
Collective (-tiv), adj. hersama- bsar.
sania. Colour (kurer), s. iverna, oma
Collector (-ter), s. prgumpol, p- A
(B.). pattern, cho-
murgut, pigiitip.^ Collector of rak, dondon.* Of many colours,
Land Revenue^ pmurgut liasil werna-werna, pancka-7verna.*
tanali .
Colours (of a regiment), bndera.
College (kol'lej), s. sholah hsar, To be seen in one's true colours,
sl^olah tifggi, madrasah (Ar.).
kdapafan biidi.*
Collegiate (kol-le'ji-et), adj. skolah Colour, V. t. iver}mka7i; (by dyeing)
hsar (a).
cJdop; (with whitewash) sapu ka-
Collide (kol-lid'), v. i.
herlarggar, pur, labur;* (with paint) sapu
temutok, herantol'/^ heriaga. chat.
Collier (koryer), s. ora)g yarg mrg-
Colour, V. i.
(blush) bra* iram*
gali araig, Icapal yarg muat ararg. naik main.
Colliery (-i), s. galian ararg. Coloured (-erd), adj. berwerna.
Collision (kol-lizh'im), s. perlaig- Colourless (er-les), adj. (without
garan, antoJc'an. tiada
colour) bertueriia; (trans-
Collop (kol'lwp), s. (of meat) s-
parent) je7'7ieh, Imirg;* (vapid)
hut, s-potoig, s-ktul."^ fa war, ambar.*
Colloquial (kol-l6'kwi-al), adj. Co portage
I or kol-por-
(used in conversation) dalam per- (korpor-tej
taj'), s. lial 7unjaja kitab.
chakapan; (common or familiar)
kJaziman (Ar.). Colporteur (kol-por-ter') s. pnjaja
kit ah.
Colloquy (kol'lo-kwi), s.
pertutoran. Colt (kolt), s. anak kuda.
Collude (kol-lud'), v. i.
Column (kol'mn), s. (pillar) tiary
Collusion (kol-lfi'zhn), s. pakatan, batu; (oflajur;* (of a troops)
suhahat,^ tipu-daija. In collusion, newspaper) ruarga7i;* (of smoke)
s-paka t, h ersubahat* kpid.*
Colon Coma (ko'ma), s. bias* (Pers.
(ko'lon), s. (large intestine)
biJiaush) (if respiration has
prot tua, Icnjkar prot; (in writ- ;

ing) fanda perhntian [ ]. :

ceased) slak.
Colonel s.
Comatose (k5'ma-tos or kom'a-tos),
(ker'nel), prglima yarg
mmrentalikan pasokati s-rihu orafy adj. terlalai, peigsan, tiada kha-
barkan diri.
Colonist (kol'o-nist), oraiy yarg Comb (kom), s. (for hair) sikat,
dud ok di negri asirg. sisir; (of a cock)
balorg* jergger
Colonize (-niz), v. t. huka negri (Jav.), jitygeh (B.) ; (of honey)
hharu, pindah k-negn bhani. saraig; (when empty) sa7nba7g;*
Colonnade (-on-nad'), s. srambi. (in weaving) sisir.
-Colony (-o-ni), s. (the people) Comb, V. t. sikatkan, sisirkan.

kumpolan oraig yarg dudok di Combat (kom'bat or kum'bat), v. t.

negri asirg; (the country) kdudok- Iaira7i, larggar.

an oranj asirg. Combat, v. i. berklalii, beradu.

^te, apk, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; vise, us, mini/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Combat, s. pmiy, pprajyan, per- sampai. To come to grief, kna
lau-aiian, perklaliian. cJtlaka. To come to a head (of a
Combatant (kom'ba-taiit), s. ovary boil), tumboh/^ bermata; (ma-
yaig herpraiy. ture) smpurna. To come to one's-
Combative (-tiv), adj. pmhantah,* self, sdar akan diri; (after faint-

yanj suka herklcild, garary. ing) siuman pida.* To come to-

Combination (kom'bi-na'shwn), s. pass, jadi. To come together, ber-
perk H b rgan, jjersl' u t uan,^ cham- himpon* bcrkumpol. To come
puran. true, jadi, sampai. To come up
Combine (kom-blii'), v. t. liuhory, (ascend), naik; (arise) batyun,
huhoiijkan, sahikan, samakan, per- terbit, timbol. To come up to
skutukan,'^ champiirkan; see below. (equal), samakan. To come up.
Combine, v. i. herhuhoig, hersatu; with (overtake), susid,* dapati."^
(confederate) herskiitu,* berstuju; To come upon (befall), timpa;
(by affinity) hercliampur. (attack) datargi.*
Combustible (-bus'ti-bl), adj. ho- Comedian (ko-me'di-an), s. pran,*
leli di-makan apt, Ikas mryala, orarg yaig bermain wayaig prggli
snanj miyala. liati.
Combustion (-cli^m), s. kahargus- Comedy (koni'e-di), s. ivayatg pig-
an. gli hati.
Come (kum), datarg, mari
v. i. Comeliness (kum'li-nes), s. k'elok-
(P.) ; (arrive) sampai, tiba; (hap- an, kcliantek'an.
pen) jadi. To come
about, (hap- Comely (kum'li), adj. baik paras,,
pen, result) (Xaut.) belok.
jadi; elok, chantek, molek.
. To come across, jumpa, bertmu, Comet s. bintarg berekor,.
jrmpak/^ dapat. To come and go, biniarg berasap, bintarg berbuntot
pei*gi balek, lain lalarg.'^ To come (B.).
at (reach^ gain), dapat, heroleh;* Comfit (kum'fit), s. liahca,* manis-
(attack) daianji.^ To come by an.
(obtain), dapat. To come down Comfort (kum'fert), V. t. (console)
(descend), turun;
humble) (be hibur, lipur (Jav.) ; (encourage)
jadi rndaii. To come home, pu- bri hati,'^ ttapkan hati.
larg. To come in, masok. To Comfort, s. (consolation) pighibur-
come in for, dapat, trima. To an; (freedom from pain or want)
come last, cliorot. To come loose snarg, ksnargan.
(as plaster), glokak* To come Comfortable (-a-bl), adj. snarg,
near, hampir,* datmy dkat. To sdap, strihat^ (Ar. istinmat).
come off (happen), jadi; (escape) Comforter (er), s. pryhibvr.
Ipas; (as a garment) taiygal* To Comfortless (-les), adj. ta'snary.
come on (of storms), turun; (of Comic (kom'ik), adj. sloroJi, yarg^
fever) naik; (approach) ham'pir* mmhri tertawa, prggli-liati, luchu,*'
To come out, kluar; (of news) jnaka.^
pchah; (be known) ktara, njata. Comical (-a\), adj.
= comic, q. v.
To come round (change), ber- Coming (kum'ing), s. kdatargan.
obali :
(recover) siaman* seliat, Comity (kom'i-ti), s. budi-bliasa.
sudah baik (B.). To come short, Comma (kom'ma), tanda per- s.

ta'sampai. To come to (recover), lintian [,].Inverted commas, tan^

irgat akan diri, siiiman;* (reach) da perciiakapan [" "].

ate, ask, am,

final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min^s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, kow, oil; thin t/?en.
Command (kom-mand'), v. t. (or- kan, sliuratikan (Ar.) ; (make an-
der) suroh, psan; (of God) fir- notations) tafsirkan (Ar.).
man (Ar.) ; (of kings) titaJif (of Comment, s. sbotan, tafsir (Ar.).
princes or prophets) sabda (Sk.) ; ^0 further comment is needed, ta'-

(exercise authority) prentah, pren- vsa/i sbot lagi.

ialikan : (guard, as a fort) lindorg. Commentary (kom'men-ter-i), s.

Command, v. i.
berpsan, pgarg pren- tafsir (Ar.).
ta/i, pegarg prentah (B.). Commentator (-ta-ter), s. aJili taf-
Command, s. (order) huhum, psan- (Ar.).
an, firman (Ar.), Utah ,^ sabda
Commerce (kom'mers), s. (trade)
(Sk.), as above; (authorit_y) pren- perniagaan; (intercourse) per-
iali. ramalianr
Commandant (kom'man-dant'), s.
Commercial (kom-mer'shal), adj.
prglima. (carrying on commerce) berniaga,
Commander (kom-mand'er), s. berdagaig j"^ (pertaining to com-
merce) perniaga'an (a). Com-
ptghulu, I'pala; (of an army) pig-
mercial house, korgsi saudagar,
m- (Commercial imrtner, rakan*
Commanding (-ing), adj. yanj
mr entail ; (Commercial school, skolali per-
(forceful) gagah.
Commandment s. niagaan. Commercial town, ban-
(-m^^nt), liulnim,
psan an.
dar,'^ pkan.^
Commemorate v.
Commingle (-ming'g]), v. i. ber-
(-mem'o-rat), t.
(ham pur.
irgatlan, I'uatgl'an.
Commiserate (-miz'er-at), v. t. sa-
Commemoration (-ra'shzai), s.
garg, kase/iankan, kaseliani.^
Commiseration s. sa-
Commence (kom-mens'), v. i. mii- (-a'shiai),
i/aig, kaselian, blas-kasehan.
la I, niulai (B.). Commissariat (kom'mis-sar'i-at),
Commencement (-ment), s. nuila,
s.orarg-oraig ijarg jaga bkalan soU
vermulaan, ah at (Ar.), asaJ, parg- dado.

Commend Commissary (-sa-ri), s. (deputy)

(kom-mend'), v. t. (com-
* oran) berpsanan; (of troops)
init) sralij srahl'an; (recommend,
pgawai ipug jaga bkalan soldado.
entrust) ptaroliJimi ;'^ (praise) pu- Commission (kom-mish'wn), s. (act
ji- of doing) hal inmbuat;
Commendable (-a-bl), adj. terpuji,
psanan; (written authority) surat
paint di-puji.
prentah; (brokerage or allowance
Commendation ( kom'men-da'- in trade) kamsen (E.), upah da-
s. puji, l-pujian.
sli/ai), laF^ (Ar. daJdl), komisi (X.I.)
Commendatory (kom-mend'a-to- (0.).
ri), adj. yatg mmiiji. Commission, v. t. psankan.
Commensurable (kt>m-men'shur-a- Commissioner (-er), s. wakil,^ p-
bl), adj. yaig boleh di-sainaJcan, suroh -jai/a.'^
padan. Commit (kmn-mif), v. t. (intrust)
Commensurate (-et), adj. s-kdar,'^ srahkan, a m anatkan (Ar.), ptaroh-
s-kadar* (Ar. qadar). kan;* (do, perpetrate) buat;
Comment (kom'ment), v. i. (make (bind, jjledge) targgorgkan atas,
a remark) sbot ; ^(explain) trarg- To commit to memory, tiapulkan*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, vis, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
(Ar. hafadl). To commit one's Commotion (kom-mo'shim), s.

self to do,taiggonjkan ssuatu atas (violent motion) kachau; (of

diri. people) gmpar;^ huru-hara; (of
Commitment (-ment), s. lial ni- mind) kloh-ksali.'^

njrahl'au, hal pnjaraJi'an.'^

Commune (kom'mfin), s. da'irah^
Committal (-ml), s. hal miyralil'an, di nrgri Fransis.
hal nnubuat. Commune (kom-mun'), v. i. hcr-
Committee (-ti), s. jaicatan haa- bichara, hermashuarat (Ar.) ; (re-
.v(7,* hjmiti (E.). ceive the (Jommunion) niakan Per-
Commode (kom-mod'), s. jamhan janntan Tuhan (X.).
Iriu'si, pti jamhan, jamhan du-dolc. Communicable (-i-ka-bl), adj. (of
Commodious (-i-//s), adj. (spa- diseases) yanj holch berjargkit ; (of
cious) iga, liias, la/mtg; (serviee- knowledge) yarg boleh di-bri tahu.
ahle) berg mm. Communicant (-kant), s. oratg
Commodity (-inod'i-ti), s. dagaig- i/a}g riKikan Prrjamuan Tnhan
a//,* harayg jualan.
Commodore, (kom'mo-dor), s. I'a- Communicate (-kju), v. t.
piian I'apal yatg mmrentahl-ait tow) bri; (of God) kurnlakan
fain-lain l-apal piila. (Sk.) ; (eonvey) haica; (make
Common (kom'm//n), adj. (bcloiio-- known) bri lahii, m'alnnikan
iiig to all) sama perolehan;^ per- (A,-.).
skutnan,'^ 'am (Ar.) (usual) k-
: Communicate. \. i. (have inter-
baiyakan; (customary) klaziman course)herrhanrpnr, bersatu, her-
(Ar.) ; (abundant) jehahj^ la- ramah-ramahan f^ (be connected)
<-hak,'^ mJechak (B.) ; (ordinary, herhubotg; (receive the Commu-
not exceptional) khanjakan; (in- nion) makan Perjamuan Tuhan
ferior in quality) kurarg haik. (X.).
<*ommon people, oratg hina-dina* Communication (-kfi'sh^/n), s. (of
Common sense, 'akal-panjaig, hati diseastO hal ninjargkit; (of in-
prot. In common, herskutu.^^ Out formation) briia (8k.), khahar;
of the common, hukan kpaJarg, (intercourse) perramahan,^ per-
b u ka ri a la ig-kpa la tg. skutuan;'^ (connection) perhu-
Common, s. tanah oratg ramai, ta- borgan.
nah irakaf (Ar.). Communicative (-ka-tiv), adj.
Commonalty (-al-ti), s. orarg k- yarg suka herkhahar, perramaJi.
banjakan, orarg hinaHlina.'^ Communion (-vim), s. (act of
Commonly (-li), adv. (usually) sharij! g ) persk u i uan ;* ( familiar in-

biam-fya, memarg; (frequently) tercourse) perramahanf^ (fellow-

krap, krap kali. ship) persahabatan; (body of
Commonplace (-plas), adj. kba- Christians) perkumpolan (X.) ;
njakan. (the Lord's Supper) Perjamuan
Commons (-m?/nz), s. (common Tuhan (X.).
people) oraig khanjakan, oraig Communism (kom'mn-nizm), s.

hina-dina/^ (House of Commons) pe rata ran bagl uDnperskutukan s-

niajli.'^ maskuarat oraig khanjakan gala herta oratg.'-'
di nfgri England.^ Community (kom-mun'i-ti), s.

Commonwealth (kom'm?/n-welth), (common possession) perskutu-

s. pmrenfahan ovary hatyak. atif^ (a bocly of people) perkum^

ate, ask, am. final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, ree<9nt, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minMS, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin //<en.

polan ; (80cietv at large) oraty boundary) smpadan, pcrhirgga'

banjak. 'an :'^^
(the instrument) pdoman,'*
Commutable (kMii-iimt'a-bl), adj. koinpas (E.).
yarg bolch cii-itd-ar. Compass, v. t. (go round) kUlirgi;
Commutation (kom'mri-tri'sli?m) , (surround) kporg: (eircumvent,.
s. pvrinkamn. acconij^lish ) sampaikan.
Commute (kom-mfit'), y. t. tukar; Compasses (-fz), s. pi. jargka*
(a ])iinislmient) retfjankiw. Compassion (kom-pash'wn), s. sa-
Compact (-pakt'), adj. (firm) ttap: ga fg, Idas, kaselian; (of God) rdti-
(densely packed) main pat, ssak, rnat (Ar.).
rapat; (solid) anlnp/^ manfap/'' Compassionate (-et), adj. ber-
padur pjalf'^ (of discourse) renj- I'asptian, ptyagarg,* btas kati; (of
ka^r Clod) mlunan (Ar.). mhirn (Ar.).
Compact (kom'])a,kt). s. perjanjiati, Compatibility (-prit'i-biri-ti), s.
pakainii. persiujuan.
Companion (koni-prui'yuu), s. ka- Compatible (-bl). adj. herstuju,
wan, sail aha I , sohat, liandai,'^' so- berstujuan. berfiatutan, padun.
bat anclr (B.). fautan/-' ttnanf" Compatriot (-pa'tri-r>t), s. oraig s^
rakanr ri/aparg/'' vegri.
Companionable (-a-bl)^ adj. ra- Compeer (-per'), s. bandirg, tara, s-
mali-raiiiali.''^ baga.
Company (kiim'pa-ui), s. (fellow- Compel (-pel'), v. t. pal'm, gagahi,*"
ship) permJiabatan : (assemblage kradrrn.
of persons) perkumpolan, hlom- Compendious (-pen'di-?/s), adj.
pok; (guests) jamiian;'^ (associ- rergka-^.'"'
ation) pvrskutiian/^ sidarg,'^ korgsi Compendium (-um). s. rergkamn*
(Ch.)^sliarikali (At.) (of troops) ; Compensate (kom'pen-sat), v. t.

pasokan. In company (travel- balas. ganii, .^Ueli.^^

ling), hersa'ing/'' Compensation (-sa'slum), s. ganti-

Comparable (kom'pa-ra-bl), adj. krugian, balasan, iniboh;* (for
s-iara, s- total-,* s-hamtkg. murder) bargun,* diat (Ar.).
Comparative (kom-prir'a-tiv), adj. Compete (kom-pet') v. i. tawan,
'(comparing) yanj mnibandirg; ad II, bertandity,* bertandirg ker-
(relative) drgan kdar-rya,* dnjan ja:* (in a race) berliimha; (in
Itadar-rifa'^^ (Ar. qadar). Avrestling) glut.* To compete at
Compare (kcmi-par'), v. t. bandhy, football, bertandiiy futboJ,* larvan
Ijandiigli-an, tolokf (liken) um- niain futbol (B.).
fwnakan. saniakan. Competence (kom'pe-t^ns), s. (fit-
Comparison (-jmi-'i-sn), s. (act of ness) kpatutan, la yak:* (sufficien-
comparing) Jtat mnibandiig : (state cy) kj Kid a' an.*
of being compared) bandirg, tara, Competent (-tent), adj. (ade-
totok :* (similitude) perumpama- quate) vliul-op. pa da:* (suitable)
'an, (Ar. mitJial), kiaff
i.ii('fi(d patut, la yak,* padan.
(Ar.). Beyojid comparison, tiada Competition (-tisli'mi), adj. per^
lara-n/a. tiada bandirg -'nja. tairanan, peraduan.
Compartment (-part'm^nt), s. Competitor (kom-pet/i-ter), s. la-

pclak, kolak. va n. oratg yaig bcradu.

Compass (kmn'pfls), s. (limit, Compilation (kom'pi-la'sh?/n), s.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry j ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws. cure, injure,
liurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
lial mramu* surat; (that which is (of the face) aijer-muka, sri-muka;
compiled) ramnan* surat. (general aspect) rupa, hal.
Compile (koni-pll'), v. t. ranur Complexity (-pleks'i-ti), s. see
surat. CO-MPLEX.
Complacency (-plfi'sen-si), s. sudi, Compliance (-pli'ans), s. klulus'
hal herknan, kredla'an (Ar.). an/^ kkahulan'^ (Ar. qabul).
Complacent (-sent), adj. berl-nan, Complicate (kom'pli-kat), v. t.

sudi, redla (Ar.). kusutkan, kachaukan, klam-kahot-

Complain kan, ragukan.^
(-plan'), y. i. (murmur)
sutgut, rotok;^ (make accusation) Complicated (-f^d), adj. raga-
adu.To complain of, tudok.^^ ragu,'^ kusut, khmi-kahot, ler-

Complainant (-ant), s. prgadu, p- slmpol.

uudoh* pnd'awa. Complication (-kri'shwn), >. ragu:^
klam-kabot, slnhpolan, kusiilan,
Complaint (-plant'), s. (murmur)
(illness) pnjakit; (ac-
Complicity (kom-plis'i-ti), s. />/'/-
cusation) ptgaduan, tudolmn,'^
>ik u tuan* s u bah at, * pal'a tan .
d' a IV a' an. To make
a compkint,
migadu, klakh (N".!.) (D. klaag).
Compliment (kom'pli-m^nt), s.

Complement (kom'ple-ment), s. (greethig) tabek, salam; (to a

prince) sntbah; (expression of
(that which completes) pfggnap-
an; (full quantity) khgkapan/'' approbation) puji-pujian; (con-
gra tu a tion ) pe rbh agia'an (iSk. )

( completen ess ) ksm pu rmian.


Compliment (-ment) v. t. (praise)
(kom-plet'j, adj. (noth-
pu.ji; (congratulate) sbotkan bha-
ing lacking) diukop, gnap, Irgkap;
gia (Sk.), bhagiakatf (8k.).
(perfect) smpurna; (finished, con-
Complimentary (-men'ta-ri), adj.
cluded) sudah, hah is, jlas, slsai*
sUse (B.). jjarg mmuji.
Comply (kom-pir), v. i. (give con-
Complete, v. t.
diul-ffpkan, gnapkan,
'^ sent) kabul^ (Ar. qabul) , luhis.*
pn oh i, smpumakan, sudah kan, To comply with (a request), sam-
hahiskan, jlaskan,^ slsaikan/* slise-
kau (B.), as above; (the study of paikan, loroigkanf (a person)
the Koran) khatauikan (Ar.).
Component (po'nent), adj. yaig
Completely (-li), adv. dtgan s-
ninjadikan. Component ]3arts
chukop-rya, dtgan s-pnoh-tya, drgaii tlie body, bhagian
yarg mnjadikant
smpuma-nfa, habis, s-habis-hahis, badan, arggota.
s-pnoh-pnoh, s-mata-mata.
Comport (-port'), v. t. To comport
Completion (-ple'sh^/n), s. (act of one's self, berlaku;^ bawa diri,
completing) pnjudahaii;'^ (state of lakukan diri.'^
being complete) kmdahan, prg- Compose (-poz'), v. t. (put to-
hahisan, ksmpurna'an; (of the
gether) huborgkan, rapatkan, re-
study of the Koran) khatam kaf (form, constitute) jadi, jadl-
(Ar.). .

kan; (by mental labour) kararg,

Complex (kom'pleks), adj. (com- rnchanakwif (of ikat
posite) b e rbagai-bagai, pa n ch a- ipantun) ; (soothe, calm) tnarg-
ragam-;'^ -
( complicated ) rag kan hati.
Composed (-pozd'), adj. tnarg hati,
Complexion (kom-plek'shmi). sjok hail.

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice,
it, fire*
mirror; old, not, connect, sore. sort, sorrv; use, us, minz/s, cure, injure
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin ^en.
Composer (-j3oz'er), s. pfr/amrg; Compression (-presh'im), s. prg-
(of nni.>ic) prgararg lagu. amVan, praam paian.
Composite (kom'po-zit, v. s. kom- Comprise (-pnz')^ y. t. Icandorg,'^
poz'ii), adj. (compounded) cliain- uiiiai, ber'in.

piiran. Compromise (kom'pro-Jinz), s.

Composition (koni'po-zisli'wii), s.
(settlement) hal slsai drgan mua-
(act of. composing) lial mrgaraiy: fakatf' (prejudicial concession)
( coml^i n ation ) relcaanj^ cli a m pur- hal liHa hncltana.
an; (lilcrary) I'ararfjau : (settle- Compromise, v. t. (settle by ar-
ment of debt) kjlasan.'^ Inti-ation) slmlkati digan miia"
Compositor (kom-poz'i-ter), s.
'f'al-aif' (endanger lite or reput-
(printino') prgaiur huriif (Ar.). ation) bawa bnrhana; (pledge)
Composure (-po'zliui-), s. tnatg kna masoh pcrjanjian; (connect
kati. with a crime) bahit, terbabit (B.).
Compound (koni-pownd'). v. t.
(by Compulsion (kom-pul'shzm), s.

combining) champur, gaiil : (as paksa.

medicine) hanrholi/^ pudif^ (ad- Compulsory (-so-ri), adj. (com-
just by agi-eement) slmil^an drgan pelling) yarg mmaksa; (obliga-
miiafal-al/'' tory) haras, irajih (Ar.), ferdlu
Compound (kom'pownd), adj. ter- (Ar.), p('7'lu (i\.T.), yatg msti
chain pur, ierlnihotg. (^ompound (B.).
liouse, rumali l-anipotg. Com- Compunction (-pungk'shwn), s.

pound fracture, paiali-riok,^ pa- sdeh di hati sbab mrysal.

tali-rniol-^l Computation (kom'pu-ta'shwn), s.

Compound, s.(inixture) champur- hit organ, bilargan, kira-kira, arg^

an: (enclosure round a house) lia- garan.
laiaan, kampoig rumali. Compute (kom-puf), v. t. bilarg,
Comprehend (kom'pre-hend'), v. t. hit org, kira-kira, hisab"^^ (Ar. Hi-
(include, comprise) muat, Tcan- ndb)^ arggar.
dorg; (understand) mtgerti, pa- Comrade (kom'red), s. kawan, han-
ham, m afh u m ( Ar. ) . daif^ mhabat, see comj'axiox.
Comprehensible (-lien'si-bl), adj. Con (kon), v. t. blajar, migaji.
yatg holeh dl-kandorg, yaig dapai Concatenation (kon-kat'e-ua'-
or an] mrgerti. sh?/n), s. bertund-tarutan, pcr^
Comprehension (-lien'sh?/n), s. tiubotgan.
pigeriian. Concave (kong'kav or kon'kay),
Comprehensive (-lien'siv), adj. adj. morgkom*
yaig hcrlsi haiyah, yatg mvat ba- Conceal (kon-sel'), v. t. (hide) sm-
nptk, yarg mtgandotg han/ah per- biuyikan; (cover up) tutop, lin-
Imra, luax. dorgkan, litnpr (withliold know-
Compress (kom-pres'), v. t. mani' ledge) samar*
pat, ami', 'rat* Concealed (-seld') adj. terlindoig.
Compress (kom'pres), s. (bandage) Concealment (-sOrju^nt), s. sm-
har}it. Cold compress, jaram* buuji, perlindorgan, kmrnarav*
Compressible (kom-pres'i-bl), adj. Concede (-sed'), v. t. (yield, sur-
yarg holph di-jnampat, yarg dapat render) bri; (grant, ])ermit) lu-
di-rat.* luskan;* (acknowledge, admit to

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, ns, minus, cure, injure,
hiirry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ten.
be true) mirjahu, berihrar (At. Concertina (-ser-te'na), s. kodian
aqrdr) .
Conceit (-set'), s. (idea, concep- Concession (kon-sesh'?/n), s. (act
tion) mnjl'a, jikiran; (vanity) of yielding) hal mmbri, hal mluluS'
>iombon]y cliorr^l'dk,
hoiyhah* j kan;* (a grant) izin deri-pada
brrjaJi.* j
Conceited (-ed), adj. borglcaJc* Conch (kongk), s. suatu jnis siput.

bsar liaii, biyah* dakar* be- Conciliate (kon-sil'i-at), v. t. jinak'

come conceited, dapat liati. kan, damaikan,^ baikki, muafakai-
Conceivable (-sev'a-bl), adj. yarg i

kan (Ar.).
boleh di-saryka. j Conciliation (-a'slu/n), s. hal ?nn-
Conceive (-sev'), v. t. mnjandorg, above.
jinakkan, etc., as
huntirykan, liamilkan (Ar.) ; (form Conciliatory (-a-to-ri), adj. yary
in the mind) rundity* berronderg
mnu mnjinal-kan, etc., as above.
(B.), fil'irhin, saiykakan; (under- Concise (-sis'), adj. rergkas*
stand, apprehend) dapai tahu, m- Conclave (kong'klav or .kon'klav),
s. pakat an sulit.'^
Conceive, v. i. kandoiy/^ mrgan- Conclude (kon-klud'), v. t. (reach
dorg, buniiiy, harnil (Ar.).
an end in reasoning) putuskan,
Concentrate (kon's^n-trat), v. t.
tntukan; (end, fiaish) habiskan,
kumpolkcm k-t7yah* iumpulcanf^ slsaikan^' slisel'an
rapatkan; (condense, as liquids)
(B.) :
(effect, bring about) itap-
pkatkan .

kan .

Concentric (kon-sen'trik). adj. (of

Conclusion (-klu'zhim), s. kputus-
circles) yaiy sama s-pumi.
an, kiniuan, piyhabisan, pnjiidah-
Concept (kon'sept), s. saryka, run'
an, kiiapan, as above; (of a book)
dirgan* fikiran.
iainat (Ar.) : (of Koran studies)
Conception (kon-sep'sh^/n), s. (of
kit at a in (Ar.).
the embryo) hal mrgandorg ; (in
the mind) Conclusive (-siv), adj. (ending de-
rundirgan* fikiran,
m?gka; (apprehension) prgertian. bate) yarg mmiduskan; (convin-
Concern (-sern'), v. t. (relate to,
cing) yarg migyahbikan* (Ar.
affect) ititarg,'^' kna-mrgna; (in- yaqin).
terest) pduli; (be solicitous ) kliiia-
Concoct (-kokt'), v. t. (of food or
tir(Ar. kliawdTir), bimbarg. drugs ) mpka n , ch a m pur,
asak- m
tnamk; (in the mind) adakan,
Concern, s. (atfair) hal, perkara;
( solicitude ) kJi vaiir; (business ) rundhgkan.^'
perniagaan. Concoction (-kok'sln/n), s. (of
Concerning (-ing), prep, deri-lial, food, drugs) champuran; (men-
fasal, tntayg^^ akanj^ tal) runditgan,'^' pakatan.
Concert (kon-sert'), v. t. (plan to- Concomitant (kon-kom'i-tant), adj.
gether) jxikat, mimfakatkan (Ar.), yaig vinjerta'i'/'' yarg migikut.
rundirgka?!* Concord (kong'kord), s. sjahtra
Concert, v. i. pakat, bermuafakat (Sk.), muafakat (Ar.), perstuju-
(Ar.). an.
Concert (kon'sert), s. (harmony of Concordance (kon-kord'ans), s.

plan ) m iiafaka T ( Ar ) , pe rstuju- .

daftaV^^ sgala perkata'ati dalani
an; (musical) bittyi-bunjian. kitab.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min?is, cure, injure,
hurry; fofKl. foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Concourse (kong'kors), s. (a run- Condign (kon-dTn'), adj. layalr:^
ning together) pertmuan; (assem- pa f lit, padan.
bly) perhumpolan, perkrumnnan. Condiment (kon'di-mrnt), s. "-
Concrete or kong'kret),
(kon'kret tani. sauihal, kichap.

adj. (as opposed to abstract) la- Condition (k(>n-dish''n), s. (state)

hir* (Ar. flahir). lial, pri,^ pri-hal,* Vada'an, hal-
Concrete, s. koiyhret (E.). elival"* (Ar. auwdl, pi. of hal) :

Concubine (kong'ku-bin), s. (if (essential quality) k'ada'an, sifat

purchased) gundeh, chandehj* (Ar.) (stipulation) sharat (Ar.).

(free) hndalc. Condition, v. t. (limit by condition)

Concupiscence (kon-ku'pis-sens), sharalkan (Ar. ).

s. hrahi/^ 'asliiJc
(Ar.). Conditional (-al), adj. diyan slia-
Concur (kon-ker'), v. i. (meet) her- rat (Ar.), atas sliarat (Ar.).
tmu: (agree) herstwju, herlcnan, Condole v. i. tumpatg
JcabuV^ (Ar. qahiil). tumparg susah-hati.
diika-rli iia:^
Concurrence (kon-kur'rens), s. per- Condolence (-do'lens), s. tumparg-
tm uan, perstujuan. an duka-rhita* tnmpatgan susalt-
Concurrent (-rent), adj. (agreeing haii.
in opinion) lershiju; (agreeing Condone (-doji'), v. t. ainpiinlMn,
in time) hersama-sama^ s-masa.^ inahapkan (Ar. nuCdf).
Concussion (-kush'7/n), s. teranfoh, Conduce (-dfis'), y. i. bawa, hri, da-
laripjamn. ta) gkan.
Condemn (-dem'), v. t. (pronounce Conduct (-dukt') v. t. (lead) haiva,
guilty) salahl'ati; (judicially) hu- liontar; (by the hand) pim.pin;
humlcan, jatohlnti hul'um, Itakkari (escort, attend) irirg;'* (manage,
huhum; (pronounce unfit) tolah, carry on) jalankan. To conduct
huarrj. one's self, haiva diri, herlaku.^
Condemnation (kon'dem-na'shwn), Conduct (kon'dukt), s. (act of
s. (act of condemning) lial mrya- leading) lial mmhawa, hal nin-
lahl'an, lial mirjkul'umkan; (state jalankan; (deportment) teigkali-
of being condemned) liuJcuman. laku, laku:* (behaviour) klakuan,
Condensation (kon'den-sa'shi^n), pkerti (.Sk.), fe'el (Ar.).
s. hal nimani/Mtkan, etc., as below. Conductor (kon-duk'ter), s. pm-
Condense (kon-dens'), v. t. (make hawa, prghaniar, prganjur;'* (on
compa*-t) mainpailcan; (of li- trams) tukarg ieket (E.) ; (on
quids) hntalkan; (reduce by eva- estates) krani.
poration) himpkan; (abridge) Conduit (kon'dit), s. panchuran,
ren/ka>ikan f (steam into water) mlurnn, parit di-ihat batu.
jadikan ayer. Cone (kon), s. suatii Imbaga yarg
Condense, v. i.
(become compact) kaki-tya bulat dan kmunchak-rya
maw pat; (as steam) mnjadi ayer. ran ell org, s peril bargunan kukus.'''
Condenser (-er), s. perkakan mm- Confabulate (kon-fah'u-lat), v. i.

huat ayer deri-pada wap. b <> rail akap-' -It a l>'ap, ni oig-om o-rg
Condescend (kon'de-send') v. i. (N.I.).
rndahkan did, tundok, sudi. Confectioner (-fek'sh?/n-er), s. pn-
Condescension (-sen'shwn), s. hal jiial manisan.
mrndahkan din; (courtesy) so- Confectionery(-i), s. lialica/'' ma-
pan/* hudi-hhasa. nixan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, ree^'nt, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re. sort, sorry; use, us, min?/s, cure, injiire,
liurrv; food, foot, awfool (awful); 'law, how, oil: thin U\on,
Confederacy (-fed'er-a-si), s. per- perliirggakanf (restrain) talian-
si' lit uan/^ pal'afa n .
kan; (shut up, inclose) piigit/''
Confederate (-et), adj. herskutu/^' kuroig.
m uafaka t
Ar .
s ubaha t,1: Confined (-find'), adj. (narrow)
Confederation (-ri'sh?m)^ s. per- i<nipit, pichek.'^ To be confined,
beranak, bersalin^'
Confer (kon-fer'), v. t.
(bestow) Confinement (-fin'm^'nt), s. (res-
hii, kurnial'an (Sk.)- traint) pi /(^i^a/?/ kur organ; (child-
Confer, v. i. herbicliara, hernindirg,'^ birth) salit beranak.
berronderq (B.), bermashiiarat Confirm (-ferm'), v. t. (make firm,
(Ar.). establish) ttapkan, kukolikan,"^
Conference (kou'i'er-6'ns), s. (act tgohkan; (make certain, verify)
oi' consulting) lial berbichara, etc., fnttikan,surggohkan, kul'ohkanj^'
a.- above: (meeting) mashuarat
yakan/' bnarkan, sabitkan* (Ar.
(Ar.), mithg (E.). thdbit). salikan.
Confess (kon-fes'), v. t. (acknow- Confirmation (kon'fer-ma'shzm) ,
ledge) imgal'u, berikrar (Ar.), s. ktiapan, ktgoiian, lial mnjurg'
ikrarkan-^ (Ar. aqrdr).
Confession (-fesli'wn), s. ptyaku- Confiscate rani'
(kon'fis-kat), v. t,
an : (of faith) .shaliadat
pas baranj laran/an; (a pledge)
Confessional (-al), s. hal mryaku lunchur.* terliiilur
dosa, tin pat nttgaku dosa (B.C.).
k-pada kraja'an,^ di-rampas, ram-
Confessor (-fes'ser), s. orarg yarg ^'
pasan, di- papas.
mrgaku iman-nja* padri yarg mig- Conflagration (kon'fia-gra'shini),
ampiini omrg yatg mrgaku dosa-iya kmaraVan^^
s. njala'an api, api, ju-
largan"^ api.
Confidant (kon'li-dant')^ orarg s.
Conflict (kon'fliki), s. (c-ollision)
yarq di-percliai/a'i, handai,^' sobat-
ande (B.). iinpohan, perlawanan; (contest,

Confide (kon-fld'), v. i. perchaya. battle) pprargan.

Conflict (kon-iiikt'), v. i. (strilve to-
It a rap.
Confide, v. t. arnanaU gether) berlawan, berJaga, baniirg,
kan (Ar.). Impoh-mnmpoh ; (contend, strug-
Confidence s. gle) laican; (be contradictory) .

(koii'ii-dens), per-
r/iaya, liarap: (self-reliance) tgoli
liati, brani. Conflicting (-ing), adj. berlawan-
Confident (-drat), tn- la wan.
adj. (sure)
Confluence (kon'flu-ens), s. (a
ttap perchaya, yahin^-' (Ar.
yaqhi) ; (self-reliant) igoli, brani. running together) pertmuan; (of
Confidential (-den'slial), adj. rivers) kuala; (of people) per-
(trustworthy) kpcrchaya'an, stia/^ kumpolan, krumunan.
boleh di'perchaya (B.) ; (secret) Conform (kon-form'), v. t. (make
ralisia, ruMa (B.), sulit.'^'' like) srwpakan; (bring into har-
Configuration (kf^n-fig'u-ra'shim)^ mony) stujukan.
s. rapa hnbaga.'^ Conform, v. i. (be in harmony) ber-
Confine (kon'fin), s. perliirgga'anf^ stuju; (submit) turut.
.y m padari, ka wasa /t * . Conformable (-a-bl), adj. (simi-
Confine (kon-fin'), v. i.
(limit) lar) s-rupa, S'laku,'^ bersama'an;

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror: old. not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; iise. us, niinjts, cure, injure,
hiirry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin theji.
(consistent with) mnurut, stuju Congested (-jestVd), adj. ssak.
(hyan. Conglomerate (-glom'er-et), adj.
Conformation (kon'for-mii'sliwn), terh impon* tert im bon.
s. (agreement) perstujuan; (ar- Conglomerate, s. timbonan, per-
rangement ) perataran. Inmponan.^
Conformity (kon-form'i-ti), s. (re- Congratulate (-graoh'u-lat), v. t.
semblance) permmaan; (con- inintakan slamat, sbotkan bhaaia
gniity) perstujuan. (Sk.), nuyuchap berkat, tumpaiy
Confound t. (con-
(kon-fownd'), v. ^uka.
fuse) liant-biru.kan ;*
(mistake) Congratulation (-la'shun), s. pry-
mJah amhil; (perplex, dismay) ka- uckapan slamat, hal mnumparg
chaul'an, birr/otrfkan, chiyarykan, suka.
Congratulatory (-la-to-ri), adj.
Confraternity (kon'fra-ter'ni-ti), yaiy raryurhap berkat.
s. persahabatan. Congregate (kong'gre-gat), v. t.
Confront (kon-frimf), v. t. (face,
kumpolkan, himponkan* krumun-
oppose) fnrghadap; (put face to
kan, kampo}ykan.
face) smukakan; (contrast) ban-
Congregate, v. i. berkumpol, ber-
liimponj^ berkrumnn, berkam-
Confuse (-fuz'), v. t. (mix, jumble)
kachau, kusutkaii, ragukan* halai-
Congregation (-ga'shi/n), s. per-
baJaikan* champurkan-; (of the
kumpolan, perhimponan* jma'ah
sight or mind) rncJiamkan;* (per- (Ar.).
[)lex)birgofykan, klirukan.
Congress (kong'gres), s. (assem-
Confused (-fuzd'), adj. see above;
bly) perkunipolan; (conference)
also klam-kabotj, cliachau/^^ hbar*
ma^sliuarat (Ar.) ; (legislative
lopak'lapek/^' smUbarat, porak-
body) majlis.
parek, sUaiy'iniyilanj, cliampuT'
Congruity (kong-groo'i-ti), s. per-
baur/' haru-bim,^ kachau-bilau,^ s t uj uan , pe rsamaan.
kalai'halai/^ rundu-randa;* (men-
Congruous (kong'groo-ws), adj. ber-
tally) pikau* yamam,^ maJan*
Confusion (-fii'zliwn), s. see above. du]u, imdan.
Conical (kon'i-kal), adj. speHi
Confute (-fuf), v. t. salahi, salah-
kan baryunan kukus, tirus* lonchos.
(B.), bantalii;'^ (silence)
diamkan. Conjectural (kon-jek'chur-al), adj.
aqak-aqak, yamak-gamak* tka-
Congeal (-jel'), v. t. bkukanr'
Congeal, v. i. berbku.^
Congee (kun'je), s. kanji.
Conjecture (-chur), v. i. ayak, ya-
Congenial mak,^ kira, saryka.
(kon-je'ni-al), adj. (sym-
pathetic) s<aina praiyai, s(vtu hatl; Conjecture, s. saryka, ayak, wahara
(naturally adapted) padan, s-^asi, (Ar.).
Conjointly adv. ber-
patut; (agreeable) berknan di hati. (-joint'li),
Congenital deri sauia-muia.
(-jen'i-tal), adj.
rnuJa jadi, deri osaL Conjugal (kon'ju-gal), adj. laki-

Conger-eel (kong'ger el), s. ikan bud (a).

malory.^ Conjugate (-gat), v. t. (Gram.)
Congestion (kon-jes'cb/m), s. k- Hbotkan syala perobakan* tasrif-
ssak'an. kan (Ar.y.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; uee, us, minus, ciire, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Conjugation (-ga'shwn), s. tasrif Conqueror (-er), s.
yarg mnarg,
(At.), 'ilmu saraf* (Ar. sarf). yarg jaya^
Conjunction (kon-jungk'shi/n), s. Conquest (-kwest), s. kmnargan.
(union, association) perhuhorg- Consanguinity (kon'san-gwin'i-ti),
an; (of stars) pertmimn; (Gram.) s. hal bersanak,'^- hal berkluarga.*
piyhuhoiy perkata'an. Conscience (kon'shens), s. perrasa^
Conjuncture (-chur), s. (connec- 'an hati, s4ahu hati*
tion) perhuhoiyan; (combination Conscientious (-shi-en'shws), adj.
of events) perstujuan hal-ehnal.'^
yary mriiirut perrasa'an hati, puteh
Conjure (kon-jur'), v. t. (implore) hati,'^' suchi liati.
minta sargat, pohonkan.^ Conscious adj.
(-shz/s), (having
Conjure (kun'jur), v. t. (by magic)
knowledge) berprgtahuan; (cog-
gunakan, jampikan, psunakan nizant of) yarg taliu; (possessed of
(Pers. afsun). one's faculties) sdar, yarg khabar-
Conjure, v. i.
(with magic) pahai kan diri*
hiJcmat (At.), pakai 'ilniu; (jug-
Conscription (kon-skrip'shwn), s.
gle) hermam silap maia, lermain hal migrah,'^ prgrahan.'^
sulap.* Consecrate (kon'se-krat), v. t. (de-
Conjurer (-er), s. tukajy silap, p- vote sacred uses)
to wakafkan
(Ar.), kuduskan'^ (Ar. qudus) ;
Conjuring (-iiig), s. silap mata. (set apart to a sacred office) Ian-
Connect (kon-nekf), v. t. huborg, tek*
samborg; (as letters to form words) Consecration (-kra'sh?m), s. hal
rargkai; (bring together) tmukan;
mrgkuduskan (Ai\), lanteVan.*
(by tying together) tamhat; (in- Consecutive (kon-sek'u-tiv), adj.
volve) masok.
berturut-turut, benkut-ikui.
Connect, v. i. berhiihoiy, hersam- Consensus (-sen'sz^s), s. perstuju'
horg, herkait.
Connection (-nek'shwn), s. per-
Consent (-sent'), v. i. (agree) ber^
huborgan, rargkaian, iamhaian;
siuju; (be willing) sudi, berknan,
(relation) kluarga* saudara.
Connivance suka, redla (Ar.). To consent to,
(-niv'ans), s. (over-
hal mndiamkan; (assent luluskan,* kabidkan* (Ar. qabul).
to a crime) s-tahu.* Consent, s. (being of one mind)
Connive v. i. the satu hati; (agreement) perstuju^
(-niv'), (shut
eyes) balek mata, kjamkan mata, an; (acquiescence) kredlaan (Ar.),
buiakan mata. To connive at,
sudi; (permission) izin.
biarkan, diamkan. Consequence (kon'se-kwens), s. k*
Connoisseur (kon-nis-ser'), s. orarg sudahan-iya, akhir-iya (Ar.), yarg
ahli (Ar.).
di-sbabkan,'^' In consequence of,
Connote (kon-nof), v. t. deri sbab.
by implication) kandorg. Consequent (-kwent), adj. yarg
Connubial (-nu'bi-al), adj. laki- datatg deri sbab, yarg jadi oleh,*
bini (a). yarg di-sbabkan.*
Conquer (kong'ker), v. t. alahkan* Consequential (-kwen'shal), adj.
tewaskan* mnarg atas (B.) ; (sub- (resulting) yarg ikut, yarg datarg
due) tundokkan, falokkan (Ar.). sbab; (pompous) somborg, borg
Conquer, v. i. mnarg, jaya.* kak.'^

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Consequently (-kwent-li), adv. s- Consign (koii-.-in'), v. t. (transfer,
bab it a, oleh itu.* deliver) srahkan; (send) kiritn.
Conservation (kon'ser-va'sli^/n), s. hantarkan (assign, set apart
hal mmlihaml'an, pmliharaan. intukan.
Conservative (kon-serv'a-tiv), adj. Consignee (kon'sln-e'), s. yaty m-
yarg mmliharakan, yarg man sim" nrima kiriman.
pan perhara yary ada, yaiy ta'mau Consigner (kon-siii'er), s. yaig
tuJi'ar 'adat. mryirim, pryirim* orary yaig
Conservator (kon-serv'a-ter or koii'- kirim (B.).
ser-va'ter), s. pmlihara, pgavmi* Consignment (-ment), s. hal m-
Conservatory (kon-serv'a-to-ri). s. lyirim, kiriman. Goods on con-
runiah I'acha mryimpan pokok s- signment, sanibotan dayaryan."^
paya jargan kna sjok; (school) Consist (-sisf), v. i.
(be composed
skolali bwyi-bunjian dan s-bagau of) di-buat
deri-pada, jadi deri-
7ya. pada, kandory, berlsi; (be founded
Conserve (kon-serv'), v. t. plihara- on) dataiy deri-pada; (be har-
kan, (preserve with
slamatkan; monious with) herstuju dry an.
sugar) buat lialira/^ huat manimn. Consistence (-sis't/?ns), s. (exis-
Consider (-sid'er), v. t. (think on) tence) k' ada'an; (solidity, firm-
fikir, (of the past) k-
fikirkan; ness) ktyohan; (density) kpkata^i.
narg; (look on attentively) per- Consistency (-tm-si), s.
Jiatikan; (take into account) kira; ity) ktyohan; (harmony, congru-
(pay attention to) ifyat; (ponder) ity) perstujuan.
timbat'ff,; (estimate, regard) bilary- Consistent (-t^nt), adj. (harmoni-
kan, sifatkan (Ar.). ous) berdnJH, bersama'aji.
Consider, v. i. berfikir, irgat, iim- Consistory (-to-ri), ^.
ha)y. padri, majlis ktua-ktua.
Considerable (-a-bl), adj. yary Consolation (kon'so-la'sliim), s.

patut di-byati, terbilaty; (of per- pighibiiran.

sons) bernama; (important) brat. Consolatory (kon-sol'a-to-ri), adj.
A considerable amount, bbrapa ba- yaiy miyhibwr, piyhibur, prylipur.'^
ryak. Console (kon-soF), v. t. hibur, U-
Considerably (-a-bli), adv. awat,^ pur-^ (Jav.).
saiyat, baiyak. Consolidate (kon-sol'i-dat), v. i.

Considerate (-et), adj. ya}y Urn- (make solid) bkiikan* hraskan

bary-mnimbayy, yaiy beriryat; (of (B.) (make dense or compact)

other's feelings) yary mnimbary mampatkan; (unite, combine)

rasa, yary mnimhaiy hati. satukan, samakan, humpolkan.
Consideration (-a'sWn), s. hal m- Consolidate, v. i. jadi bku/^ jadi
mikirkan, etc., see consider; (res- kras, jadi tgoh.
pect) hormat; (regard for others) Consols (kon'solz), s. hutaiy kraja-
hal mnimbary rasa; (reflection) 'an Iiyyris!.
timharyan, iryatan; (motive, rea- Consonance (kon'so-nans), s. (in
son)' sbab; (compensation, equi- music) tala;"^ (congruity) per-
valent) balasan; (gift) hayeran stujuan.
kasehan.'^ Consonant (-nant), adj. (in music)
Considering (-ing),conj. pada hal* berlala;* (agi-eeing) berstuju.
sdary, sbab. Consonant, s. huruf-maii.*

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hiirry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Consort (kon'sort), s. (companion) (component part) bhagian, anasir
kawan; (husband or wife) suami/^ (Ar.).
istn. In consort^ hersama-sarna, Constituent, adj. yarg mnjadikan,
hersa'iry.^ yarg mnntukan.
Consort (kon-sort'), v.i. (associate) Constitute (kon'sti-tut), v. t. (es-
berkawan, lersahahat, hershutu.^ make up) jadikan, ada-
Conspicuous (kon-spik'u-ws), adj. kan; (appoint) tntukan, argkat.
lyata; (notable, eminent) masohor Constitution (-tii'sh^/n), s. (act of
(Ar. mashliur). constituting) hal mnjadikan, etc.,
Conspiracy (-spir'a-si), s. paJcatan as above; (state of being) h'ada^
jahat, suhahaf/-' 'an; (physical qualities) sifat
Conspirator (-ter)^ yarg
s. orarg (x\r.), pri tuboh,* hal badan;
berpakat jaliat, orarg suhaliat* (temperament) tahiat; (prin-
Conspire (kon-spir'), v. i. (plot) ciples of government) k' ada' an

berpakat, bersubahatf'^ (concur, pr entail.'^

agree) berstujii, bersama-sama. Constitutional {-a\), adj. (of
Constable (kun'sta-bl), s. (high body) deri-pada sifat (Ar.), &er-
official ) pgairai;"^ ( policeman ) Imbaga;* (of temperament) derir
mata-mata, upas (^N".!.). pada tabiat; (of government)
Constabulary (kun-stab'u-la-ri), s. deri-pada prentah, deri-pada k'ada-
perkunipolath sgala mata-mata. deri-pada hukum Imbaga*
Constancy (kon'st^n-si), s. kUap- Constitutionally (-li), adv- see
an, ktgohan; (fidelity) stia/'^ above.
Constant (-stant), adj. (not chang- Constrain (kon-stran'), v. t. (se-
ing) tunak;* (continuous) ju- cure, hold tightly) tahan; (com-
joh;"^ (permanent) ttap, kkal; pel, necessitate) paksa, gagahi,*
(steadfast) kukoh* tgoh; (faith- kra-si, kraskan.
ful) stia.* Also negatively, tiada Constrained (-strand'), adj. ^(in
hefobah, tiada berhnii, tiada brenti manner) ta'lpas laku.
(B.), tiada putus. Constraint (-stranf), s. paksa, ga-
Constantinople (kon'stan-ti-no'pl) , gali,"^ kkrasan.
s. Stambul (Turk. Istanbul), Kus- Constrict (-strikf), v. t. chrut*
tantiniah (Ar.). Construct (-strukf), v.
(put to-

Constantly (kon'stnt-li), adv. sn- gether) pasarg; (make) buat, tu-

^ s-me-
tiasa (Sk.), slalu, malar, kargi,* bikin (B.) ; (build) bargun-
manj* miylaroli.^ kan, dirikan, tgakkan;'^ (arrange)
Constellation (kon'stel-la'shwn), s. kararg, aturkan.
gugusan bintarg,^- klompok bin- Construction (-struk'shim), s. (the
taig. act) hal mmbuat, hal mmbargun-
Consternation (-ster-na'shim), s. kan, as above; (form, struc-
dahshat (Ar.), hebat (Ar. haibat). ture)buatan, perbuatan, aturan;
Constipate (kon'sti-pat), v. t. (stop (explanation) kryata'an; (mean-
up) sumbat, timbus, kambus;"^ (of ing) arti, m'ana (Ar. m'dna),
the bowels) smblit. ma'na (B.) ; see construe.
Constipation (-pa'shz^n), s. kurarg Constructive (-tiv), adj. yarg mm-
kurarg jalan,* smblit, payah
laivas, buat, yarg mntapkan.
k-surgai* Construe (-stroo'), v. t. trargkan,
Constituent (k(?n-stit'u-ent), s. n. artikan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it,' fire'
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurrj-; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin i7ten.
Consul (kon's?/!), s. Iconsol (E.), Contagion (kon-ta'jt^n), s. hal mn-
irakil kmja'an. jarykit, pnjarykitan.
Consular (-su-ler), s. konsol (a). Contagious (-jws), adj. berjaiykit.
Consulate (-let), s. pargJcat Jconsolj Contain (-tan'), v. t. (comprise)
tnipat honsol hl-erja. kandoiy; (have capacity for)
Consult (kon-sulf), v.
herhichara, i. ryiuat, berisi.
berrundi^y* herrondeiy (B.), her- Contaminate (-tam'i-nat), v. t.

mashiiarat (Ar.). chmarkan,'^ najiskan (Ar.) ; (mo-

Consult, V. t. (ask advice) minta rally) rosakkan.
akhtiar (Ar. ikhtiar), minta fihir- Contemn (-tern'), v. t. chlakan,
an, minta hicharaj (have regard panda iy mudah,* pandary ta-
to) irgat. To consult a horoscope, mata.
hid' a ramal (Ar.). Contemplate (kon'tem-plat), v. i.
Consultation (kon'si^l-ta'shw.ii), s. termnoiy, tfkur (Ar.).
b'lchara, rundinjan* mashuarat Contemplate, v. t. (view attentive-
(Ar.). ly) perhatlkan, amat-amatij* (me-
Consumable (kon-simi'a-bl), adj. ditate on) fikirkan, vyat-iryat;
ijaix)boleh di-blanjakan, yaty boleh (purpose, intend) niatkan, kahan-
d-i-habiskwi, yany boleh di-makan daki*
api. Contemplation (-pla'shwn), s. per-
Consume (kon-sfim'), v. t. (des- hatian, tfkur (Ar.) ; (intention)
troy) 7vsakkan, hanchurkan; (by niat, maksud.
fire) haryuskan; (use up) habis- Contemporaneous (kon-tem'po-ra'-
kan; (expend) blanjakan; (waste) ni-^s), adj. samu masa, satu za-
boroskan; (eat up) makan habis. ma7i,* satu jman (B.).
Consummate (-sum'met), adj. sm- Contemporary (-ra-ri), adj. savia
puma, S'liabiS'liabis, s-ynap, skali. masa, satu zaman,* satu jman
Consummate (kon'sum-mat), v. t. (B.).
(complete, perfect) smpurnakan; Contemporary, s. baija. The con-
(achieve) sampaikan; (finish) temporary of this man, 'umor-rya
gnapi, habiskan, sudahkan, jlas- s-baya orary ini.
kan. Contempt (kon-temf), s. (act of
Consummation (-ma'shim), s. ksm- despising) hot mmandary mudah;*
puma an, piyhabisan, ptyudahan. (state of being despised) kahina-
Consumption (kon-sump'sht/n), s. 'an, kchla'an, kkjianJ^ Contempt
(act of consuming) hal mrosak- of Court, mJaiyyar prentah mah-
kan, hal mryharyuskan, hal m- kamah (Ar.).
makan, etc., see consume; (state Contemptible (-i-bl), adj. (mean)
of being consumed) krosak'an, ka- hina, terhina; (vile) kji*
karyusan, etc.; (phthisis) bat ok Contemptuous (kon-temp'chu-i^s).
krhy, batok Wsun (Ch. Uh-sun). adj. yaiy w.mandary mudah,* yary
Consumptive (-tiv), adj. yary m- mnjhinakan.
rosakkan, yary mryhabiskan, etc., Contend (kon-tend'), v. i. lawan,
see coxsume; (of phthisis) kurus bertandiry;* (quarrel) berklahi;
kriry. (fight) berprary; (argae) berban-
Contact (kon'takt), s. pertmuan, k- tah,* bertrykar. To contend
.mtohanJ^ In contact, k7ia, ja- against, lawan.
mah, jjak* Content (-tent'), adj. (satisfied)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
puas liati; (contented) sudi, her- Contingent (-jent), adj. (possible)
I- nan;
(at rest) snaiy. yarg boleh jadi; (dependent) ber-
Content, v. t. (satisfy) pnaslcan, gantorg k-pada.
cliukopkan, pada'i;* (plea,-^) per- Contingent, s. perkara yaig boleh
hianl-an, sudikan; (quiet) snaiy- jadi; (of troops) bhagian, pasok-
kan. an.
Content, s. (rest of mind) ksnairj- Continual (-u-al), adj. kkal, ttap,
an; (satisfaction) kpuasan liati. walar,'^ tiada berhnti, tiada brenti
Content (kon'tent), s. (that which (B.), (iada putus.
iscontained) isi, muatan. Table Continually (-li), adv. (without
of contents, isi kUab, fahrasat*
cessation) mtiasa (Sk.), sdiakala
(Ar. fiJiirist), Contents of a let- tas udali -sudali,
( Sk. ) , rnalar,^
ter, biifi/i surat, isi surat. tnentatg; (in repeated succession)
Contented (kon-tent'ed), adj. her- bertaJK-talu.'^
knan, sudi, snarg. Continuance (-tuisj, s. (perman-
Contention (-ten'shim), s. per- ence) kkal, ktfapan, perkanjaig-
lavmnan, perklahian, pertrgkaranj an:^
pcrhantahanj* see coxtend. Continuation (-a'sh^m), s. (act of
Contentious (-shws), adj. yanj suka
(ontinuing) hal mig'kalkan; (state
mlawari, hantahan.'^ of continuing) hal berkanjaig,^ k-
Contentment (-tent'ment), s. (rest
ttapari; (prolongatioin) hal mmaii-
of mind) ksnatgan; (satisfaction)
jargkan, hal nnyamboig; (supple-
kpuamn liati. ment) samboigan, pnambahan.
Conterminous (-ter'mi-n^^s), adj. Continue (kon-tin'u), v. i. (re-
yarg mtUa satu smjxidan, ber-
main) (endure, last) k-
kal; (go on in spite of difficulties)
Contest (kon-tesf), v. t. lawan,
landa,-* (be steadfast, persist)
laiygar; (by argnmcDt) bantali- karar (Ar.)
ttap, ; (run on) trus,
kan;"^ (by law) d'awa.
largsoig, malar J^ To continue
Contest, V. berlawan, berglut,'^
doing, liar kan.
beradu, bertandirg*
Contest (kon'test), s. perlawanan, Continue, v. t. (protract in duration)
lanjutkan, pa/njaigkan, kkalkan;
pertandityan* perglutan* per-
(add to in panjaigkan,
baniahan* d'aiva'an; see above.
Context tambali; (suffer to remain) tiig-
(kon'tekst), s. perkata'an
galkan; (keep on) slalukan, talu-
yaiy berdanipitg;* perkata'an hu-
borgan; (text) nas (Ar. nass).
Continued (-ud), adj. kkal, tiada
Contiguous (kon-tig'u-ws), adj.
berhnti, tiada brenti (B.), trus,
bertmu, berdanipirg* berdempet,'^
bertalu-talu,'^ slalii.
rapat digan.
Continence (kon'ti-nens), s. hal Continuous (-u-ws), adj. tiada ber-
mnaliani din, pri tnnahankan naf- sla* tiada putus.
su. Contort (kon-torf), v. t. (the face)
Continent (-ntmt), adj. yarg m- eratkan, bergutkan; (the body)
nahani diri. gliatkan,^' liokkan.^
Continent, s. bnua.* Contortion (-tor'shz/n), s. hal m-
Contingency s. rgerutkan, etc., as above.
perkara yarg boleh jadi. Contour (kon'tdor or kon-toor'), s.

ate, ask, am, j&nal, care, car, carry; eve, hen, ree^'nt, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin *7ien.
haiis di pta yarg mryaiakan thygi opposed to) mlawan, hersalalian^
rndali tan ah. iastuju.
Contraband (kon'tra-band), s. la- Contrary, s. klainan. On the con-
rarg lamrgan. trary, bersalahan, herlainan, m-
Contract (kon-trakf), v. t. (draw lainkan, balek (B.). To the con-
together, as a flower) huncJiup- trary, lai7i maksud, lain pihak.^
lean; hcMllwi, Contrast (kon-trasf), v. t. handirg,
(reduce, lessen)
snlpitlwh; (wrinkle) MutJcan/^ handirgkan.
hrutlcan; (shrink) hcliut; (bring
Contrast (kon'trast), s. (state of
on, acquire) dapat. being contrasted) perhandirgan;
Contract, v. i. (draw together, as {(dissimilarity) perheza'an (Sk.),.
a flower) (wrinkle, of
the face) herhrut; (of cloth or pa- Contravene (kon'tra-ven'), v. t.

hclnit. law an, larggar, sal alii, lalui.^^

per) kdut; (shrink)
Contract s.
Contravention (-ven'shzm), s. lial
(kon'trakt), perjanji-
an, kontrelc mlaivan, hal mryalalii.
(E.) ; (monopoly)
Contretemps (kox'tr-tax'), s. (un-
fortunate occurrence) kmalargan;
Contraction (kon-trak'shwn), s.

of hal mrg- (impediment) ?'7* (Ar. 'aradl),.

(act contracting)
giidala (Sk.).
'unchiipl'an, lial mrgchUkan, etc.,
Contribute (kon-trib'ut), v. t. hri^
as above; (state of being con-
hal yuranli'an.^''
tracted) Jcsmpitan, huncliup,
Contribute, v. i.
(give a share)
hal herhrut.
Contractor s.
hkagi; (assist) hantii, toloiy. To-
(-tor), pmhororg, contribute to, haiva, datargkan.
orarg yarg mmhuat Icerja h or org.
Contribution (kon'tri-bu'shzm), s.
Contradict (kon'tra-dikf), v. t. la-
hhagian, pertolorgan; (gift) pm-
van Imia, 'bantahi,^ haighatg hrian ; ( subscription ) yuran,'^'
te'yan (Ch. theh-ien) ; (obli-
Contradict, v. i. saigl'al.
gatory tax for the poor) zakai^
Contradiction (-dik'sh?m), s. (de-
(Ar. zakdt).
nial) pmaiyl-alan ; (gainsaying) Contributor (kon-trib'ii-ter), s.
hantahanf' (inconsistency) per-
yarg mmhri, yarg minhri te'yan^
hentolmrt/^ perslisehan, perheM- yarg mmhri yuran;* (to a news-
'an (Sk.).
paper) pyyurat-^
Contradictory (-dik'to-ri), adj. Contrite (kon'trit), adj. hertohat,
(denying) yarg mnjargkal; (op- ssal.
posing) yarg mmhantahi;'^ (mu- Contrition (kon-trish'?/n), s. tan-
tually contradicting) mlawan-la- hat, kssalan.
lean, hersliseli, herheza (Sk.), her- Contrivance (-triv'ans), s. (ar-
tifice) upaya (Sk.), daya-upaya,*
Contradistinc tion (-dis-tingk'- 'akal; (device, invention) reka-
shim), klainan, perhandirgan.
s. 'an.*
Contrariwise (-ri-wiz), adv. her- Contrive (-triv'), v. t. npayakan*
mlahan, halek (B.). reka.*
Contrary (-ri), adj. (adverse, of Control (-tror), s. (that which
wind) mkal/^ di muka; (in op- checks) pnahan; (authority) pren^
position) mnniarg; (repugnant. tah.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Control, V. t. (elieek, restrain) ta- (Ar.) ; (agreed upon) yarg di-

han, pgatg, pcgaig (B.), klola;* janjL

(regulate, govern) prentahkan. Convergent (-ver'jent), adj. yarg
Controversial ( kon'tro-ver'slial) , innuju jnda s-tmpat, satii tujuan.
adj. yarg berhantaJi /^ yatg lertrg- Converge (-verj'), v. i. tuju pada
l-ar. s-tnipat, bertmu, hertumpu*
Controversy (-ver-?i), s. perhan- Conversant (-ver's^nt), adj. (in-
tahan,^ pertrg'karan, persUsehan. timately associated) perramah,
Controvert (-vert), v. t. hatitahi,* herra inaJi-ra nmlian;* (well-inform-
hanfali kan,'^' sempargkan .* ed) tahu, ahli (Ar.).
Contumacious (kon'tu-mfi'slu/s), Conversation (kon'ver-sa'slHm), s.
ad], l-ras-kpala, dgiL ( intercou rse ) pe rra m ah an ;*
Contumacy (-ma-si), s. dgil. ((speech) ptntoran-, perchakapan.
Contumely (-me-lij, s. chercha Converse ( kon-vers' ) , v. i. (have in-
(Sk.), nsta (Sk.). timate intercourse) ra ah ; *
Contuse (kon-tfiz'), v. t. (beat to- (speak) berchakap, bertutor, ber-
gether) tutnhol'; (bruise, as fruit) kaia-kaia; omorg (X.I.).
mmarkan.* Converse (kon'vers), s. (inter-
Contusion (-tii'zhn), s. (ac-t of course) pe rra mall an;* (speech) p-
bruising) hal uinwnhoh; (bruise tutoran, perchakapan.
on fruit) mmarf (on flesh, dis- Converse, adj. terbalek.
coloured) Iham. Conversely (-li), adj. ganti-ber-
Conundrum (ko-nun'dr?mi), s. tka- ganti.
fki, pnerka.^ Conversion (kon-verVhwn), s.

Convalescence (konVa-les'sens), (change) perobahan; (change of

s. ksmhohan/-^ kpulelian. religion) hal mmbawa iman (Ar.).
Convalescent (-sent), adj. smhoh/^ Convert (-vert'), v. t.
pulek, htah.'^ obali; (turn from one state to an-
Convene (kon-ven'), v. i. herkum- other) batekkau: (change a per-
pol, herliimpon.^ son's religion) masokkan agama;
Convene, v. t. kiunpolkan, hunpoii- (exchange) tukar.
kan* Convert (kon'vert), s. oraig yarg
Convenience (-yens), s. (fitness) mmbawa iman (Ar.), inuaJaf
kpatvfan; (ea.se) ksnaigan; (con- (Ar.).
venient time) ivaktu laparg. Convertible (kon-vert'i-bl), adj.
Convenient (-yent), adj. (adapted yatg boleh di-obalikan, yatg boleh
to nse) patut, la yak;* (handy) di'tukar.
snaig; (timely, opportune) smpat, Convex (kon'veks), adj. mirgkoig,
dapat* bonjol, bergmbol.
Convent (kon'vent), s. rumah oraig Convey (kon-va'), v. t. (carry) ba-
herkhalicat (Ar.) {bagi prem- wa; see carry for various methods
puan), rumali rahib prempuan* of conveying; (transmit, com-
Convention (kon-ven'shim), s. municate) bawa, datargkan, sain-
(usage) 'adat; (meeting) perkum- paikan; (transfer, make over, as
pohn, maflis; (agreement) per- property) srahkan^ tuhar nama.
janjian. Conveyance (-ans), s. (act of con-
Conventional (-al), adj. (sanction- veying) hal mmbawa, hal mryam-
ed by usage) heradat, klaziman paikan, etc.; (that which conve.ys)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, rece?nt, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin *^en.
pmhaira, piawhaiy; (veliicle) I'- y 07) diary; (of laughter) yJah^
nail'an;^ hrela; (deed of transfer) yla/i/'' ylaJcalc.
surat vinuhir naina. Cony (ko'ni), s. Imchity hlanda.
Conveyancer (-mi-ser), s. lojjar Coo (koo), V. i. prain,'^ kuhur*
yaiy nimhuat surat mnulcar nama. Cook (kook), V. t. masak; (rice)
Convict (kon-vikf), Y. t. (convince fanal-;"'' (by steaming) huhus; (in
of error) iinplah', salaM-an ; (pro- a double boiler) hyai^^ tim (Ch.) ;.

nounce a legal sentence) hnl-uni' see also, boil, try, etc.

han, jatohkan liuhnm, puiuskan Cook. s. jui'u-masal',* tul-ary mosaic,

huhinii, Italil-an liuhuin. liuVt (E.), cliompoh (Ch. isory^
Convict (kon'\-ikt). s. orary salali, pli(r).

orary rantaij^' oraty jel, orary tu- Cookery (kook'er-i). s. 'ihnu'^'' moy-
topan (X.I.), handuan (Hind.)
Conviction Cool (kool), adj. (moderately cold)
(kr^n-Yik'shiin), s. (act
of convincing) hal mnmplah; (act sjok, dhyin;'^ (lukewarm) suani;*'
of sentencing-) 1ml rnryhukurahan, (not hot) I'liraty panas; (self-pos-
hpidusan hul'iim; (certainty of sessed) itap liaii; (shady) tdoh^
belief) yahitr^ (At. yaqxn), Mntu- rdop.
an. Cool, V. t. sjokkan, dlryinkan;*
Convince (-vias'), v. t. (of error)
(with a spoon) ternhok;* (by
tmplah; (make certain) yakinhan fanning) kipaskan. To cool the
1 was convinced, head by wetting, hei'jaram*
(Ar.), tntul'an.
di-dalam hati-hu. Coolness (koornes), s. sjok, di*
Convivial (-viv'i-al), adj. hcrsulca- lyin.^'

ria/^ h erramai-ram aian. Cooly (koo'li), s.

(labourer) kidi;
Convocation s.
(house cooly) tukary ayer.
Coop (koop), s. (for poultry) sary-
perliimponan/^ perkumpolan.
kar ayam, serkap.
Convoke (kon-vok'), v. t. pargyil
Coop, V. t. (poultry) saiykarkan,
berhinipon/^ himponl'an,'^ hiwi-
serkapkan; (confine) piryit,^ ku*
Convoluted roiy.
(kon'vo-lii-tt'd), adj.
Cooper (koop'er), s. tuhary tory.

Cooperate (ko-op'er-at), v. i. kerja
(-lii'sh?m), s. yuhry- hersaraa-sama, serta'i/^ hantu, to-
an, blitan.
Convoy (kon-voi'), v. t. Imntarl-an, Cooperation (-a'shim), s. pmhan-
iriryJi'a^i* hersa'iry dry an j^ tuan, perfoloryan.
Convoy (kon'voi), s. lial mryhantar- Coot (koot), s. ayam-ayam.
han, hal di-lianfarl-an; (fleet or
Cope (kop), V. i. (encounter, meet)
tTain) aiyJvataii* MryJcapanf (es- bcrimu; (contend) lawan.
cort) piyJiantar, piyirirr)/^ Coping (kdp'ing), s. latu kpala
Convulse (kon-vuls'), v. t. (con- temhok.
tract violently, as muscles) tyanj- Copious (ko'pi-ws), adj. haryak,
Jean; (shake) yonchary.
lempah/' meivah; (of rain) Ihat.
Convulsion (-vul'sht/n), s. (dis- Copper (kop'per), s. tmhaya; tm-
ease) sawan, pitam; (shaking) haya merali; (vessel) yren^ery.
yoncharyan; (tumult) huru-^iara. Copper coin, duit tmhaya.
Convulsive (-siv), adj. teryoncliwy- Copperas s. trusi.'^

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; ere, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t7ien.

Copperplate s. tnibaga
(-plat), honour) pita kbsaran ; (line of
yary di-luhis, yarg surat
terchap sentries) bans piqmral,'^^ ban jar
deri-pada tmhaga yarg di-hihis. prgairal/^
Coppice (kop'pis), s. hlukar. Corduroy (kor'du-iuij, s. kain blu~
Copra (ko'pra), s. ryiur hmy/ du berlurah^^
Ida pa I'rirg. Core (kor), s. (inner part) hati,
Copse (kops), s. hla'kar, gomporg,^ mmpuhirf (if hard, as wood)
Copulate (kop'u-lat), v. i. Icr- (of a boil) punat; (essence,.
stuboh* iersaiu, berstidor/' s-
important part) pati; (of a
pertidoran.^ mould) hati acliiian.
Copy (kop'i), s. (transcript) tiru- Coriander (ko'ri-an'der), s. ktinn-
an/^^ salinan; (individual book) bar.
kitab, s-buali I'itah; as, two copies, Cork s.
(kork), gabus (properly
dua bvah ; model) iu-
(pattern, from the roots of the pidai tree) ;.

ladan, chontoh: (manuscript to be (stopper); sumbat, pfymnbat. p-

printed) nus'kliali (Ar.). lyumpil (Jav.).
Copy, V.(transcribe) tiru,^ saUn;
Cork, V. t. sumbat, surnpil/' rya^-
(imitate) turut, ikut. rap.*
Copyist (-ist), s. pniru,* pryalw. Corkscrew (kork'skroo), s. pnarek
Copyright (-rit), s. 7?rtl'* prgararg siimbat,* pmbiika boiol, skrup-
at as I'arargan-vja .
botol (B.).
Coquet (ko-ket'), v. i. biiaf-huat Cormorant itek
(kor'mo-rant), s.
kaseli, bercJiumbU'chumhvan.*
Coral (korVd), s. l-ararg. Coral Corn (korn), s. (on the toes) blu-^
reef, hararg;(running out into tlie
lavj jari kaki,"* mata ikan; (on
sea) tajur^' Coral rock, batu l-a-
the sole) hub id."''
rarg. Branching coral, I'ararg bii-
Eed Corn, s. (a smgle seed) biji, butir;*
rga. coral, merjan* 'ahek
(cereals in general) biji-bijian.
(Ar.). Soft coral (Alcyonaria),
In America corn is restricted to
burga haratg. maize = jagorg.
Corbel (kor'bl), s. latu pnjargga.^
Cord (kord), s. tali, tali hchil. Corn, V. t. (salt, as meat) -'mrg*

Umbilical cord, tali pusat. Cord garam, tar oh asin (B.).

for pegtop,
Cornelian (kor-ne'li-an), s. 'akek
tali alit* tali gasirg
merah (Ar.).
V. khat*
Corner (kor'ner), s. (angle) pn-
Cord, t. ikat,
Cordage taU- juTu, biichv* siku; (of a cloth)
(kord'ej) s. (Xaut.)
tmali. puncha; (of a mat) sudut;* (of
Cordial the eye, outer) ekor; (inner) po-
(kor'di-al or kor'jal), s.
hon;'^ (of the earth) hujorg; (a
bararg yarg mnjuk-akan hati;
nook) chrok, sudui.'^'' Corner
(liqueur) so pi''-' manis (D. zoopje
= sip, dram). stone, batu pnjuru.
Corner, v. t. ssakkan.
Cordial, adj. (hearty) drgan surg-
goh hati; (sincere) tulus; (tend-
Cornet (kor'net), s. trompet, slom^
ing to cheer) yarg miyukakan hati. pret (N.I.).
Cordiality (kor'di-ari-ti), s. surg- Cornfield (korn'feld), s. ladarg, bn
goh hati, ktidusan. daig;"^ (irrigated) sawah.
Cordon (kor'don), s. (badge of Cornice (kor'nis), s. birai.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Cornucopia (kor'mi-kr/pi-a), s. Correctness (-j'ckt'nes), s. hbtulan,
landoli 'alamat hmewahan. sail.

Corollary (kor'ol-la-ri), s. tiirut- Correspond (kor're-spond'), v. i.

an/^ hararg yarg di-shahl^an. (be like, coincide) bersama'an, ber-
Coronation (kor'o-iiri'slj//n), s. h- jM-tufan, sama'i, jadi s-rufm;
tnah'oiaan (Sk.). (agree) berstnjn; (by letters) ba-
Coronet (kor'o-u^t). s. makoiii^ la^-nrrnhalas snraf.
omrg baixjsairan lain deri-pada Correspondence (-ens), s. (con-
raja, mal'oia kchil (Sk.). gruity) persaniaaii; (agreement)
Corporal (kor'po-ral), s. Ivopral perstujuan; (by letters) hal halas-
(E.). Lance corporal, las kopral. mmbalas sural.
Corporal, adj. (bodily) hadan (a), Correspondent (-it), s.
tuholi^ (a), deri-hal tuboli:'^ (ma- pmbrita/^ muliatib (Ar.).
terial, as opposed to immaterial) Correspondent, adj. bersama'an,
berryaiva; (as 6i)po.sed to spiritual) bcrpafulan, s-rupa, berstuju.
brrlmhaga/^ Corresponding (-ing), adj. ber-
Corporate (-ret), adj. (incorpor- stujuan; (of words or sounds)
ated) berlmbaga'^ digan^ prentah sama bwyi; (of form) sama rupa;
(united, general) ber-
raja' an-; (of nature) sama Cor-
jnis; etc.
slnjii, bcrsama'an. responding with, mnasahah digan
Corporation (-ra'sliwn), s. sidaig (Ar.), berbtulan dtgan."^
i/arg berlmbagaJ' majlis ija)g ber- Corridor (kor'ri-dor), s. lororg da-
Imbaga.'^' lam rinnali.
Corporeal (kor-por'i-al), adj. ber- Corroborate (kor-rob'o-rat), v. t.

Imhagaf^^ benyawa; see corporal. (make certain) tntuhan; (make

Corps (kor, pi. korz), s. (of troops) strong) huatl-an; (establish as
pasolmn. true) yakan,* surggolikan, bnar-
Corpse (korps), s. (hnman) inayat, kan.
orarg niali, jnazah (At.). Corroboration (-ra'shmi), s. k-
Corpulence (kor'pn-lis), s. gmolc, fnhian, kbnaran, ksnrggoJian.
l-gmoan, prat bunc'hit. Corrigible (kor'ri-ji-blj, adj. yarg
Corpuscle (kor'pus-sl) , s. petah boleh dh-baikki yarg boJeh di-btuU
yarg halus dalam darah dan s- kan.
bagai-rya, dzarmt (Ar.). Corrode (kor-r5d'), v. t. (eat
Corral (kor-ral'), s. kandarg, pagar. away) makan;
(rust) bri ber-
Correct (kor-rekt'), adj. btul, bnar, karat; (consume) hahUkan, rosak-
sail, sahili'^ (Ar. SrtHiH). kan.
Correct, v. t. (make right) btullcan, Corrode, v. i. berkarai.
baikhi, salikaU'; (discipline) ajar, Corrosion (-ro'zlwn), s. kmakan'
ajari;"^ (by advice or
warning) an/^^ karat.

patak;''' (connteract, as by medi- Corrosive (-siv), adj. yarg ra-

cine) fawar. niakan, yaig mmbri berkarai.
Correction (-rek'slmn), s. (act of (V)rroslve acid, ayer api.
correcting) lial mmMiilhan, etc., as Corrugated (kor'ru-gat-ed), adj.
above;' (emendation) Jcbtulan, sah; beralnr-ahir* berlufah* Corru-
(punishment) pigajaran, seksa. gated iron, zerg (E.), zhy (E.),
Corrective (-tiv), adj. yarg mm- timah sari.
btuUmn, yaty mmbaUcM. Corrupt (kor-rupf), v. t. (make

yate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferrj-; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mini/s, cure, injure,
hiirry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
putrid) hri husok; (yitiate, de- pay the cost, tiada pularg modal.
base) rosaH'an: (by bribery) hri Cost price, lierga hli.

snap, 'mcmf (falsify) lanchorg' Costive (kos'tiv), adj. I'urarg jalan,.

I' an.* I'urarg laivas, smblii.
Corrupt, adj.(putrid) husol-; Costiveness (-nes), s. snihlit.
(spoiled,debased) rosal', hinasa; Costly (kawst'li or kostTi), ady. (of
(depraved) A'/i.* great cost) hsar herga-nja; (ex-
Corruptible (-i-bl), adj. ya?g holeli pensi^e) malial; (precious) indah.
mnjadi husol-, yaig holeli hinasa, Costume (kos'tiim or kos-tum'), s-
fana* (Ar. fand'). pal'ciian. A complete costume^
Corruption (-rnp'sli;/ii), s. (act of prargg u/^ persalinan.*
corrupting) lial ninibinasahan, hal Cosy (ko'zi), adj. (sheltered) tdoli;
mrosal'l'an, lial mnihri snap; (state (convenient) snarg.
of being corrupt) lial mnjadi hii- Cot (kot), s. (hut) pondoh, tratahf^
sok, hrosaVan, I'lcjian/^ lial mma- (bed) tmpai tidor kchil.
l-an snap, see coerupt. Cottage (kot'tej), s. rumali hchil.
Corsair (kor'sar), s. prom pal', la- Cotter (-ter), s. (wedge) haji.'^
nun. Cotton (-tn), s. from (cultivated,
Corset (-set), s. Itutarg'^ {Jiw.), Gossypium herbaceum) ha pas:
clioU (Hind.). (from Eriodendron anfractuosum)
Cortege (kor-tazli'), s. peraral'an. hapoh; (from Trevesia sundaica)
Coruscate (k(5r'us-krit), y. i. her- habu-l-ahii;* (cloth) Icain l-apas;
Icerlap.* (unl)leached) kain hlacku, kain
Cosmetics (koz-niet'iks), s. pi. mntalif^ (prints) hain cliit, Icain
Lirap-urapan;'^ substances used as cliita; (thread) hnarg, hnanj ha-
cosmetics are: hdaJc, pupor,"^ ho- pas. Cotton wool, hapas.
re/i.* To use cosmetics^ herlidak, Couch (kowch), s. (bed) tnipat ti^
berpupor.^'' dor, hatil* ranjatcj, gta (Sk.),
Cosmic (koz'mik), adj. deri-lial s- hails'^ (E.).
kiian 'alamj^ 'alam"^ (a). Couch, V. i. (lie concealed) lindapj.
Cosmology (koz-moro-ji), r^. 'ilmu 'ndap, mrgndap (B.).
Icjadian sldian 'alam."^' Cough (kof), s. hatoh; (as a sign)
Cosmopolitan (koz'mo-pori-tn), daharn. AMiooping cough, hatoh
adj. slur oh dunia (a), yarg tiada rjanj^ hatoh llali, hatoh siseh.*
mlheklcan satu negri deri-pada yaig Cough, V. i. hatoh, herdaham. To
lain. cough up phlegm, haliah.
Cosmos (koz'nios), s. s-gnap 'alam. Could (kood), V. i. holeh, dapat,'^
Cost (kawst or kost) v. i. (require
smpat; see able.
an expenditure) daiaiglcam blanja; Coulter (kol'ter), s. nayam.^''
(cause a loss) hawa rugi, shahtwi Council (kown'sil), s. (assembly)
rugi. To cost one's life, shahl'an majlis, mashiiarat (Ar.), ijm'a
niafi.'^ It costs $10, herga-nja s- (Ar.) ; (act of deliberating) &{-
puloli rirggit. It cost me $10, maslmarat (Ar.).
soJiya sudali hli s-puloh rirggit. Councillor (-ler), s. sidarg majlis.
Cost, s. (amount charged or paid) ahli maslmarat (Ar.)
herga; (expense) hlanja, orgl'os Counsel (-sel), v. t. hicliarahan, na-
(X.I.) (D. onl-osten) ; (loss, sihathan,'^ hri riasiliat.'^
detriment) rugi. It will not re- Counsel, s. (consultation) hichara;

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minims, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
riasihat,^ Inchara, sliiir tiruanf^
(advice.) (feigned) pura-pura;
(Ar.) ; design)
(purpose, ka- (forged) laiichoig,* palsu (Port.).
handak, rnahsud; (secret purpose) Counterfeit coin, wa)y palsu, wary
rahsia; (legal adviser) pmhickara, lanchorgan.'^
pnolof'j blchara, pguam.* To keep Counterfoil (-foil), s. kratan rasit
counsel, .sunpan rahsia. To take atau chek yatg iuggal di buku.
counsel, berhichara, herrundinj* Counterirritant (ir'ri-tant), s.

berrondcty (B.). (fomentation) tuatn.

Counsellor (-ler), s. pnibivliara. Countermand (-mand'), v. t. bafal-
Count (kowuc), s. (reckoning) hi- kail hukum, batalkan psan.

lanjan, hitorgan; (charge, allega- Countermine (-mm'), v. t. (fig.)

tion) tudohan* d'awaan. batalkan diyan smbuiyi, lawan
Count, V. t. (enumerate) hilaig, hi- diam-diam.
torg, hira, rehen (N.I.) (D.), /^i- Counterpane (-pan), s. chadar
.s'a6* (Ar. mmh) ; (impute, as- (Hind.), spre (NJ.) (D. sprei).
cribe) bikugkan; (esteem, reck- Counterpart (-part), s. saina.
on) bilanjhan, kiral'an. To count C9unterpoise (-poiz), s. timbalan*
on, harap. It does not connt (in III counterpoise, bertinibalan*
games), taachi* tapakai (B.). Countersign (-sm),v. t. (endorse)
Count, s. pargkat oraig baigsawan di mnduakan tanda taigan.
Era pah - earl, q. v. Countersign, s. (signature) tanda
Countenance (kown'te-nans), s. targan yaiy kdua; (watchword)
(appearance) rupa muka; (face, siiiboyan'^ rahsia.
features) multa, paras,
wajah Countervail (-vaF), v. t. timbal.*
(Ar.), durja (Sk.). Out of coun- Countinghouse (kownt'ing-hows) ,
tenance, tersipu-sipu. s. opis (E.), kantor (D.) (N.L)
Countenance, v. t. (approve, fa- Countless (-les), adj. tiada ter-
vour) bnarkan, perknanlcaii; (aid) bilarg, tiada tpermana'i,* tiada ter-
bantu, tolorg. hisaikan (Ar.).
Counter (-ter), s.counts)
(one who Country (kun'tri), s. (region, very
pmbUaig; (in games) pi (Ch.). large) bnua;^ (smaller) negri, ta-
Counter, adj. (opposite) berhadap- naii; (rural region) dusunj* (in-
an, yaig bertntary; (adverse) yafy habitants, the public) isi negri.
mJaivan. Country, adj. (rural) dusun; (rus-
Counteract (kown'ter-akf), v. t. tic, unpolished) ulu, hutan.
(act in opposition) laivan; (hin- Countryman (-man), s. (compa-
der) tgah, rintarg;'^ (neutralise, triot) s-neyri; (a
oraty rustic)
by charms or medicine) taivar, ta- orarg dnsun,* ovary bukit.
luari* County (kown'ti), s. dairdh (Ar.).
Countercharm (-charm), s. pia- jajahan,'^ desa (N.I.).
war. Couple (kup'l), s. (two of the same
Counterbalance (-bal'ans), v. t. kind) pasaty, jodoh; (married per-
samakan brat, balas timhaiyan, per- sons) klamin;* (if united or con-
timhalkan* tiguous) bandonj;* (as two widths
Counterfeit (-fit), v. t. (imitate) of a savory) kampoh.*
tiru* srupalwi, samakan; (forge) Couple V. t. (tie) tambat; (join)
lanch rgkan,* palsukan. hiibojy, jodohkan, samboty; (as
Counterfeit, adj. (by imitation) railway carriages) kait.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Couplet (kup'Ict), s. slolca,^ pan- Courtesy (kert'si), v. i. rndalikan

tun. dirt mmbri hormat.

Coupling (-ling), s. samlorgan, liu- Courtier (kort'3'er), s. oraig dalam.

hoirjan. Courtly (-li), adj. berbhasa, cliara

Coupon (koo'pon or koo'poN), s. bhasa.
tel^et (E.), Icarchis (N.I.) (T). Court-martial (kort'mar'shfitl), s.

kawtjes). rnajlis bicJiara bagi soldado.

Courage (kiir'ej), s. hrani hati, Ic- Courtship (-ship), s. chumbu-chum-

branian. buanr
Courageous (krir-a'js), adj. hrani, Court-yard (-3^ard'), s. halaman,
perl'asa (Sk.), gagah. kompaun (E.).
Courier (koo'ri-er) s. pnjuroli, su-
Cousin (kuz'n), s. saudara. Eirst
rohan. cousin, saudara s-pupu. Second
Course (kors), (progress) per-
s. cousin, saudara dua pupu.
jalanan, playerwn; (path travers-
Cove (kov), s. tlok kchil, suak."^
ed) jakin; (direction of motion) Covenant (kuv'e-nant), s. perjanji-
lujuan; (if straight) Igatf (pro- an, ira'ad (Ar.). The covenant of
<iedure, behaviour) lal-u* Makuan; marriage, 'akad nikah (Ar.).
(series of actions) gilir;'^ (part of Covenant, v. i. berjanji, ber'akad
a meal) sajian, hidargan.f^ (la3'er (Ar.), berwaad (Ar.).
of masonry) susun, tindan;^' (pi. Cover (kuv'er), v. t. (gen.) tutop:
the menses) datarg hulan, liedl^ (with a cover or cloth) tudovg;
(Ar. haidl). In course, herturut- (with a hollow vessel) surgkop,
turut, hergilir-gilir* Of course, serkop; (with something flat) t-
tntu, nschaya (Sk.), pst% pasti kap; (overlay) salut/'' turap;'^
(B.), memaig. (wrap) balut, sarnpul,^ ulasj*
Course, v. t. huru. (with clouds or dew) saputj* (with
Course, v. i. lari. mats or cloth) bokot;* (with a
Court (kort), s. (yard) Jialanian, blanket) slimutltan; (completely)
Jionipaun (E.) (palace) istana;
; slaborg, kluboig* litopf (with
( retinue of king ) orarg dalam ;* (of
water or light) liput;^ (conceal)
justice) tmpat hichara, mahkamah smbunjikan; (protect) lindoTg.
(Av.), hot (E.) ; (Judicial assem- Cover, s. tutop,
tiidoig, balut, sam-
bly), mailis Mcliara; (a judge) ha- puV^ See above.
kim. Supreme court or high court, Covering (-ing), s.
tutop, tudoig,
mahkamah hsar* kot hsar, kantor pnutop.
Uar (N.I.). Coverlet (-let), s. slimut, chadar
Court, V. t. (seek to gain favour) (Hind.).
anibil hati; (woo) chumhuf' (seek Covert (kuv'ert), adj. sidit,* ber-
to obtain) chan. smbunjl, glap, samar,* bersamar.'^
Courteous (ker'ti-ws), adj. her- Covet (-et), V. t. (desire earnestly)
hhasa, heradab (Ar.). berkahandak, iigin, rindu; (in a
Courtesan (ker'te-zan), s. sandal, bad sense) tam'a* (Ar. Tarn'a),
prempuan jahat, prempuan jalaig, tmahak (B.), loba.'^
lonteh (N.I.). Covetous (-us), adj. tam^a (Ar.),
Courtesy (-si), s. hhasa, adab tmahak (B.), lob a.*
(Ar.). .
Covetousness (-nes), s. tam^a

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, rainws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

(Ar.), tmaliak (B.), lohaj^ k- rap, rak,* drap,* krap/^ Ikap,*-

'ityinan, dhagi.'^ Hop, srak-srek* It us.

Covey (kuv'i), s. prgraman, prin- Cracked (krakt), adj. (crazy)

dun* kpala argin, s-trgah tiatg* ksasar-
Cow (kow), s. Imhu htina. an.
Cow, V. t. bri talcot, takoti* bachol' Cracker (krak'er), s. (fireworks)
kan'^' hati, kchilkan hati. pias, merchwi; (biscuit) biskut
Coward (kow'erd), s. pnakot, ba- (E.), roti kalirg (X.I.).
chol.'^ Crackle (-kl), v. i, krtak-krtek, k-
Cowardice (-is), s. ktahotan, h- rpak-krpok.
bacholan/^ Cradle (kra'dl), s. buai,* buman,*
Cowardly (-li), adj. pnakot, ba- bo-bue (B.), ayunan;* (with up
chol* and dowTi motion) buai ber'njnt;*
Cower (kow'er), V. i. (croucli) tun- (of a sarong) dondarg, bo-bue kain
dok, 'ndap, hndap, mrgndap (B.) ; (B.) ; (hung from the roof) 'n-
(quail) bachol* did;* (place of origin) tmpat asal.
Cowherd (-herd), s. gombala Imbu. Craft (kraft), s. (skill) kp>andaian;
Cowl (kowl), s. tudorg kpala pada (manual art) utas,* pertukargan,
baju kllaioar;* (of a chimney) tu- pncharian; (cunning) cherdek,
dorg choroig, tudorg smprorg* 'akal; (Naut.) prahu, kapal.
V^entilating cowl, pna^ggok argin* Craftsman (krafts'man), s. tukarg,
Cowrie (kow'ri), s. bia* lit as*

Coxcomb (koks'kom), s. (dandy) Crafty (kraft'i), s. cherdek, panjaig

psolek* orarg antun* orarg ber- 'ahal.
soiek (B.). Crag (krag), s. batu bsar yarg ter-
Coxswain (koks'n), s. srarg, juru- jojol di atas gunotg.
mudi, tekorg (Ch. tdi-korg). Cram (kram), v. t. (force in) asak,
Coy (koi), adj. malu, tersipu-sipu. padat;* (fill with food) kmyarg-
Cozen (kuz'n), v. t. tipu, perdaya- kan; (force food into a child's
kan* kichu.* mouth) jjalkan*
Cozy (ko'zi), adj. (sheltered) tdoh; Cramp (kramp), s. (clamp) pnchrg-
(comfortable) snarg. kam,* prgapit; (of the muscles)
Crab (krab), s. ktam, kpifirg. kantu,* simpol brgkaroig;* (of the
King crab, blargkas. Hermit crab, Btomach) snak, mulas prot, rigat*
umatg-umarg* Land crab, hudatg Cramp, v. t. (confine, contract) 6'-

gtak. sakkan; (restrain) tahankan;

Crabbed (krab 'bed), prrgus* adj. (hold with a cramp) apit,* chrg-
Crack (krak), v. i. open) (burst kam.
blah, rkah, merkah; (break with- Crane (kran), s. (the bird) buroig
out separating) rtak; (make a klabu,* burorg pijatg;* (machine)
sharp sound) rak* rap, krtok,* tombak sagarg.*
krpak, krpokj (as a whip) berdtas. Crane, v. t. (stretch out, as the
see CRACK, s. neck) jnjargkan,* hulor.
Crack, v. t. blali,chkah,* blalikan, Cranium (kra'ni-?/m), s. trgkorak,
rkahkan,* merkahkan, rtakkan. batu kpala, tmpiirorg, jmala (Sk.).
Crack, s. (fissure) chlah, chJak Crank (krangk), s. pniutar, ergkol
(B.) ; (split) blah, rkah; (with- (L.).
out opening) rtak; (the sound) Crank, adj. (iS'aut.) olerg.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injury
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin </en.
Cranny (kran'ni), s. clilali, cliroh. Crease (kres), s. (wrinkle) krut,
Crash (krash), v. i. (sound of ex- (in the skin) ktak,"^ rtak; (mark
plosion) dniani, dntom; (of falling of fold) bkas lipat.
house) (j)niitatii;'^ (of weapons) Crease, v. t. krutkan, kdutkan;
fjmrenclieiy;* (of dishes) krajy- (crumple) gumalkan.^
hrorg;* (of falling tree) Jeerpah; Create (kre-af), v. t.
jadikati, ada-
(of loud thunder or voice) ptir, kan.
mmtir.''^ Creation (kre-a'sh/m), s. kjadian;
Crash, s. (sound) see above; (ruin) (created things) makJilok (At.).
krom h'a n, I'binasa'a n. Creative (-tiv), adj. yatg tahu mrg-
Crate (knit), s. (large basket) Jcran- adakanj^ yatg boleh mnjadikan.
jarg; (protective framework) sa- Creator (-ter), s. pnjadi* yarg mn-
rorg. jadikan, khalik (Ar.).
Crater (kra'ter), s. luwali fjunoig Creature (kre'chur), s. maklilok
(Ar.), khalayak (Ar.). poor A
Craunch (krawnch), v. t. kerJcap- creature (spoken in pity) liamha
kerl'op. Allah.
Cravat (kra-vat'), s. tali lehir, dasi
Credence s.
(kre'dcns), perchaya,
(X.I.) (D. dasje). harap.
Crave (krav), v. t. polionlcan/^ min- Credentials (kre-den'shalz), s. pi.
ta sargat; (long iov)rindu, ugin;
siirat knjaia'an, surat kbnaran, su-
(of pregnant women) idam.^ mtg- rat ktratgan.
Idam (B.).
Credible (kred'i-bl), adj. kper-
Craven (kra'vn), adj. pnal'ot, ba-
diaya'an, ydtg boleh di-perchaya.
ch ol^
Credit (-it), s. (trust, confidence)
Craving (krav'ing), s. h'hginan;
perchaya, harap; (merit) jasa
(for opium^ alcohol, etc.), Mag eh.
Crawl v.
(Sk.), paJiala; (in commerce)
(krawl), i.
(of animals)
jalar,^ rayap, mmyap (B.), lata;
(as on all fours) rarg- Credit, v. t. (believe, trust) harap,
leak; a mass of maggots) ger- perchaya; (in bookkeeping) tolak
Hi uf. hutarg, potorg hutarg, piutargkan.*
Creditable (-a-bl), adj. (praise-
Crayfish (kra'lish), s. udarg ka-
rarg/^' undatg gtal'.*
worthy) yatg terpaji; (bringing
Crayon credit) yatg mrabri jasa (Sk.)";
(kra'i/n), s. kapur blanda
pancliaiverna.'^ I
(honorable) kahormatan, yarg pa-
tut di-horttiati.
Craze (kraz), v. t. hilargkan 'akal,
Creditor (-er), s.
oratg berpiutatg.'^
Craze, s.
(infatuation) cliondoig ! Creduh'ty (kre-du'li-ti), s. perchaya
JiatL kahandak, slap.^^ \
yatg bukan-bukan.
Crazy (weak, shaky)
(kra'zi), adj.
Credulous (kred'u-h/s), adj. yatg
burok; Ikas perchaya.
(demented) kpala aigin,
gila bhasa/^ irgatan taHtap,, s- Creed (kred), s.
(confession of
tigah tiaig;^ (infatuated) slap,^ faith) ptgakuan iiiiati (Ar.), sha-
Creak (krek), v. i. berkiut"', hiaig- hadat (Ar.) ; (faith, religion)
kliiV\ kerryat'kenyut;'^ (of oars).
iman (Ar.), agama.
drap-drup* Creek (krek), s. tick, suak;,* anak
Cream (krem), s. kpala susu. surgai

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; iee, it, fire,
uairror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, miniig, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awf^l) ; law, how, oil; thin tlien.

Creep (krcp), v. i. (of animals) ra- Crick (krik), s. kantuj^ simpol hrg-
yap, mrayap (B.), lata; (as karoig,*
snakes) jaJar;'^ (as lizards) mm- Cricket (krik'et), s. (the insect)
hiawak; (as children, on all fours) chrgkadok; (the game) main kri-

raiykak; (move slowly) ralmp;* kit (E.).

(stealthily, as a tiger) jlanak;* Crier (kri'er), s. pnjruj^ tukarg triah

(as plants or vines) jalar,^ rayap, (B.).
lata, lilit. Crime (krim), s. (violation of law)
Creeper (krep'er), s. (plant) alcar, dosa, ksalahan; (iniquity) kjahat-
tan am an yarg mnjalar. an.
Creepiness (-i-nes), s. sram, smut- Criminal (krim'i-nd), s. orarg sa-
sniutan, gli-gman/'' gli-gmam I ah.
Criminal, adj. (guilty of crime)
Creese (kres), s. hrisJ^' berdosa; (relating to crime) deri-
Cremate (kre-maf), v. t. halw ma- hal dosa, jnayah (Ar.).
yat. Crimp (krimp), v. t. (make wavy)
Cremation (-ma'slmn), s. lial mm- ikaJkan;* (entrap, as sailors oi
hal'ar may at. coolies) cliari klasi atau kiili drgan
Creosote (kre'o-s5t), s. pati miryah tipu, larikan kidi.
hiyu. Crimson (krim'zn), adj. kirmizi
Crepe (krap), s. Icain stra
herhdut; (Ar.) ; (of the face) merah pa-
(Japanese) kain Jpun; (Chinese) dam.
jo'se^^ (Ch. jiau^-se). Cringe (krinj), v. i. tundokkan dirij
Crescent (kres'sent), s. hglwrgan^ (abase one's self) rndahkan diri.
hulan. The Star and Crescent, Crinkle (kring'kl), v. i. (in twists)
bulan hintarg. berblit; (in wrinkles) berkdut,
Cress (kres), s. water-cress, smaig- berkrut.
gi* sJcti* Cripple (krip'pl), s. (lame) orarg
Crest (krest), s. (tuft) jamhul; temparg; (manned) orarg kodorg,
(artificial) tajol-;^ (of feathers, orarg kudoig (B.).
erectile) cJintoig;* (comb of a Cripple, V. t. (maim) kodoigkan,
cock) balorg* je'tgger (Jav.), jirg- (weaken) Imahkan.
get (B.) ; (summit of a hill) Crisis (kri'sis), s. (in disease oi
merchu* Tcmuncliak; (heraldic) danger) kmlut;* (decisive mo-
'alamat orarg hargsaioanj^' ment) sa'at yarg smpurna.*
Crestfallen (kresffawFen), adj. Crisp (krisp), adj. (curly) kritirg,
S7idu* hachol.'* (of cooked food) garlrg, rargup,
Crevice (krev'is), s. chlah, chlah kersai* pidan.*
Crisp, V. t. kritirgkan, garirgkan,
Crew (kroo), s. (assemblage) hum- as above.

polan orarg; (of a ship) atvah* Crisscross (kris'kros), adv. lintarg-

praliu, anah praliu, pukarg, silarg-mnjilarg.
.Crib (krib), s. (manger) palorgan,* Criterion (kri-ter'i-im), s. (esta-
lawak-lawaJc ;* (child's bed) tmpat blished rule) kanun (Ar.) ; (mea-
tidor IcchiL sure, standard) kadar (Ar.).
Crib, V. t. (confine) Icurorg; Critic (krit'ik), s. (reviewer) pry-
(cramp) smpithan, asaMwi; (pil-
lidek* prgcha7n;* (one who cen-
fer) chohet.'^ sures) pnchla.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, firej
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Critical (krit'i-kal), adj. (able to Croquette (kro-kef), s. katlit (E.),

judge) yairj fahii hezakan (Sk.); hraaadel (I), (N.I.).

(careful in judgment) pandai miy- Cross (kros), (gibbet) kayu ber-

lidek;* (fault finding) pnchla; palatyj^ pndpary,* salib* (At,

(at a crisis) pada sa'at* yaty sm- '^alib): (the sign) parykah ;
purna; (in disease) pada l-mlut;* (badge) bintaiy.
(dangerous) herhahya. Cross, adj. (transverse) lintaiy, si-
Criticize (->iz), v. t. (examine as a la ry; (ill-tempered) marah, mra-
critic) chanil'anj (find fault danj, rajok, mrajok (B.), riyus,^
with) chJa. jauk hati* kcliil hati.
Criticism (-sizm), s. piychaman/^' Cross, V. t. (lay athwart) lintary-
kchla'an; as above. kan; (traverse) lahd* lintas;
Critique (kri-tek'), s. ptychaman:^ (pass over a road or river) sbrary;
Croak (krok), v. i.
(as frogs) (thwart^ Uniaryi.'^ To cross out,
krok;'^ (grumble) bersuiyut, ro- paiykah^ paraiykan;^ bunoli. To
tok^ cross the arms, plok luhoh,^ plok
Croaker (krok'er), s.
orary her- tatyan (B.) ; (behind the back)
suiyut. srykliry.-^ To cross the feet, siy-
Crochet (kro-sha'), s. kaitan. kiify 'kaki^ kiau-ka (B.) (Ch.
Crockery (krok'er-i), s. (glazed) khiuu-kha) .

phyyati-marykok; (unglazed) p- Cross, V. i. (lie athwart) liniary,

riok-hlarya; (broken) tmhekar.'^ silary; (pass over) sbrary, mnj-
Crocodile (-o-dil), s. huaya. Cro- brary.
codile t<?ars, mnaiyis pura-pura. Crossbar (kros'bar), s. sryka^y,
Crone (kron), s. orary tua (prem- kayu palary/^ kayu Untary, kayu
Crony (kro'ni), s. liandai/^ saliahat Crossbow (-bo), s. terbil/''

yaty rapat, sobaUande (B.). Crossbreed (-bred), s. baka cliara-

Crook (krook), s. (curve, hook) puran, barysa champuran.
kaJok,^ ptyait; (rod with hook at Crosscut (-kut), s. (short road)
i the end) yanchu; (for driving jalari pintas/'' jaJan pendeh (B.).
elephants) chatykok/^ kma (Sk.) ; Crosscut saw, yeryaji halak.
(an artifice, trick) 'akal. Cross-examine (-egz-am'in), v. t.
Crook, V. i. herkalok.^ bersual-sual, slidek dry an sual*
Crooked (krook'^d), adj. (not sloiykar.^'
straight) bctykok, erut ; (of a Cross-eyed (Id), adj. inata juUry,
fiarong) pendioiy/^ Crooked busi- (sliglitly) juliiy-juliry ayer.
ness, kerja tipu. Crossgrained (-grand), adj. (of
Croon (kroon), v. i.
kidory/-' miy- wood) urat inlintaiy; (of temper)
idofy.'^ prus,^ prryus.'-^
Crop (krop), s. (of a bird) tm- Crossing (-ing), s. (going over) hal
bolok; (of grain) perliuma'an,^ innjbraty: (intersection) srykaty
pnuaian;* (of fruit) ptek'an biiah, auipat; (cross roads) sempary am-
bnah'buahan. pat.
Crop, V. t. (cut the ends oft') paty- Crossing-sweeper (-swep-er), s.

kas;"^ (browse)
yaiyyutf^ (the orary yaiy miyapu jalau.
hair as punishment) ray as. Crosslegged (-legd), adj. bersil-a.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, cany; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, miniis, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Crosspiece (-pes), s. palary/' srg- forward) berduyunf' (stand in a
liaig, kaiiu Ivifajy. crowd) bertbat.'^'
Cross-purpose (-per'p?^s). s. At Crowd, V. t. (press, push) amk;
cross-purposes, berlainan mahsud. (press together) mampat: (hll by
Cross-question (-kwes'chwn), v. i. thronging) ssakl'an.
bersual-sKal/-'' sUdeJi' drgan siiah'^ Crowded (krowdVd), adj. pnolt
sloiyli'ar.'^ smk.
Cross-road (-rod), s. jalan sem- Crown (krown), s.
(royal headdress)
pcuyan, semparg am pat. mal'ota (Sk.) :
(topmost part)
Cross-stitch (-sticli), s. jaliitan tu- p un ch ak, km uncliak, merchu;*
Jaty hhit.^ (of the head) iihun-abiin,'^ jmala
Crosstrees (-trez), s. (Kant.) dii- (Sk.). Crown land, tanah k-
la nj-dularg, toperg-toperg. rajaan, tanah kompn'i. Crown
Cross ways (-waz). s. sempaig. \
]jrince, rajamnda, iuryku bsar,
Crosswise (-wiz), s. lintatg; (over :

turgku, makota (Sk.).

the shoulder) shmparg, deparg. I

Crown, V. t. (kings) lantek/^ ma-

Crotch (kroeh), s. chlali; (between ! kotakan (Sk.), tabaJkan (Ar.) ;
tlie legs) cl}Jah l^atgl-atg* chlah !

(consummate, complete) smpur-

Idigkaig; (at the end of a post) '

cliargap.'^ Crucible (kroo'si-bl), s. kai;^ bkas
Crotchet (kroch'^t). s. tergkali, ra- j
Jhoranf^^ tmpat Iboran.
gam. \
Crucifix (-fiks), s. patoig mlib'^'
Crotchet3' (-1), adj. hcrfergkah, (Ar. mlib).
chrewet, hatyak ragam. \
Crucifixion (-fik'>h//n), s. (act of
Croton (kro'tz/n), s. pudhg/' adal- crucifying) hal mumlibkan (Ar.) ;

adalS^ (death by crucifying) kmatian di

Crouch (kroweh), v. i. l)erdkam_^ kayii said) (Ai'.).
'ndap, lindap, mrgndap (B.) :
(ser- Crucify (-fl), \.x. saJibkan
vilely) surgkor/^ Crude (krood), adj. (uncooked, im-
Croup (krdop), s. (hindpart of ripe) mutah: (unfinished, nnpre-
horses) purggorg; (Med.) pryakit jjared) bakal,'^ as, bak-al miiyak,
biiloh~b itJoh ..* do igkol-dorgkol^' crude oil: (imperfect) talsmpuma.
Crow (kro), v. i. (as a cock) her- Cruel (krod'rf), adj. bryis.
kokok ; (as a hahy) agalt^^ rnrg- Cruelty (-ti), s. kbtyisan, aniaya.
aga'li(B.). Cruet (-et), s. buU-buli.'^ Cruet
Crow, s.
(the bird) hurorg gagak, staJid, tnipat chuka miiyak, tmpaf
burorg dndatg :* (of a cock) ko- lada garant.
kok; (of a babvj agali/^ migaqali Cruise (krooz),v. i. (Xaut.) payar,
(B.). jajalil Ian tan.
Crowbar (kro'bar), s. dlahargka Cruiser (krooz'er), s. (Xaut.) p-
(Port.), pnuil. pncliorgkil, pra- ralui payar, kapal praig yarg mm-
jarg^ ayar.
Crowd (kro\v*d). s. kumpolan, per- Crumb (kruni), s. (small frag-
kumpolafi, orarg ramai, orarg ba- ment) rem all J^' clibis/-' chotek;*
ryak; (group of persons) klompok, (of bread, as opposed to crust)
puak; (crush) kssaVa7i. id rati.

Crowd, V. i. (press together, throng) Crumble (kniin'bl), v. t. hancMir-

berkumpol, herkrumun; (press kan.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, frrry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min?/s. cure, injure,
hurry: food, foot, awf ool (avvful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Crumble, v. i. berprai-prai* rput, Crypt (kript), s. Ulek dalam Irgkorg-
rpui.'^ pmi* vl.ai;^ clitai/^ her- a/i* kaki tembok.
clufjft'iirai.'^ Cryptic (krip'tik), adj. tersmbunji.
Crumple (-pi), v. t. gumall'an* Crystal (kris'tal), s. hablur (Pers.),
ronjokkan. batu btaitda* Kock crystal, ki-
Crunch (krimcli), v. t. (as a dog njarg/^ batii
enuK-hes a bone) mamah. Crystallize (-iz), v. t. bkukan*
Crunch, v. i.
Tterl'ap-herhop, hrop- Crystallize, v. i. mnjadi bku,* ber-
I'rap/^ astakuna (Sk.).
Crupper (kmp'per), s. 'nihan el'or* Cub (kub), s. anak bruarg, anak
tall eJiOr. hrimaii, dan s-bagai-iija.
Crusade (kroo->rid'), s. (lioly war) Cube (kub), s. batgunan/^ anam per-
pmrg sahil^ {A.T. sabil). sgi, bnda anam persgi.
Cruse (krooz), >. huli-buU* baJaty* Cubeb (ku'beb), s. lada berekor*
Crush (knisli), s. (violent pressure) lada panjanj , kmiugkus* tmukus*
Cubicle (-bi-kl), s. bilek berdindirg
Crush, V. t. (I^ruise) mmarlcan;'^ s-krat.
( reduce to fine particles) hancliur, Cubit (-bit), s. ha^^ta, hsta* sta*
nnoh; (between Vno surfaces) im- Cuckold (kuk'uld), s. orarg dayns
pit, em pet (B.), peiyeh; (in the (Ar, day If til).
hand) vamas; (under wheels) ge- Cucumber (ku'kum-ber), s. timon,
Jek, lereiyf^ (by stamping) i^e^,* mntimon.'^
hiiyal' ; (as a python) clirot,'^ 'rat;'^ Cud (kud), s. To chew the cud, ma-
(force hi) padat;'^ (in a mortar) mail biak*
iuniboh; (with a spoon) leclieh; Cuddle (kud'dl), v. t. lendeh*
(insects) tinda^s; (oppress) an- njorgkom* (W.).
Cudgel (kuj'd), V. t. pntorg,^ p-
Crushed (krnslit), adj, lianchor-
To cudgel one's brains^
luloh,^ rmok-rdam;^ luloh-lan-
bantiig kpata.
faA';*(oi the spirit) hanchor liati.
Crust Cudgel, s. blanfan,'^ pmntorg* p-
(krust), s. (hard outer sur-
face) liulit; (of rice at the bottom
Cue (ku), s.
(tail) ekor; (catch-
of a pot) l-ral- nasi; (in wine bot- I


word, hint) isarat (Ar. ishdrat) ;

(for billiards) kiu-bola (E.).
Crustaceous (krus-ta'sh?/s), adj.

Cuff (kuf), s. (of a sleeve) sergseig-

hfvk'ulit I'vas. I

an baju, lipat hgan; (of a shirt)

Crusty (having a crust) her- \

kalar hgan* (E.j.
I'LiIif; (surly) pngus.^'
Crutch (kruch), s. toiglut Mial\

Cuff, s. (slap) sjmk, tampar; (on the

Cry (kri), v.
(call out) i.
face) tmpelerg.
Cuff, V. t. tampar, s/mk.
trial:, (with joy or in war)
laoig:'^ ;

soral'. impel';
Cuirass (kwe-ras'), s. lapek dada,
(clamour) I'viaii,^ \

kdaa (wail)
ratap; (weep) bajii bsi.

targis,^' nmatgis: (with pain or as Culinery (kii'li-na-ri), adj. deri-hal

animals) jrit, mnjret (B.), pJcek. masak, masak-mamk (a).
To cry violently, till there is no Cull (kul), V. t. (select) pileli;
sound, mnargis pijar. '^ (gather) ptek; (by cutting with
Cry, s. sru,'^ trial', etc., as above. the finger nails) gntas*

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hilrry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Cullender (kiiripn-der)^ s. iapisan. Cup (kup), s. margkok, chawan;
Also CULAXJ)E>{. (smaller) chargkir; (of metal)
Culminate (kurini-nat), v. i. nailc batUf (with a foot) p'xala
li-mercliii,^ sampat k-impai yarg (Pers.).
Cup, Y. t. bkarn/^ cliaridok (X.I.).
iinjgi sJcali
Culpable (-pa-bl), adj. (worthy of Cupboard (kub'berd), s. ahnari^
blame) paiid dl-chla: (criminal) Imari, grobok.'^
hcrdosa. Cupidity (ku-pid'i-ti), s. loba,*"
tarn' a (Ar.), tmaliak (B.).
Culprit (-prit), s. oratg iudolian,'^'
orary yarg hna d'awa, or my ter- Cupola (kii'po-la), s. (of a howdah)

d'aira, orarg sdlali. kop;"-' (dome) qiihah (Ar. qub-

Cult haMi bat).
(knit), s. (homage)
(Sk.) ; (system of rites) aiuran Cupping (kup'ping), s. bkarn*-
cJiandok (N.I.).
Cultivate (knrti-vat), v. t.
Cur (ker), s. koyokr
Curable (kur'a-bl), adj. yarg dapaf
labour on) Vprjal-an; (by digging)
(hanfiol: (by ploughing) hajak,
di-Rrnholikan,'^ yarg dapat di-
obati, yarg boleh di-obatkan.
try gal a (Sk.) (as a new clearing)

hiil'a ianah; tanatn;

Curacy (kur'a-si), s. pargkat padri
suhorkan; (care for pnolorg (X.).
(make fertile)
Curate (-et), s. padri pnolorg (X.).
while growing) ?;?,* plihara: (as
Curator (ku-ra'ter), s. pmlihara.
arts and sciences) timtut.
Curb (kerb), s. (of a bit) rantai
Cultivation (-va'sh?m), s. (tillage)
karg, rantai lagam; (of a well)
pfrliunxiaii/^ perkinaman, tanani-
ikat prigi: (of a path) batu prg^
itcat tpi jalan.
Cultivator (-va-ter), s. pJadatg/^
Curb, tahankan, lairan, falok-
v. t.
orarg hefladarg, orarg hersatraJi. kan (Ar.), tgahkan.
Culture (kiirchnr), s. (act of cnl- Curbstone s. batu prg-
tivating) lial mrgerjalmn, etc., see ikat tpi jalan.
CT ltivate; (physical and mental
Curcuma (ker'ku-ma), s. (turmer .

improvement) hudi-hham, iarnad- ic) kuryit: (imported) kumkunia

dun (Ar.) ; (refinement) hahalus- (Sk.-).
Curd (kerd), s. dad eh, ^' iaira
Cultured (-chiird), adj. her'hhasa,
hahis, hennndun (Ar.) see above.
Curdle jadi bku/' ber^
(ker'dl), v. i.
Cumber (knm'ber), v. t. Iratlan, bkur jadi iairu.
rembetkan f^ (obstruct) skaikan. Cure (kiir), s. (act of curing), k-
Cumbersome (-mm), adj. brat, srnbohan;'^ (remedy) pnawar.
renibet* Cure. V. t.
(heal) srnhohkan/^ obati,.
Cumbrous (-brs), adj. rembeij-' baikkarr (B.) (restore) puleli^ ;

Cumin (-in), s. jintan. kan; (by salting) garami,"^' iaroh

Cumulative (kfi'mu-la-tiv), adj. asin (B.) ; (by smoking) saJai;*
}i (' Ham bah -tarn ball .
(by heating over a fire) parggarg;
Cunnin)^ (kun'ning), adj. (in- (in the sun) jmor.
genious) pandai, aldi (Ar.) ; Curiosity (kur'i-os'i-ti), s. (inquis-
(crafty) clierdek. itiveness) mlil:'^ (curious thing)
Cunning, s. cherdeh, kclierdeVan. plel."^

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hiirry; foocl, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Curious (-ws), adj. (makiiif? eager Cursory (-so-ri), adj. (hasty) go-
search) pnjiamt'^ (Ar. sia.mt), poh, i/opoli-qapalt :* (careless) la-

peculiar) lai.
pjylidehf (strange,
Curt (kert), adj. (brief) pendek,
Curl (kerl), v. i. (as a snake or reigkas;* (rudely concise) iidak
rope) berlergl'ar, herhlit; (as herbhasa.
paper or leaves) Icrel'iit, hrul'tit;* Curtail (ker-taT), v. t. (cut the end
(backwards) Intel'; (of hair) off) patgkas;* (shorten) pendek-^
iZ'rt/,* hriiiff/; (of the lower lip) kan, reigkaskan;'^ (reduce) ku-
Juehj* (as laths in a fire) glteli/^ mrgkati.
Curl, V. t. leiyl'orl'an, hlHl'an^ etc.. Curtain (ker'ten), s. iirai (Tain.) ;
as above: (of the upper lip) jronj' (for doors or windows) latgsi, latg-
in;* (of the lower lip) juelilcan* se (B.), kain pin hi; (for mosqui-
chbek;* (the hair with irons) dan- toes) kJarnbn; (drapery against a
dan* wall) iabir:'^' (in shadow plavs)
Curl, s. hlii. I'vel'id, Icn/kar, gidorg, klir*
l-elol:* Curtsy (kert'si), s. rndaltkan din
Curly (kerri), adj. U-al,* hritirg. nimhri hormat.
A curly tail, herglorg* ehor. Curvature (ker'va-chur), s, (state
Curmudgeon (ker-miij'im), s. oratg of being curved) Jigkorgan.
lol'el', oratg likir* Curvature of the spine, borgkok.
Currant (kur'rant), s. l'{<<nus hi lam Curve (kerv). s. klok* bnfok* Jig-
I'cMl. kok, Iniek; (of a kris) I ok;* (of a
Currency (-r^n-si), s. (being cur- river) krlok* bliku*
rent) lial herlal-n ;* (money in cir- Curve, V.i. hgkok, Irgkotg.'-'

culation) warg yaig lal'ii. Curve, V. t. hgkokkan, hgkorgkan,*"

Current (-rent), adj. yaig lalcu. To betgkokkan.

pass current, lal'u. The current Curvet (ker-vef or ker'vet), v. i.
month, hulan ini. (of liorses) beriandak.
Current, s. (of water) liarus, ams. Cushion (koosh'?/n), s. banial; (for
Currier (-ri-er), s. lul'arg mnjuclii a cliair) id am kursi; (for seats in
l-ulit. a carriage) til am; (of billiard ta
Curry (-ri), s. gulai* laol% I'ari bles) kosen (E.). State cushion^
(Tarn.), ma-<al' rwpak. Curry bantal sraga* cliiu*
and rice, nasi gulai* nasi Icari Custard (kus'terd), s. sri-kaga^
(B.). sirelikaga. The custard apple^
Curry, v. t. (of leather) cli ucli i Tculit; bffah sri-kaga, buah sirehkaga.
(of horses) garol% sikat. To cur- Custodian (kus-to'di-rtn), s. pm^
ry favour, Jerhol'* hermnka'mnl'a. lihara, pniimpan.
Currycomb (-kom). s. piggarok Custody (kus'to-di), s. (care, pre-
I'uda, kerda'^' (Hind, karera). servation) pmliliara'an, pmbla-
Curse (kers), v. t. ktdok, sumpah, 'a n ;* ( con fi nemen t ) k uro tgan,
sranah. piigitan :* (act of guarding) prg~
Curse, s. kuiok, snmpali, la'anat airalan*
(Ar.), sranali, srapah* Custom (-tm), s. (habitual prac-
Cursed (kers'Vd), adj. sial, cliJaka. tice) bia^a, ralip;* (fixed usage)
Cursive (ker'siv), adj. (of writing) 'adaf, rsam : (manner, way) chara ;

chondorg. (ceremonial) isti'adat;* (habitual

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not. connect, sore, sort, sorry; use. us. minMS, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t^en.
buying) pcrJaiygananf' (tribute, (wound) li(ka; (blow with whip,
tax), chukai, liadl, hia (X.I.). etc.) sbat. A
short cut, jalan pin-
Customary (-a-ri), adj. (according h(s/^ jalan pendek (B.).
to usage) heradat, ter'adat; (con- Cutaneous (ku-tn'ni-^/s), adj. pi da
ventional) l-laziman (Ar.) ; (ha- kit/iL

bitual) hiasa, mematy. It is Cutch (kucli), s. kacliK/-' gambir hi-

customary, 'adat-lah. taui.

Customer (-or), s. latyf/auan/'^ Cuticle (ku'ti-kl), s. kulit ari.''
Custom-house (-hows), s. riimah Cutlass (kut'lrts), s. pdarg pendek.
chukai, tnipal bayer cltuhti. Cus- Cutler (-ler), s. tukarg pisau.
tom house officer, pgawai chuhai, Cutlery (-i), s. pisaa pararg dan s-
.shah bandar (X.I.). Cu-stom
house detective, ch cut cry (Ch. Cutlet s.
(-let), s-potoiy dagirg.
chherg-teiy). Cutter (-ter), s. (one who cuts)
Cut (kut), V. t. (sever) pot org; (in see cut;
pmotorg, etc., (Xaut.,
two pieces) blah; (a piece off) piy-
sloop rigged) skochi (D. sclimtje).
yal,^ I'rat; (in several pieces) Za- (*ake cutter, trap.
pah/^ pfygal-pwgah' (ni slices) hi- Cutthroat (-throt), s. pnibunoh,
ris, didis* rack eh, sahaigf^ (cut
sainserg (Ch. ?), buaya darat,
the head or top off) panchory; (on
buaya (X.J.).
a block) in das;* (cut ends ofl:)
Cutting (-ting), adj. (sharp, chill-
pargl'as;* (cut off limbs)
hodorg, sram-sram sjok;
ing) (sarcastic)
kudotg (B.) ; (nose) romporg; (by sindir.
chopping) I fall', pavary ; (cho]D up
Cutting, (act of cutting) hal m-
.small) chnchaiy,, cMnchaiy (B.) ;
laotoig, etc., see cut; (something
(cut a notch) fakoh;'^ (a slight cut olf) pot organ, kratan, etc., see
]iotch) takek; (a shallow incis-
cut; (twig cut for rooting as a
ion) toreh; (a nick, so as to break) new aiggoran;* (railway
klar; (cut with scissors) guntirg; exca^'ation through a hill) jalan
(with betelnut shears) kachip; bertbok.
(with a cln'sel) paliat; (with a
Cuttlefish (kut'tl-fish), s. sotorg,
knife drawn towards one) raeli,
choinel'-chuniek,* nas,* gurita,
rack (B.) ; (drawn away) raut:
kreta,* pomporg,* see octopus.
(cut to a point) ranch org ;'^ (trim
Cutwater (-waw-ter), s. (Naut.)
off roughness) jMvas; (cut in, en-
grave) lukis; (cut do^vn,
Cycle (si'kl), s. (interval of time)
trees) tbarg; (cut half through for
(brushwood) peridaran dunia* zaman,* jman
f.elling) serpeh;'''
(B.), daur (Ar.) ; (bicycle) kreta
ibas; (cut grain) iuai/^ ninuai
lerenj,* kreta argin,* kreta roda
(B.), ktani;"^ (cut cards) krat;
(B.), baisikal (E.).
(cut dowii, lessen) kuraigkan. To
cut sliort, pendekkan. To cut Cyclone (s''klon), s. topan (Ar.
'ran fan), ribot berpusirg; (whirl-
stones, srodi.'^ To cut teeth, turn-
boh tumba gigi (B.). Cut wiiul) taoig.'^
Cyclopedia s. kn-
and dried (ready), slap. Cut (si'klo-pe'di-a),
iiius 'ilmu (Ar.).
glass, kaclia bcrasali.-''
Cygnet s. anal^ burorc,
Cut, V. i. makan. (sig'net),
Cut, s. (gash, notch, etc.) see above; joyinak (Pers.).

-ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,

mirror; oli, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min?/s, cure, injure,
tliin thQW.
liilrrv; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil;
Cylinder (sirin-der), s. lulaian to- Dairy (dar'i), s. rumah mnaliorg
.V//.V//.* nunbuat nintega.
tin pat

Cylindrical (si-liii'dri-kfll), adj. Dais (da'is), s. rambaif^ (royal)

>/aty lulat toralc/^ yarq bidat bu- ^irggasana (Sk.) (at weddings) ;

loh* ptraita/''
Cymbal (dm'bfll), s. c^ie"'Clie" (Ch. Dal (dal), s. hirhanj dal.
rhhe''); (sraaH)\/a/^i (Tarn.). Dale" (drd), s. Imbah.
Cynic (sin'ik), s. ptgoloh-iyoloh, Dalliance (dal'li-rtns), s. chambar
pigji* yatg nnyargl'ol Jihail'an sagaig (B.j.
orarg. Dally (-li), v.i
(waste time, trifle).

Cynical (-i-krtl), adj. pigolol-~rgoloh. lidca: (delay) letgali; (caress) ber~

Cypher (si'fer), s. see ciphek. chunibu,"^ sayarg (B.).
Cypress (si'pres), s. saru (Ar.). Dam (dam)^ s. (mother of animals)
Cyst (sist), s. rlsa.^ mal', ibu ; (barrier, bank or wall)
Czar (zar). s. raja Eima. bndoig,^^ 'mpargan, ska tan.
Dam. V. t. 'mparg, tbat/^ sitat.
Damage (dam'ej), s. l-romJcan^
Dab bncliana, chdra (8k.), miidlamt
(dab), (^v'itll moist cloth,
v. t.

etc.) 'lap : (in order to dry) il^ap; (Ar.) ;

(slight) chacJiat, jjas.'^'"
(d.ve a soft blow) tpolc; (with the To claim damages, timtiit hrugi-
linger) cholii: (with the beak)
patolc, pagufr pagol- (B.), pe- Damage, v. t. rosal-. bnclianakan.
giit^' Damascening (dam'as-seii'ing), s^

Dab. s. lap, ipolc, cltnlit, paloh, as (of a hris) pgnuir.'^''

above. Damascus (da-mas'k//s), s. Dani-
Dabble (dab'bl), v. i.
(in water) sh d- (Ar.).
JrOur:'^- (meddle) gatggur niasoli Damask (dam'ask), s. l-bnldia

iargan. (Pers.).
Daddy (dad'di), s. pa', pal-, iral'.
Dame (dam), s. incite^''' bihi (B.).
Daddy longlegs (long'legz), s. Damn (drim), v. t. (condemn) liu-

ai/ah-ai/al'.'^ li'nnilian^pntuf'han hukuni ; (curse)

Daft (daft), adj. loclo/t, panclir^ h-ntok, Vanatli'an, sumpahi.
Dagger (dag'ger), s. (bent)
Damnable (djim'na-bl), adj. (liable
scwalif^ (smal]) hadeJcf (very to danmation) patut di-hul'nm-
small) bladaaf'' iumboh lacla;
l-an : (odious) Jcbncliian.
(broad and curved) jmbia (Pers. Damnation (dam-na'shn), s. (con-
jan bia ) .
deii] rial ion ) // nhanian.
Daily (da'li). adj. liari-liari Damning (dam'-ing), adj. yaig m-
Daily, adv. >t-han-liarl, tiap-tiap tyalaliJ-an,'^' yarg mrgJiulcuml'an.
liari, s-bilax/ hari/^ saban kari Damp (damp), s. (moisture) Im-
(X.L). bap: (fog) Vabut, icap: (depres-
Dainty (dan'ti). adj. (to the taste) sion) bacfiol;-' kati mororg (B.).
vr/a/9, n'emai (Ar.), lazat (Ar.) ; Damp, adj. Imbap, 'mhal,'^ Ickoli;'^
(delicate, elegant, as a child) (of the ground) ramhalif' (and'
cliomil, chant el (B.) (of texture) : sticky, as sugar) berhgas.
ghii.'^ Damp. V. t. bamhl-an^ Inihapl'an ;

Dainty, s. (delicacy) nU'inat (Ar.). (depress) barholl-an liaii.'^ hnah-

makanan yarg sdap. Irin.

atC; ask, am, fiiuil, care, car, carry; eve, hen. recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old. not. connect, sore, sort, sorry; use. us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) law, how, oil; thin then. ;
Dampen ((irmip'n), v. t. same as I
Jai;* (as branches) liiipai;* (as a
al0M\ bat) siggayut*
Damper (-or), s. (iii flues) pnutop \ Dangling (-gling), adj. untal-
choron/; (that which depresses) |
until,* untaig-antiig,* kuntal-kan-
pill bach ol hati.'^ til, kuntaig-kantiig,* klepah.*
Dampness (-nes). s. Inihap, I'ahut, To sitwith the legs dangling, ber-
= DAMP. q. v. juntal.
Damsel (drmi'zpl), s. anah dam, Dank (dangk), adj. Imbap.
dayaiij,'^ prawan,^ tjadisf' (atten- ; Dapper (dap'per), adj. kachak.
dam )
dayatr/'dai/aig. ; Dappled (-pld), adj. rintek-riiitek ,
Dance (dans), v. i. fan',* iniiari i
(B.), tandak (Jav.), hergaiuhoh* ,
Dare (be bold) brani.
(dilr), v.

(.Tav.) in pairs) rorg-

(^irls, \ Dare, v.(challenge) ajak, mkis;'

grig: (spectator, with a public migkls;* (in order to make an-


dancer) fhcnj;* (Arab dance, in other light, etc.) cUabarkan*

pairs) (Ar.) ; (with bells
zap' II Dare-devil (dar'devl), s. oraig
on the berjogi: (a sword
feet) nekat,* oraig ta'takot mati (B.),
dance) piichah:* (without weap- brani intyetan.
ons) silat : (with a dab us in each Daring (dar'ing), adj. brani, per-
hand) berdabu,-<: (as insects) Me- kasa (Sk.), nekat*
baig.'^ Dark (dark), adj. glap, Mam/-'
Dance, s. /ar/,* iiinaii (B.), tandah, (dull, gloomy) suram;* (of
joget, gainJjoh,^' dansa (X.I.) colour) tua; (of the sky) rdop,
(1).). Sword dance, pnchal'* gobar* kbam;* (mysterious, hid-
Dancer (dan'ser), s. preiiipuan roig- den) sulit;* (ignorant) jahil
gng, prpinpuan joget, anah joget, (Ar.) ; (atrocious) jahat. The
bidiian^' dark ages, zaman jahiliat (Ar.).
Dancing; (-slug), s. Dancing girl, T'itcli dark, glap glita, glap mraba

sc<^ ahove. (B.).

Dandelion (drin'de-li-?ni), s. pll- Dark, s. kglapan, klain ;* (of night)
man-^ (Kl.). silain*
Dandle (dan'dl). y. t. (swinging) Darken (dark'n), v. t. glapkan,
a///;* (tossing) tiinaig. klainkan*
Dandruff (-druf), s. Idmnmor;^ Darkness (-nes), s. kglapan, klam;*

Hiinomoh (B.). (of night) silain*

Dandy (-di), s. psoWk/^ oraig yaiy Darling (dar'ling), adj. yarg di-
ber.wiek, si-l-arhali'. kasehi.
Dandified (-fid), adj. p-^olel-i^ /- Darling, s. kkaseli, chin la, ksayarg-
an, buah hati,* biji mata, ryawa;
Danger (dan'jer), s. baliya, mam,* (of children) timaigan;* (in ad-
iiirrhalii/a.'^ dressing a child) buntat, intan,
Dangerous (-?<s), adj. herbahya; gunoig.
(of sickness) fxiyali; (of a wound) Darn (darn) v. t. jruinat. ,

IXI rail. Darning (darn'ing), s. jrumat;

Dangle (dang'gl), v. i. (as tassels) (Swiss or stocking-web darning)
iimbai,*' jrumbai,* jumbal;* (of rajnt.
the feet) herayun Jcal'i* juntai;* Dart (dart), s. (javelin) Imbitg,
(as a broken arm) terkulai-hu' chain pak-bnaig,* pn dahan ;*
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror: old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
(smaller) sllfjij* (of blowpipes) Davit (da'vit or dav'it) (Naut.)
damak;* (for fishing) toholi* deivi (E.), pnjganiorg skoclii, prg^
sruit* gantotr] bot.
Dart, V. i. (move quickly as a snake) Dawdle (daw'dl), v. i. lergah, leka,
lanchar;'^ (dart forward) terpa; teiysan,* berlambat, chuta-s* ch-^
(dart out, as the tongue) jlir, leh,* jalan terniut-mut*
julor; (as flame) julat;* (dart Dawn (dawn), v. i. muta'i trarg,
past) Untas. terbit fa jar (Ar.).
Dash (dash), v. t. (throw or strike Dawn, s. tranj tanali, dinihari,*
violently) hntani, bantirg;
(down- fajar (Ar.), suboh (Ar.).
wards) limpas; (shatter) rmoh- Day (da), s. (as opposed to night)
I'an, imnchurkan; (spatter) per- siaty, siaiy^ had; (period of 24
vhek. To dash one's hopes to the hours) hari, s-hari s-malam; (age,
ground, put us ham p. period) zaman, jman (B.), masa,*
All day, s-panjanj hari, s-hari-
Dash, V. i. (rush) tmpoh, luru*
Dash, (rapid movement)
harian* Alternate days, ber-
s. tmpoh;
(line or haris. slarg hari. Day by day, s-hari-
Dastard (das'terd), s. hari, Uap-tiap hari. Next day,
pnahot, orairj
bachoL'-^ esok, besok. Noon day, trgah hari.
Dastardly (-li), The day after to-morrow, lusa,
adj. hachol*
Data (da'ta), s. The day before yesterday, ktmarin
(facts) pri-lial,''
hal-ehwal (Ar.).
dliulu. The third day, tidat.
Date 'llie fourth day, iuUn.* The
(dat), s. (the fruit) khurrna
fifth day, tulmn.'^
{Xv.), hormah (B.). The date
Daybreak (da'brak), s. fajar m-
palm, pohon. hliurrua (Ar.), pokoh
hormalv (B.). niergsciy.*

Date, Day-dream (-drem), s. argul.*

(epoch) zaman, jman (B.),

masa* Daylight (-lit), s. siaty, trarg

ktika, ivaktu; (day of the
month) hari-hulan, farikh (Ar.).
buboh hari-bulan.
Daytime (-tim), s. siarg hari.
Date, V. t.
Dated, Daze (daz), v. t. birgoiykan.
bfr farikh* (Ar. tarikh).
Dazed (dazd), adj. bitgorg, ksasar-
Daub (dawb), v. t. (with mud) an. nanar;"^ (on waking) terpikau-
lumorkan, chomorkan* chomot-
pikau;* (by confused motion) rn-
kan; (with colour) chonteiy, cham.'-^
chorety, lahur.* Dazzle v.
(daz'zl), t. siJau, sitau-
Daughter anak prem-
(daw'ter), s.
kan. To
be dazzled (of the eyes),
puan. Grand- dauglitcr, chuchu
prempvan. Step daughter, anak Dazzling (-zling), adj. gilarg-
tin prcmpuan.
gm ilaig/^ chmertarg.'^
Daughter-in-law (in-law), s. Deacon (de'kn), s. diahon (X.).
nnumtu prcmpuan. Deaconess diakonis
(de'kn-es), s.
Daunt (dawnt), v. t. bacholkan (X.).
italic Dead (ded), adj. inali, wafat (At.) ;
Dauntless Mes), adj. tiada ter- (of princes) margkat;* (vulgar)
bachol hati-n/a/-^ brani, perkam mampus: (relined expressions)
(Sk.), nekaf/^ hiian/, ktnbali* kmbali k-rahmat
David (da'vid), s. Da'ud (Ar.)._ Altati* mnirggalj^ mnirggal du-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire'
mirror old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorrv
;^ ; use, us, mint/s. cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
nm, putiti< lyawa. Dead ahead Deal, V. t.
(divide) bliagikan;
(Xant.). Ipat di-mid'a. Dead (trade) berniaga; (behave) ber^
body (of men), mayat; (animals) lakn:* (cards) parek* ckrgkefi*
hargkai. Dead calm (Xaut.) mati chirgkeh (B.). To deal in, ber-
at gin. Dead lieat, .S7"i. Dead lan- niagakan, berjual. To deal with,.
guage, hlia.sa oraig dhuhi haJa, jalan kan , b ickarakan .

Dead leaves, daun kritg. Dead Dealer (del'er), s. oranj berkdai,.

letter (no aiithorit}), liilaig kuasa. orarg yarg berniaga; (at cards)
Dead low water, iimpas. Dead perdi* ckirgkeli (B.).
march, lag a pada masa mrgkubor' Dealing (-iug), s. laku,'^' klakvan^
kan oratg* lagu oraig mati (B.). tergkahdaku. Double dealings
Dead shot, pandai mnemhak. tipu-daya, pusirg-blii, pular-ba-
Dead tired, tnat;^ Iteh-hu. Dead lek, putar-blit.
water (Xant.), olalc kmudi. To .Dean (den), s. guru dalatn skolah
stop dead, herhnii skali. b>:ar.

Dead. s. (dead persons) oraig mati. Dear (der), adj. (eostly) mahalr
The dead of winter, trgaJt 7/iimni (highly valued) indah: (beloved)
sjok. Tlie dead of nic'ht, ivaklii kka'^eli.

sntyap smyi pada malarn. Dearth (dertli), s. (scarcity) K

Deaden (ded'n), v. t. (as power, kuratgan;(famine) klaparan, k-
feelin<]f or sonnd) liilaigkan. baloran, kholoran (B.).
Deadhouse (-liows), s. bUek tmpat Death (deth), s. kmatlan, niaut; (of
in ay at. princes) margkat* kinargkaia.n.^'
Deadlock (-lok), s. skatan, terhnti. Death angel, matiku 'l-maut (Ar.) .

Deadly (-li), adj. (fatal) yarg mm- Death rate, bilargan oraig mali^
bawa mati, ya^W mm<itikan. Dead- Tobe at the point of death, naiAr
1}^ pale, purhat manai* puchat onibak, nazal'* (Ar. naz'a).
pudar* pucltat bagi mayat (B.). Death -bed (deth'bed), s. (time of
Deadly enemies, musoh s-umor deatli) ktika maut, ajal (Ar.).
hidop. Death-blow (-bio), s. (event which
Deaf (def). adj. (wholly) tali, destroys) khinam'an, kputusan.
pkak-tuU (B.) ; (hard of ii earing) Deathlike (-lik), adj. ^-laku niaii,'^
pkak; (temporary) brgap* big- spcrti mail.
arg:* (unwilling to hear) yarg m- Death's-head (deths'hed), s. trg-
nikakkan ilirga. Deaf and dumb, korak.
bif<n dan tuli, bisu pkak. Debar (de-bar'), v. t. (shut out)
Deafen (def'n), v. t. itiJikan, pkak- skat kan; (refuse, deny) tgah, ta^
kan. rarg: (hinder) iaiian.
Deafness (-nes), s. ktulian, kpkak- Debase (de-bas'), v. t. (make base >
'an, l>-hrgapan.* hinakan, rndalikan; (as coinage))
Deal (del), s. (share) bhagian: (of lanclionjkau.*
r-ards) par eh* chrgkeh* rhirg' Debatable (de-bat'a-bl), adj. yaig
keh (B.). A gof)d deal, sdikif ba- bedell di-baniahi* yarg boleli buaf
lyak* baryak jitga. A great deal, jtertigkuran (B.).
haryak. To think a great deal of Debate (de-bat'), s. perbnnlalian.^-''
one's self, Imirkan diri. baha.^* (Ar. banal li).
Deal, s. (wood of the fir tree) kayu Debate, V. i.
(dispute) berbantak*'
sro' (Ar.). bertrgkar; (discuss) berbichara^

te, ask, am. finol. care, car, carry; eve. hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice. it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, s^re. sort, sorry; use. us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ;' law, how, oilj thin tlwn.
herrutidlty, herroudetg (B.), ^'er- Decay (-ka'), v. i. jadi burok, jadi
akhtiar (Ar. ikhtidr), berbakas* rput* rosak; (become putrid) jadi
(Ar. baJiath). bnsok ; (become too soft, of fruit)
Debate, v. t. bantaJd'an, bicharakan. bonjor; (decline, grow less) ber-
Debauch (-bawcli'), v. t. (cornipt) kurarg-kuraig.
rosakkan ; (seduce) chaboli;* Decay, s. burok, kbnrok'an, krosak-^
(rape) rug id.'* 'an.
Debauch. s. chahol,^ lachah; Decayed (-kad'), adj. burok, rput,^
(drunkenness) mabok. rpok (B.), busok, rosak.
Debauchee (deb'o-she'), s. oraij) Decease (-ses'), s. kmatian, wafat
diaboL* omrg Inch ah, pmabok, (Ar.) ; (of princes) margkat.*
pfrhntch (X.I.)- Deceased (-sesf), adj. yaig mati,
Debauchery (de-bawcli'er-i), s. i/aig hihijg, yatg mnitggal,* yarg
rhabol* luchah. wafat (Ar.) :
(of princes) mar-
Debenture (-ben'chur), s. siirat hum. (Ar.). The deceased, si mati.
hufarg. Deceit (-set'), s. tipu-daya.
Debilitate (-biri-tat), t. t. Imah- Deceitful (-fool), adj. pnipu, hi-
kan, Ifehkan. da ah (Ar.).
Debility (-ti), s. klmahan, kltehan. Deceive (-sev'), v. t. tipu, perdaya-
Debit (deb'it), s. hutarg. Av//?,* smtan, knakan.
Debit, V. r. ma-<ok hutatg, bri masok Deceiver s. pnipu.
hulaig. December (-sem'ber), s. bulan di-
Debris (da'bre), s. pchahan rumali, seniber, bidan oraig puteh yarg
prhahan batu. kdua-blas.
Debt (det), s. hutanj. ])eep in debt, Decency (de'sen-si), s. snonoh,
hutarg berkredak. sni rggah."^
Debtor (defer), s. orarg berhutarg. Decent (-s^nt), adj. (decorous) s-
Debut (da-boo'), s. hal pertarna kali nonoh, sniiggah;^ (proper) patut;
ruasok maj lis. (fjiirlv o'ood) sdarg.
Debutant (da'boo-tax'), s. orarg Deception (de-sep'slimi), s. tipu-
ijarg niasok niajUs pertarna kali. daya.
Decade (dek'ad), s. s-puloh tahnn. Deceptive (-tiv), adj. pnipu, yarg
Decadence (de-ka'dens), s. krosak- urrysatkan.
an, kbnrok'an. Decide (-sTd'), v. t. tntukan, slsai-
Decadent (-d^ut), adj. yarg tnjali kan, slisekan (B.) (render judg-

tnnjadi burok. ment) bicharakan, putuskan, pa-

Decalogue (dok'a-lo<?), s. s-pnloh, int kan.
hnknrn Miisa. Decided (-si'd^d), adj. (unmistak-
Decamp (de-kamp'), v. i. (depart able, clear) tyata; (without waver-
suddenly) lari, atgkat kaki. ing) ttap; (fixed ]nirpose) tntu;
Decant (-kanf), v. t. tuarg per- (resolute) tgoh.
lahnti-hihan, tuarg plan-plan. Decidedly (-li), adv. surggoh, tiada
Decanter (-er), s. balarg,^ sraM,^ shak lagi (Ar.), tntu.
glok ngcr, klalarg.'^ Deciduous (-sid'u-?/s), adj. (as
Decapitate (-kap'i-tat), r.x. pan- trees) yarg Inroh daun.'^
choig, pargkas.* pegged leliir,^ Decimal (des'i-mal), s. (decimal
potorq kpala (B.) ; (on a block) fraction) pchahan perpulohan,*
indas.- pchahan s-puloh.
ate, ask, am,final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Decimal; adj. (by tens) s-puloh Decline (de-klln'), v. i. (bend, hang:
s-puloli . down) tundok; (slope downward)
Decimate (-mat), v. t. (destroy a iurun; (decay, diminish) ber^
large proportion) binasakan ba- kurarg-kuraig ; (deviate) sempaig,.
ryak-hanjak. miyemparg ; (refuse) 'rggan.^ j

Decipher (de-sl'ler), v. t. bnl-a Decline, v. t.

(reject) 'iggankan*"
ralisia tvlisan, baclia swat cliakar iolak; (Gram.) tasrifkan (Ar.).
ay am, njaiak-an. Decline, s. (falling off) kkwwyan;

Decision (-sizh'^/n), s. (act of de- (deterioration) krosaVaii yanj

ciding) I'piitusan, hpatutan; (de- bertambah-iambali ; (wasting di-
termination, choice) bichara, sease) kurns krirg, sakit mrana.
ptua* (Ar. fatwa), alchtiar (Ar. Declivity (-kliv'i-ti), s. cluiraman^
ikhtiar) ; '(quality of being de- chondorg, chondrorg (B.).
cided) I'tgohan. Decoction (-kok'shmi), s. (act of
Decisive (-sl'siv), adj. (able to boiling) rbiisan; (extract) pati.
decide) yanj mrylsaikan* yaty sli- Decollete (da-kol'le-ta), adj. ber^
sekan (B.), yafr/ mnntukan; (re- kmhan.
solute) ttap. Decompose (de'kom-poz'), v. i.
Deck (dek), v. t.
(adorn) Idasi/'' (dissolve) lianchur; (decay) jadi
riaskan (B.). bur ok, jadi busok.
Deck, s. (IS^aut.) dek (E.), gladak; Decomposition (de-kom'po-zish'-
(at the stem or stern of a boat) n). s. hal hanchur, pri inn jadi
lirggi, glmat; (along the edge of busok.
a boat) leper-leper; (two or more, Decorate (dek'o-rat), v. t. hiasi,'^
one over the other) tirgkat. riaskan (B.), dugkan (B.) (Ch>
Deckhouse (dek'liows), s. (Xaut.) iSHj).
rtiagmi. Decoration (-ra'sh?m), s. perhias-
Declaim (de-klam'), v..i. beriutor, an, prasan (B.) ; (mark of honour)
ucliap. bintarg kbsaran, pirgai.'^
Declamation (dek'la-ma'sh^ni), s. Decorous (dek'o-rv/s),adj. (seem-
s no noli: berbham.
uchapan. ly) (polite)
Declaration s. (act of Decorum (de-k("3r'm), s. snonoh^
declaring) W (-ra'shv/n),
mriiahimkan (Ar.), budi-bhasa.
hal mryatakan; (announcement) Decoy (-koi'), s. (birds) pniikat,
hiyataan. dnakf (elephant) chvak*
Declare (de-klar'), v. t. (make Decoy, v. t. (ensnare) iargkap
known) bri iahu, inaluwkan drgan tipu; (of birds) pikat; (by
(Ar.) ; (publish) masoliorkan (Ar. sounds) dknt,^ kesekJ^
wasjihfir), sntkanf^ (manifest Decrease (-kres'), v. i. kuranj, ber^
plainly) ryatakan; (assert, affirm) kuratg-kuraig, susut, turun, luak.^
sbotkan, kafakan clrgan tntii. Decrease, v. t. kuratgkan, turun'
Declension (-klen'simn), s. (slope) kan.
chondorg; (deterioration) k~ Decrease, s. kkuraigan, kmsuian.
romk'an yarg bertambah-tambah ; Decree (-kre'), s. (of God) firman
(Gram.) tasrif (Ar.). (Ar.), takdir (Ar.) ; (of princes)
Declination (dek'li-na'shwn), s. sabda,* Utah:* (oT a court) k^
(slo|X3) chondoig, chondrorg (B.) ; puiusan hukuiu.
(deviation) hal mryemparg. Decree, v. t. (of God) firmankatt.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, fr-rry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, scire, sort, sorry; use, us, min?/s, cure, injure,
tliin then.
liurrv; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil;
(Ar.), taMirhui (xVr.), huhum' lain sargat. Deep in debt, huiaig
lean (B.) ; (ol* princes) sabda* berkredak. Deep laden, sarat.
titalil'anf (of a court) putuskan Deep silence, snnjap. Deep in
hul'urn. thought, ifkiir (Ar.), sarat in-
Decrepit C-krep'it), adj. tua renia.^' niikirkan* Deep water (deep
part of a channel or of the sea)
Decrepitude (-i-tud), s. hlmahan, aronjan
hal yanj burol'. Deep, s. (deep water) tubir,^ lobok,*
Decry (-kri'), v. t. cMa, salahJian. ayer dalarn; (the ocean) lautan;
Dedicate (ded'i-kat), v.t. (for sa- (abyss) klburanj^' The deep of
cred ii?*es) l-udiiskan {Xv.), talibis- night, jauh rnalam.
kan (Ar.). To dedicate one's self Deepen (dep'n), v.t. dalamkan.
srahkan diri. Deepen, v. i. jacli dalam, bertambah
Dedication (-ka'shwn), s. lial mrg- daiam, walin dalam.
kudiLskan* (Ar. qiidus). Deep-laid (dep'lad'), adj. di-ada-
Deduce (de-dus'), v. t. datargkan kan drxjan cherdek.
fikiran, amhil tiinhargan, amhil k- Deeply (-li), adv. dalam, saigat; see
putusaii* also DEEP.
Deducible (-du'si-bl), adj. yarg Deer (der), s. (sambur deer) rusa;
hoi eh di-datatgkan. (barking deer) kijarg, mnjanjan*
Deduct (-dukt/), v. t. (take away, (X.I.); (chevrotin, large) brgku-
subtract) tolak, potorg. narg,"^' napoh;* (small = mouse-
Deduction (-duk'shim), s. (act of deer) pi and ok, kanchil (Jav.) .

deducing) hal nmdatargkan ; (act Deer-hog (der'hog), s. babi-rusa.

of deducting) hal mnolah; (tliat Deface (de-fas'), v.t. (injure,
which is
deduced, inference) spoil) rosakkan; (obliterate) hi-
kputusan timhanjan; (that which laygkan, hapuskan.
is deducted) yarg di-toJak, po- Defacement (-raent), s. krosak'an.
t organ. Defalcate (de-fafkat), v. i. Ian-
Deed (ded), s. (action) perhuatati, chorgkan kira-kira/^ palsukan
pkerjaan, feel (Ar.) (good ;
deeds) 'amal (Ar.) ; (sealed writ- Defalcation (de'fal-ka'shi^n), s.

ing) surat yaig di-miraikan* lanch rgan kira-kira,'^

Title deed, gran (E. grant), kii- Defalcator (defal-kat-er), s. plan^
hrik (X.I.) '{Tf.koop brief). choiT}.-^
Deem (dem), v.t. kirakan, saiyka- Defamation (defa-ma'sliMn), s.

kan, fjkirkan, bilargkan. innpat, fitnah (Ar.).

Deep (dep),adj. (far down) dalam ; Defamatory (de-fam'a-to-ri), adj.
(as a bowl), mo)gkom,'^ jlok/^ yarg mrgumpat, prgum pat.
prgga,'^dalam (B.) (as the hol-
; Defame (de-fam'), v.t. timpat,
lows of the eyes and neck) chrg- fitnahkan (Ar.), jahatkan.
kmg; (of the intellect, profound) Default (-fawlf), s. (omission,
dalam: (sagacious, cunning) cher- neglect) alpa,"^ Mai; (fault, ill-
dek; (of colour) tua; (of sound) deed) ksalahan. In default of (in
dalam., garan f
(of sleep) llap, the absence of), kalau kuratg, sbab
Inryak* lyadar/^ chndra.'^' Deep ktiadaan. Judgment by default,
darkness, glap glita.'^ glap mraba kpuiusan hiikiim sbab orarg tiada
(B.). Deep distress, susah ier- hadlir.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mim/s. cure, injure,
hiirrv; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Default, Y. i. aJpa* hersalah, as holeh di-jaga'i, yaig holeh di-pli^

above; (fail to fulfil a contract) harakan; (justifiable) yarg holeh
iiada mmpail'an janji; (fail to ap- di-bnarkan.
pear in court) iiada Itadlir (Ar.), Defensive (-siv), adj. yarg mmlU
t'ada pergi (B.). harakan, yatg mnjaga.
Defaulter (-er), s. oiwrj alpa/^' yaiy Defer (-fer') v. t. (put off) iaiggoh-
iiada sampail'an janji ^ yaiy tiada kan,"^ gantorgkan, tempohkan,
hadlir (Ar.). oraixj sal ah; (defal- pospo?ikan (B.) (E.) ; (delay)
cator) planch orgj^ te in pah kan, lambaikan.
Defeat (-fef), s. (frustration) h- Defer, v. i. (submit) turut. To
iiada an, l-baialan; (loss in battle) flefer to a person's wishes, turut
Valahan,* kiewasan,^ Vaiah (B.). kali an dak oranj.
Defeat, v. t. (frustrate) hatalhan, Deference (def'er-f?us), s. (sub-
i la dakan ; mission) hal
( overcome, vanquish ) rn/nurut; (respect)
alalikanj^ kalahkan (B.). To be horrnai, tlalini (Ar.).
tiefeated, alah,^ iewas* kalah Deferential (-en'shal), adj. yarg
(B.). ierlalu mmbri hormai.
Defecate (de'fe-kat), v. t. lerseh' Defiance (de-fi'^ns), s. hal mmrg--
kan, hnirgkan* jertiehkan. A'/.v^* hal mnikis.'^
Defecate, v. i. buaig-ayer bsar, k- Defiant (-ant), adj. yarg mmrgkis,*
111 aa
'<iugai hmr.'^ la Iran.
Defect (de-fekf), s. (deficiency) Deficiency (-fish'en-si), s. kkurarg-
kkvrargan; (imperfection, blem- an.
isli) chla, (h achat, cJidra (Sk.). Deficient (-^ut), adj. kurarg, ta'-^

Defection (-fek'sh^m), s. (apos- chukop.

tasy) murtad (Ar.) (abandon-
Deficit (def'i-sit), s. kkuratgan
ment of all e<?iance) khianat (Ar.). iraig.
Defective (-tiv), adj. (wantino, Defile (de-flF), v. t. climarkan,* ko^
lacking) kurarg; (imperfect) ia'- iorkan; (ceremonially) najiskan
snipurna, clidra (Sk.), herchachat. (Ar.) ; (rape) rirr/uL* rosakkan
Defence (-fens'), s. (act of defend- (B.).
ing) hal mmliharakan, hal mn- Defile, s. jurarg* Imbak yaig smpit,
jaga: (state of being defended) gairtg.
pmlikara'an; (that which defends) Defilement (-ment), s. (act of de-
iindotgan, pay org;* (answer or filing) hal mncliniarkan,'^ hal m-
])lea)jairah; (vindication, justifi- najid-an (Ar.) (dirtiness)
cation) hal mmhnarkan diri. chniaran* koior; (])ollution) na-
Defenceless (-les), adj. tiada ter- jis (Ar.).
lindouj, iiada pmliham. Define (-tin'), v. t. (fix the bounds
Defend (-fend'), v. t. (protect) pli- ot) perhiiggakan:'^ (mark out dis-
harakan, jagakan (B.) (shelter) : tinctly) tyaiakan, inhikan; (fix
/indo)gkan: (guard) jaga; (of a the meaning) ariikan, ni'anakan
lawyei') tolotg fnrhara. (Ar. inann).
Defendant (one who de-
(-ant), s. Definite (def'i-nir), adj. (fixed, de-
f<'nd>) pwlikara; (who answers a ierinia; (exact) btul.
large) yaig kna tudoh* oraig Definition (-]iisli'v/n), s. (deter-
tadohan* yarg kna d'awa. mination) kfnhmii: foxplanation)
Defensible (-fen'si-bl), adj. yatg prgertian.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Definitive (de-fm'i-tiv), adj. (de- By degrees, herpatgkat-patykaf,
terminate) tertnin; (eoiii-liisive) bfran.'<ur-ansnr.'^

yarg mmutiisl'an. Deification (de'i-fi-ka'shi^n), s. hal

Deflate (-flat'), v. t. l-mpiskan. nuyainakan dtgan Allah,
Deflect (-flekf), v. t. pesory* chon- Deify (-fi), v. t. samakan dtgan
dro tf/kan , h e ir/kol'l-an . Tidian, hormati saina sperti yaig
Deflected (-ed), adj. peneltorg,'^ patui bagi Allah.
hoyl-nk (B.). Deign (dan), v. i. (think worthy)
Deflection (-flek'sliwn), s. pesorg* berknan, sudi; (condescend) tun^
(hondroig, heigkol'. I dok, rndahkan diri.
Deflower (-flovv'ef), a'. t. rugiil,^^ I
Deism (de'izm), s. agama orarg
romkhin (B.). i yatg perchaya Allah, tiapi tiada
Deform (-form'), v. t. cltatggal'an* \
perchaya Kiiab.
rosal'hin rupa (B.). I
Deist (-ist), s. oratg yarg perchaya
Deformed (-formd'), adj., cltarg- Allah , dan tiada perchaya Kiiab.
ga:* (as a leaf) Jcretid;'^ (Iramp- Deity (-i-ti),s. (divinity) ktuha?i'
backed) horgl-ol-; (oi tile arm) an;"^ (a heathen god) dewa, dewi,
rherghorg.'^ chetgl-ol^ (B.) : (of Hah (Ar. pi. alihali). The Deitv,
fino-ers) krol-oi ; (of the foot) ler- Allah.
piut* Deject (de-jekt'). v. t. tairarkan
Deformity (-form'j-ti), s. chaigga.'^ hati.
Defraud (-frawd'), v. t. iipii, per- Dejection (-jek'slu/n), s. taivar
datfakan.^ po tit e tgl'a n . hati.
Defray (-fra'), v. t. bag('r, hlanja- Delay (-la'), v. t. (put off) iarg-
kan. gohkan* posponkan (B.) (E.) ;
Deft (deft), adj. pandai, pan fast. ( reta rd ) law batka n, le rgah ka n :

Defunct (de-funo'kt'), adj. rtianipus. (hinder) gn-dalakan,^ aralkan"^

Defy (-fi'), v. t. mrgkis* mkis* (Ar. 'aradl), iahankan.
Degenerate (de-jen'er-at), t. i. Delay, v. i. lergah, lambai.
jadi kuraig haik. liUarg haka, romk Delay, s. (procrastination) lergah;
iahi'at, romk praigai. (postponement) terapoh, targgoh :*

Degenerate (-et), adj. karatg baik, (liindrance) m/* (Ar. 'aradl)^

hi fill, kji/^' gndala'^ (Sk. kndala).
Degeneration (-a'?li?m), s. krosal'- Delegate (del'e-gat), v. t. (send as
'an praigai, hal run jadi kuratg ambassador) titnskanf'^ (entrust
haik. with power) wakilkan.
Degradation (deii'ra-da'slH/n), s. Delegate (-get), s. (person sent)
(act of detiTadinof) lial mmchaU utusan,^ surohan; (person elected)
kan, hal mnulahkan, hal mrghina' pilehan.
kan; (state ot beintr dep-aded) hal Delegation (-ga'shwn), s. (act of
ferprhat* krndalian, kahina'an. delegating) hal mrgutuskan/' hal
Degrade (de-^rad'), v. t. (reduce miuakilhan ; (persons delegated)
in rank) tunnikan : (remove from
oraig idnsan/^' orarg surohan, orarg
oflice) /^c/?/;* (in reputation) rn- pileltan.
daJikan; (in character) hinakan. Delete (de-lef), v. t. hapuskan^
Degree (-gre'), s. pargkai; (Xaut. bun oh, potorg, pararg : (with a
on a compass card) mata pdoman. cross) pargkali.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, rec^'nt, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mim/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin th^n.
Deleterious (del'e-ter'i-ws), adj. iulisan, gainbar, pta* sifat (Ar.
yaiy mndatargkan hnchana, yaiy mfat).
in rosahkan,yaty m in h inasakan ; Delinquency (-ling'kwen-si), s.

(noxious) mabok. (omission of duty) lalai, k'dlpa-

Deliberate (de-lib'er-at), v. i. tim' 'an;^ (fault) ksalahan; (crime)
haiy, herhichara, (as a
fikir; dosa.
council) hermaslmarat (Ar.), her- Delinquent (-kw6'nt), s. (one who
rundirg, herronderg (B.), I crura-, neglects his duty) oratg alpa;*
nra."^ (transgressor) orary salah, orarg
Deliberate (with care-
(-ot), adj. berdosa.
ful consideration) dnjan berityat- Delirious (-lir'i-?/s), adj. terigan-
irgat; (cautious) jimat; (slow) mrapek (B.).
perlahan-lalian,'^ plan-plan. Delirium (-?/m), s. igau,^ mrapeh
Deliberately (-li), adv. see above;
(B.), igan-igauan,^ lachau.* De-
also (intentionally) diyan siyaja. lirium tremens, gila 7nabok.
Deliberation (-a'shwn), s. iiyaU Deliver (-liv'er), v. t. (liberate, set
irgat, timbarg-mnwiharg. free) Ipaskan, lupidkan,^ bebas-
Delicacy (deri-ka-si), s. ksdapan, kan; (from slavery) merdheka-
kalialusan, klmalian, etc., as below ; kan;* (save) slamatkan; (give,
also (dainties) n'emat (Ar.). hand over) srahkan, sampaikan;
Delicate (-ket), adj. (])leasin*T to
(give forth) klnarkan; (in child
the lazat (Ar.) To be de-
senses) sdap, ;
birth) sambot anak.
(fine, not coarse) lialus, ybu,'^ livered of (bring forth), beranak-
sni;* rampiry* tirusf
(slender) kan, lahirkan^ (Ar. tldhir).
(soft andsmooth) Imbot; (of Deliverance (-ans), s. (rescue)
colour) niuda; (refined, gentle) klpasan, kluputan,'^ kbebasan, sla-
lialus-manis, Imah-lmbot; (of mat, kmerdhel-aanf as above.
health) Imah, Ita iulary* 'udzur Deliverer yarg mlpaskan.
(-er), s.
(Ar.) ; (requirinp^ careful hand- Delivery (lianding over)
(-i), s.
ling) sukar,'^ mnshkil (Ar.). sralian, hal mtyrah, hal mnjampai-
Delicious (de-lish'?/s), adj. (to the
kan; (style of utterance) bacha-
taste) sdap, lazat (Ar.), n'emat hal
'an, uchapan; (childbirth)
(Ar.), enak (Jav.) ; (to the smell) beranak.
liarum* tuanji.
Dell (del), s. Imbah kcML
Delight (-lit'), s. sukachita, k- Delta s. ianah 'nap* dl
snkaan, kymaran;"^ (of the sen-
kuala surgai, kuala yaig imganjvr
ses) n'emat (Ar.).
Delight, V. t. sukakan, gmarkan.^
Delude (de-lud'), v. t. iipu, per-
Delight, V. i. s^ika, yniar* berknan.

Delightful adj. yarg m- dayakan*

Deluded (-^d). adj. iperdaya*
n/nkakan, yarg nuygmarkan/''
sdap, lazat (Ar.).
Deluge (dei'uj), s. (overflowing of
Delineate (de-lin'i-at),- v. t. tulis, land) sbak,'^ ayer kojoh,*
gambarkan. sifatkan 'nipolian;* (rush of flood water)
(Ar.). ayer bah; (in Noah's time) tofan*
Delineation (-fi'shj/n), s. (act of (Ar. Taufdn).
delineating) Jial ninuli'i, etc., as Deluge, v. t. (overflow, overwhelm)
above; (picture, representation) liputi,* jrami,* tutopkan (B.).

her, ferry; ice, it, fire,

ate, ask. am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minMS, cure, injure,
thin then.
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil;
Delusion (de-lu'zhwn), s. (decep- kpindahan pargkat raja; (death
tion) tipu-daya: (state of hamg of royalty) niargkat.*
deluded) Issatan; (false belief) Democracy (de-mok'ra-si), s. pren^
ssatan. tahan oraig ramai.
Delusive (-siv), adj. yarg mrysat- Democratic (dem'o-krat'ik), adj.
han. cliara prentahan ramai.
Delve (delv), v, i. gall, chargJcol, Demolish (de-mol'ish), v. t. row-
horch. hak, rohoh, ruholi (B.), ritntoh.
Demagogue (demVgog), s. pvgasut Demolition (dem'o-lish'i/n), s. k-
orargliina-dina,^' piganjur r'ayat."^ romhak'an, krohohan, kruntohan.
Demand (de-mand'), v. t. (ask for Demon (de'mon), s. jiii (Ar.) ;
with authority) tuntut; (for pay- (evil spirits) hantu-shaitan ; see
ment of debt) turggu, tag eh;* SPIKIT.
(question) iarya, taryal'an; (re- Demoniac (de-mo'ni-ak), s. orarg
quire, necessitate) wajih
(Ar.) ; yarg di-rasok jin/^ oraig yarg kna
as, this affair demands an explan- liantu.
ation, wajib-Jali miyatalcan hal ini. Demoniacal (dem'o-niVkal), adj.
Demand, s. (askinp^ with authority) hantu-shaitan (a).
tuntutan. It is in great demand, Demonstrate (dem'on-strat or de-
mrgat di-Umtid akan dia; saigat mon'strat), v. t. (point out) tun-
di-hahandaki akan dia. Goods in
jokkan; (show, prove) ryatakan,
demand, baraty yarg laku, dagarg- trargkan.
an yarg laku;"^ also laris* and Za- Demonstration (dem'on-stra'shwn),
s. (exhibition) pertunjok'an;
Demarcate (de'mar-kat), v. t. per-
(proof) kiyataan, ktraigan.
hirggakan* tntukan smpadan, su^ Demonstrative
kat tanah. (de-mon'stra-tiv) ,

Demarcation s.
adj. yarg mryatakan, yarg mnrarg-
(-ka'slmn), per- kan.
kirggaan*, smpadan. Demoralization
Demean (de-mor'al-i-za'-
(de-men'), v. t. (behave)
sli//n), s. chabol,'* hichah; see be-
lakukan; (debase, des^rade) liina-
kan, kjikan."^
Demoralize v. t. (make im-
Demeanour (-er), s. (behaviour)
moral) chabolkan,* luchahkan,
klakuan, pkerti (Sk.) ; (bearinpf,
kasi orarg jadi jahat (B.) ; (cause
mien) sikap.
Demented to lose heart) tawarkan hati,
(-ment'ed), adj. nanar*
ksasaran. hgit,"^ Irgek (B.).

Demerit Demur (-mer'), v. i. (pause, delay)

(de-mer'it), s. (that which
deserves blame) ya7g patut di-chla, hertarggoh;* (object to, take ex-
kchla'an; (fault) ksalahan. ception to) ''rggan.^^
Demesne s.
Demure (-mur'), adj. sopan, sopan^
(de-men'), kamporg
oraig hsar-hsar.
Demigod (dem'i-f^od), s. chndra Demurrage (-mur'rej), s. blanja
shah iarggoh.*
Demijohn (-jon), s. kndi kaclia.* Demurrer (-mur'rer), s. terhnti-
Demise (de-miz'), v. t. (bequeath) an.'^

wasiatkan'^ (Ar. wasiyat). Demy (-mi'), s. ukoran kertas.

Demise, s. (transfer of the crown) Den (den), s. (cave) goa^ ffforg-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry ; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ;^ ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, ns, minws, cure, injure
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) : law, how, oil; thin then.
ijargf (squalid haunt) pondoJc. s. tndohan* kchla'an; see de-
Gamhliut^ don, logoh jiidi. XOUXCE.
Denial (de-m'al). s. (ne<]ration) Deny (-nf), v. t. (contradict, de-
ktidak'an; (contradiction) bantali- untrue) dustakan* baninlii*

an,* hal mmhantahi;^ (refusal to lidakkan, katakan bukan (B.) ;

grant) 'rggan,* tgahan; (refusal (refuse to grant, withhold) 'rg-
to acknowledge, disavowal) pnjatg- gankan* fgah; (disown, disavow,
l-alan, muigl'ir (Ar. munhir). repudiate) satgkal.
Denizen (den'i-zn), s. anah negri. Depart (-part'), v. i.
(go away)
Denominate (de-nom'i-nat), v. t. pergi; (retire, retreat) undor;
naniai* namakan, bri nania, shot. (start on a journey) berjalan, ber-
Denomination (-na'sli^/n), s. (epi- folak, berargkat (B.) ; (of prin-
thet) diotan; (name) nama; ces) berargkat; (pass away) lii-

(class, category) jnis, pargkat; lug : (die) mnirggal;* (take one's

(sect) madzhah (Ar.). leave) bermolion* miMa diri*
Denote (-not'), v. t. n/atakan, ianda-
To depart from (foisake), tirggal-
kan. kan; (desist or deviate from)
Denounce (-nowns'), v.
t. laljii:^

a s guilty ) salnh ka n,tu doh ;* ( cen- Department (-ni(?nt), s. (sul)divi-

sure) cilia. sioii) bhagian; (of official duty)
Dense (dens), adj. (crowded to- jaivatan,* pjahat kraja'an* pgarg-
gether) heramk-asak, ssak, rapat; an, pkerja'an; (territory) jajah-
(compact) niainpat; (of rain,
fruit, etc.) Ibat; (of foliage) Departure (-par'chur), s. (act of
rimbun* rendarg; (stupid) digu.^ going) pmgian,* pnirggalan;
Density (den'si-ti), s. kssak'an^ (death) kmaiian; (abandonment
of a ])lan or purpose) hal mniig-
krapatan, etc., as above.
Dent (dent), s. (hollow) Ikok,
galkan. A new departure, perkara
kmek,* kpek;'^ (notch) sambiig, ijaig bliaru. After my departure,
sombeig (B.). s-pniiggalan-ku.
Dent, V. t. Jridoig,'^ Ikokkan, kmek- Depend f-pend'), v. i. (rely) ber-
kan* gantoig, chada/g;* (trust, confide)
siunhlrgkan, as above.
ha rap, perch ay a. It all depends
Dental (clen'tal), adj. gigi (a).
JJental surgeon, doktor gigi, tukaig upon you, atas aigkau-lah perkara
ini. It depends on the state of
tlie tide, ikat pasarg surut-rga.
(den'ti-fris), s. nbat p-
Dependence (-ens), s. (state of
fyugi,'"^ podar gigi* obat gigi.
depending) hal
hergantorg, hal
Dentist (den'tist), s. iul'aig gigi.
perchai/a; (mutual relation) pri
Dentistry (-tis-tri), s. pkerjaan kna-mrgna; (subjection) pri falok
tukarg gigi.
Dentition (den-tish'v/n), s. tumboh
Dependency (-en-si), s. (subject
gigi. state) negri yaig falok (Ar.).
Denude (de-niid'), v. t. (make Dependent (-ent), adj. (hang-
bare) tJanjaujkan, buka; (of hair
ing down) bergantonj: also see
or trees) gondolkan; (of leaves)
itaxg; (relying on) hergantorg,
herhamp, tiada bebas; (of nations)
Denunciation '(de-nun'si-a'shwn). VaJok (Ar.).

ate, ask am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice. it
mirror fire.
rror;^ old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, iniure
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how,
oil; thin t/ien.
Dependent, s. anak huah; (retain- Depositor (de-poz'i-ter), s. orarg
er) prgirinj/'' yarg ptarohkan* orarg yarg simpan
Depict (-pikf), v. t. (portray) rw- waig (B.).
pahan, gamharl'an, sifatkan (Ar.) ; Depository (-to-ri), s. irapat p-
(describe iii words) chritakan. iarohan* orarg ptarohan*
Deplete (-plef), v. t. hmpakan,* Depot (dep'o, u. s.
de'po), s.

l-osorgl'tin. (warehouse) nudanj;

Deplorable (-plor'a-bl), adj. station) tmpat kdudokan soldado;
(lamentable) yarg patut di-ssal- (U. S.) tmpat perhntian kreta api.
kan; (calamitous) malarg, chlaka. Deprave (de-prav'), yA. rosakkan,
Deplore (-plor') v. t. (feel sorrow kjikan*
for) hersusah akanj (lament, re- Depraved (-prilvd'), s. kji* rosak.
gret) ssalkan.
Depravity (-prav'i-ti), s. kjahatan^

Deploy (-ploi'), v. i. t. (of troops)

kkjian,^ chabol,* luchah.
riggarg, nggmgkan. Deprecate (dep're-kat), v. t. (ex-
Deponent (-po'nent), s. orarg yarg
press disapproval) chla; (express
bersaksi, yatg mmbuat sural sum-
regret) i^botkan pri tiada berknan.
palt. v.
Depreciate (de-pre'shi-at), t.
Depopulate (de-pop'n-lat), v. t.
pandarg riiudali* permudahkan*
( destroy population ) turn paskan
pandarg rergan, pertidakkan, cha-
negri; (reduce population)
pall* chuai.*
kurargkan isi negri, suryikan.
Depreciate, v. i. turun herga.
Deport (de-port/), v. t. (carry
Depreciation (-a'slmn), s. hal m-
away, transport) luarg, pindali-
kan, njalikan;^ (behave) herlaku/^
mandaig mudah, etc., see above.
lakukan diri/^^ hawa diri.
Depreciatory (-a-to-ri), adj. yarg
rnuiandarg mudah, etc. see above.
Deportment (-ment), s. (conduct)
laku* kJakuan; (bearing) sikap, Depredate (dep're-dat), v. t. samon,
ranipas, rompalc*
Depose (-pos'), v. t. (dethrone) Depredation (-da'shwn), s. pnfa-
rnonan, prampasan, prompaVan*
pckat:^ (testify) hersaksi, naik
saksi. Depress (de-pres'), v. t. (press
Deposit (-poz'it), v. t. (lay down) down) tkan; (cause to sink) tun-
Itak; (put, place) huholi, taroli ;
dokkan; (bring down, humble)
(put away) taroh, simpan; (com-
rndahkan: (sadden) sndukan*
mit, intrust) ptaroli'kan/^ sralikan. brgokkan,* mashghulkan (Ar.) ;
Deposit, s. (sediment, of earth) (make dull, as trade) kurargkan;
tanah 'nap;* (dregs) liampas, Ma- (lower, as the muzzle of a gun)
dak,'* krak (B.)
(for safe keep-

ing) ptarolian;* (as security) cJia- Depressed (-presf), adj. '(dis-

garan,* luarg chagak (B.). pirited) susah hati, sndu,* brgok,*

Depositary (-er-i), s. pnaroli* rnashghvl (Ar.).
Deposition (de'po-zish't^n),
(act s. Depression (-presh'wn), s. (act of
of deposing or depositing) hal depressing) hal mnkan, etc., see
hersal'si, hal mmcliat* hal mltalc, depress; (state of being depress-
etc., see above; (sediment) see ed) krndahan, inashghul (Ar.),
deposit; (statement, declaration) sndu,* brgok;* (cavity) kmek,*
hryata'an. Ikok; (valley) Imbah.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min-jis, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Deprivation (dep'ri-va'shwn), s.
source) dafanjkati, terbit,^ ber-
(loss) hruqian. olehf (trace the derivation)
Deprive (de-piiv'), v. t. (bereave, iranjkan ktunman.
as of children) htiluskan;^ (take Derogate (der'o-gat), v. i. To dero-
away) rbot^ rampas; (make an gate from, kchilhan, kuraigkan.
end of) putusican, liilargkan; Derogatory adj.
(debar, shut out from) tgali. De- yaig virgcliilkan, yarg mrghinakan,
prived of life, putiLS-iyawa. De- yarg mrosakkan.
prived of office, terpchat* hilarg Derrick (der'rik), s. (^^aut.) tiarg
pargkat (B.). sayarg.
Depth (depth), s. ddlam. Dervish (der'vish), s. orarg per-
Deputation (dep'u-ta'sh/m), s. (act inpa/^ oi-arg beriapa, darwis
of deputing) hat mwaldUian, hat
mmsan; (delegation) omnj suroh- Descant (des-kanf) v. i. (sing)
an, oranj pilehan.
ryaryi; (discourse, comment) ber'-
Depute (de-puf), v. t. (as agent)
kata-kata, bertuior.
ivakilkan, bri knasa; (commission) Descend (de-send'), v. i. (come or
psan; (appoint) tntukan.
go down) turun; (plunge or jump
Deputy (dep'u-ti), s. pmaixjku,
down) terjun; (go down stream)
orarg gantian.
liilir;'^ (to a humble state) tun-
Derail (de-ral'), v. t. kochilkan^
dok; (be derived from) turun.
den landasan kreta a pi.
Descendant (-ant), s. kturunan,
Derange (de-ranf), v. t. (dis-
bneh, anak-cliucUu, anak pinak.*-
arrange) kacliau, kusutkan, haru-
'J'he following words express des-
birukan* klain-kahotkan.
cendants of the first five gener-
Deranged (-ranjd'), adj. (crazy)
ations, anak, chucku, cliichit,
nanar,^ kmsaran.
Derangement pint* onerg-onerg^ or piat;* Ba-
(-ranj'm^'nt), 5.
bas use olerg-olerg for the fourth
haru-biru* klarn-kabot, champur-
ba ur* champvr-gaul. generation.
Derelict (der'e-likt), s. (abandoned) Descent (-sent'), s. (act of descend-
ktirggalan, tertirggal; (careless,
ing) hal mnurun, hal mnerjun,
hilir;*(attack) pryrargan;* (ex-
neglectful) lalai, alpa (Sk.).
Dereliction (-lik'shi^n), s. (aban- traction,lineage) baka, bneh, k-
donment) lial innirggalkan: (ne- turunan; (declivity) churarnan.
glect) lalai, alpa (Sk.).
Describe (-skrib'), v. t. (draw,
Deride (de-rid'), v. t. (laugh at) delineate) tulis, litkis, sifatkan.
tertawakan; (scoff at) olok-olok- (At.) (by words)
; chritakan,
kan. rnclianalian* prikan* lyatakan,
Derision (-rizli'wn), s. olok-olok. trargkan.
Derivable (-riv'a-bl), adj. yarg Description (-skrip'sh?m), s. (act
datarg, yarg boleli dl-datargkan. of describing) hal mnidis, etc., as
Derivation (der'i-va'sht/n), s. h- above ; (sketch, representation)
turunan, asal. irdvian, sifat (Ar.) ; (by words)
Derivative (de-riv'a-tiv), adj. yaiy ckrita, kryataan; (class, kind,
inrbit deri-pada* yaig datarg deri- sort) jnis, bagai* macham.
pada. Descriptive (-tiv), adj. yarg m-
Derive (-riv'), v. t. (got from a lyatakan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car. carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mini/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Descry (-skri'), v. t. (discern) niat, takdir (Ar.), as above; also
nampalc, tampaJc;* (veeo^m&e) k- (intention) kasad (Ar.), maksud.
nal. By design, srgaja. Design for a
Desecrate (des'e-krilt), v. t. (divest house, riniba-rimba rumali,'^' plan
of sacred otfice) pchat;'^ (profane) rumah (B.) (E.).
najiskan (Ar.), hjikan.'* Designate (des'ig-nilt), v. t. (mark
Desecration (-kra'shwn), s. lial out) tandakan; (show, indicate)
iiiracliatj^ hal mnajiskan (Ar.). tun j ok, njatakan; (name) ylar,
Desert (dez'ert), adj. suryi, hlan- na7na'i,'^ shot; (appoint) tntukan;
tara* (select) pileh.
Desert, s. (solitary place) fanah Designation (-na'shzm), s. (act of
suiyi; (imcultivated land) tanah designating) hal mnandakan, etc.,
UantaraJ^ rimha hlantara,^ hiitan as above; (that which designates)
hlantara;'^ (sandy plain) padaiy tanda, kryata'an, nama, ktntuan,
pasir. glaran.
Desert (de-zerf), s. (reward) pa- Designedly adv.
hala; (that which is deserved) srgaja, dig an srgaja.
patuf, kpatutan, yarg lauak; Designer s.
(-er), pnulis pta,*^
(merit) jasa (Sk.). oraiy yary mlukis, yary mtyada-
Desert, v. t. tirggalkan, huarykan, kan."^
haiyaikan,'^ h rgkalaikan .
Designing (-ing) adj. banjak 'akal,
Desert, v. i. lari; (and go over to cherdek, panjary 'akal.
the enemy) helot. Desirable (-zir'a-bl), adj. yaiy di-
Deserted (-ed), adj. ktirygalan, ter- kahandaki, yary di-ymari,* yary
tirggal. di-suka'i, berknan.
Deserter (-er), s.
plari* pmbelot; Desire (-zir), v. t. man, hndak, ka-
see DESERT, V. i.
handaki, sualak, suka; (earnest-
Desertion (-zer'shwn), ?. (act of
ly) iryin, rindu; (request) minta,
forsaking) lial wnitggalkan; (ab-
sconding) plarian. -
Deserve v. t. mn- Desire, s. mau, kahandak, suka,
(-zerv'), patiit
iryinan, krinduan, niat, uiaksud,
dapat, patut kna, harus kna, patut
di , as, patut di-hri parykat, he hajat* (Ar. iidjat), hasrat"^ (Ar.
deserves promotion. uasrat).
Desirous (-ms), adj. berkahandak,
Deservedly (-ed-li), adj. dryan s-
suka, rindu.
patut-nja, digan s-harus-iya.
Desist (de-sisf), v. i. berhnti, Ipas.
Deserving (-ing), adj. patut, harus.
Desiccate Desk (desk), s. (for writing) meja
(des'i-kat), v. t. krircjkan.
Desideratum s.
tulis; (lectern) mimbar'^ (Ar.
uiinhar) ; .(bookstand for Kor'an)
(lack, want) klcuratyan, hajat
rihal (Ar.).
Desolate (des'o-let), adj. (uninha-
Design (-zin'), v. t. (delineate) tu-
lis, ptakan;* (designate,
luliiskan, bited) (forsaken) ktityyaU
appoint) tandakan, tntukan; (cre- an; (desolated, ruined) rosak.
ate, invent) adakan; (intend, pur-
Desolate (-lat), v. t. (lay waste)
rosakka n, b inasakan.
pose) kahandaki,* niat; (of God)
takdir (Ar.). Desolation (-la'slmn), s. kbinajSa-
Design, s. tulimn, pia/^ kahandak, 'an, krosak'an.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Despair (de-?]ar'), v. i. putus ha- ;
Dessert (dez-zerf), s. sajian* hualw
rd/), piiiiis am.'"^ I
huaJi dan manimn, pnjuchi mulut.
Despair, s. //ulus harap, putus asa* I
Destination (des'ti-na'slu/u), s.

Despatch (-.-padi'), v. t. see dis- I

(a(.-t of af)pointiug) Ital innntukan;
patch. (purpose, ultimate design) lea-

Desperado (des'per-a'do), s. oraty handal'; (place aimed at) tmpat

qaratq. oranj nehat,'^' samseng orarg hndak pergi, hujorg perjalan-
(Cli.'?). an.
Desperate Destine (des'tin), v. t. (appoint^
(-et). adj. (beyond I

hope) yarg putus harap; (of di- i

determine) tutukan: (of God)
sease) tiacla tersmhoh,'^ taboleh takdirkan (Ar.), hukumkan (B.)^
haik (reckless) tiada mrg"
(B.) : Destiny (-i), s. (predetermined'
indalil-an haliya,'^ t'ada iigat-irgat state, fate) nasib, untorg, untorg
7iasih: (God's fixed order) takdir
(B.) (very hazardous) satgat her-

hahya. (Ar.) (fixed time of death) aial


Desperation (-a'sh?/n), (state of s.

I (Ar.).
Destitute (des'ti-tut), adj. (defi-
despair) prl putus harap, pri putus
asa* cient, lacking") kurarg, khurargan;-

Despicable (des'pi-ka-bl), adi.hiua,

(needy, very poor) papa* miskin-
papa* tiada herupai/a.* barqsat
terhina, I'ji* 'a\h (Ar.).
Despise (de-spiz'), v. t. hiua'kan,
Destitution (-tu'shi/n), s. kkurarg^
kjikan* 'aibhan (Ar.), tiada mrg-
an, k pa pa'an* hal haigsat (B.).
indahl-an, pandaig mudafi,^ te-
rgotc ta'mata (B.). Destroy (de-stroi'), *y. t. (pull
dowji, as buildings) romhak, rohoh-
Despite (-spit'), s. (spite) drghi;
kan, pell ah: (ruin, spoil) rosak^
(malicions auofer) gram.
kan. hinasakan, punahkan;* (bring-
Despite, prep, jil-alau. . . .shall pun, to naught, annihilate) tiadakan,
siiiggoh pun. mslci pun. Despite
his youth. jU-alau muda sl'ali pun. hapuskan, tumpas, jhannamkan-
(put an end to, kill) hahiskan^
Despoil (-spoil'), V. t. rampa-^, sa-
Destroyer (-er), s. pmhinasa;
Despond (-spond'). y. i. frnrar hafi,
k civil yarg
(Xaut.) kapal pratg

jadi haeliol.'^'
terlalu laju.
Despondency (-^ii-si), s. gondah* Destruction (-struk'sh?/n), s. k^
tajror liati.
ro IN hak'a u , krosaVan, khinasa'an/
Despondent (-cut), adj. gondah,^' see DESTROY.
goudah tawar hall. Destructive (-tiv), adj. yarg m*
Despot pmrentali yarg
(des'pot), s.
rosakkan, yarg nunhina^sakan.
chul'op huasa-n/a, pmrentali yaig Desuetude (des'we-tud), s. (dis-
tiada terhiiggal-an* huasa-nja, use) linl tiada pakai lag I; (cessa*
orarg tlalim (Ar.), prganiaya. tioTi) kputusan.
Despotic (des-pot'ik), adj. yarg Desultory (des'ul-to-ri), adj. (dis-
tiada terhiiggal-an* huasa-n/a, tla-
connected) putus-putus, tiada ttap;
lim (Ar.), prganiaya.
(unmethodical) tiada hperaturan.
Despotism (des'po-tizm), s. huasa Detach (de-tach'), v. t. c-hraikan^
yarg tiada ierhi7yga,* aniaya, tla- asirgkan* shlalikan, pnchilkan*
lim (Ar.). lainkan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ioe, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use. us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry ; f odd, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin then.
Detachable (-a-bl), adj. (not Determine (-niin), v. t. (fix limits)
fixed) wuiJatairj. perhirggakati;* (settle) tntukan;
Detachment (-ment), s. (of (shape, prescribe) sifatkan (Ar.) ;
tru(>[)s) pa.'iolcan. (ascertain) tntukan: (bring to a
Detail rnchanakan,^
(de-tal'), v. t. c-<)iiclusi(tn) pufuskan, slmikan,
hital'dti satu-mta, prikan,^ butir- slis'pkan (B.) : (resolve, have fixed
kan* intention) tntukan, niatkan.
Detail (de'tal or de-tal'),(parti- s. Deterrent (-ter'rent), adj. yaig
cular.s. small parts) sgala hal, hal- nmjrek* yarg mrgjot.
fhual'^ (Ar. a\nral, pi. of lial), Detest (-test'), v. t. bnchi, bncki
sf/ala pri-hal, hnlir.'^ In detail, mluat.
satn-satn. Detestable ,(-a-bl). adj. kbnchian.
Detain (de-tan'), v. t. (restrain, Detestation (de'tes-ta'shun), s.

keep back, withhold) tgah, talian; bncJii, gli-gmanj^ gli-gmani (B.).

(delay) lamhatl-an: (keep in cus- Dethrone (de-thron'), v. t. pchat-
tody) pnjaraJi'an* kuronjkan. kan deri-pada takhta krajaan*
Detect (-tekf), y. t. (discover, find turunkan deri-pada takhta kraja-
out) dapat, da pat tafin ; (brin^ to 'anf^ turunka-n- deri-pada krosi raja
light) njaiakan. To be detected, (B.).
kda pa fan hudi* kna tatrjkap, da- Detonate (det'o-nat), v. i. Uop.
pat di-lihat. Detonation (-na'shwn), s. Itopan.
Detection (-tek'shwn), s. pnda/mf- Detonator (-nfi-ter), s. kep (E.
an, kiyata'an. cap ) .

Detective (-tiv), mata-niafa glap.

s. Detour (da-toor'), s, jalan berblit.
Detention (-ten'shwn), s. (act of Detract (de-trakf), v. t. (take
detaining) hal mngah* hal m- away) kurargkan, potorg; (de-
vahan ; (state of being detained) fame) urn pat.
1ml di'tgak, hal di'ialian, hal di- Detriment (det'ri-m?nt), s. yarg
lambatkan; (contlnement) phgit- unidatan/kan ruqi, bnchana, mu-
an* kpnjara'an* hal kna j el (E.). diarat (Ar.).
Deter (-ter'), v. t. (prevent by fear) Detrimental (-men'tal), adj. yaiy
kjotkan, firekkan* rosakkan, yarg mmbri mudlarat

Detergent (-jent). s. ohat ptyuchi. (Ar.).

Deteriorate (de-ter'i-o-rat), v. t. Devastate (dev'fls-tat), v. t. rosak^
burokkan, rosakkan-; (by friction) kan, binamkan, trgkarapkan* (Ar.
haus. kharab).
Deteriorate, v. i. bertambah rosak, Devastation (-ta'shun), s. krosaJc-
bertambah burok. 'nn. kbinasaan.
Deterioration (-ra'sh/m), s. hal Develop (de-vd'op), v. t. (make
burok, krosak'an, haiis. known or visible)
njatakan: (give
Determinable (de-ter'mi-na-bl), forth, produce) kluarkan; (to un-
adj. yarg boleh di4ntiikan. fold, as a bud) kmbargkan; (cause
Determinate (-net), adj. tertntn. to advance or increase) majukan*
Determination (-na'sh/m), s. per- lua4can, tambahi.
hirggaan.^ ktnhian. kputusan, see Develop, v. i. (as a flower) kmharg;
below; also (intention, purpose) (as a leafbud) bernas;* (grow)
makf^ud. kasad'^ (Ar. qasad), niat, tumboh :
(advance) maju*
'azam {AT.),hatkad ( Ar. 'itiqdd) . Development (-ment), s. (act of

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire
mirror: old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

developing) hal miyatakan, etc., Icrsarykot liati; (zealous) ta'at*"

as above; (developed state) hJcni- (Ar. TiVat).
haujaii, liumhohan, kmajuan/* Devotee (dev'o-te'), s. oraty her^
Deviate (de'vi-at), v. i. (turn aside) hnktl (Sk.), orary ber'ihadat
setnparg, mniempaiyy mnpi; (stray) (Ar.).
ssat: (diver^^e) penchorg* len- Devotion (de-vo'slmn), s. (strong
choiy; (vary, as a compass) sm- affection) kaseh-sayaiy , cJiinta;-
(loyalty) hakti (Sk.) ; (in re-
Deviation (-ri'sli?/n), s. hal mnjem- ligion) 'ibadat (Ar.) ; (prayer)
do' a, smhahyayy (B.) ; (earnest-
parg, iniysat, etc., as above.
Device (de-vIs'), s. (project, ness) tkiin, iaUW'' (Ar. Taat),
Devotional (-fll), adj. berhakti
scheme) upaya,"^ daya* daya-
upaya;-'- (artitlce) daya* 'aknl, {^k.),berihadat (Ar.)'.
elah* Devour (de-vowr'), v. t. (eat greed-
{At. iiUah) ; (emblematic
design) 'cdamat (Ar.), rajali* ily) ilan, gosak, majoh,^ char op:*
Devil (dev'l), s. ihlis, setan (Ar. (consume, destroy) makan hahis^
shaiTan) ; (evil spirit) jin.
Devout (-vowf), adj. (pious) her^
Devil, V. t. (cook with Cavenne pep-
bakii (Sk.), her'ihadat (Ar.), her-
per) delol:'' (E.).
Devilfish (-fish), s. doycda r (small- iman (Ar.), miimin (Ar.) ; (sin-
Icreta* sotoiy, see cuttlefish. cere) surggoh hati, tuhis hati.
Devilish adj. chara ihlvi,
Devoutly (-li), adv. (piously)
sliaitan A devilish business, digan hakti (Sk.) ; (sincerely)
sliaitan. dryan s-swgyoh-rya, dryati s-bnar-
Devilry (-ri), s. klahuan yarg jaliat
Dew (du), s. 'mhun.
skali, khryisan.
Dewlap (dii'lap), s. glambir, gla-
Devious (de'vi-?/.s), adj. ya7y m- bir.'^
njempary, yaiy mlencliory, serii-
Dewy (-i), adj. boymbun.
Dexterity (deks-ter'i-ti), s. kpantas^
Devise (de-vTz'), v. t. (invent, an, dialcatan.^
scheme) upayalcan,'^ chari 'aJcal;
Dexterous (deks'ter-?(s) , adj. pan^
(work out) relca* adakan; (give tas, cliakatan* ahli (Ar.).
by will) wasiatkan* (Ar. waaiyat). Diabetes s.
(dl'a-be'tez), knchirji
Devoid (-void'), adj. (lacking) man is.
kurary, herkiirary, diyan tiada. Diabolical adj. chara
Devolve (-volv'), v. t. (hand down) a mat bryis,"^ sargat bryis.
srahkan, pv larykan. Diacritical (-krit'i-kal), adj. dia-
Devolve, v. i. pidary, jatoh. critical marks, baris, nota* (Ar^
Devote (-vof), v. t. (by vow) niat- nuqTah), tanda bacha*an.
kan; (consecrate) knduskan* Diadem (-dem), s. patam* tkati
(Ar. qudus) ; (to destruction) kiindai,'^' wakoia.^
tntnkan akan hinasa. To devote Diagnosis (dlTig-no'sis), s. pndapat
one's self (give attention to), her- deri-hal pryakit.
tkun, hersuryyoh-suryyoh, her- Diagonal (dl-ag'o-nal), adj. serorg.
Uiyas/'' Diagram (dra-gram), s.
pta* gam-
Devoted (-ed), adj. (loyal) her- bar ; (magic) rajalh *
hakti (Sk.) ; (strongly attached) Dial (dl'al), s. muka jam, bundar
ate., Hsk, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure.
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tlxQn.
yarg bermata sperti pdoman* Dictate (dik'tat), s. hulcum, pren^
Sun dial, jam pnimbarg hayanj- iak.
b ay a ty ma ta h ari . Dictation (dik-ta'shwn), s. imla'*
Dialect (di'a-lekt), s. (languaf,'e) (Ar. imld'), rnchana*
bhasa; (local varieties of speech) Dictator (-ter), *s. pmrentah yary
pelat. iiada terhirygalcan* huasa-nja.
Dialectics (-lek'tiks), s. Hlniu ba- Dictatorial (dik'ta-t5r'i-al), adj.
has* (Ar. baiiath), 'ilmn per- yary hras prentah-iya.
bantalian.'^ Diction (dik'sliiai), s.
Dialogue (-log), s.
pertuioran, perkata'an* bhasa.
iulor-mnntor,'* sual-jawab, cha- Dictionary (-er-i), s. I'amus* (Ar..
I'ap jawab pergi jawab datary qd7nus).
(B.). Dictum (dik't7/ni), s. ptua* (An.
Diameter (dl-am'e-ter), s. sjy- fativa).
hary/^ baris di Die (dl), V. i. mati; (of princes)'
mlintary ttyah
bulatan. maiyl-at* wafat (Ar.) ; (vulgar)
Diametrically (dra-met'ri-kal-li), mampus: (euphemistically) hi-
adv. diametrically opposed, lain lary, mnirygal* mnirggal dunia,
skali. put us njawa, sampai ajal (Ar.),
Diamond kmbali* kmbalih-rahmat Allah;*
(di'a-m?/nd), s. intan, ber-
lyan, blijan (E. brilliant) ; (in (cease, be extinct, or extinguish-
cards) riin (D. ruiten). Dia- ed) hilanj, padam, putus. Die
mond shaped, blah htiipat. away, liilaty, Inryap. Die down
Diaper s. (of a flame)
(-per), (towel) tuala;
(for infants) chawat.
Die, s. (dice) buah dadu, buah
Diaphanous (dl-af a-n?is), pari* buah undi;* (chance, ha-
chrah. zard) undi.*
Diet (dl'et), s. (food, victuals) ma-
Diaphragm (dl'a-fram), s. slupat
Imnan, (Ar. rzU), jerki (B.) ;

Diarrhoea s. sahit (prescribed food) peraturan ma-

kanan, makanan pantary (B.).
buary-buary ayer, chirit (X.I.).
Diet, V. t. at'urkan makanan, tntukan
Diary (di'a-ri), s. surat pherjaan
s-hari-hari, buku makanan, pantaiy makanan (B.).
jernal (E.), Dietetics (dl'e-tet'iks), s. 'ilmu
iryatan Jcerja-Jterja.
m.nntukan makanan.
Diatribe (-trib), s. perbantahanf' Differ (differ), v. i. (be unlike)
Dibber bersUseh, berlain-lain; (be dis-
(dib'ber), s. tugal.*
Dibble (dib'bl), V. t. tugal.* tinguished) berbeza,* berbeda;
(disagree) tiada bersfuju; (dis-
Dibbler (-bier), s. pnugal^
pute) berbantah.*
Dice (dis), s. dadu (Port.), buah Difference (-ens), s. persUsehan,
dadu, buah pari,* buah undi* klainan, perbeza'an,* perbantah'
Dicebox (dls'boks), s. Icpoh dadu, an,* farak (Ar.). The difference
hotak dadu. is, bersalahan.
Dictate (dik-tat'), v. t. (utter for Different ber-
(-ent), adj. lain,
another to write) mchanakan* sUseh, bersalalian, asiry,* berbeza.*
imla' (Ar.) ; (say authoritatively) jnis-jnis, macham-macham , ber-*
suroh, inentalilian. bayai-bayai,* plbayai,* tiada ber-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice,
it, fire'
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
stuJN, soe DIFFER. A>rv ditferent, pointed

instrument) chungkil,
tcrlahi jauh hpza-nja,^ if rial u jauh chorhok.
l>('(fa-n/a. Digest (di-jesf). v.t. (arrange)
.'Differently (-li), adv. lam pula. aturkan; (assimilate food) han^
Differential (-en'slid), adj. yaty

rhorkan, hadhamkan
(Ar.), clier'
brrs'liseh^ yauj mmhezal-an,^ yarg nakan (X.I.), siau kasi
fN laMwi. \
(Ch.); (tliink over) fikirkan;
Differentiate (->lii-iit), v. t. heza- \

(comprehend) migerti.
/v///,* be(iak(i}i, lainkan, a^sirgl-an* ] Digest (di'jest), s. peraturan hukum
Difficult (di.t"fi.kvd.t), adj.(hard to '

ataii undarg-undan).
do) .'iul-ar/^ pay ah; (attended "vvath Digestible (di-jest'i-bl), adj. yaty
trouble) ,visah, muslikil (Ar.) ; ika.'i
hanchor, yatg Ikas Jiadham
(arduous) hrat, Iras. Difficult to
uhtaiu, .<nsah dapat, pa yah dapat.
Digestion (-chv/n), s. lial mrgatur-
Ditticidt to understand, 'umum*
kan, etc., see digest.
(At. ghumfimf).
Digestive (-tiv), adj. yarg mmhri
Difficulty (-kwl-ti), s. Jcsukaran,'^ hadham (Ar.), yarg kasi siau (B.)
I'payahan, Isamluw, lihratan, k-
kramn, as above.
Digit (dij'it), s. jari.
Diffidence (-d<?ns), s. sliah hati
Dial a, sgan, see below.
Dignified (dig'ni-fid), adj. sopan-
(Ar. ),
Diffident sanfun/^ stedi (B.) (E.)'.
(-dent), adj. (distrust-
iid of self) shak haii (Ar.), ta'- Dignify (-fi), v.t. hsarkan, mulia-
kan. bri hormaf.
ttap: (timid) kurarg hrani; (bash-
ful) fnaJu, sgan. Dignitary (-ter-i), s. oraig hsar.
Diffuse (dif-fuz'), v.t. (cause to
Dignity (-ti), s. (honour), kmulia-
as a fluid) \iu, kbsaran; (stateliness of man-
spread, kmha/tgkan;
(send out, scatter) hamburkan; ner) sopan-santun.^
{disseminate, as information) m^a- Digress (di-gres') v. i. (in writing
lutnkan or speech) balek, kaiakan lain per-
(Ar.), khabarkan; (as
kara. To digress from a subject,
li<:-bt) pancharkan* *
Diffuse, V. (of fluids)
)gga Ikan sm an tara
/' .
kmbaiy; (of
light) panchar: (of scents) smer- Digression (-gresh'i/n), s. pri fn-
hak* merbak (B.). n/alakan Jain perkara.
Diffuse (-fits'), adj. (widespread)
Dike (tllk), s. (ditch) parit, ahir;*
ramharg; (verbose) midut rain- (embankment) bndorg* tbiiy;
harg; (prolix) Janjut.^ (ridges between rice flelds) hatas.
Diffuseness (-nes), s. mulut rani- Dilapidated (di-lap'i-dat-ed), adj.
batg. laujiit perkafa'an* (of l)uil dings) rinbas* pchah;
Diffusion (-fu'zh?ni), hal (generally) bur ok, rosah.
b. mrgm-
batgkan, etc., see diffuse. Dilapidation (-dii'shMn), s. hrosak-
Diffusive (-siv), adj. yary mtym- 'an, kbitrok'an.
baig. yarg mnmnchar, smerbak* Dilate (di-laf or di-lat'), v. i.

fiierbak (B.). (swell up) muai;* (as the eyes)

D\% (dig), v.t. (generally) gali; bliak; (by inflation) hmhory, ylm^
(with a hoe) rhargkol; (with sharp borg: luas; (speak
(grow wide)
instrument) korfik; (as in mining, largely) lanjwtkan perhata'an*
liorizontally) clibah:* (poke with panjargkan perkata'an.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
Dilate, v. t. mua'ikan,'^' hmhoiy'kan, gtnpifa,'^ blianaf' in some senses
luashin. the meaning may be expressed by
Dilatory (dil'a-to-ri), adj. leigali, sound words, such as, gmrenchergy^
laitihaf, chnlas* clilelt.* drain, Igal'-lgok/'^ etc.
Dilemma (di-lem'ma or di-lem'ina) ,
Dine (din), v. i. makat) ; (eat the
s. pmilehan aniara dim perkara principal meal) makan trgah Jiari,
yanj ^usali. or, makan malani ; (of princes)
Dilettante (dirct-tan'te), s, orarg satiiap.^'
s-trgaJi masak dalain pkerjaan. Dinghy (ding'gi), s. (I^aut.) sam^
Diligence (diri-jeiis), s. rajin, pan,tonda, jorgkorg, samboh
usalid (Sk.). (Pers.).
Diligent (-jent), adj. rajin^ her- Dingy (din'ji), adj. (soiled) eh-
iisaha (Sk.), hertkun. mar,'^' kolor; (dusky colour) iremia
Dilly-dally (dirii-darii), v. i. r7i?/,- pala^'
la^* chleh/^ mdin-main saja (B.). Dining s. Dining room,
Dilute (di-liif or di-lut'),, v. t. clia- bilck makan. Dining tal)]e, meja-
'"vrkwn, cliampurkan ayer. rnakan.
Dilute, adj. cha'ir. Dinner s.
(din'ner), (principal
Dim (dim), adj. (lacking? bri^^ht- meal) makan irgah liari, or makan
ness, of light) klam, muram,^ malam.
suram:^ (of colour) iidam;'^' Dint (dint), kmek.*
s. Ikok, By
(hardly visible) kahus* say up f'' dint of, drgan knasa.
(not seeing clearly) kahur: (mis- Diocese (dl'o-ses), s. jajalian ya^g
ty, indistijict) kahot, halam-
di'pre7itahkau oleh s'orarg bishop
Dim, V. t. Mamkan,'^ kabuskan,'*' ka- .(X.).
Dip (dip), V. t. (insert in fluid and
hurkan, kabotkan, as above.
withdraw) chchah; (immerse)
Dimension (di-men'slitm), s. (mea-
clilop; (as a glass dipped in water
surement) ukoran; (size) bsar; to fill it) bnamkan; (lower a flag)
(extent) khiasan, klapargan. furunkan.
Diminish (di-min'ish), v. t. (in
Dip, V. i. (incline downwards) cJion-
quantity) kurargkan, luakkanf- To
dotg. dip into a book, bacha
(in size) krliiJkan.
mlanfkau-laigkau,* bacha mJan]-
Diminish, v. i. rda, snsut, kurarg.
Diminution (dim'i-nu'sh?/n), s.
Diphtheria (dif-ther'i-a), s. sakit
(act of diminishing) lial migurarg'
kan, hal migcliilkan; (state of be-
Diphthong (dif'thong or dip'-
ing diminished) kkara^gan, kluak-
'an* ksusutan. thong), s. dua bunji berhuborg.
Diminutive (di-min'u-tiv), adj.
Diploma (di-plo'ma), s. snrat k-

kcliil, fini,"^ liaJiis, kchik (B.).

trangan deri-hal plajaran.
Dimness (dim'nes), s. Uam-kabot, Diplomacy (di-plo'ma-si), s. per^
kabur, kahus,'^ mitrani* suram;* aiuran titus-mrgutusf' (tact)
see DIM. Uikal-budi.

Dimple (dim'pl), s. cliawak,'^ cha- Diplomatic (dip'lo-mat'ik), adj.

ir ak pipi* .
(tactful) bijaksana,^ ber'a'ka.U
Din (din), s. bi-sitg, bechok,'^ irgar/'^
biidi. To have diplomatic re-
irgar-batgar* rioh-rndah, ggak- lations, utus-?nrgutus*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Diplomatist (di-plo'ma-tist), s. Dirty, v. t. kotorkan, chmarkan, etc.,
lUu.^an,* oranj imndai niryutus.'^ as above.
Dipper (dip'per), s. (ladle) gayorg, Disability (dis'a-bil'i-ti), s. ka-
pnchedoh, ckentorg, sibur;* (small li
Hanjan kuasa, pri tiada kua.'<a,
bucket) timba. klmaJian.
Dire (dir), adj. (ill-omened) sial; Disable (dis-a'bl), v. t. (deprive of
(dreadful) dahshat (Ar.), haibat force) Imakkan, kurargkan kua^a,
(Ar.). hilatgkan kuam; (cripple) kodoig-
-Direct (di-rekf), (straight) adj. kan/-' kudo'}ykaii (B.).
(urus, btul, trus; (sincere) tuhis: Disabled (-bid), adj. (maimed)
(unambiguous) trvs traiy; (not kodorg/^ kadoig (B.) ; (of ships)
oblique) tpat* rosak.
Direct, v. t. (point, aim) tuju; Disabuse (dis'a-buz'), v. t. Ipaskan
(point out) tunjok; (regulate, deri-pada silap ataii tipu-daya.
govern) aturkan, prentahhan ; (or- Disadvantage (dis'ad-van'tej), s.

der) suroh; (a letter) 'aJamatkan bnchana, rugi, miidlarat (Ar.).

(Av.). Disadvantageous (dis-ad-van-ta'-
-Direction (-rek'sh?/n), s. (act of jws), adj. tiada bpiia'idali, yarg
directing) lial mnuju, etc., as iinnbri miidlarat (Ar.), yarg inn-
above ; (command, instruction) datargkan bncJtana.
peraturan, prentah, psan, hukum; Disaffect (dis'af-fekf) v. t. (a-
(address) 'alamat suratf' (line) lienate) jauhkan hati perstruJcan*
iu'jiian, Jiala,"^ araJi. musohkan (B.) ; (disturb the
Directly (-rekt'li), adv. drgan lu- functions) kacJiau.
rus, drgan tidus, triis traig, see Disaffected (-ed), adj. berstru*
DIRECT, adj.; (immediately) digan berm usoh (Q.), ja uli -h ati.
sgra, s-bntar itu jiiga, serta-m erta. Disaffection (-fek'shz/n), s. per-
Director (-er), s. yarg mmrentali' Hruan* jauh-hati.
kan; (of a company) kpala. Disagree (dis'a-gre'), v. i. (not
Directory (-o-ri), s. kitdb pandu.'^ agree) bersliseli, tiada berstuju;
Dirge (derj), s, lagu prindu,'-^ biji (be unlike) berlainan, berbeza*
ratap* berbeda, tiada sama; (quarrel)
Dirigible (di'ri-ji-bl), adj. yajy brrdisfh; (be unsuitable, as food
di-tujukan, berkmiidi.
bolelb or medicine) ta's-rasi.
Dirk (derk), s. kris. Disagreeable (-a-bl), adj. (un-
Dirt (dert), s. (generally) kkotoran, pleasant) tiada berknan, ta'sdap;
kdimaran;* (mud) lumpur, be- (of smells) mamy.
cliak, bichak (B.), lechak;* (ex- Disagreement (-m^nt), s. per-
crement) na/is' (Ar.), tahh"^ ta'ik slisclian, ta'slujiian, perbeza'an*
(B.) ; (loose) mmpah, sarap;* perbedaan, w vfarakat ( Ar. ) .
(dry and flaky) kredak; (from Disallow (dis'al-low'), v.t. tiada
tlie skin) daki. bri, 'rggankan/'^ tolak, tiada lu-
Dirtiness (dert'i-nes), s. kkotoran. lu.^* batalkan.
Dirty (dert'i), adj. kotor, dimar* Disappear (-ap-per'), v. i.
naji'^ (Av.) ; (of water, turbid) Imp, liHatg, ghaib (Ar.), piyap.*
kroli; (smeared with dirt) ber- Disappoint (-ap-poinf), v. t. (frus-

Tumor, choniot, berslekeli;* (after trate) taliankan, tgahkan; (de-

evacuation) snjkelat.* prive of hope) kchewakan, putus-

-ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
I'ari harap. ])isappointe(l, l^a- Discernible (-i-bl), adj. (percept-
harapan/^ kdiewa. ible) iiampak, tantpak/^ yatg dapat
Disappointment (-mcnt), s. pri di-lihat, n/ata.
Jraharapan,^ kchewaan. Discerning (-iii<?), adj. tajam 'akal,
Disapprobation (dis-ap'pro-ba'- ch'crdek.
sh?/u). s. pri tiada herlman, hal Discernment (-ment), s. hal mm^
viiyalahl-an', hal mncMa, kchlaan. bezakan,^ pri mlihat; (sagacity)
Disapproval (dis'ap-proov'al), s. tajam 'akal, cherdek; (insight,
same as above. mental vision) prgertian.
Disapprove (dis'ap-proov'), v. t. Discharge (dis-charj'), v. t. (cargo,
Hada perlinanl-an, tiada hnarlwi, as vessels) punjgah; (loads) bonj-
salahhin. kar; (an arrow) panahkan; (a
Disarm (dis-arm'), v. t. iarggalkati gun) pasarg; (a debt) bayer, lan~
sfijafa; (deprive of force) hilanj- sai/^ halalkan; (obligations, res-
Van I'uasa. ])onsibilities) sampai/mti; (from
Disarrange (flis'jV-ranj'), v. t. la- employment) Ipaskan; (from
chaukan, halai-halaikan;-^ (as office) pchat;^ (as water from a
hair) gerhargkan. V'lP^) pancJiarkan; (as a wound)
Disarranged (-mnjd'), adj. porak- kluar nanah, nenes.^
parek; (of feathers) rarggas.^ Discharge, s. (act of discharging)
Disaster (diz-as'ter), s. kmalargan, hal nimuiggah, etc., as above; (of
chlaka, halak (Ar. bald'). a prisoner) klpasan; (of firearms)
Disastrous (-trws), adj. malarg, das:"^ (from a wound or a diseased
rhlaka. eye) nenes.*
Disavow (dis'a-vow'), v. t. sargkal, Disciple (dis-si'pl), s. murid, anaJc
muigkir (Ar. munlcir). rnurid.
Disband (dis-band'), v. t. Ipaskan, Disciplinarian (dis'si-plin-ar'i-an),
chrai-hraikan. s. pandai
migajar, plateh.'^
Disband, v. i. pcliali, chmi-hrai, ber- Discipline (-plin), s. ajaran, lateh-
kchai-kcliai,^ an:^ seksa, see below.
Disbelief (dis'be-lef ), s. tiada per- Discipline, v. t. (educate) ajar;
chaija, kurarg percliaija, shak hall. (accustom to control) lateh*
Disbelieve (-kV), v. t. tiada per- biasakan; (chastise, correct) ajar,
c/iaga. kurarg perchaya. seksakan.
Disburden (dis'ber-dii), v. t. Ipas- Disclaim (dis-klam'), v. t. mwg-
kan deri-pada targgoigan. kir (Ar. munkir), sargkal.
Disburse (-bers'), v. t. blanjakan, Disclaimer (-er), s. (one who dis-
kJuarkan blanja. claims) pnjargkal, yarg murgkir;
Disbursement (-iiient), s. blanja. (disavowal) pnjaigkalan, kmurg-
Disc (disk), s. bulat lepir; iffor kiran.
throwin<]^, discus) chakra (Sk.). Disclose (-kl5z'), v. t. (uncover)
Discard (dis-kard'), v. t. (dismiss buka, ddah; (reveal) buka, ryata-
from employment) Ipaskan; (cast /ran, lahirkan* (Ar. tldhir).
off) buarg, chanipak; (of cloth) Discolour (dis-kul'er), v. t. obah-
spok; (reject) toJak. kan inerna, turunkan luerna.
Discern (dis-sern' or diz-zern'). v. t. Discolouration (-a'shzm), s. per^
(discriminate) bezakan/^ beda- obaJian wcrna, kturunan werna;
kan; (perceive) lihat. (of teeth or fruit) karah;'^ (of the

ate, ask, am. final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, lis, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
skill iu patclies) panau; (on liaiids ]nent) kurarg perchaya, vinaroh
and feet only) sopak: (with shak.
Toiiorlniess) kdal.^' Discountenance (dis-kown'te-
Discomfit (-kum'fit), v. t. (in bat- nans), (put to shame) hri
v. t.

tle) pchah praiT), alahkan* Mah- main; (refuse approval) tiada per*-
kan (B.) :
(disconcert) hiiyorij' knankan, t'ada sukakan (B.) ;
kan. (restrain) tgalikan.
Discomfiture (-fi-clmr). s. Valali- Discourage (-kiir'ej), v. t. (dis-
an,^ hinjorg. hearten) taicarkan hati, hachoU
Discomfort (-fert), s. (uneasiness) kan liati;* (obstruct, restrain)
pri iasnanj, sumli. tgalikan. I was discouraged,.
Discomfort, v. t. susaM, susalihan. tairar-Iali hati-ku.
Discompose (dis'kom-poz'), y. t. Discouragement (-ment), s. iaivar
karJiauJiWiy liaru-biruJcan :'^ (men- liati, pn'galtan, as above.
tally) hlrgoigkan. Discourse (dis-kors'), s. (conver-
Disconcert (dis'kon-serf), v. t. sat i on ) perch ajiu pa n, pert a toran ;
(throw into confusion) hachaukwi; (treatise, dissertation) ucliapan.
(mentally ) Urgorgkan. Discourse, v. i. hertutor, herkata-
Disconnect (-nekf), v. t. cltraikan, kata, herchakap.
oMrgkan. Discourteous (-kurt'i-i/s), adj. ku^
Disconsolate (dis-kon'so-let), adj. ra^g ajar, hiadab (Pers.), kuranj
tiada terhihurkcm; (sad, dejected) hhasa, ta'taliu 'adat.
gondahi* gondah gaulana* her- Discourtesy (-es-i), s. hiadab
dukacJdla.* susah-liati. (Pers.), klxasaran, kuraty hhasa.
Discontent (dis'kon-tenf), s. pri Discover (-kuv'er), v. t. (reveal,,
tiada herl-nan, haii tasnatg. make known) lyatal^an, ktarakan,
Discontented (-ed), adj. tiada her- kluarkan, lahirkan'^ (Ar. tldliir) ;
knan, tiada pitas liati, ta'suka, ta'- (find, out, detect) dapat, dapat
snarg. tahu. His sin was disco vered^
Discontinuance (-tin'u-ans), s. k- ,
dosa-nfa sudah ktara.
puti/san, ksudahan, prghahisan. Discovery (-i), s. kdapatan.
Discontinue (-tin'u), v. t. (cause Discredit (-kred'it), v. t. (dis-
to cease) herhntikan, piituskan, believe) kuraig percliaya; (bring-
hahiskan : (leave off) tirggalkan, into disrepute) rosakkati nama.
higkalaika?!.'^' Discredit, s. kji,* nama tahaik.
Discontinue, v. i. Iterhnti, hrenti Discreditable (-a-bl), adj. yaig m-
(B.), put us, Ipas. rosakkati nama, kji.*
Discord (dis'kord), s. persliseJian, Discreet (dis-kref), adj. sopan,
ta'stujuan; (of music) hunji jaig- h ij'a ksan a, n dima n *J) .

gal* Discrepancy (-krep'an-si), s. &er-

Discordant (dis-kord'ant), adj. lainan, perheza'an* perheda'an,
hersliseh, ta'stuju, janjgal* (as persliseJian.
above). Discretion (-kresh'zm), s. sojmn,
Discount (dis'kownt), s. han,"^' snonoh. Surrender at discretion,.
kamsin (E.). mryrahkan diri atas pertimhargan
Discount (dis'kownt or dis-kownt'), musoh* Years of discretion,
V. t. (make an abatement) kurarg- 'umor hudak-bndak msii ikut
kan, tolak, potonj; (doubt a state- prentah negri. At one's own dis-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
(Totioii. a peril
pprtimharyan sn- herknan. In disfavour at court,
(iiri. kna nmrka (Ar.).
Discriminate f-krim'i-Dat). v. t. Disfigure (-fig'ur), v. t. rosakkan
(mark as diftVrent) hezal'an,* nipa, burokkan.
hedaknn. Disfigurement (-m^nt), s.
Discriminate, v. i. (make a. differ- krekof.
<:'Tice. treat unequally) lainl'an. Disgorge (-gorj'), v. t. (vomit)
Discriminative (-iia-tiv), adj. taliu munfahkan, smburkan; (give up,
iinuili'h, fahu mmbezaJi'an* ialiu surrender) srahkan.
mmhedal'an. Disgrace (-gras'), s. '(loss of re-
Discus (dis'kns), s. chalm (Sk.). spect) Z-r/^^i/;^ (sliame, dishonour)

Discuss (dis-kus'), v. t. (reason 7nalu, 'aib (Ar.), k'aipan* ho-

upon, deliate) hicharakan, iira-ura- nar:"^ (cause of shame) araiy di
l-an/^ see debate. initka* kji.*
Discussion (-kush'^m), s. hicliara, Disgrace, v. t. (bring shame on)
ura-ura* bri malu, bri 'aih (Ar.), 'aihkan;*
Disdain (dis-dan'), y. t. pandaixj (treat discourteously) kjikan*
mudah.^ liinakan, permvdahl'an* h itiaka n , iafh ormatkan (B. ) .

cJiapal'.* Disgraceful (-fool), adj. kji,* yaiy

Disdain, s. JtaJ 7t)
ryhinal'an. tnnibri main.
Disease (diz-ez'), s. sakit, ptyakit, Disguise (-giz'), v. t. samar/^' sa-
lamhifan. in arkanj^
Diseased (-ezd')^ adj. herptyahit, Disgust (-gust'), s. kjmuan, kgli-
an,^ nivak* luat* bosan,"^ gli'
Disembark (dis'em-bark'), v. t. ynian* gli-glman/^ gli-gmam
(discliarofe cargo or persons) puty- (B.).
(jali. Disgust, V. t. (cause loathing) jmii-
Disembark, v. i. naih darat, turun kan, glikan; (offend the taste)
deri Vapah niuakkatn;* (displease) luatkan*
Disenchant (-en-eJiant'), v. t. Ipas- bnsankan*
kan deri-pada hvam yarg sial, ta- Disgusting '(-ing), adj. (in appear-
war; (disillusionize) Ipa-'^lnn deri ance) gli; (in smell) maurg; (in
tipu-daya. taste) inuak;^^ (offensive) kbticlii-
Disencumber (-kum'ber), v. t. Ipas^ an.
kan deri-pada taiygoiyan; (of ob- Dish (dish), s. (vessel) pirggan;
structions) traiyhan, laparghan. (with a cover) basi;* (food
Disenfranchise (-fran'chiz), v. t.
s(^rved) sajian, liidargan.'^
hilniykati hak anak neyri.^ Dish. V. t. saji, Jiidaig.*
Disengage (-p:aj'), v. t. (set free) Dishcloth (dish'klawth), s. kain
Ipad-an: (detach) huka, urai."^ lap.
Disengaged (-gfijd'), adj. (un- Dish cover (-kuv-er), s. tudoig saji.
employed) tiada
kerja; (at Dishearten (dis-hart'n), v. t. tawar'
leisure) snarg; (vacant) kosoixj. kan liali, sjokkan liati (B.).
Disentangle (-tangVl), v. t. urai- Dishevelled (di-shev'ld), adj. (of
kan .* rombakkan, hukakan (B.) ; liair) fergerbaty, mrggei'bajg (B.),
(the hair by shaking) nsai* ie rural. ^
Disfavour (dis-fa'ver), s. hal tiada Dishonest (dis-on'est), adj. pnipu.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minits, cure, injure,
liiirry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
tiada tidns liati, iiada ainanat khianat (Ar.), iiada btid halt
Dishonour (-er), v. t. (brinf^ shame Dismal (cliz'm^l), adj. yarg mnibri
on) hri main, hri 'aib (Ar.), 'aib- duka;"^ (in appearance) morotg;
Jcanj* (treat with indi.jTnity) kji- (of sounds) dayu,'^ pilu.
kan;* (violate chastity) rugul,'^ Dismantle (dis-man'tl), v.t. rom^
romkJcan (B.) ; (decline
cliaboli,^ bak, borgkar, pchah.
to pay, as a draft) 'njgan mm- Dismast (-mast'), v.t. paiah tiarg,.
hayer* tamau hayer (B.). chahot tiaig.
Dishonourable (-a-bl), adj. l-/i.* Dismay (-ma'), v.t. bri dahshat
Disinclination (dis-in'kli-nfi'shwn),
(Ar.), gobarkan.
s. hal tahermaksud, lial tasuka.
Dismay, s. dahsliat (Ar.).
Disinclined (dis'in-klmd'), adj. Dismember (-mcm'ber), v.t. chrai-
tiada berhnan, ta'suka. I am dis-
kan arggota (Sk.), bhagi-bhagi-
inclined to eat, sahya talalu ma- kan.
han,'^ ta'rasa mau makan (B.). Dismiss (-mis'), v.t. (send away)
Disinfect (-fekf), v. t. hilavjkan
Ipaskan; (discard, discharge from
kjargkitan, chuchi diyan ayer busok. iolak^
office) pchat/^ (reject)
Disinfectant (-fekt'ant), s. ayer hal an, buaig.
Dismount (-mownf), v. i. (front
Disinherit (-her'it),pcJiat* v. t.
a horse) turun, ierjun.
deri-pada nmjadi waris, tolak deri-
Dismount, v. t. (bring down) in-
pada mnjadi waris. runkan; (take down, machinery)
Disintegrate (dis-in'te-grat), v. t.
* buka, rombak.
pcliah-pckali , prai-praika7i .

Disobedient (dis'o-be'di-ent), adj.

Disinter (dis'in-ter'), v. t. korek
iiada ninurut preniah, dcrkaka^
may at deri kubor.
Disinterested (dis-in'ter-est-ed) ,
Disobey (-ba'), v. i. larggar, larggar
adj. tiada brat sblah, tiada sblah-
prentah, derhaka. To disobey a
mnjblah, tiada berharapkan fa-
rule, larggar peraturan.
Disoblige (-bllj'), v.t. tiada mm-
Disjoin (dis-join'), v.t. chraikan.
Disjoint (-joint'), v.t. chraikan perknankan .

sndi* chabot sndi* roinbakkan. Disobliging (-ing), adj. hamak*

Disk s. see disc. Disorder (dis-or'der), s. (confu-
Dislike ta'suka, tiada sion) haru-biru,'^ cham/pur baur,"^
(dis-lik'), v. t.

berknan, Inat.'^ champnr-gaul, klam-kabot; (tu-

Dislike, s. hal tiada berknan, luat.'^ mult) huru-hara, gadoh; (sick-
Dislocate (dis'lo-kat), v.t. (a ness) piyakit. In disorder, ropak-
joint) kochilkan*
kehelkan;"^ rapek.'^

(put out of order) kachau-bilau- Disorderly {-Yi), adj. see above.

kan, kachau-belokkan (B.). Disorganize (-gan-iz), v. t. haru^
Dislocation (-ka'sh^m), s. kochilf^ binikan*- kachau-bilaukan* cham-
kachau-bilau, as above. pur-gaulkan.
Dislodge (dis-loj'), v.t. aleh, pin- Disown (dis-on'), v.t. (refuse to

dahkan, kluarkan, halaukan. own) sargkalkan, muigkirkan, ta'^

Disloyal (dis-loi'al), adj. tiada mrgaku; (refuse to allow) 'rggan^
stia (Sk.), iiada berbakti (Sk.), kan* tolak.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror: old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minwa, cure, injure,
hurry; fo5d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Disparage (-par'ej), v. t. pandarg lyaiakan, trargkan; (to view) per-
mudah* iiada indaklcan, chapak.* lihatkan; (vertically) denderg-
Disparity (-i-ti), s. beza,*^ perbeza- kan.*
an* heda. Display, s. (ostentation) krugahan;"^

Dispassionate (-pash'im-et), adj. (show, parade) tmasa (Sk. tama-

(calm) luiti inarr], liati sjok; (im- sha).
pai-tial) iiada sblah-mryhlah. Displease (-plez'), v. t. gusarkanj^
Dispatch (-pacli'), v.
t. (do quick- kchilkan hati. To be displeased,
ly) Ikaskan; (send
bavjatkan* iiada berknan.
things) kirim, lianiar; (send per- Displeasure (-plezh'-ur), s. gusar,^
sons) suroh, liantar; (send a let- kchil hati, sakit hati.
ter) hujargkan;* (kill) bvnoh. Disposal (-poz'al), s. hal mrgatur,
Dispatch, s, (message) siirat kirim- etc., as below.
an; (speed) sgra. Dispose (-p5z'), v. t. (arrange)
Dispel (-pel'), v. t. liilaigkan, In-
atur; (settle, determine) tntukan,
fyapkan. dsaikan, slisekan (B.) ; (incline
Dispensary (-pen'sa-ri), s. kdai the mind to) chndrorgkan. To
obat, apotek (^.I.) (I^-)-
dispose of (determine the fate
Dispensation (dis'pen-sa'shiai), s. of), patutkan, prentahkan; (sell)
(acts of administration) hal mn-
jual; (get rid of) buaig.
jalankan; (exemption) kbebasan, Disposed (-pozd), adj. (inclined
iziii(Ar.). Dispensation of Pro- to) chndrorg k-pada. Ill disposed,
vidence, iakdir Allah (Ar.). rn ian> haii.
Dispense (dis-pens'), v. t. (dis-
Disposition s. (ar-
tribute) bhagikan-; (administer)
I'aiigoment) aturaw; (inclination)
jalankan. To dispense with,
chndroig hati, nafsu; (tempera-
(omit) iitggalkan; (do without)
ment) praigai, tabiat.
iiada pakai.
Dispossess (dis'poz-zes'), v. t. ram-
Disperse (-pers'), t. t. (scatter)
ha nt b n rkan ch rai-brai-
)ms heria.
, serakkan,
Disproportionate (dis'pro-por'-
kan; (diffuse, spread) kmbanjkan :
sh//n-et), tiada drgan kadar-
(dissipate, dispel) liilargkan, In-
nja^ (Ar. qadar), tiada sama rata.
Disprove (dis-pr5ov'), v. t. per-
v. berpchah, bevcJirai'
iidakkan, lyatakan dusta,* ryata-
brai, beriabur, herimpiaran^'
kan tiada bnar, lyatakan bohorg-
Dispersion (-per'shun), s. lial
chrai-brai, hal bertaburan.
Dispirited (-pir'it-ed), adj. tawar Disputable (dis'pu-ta-hl), adj. yanj
hati. dapat di-baniahi,^' yarg boleJv di-
Displace (-phis'), v.
t. (remove by
lifting) pindahkan;
aleli, (by Disputant (-tant), s. pmhatitah.*
})ushing) smr/^ kcsut; (crowd out) Disputatious (-ta'sh?/s), adj. ya^y
iolak. suka 7nnibantah,^ yarg suka ber-
Displacement (-ment), s. (volume, irgkar.
as of a sliip) bsar-iya. Dispute (dis-pfif), V. i. berbantah,*
Display beriufkar, bersli^eh, balah.*
(-plu'), v.
(spread wide,

as wings) kmbargkan ; (as a map) Dispute, V. t. baniahi,'^ balah,* ttg-

bnlaigkan; (exhibit) Uinjokkan, karkan.

4te, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure\,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tlion.
Dispute, s. pei'hanfalian,* perttgkar- Disseminate (-i-nat), v. t. tahur^
aii. hainhnr.
Disqualification (dis-kwori-fi-ka'- Dissension (-sen'shwn), s. persdseli^
.-l)//n), shah yaiy niKj/iilargl-aih
s. an.
liiiam atan liak^ (Ar. irnqq). Dissent (-sent'), v. t. hersliselt.
Disqualify (-i-fi), v. t. (debar le- iiada hrrstaju.
gally), tolak (leri-pada hal';'^ (dis- Dissenter (-er), s. yaty hersliseh/
able) hilarykan huam, Inia/ilwi. (nonconformist) orary yary her^
Disquiet (-kwi'et), v. t. siisaJii, him' (krai deri-pada ayarna kraja'ati.
hatyhan liaU. Dissertation (dis'ser-ta'shwn), s.
Disquisition (dis'kwi-zish'im), s. perckakapan, vc^Jiapan.
(search) siamt (Ar.), prekm; Dissever (dis-sev'er), v. t. hkayi-
(essay) surat ptylidel'.'^ kan, ckraikan, putuskan.
Disregard (dis're-gard'), v. t. (neg- Dissimilar (-sim'i-ler), adj. Hada
lect) lahiikan, alpakan:'^' (over- sahia, lain rupa, hersalakan.
look) lalai* humry indahhan, Dissimulation (-a-la'shn), s,.

ticida sdar akan; (ignore) tiada pura-pnra .* mnka-ninka.

amhil talin; (slight) chuai* clia- Dissipate (dis'si-pat), v. t. (dispel)
pak* kiUuykan, Inryapkan; (squander);
Disrelish (dis-rerish), v. t. tiada haatykan. kahiskan, horoskan.
nafsu, ia'siika, bnchi. Dissipated (-^d), adj. ckahol,'^' lu^
Disrepair (dis're-par'), s. In dis- ckafi.

repair, hurok. Dissipation (-pa'shzm), s. pnihoros--

Disreputable (dis-rep'u-ta-bl), adj. an,pcnkaholan*
herchla, kji* lecheli. Dissoluble (dis'so-ln-bl), adj. yary
Disrepute (dis're^puf), s. nama da pat kanclrur.
jahat, naina yary clda, kcMa'an, Dissolute (-lut), adj. ckaliol* lu-
rhachat. rliak.

Disrespect (-spekf), s. kuraiy adah Dissolution (-Ifi'^h/zn), s. see Dis*

(Af. ). kuiwy horniat. soL\ j:.

Disrespectful (-fool), adj. kiiraty Dissolve (diz-zolv'), v. i. (break

ajar, kimin/ h'ham, kuranj adah up) pckak : (separate) chrai;
(Ar.). (njelt, as salt, ice, etc.) kanchur/
Disrobe (dis-rob'), v.
tarygalkan t. (melt, as metals) Ihiir, cka'ir; (a
pakaiari,'^ hnkakaii pakaian. marriage, by a kadli on wife's re-
Disruption (-rup'shv/n), s. hal m- <|ncst) pasak* (Ar. fasakk).
iiichali , chrai-hrai. Dissonant (dis'so-nant), adj. jary-
Dissatisfaction (dis-sat'is-fak'- yal^' sunihary.'^'
sh?in), s. hal iiada herknan, lial Dissuade (dis-swad'), v. t. nasikat^
tiada puas kali. kan jaiyan huat* laratykan dry an
Dissatisfied (-fid), adj. tiada her- pu/jok.
kiiati, tiada puas Jiati. Distaff (dis'taf), s. tiary raliat*"
Dissect (dis-sekf), v. t. pryyal-pry- rakal/^ rnryanieli hnary.
yalkan.^- Distance (-tons), s. jaali; (inter-
Dissemble (-sem'bl). \. i. hiial- val)an/ara, jaral'* rryyaiy.
hnat, pura-pura* nnika-niiika, Distant (-i^nt), adj. jauk, rryyary^
siat'Siat (B.) (Ch.). dnra/^
Dissemble, v. t. samarkan* Distaste (dis-tasf), s. hurary nafsu^

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, flre^
mirror; old, not, conaect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, niinMS, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, avvfool (awful); law, bow, oil; thin then.
Distasteful (-fool), adj. ta'sdap. Distribution (dis'tri-bu'slmn), s.

Distemper (-tem'per), s. (malady) (the act) hal mnibhagikan; (the

ptyakit; (paint) kapur bercham- state ) pmbhagian.
pur perl'at. District (dis'trikt), s. jajaJian*
.Distend (-tend'), v. t. Icmhory, hun- da'irah (Ar.), niukim, desa CN.
chit. ].). District officer, pgawai ja-
Distill (-til'), V. i. t.
(fall in drops) jahan.*
titek; (as light rain) rintelc'rintelc, Distrust (dis-trusf), v. t. mnaroh
rntyai-rnnjai;* (condense from va- shak akan, kuraig perchaya.
po-ur) ivap di-jadikaii ai/er dalam Distrust, s. shak, wasargka.*
I'lil'usan. Distrustful (-fool), adj. yarg m-
Distillery (-er-i), s. tmpat hiiat naroh shak, sliak hati.
arak. Disturb (-tnrb'), v. t. kachaukan;
Distinct (-tingkf), adj. (of place) water)
(ot* kochak; (from sleep)
a^ifg,"^ asiTg-asitrj ^ (different) kjotkan.
lain, Iain-lain, berbeza,* berbeda; Disturbance (-ans), s. (disquiet)
(clear, well defined) traty, njata. kachau; (agitation) ham-biru;'^
Distinction (-ti'ngk'sh?m), s. (dif- (tumult) huru-ham, gadoh, gm-
ference) beza,^ perbeza'an,* be da; ])ar, riisoh.*

(eminence) hmulia'an. Disunion (-iin'ywn), s. perchraian,

Distinctive (-tiv), adj. berlainan. perslisehan.
Distinctly (-tingkt'li), adv. see Disunite (dis'u-nlf), y. t. cJiraikan,
DTSTTXCT. a-sirgkan.
Distinguish (-ting'gwish), v. t. Disuse (dis-uz'), v. t. (discontinue
(set apart) hiinl-an;
(discern) a practice) hilajgkan, buarg;
bf'zal'an,^ bedakan; (by a mark of (cease to use) ta'pakai, Ipas.
honour) muliakan. Ditch (dich), s. parit, aluran* lorg-
Distort (-tort/), v. t. (as the fea- kaig.
tures) eruil'an : (the body or a Ditto (dit'to), adv. yarg tersbot di
plank) gldii-gf (facts) boJionj- at as, itu juga.
l-an. Ditty (-ti), s. s-patah kata, garm-
Distract (-trakf), v. t. (perplex, dani.^'

confuse) kachaii, kusutkan; Diurnal (dl-er'nal), adj. (in day-

(craze) gobarkan hati, gilakan. light) sianj hari; (daily) s-hari-
Distrain (-tran'), v. t. tahan. hari, tiap-tiap hari.
Distress (-tres'), s. (suffering) Divan (di-van'), s. (council of
kMakifan, .^eksa, sigsara* 'adzab state) dewan (Ar.) ; (council hall)
(Ar.) ; (affliction) ksusaJian ; balai;*^ (couch) gta.^^
(danger) bahya; (distraining) Dive (div), v. i. slam; (by jumping
tahan. into water) terjun.
Distress, v. (cause pain) sakiti,
t. Diver (-er), s. pnjlam.
seksa^ka n ; ( afflict ) s asah kan ; ( seize Diverge (di-verj'), v. i. (turn aside)
for debt) tahan. nriyempan/, ssat; (differ from a
Distribute (-trib'iit), v. t. (ap- type) berbeza,^ berbeda.
portion) bhagi, bhagikan, itntok- Divergent (-ent), adj. ymg mryem-
kan:'^ (separate into classes) a^nrg- patg, yarg berbeza,* yaig berbeda,
kan: (as alms or food, etc.) <fa- berlainan.
Divers (di'verz), adj. berbagai-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
hagai, herjuis-jnis, machani-ma^ Divisible (di-viz'i-bl), adj. yairf
cliam, rupa-rupa, plbagai.* dapat di-bhagi, yatg boleh di^
Diverse (dl'vers or dl-vers'), adj. bhagikan.
(different) herlainan, Iain-lain, Division (di-vizh'?/n), s. (state of
hersalalian, see different; (dis- division) perchraian; (that which
tinct, separate) asirg-a^irg.'^ divides) pnchrai; (portion separat-
Diversify (di-ver'si-il), v. t. sn- ed) blahan, bhagian, witok;* (of
i iasa m njohah I'an. rice fields, etc.) petak; (of fruits,,
Diversity (-ti), s. heza,"^ perheza- as oranges) pargsa; (alienation^
UinJ^ be da. discord) perslischan; (Math.)
Diversion (-slnm), s. (turning bhagi.
aside) pnjempatyan; (amusement) Divorce (di-vors'), s. ialak, cJirai^
permainan. pamh'"^ (Ar. fasakli).
Divert (di-verf), v. t. (turn aside Divorce, v. t. (of the marriage-
by road or stream) mryempargkan; bond) chrai, cliraikan, ialak, bu-
(ward off) tpisJcan,"^ iargkiskan;'^ (^"JJ (^y the kadli, at woman's
(amuse, entertain) siikakan. request) pamhkaif^ (Ar. jasal-li) ;.
Divest (-vest'), v. t. (unclotlie) (separate, disunite) chraikan,..
tlanjargkan; (deprive of) pupus.^ asirgkan.
Divested of his possessions, yarg Divulge (-vulj'), v. t. (reveal, dis-
kna ranipas sgala herla-nja or close) lahirkan^ (Ar. lUthir)^.
milelc-iya (Ar.). kluarkan, lyalakan; (proclaim)
Divide (-vid'), v.
t. (part asunder) masohorkan (Ar. fnashJiur), m-
hlah; (in small pieces or quan- 'alumkan (Ar.). To reveal a
tities) tandirg;'^ (keep apart) secret, mmbttka rahsia.
chraikan , asi igkan ; ( distribute ) Dizziness (diz'zi-nes), s. pniig,.
hhagi, hhagikan, imtokkan;'^ (dis- rayatgf^ (froui being at a height)
unite) chraikan, jaulilwi. riarg.^'
Dividend (div'i-dend), s. untok,* Dizzy (diz'zi), adj. pnirg, pnirg
bhagian. kpala, piisirg rayarg,*
Divination (-na'shim), s. tilel', riarr/:'^ (slightly) pnirq-pnirq Mat..
inorg,* ramal (Ar.), 'ilmn sihir Do (dod), v.t. buat, bikin (Pi.) (N..
(Ar.), sastra (Sk.). Divination I.) ; (finish) sudahkan, habiskan,.
by numbers, tilek abjad (Ar.). puiui<ka7i. Do not, jargan, ta-
Divine (di-vin'), adj. ilahi (Ar,), usah. Dow do you do, apa khahar..
deri-pada Allah, Allah (a). That will do, jadi-lah, sudah-lah.
Divine, s. guru agartia. A Veil to do,
manipa.'^ To do some-
Divine, v. t. (anticipate) injat d- thing to a person, pigapakan.*' 'Vo
huJu; (surmise) agak; (predict) do without, ta'iimh palcai. To do
fiabvatkan (Ar.). the hair, dandan rambot.'^' AVJiat
Divine, v. i. titek, inotg/^ bacha ra- shall we do? apa 'akal kila? apa
mal (Ar.). bichara, kiia?
Diviner (-er), s. pnilek, pnnorg, Docile (du'sTl, U.S. dos'il), adj. ji-
mstrairan (8k.). nak.
Divinity (di-vin'i-ti), s. (state of Dock (dok), s. (for ships) limborg-
being divine, deity) ktnhanan:'^ an,'^ galargan,* dok (E.) ; (for
(false god) deiua; (theology) ihnu accused in court) kandatg orarrj
agama. sal ah.

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mini/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Dock, (cut oir, as a tail) hrat,
V. t. (dismal) mororg; (causmg grief)
(cut wac^es) poion).
panjl'as;'^ yaig mmhlaskan liati,
Docket (dok'et), .s. surat Uilainat.'^' Doll (dol), s. anak-anak, patoty.
Doctor (dok'ter), s. (title) (luru; Dollar (dol'ler), s. rirggit, rial'

(of medicine) tukaiy ohat, tabib (Port.).

(Ar.), duJcun; (European) dok- Dolphin (dol'fin), s. lumha-himha.
tor; (Chinese) senjse^^ (Ch. sien- Dolphin-striker (-strlk-er), s.

S't" = teacher) ; (esp. ol' magic (]^ant.>) pnjantan, hutoh-hutoh.

arts) homo,* homor.'^ Dolt (d5lt), s. orarg hodoh, orarg
Doctor, V, t. ohathin; (tamper with, hbal, oran] hnak, si-tolu.
falsify) chanipur, laticliorghanj^ Domain (do-man'), s. (territory)
Doctrine (dok'trin), s. prgajaran. tanah milek (Ar.), kairasan;* (de-
Document (-u-ment), s. swat k- mesne) kamporg. The sultan's
njaiaan, surat ktrargan. domain, tanah yarg di hawah pren-
Dodge (doj), v. i. (in runnin^]^) tail s id tan.

Meckel^, herkUtr' (by moving the Dome (dom), s. giihah* (Ar. qnh-
body) elak. hat).
Dodge, s. (cunning trick) '
'akal, Domeshaped (-shapt), adj. her-
elah''(Ar. iielahi. gnthoL
Doe (do), s. rnsa Mina, hijarg htina. Domestic (do-mes'tik), s. oratg
Doe rabbit, hucliirg hlanda htina.
Doff (dof), V. t. targgalkanr huka. Domestic, adj. (of the home) ru-
Dog (dog), s. anjitg; (for hunting) niah iargga (a). Domestic af-
anjirg perhuruan. fairs, perkara rumah targga. Do-
Dogcart (dog'kart), s. kreta dokat, mestic duties, kerja di rumah ^
kreia lokat (E.). Domestic animals, hinatarg jinak.
Dogfish (-fish), s. ikan yu kchil, yu Domesticate (-ti-kat), v. t. (tame)
tkek^ jinakkan; (adopt for one's own
Dogged (-g^d), adj. (obstinate) country) lazimkan (Ar.).
dgil, dgel (B.) ; (persistent) 77iaU Domicile (dom'i-sll), s. tmpat k~
slap,* mrijlap-njlap* dvdokan, tmpat kdiaman,* tmpat
Doggrel, (-grei), s. sliair yarg iirggal.
jarggal* Dominant (-nant), adj. yarg mm-
Dogma (dog'ma), s. (doctrine) prg- rentahkan, yarg mnjadi kpala.
ajaran agaitia. Dominate (-nat), v. prentahkan.
Dogmatize (-tiz), v. i. (teach witli Domineer (-ner'), v. i. (rule arro-
undue coniidence) mrgajar drgan gantly) prentahkan digari cliorg-
somhorg. kale. To domineer over, kraskan,^
Dog's-eared (dogz'erd), adj. k- per-hamhaJian.
lepet. Domineering (-ing), adj. hati hsar,.
Doily (doi'li), s. kain lapek* lapek brgis,kras prentah.
meja* Dominion (do-min'y?/n), s. (su-
Doings (doo'ingz), s. perhuatan, preme authority) prentah, prnren-
klakiian. tahan; (territory governed) tanah
Dole (dol), V. t. hri herronclict-ron- prentahan, tanah milek (Ar.).
diet,* kasi renchet-rencliet (B.). Domino (dom'i-no), s. (mask)
Doleful (dol'fool), adj. (sorrow- toperg; (the game) damnah,*'
ful ) herdukach Ha,* herchin ta : main dahal,* main paikaii (B.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sdrry; iise, us, minjts, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Don (don), v, t. (put on dress) jm- Dotajjfe (do'tej), s. 7gatyok* mrga-
h'ail'on, hmkan. n/ot (B.).
Donate (do-naf), v. t. hri; (to in- Dotard (-terd), ?. omtg iua rya-
feriors) aniujrahl'ait njok* oraty tua mtyaiyot (B.).
l'ari,{Sk.): (for a religious pur- Dote (dot), V. i. (be weak minded)
pose) wal'afkan (Ar.). jadi njanjokf (be weakly atfec-
Donation (-na'sliun), s. prnhnan, t )nate ) sa i/atg
i < m

hadiah (Ar.). Double (dub'l),' adj. (twofold) her-

Done (dun), adj. (tlnished) haUs, yanda/^ herUpat, dua kali; (two
pains, sudah: (made public, exe- layers) dua lapis; (two of a kind)
I'Uted) 7rt/nV* (Ar. tldkir)^ slsai, hcrdua. Double doors, pintu her-
sUse (B.). kpak dua. l)ou])]e profits, lipat
Donkey (don^^'ki), s. l-aldai. yanda untoig-iya.^
Donor (do'nor), s. yaiy mmhri, Double, V. i. t. (multiply by two)
pmhri. gandakan* duakan; (fold) lipat
Doom (doom), s. (judicial sen- dua.
tence) hukuman, I'putusaii hii- Double-barrelled (-bar'reld), adj.
hum; (destiny) untorrj, nasih, na- (of a gun) snaparg kmhar, snapairj
sib yarg malarcj; (ruin) cMaka. piyantifi/^ snapaiy dua laras, sna-
Doom, V. t. (condemn) jatohkan paty mata dua.
hukum aim, pnhiskan liuhum; Double-faced (-fast), adj. hati
(appoint by fate, destine) tntu- bcrchabarg, muka-muka, niuka dua.
kan : (decree, of God) takdirkan Double-tongued (-tungd), adj.
(Ar.). lidnh bcrrhuhanj, lidah biawak.'^'
Doomsday (^loomzMa), 8. (day of Doubly (dub'li), adv. dm kali.

death) ajal (Ar.) ; (final judg- Doubt (dowt), V. i. mnaroh shah

ment) hari kianuit, kiamat. (Ar.), kuratg perrhaya.
Door (dor), s. pintv, lawary (X.I.) ; Doubt, v. t. shakkau (Ar.), kasi ta-
(of a city or fort) pintu gerharqJ^ sdap hati.
In doors, di I'umali. Out of doors, Doubt, s. shak (Ar.), waham (Ar.),
di luar, di fanah* irasargka (Sk.), bimbarg, ta'sdap
Doorkeeper (dor'kep-er), s. p- hall (B.).
n.in;j(jn, pintu, oiwrj jaga pintu. Doubtful (dowt'fortl), adj. (hesitat-
Doormat (-mat), s. prgsat kaki* ing in belief) bimbaty; (uncer-
kmtan kakl.'^ Hkar qosok kaki tain) talntu. It is doubtful,
(B.). 'Utah.
Doorpost (-jxVt), s. jnaty pinlu.^ Doubtless (-le.s). adv. ta'dapaU
Doorsifl (-sil). s. hndul pintu.^ tiada, liada shak lagi,* tntu, ns-
Dormant (dor'mnt) (at rest) adj. rhaya (Sk.).
ipi'diam ; (in abeyance) terlinU. Douceur (doo-ser'), s, baksis.
Dormitory (-mi-to-ri), s. hilek Dough (do), s. adonan*
tidor oraiy ramal. Doughty (dow'ti), adj. hrani, per-
Dose (dos), s. (of medicine) had kasa (Sk.).
(Ar.), tiap (Ch.), ^m,tu kali makan Doughy (do'i), adj. (uncooked, as
(B.). In doses, s-kiati s-kian ha- J)road) mntah ; (pasty) pkat.
?}/ak. Douse (dows'), v. t. slamkan, ch-
Dot (dot), s. Hick, nola/^ (Ar. nuq- burkan.*
rah ) . Dove (duv), s. The Malay has no

a,te, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, rece-nt, more, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,^^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; fise, lis, minMs, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
<^eneric term. The domestic dove ;
Dozing (doz'ing), s. nitgantok.
is hurorg dara* merpati (Sk.) and \ Drab (drab), adj. werna laigsat.
komha (Port.) the wild species;
Drachm (dram), s. see dkam.
are (beginning with the smallest) J Draft (draft), s. (bill of exchange)
nierhoh, k'tiiir* thul'ur or hidam^* sural tukaran, draf (E.), vj^sel
punai, pergam, rawa/-' (X.I.) (D. u'issel) (rough com- ;

Dovecote (duv'kot), s. sarglaran 2)osition) rnchana,* raiy ;* (of

merpati. soldiers) pasokan.
Dovetailing (-taring), s. hajarg,^ Draft, V. t. (delineate) tidis; (com-
hul-u hajarg* pose) rn-chanakan* kararg; (sol-
Dowager (dou'a-jer), s. glaran diers) krahkau.*
janda oraig berhaigm/'' janda Drag (drag), v. t. tarek, seret, liela,
kaija, hujatg lerisi (B.). Queen runtun, lierei* eret.*
dowager, bonda raja* male raja Drag, V. i. (as an anchor) larat;^
yaig bujatg (B.). (linger) laun* berlaun* larat.
Dowdy (dow'di), s. huraig kaclialc. Drag, s. (grapnel) parit, cliandat
Dowel (dow'el), s. pasakJ" cliari-rliari.*
Dower (dow'er), s. (gift) anugrah Draggle (drag'gi), a^ i. (trail on
(Sk.) (of a widow) blanja atau
; the groujid) leret, rnleret (B.) ;

pusaka prempuan janda. !

(soil by dragging) glumargkan.
Down (down), s. (on himian skin) Dragnet (drag'net), s. (seine) pu^
bulu ronian; (of birds) bnlu pa- kal : (a small dragnet) targgok*
hat* btdn Italiis (B. ). Downs kisa.*
(grazing land), padarg. Dragoman (-o-m^n), s. juru-bham..
Down, adv. bawah, di-bawali. To Dragon s.
(-//n), naga.
go down, turun; (of the sun) tu- Dragon-fly (-tli), s. tnun-inun*
run, masok; (of a ship) ttgglani. sibur-sihur.*
Up and down, nmh-turun, 'rg- blood
Dragon's {-unz blud), s^
kap-rghip* DoAvnAvards, k-ba-
irah. Down stream, liiUr.*
Drain (dran), v. t. (cause to flow)
Down, prep, k-bawah, sampal k-
alirkan* cliuchurkan* lelehkan,
baicah, turun.
nilelehkan (B.) :
(exhaust of li-
Downfall (doAvn'fal), s. (of heavy
quid) tuskan;* (make dry) kriig-
masses) krobolian, kruntohan;*
kan, sjat*
(destruction, ruin) khinasa'an.
Drain, s. lorgkaig, paril, alur* salur-
Downright (-lit). adj. (open, un-
disguised) btul, trus; (altogether)
s-mata-mata. Drainage (dran/ej), s. lial ager nirg^
Downward aiir* hal mrgalirkan ayer.*
(-werd), adv. k-bawah,
Drainer (-er), s. orarg ymg nirggali

Downy (-i), adj. berbulu. pard.

Dowry (dow'ri), s. isi kaliwhi*
Drake (drak), c. itek janian.
ma.^ kahfrin,* tekpai (B.) (Ch.). Dram (dram), s. sukatan ol)at = s^
Doze (d5z), v. i. mrgantok, m- ttgah suda* tell [sendok (B.)].
radai lalai. Drama (dra'ma), s. wafjarg, nia'^
radam * lalai.
Doze, s. yorg.
Dozen (dnz'n), s. losin. losen, Dramatic (drri-mnt'ik), adj. wayarg
do sin. (a).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, lien, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; fise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, aAvfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then^
Drape (dnip), v. t. (a window) dkat (B.). To draw together,
ga n I o rg la rgsi'^' |
la rgse (
B .
) ] ; (
a r- rapat.
range the folds oi* a skirt) iJiat Drawback (draw'bak), s. (loss)
hairi htul-htal. rugi; (hindrance) sargkotan.
Draper (dra'pcr), s. oratg herl-clai Drawbridge (-brij), s.
jmhatan \


I'ain. jonjkit.
Drapery (-i), s. (cloth in general) Drawer (-er), s. lachi, kotak sorovj*
Icain-hain ; (han*^nnf^) latysi, Jarg- look.(B.) (Ch. thoah). Chest of
,e (B.). drawers, Imari lachi-laclii, hero*
Draught (draft), g, (in drinkins^) (Eur.).
fgok, chgok; (of air) argin, pu- Drawers (-erz), s. sluar dalam,
putan atgin* hayu (Sk.) ; (dsptli sluar sampak,"^ sluar katok* ck-
of water) dalam-nja. A sliip of lana dalam (N.l.).
10 feet draught, hapal yaig 7nal'ati Drawing (-ing), s. (the art) ilmu
10 kaJii daJam-nja. See also DR.vrr. mnulis; (picture) gamhar, pta."^
Draught, adj. pnareh. A draught Drawing-room (-room), s. hUeh
ox, Imbu pnarelc. orarg daiaig.
Draughtboard (-bord), s. pa pan Drawknife (-nif), s. pisau raeh.*
chatur;* (for the Malay game) Drawl (drawl), v. t. leives* leret.*
pa pan dam. Drawn (drawn), adj. (emaciated)
Draughts (drafts), s. (the game) chrgkofg, dians* kmporg.* A
main dam (D.). See checkers. drawn game, *ri, halui.*
Draughtsman (-man), s. pntdis Dray (dra), s. krela pnarek, gro-
pla* fukarg plan. hak.*
Draw (draw), v. t. (pull, drag) Dread (dred), s. ktakotan, dahshai
tareh, liela, seret, runiun; (extract, (Ar.).
bring out) (gen.) Muarkan; Dread, v. t. takoti, iakot akan, takot-
(water) iimha, chedoJc; (sword) kan .

linniis/^ chahot; (teeth) chabot; Dreadful (dred'fool), adj. duhshat

(inhale) himp, iareh nafas; (de- (Ar.), hehat (Ar. Itaibat).
lineate, depict) tidis, lukis; (pre- Dream (drem), s. mimjn, mnimjn
pare a draft) rnchanalcan.* To (B.).
draw a curtain aside, siigkap tirai/^ Dream, v. i. bermimpi.
To draw breath, iarck nafas. To Dreary (drer'i), adj. susah, yaig
draw near, rapat drgan, liampir.^ mmbri sayu.*
'Vo draw out, panjargkan, lanjut- Dredge (drej), s. pnjaut lumpur.
kan. 'J'o draw together, rapat kan. Dredge, v. t. (scrape up) kaiit,
'J'o draw towards one, raeli.'*^ To kanp;* (sprinkle with llour) ta-
draw the p(?n through, parargkan.* bor.
'J'o draw up (compose), karaig; Dredger (-er), s. prgaut lumpur.
(troops) atur ppranjan, ikat prarg ; Dregs (dregz), s. kladak* hafnpas,
(a curtain) selak. To draw in koret* tahl, talk (B.), qredak
(as claws), sorok.* drawn A (B.).
game, sri, halui.* Drench (drench) v. t. (wet) basah-
Draw, V. i. (as a sail) makan argin. kan; (soak) rndain.
To draw away or back, undur. To Drenched (drencht). adj. Imsak '^

draw near, hampir* rapat, datatg kuyop, kuyup (B.).

ate, ask, iim, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, Hore, sort, "sorry; use, us, minim, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, avvfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then..
Dress Drip (drip), v. i. titek, tiris, rinah.'^
(dres), v. t. (adjust, prepare)
sJiakaib; (clothe) Masi,'^ riaskati Dripping wet, basah kuyop.
B.), pakai.
( To dress up, kachak- Dripping (-ing), s. miryak prndarg,^'
Mxn diri. To dress a ship, hmsi minjak gorirg,* miryak gorerg
ha pal drgan hndera. To dress the (B.), minjak sapi; (after cook-
Imir, dandan rmnhot* bersarggol. ing) mityak lanjar.^^
To dross wounds, ohatkan luka. Drive (driv),v. t. (urge on) lialaii;

Full s- (wild animals) girirg,'^ burn;

Dress, pakaian.
s. dress,
bgkap pakaian kaliormaian/^ pa- (nails) pantak;* (carriages and
kaian Irgkap. machinery) jalankan; (compel)
Dresser (dres'er), s. (hospital as- paksa; (hurry) burn, baixjatkanf
si}>;taiit) pnoloirj doktor; (piece of (drive a horse) pgaig ras, pegaig
furniture) meja dapur.
ras (B.). To drive away, halau,
tyalikan,* tondorg* To drive to
Dressing (-ing), s. (surgical) kain
ha rut, kain hbai. leeward (Xaut.), babas.
Dressmaker (-mak-er), s. tukarg Drive, v. i. (move furiously) tmpoli;
jahit, darji.^
(go in a carriage) naik kreta,
berkreta; (Xaut.) bias. Driving
Dressy (-i),
^ adj. kacliah.
Dribble v. rain, tmpias.
(drib'bl), cliicliirf' i.

clifrher (B.), hertitek, leleh. Drive, (in mines) gro^gganj^


Drivel v. i. (slaver) ber-

Driblet (-let), s. In driblets, her-
ren- lior; (dote) repet,'^ mrapek (B.).
chicJiiran, heronrliet-onchet,'^
r'hct-renchet (B.). Drivel, s. (slaver) ayer Uor; (un-

Dried meaning utterance) re pet, raban,'^'

(drid)., adj. Dried fish, ikan
mrapek (B.).
kritg, daily, ikan dairg (B.).
Driver (driv'er), s. (coachman)
Dried meat, denderg.
sai^j (of a cart) pnarek; (of
Drift (drift), s. (tendency, inten-
motors) pnjalanj^ draiber (E).
tion) maksud; (iieap) timhonan. Drizzle (driz'zl), s. hujan rintek-
Drift. V. i. (be borne along) hamut,
rintek, hujan rnnjai/'^
larat, aporg; (accumulate in
Droll (drol), adj. jnaka,^ sloroh.
heaps) bertinihon. To drift to \

Drollery (-er-i), s. klakar, gli hati,
leeward) (Xaut.), bias, see
Dromedary (drum'e-der-i), s. onta.
Drone (dron), s. (bee) Ibah jantan;
Driftwood (drift' wood), s. aporg,
(sluggard) prygan, piyegan (B.),
kaiju haiyut, Janjau^' ibii pmalas;* (humming sound)
Drill (dril),v. t. (bore) gerek; (ex- dnjotg.
ercise, as soldiers) migajarbaris. Drone, v. i. berdrgorg.
Drill. ,s.
prg gerek, gurd/i,^'
(tool) Droop (drdop), v. i. (hang down)
grodi (B.), bar; (exercise) baris, Intok; (as branches) Impai;^
kawaid (Ar.) ; (cloth) kain dril
(languish) layu.
K.). kain put eh Blanda..
Drop (drop), s. titek, titik (B.),
Drink (dringk), v. i. t. minuni; (of tit is.

mntap;* intoxi-
princes) (to Drop, V. t. (pour in drops) titek-
cation) minum niahok. kan, titiskan;* gen.) (let fall,
Drink, s. minuman; (of princes) jatohkan; (in driblets, or accident-
sumtapan/" ally) chichirkan: (of leaves, fruit,
Drinker (-er)., s. pminum. etc.) lurohkan;"^ (prematurely)

ate, ask, am, final, eare, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful),; law, how, oil; thin then.


(lugurl-an; (let down, as curtains, Drugget (drug'get), s. (for a pro-

anchor or nets) laholil'an; (dis- cession) puadai (Tam.). .

continue, give up) herliniikan, Druggist (-gist), tukarg ohat, pn-

hrenti (B.) ; (omit) iirxjgalkan. jual obat.apotek (N.l!) (D.).
To drop off, hiclndl-an. To drop Drum (drum), s. (Eur.) tambor;
on. ilnipal'an. (Ar.) tahal,^' nohat/' (mosque
Drop, V. i. (fall in drops) hertitel', drum) bdokf (small) rbana,
hertiii^/^ mnitek; (fall in general) (large) gndarg, gndraig.^'
jaioh, clikliir, luroh,^' O^ff/^^J ^^e Drum, Y. i. (with the hands) pukol;
above, and also fall. (with the drumstick) palu, ia-
Dropsy (drop'si), s. smhah; (ele-
boli :'^'
(the accompaniment, bcat-
phantiasis) uniut.'^ time) tirgkali*

Dross (dros), s. hampas, iahi,, tail'

Drummer (-mer), s. (Eur.) ora7g
(B.) (in smelting) saiga/^' trak.^
: pnud'ol iamhur.
Drumstick (-stick), s. tahoh/' p-
Opium dross, tahi climidu. Silk
malu iamhur/''
dross, hanipas sutra, iahi kufis/''
Drunk (drungk), adj. mabok:
Drought (drowt), s.
( sligh tly ) kJiayal ( Ar. ) .

Drove (drov), s. (of animals) ka-

drunk, dead drunk, mabok hurga
wan .

shm'h/^' mahok ta'sdar (B.).

Drover (-er), s. piyhalaii, gomhaJa. Drunkard s. pmabok,
Drown (drown), v. i. (suffocate)
pminiun, iahi arak, talk arak (B.).
mati Tmas dalani ayer.
Dry (dri), adj. krirg; (of weather)
Drown, v. t. (submerge) trgglam; kmarau; (thirsty) haus, ber-
(inundate) lembakkan:'^' (kill by
dhaga/'' (uninteresting) tu'sdap.
immersion) himoh di'Slam; (over- A dry well, prigi kkritgan ayer,
power, of sounds) herhntikan,
hrcniikari To drown one's
prigi buia. Dry season, rnimm k-
(B.). inarau.
sorrows in wine, Inlargkan susali
Dry, V. t. (gen.) krirgkan; (in the
drgan mahol-.
snn) jmor; (in the air) aiginkan.
Drowsiness (drow'zi-nes), s. m- To liang on a line to dry, sidm.*
rgantol', ierlalai. Dried fish, ikan, krirg, daiiy. Dried
Drowsy (drow'zi), adj. mrgantok, meat, dendcrg.
tprJalal; (with driulv) kliayal
Dryness (dri'nes), s. kkritgan.
(Ar.). Dub (dub), V. t. glar, parggil.
Drub (drub), v. t. palu, pul'ol, ga- Dubious (wavering
(du'bi-1/s), adj.
sak, hcudal. in opinion) sliak
himbarg liati,
Drudge (druj), v. i. herllali/^ her- hail (Ar.) :
(<piestionable) yarg
Imal'/^ kerja kuaf (B.). a da sltak. A dubious answer, ja-
Drudge, s. oratg lasal\'^ val) ia'ihiu.
Drudgery (-er-i), s. llali/'' kerja Duchess (duch'es), s. patgkat prem^
kerja kras (B.).
lasak/'' yuan berbaigsaj^ istri *^^duke."
Drug (drug), s. (medicine) ohat; Duck (duk), s. (sail cloth) kain
(narcotic) ohat hkis'^' (Pers. hi- layer. '>^

liaush), ohat iidor. Duck, 8. iiek,

(X.I.). The
Drug, v. t. (stupify with narcotics) common duck, itek Jatva. Manila
mahoklcan, hmskanf' (as thieves) duck, iiek Manila. Teal, blibis.*
pukaukan. Diver, itek ayer, dndarg oyer.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry j eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
Liirrj'; ibb<\, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Benggali duck, it ehsural i/-^ To Dumb (dum), adj. (unable to

make ducks and drakes, lanchar- speak) bis a; (speechless) kill.'''
kan batu/' Dumfound (dum-fownd'), v. t. klu'
Duck, V. t. under water)
(thrust kan*birgorgkan.
slamhan', ttyglamkan; (bow the Dumfounded (-ed), adj. ter-pgun.'^
head) tundoh kpala, clatkan I'pala. Dummy (dum'mi), s. (model)
Duckling (duk'ling), s. anah if el'. choritoh; (la_y figure) intorg.
Ductile (-nl), adj. mnjliulor. Dumpling (dump'ling), s. roti rbus.
Dude (dud), s. si l-achak, psoIeJi. Dumps (dumps), s. liati ivalarg,-^
Dudgeon (duj'^m), s. marah, gram. susalh liati, m ororg.
Due (dii), adj. (owing, pa^'able) Dun (dun) adj. iverna largsat.
hutaty, di-bayer
/xitut (proper, : Dun, V. t. turggu hutarg, tageh."''

suitable) iHitut, pa dan, layaJc; (ap- Dunce (duns), s. orarg bnak, orarg
pointed, exact) t?itic, btul; (owing drgu* orarg kpaJa batu.
to a caur^e) di-datargkan oJeli, di- Dung (dung), s. tahi, taik (B.) ;

Kbabl'an.^ (manure) baja.

Due, adv. //;af.* Due East, timor Dungeon (dun'j//n), s. prijara
tpaf^ I
glapr glap (E.).
Due, (debt) Jiuiaig: (what is
Dupe (dup), s. yarg kiia tipu.
right) yarg patut; (right, just Dupe, V. t. tipu, perdayakan.*
claim) hak* (At. uaqq). Dues, I
Duplicate (dii'pli-kat), v. t. kriibar-

(legal) chukai; (of clubs) i/u- \

kan, lapiskan.
ran.'^ Duplicate (-ket), adj. (double)
Duel (du'el), s. lawanan sama s'- krnbar.
orarg. Duplicate, s.
(copy) tiruarir pn-
Duelling (-ing), s. bertikam afau dua/^ kopi (E.).
mnembak sama s' orarg. Duplicity (du-plis'i-ti), s. hati ber-
Duet (du-et/), s. bufyi-biuyian orarg chatarg.
berdua, ryaiyian berdua. Durable (dur'a-bl), adj. yarg tahan
Dugong (d(">6'gong), s. duyorg.'^ lama, yarg baryak tahan.
Duffer (duffer), s. orarg bodoh, Durance (-ans), s. lial kna pnjar^a/^
orarg drgu/^ klcdek. haJ kna jel (E.).
Dugout (dug'owt), s. (Xaut.) Duration (-a'shim), s. lama-rya;
jalor, sag or (Pk.). (of life) 'urn or.
Duke (duk), s. pargkab orarg ber- During (-ing), prep, sinanlara, s-
bargsa.* Lower ranks are: mar- darg, s-larna, trgali.
quis, earl, viscounr, baron, baronet. Dusk (dusk), s. (morning) irarg
Dull (dul), adj. fstuj^d) bodoh, tariaJi; (evening) srijakala.
bnak, drgiif (slow) larnbat; Dusky (dusk'i), adj. (partially
(blunt) turnpol; (dim, obscure) dark) kabus,'^ sllam r^ (dark
kJarn,* rdop; (depressing, tedious) coloured) hit am man is.
fa'sdap; (of colour) udarn/^ sput;^ Dust (dust), s. (of the earth) Tbu,*
(of sound) brgap;'^ (without lus- dbu (Sk.), duU;'^ (powder) ser-
tre) kusarri/'' bok, hahok; (finer dust) sarap;'^
Dull, V. t. see above. (the finest dust) ser-dah.^^ Gold
Dullness (durnes), s. see above. (lust, 'mas urai. Jiice dust, mJu-
Duly (du'li), adv. drgari s-patut-rya, kut.
drgan sperii-rya. Dust, V. t. (free from dust) sapu.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minits, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin (7ien.
sapu liahol-; (by shaking) kirai- I ayer dardh, herak darah, chirit
kan;* (sprinkle with dust) sirani darah (N'.I.).
hah ok. 1

Dyspepsia (dis-pep'si-a), s. salit

Dusty (dust'i), adj. herdbu^ her- kurarg hadham (Ar.), makanan
hahok. I
ta'hanchur/^ makanan kuratg cher-
Dutch (diieh), adj. Blanch. na (Sk.), makan ta'smu (Ch.)
Dutiful (du'ti-fool), adj. herbdkti
(Sk.), lerjasa (Sk.).
Duty (dii'ti), s. (that which is
obligatory) ferdlu (Ar.)^ perlu
(X.I.), /oM-Hn (B.) (Ch.); (as- Each (ech), pron. tiap4'ki-p, masiig-
signed service) wajib{AT.) ; (loyal- masirg, satu-satu, sahan (N.I.) ;
ty due to superiors) jasa (Sk.), (in the sense of every) s-hUarg*
bakti (Sk.) ; (taxes) chukai, ha- sgaJa. Each other, s'oraig akan
sil,hia (X.I.). On duty, trgah h~ 8 orarg, ^ satu dig an Iain, satu
kerja. Off duty, Ipas kerja. sama lain (B.).
Dwarf (dwarf), adj.
(of persons) Eager (e'ger), adj. irgin, mryilar
kerdil;'^ fowls) katek; (of
(of (B). gerarg (B.) (N.I.). To be
plants) rnchatj terrncliat. eager to, glitek hndal','^ gltek hn-
Dwarf, s. orarq kerdil/' orarg pen- dak.*
dek (B.). Eagle (e'gl), g. hurorg larg tsar,
Dwarf, V. t. kchiJkan, rnchafkan. raja-wali (Sk.) ; but larg raja-wali
Dwarfish (-ish), adj. katek. is a small hawk. Fish eagle, larg
Dwell (dwel), v. i. (abide, continue) laid, larg siput.'^'
tirggal, titygal iiap, kkal; (reside) Ear (er), s. (organ of hearing)
diam, diidok, thg-gal; (of princes) tUiya,* kupiig (B.) (N.I.) ; (sense
smayanvf^ (temporarily) tumpa'n]. of hearing) pnrgaran; (handle,
Dwelling (-ing), s. tmpat dudok, lug, if one only) targkai* (if
kdudokan, kdiaman/^ rumah. two) tlmga:"^' (of grain) arai,*
Dwindle (dwin'dl), v. i. jadi kiirarg, hulirf (of palms) mayarg, T6
smut, luak/^ herkurafy-kitrargan. give ear, bri tlirga, pasarg tlirga.
Dye (di), y. t. cidop. Lobe of the ear* chupiig'^ tlirga.
Dye, s. aj/er pncldop. Orifice of the ear, lobarg tlirga.
Dyer (dfer), s. tiil-arg clilop, pn- Drum of the ear, buli-buli tlirga,*
cldop. anak tlirga.* External ear, dmm
Dying (-ing), adj. trgah matt, hn- tlifga.
dak mnitggalr nazah'^' (At. na- Earache (erak), s. sahit tlitga,
z(i) :
princes) hndah manj-
(of sakit kupinj (B.) (X.I.) ; (a run-
kat.'* Dying day, ajal (Ar.), ning at the ear) torekj* (with
hart mati, siki (B.) (Ch. si-ki). swelling) buntity tlirya.
Dyke, see uiKi:. Eardrop (er'drop), s. (pendants)
Dynamics (di-nam'iks), s. 'ilmii antiry-antiry ; (flat studs) krdbu)
kiiasa bnrani yaig hergrak. stibaty, see KVURixcr.
Dynamo (drna-mo), s. jntra elek- Earl (erl), s. parykat orary ber^
trik.- batgm yaig ktiga, see duke.
Dynasty (din'as-ti), s. kturunan Earliest (er'li-est), adj. yaig mula
raja-raja. skali, yaiy atral skali (Ar.).
Dysentery (dis'en-ter-i), s. huarg- Early (er'li), adv. (soon) siarg-

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, cany; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurr)'; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; tliin then.
slaty; (in the morning) pagi-pagi, rasa (B.). With ease (easily),
suhoh-suhoh (Ar.). mudah,'^' snary, reryan, gampary
Early, adj. (in advance of the time) (X.I.).
siatg; (of a former period) dhulu. Ease, v. t. snargkan, rergankan. To
Earn (ern), v. t. (deserve, merit) ease one's self, biiaiy ayer, k'-
patiit kna, patut mndapat; (ac- suryai*
quire by labour) heroleh,* dapat, Easel (e'zl), s. kuda-kuda gambar,
cliari. To earn one's living, mn- sandaran papan-li iiam.'^-
chari,^ mnchari mal'an. Easily (ez'i-li), adv. mudalif^^ sn-
Earnest (er'nest), adj. (heartfelt) aig, gamparg (N.I.).
sutiggoh-hati; (ardent, zealous) East (Cst), s. timor; matahari hi'
bersnuggoh-surggoh^ berusaha dop, matahari terbit,'^ mashrih
{Sk.),ger(ug'(^'}' (Ar.). The East Indies, negri di
Earnest, s. chtgh'aiu, cliagaran/'' bawah angin. Xorth-east, timor
pan jar (N.T. ). Also earnest- Jaut. South-east, ttyyara* 'N. N.
money. E., utara timor laut.'^ E. X. E.,
Earnestness (-nes), ^.siuggoli-liati, .
timor timor Jaut* E. S. E., timor
usaka (Sk.), geraty (B.). rmuyyara.^ S. >S. E., slatan mmy-
Earnings (ern'ingz), s. pndapatan, yaraJ'
pn char'mn, peroleli an.'^ Easter (es'ter), s, pa^ska (Ar. fas-
Earring (er'ring), s. antiiy-antirg , kha).
k u mity-k a natg s-k h ii ,* kii na pj- Easterly, adj. sblah timor.
kunaty (B.) ; see EAKDKor. Eastern (est'ern), adj. timor, shlah
Earth (erth), s. (the globe) lumi; timor. Eastern lands, neyri yang
(inhabited world) dunia; 'alam di bawah anyin.'^'
(Ar.) ; (earth^s surface) humi, Eastward (est'werd), adv. k-sblah
muka humi; (dry land, as dis- timor, arah k-timor.
tinguished from water) darat; Easy (ez'i), adj. (free from labour)
(soil) taimJi, humi. snaty: (from care) sntosa^ lya;
Earthenware (erth'n-war), s. (pot- (not difficult) mudah,* snary,
tery) pirygan-inarykok, priok-hla- yampary (N.I.) ; (with little la-
tya; (the material) tmbekar* bour) reiyan. ^N'ot easily broken,
Earthly (erth'li), adj. (worldly) ta'suary'suary p^itus.^' Easy fit-
rhara dunia. Of no earthly use, ting, lonjyar, chins.* Easy-going,
ia'yuna satu pun/^ ta'yuna skali, bertuakal* (Ar. tawakkul). To
ta'yuna satu a pa pun (B.). find it easy, ram snanj.
Earthquake (-kwak), s.
ympa Eat (et), V. i. t. makan;
(of prin-
humi, lindu (Jav.). ces) santap:* (meat, etc., without
Earthwork (-work), s. kerja yali- rice) ratah; (as cattle) rayut;*
rntyyali; (Mil.) kuhu. (slang words) yasak, parap, bdal,
Earthworm (-werm), s. chacliiiy. hntain, chkek, etc.; (in speaking
Ear wax (er'waks), s. iahi tlitya, to a child) mam. To eat one^s
laik kupiry (B.). till of, pua,*? makan, jnoh makan.*
Earwig (er'wig), s. tmpiras:'' To eat with the mouth full, ma-
Ease (ez), s. (freedom from labour) kan mmolok-molok, makan ter-
.<naiy, lapary, perhniian; (from polok'polok. To eat out of the
care) snary, sntosa;^ lya. Ill at same plate, eat together, makan
ease, taiga/' ta'iritii rasa, ta'sdap s-daun, 7nakan s-piiyyan. See

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, cany; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sdrry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin *if?en.
FOOD. To eat iu (as a canker), Echo (ek'o), s. gma;^ f/(iotg, balasan
rdap. hiuyi.
Eatable (-a-bl), adj, dapat"^ di-
Echo, V. i.
(repeat the sound) halas
7nakan, hoi eh di-mahan. Lawful j biityi, hergma,* bergaoig.
for eating, hdlal (Ar.). I
Eclipse (e-klips'), s. ^er/m/z^ (Sk.).
Eatable, s. makanan; (of princes) An eclipse of the moon, bulan di-
santapan;'^ (by a servant of his makan rahu. An eclipse of the
own food, in addressing a prince) sun, matahari di'inakan rahu.

ayapan.^ \

Eclipse, V. t.
(obscure) glapkan,
Eating makan. Eating
(et'ing), s. kJamkan r^ (overshadow by sur-
house, rnmah makan, kdai makan, passing) Ibehi/^
kdai na^i. : Economic (e-ko-nom'ik) , adj. drgan
Eau de Cologne (5-de-ko-lon'), s. peraturan, dtgan fadbir (Ar.).
ayer daklorg (F.), ayer kolorg Economical (e-ko-nom'i-kl), adj.
(B.), muyak kloiyor (X.I.). d)gan cherniat, tahu simpan, blan-
Eaves (evz), chuchoran atap/^ ja dtgan jimat, jiniat, bertadbir
Eavesdrop (evz'drop), v. i. diyar \ (Ar.).
m n cli u ri-ch u ri, dtyar }yn da>p-m j
Economize (e-kon'o-miz), v. t.

iyndap, miymor chiichor aiap, \

preniahkan dtgaii chermat.
churi-dtyar (B,). I
Economize, v. i. simpan, kurargkan
Eaves moulding (mdld'ing), s. I
blanja, iadbirkan blanja (Ar.),
onibak-oiiihak.'^ I

hianja kiuni-kiam (B.) (Ch.

Eavestrough (evz'trof), s. saluran, i

saluran ayer. Economy (e-kon'o-mi), s. (manage-
Ebb (eb), s. (of tide) ayer surut;

ment) lyrentah, peraiuran; (thrift)
(dead low water) timpas. Ebb ; chermat, jlmat blanja, tadbir
and flow, pasarg-s^urut. I

Ebb, V. i. (of tide) surut; (decline, Ecstasy (ek'sta-si), s. (excitement)
decay) susut. gmbera* An ecstasy of joy, suka-
Ebony (eb'on-i), s. kayu ararg. chita yarg amat sargat,'-^ suka-hatl
Ebullition (eb-ul-lish'^m), s. (boil- ya)g bsar skali (B.).
ing or effervescence) did eh, mn- Eddy
(ed'di), s. (return current)
didi (B.), hucd: (noisy) glgak. olak;* (circular current) pusaran,
An ebullition of anger, naik ma- ayer, pusaran argin; (whirlwind)
rah, datatg marah, naik panas, taorg*
nmk niradaig. Eddy, V. i. berolak/^
Eccentric (ek-sen'trik), adj. (out Edge (ej), (of knives, etc.) mata;

of the centre) ta'sama pusal-tya,^-' (margin, brink) tpi, pirggir {Is.

tiada sama trgah; (in'egular) ti- I.) ; (rim, as of cups, etc.) Ubirf
ada ikut 'adat; behaviour)
(in (})order) birai/^ aris.* Set on
herlainan iahi'at,* haiyak kletah,* edge (of tlie
teeth) rgilu, ryilu,
sasar, paitik (B.) (Ch. phdi"-fek). siigkil."^ Edge of the sea, gigi
Eccentricity (-tris'i-ti), s. tahi'at ayer,'^ gigi laut/^ tpi laut.
yarg plek,^ kJeiah,^ sasaran, pai- Edge, V. i. (move sideways) hesut.
iik (Ch.) (B.). Edging (ej'ing), s.
Ecclesiastical (ek-kle-zi-as'ti-kl) , rambu-ranibu; (border of a mat)
adj. deri-hal agama Msihi* (Ar. ompok:'^ (of a path) prgikat ja-
maMiii), Kristian, deri-hal greja. lan;"^ (of lace, scolloped) biku.^^

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f65d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Edible (ed'i-bl), adj. yarg holeh di' Effeminacy (ef-fem'i-na-si), s. rsmi
mdkan. prempuan.
Edict (e'dikt), s. iiiali/' hiil'um. Effeminate (-nat), adj. chara pi'em-
Edification (ed-i-fi-ka'sh?m), s. hal puan.
mngolilcan hail. Effervesce (ef-fer-ves'), v. i. huak*'
Edifice (ed'i-fis), s. hmyunan. glgnk, berlmsa (B.).
Edify (ed'i-fl), v. t. (instruct) Effete (ef-fef), adj. yarg siidah M-
tgohl-an hati. larg kua^'^a, hurok, Jmah.
Edit (ed'it), v. t. karatg, MuTkan Efficacious (ef-li-ka'sht/s), y. ber-
I'aratyan oraixj. kiiasa, herkhasiat (Ar.), mustajab
Edition (e-dish'z/n) s. Icarairjan, ,
Second edition, chap hdiia kali- Efficacy (offi-ka-fi), =. khasiat
lya, chitak'an yanj kdiia/-'
Editor (ed'i-ter), s. piyararg. Efficiency (ef-fisliVn-si), ?. kuam,
Editorial (ed-i-tor'i-fll), s. kararg- ksmpnrna'an.
an pigaraig. Efficient her-
(ef-fish'ent), adj.
Educate (ed'ii-kafc), v. t. ajar, kuasa, herkhasiat (Ar.), pandm,
ajari, plikara* hla'-'.
ahli (Ar.).
Education (ed-u-ka'slii^n), s. prg- Effigy (ef'fi-ji), s. patoiy, gambar.
ajaran, pmliliara'an.^' Of no
Effluvium (ef-flu'Yi-i/m), s. wap,
education, kurarg plajaran. hail husok.
Educe (t'-dus'),y. t. (produce, Effort (effert), s. To make an
I'volve) khiarkan, lahirkari^^ (Ar.
effort, a<^hu, as, she made two or
three efforts, dua tiga kali di-achu-
Eel (el), s. hJul. Conger eel, ma-
iya; gagahi diri; (try) choba.
Jo rg.
Effrontery (ef-frunt'er-i), s. muka
Efface (ef-fas'), v. t. (erase) 7m-
thai, muka pa pan, muka ta'mulu.
puskan; (cause to disappear) lii-
Effulgence (ef-ful'jens), s. kUat,
largkan, In ryapkan .

siruir, cliahya.
Effect (ef-fekf), s. (result of) yaty
Effulgent (-j<:'nt), adj. berkilat,
di-datargkai) oleli, yaty di-shah-
kan chmerlargj^
gila fg-g niilarg,'^
oleli;"^ (impression) lykas,
Effusion (ef-fii'zht/n), s. (pouring
ksudahan, kdataryan; (efficiency,
power) huasa, Masiat (Ar.) ; out) pnchuraJian, pnchiichoran/''
(purpose, intention) maksud pmanclinran.'^
Effects (property), Jierta- Effusive (-siv), s. pramali.
hnda, haraiy-hararg . Egg (eg), s. tlor. ^^^lite of an
Effect, V. t. (produce, cause) daiarg- Qgg, puteh tlor. Yolk, merah tlor.

kan, shahkanf' (achieve, bring to The germ, pimtf tlor, maia tlor.
l^reserved eggs, tlor asiyi, tlor jrok.
pass) adakan, lakukan,'^ kerjakan,
sampaikan. Addled Qgg, tlor tmblarg. Eggs
Effective (ef-fek'tiv), adj. (able to used at a wedding, tlor tajok,*
tlor merali. Fried eggs, tlor mata
work) yaiy holeh hkerja; (effi-
fient) hcryuna, herkhasiat (Ar.). Imbii^ tlor mata mpi (X.I.).
I-'lfective work, pkrrja'an yaty mm- Boiled eggs, see eoil.
hri bkas/-' Egg' ^''t- '^Co ^^K o^^ hurkan, asut,
Effectual (ef-fek'cliu-rtl), adj. yaty 11 sot
(B.) (as animals) o;a.*

mlakukan* yary mryampaikan. Eggplant (eg'plant), s. trory.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t7?en.
Egg-shaped (eg'shapt), adj. hujor^ Elate (e-lat),v. t. (with confidence)

ilor. branikan hati; (with pride) bsar-

Eggshell (eg'shel), s. hulit tlor; kan hati.
(when empty) hlompargj^ Elation (e-la'shim), s. hati bsar,
Egotism (eg'o-tizm), s. hal mm- tirggi hati.
hsarhan diri, mmuji diri, Jcmgahan Elbow (el'bo), s. siku.
diri* niryatykat diri. Elbow, V. t. (outwards) sinjohf
Egotist (-tist), s. ija7y mmhsarJcan (backwards) sigorg.
diri, oraiy muddaH (Ar.). Elder (el'der), adj. Ibeh iua, tua
Egregious (e-gre'jus), adj. yaiy deri-pada. Elder brother, ahatg,
mlhehi 'adat, bukan huatan, ter- ')gko (B.) (Ch. ig-ko). Elder
lampau deri-pada 'adat. sister, kakak, tachi (B.) (Ch. tod-
Egress (e'gres), s. hal Jcluur, Jcuasa cki).
kluar, kluaran. Elder, s. (old person) orarg tua;
Egret (e'gret), s. laiyau. (official) ktua.
Egypt (e'jipt), s. negri Masir (At. Eldest (el'dest), adj. sulorg, yary
Msr) . tua skali.
Egyptian (e-jip'shi^n), adj. Masir Elect (e-lekf), v. t. pileh.
(a), orarg Masir. Elect, adj. terpileh.
Eh (a), int. eh. Election (e-lek'shini), s. (act ol'

Eight (at), adj. dlapaUj lapan. choosing) hal mmileh; (power of

Eighteen (a'ten), adj. dlapan-hlas. choice, free-will) kuasa mmileh.
Eighth (atth), adj. yarg k-dlapan, Elector (-ter), s. yarg mmileh.
nombor lapan (B.). Electric (-trik), adj. elektrik (E),
Eighty (a'ti), adj. dlapan-puloh. lesfrik (X.I.).
Either (Vther or e'thev), pron. and Electricity (e-lek-tris'i-ti), s. kuasa
adj. (one or the other) s-bararg, elektrik.
salah satu, mana satu; (the one Electroplate (e-lek'tro-plat), v. t.

and the other) kdua-dua, dua.-dua. chlop perak.

Either, conj. (either, .or. .) laih, . Elegant (el'e-gant), adj. indah-
haik. ., haik. ,atau. .
; sama ada. ., indah/^ elok, manis, mjlis (Ar.).
atau. .*. Element (el'e-ment), s. (essential
Ejaculate (e-jak'ii-lat), v. i. (a 2^art) anasir (At.) , unsur (Ar.) ;
sudden exclamation) triak, sruj^ (rudiment) ami, permulaan,
kriau (P.). akar-umbi. The iive elements,
Eject (e-jekf), v. t. (expel) halau, panrhabuta (Sk.).
htuity; (emit) s?nhorkan, kliiar- Elementary (el-c-men'ta-ri), adj.
kan. (initial) mula-mula, permula'an;
Elce (ek), v. t. (eke out) tokoh (of text books) puncha; (simple)
Elaborate (e-lab'o-rat), v. t. hitat marg.
drgan n^aha,^ smpurnakan dry an Elephant (el'e-fant), s. gajah, bi-

tkun. niDi.'-^' EJepliant goad, kusa

Elaborate (-ret), adj. yarg di-buat (Sk.).
drgan usaha.* Elephant-driver (-drl'ver), s. gm-
Elapse (e-laps'), v. i. lalu, lewat. bala gajah, mraii (Sk.).
Elastic (e-las'tik), g. lastik (E.). Elephantiasis (el-e-fan-tra-sis), s.

Elastic, adj. kntyal, birgkas* mig- UJltut.

anjal;* see wouxce, spring. Elevate (el'e-vat), v. t. (raise, lift

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
up) argJcat, tirggikan, naikhan; Elsewhere (.-whar), adv. lain tm-
(promote) argJcat; (the voice) pat.
ryarirghan; (the spirits) hihurkan
Elucidate (e-lu'si-dat), v. t. trarg*
hati; (the character) baiki prargai, kan, Tyatakan,
niuliakan.* Elude (e-lud'), v. t. (escape by
Elevation (el-e-va'shim), s. ktirg- slipping away) Input;* (avoid)
gian, tmpat tirggi.
Elevator (el'e-va-t^r), e. (lift)
Emaciated (e-ma'shi-a-ted), adj.
Up (E.). chdirg; (extremely) kurn^ krirg,
Eleven (e-lev'n), adj. s-hlas. kurus kdrgkek,* kiirus mrirgkai.*
Eleventh (e-lev'nth), adj. yarg h- Emanate (em'a-nat), v.i. (issue
s-hlas, nombor s-blas (B,). from) kluar; (of scents) merbak,
Elf smerbak.*
(elf), s. (fairy) pri (Pers.),
orarg bunian* detua-dewa (B.).
Emancipate (e-man'si-pat), v. t.

bebaskan; (of slaves) merdheka*

Elicit (e-lis'it), (bring to light)
kan,* Ipaskari.
njatakan, lahirkan'^ {Ax. tlcihir).
Emasculate (e-mas'kii-lat), v.t.
Eligible (el'i-ji-bl), adj. patut akan
kmbirikan, kasi (Ar.
di-pileh, boleh di-pileh.
Eliminate v. t. kha^l) ; (weaken) Imahkan.
(e-lim'i-nat), (set
Embalm (em-bam'), v.t. mamai'
aside) sblahkan, tpikan;
kan,* rrnpah-rmpahkan mayai,
rate) asirgkan; (expel) buarg.
Elision s.
mayat tarohkan obat (B.).
(e-lizh'?/n), renjkasan
h uruf.'^
Embank (em-bangk'), v.t. (throw
Elixir (e-liks'er), s. eksir (Ar.).
up a bank) tambak; (confine a
river) ikat surgai.
Elk (elk), s. rusa bsar di Eropah, Embankment s.
(-ment), bndorg,^
Ell (el), s. ela
thirg; (for road or railway) jalan
Ellipse (el-lips'), s. bujorJ^ tambak; (between rice fields)
Elliptical (el-lip'ti-kfllj, adj. bujor* batas.
hulat, bulat panjaig.
Embargo (em-bar'go), s. (deten-
Elocution (el-o-ku'shim), s. 'ilmu tion of commerce) tgdhan.
ptutoran, 'ilmu migucliap. Embark (em-bark'), v.i. naih ka-
Elongate Y.t panjarg-
(e-long'gat), pal, naik praJiu, tuimn kapal.
kan, lanjutkan. Embark, v. t. (cause to go on
Elope (e-lop'), v. i. lari. Elope board) bawa naik kapal; (engage,
with a woman, larikan prempuan. invest in) masok. To embark
Elopement (-ment), s. plarian. one's money in trade, masokkan
Eloquence (el'o-kwens), s. pitdh modal-rya dalam perniaga'an.
lidak* fasihat (Ar.), bijah ber- Embarrass (em-bar'ras), v. t. (per-
chakap (B.). plex) bimbargkan hati; (obstruct)
Eloquent (-kwent), adj. pitah skatkan; (financially) ssakkan, pi-
Udah* pandai berkata, pandai chekkan,* smpitkan.
rliakap, pintar bichara (X.I.), ja- Embarrassment (-ment), s. him-
sih (Ar.). ITarg hati, skatan, kssak'an, ksmpit"
Else (els), adj. and pron. lain, lagi. an (as above) ; (awkwardness)
AMiat else, apa lagi. kekok.
Else, conj. (otherwise) Jcalau Udah. Embassy (em'bas-si) s. (envoys or
Or else, kalau tidak. their missions) utusan;* (ambas-

iitei, ask, am, finol, care, car, cany; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
sador's residence) rumah utusan* kachaukan; (a third party in a
Embellish (em-beriish), v. t. hiasi, dispute) babit.
riaskan (B.). Embryo (em'bri-o), s. (germ -of
Embellishment (-ment), s. per- seed) pimat; (3'Oung of animals
h ia.<an, p?'a>m)i ( B. ) . in the womb) kandorgan. In em-
Embers (em'berz), s. bara api. bryo, mula-mula, pada permula'-
Embezzle (em-bez'zl), v. t. churl an-rya.
amanat (Ar.), pchah amanat* Emend (e-mend'), v. t. (correct)
pchah harapan. btulkan, mmbaiki.
Embitter (em-bit'ter), v. t. (make Emendation (e-men-da'shwn), s.

sad or sorrowful) susahi; (make (act of correcting) hal mmbaiki;

malignant) sahifl-an liati, stru- (alteration) obahan.
Emerald (em'er-iild), s. zamrud
Emblazon (em-bla'zn), v. t. hiasi (Ai\), batu hijau.
drgan pancha-iverna/^' riaskan drg~ Emerge (e-merj'), v. i. terbit,^ tim-
an orna-orna (B.). hoi, terkluar; (from water) jrgul;'^
Emblem (em'bkm), s. tanda, 'ala- (from a hole) rojol.^
mat (Ar.), as, the crown is an Emergency (e-mer'j en-si), s. per-
emblem of sovereignty, makota kara yaig tiba-tiba* perkara yarg
itu 'alamaf kraja'an. serta-merta.
Embody (em-bod'i), v. t. (invest Emery (em'er-i), s. batu las."^

with a body) jhna ('Sk.) ; (incor- Emetic (e-met'ik), adj. obat mun-
porate, collect into a whole) k%im- tah.
polkan, inasokkan. Emigrant (em'i-grant), s. orarg
Embolden (em-bol'dn), v. t. hram- yarg berpindah k-negri asirg* yarg
kan, bri hati. pindah k-negri lain (B.).
Emboss (em-bos'), v. t. briat bnrga Emigrate (-grat), v. i. pindah,
timbol. pergi berdagatg* tirggalkan negri.
Embossed, adj. timbol. Eminence (em'i-nens), s. (high
Embrace (em-bras'), v. t. (hug) ground) tnipat tirggi; (high rank
plok, mmlok; (more closely) da- or distinction) paigkat tirggi, k-
kap;* (accept eagerly) ti'ima bsaran, k mulia'an/^
eh pat; (include, comprehend) ber- Eminent (-ncnt), adj. (high) tiig-
wi, mrgandorg. gi; (of rank or virtue) mulia;
Embrace, s. dakap^, plok. (conspicuous) tcrnama, bernama.
Embrasure (em-bra'zhur), s. dildh Eminently (-li), adv. (in a high
kubu bagi mriani. degree) teramat/^ terlalu sargat.
Embrocation (em-bro-ka'sht^n) s. Emissary (em'is-sa-ri), s. (spy)
obat gosok. salu,'^' prgintaiJ^
Embroider (em-broid'er), v. t. su- Emission (e-mish't/n), s. (act of
ji* snlarn, tkat/* see below. sending out) hal mrgluarkan, hal
Embroidery (-er-i), s. sujij* (on mtnancharkan; (the thing issued)
a frame) sulam; (with gold pancharan, panchutan* Noc-
thre'dds) tkat* Embroidery frame, turnal emission, mimpi kluar
pmidarg* pmidargan/^ pidatgan mani (Ar.), mimpi kluar ayer
(B.). siau (B.).
Embroil (em-broil'), v. t. (in quar- Emit (e-mif), v. t. smbur, panchar,
rels) gmparkan;* (in confusion) panchur* panchut,*
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, cany; eve, hen, recent, mere, ber, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ten.
Bmollient (e-mol-li-ent), adj. ohat soig, liampaf^ (hollow) grorg-
plmhek.'^ garg* berrorggaj"^ (clear, open)
Emolument (e-moru-ment), s. laparg, lantargf (deserted) suryi,
(gain) imtojy, laha* pndapatan; khali (Ar.) (of fruits) mam-

(salary) upah, .wi. borg;* (without core or kernel)

Emotion (e-mo'shim), s. chita* grorggaiy;* (without effect, sin-
prasa'an hati, grah hati; (tender) cerity or sense) sia-sia* ta'pakai
rawan.'^ (B.). Empty-handed, hampa
Emotional (-al), adj. herhati ra- fatgani^ fargan kosorg. Empty-
hati Imhot (B.).
ivan,"^ headed, kpala argin. Empty talk,
Emperor (em'per-er), s. sultan chakap argin, auta, tmberarg. To
(Ar. sulTan), Jcaisor (Ar.), oiy-te feel empty (of stomach), Intul*
(B.) (Ch. hdni-te). kbulor. Empty honey comb, sam-
Emphasis (em'fa-sis), s. (stress) barg*
huryi yarg hras, buryi huat; (im- Empty, V. t. kosorgkan, JiampakanJ^

pressiveness) iichapan yarg huat. lapargkan, suryikan, etc., as above.

To lay the emphasis, than suara. To empty out, chiirah. To empty
Emphatic (em-fat'ik), adj. yarg by baling, timba.
di'l'ata kuat-kuat. Emulate (em'u-lat), v. t. (strive to
Empire (em'pir), s. (sovereignty) equal) choba ikut tuladan, mail
Tcrajaan: (dominion of an em- jadi s-tara; (vie with, rival) la-
peror) prentahan sultan. lean.
Employ (em-ploi'), v. t. (use) pa- Emulation (em-ii-la'shi/n), s. (ri-
kai, gunakan; (give employment) valry) perlawanan; (jealous rival-
hri kerja, apalikan. r}^ envy) chmburu, drgki.
Employ, s. see employme^'T. Emulsion (e-mursh^m), s. obat
Em p loy e ( em-ploi'a ) , s; = employee, yaig s-rupa susu.
q.v. Enable (en-a'bl), v. t. (give suffi-
Employee (em-ploi-e'), s. orarg cient power) bri kuasa, kuatkan;
upalian, oraig yarg makan gaji. (make competent) layakkan*
Employer (em-ploi'er), s. tuan, Enact (en-akf), v. t. kluarkan hu-
toke (Ch. ihau-ke), tauke (B.). kum, perundarg^ndargkan;* (of
Employment (-ment), s. pkerja'- an absolute monarch) titak,'*' bri
an, pncliarian; (office, post) ja- liukum.
wata7i* pgargan* Enactment (-ment), s. undarg-un-
Emporium (em-por'i-'wm), s. (com- darg, hiikum, iitah/^
mercial town) bandar (Pers.) ; Enamel (en-am'el), s. chat kachaf
(mart) pkaii/^ pasar; (large shop) (of the teeth) salut"^ gigi.
gudarg. Enamour (en-am'er), v. t. brahi*
Empower (em-pow'er), v. t. (au- brahikan* 'ashik (Ar.), gilakan.
thorize) hnarkan, hri kuasa; (com- Encamp (en-kamp'), v. i. ber^
mission) psan : (legallv) wakilkan khemak (Ar. khaimah) ; (pitch
(Ar.). tents) bntaig khemah; (remain
Empress (em'pres), s. sultanah for night) bermalam.
Ar ) per maisiiri. *
, Encampment (-ment), s. tmpaf
Emptiness (emp'ti-nes), ho- s. lial berkhemah.
sovg, lial laparg, etc. See below. Enchant (en-chanf), v. t. (by sor-
Empty (emp'ti), adj. (void) ko- cery) knakan obat guna, huat;

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferrj; ice, it' fire
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure '
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin ifAen.
(charm, please) sul'okan, gmar- Encumber (en-kum'her), v. t. (re-
kan:* (witli mut;ic) rawankan tard) tahankan; (weigli down)
hati* germyl'anhati (B.) (N".!.). brati, bratkan; (obstruct) slcat,
Enchanting (-ing), adj. (charm- rembet;'^ (with debts) kredak.
ing, pleasing) yaty mryul-alcan,
Encumbrance (-brans), s. (ob-
yaig mmbrahikari* struction) sl-atan, rembet;* (bur-
Enchantment (-ment), s. (by den) bban* kbratan.
magic arts) hohatan* ohat guna, Encyclopedia (en-si-klo-pe'di-a), s.
h il-ma t Ar . sih ir Ar . .
kamns sgala 'ihmt,^ (Ar. qamus).
( ), ( )

Encircle End (end), s. (termination) prg-

(en-ser'kl), v. t. (enclose
within a circle) lerglcotg;* (bind habisan, ksudahan, akliir (Ar.);
(conclusion) kputusan, tamat
round, as with rope; wind round
as a snake) blit; (surround) hli- (Ar.) ; (last point) hujorg; (of
a rope or cloth) punclia; (of part-
lirgi; (as with troops) hpotg.
ly burned firewood, or cigar, or
Enclose (en-kloz'), v. t. (surround)
stump of pencil) puntorg. End
lergkorg,* Miliigi, Tcporg (as
for end (in reversed order) smg-
alx)ve) (confine, shut up) leu-
sarg, mryuigsarg End
. on
rorg; (in a pen, as animals) kan-
(Naut.), di muka. Ends of the
durg; (with a covering) tudorg;
earth, liujoig bumi. In the end
(put in) masokkan: (slip in, as a
letter in an envelope) slit; (by a (finally), akhir-iya (Ar.), lama-
klama'an,'^ ptgkabisa7i-nja, blakarg
fence) pagarkan. On end, berdiri. To put
Enclosure (en-klo'zher), s. (space (B.).
an end to, putusl-an, sudali-
enclosed) kawasan;* (for animals) kan. End of a beam, kpala kayu.
kand-arg; (thing contained, as in
Without end, thda berkputusan.
a letter) isi sural.
Encomium s.
End, V. t. habiskan, sudahkan,
(en-ko'mi-tim), puji^
kan, tamathan (Ar.).
End, V. i. habis, sudah, putus, her-
Encompass (en-kum'pas), v. t. Ze?gr-
korg* blit, kporg, klilirgi. See
Endanger (en-dan' jer), v. t. datarg-
ENCIRCLE. kan bahya.
Encore (ong-kor'), s. ulargan.'^ Endear (en-der'), v. t. amhil hati,
Encore, v. t. minta buat s-mula. baiva kaseh.*
Encounter (en-kown'ter), s. (meet- Endearment (-ment), s. cliuju-
ing) pertmuan; (conflict) plarg- bnan.'^
garan. Endeavour (en-dev'er) , v. i. (try)
Encounter, v. t.
(meet) jwnpa, choba; (exert one's self) iisahalcan
tmu; (face to face) hadap, tntarg; diri,* amhil pnat; see effort.
(engage in conflict) larggar, sraig, Endemic (en-dem'ik), adj. ttap
amok; (of animals) herlaga; (of dalam satu tmpat.
fowls) saborg. Ending (end'ing), s. prghabisan,
Encourage (en-kur'ej), v. t. hrani- ksudahan. See end.
kan, ttapkan hati, bri hati;* (pro- Endless (-Ics), adj. tiada herhputns-
mote) 7najiikan* jalankan. an, tiada ksudahan, kkal.
Encroach (en-kr5ch'), v. i. anibil Endlessly (-les-li), adv. slalu, sn-
hah orarg beransur-ansur atau mn- ila-sa (Sk.).
churi-churi* churisnipadan oraig. Endorse (en-dors'),, v. t. (sign)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, c&rry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f65d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
sain di blakarg; (guarantee, sanc- sluhoiy, salut;* (embrace) plok,
tion) mrgahu, hnarkan. dakap*
Endorsement (-ment), s. (sig- Enforce (en-fors'), v. t. (compel)
nature) tanda tajyan; (sanction, paksa, yagahi;* (strengthen) ttap-
support, approval) TcbnaraUj prg^ kan, tyohkan; (give effect to)
ahuan. jalankan. To enforce the law,
Endow (en-dow'), v. t. (supply jalankan h ukuni, jalankan undaty-
with permanent funds) hri wary undaiy.
modal, l-urniakan modal*' Tcasi Enfranchise (en-fran'chiz), v. t.

modal; (enrich, with faculties, (set free) merdhekakanj* {give

*^te.) kurnial-ari
(Sk.), anuyrah' civic rights) brl hak neyri* (Ar.
kan (Sk.). (for re-
anuyrahi; naqq).
li^rious purjjoses) icakafl'an (Ar.). Engage (en-gaj') v. i. (pledge one's

Endowment (-m.?nt), s. (religious) self) janji, sarygop; (take part in)

irakaf (Ar.) ; (gift) kurnia* anu- mas ok tatyan.
yrah* pmhruin. See above. Engage, v. t. (pledge) janji; (gain
Endue (eii-du'), v. t. anuyrahi* for service) upahkati; (a house
kurnia'i* or carriage) sewa; (by payment
Endurable (en-dur'a-bl), adj. yarg in advance, esp. midwives) tmpah;
holeh di-tahan, yarg holeh dirdrita (employ or occupy in) masokko.n;
(Sk.). (in battle) ikat pra)y.^
Endurance (-ans), s. chJcal* Engaged (en-gajd'), adj. {hus,j)ada
Endure (en-dur'), v. i. (last) tahan, kerja, hkerja, ia'snary; (betroth-
ttap, kkal; (suffer patiently) so- ed) hertunary.
lar. Engagement ( en-gaj 'ment), s.

Endure, v. t.
(sustain) tahan, taty- (pledge) perjanjian, pnmpahan;*
yoiy, drita (Sk.) ; (suffer with (in marriage) tunaiy, perjodohan;
patience) saharkan. (occupation) pkerja'an.
Endways (end'waz), adv. (erect) Engender (en-jen'der), v.t. (cause
herdiri, terdiri; (with the end for- to exist) adakan, jadikan, datary-
ward) mmhujor.* kan.
Enema (en'e-ma or en-e'ma), s. Engine (en'jin), s. enjin (E.), psa~
homha doktor (Eur.). wat* jnira.* Engine driver, pn-
Enemy (en'e-mi), s.
(personal) jalan enjin
stru;* (common, national) mU' Engineer (en-ji-ner'), s. injinir,
soh; (in general) musoh-masah.* tukary psawat*
Energetic (en-er-jet'ik), adj. kuatj Engineering (-ing), s. Hlmu psa-
rajin, herusaha (Sk.). ivat.*
Energize (en'er-jiz), v. t. hri huasa, England (ing'gland), s. negri Iry-
kuatkan. yris.
Energy (inherent power)
(-ji), s. English '(ing'glish), adj. Irggris,
kuasa, khasiat
(Ar.) ; (vigour) oraiy Ityyris.
kkuatan, rajin, usaha (Sk.) Engrave (en-grav'), v.t. ukir*
Enervate (en'er-vat), v. t. hilaiy- lukis, pahatkan.
kan khuatan, Imahkan, Itehkan, Engraving (-ing), s. (the art)
Enfeeble (en-fe'bl), v. t. Imahkan, prgukiran;* (the thing engraved)
Itehkan, ukiran* lukisan; (a print) gam-
Enfold (en-fold'), v. t. sUmuthan, har.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire'
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Engross (en-gros'), v. t. (in writ- ormous size, hsar-nya hukan huai-
ing) /?/;* (occupy whoU}') 5- an.
saH'an/'' To be engrossed in Enough (e-nuf) adv. chukop^
work, heriuKjkKs-hinnis, finyl'ii- pada.'^
Ifunor (B.). Enough, int. sudah.
Engulf (en-gulf), v. t, ilan. Enquire (en-kwir'), v. i. (ask a
Enhance (en-lians'), v. t. tamhah, question) iarya; (make examin-
nail'Van. ation) preksa, slidek."^
Enigma (e-nig'ma), s. (riddle) Enquiry (-i), s. (question) per-
ihi-tki, I'ihi a\). taryaan; (investigation) saksama
Enjoin (en-join'), v. t. (command) (Sk.), preksa'an.
."iuroh, psan, amarlcan (Ar.) ; (pro- Enrage (en-raj'), v. t. marahkan^
liibit) tgahhui, iahankan. galakkan.
Enjoy (en-joi'), Y. t. (take pleasure Enraged (en-rajd'), adj. galak,
in) gmar akanf^ suka; (possess) heraty* gUa, liati ferhakar*
heroJeh* Enrapture (eii-rap'chur ), y.t. su-
Enjoyable (-a-bl), adj. sdap. kakan, gmarkan.^
Enjoyment (-ment), s. Icgmarmi/'' Enrich (en-rich'), v. t. kayakan;
k.ntl'cCan, suka-liaii, gerarg (N.I.). (with ornamentation) hiasi/^
Enlarge (en-larj'), v. i. (grow riaskan (B.) (the soil) gmokkan.

large) herfamhah; (expatiate) Enrol (en-rol') v. t. daftarkan

lanjuikan perkaia'an. To enlarge (Ar.).
upon, shura'i (Ar.). Ensconce (en-skons'), v. t. (shel-
Enlarge, v. t. (make large) hsar- ter) lindorgkan; (conceal) sm-
kan; (expand) luaskan, laparg- hufyikan.
kan. Enshroud (en-shrowd'), v. t. (of a
Enlargement (-ment), s. kluasan,^ corpse) kapankan (Ar.) ; (cover)
klapargan , pmhsaran. sluborg, tudorg, sapiit.*
Enlighten (en-lTt'n), y. t. (illu- Enshrine (en-shrin') v. t. (cherish)
minate) trargkan;
trargi, (the plihara, simpan.
]nind) trargkan, lapaigkan, huka;* Ensign (en'sln), s. (flag) hndera
(instruct) ajar. (Port.) (banner) panji-panji;*

Enlist ( en-list') y. t. (register) (symbol) 'alamat (Ar.).

(Ififtarkan (Ar.) (soldiers
; by Enslave (en-slav'), v. t. perham-
conscription) kralx.^' hakan, falokkan (Ar.).
Enliven (en-liY'n), y. t. (make Ensnare (en-snar'), y. t. jraikan,
vigorous or galakkan,
active) sarokkan.*
hidopkan; (the spirits) sukakan. Ensue (en-su'), v. i. ikut, twut. A
Enmity (personal)
(en'mi-ti), s. fight then ensued, knidian mnjadv
perstruan;* (national) permusoli- perklahmn.
an. Ensure (en-sh5or'), v. t. intukan.
Ennoble (cn-no'bl), y. t. muliakan. Entail (en-tal'), s. kintuan wa-
Enormity (e-nor'mi-ti), s. (im- s'iat^'
(Ar. ivamyat).
mensity) ksaigatan;* (atrocity) Entail, v. t. (of property) tniukan
kjahatan, m'asiat (Ar.). v:asiat;* (cause) hawa, dataigkan.
Enormous (e-nor'mt^s), adj. (im- Entangle (en-tang'gl), v. t. (make
mense) terhsar, terlalu hsar; tangled) knsutkan, kachaukan;
(atrocious) jdhat skali. An en- (stronger) bojotkan* srgkarut-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; fdod, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
I'an;* (Id complications) cham- ajak, hal mmhujok; (temptation)
pur, gndalal-an.*' pnchoba'an.
Entanglement (-ment), s. husut, Entire (en-tir'), adj. s-gnap, s-
I'acluiu, hojof/^ gndaJa,'^ as above; chukop, smoa, ant era (Port.) (of ;

(of jungle) ramhvri.'^ surface) sluroh; (of contents) s'-

Enter v. t. (come or go
(en'ter), i^i; (of length) s-panjaiy; (of
into) masok; (violently) tmpoh: time) sunfok.'^'

(penetrate) lutj'^ (perforate, Entirely (-li), adv. s-mata-mata,

break through) tnibus; (with dif- s-liahis-]} abis, skali
licult}^, just able to get in) lulus/'^ Entitle (en-ti'tl), v. t. (give a
(easily, as a loose ring) clilus/^ name) glai% nama'i, namakan, hri
To enter into, ma-sol'. nama; (give a claim) bri kuasa,
Enter, v. i. inasoh. bri hak-^ (Ar. iTrtr/g) ; (qualify,
Enteric (en-ter'ik), adj. prot (a). make worthy) patutkan,
Enteric fever, dmam hpialu. kan. T\\Q owner is entitled, ter-
Enterprise (en'tcr-priz), s. (under- hak-lah bagi ijatg anipunja.^' To
taking) perhuataii, plierja'aii hsar \h^ entitled to, patuf mndapat.
atau sukar;* (readiness to under- Entity (en'ti-ti), s. (real being)
take) prargai orarg yatg ninmpoli k'adaan, ujud* (Ar. irujud).
perkara yarg sul-ar* [su-scfh (B.)]. Entomb (en-t56m'), v. t. kuhorkan,
Enterprising (-ing), adj. yaiy iana m ka n m a ka ni kan ( Ar. )
, .

hrani iiuimpoli perMra yaiysuhar/^ Entomology (en-to-mol'o-ji), s.

Entertain (en-ter-tan'), v. t. (sup- 'ilmu ulat dan binatarg yaig kchiU

port) hla;^ pUliara; (as guests) kchil.
jamu,'^ ra'ikan (Ar.), chia^^ (Ch.) Entrails (en'tralz), s. isi prot* tali
(B.) (amuse) .mlcahan liati;
admit, receive) irima. To en- Entrance (en'trans), s. (act of en-
t<'rtain an opinion, taroh fihiran. tering) hal masok; (permission to
Entertainment (-m^nt), s. (act of enter) izin masoh (Ar.) ; (place
entertaining) hal mmUhara/^ hot of entering) pintu, mulut; (of
mnjamu,'^ etc.; (that which enter- rivers) kuala.
tains) perjamuanj^ hsiiha'aii, Entrance (en-trans'), v. t. (make
suka-i^-uka (B.), pesta (X.I.) insensible) lalaikan, jadikan ta'-
(Port.). sdar orarg (B.), bri khayal (Ar.) ;
Enthral (en-thrawl'), v. t. tawan' (
r-liarm, delight) aukakan; (canse
kan.^' wonder) bri
hairan; (stir emo-
Enthrone (en-thron') v. t. naikkan tion) rairankan* hati.
k'afa>iiakhta, Jantek,'^ tabalkan I
Entrap (en-trap'), v. t. jratkan,
(Ar.), kasi dudok jadl raja (B.). targkap.
Enthusiasm (en-thn'zi-asm), s. Entreat (en-tref), v. t. minta, po-
ghairat (Ar.), mukihhali (Ar.). honkan:^
Enthusiastic (-as'tik), adj. muhih' Entrust (en-trusf), v. t. (deliver)
bah (Ar.), geranj liati (B.). srahkan; (commit, confide) p-
Entice (en-tis'), v. t. (draw on)
. tarohkan* amauatkan (Ar.).
bawa hati oratg, ajak, ajat (B.) ; Entry s. (act of
(en'tri), entering)
(by persuasion) pujok. See also hal masok;
(record in writing)
ALLURE. suratan, kira'an; (place of enter-
Enticement (ment), s. hal mrg' ing) pintu, mulut.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Entwine (en-twIn'), v. t. (twist Epidemic (ep-i-dem'ik), adj. yaiy
together) anjam; (twist round) nira ta. * herjargkit.
Uif, nut. Epidemic, s. (of disease) sampar^
Enumerate (e-nu'mer-at), v. t. hairar. hnali/'

(count) hitorg; (mention

bilarg, Epidermis (ep-i-der'mis), s. kidit
one by one) shot satu persatv* art.
shot satu-satu. Epigram (ep'i-gram), s. slokai
Enunciate (e-nun'shi-at)/v. t. (an- (Sk.).
nounce, declare) khaharkan, rya- Epilepsy (ep'i-lep-si), s. gila hahi,
tall an, iiuuwlwrkan (Ar. mash- saican hahi.
liur), m'aJumkan (Ar.) (pro- : Epiphany (e-pifa-ni), s. hari-raya
nounce) hunjikan. Majusi mrghadap Ahnaseh,
Enunciation (e-nun-si-a'shwn), s. Episcopal (e-pis'ko-pl), adj. hi-
(declaration) perkliaharan ; (pro- shop (a) (E.).
nunciation) buryi. Episode (ep'i-sod), s. kesah. In
Envelop (en-vel'op), v. t. (a per- Malay
writings episodes begin
son) sluhorg, sUmutkan; (things)
A I -kesah/'
Epistle (e-pis'l), s. surat kirimau.
hunjkus, holot; (in mist) sapid*
klahot (B.). Epitaph (ep'i-taf), s. tidisan
nesan* (Pers. nishan), tuUsart
Envelope (en'vel-op or on'vel-op),
atas horg-pai (B.) (Ch. borg-pdi)..
s. (of a letter) sarorg surat, sam-
Epithet (ep'i-thet), s. glaran.
pul surat/^ emplop (X.I.). Also
see above. Epitome s.
(e-pit'o-mi) (abridg-
ment) rergkasan;* ac-
Envenom (en-ven'i/m), (poi- v. t. (short
son) huhoh* racliun, huhoh ipoh,* count) karargan yaig rergkas*
chrita pendek (B.).
taroh mchim (B.) ; (with malice)
Epitomize (e-pit'o-miz), v. t. rerg-^
pahitkan, sakitkan hati.
kaskan* pendekkan (B.).
Enviable (en'vi-a-bl), adj. yarg pa-
tut orarg irghi, yarg di-kahandaki.'^ Epoch (e'pok), s. (long period)
Envious zaman, jman (B.) ; (shorter) rna-
(eu'vi-i/s), adj. herdrgki, sa* deuHtsa (8k.).
in* hati, nuggiri hati (B.).
Environ v. t.
Epsom salts (ep'si/m sawlts or
(en-vi'r?/n), hpoig,
solts) s. garam p)nchahar, purga
garam (B.).
Environment (-ment), s. haUehual
Equal (e'kwflfl), adj. sama; (in
yairj mrglilirgi*
height) s-tara; (in age) s-haya,
Envoy (en'voi),s. utusan* pryuroh,
s-umor; (in size) s-hsar, sama
hsar; (in value) sama herga, satu
Envy (en'vi), v. t. herdrgki akan, herga. Equal to (fit for), padan
drgki sama (B.).
Envy, s. drgki, iri hati, mrgiri hati Equal, s. tara, handiixj. He has no
(B.), ha sad*(Ar. iiasad). equal, tiada tara-nya, tiada s-
Epaulet (ep'aw-let), s. kilat-bahu,^' handiig-rya.
renda hahu, jrumhai-hahu* Equal. V. t. (be equal to) sajna'i:
Ephemeral (e-fem'er-al), adj. s-
(make equal) samakan, ratakan.
hari (a). Equality (e-kwoH-ti), s. sama, per-
Epicure (ep'i-kHr), s. orarg yarg sam a' an.
herlazat (Ar.). Equalize (e'kwfll-iz), v. t. (make
ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry;. use, ua, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
equal) samakan, ratahan; (make na-iya (Ar. niand), ta'tntn arti-
alike) srupahan. lya: (uncertain, doubtful) ta'tntu^
Equally (e'kw^l-li), adv. sama, yaig ada shak dalam-rya (Ar.),
dry an hersania'an. dolak'dalek.*
Equanimity (e-kwa-nim'i-ti), s. Equivocate (e-kwiv'o-kat), v. i. pu^
panjarg hail, sahar. sirg hlit, herdaleh* herdolak-da-
Equation (e-kwa'shz/n), s. (a mak- lek.''

ing equal) persama'an; (Math.) Equivocation (-ka'sh?m), s. da*

perhandirgan. leh/' dolak-dalek.*
Equator (e-kwa'ter), s. Mattu 'l- Era (e'ra), s. zaman, jman (B.),.
istiwa (Ar.). masa, tarikh (Ar.).
Equatorial (e-kwa-to'ri-al), adj. Eradicate (e-rad'i-kat), v. t. (up-
L'hatlu l-istiwa (a).
root) chahot, hantunf
Equestrian (e-kwes'tri-an), adj. utterly, as disease, errors) hinasa-
li'uda (a). Equestrian statue, kan, hilargkan, tiadakan, tumpas.
gamhar orarg herkuda. Erase (e-raz'), v. t. (rub or scrape
Equidistant (e'kwi-dis'tant), adj. out) kikis; (obliterate) Jiapuskan,
sama jauli, sama jaralc.*
hihugkan, hnnoli.
Equilibrium (-lib'ri-imi), s. (state Eraser s.
of rest) (e-raz'er), prgikis, prg
htfapan; (of mind)
Jcttapan Jiatl, Mgohan Tiati, ttap Erasure
liati. In equilibrium, hertimhal- (e-ra'zhur), s. kikisan^ ha^
Ere (ar), prep, (before, sooner
Equine (e'kwm), adj. (a),
than) s-hlum, dhulu deri-pada;
sperti I'uda.
musim (rather than) rmak, as, he would
Equinox (e'kwi-noks), s.
die ere he would steal, rmak-lah
siatg dan malam sama panjarg.
mati deri-pada mncliuri. Ere
Equip (e-kwip'), t. t. IrgTcapkan,
aJati* long, tiada brapa lama.
Erect (e-rekf), adj. igah,^ cligakr
Equipage (ek'wi-pej), s. (outfit)
berdiri btiil; (of hair) rmaig,"^
khgkapan, alat (Ar.), serha
(Sk.) (of a house) alat rumah*

.^erba,* rumah; (of a ship) serha Erect, V. t. (set upright) fgakkan,^

kapal* alat praliu/^ serha prahu;"^' dirikan; (build) baigunkan, huat,

(retinue, suite) pygirirg;'^ (car-
naikkan; (set up, as machines)
riage of state) kreta khsaran. pjasaiy.

Equipment s. 7c-
Erection (e-rek'shwn), s. (act of
erecting) hal mngakkan* hal
Equitable (ek'wi-ta-bl), adj. (im- mmhargunkan, hal mmasarg (as
partial) tiada brat shlah; (just) above) ; (the thing erected, build-
'adil, paint. ing) baiyunan.
Equity (ekVi-ti), s. k'adilan, in- Erotic (e-rot'ik), adj. deri-hal
saf* (Ar. inmf).
Equivalent (e-kwiv'a-lent), adj. Err (er), v. i. (deviate from tru&
sama, s-rupa, sama lierga, sama course) ssat; (be mistaken) silap,
kuasa. sala/i; (sin) herdosa.
Equivocal (e-kwiv'o-kfll), adj. (of Errand (er'rand), s. (commission)
doubtful meaning) yarg dua m'a- pjsanan; (message) kiriman, su^

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry ; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tTten.
roluin. ErraD(l tamhi; (in
])oy, Esplanade (es-pla-nad'), s. padarg;
Oovenimont pion.
offices) (drive by the sea) jalan di tpi
Errata (er-ra'ta), s. pi. (in a book) laut.
aluilat (Ar.i, silap (Ar. Mildf). Espousal (es-powz'al), s. pertu-
Erratic (er-rat'ik), adj. (roving, nargan.
wandering) yarg mrgmbara;* (de- Espouse (es-powz'), v. t. (betroth)
viating from proper course) f^sat. ^unaigl-an; (take to wife) herUni-
Erratum (er-ra't?/m) , s. ; pi. er- Jran* I'ahwinlcan (B.) ; (take up,
IIA'L'A, q. v. make one's own) ambil, targgorg.
Erroneous (er-ro'ne-ns), adj. ter- Espy (es-pi'), v. t.
(catch sight of)
silap. nampak, Uhaf; (inspect narrowly)
Error (er'rer), (mistake, in ac-
s. intai, slidel'.*
curac}') silap(Ar. hhildf) ; (de- Esquire (es-kwir'), s. tuan, glaran
viation from truth) I'salahan; oraig haik-hail:
(moral offence) dosa. Essay (e^^-sfi'), v. t. clioba, sec >:f-
Eructate (e-ruk'tat), v. t. blahah, FOliT.
berdahak, serdawa, sndawa (B.). Essay (es'sa), s. (attempt) choba-
Eructation (e-ruk-ta'?htm), s. ser- rhoba; (treatise) karargan, rn-
dawa, sndawa (B.). chana (Sk.).
Erudite (er'u-dit), adj. der'ilmuj Essayist (es'sa-ist), s. ptgararg.
'alim (Ar.), paham. Essence (es'sens), s.
Eruption (e-rup'sliwn), s. (of vol- qualities or substance) zat (Ar.
cano) Jtopan/^' gwnoiy mltop dzdt) : (the real beijig) k'ada'an:
(B.) ; (on the skin) Tctumbohan; (distinctive character) prif' (vir-
(pimples) jrawat. tues of a drug) khasiat (Ar.).
Erysipelas (er-i-sip'e-ks), s. hasorg pati: (scent) ayer ivarqi, ayer kras
api/'' basal api.'^ (B.).
Escape (es-kap') v. i. (flee) lari; Essential (es-sen'shal), adj. (of the
(get clear from danger) Ipas, lu- essence) zat (a) ; (of the highest
chut, luput,^ elal-; (issue) Icluar. importance) liarus, wajib (Ar.),
Escape, s. (act of fleeing) plarlan; ferdlu (Ar.), perlu (X.I.),, ta'-
(getting free) klpasan^ Muputan.* dapat-iiada, yaig mdi (B.) ; (con-
Eschew (es-clioo'), v. t. (shun) taining tlie virtues) berkliamat
jauhkan din deri-pada; (abstain (Ar.).
from ) panta rglcan . Essentially (4i), adv. (in an im-
Escort (es'kort), s. piyiriig* omty portant degree) sargat.
mrghantar (B.). Establish (es-tab'lish), v. t. (make
Escort (es-korf), v. t. (as atten- Arm) ttapkan, tgohkan; (appoint,
dants) iriig* JcawanTcan (B.) ; enact) tntukan, Itakkcui; (found,
(accompany) serta% hantar. create) adakan, jadikan; (prove)
Esculent (es'ku-lent), adj. ijaiy sahkan (Ar.), traigkari. Firmly
boleh di-maMn. established, karar (Ar.).
Esoteric (es-6-ter'ik), adj. baiiiv^' Establishment (-ment), s. kttapan,
(Ar. bdTin), ktgohati, ktntuan, k'ada'an. See
Especially (es-pesh'al-li), adv. (par- abo\'e.
tita larly) isiimewa* hchuali, Estate (es-taf), s. (state, con-
yarg terlbeh sTcali
(B.) ; (in a dition) kal;
(property) herta;
high degree) terutama (Sk.) (property left at death) psaka;

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injury
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
(plantation) I'hu?}, ladarg, karrj- upper air) argkasa (a) (Sk.) ;
(Ch. ?)_. (light, tenuous) rergan; (delicate)
Esteem (es-tem'), v. t. (set a value hahis.
on) nilai/'' faJcslr CD.) ; (set a Ethical (eth'i-kfll), adj. den-hal
high value on, prize) indahkan, klakiian yarg baik.
kormatkan, permuUakan/'' hrat' Ethics (eth'iks), s. Hlrnu klakuan
kan. yarg irajib (Ar.), Hlmu kbaikan.
Esteem, (valuation) nUaian,'^
s. Ethiopia (e-thi-o'pi-a), s. negri
taksir (D.)(high value) hormat.
Estimable (es'tim-a-bl), adj. (valu- Ethiopian (-an), s. orarg Habshi,.

able) berherga; (worthy of es- orarg Jarggi* oraiy Kapri.

teem) indah, mulmj^ terbllarg. Etiquette (et-i-kef), s. ^adat, isti-
Estimate (es'tim-at), v. t. (judge 'adat (Ar.), 'adat bhasa, tertib
the value) nilai,^ aiggar,"^ taksir (Ar.), adah (Ar.).
(D.) ; (calculate roughh") hilaig, Etymology (et-i-mol'o-ji), s. Hlmu
kirakan; (guess) agal', gamak,^ asaJ'Usul perkaia'an.
Estimate (es'tim-et), s. arggaran, Eucharist (u'ka-rist), s. Perjamu-
nilaian/^ taksir (D. taxeeren) .
an Tuhan (X.).
Estimation (es-tim-a'shiai), s. (fa- Eulogize (u'lo-jiz), v. t. puji.
vourable opinion) hormat, nama Eulogy (-ji), s. pujian.
haik. Eunuch s.
(u'n?/k), orarg kmbirij.
Estrange (es-tranj'), v. t. (separate orarg kasi* khasi) ; (persons
from) berchrai deri-pada, jauhkan holding this office) sida-sida (Sk.).
diri, undorkan; (of the affections)
Euphonic (u-fon'ik), adj. rnerdu,'^'
jauhkan hati. Estranged from, sdap buvji-rga.
bermusoh drgan.
Eurasian (u-ra'zhan), s. ora'^g
Estrangement (-m^'ut), s. per- Srani (Ar. Naf^rdni).
sir nan, pennusohan, jauli hati.
Europe (ii'rop), s. negri Eropah^
Estuary (es'chu-a-ri), s. kuala,
bnua Eropah.

Etch European (u'ro-pe'an) ,

adj. Eropah
(ech), v. t. (on metal, glass,
etc.) lukis; (sketch) tulis.
European, oraig Eropah.
s. (In
Etching (ech'ing), s. (damascening
the Straits
oratg puteh is only
on a ki^is) pa mil r;'^ (sketch) gam-
used for British).
Eternal Evacuate (e-vak'u-at), v. t. (empty
(e-ter'nal), adj. klcal, s-
out, discharge) buarg, kluarkan;
lama-lama-rya, baka"^ (Ar. baqa') ;
(quit, withdraw from) tirggalkan.
(of the future) ahadi (Ar.) ; (of
the past) azali (Ar.). Evacuate, v. i. biiarg ayer bsar, A*-
Eternally adv. siirgai/^ berak.
(-li), s-lama-rya,
sntiasaf'' s-memarg.
Evacuation (-a'sh^m), s. hal mm-
Eternity (-ni-ti), s. (without be- biiarg,.hal mniiggalkan, as above;
ginning) azal (Ar.) ; (without (defecation) buarg ayer bsar, h'
end) abad (Ar.) ; (the hereafter) surgai.'^
akhirat. Evade (e-vad'), v. i.
(slip away)
Ether (e'ther), s. hawa argkasa lari, bcrlpas diri.
(Sk.). Evade, v. t. (escape) Input j"^
Ethereal (e-the're-fll), adj. (of the (avoid, as a blow) elak. To evade

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
use. us, mmws, cure, injure,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorrr;
thin then.
hurrv; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil;
the police, Ipas deri-pada taiyan (before sunset) ptarg, sore (K.l.) ;
poUs. (about G p.m.) snjakala: (after
Evanescent (ev-an-es'sent), adj. sunset) malam. Kvt'ning star,
i/an) }nnjap, yairj Jsap, yaiy gJia'ib bintatg baraf. Also sec akteij-
(Ar.). xoox.
Evangelical (e-van-jeri-kal), adj. Event (e-venf), s.
(incident) per-
deri-hal u\jU, mnnrut pigajaran kara, hal, hal-ehiral* (Ar. aH-
injU. ivdl, pi. of lial) :
(issue, resnlt)
Evangelist (e-\an'jel-ist), s. guru ksufJahan.
injU. Eventually adv.
Evangelize (-Iz), y. i. t.
ajar injil. prghahisan-vja.
Evaporate (c-vap'o-rat), y. i. (pass Ever (ev'er) adv. (only of the past)
otl*in Yapour) berwap; {he dissi-
pernah. Ever in the future sense
pated, pass away) hUarg, terharg, must be translated as in the fol-
lowing sentences If you ever go

-Evasion (e-Ya'zhiai), s. lial

Input j^ there, kalau barargkaU aiykau per-
hal mrgelah, pJarian. See evade.
gi Sana. ^^^leneYer you come, ba-
vasive (e-va'siv), adj. plari,^ prg- rarg bila argkau dataig. 1 cannor
pusirg hlit.
elalc, lyutar-halelc, e^'e^ do it again, skali-kali saliya
-Eve {o\):> s. piarg.sore (X.I.) ; (the
fa'bolek buat lagi. For ever, kkal,
iiiglit before) malam. The eve of See evermoee.
Friday, malam jma'at,^ malam
fiarl am pat Xew Years Evergreen (-gren), adj. (pokok)
ija)g liada luroh daun/-^ yaig daun-
eve, malam tahun hhara.
nja slaJu hijau.
-Eve, s. (the first woman) Hawa.
Even Everlasting (-last'ing) ,
adj. (eter-
(e'vn), adj. (level) rata, na-
nal) kkal, s-lama-lama-iya, baka'^'
tar,^ datar;* (uniform) sama, ( Ar. tiada
sama rata; (calm, of disposition) baqa) (unceasing)

put us, tiada berkput usan. From

InaniJ^ lausit (B.) (Ch.) ; (not
everlasting, a^a?t (Ar.). To ever-
rough on tlie surface) paras; (not
odd, of num])ers) gnap. On an lasting, abadi (Ar.).
even keel (Xaut.) tgak. Evermore (-mor), adv. (for ever)
Even, adv. (precisely, just) jaga, samjMi sampai s-lama-lama-

htul; (so much as) juga; (as nja; (alwa3's) slalu, snliasa,'^ snn-
tiasa (Sk.).
might not be expected) skali pun,
pun. Even
as, sama
sperti. Even Every (ev'er-i), adj. (all) smoa,
if, even though, surggoh pun, mski sgala, sklian;(each) iiap-tiap,
pun, walau pun (Ar.). Even so, masirg-jnasiiy, s-bilarg* Every
bgitu juga. Loyc even your en- day, s-harl-liari, hari-hari, saban
emies, kaseh akan musoli-mu skali liari (X.L). Every now and
pun. then, kadaig-kadaiy. Every one,
Even, V. t. (make level or smooth) tiap-tiap oraig, masirg-masiig
ratakan, datarkanj^ jjapaskan;* orarg, bilaig kpala. Every other
(make equal, make quits) sam,a' day, berskng-slaig hari, dua harl
kan, slsaikan, slisekan (B.). s-kali. Every three days, tiga-
Even, s. = evening. tiga Jiari s-kali.
Evenhanded (-hand'ed), adj. '^adil. Everybody (ov'er-i-))od-i), s. smoa
Evening (e'vn-ing or ev'ning), 8. orary, sgala oraty, baraiy-siapa,

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tlien.
Imp-iiap oranj, haraiy-sia'pa pun more nor less) gnap; (accurate,
bail'. precise, of f)ersons) chermat/^ ji-
Everyday (ev'er-i-da), adj. (in mat.
coininoii use) lajiah. Exact, V. t. (demand by force) tun-

Everyone, s. = EVj:RYBODy. tut digan paksa, tuntut drgan kras,

Everything (ev'er-i-thing), s. ha- rampa,s'.
raiy-apa, baraiy s-suatu,* smoa, Exactly (-li), adv. btul, tpat* btul-
.<gala .-^-yuafn,'^ apa-apa pun. btul.
Everywhere (ev'or-i-wliar), adv. Exaggerate (egz-aj'er-at), v. t.

s-gnap fmpat, s-gnap sana-sini,^ lainpaui* bsarkan, Ibeh-lbehkan.

di-mana-mana pan, mrata-rata. Exaggeration (-a'shun), s. klam-
To hunt everywhere, puas mn- pauan.*
(h ari, jn oh mnchari.* Exalt (egz-awlf), v. t. (lift up)
Evict (e-vikf), v. t. MmrTcan den- tirggikan; (in rank, etc.) argkai,
pada hah"^ (Ar. 'H.aqq). naikkan; (praise, glorify) puji,
Evidence (ev'i-dens), s. I'saJisian, haarkan, mgahkan* muliakan.*
ty at a' an, Mraigan. To exalt one's- self, mtyatas-rya-
Evidence, v. t. saksikan. /a>9.* mgahkan* din, iiiygikan
Evident (-dent), adj. ryata, trarg, diri, bsarkan diri.
Mara. Exaltation (-a'shim), s. ktirygian,
Evil (e'vl), adj. jaJiat; (calamitous, kbsaran, kmulia'an* kmgahan;*
unpropitious) sial, chlaha. An as above.
evil influence, hadi. The evil one, Examination (egz-am-i-na'shwn), s.

ihlis, setan
(Ar. .^liaiTan). Evil (investigation) pmreksa'an, sak-
speaking, umpat, fitnah (Ar.). sama {^k.),siasat (Av.) , prylidek-
Evil, s (injury, mischief, harm) hn- an;* (test of knowledge) preksa^-
rhana, chlaka, halak (Ar. bala') ; an; (interrogation) pertanja'an;
Imoral badness) I'jahatan. King's see below.
t'vil (scrofula), piyahit lehir m- Examine (egz-am'in), v. t. (in-
nunah. spect) preksa; (more carefully)
Evince (e-vins'), v. t. tyatalcan, belek* slidek;* (judicially) sia-
trarglcan, tunjoJcJcan. sat (Ar.) ; (interrogate) bertanja-
Evoke (e-v6k'), v. t. '(by magic) kan; (test) uji.
cliitahan,'^' haighithan;* (call Examiner (-er), s. pmreksa.
forth, as energ}', power) Muarhan, Example (egz-am'pl), s. (sample)
Evolution (ev-o-lu'shn), s. chontoh; (pattern, copy) tuladan,
(growth, development) pnuniboli- chontoh; (instance) mesal (Ar.
an, pigmhanjan,* kmajuan.^ mithal) ; (comparison) kias (Ar.) ;
Evolve (e-volv'), V. t. (unfold, open, (warning) larargan. For ex-
expand) huha, hmharg, tuniboh. ample, mesal-rya* andai-rya* ka-
Ewe (u), s. domba btina, Tcambirg takan saja (B.), mesalkan chakap
biri-biri btina. saja (B.).
Ewer (u'er), s. jak bsar (E. jug), Exasperate (egz-as'per-at), v. t.

bochoig.* gusari* datarykan marah, naikkan

Ex- (eks), bkas.* The ex-prime marah.
minister, bkas perdana mntri.* Exasperation (-a'shwn), s. marah,
Exact (egz-akf), adj. (precisely gusar,* gram, panas hati; (of
correct) htul, tpat;* (neither princes) murka (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Excavate (eks'ka-vat), v. t. (hol- terlampon (B.), terlalu, Ibeh deri^
low out) korch; (dig out) gali; pada 'adat; (of heat or price)
(horizontally) chhak* irek : (of pain) trok.
Exceed (ek-sed'), y. t. (go beyond) Exchanj^e (eks-chanj'), v. t. tukar,
Ibehi, laluif (surpass) lampaui* ganfi; (money) tukar, urup (N.
tewaskan* IV).
Exceedingly (-ing-li), adv. amat* Exchange, s. (act of exchanging)
sargat, terlampau* terlampon tukaran, gantian; (place of ex-
(B.), hukan alanj-lipalarg, bukan change) rumah perniaga'an, tmpat
huaian. pertukaran tvarg, tmpat mrgurup
Excel (ek-sel'), v. t.
(go beyond, iratg (X.I.).
outdo) Weh% laluif (surpass) te- Exchequer (eks-chek'er), s. (treas-
waskan^^ ury) perbndaliara'an* khazanah
Excellence (ek'sel-lens), s. utama
(Ar.), tmpat simpan warg (B.).
(Sk.), k'elokan* kimiUa'an, His Excise v. t.
(ek-sTz'), (cut out)
Excellence or Excellency, tuan krok: (in writing) pararg* po'
yarg terutama (Sk.). totg.
Excellent (-lent), yarg adj. m- Excise, s. cliukai, hasil, bia (^.I.).
Ibehi* yanj terutama* inddh, mu- Excitable (ek-sit'a-bl), adj. (ner-
lia, elok.
vous, ticklish) gli, snarg tergli
Except (ek-sept')., v.t. (exclude)
lainkan, kchnalikan;* (omit) tirg- Excite (ek-sif), V. t. (arouse) harg-
galkan, tolak. kitkan. grakkan; (kindle passions,
Except, conj. kalau tidaky jikalaii bri
etc.) galakkan, berrargsarg*
mlainkan, haiya.*
radargkan* gmherakan;* (pro-
Except, prep, lain deri-pada, chw- voke) usek; (stir up) haru-biru-
ma, harya* mlainkan. All except kan* gmparkan* taroh batu-api;
one, chum a satu yarg tidak, satu
(animals to hght) o^a.*
sahaja di-kchtialikan* Excitement (-mcnt), s. gmbera/^
Exception (ek-sep'shwn), s. kchu-
take excep- raigsarg* pi^argsarg, gmpar* ha-
all* kcMialian.*
ru-biru* See above.
tion to, tiada berknan akan, fada
Exclaim (eks-klam'), v. i. hertriak,
s-tuju (B.). bersru*
Exceptionable (-a-bl), adj. yarg
Exclamation (eks-kla-ma'sh-wn), s.
tiada di-perknankan*
triak, sru*
Exceptional (-al), adj. (forming Exclude v. t.
an exception) berkchualij* (not (eks-kliid'), (shut
out) kluarkan; (hinder from en-
ordinary, superior) bukan bararg-
tering) tgah; (prevent) tahan;
bararg* bukan alaig-kpalarg bu- ,

kan s-bararg (B.), bukan kpalarg (thrust out) tolak, buarg, halau.
Exclusion (-klu'zhwn), s. tgalian.
lagi (B.).
Excess Exclusive (-siv), adj. yarg mn'gah-
(ek-ses'), s.
kan, yarg mnolak. Exclusive of^
dance) klbehan, klampauan* k-
lain deri-pada, kchuali.'*
lempahan* kaargatan ;'^ (extra-
vagance) pmborosan; (remain-
Excommunicate (eks-kom-mu'ni-
In kat), V. t. tolak deri-pada per-
der) baki* (Ar. baqi), Ibeh.
skutuan atau agama, buarg deri
Excessive (-iv), adj. terlampau,* greja (B.).

am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry;
ice, it, fire,
ate, ask,
use, us, minus, cure, injure,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry;
law, how, oil; thm then.
biirrj-; fdod, foot, awfool (awful);
Excoriate (eks-kor'i-at), v. t. le- Executioner (-er), s. pertanda*
chet. plbaya,'^ oratg ijaig gantorg oranj
Excrement (eks'kre-ment) , s. tahi, (B.).
najis (Ar.), ta'ih (B.). Executive (egz-ek'u-tiv), adj. yaig
Excrescence (eks-kres'ens), s. gm- da pat mlakukan* yaig dapat m-
bol* honjol, jndol. nferjakan, yaig boleh jalankan
Excrete (eks-kref), v. t. (throw (B.).
off, discharge as useless) huaty. Executor (-ter), s. huasa^ wdkil
Excruciate (eks-kroo'shi-at) , v. t. (Ar. wakU) (of a will) wasi

ieksakan, srysarakan (Sk.), (Ar. wasi).

'adzabkan (Ar.). Exemplary (egz-em'pla-ri), adj.
Exculpate (eks'kul-pat), v. t. Ipas- (serving as a warning) yarg mn-
Jcan deri'pada salah.
jadi larargan; (serving as a pat-
Excursion (eks-ker'shun), s. (expe- tern) yarg mnjadi tuladan.
dition) aigl-atan,sraiyan;^ (pleas- Exemplification (-pli-li-ka'shwn) ,
ure trip) makan argin.
chontohj tuladan; (illustration)
Excusable (eks-kuz'a-bl), adj. yarg ktyata'an.
holeh di-ampimi, yaig boleh di-
Exemplify (-pli-fi), v. t. (illus-
mahapkan (Ar. maCif). trate) lyatakan, mnjadi tuladan,
Excuse (eks-kuz'), V. t. (exculpate) 'ibaratkan (Ar.), mesalkan (Ar.
Ipaskan deri-pada salah; (pardon) mithal).
ampuni, mahapkan (Ar. ma'df). Exempt (egz-emf), v. t. Ipaskan,
To excuse one's self (take leave) beba.^kan, kdiualikan.^
bermohon,^ minta diri* To ask Exempt, adj. lims, bebas.
to be excused (from doing a
mini a mahap
Exemption (egz-emp'shwn), s. ^'-
thing) mohoti;^
Ipasan, kbebasan.
(Ar. ma'df). Exercise (eks'er-slz),s. hal mlaku-
Excuse (eks-kus'), s. (pardon, ac- kan,'^' lull mmbiasakandiri.snam/^
quittal) ampun, mahap (Ar. ma'- latehan.'^ Military exercises, ba-
df) ; (apology, subterfuge) daleh*
rls, lafehan,^ katvaid (Ar.).
Execrable (eks'e-kra-bl), adj. ter-
kutok, kbncliian, patut kna sum-
Exercise, v. t. (cause to act) usalui'
kan:'^' (practise) biamkan, laku-
pah (B.). See below. kan.*
Execrate (eks'e-krat), v. t. (curse)
Exercise, v. i. lateh/^ bersnam,^
kutok; (detest) bnchi.
kawafid"^ (Ar. qawaid).
Execute (eks'e-kiit), v. t. (com-
Exert (egz-ert'), v. t. (put forth, aa
plete, finish) habiskan, sudahkan,
hasilkan strength or will) kluarkan. To
smpurnakan, (Ar.) ;
exert one's self, nsahakan diri,"^'
(perform) huat, lakukan,^^ kerja-
kan; (a deed) sain (E.), buboh gagahi diri* bersurggoh-surggoh,
bantiig tulaig, berkial-kial, her-
tanda-targan , taroh tanda targan
(B.) ; (put to death) bunoh;
Exertion (egz-er'shim), s. usaha
(with the kris) salaig;^ (by
strangling) kujut. (Sk.), bantiig tularg, kllahan.*
Execution s. (consum-
Exhale (eks-hal' or egz-al'), v. t.
mation) ksudahan; (death penal- (breathe out) hmbuskan.
ty) pmbunohan, hukum bunoh; berwap, merwap, ber^
Exhale, v. t.

(act of performing) perbxiatan. nafas.

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; fdod, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tMn.
Exhaust (egz-awsf), v. t. (drain or Exorcise (eks'or-siz), v. t. (cast
draw out completely) liahisTcan, out, as spirits) huarg; (destroy
hiJarghan; (weary or tire out) evil influences by charms) ^fl-

pnatkan, Imalil^an, jrehhan* tnat- irari:"^(a person) papas; (a i>laee

kan. by oU'erings) semali.
Exhausted, adj. inat, 'perch, ter- Exorcist (-sist), s. paivarg.
per eh ( B. ) .
Expand (eks-pand'), v.
i. kmhaig;
Exhaustion (-aws'chi^n), s. Tcpnat- (as rice when muai;*
boiledj (as
an, klmahan. the stomach) k ml) org; (become
Exhibit (egz-ib'it), y. t. (present larger) mmbsar.
to view) perlihatkan; (show, dis-
Expand, v. t. (open Avide) krahaig-
play) tunjokkan, ryaiakan. kan; (enlarge) luaskan. To ex-
Exhibition (eks-i-bi'shim), s. (act pand the breast, tehergkan dada.*
of pertunjok'an;
exlnbitiiig:) Expanse (-pans'), s. (extent)
(show) tmasa (Sk. tamasha). Muasan.* The expanse of heaven,
Exhilarate (egz-il'a-rat), v. t.
hniaigan largit.
(make merry) sukakan, riakan* Expansion (-pan'shzm), s. (act of
Exhilaration (-ra'shtm), kmharg- s..

rahu* ksuka'an. expanding) pigmhargan', (enlarge-

ment, extension) kluasan.
Exhort (egz-orf), v. t. (by advice)
Expansive (-siv), adj. (wide ex-
nasihatkan/^ irgatkan.
Exhume (eks-hum'), v. t. korek tending) luas; (tending to ex-
pand) yatg kmharg.
may at deri kiihor.
Expatiate (eks-pa'shi-at), v. i. lan-
Exigency (eks'i-j en-si), s. (press-
jutkaji perkata'an.
ing need)
hajat (Ar.) ; (lack,
Expatriate (eks-pa'tri-at), v. t.
deficiency) kkurargan, kssaan.
huarg deri negri.
Exile, (eks'il), v. t. huarg deri negri,
halau, huarg horabai.
Expect (eks-pekf), v. t. (look for-
ward to) nantiJcan; (anticipate)
Exile, s. (banishment) prribuargan;
sargka; (with hope) harap.
(a person) orarg huaigan, orarg
Expectant (-^nt), s. yarg mnanti-
dagarg, orarg kluaran, oraig hna
Exist v. i. ada; Expectation (-a'sliim), s. (act of
(egz-isf), (be)
(live) hidop. expecting) Jial rananti; (thing ex-
Existence (-ens), s. k'ada'an, ujud"^' pected) yarg di-nantikan, harapan,
(Ar. vmjud). sargka; see expect.
Existent (-ent), adj. yarg ada, lagi
Expectorate (eks-pek'tor-at), v. t.

ada. kluarkan daliak, kahak, ludah.

Exit (eks'it), s. (departure) kluar- Expectoration (-a'shuii), s. hal
an; (way out) t7npat hluar, jalan mrgluarkan daliak, hal mludah.
kluar, pintu. Expediency (eks-pe'di- en-si)., s.

Exodus (eks'o-dws), s. khiaran. (adAantage) untoiy, fa'idah.

Exonerate (egz-on'er-at), v. t. Ipas- Expedient (-ent), adj. (fit, proper)'
kan deri-pada salah, sucMhan deri- patut, haik, layak; (advantage-
pada salah. ous) heruntoig, herfa'idah.
Exorbitant (egz-or'bi-tant), adj. Expedient, s. (means to an end)
terlampau* Iheh deri-pada 'adat, daya-upaya:'^' (makeshift) ''akah
terlampon mahdl (B.), elah* (Ar. mlah).

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurrj^; f55d, foot, awfool (awful); law', how, oil; thin then.
Expedite (eks'pe-dit) , v. t. (has- Expiration (eks-plr-a'shun), s. (of

ten) sgral'an, IkasTcan, haryatkan,'^ breath) nafas; (of time) kputus-

Expedition (-di'sliMn), s. (haste) an, ksudalian, prghabisan, habis
sgm, chpatj (excnrsion) argkaian, tempoh.
klnjkapan.^ Expire (eks-pir'), v. i. (breathe
Expeditious (-di'shws), adj. Ikas, out) kluar nafas; (die) putus rya-
chpatj haygat/^ pantas. wa; (terminate) Jiahis; (cease,
Expel (eks-pel'), v. t. kluarkan, become extinct, as a lease) mati.
buaigkan, halaukan, njakkan/^ The time has expired, waktu-iya
hinchitkan.'^ sudah lewat.
Expend, (eks-pend'), v. t. (employ) Explain (eks-plan'), v. t. trargkan,
pakai, gwnakan; (consiune) lidbiS' ryatakan, artikan, shurahkan
kan; (spend) Uanjakaji, (
Ar.) (of riddles or problems)

Expenditure (-i-ehur), s. hlanja, urai.*

pprhlanja'auy otgkos (X.I.) (D. Explanation (eks-pla-na'shi/>n), s.
otikosten). (act of explaining) hyata'an, p-
Expense (eks-pens'). s. Uanja. igertian; (meaning) arti; (recon-
Petty expenses^ hlanja kropas-kra- ciliation) perstujuan; (commen-
pi^* hlanja kertak-kprtik (B.), tary) tafsir (Ar.), shurah (Ar.).
hlanja rnchek-rnchek (B.). Explanatory (eks-plan'a-tor-i), adj.
Expensive (-pen'siv), adj. maJial. yavg mnrargkan, yarg mryatahan.
Experience (eks-per'i-ens), s. (per- Expletive (eks-ple'tiv), s. sumpah.
sonal acquaintance) pigtaliuan; Explicit (eks-plis'it), adj. trarg,
(practice) khiasai'an. ryata.
Experience, v. t. (be acquainted Explode (eks-plod'), v. i. Itop, m-
with) taliu; (have befall one) Itop (B.).
kna, hertmii drgan; (be affected Exploit (eks'ploit), s. perhuatan
by, feel) rasa, taiygotg. perkasa i^\.) , perhuatan yarg her-
Experienced (-^nstj, adj. (taught nama (B.).
by practice) tali a, hiasa, mahir'^ Exploration (eks-plor-a'sht^n), s.
(Ar. mdhir), masak. pmreksaan, ptylidekan.*
Experiment (ek?-per'i-ment), s. Explore (eks-plor'), v. t. (examine)
(trial, test) ptgujian^ pmreksaan, pi'eksa; (minutely) slidek;* (by
kiya ta'a n , ck oba-rli o ha. probing j duga; (for discovery)
Experiment, v. i. choha, preksa, iiji. jarah.*
Experimental (-men't^il), adj. (by Explosion (eks-plo'zhwn), s. Itop^
experiment) drgan uji, drgan an.
cJioha'choha ; (by experience) Explosive (eks-plo'siv), adj. yarg
drgan hiasa. mltop.
Expert (eks-pert'), adj. yatg hiasa, Exponent (eks-po'ncnt), s. yarg
ya)g tahn, paham, maliir (Ar.), mnandakan, yarg trargkan (B.).
ahli (Ar.), pandai, pintar (X. I.). Export (eks'port), s. dagargan yaig
Expert (eks'pert), s. oraig paham kluar* hararg yarg di-hantar
(Ar. faJiam)^ oratg pandai, ahli kluar deri negri.
Ar.) Export (eks-porf) , v. t. hawa hluar,
Expiate (eks'pi-at), v. t. (make hawa dagaigan.*
amends for) gantikan. Toex-|3iate Exporter (-er), s. yatg mmbawa
a crime, hayer hutarg dosa. dagargan kluar.

ate, U8k, am, final, care, car, Carry; gve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food. foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Expose (eks'poz), v. t.
(display, ex- cellent) indah, el ok; (extreme)
hibit) huka, tunjolcMn; (lay yaig amat sargat, yatg terlalu.
bare) ddah, hiika; (lay open, dis- Exquisite, s.
(fop) psolek, si hi-
close) tyatalcan, iunjoJcl-an; (as a chak.
signboard) dendeirjlwi/^ To ex- Extant (eks'tant), adj. (still exist-
pose to the snn, jmor. To be ex- ing) yarg Jagi ada.
povsed to, I'na. Extemporary (eks-tem'por-a-ri),
Expostulate (eks-pos'tu-lat), v. i.
adj. (withoutpreparation) yarg
To ex2X)stii]Ht<' with, implah. tiada di-sdiakan dhulu.
Exposure (eks-po'zhur), s. haJ mm- Extempore (-por-i), adv. drgan
huka, lial mnjadi ierbulca. In- iiada miydial'an, dig an tiada di-
decent exposure, tersalah hain. ' sdiakan dhulu; (suddenly) serta-
Expound (ek^-poT\Tid'), y.t aril' meria.
kan, trargl-an, lyatakan : (as a
Extemporize (-iz), v. t. (speak ex-
commentary) iafsir'kan (Ar.). To tempore) heriutor dtgan tiada in-
expound a knotty point, urav^-' fydiakan dhidu; (prepare hastily)
simpolan. siapkan serta-merta. To extem-
Express (eks-pres'), v. t. (squeeze porize verses, herpantun.
out) prah; (represent, manifest) Extend (eks-tend'), v. i. (spread
ryatakan; (declare what is in
out) kmhatg, larat, ramhak;* (as
one's mind) traiykati, l-atakan. a sore) royak;* (as liquids) ruak,
Express, s. (messenger) surohan mruap (B.). To extend sam-
yaty pantas; (train) hreta som- pai.
horg; (circular) saUar (E.), pm- Extend, v. t. (stretch out, prolong)
panjatyhin; (as a rope) rntatg;
Express, adj. (exact) htnl; (dis- (tightly) tgatg; (enlarge, expand)
tinct, clear) trarg, lyata; (for a luaskan, laparykan; (prolong, of
particular |)urp0v<e) drqan srgaja, time) lanjutkan, taiggohkanr
lcha.r^ (Ar. A7<rt.ss).
(hold or stretch forth, as the arm)
Expression (eks-jDresh'wn), s. (act hidor, unjok, kdarg;* (as the legs)
of expressing) hal mmrah, haJ lunjor; (as the wings) kmharg-
mnjatahan, hal mnrarghan, Icryata'- kan; (as the tongue) julor; (he-
an; (phrase) perchakapan, per- 8tow, as symjtathy, etc.) hri, un-
hhasa'anr^ (of tiie face) ayer
muka; see j-ixi^ress.
Extension (-ten'slnm), s. (act of
Expressive (oks-pres'iv), adj. yarg extending) hal ramanjargkan, etc.,
mryatakan, yatg mnrargkaii. as above. Extension of time, rna-
Expressly (-li), adv. (with distinct ^a pertaiggohan,'^' tern pah.
purpose) drgan srgaja. Extensive (-siv), adj. (of wide ex-
Expulsion (cks-purshwn), s. lial tent) luas, Iciparg, ramharg, hi-
mmbuavjkan, hal wnolak. darg.
Expunge (eks-pimj'), v. t. (blot Extent (eks-tenf), s. (space, bulk)
out) ha pus,* bun oh ; (destroy, an- kl'unsan, klapafgan, khsaran; (de-
nihilate) hmamkan, turn pas.
gree, measure) kdar* kadar* ( \t.
Expurgate (oks'per-gat), v. t. ler- qadar).
sehkariy suchikan. Extenuate (eks-ten'u-at), v. t.

Exquisite (eks'k\d-zit), adj. (ex- (make slender) snikan* halusi;

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferrj'; ice, it, fire,
mirror; oll, not. connect, sore, sort, Horry; use, us, miniis, cure, injure,
hiirry; foTKt, foot, awfool (awful) ;' law, how, oil; thin then.

(palliate, lessen) rerganhan, leu- ratg-bararg, bukau s-bararg (B.),

rargJcan. bukan kpalaig,, bukan buatan, Ibeh
Exterior (eks-ter'i-er), adj. luar, deri-pada 'adat; (rare, uncom-
sblah luar, lahir* (Ar. ildhir). mon) plek,"^^ jaraig; (wonderful)

Exterior, s. luar, sblah luar, kulit. hairan, 'ajaib (Ar.).

Exterminate (eks-ter'mi-nat), v. t. Extravagance (eks-trav'a-gans), s.
tumpas, hinasakan. (excess) ksaigatan, klampauan;*
External (eks-ter'nal), adj. luar, ( prodigality ) pmborosan.
shlah luar, lahir^ (Ar. tldhlr). Extravagant {-gant), adj. (beyond
Extinct (eks-tingkf), adj. (quench- proper limits) tersargat, terlam-
ed) padam; (without survivor) pau, terlampoti (B.) ; (wasteful)
papas habis; (dead) habis mati. boros. To be extravagant, mm-
Extinguish (eks-ting'gwish), v. t. boros.
(quench) padam; (put an end to) Extreme (eks-trem'), adj. (far-
tiadalcan, hilatglcan, habishan. j thest) yarg jauh skali, yarg hu-
Extirpate (eks'ter-pat), v. t. (root i

joig; (last, final) yarg prghabisan,

out) chabot, bantunf (destroy I
yarg akhir (At.) ; (excessive) ter-
wholly) pupushanj^ tumpas. \

lampau* teriahi, terlampon (B.) ;

Extol (eks-tol'), V. t. puji, bsar- \ (of heat) trek; (of pain) trok.
lean, titygihan. { Extremely (-li), adv. amat* sa-
Extort (eks-torf), v. t. ambil drgan \ igat, skali, terlalu, terlampau,*
hras, ram pas, hisap darah. terlancliut,'* bukan buatan, ter-
Extortioner (-tor'shwn-er), s. pa'- lampon (B.).
pulasJ^ Extremity (eks-trem'i-ti), s. (ut-
Extra (eks'tra), adv. yarg Tbeh, tam- most limit) hujoig; (necessity)
bah, tokolv, basi* An extra help- kssak'an, kpichek'an* kputusan.
ing of rice, nasi tambah. Extricate (eks'tri-kat), v. t. (dis-
Extract (eks-trakf), v. t. (pull out) embarrass) Ipaskan, luputkan*
chabot; (withdraw) Muarlcan; Exuberance (eks-u'ber-ans), s. k'
(select) pileh. me wall an, klempahanj* klampau-
Extract (eks'trakt), s. (quotation) an.'^

purgutan, chahotan; (copy) tiru- Exuberant (-ant), adj. yarg mlem-

an;* (essence) pati, hhasiat (Ar.). pah,* yaig meirah.
Mukini extract, gran kchil (E. Exude (eks-ud'), v. i. leleh, mleleh
grant) .
Extraction (eks-trak'shwn) ,
s. (the Exult (egz-ulf), V. i. bersuka sbab
act) hal mnchabot, etc., as above; mnarg.
(lineage) Tcturunan, bneh. Exultation (eks-ul-ta'shwn), s.

Extradition (eks-tra-dish'wn), s. suka-ria* suka-hati sbab kmnaig-

pryrahan. an.
Extraneous (eks-tra'ni-i^), adj. Eye (i), s. mata. Eye of a needle,
(not belonging to) yaig tiada ber- lobarg jarom. Hollow of the eye,
hna'an, yarg tiada mnasabah drgan Ikok mata. To see with the mind's
(Ar.) ; (foreign) kluaran, dagarg, eye, terbayatg-bayarg di-mata. To
deri negri lain. keep one's eye on a child, lihat-
Extraordinary (eks-tror'di-na-ri) , lihatkan budak.
adj. (unusual) yarg tiada biasa; Eye, V. t. mata'i, teygok, buargkan
(more than ordinary) bukan ba' mata (B.), lata p.*

ate, ask, am, finol, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin ^?ien.
Eyeball (i'bawl), s. biji mata. metal) salut; (smooth the sur-
Eyebrow (i'brow), s. hnirg. To \
face, as stone; pahat.
rai8e tlie eyebrows, kiyit* Facet s.
(of a diamond)

Eyeglass (i'glas), s. kacha mata* sgi.
chermin mata. Facetious ber-
(fa-se'sh?/s), adj.
Eyelash (I'lash), s. hiilu mata. i

gurau, bersnda^' berjnakai^' ber-

Eyelid (i'lid), s. MopaJc mata, plu- sloroh, suka main (B.).
pok mataJ^ I

Facile adj. (easy) snarg,

Eyesalve (i'sav), s. chlalc.
mudahf (mild, affable) manw;
Eyesight (i'sit), s. prglihatan. (yielding) Imak-lmboi; (expert)
Eyetooth (i'tooth), s. gigi asu/^ panta^^.
gigi anjirg. Facilitate (fa-sii'i-tat j, v. t. mu-
Eyewitness (i'wit'nes), s. salcsi
da li ka n * sn-argkart
, .

yarg sndiri mlihat.

Facility (-i-ti), s. (ease) ksnargan,
Ezekiel (e-ze'ki-el), s. iiahi Hizhiel,
ktnndahan;'^ (dexterity) kpanta'<-
an; (opportunity) paksa* smp^^
pluarg/^ snaig (B.).
Fable iFacing (fa'sing), s. (sheathing^
(fa'blj, s. chrita perum-
ch rita, covering) salutan; (of a coat) li-
pam aanj^ reka-reka'an;'^'
patan Ic/nr hajif, serg.serya7i hgan
(falsehood) hohorg..
Fabric baju.
(fab'rik), s. perhuatan, Facsimile (fak-sim'i-le). s. tiru-
huatan; (edifice) bargunan; an.^
(cloth) tnunan.
Fact (fakt), s. (act, event) pter-
Fabricate (fab'ri-kat), v. t. (con- huaian. pkerja'an, lial; (reality)
struct) luat, tukdigi/^ (invent)
kbtulan, hakikat (Ar.). In fact,
jadikan, adakan; (a story) reka* as a matter of fact, s-bnar-nja,
Fabrication (-ka'sh-zm), s. perhuat-
an; (falsehood) hohojg. .^-sutggoh-rya, pada hakikat-tga
Fabulous (Ar.), yarg btnl-nja (B.).
(fab'ii-h/s), adj. (fic-
Faction (fak'shn), s. (party, cli-
titious) jadi-iadian ; (passing
mustahil que) piJiak,'^' pakatan; (dissen-
belief) 'aja'ih (Ar.),
sion) perslkehanj^'
Facade Factious (-sh?/s), adj. (turbulent)
(fa-sad' or fa-sad')^ s.

muka-rumah. ptgharu:* (raising dissensions)

Face (fas), s. (visage) muka, wa' bersliseh,^' berttgkar.
Factitious (-tish'^/s), adj. yanj di-
jah {Av.),durja (Sk.) ; (surface)
muka: (appearance, aspect) rv-
buat-btial, chatggeh/' pura'pura*
pa; (grimace) muka erut. Face Factor (agent) tva-
(fak'ter), s.

Face up- kit (Ar.) ; (contributing circum-

downwards, tkirap.
wards, tlntarg. Face to face, her- :

stance) hal yarg mnjbabkan,'^ per-

fntargan, mnniarg mata..- To kara yarg mndatargkan.
make faces, sritgai/^ To pull a Factor^^ (-tor-i). s. (gen.) pabrik
long face, tarek muka dua-hlas, (\.T. ) (i>.); (i'l which rol-
buat muka amui (B.). lers are used) kelatg,^ as, tapioca

Face, V. t. (confront) tntarg; (stand mill, kelaig ubi.'^' Various ex-

opposite to) hadap; (encounter, pressions are used, as, pine apple
oppose) la wan ; (cover, as with factory, trnpat masak nancjiy enjin

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eye, h^m, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; okl, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, niiniis, cure, injure^
hurry; food, foot, awf<;'^^ ''awful); law, how, oil; thin ^ihen.

nanas; ice factory, enjin ayer chol,'^ tawar haU; (hardly per--
batii. ceptible) Tcahus,^' rdam,^ sayup/
Factotum (iBz-Wium), s. orarg (of colour) muda, udam,^ malis,^
pudar;* (of light) malap.'^
Faculty (fak'wl-ti), s. (natural Faint, v. i. (lose strength) jadi
I'uiiction) sipat (Ar. sifat). Ma- Imak, jadi Ueh; (swoon) peigsaUy
sa; (body of teacliers) majlis khgar, iiada sdar al'an din.
sgala guru. Faint-hearted (-hart'ed), adj. ta^
Fad (fad), s. (fancy) l-gmaran/^ war haii, Jiaii kchil.
I'suka'anj (capricious hobby) p- Fainting, s. peiysan.
kcrja'an sia-sia,'^' pkerjaan ia-- Fair (far), adj. (beautiful) elok^ mo-
bfrguna. lek, chaniek, permai;'^ (not dark)
Fade (fad), v. i. (wither, decay) puieh; (of hair) kiinirg; (of sky
lapi, ma'laf^ (lose colour or or weather) bercliuachaj^ chiiacha
brightness) turun, udam,^ malis:^' baik; (equitable) 'adih patut,
(grow dim, disappear) Jcabiis,^ bnar; (average) sdarg. Fair
Iniyap, liilanj. play, k'adilan. The fair sex, hi-
Faeces (fe'sez), s. najis (Ar.). largan prempuan, prempuoAi-preni-
Fag (fag), V. i.
(tire) herpyiat; puan.
(work hard) herUah/^ Fagged Fair, s. pasar hari raya, pasar yarg
out, Ueh-UuJ' di-itapkan li ari-rya.
Fag, s. (menial) liamha; (drud- Fairly (far'li), adv. (justly) drgan
gery) llali* s-paiut-rya, diyan 'adil; (moder-
Fag-end (fag'end'), s. piinclia. ate!}) sdarg J s-derhana (Sk.),.
Fagot (fag'7(t), s. herJcas Icayu atau drgnn kadar-rya (Ar.).
rantiig. Fairness (far'nes), s. (honesty)
Fail (fal), v. i. (be wanting) hu- k'adilan, kiuliisan, insaf^ (Ar..
rarg, herJciirqrg; (become weak) inmf).
jadi Ueh; (omit) lalai, alpaf' Fair-spoken (far-spo'kn), adj. mu-
(not accomplish) ia'jadi, ta'sam- hit manis.
pai, am:'^ (become bankrupt) Fairway (far'wa), s. (^aut.)
jatoh, herghrap (E.). arotgari.
Fail, V. t. (forsake) iirggallwi. Fairy (far'i), s. pri/^ pari (Pers.),.
Fail, ^. Without fail, iiada toleh bidadari, ptri, orarg ksiatan (B.)..
tldaJc,ta'dapat iiada. Faith (fath), s. (belief, confidence)
Failing (fal'ing), s. (imperfection)
perch a ya, harap; (religious) k-
Ichurargan; (infirmity) hlmalian; percliaya'an, iman (Ar.) ; (re-
(fault) hsaJahan, cJila, cliachat. ligion) agama, igama, ugama;
Failure (faFur), s. (deficiency) Ic- (fideJitv, lovaltvj stia (8k.)^
kuratgan: (omission) alpa (Sk.) ; bakii '(Sk.)! to break faith,
(deterioration ) rosa k, Ic rosak'an ; obahkan stia/'' pcJiah perjanjian
(want of success) lial ia'jadi, lial (P>.).
ta'jaya/'' ktewasan.^ Faithful (fath'fool), adj. stia/' k-
Fain (fan), adj. gmar^ sul'a, her- perclmya'an, holeh di-percliaya
knan. (B.). The faithful (Moham-
Faint (fant), adj. (weak) hnalh medans), oratg rmrmin (Ar.)
Iteli, Isuf (through loss of blood) To promise faitlifuUy, janji baik-
mob oh daralif' (timorous) ha- baik.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Faithfulness (-nes), s. stio;'^ l-haJc- draw), iindor; (diminish) ber-
hurarg. To fall on (light on),
Faithless (ITitli'les), adj. (not be- timpa: (attack) tmpoh, larggar.
lieving) l-umnj perchaya; (with- To fall out (as teeth) targgalf''
out religion) tiada beragama; gugor (B.) ; (quarrel) bersli^ehf
(disloyal) tiada hpcrcliaya'an, happen) jadi. To fall through,
l-hianat (Ar.). tiijadi, batal (Ar. bd-Tal).
Fake (fak). v. t.
tipu-, lanchorg- Fall, s. (act of falling) l-jatohan,
han/^ h'luitohan,'^ etc., see above; also
Falcon (faw'kn or fawl'kn), s. latg (ruin, overthrow) Icbinasa'an:
sikap,'^ hitrj seirah (P.). (waterfall) jram,^ aijer terjun:
Fall (fawl), V. i.
(generally) jafoli, churaman; (autumn)
also in tlie sense of to occur, be- musim luroh daunj^ musim daun
come bankrupt, fall sick, fall in gugor (B.) ; (of a tackle) tali;
price, fall into one's hands; (as (of halliards) an jar ^'
an avalanche or mass of earth) Fallacious (fal-la'slms), adj. (il-
ruiitoh; (6f large, heavy objects) logical) salah; (misleading) pni-
rohoh, ruhoh (B.) ; (of trees) pu.
tumhaiy, rbali; (of men) rhah; Fallacy (fal'la-si), s. (misconcep-
(of hair, dead leaves, ripe fruit, tion ) mlah ambilan/^ silap (Ar.
ctc.) Inroli,^ {Jitfjor (B.) ; (pre- k-hildf) ; (deceitfulness) tipu.
maturel}', as unripe fruit, etc., Fallibility (fal-li-biri-ti), s. pri
also of meteors) gugor; (slowly, boleh ssat, pri boleh bersalah.
as feathers or paper) lepeh; (in Fallible (fal'li-bl), adj. yarg boleh
driblets, or accidentally on the ssat, yarg boleh bersalah.
way) chichir; (in drops) titeJc, Fallow" (fal'lo), adj. tandus.'^ Fal-
titisj* (of the tide) surut; (of low land, tanah matl, tanah rarg.'^
the wind), sasap/^ (of the sea) False (fawls), adj. (unveracious)
tdoh; (of bread or cakes) hantat; boh org, dust a, jnsta (B.), auia;
(be captured, as a city) alalij^' ('not loyal) tiada stia, khianat
ialah (B.). To fall in various (
Ar.) ; (not genuine) lanxhorg*
postures, of the body, of which palsu (Port.) ; (erroneous) tiada
-either rhah or jafoh may be used hnar: (in fun) olok-olok; (in
(face upwards)
jatoh tlntarg; music-) ja-iggal* False hair,
(with Jimbs
extended) ferjraig- chmara. A
false step, salah lanj-
harg ; (face downwards) jafoh kali.

tiarap; (with head bowed) jatoh Falsehood (-hood), s. bohorg, dus-

tersiuyii-or: (on the hands) ter- ia. auta.
jroigkoni; (sprawling) jatotb ter- Falsification (fawl-si-fi-ka'sh-wn) ,

jrumus:'^' (in a sitting posture) s. hat mmbohotgkan, etc., as below.

jafoh lerdadoh-; (forward un Falsify (fawl'si-fl), v. t. (repre-
hands and knees) jaloh jrahap.^ sent falsely) bohotgkan; (forge,
To fall back, undor. To fall into, jnake false) lanchoigkan* palsu-
a hole, mud or sin, prosok; (a ]jit- kan, dustakan.
fall or unseen hole) pcrhi.s* To Falter (fawl'ter), v. i. (in speech)
fall in with (meet), hcrimu, her- gagap* gagok (B.) (in one's ;

jumpa, tprjrmpali';'^ (agree witli) steps) oyo)g*uyotg (B.), loyorg/^

ber.stuju digan. To fall olf (with- lilauf' (in jnind) bimbaig.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Fame (fam), s. (report, rnmour) Fan (fan), s. kipas. Winnowing
Iclidbar, wcrta;'^ (renown) nama, fan, rgiru; (a round shape) ha-
gall* daty.'^'
Famed (famd), adj. hernama^ ter- Fan, kipaskan; (winnow) tarn-
V. t.

narna, knama'an* ierhilatrj^ ma- pi, tarn pus

(B.) ; (blow on) tiop,
soil or (Ar. mashlinr). puput/-' hmbu.<; (excite, stir up)
Familiar (fa-miryer), adj. (inti- galakkan.
mate, as friends) dkat, ramah/'^ Fanatic (fa-nat'ik), s. orarg panas
herramah-ramahan* msra (Sk.) ; darali fasal agama.
(well versed in) paliam, 2)achak/' Fanatical (-al), adj. pan-as darah
alili (Ar.) (accessible, uncon-
fasal agama.
strained, easy) heha^^^ jinal\, her- Fanaticism (-i-isizm),s. kkrasan dan
jinak-jinaVaji : (well known) m- panas darah fasal agama.
'alum (Ar.), ktahvan. Familiar Fanciful (fan'si-fool), adj. (guided
friend, liandai, sohai-liande (B.). by fancy) ya'tg di-sargka; (fasti-
Familiar spirit, haniu jamuanJ^ dious) baryak chrewet, arggun;*
Familiarity (fa-mil-i-ar'i-ti), s. h- (unreal ) bukan-b ukan.
ramahanf^ khehasan, kjinak'an, Fancy (fan'si), s.
prgtahuan; see above. pri mmikir/'' (thought, idea) irg^-
Familiarize (fa-miryer-iz) , v. t. atan, fikiran hail, ram hati; (lik-
(habituate) hiasakan; (make ac- ing) suka, kgmaranj^
quainted) hri takn, kasi tahu Fancy, adj. Fancy goods, bararg-
(B.). To familiarize one's self, perhmsan. Fancy price,' herga
dapat tahu, jadi akli (Ar.), jadi gila,'^' herga bukan-b ukan, hcrga
paham. mnbazir (Ar.).
Family (fam'i-li), s. (iiouseliold) Fancy, v. t. (imagine, portray in
isl rumak; (wife and children) the mind) fikir, iigat; (like)
anak-hini. permili (X.I.) ; (chil- ginar,"^' suka^ perknankan; (be-
dren and irrandchildren) anak- lieve with insufficient evidence)
huah; (kindred) kluarga. kaumj^^ saigka.
kaum-kluarga/-' puak, rhikeu'eh Fang (fang), s.
gigi asxi/^ tarirg,.
(B.) sanak-mudara (N.
(Ch.), sio)g.^'
I.); (lineage) Imel kiuninan; ,
Fan-palm (fan'pam'), s. palas,
(group) hargsa. Family man, lontar, serdarg, and similar palms.
orarg heranak-hini, oraiy yarg ada Fantastic (fan-tas'tik), adj. (ima-
anak him (B.). Family tree, ginary)yarg di'Sargka; (capri-
salamlah (Ar.), fro ?nha^' In the cious) banjak olah;* (eccentric)
family way, huntirg, ha mil (Ar.). plek,* ta'tntu arah, pancharoba*
Famine (fam'in), s. klaparan, k- Far (far), adj. jauh, duraJ'
buluran; (scarcity) kkurargan, as, Far, adv. jauh. As far as, s-jauh,.
a water-famine, kkurargan ager. s-brapa, rnmbawa datarg. As far
Famish (fam'ish), v. t. (die of as I know, s-taliu sahya,"^' yarg
hunger) raatl I a par, inati kbulur- ^ahya tahu. Far better, ierlbeh-
an; (suffer extreme hunger) hu- baik. Far apart, jauh jarak-nja,'^'
lur, hhulur, holor (B.). jauh satu sama lain (B.). Far
Famous (fa'mz/s), adj. hernama, and wide, s-gnap tmpat, inratO'
ternam^a, knama'an, terhilarg, ma- rata tmpat.
sohor (Ar. mai<hhur). Farce s.
(fars), (low comedy)
ate, ask, am, filial,
care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); lavr, how, oil; thin then.
jnaka;* (ridiculous or empty ship) kerja, ktukaryan; (pattern,
show) perlcara yair^ sia-sia/'^ model) rupa, macliam; (man-
Farcical (far'si-kai), adj. her- ner, sort) chara, pri;* (prevail-
jnaka* sloroh, sia-sia;* see' above. ing style) 'xdai, klaziman (Ar. ).
Fare (far), s. (passage money) pesen (K.), ntodal (X.I.).
tanibarg^ warg tamha^yan; (in a Fashion, v. t. (form, shape) rupa-
carriage) seiva; (food) makanan; kan, tokoh :
(adapt) s-rupakan.
(person conveyed) oraiy tanihajy- Fashionable chara
(-a-bl), adj.
an. Bill of fare, da f far nama-
'adat, laziiu (Ar.).
nam a makanan* Fast (fast),i.
(abstain from
Fare, V. i. (journey) herjalan; (be,
food) puasa; (be ]iungry) lapar.
happen) herlakii* jadi.
Farewell Fast, s. puasa.
(far-wel'), int. slamat
Fast, adv. (of sleep) I lap, vjadar/-'
thy gal, slamat jalan, see goodbye. lena.'^
Farfetched (far'fechf), adj. reka-
rekaan.* Fast, adj. (firmlv shut) terkaiop;
Farinaceous (fixed) ttap, kukoh;'' (difficult to
(far-i-na'shws), adj.
]nove) ktat, ktial;* (firm against
deri-pada tpory, hertpoty.
Farm (farm), s. (lease, monopoly) attack, faithful) tyoh; (adher-
ing) Jkat; (immovable) jnati;
pajak: (cultivated land) ladary,
hnma.'^ (moving rapidly) Ika^, chpat,
syra, dras, laju, tatykas/^ pant as;
Farm, v. t.
(lease) pajak; (culti-
(of speech) lanchar* Juntas (B.) ;
vate) bertanam, herhama* her-
chochok-tanam. (dissipated) pcrlonteh (X.L).
Fast and loose, chandakia.* Fast
Farmer (farm'er), s. (one who
colours, irernu ta'turun, iverna
leases) pmajak;(cultivator) 7;?^- tahan basoii.
dary,^ oraiy ladary.
Farrier Fasten (fas'n), v. t. (by tying)
(far'ri-er), s. tukary pukol
hsi kuda. ikat; (with a knot) simpol; (te-
Farseeing (far-se'ing), adj. yary ther) tamhat; (by fitting to-
mlihat deri jauh; (sagacious) hi- gether) pasary; (by joining) sam-
jaksana. hory, liuhory: (hy lashing to-
Farsighted (I'ar-sTt'M), adj.
= rATi- gether) samhair handut;* (as a.
1)1111 die of sticks)
SEEfXG, <[.
V. bcrkas; (as
Farther limbs together or to the body, or
adj. yaty Ibeli
The farther side, sbrary. two goats together) khat;* (bv
Farther, adv. Iheh jauh; (more- splicing) (with nails
or pegs) pakukan, pasak; (witli
over) dan layi, tamhahan pula.
Farthest (far7/?est), adj. yary ter- pins) smat.
Iheh jauh, yary jauh skali. Fastening (fas'n-ing), s. pryikat,
Farthing (far'^/zing), s. s-suhu ikatan, slmpolan, tambatan, etc.;
see also no\:\\ buckle, pinjox,
deii-pada satu "penny,^' q.v.
Fascinate (fas'si-nat), v. t. (as a etc.

serpent) knakan hadi; (cap- Fastidious (l*as-tid'i-?Ls), adj. (dif-

tivate) amhil hati. licult to please) pmilch* batyak
Fas c i n at i o n ( -na'sli // 1 1
) , hadi; slori (B.) : (in dress) raryyi;
(s(?\ual) 'ashik
(A.). (fanciful) batyak chreu'cfy -aiy-
Fashion (fash'wn), s. (workman- yun/^

^te, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
iiurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Fastness s. (firmness)
(fast'nes). Fathomless (-les), adj. tiada ter-^

ktgohan; (stronghold) hota, hu- duga.

bu, lenterg (N. I.). Fatigue (fa-teg'), s. pnat, hpnatan.
Fat (fat), adj. (not lean) gmolc, It ell.
Halt, kllahan, ligoli.
tambun;* (of babies) muntil; Fatigue, v. t. pnatkan, llahkan.
(oily) Imah; (fertile) gmok, su- Fatness (fat'nes), s. (corpulency)
bor. Very fat (of women) ginoJc gmok, tambun;'^ (fertility) gmoh,
gdempoty, gmolc kdemporg. kgm ok' an , ksnboran.
Fat, s. Imak, miryah. Fatten (fat'tn), v. t. tambunkan*
Fatal (fa'tal), adj. (deadly) yaiy gmokkan.
mmbawa mati; (causing destruc- Fatty (fat'ti) adj. berhnak.
tion) malaig, clilaka, yarg mm' Fatuity (fa-tu'i-ti), s. drgu,* ^-
bawa binasa. bodohan.
Fatalist (-ist), s. orarg yarg per- Fatuous (fat'u-ws), adj. drgu*
chaya nasib manusm sudah ter- bo doll, bnak.
tntu. Faucet (faw'set), s. (tap) chrat*
Fatality (fa-tal'i-ti), s.
(invincible kpala palp ayer, kpala panchur
necessity) nasih yaiy tiada dapat (P.).
di-lalui;* (tendency to destruc- Fault (fawlt), s. (defect, blemish)
tion) hal yarg malarg, hmalargan, chachat, chJa;
clidra,* (moral
clilaha. failing) salah; (mis-
Fate (fat), s. (immutable law) na- take) silap (Ar. khildf). To find
sib; (fixed decree of God) tahdir fault Tvith, tgur, cliacliat, salahi.
(Ar.) ; untorg;
(destiny) (al- Fault-finding (fawlt'find-ing), s.
lotted life, doom)
(Ar.). ajal hal hal
junclila, mnchachat*
Father (ia'fhev), s. bapa, ayah* suka taigkap salah oraig (B.).
oranj fiia, 'mpeh (B.) (Cli. ig- Faultless (-les), adj. tiada ber^
peh), 'ntia (B.) (Ch. rg-tiu) ; chachat, tiada berclila, tiada ber-
(polite form, esp. in court lan- salah, smpurna.
guage) ayahandaJ*' Faulty (-i), adj. berchacliat, ber-
Father, v. t. (adopt) arghat anah; chla, bersalah.
(assume as one's own) saiggop. Fauna (faw'na), s.
sgala binatarg
Fatherhood (-hood), s. lial mnjadi dnlatn suatu bnna*
[7iegri (B.)].
bapa. FaA'our (fa'ver) s. (kindly dispo-
Father-in-law (in-law), s. mniua'^ sition, of a superior) kurnia,*
(laH-IaJci), mertua jantan (B.). anugrah;* (kindness) kmiirahan,
Fatherland (-land), s. tanali ayer. kasehan, ksian (B.) ; (kind act)
Fatherless (-les), adj. tiada her- kurnia,* kbajikan,'^ kbaikan (B.).
bapa, yatim* (Ar. yatim), piatu, To ask a favour, sraya,'^ sambat
fa bapa (B.). (N.I.). To curry favour, chari
Fatherly (-li), adj. cJiara bapa, kurnia,* chari muka..
sperti bapa. Favour, V. t. (treat kindly) kaseh-
Fathom (fath'i/m), s. dpa. ankan; (show bias towards) chon-
Fathom, v. t. duga, buarg prani;^ droiy k-pada: (assist) tolorg,
(comprehend, get to the bottom hasilkan (Ar.).
of) duga, mrgerti, tan/kap. Ru^ Favourable (-a-bl), (kind) adj.
mall panjaig dlapan* a house 7nurali; (advantageous)
eight fathoms long. berfa'idali; (assisting) yarg mnc
ate, ask, am^ finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min?/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
lorg. A favourable omen, padali Feature (fe'chur), s. (form) rupa;
yarg haik/^ Uilamat yarcj baih. A (of the human face) paras,* ayer
favourable wind, a)yin 'paksa*' muka.
argin turut, argin haik. Febrifuge (feb'ri-fuj), s. obat
Favourite (-it), adj. kkaseli, pileli- dmam.
an, yarg di-suka'i, yarg di-gmari.^ February (feb'roo-ar-i), s. bulan
Favouritism (-it-izm), s. pandarg- yarg kdua, bulan Feberwari.
mmandarg miika oraig, pileli- Fecund (fe'kund), adj. biak, pridi.^^
mmilek. Fecundity (fe-kun'di-ti), s. biak^
Fawn (fawn), s. anak rusa. kblak'an.
Fawn, V. i. jnira-pura mmhri lior- Federal (fed'er-al), adj. yarg ber-
mat* iertundok-tundok. skutu,* yarg muafakat (Ar.), yatg
Fealty (fe'l-ti), s. hakti (Sk.), S'pakat (Ar. fakat).
khaktian.'^^ Federate (fed'er-at), v. t. per^
Fear (fer), v. i. takot. skutukan,* muafakatkan (Ar.).
Fear, v.takot akan, takotkan.
t. Federation (fed-er-a'shun), s. hal
Fear, s. takot, ktakotan, hehat (Ar. mmperskiitukan,* perskutuan.*
haibat), dahshat (Ar.). Fee (fe), s. upah. Eetaining fee^
Fearful (fer'fool), adj. (frighten- warg pnmpah. School fee, bayer^
ed) takot; (timid) pnakot; (in- an skolah, iua?g skolah, duit
spiring fear) haibat (Ar.), dah- skolah..
shat (Ar.): Fee, V. t. upahkan.
Fearless (-les), adj. tiada takot, Feeble adj.
(fe'bl), Imah, Iteh,.
tiada tahu takot, brani. letak,* ta'kuat, dla'if (Ar.) ;
Feasibility (fe'zi-bil'i-ti), s. pri (with old age) renta.*
boleh jadi. Feeble-minded (-mind'ed), adj.
Feasible (fe'zi-bl), adj. yarg boleh kuraig 'akal.
jadi, yarg beilakii.'^ Feed (fed), v. i. makan; (of prin-
Feast (fest), s. (festival) hari ces) satitapS- See eat.
ray a, hari bsar, pesta (Port.) Feed, v. t. (give food) bri makan;

(N.T.) ; (festive meal) perjamu- (by mouth fuls, as a child) suap^

an,* makan bsar (B.) ; (in honour kan^ suapi; (satisfy) knryargkan,
of the dead) kanduri (Pers.), puaskan; (supply to a machine)
kanduri arwah/^' (At. arivaii, pi. masokkan, isikan, jalankan; (a
of roil). fire) rumbunkan.*
Feast, V. i. bcrjamu,'^^ berkanduri,* Feed, s. makanan. Off its feed (of
makan bsar (B.), buka pesta (^. animals), chulas.*
I)- Feel (fel), v. i. rasa.
Feast, V. t. jamu,''*' jamiikan,* kasi Feel, V. t.
(perceive by touch) rasa^
makan bsar (B.) ; (delight) suka- rasa'i; (touch, handle) jamah ^
kan. jabat;* (groping, as a blind man)-
Feat (fet), s. perbiiatan, pkerja'an. rnlxi, gagau:* (groping in a hole
Feather (fe^/i'er), s. bulu. or bag) slok, chlok; (by placing
Feather, (cover with feathers)
v. t. the flat of the hand on) tpam;*"
bri berbulu. To feather an oar, (perceive by the mind) rasa, ra*
balekkan mala day org. sa'i. To feel sick, dugal* muaL
Feathered (-erd), adj. berbulu. Feeler (fel'er), s. (of insects)
Feathery (-er-i), adj. s-rupa bulu. surgut,* jatggot (B.) :
(in con-
ate, a8k, am, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
final, care, car,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, miuws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin theh.
versation) chakapan pnduga, pan- Felly (fel'li), s. see felloe.
fhiiy chakap (B.). Felon (fel'wn), orarg rantai,s.

Feeling (-ing), s. (sense of toucli, orarg berdosa

satgat; (whitlow)
consciousness) rasa, perrasa'an; klurut* klurutan (B.).
(physical impulse before evacua- Felonious (fe-lo'ni-ws), adj. amat
tion or labour) rsa; (mental berdosa,'^ sargat jahat.
state, emotion) chita* chita- Felony (fel'i/n-i), s. dosa hsar.
rasa,* rasa-hati; (sensibilit}^, ten- Felt (felt), s. kain tbal,kain bulu.
der feelings) pilu, rawan/^ kpilu- Female (fe'mal), s. prempuan,
an. btina, as below.
Feelingly (-li), adv. drgan pilu. Female, adj. (human) prempuan;
Feign (fan) v. t. buat-buat, pura- (of animals) btina.
pura.^ Feminine (fem'in-in), adj. chara
Feint (fant), s. achu,'^ achah.^ prempuan; (in gender) muan-
Felicitate (fe-lis'i-tat), v. t, (make nath (Ar.).
happy) siikakan; (wish pleasure, Fen (fen), s. paija.tanah paya.
congratulate) hri slamat. Fence (fens), s. (that which in-
Felicitous (-ti/s), adj. (happy) pagar; (roughly made)
berbhagia (Sk.) (prosperous)
; sawar;* (sword play) silat.
mujur;'^ (appropriate) berstuju. Fence, v. t. pagarkan.
Felicity (-ti), s. (blessedness) Fence, v. i. silat, pnchak* see
bhagia (Sk.) ; (prosperity) 7nu- DAXCE.
jur,^^ iintotg baik. Fencer (fen'ser), s. pndekar.*
Feline (fe'lin), adj. chara kuchirg, Fencing (fen'sing), s. (sword
bagai kucliiig. play) pnchak* silat; (inclosure)
Fell (fel), V. t. (cause to fall, per- pagar.
sons) rbahkan; (cut down, as Fend (fend), v. t. To fend off
trees) tbarg, tumbanjkan. (Xaiit), dapra (L.).
Fell, V. t. jahit btawi. Fender (fen'der), s. (for a fire)
Fell, (cruel)
adj. bigis; (fierce, pagar api; (Xaut.) bantal pryarg-
savage) garaig, buas. ga, dapra.
Felloe (fel'lo), s.
biigkav^^ roda, Fennel (fen'nel), s. adas, ados
Ifveig. pdas.
Fellow (fel'lo), s,
(companion) Fenny (fen'ni), adj. paya (a).
kawan, tman* taulan;'^ (associ- Ferment (fer'ment), s. (yeast,
ate, partner) skntu;'^ (mate) ;o- etc.) ragi; (tumult) gmpar, iiuru-
doh; (in universities) guru. In liara.
'Compound words, sama and s-, as, Ferment (fer-menf), v. i. ragi,
fellow-citizen, orarg s-negri; fel- khamir (Ar.). Fermented palm
low-creature, sama manusia; fel- juice, tuak. Fermented rice,
low-workman, yaig sama pkerja'- tapai.
an; or as above, as, playfellow, Fermentation (fer-men-ta'shi^n),
tman bermain* kawan main-main s. pri mragi.
(B.). Fern (fern), s. paku-paku* pokoh
Fellowship (-ship),
(friendship) s.
paku (B.) (bracken) rsam.

persaliahatan; (partnership or Ferocious (fe-ro'shi/s), adj. garaig,

joint interest) perskutuan,^ korgsi buas, ganas;-^ (of buffaloes) ja--
(Oh.) larg.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure^
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t^ien.
Ferocity (fe-ros'i-ti), s. Jcgararg- Festivity (fes-tiv'i-ti), s. (gaiety)
an. ksuka'an, termasa;'^' (feasting)
Ferret (fer'ret), s. hinatanj yairj perjamuan;'^ (festival) hari raya,,
mmhiiru huchirgblanda dalam lo- pesta (X.r.) (Port.), hari bsar.
lanj-nja. Festoon (fes-toon'), s. karargan
Ferret, v. t. (seareli out) slidel-/' barga berkelok-kelok.
siasat (Ar.). Festoon, v. t. berkelok-kelok, ber-
Ferrule (fer'ril or fer-rool), s. sam- sikii-kluarg.
pal-,"^' tmin* Fetch (fech), v. t. (go and bring)
Ferry (place of cross-
(fer'ri), s. ambil, pergi ambil, ambil bawa:
ing a river) pnjlcalan; (yessel for k-mari; (sell for) dapat, dapat
crossing) prahu tamhargan, prahu herga. In describing the actions-
pfnambaig. of taking and conveying it is-
Ferry^ v. i.
shrarg, miyhrarg. necessary to be much more ex~
Ferry, v. t. shrarg, shraighm. plicit in Malay than in English.
Ferryboat (-bot), s. see ferry. Fete (fat), s. hari-raya, tmasa^
Ferryman {-man), s. pnanihatg. (Pers. tamasha), pesta (X.I.).
Fertile (fer'til or fer'til), adj. (of Fete,V. t. jamuJ^

land) sahor, gmok; (of trees) Fetich (fe'tish), s. targkaJ.

berhuah banjak; (of the mind or Fetid (fe'tid or fet'id), adj. busok ;
imagination) ber'akal. (of animals) hamis; (of fish)
Fertility (fer-til'i-ti), s. hsuboran, liaiyir; (of urine) hanchiig, ha-
k gmok' an. riigf (of Avater) batgar;* (of
Fertilization (fer-ti-li-za'slu/n), s. wounds) bachin,* kohorg, ka-
hal mrggmokkan. hanjf (of coco-nut oil) irgek;
Fertilize (fer'ti-liz), v. t.(make (food) hapak.
fertile) saborkan, gmokkan; Fetlock (fet'lok), s. tumit kuda.
(with manure) baja. Fetter (fet'ter), s. rantai, bhggu,*"
Fervent (fer'vent), adj. (hot) ha- pasorg; (for an elephant) srgkla
rgat, panas; (zealous) surggoh (Sk.).
hati, raj in. Fetter, v. t. rantaikan, blrggukan;'^
Fervently (-li), adv. drgan ber- (restrain) iahan.
snnjgoli liaii. Fetus (fe'tz^s), s. kandotyan.
Fervid (fer'vid), adj. (hot) lia- Feud (fud), s. bela, pcrsiruan.^
rgai ; (zealous) sutggoh hati, Feudal (fuVhd adj. haniba raja(a)
) , ..

raj ill. gcrarg (X.I.). Feudalism (-izm), s. pri hal orarg

Fervour (fer'ver), s. (heat) panas, Kropah dhulu mmgarg tanah raja,,
kahaiyatan; (zeal) suiggoh hati, ham pi r sperti haniba-raja Mlayu.
rajin, gliairat (Ar.), geraig (X. Feudatory (ffi'da-tor-i), adj. haP'
L). ba raja, see above.
Fester (fes'ter), v. i, vanah, mna- Fever (fe'ver), s. dmam. Fever
nah, bcrnanali, rbok.'^ and ague, dmam gigil. dmam
Festal (fes'trtl), adj. hari raya (a). kura. Black water fever, dmam
Festival (fes'ti-val), s. hari raya, kura digan knchitg darah. Con-
pest a (Port.), hari bsar.
(X.I.) tinned fever, dmam s-hari-hari.
Festive (fes'tiv), adj. (festal) hari Intermittent ii^Mir, dmam berslatg-
raya (a) ; (gay) yarg bersuka- hari. Typhoid fever, dmam k^
suka. pialu.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mre, her, ferry; Ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ten.
Feverish (-ish), adj. ddar. dary, huma;* (irrigated) sawah,
Few (fu), adj. sdikit, siJcit. bndaty ;* (battlefield) medan.
Fewer (fu'er), adj. hurarg. Field glasses, tropory dua mata.
Fez (fez), s. tarbiis* (Ar. Tar- Field mouse, tikus tanali. Field
hiirih ) . of battle, medan ppraryan (Ar.
Fiance (fe-ox'sa), s. tunargan. maidan). Field marshal, ptylima
Fib (fib), s. holioiy, kanit. prarg.
Fibre (fi'ber), s. (a thread) iirat; Fiend (fend), s. selan (Ar. shai-
(fibrous material )6*a6o^; (streugth, Tan), ibll^
toughness) [/(igah. Fiendish (fend'ish), adj. sperti
Fibrous (fT'l)r?(s), adj. srahot/-' shaiian, saigat jahat.
bersabot (B.). Fierce (fers), adj. gararg, ganas,^
Fickle (fik'l), adj. ta'ttap, berobah- buas; (of wind) kras; (of fire)
obah, linchah;* (chopping and yaJak, marakf (of waves) glora.'^
changing) mcliali. To look fierce, bersirga.*
Fiction (fik'shwn), s. (tiling in- Fiery (fi'er-i or fi'ri) adj. (of or
vented or imagined) yaty di-ada- like fire) benyala; (ardent, vehe-
kan, yarg di-saiyka; (deceptive ment) gmbera;* (spirited, as a
story) chrila bolioiy; (fictitious horse) laiykasJ* Fiery red (as
literature) rhrita. the face), merali padam.
Fictitious (fik-tish'?/5), adj. (feign- Fife (fit), s. sulify, sruUry* ser-
ed) pura-pum; (not real) ta'- dam."^'

surygoh, bohoiy. Fifteen (fiften), adj. lima-blas.

Fiddle (fid'l), (oriental) rbab
s. Fifteenth (fif 'tenth), adj. yaiy
(Ar.) ; (European) biola (Port.). klima-blas.
Fiddle, (play the fiddle) geseh
v. i. Fifth (fifth), adj. yarg k-lima.
biola; (move the fingers restless- Fiftieth (fifti-eth), adj. yarg fc-

ly) repes* krepes* lima-puloh.

Fiddlebow (fid'l-bo), s. prygesek Fifty (fif'ti), adj. lirna-puloh.
biola. Fig (Pig), s. (the tree) pohon ara;
Fiddler (fid'ler), s. oraty yary main (the fruit) buah ara.
biola, orafy yaty mrygesek biola. Fight (fit), V. i. (in war) berpratg;
Fiddlestick (fid'1-stik), s. prygesek (of individuals) berklahi, lawan;
biola. (of animals) berlaga; (of ele-
Fidelity (fi-deri-ti), s. stia (Sk.), plants) berjuarg:* (of cocks)
kbaktiiin (8k.). without artificial spurs) pupoh;'^
Fidj^^et (fij'et), v. i.
(changing po- (with spurs) sab org.
sition) I {sail,
ylisah* blisah,^ Fight, V. t. pratgi,'^ berjuargkanj^
kclioli-kchah :'^ (with the hand) sab org.
rapai* grapai* repes.* Fight, s. ppraygan, perklahiun.
Fidgety (-i), adj. lisah,'^' lesak* Fighting-cock (iit'ing-kok), s.

kchoh'kchah* kreteh* rsali,'^ bagi ayani mborgan, ayam sabonj, ayam

kjntirg (B.), plaga."^
Fiduciary (fi-du'ghi-a-ri), adj. Figment (fig'ment), s. yarg di-ada^
amanat (Ar.). kan, yarg di-sargka, reka-reka'an.*
Fie (fi), int. cheh, chi^. Figurative (fig'ur-a-tiv), adj. drgau
Field (feld), s. (open country, not iimpama, bertuladan,* drgan 'iba^
tilled) padary; (cultivated) la- rat, drgan kias* (Ar. qids).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Figure (fig'ur), s.
(form) rupa; earth) timbns, sbu.* To fill out
(shape of the body) sikap* ro- (swell, expand) bernas* glmborg.
man; (statue) patoiy; (drawing) Fillet (fil'let), s. (band for the
tuUsan, gamhar, ptaf (symbol of hair) jamaiy* bulaig-bularg prg- \
a number) ayyl'af (type, repre- ikat kiindai;* (strip of
meat) 5-
sentative) upama, umpama, tw poto?g dagiry.
ladan; (figure of speech) 'ibarat. Fillip (fil'lip), v.t. Uis*
Has* (At. qids).
ptiry* kuti (B.).
Figure, v. t. rupakan, gambarkan, Fillip, s. jntek, ktis* ptirg* kuti
umpamakan, 'ibaratkan, see above ; (B.).
(as a sarory) tlpokkanj* (com- Filly kuda btina yarg
(fil'li), s. lagi
pute) liitory, kira. muda.
Figured (fig'urd), adj. bertulis, Film (film), s.
slaput,* kulit ari;
bcrtlpok* (on fruits) slupat;* (of cine-
Figurehead (fig'ur-hed) s. (^^aut.) matograph ) gam bar.
naya-naya, kalok paku. Filter (fil'ter), v.t. tapis, turas.*
Filament (fira-ment), s. nrat.
Filter, s. tapis, pnuras,* pnapis,
Filbert (fil'bert), s. s-jnis buali
sariigan (X.I.).
Filth (filth), s. (gen.) kkotoran,
Filch (filch), V. t. churi.
File (fil), s. kchmaran;* (loose) sampah, sa-
(line, row) baris, de-
(dry and flaky) kredak;
ret, jejer* banjar;* (of papers)
(from the skin) daki.'^
kumpolan surat. Eank and file,
Filthy (fil'thi), adj. kotor, chmar,*
r'ayat^ oraig banjak. To walk in ^

najis; (of water) kroli; (smeared

single Indian file, jalan
file or
with dirt) berglumor, berslekeh,*
berbnntut-buntut, berekor-ekor*
berlmvas.* Filthy language,
File, s. (the tool) kikir.
File V. t.* (arrange, set in
order) Filtration (fil-tra'sh^/n), s. tapisan,
aturkan, susiin.
File, V. t. (with the tool) kikirkan;
Fin (fin), s. sirip^ ridip.*
(of the teeth) asah, daborg;*
Final (fi'nal), adj. pryhabisan, yarg
(make the teeth l.evel) rpaig;*
akhir (Ar.), yarg mmutuskan,
(with a concave surface) Intek;
(with points) runcliirg* yaig mnjudalikan; (decisive)
Filial (fil'i-al), adj. chara s' oraig ttap.

anak, sperti anak, patut bayi anak. Finale (fi-na'le), s. ksudahan, k'
Filibuster (fiFi-bus-ter), s. piya- putusan, p?ghabisan.
mon, prompak, prampok (^.I.). Finality (fi-nal'i-ti), s. hputusan.
Filigree (fil'i-gre), s. kraivarg. Finally akhir-nja
(fi'nal-li), adv.
Filings (firingz), s. ialii kikir, (Ar.), ksudahan-rya, prgliabisaii-
abok kikir. nja; (ultimately) lania-kJama'an,
Fill (fil), v.t. (make full) pnohi; blakarg kali (B.) ; (utterly, be-
(put or pour in) isi, miiat; (with yond recovery) habis-liabis.
food) kmyargkan; (hold, as an Finance (fi-nans'), s. (of a state)
office) pgarg. To fill in (as re- hasil krajaan; (income of an in-
claimed land) tambak; (by pres- dividual) pndapatan, perolehan;'^
sure) asak, 7)1 am pat. To fill up (science of raising and expending
(stop up) tumpat;* (a hole with revenue) 'ihnu perbndahara'an.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, niinws, care, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Financial (fl-nan'shal or fi-nan'- Finical (fin'i-kal), adj. pmileh,
shal) adj. deri-hal icarg. ola/ian,'^' grumit,^' arggun.^
Financier (lin-au-ser') s. oraiy
Finis (fi'nis), s. tamat (Ar.).
Finish (fin'ish), v. t. (arrive at the
yarg pandai mnjalanhan perkara
end of, bring to an end) hahiskan,
Finch (finch), s. hurorg pipit, bu- slsaikan; (put an end to) sudali-
cliialc. kan, putuskan; (perfect) sm-
Find (find), v. t. (meet with) jum- purnakan, gnapkan; (complete
the reading of the Koran) kha-
pa, hertmu; (get by seeking)
tarn (Ar.).
dapat; (perceive, feel) rasa, da-
(gain, acquire) heroleh,"^ Finish, s. pighabisaii, ksiidahan.
Finished (fin'isht), adj. (perfect)
dapat; (provide, supply) hri, hasi
(B.) ; (arrive at, determine) smpurna.
tntukan. To find fault with, Finite (fi'nit) adj. bperhirgga'an,'^
To berhad (Ar.),
chla. find out, dapat tahu.
To befound out in one's real Finny (fin'ni), adj. bersirip.
Fir (fer), s. snobar (Pers.).
character, kdapatan budi/^ dapat
iahu asam Mat-nja (B.). To find Fire (fir), s. api; (blaze, flame)
it easy, rasa snanj. ryaJa api; (hot coals) bara api;
(conflagration) liatgusan, tunu-
Finding (flnd'ing), s.
an;'^ (ardour) largkas,* gmbera."^
verdict) kputusari hukuni; (dis-
Fire brigade, mata-mata bomba,
covery) pndapatan.
orarg bomba. Fire crackers, mer^
Fine (fin), adj. (refined, of metals)
chun, ptas. Fire engine, bomba,
suchi, tulen (Jav.) ; (excellent,
enjen p madam api. On flre, ber^
beautiful) elok, bagiis; (not To set on fire,
ryaJa, terbakar.
coarse) haJus, rmai,'^ sni;"^ (in
small particles) rnek;'^ (as pow- pasarg api, siokkan

(B.) (Ch. sio). To take fire, k7ia

der) lumat,"^^ peliis;^^ (of weather)
api, mnjala.
chuacJia, chuaclia baik.
Fire, v. t. (set on fire) chucholi,'^^
Fine, s. dnda.
siokkan (B.) (Ch.) ; (burn in a
Fine, v. t. dndakan.
kiln) bakar; (cause to explode)
Finery (fin'er-i), s. perhiasan, tembak, pasaig; (inflame, irri-
adun,* prasan (B.).
tate) gmberakan,'^' rargsarg,"^ ga-
Finesse {fi-TiQ^'),^. musliliat (Ar.). lakkan. To fire a gun, 7nmhdil.^
Finger (fing'ger), s. jari. Fore- Firearm (-arm), s. snaparg, snjata
finger, tlunjok.
jari Middle bdil.
finger, jari Jiantu,* jari mati. Firebrand (fir'brand), s. piintorg
Eing finger, jari manis. Little api.
finger, jari klirgkirg, jari Merg- Firefly (-fli), s. klip-klip, kunavg-
keig (B.). Finger glass, marg- kunarg, api-api.
kek cliuclii targan, margkok m- Fireman (-man), s. tuka^g api.
rlorg* Finger nails, kuku. Fireplace (-plas), s. dapur.
Finger, . v. t. sntoh digan jari; Fireproof (-pr5of), adj. yarg talian
(with one finger) cJiolet; (the api.
violin) repes,'^' ptek (B.). Firewood (-wood), s. kayu api.
Fingering (-ing), s. hal mryntoh Fireworks (-werks), s. bu7ga api,
drgan jari; (in music) krepesanj^ merclmn.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mini/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, bow, oil; thin iliQU.

Firing (-ing), s. (discharge of fire- dorg,* mnjondorg,* smgkor,* m-

arms) bdil. ryufgkor;* (with a drift net)
Firkin (fer'kin), s. toirj, pipa* jarirg, mnjarirg; (with fishtraps)
kchil. iahan lokah, tahan hubu, see trap.
Firm (ferm), adj.
(fixed) ttap; Fisherman (fish'er-man), s. nlayan
(strong, stable) tgoh, kuJcoh;* (Tam.), piga'il, jmjala, pmukat,
(compact) mampat; (solid, as etc., as above.
flesh) kn?yal;
pjal,* (viscous) Fishhawk (fish'hawk), s. larg laut,
l-ntal; (tight, as knots) trek, hti- laig siput.*
chaiy, chrot;* (as a cork) ktaf; Fishhook (-hook), s. inata ka'il.
(steadfast) chkal hati* Fishing (-ing), adj. targkap ikan
Firm, s. (company,
partnership) {a). Fishing boat, prahu prga'il,
ko7igsi (Ch.), sharikat (Ar.), gii- sampan pukat. Fishing rod,
darg. juran ka'il, hatatg juran, joran
Firmament (fer'ma-ment), s. (sky) (B.). Fishing stakes, hlat,* ke-
largit, hntatyan largit, chahrawala long, jermal."^'
(Sk.). Fishmonger (-mi/ng-ger), s. orarg
Firmness (ferm'nes), s. Mtapan, berjual ikan, oratg praeh ikan.*
ktgohan; see firm. Fishspear (-sper), s. sramparg,
First (ferst), adj. (ordinal num- * *
tmpu lirg, kujur.
ber) yarg pertama, nomhor satu; Fishtrap (-trap), s. lokah, serkap,
(earliest) mula-mula, yarg asal, bubu;'^ see trap.
aival (Ar.) ; (foremost) dhulu; Fishy (fish'i), adj. (of smell) ha-
(most eminent) terutama* yaig njir, Jiamis.
masohor skali (B.). First fruits, Fissure (fish'ur), s. cMah, chlaJc
huah hmgaran, hnah sulorg. At (B.), rkah,* merkali.
first, hharu-hharu, mula-mula. Fist (fist), s. grgga?n; (in fighting)
First, adv. dhulu, terdhulu, mula- buku lima.
mula. Fisticuffs (fist'i-kufs), s. tinju,*
Firstborn (-born), adj. sulorg. gochoh, tumhok.
First-class (-klas), adj. yaig teru- Fistula (lis'tu-la), s. (in ano)
tama (Sk.), nomhor satu (B.). rkahan di lobarg jubur (Ar.).
First-rate (-rat), adj. yaig teru- Fit (fit), s. (convulsion, paroxysm)
tama,* nomhor satu (B.). pitam; (of children) sawan;
Fiscal (fis'kal), adj. perhndaliara'' (mood, passing humour) tirgkah,
an (a).* praigai, ragam, urinjan (B.).
Fish (fish), s. ikan. Dried fish, Bv fits and starts, oncharg-on-
da'irg, ikan krirg. Flying fish, chit.*
ikan blalarg, ikan terharg (B.). Fit, adj. (suitable) patut, padan;
Preserved fish (pickled in salt), (worthy) layak; (becoming, pro-
jikamin,* pnjasam (B.), prap per) snonoh, smrggah :* (appro-
rmpah (B.). priate) s-tuju, s-rasi; (expedient)
Fish, V. i.
targkap ikan; (with a liarus.

line) pancliiig, kail, mrga'il; Fit, V. t. (make suitable) patutkan,

(with casting net) jala, mnjala: stujukan; (make ready) siapkan,
(with a seine) pukat, nnnukat; sdiakan, hgknpkan;* (adjust) kna-
(with a bag net) targkul, innarg- kan, btulkan, pasatg; (adjust in
kul; (with a shrimp net) son- layers) susun; (as beams or poles)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min?/,s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
rahitkan/^ rarg'kapl'an (B.) ; Flagellate (flaj'el-lat), Y.i. ssah.

(close together) rapatlan. To Flageolet (flaj'o-let), s. haiysi,^

fit out, Irgkapkan, alatkan (Ar.). sulirg, itnditg.'^
kna, suai* padan. Flagitious ier-
Fit, V. i. (fla-jish'ws), adj.
Fitful (fiViool), adj. ta'ttap, her- lahi jahat.
ohah'Ohali, pancharoha* onchaixj- Flagon (flag'wn), s. srahi (Ar.),
oiwhit* halarg.'^
Fitly (fit'li), adv. drga?i s-patut-iya, Fiagrancy (fla'gran-si), s. kjahat'
dry an sperti-iya, dtyan snonoh. an.
Fitness (fit'nes), s. kpatutan, per- Flagrant (fla'grant), adj. (burn-
stujuan. ing) berryala; (atrocious) jahat
Fitting (fifing), adj. patut^ padan. skali, jahat mmhakar.
Fittings, s. pi. perkakas. Flagstaff (flag'staf), s. tiarg hn^
Five (fiv), adj. lima. The five dera.
senses, pandia-indraj^ Flagstone (-ston)^ s. hatu ruhm.

Fix (fiks), s. (dilemma) kmpunan. Flail (flal), s. kayu pnhah padi.*

Fix, V. t. (make firm) tgolikan, Flake (flak), s. klupas.
ttapkan; (make definite) tntu- Flaky (flak'i), adj. herklupas.
kan; (fasten immovably) mati' Flame (flam), s. ryala, ryala a pi,
kan; (secure by wedging, etc.) lidah apt; (of zeal, etc.) gmbera.*
stidal,* sntal (B.), sndat* gan- Flame, v. i. herryala, ramak/^ ma-
jalj* (by hanging or hooking) rak* julaig."^
sargkotkan; (of the eyes looking Flamingo (fla-ming'go), s. s-jnis
fixedly) Ikat; (as the eyes of the hurotg herkaki panjarg.
dead) buntarg.^ Flank (flank), s. (of an animal)
Fixed (fikst), adj. tgoli, ttap, tntu, lamhorg* rusok; (of an army)
etc., as above. Fixed price, lierga saijap, gading.*
mati. Fixed star, hiniarg ttap. Flank, v. t.(be on one side) di
Fixture (fiks'chnr), s. (article sm* di shlah; (on both sides)
attached) perkakas. sbJah-mtyhlah; (attack the flank
Fizz (fiz), V. i. dsir* Z/i^.* an army) srarg sayap musoh.
Flabby (fiab'bi), adj. (yielding to Flannel (flan'nel), s. kain panas.
the touch) linbek; (of flesh) Flap (flap), V. i. (as sails) kirap/^
horyor, hoyot;* (hanging loose) kapai-kapai, glehar;"^ (as flags)
klmpirg* kopak-kopalc, berglahir, kibar;* (as a fish on land) gltek.^
glamhir (B.). Flap, V. t. kbaskan, krihas* kihas.
Flaccid (flak'sid), adj.
= flabby, To flap the wings, mrgpak-rgpak,
q.v. kiharkan sayap.
Flag (flag), V. i.
(hang loosely) Flap, s. (of shutters hanging ver-
kulai,"^ julai,* glepek; (droop, tically) tentarg; (of a table) dau7i
lose vigour) layu, Imali. meja; (of a coat) lipatan haju;
Flag, s. (standard) turggul;* (to cover a keyhole) chapiig*
(European) hndera (Port.). To Flare (flar), s. stuir.*

dip the flag, turun-naikkan hn- Flare, v. i. marak* herryala, pan*

dera. To lower a flag, turunkan char. To flare up, naik marah.
hndera. Flaring (-ing), adj. (of fire) yai'g
Flag, s. (paving stone) hatu ruhin. murak;* (of colours) chindai*
Flag, s. (Acorus calamus) jrargau. gararg (B.).

ate, ask, am. final, care, car, carry ; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sdre, sort, sorry; use, us, min-ws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Flash (flash), s. (of lightning) Flaunt (flawnt), v. i.
halUiniar,'^ panah ptii\ mata ptir; diri.^
(of weapons) hilat. Flavour (fla'ver), s. (smell) bauj
Flash, adj. (show,y, of colours) (taste) rasa.
chindai;'^ (counterfeit.) lanchorg* Flavour, v. t. sdapkan, mchahkan*
Flash, V. i.
(burst out, as Flavourless (-les), adj. tawar,
ning) pancluir, herhilat, herkilauj'^ ambar_r champjah.^
(at intervals)sahoiy-miyabonj,
Flaw (flaw), s. (crack) rtak; (de-
hilaU'hUauan.^ To flash in the fect) chachat, clila, chdra (Sk.) ;
pan (misfire), tidah mJaJak* (in timber) rkah, merkah.
Flashy Flax (flaks), s. rami.
(-i), adj. (brilliant) hilau;*
(showy) adunf (of
Flaxen (flaks'n), adj. (of flax)
chindai,^ gararg (B.). deri-pada rami; (the colour of
Flask (flask) s. huli-bidi;^ lalarg/^ flax) peraig."" Flaxen hair, ram-
botol Powder bot peraiy, ramhot tali api
(E.). flask, Icer- (N.I.).
pai* Flay (fla), v. t. hditi/' kupas kulit,
Flat (flat), adj. (level) rata, datarf"
nata7'* papakj* (not concave, as
Flea (fle), s. kutu anjiig.
a plate) leper; (lying flat, level Fleck (flek), v. t. (spot) rintek-
with the ground) rata diyan hu- kan; (spatter) rchekkan.
rai; (prostrate) jrumiis;* (thin Fledged (flejd), adj. berbulu, ber-
as compared to the width) pipeh;* sayap.
(tasteless) tawar, anibar* cham- Fledgeling (flej'ling), s. anah
pah;"^ (spread oyt, not rolled up, burorg.
as a mat) halarf (of the heads of Flee (fle), v.i. lari, ambus* wnbas*
animals) dogol. bawa diri.
Flat, s. (sandbank) htiig: (flat side, Fleece (fles), s. kulit domba, kulit
of a knife, etc.) papar,^ pnam- biri-biri, s-gnap bulu deri-pada s'-

parg;* (flat-bottomed boat) Jc- ekor domba.

tiapj* (floor of a house) tirgkat, Fleece, v. t. guntify bulu domba;
teiglcat. (defraud of money) makan herta,
Flat-iron (-rern), s. strilxa (D. cJikck tvary oraig (B.).

strijken), vt-tau (Ch.) (B.). Fleecy (fle'si), adj. (of sheep) her-
Flatten (flat'tn), v. t. (make bulu; (like wool) sperti bulu
level) ratakan; (by pressure)
domba. Fleecy clouds, awan me-
peiyek; (with the feet) latam;* ga* berarak.
(make smooth or blunt, as teeth Fleet (flet), s. (of ships) Mrykapan,
by filing) paparkan* ppatkan:* argkatan* khykapan kapal.
(bamboos by hammering) lupoh* Fleet, adj. (swift) pantos, laja,
Flatter (flat'ter), v/t. (praise) dras.

anjkat-aiykat, puji-puji; (coax) Fleeting (-ing)^ adj. (transitory)

pujok, chumhu* plecheh* goni- tlada kkal, fana* (Ar. fana').
hoic* Flesh (flesh), s. (muscles and fat,
Flattery (-i), s. puji-pnjian, clivm- animal food) dagirg, isi; (the
huan* pujok, pmhujok'an. liuman body) badan, tuboh;*
Flatulent (flat'u-lent), adj. proi (mankind) manusia; (carnality)
knibotg. hawa-nafsu; (soft substance of

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use. us, mint<, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awfil) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
fruit) isi. Flesh and blood (re- Flip (flip), V. t. ktis, ptirg;"^ (with
lations), dagitg darah. and thumb) jntek.
Fleshly (-li), adj. (animal, not Flippant (-pant), adj. (talkative)
vegetable) henyawa; (human, not backar/^ suka bletir, suka mletir
celestial) manusia, bertuhoh* (B.) ; (fluent) lanchar;* (pert,
jasmani (Ar.). not serious) clinra.
Fleshy (-i), adj. gmoTc, tambun,^ Flirt (flert), v. t. (throw with a
see FAT. jerk) jntek, ktis.
Flexible (fleks'i-bl), adj. Intor, Flirt, V.i.
(coquet) kaseh miyada-
Imt, Imhot, Imali-lorglxiif
Intoh, lyada, buat-buat kaseh, berclium-
(through use) liisoh. bu-cliumbuan,^ main kaseh sa-
Flick (flik), V. t. (with the fingers) yarg (B.).
jnteh, Uis/' kiiti (B.), ptel:f Flirt s. prempuan yarg pura-pura
(with a whip) clitas. kaseh.
Flicker (flik'er), v. i. (flutter) Flirtation s.
(fler-ta'slum), (love
mrypak-rgpal'; (waver as a flame) making) chumhu-chnmbuan.*
klip-klip, kerlip; (as light) ber- Flit (flit), V. i. layarg, terbarg w-
kilau-kilau;* (as light on water) lintarg.
ilau;* (before the eyes) hlau- Flitch (flich), s. babi s-blah yaty
hlau* di-salai.'^
Flight (flit), s. (act of flying) Jial Float on surface)
(flot), V. i.
mnerbarg; (act of fleeing) plari- timbul; (drift along) haryiit,
an; (flock of birds) buroiy s- To float down (in
aporg, atorg.*
kawan. A flight of stairs, targga,
' the air), layarg, lepek;* (down
supana (Sk.) . To put to flight,
stream) hanjut k-hilir.'^
halau, burn. A flight of ambi-
Float, V. t. (cause to float) timboh
tion, tirggi himmah (Ar.), bsar
kan. To float a company, buat
argan-argan* napsu bsar (B.).
korgsi, buka satu koigsi (B.).
Flighty (-i), adj. kpala aigin.
Float, s. (a raft) rakit; (corks or
Flimsy (flim'zi), adj. (loose,
.light wood for floating nets)
slack) ggaif' (without reason,
plamporg, pluntarg;* (for ang-
vain) sia-sia/-' perchuma.
Flinch tersentak. ling) plampotg ka'il.
(flinch), v. i.
Flock (flok), s. kawan.
Fling (fling), v. t. lempar, lontar,
lotar;* (upwards) lamborgkan; Flock, V. i. (gather in companies)
(of heavy things) humbalarg- berkrumun, berkumpol, berkawan,
kan;* (at a mark) temporg* to-
Floe ayer batu yary terapoiy
gan* To fling away, bnarg. To (flo), s.

di lant.
fling down, hmpaskan^ champak-
kan, bantinjkan. Flog (flog), V. t. ssah, dra,"^ blasah,'^
Fling, s. (act of flinging) lempar- sbat, senibat.*
an; (contemptuous remark) k- Flood (flud), s. (water covering the

chla'an, maki. To have one's land) aycr sbak,* 'mpolian,* ko-

fling (of dissipation), main gila. joh,'* banjir (N*.!.) ; (freshet,
Flint (flint), s. batu api. Flint rushing water) ayer bah; (rising
and steel, pmantek api.* tide) ayer pasarg ; (superabun-
Flintlock (-lok), s. istiiggar dance) bah. The Flood (of
(Port.). Noah) taufan (Ar.), ayer bah.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Flood, V. t. 'mpoJi* shak* kojohi* bling and rising) rhah-rempah,*
Hp^iiiJ^ ladonji.* jatoh-batgun.
Flooding (-ing), s. (inundation) Flour (flowr), s. tpoig, tporg lialus.
ayer bah, ayer shah* 'mpohan* Flourish (flur'ish), v. i. (as plants)
kojoh* snbor, riap,* rambak ;* (be pros-
Floor (flor), s. (of split nihory) perous) rambak,* m'amur (Ar.).
lantai; (of planks) lantai papan; Flourish, v. t. limbai;* (as weap-
(staging, as a wharf) plantar* ons) layam;* (in circles) kitar*
Floor tile, hat a ruhin, hatu ubin. Flourishing (-ing), adj. (prosper-
Three floors, tig a tergkat. Upper ous) jaya,* beruntorg; also see
floor, (Ch. lau-terg).
loterg FLOUHISH.
Floor, V. t. (cover with a floor) Flout (flowt), V. t. 7ista (Sk.), olok-
huboh lantai; (knock down) rbah- olok, hinakan.
kan, jatohkan; (silence in argu- Flow (flo), V. i. (as rivers) alir;*
ment) diumkan. (water out of a pipe) panchur;
Flooring (-ing), s. lantai, papan, (in small quantities) chuchor,
plantar; see floor, s.
leleh, mleleh (B.) ; (of tide) pa-
Flop (flop), V. i. (strike about) satg.
kltok, glpar,* glupor; (sound of Flow, s. aliran,* chuchoran, leleli-
falling into water) dhor* an; see above. Ebb and flow, pa-
Flop, s. (the sound) klbok, chlpok,*
klbap, dbok, dbap, chlmporg* ter- Flower (flow'er), s. burga, kmbaig
Ipap* (N.I.) ; (of palms) maijarg; (nu-
Flora (flor'a), s. tumboh-tumhohan merical coefficient of flowers) kun-
dalam snaiu bnua* [negri (B.)].
torn,; (choice part) pilehan;
Floral (flor'al), adj. buiga (a), (flowers in general) burga-bmga'-
deri'pada burga. an; (worn behind the ear or in the
Florid (flor'id), adj. (red, of the
hair) suntirg*
face) merah.
bra,* Florid lan-
Flower, v. i. berburga; (of bana-
guage, hhasa befiharat (Ar.). nas) berjantoig; (of palms) ber-
Florin (flor'in), s. warg Irggris = Ilowered kain
mayarg. silk,
dna "shilling." sutra berburga or berchorak.
Florist s. orarg yarg ber-
(flor'ist), Flowergarden (-gar-dn), s. ia-
jiial burga. man,* khun burga.
Flotation (flo-ta'shwn), s. hal m- Flowerpot (-pot), s. pasu-burga,
janibargan,* paso-burga (B.).
Flotilla s. argkatan
(flo-tiria), Flowery (-i), adj. berburga.
prahu kchil-kchil. Flowery language, bhasa beriba-
Flotsam (flot'sam) s. aporg, la- rat (Ar.).
ryau* Fluctuate (fluk'chu-jit), v. i. naik-
Flounce (flowns), v. i. bantirg diri. turnn, berobah-obah.
Flounce, s. ropol* (E. ruffle). Fluctuation (-a'shwn), s. perobah-
Flounder (flown'der), s. ikan trom- an, naik-turun.
pah, ikan bawal. Flue (floo), s. chororg, chororg asap,
Flounder, v. i. oyorg-ambarg ,* ber- sromborg.*
jalan terkergkaig-kergkarg. Fluency (floo'en-si), s. lanchar*
Floundering (-ing), adj. (tum- petah-lidah.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tJien.

Ffuent (liquid) cha'ir;

(-flit), adj.
Flux(fluks),s. (act of flowing) hal
lanchnr/^ pantas mu- (change) perobahan.'^
(of speech)
lut, petah-lidah* fadh-Udali Fly (Hi), V. i. (as birds) terbary;
(soar, be borne as a leaf) layarg;
(run, flee) lari. To fly at (at-
Fluently (-li), adv. sperh ayer.
Fluff (fluf), s. hidu hahi^-halus, tack) serbu, terkam: (of fighting
buhl rarnatg* cocks) prap* pupoh*
Fly, s. (house fly) laJatj (blue bot-
Fluffy, adj. (of hair) I'ersaiy*
tle) lalat hijau, largau* hijau;
Fluid (floo'id), adj. cha'ir.
(large stinging fly) largau;
Fluid, s. hnda chair; (of the fluids
(horse fly) pikat;* (fruit fly)
of the body) ayer, as, ayer lior,
bari-bari/^ krok;'^ (sandfly) agas;
ayer ludah, ayer mata, etc. kunanj-
(fire fly) klip-klip,
Fluke (flook), s. (of an anchor) sib or-
kiina^g;'^ (dragon fly)
huku sank; (accidental advan- tunu-tiinu*
sibor,'^ Fly fishing,
tage) paJi-sa; (in billiards) flut
(E.). Flycatcher (fli'kach-er), s. bberek*
Flume (floom), s. tali ayer. berek-berek*
Flummery (flum'mer-i), s. (pap)
Flying fish (fli'ing fish), s. ikan
Mibor; (empty compliment) pm- ikan terbarg (B.).
bujok'an. Flying fox (foks), s. kluarg.
Flunkey (flmig'ki), s. oraiy gaji
Flying lemur (le'mur), s. kuborg*
yarg mmaJcai palcaian kbsaran. Flying lizard (liz'erd), s. chchaJc
Flurry (flur'ri), s. (of wind) argin ktibiti*
s-bntar; (commotion) kachau-bi- Foal (fol), s. anak kuda; (of in
lau* kochoh-garyah, huru-hara. anak kaldai.
Flurry, v. t. hacliaukan, liarukan^ Foam (fom), s. bueh, bum (B.) ;
Flush (flush), v.i. (turn red)
(at the mouth) Injai^ (W.).
Flush, V. t. (flood with water) Foam, V. i. berbiieh, berbusa, map,
kumhah.^ mruap (B.).
Flush, adj. (abounding) me wall ; Focalize (fo'kal-Iz), v. t. (bring to
(liberal) murali; (level) sama a focus) kumpolkan, satukan.
rata, s-lari, ka^ichap* Focus (fo'kws), s. mata, pusat.
Fluster (flus'ter), v. t. kachau, Focus, v. t. (a telescope or camera)
biigorghan, klirulmn, klerukan fokas (E.).
(B.). Fodder (fod'der), s. makanan yarg
Flute (floot), s. sulirg, srulirg,^ di-bri k-pada kuda, Imbii, dan s-
bargsi* serdam* mnri (Pers.) ; bagai-nja.
(groove or channel) glugor/^ Foe (fo), s. (personal) stru;*
Fluted (-ed), adj. berglugor* ka- (common, national) miisoh.
chapnri.'^ Foetus (fe'ti/s), s. kandorgan.
Flutter (flut'ter), v. i. (as butter- Fog (fog), s. kabot.
flies)beratorg-atorg;* (as flags) Fogey (fd'gi), s. pa si-bndul.'^
kibarf (as birds) glpar, gleser;* Foggy (fog'gi), adj. berkabot, ka-
(of the heart) berdbar. biis*
Flutter, s. (hurry) gsa* kochoh- Foible (foi'bl), s. kchla'an, chachat.
ganjak ; (mental agitation) kloli- Foil (foil), V. t. (baffle) tahankan,
ksah.* tgalikan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Foil, s. (of metal) prada* Icerjayy* Fomentation (fo-men-ta'shwn), s.

krajarg,* Ironchanj;* (for fenc- tuam, dmali ;^ (instigation) a-

ing) pdarg sr 11111,"^ sutan* usotan (B.).
Foist (foist), V. t. masoM'an mn- Fond (fond), adj. yaig suka, prya-
churi-cliuri, churi masoM'an (B.). yaiyf (indulgent) yarg mmanja-
Fold (fold), Y. t. (lay over) lipat; kun, yarg nimhri mul'a.
(the arms) ploh tuhoh* plok ta- Fondle (i'on'dl), v. t. hJai,^' main-
rgan (B.). To fold tip (as a main Sanaa (B.).
flower), huncliup. To fold in Fondness (fond'nes), s. sayarg.
two, as blankets or mats, linjhup.'^ Font (font), s. tmpat haptis (X.).
Fold, s. (part laid over) lipatan; Fontanel (fon'ta-nel'), s. ubun-
(slightly) Jclepet;'^ (doubling, uhun.^^
tripliig, etc.) lapis; (crease, wrin- Food (fo5d), s. makanari, rjk^
kle) I'Tut, I'dut/'^ (of drapery) (Ar. rizki), jerki (B.) (of prin-;

pulun* Two fold, dua Jcali ces) santapan;* (word used of

ganda,* dua l-ali haryah. one's own food in addressing prin~
Fold, s. (pen) liandaiy. ces) ayapan;* (exclusive of rice)
Folding (-ing), adj. Folding doors, laok; (all kinds of Jaok) laok-
'pintu herl-paJc dua. paok.* Plain food, makanan 'ala
Foliage (fo'li-ej), s. daun-daunan. kadar (Ar.).
Folio (f5'li-o), s. hertas yarg di- Fool (fool), s. oraig hodoli, oraiy
lipat s-l-ali; (page) mul'a huhu. hurarg 'akal, orarg kpala argin.
Folk (fok), s. orary; (relatives) To play the fool, main gila.
puak-puak (B.), kaum (Ar.), Fool, V. t. (deceive, cheat) tipu^
Icatim-puak.'^ pe rdayakan , pe rkonu nkan y*^
Folklore (fok'lor), s. clirita orarg (bilk) ponterg.
dhulu kala. Foolery (-er-i), s. khodolian, laku^
Follow (fol'lo), V.
(go after) t. orarg gila, klakuan orarg gila.
ikut, turut; (go with, as a leader) Foolhardy (-har'di), adj. Irani
irirg;* (chase, pursue) tisir* gila-gila, mmhahi-huta,'^ mmhahi
hjar; (imitate) ftrw;* (obey, (B.), brani mati (B.).
yield to) turut. To follow suit, Foolish (-ish), adj. hodoh, hhal.
chargkoh.* To follow up, ikut, Foolishness (-nes), s. khodolian.
tvntut.'^ Foolscap (f65lz'kap), s. kerta-^
Follower (-er),(attendant)
s. hsar-rya 16 x 13 inchi, terlipat
prgirirg,'^ trnan, pawai* sakai;* jadi 13 X 8 inclii.

(disciple) murid; (of a prophet) Foot (foot), s. kaki, also as mea-

iimaf^ (Ar. vmmat). sure of length; (base, pedestal)
Following (-ing), adj. kmdian. kaki, lapek.* The foot of a hill,
Following wind (Xaut.), aigin kaki hnkit.
turut, aigin sororg huritan. The Football (foot'bawl), s. (the Malay
following day, esok-rya. The fol- ball) huali sepak-raga; (the game y
lowing month, bulan di Tiadapan, sepak-raga. To play Maky
hulan datarg. ball, hersepak-raga. The Euro-
Folly (fol'li), s. khodolian. pean ball, hela sepak, futhol (E.).
Foment (fo-menf), v. t. (dry) Footbridge (-brij), s. titian,* titi'.

tuam; (wet) dmah;* (instigate) Footed (-ed), adj. Four-footed,.

asut* usot (B.). herkaki am pat.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mini/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Foothold (-hold), s. tumpuan.* Forbearance (-ans), s. panjarg
Footing (-iu^), s. (ground for the liati, sabar.
foot) tumpuan,'^ tmpat tumpu- Forbid (for-bid'), v. t. (prohibit)
an* tmpat herdiri (B.) ; (posi- lararg, Jarargkan; (hinder, pre-
tion, condition, rank) pargkat; vent) igahkan; (in religious
(total of a column of figures) things) haramkan. God forbid,
jmlah (Ar.). dl-jauhkan Allah.
Footman (-man), s. oraiy gaji. Forbidden (-dn), adj. pantarg, p-
Footmark (-mark), s. bkas tapak, nialir liaram (Ar. nardm).
hkas kal'i, hsan.^ Forbidding (-diug), adj. (repul-
Foot-pad (-pad), s. pnjamon. sive) odoh.*
Foot-path (-path), s. jalan kchil, Force s.
(fors), (strength) kuasa,
jalan kaki lima. kkuatan, gagali: (compulsion,
Footprint (-print), s. hkas tapak, coercion) paksa, kras.
bkas kaki, ksanr Force, v. t.
(compel) paksa, krasi;*
Footsore (-sor), adj. sakit kaki. (do violence
to) gagahi.* To
Footstep (-step), s. hkas kaki: (the force back, undorkan. To force
sound) buiyi tapak; (mark, to- open from the inside, ttas. To
ken) tanda, bkas. force in from outside, landa.* To
Footstool (-stoo'l), s. alas kaki, force down by the hair, sugun.*
pnumpu kahif^ pnojarg.* To force food on a child, tamukan
Fop (fop), s. psolek/^ prgadon.^^^ makanan k-pada budak.*
Foppish (-pish), adj. psolek/^ ber- Forceps (for'seps), s. aiykup*
solek (B.), segak.* pnjpit.
For (for), prep, (because of) kerna, Forcible (f5r'si-bl), adj. (power-
sbab; (indicating aim or purpose) ful) kuat, gagah; (using force)
bagi* akan,"^ buat (N.I.) ; (in- drgafi kras, drgan paksa.
stead of) ganti: (during) s-pan- Ford (ford), s.
jaiy. For all that, surggoh pun arorg.*
drnkian,"^ suiggoli pun bgitu. Ford, V. t. aroig.^
For all the world, s-mata-mata. Fordable (-a-bl), adj. boleh di-
For ever, s-lama~lama-iya. For arorg.'^
good, kkal. Fore (for), adj. (in time) dhulu;
For, conj. kerna, sbab, sdaig. (in place) di hadapan, dpan;
Forage (for'ej), s.makanan bagi (Xaut.) di lialuan.
binataig, makanan binataiy (B.). Forearm (for'arm), s. liujoixj Irgan,
Forage, v. i. chari bkal,* chari ma- Forearm (for-arm'), v. t. Irgkap-
kanan, ram pas makanan. kan terdhulu.'-^
Forasmuch (for-az-much'), conj. Forebode (for-bod'), v. t. (fore-
sdarg, sdargkan.* tell)njatakan terdlmlu. It fore-
Foray (for'a), s. pnjrargan.^ bodes evil, 'alamat chlaka datarg,
Forbear (for-bar'), v. i. (pause, pdah-n/a ta'baih;* see foretell.
delay) tatygoh; (refuse, decline) Foreboding (-ing), s. (anxious ex-
^rggan;'^ (control one's self) ta- pectation) khuatir, kbimbargan.
han, sahar. Forecast (forecast), v. t. (plan be-
Forbear, v. t. (avoid, abstain from) forehand) fikirkan dhulu, hichara-
pantargkan, berlmti deri-pada. kan dhulu, upayakan dhulu, un-'

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror: old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
tirg-uniuy;* (calculate before- Forelock (for'lok), s. jambul.
hand) airjgarkan. Foreman (lor'man), s. rnandor^
Forecast, s. hichara^ timhargan, iandil/'' kpala.
arggamn. Foremast (for'mast), (Xaut.)
Forecastle (fok'sl), (Xaut.) s. imjgket dol (L.).
iiatg foparg,
tirgkat di lialuan; (where sailors Foremost (lor'most), adj. (inn
live) lokor (E. locker). time) terdhulu; (in place) yarg
Foreclose (for-kloz'), v. t. putus- di hadapan; (in rank) teruiama,'*'
kan_, hei'hntikan. kpala.
Foreclosure (-klo'zhur), s. kputus- Forenoon (for'noon'), s. pagi, pagv
an. hari.
Foredoom (for-doom'), v. t. tntu- Forensic (for-en'sik), adj. deri-hal
kan terdhulu, takdirkan (Ar.). bichara, deri-hal mahkamah (Ar.)..
Forefather (f6r'fa-//ier), s. nenek- Foreordain (for-or-dan'), v. t. tak^
moyaig. dirkan (Ar.).
Forefend (for-fcnd'), y. t. (hin- Forepart (for'part), s. (in time)
der) tgahkan; (prevent approach) permula'an; (in place) hahian^
jaulikan; (prevent) tahankan. rnnka.
Forefinger (for'fing'ger), s. jari Forerunner (for'run-ner), s. pry--
tlunjok. anjur.*
Forefront (for'frunt'), s. tvipat Foresail (for'sl), s. (Xaut.) layer
yarg di hadapan. toparg.
Forego (f5r-go'), v. t. (leave) tiig- Foresee tahu dhulu.
(for-se'), v. t.

galkan; (renounce) satgkalkan; Foreshadow (for-shad'o), v. t. tan-

(precede) dhului. dakan dhulu, ryatakan dhulu.
Foregone (fdr'gon'), adj. A fore- Foreshorten (-short'n), v. t. pen-
gone conclusion, perkara yarg tntu dekkan bila talis gambar.
terdhulu, yarg siidah tntu. Foresight (for'sit), s. (foreknow-
Foreground (for'grownd), s. tmpat ledge) prgtahuan dhulu; (fore-
yarg dkat. thought) irgatan akan hati km-
Forehatch (for'hach'), s. (Naut.) diun, hal mmbicharakan dhulu;
ptrana lawargan (W.), palkah di (of a gun) rnata bdil, pdornan,^
Ji aluan. pjra*
Forehead (for'ed), s. dahi. Foreskin (for'skin), s. kulop*
Foreign (for'en), adj. (outside, Forest (for'est), s. rimba, hutan.
alien) luar, ashg;* (not native) Forestall (for-stawl'), v. t. (anti-
dagarg, hlaii^-' (Hind, ivildyati) ; cipate) dhului; (hinder) tahan^
(strange) gharib (Ar.) ; (not con- kan.
nected with) ta' s-tujn. for- A Forestay (for'sta), e. (Naut.) tali

eign country, negr^ orarg. For- prgarggok, suai, trirgket suai.

eign secretary, datok luar. Foretaste (for'tast), s. pndhulu^
Foreigner (-er), s. orarg hmr, an* hal nirasa dhulu.
orarg asirg,'^ orarg dagarg, dagarg- Foretell (for-tel'), v. t. ryatakan
sntri.* dhulu, bri iuhu dhulu, tlah.*
Foreknow (for-n5'), v. t. tahu Forethought (for-thawt), s. pri
dhulu. rnmikirkan dhulu, hal mrgupaya-
Foreknowledge (for-nol'ej), s. kan* dhulu, irgat Ibeh dMdu
prgtahuan dhulii. (B.) ; (prudent care) jimat.

ftte, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Foretoken (for-t5'kn), v. t. ^ala- Forked (forkt), adj. berchaharg.
matkan dhvlu (Ar.), tandakan Forked lightning, kilat saboiy-
dhulu. mfyabo7y.*
Foretopmast (for-top'mast), s. Forlorn (for-lorn'), adj. (deserted)
(Xaiit.) frirgl'et gaire dol (L.). ktuygalan, tertiryyal; (wretched)
Forewarn (for-w5rn'), v. t. laraty- dalarn ksusahan, dalam ksukar-
kan dhulu, irgatkan dhulu, na- an* A forlorn hope, perkara
sihatkan dhulu.*' yary berbahya dan hampir putus
Forfeit (for'fit), v. t. (lose or lose harap, perkara yary ta'yuna harap
the right to) hilaiy, lunchor;* (be layi (B.).
deprived of) kna ram pas. Form (form), s. (shape) rupa,
Forfeit, ?. dnda. tokoh, si pat* (Ar. sifat), ba^
Forfeiture (for'fi-chiir), s. dnda. iyun;* (bodily substance) Im-
Forge (forj), v. t.tmpa,^
(beat) baga;* (ceremony) peraturan;
titek ; (counterfeit) lanchoiykan* (mould) achuan; (pattern) tu~
palsukan. To forge ahead ladan, chontoh (bench) baryku.

(Naut.) lajak. Form, v. t. (give vshape) rupakan,.

Forge, s. dapur tukatrj hsi. tokoh; (construct) jadikan, hunt,
Forged (forjd), adj. lanchoiy,^ reka;*' (arrange, adjust) aturkan;
slujxjkairj* palsu (Port). (constitute) jadi.
Forger (iorj'er), s. plancho7g* p- Formal {-a\), adj. (orderly) b per-
niru tan da taiyan.* aturan; (ceremonies) be/adat*
Forgery (-er-i), s. pniruan,'^ plan- knat ikut 'adat (B.) (outward,

cho7ya)i* lacking reality) pada lahir* (Ar.

Forget (for-gef), V. t. (lose remem- tWiir).
brance) lupa; (neglect) lalaikan,'^ Formalism (-izm), s. kuat mryikut
huat indah taindali (B.). peraturan, kuat ikut 'adat (B.).
Forgetful (-fool), adj. plupa, Formality (for-mal'i-ti), s. per-
alpa (Sk.), suka lupa (B.). aturan.
Forgetfulness (-nes), s. lupa-lupa*' Formation (-ma'sh^^n), s. (act of
an; (temporary) lupa-lupa iryat, shaping) pri mrupakan; (con-
iryat-irgat lupa. struction) k'ada'an, rupa, reka-
Forging (forj'ing), s. tmpa'an.*' an;* (of troops) ikat prary.
Forgive (for-giv'), v. t. ampuni* Formative (form'a-tiv), adj. yary
ampunkan, mahapkan (Ar. ma'- m )yadakan* yaiy mnjadikan.
Former (-er), adj. dhulu, terdhulu,
Forgiveness (-nes), s. ampun, lama, yaiy mula-mula, yary sudali-
ampunan, mahap (Ar. rna'df). sudah.
Fork (fork), s. (for eating) yarfu Formerly (-li), adv. dhulu, dhulu
(Port.), srampanj; (of branches) kala,pada zaman dhulu, itu hari,
chahaty ; (forked stick for catch- jman dhulu (B.).
ing mid animals, etc.) charyyah ;* Formication (for-mi-ka'sht/n), s.

(between the limbs) kargkary, smiit-smutan.

chlah karykarg, klargkarg, krary- Formidable (for'mi-da-bl), adj.
kary* krampafy* pukaty;"^ (of a yary mrnbri takot, yary kasi takot
road) sempayy. (B.), yaig mnakoti* yary mmbri
Fork, V. i. berchaharg; (of roads) ddhshat (Ar.), hebat (Ar. hai-
hersemparg. bat).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t?ien.
Formula (for'mu-la), s. (set form) tiha-tiha^ jadi, yarg jadi dryan
pemturan; prescription)
(rule, tiada saigka.
ptua* (Ar. fatwa), sliarat (Ar.) ; Fortunate (for'ohu-net), adj. her-
(in magic) mantra/^ jampi. bhagia (Sk.), hertuah, heruntorg,
formulate (-lat), v. t. aturlcan, uiujor.^
sharaU'an (Ar.). Fortune (for'chun), s. (chance, ac-
Fornication (for-ni-ka'shi/n), s. cident, fate) nasih, untory; (suc-
persundaJan, percliabolan,'^ zina cess, happy event) mujor* kmujor^
(Ar.). an/^ untory haik, bhagia (Sk.) ;
/Forsake (for-sak'), y. (abandon)
t. (wealth) kkayaan. To tempt
fortune, bawa nasib.
fiir/gall-an; (renounce) satykaU
I'an. Fortune-teller (-tel-ler), s. p-
Forsooth (for-sooth'), adv. s-surg- tno)y* pnilek, tukaiy tilek, tiikarg
teiyok untoiy (B.).
Forswear (for-swar'), v. t. satylcal
Forty (for'ti), adj. ampat-pidoh.
Forum s. pasar di neyri
drgan sumpali. To forswear one's (fdr'-wm),

self, mal'an sumpali.

Rome; (court) majlis bichara,
kot (E.).
Fort (fort), s. kota, kuhu, hentenj
Forward (fdr'werd), adj. (in ad-
vance) di hadapan:
Forth (forth), adv. (out) k4uar;
And so prompt) (bold) brani;
(onward) k-liadapan.
Back and (of women) chandif (before the
forth, da7i s-bagai-nja.
time) dhulu deri-pada masa-rya.
forth, pergi lalek, ulaiy-aUrg* .
From this time forth, mula'i deri- Forward^ v. t. (accelerate) Ikaskan,
sgrakan, baiyatkanf (help on-
pada masa ini, deri ini jam (B.).
ward) majukan;'^ (transmit)
Forthcoming (-kum'ing), adj.
rim., hantarkan.
(ready) sdia; (appearing) kliliat- Forwardness s.
an. (eager-
tampak* nampak.
ness) (boldness) k-
Forthwith (-wiW), adv. sgra, s-
branian, chandi, as above.
hntar itu juga, serta-merta.
Fossil (fos'sil), adj. yary tlah mm-
Fortieth (for'ti-eth), adv. yarg k'-
bataf^' yaiy mnjadi batu
ampat pidoh. (B.).
Fortification (for-ti-fi-ka'shwn), s. Fossil, s. baraiy yaiy sudah berobah
(act of fortifying) pri miyota'i* mnjadi batu.
Ital kotakan (B.) ; (fort) kota, Fossilize (-iz), v. t. mmbatu; (be-
kuhu, henteiy (N.I.). come rigid) jadi kaku.
Fortify (for'ti-fi), v. t. tgolikan, Foster v. t.
(fos'ter), (nourish)
kuatkan, kota'i* kotakan (B.). bla,"^ plihara, didek;* (at the
Fortitude (-tud), s. tgoli liaii, k-
breast) tetehi;'^ (promote, encour-
igolian, kttnpan, chkal liaii. age) majukan.'^
Fortnight (fort'nit), s. dua jma'at, Foster-brother {-hvwth' qy) , s. sau-
diia mhygo, ampat-blas liari, dara susuan.
igohan, kttapan, chkal hafi* Foster-child (-child), s. anak susu-
Fortnightly (fort-nit'li), adj. tiap- an.
tiap dua jma'at, dua mitygo s-kali. Foster-mother {-mwth'ev), s. male
Fortress (for'tres), s. kota. susu, mak tetek.
Fortuitous (for-tu'i-t?/s), adj. yaiy Foul (fowl), adj. (filthy) chmar*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t^en.
kotor; (polluted) najis;. (of lan- Fourfold (for'fold), adj. ampat
guage) char lit; (of smell) biisoJc, kali ganda,"^^ ampat lipat (B.).
hancJdty, hanjir, hachin* haiyav,'^' Fourfooted (for-foot'ed), adj. ber^
hamis, haritxj,^ liapak, see fetid; kaki ampat.
(of wind) (N"aut.) sakal; (en- Four-in-hand (for'-in-hand'), s..
tangled) Jvitsut, tersangkot; (un- and adj. kuda dua pasaig.
fair, of games) cliuraixj, piyelat. Fourscore (for'skor'), adj. dlapan
Foul, V. t. najiskcm, chmarkan,'^ puloh, lapan pulok.
sargkotkan, as above; (collide Foursquare (for'skw^ar'), adj. am-
with) larggar; (in games) elat/^ pat persgi, ampat bersgi (B.).
prgelat (B.). Fourteen (for'ten), adj. am pat-
Fou!, s. (in games) elat* prgelat bias.
(B.). Fourteenth (for'tenth), adj. yarg'
Foul-mouthed (-mowtlit), adj. k' am pat-bias.
pncliarut, muliit rampiis* Fourth (forth), adj. yaig k' ampat,.
Found (fownd), v. t. (cast) tuarg; nombor ampat (B.).
(establish, fix tgohkan,
firmly) i
Fourth, s. suku perampat ^'
ttaplan; (lay foundation) huholi Four-wheeled

(for-wheld), adj..
ala^, alaskan; (begin, originate)
berroda ampat,
dirikan, adakan.
Fowl (fowl), s. (birds in general)
Foundation (fown-da'shwn), s.
bur org, org gas; (domestic) ay am.,
(act of founding) hal mntapkan, Fowler
hal mn dirikan, hal mrgadakan ; (-er), pmikat* s,

kaki Fowling-piece (fowl'ing-pes), s.

(groundwork, basis) alas,
snapa^g tembak burorg.
temhok; (endowment) wakaf Fox (foks), s. rubah (Pers.), gener-
(Ar.). Without foundation, tiada
ally supposed to resemble the mu-
hershah, sia-sia.
Founder sarg.
(fownd'er), s. (of metals)
pnuarg/^ tukarg tuarg; (one who
Foxy (-i), adj. (wily) cherdek,
'akal plandok, panjarg 'akal; (red-
lays foundations) prgalas, yarg
mrnhuhoh alas, yarg miyadakan. dish-brown in colour) perarg;
(of smell) bau musarg.
Founder, v. i, karam, trgglam.
Foundling (-ling), s. anak purgut,
Fracas (fra-ka'), s. gadoh, hum-
anak huargan.^^
Foundry (-ri), s. tmpat tuarg, tm- Fraction (frak'shi/n), s. (portion,
pat tuarg bsi,pnuatgan,* plbiiran."^ fragment) bhagian, s-krat; (in
Fount (fownt), s. (fountain) mafa arithmetic) pchahan.
Fractious (shus), adj. rajok,"^
Fountain (fowntVn), s. (natural) suka mrajok (B.), praiyai jahat;
mata ayer; (artificial) panchiiran (of horses) chandi,"^ mragam.
ayer; (source) pohon,* asal. Fracture (-chur), s. pchahan, pa-
Fountain pen, kalam* berisi tinta. tahan, tmpat yarg patah; (the
Fountain-head (-hed), s. asal, act)hal mmchah, hal mmatali^
pohon,'-^ miila. Compound fracture, patah-riok,*
Four (for), adj. anipat. On all patah rmok.'^
fours, berjermang,* mrargkak. Fracture, v. t. (break asunder)
Four-cornerd (-korn'erd), adj. pchah; (of long objects) patah;
ampat persgi, am pat bersgi (B.). (crack) rtak.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, mini/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Fragile (fraj'il or fraj'il), adj. Fraternize (frat'er-niz), v. i. her-
(brittle) rapoh, rpas* rniatyj* skutii* bprsahabat.
(delicate in health) hnah. Fratricide (frat'ri-sid), s. hal mm-
Fragment (frag'ment), s. pchalian, bunoh mudara.
patahan, s-krat, s-potoiy, s-chhis* Fraud (frawd), s. tipu-daya, tipu.
.'^-cliotek;* (of food) sisa; (of Fraudulent (frawd'u-lent), adj.
cloth or things cut) reja. pnipu.
tFragrance (fra'grans), s. liarum* Fraught (frawt), adj. pnoh dtyan,
watyi. berisi.
Fragrant (-grant), adj. watyi, Fray (fril), s.
perklaliian, pergadoh-
harum.^ an.
Frail (fral), adj. Imali, ta'l'uat. Fray, srabtit* liaus.
v. t.

Frailty (-ti), s. Mmahan, hsalahan. Frayed (frad), adj. (of a rope, in

Frame (fram), v. t. (fit together) the middle) rntan; (at the end)
rapatkan; (plan. de\'ise) upaya- srabot, kmbatg; (of cloth, at the
edge) berchtai-chtai*
Frame, (skeleton, framework)
s. Freak (frek), s. ragam, tirgkah.
raryka; (of windows and doors) Freckle (frek'kl), s. tahi4aiat, talk
pmidaiy ;* (bodily structure) Im- Mat (B.).
baga* bmyun, hadan; (disposi- Free (fre), adj. (not under res-
tion, mood) tiiykah; (of a pic- traint) bebas; (liberated)
ture or spectacles) hiiykai;'^ (for (from slavery) merdheka;* (la-
embroidery ) ;; mi da rgan .
vish) murali; (gratuitous) per-
Framework (fram'werk), s. rargka. ckuma, chuma-chuma; (unob-
France s.
(frans), negri Fransis, structed) bolo.^* lawaj^. Free and
negri Pranchis. easy, tngak* Ipa.s laku.*
Franchise (fran'chiz), s. (pri- Free, v. t. bebaskun, Ipaskan, mer-
vilege) izin, permisi (N.I.) ;
dhekakan* as above; also (re-
(right to vote) knasa mmbri deem) tbm.
suara. Freebooter (fre'boot-er), s. ptya"
Frangipanni (fran-ji-pan'ni), s. mon; (at sea) prompak, lanun*
kmboja, burga kmoja. Freedman (fred'man), s. orarg
Frank (frank), adj. (open) triis- merdheka,* orarg tbiisan.

trary; (candid) tuliis, ekhlds"^ Freedom (fre'dwm), s. kbebasan,

(Ay. ikhldfi). klpasan, merdheka;* see free.
Frank, v. t. (a letter) sguro* Freehold (-hold), s. gran mati
(Port). (E. grant).
Frankincense (frank'in-sens), s. Freely (-li), adv. see free.
kmnnjian, starygi (Sk. aMaryga), Freemason's hall (fre-ma'su^nz
d'upa (Sk.). hawl), s. riimali hantu.
Frantic (fran'tik), adj. gila, be- Freewill (fre'wil'), s. kahandah
rarg.'* yatg bcba,<, akhtiar sndiri* (Ar.
Frap (frap), v. t. (Naut.) pral ikhtidr).
(L.), hUt. Freeze (frez), v. i. berbku* mn-
Fraternal (fra-ter'nal), adj. ber- jadi ayer batu (B.).
saudara. Freeze, v. t. bkuJcan* mnjadikan
Fraternity (-ni-ti), s. persahabat- ayer batu (B.).
an perskutuan* Freight (frat), s. (load, cargo)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
rmiatan; (sum paid) iamhanj, taulan* liandai, rakan* sobat
sewa muatan. (X.I.) (B.).
iFrench (french), adj. fransis^ pran- Friendless (frend'les), adj. tiada
chis. berkairan, ks'oraigan.*
Frenchman (-man), s. ormg Fran- Friendly (-li), adj. bersahabat, ber^
si^, Pram man (X.I.), Pra.sman sobat (B.) ; (kind) berprgasehan,*
far oh ksian (B.).
Frenzied (fren'zid), adj. gila, he- Friendship (-ship), s. persahabaU
Frenzy (-zi), s. gUa, herarg.^ Frigate (frig'et), s. kapal prarg
Frequent (fre'kw^nt), adj. hrap, bertiaig tig a.
krap I' all,
m-irg (N.I.). Fright (frit), s. ktakotan, kkjotan,
Frequent (t're-kwent'), v. t. ularg,*
uJargi* saha (Sk.), slaroh.* Frighten (frit'n), v.t. kjotkan,
Frequently (-li), adv. hrap-hrap, fakotkan, bri fakot, kasi takot
sntiasa,^ slalu. To use frequent- (B.), bri dahshat (Ar.), kaget
ly, llarhan* (X.I.), gertal'.
Fresh (fresh), adj. (new) hkaru; Frightened (-nd), adj. terkjot, ter-
(vigorous) sgar, lampaf* (W.) ; pranjat, chmas* srek.
(not dried or preserved) hidop; Frightful {'ioo\), adj. hebat (Ar.
(not salt) taivar; (of wind) ha.ibat), dahshat (Ar.), adamat
hncharg. (Ar. 'atlmat).
Freshen (fresh'n), v. t. (make less Frigid (frij'id), adj. sjok, dirgin;*
salt) taivarkan. (of manner) kras, tgar.*
Frill (fril). s. ropol "(E. ruffle).
Freshen, v. i. (of wind) kncJiarg.
Freshet (-et), s. oyer bah. Fringe (frinj), s. rambu-rambu,
Freshman (-man), s. murid yarg rumbai-rumbai* ubor-ubor, g^un-
bharu masok skolah bsar. jai* iram-iram;* (of hair on the
Fret (fret), v. t. (wear away) ma- forehead) andam; (edge, border)
kan, hans; (irritate) maralikan.
v. Fringe, v. t. buboh ramhu-rambu,
Fret, (chafe) haus; (fray)
etc., as above.
srabut;'*' (be irritated) mnibakar
liaii, lam pas* niemek.
Frippery (frip'er-i), s. pakaian
Fretful yarg ehantek-chatitek.
(fret'foal), adj. Ikas marali, Frisk (frisk), v. i. lompat-lompat,
lampa-s* memek, pngus*
Fretwork (-werk), s. krawaig. lonchat-lonchat, linjak-linjak*
Friable (fri'a-bl), adj. rpas* rpid- Frisky (-i), adj. terlnjak-lnjak*
rial* ktai*
terlo njak-lonjak.*
Friar (frl'er), s. oratg berkhalwat Frith (frith), s. tlok.
(Ar.), rahib (Ar.). Fritter (frit'ter), s. dad<ir.* Ba-
Friction (frik'shwn), s. gosok, prg- nana rn^
fritters, pisarg gorirg,
gosok'an, sarggit;* (massage) darg* pisarg.
uruian, urut-urut; (disagi'ee- Fritter, v.t. (cut in pieces) chn-
ment) perslisehan. chatg. To fritter away (waste),
Friday (frfda), s. hari jma'at, liari
habiskan, boroskan.
Frivolity (fri-vaFi-ti), s. klakuan
Friend (frend), s. kawan, sahabat. sia-sia.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ; ice, it, fire,

mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Frivolous (friv'o-l?/s), adj. (of no Frost (frawst or frost), s. hal mm^
importance) reiyan; (silly^ given hku.* Hoar frost, 'mbun hku.'^
to trifling) sia-sia.'^ Frosted ^lass, kacha kusam.*
Frizz (friz), v. t. hritivg, ppualiJ^ Frost-bitten (frawst'bit-tn), adj.
Frizzled (friz'zld), adj. hitiiy,
kaku shah sjok.
ppuah* Froth (frawth or froth), s. hueh^
Fro (fro), adv. To and husa (B.).
fro, pergi-
hdlek, tdaiy-aUry* ulary-aleh* Froth, V. i. herhueh, herhusa (B.),.
olak-alelt^' ruap,* mruap (B.).
Frock pakaian prempnan
(frok), s. Frothy (-i), adj. herhueh, herhusa.
dan hiidah-hudak Eropah. Fro ward (fr5'werd), adj. (disobe-
Frog (frog), s. katak, hodoh (j^.I.). dient) derhaka; (perverse) kras
(B.). Bull frog, Icatak Morg, kpaJa, tgar.*
katak hntorg, hodoh htorg (B.). Frown (frown), v. i. krut, krniyit,'^
Frolic (frol'ik), s. suka-ria* hersut,* hsu (B.).
Frozen (fro'zn), adj. hku,"^ mnjadC
Frolic, V. i. bermain-main, hersuka-
ria;* see frisk. ayer hatu (B.).
Frolicsome (sum), adj. yatg suka Frugal (fro5'gal), adj. chennat^
hemat (Ar. himmat).
hermain, suka main-main (B.).
From Frugality (fr56-gari-ti), s. cher--
(from), prep, (places) deri; mat.
(persons, things) deri-pada; (be- Fruit (froot),
oleh* shah. From s. huah; (produce)
cause of)
hasil; (various fruits) huah-hudh^
house to house, masok rumah
an. Fruit bat, kllawar. Fruit
kluar rumah.
fly, hari-hari* krok.* Fruit tree^
Frond (frond), s. (of ferns) daun
pokok huah.
paku-paku; (of palms) plpah. huah-huah-
Fruitage (froot'ej), s.
Front (frunt), s. (fore part) muka, an, hasil.
hadapan; (of a ship) liahian. In Fruitful (-fool), adj. (of animals)
front of, di hadapan, hertntargan
hiak; (of soil) gmok; (of plants)
drgan, mnniaig, mrghadap. herhuali han/ak.
Front, adj. di hadapan, dpan, di Fruition (froo-ish'im), s. laha.*
miika. Front teeth, gigi sri,* Fruitless (frodt'les), adj. (barren)
gigi dpan (B.). tiada he7'huah,mandul;* (vain, un-
Front, V. t. hadap, tntarg. profitable) sia-sia,* perchuma, se~
Frontage (frunt'ej), s. (front man, tiada herfa'idah, taguna.
part) muka; (extent of front) Frustrate (frus'trat), v. t. hantut^
kan, hatalkan, sia-siakan,* tiada-
Frontier (fron'ter), s. smpadan, kan.
pprhirgga'an,'^^ prerggan,* hatasan, Fry (fri), s. anak ikan. Small fry,
kawasan,* ivaias (N.I.). hararg yaty sia-sia,* orary yary
Fronting (frunt'ing), prep, di tiada di-indahkan.
hadapan, tntarg. Fry, V. t. (in fat) rndarg;* (with
Frontispiece (frun'tis-pes), s. or without fat) gorirg.
gamhar yarg pertama dalam huku. Fryingpan (fii'ing-pan), s. kuali.
Frontlet (frunt'let), s. jamarg* Fuddle (fud'dl), v. t. mahokkan.
ptam,* tparam;* (of elephants) Fuddled, adj. mahok.
gumha.* Fudge (fuj), s. tahi argin, karut.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ;. law, how, oil; thin then.
Fudge, V. t. huat-buat, adal'an, pal- Fumble (funi'bl), v.i. raba, rapai*
^ukan (Port.). grapai,^ krahek.'-^
iFuel (in' el), s. H'al api; (of wood) Fume (lum), s. (vapour) wap, ha-
I'ayu api. (smoke) asap, rabun;* (rage)
Fugitive (fu'ji-tiv), adj. (escap- gjubera*
ing) yaig lari, plari;* (not dur- Fume, V. i. (smoke) berasap; (rage
able) tiada ttap, yarg liilaiy. with anger) beraiy* naik gm-
Fugitive, s. oraiy plari,^ orarg yarg bera,* naik mradarg.
lari (B.). Fumigate (fu'mi-gat), v. t. asap'
Fulcrum (furkrz/m), s. landasanf^ kan; (medicinally) rabunkan.'^
alas /}/n/?7.* Fumigation (-ga'sh?/n), s. rabun*
Fulfil (fool-fir), V. t. (carry into Fun (fun), main-main, snda-

effect) sampaikan, smpurnal^an; gurau* To make fun of, per-

(complete) hahiskan, gnapkan. 7nainkan,^ usek. In fun, main-
To fulfil a vow, hayer iiiat. main.
Fulfilment (-ment), s. lial mryam- Function (fungk'shzm), s. (per-
paikan, etc., as aijove. formance of duty or office) kerja,
Full (fool), adj. (filled up) pnoli. jawatan;^ (appropriate action)
tnmpat;^ (of numbers) gnap; pkerja'an.
(sufficient) chukop; (of time) Fund (fund), s. (stock, capital)
suntokf^ (sated) kmyarg, puas; modal, pokok.
(of load or burden) sarat; (to Fundament (fun'da-ment), g.

overflowing) tpu* aboig,"^ tpas; purggoig, pantat, poiygorg (B.).

(bulging) kpoh:* (of the moon) Fundamental (-men'tal), adj. asal.
pernama* A full year, s-taliun Fundamentally (-li), adv. pada
tut op, s-taliun suntok* btul s- pargkal-iya, pada asal-rya.
tahun (B.). A full month, .<?- Funeral s.
(fu'ner-al), perkubur-
halan sutitok* hful s-hulan. Full an. Funeral prayers, talkin
dress, pakaian khsaran. Full to (Ar.). Funeral procession, per-
the brim, tpu.'^ Crammed full, arakan mayat, berarah orarg mati
pnoh trak.^ (B.), argkafan jnazah (Ar.).
Full-blooded (fool-blud'ed), adj. Funereal (fu-ner'i-o-l), adj. (mourn-
toiok'' (Jav.). ful) berduka-chita,^ perchinta'aUj
Full-blown (-blon), adj. (of flow- susah haii (B.).
ers) kmharg; (perfected) sm- Fungus (fung'gws), s. kulat,* chn-
purna. da wan, lumid.
Full-dress (-dres), s. pakaian k- Funk (fungk), s. bachoJ.*
hmran, pakaian hgkap. Funk, V. i. srek.
Full-grown (-gron), adj. chukop Funnel (fun'nl), s. (chimney) cho-

h.mr, chukop 'umor. rorg, sromborg,^ somprorg (B.),

Fully (-li), adv. (entirely) s-mafa- smproig (^.1.), ponel (E.) ; (for
mafa,* drgan s-chukop-rya, drgan filling bottles) klonsorg.*
smpurna-iya. Funny (-ni), adj. pnemawa,* prg-
fulminate (ful'mi-nat), v.i. (make gli liati,* yarg glikan hati (B.) ;
a loud noise) berguroh; (explode) (peculiar) plek.*
Uop,'^ mltop (B.). Fur (fer), s. kulit berbulu.
Fulsome (fool'smn), adj. terlalu Furbish (fer'bish), v. t. upam*
banjak, yarg mnjmukan. gilapu"^

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Furious (fur'i-?^s), adj. (with an- Fuss (fus), s. chrewet (N.I.) (B.).
ger) mraditiy, heraty;* (stormy) Fussy (fus'si), adj. chrewet.
fflora* Fustian (fus'chan), s. kain bludu
Furl (ferl), v. t. guloiy. berluraJi.*
Furlough (fer'lo), s. cJiuti. Fusty (fust'i), adj. berbau lapok^
Furnace (fer'nas), dapur, tannr s.
tryek, ban mlapok (B.).
(Ar.) ; (for smelting) rlau.* Futile (fu'tll), adj. sia-sia,* tiada
Furnish (fer'nish), v. t. (provide) berfa'idah, ta'yuna.
hgJcapkan* sdiakan; (adorn) Jiia- Futility (fu-til'i-ti), s. sia-sia."^
si* riaslcan (B.) ; (with pro- Future (fii'chur), adj. yaty akan
visions) hl'alJian.
datary, datary, yary mndatary,
Furniture (fer'ni-chur), s. (equip- blakaty. In future, blakary-kali
ment) Mrghapan;'^ (of a house) (N.I.). The future life, hari
serba-rumah* perJcakas rumah, kmdian, akhirat (Ar.).
hara'iy-harajy. Future, s. zaman datary, hari km-
Furore (fu-ror'), s. ymhera.* dian, hari yanj mndatary.
Furrow s. earth)
yalur :'^
(wrinkle) krut,
kdut, glmbor,
krotot. Gab (gab), s. To have the gift of
Furry (fer'ri), adj. herhulu. the gab, pitah lidah, bletir,* jadi
Further (tev thei), adj. (more re- tukary mletir (B.).
mote) Iheh jauh; (additional) Gabble (gab'bl), v. i. yrichau,"^
Iheh, layi, lain. Nothing further, repek, petes,* rnryeryer (B.).
lain iidak. Gable (ga'bl), s. tiba-layer.
Further, v. t. (assist) bantu; (pro- Gabriel (ga'bri-el), s. Jihra'il
mote) majn'kan .
Furtherance (-ns), s. kmajuan* Gad (gad), v. i. kmbara;* (run
Furthermore (-mor), conj. tam- wild) jalary, kinchary-kinchary,*'
bahan pula, dan layi, layi pun, s- kinckaiy-kirap.
bayai layi.'*' Gadfly (gad'fli), s. pikat.*
Furthest (fer'f/iest), adj. yaty ter- Gaff (gaf), s. (fish spear) sram-
Ibeh jauh, yary jauh skali. p(^^J. (Naut.) bom atas, yafel
Furtive (fer'tiv), adj. mnchuri- (D.), gap (E.), andafy-andaty
churi. atas.
Fury (fur'i), s. gmbera,* beraty,"^ Gag (gag), V. i. jluak.
marah bsar (B.). Gag, V. t. smpalkan, sumbatkan mu-
Fuse (fuz), V. i. Ibur, hanchor. hit.

Fuse, 8. tunam,* sumbu, murary Gage (gaj), s. (pledge) chayaran*

(Port.). ch. a yak' an (B.) ; (challenge)
Fusible (fuz'i-bl), adj. yary dapat an.
Ibur,* yary boleh Ibur. Gaiety (ga'et-i), s. suka-ria,* suka-
Fusion hati.
(fu'zhi^n), s. (act of melt-
Gaily adv. dtyan suka-
ing) pri mlbur, klburan; (union, (ga'li),
blending) champuran. chita,* dryan suka-suka (B.).
Fusilade (fu-zil-lad'), s. pri m- Gain (gan), v.-t. (get, obtain) ber-

nembak s-rmpak* oleh,* berantoiy, hasil, berlaba,*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, fSrry; ico, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry J food, foot, awfool (awful) j law, how, oil; thin
beroleh Jaba;* (be victorious) Gallon (gal'lwn), s, sukatan Iry-
mnaiy; (reach, attain) dapat. yns = ^ yantary.
To gain a person's affections, mty- Gallop (gal'h/p), v. i.
ambil hati oraty. berlari mndva*
Gain, s. untoty, fa'idah, laba* kla- Gallows (gal'loz), s. t?npat yantonj-
ba'an.'^ an, peryantonjan. Gallows bird,
Gainings (gan'ingz), s. uniorg, sisa peryantoryan.
laha,'^ pndapatan. Galoshes (ga-losh'es), s. pi. kasut
Gainsay (gan-sa'), v. t. bantdhiJ^ ytah.
'Gait (gat), s. jalan, gaya. Gallstone (gawl'ston), s. batu-batw
Gaiter (gat'er), s. lapeJc btis* an hmpdu.
Gala (ga'la), s. t?na.'ia (Sk. tama- Gambler (gam'ber), s. yambir.
Gambier estate, ladaty yambir,
Galanga (ga-lang'ga) s. Iryhuas. , kaiyka yam hir ( Ch. ? ) .
Galaxy (garaks-i), s. (the Milky Gamble (gam'bl), v. i. bermam
Way) bima-sahti (Sk.) (assem- ; judi, berjudi.
blage) perhimponan yaty mulia. Gambler (-bier), s. pnjudi* tahi
Gale (gal), s. rihot, tofan (Ar. judi. Gambling den, log ok judi.
Taufdn). Gambling (-bling), s. judi.
<jalena (ga-le'na), s. batu bijeh. Gamboge (gam-b5oj'), s. ytah kam-
Galilee (gal'i-le), s. neyri Galil
{Av,Jalil). Gambol (gam'bol), v. i. bertandak,
Gall (gawl), limpdu. Gall blad-
lompat-lompat, terkinja-kinja.*
der, pinidi-pundi* limpdu. Game (gam), s. (sport, play) per-
Gall, V. t. (chafe) lecheU-an; (vex, mainan; (scheme, plan) 'akal;
annoy) usek; (harass) hachaii, (animals pursued) perburuan.*
<iallant (gal'knt), adj. (splendid)
Game, adj. (plucky) brani.
Gamecock (gam'kok), s. ayam sa-
muJia, apas;"^ (courageous) brani,
perkasa (Sk.).
Gallant (gal-lanf), adj. berbliasa. Gamekeeper (-kep-er), s. yombala,
'Gallantry (gal'lant-ri), s. perkasa Gammon (gam'-nmn), s. paha babi.
(Sk.), brani, budi-bliasa.
Gander (gan'der), s.arysa jantan.
(gal'le-im), s. yaliory
(D. yaljoen). Gang (gang), s. (group of labour-
Gallery ers) kawanj^ pasokan. Gang-rob-
(gal'ler-i), s. (corridor)
dcmir;* (in mines) yroryyaiy;^ ber, ptyamon, cheiy-piary (B.)
(Ch. chery-piary
= house-break-
(on brackets or columns) bratida
l^ort. ing).
{ , peraryinan,^ prancJi ah.'^

<jalley (gal'li), s. (ancient war ves- Ganges (gan'jes), s. suiyai Gargga.

sel) ghaJi (B.yalei) ; (ship's boat)
Gangrene (gang'gren), s. mati
bot (E.), sk-ochi (D.) ; (native dayiry.
harge) pelaiy;* (Xaut., kitchen) Gangway (-wa), s. (passage) ja-
da pur. lan; (of planks) titian; (opening
Galley worm (-werm), s. chachity
in bulwarks) pintu kaya.*

Gaol (jal), s. pnjara, jel (B.).
'Gallinule (-nul), s. ayam-ayam. Gaol bird, orary rantai.
"Gallipot (-pot), s. siiun* tlap* Gaoler (jal'er), s. piuiyyu pnjara,*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry ; f odd, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin t/ien.
mota-mata jel, iradar (E.), sipir Garret (gar'ret), s. para* atau
(X.I.) (D. cipier) ; see warder. bilek dkat atap.
Gap (gap), s. chlah* chlah (B.), Garrison (gar'ri-sn), s. oraty ka-
rawa^y* lompaiy/^ prohoty* walau'^ kota.
Gape (gap), v. i. (of the mouth) Garrison, v. t. hykapkan dtyan sol-
lyarga, uiyhapf' ch-
margau* dado.'-'

hgap;* (of wounds) hahaty* Ice- Garrotte (gar-rof), v. t. kujut/^'

hakj'^ (wide open) riygary, pla- cJikek.
hafy;* (yawn) kuapj^ migiiap. Garrulous (gar'ru-h/s), adj. bleiir,.
Garb (garb), s. pahaian. mletir (B.), chlupar/' chloteJi.*
Garbage (gar'bej), s. sampali, ham- Garter (gar'ter), s. ytah sarory
pas. kaki, ytah stoken (E.), karet kaus-
Garble (gar'bl), v. t. (mutilate) (N.L).
rosahkan, kacJiau. Gas (gas) s. hawa, tvap, yas. Ga^
Garden (gar'dn), s.
(plantation) meter, ruiter yas (E.), jam yas.
khun; (ornamental) tamanf^^ Gaseous (gas'e-i(s), adj. berwap.
khun hiirga (B.). Gash (gash), v. t. klar.
Garden, v. i. ierkbun. Gash, s. kJar, rebak."^
Gardener (-er), s. tiikary khun. Gasket (oas'ket), s. (Xaut.) stop-
Gardenia (gar-de'ni-a), s. huvya (E.).
susu, huiya China. Gasoline (gas'o-len), s. mityak ben-
Garfish (gar'fish), s. ikan puput. zin .

Gargle (gar'gl), v. t. herkumor- Gasometer (gas-om'et-er), s. taryki

kumor. yas (E.).
Gargle, s. ohat kumor. Gasp (gasp), v. i. ryap-ryap, iiiyap,"^
Gargoyle (gar'goil), s. patory pan- cliuryap, urykapf' (choke) chkok-
chut an ayer. chkek,"^ Imas. At one's last gasp..
Garish (giir'ish), adj. yilary- naik omhak, naza (Ar.).
ymilaiy,^ berkilat; (of colours) Gastric (gas'trik), adj. prat (a).
chindai* yarary (B.). Gate (gat), s. (of a city) pintu
Garland (gar'knd), s. kararyan bmr, pintu kota, pintu yerbajy;*-'
huiya, kararyan daiin. (of a fence) pintu payar, laivary
Garlic (-lik), s. haivary puteh, ha- (X.I.) ; (large gate) jiintu laivary
iranj China. (Jav.) ; (to keep children in a.
Garment (-ment), s. pakaian, kain- house) adary pintu.''
baju; (a single garment) kain s- Gatekeeper (gat'kep-er), s. pnury-
lai (or S'hlai), haju s-lai, etc. yu pintu,* oraiy jay a pintu.
Long outer garment, jubah (Ar.). Gatepost (-post), s. tiary pintu.
Long garment worn under the Gateway (-wa), s. muka pintu pa-
jubah, gamis'^' (Ar. qamis), baju yar.
top.'' Gather (ga^/i'er), v. t. (collect)
Garner (-ner), v. t. kumpolkan, kumpolkan, himjwnkan :'^
simpan dalam ydory.
iaroh, heaps) loryyokkan, timban'kan;
Garnet (-net), s. yakut merah (j)luck) ptek; (fruit with a pole)
(Ar. yaqiit). jolok; (in a basket on a pole)
Garnish (-nish), v, t. (adorn) saryyory;'' (pick up) puiyut, ku^
hiasi,"^ riaskan
(B.) ; (furnish, tip: (materials for work) ramu:*'
supply) Irgkapkan.* (rice harvest) tvai;* (derive an

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
inference) amhil;* (in folds, as a Gear, s. (equipment) klrykapan,
garment) pulun* kdiit. alat* serha* abah-ahahj* (cog-
Gather, v. i. (assemble) herhum' wheels) roda heryigi, jntra* her-
poly berhimpon* herkrumiin; (of yiyi. Running gear (NauL),
boils) mnanali, atykut nanah. tali-t7nali.

Gather, s. (plait or fold) puhin* Gecko (gek'o), s. ikek, tokek*

kdut,simak* Gelatine (jel'a-ten' or jel'a-tin), s.
Gathering (-ing), s. (assembly) (from seaweed) ayar-ayar.
perkumpolan, perhimponan,* ma- Gelatinous (je-lat'in-i^s), adj. her-
jlis (Ar.), sidarg;* (abscess, tu- pulut, herpulot (B.).
mour) hmil; (on the finger) klu- Geld (geld), v. t. kmhirikan, kasi*
rut* klurutan (B.). (Ar. khafii).
Gaudy (gawd'i), adj. gilaiy- Gelding (-ing), s. kuda kmhiri.
gmilaiy* chindai,* garary (B.), Gem (jem), permata, manikamf*

rarggi (B.). (small valuables) mata-bnda.

Gauge (gaj), v. t. iikor, jaiyka, su- Gem, V. t. tatahkan.
kat; (estimate) taksir (D. tazeer- Gender (jen'der), s. jnis jantan-
en) ; (judge of) tinihaiy. htina.
Gauge, s. (size) nkoran, jaryka; k-
Genealogy (jen-e-alVji), s.
(width) lehar, huka;* (instru-
turunan, siJasilah (Ar.), salasilah
ment for measuring) piyukor,
(Ar. silsilah), suku sakatj^ susor-
Gaul (gawl), s. iiegri Fransis dliulu
General (jen'er-al) adj. (belonging
to all) perskutuanf^ sama peroleh'
Gaunt (gawnt), adj. kurus, clidhyj^
anj^ 'am (Ar.) ; (usual, habitual)
khiasa'an, sperti slalu, sntiasa;"^
Gauntlet (gawnt'let), s. saroig ta-
(for the most part) kharyakan.
ryan. To throw down the gaunt-
let, minia lawan, ajak heradu. Registrar general, pndaftar 'am
Gauze (Ar.).
(gawz), s. kain kasa (Ar.
General, s. piylima prary, kpala
khasah). Wire gauze, aijakan da-
wai. prary.
Gavel s.
Generality (-aTi-ti), s. perkara
(gav'el), prgtok.
Gavial rarahary.
(ga'vi-al), s. hiiaya jolory-
Generalize (jen'er-al-iz), v. t.
jolory, jnjolory.'^
(take comprehensive views) ram-
Gawky (gawk'i), adj. chaiygory,
Generally adv. krap-krap,
Gay (ga), adj. (merry) hersuka- (-li),
sntiasa ( Sk. ) , biasa-nja.
suka, ria;* (in colours) cliindai.^
Gaze (gaz), v. i. pandary, rnory. Generalship (-ship), s. kpandaian
To gaze at, tatap* piylima.
Gaze, s. pa?ida?yan. Generate (jen'er-at), v. t. (beget)
Gazelle (ga-zel'), s. kijaiy. beranakkan; (produce, cause) ada-
Gazette (ga-zef), s. surat Jchahar kan, jadikan, sbabkan, kluarkan.
krajaan, siirat klidbar kompni, Generation (-a'shun), s. (act of
irerta* krajaan. begetting) pri mmperanakkan,
Gazette, v. t. khaharkan dryan pren- pri miyadakan, etc., as above;
iah. (progeny) bneh, kturunan; (step

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror: old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, miniis, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
in descent) Murunan, paiykat; Gently (jen'tli), adv. drgan manis^
(age) zaman, jman (B.). perlahan-lahati,* plan-plan.
Generic (je-ner'ik), adj. deri-hal Gentry (-tri), s. tuan-tuan.
jnw, jim (a). Genuflexion (jen'u-flek'shwn), s^

Generosity (jen-er-os'i-ti), s. ^'- pri mlipat lutut.

murahan, murah hati. Genuine (jen'u-in), adj. (true)
Generous (jen'er-ws), adj. murah surggoh, btul, tahakik {Xv.) ; (of
tarqan terbuka, ahor,^ derma-
liaii, pure blood) jati; (pure, as gold)
wan. (Sk.). tulen (Jav.), c/iia (C1l)(B.).
Genesis (jen'e-sis), s. (first book of Genus (je'n?/s), s. jnis.
Moses) hjadian; (origin) a^alj Geography (je-og'ra-fi), s. 'ilmu'^
bumi. Physical geography, 'ilmu'^
pargkat, puncha.
Genial bulat dunia.
(je'ni-al), adj. mams, sdap-
nianis* Geology (je-oro-ji), s. 'ihmi^ batiu
Genitals (jen'i-tlz), s. kmaluan. Qeomancy (je'o-man-si), s. ramal
Genius (At.).
s. (supernatural
being) jin (Ar.), liantu; (taste,
Geometry (je-om'et-ri), s. 'ilmu*'
inclination) ckondorg hati; (un-
common intellectual
Germ (jerm), s. (of seed) kcham-
power) "k"
bah;^ (of an ^^^) pusat tlor; (of
pandaian 'aja'ib.
a coconut) tomboig; (of disease)
Genteel (jen-tel'), adj. herhhasa,
k union, ha ma; (origin, first prin-
Gentile s.
ciple) asal, tunas.
(jen'til), (uon-Jewisli) German (jer'man), adj. jerman.
hargsa asirg (X.). Germane (jer-man'), adj. padan,.
Gentility (jen-tiri-ti), s. hudi-
patut, berstuju.
Germany (jer'man-i), s. negri Jer-
(jen'tl), adj. (not rough) man.
halus, manis; (not violent) per- Germinate (jer'mi-nat), v. i. (of
lahan, plan (B.) ; (tender, meek)
seeds) berkchambah;'^ (of plants)
Imhot hati; (docile) jirmk; (of
bertumboh, bertunas, bertarok.*
sounds) sdap, merdu;* (of wind) Gestation (jes-ta'shim), s. w-
spui,* spui-spui hhasa*
Gentlefolks (-loks), s. orarg haik- Gesticulate her^
(jes-tik'u-lat), v. i.
haik, orau) hargsawan,* tuan-tuan. bermavn ta-
lerggok, ierliok-liok,*
Gentleman (-man), s. (well born) rgan, berimrat (Ar. ishdrat).
oraig haik haik, orarg berhaigm,* Gesticulation (-la'sh-wn), 6. lerg-
orarg bargsawan,* tuan; (of refined gok, i^^arat (Ar. ishdrat).
manners) orarg berbhasa, orarg Gesture (jes'chur), s. leiggok, isa^
halus. Gentlemen, tuan-tuan, rat (Ar. ishdrat).
'ncJiek-'ncliek. Get (get), V. t. (obtain) dapat, ber-
Gentlemanly (-li), adj. berbhasa. oleh;* (procure) ambil, cJoarikan;
Gentleness (-nes), s. kahalusan, (receive) trima.
Imah-lmbot. Get, V. i. (become) jadi; (come to-
Gentlewoman (-woom-an), s. be) kna. To get ahead, get along,
prempuan baik-baik, prempuan beruntoig, mara,* maju,^' berjalan
herbanjsa,'^' 'nchek-nchek prem- (B.). To get astray, ssat. To
puxin. get at (reach) dapatkan. To get
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
back, pidarg. To get clear, Ipa^, Giddy (gid'di), adj. (lightheaded)
luehut. To get drunk, jadi ma- kpaia pnirg^ pusirg kpala, riargf'
hoh. To get into, masok. To get (inducing giddiness, as heights)
near, dkat, hanipir* To get on, yavj mriargkafh* yanj mmbri ga-
niaju* herjalan (B.) . To get over yat;* (of character) kpala argirij
(pass over) lalui;* (recover from ta'ttap.
sickness) smhoh* puleh. To get Gift (gift), s. pmhrian, huah targan.^'
to, sampai, tiha, datary h-. To hadiah (Ar.) ; (from an inferior)
get up, hargun; (ascend) naik, persmbahan ; (from a superior)
panjat; (from sleep) hargun tidor. anugrah (Sk), kurnia (Sk.) ;
Gewgaw (gii'gaw), s. haraig sia- (royal gift sent with a letter)
sui* hanng ta'herguna. birgkisan;* (alms) sdkali, derma
Geyser (gi'zer or ga'zer), s.
pan- (Sk.) ; (bribe) snap; (tip) baksis
chutan aj/er panas. (Turk, bakhshish).
Gharry (gar'ri), s. kreta kuda, Gift, V. t. (endow) kurniakan (Sk.),
kreta seica. anugrah i (Sk.).
Ghastly (gast'li), adj. (of pallor) Gig (gig), s. (carriage) bogi, kreta
pucliat piichat manai*^ pu-
Isu/'' bogi; see dogcakt; (boat) bot
cliat hagi may at (B.) ; (horrible) (E.), skochi (D.).
dahshat (Ar.). Gigantic (ji-gan'tik), adj. bsar
Ghee (ge), s. iniiyak sapi. skali, amat bsar.*
Gherkin (ger'kin), s. timon kcliil. QiggJe (gig'gl), V. i. kekek^ ter-
Ghost (gost), s. (disembodied spi- terkekek-kekek.*
rit) hantu, hantu hargkit; (spirit Gild (gild), V. t. (overlay with
of life) smatgat; (spirits of dead gold) saint, sadurj* (with gold
persons) arwah (Ar.). See leaf) buboh 'mas kertas; (with
SPIRIT. The Holy Grhost, Boh paint) sapu ayer 'mas; (by plat-
Alkudus. To come under the in- ing) chlop 'mas.
fluence of a ghost, kna tgur liantu, Gilding (gild'ing), s. see above.
terkna, tersampok. Gill (gil), s. (offish) insarg, isarg,'^'
Giant (ji'ant), s. gergasi, 7ienek paru-parn; (of fowls) glambir.*
gergasi, raksasa (Sk.), dnawa Gill (jil), s. sukatan hggris-^
_(Sk.). _
Giant, adj. hsar skali, amat hsar."^ Gilt (gilt), adj. di-sadur/^ di-sapu
Gibberish (gib'ber-ish), s. rapek, mas, di-chlop mas.
ryeryer (B.). Gimbals (gim'bals), s. (Xaut.)
Gibbet (jib'bet), s. kayii ptygan- glarg-glatg pdoman.
toigan. Gimcrack (jim'krak), s. bararg
Gibbon (gib'bon), s. siamanj* yaig rupa-nja balk, ttapi Ikas
The wou-wou, oigka. rosak, smbaraig.*
Gibe (jib), v. i. sindir, olok-olok. Gimlet (gim'let), s. gurdi, grodi.
Gibe, s. (sarcastic jest) sindir; Gimp (gimp), s. bakrani^ (E.).
(scoff) olok-olok. Gin (jin), s. (snare) jrat, rachek ;
Giblets (jib'lets), s. Jiaii jantorg (sliears) sagarg,* sayarg-sayarg ;'^
dan hmpdal ayatii ya)g hoJch di- (Hollands) sopi"^ (T). zoopje = siipy
makan. dram), jin. Cotton gin, psawat'^
Giddiness (gid'di-nes), s. pniig, mtynchi kapas.
riarg,^' gayat* pimrg mata.* Ginger (jin'jer), s. halia, jai
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; 51d, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry ; f 56d, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin t/ien.
(X.I.) ;
other species are hutylai* give away
(transfer) srahkan; (in
haffjle (B.), tmu kiinchi. cliarity)sdkahkan. To give back,
Oingerly adv. diyan cliermat.
(-li), pulaigkan, kmbalikan. To give
Gingham (ging'am), s. l-ain gerg- birth to, beranakkan, bersalin'
garg (D. gingang). kan* tlaliirkan (Ar.) To give
Gipsy (jip'si), s. s-bargsa oraig chase, kjar. To
give forth, kluar-
kulit hitam ya?g hertahuran di kan. To give in (admit defeat),
Imua Eropah. srahkan diri; (announce, make
Giraffe (ji-ra.f)^ s. zirafah (Ar.). known) bri taltn. To give off
<jird (gerd), v. t. (encircle) hlit. (emit), kluarkan, smburkan. To
Met (B.) ; (make fast, as with a give out (announce), khabarkan;
girdle) ikat, hhat, harut; (with (distribute)bhagikan. To give
a belt over the shoulder) sandarg.'^ over (abandon), titggalkan; (re-
Girder (gerd'er), s. rasok* halak sign) srahkan diri. To give place
(D.). iron girder, rasok hsi. (withdraw) nndor. To give and
Girdle (ger'dl), s. tali pirgyaig, take, kadarkan* vntoiy rugi. To
ptgikat pirggaig, kndit, tali kndek give tongue, salak, mnjalak. To
(B.), gndit;^ (over the shoulder) give up (surrender) srahkan. To
sandarg;^ (of silk or cloth) hrg- give way (withdraw) undor; (of
korg. earth) runtoh, rut oh (B.) ; (of
Girdle, v. t. (encircle) Hit, hlet buildings) roboh, ruboh (B.) ; (of
(B.); (bind) ikat. a seam) rtas; (of a Joint) pokah,*
<jirl (gerl), s. hudak prempuan, Gizzard (giz'zerd), s. hmpdal, mm-
anak prempuan, anak dara, gadis,* pdal.
prawan* nona (X.I.). Glacier (glas'i-er or gla'sher) s.
<jirlhood (gerl'hood), s. dara, per- sunjai ayer batii, suryai bku.*
dara'an,^ Ital anak dara. Glad (glad), adj. (happy) ymar,*
Girlish (-ish), adj. sperti hudak suka-hati, bersuka-suka, bersuka-
prempuan. cliita;* (pleased) berknan.
Girth (gerth), s. (for a saddle) Gladden (glad'dn), v. t. siikakan,
tali prot; (of an elephant\s how- gmarkan,* perknankan.
dah) tali re?gka;* (measure round Glade (glad), s. chrary.*
the bodv) hsar-iya; (round a tree) Gladiator (glad'i-a-ter), s. pn-
nut. dekar.*
<jist (jist), s. (main point) perkara Gladly (-li), adv. berknan, d^yan
yarg terutama;'^ (essence) pati. suka liati.
<jive (giv), V. t. hri, kasi (B.), hagi Gladness (-ness), s. suka-chita,*
(P.) ; (of inferiors) persmbah- suka-ria,"^ ksukaan, suka-hati.
kan; (of superiors) kurniakan Glair (glar), s. puteh tlor.

(Sk.), anugrahkan (Sk.) ; (as Glamour (glam'er), s. (magic in-

dishes at table) sororg; (more fluence, spell) badi.
politely in requesting a person Glance (glans), s, (flash of light)
to give) kirikan; (pay) bayer; sinar;* (quick look) jliry, ker-
(produce, emit) kluarkan; (allow) Ihy,* liryar:* (with a motion of
bri, biar; (deliver over) srahkan; tbe head) jliiy-jluat.*
(apply one's self) srahkan diri; Glance, v. i. (flash) bersinar* her-
(bend, as a bridge) Indut,* Idorg;* kilat; (look quickly) skali pan-
(cause) baiva, datargkan. To daiy, jliiy, kerliiyj^ lirgar,* main

4te, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, niini/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
mata. A
glancing blow, Z;na sipi. Glimpse (glims), s. iampak* s-
To skali 'mbas.
glance back or behind one, bniar, nampak
toleh.* Glisten (glis'n), v. i. kerlap/^^ ber-
Gland (gland), s. hiji Wijar,'^ hiji linarg.
Mnjaran. Glitter (glit'ter), v. i. berkilat, ber^
Glanders (glan'derz), s. sardi kilau,"^ chmeiiaig,'^ gmerlap/^ gi-
(Hind. = a cold), sahit irgus, pnja- hug-g m ilargf^ kerlap.
hit bnjkah hernanah di raliarrj/^
Gloat (glot), V. i. pandarg drgan
Glare (glar), s. (dazzling ligbt) irgin.

silau, kilau,^ climerlarx).*

Globe (glob), s. (sphere) bulatan;-
Glare, v. i. (sliine brightly) lev- (the earth) bulat dunia.
silau, herhilau;'^ (look fiercely)
(jlobular (glob'u-ler), adj. bulat ^
Uial'Jcan mata. buntar;-' buntal, bundar (X.I.).
Glaring (glar'ing), adj. (very
Globule (glob'ul), s. biji, biitir/^

bright) gilaty-gmilarg f^ (of pat- until/' gentel.

terns or colours) gararg. Gloom (gloom), s. klam;^ kglapan,.
Glass (glas), s. (the substance) silam/^ suramj^' rmarg f- (mel-
kacha; (lens, mirror) cliermin; anclioly) susah-liati, duka-chita/-'

(drinking glass) glas; (telescope) perchinta'an, mororg.

troporg. Gloomy (-i), s. (clouded) rdop^
Glassy (glas'i), adj. sperti haclia. klam/^ glap, rrgargf^ taram, ^traig^
Glaze (glaz), v. t. (make glossy) imararg;'^ (melancholy) moroig,.
kilatlcan; (as a saroig) grusJ^
Glaze, s. (on earthenware) spoil ; Glorify (glor'i-fi), s. midiakan.
Glorious (-i-//s), adj. mulia, indali-
Glazier (gla'zher), indali.-''
s. tukary kaclia.
Gleam (glem), s. sinar.'^ Glory (-i), s. midia, kmulia'an, sri..

Gleam, v. i. bersinar.'^ Glory, V. i. (boast) bermgali/^

Glean (glen), v. i. t.
purgut, cli- mgahkan'^'' diri, piiji diri, bsarkan
dirij see boast.
dirg,^ graiianj'^ {\\.).
Glebe (gleb), s. tanak wakap (Ar. Gloss (glos), s. (lustre), kilat, li-
tvaqaf) . cliau;'^ (on cloth) grus;'^ (com-^
Glee (gle), s. (joy) suka-chita,'^ mentary) iafsir (Ar.).
suka-ria/^ suka-suka; (part song) Glossary (glos'sa-ri), s. daftar per-
lyanjian bersajak (Ar. saj'a). kata'an yanj plek.'^
Gleeful (gle'fool), adj. bersuka- Glossy (-si), adj. kilat, licliau.'^
suka. Glove (gluv), s. saroig targan.
Gleet (glet), s. knchirg nanali. Glow (glo), V. i.
berpijar/^' ber-
Glen (glen), s. gaorg. baliarg, see below.
Glib (glib), adj. bletir,^' mletir Glow, s. (intense heat) pijar;'^
(B.), landiar.^ (heat of fire) baliarg; (of the-
Glide (gild), v. i. lancliar,'^ linjar,'^ body) aba,"^ liawa; (phosphores-
linjarg* lunchor/^ lorot, mlorot cence) pndar/^ (of sunset) mam-
(B.) ; (as a river) alw;'^ (as a barg kunity.
snake or tliief ) susor, jlinap.^ Glowworm (glo'werm), s. kunarg-
Glimmer (glim'mer), v. i. berklip- kiinarg* ulat klip-klip.
klip. Gloze (gloz),Y. i. (wheedle) pujok^

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
<jlue (gloo), s. perl'at, mmhalau* (without stopping) 7ionorg, m-
jaboiy* nonoiy (B.). To go in and out
-Glum (glum), adj. prrgiis."^ frequently, chlum-cMam* To go
Glut (glut), V. t. (satiate) jmu, from house to house, ninjajah ru-
jlak; (overJ'eed, stuff) tamu* nt ah *
'Glutinous (glu'tin-?/s), adj. pJcat, Goad (god), s. kusa (Sk.).
Ikat-lkat, Indvr, ll-etj^ Goad, V. t. (urge on) pachu, surgga
'Glutton (glut'tn), orarg glojoh, s. (Jav.).
plaliap* oraty dmap.'^ Goal (gol), s. (at football) gol
'Gluttonous (glut'tn-i/s), adj. glo- (E.), lawaiy (X.I.) ; '(aim, pur-
joh, plahap* dmap/^ cJiarok* pose) maksud.
Goat (got), s. kambiiy.
'Gnarled (narld), adj. higgal-big- Goatsucker (got'suk-ker), s. burorg
gol* jjggal-jiygol* jndal-jndol tukaiy.
(B.) ; (full of knots) berbuku. Gobble (gob'bl), v. t. flan, lantak,
-Gnash (nasli), v. t. kertah,. gertak. lulor* baliam*
<jnat (iiat), s. njamok kchil, agas. Go-between (g5'be-twen), s. orarg
Gnaw (naw), v. t. urggis, h'umit, Uyah, tlargkai* piyantara* korg-
gruboiy* krip* grip;* (gnaw clihin (Ch.) (B.) ; (in marriages)
through or into) krok, kerbok* oraiy pminaiy* oraiy yarg m-
Gnome (uom), s. hantu ianali, jm- minarg (B.).
balarg.* Goblet (gob'let), s. piala*
<J0 (go), V.
(as complete action)
i. Goblin (gob'lin), s. bota (Sk.), jm-
pergi; (process or act of going) balarg* poloiy.
jalan. To go again, 'idaiy. To God (god), s. Allah, Tulian; (other
go away, pergi. To go back, ba- than the one God) ilah, pi. alihah
lek, kmbali, puJaiy. To go down, (Ay.) ; (of the Hindus) sami,
iurun. To go forth, khiar. To deica, dewata; (of the Chinese)
go home, pularg. To go in, ma- topekorg, dafok (B.). God for-
.^ok, To go off (dej)art)
Inlus.'^ bid, di-jauhkan Allah.
pergi; (explode) Hop, lalakj^ To Goddess (god'des), s. dewi,* dewa-
go on (advance) mara* maju;"^ deiva (B.).
(proceed) laigsovg, landa;* (per- Godhead (-hed), s. ktuhanan.*
sist) tiap. To go on talking, ber- Godless (-les), adj. tiada beragama,
kaia-kata berchakap
juga, Jagi kpista (Sk.).
(B.). To go out, kluar; (from a Godliness (-li-nes). s. baMi (Sk.).
house) iurun k-ianah. To go Godly (-lij, adj. berbakti (Sk.),
over (traverse) lalui,'*^ lalu (B.) ; beragama.
(cross) (examine) prek-
sbrarg; Godown (go'down), s. (warehouse)
sa. To go through (penetrate), gdojg, gudarg.
tmbun; (slij) tli rough) lulus* Goggles (gog'glz), s. chermin-mata
(Jus* chlus;* (endure) tahan, bsar, ckprinin-niafa pnahari dbu*
^Irifa* go up, see ascexd.
^W) Goggle-eyed (gog'gl-id), adj. mata
'Vo go upstream, do uphill work. patorg* mata blalajg,* mata ter-
duga. O JTO with, ikut. To cro jojol, mata ndaig.*
without (omit), iirggalkan. To Going (go'ing), s. jalan.
let go, Ipaskan. To go out to sea, Goitre (goi'ter), s. bgok,* gondorg.*
k-Jaui, inlaut. To go straight on Gold (gold), s. 'mas. Gold dust.

4te, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
^mas Gold foil, 'mas hran-
urai. yal-lah, dudok-lah; (parents to
chaiy,^ 'mas krajatg* Gold laee, children) tiryyal baik-baik.
pita 'mas, tkat 'mas.* Gold leaf, Good-humoured (-hu'merd or
'mas Icertas, 'mas prada (X.I.). ii'merd), adj. baik praryai, haih
(lold mine, galian 'mas,* lomhoiy hati, hati baik.
'mas. Gold thread, hnaiy 'mas, Good-looking (-looking), adj.
mas tidi.* Gold reef, tlerarg el ok, chant ek, molek.
'mas. Pure gold, 'mas tulen,* Goodly (good'li), adj. (pleasant)
'mas China, 'mas s-paloh, 'mas sdap; (comely) elok, molek; (con-
tua. An alloy of gold and brass, siderable) banjak.
suasa. Good-natured (-na'clmrd), adj.
Golden (gold'n), adj. 'mas, h'mas- murali hati, baik hati, hati baik.
an*, sperti 'mas, s-nipa 'mas. Goodness (good'nes), s. (being
Ooldsmith (-smith), s. tukaiy good) kbaikan, k'elokan; (kind-
'mas, pandai 'mas (X.I.). ness) kmurahan.
Oolosh (go-losh'), s. kasut gtali. Good-tempered (-tem'perd), adj.
<jondola. (gon'do-la), s. sampan sabar, tnary hati,* ta' praryai (B.).
iamharg di negri Venice. Goodwill (good-wir), s. (kindly-
<jong (gong), s. (with a knob in feeling) kmurahan; (of a busi-
the centre) goiy; (smaller) ta- ness) iintoiy deri sbab klazimaii
irak--tawali,* kromory;* (without orary berliyyanan.*
knob) chanary,* brery-brery. Goose (goos), s. (the bird) argsa;
<Jonorrhoea (gon-or-re'a), s. sahit (tailor's iron) strika (D. strij-
knchiiy. ken) ; (simpleton) orary bodoh,
Oood (good), adj. bail', elok; orary diyu* oratg biryory.
(nice) bay us; (kind, benevolent) Gore (gor), s. (blood) darah;
murali liati; (useful) beryuna; (clotted) darah bku;* (triangular
(suitable) patut, laijak.* For piece in garments) pesak; see
good and all, sampai S'lama-lama- GUSSET.
nja. A good deal, baiyah. Good Gore, V. t. (with the horn) tandok,
<leeds, 'kbajikan,* 'amal (Ar.). mnandok.
<Tood health, sehat. Good nature, Gorge (gorj), s. (throat, gullet)
kmurahan hati, baik liati. Good krorykory; (narrow defile) yaory.
day, good morning, salam (Ar.), Gorge, V. i. (eat greedily) pajoh,^
tabek. In good time (early) parap, chkek, yasak, radak;
siary-siary. To hold good (re- (glut) jmu, jlak.
main valid), ttap. To make good Gorged (gorjd), adj. jmu-jlak,
(indemnify), yantikan ruyi. kn nja ry, brykai/a ry.*
Oood, s. (goodness) kbaikan; (wel- Gorgeous (gor'ji/s), adj. mulia.
fare, advantage) fa'idaJi, kbaji- Gorget (gor'jet), s. dokoh,* badorg.
kan:* pi. (property) ]ierta,baraiy- Gorilla (go-ril'la), s. s-jnis mawas*
haraiy; (merchandise) dayaryan,* di neyri Afrika.
barary jualan (B.). Gormand (gor'mand), s. orary yarg
<Jood, adv. As good as, s'akan-akan,* makan Jazat* (Ar. hidzat).
sama sperti. Gory (gor'i), adj. berdarah, ber^
<Jood-bye (-bl'), adv. slamat tiry- lumor darah.
yal, slamat jaJan, slamat blaj/er, Goshawk (gos'hawk), s. s-jnis bu-
tabek; (in leaving a house) iity- rory laiy.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.

Gosling ( goz '1 in tr)^ s. anak atrjsa. meals) herkat. Days of grace,
Gospel (gos'pcl), (the book) s. hari pertaryyohan, tempoh (Port.).
Injil (Ar.); (glad tidings) hhahar In his good graces, berknan k-
yary haik. pada-rya.
Gossamer (gos'sa-mer), s. saraiy Grace, v. t. (adorn) Maskan, hiasi^
laha-laba yaiy amat halus, kain riaska7i (B.) ; (honor) muliakan.
kasa halm (Ar. khdsah). Graceful (gras'fc^ol), adj. bersrisri,
Gossip (gos'sip), s. (the person) rnanis laku,'^ 7nolek.
jnnhawa viulut, pmhual; (idle Graceless (-les), adj. jaJiat,
talk) huuh omory (N.I.), chakap Gracious (gTa'sh?/s), adj. (benefi-
mrapek (B.). cent) inurah hati, berkasehan; (of
Gossip, V. i. (chat) hei-himl, her- God, merciful) rahrtian* (Ar.
dadu* omovj-omoiy (N.l.) ; (tat- ranman), raliim (Ar. raiiim).
tle) hawa itiulut. .
Gradation (gra-da'sh-wn), s. Jial
Goth (goth), s. haiysa Jennan berparykat-parykat, hal beransur-
dliulu kola; (barbarian) orary ansur*
huiaUj orary hiyis. Grade (grad), s. (step or degree)
Gouge (gowj or gooj), s. paliat patykai, terykat, darjat (Ar.) ;
ktiku. (gradient) churara.
Gouge, V. t. chniykil. Gradient (gra'di-ent), s. (slope)
Gourd (goord), s. labu, ktola, churarn; (of roads) jalan yary
timun. bers^idahi.'^
Gourmand (goor'mand), g. orary Gradual (grad'u-al), adj. (by steps)
yary makan lazat* (Ar. ladzat). berpaiykat-pa^ykai, bertetykat-tery-
Gout (gowt), s. sryal kaki, kaki kat; (by successive advances) ber-
sryal, pryakitpirai* ansur-ansur,* sdikit-sdikit.
Govern (guv'ern), v. i. pyary pren- Gradually (-li), adv. see above.
tah, pcyary lyreiiiali (B.) ; (con- Graduate (grad'u-at), v.t. (mark
trol) klola."^ or determine by degrees) jaryka-
Govern, v.t. prenialikan, klolakan* kan; (admit to a grade or de-
Governess (-cs), s. yuru prempuan. gree) hi parykat.
Government (adminis-
(-m^'nt), s. Graduate (-et), s. (of a college)
tration) pr entail, tadhir (Ar.) ; oraty berparykat.
(ruling power) prentah, krajaan, Graduated (-at-ed), adj. berjaryka.
/t^om/mi (E. company). Graduation (-a'sh-zai), s. (the act)
Governor (-er), s. pmrentnh, yarn- hal di-bri berjaryka, hal di-br%
nor (E.), yohernor (N.I.), wall paiykat; (marks on a steelyard)
(Ar.). itiata dachiry.
Gown (gown), s. haju panjary; (as Graft (graft), s, charykok*
worn by Arabs) jubah (Ar.) ; (by Graft, v.t. (by causing a branch to
ladies) yaun (E.). root) tut, charykokkan*
Grab (grab), v.t. (seize, clutch) Grain (gran), s. (single seed)
chapai, paut; see gkasp. biji, butir;* (cereals) 6t/i-
Grace (gras), s. (favour bestowed) bijian; (seed for propagation)
anuyrah (Sk.), kurnia (Sk.) ; bneh; (of sand or gems) butir;*
(mercy of God) rahmat (Ar.) ; (the weight) tiinbaiyan = j^ saya;
(physical beauty) k'elokan sikap* (fibre in wood) urat, choreic*
sikap yary mariis; (blessing at Against the grain, ia'sudi.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) j law, how, oil; thin tJien.
<jrain, v. t. (with paint) harek- take for granted, perchayakan,
barekkan.* harapkan, fikir sudah tertntu.
Orammar (gram'mer), s. (the Grant, s. (concession) izin; (gift)
science) 7iahu Ar. ), saraf (Ar.) ;
( pmhrimi, kurnia (Sk.) (docu- ;

(a book) kitabnxiJiii,* (Ar. iiaiiu). ment) sural izin, yran (E.).

Orammatical (gram-mat'ik-al), Granular (gi-an'u-ler), adj. berbiji-
adj. yarg mryikut 'ilmu nahu biji, beryliga.
(Ar.), niigikut jalan bhasa. Granulate (-lat), v. t. (of sago)
<jramophone (gi-am'o-fon), s. pti yelek.
njaryi, Grape (grap), s. buah aryyor
Oram pus (gram'pt^s), s. s-jnk ikan (Pers.).
pans. Grapeshot (grap'shot), s. aryyor
Granary (gran'a-ri), s. Irgkiarg* mrimn.*
hlitbor* gdonj bras; see barn. Grapevine (-vin), s. pokok aryyor.
Grand (grand), adj. (great) bsar; Graphic (graf'ik), (written or
(extensive) luas; (illustrious) painted) bertulis, berliikis; (clear-
mulia, muUaraya;* (magnificent) ly described) trary.
indah'indah; (majestic) maha Graphite (-it), s. araiy berbku*
bsar. Grapnel (Xaut.)
(grap'nel), s.
Grandchild (gran'child), s. cJiuchu. (small anchor) sauh jarykar;
Great grandchild, chichit. Great (thrown for boarding another ves-
great grandchild, piut* oneiy- sel) sauh terbary; (thrown ahead
onerr), see descendant. for towing) sauh chmat; (for
Grandee (gran-de'), s. orary batysa- dragging) pmarit, gara puliry.
wan* orary bsar-bsar. Grapple (grap'pl), v. t. (seize) cha-
Grandeur (gran'jur), s. kbsaran, k- pal, tarykap, pant, chkau.
mulia'an. Grasp (grasp), v. t. (with the
Grandfather (gi*and'fa-//^er), s. hand) pgary, chapai, paut; (be-
tkitok,* nenek/rgkory (B.) (Ch.). tween the two hands) rarykum;
Great grandfather, moyaty. (between tbumb and palm) spit;
Grandiloquent (gran-dil'o-kwent), (in clenched fist) yryyam; (with
adj. viidut bsar. the palm downwards) chkau, chry-
Grandmother (grand'mui/?.-er), s. kau;* (as birds of prey) sambar,
nenek prempuan, datok prempttan, sembar;* (with the arms) dakap*
ma (B.) (Ch.). plok; take possession of)
Grange (granj), s. (farmhouse) ru- rbot, rampas,tarykap; (compre-
mah pladaiy.'^ hend) mryerti, dapat, paham,
Granite (gran'it), s. batu bsi. niafhtim (x\r.). See grip.
Granivorous (gran-iv'or-t^s), adj. Grasp, s. pgaryan, yiyyaman, plok,
yaty makan biji-bljian. etc., see above.
Granny (gran'ni), s. nenek prem- Grasping (-ing), adj. (seizing) see
puan. GRAsr; (avaricious) loba,* tam*a
Grant (grant), v. t. (give over) bri, (Ar. Tania), tmahak (B.).
srahkan; (of superiors) kurnia- Grass (gras), s. (in general) rum-
kan (Sk.), anuyrahkan (Sk.) ; put; (coarse) Mary; (citronella)
(allow, concede) luluskan,"^ bmr- srai.
kan, bri, bri izin. Granting that Grasshopper (gras'hop-per), s. bla-
, s-mntary/* swygoh pun. To lary, chrgkadok.

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, cari^; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; fo5d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin iJien,
Grassy (-si), adj. herrumput. (serious, solemn) santiin,'^ sopan^
Grate (grat), s. (of upright bars) santini.'^^
I'isi'l'isi :'^'
(for a fire) tigkarargj^ Grave, v. t. vkir, Jukis.
Grate, v. t.
(rub roughly) garut,"^ Grave, kuhor, makam (Ar.

gawk, hikir; (reduce to small par- (shrine) krantat: (cavity in ii

ticles) parut, kukor.* grave) Ha)g lahad (Ar.), loharg-
Grate, v. i. (make a harsh sound) tikusf (Chinese grave) jirat
grat* krniyauf (as a key in the (Ar. ?).
lock) kertap.^' Graveclothes (grav'klo^/zz), s. kain.
Grateful (grat'fool), adj. yarg m- kapan'-' (Ar. kafan), kain tutop
nrima kaseh, yarg mmhalas giina, orarg maii (B.).
yaig mmhalas trima kaseh, taliu Gravel (grav'el), s. klikir, kersek,"^
oratg piuya jincherg (B.) ; (giving gei'sek,"-^ ihu pasir/^
pleasure) sdap, yarg miyiikakan. Graver (grav'er), s. prgiikir^' p^
Grater (-er), s. kikir, par at, ku- lukis,''^ pimii ml tikis, wali thob
kor.^ hutga.'^'
Gratification (grat-i-fi-ka'shi/n), s. Gravestone (-ston), s. nesan-, nerg-
(act of satisfying) pri mmiiaS' san, (Pers. iiishdn), horg-pai
ican;* (enjoyment) ksiika'an; (re- (Ch. hdrg-pai) (B.).
ward) piiihalasan,upali; (present) Graveyard (-yard), s. tmpat pku-
sagu liati. horan.
Gratify (grat'i-fi), v. t. (please) Gravitate (grav'i-tat), v. i. (tend
sukakan; (satisfy) puaskan. to move) hndak hergrak, chondorg,,

Grating (grat'ing), s. (of upright hndak rapat.

bars) kisi-kisi;* (lattice work) Gravitation (-tri'sh7/n), s. kua.'<a hi-
jala-jala, mata-punai; (over a imrek, kiiam krapaian.
hatch) tudorg jaJa-jala. Gravity (-ti), s. (heaviness) khrat^
Gratis (gra'tis), adv. cliuma-cliuma, an; (sobriety) sopan-santun;'^ (se-
perchuina, ta'kna dint, pri (E. riousness, enormity) ksargatan ;'^''
free). (force of attraction) kiiasa m^
Gratitude (grat'i-tud), s. (state of narek. Centre of gravity, pusaf
being grateful) pri mnaroh trima khratan.'^
kaseh; (towards God) hal mmhri Gravy (gra'vi), s. kvah.
shvkor (Ar.) (tliankfulness)
; Gray (gra), adj. klahu; (gray-hair-
shukor"^' (Ar. shnhur). ed) heriihan; (of the hair) uharK
Gratuitous (gra-tii'i-tt(s), adj. Cray eyes, mata yu,^-' mata
(without recompense) chvma-cliU' sahon.'^
ma, perchuma, tahm duit; (with- Graze (graz), v. i. (eat grass)
out pay) drgaii tiada hayeran; makan rumput, ragut rinnput,*'
(without cause) tiada s-mna- garggiit;* (wound slightly) lechet^
mna,'^ tiada hershah. llas^^ jjas."^'
Gratuity (-i-ti), s. (free gift) lia- Grease (grcz or gres), v. t. (apply
diah (Ar.) ; (tip) haksis (Turk. oil) hiihoh minjak, mivjahi; (pots-
bakhshish), karnsen (E. commis- in cooking) lenser/^ lirgsir ;'^' see
sion) (recompense for a favour)
pmhalasan. Grease (gres), s. Imali, miri/ak^
Grave (grav), (important)
adj. charhi (Hind.) ; (on tlie humans
hrat, pntirg,* iau-kin (Ch.) (B.) ; body) hgas.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minMS, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Greasy (gre'zi or grc'si), adj. her- berkawan-kawan, biasa berkawan.
Imah herminjal', berhgas. Grenade (gre-nad'), s. priok api.
Great (grat), adj. (in size) hsar; Hand grenade, priok api lempar-
(in extent) liias; (in quantity) an.
haiyak; (in degree) amat/^ sargat; Grenadier (gren-a-der'), s. sol dado
(in some compound words) maha* ijaig mlempar priok api.
raya; (eminent) miilia. Grey (gra), see gray.
Great Britain (grat-brit'n), s.
Greyhound (gra'hownd), s. s-jnis
negri Iiggris. anjirg perburuan.
Great-grandchild, s. chichit. Gridiron (grid'i-ern), s. bsi p-
Great-grandfather, s, moyarg. marggaig.
Great-grandmother, s. moyarg Grief (gref), s. duka-chita/' k-
prempiian. duka'an,'^ percliintaan, sdeh,
Greatness (grat'nes), s. Jchsaran, Jc- To
rnashghid (Ar.), siisah (B.).
sargatan, liuasan, kinuUaan; see come to grief, kna chlaka, kna k-
Greaves (o-revz), s. lapeh htis/^ Grievance (gi'ev'ans), s. (wrong
Grecian (gre'slizai), adj. Yunani,
suffered) bnchana; (grudge) dn^
Greece (gres), s. negri Tunccn Grieve (grev), v. i. berduka-cliita,'^
(Ar.), negri Grik.

berchinta, mnaroh percliinta'an,

Greed (gred), s. glojoli, loha;^ hu-
tersdeh bersusah liati (B.).
Grieve, dukakan,^' duka-chita'
v. t.
Greediness (gred'i-nes), s. glojoli, kan* susahi, sbalkan liati.'^
loha/^ husau/-'
Grievous (grev'i/s), adj. (causing
Greedy (-i), adj. (for food) glo-
sorrow or pain) susah; (atrocious,
joli, plahap* husau,^ raliusf'
Zo&,* ia'iacr aggravated) terlalu brat.
(avaricious) (Ar.
Griffin (griffm), s. groda/-' naga
nam' a), tmahak (B.).
Greek (grek), adj. Yunani, Grik. bersayap; (greenhorn) orarg blia^
Green rii, sirgkek (Ch. sin-kheh) ; (of
(gren), adj. (the colour)
horses) kuda bharu.
hijau; (not ripe) miida, mntah;
Grill (gril), v. t. parggarg.
(half ripe) mrgkal; (not dry, not
seasoned) basah.
Grim (grim), adj. (tierce) gararg;
Green, s.
(the colour) liijau; (cruel) brgis; (frightful) dahshat
(grass plot) padarg; (vegetables) (Ar.), hebat (Ar. haibat).
sayur, sayur-mayur,'^^ sayur-sayur-
Grimace (gri-mas'), s. OTyorg*'
an: (shoots) piicliok-puchok. griiyut/^ sritgai,"^' muka moryet
Greengrocer (gren'gro-ser), s. pn- (B.). To make grimaces, enit-

jiial sayur.
kan muka; (with the lower lip)
Greenhorn chbek.
(-horn), s. orarg bliaru,
sirgkek (Ch. sin-kheh). Grime (grim), s. daki, kotor, ch-
Greet (gret), v. i. t. (address) tgur; muas.'^''

(more politely) tgur-sapa;* (give Grimy (grim'i), adj. berlumor,

salutation) bri salam, bri tabek; berchonterg, berdaki.
(to princes) smbah, junjorg duli.'^ Grin (grin), v. i. (show the teeth)
Greeting (-ing), s. salam, tabek. sigeti, kseh/^ krnnjehf (smile)
Gregarious (gre-gar'i-7/s), adj. sniyum simpol, mesm (Jav.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; vise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thiu then.
Grin, s. siyeh, hrnnjeh* snryum Groom (groom), s. sais (Hind.),
simpol, as above. gombala kuda.
Grind (grind), v. i. t. (with mill Groom, v. t. (curry or clean) si-

stones) kisar; (with a roller) gi- kat, gar ok.

lirg;(between two rollers) kelarg;* Groove (groov), s. alur, parit, lu-
(on the chobek) pipis;* (in a rah;* (beading) kumai;'^ (habit-
mortar) tunibok; (on a grind- ual course of life) 'adat.
stone) chanai; (on a whetstone) Groove, v. t. buat alur, mmarit*

asah, kilir; (under foot) pirek* Grooved and tongued (of planks),
To grind the teeth, kertak gigi* jantan-btina.
krapkari gigi,'^ gigit gigi (B.). Grope (grop), v. i. raba-raba, ga-
Grinder (grind'er), s. gigi graham, gau* krapaij* (in a hole or bag)
gigi gerham. slok.
Grindstone (-ston), s. lata chanai, Gross (gros), adj. (coarse) kasar;
grinda* (great, flagrant) bsar, amat sa-
Grip (grip), (with the hand)
v. t. tgat; (total)jmlah (Ar.), smoa-
paut, chapai, pgarg; (with the rya (B.). Gross receipts, jmlah
fingers) chigkam; (with the sgala pndapatan* pndapatan ko-
thumb and palm) spit; (in the tor.* Gross weight of a load,
closed fist) grggani; (as in wrest- brat-nja drgan kreta skali.
ling) plok, dakap,* jramah* Gross, s. (twelve dozen) dua-blas
Grip, s. (grasp) see above; (of a dusin. In the gross, boroig.
sword) ulu* Grotesque (gro-tesk'), adj. plekf^
Gripe (grip), s. sakit mmulas. 'aja'ib {AT.)fganjil rupa-rya, jarg-
Grisly (griz'li), adj. (horrible) gal."^
dahshat (Ar.), hebat (At. haibat). Grotto (grot' to), s. goa.
Grist (grist), s. (meal) tpovg. Ground (grownd), s. (surface of
Gristle (gris'l), s. tularg muda, the earth) bumi, tanah; (region,
ttdarg halus, tulaig rawan.* place) tanah, tmpat; (founda-
Grit (grit), s. pasir, kersek;* tion) alas; (first principle) asal;
(courage) kbranian. (background) tanah, dasar;* (pre-
Gritty (grit'ti), adj. berpasir. mise, reason) sbab, fasal. Ground
Grizzied (griz'zld), adj. bertompok floor, tergkat di baivah. Ground
klabu, berrintekj* (of the hair) rent, seiua tanah, hasil tanah.
riban. Ground swell, alun.* To fall to
Grizzly (griz'zli), adj.
= grizzled. the ground, bantut. To gain
Groan (gron), v. i.
ra'org,'^ mra'org, ground (advance), mara* k-hadap-
'rarg* mrgratg. an; (prosper) maju.* To lose
Groan, s. ra'org, 'rarg* ratap-ra'org. ground, vndor.
Grocer (gro'ser), s. pnjual rmpah- Ground, v. t. (lay on the ground)

rmpah, gula dan s-bagai-rya. llak; (found) alaskati; (fix firm-

Grocery (gro'ser-i), s. rmpah-rm- ly) tgohkan.
pah, gula dan lain-lain-rya. Ground, v. i. (N"aut.) terkandas,
Grog (grog), s. arak. ierdampar.
Groggy (-gi), adj. teroyorg-oyorg, Groundless (-les), adj. tiada ber-
uyonj (B.). sbab, tiada s-m.na-mna.^
Grogshop (-shop), s. kdai arak. Groundnut (-nut), s. Tcacharg ta-
Groin (groin), s. pargkal paha. nah,* kacharg gorirg.

ate, ask, am, final, eare, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Grounds (growndz), s. hampas, Grudge, s. (malice) dndam, sakit
liiadak* hati.
Groundwork (grownd'werk), 8. Grudgingly (gruj'ing-li), adv. s-

alas, pol'oh. gan, bagi muu tamau (B.).

Group (groop), s. tompoTc, Mom- Gruel (groo'el), s. kanji.
pok, kobok;* (of trees) gompoiy;* Gruff (gruf), adj. rrgus* To
(of hillSj islands, fruits) gugus;* speak gruffly, jerkah*
(of animals) kawan; (of persons) Grumble (grum'bl), v. i.
kumpolan, pasokan. In groups, rurgut* rrgut* rotok* murgam*
herpuak-puak* (W.).
Group, V. t. (arrange in separate Grumbling (-bling), s. suigutan.
groups) asiiy-asiiykan/^ aturkan, Grunt (grunt), V. 1. kroh, m-
aturkan herpasok-pasokan, torn- rgroh/^ dram, mndram (B.) ;

pok-tompokkan, pasok-pasokkan. (when struck, or in lifting a
Grove (grov), s. gomporg* weight) drgek.
Grovel (grov'l), v. i. (without Guano (gwa'no), s. baja tahi
moving) tiarap; (crawl) ratgkak, bur org.
mrargkak (B.); (be low, abject) Guarantee (gar-an-te'), s. prg-
jadi hina. aknan, akuan, grenti (E.).
Grow (gro), v. i. (of inanimate ob- Guarantee, v. t. aku, mrgaku, sarg-
jects) tamhah; (of animals and gap; (be sure of) tunaikan*
plants) tumhoh, tumbu (B.) ; Guarantor (gar'an-tor'), s. prgaku,
(thrive) jadi; (become) jadi. To si
grow out of (result), datarg deri- Guard (gard), v. t (protect by
pada. To grow steadily, mranjak watching) kawal;* (keep in safe-
bsar* To grow up, bsar, jadi ty) pliharakan; (watch) jaga,
hsar. turggu; (shield, shelter) lindorg.
Grow, V. t. (cultivate) tanam. Guard, s. (body of men) knwalan;*
Growl (growl), v. i. (as a tiger) (defence, protection) plindorg-
aum* ra'org* mra'org (B.) ; an; (watchman) orarg jaga, p-
(dogs, etc.) raorg* mra'org (B.), n.u7ggu; (of a sword hilt) ganja*
grorgj* (lower sound) dram, mn- Guard of honour, pasokan yaig
dram (B.) ; (grumble) surgut, mryambot orarg bsar-bsar, kawal-
rotok.^ an kahormatan* Of! oiie's
Growl, s. aum* ra'org* mra'org guard, lalai,ktirarg iigat, knrarg
(B.), etc., as above. jaga. On guard, berkawal* her-
Growth (gr5th), s. (process of jaga. On one's guard, berirgaU
growing) pri bertambah-tambah, irgat. Bodyguard, juak-jnak.*
pri bertumboh; (that which Guarded (gard'ed), adj. (cautious)
grows) tumboli-UimboJian. b erirgat-i rxjat, b erjaga.
Grub (grub), v. i. korelc, gali; (as Guardian (-i-an), s. prgatval* p-
a duck or pig) sodok. To grub nutggu; (in law) wali (Ar.),
up (uproot small things) churg- wakil (Ar.).
kil; (trees) boigkaskan* Guava (gw'a'va), s. jambu hiji,
Grub, s. ulat. jambu batu, jambu biawas.*
Grudge (gruj), v. t.
(env^O drgli, Gudgeon (guj'wn), s. (of a rud-
hasadkan* (Ar. iiasad) ; (have re- (Naut.) kokot btina.
luctance) ta'sudi, sgan. Guerdon (ger'dwn), s. pmbalasan.
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin th^n.
Guerrilla (ger-riria), s. praiy mutiara. Guinea pig, tihus Blan^
Irhil* prarg berpasok-pasokan/^ da.
Guess (ges), v. t. (judge at ran- Guise (giz), s. (custom) 'adat;
dom) agal', gamak;* (conjec- (behaviour) tergkah laku: (ap-
ture) terka;* (think, suppose) pearance) riipaj (garb) chara.
hira; (suspect, imagine) saujka. Guitar (gi-tar'), s. kchapi, gam-
Guess, s. agaJc, him, sargka^ p- hits,* giiar (E.).
nerka,* as above. Gulf (gulf), s. (abyss) loharg,
Guesswork (gesVerk),
agak- s. chlah gunorg; (bay) tlok.
agak,"^ gamak-gainak,'^ terkaan.^
Gull (gul), s. hurorg chamar,* hu-
Guest (gest), s. jamu/^ jamuan/^ rorg siniharg.*
Gull, V. t. iipu, perdaijakan*
oraigjmpotan; (lodger) orarg in-
Gullet (gul'let), s. krorgkorg.
Guffaw (guf-faw'), s. t7ai,* glakak. Gullible (-li-bl), adj. mudah* Tcna
Guidance (gid'ans), s. hal mmhawa tipu, snaiy kna tipu.

jalan, panduan* etc., as below.

Gully (-li), gaorg, jurarg.*

Guide (gid), (lead the way)

v. t. Gulp (gulp), V. t.
(in drinking'i
Imwa jalan, tunjokkan jalan, igok, gogok; (in eating) polok.
To gulp down, ilan, lulor.*
panduf (conduct) liantar; (lead
Gulp, s. tgok, chgok.*
by the hand) pimpin; (with a
rope or stick) tuntun;* (manage)
Gum (gum), s. (from trees) gtah;
jalankan; (direct, (mucilage) ayer perkat; (of the
order) pren-
teeth) gusi.
ialikan, aturkan.
Gum benjamin (ben'ja-min), 3.
Guide, ptghaniar, pmimpin^ pan-

kinnnjian, mnjan (N.I.).
prganjur/-' puilmica jalan,
Gumboil (gum'boil), s. hisul gusi.
Gumlac (-lak), s. Jimhalau,* mm-
Guidepos't (gld'pdst), s. tiarg p- halaiL*
nunjok jalan.
Guild (gild), s. perskutuan'^ orarg Gummy (-mi), adj. jrekat, Iket.*
Gumption (gump'sh^/n), s. 'akal.
mniaga [korgsi (B.)]. Gun (gun), s. (firearm) snapaiy,
Guilder (gild'er), s. rupiah hhmda,
bdil; (cannon) mriam; (smaller)
perak (X.I.). Double-
lela,* rntaka,* pmuras.*
Guile (gll), s,
tipu-daya, 'akal,
l)arrclledgun, see doitble-barrell-
muslihut (Ar.). ED. Shot gun (breechloader),
Guileless (gll'les), adj. tulvfi-liati.
snapatg pafah, snapaig kulai.*
Guillotine (gil-lo-ten'j, s. psaivat Gunbarrel s. laras.
pnuda^,"^' psaivaf^ mmiggal lehir Gunboat (-hot), s. kapal prarg
orarg, pmwai'^ nimotorg kertas kchiL
dan s-bagai-nja. Gunmetal (-met-al), s. gargsa,* lo-
Guilt (gilt), s. (criminality, sin-
fulness) kjahatan, salah; (crime) Gunner soldado mriam.
(-ner), s.

dosa, ksalalian. Gunny kain karotg. kairv

(-ni), s.
Guiltless (gilt'les), adj. tiada her- gun I (Hind.), kain goni (B.).
salali, iiada salah. Gunpowder (-pow-der), s. ohat
Guilty (-i), adj. hersalah, salah. hd'iL
Guinea (gin'i), s. ivarg Iiygris
= Gunshot (-sliot), s. (act of firing)
21 shillings. Guinea fowl, ayani das* Out of gunshot, s-jauh ta*-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, firry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
sampai di-bdil. A gunshot Guzzle (guz'zl), V. i. lidor,^ chkek,
wound, lid-a pluru, lul-a hdil. gasah, pajoh*
Gunsmith (-smith) , s. tukaiy Gybe (jib), v. i. berkisar.
snapaiy. Gymnasium (jim-na'zi-?mi), s.

Gunstock (-stok), s. hatarg sna- rumah bersnam'^^ bergumol dan

parg. s-bagai-nja.
Gunwale (gun'nel), s. (Xaut.) Gymnast (jim'nast), s. oraiy yarg
berda (L.) ; (temporary to in- pandai bersnam bergumol dan s-
crease freeboard) riihirg, Icapa. bagai'iya.
Gurgle (ger'gl), v. i. rohol',^ gro- Gymnastics (jim-nas'tiks), s, 'il-

hol'/^ glgal', herdbok-dhol-.'^' mil snam.

Gush (gush), V. i.
(issue, rush Gypsy (jip'si), s. see gipsy.
forth) panchar, panclmr, cliurat;
(upwards) pancliut;'^ (from the
mouth or a hole) smbur; (squirt Ha (ba), int. ivah.
out) lanchurf (of entrails) bu- Haberdasher (hab'er-dash-er), s.
orarg berkdai kain, orarg yaty
Gush, s. pancliaran, panchutan/^ buka kdai kain (B.).
etc., see above. Habiliment (ha-biri-m^nt), s. pa-
Gusset (gus'set), s. Armhole gus- kaian.
set, kekek. Shirt gusset, pesak. Habit (hab'it), s. "adat, lazih,.
Gust (gust), s.
puputan argin/^ (Ar.), rsam Biding (Ar.).
badai* habit, pakaian prempuan mnurg-
Gusto (gus'to), s. kgmaran,* ksii- garg kuda.
ka'an. Habitable (-a-bl), adj. yarg boleh
Gusty (gust'i), adj. gusty wind,A di-dudokir yarg boleh bnat tirg-
argin gunorg-gunorgan,^ argin gal (B.).
gila.'^ Habitat (hab'i-tat), s. (of animals
Gut (gut), s. tali prot; (of a fish or plants) tn^pat asal.
line) tali prambot;* (for violin Habitation (hab-it-a'sh?m), s. Z:-

strings) (Ch. tliarg-si).

taigsi dianian,'^ tmpat diidokjinpattity-
Gut, V. t. (take out bowels) siarg,^ gal.
psiaig (B.) ; (plunder contents) Habitual (hab-i'chu-al), adj. biasa,
ram pas; (destroy contents, as kbiasa'an, teradat, klaziman
fire) makan isi-tya.
liahis memarg, slaroJi.-^
Guttapercha (gut-ta-per'cha), s. Habitually (-li), adv. biasa-rya,
gtah. sntiasa."^
Gutter (gut'ter), s. alur, saluran,* Habituate (-at), v, t. biasakan.
panchuran; (in S. S.) lorgkarg, Hack (hak), v. t. pararg, ttak, ta^
which is properly a cesspool. kok, takek. A hacking cough,
Gutter, V. i. (as a candle) lilin bat ok ta'lpas.
mleleh. Hack, s. (horse for all work) kuda

Guttural (gut'ter-al), adj. deri- lasak; (for hire) kuda sewa; (of
pada krorgkorg, krorgkorg (a). carriages) kreta sewa.
Guy (gi), s. (N'aut.) gai (E.), Hackney (hak'ni), a'dj.(for hire)
bliban, cJiargkity;* (from mast- sewa; (for common use) lasak.
head for live ballast in small boat Hackney, v. t. pakai sargat-sargat,
sailing) dugary. lasakkan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire'
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; fo5d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Hades (ha'dez), s. *alam harzakh Hairsplitting (-split-ting), s. per-
(Ar.), 'ala7n maut (Ar.). bantalian yarg halus-halus.
Haft (haft), s. (handle) ulu;* Hairy (-i), adj. berbulu, ber-
(end of knife or chisel that fits srtgam,'^ srabut;* (of the face)
into handle) piituy. ramus.'^
Hag (hag), s. prempuan tim odoli/^ Halberd (hal'berd), s. tombak p-
prempuan tua yavg muka huroh rgawinan'^' (a spear of state).
(B.). Halcyon (hal'si-on), s. raja udarg.
Haggard (hag'gerd), adj. (hollow- Halcyon, adj. tn<irg.
eyed) mata chvgkorg; (of the Hale (hal), adj. tgap, tgapsasa*
face) rnnka chvgkrorg, muka chrg- sihat, sehat, bersehat.
koiy (B.), pipi knipot* pipi km- Hale, V. t. tarek, hela.

porg* pipi kmpus (B.). Half (haf), s. s-tigah, s-blah, s-

Haggle (hag'gl), v. i. tawar-mna- paroh; (an indefinite portion) s-
war. krat. By halves, sparoh jalan.
Hail (hal), s. hujan batu. Two and a half, t7gah tiga.*
Hail, int. (to kings) daulat (Ar.). Half a day, s-krat hari.
Hail, V. i. (call loudly) triak, sru;* Half -asleep (haf-a-slep'), adj. ter-
(come from) datarg deri-pada. pikau-pikau* blum bargun btiih
Hail, V. t. (shout to) laorg* rtiah* Half-brother (-bru^/t'er), s. (with
triak. the same father) saudara s-bapa;
Hailfellow (-fel'lo), e. handai-tau- (with the same mother) saudara
la7i* sobat-ande (B.). s-mak, saudara anjirg.
Hailstone (-ston), s. s-biji hujan Half-caste (-kasf), s. (of Malays)
batu. Jawi peranakan, Jawi pkan.
Hair (har), s. (of the head) ram- Halfcock (-kok'), v. t. chkahkan
bot; (of the human body) bulu pmtek s-takok.
roma; (of animals) bulu; (of the Half -cooked (-kookt), adj. mntah,
mane) bulu trgkok. False hair margkar* jlantah* biji limau*
(switch), chmara. Short hairs berhati lemo (B.), lagi berhati;
(on the forehead, etc.), anak see TiARD.
rambnt. Half-deck (-dek'), s. (Naut.)
Hairbreadth, (-bredth). s. s-ram- lifggi, leper-leper, glumat.
bot. A
hairbreadth escape, lya- Half -grown (-gron'), adj. t7gah
ris* mati, hampir mati, ryawa di naik.
hujorg rambot (Prov.). Half-hearted (-hart'ed), adj. to-
Hairbrush (-brush), s. brus kpala, war hati, hati kchil, bachol*
brus rambot. yap-yap* indah ta'indah (B.),
Hairdresser s. (barber)
(-dres-er) bagi man bagi ta'mau (B.).
tukarg chukor,
tukarg guntirg; Half-mast (-mast'), s. s-krat tiarg,
(for ladies) tukarg sarggul, tukarg s-trgah tiarg.
siput. Half-moon (-moon'), s. bulan s-
Hairless (of the head)
(-les), adj. blah.
gondol, botak, sulah}* (of the Half -open (o'pn), adj. terlargah.*
body) tiada berbulu. Halfpenny (ha'pen-ni), s. s-trgah
" "
Hairpin (-pin), s. chuchok sarqgul, penny = 2 sen.
chuchok kundai* korek kupirn Half ripe (haf'rip'), adj. mrgkal;
(when the colour changes) kirau."^

ate, ask, 5.m, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin th^n.

Halfway (-wa'), (half the adv. Ham (ham), s. palm binatarg, kaki
(in the ; babi bersalai* babi hem (B.).
distance) sparoh jaJan
Hamadryad s, wZar
middle) di ttyah; (partially) (ham-a-dri'ad),
sparoh. tdory abu.
Half-witted (-wit'tcd), adj. kurarg
Hamlet (ham'let), s. kamporg
kchil, dusun.*
'akal, Uyah tiarg*
Half-yearly (-yer'li), adj. 'mm Hammer (-mer), s. pukol bsi, ktok
tukoV* bsi, pmukol bsi, inartul
imp-tiap 'nam hulan,
bulan bsi,
tahun s-kali. (N.I.) (Port.).
Hall (hawl), s. (public building)
Hammer, v. t. (forge) tmpa;
balai* balai-rofy* dewan (Pers.) ; (beat) pukol, titek.
Hammock (-mok), s. ayunan,*
(entrance room of a house) ha-
lai* sramhi; (mansion) rumah biiaian,* bo-boe (B.).
Hammock-litter (-lifter), s. redi,
iLSorgan,'^- tandu.*
Hallelujah (hal-le-lu'ya), s, sgala
puji bagi Allah
= the Arabic ex- Hamper (ham'per), fl. kranjary,

clamation Al hamdu 'l-illah. bakul, rantarg,"^ krobok.*

Halliard (hal'yerd), s. (Naut.) Hamper, v. t. (obstruct, embarrass)
skatkan, tahankan, sa7ikak.
anjar (L.), bubutan.
Hall-mark (hawl'mark), s. chap
Hamstring (-string), s. urat k-
prgalcuan atas mas-perah. krat ktirg.*
Hamstring, v. t. ktiry,'*
Halloa (hal-16'), int. o% aise (B.)
Hand (hand), s. (of man)targan,
(E. I say), a
(of clock) jarom; (hand's
Halloo (hal-loo'), v. i. trmk, la-
breadth) plmpap;* (side, direc-
tion) sblah; (workman) tukarg,
Hallow (hario), v. t. (consecrate)
kuli; (handwriting) tullsan, khat
hudushan* (Ar. qudus) (rever- ;
(Ar.) ; (control) prentah.
ence) hormatkan, muliakan, t'a- hand, dkat. Hand in hand, ber-
tlimkan (Ar.). Hands off! Ipas! Hand
Hallucination (hal-lu-si-na'shi/n) , to hand fighting, berklahi rapat-
s. (wandering of the mind) ssat rapat, berprargmndada.* In
fikiran. hand (of money) baki (Ar.) ; (in
Halo (ha'lo), s. pagar bulan, kan- Note
preparation) trgah di-buat.
dorgan bulan. of hand, surat tanda targan. Off
Halt (hawlt), v. i. (stop) berhnti, On hand, hadlir
hand, sgra.
brenti (B.) ; (walk lamely) jalan To change hands, ber-
temparg, jalan incharg-inchut. tukar tuan. To clap the hands,
Halt, adj. tempaiy. bertpok targan. To come to hand,
Halt, s. perhntian, perhentian (B.). sampai, tiba. To get one's hand
Halter (hawl'ter), s. tali pnambat in, mahir (Ar.).
biasakan diri,
kuda, tali kuda, tali kjai,^ sntaji* To hand in, masok
have a
Halve (hav), v. t. blah dua, bhagi taryan, masok-champur dalam.
dua, pototy dua. To have one's hands full, ber-
Halves (havz), s. By halves, sparoh. sibok. To get the upper hand,
To go halves, bhagi dua. mnarg. To lay hands on, targkap,
Halyard (haFyerd), s. (Naut.) rampas. To lend a hand, tolorg.
anjar, bubutan. To live from hand to mouth, kais

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror ; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry use, us, min-us, cure, injure,

hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin thsn.
pagi makan pagi, I'ais ptarg ma- jalankan, perniagakan; (treat)
kan ptaig (Prov.). To take in lakukan.
liand, inula' i, jalankan. To wash Handmaid (hand'mad), s. dayarg,^
the hands of, Ipaskan diri deri- orarg gaji prempuan (B.).
pada. Handrail (-ral), s. (of stairs) sm-
Hand, v. t. (pass, transmit) hulor- somri targga, pnigarg targga,
kan, soroig, unjokkan; (politely adan.^
in asking a person to give) kiri- Handsaw (-saw), s. gergaji targan.
kan* To hand down (to one's Handsome (han's?/ni), adj. tam^
children) psakakan. To hand pan;^ eJok, molek, haik paras,*
over, srahkan. To hand round, hehat, chrar'^ (W.) ; (liberal) mu--
idarkan* peridarkan.'^ rah hati.
Handbill (hand'bil), s. saklar (E. Handspike (-splk), s. (lever)
circular). pnuil,* pjyumpil; (capstan bar)
Handbreadth (-bredth), s. plm- (Xaut.) kayu puiaran sauh.
pap, plompap (B.), iahali/^ Handwriting (-ri-ting), s. tulisan,
Handcart (-kart), s. kreta sororg, tulis targan, kliaV^ (Ar. khaT),
kreta tolak (B.). hkas targan.
Handcuff (-kuf), v. pasomkan.
t. Handy (-i), adj. (skilful) pandai,
Handcuff, s. pasorg, gari* (Hind. panias; (near) hanipir* dkat.
kan). Hang (hang), v. t. (with a rope)
Handful (-fool), s. s-grggam; gantorg, gantorgkan; (on a hook
(when pressed) s-kpal. A hand- or peg) sargkotkan; (on a rod or
ful of men, sdikit orarg. Double string) sidai/^ sampaikan; (put
handful (gripped), s-rargkum;* to death) gantorgkan, kujut."^
(scooped up) s-raup,^ s-jamhak* To hang the head, tundok. To
Handicap (han'di-kap), s. per- hang fire, Itop hertirggalan.
hedaan yarg di-hri dalam per- Hang, V. i. (be suspended) her-
lumbaan; (hindrance) gndala,* gantorg; (as fruit, monkeys by
Ihcui;* (start in a race) ganda* their arms) gayut;* (dangle)
Handicap, v. t. hratkan atas, ialian- kulai,^ juntai, unihai,* ampai^^
kan, g?2dalakan* remhetkan.'^ hnpai.'^ To hang about (as a
Handicraft (-kraft), s.
pertukmgan. tliief), imhajg-imhaig.* To hang
Handiwork (-werk), s. pkerja'an ])ack, hertahan. To hang by the
tanjan, pkerjaan. pada rambot s-
eyelids, lergantorg
Handkerchief (hang'ker-chif), s. hlai (Prov.). To
hang down (as
sapu-tanjan, stargan* himpo (B.) wings), klepek:* To hang on,
(Ch. hln-pd') ; see kerchief. herpaut. To hang over, chondorg.
Handle (han'dl), s. pmgaigan; (of Hangdog (hang'dog), s. orarg Una,
a knife) idu;'^ (of an axe, cliarg- orarg kji*
kol, etc.) hatarg; (of a plough) Hanging (-ing), s. (against a wall)
targkai; (across a bucket) pa- tahir;* (in doors, etc.) largsi;
kau;* (of a pot) targkai; (if two) (curtain) tirai,* klamhu.
tlirga, kupirg (B.) ; (of a door) Hangman (-man), s. tukaig gan-
chomhol* toig orarg.
Handle, v. t. (touch) jamah, jahat;"^ Hangnail (-nal), s. soyak piyirat
(hold) pgarg; (manage, use) kuku.*
pakai; (of buying and selling) Hank (hangk), s. untirg.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, forry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minims, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, bow, oil; thin then.
Hanker (hang'ker), v. i. iirjin; (of meat) knryal; (of cooked rice)
]reguaiit women) idam* miy- jlantah;* (of potatoes) hgarj*
idam (B.). To hanker after, ^-a- (of fruit) matgkar;'^ (of the
handal'if^ napsid-an (B.). heart) kms, tgarj^ dgil; (dif-
^Hansom cab (han's?an kab), s. ficult) susali, siikar* payah; (of
s-jnis kreta seica di nefjri Eng- work) trok; (rough, harsh) kasar,
land. kras. Hard and fast, (Naut.)
Wap (hap), V. i. (happen) jadi. tiada dapat bergrak. Hard la-
Haphazard, s. At haphazard, ta- ])Our, kerja kras, kerja brat.
tntu amli, ramhaiy. Hard lines, lial yarg amat susah.
Mapless (hap'ies), adj. malarg, ia- Hard of hearing, brat tliiya,^
beniiitonj, sial. pkak, brgal.'^ Hard on one's
Haply (-li), adv. lamrg'kali, clothes, ganas pakai kain. Hard
-Happen (-pn), v. i. jadi; (turn wood (heart), tras;'^ (of palms)
out) datarg. To happen again, riu/oiy.^ See half-cooked.
mndua-kali/^ I dont know how Hard, adv. (urgently) surggoh-
it happened, 'ntah bgimana-kah Slug g oh, drgan raj in, drgan tkun;
lial-nja. (vehement) kuat-kuat; (of wind)
Happily (-pi-li), adv. (fortunate- kncliarg; (of rain) that. Hard
ly) untorg: (in a happy manner) by, dkat. Hard over (N'aut.),
snarg-sntosa.'^ clikar. Hard up, ssak.
Happiness (-pi-nes), s. hliagia Harden (hard'n), v. t. kraskan,
(Sk.), I'sul'a'an, sul'a-chita,'^ h- kakukan; (strengthen) kiiatkan;
snargan; see below\ (as steel) spoli; (the heart) tqar-
Happy (-pi), adj. (fortunate) ler- kan;^ kraskan; (the skin) blor.^
hhagia (Sk.) ; (joyous) hersul-a- Hard-featured (-fe'cherd), adj.
cliita,^ suka, ria;^ suka-riaf^ (con- rupa prrgiis,^ bersut,* muka kasar
tented) snarg hati. Happy-go- (B.).
lueky, hertuakal (Ar. tawakkal). Hardheaded (-hed'ed), adj. bijak,^
Harangue (ha-rang'), s. ucliapan clierdek.
dnjan suam njarirg. Hardiness (-i-nes), s. brani, k-
Harass (har'as), v. t. (weary) branlan, ktgolian, kkiiatan.
pnatkan; (distress) susalii, susah- Hardihood (-i-hood), s. (boldness)
kan, usek; (molest) garggu.^ brani, perkasa (Sk.) ; (impu-
Harbinger (har'bin-jer), s. (fore- dence) kkuraigan bliasa, kurarg
runner) piganjur.^' ajar (B.). borgkak.*
Harbour (-ber), s. plaboJian,, lahoh- Hardly (-li), adv. (with difficulty)
an. susah, sukar,* payah; (scarcely)
Harbour, v. t. (afford lodging) bharu; (not quite) ta'sampai;
tumpargkan; (shelter) Undorg- (severely) snsah, diyan kras.
kan; (indulge, cherish, as Hardness (-nes), s. kkrasan, ktgar-
thoughts) tar oil. an:^ see hard.
Harbourmaster (-mas-ter), s. Hardpan (-pan'), s. batu hampar.*
(Xaut.) shalibandar, komdor Hardship (-ship), s. (privation)
(X.I.). ksusahan, ksmVan, kpichek'an;'^
Hard (hard), adj. (firm, solid) (injury) bnchana, aniaya.
kras; (very hard) kras mmhatu; Hardware (-war), s. perkakas deri-
(stiff) kaku, tgarj* (of cooked pada bsi tmbaga dan s-bagai-rya.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, ree6'nt, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire*
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minits, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Hardy (-i), adj. (bold) hrani, ga- Harmony (4), s. (agreement) per-
gali; (firm, strong) tgoh, huat. .stujuan; (concord) sjahtra (Sk.),.
Hare (Mr), arnah (Ar.), see rab- aman (Ar.) ; (of music) sajak
bit. (Ar. saj'a), tala.*
Harelip (har'lip), s. hihir sumhirg, Harness (har'nes), s. pakaian kuda^
bibir rabit. ahah-abah (Jav.). To die in
Harebrained (-brand), adj. Icpala harness, mati terdiri.
argin. Harness, v. t. (with armour) liy-
Harem (har'em), s. (tlie dwelling) kapkan;* (horses) pakai.
impat kdiaman bagi prempuan; Harp (harp), s. (in the Bible trans-
(the women ) sgala istri dan gun- lation) kcimpi, properly a lute.
deh s'orarg Islam; (of a raja) isi Harp, v. i. ptek kchapi; (repeat
istana* tediously) ularxj-ula'tg.
Hark (hark), int. dtgar-lah. Harpoon (har-po5n'), s. (ISTaut.)
Haricot (har'i-ko), s. dagitg rbus. (with one point) sruit, pnerok;
Haricot beans, biji Icacharg pen- (two points) piarit; (three points)
deh. sramparg; (with an iron point)
Harlequin (har'le-kwin), s. orayg tnipulirg; (with a line) tohok,.
klahar; (in the ma' y org) pran* smiarg.
aivarg* Harpoon, v. t (Naut.) terok, sram-
Harlot (-lot), s. sundal, prempuan parg, tmpidiig, tohok.
prempuan jahat, lohi (Ch.
jalarg, Harpy (har'pi), 8. puntianak, wil-
prempuan loki.
16' -hi), mafia (Sk.).
Harlotry (-ri), s. persundalan. Harrier (har'ri-er), s. s-jnis anjirg
Harm (harm), s. (injury) bnchana, perbiirua7i,
chlaka, chdra (Sk.), mudlarat Harrow (har'ro), s. sikat, sisir

(Ar.) ; (loss) ritgi; (misfortune) ptggaru*

kmalaigan. To do no harm to, Harrow, v. t. sikat.
tiada prgapaha?!* Harry (-ri), v. t. (pillage) rampas,
Harm, v. t. bziat bnchana, bnchana- samon, jarah;^ also = harass, q. v.
han, chdrakan* bri mudlarat Harsh (harsh), adj. (to the touch)
(Ar.), rugikan, datargkan rugi, ksat, krutu* miggrutu (B.) ; (to
rosakkan, sakitL* the taste) Mat, prat;* (to the ear)
Harmful (harm'fool), adj. yarg garau,* parau,* srak; (severe^
mmhuat bnchana, etc., as above. rough) brgis, kras.
Harmless (-les), adj. yarg tiada Harshness (-nes), s. kkrasan, etc.,
mmbuat bnchana, etc., as above. see above.
Harmonics (har-mon'iks), s. 'ilmu Hart (hart), s. rusa jantan.
buiyi-bunjian. Harum-scarum (har'-wm-skar'wm),
Harmonious (har-mo'ni-ws), adj. adj. kpala-argin.
berstuju, srasi; (living in peace) Harvest (har'vest), s. (the act of
bersntosa,* bersjahtra (Sk.), s- gathering) pnuaiaji;* (the season)
kata, satu hati; (of sounds) mer- musim mnuai,* musim potorg
du* sajak (Ar. saj'a), s-tala. padi (B.) ; (crop) perolehan,*
Harmonium (-urn), s. armunian haMl.
(E.), organ (E.). Harvest, v. t. (grain) pototg, tuai*
Harmonize (har'mon-iz), v. t. per- ktam,, sabit; (fruit) ptek, purgut;
stujukan, padankan, talakan. (pepper, coffee, etc.) kutip.

ftte, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f65d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Hash (hash), v. t. chncharg, chin- Haulm (hawm), s, bat-arg sayur
chary (B.), hiris, cha'irg* yarg krirg.
Hasp (hasp), s. kolcot htinaj^ Haunch (hawnch), s. pargkal paha.
Haste (hast), s. gopoh, sgra, chpat, Haunt (hawnt), v. t. (frequent)
Ihas, dras. ulaig-ularg (B.), slaroh.*
Hasten (has'n), v. i, gopoh, sgra, To be haunted (by ghosts), ber-
golot-golot* gsa-gsa,* hantu, berpuaka.
Hasten, v. t. batgathan,* sgraJcan, Haunt, s.
tmpdt berkumpol, tmpat
Ihaskan, gopohkan. mrylaroh.*
Hastily (has'ti-li), adv. hargat- Have (hav), v. t. (possess) ber^
bargat* gopoh-gopoh, terkochoh- oleh,* pnnja'i,*ada (B.), mileki;*
kochoh, golot-golot* gsa-gsa* (get possession of) dapat; (as an
gopoh-gapah* auxiliary verb) sudah, tlah.* To
Hasty (-ti), adj. gopoh, hargat* have a care, jaga, irgat. To have
chpat. done with, habis pakai, tapakai
Hat (hat), s. topi (Hind.), kopiah,
To have it katakan trus
lagi. out,
chpiau* (Port.) ; (native sun hat trarg. To have on, pakai. To
of leaves) trendak; see cap.
have to, ta' dapat tiada, wajih
Hatblock (-blok), s, kalbut.* He had to sit mail,
(Ar.). down,
Hatch (hach), v. t. (sit on e^gs) ta'mau dudok-lah ia. To have
kram, 'ram,'*' mrgram; (plot, con- (possess) is also expressed by the
coct) adakan, jadikan.
prefix ber-, as, berbini, to have a
Hatch, v. i. tta'i*mntas (B.). wife.
Hatch, 8. (brood) prindun* Haven (ha'vn), s, (harbour) laboh-
Hatch, 8. (ISTaiit) palkah (L.), an, plabohan; (shelter) plindorg-
tutop gladak. an.
Hatchet (-et), s. patil* kapok.
Haversack s. bok-
Hatchway (-wa), s. (Naut) pal- cha (Turk.), uncharg.*
kah. Havoc s. krosak'an. To
Hate (hat), v. t. bnchi, gtek* make havoc rosakkan.
Hate, s. kbnchian. Haw (haw), v. i. gagap."^
Hateful (hat'fool), kbnchian,
adj. Hawk (hawk), s. burorg larg.
makroh (Ar.).
Hatred (ha'tr^d), s. kbnchian, Hawk, V. i. (clear phlegm from the
Hatstand (hat'stand), s. pryargkot throat) berkahak.

Hawk, V. t. jaja.
Hatter (-ter), s.
Hawker (-er), s. pnjaja.
iukarg topi.
Hawse hole (hawz hoi), s. (Naut.)
Haughtiness (haw'ti-nes), s. som-
boiy, chorgkak, takbur (Ar.). orlap (E.), lobarg rantai sauh.
Haughty Hawser (-er), s. (Naut.) tali bsar,
(-ti), adj. somborg, chorg-
pnonda, tali pndarat.
kak, takbttr (Ar.).
Haul (hawl), v. t. tarek, hela, seret, Hawthorn (haw' thorn), s. pokoh
heret,* rtintun. To haul over the bcrduri yarg dir-buat pagar di Ero-
coals, chercliaj^ herdek.* To haul pah.
down (sails), turunkan. Hay (ha), s. rumput krirg.
Haul, s, (act of hauling) hal m- Hazard (haz'erd), s. (chance) un^
narek, etc.; (that which is caught, torg, nasib (Ar.) ; (danger) bahya,
as fisli) targkapan. merbahya.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min-us, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (a\7ful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
Hazard, Itua hahya, datarglcan
v. t. Headcloth (-klawth), s. tiykolok,*"
hahija, masol' hahya. To hazard hulaig idn,* dsiar (Pers.), sigarj^-
one's life, huauj njawa. Headdress (-dres), s. (of women)"
Hazardous (-us), adj. herhaliya. perhiasan kpala.
Haze (Mz), s. liahot, 'mhun asap. Header (-er), s. To take a header^
Hazy (-i), ha-
adj. herl-ahot, terjun kpala dhidii.
bus* mmhalani;* (confused, of Headfirst (-ferst'), adv. kpala dhn-
thought) kJam-kahot. lu, iertorggerg.
He (he), pron. ia* dia; (in court Headgear , (-ger), s. perhiasan k-
language, when speaking of in- pala.
feriors) pachaL* He-goat, l-am- Headhunting (-huut-ing), s. ka-
hiiy jantan. yau.*
Head (hed), s.
(in general) Jcpala; Heading (-ing), s. (of a letter) k-
(human) kpala, hatu Icpala* pala sural; (division of a writing)
jmala;* (of a king) ^du;* (of a fasal.
boil) punat, mata hisid; (of a Headland (-land), s. ianjoty, liujorg
nail) payory;* (chief, leader) A> tan all.
pala, prghulii; (of a family) l'- Headless (-les), adj. terpancliorg
tua; (of a coin) kpala, ibii;* kpala,* tiada herkpala.
(understanding) 'akal, irgatan; Headlight (-lit), s. (of a train or
(subdivision of a topic) hhagian, car) api yarg mnjuloli.
iab (Ar.) (cluster of flowers)
; Headlong (-long), adv. (of a fall)
tanjkai. From head to foot, slu- t uiygarg-la rgga rg, lin ta tg-pukaty,..
roh tuboli* sat a hadan (B.). tertumus, tertorggerg, sjnbam;
Head sea, ombak deri lialuan. (hastily) tergopoh-gopoh. To-
Neither head nor tail, tiada hnjorg run headlong, taii siCrgkor-sargkar^
paigkal, t'ada kpala buntut (B.). Headman (-man'), s. kpala, ktua,
Head wind, (Xaut.) argin sakal. prgkulu, oraiy bsar, batin;* (N^
Over head and ears in debt, hu' I.) pigeran, dipati, pmbarap, kria^
targ berkredak. To lose one's Headpiece (-pes), s. (head) kpala;
head, naik birgory. To make head (understanding) "akal; (helmet)
against, law an, sorgsorg. To ktopo?g.*
strike one'shead against, antokkan Headquarters (-kwar'terz), s. tm^-
kpala k-* agolkan kpala k-;* pat kdiaman pmrentah soldado,*"
(another's head) sugtinkan kpala trnpat kluar prentali.
k-;* (push down) tumnskan kpala Headsman (hedz'nirtn), s. oraiy
k-* Head
doAvn wards, turggarg, pundas* pertanda.*
snnjam. I'o hold head down- Headstrong (hed'strong), adj. kras
wards, turggargkan. Head over kpala, bitgal,* tgar,* dgil.
heels, turggaig-balek. To play Headway (-wa), s. (progress) k-
heads or tails, main lerap* main majiian;* (sufficient height under
sampak* main kpala binga. an arch) chukop tirggi. To make
Head, adj. kpala, ktita. headway, majii,* lajak.
Head, v. t. kpalakan, dhvlui* To Headwork (-werk), s. pkerja'an
head for, tuju. To head off, pin- dry an otak.
fas* Heady (-i), (wilful) kras k^
Headache (hed'ak), s. sakit kpala; pala, dgil; (intoxicating) mabok,.
(of kings) griry ulu* khamir (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Heal i. smhoh,^' htah,'^" jadi
(hel), v. essence) pati. At heart, hatin'^
hail' (persons or limbs, but
(B.) ; (Ar. bdTin). By heart, hapaV'
not used of wounds or diseases) (Ar. hafadl), liiar kpala (B.)..
piileh. Heart and soul, s-surggoh hati.
Heal, Y. t. (diseases) ohatlwi, sm- To break the heart, rosakkan hati,.
hoh;^ (persons) smholikan,'^ pu- hanchorkan hati. To have at
lehkan, bri sehat (Ar. siHHa^) ; heart, kahandaki. To not have
(dissensions) damaikanj^ haikkan the heart to, tiada sampai hati
(B.). man. To have the heart in the
Health (helth), s. seliat (Ar. siH- mouth, hilarg smargat. To lose
Haf ) , 'ajiat (
Ar. ) . Health officer, heart, hilarg brani, tawar hati.
pgairai kseliatan.'^ To lose one's heart to, jatoh hati
Healthful (healthy)
(-fool), adj. k-pada, 'ashek
chinta, (Ar.),.
njamanf^ sgar; (promoting health) brahi.* To set the
heart at rest,
yarg mmhri sehat, yarg sgarkan. snargkan hati. To set the heart
Healthy (-i), adj. (of persons) nja- upon, irgin, rindu. To take heart
man* sgar, sehat, hersehat (B.) ; of grace, branikan hati. To take
(of plants) sub or; (of places) to heart, bercJiintakan,'^ makan di
haica baik. hati. To wear one's heart on,
Heap (hep), s. timbonan, tompok, one's sleeve, buka rahsia sndiri.
torggok,* lanibak, lorggok. With all one's heart, drgan sutg-
Heap, V. t.
timbonkan, tompokkan, goh hati, digan s-bulat hati.
etc., as above. To heap up (as Half-hearted work, kerja sambi-
grain), momborg. leiua.^
Hear (her), v. t. drgar; (listen, pay Heartache (hart'ak), s. sdeli di
attention) drgar, bri tlirga;* (ac- hati.
cede to) luluskan,* kabulkarr' Heartbroken (-bro'kn), adj. han-
(Ar. qabnl), ikutkan (B.). char liati, rosak-hati, pchaii hati.
Hear, v. i. drgar. Heartburn (-bern), s. pdeh hati.^
Hearing (-ing), s. pnrgaran. To Hearten (-n), v. t.dranikan hati.
obtain a hearing, di-bri mrg- Heartfelt (-felt), adj. surggoh hati.
ha da p. "^ Hearth (harth), s. dapur.
Hearken (hark'n), v. i. digar. Hearthstone (-ston), s. batu dapur,.
Hearsay khabar orarg,
(her'sa), s. turgku,'^ turgku dapur.
brita,'* orarg putya chakap (B,). Heartily (hart'i-li), adv. drgan
Hearsay evidence, ksaksian klia- surggoh hati, drgaii rajin.
baran orarg. Heartless (-les), adj. (spiritless)
Hearse (hers), s. (carriage) kreta tawar hati, digan iasrruinjat
oraig rnati; (framework over the (B.) ; (without affection) tiada
body) kranda,* lorg;"^ (bier) mnaroh kaseh, bigis.
usorgan.* Heartrending (-rend-ing), adj.
Heart (hart), s. (organ circulating ija)g mnjhanchorkan hati.
blood) jantorg; (seat of the affec- Heartshaped (-shapt), adj. rupa
tions) hati, kalbu (Ar.) ; (centre, daun Ikok, rupa jantorg.
of a tree) tras;* (of a country, Heartsick (-sik), adj. gondah-gau-
etc.) trgah; (spirit, courage) sing- lana.*
goh hati; (the symbol, as an play- Heart wood (-wood), s. tras."^
ing cards) daun Ikok;* (vital part, Hearty (-i), adj. (cordial) surggoh
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
hati, tulus hati;(zealous) rajin; arykasa (Sk.), chakrawaJa (Sk.) ;
(healthy) sehat, bersehat (B.). (place of Deity) shorga (Sk.) ;
A hearty laugh, tertaiva glak- (of the Hindus) k'indra'an*
(jlak* tertawa mrxjglakak (B). A kyaigan;* (the lower regions, in
hearty meal, makan knvjary. which birds ily) udara.
Hale and hearty, sehat dan 'afiat Heavenly (-li), adj. yarg deri shor-
(At.), laih badan (B.). ga, shorga (a). The heavenly
Heat (het), s. panas, hargat;* (ra- bodies, matahari-bulan-bintary.
diant heat) bahayy; (a feeling of Heaviness (hev'i-nes), s. brat, k-
bodily heat or passion) radmy; (of bratan.
rage) gmberaj* (sexual) biarg, Heavy adj. brat; (heavy for
miaiy (B.) ; (of fever) pijar;"^ its of high specific gravity)

{slight fever) ddar. Prickly heat, antapj* (of rain and crops) Ibat;
wain panas, ruam panas. dead A (hard to bear, grievous) susah,
heat, sri. See hot. payah; (of sleep) /ena,* llap,
Tieat, v. t, panaskan, hargatJcan; Inryak,"^ ryadarj* (of the eyes)
(before a lire) gajggary; (over a 7nata kuyu* mata layu, mala
fire) paiggaig; (in tlie smoke) ralip* Heavy laden (of ships),
salai;* (to cause perspiration) .mrat.

taigas. Hebrew (he'broo), s. oraig Ibrani*

Heat, V. i. mnjadi panas. orarg Yalmdi, orarg Jaudi; bhasa
Heath (heth), s. (a plant) lazan y^ahudi, bhasa Jaudi.
(Ar.) ; (waste land) padarg tku- Heddle (hed'dl), s. (in weaving)
korr karap."^
'Heathen (he'f/?n), s. (pagan) oraty Hedge (hej), s. pagar anak kayu;
kafir; (irreligious person) orary (of bamboo) pagar buloh* payar
tiada beragama. bambu(B.) (of a certain thorny

Heathenish (-ish), adj. (barbar- pagar ddap* pagar chtykriry.

ous) ka^'iar, brgis, kurary ajar. Hedge, v. t. pagarkan. To hedge in
Heathenism (4zm), s. agama orarg (protect), lindorgkan; (surround)
kafir. kporg.
.Heave (hev), v. t. (lift, raise) ary- Hedgehog (-hog), s. landak.
kat; (throw) lempar, lontar. To Heed (hed), v. t. (mind) iryat,
heave up (Naut.), a&i5. To heave pdulikan; (take notice of) per-
up an anchor, borgkar sauh. To hatikan, indahkan.
heave taut (N'aut), rgargkan. Heed, s. To take heed, give heed to,
To heave short (Naut.), tudirgkan iryat, etc., as above.
sauh. To heave the lead (Naut), Heedless (-les), adj. kurary ityat,
buarg prwm (L.), buaiy duya. To kurary jaya, alpa,* lalai, dtgan
heave the log (Naut.), buaty ikan- tiada hirauJ^
ikan. To heave a sigh, kloh* tarek Heel (hel), s. tumit. Head over
nafas ( B. ) To heave to ( Naut. ) ,
. heels, liniarg-pukary , turyyary^
slmbana. laigyarg, turggatg-balek. To take
Heave, v. i. (rise and fall) atory- to one's heels, argkat kaki. To
atorg;* (of the breast) berdyap.* walk on one's heels, jalan ber-
To heave in eight, nampak, tarn- jergkot.
pak.* Heel, V. i.
(Naut) serget, senderg,
Heaven (hev'n), s. (the sky) laryit. merirg.

ate, ask, km, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mSre, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mint/, cure, injure,
hurry; fodd, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Hegira (he-ji'ra or Lej'i-ra), s. hij- Helter-skelter (hel'ter-skel'ter) ^
rah (At.). adv. iurggarg-larggaig, lintarg-pu-
Heifer (hef'er), s. anah Imhu htina. kaig, jmntarg-pafitirg, herpchah--
Height (liit), s. tirggi, ktirggian; hlaJi, sara-hara* tersra-sra.*
(utmost degree) Tcsatgatan; (sum- Helve (helv), s. (of an ax) ulu*
mit) kmuncliak, merchiL* hatanj.
Heighten (hit'n), v. t. (raise, ele- Hem (hem), (the sound) daham.

vate) tirggikan, naikJcan; (in- Hem, V. i, (make the sound) 6er-

crease, intensify) Ibehkan, tam- daham.
Hem, s. (border of a garment) klim^
Heinous (ha'nws), adj. khncJiian, lipat (B.) ; see seam.
jahat skali. Hem, V. t. (sew the edge) klim, m-
Heir (ar), s. waris (Ar. wdrith). rglim. To hem in, kporg. Hem-
Heir to the throne, hakal raja* ming (the stitch), se7nbat* kra^
Heiress (ar'es), s. vjaris prempttan. warg.'^ Hemstitching, kli7n trus..
Heirloom (ar'io5m'), s. pusaka, Hemisphere s-hlah
(hem'i-sfer), s.
pmka. dunia, s-hlah bulatan.*
Hell (hel), s. nraka, jahannam, laut Hemlock s. shaukaran
api. Gambling hell, tnipat judi, (Pers.).
logok judi. Hemorrhage s. tum-^
Helm (helm), s. (Naut.) kmudi; pah an darah, lelehan darah.
(tiller) pakra kmudi.
Helmet Hemp (hemp), s. (the fibre) rami;
(hel'met), s. (defensive)
(the drug) ganja.
ktoporg;'^ (sun hat) topi (Hind.). Hen (hen), s. ayam htina; (before
Helmsman (helmz'man), s. (Naut.) it lays) ayam dara; (after) ihu
Help (help), v. t. (assist) tolorg,
Hence (hens), adv. (from this^
bantu; (by supporting) sokorg;
I place) deri sini; (from this time)
(prevent) taliankan, tgahkan.
cannot help it, how can I help it? deii-padu masa ini* Ipas, lagi;
I cannot help (for this reason) shah ini, shah itu.
apa holeh huat.
Three days hence, Ipas tiga hari,
doing it, ta'holeh tidak sahya huat.
I cannot help laughing, ia'dapat tiga hari lagi.
Henceforth adv. deri-
sahya mnahan tertawa, mau ta'- (-forth'),
mau rasti tertawa (B.). pada masa ini,"* mula'i deri-pada
masa ini,"* deri tempo ini (B.).
Help, s. pertolorgan, hantnan.
Helpful (-fool), adj. ya7y mnolorg,
Henchman (hench'man), s. sakai*
h erg una, lerfa'idah. prgirirg* kundarg* tman.
Helpless (-les), adj. (weak, feeble) Hencoop (hen'koop), s. serkap-
Imuh, dlaif (Ar.) ; (unable to ayam, sargkar ayam.
help one's self) tiada herdaya, Henhouse (-hows), s. rhan, rhan
tiada daya-upaya;* (irremedi- ayam.
able) tiada tertgah* tiada ter- Henna (-na), s. inai.
elak.* Henpeck (-pek), v. t. To be hen-
Helpmate (-mat), b. (helper) pm- pecked, herkmudi di haluan,"^ jadi
bantu; (a wife) kawan, ahli baisikal* terlalu haryak makan
(Ar.). trunjok hini (B.).
Helpmeet (-met), s. same as above. Her (her), pron. ia,* dia, dia purya.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
-nja (prempuan). Hers, dia pu- Heretic (-tik), s. oratg hid'ah
nja. See she. (Ar.).
"Herald (her'ald), s. Intara (Sk.) ; Heretofore (her'too-for), adv. d-
( forerunner) pnjanjurj^ hulu, sanipai skararg.
Herald, v. t. kliabarhan, hritakan.^ Herewith {-w\W), adv. digan ini,
Heraldry (-ri), s. 'ihnu silasilah hserta drgan ini, hersama-sama
(Ar.). ini.
Herb (herb), s. saijur, rumpiit, Heritage (her'it-ej), s. psaka, pu-
saka, heria psaka.
Herbage (lierb'ej), s. saijur-sai/ur-
Hermaphrodite (her-maf'ro-dit),
an, rumput, tanam-tanaman, s.
orarg papak,^ oraig hanchi,*
daun -daun.
khuntha (Ar.).
Herculean (lier-ku-le'an), s. amaV^
Hermeneutics (her-me-nu'tiks), s.
Isar, amat^ susah, teiialu bsar
'ilmu tafsir (Ar.).
.Herd (herd), s. (of cattle) 'kawan,^
Hermetically (her-met'i-kal-li),
adv. (by fusion) di-lhur, di-tuarg.
l-umpolan (B.) ; (rabble) oraiy
liina-dina/^ chkual' orarg sam- Hermetically sealed, di-tutop
serg (B.) (Ch. cliit-koali) .
drgan di-lhur, di-ptrikan.
"Herd, v. i. (as cattle) herhawan,* Hermit (her'mit), s. orarg pertapa.
herhumpol (B.). To herd to- Hermit crab, umarg-umarg.
ge th er, & erhru m iin . Hermitage (-ej), s. pertapa an,
Herdsman (herdz'man), s. gom- tnipat herta pa.
hala, gmhala. Hernia (her'ni-a), s. hurut.^'
Here (her), adv. sini^ di sini; (at Hero (her'o), s. orarg pahlawan
this time) skararg. Here and (Pers.), oraig perkasa (Sk.), orarg
there, sana sini, k-sana k-mari. perwira (Sk.), anak laki-laki.
Here, int. nah. Herod (her'od), s. raja Herodis.
Hereabouts (her'a-bowts'), adv. Heroic (her-o'ik), adj. perwira-
dkat sini.
perkasa (Sk.), pahlawan (Pers.).
Hereafter (her-aft'er), adv. km- Heroine (her'o-in), s. prempuan,
dian, deri-pada masa inij^ hlakarg-
perkasa (Sk.).
kali (N.I.) (B.).
Heroism (her'o-izm), s. perkasa
Hereafter, liari
knidian, akliirat.
(Sk.), hrani.
Her eat shah ini.
(-at'), adv. Heron (her'-wn), s. huroiy hargau,
Hereby (-bl'), adv. oleh itu, oleJi
hurorg kntala;* (the purple heron)
ini, drgan ini.
huroig puchorg; (a large species)
Hereditary (he-red'i-ta-ri), adj.
hurorg rarggoig."^
psaka, pusaka, saka* saka-baka;^
Herring (her'ring), s. s-jnis ikan di
(of disease) haka. Hereditary es-
Eropali, rupa-iya sperti ikan kiii-
tate, herta psaka, tanah psaka.
Hereditary enemies, stni^ turun-
tmurun, miisoli turun-timirun. Herringbone (-bon), adj. Herring-
Herein (her-in'), adv. daJani ini, bone pattern, puchok rhorg. Her-
shah ini, oleh ini. ringbone stitch, sikiL kluaig, hiku-
Hereof (-of or -ov'), adv. deri-pada
ini, deri-hal perkara ini. Hers (herz), pron. see iier.
Heresy (her'e-si), s. hid' ah (Ar.). Herself (her-self) pron. ia* sndiri.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hert, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min?<s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tTien.
dia sndiri, diri-nja, 6iidiri-nja Hide, V. t. smhunjikan, sUndorgkan,
{prempuan). duborgkan; (under something)
Hesitate (hez'i-tat), v. i. yap-yap f^ susopkanj^ sorokkan/^ srokkan
giap-giap'^ (^^ )? ^atd-^dtii,'^ sgan, (B.) ;
(keep secret) rahsiakan;
himharq; (in speech) gagap/^ ga- (shelter) lindorgkan; (cover up)
gok (B.). tndorg.
Hesitation (-ta'sli^m), s. khimbaiy- Hide, s. (undressed) blularg;'^
an Jiati, gamani/^ khata-haiaan.'^' (dressed) samak.^
Heterodox (het'er-o-doks), adj. Hideous (hid'i-z^s), adj. burok riipa,
yarg tiada htul iman-tya.^ odoli/^ haiban (Ar.).
Heterodoxy (-^i), s. prgajaran yatg Hiding place (hid'ing plas), s.
iiriyalahi shari'at (Ar.). tmpat bersmbuiyi, tmpat sulit.'^
Heterogeneous (-ge'm-ii&), adj. Hierarchy (hi'er-ark-i), s. prentah
herjnis-jnis, herlain-lainan, lain-
Hieroglyphic s. tu-
Hew (hu), V. ft. (with an ax) ta- lisan
bergambar; (magic diagram)
rali;'^ (with a chisel) paliat;
(hack, chop) pararg, ttah. Hew
Higgle (hig'gl), v. i. see haggle.
down, thaig; (small growth)
thas. Hew off, krat, ptggal,^ Higgledy-piggledy (hig'gl-di-pig'-
gl-di), adv. klam-kabot, lintarg-
panclioiy; (of branches) tiitohj^
Hexagonal (heks-ag'o-nfll), adj. pukarg, kachau-birau* rarggas.^
'nam persgi, herbucliu^ 'nam. High (hi), adj. (lifted np, tall)
Hey (ha), int. liai, o'i. tirggi; (distinguished) mulia; (of
Heyday (ha'da), s. inasa ksuka'an, rank) berpaiykat; (of waves)
masa suka-ria,'^^ tempo ksuka'an bsar; (of wind) kncharg, bsar;
(B.). (of price) malial; (of the voice)
Hezekiah (hez-e-ki'a), s. raja Tliz- sri^g* lansiig;* (of smell) ber-
kla. ban. High and dry (of a ship
Hiatus on a beach), kkriigan, tersadai.'^
(hi-a'tz/s), s. (aperture,
where some- High day, hari bsar, hari raya.
rhasm) clilah; (space
thing is missing) tmpat kosotg, High orarg berbaigsa.
life, High
rrggaig. living, makQn ladzat (Ar.), blanja
Hibernate (hi'ber-nat), v. i. m- kasar (B.). High noon, trgah
7iahim* pada musim hari rmbarg,^' ttgali hari treh
Hibernian (hi-ber'ni-an), adj. = (B.). High priest, imam bsar.

IRISH, q. T. High school, skolah tviggi, skolah

Hibiscus (hi-bis'kzzs), s. hurga raya. bsar (B.). On the high seas, <it-
Hiccough (hik'kup), s. sdu. trgah lautan. High tide, pasarg
Hidden (hid'dn), adj. tersmbuiyi, pnoh. High time, sudah sampai
tersnihiuyet (B.), sulit,^ hatin* wal'tu-nja. High treason, derhaka
(Ar. haTin). k-pada raja. High water, pasarg
Hide (hid), v. i. smhuryi, smbunjet pnoli. High-water mark, tikas*
(B.), bersmbiuyi, slindorg, slu- bakat.'^ With a high hand, drgan
boig, sorok* srok (B.), sulit;* see kras, drgan gagah.
DISGUISE. Hide and seek, main High, adv. tirggi. High and low
^mhunji, main cUkop pay oil, ^ main (everywhere), s-rata-rata tmpat,
sorok'Sorok.^' mrata-rata.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

High-flown (hi'flon), adj. yarg Hilly (-i), adj. berbukit; (uneven)

mnjatas-7igata^.* iirggi-rridah.
High-handed (-hand'ed), adj. prg- Hilt (hilt), s. idu* pdarg, ulu* kris.
aniaya, tlalim (Ar.). Him (him), pron. ia* dia {laki-
Highland (hi'land), s. tanali gu^ laki) ;
see IIE. i

* tanah buhit. Himself (him-self ),

norgan. pron. in* sn-
Highlander (-er), s. orarg hukit, diri, dia sndiri, diri-rya, sndin-rya,,
terutama* di negri Skotland. kndiri-rya (N.I.) {laki-laki).
Highly (hi'li), adj. amat* sargat, Hind (hind), s. rusa btina.
terlalu. Hind, adj. blakarg.
Highminded (-mind'ed), adj. liati Hinder (hind'er), adj. blakaig.
mulia. Hinder part, balek; (of a ship)
Highness (-nes), s. (loftiness) htirg- buriian.
gian. His Highness, ya'tg maha Hinder (hin'der), v. t. (keep back)
mulia, h-bmvah dull. Your High- tahan, tgah; (obstruct) skat, sarg^
ness (to a ruling prince) tuan-kuj
kot, gndalakan;* (prevent) sarg-
(to other princes) ttgku. kak, lalau,* aralkan (Ar. 'aradl) ;
Highroad (-rod), s. jalan raya* (stop) berhntikan. Hindered in
jalan hsar. work, terhal.
High-seasoned (-se'znd), adj. pdas, Hindmost (hind'most), adj. yarg di
yatg baryah rmpah-rmpah. blakarg skali, pnchorot.
High-sounding (-sownd'ing), adj.
Hindoo, Hindu (hin'doo), s. orarg
somhorg, bsar-bsar. hindu.
High-spirited (-spir'it-ed), adj. Hindustani 8.
gagah-brani. bhasa hindustan, hggali.
High-strung (-strung), adj. lam-
Hindrance (hin'drans), s. tgahan,
pas* Ikas berrasa.*
skatan, sargkotan, gndala (Sk.)j,
Highway (-wa), s. jalan raya, jalan 'udzur (Ar.), aral* (Ar. 'aradl).
Hinge (hinj), s. engsel (D.).
Highwayman (-man), s. ptyamon,
Hinge, v. i. (depend) bergantorg;
Hilarious (have hinges) berengsel (D.).
(hi-lar'i-tzs), adj. prgilai*
Hint (hint), v. t. isaratkan (Ar.
m,igglakak (B.).
Hilarity (hi-lar'i-ti), s. ilai/^ ter-
Hint, s. isarat.
tawa glak-glak, tertawa glakak
Hinterland (hin'ter-land), s. darat,
Hill (hil), s. (in order of height)
bukit, chargkat* borggol* per- Hip (hip), 8. pukarg. Hip bone,
matarg;^ marggul* porgsu.* Hill tularg pukarg. Hip roof, bumborg
paddy, padi ladarg, padi bukit. limas,* atap limas,* praborcj*
Hillock (hir?ik), s. borggol* marg- lima. A
house with a hip roof,
kchil rumah limas.* To carry on the
gul* porgsu* bukit (B.) ;
white busut, hip, kelek. To have a person
(raised by ants)
* on the hip, alahkan,* tewas-
Hillside s. churaman bu- kan,* kalahkan (B.). To smite
kit, tpi bukit. hip and thigh, lutu.*
kmuncJiak bur- Hip,int. Hip, hip, hurrah, hip, hip,
Hilltop (hil'top), s.
kit, puchok bukit (N.I.). hore, buryi sorak oraig puteh.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror ; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry ; use, us, mmws,
cure, injure,
hurry; fo5d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
liippo{}otamus (hip-po-pot'a-niMs), Hoarse (hors), adj. garau* parau*
6. farasu 'l-bahar (Ar.). srak.
Hire (Mr), v. t. (houses, etc.) sewa; Hoarseness (-nes), s. garau* srak.
(persons) upah. Hired man, Hoary (hor'i), adj. (white) puteh;
oraty upalian, oraiy gaji. (of hair) ubati. Hoary antiquity,
Hire, s. sewa, upah. zaman perbakala*
Hireling (hir'ling), adj. oraiy ma- Hoax (hoks), v. t. permainkan, tipu
I'an gaji yarg irrjat wa?y sahaja. dry an jnaka*
Hirsute (her'siit), adj. ramus* ran- Hoax, s. jnaka*
doh* srabot,* berbulu parijarg. Hob (hob), s, para buary dkat da-
His (hiz), pron. ia/^ dia, dia putya, pur.*
-rya (laki-Iaki). Hobble (hob'bl), s. (ropes on the
Hiss (his), V. i. (the sound) dsir,'^ feet) siykJa.* To walk with a
dsiry; (as a snake) hmhus; hobble (limp), berjalan tempaty.
(whistle) bersiul. Hobble, V. i. berjalan tempary, in-
Historian (his-tor'i-an), s. prgaraiy chary-inchut, berjalan serykaiyj*
hikayat* rawi (Ar.). (on the heel) jerykotj* (on tip-
Historical (his-tor'i-kal), adj. hi-
toe) jeryket.
kayat* (a), deri-hal hikayat* Hobble, V. t. styklakan* rantaikan.
yary di-liikayatkan,'^ etc., as below.
Hobble-de-hoy (-de-hoi'), s, orary
History hikayat*
(his'to-ri), s.
muda jarygal.*
(Ar. iiikdyat), chrita, kesah (Ar. Hobby (hob'bi), s. (favorite em-
qissah), tarikh* (Ar. tdrikh), s- ployment) pkerja'an yary di-
jarah (Ar.), riwayat (Ar.). suka'i* pkerja'an suka-suka hati
Hit (hit), V. t. (touch, reach the
object aimed at) kna, miyna'i;* Hobbyhorse (-hors), s. kuda-kuda
(attain to) sampai; (strike) palu, permainan.
pukol, see strike. Hobgoblin s. hota
Hitch (hich), v. i. sarykot.
(Sk.), polory, jmbalary.*
Hitch, s. (obstruction) sarykotan; Hobnail (hob'nal), s. ladam* kasut,
(knot) simpol. Clove hitch, chn-
paku pada tapak kasut.
chary ay am* simpol riianok* Hobnob v.
Hither (hith'ev), adv. k-mari, k- (hob'nob), i. arygap-ary-
sini. Hither and thither, k-sana
gap* ramah-ramahan.*
Hock (hok), s. tumit binatary.
Hitherto adv.
Hocuspocus (ho'kws-po'kws), s.
(-too), (of time)
sam.pai skarary.
Hive Hod (hod), s. tory pmikul kapur
(hiv), s. sarykaran Ibah.
batu bata dan s-bagai-rya.
Hive, V. t, sarykarkan Ibah.
Hives Hodge-podge (hoj'poj), s. cham-
s. ylyata.*

Hoar (hor), adj. puteh. Hoar frost, puran.

'mbun bku* Hoe (ho), 8. chargkol.
Hoard (hord), simpanan.
s. Hoe, V. i. t.
Hoard, v. t. simpan, taroh. Hog (hog), s. babi, hdbi kmbiri,
Hoarding babi kasi* (Ar. khasi).
(-ing), s. papan terden-
dery. Hoggish (hog'gish), adj. (glut-
Hoarfrost (hor'frawst), s. 'mbun tonous) glojoh; (selfish) yaiy
bku* irgat diri-rya sahaja.

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, Bore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Hogshead (boo-z'hed), s. pipa pots, etc.) psoh; (hollow) Ikolc;
(Port.), leger (D. Jigger). (cave) goa; (in a tree) roryga*-
Hoiden (hoi'dn). s. anaJc prempuan grorggargf (crack) rtak; ( cavity >
yarg hermain s-lahu janian. tmhok: (right through) tmbus.
Hoist (hoist), V. t. arghat, naihlcan; Holiday (hol'i-da), s. (festival)
(Xant.) ahis. hari hsar, pesta (Port.) ; (vaca-
Hoity-toity (hoi'ti-toi'ti), adj. tion) hari klpasan, chuti (Hind.).
(thoughtless, giddy) hpala aiyin; Holiness (ho'li-nes), s. kkudusan
(haughty) somhorg. (Ar.), ksuchian, see holy.
Hold (hold), V. t, (cause ^o remain, Holland (hol'land), s. negri Blanda^
keep) pgarg; (in the fist) grg- Hollow (hol'lo), adj. rorgga/^ grorg-
gam; (in the mouth) gorggoig; gaig* gloiggargf (empty) liarn^
(in the arms) pargku; (restrain) pa;'^ (concave) Ikok; (sunken, of
talian; (retain) simpan; (possess) eyes) chrgkorg; (from loss of
mileh (Ar.) ; (conduct, carry on) sleep) clirgkra;* (of the face)
ya?a?itoi; (contain) muat; (con- chrgkrorg,^ chrgkorg (B.) (of the- ;

sider, think) hilaigJcan. To hold cheeks) kmporgf^ km pus (B.)^.

forth (exhibit), unjohhan. To kmpotf'' (of sound) gma* gaoig/
hold in, talian. To hold off, jauli- (of fruit) mamhoig.* A hollow
Tcan. To hold one's tongue, tooth, gigi tmhok * gigi herlohaig^
sjgap,'^' herdiam diri, tiitop mulut Hollow, s. ll'ok. The hollow of the-
(B.). To hold over, targgohl'an. back, tamparan njamok.
To hold out (offer), nnjohl-an. Hollow, V. t. tbok, korek, hrok.
To hold up, argl-afkan, naihkan; Holly (-li), s. pokok di Eropali
(check, halt) herhntil-an. To daun-nja sperti jruju.
hold water, tiada hochor. To hold Holocaust (hol'o-kawst), s. korhan
an appointment, junjorg pargl'at.^ hakaran^ (Ar. C[urhan).
Hold, V. i. (i)ot give way) her- Holster (hdi'ster), s. sarorg pistol.
tahan; (continue, persist) ttap; Holy (ho-li), adj.
kudus{A.Y. qudus)
(cleave, remain attached) U'dt. (pure) siiclii; (pious) herhakti
To hold forth (speak in public), (Sk.). The Holy City (Jeru-
herkata-'kata/^ mrgajar (B.). To salem), haiiu 'l-mukaddis (Ar.)..
hold in, tahanl'an diri. To hold Holy Ghost, Boh Alkudiis (Ar.)..
on (keep hold), herpaut; (Xaut.) The Holy Land, tanah Kan a an,,
(keep on one's course) tahar. To negriSham. The Holy Spirit,,
hold out, tahan, drita (Sk.). To Boh AJkndus (Ar.).Holy war^
hold together, hersama-sama. To prarg sahil (Ar.). Holy writ,.
hold up (remain unbent), talian; Kitah Allah.
(cease) herhnti. Holystone (-ston), s. (Xaut.) hatu
Hold, s. (grasp) pgaigan; (author- skrul) (E. scrub).
ity) Jciiasa; (Xaut.) petal'. To Homage (hom'ej), s. hakti (Sk.).
take hold, cliapai. To ])ay homage, herhuat hakti.
Holdfast (hold'fast), s.
koliot/' see Home (hom), s. rumah targga; (na-
CLAMP. tive land) tanah ai/er; (habitat)
Holding (-ing), s. tanali milelc tmpat asal; (asylum) tmpat lin-
(Ar.), tanah seiva (B.). doig. At home, di rumah. To-
Hole (h5l), s. loharg, liarg;* (in a feel at home, herramah-ramahan.*
garment) char eh j"^ (in paper. To be at home in a subject, hijak,.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
ahli dalam (Ar.). To go home, Honeycomb (-kom), s. sararg Ibah,
pulanj, balel'. To have a home, in doty maduf^ (when empty)
berrumah'taKjga. Home Secret- sanihaty.^
ary, datok dalam/^ Honeycombed (-komd), adj. ker-
Home, adj. yarg di negri sudiri. bok;'^ (with weevils) berasai.'^
Home, adv. (to one's country) pu- Honeymoon (-moon), s. s-bulan
larg; (to its place, as a nail) mati.
pas tiikali^ (Ar. nikaTi).
Homeless (hom'les), adj. tiada ber- Honor (on'er), s. see honour.
runiah-tatyga. Honorary (on'er-er-i), adj. (confer-
Homeliness (-li-nes), s. (comfort) ring honour) kahormatan, yarg
^^naig, strihat (Ar. istiraiiat). kahormat; (wdthout pay) tiada
Homely (-li), adj. (like home) ru- bergaji.
mah tatgga (comfortable)
(a) ;
Honour (on'er), v. t. hormatkan,
snatg, strihat (Ar.) ; (simple, un- mulial'an, bsarkan, ra'ikan (Ar.) ;
pretending) saliaja-sahaja/^' jargaii see below.
i'ldal',^ bagi sari-sari piuya (B.). Honour, s. (respect, reverence) lior~
Homemade (-mad), adj. biiatan mat, fatlim (Ar.) ; (dignity) k-
sudiri. iiiulia'an, kbsaran; (virtue, inte-
Homesick (-sik), adj. rindit akan grity) kbaikan, ktulusan, ekhlas
fanaJi ayer. (Ar.) :
(high rank) kmuliaan.
Homespun (-spun), adj. tmuian Debt of honour, hutarg yarg tiada
sndiri. sail (Ar.), liutaiy judi. Maid of
Homestead (-stcd), s. rumali targ- honour, perwara (Sk.). On one's
ga, ka m po rg-halaman. ]ionour, dtyaii tulus-ekldas (Ar.).
Homeward (-werd), adv. k-rumah. A point of honour, perkara ktulus-
Homeward bound, lindak pitlarg. an, hati. To do the honours, mn-
Homicide (hom'i-sid), s. bunoh^ janiu,^ miyamhot orarg jmpotan,
piiibunolian. ra'ikan orarg (Ar.). Word of
Homiletics (-let'iks), s. 'ilmu kliut- honour, perjanjian ekJilas^ (Ar.
(Ar. khuTbah). ikhla'ri).
Homily (-li), s. khutbali (Ar.). Honourable (on'er-a-bl), adj. ber-
Hominy (-ni), s. jagoiy tumbok. hormat, inulia, mukarram (Ar.),
Homoeopathy (ho-me-opVthi), s. niutabar (iVr.) (not base) tulus-

'ibmi obat yarg mndatargkan per- ekhlas (Ar.). The Honourable ,

rasa' an s-rupa pujakit-iya. yarg berhormat .

Homogeneous (h6-mo-je'ni-?/s) ,
Hood (hood), s. (for the head) tii-

adj. sama s-jnis, sama tabiat. doig kpala, trgkolok,* korgsan;*

Hone (lion), s. batu asah prghalus.'^ (of a carriage) tutop, tudory, kap
Honest (on'est) adj. (upright, just) (D.).
bnar; (trustworthy) kpjerchaya'an, Hoodwink (hood'wingk), v. t. tipu,
amanat (Ar.) ; (sincere, truthful) biifakaiimata, klirukan.
tulus, tit (B.) (Ch.). Hoof (hoof), s. kukii kuda, kuku
Honesty (on'es-ti), s. khnaran, k- hnbu, etc. Cloven hoof, kuku ber-
tulusan. blah.
Honey (hun'i), s. ayer madu, ayer Hook (hook), s. (curve) kalok;'^
Ibali, raanisan Ibali. Honey bear, (implement for hooking) pryait;
bruarg. (for fishing) mata kail; (for fast-
Honeybee (-be), s. Ibali. ening) ganchu. By hook or by

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin f/ten.
crook, drgan s-hahis daya^upaya* strument of horn or bamboo)
Hook and eye, chakok* huiairj tntuarg;* (of brass)
kait. On one's own hook, atas trompct CKuT.), slompret (N.I.).
innigoryan sndirL Hornbill (horn'bil), s. burorg 'ig-
Hook, V. t. kait, ganchukan, kail; gaig/^' burorg kleigkerg* burorg
(catch) targkap. HI in.*
Hookah (liook'a), s. ogah"^ (Hind. Horned (lidrnd), adj. bertandok.
iLuqqah = tobacco-pipe), gudu- Hornet (hor'net), s. tabuun,-
gtidu* Ika* (W.). ( smaller) kratvai.*
Hooked (hookt), adj. (of tlie nose) Hornless (horn'les), s. (of cattle)
horgkok* dogol* iiadu bertandok.
Hoop (h5op), s. simpai, piglorg* Hornpipe (-pip), s. (tune) lagw
Hoop iron, hsi simpai. mnari; (dance) tarian klasi.*
Hoop, V. t. simpaikan. Horny (-i), adj. bertandok, sperti
Hoopoe (hoop'6), s. hudhud (Ar.). tandok, berblularg.*
Hoot (ho5t), V. i. bertriak sperti Horoscope (hor'o-skop), s. ram<il
hmyi porggok* hut. (x\r.), surat nujum (Ar.).
Hoot, V. t. (derisively) utck, titik Horrible (hor'ri-bl), adj. tgri* dah~
(B.). shat (Ar.), hebai (Ar. haihat),.
Hop (hop), V. i. (of frogs) lompat; haiban (Ar.), ta'baik skali (B.).
(as fish and small birds and Horrid (-rid), adj. igri* ta'baik
animals) londiat; (on one leg) skali, bogot* busok.
tergterg. Horrify (-ri-fi), v. t, bri takot, ta-
Hop, s. s-jnis akar yatg pahit hurga- kotkan, bri dahshai (Ar.).
lya. Horror (-rer), s. hebat (Ar. hai-
Hope (hop), s. harap. bat), dahsliat (Ar.).
Hope, V. i.
harap: (expect) nanti- Hors de combat (hor-de-kom'ba),.
kan; (place confidence in) mnaroh adj. hi* tiada harakat lagi (Ar.).
harap akan, perchaya akan, yakin"^ Horse (hors), s. kuda: (cavalry)
(Ar, yaqin). Let lis hope, s- soldado berkuda; (frame with
muga^muga.* legs) kuda-kuda.
Hopeful (hop'fool), adj. (expec- Horseback (hors'bak), s. On horse-
tant) yarg mnantikan; (promis- back, turggaig kuda, berkuda.
ing) yarg holeh di-harapi. Horse-chestnut (-ches'nut), s. po-
Hopeless (-les), adj. p^diw harap, kok brargan.
putus a^a* put us 'sa,^ tiada ha- Horse-cloth (-klawth), s. kambU
rap. kuda, slimut kuda.
Hopper (hop'per), s. diororg prg- Horse-collar (-kol-ler), s. halkah
isi.* (Hind, iialqah).
Horde (hord), s. pasokan orarg mrg- Horse-fly (-lli), s. pikat;* (small-
mhara.* er) largau.
Horizon (ho-ri'zi/n), s. kaki largit,
Horsehair (-liar), s. bulu kuda.
tpi larglt. Horseleech (-lech), s. lintah.
Horizontal (hor-i-zon'tal), adj. Horseman (-man), s. ora^g ber^
mina rata. kuda, orarg innwggatg kuda.
Horn (horn), s. (of animals) tan- Horsemango (-mang-go), s. ba-
dok; (of a rhinoceros) sumhu cJuug, macharg,* rnmbachaig.*
hadak, chula* hadak; (wind in- Horseplay (-pla), s. main kasar.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, -connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Horsepower (-pow-er), s. khuaian (personally) berstru;* (of a com-

kuda, kuasa psaivat* A 3 HP mon enemy) bermusoli.
Hostility s. perstrU"
engine, enjin tiga kuda. (hos-til'i-ti),

Horserace (-ras), s. lumha knda. an* permusohan; see above.

Horseradish (-rad-ish), s. rmurg- Hot (hot), adj. panas, hargat; (of
slight ieyeY)ddar; (severe fever)
gai* kelor (a tree).
Horseshoe (-shod), s. hd kuda, pijar;* (of passion) berarg* gm-
bera;* (of spices) pdas; (feeling
spatu kuda, ladam'^ kuda.
hot with perspiration) rirnas*
Horsewhip (-whip), s. chmti,'^
Inias (B.). In hot water, terkna
bndii. See heat.
Hortatory (hor'ta-to-ri), adj. yarg Hotbed s. tanah beratap-
mmbri muihat* ptiaj^ihat* yaty (hot'bed),
kacha spaya mriapkan tan-arn-
mmhri ajaran balk (B.).
Horticulture (hor'ti-kul-chur), s.

'ilmu bertanam
'ilmu Hotch-potch (hoch'poch), s. cham'
pur-baur* champur gaul.
sayur dan pokok buah-buahan. Hotel (h5-ter), s. rumah tumparg'
Hosanna (ho-zan'na), s. uchapan
an, rumah makan, panchans.*
puji. Hot-headed (hot'hed'ed), adj. Ikas
Hose (hoz), s. (stocking) sarorg- mar ah, pmarah,* prampus.*
kaki; (a pipe) paip kain, paip Hothouse (-hows), s. rumah ber-
atap dan berdindirg kacha.
Hosier (ho'zher), s. oratg berkdai strika
Hotpress (-pres), v. t. (D.
saroig-kaki dan s-bagai-iya.
Hosiery (-i), s. sarotg-kaki dari s- Hot-tempered (tem'perd), adj. p-
bagai-rya. niana.^/^ pmarah, pradarg.*
Hospitable (hos'pi-ta-bl), adj. yarg Hough (hok), V. t. ktirg.*
.^uka mnjamu* yarg mnjambot Hound (hownd), s. anjiig perburu-
oraig dagauj. an, anjirg mmburu (B.).
Hospital (-tal), s. riimah sakit. Hound, V. i. burn. To hound on,
Hospitality (-tal'i-ti), s. pri mn- hurkan,* amt,* usot (B.) ;
jamu orarg; prir* Mkarakan (animals) oja.*
orarg dagarg. Hour (owr), s. jam; (time) waktu.
Host (host), s. (army) intra,'^ bala- At what hour ? pukol brapa f
tntra;"^ (throng) perkumpolan, Hourglass (owr'glas), s. jarn pasir.*
orarg ramai; (one who entertains) Hour! (hdo'ri or howri), s. bida-
pnjamu;* (landlord of an inn) dari.
tuan rumah tumpaigan. Hourly (owr'li), adv. tiap-tiap jam,
Host, s. (term used by Eoman Ca- s-jam s-kali; (frequently) krap-
tholics for consecrated bread) roti krap; (continually) sntiasa (Sk.).
smbahyarg. House (hows), s. (building) r-
Hostage (hos'tej), s. orarg yarg di- rnah; (large dwelling) gdorg; (in
srahkan k-pada miisoh akan rrvrg- speaking of one^s own) trafak,*
aku perjanjian, orarg sandaran/^ pondok; (household) rumah targ-
orarg targg organ. ga; (family) vii rumah, kaum-
Hostess (host'es), s. prempnan yarg kluarga,* chiketveh (B.) ; (tribe,
mnjamu/^ istri pnjamu.* race) suku-bargsa.* To keep
Hostile (hos'tll or hos'til), adj. house, berrumah-targga. To keep

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mint^s, cure, injure,
hurry; fdod, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
open house, snfiasa herjamu.^ However, conj. (notwithstanding)
To go from house to house, mn- dalam pada itu; (yet) ttapi.
jajah rurnali. Howitzer (how'its-er), s. tomoig,"^ .

House (howz), v. t. (as people or mriam katak.'^

cattle) tumpaiy'kan; (Xaut., of Howl (howl),v. i. (of dogs) loloig;-
spars) tuninl'an, guntorgkan. (of children) lalak; (wail) ratap~
Houseboat (hows'bot), s. praliu (loud weeping) raorg.
I'uaikan. Howsoever (how-s5-ev'er), adv^
Housebreaking (-bi-ak-iug), s. lial hgimana skali pun.
mmcliah rumah, sain on. Hub (hub), s. (of a wheel) gantarg-

Housefly (-fli), s. lalat. (/antair/,'^^ buyorg roda (P.).

Household (-hold), s. isi rumah, Hubble-bubbie (hub'bl-bub'bl), s.
l-aum (Ar.), I'aum Mnarga,'^ chi- ogah/'' gudu-guduf see hookah.
keireh (B.) (Ch. chit-l-e-'e ?). Hubbub s.
(-bub), iigar-irgar/'^
Householder (-er), s. titan rumali.
rioh-rendah, rioh-rndali (B.).
Housekeeper (-kep-er), s. (head Huckster (huks'ter), s. imjaja.
servant) prempuan Ictua rumali. Huddle (hud'dl), v. i. herkrumun.
Housekeeping (-ing), s. herja ru- Hue (hu), s. werna, orna (B.)>
mah. Hue and cry, tmpek-sorak.
Housemaid (-mad), s. prempuan Huff (huf), s. (scab) krupirg, kro-
oraig gaji. prempuan makan gaii perg (B.) ; (rage) raj ok, ragam.
(B.). Hug (hug), V. t. pick; (more close-
Housewife (-wif), s. islrr' tuan-
ly) dakap;-^ (hold fast) pgarg^
rumali, ahli 'l-hait (Ar.). To hug the land
pegarg (B.).
Housework (-werk), s. kerja ru-
(Xaut.), nmjusor pantai.
Hovel (hovVl), Hug, s. plok, dakap.^
s. poiidok, tratah.^
Huge (hHj), adj. bsar skali, amat
Hover (hov'er), v. i. (in flight) am-
bsar/"^ nmbaig,'^ hagor."^
harg* duyorgf^ (hang about as a Hulk ter^
(hulk), s. kapal yarg
thief) imharg-imbarg.'^ chabot iiarg.
How (how), adv. hgimana, htapa/'' Hull (hul),
s. (of rice, etc.) kulit;
apa marJiam, mana,
How do you do ? apa hha- (after removal) skam; (of a ship-
or boat) hadan kapal, badan prahu^
barf How far? hrapa jauh?
How How Hull, V. t. (by peeling off, as maize)
brapa lama?
much? brapa, brapa lierga? How kupas; (by pounding, as rice)
often? brapa kali?
Howbeit (al-
Huller (liurier), s. (pounder work-
(how-be'it), conj.
ed by the foot) Isorg hindek,^ Isorcf
tliough) surggoh pun; (neverthe-
less) ttapi.
Howdah (how'da), s. rcigka^' ha-
Hum (hum), s. drgoig; (of a top)

lohan.* srirg; (of conversation) drgoig,.

However (how-ev'er). adv (in drgam;"^' (in the ears) dsirg, big-
whatever manner) hgimana pun; anj.""

(in an}' case) dalam pada itu. Hum, V. i. berdigouj, hersriigr bfr-
However Imd, .s-jaJiaf-nja/-' hgl- siorgf^ berdsirg.
mana jaltat pun. However great,
Human (hu'man), adj. manusia
hgimana b.sar. (a), orarg (a), chara manusia.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thiu
Humane (lifi-man'), adj. murah Humour, v. t.
(indulge) manjakan,.
liati, hrl mvka; pujok.
Humanitarian (Im-man-i-tar'i-an) , Hump (hump), s. horgkol* horg-
= HUMANE, q. V. gol,'^' gmhol, ponok* klasa."^

Humanity (hu-man'i-ti), s. (man- Humpback (-bak), s. oraiy horgkok.

kind) manusia; (humane feel- Humus (liu'mws), s. tanah baja
ings) kmurahan piyasehan.
liati, daun.
Humanize (hu'man-iz), v. t. (soft- Hunch (hunch), s. (lump) ktid;
en, make gentle) Imhothan, jinak-
= HUMP, q. V.
lean; (refine, civilize) lialushan, Hunch, V. t. (with the elbow)
mnibaihi/'' tmhif' (crook the back) horgkok-
Humanly (-li), adv. chara manusia. kan.
Humbie (hum'bl), adj. (not pre- Hunchback (-bak), s. orarg borg-
tentious) hina, rndah; (not kok.
proud) rndah liati. Hundred (hun'dred), adj. ratus.
Humble, v. t. hitiakan, mdakl'an. Hundred, s. ratus.
Humble-bee (-be), s. Tcuinbarg. Hundredth (-dredth), s. perratus.'^'
Humbug (hum'bug), s. (a trick, Hundred-weight (-wat), s. tim-
deceit) tipu-daj/a, dusta/^ auta, ho- hargan Irggris -112 pound.
; (imposter) pnipu, pndusta/^ Hunger (hung'ger), s. lapar, k-
pmholioig, pmhual, tmherarg (S.). Japaran; (excessive) kmarok/^ bii-
Humbug, V. t. tipu, hiiat dusta,^ hir, bolor (B.), kbtduran.
jjerdayal'an.'^ Hunger, i. v.
lapar, berlapar;
Humdrum (-drum), adj. tiada der- (eagerly desire) irgin, rindu.
ohali-ohah, s-raqaia, itu-itu juqa Hungry (-gri), adj. lapar; (exces^
(B.). sive) bidur, bolor (B.) : (after
Humid (bu'mid), adj. hnbap, Irgas, illness) kmarok; (and left with^
'mhal ;'^ (of the ground) ramhah.'^ out food) kbulor-kblaiJ^^
Humidity (hii-mid'i-ti), s. (as on Hunk (hungk), s. ktid."^

sugar) Irgas. Hunt (hunt), v. t. (chase) burn,

Humiliate (hu-miri-at), y.i. rndah- nsir/^ kjar; (seek) chari; (ver-
kan, hinakan. min in liair) slisek.^ To hunt
Humility (-ti), s. rndah hati, k- up, preksa, slidek/'' siasat (Ar.).
rndahan hati. Hunt, V. i. berburu.
Humming-bird (lium'ming-berd), Hunt, s. (chase) perburiian,
s. spall putri/^ (search) lial mnchari.
Hummock (-mok), s. murgalf Hunter (-er), s. pmburu.
see HILLOCK. Hunting (-ing), s. perburuan.
Humorist (hu'mer-ist or li'mer-ist), Huntsman (hunts'man), s. gmbala'
oraig klakar, orarg jnaka.'^ anjirg perburuan.
Humorous (-?/s), adj. pnemavja,"^ Hurdle (her'dl), s. pagar sasak."^'
herjnakar sloroh, suka chakap Hurl (herl), v. t. lempar, lotar/
hasi tertawa (B.). lontar, balirg,'^ heban.'^
Humour (hu'mer or u'mer), s. Hurlyburly (heii'i-berri), s. huru-
(state of mind) prargai, rsmi; li ara.
(facetiousness) jnaka."^' Good Hurrah (hur-ra'), int. hore (E.).
humour, hati tnarg. Bad humour, bmyi sorak orarg put eh.
hati kusut. Hurricane (hiir'ri-kan), s. ribot

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mini<s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
to fan, topaiij (Ar. Tan fan). Hur- Husky (-i), adj. garau* parau,*
ricane lamp, lantirg (E.), lantera srak.
(Port.). Hussar (huz-zar'), s. soldado ber-
Hurriedly (hur'rid-li), adv. gopoJi- kuda, orarg kndaraan.^
gopoh, golot-golot* drgan sgra, Hussy (hus'si or huz'zi), s. prem-
kochoh-hochoh, gopoh-gapah,* puan kurarg sopan.
Jiurry (hur'ri), v, i. hergopoh, her- Hustings (hus'tingz), s. parggoig.
sgra, hafgat,* ITcas. Hustle (hus'l), V. t. (push) toJak,
Hurry, v. t. haigatVan,^ sgral'an, tnipoh; (with the elbow) sigorg.
Ika^kan, hjan'^ (W.). Hustle, V. i. (force one's way) tm-
Hurry, s. gopoh, sgra. pah, rmpoh;* (hurry) gopoh-
Hurry-scurry (-skur'ri), adv. go- gopoh, kochoh-kochoh, kinchatg-
poh-gapah,* tersra-sra,^ hincharg- kirap.
hirap. Hut (hut), s. pondok, tratak;*
Hurt (hert), v. t.
(cause pain) sahiti, (temporary) daigau,'^ sapau;*
sakithan; (injure, harm) rosakkan, (made by fowlers) bumbun.
hnchanakan; (wound the feelings) Hutch (huch), s. rban, sargkar.*
kcliilkan hati, kchikkan hati (B.). Hybrid (hi'brid), s. baka champur-
See PAIN. an.
Hurt, s.
(wound) luka; (injury) Hydrant (hl'drant), s. midut tali
hnckana. ayer bomba, mulut paip.
Hurtful (hert'fool), adj. herhn- Hydraulic (hi-draw'lik), adj. ayer
chana, yarg rtirosakkan, yarg mu- (a), deri'pada ayer, drgan kuasa
dlarat (Ar.). ayer. Hydraulic jack, bichu*
Husband (huz'band), s. laki; (po- bomba. Hydraulic press, apitan*
lite form) svami (Sk.). bomba. Hydraulic mining, kerja
Husband, v. t. simpan, chermat- parit,'^ lampan mlereh* (Ch. lam-
kan.^ pdn) ; (by monitors) tembak.^
Husbandman (-man), s. pladarg, Hydraulics (-liks), s. 'ilmu psawat"^
orarg herlmma.* ayer.
Husbandry (-ri), s. kerja pladaig, Hydrocele (hi'dro-sel), s. burnt ^
perhumaan.^ mkit pasaig-pasaigan, sakit bodek,
Hush (hush),int. diam! 's! argin pasarg-pasarg (B.).
Hush, V. t.(make quiet) dmmkan; Hydrogen (hi'dro-jen), s. s-jnis
(as a child) ulit.* To hush up, wap yarg amat rergan.
raliMakan,* tutop. Hydrography (hi-drog'ra-fi) s. ,

Hush, V. i. berdiam diri. 'ilmu mnduga dan mnulis pta lant.

Hush, s. sntifap. Hydropathy (hl-drop'a-thi), s. 'il-
Husk (husk), s. (of maize) hulit, mil rmyobati digan ayer.
klorgsoig ; (of rice, etc.) kulit; Hydrophobia (hl-dro-fo'bi-a), s.

(after removal) skam; (of the gila anjug.

coco-nut) sabot. Hyena s. dhih'u
(bi-e'na), (Ar.).
Husk, V. t. (by peeling off) kuliti,^ Hygiene (hrji-en or hi'jen) s. Hlmu
kupas, kobak,* kobek (B.) ; (re- .Hehat (At. &iiuiat).
move the sabot of a coconut) gti- Hymn (him), s. sha'ir puji-pujian,
bal;* (by pounding, as rice) tum- maulud (Ar.), dzikir (Ar.).
bok; (by pinching, as birds) ku- Hymnal (him'nal), s. kifab puji-
tu.* pujian, kilab manlud (Ar.).

a.tc, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirroi*; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, ns, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; fo5d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Hyperbole (lii-per'bo-li), s. per- timate friends) kami;* (to supe-

kataan yaiy mlampaui* hlampau- riors) sahya, snda* hamha/' ham-
an* chakap yarg Ibeh deri-pada ba-timn* patek;* (among princes)
patut (B.). beta;* (between husband and wife,,
Hypercritical (hl-per-krit'i-kal), between the nobility, and generally
adj. (captious) sargat pnchlaf in letter writing) kakanda/^ adin-
(excessively exact) sa^yat pry- daj* (of an elderly man speaking
lideJc,'^' terlalu pandai Mam (Ch.) to younger men) mamandn;'^
(B.). (speaking to his own family)
Hyphen (lii'fen), s. tanda samhorg- ayahnda;"^ (used gen. by Euro
an surat -
[ ] .
peans) sahya; (by Chinese) goa.
Hypnotism (hip'no-tizm), s. 'ilmu Ice (is), 6. ayer batu, ayer bku*
pllap,'* 'ilmu prgundaryj^ *ilmu Ice chest, pti ayer batit. Ice
hasi orarg tidor (B.)- cream, aiskrim (E.), es putaran
Hypnotize (-tiz), v. t. llaplcan, (N.I.).
kandarg,'^' tidorkan (B.). Ice, V. t. sjokkan drgan ayer batu^
Hypochondriac (liip-o-kon-drrak), ayer-batunkan;'^ (with icing, as
yarg mryaigkakan diri sakit.
s. cakes)
Hypochondriasis (-a-sis), s. hal Iceberg (is'berg), s. apo7g ayer batu.

miyargkakan diri sakit. Icebound (-bownd), adj. terskat

Hypocrisy (hi-pok'ri-si), s. pura- oleh ayer bain.
pura* inuka-iiiukay siai-siat (B.) Icicle (-i-kl), s. pmtaian ayer bku*
(Ch.). Icing (-ing), s. gula sira*
Hypocrite (hip'-o-krit), s. orarg Icon (I'kon), s. gambar.
pura-p'ura,^ oraig dua muka, mu- Iconoclast (i-kon'o-klast), s. orarg
nafik (Ar.). yarg mrosakkan berhala \_datob
Hypocritical (-krit'i-kal), adj. (B.)].
pura-p lira /^ muka-7nnka, siat-siat Icy (i'si), adj. (abounding in ice)
(B.) Hypocritical smile,
(Ch.) berayer batu; (cold) sjok, ditgin;*
snryum rajaf^ snnjum kambirg,* (of manner) kras, tgar.*
Hypodermic (M-po-der'mik), adj. Idea (i-de'a), s. (mental image)
di lawah kulit. Hypodermic irgatan, fikiran; (conception) p^
syringe, homha mnanam ohat di rgertian; (apprehension) pndapat-
haivah kulit. an; (notion, thought) sargka; (in-
Hypothecate (hi-poth'e-kat), v. t. tention, design) argan-argan*
gadai. niat, inaksud, chita-chita* akhtiar
Hypothesis (-sis), s. arggaran, per- (Ar. ikhtidr).
saiykaan. Ideal (-al), adj. (mental) pad-a
Hypothetical (hl-po-thet'i-kal), irgatan; (faultless) smpurna;
adj. yarg di-sargka. (imaginary) yarg di-satgka-sarg^
Hyssop (his'sop), s. zufa (Ar). ka.
Hysterics (his-ter'iks), s. s-J7iis Ideal, s. (standard of perfection)
pryakit s'akan-akan latah* \mlatah tujuan. The ideal of beauty, k'^
(B.)]. elokan yarg smpurnu.
Idealize (-iz), v. t, fikirkan sm-^
(i), pron. (addressing equals or Identical (i-den'ti-kal), adj. sama
inferiors) aku;* (equals or in- skali, sania s-rupa, sama s-jnis.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws. cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, avvfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

identification (-fi-ka'shzm), s. pri Idyll (i'dil or id'il), s. pantun,

m rg sail Ji a 71* (Ar. sh), prgndlan. sloha*
Identify (-fi), v. t. (make to be the If (if), conj. jiha,^ jihalan, halau,
same) samal-an, stujukan; (estab- jiha s-hira-nja* hira-iya* larnun*
lish the identity) njatakan per- walaii (Ar.). As if, spertihan,
sama'an, salihan (Ar.), Imal. s'ahan-ahan.-^
Identity (-ti), s. persama'an. Igneous (ig'ni-2^s), adj. (of the
Idiocy (icVi-o-si), s.
Tilxuraiyan 'dkdl, nature of fire) berapi. Igneous
Isasaran. rocks, batu di-lbor api.
Idiom (-om), s. jalan hliasa. Ignis fatuus (ig'nfs fat'u-ws), s.
Idiomatic (id-i-o-mat'ik), adj. yaiy jrambaig.^^
mnurut jalan hhasa. Ignite (ig-nlf), V. i. (begin to burn)

Idiosyncrasy (-sing'kra-si), s. ta- benyala, mvjala.

hi'at sndiri, tahi'at masinj-masirg , Ignite, V. t. pasarg api, chuchoh^*
tahiat yarg plek* Metah.* lyaJahan.
Idiot (id'i-ot), s. oraiy sasar, omig Ignition (ig-nish'un), s pri* m-
I'urarg Uil'al, orarg trgah tiarg;^ njala, njaJa'an.
(as a term of reproach) oraiy bo- Ignoble (-nd'bl), adj. (not noble,
doh, halilid'^ (Ar. hidiltd). humble) rndah, hina; (base) hjL^
Idiotic (-ot'ik), adj. (crazy) sasar; Ignominious (-no-min'i-i^s), adj.
malu, 'aib (Ar.).
(foolish) hodoli.
Idle (i'dl), adj. (lazy) malas, hlesa/^ Ignominy (ig'no-min-i), s. hchla'-
chidas* chleh,^ piy^f^^'^y ptyegan an, malu, 'aib (Ar.). To suffer

(B.) ; (unemjDloyed, inactive) ignominy, hna malu, dapat malu.

tiada hherja. Ignoramus (-ra'mws), s. oraiy bo-
Idle, V. i. lelia, buat malas, lalai, doh, bahlul (Ar.).
fiiakan tidor saliaja. Ignorance (-rans) hbodohan.
Idleness (-nes), s. hmalasan, Jc- bbalan, hal ta'sdar; see below.
chulasan/^ pnjegan (B.). The times of ignorance, zaman
Idol (i'dol), s. herliala,* patoig, to- jahiUah (Ar.).
pel'oig (Ch.), datoh (B.). Ignorant (-rant), adj. (destitute
Idolater (i-dolVter), s. orarg yarg of kuowlege) bodoh, bbal, hurarg

jiuymbah berhala* prymbah ber- pah am, jahil (Ar.) ; (unaAvare)

ha/a,'"^ oranj yarg smbah datoh drgan tiada talru, iasdar.
(B.). Ignore (ig-nor'), v. t. la man html,
Idolatrous (-trws), adj. yaiy miyni- iapandarg muha, tiada anibil tahu,
IkiIi hcrhala.-^ Idolatrous worship, taidrau.'^
srnbaliyaig k-pada berliala/^ smbah- Iguana (i-gwa'na), s. s-jnis blawah
yarg data k (B.). Idolatrous sacri- di negri Ameriha.
fices, persmbahan k-pada berhala,"^ Ill (il), adj. (sick) sahit; (of prin-
smbalujarrj da I oh j)iinfa bararg (bad) ta'baik, jahat.
ces) grirgf^
(B.).' J 11 at ease, tasnarg hati, hhua-
Idolatry (-tri), s. smbahyarg h-pada lir, charggotg, hehoh. Ill breed-

berhala/^ smbahyarg datoh (B.). ing, hurargbhasa, huranj ajar

Idolize (I^hd-Tz), v. t. (make into (B.). fame, imma jahaL
an idol) jadihan berhala;'^ (love House of ill fame, rnmah jalaig,^
to excess) gilakan. rumah sundal, rumah prempuan

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ten.

jahat. Ill humour, iahailc liati. tasopan, kuratg adab (Ar.), balek
Ill will, i^ahit hati. adab,'^ biadab (Pers.).
Ill, (injury) hnchana; (wicked-
s. Illness (il'nes), s.pnjakit; (of prin-
ness) salah, kjahatan. ces) gritrj.'^
Ill-bred (il'bred'), adj. kuraiy ajar, Ill-natured (il'na'churd), adj. hati
kitrarg bfiam, kasar. tabaik, prargai jahat.
Ill-conditioned (irkon-dish'//nd) , Illogical (il-loj'i-kal), adj. tiada
adj. praKjai jahat. mbit* di 'akal (Ar. ihdbit), t'ada
Ill-considered (irkon-sid'erd), adj. jatan (B.).
kuratg /i/cir. Ill-omened (irrVmend), adj. sial,
illegal (il-le'gl), adj. yarg mlarg- 'aJaniat- tya tab aik .

gar liuhum, salah, haram (Ar.), Ill-starred (il'stard') adj. ta'baik

huggar Jo (E. law) (B.) ; (not ktika-iya, sial, matarg.
Aalid) tiada mh; (prohibited) Ill-tempered (il'tem'perd), adj.
pantarg. pr}gus,'^ prargai tabaik.
Illegible (il-lej'i-bl), adj. iiada da- Ill-timed (il'tlmd'), adj. salah k-
pat di-bacha, taholeh bacha (B.). tika-iya.
Illegitimate (il-le-jit'i-met), a'lj. Illtreat (il-tref), v. t. aniayakan,
(unlawful) yarg mJarggar hu- bergkerg.*
I'wm, haram (Ar.) ; (bastard) Illude (il-lud'), v. t. tipu, ssatkan,
anah gampaig,^ anak suridal, anak smu.''^

haram, anak tanikah (Ar.), anak Illuminate (il-hl'min-at), v. t. trarg-

ta.'kahwin (B.). anak berkndak kan, lyatakan ; (with a torch)
(B.). suloh; (as buildings) pasaiy api.
Ill-fated (il'fatV^d), adj. slat, nasib lUuminated manuscripts, sarat
fa'baik. be r burg a.
Ill-favoured (irfa'verd), adj. Illumination (il-lu-min-a'shwn), s.
odoh^' burok (B.). (act of illimiinating) hal nmrarg'
Ill-gotten (il'got'ten), adj. Ill- kaii: (that which illuminates)
gotten gains, laba yarg haram,* trarg, kiyata'an, chahya.
nntorg yarg taberkai (B.). Illusion (il-lu/zlH/n), s. kssatan,
Illiberal (il-lib'er-al), adj. kikir,"^ smu,* salah sargka.
lokek, kiam-siap (Ch.) (B.). Illusive (-siv), adj. yarg mrysatkan,
Illicit (il-lis'it), adj. larargan, pan- yarg mnjmu,* tiada sunjgoh, palsu.
targ, tettgaJi* Illicit opium, Illusory (-so-ri), adj, yatg mrysat-
chandu glap. Illicit intercourse, kan, yaig mnjmu,'^' bohorg.
z in a ( A r. ) ,
buat jahat. Illustrate (il'lus-trat), v. t. (make
Illimitable (
U-lim'it-a-bl), adj. clear, bright, intelligible) trarg-
tiada bpcrhirgga'an,* tiada ber- kan, ryatakan; (explain) traigkan,
hitgga,'^' tiada berhad (Ar.). artikan; (by examples) umpama-
Illiterate (il-lit'er-et), adj. tiada kan, 'ibaratkan, niesalkan, kias-
berplajaran, tiada berilmu,'^ ta'- kcm* (Ar.) (by pictures) gam-

tahu surat (B.). barkan, hiasi drgan gwmbar.'^

Ill-judged (il'jujd'), adj. kurarg Illustration (il-lus-tra'shwn) s,
timbarg. (act of illustrating) hal mnrafy-
Ill-luck (iriuk'), s. malarg, nntoig kan, etc., as above; (that which
jafiat* chtaka, nasib ta'baik. illustrates) knjata'an, prgertian,
Ill-mannered (il'man'nerd), adj. perumpama'an, 'ibarat, mesal (Ar.
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimis, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
mithal), I'im* (Ar. qiaf<) :
(pic- I Imitative (im'i-ta-tiv), adj. yarg
ture) (/anilxir. iiniirn,'-^ yaiy ninurnt.
Illustrative (il-lus'tra-tiv), adj. Imitator (-ter). s.
yajy iiniraifjlan, etc., as above. Immaculate (im-mak'u-let), adj
Illustrious (il-lus'tri-'Z/s), adj. ma- iiada bervlila, tiada berchachat
soli or (Ar. inaKhkiir), ternama, bersidi.
i em (una, mulia. Immanent (im'ma-nent), adj. ha-
Ill-will (ilVir), s. dndain, sahit dUr (Ar.). 1
Iwfi. Immaterial (not
(-ter-i-flrl), adj.
Image (iin'ej), s. patory, gamhar, corporeal) tiada berhnbaya/^ bu-
Tupa, iuladan ; (idol) herhala* l-ari jasnumi (Ar.). fada badan
datoJi' (B.) :
(in a glass or lense) (B.) (unim|)ortant) tiada mry-

hayaty. apa, tiada brat, tiada pnfiry*

Imagery (im'a-jer-i or im'ej-ri), s.
Immature (im-ma-tiir'), adj. (of
(images in general) gainlar; fruits) mud a; (of children) tryah
(inental) ityalan. naiJi% budah lagi, blum baUyh
Imaginable (Ar.) ; (of plans) blum smpurua,
(iin-aj'in-a-bl), adj.
blum siap.
yary di-saryka.
Imaginary Immaturity (-i-ti),s. (of children)
(-a-ri), adj.
yary di-saiyhi; (not real) bul-an-
Immeasureable (im-me/h'ur-a-bl ) ,
adj. tiada bperhiryya'an* tiada
Imagination (-a'slu/n), s. sarylca-
berlmyga* tiada terhitory, tiada
mnjl^a hafi, fil'lran liafi, atyan-
terhisdh'^' (Ar. mmb).
Immediate (im-me'di-et), adj. (not
Imaginative (-a-tiv). adj. yary m-
HiiJrid'an. separated) rapat, dkat; (not de-
Imagine v. laying) yaiy serta-merta, yarg
(im-aj'in), t. fihirlan,
syra, dryaii s-bntar.
miyl-akan .

Imagine, v. i.
Immediately (-li). adv. (without
fJVir, irgat, saiyl'a.
Imbecile delay) scrta-merta, s-bntar itu
(iin'be-sel). adj. samr,
jiiya, s-bntar-bntar, dryan syra, ini
kuraiy 'alcaL
jiiya, lantas (X.I.).
Imbecility (-siri-ti), s. l-msaran.
Immemorial (im-me-mor'i-crl), adj.
Imbed (im-bed'), v. t. hnam.
yaiy tiada teriryat. From tim&
Imbibe (drink) mi-
(iin-bib'), v. t.
immemorial, deri zanian perba-
num; (suck in) liimp; (absorb
into the mind) trima. Immense (im-mens'), adj. amat
Imbrue (im-broo'), v. t. rndaiii. bsar* bukan bvatan, sargat bsar.
Imbue (im-bii'), v. t. m, pnolihan. Immerse (im-mers'), v. t. (in a
Imitate (im'i-tat) y. t. (follow a fluid) rndani, achap; (as men
pattern) tiru :'^' (follow example) or animals) slanihin; (dip) ch-
il'iif, tn7'uf. chaiyl'ol';* (counter- lop, chclwli/^ c/iichah (P.) (en- :

feit) /?>?/,* lanchoiykan;* (mi- gross, as in work) l-ambtis.'^

mic) ajol'. Immersed (im-mersf), adj. (in
Imitation (ini-i-ta'sli^/n), s. (act of work) sibol% turyhus-himus:* (in
imitating) pri mniru* pri mry- water, earth, etc., Imt partly show-
ikut, etc., as above; (copy) tiru' ing) tcrbnam.
an* lanchorgan* Immersion (im-mer'shwn), s. hal

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hiirry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tJiGU.
iiirndam, lial mnclilop; see i:m:- I m m u tab i I i
ty ( im-mu-ta-bil'i-ti ) ,
J\tEKSE. s. /vri* tiada berobah.
Immigrant (im'mi-graiit), s. oraty Immutable (im-nuVta-bl), adj.
diiijanj. oniry berpindah. yaig tiada da pat di-obalikan, tiada
Immigrate (-grat), v. i. masoh ber- terobali, tiada berobah, ttap.
dagcuii,^ dataig berpindafi. Imp (imp), s. anal' set an (Ar. sliai-'

Imminent (-nent), adj. yarg Jm- T(hi), see IMPISH.

dah mmmpa, dhat. Imminent Impact (im'pakt), s. laiygaraip,
danger, bahija yarg hndak mniui- till
pa. Impair (im-par'), v. t. (make less)
Immobility (im-mo-biri-ti), s. pri karargkan; (make worse) rosak"
iiada bergral', hitapan. kan; (make weak) Imahkan.
Immoderate (im-mod'er-et), adj. Impale (im-pal'), v. t. sula (Sk.),
(eriampau, terlampon (B.), ter- Impalpable (im-parpa-bl), adj.
lampau deri-pada 'adat, yarg m- be felt) tiada berrasa;
IbeJii jaigka,^ Ibeh deri-pada pa- (not corporeal) tiada berlmbaga*
tut, terlalu satyat. Impanel (im-pan'el), v. t. daftar-
Immodest (im-mod'est), adj. yarg kan (Ar.).
tiada tnnaroh snpan, tiada ber- Impart (im-parf), v. t. (give a
hiiila. fiiida snonoh, bisL'^ share)
bhagikatr; (communicate)
Immodesty (-es-ti), adv. prv^ tiada kasi taliu (B.).
bri, bri taliu,
snojiok. Impartial (im-par'shal), adj. tiada
Immolate (im'mo-lat), v. t. Jcorban- chndrorg, tiada l)rat sblah, tiada
han* (Ay. gurbdn). sf)hih-rnryblah, 'adil.
Immoral (im-mor'al)^ adj. tiada Impartiality (im-par-shi-ari-ti), s.

bnar, jahat, chabol* luclioJi, fasih kUiditan.

(Ar.)." Impassable (im-pas'a-*bl), adj. ti-
Immorality (im-rao-i'ari-ti), .. Ic- ad a dapat di-tatui,* tiada dapat
ja h (I tan .
perchab olan* I uchah .
di-jalani,* tiada tertintas,'^ ta'-
Immortal (im-mor'tol), adj. yarg bote ft jalan (B.) small to ; (too
tiada aJcari mati, ymg mnorgJcat get through) tiada lulns*
tniyit. kl'al, bal'a (Ar. haqcV). Impassioned (im-pash'itnd), adj.
Immortality (im-mclr-tari-ti), s. bersinggo/i-xiiiggoh Imti.
pri'-^' tiada mati, prif^ tiada binasa. Impassive (im-pas'siv), adj. tiada
Immortalize (im-mor'tal-iz), v. t. b per ram' an.
kfvalk-an: (make illustrious) Impatience (im-pa'shens), s. klfii-
tititt)olkun naitta/^ ma.wliorl-an raiyaii sabar, panas darah, glisah,*
nam a (Ar. rnai^hhiir). prfgus;*' as below.
Immovable (im-moov'a-bl), adj. Impatient (-shent), adj. (want of
ijary tiada bergrak, ttap, tgoh, patience) kurarg sabar, panas da-
niantap.''^ rah: (restless) glisali/'' blisah;*
Immune (iju-niuii'), adj. (exempt) (fretful) prrgvs.*
tipbas, 1
pas. Impeach (im-pech'), v. t. (accuse)
Immunity (-i-ti), s. (freedom, ex- tudoh:'^^ (arraign) d'aiva.

emption) Jcbebamn, hlpamn. Impeachment (-nie-nt), s. tudoh-

Immure (im-niur'), v. t. hurorg, an/'' d'aiva.

pirgitf' (in prison) pujaraJran* Impeccable (iui-pekVbl), adj.

jelhan (E.). tiada berdosa.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mm?/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Impecivnious (im-pe-ku'ni-s), adj. Imperishable (im-per'isb-a-bl >.
tiada herwaty, mishin, papa* adj. yaiy tiada rosak, yarg tiada
Impede (iiii-ped'), v. t. (keep back) bina.<a, kkal, haka* (Ar. haqa').
tahan (obstruct) skat, sargkot,
: Impermeable (im-per'mi-a-bl), adj.
(jndalakair' (Sk. kandala). kalix* kdap* see j^ei'K.vetuable.
Impediment (iiii-ped'-i-nient), s. Impersonal (-son-al), adj. yarg
gndaJa/'^ skaian, 'mpairjan, saiy- tiada V ada an sndiri.
koian, aral* (Ar. Uiradl). Impe- Impersonate (-iit), v. t. (endow
diment in speecb, telur, gagap/^ with the form of a human beinE:)
gag ok (B.). jhna (Sk.) ; (represent another
Impel (im-pel'), v. t. impolikan, person) srupa'i* saniari* samar-
hurkan.^ kan diri*
Impend (iin-pend'), v. i. hergari- Impertinent (-ti-ndit), adj. (rude)
ioiy; see I.^tMIXEXT. boigkak* knraiy ajar (B.), (as a
Impenetrability (im-pen'e-tra-bil'- child) Viua*
i-ti), s. pri tiada lid* kbal; ka- Imperturbable (im-per-ter'l)a-bl),
lis* as 1x0 o\v. adj. tiada ierkacliaa, tiada teryrah
Impenetrable (-bl), adj. (to weap- hati-iya, sahar.
ons) ya7g tiada lut* khal; (to Impervious (im-per'vi-i/s), adj.
water) kalis;* (as a net) kdap;* kalis^
(to persons) tiada terlintas* Impetuous (im-pech'n-i/s), adj. (of
Impenitence (-i-t^'ns), s. hal tiada the elements) ylora* tmpoli; (of
hertohat (Ar. taubat), hal tiada persons) pan as da rah.
miysal. Impetus (im'pe-ts), lajak ua-
Impenitent (^t^nt), adj. tiada her- sa lajak-iya.
tohat, tiada m>i/saJ, dgil. Impiety (im-pre-ti), s. hal tiada
Imperative (im-perVtiv), adj. era yam a.

(autboritative) dtyan kras; (obli- Impinge (im-pinj'), v. i. kna.

sratorv) tadapat-tiada, wajih Impious (im'pi-ws), adj. tiaita her-

(Ar.), frrdhi {Ar.j^perJa (X.I.). a(/ama, tiada herhakti k-pada

Imperceptible (im-per-sep'ti-bl), Allah.*
adj. tiada terlihat, tiada nampak, Impish (imp'isb), adj. nakal, dajal,
tiada di-rasa'i. hapril (Ar. 'afrit).
Imperceptibly (-bli), adv. (slow- Implacable (im-phVka-bl), adj.
/ia da / e rdama ika n *
ly) pcrlahan-la/ian, plan-plan. .

Imperfect (im-per'i'ekt), adj. tiada Implant (im-planf), v. t. tanani,

smpurna, kurary smpurna, hlum hnaw.
swpurna, hantut, hcrchdra (Sk.), Implement (im'ple-m^nt), e. per-
herchacJiat. kakas, alat (Ar.).
Imperfection (im-pcr-fek'sbwn), s. Implicate (im'pli-kfit), v. t. (in-
cltdra (Sk.), (harhat. A'olve) niasok, chanipnr, knsnt;
Imperial (im-p("r'i-^d), adj. sultan (as a tin I'd
party) habit.
(a), kraja'an. Implication (-ka'sb/zn). s. (state
Imperial, s. knnds* of being implicated) ;;/{'* masok-
Imperil (im-per'il), v. t. daiaigkan chanipnr: (as a tbird party) hal
hahya, haJiyakan. tcrbahit : (an implyinf^, infer-
Imperious (im-])er'i-ws), adj. som- ence) hal rnndaian/kan, perkara
hoig, bsar liaii. yaig di-datarykan ; see ixfeii.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice. it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minits, cure, injure,
hurry; lood, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
Implicit (im-plis'it), adj. (implied) yaig mrggrakkan hati; (in appear-
terJcandorg ; (without doubt) tgohj ance) sajak^ hebat* toa-pan (B.)
yahin (At.), tiada shak (Ar.). (Ch. tod-pdn).
Implied (im-plid'), adj. (included) Imposition (im-po-zish'-jm), s. (act
terlmndorg, yaty masok. of imposing) hal mrynakan, hal

Implore (im-plor'), v. t. minta, po- mltak : (thing imposed) taiggoiy^

lionkan.^ an: (punishment) hukurnan; (ex-
Imply (im-plf), v. t. (contain b}^ action) aniaya; (imposture) tipu-
implication) kandoixj. daya.
Impolite (im-po-lif), adj. kurarg Impossibility (im-pos-si-bil'i-ti), s.

hhasa, knrarg horwat, kurmif adah

mustahil (Ar.).
(Ar.), liadab (Pers.) ; (of speech) Impossible (im-pos'si-bl), adj. yarg
kasar. tiada boleh jadi, ta'dan* mustahil

Impoliteness (-nes), s. kuratrj hha- (Ar.) ; (as an exclamation) mana

sa, etc., as above. boleh, masakan.'^
Impolitic (im-pol'i-tik), adj. (with-
Impost (im'post), s. chukai, biu
out a policy) tiada bperaturan; (If. I.).

(unwise) tiada berhudi; (inex- Imposter (im-pos'ter), s. pnipu.

pedient) tiada berfa'idali. Imposture (im-pos'chur), s. tipu-
Import (im-porf), v. t. (brin^ in) daya.
hawa masok; (include, imply)
Impotence (im'po-tens), s. (sex^
ual) mati puchok; (weakness) k'
Imahan, letak.*
Import (im'port), s. (merchandise)
dagatyan masok f^ Impotent (-t^nt), adj. (sexually)
(intention, * tiada
7uati puchok; (weak) letak
meaning) maksud, arti, mana
(Ar.), ma'na (B.).
Importance (im-por'tans), s. khrat- Impound (im-pownd'), v. t. kuroiy,
masok paun (E.).*
an, indali, mnstahak (Ar.). To
add to one's own importance, ma- Impoverish (im-pov'er-ish), v. t.

halkan diri.
(make poor) papakan* kasi 7nis-
kin (B.) ; (exiiaust the strength)
Important (-tant), adj. hrat, pn-
Imahkan; (make land sterile) ku-
tiig,^ indah, iniistakak (Ar.), hu-
kan kpalaiy, hukan haraig-hararg ,'^
b u kan s-ba rarg ( B ) . .
Impracticable (im-prak'ti^ka-bl) ,

adj. yarg tiada berlaku* yaty tiada

Importer yarg mmbawa
(-ter), s.
jadi, mustahil (Ar.).
dagargan* masok [bararg (B.)]. sum-
Imprecate (im'pre-kat), v. t.
Importunate (-tu-net), adj. yarg
pahi, kutoki.
uireiyek-rergek, chrewet.
Imprecation (-ka'shwn), s. s-umpah,
Importune (im'por-tun'), v. t. re- ktitok, srapah,"^ sranah.
rgek-rergek, doigerg* kechek. Impregnable (im-preg'na-bl), adj.
Igiportunity (-i-ti), s. doryetyj* tiada akan tiada teralah'
reigek-rergek, kechek. kan.'^
Impose (im-pos'), v. t. (lay on, in- Impregnate (-niit), v. t. (make
tiict) Itak, knakan, jatohkan. pregnant) bvntitykan, hamilkan
Impose, V. i. To impose
on, impose (Ar.)'; (of fruit) bri berbuah;
upon, tipu, perdayal-an.^ (infuse, imbue, fill) pnohi, masoki.
Imposing (-ino), adj. (impressive) Impress (im-pres'), v. t. (imprint)

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

chap, U-an chap, chitahkan/^ (fix haik, hertamhah haik; (increase)

in the mind) tanam, mtrail'an;* hertamhah; (advance) majii*
(take by force, as sailors) Icrah- jadi: (in health) haik, blah,*
/I'an* srnhoh*
Impress (im'pres), s. chap, M'as. Improvement (-nif^nt), s. tamhah-
Impression (im-presh'wn), s. an. kmajuan.'^'
(stamp, mark) chap, hkas; (effect, Improvidence (im-prov'i-dens), ^.

influence) hkas, g rah'an: (remem- kurarg cherniat, khorosan.

brance) perhyatan. It left a Improvident (-d<^nt), adj. ta'cher-
strong impression on my mind, mat, horos.
ieniwl-aii k-dalam hati sahya. Improvise (im'pro-viz), v. i. (in
Impressive (im-pres'iv), adj. yaiy verse) herpantun.
mnigrak'kan hail. Imprudence (im-pr6("/dens), s. kn-
Imprimatur (im-pri-ma'ter), s. izin rarg itgat, kurarg jag a.
ninchapli'an. Imprudent (-dent), adj. kuratg
Imprint (im-prinf), v. t. cliapl'an, irgat. kiiratg jaga.
niiraiJi-an.'^' Impudence (im'pu-dens), s. horg-
Imprison (im-priz'n), v. t. (in kak,* slamha,* karaiy malu; as
gaol) pnjarahan,^ jelJcan (E.) ; below.
(confine) hiiroty, pity it* saiylmr- Impudent (-dent), adj. (bold, im-
han^ ]
)ertinent ) h orgkak ;*
shameless, (

Imprisonment (-ment), s. hal kna immodest) slamha* ta'hermalu,

pnjara,^ hal kna jel (E.). rnuka thai; (as a child) rnua.*
Improbability (im-prob-a-bil'i-ti), Impugn (im-piin'), v. t. hantahi*
s. hal ilada di-nantikan, hal tiada lawan kata.
di-harap. Impulse (im'puls), s. grak'an.
Improbable (imnprob'a-bl), adj. Impulsive (im-pnJ'siv), adj. panas
yarn fiada di-migka, yatjj tiada dl- da rail.
harap, fa'boleh di-tunalkan* Impunity (im-pu'ni-li), s. kheha^-
Impromptu (im-promp'tu), adj. an, hal tiada kna hukiim.
yatrj tiada di-.^diakan, serfa-merta. Impure (im-pfir'), adj. tiada suchi,
Improper (im-prop'er), adj. (nn- kotor, chniar;* (cerempnially) na-
tit) fiada patut, fiada layak: (un- jis,haram (At. iiarnm) ; (lewd)
becoming) ia'smrggah* chrohoh* cliahol* hichal}.
tiada monoh; (not suitable) tiada Impurity (-i-ti), s. kchrnaran* ko-
s-rasi. tor, najis, luchah : as above.

Improperly (-li), adv. tiada k- Imputation (im-pu-ta'sh^/n),

talman, tiada kruan.'^ (act of imputing) hal mmhilarg-
Impropriety (im-pro-pri'e-ti), s. kan, hal lymarggorgkan; (charge)
(vjjisiiitableness) ta'^tujiian, pri* tnclohan/^ tukasan* chaj (E.)
yarg tiada herstuju; (tb at which is (B.). To make a false imputa-
impro].)cr) chrohoh,* klakvan, ta'- tion, tukas*
.wonoh. Impute (im-])ut'), v. t. (attribute,
Improve (im-proov'), v. t. (make ascribe) hilatgkan; (lay -the res-
better') haikki, molekkan. htulkan: ponsibility on) targgorgkan.
(amend) pinda;* (ntilize) pakai,
In (in), prep, di, dalam, di dalam,
gunakaii. k-dalam; (among, between) an-
Improve, v. i. (grow better) jadi tara; (with reference to time)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; Tee, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
pada, dalani, as. pada musim liu- Inadvertently (-ent-li), adv. dtgan
jan, in the rainy season; dalam k-iirarg if gat, drgan alpa (Sk.).
tiga hari, in three days; (after Inalienable (in-aryen-a-bl), adj.
certain verbs) alcan* sama (B.), yatg tiada holeh di-jual, yarg tiada
as perchaya akan, to believe in: holeh di-pindalikan.
(of languages) digan, as, m nulls Inane (in-an'), adj. (void of sense)
dig an hhasa Mlaiju, to write in sia-sia;* (useless) tiada hergiina.
Malay; (when motion is implied) Inanimate (in-an'i-met), adj. tiada
k', as,pergi inandi k-kolam, to go hpnyaiva, tiada hernafas.
and bathe in the ])ond. Inasmuch Inanition (in-a-nish''wn), s. khulor-
as, pada hal, sdarg, sdargJcan* In anr
that, shah, sdarg. In the distance, Inanity (in-an'i-ti), s. sia-sia*
deri jauh. In the name of, digaji Inappeasable (in-ap-pez'a-bl), adj.
nama. tiada dapat di-kruyargkan.
In, adv. dalain, masok, ada. In and Inapplicable (in-ap'pli-ka-bl), adj.
ont, Maar masok, cJilam-chlum* tiada pad an. tiada herpatutan,
To be in, ada, hadlir* (Ar. nd- tiada kna, ta'stuju.
dUr). Inappreciable (in-ap-pre'shi-a-bl),
Inability (in-a-biri-ti), s. hal tiada adj. yatg tiada patut di-nilaikan,*
terlaln kchil, sdikit skali.
taJiu, hal Hada herdaya. hal tiada
I'uasa. Inapproachable (in-ap-proch'a-bl) ,
Inaccessible adj. yarg tiada holeh di-harnpiri,*
(in-ak-ses'i-'bl), adj.
yarg ta-holeli rapat (B.).
yarg tiada holeh di-hampiri* yarg
fiada holeh di-dapati. Inappropriate (in-ap-pro'pri-et) ,

adj. tiada padan, tiada patut, tiada

Inaccuracy (in-ak'ku-ra-si), s. pri"^'
tiada hfnl layak.
: (error) hsalahan, silap
(Ar. I'hildf). Inaptitude (in-ap'ti-tud), s. pri*
tiada pah am, pri* hurarg pandai.
Inaccurate (-ret), adj. tiada htul,
Inarticulate (in-ar-tik'u-let), adj.
tiada saJiih'^ (Ar. SrtTiiii), salah,
klahit* klelut* telur.
Inasmuch (in-az-much^), adv. fol-
Inaction (in-ak'slrwn), s. (absence
lowed by as,pada hal, sdaig, sdarg^
of motion) diam : (idleness) ma-
Inattention (in-at-ten'sh?/n), s.
Inactive (-tiv), adj. (inert) tiada
alpa (Sk.). Ipa* lalai.
da pat hergral', ta'boleli hergrah;
Inattentive (-tiv), adj. alpa* la-
(not industrious) hurarg raj in, lai* hurarg irgat, hurarg jaga.
pnjga7i.^ pnjegan (B.). Inaudible (in-aw'di-Jbl), adj. tiada
Inadequacy (in-ad'e-k^va-si), s. h- holeh di-drgar, tiada hdrgaran.
hiiraigan. Inaugurate (-gu-rat), v. t. (invest
Inadequate (-kwet), adj. ta' clin- with authority) lanteh:* (of
op. ta'sampai, kurarg, alarg- kings) tahal (Ar.), nohat (Ar.) ;
alaiy,"^ tiada mm
ada' i,* tiada (initiate, begin) mula'i, Itahkan.
drgan sperti-rya. Inauguration (^ra'shi/n), s. lanteV-
Inadmissible (in-ad-mis'si-bl), adj. an.* permula'an; as above.
tiada lulus,* tiada di-trima.
Inauspicious (in-aws-pish'?/s), adj.
Inadvertence (-vert-ens), s. alpa,* sial, nalias* (Ar. naTias).
lalai, hurarg siasat (Ar.). Inborn (in'born), adj. mmhaka.
ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Inbred (in'bred), adj. = inborn, q.v. Incensed (-sensf), adj. marah, gu-
Incalculable (in-kal'ku-la-bl), adj. sar.''

yaty tiada ternilaikan^ fiada ter- Incentive (iu-sen'tiv), s. piggrak*

hitorg, tiada tpermanai,^ tiada grak hati.
terhim'bl'an^ (Ar. Yiimb). Inception (in-sep'shim), s. per-
Incandescence (in-kan-des's<?ns) , mula'an, awal (Ar.).
chahya put eh. Incertitude (in-ser'ti-tud), s. shah
Incandescent (-s(?nt); adj. her- (Ar.), ivasaiyka (Sk.).
chahya put eh. Incessant (iu-ses'sant), adj. tiada
Incantation (-ta'shwn), &. jampi, berhnti, t'ada brenti (B.), tiada
mantra (Sk.). berpulnmn, sntima (Sk.), slalu.
Incapability (in-kri'pa-bil'i-ti), s. Incessantly (-li), adv. sntiam
hal tiada herhuasa, hal tiada boleh. (Sk.), slalu, bertalu-talu,^' ber-
Incapable (in-ka'pa-bl), adj. tiada turut-turut, tiada bersla.* Inces-
herknasa, tiada holeh, ta boleh, ta'- santly studyinf]^, tiada berchrai
dapat,'-^ tiada paham. deri-pada blajar,* tkun blajar.
Incest (in'sest), s. sumbaty.'^
Incapacitate (in-ka-pas'i-tat), v. t.

(disable) Imahkan, hilarrjkan Jcua- Incestuous (in-ses'chu-i(s), adj.

sa; (disqualify) jadikan talayah, sunibaty.*
shlahhan, tolal'. Inch s.
(inch), inchi (E.) ; (the
Incapacity hal tiada la-
breadth of a finder) jari. By
yak, hal tiada paham, hal kurarg
nches, beransur'ansur.'^
pan da i.
Incident (in'si-dent), adj. (happen-
Incarcerate (in-kar'ser-at) v. t. pn- in,^ accidentally) yaig tiba-tiba
jarakan* jelkan (E.). jadi,* yaiy jadi dtyan ta'siyaja;
Incarnate (-net), adj. yaty mnjlma (appertaining to) bersabit diyan*
{Psjl. ilidbit), berkna'an dtyan.
(Sk.), yarg tlah* mnjadi manusia.
Incarnate (-nat), v. t. jlma (Sk.). Incident, s. perkara, hal.
Incarnation Incidental (in-si-den'tal), adj. yarg
(in-kar-na'shwn), s.
di-sambilkan* yarg tiba-tiba.'^
pn jlma an (Sk.).
Incase (in-kas') v. t. saliit,^ sador.* Incidentally (-li), adv. sambil-m-
Incautious (in-kaw'shi/-s), adj. yarg vjambil.
lalai. Incinerate (in-sin'er-fit), v. t. ha-
knrary irgat, kurarg jaga,
Incendiarism (in-sen'di-a-rizm), s. iguskan, jadikan abu.
hal mmbakar rnmah dtgan sryaja. Incipient (in-sip'i-ent), adj. yarg
bharu mula'i, miida.
Incendiary (-ri), adj. ya?y sryaja
mmbakar rumah. Incise (in-sTz'), v. t. (carve) ukir;"^
Incense (in'sens), s. (the odour) (cut a gash) tor eh, klar, rebak.*
bau-bauan ; Incision (in-sizli'z/n), s. torch, klar,
(tire materials, mixed)
dupa (Sk.), staiygi (Sk. aslargga) ;
Incisive (in-sT'siv), adj. tajam.
(benzoin) kmnnjan.
Incense, v. t. (perfume under a Incisor (-zer), s. gigi man is, gigi
cover) ukop;'^ (in the open) dpan.
asajn* asapkan. Incite (in-slf), v. t. (to help or ac-
Incense (in-sens'), \. i. (make company) (to do
ajuk, ajat (B.) ;

ancrry) marahkan, yusari* panas- something one does not do one's

kan; see infukiate. self) asut, usot (B.), chochok.

ate, ask, am. final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, rec<?nt, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, S()rry; use, us, minj^s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
achvrn* goda;* (in cock-fighting) Incognito (in-kog'ni-to), adv. drgan
mryamarkan diri*
Incitement (-ment), s. asuian, Incoherent (in-ko-her'ent), adj.
usotan (B.), acliuman.^ tiada herhuhoig; (logically) tiada
Inciter (-er), s. ptg(U-ut, prgiisot berstuju, tiada hperaturan; (in
(B.), piyachuni* speech) klalut,^ klelut,"^ mrapek
Incivility (in-si-vil'i-ti), s. huranj (B).
Wiasa, biadah (Pers.)- Incombustible (in-kom-bus'ti-bl),
Inclemency (in-klem'en-si), s. adj. tiada dapat di-rnakan api,*
(severity) lekrasan; (storminess) taboleh makan api (B.),
glora* Income (in'kum), s. (gain) laba,*"
Inclement (-ent), adj. Jcras, glora^' untorg (B.) ; (revenue) hasil; (re-
Inclination (in-kli-na'shmi), s. ceipts ) pcrolehan,* pndapatan;
lencliorgan, seiget, cliondorg, chu- (salary) gaji. Income tax, chukai
raman, as below; (of the mind) pncharian, ivaty hairari (N.L).
hati, grak liaii, chndrorg. Incommensurable (in-kom-men'-
Incline (in-klin') v. i. (deviate) shur-a-bl), adj. yarg tiada boleh
lenchorg; (of long up-
objects, di-samakaii.
wards) jorgkit; (downwards) Incommensurate (-et), adj. yarg
tundok; (sideways) seiget, chon- tiada sama drgan, yarg hukan s-

dorg, meritg; (of flat surfaces, up- kdar'^'

(Ar. qadar).
wards ) ch u ra m ; ( downwards ) Incommode (-mod'), v. t. susahi,
landai* dindronj; (sideways, as garggu,''
a deck), imbal* sendergr serget; Incommodious (-i-'s), adj. tiada
(of the mind) chndrorg. snarg, susah.
Incline, v. t. lencho7gkan, joigkit- Incommunicative (-mu'ni-ka-tiv) ,
kan, etc., as above. adj. pndiam, ta'suka chakap (B.).
Inclined (in-klmd'), adj. (of the Incomparable (in-kom'pa-ra-bl) ,
mind) chndrorg, hrat hati; (slop- adj. tiada bertolok,* imda berban^
ing) cliuram. dirg,* tiada tara-rya, yarg tiada
Inclose (in-kl5z'), v. t. (within a dapat di-bandiigkan.
ring) lergkorg; (surround) kli- Incompatibility (in-kom-pat-i-bil'-
lirgi; (with troops) kporgj (con- i-ti), s. p?'x* tiada berstuju.
fine, shut up) kurorg, kandarg; Incompatible (-pat'i-bl), adj. tiada
(by a fence) pagarkan; (with a bers tuj'U, b ersala kan .

covering) tudorg; (with a wrap- Incompetence (in-kom'pe-t^ns), s.

per) hurgknskan, sampulkanj* kpandaian alarg-kpalarg,'^ hal ku-
(put in) masokkan; (slip in) slit, ratg pa^idai, kbbalan.
su'ip;* (wrap roughly) holot. Incompetent (-t^nt), adj. kura7g
Inclosure (in-klo'zhur), s. (inclosed pandai, tiada paham, tiada kvusa.
space) kandarg; (in a letter) su- Incomplete (in-kom-plef), adj.
rat yaig di-kmharkan* surat yarg tiada sin puma, bluni habis, tiada
di-masokkan (B.). gnap, blum Irgkap, blum siap.
Include (in^klud'), v. t. (contain) Incomprehensible (in-kom'pre-
kandarg, niuat. To be included, hen'si-bl), adj. tiada dapat di-
mas ok. ktahni,'^ tiada dapat di-ryatakan,
Including (-ing), prep, serta drgan. ta'boleh mrgerti (B.).
Inclusive (in-klu'siv), adj. masok. Inconceivable (in-kon-sev'a-bl).

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ieo^ it, fire
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min-ws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
adj. yaiy tiada mai^ok 'aliol, mus- adj. yary tiada dapat di-hantahi*
tahil (Ar.), tiada dapat di-mrg- yary ta'holeh di-laivankan (B.).
l-a* Inconvenience (in-kon-ve'ni-ens ) ,
Inconclusive (-klu'siv), adj. yaty s. sKsa/i, yarggu.'^
tiada mmutuskan, yaiy Minn sJsai*
Inconvenience, v. t. susahi, garyyu-
yaiy hlum slise (B.). kan*
Incongruity (in-kong-groo'i-ti), s. Inconvenient (-ent), adj. ta'snary,
//rt* tiada herstuju. susah.
Incongruous (in-kong'groo-Ms), Incorporate (in-kor'por-at), v. t.

adj. tiada herstuju, tiada berpatut- satukan;

(combine) (introdiit

an, tiada l-na, hersliseh* masokkan; (blend) chant'

Inconsequent (in-kon'se-kwent), .pur; (make a legal body) jadikan
adj. tiada tunit-mnurut.
Inconsiderable (in-kon-sid'er-a-bl),
Incorporeal (in-kor-por'i-al), adj.
adj. alaiy-kpalarg, alary-alary/^ tiada herlmhaya* tiada hertuhoh*
t'ada hadan (B.).
Inconsiderate (-et), adj. tiada m-
Incorrect (in-kor-rekf), adj. tiada
iiirnhary rasa.
hiuJ, salah, silap (Ar. khilaf),
Inconsistency (-sis't^n-si), s. pri* tiada sah'^ (Ar. san).
iiada herstnju; (absurdity) harut;
Incorrigible (in-kor'ri-ji-bl), adj.
(cliaiigeableness) Unchali.*
tiada boleh di-haikki, ta'terajar.
Inconsistent (-tent), s. tucda her-
tiada hersama'an, yary m- Incorrupt (in-kor-rupf), adj. (no-t
spoiled) tiada rosak; (not de-
ryalaJii :* (fickle) tiada ttap.
Inconsolable (-s6ra-bl), adj. tiada
praved) hnar, suchi.
terJiiburkan, yoridak-gaulana* ta-
Incorruptible (-i-bl), adj. (in-
hoi eh Tcasi hihur (B.). capable of decay) tiada jadi husok,
ta'holeh hanclior; (not to be brib-
Inconspicuous (-spik'u-ws), adj.
ed) tiada makari suap.
kurarg nampak, Jcurary klihatan.
Increase (in-kres'), v. i. (becom?
Inconstancy (iii-kon'sta.ii-si), s.

tiada tyoJi, pri^ tiada ttap, more or greater) tamhali, her-

khimhaiyan. tarnhah, herharyak-haryak; (by
Inconstant (-stant), adj. tiada growth) riap-riap;* (of disease)
tyoh, ta'ttap, herohaii-ohah, lin- bntan; (by generation) pridi*
cfiah* himhary. herhiak,'^ mmhiak (B.).
Inconsumable (in-kon-sum'a-bl) , Increase, v. t. taml)ah, tamhahi/"
adj. yaty ti<ida di-hlanjakan, yary tamhahkan, hsar'kan, haryakkav.
ta'holeh di-makan api. Ibehkau; (by adding) tokok; (a
Incontestable (-test'a-bl), disease ) h ntankan .
adj. yary
tiada dapat di-hafitahi* yary tiada Increase (in'kres), s. tamhahan,
terlaivan. klehehan, tokok. Increase of
Incontinence (in-kon'ti-iiens), s. salary, naik yaji.
(of the passions) luchali, yasary;* Increasingly (in-kres'ing-li), adj.
(of discharges) heser* hertarnhah-tamhah.
Incontinent (-nent), adj. (unoon- Incredible (in-kred'i-bl), adj. tiada
t rolled) yary tiada tertaJian; ( un- tnasok 'akal, mustahil (Ar.). It
ci laste) lurhah, chahol* yasarg* is incredible, mamkan,* man a
Incontrovertible (-tro-ver'ti-bl). holeh.

ftte, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Incredulity (in-kre-du'li-ti), s. Indebt (in-def), v. t. (bring into
shah (Ar.), wasargl'a (Sk.). debt) taiggorghan hutarg atas.
Incredulous (in-kred'u-l'^s), adj. Indebted {-ed), adj. berhutarg; (be-
yanj tiada percliaya, shah hati holden) berhutarg has eh.*
(Ar.). Indecency (in-de'sen-si), s.hlahuan
Increment (iu'kre-ment), s. tarn- tiada bermahi, etc., as below.
hihan, tohoh. Indecent (-sent), adj. tiada ber^
Incriminate (in-krim'i-nat),. v. t. malu, tiada snonoh;
iudoli,'^ d'awa. chabol,* lucliah, hotor (B.) ; (of
Incrust (in-krusf), v. t. (coat) language) charut.
salut* Incrusted with rust, her- Indecision (in-de-sizh'wn), s. hMm^
harat. lucriisted with barnacles, banian hati, hati tattap.
Incrusted with mud, Indecisive (-si'siv), adj. (not decid-
herlumor drgan lumpur. ing) yarg tiada slsaihan [slisehan
Incrustation (in-krus-ta'sh'wn), s. (B.)], yarg tiada mmutushan;
hredah, hladah;"^ (of (hesitating) bimbarg hati.
rice at the bottom of the cooking Indecorous (in-dek'or-i/s), adj. hu-
rarg bhasa, tiada patut, tiada sno*
pot) hrah.
Incubate (in'ku-bat), v.
noh, tiada smrggah* chrobohJ*
i. 'ramf^
Indeed (in-ded'j, adv. s-surggoh-tya,
hra m, la rgraii i han .

Incubator s-bnar-rya, siirggoh, btul; (not

(-ba-ter), s. dapur p-
only so, but) bahhan.'*
Incubus Indefatigable (in-de-f at'i-ga-bl) ,
(-bws), s. pnindeh. ta'tahu pnat, raj in.
Inculcate (in-kul'kat), v. t. ajar Indefeasible (-fe'zi-bl), adj. tiada
berularg-ularg.* boleh di-batalhan, tiada boleh di-
Inculpate (in-kuVpat), v. t. chla- tidahhan.
kan, salahhan; (a third party) Indefensible (-fen'si-bl), adj. (can-
not be defended) tiada terpli-
Incumbency (in-kum'ben-si), s.
hara;* (unjustifiable) ta'boleh di^
(that which is incumbent) targ- bnarhan.
gorgan, hhan;'^ (possession of Indefinite (in-defi-nit), adj. '(un-
office) pnjawatan* certain) tatntu; (unlimited) tiada
Incumbent (-bent), adj. (resting bperhirgga'an.'^
or imposed on) mnindeli, tertarg- Indelible (in-deFi-bl), adj. tiada
gorg atas; (as a duty) terivajib terhapm* ta'boleh hvlarg.
bagi (Ar.). Indelicacy (-i-ko-si), s. hiahuan
Incumbent, s. yarg mmgarg jawat- hurarg bhasa, khasaran, hiahuan^
an/^ pnjawatj^ ta'snonoh.
Incumbrance (-brans), s. (obstruc- Indelicate (-i-ket), adj. hurarg
tion) shatan, remhet;* (burden) bhasa, ha^sar, chroboh.*
bban.'^ Indemnification (in-dem-ni-fi-ka'-
Incur (in-ker'), v. t. hna. To in-
shwn), s. pri'^ mvggantihan rugi.
cur a debt, buat hutarg. Indemnify y. t.
(in-dem'ni-fi), gan-
Incurable (in-kur'a-bl), adj. tiada tihan rugi, sileh rugi.*
terobatkan, tiada ahan smboh* Indemnity (-ti), s. gantian rugi,
Incursion (in-ker'sh?m), s. pryrarg- bay e ran hrugiaft; (for murder)
an* larggaran. bargunj^ tbusan ryawa, diat (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimis, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Indent (in-denf), v. t. (notch) Indicate (in'di-kat), v. t. (point
sumbiiykatij somherykan (B.) ; out) tunjok; (discover) lyatakan;
(dent) Ihokkan; (bind by con- (make known) bri taha; (show)
tract) huat perjanjian dryan ; tandakan.
(order) psan. Indication (in-di-ka'shwn), s. (aci;
Indent (in'dent), s. (order) surat of pointing) pri* mryatakan, etc.,
psan. as above; (mark, token) tanda,
Indentation (in-den-ta'sliMn), s. kiyataan, 'alamat (Ar.).
(in the edge of knife) sumbirg, Indicator (in'di-ka-ter), s. per-
somherg (B.) ; (notch) tal'ek, ta- tunjok' an; (pointer on a dial)
k'ok;* (depression) Ikok. jarorn, pnunjok
Indenture (in-den'chnr), s. surat Indict (in-dit'), v. t. tudoJi* d'aua.
pcrjanjian. Indictment (-ment), s. tudohan*
Independence (in-de-pen'dens), s. surat d'awa, perdfawaan.
kbehasan, kmerdhel'a'an (Sk.). Indifference (in-differ-ens), -.

Independent (-dent), adj. (free) rngan, alpa* lalai, as below.

hebas, Ipas deri milek Ar.) ; (not
( Indifferent (-ent), adj. (unim-
subject) tiada falok (Ar.) ; (not portant) reu/an, tiada brat;
relying on) tiada bergantorg k- (mediocre) sdaiy, pertryahan;*
pada. ( i m part ial ) tiada sb lah-mnjalah ;

Indescribable (-skrib'a-bl), adj. (unconcerned) alpa (Sk.), lalai,

tiada terprikan* tiada tersifat- iiada pduli.
kan,* ta'boleh di-katakan, jatyan Indigence (in'di-jens), s. kpapa'-
di-kafa lagi. an* hal miskin.
Indestructible (-struk'ti-bl), adj. Indigenous (in-dij'e-nws), adj.
tiada boleh hinasa, tiada boleh bncli; (of people) anak negri, ter-
rosak. nak* Durian bneh tanah Mlayu,
Indeterminable (-ter'mi-na-bl), the durian is indigenous in Malay-

adj. tiada dapat di-ktakiii* tiada sia.

dapat di~hirggakan* Indigent (in'di-jt'ut), adj. miskin,

Indeterminate (-net), adj. ta'- papa*
intu. Indigestible (in-di-jest'i-bl), adj.
Index (in'deks), s. (of a book) yafy lambat hadlam (Ar.), yaig
fahrasat* (Ar. fihrist), isi hitab, lambat hanchor dalam prot, yarg
daftar (Ar.) ; (that which points Ia7?ibat siau (Ch.) (B.).
out) pnunjok. Index finger, jari Indigestion (in-di-jes'chwn), s. sa-
thmjok. kit ta' hadlam(Ar.), ktiratg cher-
Index, V. t. daftarkan (Ar.). na (N.I.), sakit ta'siau (B.)
India (in'di-a), negri Hindi* negri (Ch) ; (causing a feeling of full-
Klirg. ness) snoh,* srgkak;* (with pain)
Indiarubber (-rub'ber), s. gtali, snak.
karet (N.L). Indignant (in-dig'nant), adj. gram,
Indian (in'di-an), adj. hindi* hin^ marah.
dustan. Indian corn, jagorg. In- Indignation (in-dig-na'shwn), s.
dian file, berddai-ddai* berbun- gram, marah.
tut-buntut, berekor-ekor. Indian Indignity (in-dig'ni-ti), s. araiy di
hemp, ganja. Indian ink, dawat m'uka,* malu.
china* bak (B). (Ch.). Indigo (in'di-go), s. nila, tarom.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Indirect (in-di-rekf), adj. (not tive character) tabi'at masiry-
direct) tiada lurus; (as roads) ma.sirg: (personality) ujud*^ (Ar.
ndeigk-onj, mtyenipairj; (not irujiid).
straightforward) tiada tulus, pu- Individually (-li), adv. (separate-
sirg hilt, terlindoty* ly) niasiig-masiig.
Indirectly (-li), adv. drgaii terlin- Indivisible (-viz'i-bl), adj. yarg
do}g* bid'Ofi trus-trarg. tiada- terbhayi, liada
dapat di-
Indiscreet (in-dis-kret'), adj. I'li- chraikan, ta'boleh bhagi (B.) ;
raig fiopati, kuratg hijak, kurarg (of numbers) tahahis di-bhagi.
hudi. Indoctrinate (in-dok'tri-nat), v. t.
Indiscretion (-kre.-li'wn), s. hurarg ajar, ajari.
hijak, kuraig hudi. Indolence (in'do-l^ns), s. malas,
Indiscriminate (-krim'i-net), adj. eh ulas* kmalasan.
tiada pit eh -m mil eh, tiada timhaiy- Indolent malas, chu-
(-lent), adj.
tnninihatg, ijarg tiada mmbeda' las,'^ brat tularg.
kan. Indomitable (in-dora'i-ta-bl), adj.
Indispensable (-pen'sa-bl), adj. ya7g tiada tertahan, yaty tiada ter-
yarg tiada hoJeh tidal', yarg ta'- tundokkan.
holeh di-tirggalkan, wajib (Ar.). Indoor (in'dor), adj. di rumah, da-
Indispose (-pos'),v. t. (make unfit
la ni
in health) rntanl-an, Imahl'an; Indoors (in'dorz), adv. di rumah,
(render averse) hiiat sgan. In-
dalam rumah.
disposed to work, sgan hkerja. I Indorse (in-dors'), v. t. (write on
feel indisposed, sahya ta'sdap ha-
the back) tulis di blakaiy; (sanc-
dan, tularg sahya rntan,* sahya
tion, approve) bnarkan, izinkan,'^
'udzur (Ar.).
akui,'^ akukan (B.).
Indisposition (-po-zish'wn), s. ha-
dan ta'sdap, sgan, as above.
Indorsement (-ment), s. (sig-
nature) taiida targan; (approval)
Indisputable (in-dis'pu-ta-bl), adj.
tiada dapat di-bantaliij^ kbnaran, prgakuan.
Indubitable (in-du'bi-ta-bl), adj.
Indissoluble (-so-lu-bl), adj. (can-
not be dissolved) taholeh lianchor, tnta, njata, surggoh, tiada shah
ta/holeh Ihur; (of a union) tgoh, lagi.*
Induce (in-dus'), v. t. (to do what
Indistinct one does one's self) ajak, ajat
(in-dis-tingkf), adj.
(not clear) kuraty trarg, kaiurg (B.) ; (to do what one does not

njata, kabus,'^ klabot (B.), sa- do) asiit, nsot (B.), achum;* (by
yup:^ (confused) rncham* persuasion) pujok; (effect, cause)
Indistinguishable (-ting'gwish-a- data.rgkan^ bawa.
bl), adj. tiada dapat di-bedakan. Inducement (-ment), s. ajak'an,
Indite v. t. rn- o^utan, iisotan (B.), pujoh'an,
(in-dif), karaiy,
chanakan* batua'an.*
Individual (in-di-vid'u-al), adj.
Induct (in-dukf), v. t. masokkan,
brima^ok, hadapkan.
(single) tiap-tiap satu, tiap-tiap
S-; (distinctive) masiry^rnasity, Induction (in-duk'shn), s. (intro-
herlainan* duction) hot mmbri masok; (in
Individual, s. orary. reasoning) pri miyamhil Hbarat
Individuality (-al'i-ti), s. (distinc- (Ar.). Electric induction, kuasa

:ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
elel'trilc yarg di-sbaM-an oleh huasa work) tiada layah, kurarg pandw.
dalani lain Ji'owat.* Inelastic (in-e4as'tik), adj. tiada
Inductive (-tiv), adj. ymy mmhawa, krnyal;* tiada inrganjal* mati.
yaig mndaiarghan, yarg mrylah- Inelegant (in-el'e-gant), adj. k
kan.'' ratg elok, kurarg ckantek.
Indue (iji-du'), v. t. hghapl-an,'^ Ineligible (-i-ji-bl), adj. yaig ta-
jiahiihin. holelt di-pileh.
Indulge (Jn-diilj')j v. t. manjakan, Inept (in-epf), adj. ta'patut, ta'-
hri muka, kasi muka (B.), kasi layak, sia-sia.'^
liaii (B.). Inequality (in-e-kwol'i-ti), s. pri
Indulgence (in-durgens), s.
prv^ fiada satna; (want of levelness)
inmanjakan; (E. C.) am pun, k- Ikak-lkok; (changeableness) per-
Ipamn deri-pada seksa. ohahan.
Indulgent (^gent), adj. yarg mman- Ineradicable (-rad'i-ka-bl). adj.
jakan. fiada terclwbot.
Indurate (in'du-rat), v. t. hraskan, Inert (in-erf), adj. (with no power
igarkan* of motion) tiada dapat bergrak,
Induration (-ra'shwn), s. kkrasan, brat; (shiggish, indolent) prygan^
ktgaran^' jnyegan (B.). Irgai*
Industrial (in-dus'tri-al), adj. per- Inertia (in-er'shi-a). s. tgun."^
tukargan. Inestimable (-es'ti-ma-bl), adj.
Industrious {-us), adj. rajin, her- tiada tcrprikan,'^ tiada ternilai^
iisalia (Sk.). kan^- tiada ter-hergakaii.
Industry (in'dus-tri), s. usaha Inevitable (-ey'l-ta-bl), adj. yarg
Sk. ) , krajinan; (branch of trade )
( tiada dapat di-elakkan, ta'boleh di-
perinkargan. elakkan.
Inebriate (in-e'bri-at), v. t. mahok- Inevitably (-bli), adv. nscliaya,'^
kan. tadapat tiada, ta'boleh tidak,
Inebriate (-et), s. pmahok. msti.
Ineffable (in-effa-bl), adj. yaiy Inexcusable (-eks-kiiz'a-bl). adj.
fidda terkatakan, ta'boleh cliakap fa'boleh di-ampunkan, tiada dapat
(B.). di-uialtapkan (Ar. ma'af).
Ineffaceable (in-ef-fas'a-bl), adj. Inexhaustible (-awst'i-bl), adj.
ya^g tiada terhapiis* ta'holeh tiada terliabis.
liilarg. Inexorable (in-eks'or-a-bl). adj.
Ineffective (-fek'tiv), (not adj. yaig ta'makan pujok, kras hati.
effective) tiada hasil* tiada jaya,^ Inexpedient (in-eks-pe'di-^nt). adj.
ta'boleli jadi (B.) ; (useless) tiada tiada patut. tiada berfaidah.
h erg una, sia-sia* Inexperience (-per'i-^'ns) s. kurarg
Ineffectual (-chii-l), adj. sia-sia,'^ kuratg niahir* (Ar. mahir).
1)1(1 sa,

tiada mnjanipaikan; see effect. Inexperienced (-enst), adj. kurarg

Inefficacious (-fi-ka'sh?/*), adj. tiada biasa, kuraig mahir (Ar.), blurri
hasil* liada jaya* tiada kuasa, tali-u.

tiada herkliasiat. Inexpert (-pert'), adj. blum pandai,

Inefficiency (-fish'en-si), s. pri bin in alili
(At.), blum pakar,'*'
tiada Jianl* pri kurarg pandai. blum pall a (B.).
Inefficient (-^nt), adj. = ixeffica- Inexpiable (-eks'pi-a-bl), adj. yarg
cious, q. V. (not able to do his
: tiada boleli di-damaikan ;* (of

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, cennect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (avrful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.

i-rimes) ya^g tiada terhaijer hniarg- jargkit; (by bad influences) ter^
lya. kna, rosak.
Inexplicable (-pli-ka-bl), adj. ta- Infection (in-fek'sh?/n), s. pnjarg-
boleli di-trargkan, taboleh di-arti- kitan; (magical evil influence)
kan, heran (Ar. iiairdn), 'aja'ib badi^ sampok; (epidemic) sam-
(Ar.). par, liawar.
Inexpressible (-eks-pres'i-bl), adj. Infectious (-sbs), adj. yarg ber-
yatg tiada terkatakan, yarg tiada janjkit, yarg mlarat.
terprikan.* Infelicitous (in-fe-lis'i-tws), adj.
Inextinguishable (-tiiif.^'g'wisli-a- tiada berbhagiu;'^ (inappropriate)
bl), adj. (of fire) tiada terpadani- tiada pat at.
kan; (of desire) tiada terpuaskan. Infelicity (-ti), s. ksmahan, k-
Inextricable (-eks'tri-ka-bl), adj. malargan.
i/atg tiada terurai* yarg tiada ter- Infer (in-fer'), v. t. datargkan fikir-
orak,^ tiada da pat di-lpaskan. an, anibil tiinbargan, saigka sbdb
Infallibility (in-fal-li-bil'i-ti), s.
perkara yarg sudah jadi, timbaig.
pri tiada huleh salali, etc., as be- Inference (in'fer-ens), s. timbarg-
low; (eertaintv) ktntuan. an, kputusan.
Infallible (in-M'li-bl), adj. (not Inferior (in-fer'i-er), adj. (in
fallible) tiada boleli salah, tiada
place) di bairah; (in rank) kuraig
holeh ssat; (sure, indubitable) pargkat; (in excellence) kurarg
tnta, yarg tiada shak lagi (Ar.). baik.
Infallibly* (-bli), adv. tntu. Inferior, s. orarg pargkat di bawah.
Infamous bad
(in'fa-mi/s), adj. (of
Inferiority (-or'i-ti), s. kkurargan.
report) bernama busok, bernama
Infernal (in-fer'nal), adj. nraka
jahat: (scandalous) kji*
(a), isi nraka, noraka purya (B.).
Infamy (-mi), s. nama jahat, kji* Infest (in-fesf), v. t. susahi, piohi,
kkjian,*' kch la' an.
ki-nrnuni;^ (to repletion) tum-
Infancy (in'f(zn-si), s. masa kanak-
kattak,^ rtuum kcJiil*
pat;^ (of insects) urorg*
tempo kcJiilc Infidel (in'fi-del), adj. tiada ber-
Infant (-ffirut), s. irnan,* kafir (Ar.), tiada perchaya
anak kchik (B.). Tuhan Allah (B.).
Infanticide Infidel, s.
oratg kapr^' (Ar. kdjir).
(in-fan'ti-sid). s. pm-
b un oh a // ka nak-kanak. Infidelity (-del'i-ti), s. (want of
Infantile (in'fan-til), adj. budak- religious faith) hal tiada ber~
bit dak, kbudal'-budak'an.'^ agania, hal tiada berimanj* (un-
Infantry (-tri), s. soldado berjalan faithfulness) hal tiada kperchaya'-
kaki. an, hal tiada .stia (Sk.), khianat
Infatuate v. t. bo- (Ar.).
d oh kan. To be Infinite (in'fi-nit), adj. tiada bper-
infatuated, mn-
jadi gila-braliij^ To be infatuated hirggaan,^ tiada berhad (Ar.),
with a woman, gilakari prempiian. amat sargat,^ terlala sargat.
Infatuation (-a'shwn), Infinitesimal (-i-tes'i-mal), adj.
s. kbodohan^
gila-brahi,'^ ''ashik (Ar.).
teraniat kchil,^ teraniat halus*
Infect (in-fekf), V. t. (with disease) terlahi halus.

htgkit, jargkitkan, jargket (B.). Infinitude (in-fin'i-tiid), s. (bound-

To be infected (by disease), kna less numljer) ksaigatan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min-ws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Infinity (-ti), s. pri tiada hperhiiy- datargkan, hal mJtakkan, as above;

ga'aii* azal (Ar.). ( cal ami ty ) km a Jatyan.
Infirm (in-ferm') , adj. (of body) Influence (in'flii-ens), s. kuasa,.
Imah, Iteh, rntan, Imah smargat, grak; (good) herkat: (evil) hadi,
Imhot smargat (B.), 'udzur (Ar.), imhasan:* (roval. either good or
dia'if (Ar.) (irresolute)
him- bad) daulat (Ar.).
harg; (not stable) tattap. Influence, v. t. grakkan, laiva, ajak^
Infirmary (-a-ri), s. rumah sahit. asui, vsot (B.), see induce.
Influential (-en'shal), her-
Infirmity (-i-ti), s. Umahan, rntan. adj.
See INFIRM. knasa.
Inflame (in-flam'), v. t. ryalal'an,
Influenza (-za), s. dmam slsma.
* Influx (in'fluks), s. (of water ar
( en rage )
ga la I'l-an ; gusarkan .

To be inflamed (of the eye), la- panchutan:'^ (of persons)

kdataigan, kmasok'an.
Icop:^ (as a boil) merah.
Infold (in-fold'), v. t. balid, hhaf^
Inflammable (-flam'ma-bl), adj.
lurgkus, harut, bolot.
yatg holeh nityala, yarg U'os mrya- Inform
1a; (irascible)
(in-fonn'), v. t. hri taliu,
prrgus* m'alu mkan ( Ar. ) , khaharkan,.
Inflammation (-flam-ma'shwn), s.
ivertakan,'^- ajar, ka^i tahu (B.).
(of anger) radatg; (redness) me-
Informal (-al), adj. (without cere-
mony) tiada bperaturan, fada
Inflammatory (in-flam'ma-tor-i) ,
pakai 'adat (B.).
adj. (irritating, exciting) yaig Informant (-ant), s. pmhri tahu^
mrggusa?-l-an* yaiy mrghuru-liara-
kan;"^ (of disease) yarg mradarg.
Information (in-for-mJi'sh-wn), s.
Inflate ( in-flat'), v. t. hmhorgkan,
khabar, brita,* werta* (Sk>
glmhorgkan. wart a), perm'aliiman (Ar.).
Inflated (-ed), adj. hmhoig; (of the Informer (in-fomi'er), s. pnd'aira^
stomach) hunchit; (with pride) pnudoh ;*' (employed by police)
somhojg. pama,* ampama* (E.), tahua
Inflation (-flri'shun), s. pri hmlorg, B iha u-d), pigakap/^ han~
( .
) ( ( 'h .

etc., as above. tu.

Inflection (-flek'shwn), vS. (of the Infraction (-frak'sh-wn), s. larggar^
voice) perohahan suara; (Gram.) an.
perohaJian perkata'an, saraf (Ar.), Infringe (in-frinj'), v. t. larggar,
tas'rif'^ (Ar. fafyrif). lair an, hlui.*
Inflexibility (-fleks-i-biri-ti), s. h- Infringement (-m^nt), s. larggar^
tgaran* kif^ohan, etc., as below. an .

Inflexible (-fleks'i-bl), adj. (stiff) Infuriate (in-fur'i-at), v. t. gvsar^

kaku, tgar:* (firm) tgoh, Jcukoh;* kan,* bera7gkan,* gmberakan*
(unalterable) iiada iergrah, tiada Infuse (in-fuz'), v. t. (pour in)
herohah, itap. tvargkan, churahkan; (instil, in-
Inflict (in-flikf), V. t. (cause) da- troduce) nmsokkan, pnohkan;
targkan; (lay on) Itakkan ; usual- (steep in water) rndam, sdoh.*
ly expressed by kan, as, lukakan, Infusible (-i-bl), adj. tiadn ierlhur.
to inflict a wound, sekmkan, to in- Infusion (-fu'zhz/n), s. (act of in-
flict punishment. fusing) pri mnnurgkan, et-c., see
Infliction (-flik'shzni), s. lial mn- infuse; (that which is infused)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minua, cure, injure,
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin then.

sdokan* rndaman; (liquid ex- Inhabitant (-ant), s. isi, as, isi ru-
tract) ayer. mah, isi negri.
Ingathering {m' ^Mli-Qr-mg) , s. Inhale (in-hal'), v. t. tareh nafas^
(harvt'st) pnvamn* prgtaman."^ hisap, sdnt*
Ingenious (in-jen'yws), adj. (skil- Inharmonious (in-har-mo'ni-t^),
ful) pandai, pantas, her'al-al, ta- adj. tiada herstuju, menjut,* jarg^
jam 'al'al; (shrewd) dierdek. gal,'* sumharg.*
Ingenuity (in-je-nti'i-ti), s. Tcpan- Inhere (in-her'), v. i. (stick in)
iasan, kpandaian, 'akal, cherdelc. Ikat; (be fixed) sargkot.
Ingenuous (-jen'u-i^), adj. (noble) Inherent (-ent), adj. (permanently-
harrjsawan* berhargsa, mulia; existing) memarg; (innate) ter~
(upright) tulw'i hati ; (without dis- tanam, tersargkot.
simulation) puteh hati, trus liali, Inherit (-her'it), v. t. psaka'i,* mi^
hati htul (B.). h'ki (Ar.), warisi (Ar. icarith)^
Inglorious (-glor'i-ws), adj. (ob- da pat psaka (B.).
:?cure) tiada mulia, rndah; (shame- Inheritance (-ans), s. psaka, pu-
ful) hina. saka, saka-baka,* baka.*
Ingot (in'got), s. (of tin) jorgkorg* Inheritor (-er), s. waris (Ar. tvd^
bata* rith ) .

Ingraft (in-graff), v. t. chargkok- Inhibit (-hib'it), v. t. (hold back)

kan* tahankan, tgahkan; (forbid) la~
Ingrain (in-gran'), v. t. (with dirt) rargkan.
lumor; (of moral qualities) ta- Inhospitable (-hos'pi-ta-bl), adj.
nani. i/arg ta'suka mnjamu,* tiada ber~
Ingratiate (-gra'shi-at), v. t. per- budi; (of places) tiada tmpat ber-
knankan. tdoh.
Ingratitude s.
(-grat'i-tud), pri Inhuman (-hu'man), adj. brgis^,
tiada kaseh, pri tiada m-
mnrima ganas* tiada mnaroh kasehan.
rgnarxjkan budi, pri mrghilargkan- Inhumanity (-hu-man'i-ti), s. A.--

haik orarg, ho-jiiicherg (B.) (Cli.). btgisan.

Ingredient (-gre'di-ent), s. (com- Inhume (in-lmm'), v. t. tanam,
ponent part) hhagian; (materials kuburkan.
collected) ramu-i-amuan ,'^ aivas^ Inimical (in-im'i-kal), adj. ber-
( W.) praivis;*' (of a medical pres-
, stru,* bermusoh, mlawan, 7ii-
cription) rm-pah. The principal larggar.
ingredient, doj^ar* Inimitable (-ta-bl), adj. tiada ter-
Ingress (in'gres), s. (act of enter- tint* yatg tiada dapat di-tumi,
ing) pri masok; (liberty to enter) tiada berbandirg, tiada beriolok*
izin masok. Iniquitous (in-ik'wi-t?/s), adj. ;a-
Ingrowing (in'gro-ing), adj. In- hat, amat jahat,* jahat skali.
growing nail, kukii mnchrgkam* Iniquity (-ti), s. kjahatan, dosa.
Ingulf (in-gulf), v. t. tla^i. Initial (in-ish'al), adj. mula-mula,
Inhabit (in-hab'it), v. t. diami,* yarg pertama, kpala, awal (Ar.).
dudoki,* tirggal (B.). Initial, s. hunif yarg pertama*
Inhabitable (-a-bl), adj. tiada ter- huruf migganti nama*
diami,* ta'holch di-dudoki,* ta'- Initiate (-i-at), v. t. (commence)
holeh tirggal (B.). mula'i, mulai (B.) ; (instruct)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, s5re, sort, s5rry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
ajar, ajari; (confer membership) pintu: (in tbe shore) flok:
masoJi'l'an. (small) suak.*
Initiation (-a'slrwn), s. permula'an, Inmate (in'niat), s. orarg isi* orarg
piyajaran, pri mmasokkan, as yatg mnumparg.
above. Inmost (iu'most), adj. yarg dalani
Initiative (-a-tiv), s. (first step) d'ali.
hi trjliali permula'an. Inn (in), s. rumah tumpargan, ru-
Inject (in-jekf), v. t. bomha k- mah niakan, hotel (E.).
daJarn, masoJckan. Innate (in-nat') , adj. (inborn)
Injection (-Jek'shi/n), s. (act of in- saka-haka;* (inherent) tertanam.
jecting) lial mmbomha k-dalam; Inner (in'ner), adj. (interior) da-
(thing injected) hararg yarg di- lam., sblah dalani; (pertaining to
hornhakan. the spirit) batin* (Ar. bdnin).
Injudicious (-ju-dish'z^s), adj. tiada Innermost (-most), adj. yarg da-
Umhaty-mnimbarg, kurarg hudi, lani skali.

kuraig hijalc. Innings (in'ningz), s. giliran*

Injunction (-jungk'shvm), s. (com- Innocence (in'no-sens), s. (freedom
mand) liukutu, prentah; (pre- from sin or guilt) lial tiada
ventive) tgaJian. berdosa, ksuchian, ktulusan; (sim-
Injure (in'jur), v. rosakkan, cha-
t. plicity, silliness) kbbalan.
cha t kan, cJi dra kan ( Sk. ) , & nchana- Innocent (-s^nt). adj. tiada ber-
kari, hri niudlarat (Ar.) ; (wound) dosa^ tiada bersalah, tnlus hati.
lukakan; (slander) husokkan, ja- Innocuous (in-nok'u-?/s), adj. yarg
liafkan. tiada mmbri b nchana, tiada ninibri
Injurious (in-iur'i-?/s), adj. yarg mudlarat (Ar.).
mrosahkan, herhnchana, yarg mm- Innovation (in-no-vji'shwn), s, per-
hri mudlarat (Ar.). kara bharu.
Injury (in'jur-i), s. krosaVan, Innuendo (in-nu-en'do), s. sindir-
chdra (Sk.), hnrhana, chachat, an.
mudlarat (At.) ; (wound) luka. Innumerable (-nu'mer-a-bl), adj.
Injustice (in-jus'tis), s. aniaya, tiada terhitoig, tiada tpermna%*
ilalirn (Ar.). tiada terhimhkan* (Ar. nisab).
Ink (ingk), s. daicat (xVr.), tinta Inoculate (-ok'u-lat), v. t. tanam
(Port.). chacliar ataii lain piyakit, jaigkit-
Ink, V. t. lumorkan drgan dawat. kan.
Inklin<2: s. imrat
(in^-klin^]:), (Ar. Inodorous (-o'der-?/.s), adj. tiada
isliaraf). berbau.
Inkstand (-stand), s. tmpat dawat,* Inoffensive (-of-fen'siv), adj. yarg
hkas dmraf* tmpat tinta. linda mryusahi^ yarg tiada mmbri
Inky (-i), adj. hitam Igam. bnchana, yarg tiada mndatargkau.
Inlaid (in-lad'), adj. hrrtatahkan* mudlarat (Ar.).
tiHrsndikan* di-tanam (B.). Inoperative (-op'er-a-tiv), adj. yarg
Inland (in'land), adj. (upcountry) tiada berlaku* yarg tiada jay a*
ulu (as opposed to on the sea) di
: yarg ta'boleh jadi (B.).
darat. Inopportune (-op'por-tun), adj.
Inlay (in-la'). v. t. -mdikan* tanam yarg bukan ktika-rya, salah waktu,
(B.). la..marg.
Inlet (in'let), s. (place of entrance) Inordinate (-or'di-net), adj. tiada

&te, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.

hperhitga'an,* teflalii sargat, ter-


Insect (in'sekr), s. idat dan binatarg

lampaii, terlampon (B.). \
kchil-kcliil, srargga ( Sk. ) .

Inorganic (-or-gan'ik), adj. tiada !

Insecure (in-se-kur'), adj. (not
hernjaira, tiada hidop, tiada tum- I
secure) tiada huholi/^ tiada tgoh;
loli. \ (unstable) tiada ttap; (not safe)
Inquest (in'kwest), s. siasaf^ deri- I
tiada slwmat, 'berhaliya; (tied or
hal kmatian {preksa (B.)]. I
fixed too loose) chppol.'^
Inquire (in-kwir'), v. i. (ask a nsecurity (-i-ti), s. pri tiada
question) tatya: (make an ex- liili-ok,^ etc., as above; (danger)
amination) prehsa, siasat (Ar.), baliya.
slidek* fafahus'^ (Ar. tdfauJivs) ; nsensibility (-sen-si-biri-ti), s.

secretl}') ri<:el'. pri tiada khabarkart diri* hal
Inquirer (-er). s. yarg mnarya, p-

tiada sdar, pergsan.

nartia, pmerehsa, pn/lidelc* ptyia- I
Insensible (-sen'si-bl), adj. (devoid
sai (At.). I
of feeling) tiada berrasa; (uncon-
Inquiry (-i). s. pertarya'an, p- I
scions) pergsan, tiada sdar, tiada
rnrehsa'an^ siasat (Ar.), prylideh' khabarkan diri:* (as in epilepsy)
an.* I

slap;* (for a short time) hilarg

Inquisition (in-kwi-zish'-z/n), s.
(inquiry) see above; (E. C.) i
Insensibly (-bli), adv. (impercep-
majlis yarg mryiasat* dan mryeksa- i
tibh') perlahan-lahan, plan-plan.
hoih nrarg yarg huJcan Katolih. Insensitive (in-sen'si-tiv), adj.
Inquisitive (-kwiz'i-tiv), adj. yarg sbar, lali.* See xumb.
suha miylidel'* yarg pdulilcan hal Inseparable (-sep'er-a-bl), adj.
orarg. yaig ta'boleh di-chraikan.
Inquisitor (-ter), s. sidarg* majlis Insert (in-serf), v. t. (put in)
inquisition,'* q. y. ma-sokkan; (slip in between two
Inquisitorial (-tor'i-al), adj. yaiy surfaces) slit, sisip.*
ttiryiasat* drgan hra^ [prel'sa Insertion s. (act of in-
(B.)]. serting) pri rnmasokkan; (lace)
Inroad (iu'rod), s.
ptyrargan/^ larg- pita (Port.).
garan musoli. Inside (in'sid'), prep, dalam, di
Insalubrious (in-sa-lii'bri-^.s), adj. dalani .

tiada minhri seliat. Inside, adj. dalam, yaig sblah da-

Insane (in-san'), adj. (mad) gila; lain.
(deranged in mind) sasar^ tiada Inside, s. sblah dalam.
.duman.* Insidious (in-sid'i-?/s) adj. (lying
Insanity (-san'i-ti), s. gila, 1-- in wait) yarg migndap, yarg mrg-
msaran. adarg; (deceitful) pnipu; (trea-
Insatiable (-sa'slii-a-bl), adj. ta'- cherous) kliianat (Ar.) ; (con-
puas, tn'holeh hnryaig, slal\* cealed, hidden) sulit.*
Inscribe (in-skrib'j, v. t. (enf^rave) Insight (in'sTt), s. (perception)
uJiir/^ lukis; (mark with letters) prgertian, prgtahiian.
iulis. Insignia (in-sig'ni-a), s. tanda k-
Inscription (-skrip'shim), s. uhir- bsaran, tanda jawatan;* (royal)
anj^ hihisan, tulisan. alat k raja'an (Ar.).
Inscrutable (-kroo'ta-bl), s. tiada Insignificant (-sig-nifi-kant), adj.
tersJidel',* gluiih (Ar.). (meaningless) tiada berarti; (un-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
important) alary-kpalanj, rergan, Inspector (-ter), s. pmreksa, p-
sid-sui:* (mean) hina, terliina. lylidek,^ jnyiasat(Ar.), natlir
Insincere (-sin-ser'), adj. tiada (Ar.), inspekter (E.). Inspei -
tidiis, pura-pura,^ muka-muka, tor of police, mrityu (Port.), bn-
duata,^ munafik (Ar,). lya (B.). Inspector of schools,
Insincerity (-ser'i-ti), s. pura- pmrek.^a sknlali.
pura* muka-muka. Inspiration (-spi-rfi'slum), s. (draw-
Insinuate (-sin'u-at), v. i.
(flow ing breath) tarek nafas; (divine
^renth' in) srap;"^' (ingratiate one's inliiience) ilham (Ar.) ; (a higher
self) chumhu* lech eh."* form) wahi"^ (Ar. iraiiyu).
Insinuate^ masokkan perlalian-
v. t. Inspire (in-spir'), v. t. (infuse into
lahaii, masokkan plan-plan, tlap- the mind) datanjkan; (super-
kan;^ (hint) sindiri. naturally) ilhamkan (Ar.), wahi-
Insinuation (-sin-u-a'shwn), s. kan (Ar.). To inspire courage,
chumhuan/^ sindiran, as above. perrafgsargkan* branikan. To
Insipid (-sip'id), adj. tawar, iaicar- inspire confidence, datargkan k-
hebir,^ tawar-nuyamhar (B.), pa- perchayaan.
yau, champah* Inspirit (-spir'it), v. t. (animate)
Insist (in-sisf), v. i. (be persistent) hidopkan, bargkitkan; (encour-
hersurygoh-surggoh liati, herkuaU age) bri liaii, branikan, perrarg-
kuat; (urge others) paksa, ga- Mugkari.'^
gahi:^ (by punisliment) dra."^ Instability (in'sta-biri-ti), s. pri
Insolence (in'so-lens), s. somhorg, tiada tgoh, tiada ttap; (of cha-
clioigkak, purgah/^ borgkakj* as racter) rncliam,^ linchah* hal
below. tiada ttap.
Insolent (-lent), adj. (haughty) Install (in-stawl'), v. t. (set in a
somhorg, clioigkak, purgah;'^ (dis- seat) dudokkan; (place of office)
respectful to superiors) ho^gkak,* glarkan, lantek;* (of kings) tabal-
knrarg ajar; (brazen faced) muka kan'* (Ar. Tabal), nobatkan* (Ar.
slamba, imul* tmubat).
Insoluble (in-sol'u-bl), adj. tiada Installation (in'stol-la'sht^n), s.

lianvliur. glaran, lantek'a?i*

Insolvency (-ven-si), s, pri tiada Instalment (in-stawl'ment), s. pm-
tcrhayer hutatg. bayeran sdikit-sdikit ; (fixed por-
Insolvent (-vent), adj. yarg tiada tion) ansuran ; (irregular) tin-
dapat mmhayer hufarg-rya. rkit*
Insomnia (-som'ni-a), s. pnjakit Instance (in'stans), s. (solicitation)
tatidor. perminta'an; (time, occasion)
Insomuch (in'so-rauch'), adv. s- kali; (illustrative case) perkara.
hirgga,^ sampai. For instance, umpama-rya, mesal-
Inspect (in-spekf), v. t. (look on, vja (Ar. mithal).
scrutinize) lihaii, helek, tatap* Instance, v. t. vmpamakan, mesal-
perhatikan; (examine) preksa, kan (Ar. mithal).
slidck* siasat (Ar.). Instant (-stant), adj. (urgent)
Inspection (-spek'sh^n), s. pm- tkiin,yakin (Ar.), taat (Ar.) ;
reksaan, pri mliliati, etc., as (without delay) sgra, bargat.*
above. Instant, s. s-kjap, s-kjap mata, s-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; did, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

hntar, s-m'at* (At. saat) ; (pre- Instruct (in-strukf), v. t. (teach)

sent month) bulan ini. ajar ; (advise) nasihatkah;* (com-
Instantaneous (in'stan-ta'ni--ws) , mand) psan, suroh, prentah; (as
adj. serta-nierta, s-bntar jiiga. kings) titah.'^

Instantly (in'smnt-li), (im- adv. Instruction (in-struk'shi^n), s. pig-

mediately) serta-merta; (earnest- ajaran, nasihat* pmnan, Jiukuni,
ly) dtgan thun, (by an fa'at (Ar.). pre?ifah ; as above.
Instead Instructive (-tiv), adj. berisi pig-
(in-sted'), adv. a.l-an ganti,
y.mhl-an* Instead of ^ainin^^ he ajarati.
Instructor guru, ptgajar.
more, nsahkan* heruntorg
lost tlie (-ter), s.

hertambah-tambah rugi-nja, ta- Instrument (in'stroo-ment), s. per-

kata untoig balek rugi lagi waig- kakas; (of music) buryi-buryian.
nja (B.).
Instrumental (-men'tal), adj.
hnra-kvra kaH* (helpful) berguna. Instrumental
Instep (in'step), s.

Instigate (in'sti-gat) v. t. asut, usot music, b u lyi-b ii ryian.

(B.), achum,* see induce.
Instrumentality (-men-tal'i-ti), s.
Instigator (-er), s. piyasut* tio-
pri mraal'ai. Through the instru-
mentality of, dryan pertolorgan,
karg-mrgusot (B.), pmbatu-api*
batu api (B.).
Insubordinate (in'vsub-or'di-net),
Instil (in-stil'), v. (drop in) fi-
adj. derhaka, fiada ta'at* (Ar.
fe kkan; (impart gradually) ma- Taat ) .
sokkan perJalian-lahan, tanam,
Insubordination (-na'shwn), s.
Instinct (in-stingkt'), adj. (ani- Insufferable (in-suffer-a-bl), adj.
mated) hidop. Instinct with life,
yafg fiada terdrita* tiada fer-
iherJigkap dtgan hay at.*
talian, fiada terfatyyory.
Instinct (in'stingkt), s. (natural
Insufficiency (in'suf-fish'en-si), s.
impulse) fabi'at.
Instinctive (in-stingk'tiv), adj. Insufficient (-ent), adj. kuraiy.
(natural, with intention) s-nie- Insular (in'su-ler), adj. deri-pada
marg, as, an instinctive dread, s-
pxdan, pulau (a) ; (narrow, illi-
mematy takot. Instinctive actions
beral) smpit.
^re expressed by the prefix ter, as, Insulate (-lat), v. t.
(isolate) asity-
terkjut, terpranjat, etc. ka n, su k us u ku ka n * .

Institute (in'sti-tut), v. t. (esta- Insulation (-la'shun), s. (act of in-

blish) adakan, jadikan, dirikan, sulating) pri imyasirykan; (that
Ual-kan, tntukan; (begin) mula'i, which insulates, on wires) pmbahit
mulai (B.). kawaf.*
Institute, s. (i^ociety) perskutuan* Insulator (-la -ter), s. (telegi-aph)
korgsi (Ch.) ; (college) skolah marykok faliyrap.'^
bmr. Insult (in'sult), s. cliercha (Sk.),
Institution (-tu'shiin), s. (act of nMa (Sk.), 'aib (At.), honar
instituting) pri mrgadakan, etc., (Pers.).
see institute; (laws or customs) Insult (in-sulf), v. t. chercha*
'adat, 'adat Inibaga* undarg- nsta* hinakan, 'aibkan (Ar.),
undatg:* (society) perskutuan,* kasimain (B.) (by extending the

korgsi (Ch.). thumb and finger) rnnjrykal muka.

--ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sdre, sort, sorry; use, us, mintts, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Insulting (-ing), adj. yaiy mnsta- of knowing, capacity to know)
kan* yaiy mmbri 'aib(Ar.), ya7y prytaliuan, ptyertian; (news, in-
Jcasi mahi (B.), yary rnrnhuai f(>rmation) kliahar, hrita/^ werta.'*'
honar.'^ Intelligent (-jent), adj. her'akal,
Insuperable (in-su'per-a-bl), adj. berpiyiahuan, 'arif (Ar.), pintar
yary iiada dapat di-lalui* yary {N.L).
tiada teralahl'an* yary ta'holeli di- Intelligible (-ji-bl), adj. yary dapat
kalalikan (B.). uraiy nnyerti, herarti, trary, ryata.
Insupportable (in'sup-port'a-bl ) , Intemperance (in-tem'per-ans), s.
adj.iiada icrdrita,^ iiada ier- klbehan, klainpauan* hnahok'an;
iahan, tiada teriaryyory. as beJow.
Insurance (in-shur'ans), s. (^(uar- Intemperate (-et), adj. (immoder-
aiitee) pryakuan; (inderanifiea- ate) iiada bperhiryyaan/^ tiada ier-
tion) inshtiran (E.). iahan, Ibeh deri-pada 'adat, lam-
Insure (in-shur'), v. t. (make sure) pan* deri-pada. 'adat [terlampon
tntukan^ suryyohkan: (against (B.)] (in the nse of alcohol)

loss) masok inshuran (E.). ya)y minum mabok.

Insurgent (in-ser'jent), adj. der- Intend (in-tend'), v. t. (fix the
liaka. mind) man, hndak, berkahandak,
Insurgent, s. ovary derhaka. berniat, bermaksud, tntukan. To
Insurmountable (in'ser-mownt'a- intend to do (do intentionally),
bl), adj. yaiy iiada dapat di-lalui,'^ huat dry an sryaja.
. yary tiada terdakij^ yary tiada ter- Intended (-ed), adj. (purposed,
alahkan,^ yary ia'holeh di-kalah-
" designed) tertntu, di-kahandaki,'^
kan (B.). di-rti ak>i u dkan, siyaja.
Insurrection (-rek'slmn), s. helot, Intended, s. tunaryan.
derhaka. Intense (-tens'), adj. (earnest)
Insusceptible (in'siis-sep'ti-bl). adj. tkun, yakin (Ar.) ; (extreme, ex-
tiada herrasa, tiada teryrak. cessive) saryat, arnat,* terlalu, ter-
Intact (in-takf), adj. tiada ter- larnpauf^ terlampon (B.) ; (of
sntoJi, iiada chachat, tiada rosak, pain) trek; (of heat) trelc, kras.
layi smpurna. Intensely (-li), adv. teramai* ter-
Intaglio (in-tag'li-o or in-tal'yo), s. saryat, etc., as above.
yamhar ternkir* yamhar terlukis. Intensify (-ten'si-fl), v. t. Tbehi,.
Intangible (in-tan'ji-bl), adj. yary tanibalii, kuatkan.
iiada terjamaJi. Intensity (-ti), s. ksaryatan.
Integer (in'te-jer), s. aryka y7iap* Intent (in-tenf), adj. tkun, yakin
Integral (-gral), adj. pnoh, ynap, (Ar.), rajin; (of the gaze) m-
smpurna. rnory.
Integrity (in-teg'ri-ti), s. (com- Intent, s. kaliandak, niat, maksud.
pleteness) ksmpurna'an; (hones- To all intentsand purposes, dalam
tv) ktulusan, eklilas (Ar.), tulus- syala hal-ehwaJ,'^' see evext.
ekhlas'^ (Ar. ikhld^). Intention (-ten'sh?m), s. kahandak,
Intellect (in'tel-lekt), s. ^akal, 'niat, kmauan, man, maksud, kasad

hijaksana. (Ar.), hajat* (Ar. ndjat).

Intellectual (-lek'ohoo-al), adj. Intentional (-d), adj. sryaja.
her'akal, hijak, 'arif (Ar.). Intently (in-tent'-li), adv. dryan
Intelligence (in-tel'li-jens), s. (act tkun, dtyan yakin (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Inter (in-ter'), v. t. I'uhurl-an, ia- Interference (-^ns), s. pri masoh
tiain. (ham par, etc., as above.
Intercede (in'ter-setr), v. i. (me- Interim (in'ter-im), s. antara. In
the interim, dalam' antara itu.
diate) jadi orarg trgah, jadi pty-
nntara* jadi pndamai:* (make in- Interior (in-ter'i-er), adj. dalam,
tercession) niinia damai* mitita i<blah dalam.
am pun, sorotg damai,^ niohoii* Interior, s. dalam, sblah dalam; (of
beyhaat shafaat (Ar.). a country) idu.
Intercept (-sept'), v. t. (catch on Interjection (in'ter-jek'shim), s.
the way) targl-ap trgah jalan; (by perkata'an yaig uirgjot atau m-
a short cut) pintas;'^ ("^top) ta- lyru,^ sruan.*
kanka n, herh n t ikan ; obstruct ) Interlace (-las'), v. t. aryam, srg-
Intercession (-sesh/im), Interlard (-lard'), v. t. champur.
s. pmokon-
an,^ pi'rdanuiian,'^ shafa'at (Ar.).
Interleave (-lev'), v. t. sla^g-slarg-
Intercessor s.
kan kertas.
(-ses'ser), prgan-
Interlinear (-lin'i-er), adj. berslarg-
iara,^ pndamai'^ orarg ttyah.
slarg bar is.
Interchange (-chanj'), v. t. (ex-
Interlocution (-lo-ku'shiin) s. per-
change) tnhar; (mutually) tuhar-
rnnul-ar; (intermingle) champur.
Interlope (-lop'), v. i.
Intercourse (iii'ter-kors), s. (con- rnasok champur; (intrude) tmpoh
nection) perhiih organ, perramah- fua-'^ok.
an,* ramah;'^ (association) per-
Interloper (-er), s. orarg yarg m-
>tl'utuan.* Sexual intercourse, per-
s'afiian, peninhohan* jim'a (Ar.).
nmpoh masoh.
Interlude' (in'ter-lud), s. permain-
interdict (-dikf), v. t. tgahhan, an .^matitara* lagu smantara*
laraigkan, pantaigkan, haranil-an.
Intermarriage (-mar'rij), s. pri
Interest (in'ter-est), s. (feeling) kali win satu
rhita,^ perrasaan: (share, por- sum a lain (B.).
tion) hhagian; (advantage) fa'- Intermarry (-ri), v. i. kahwin-mah'
idah; (profit) untorg, laha;* (for ir i n, be rka h win-kahwinan.
a loan) burga warg, laha/^ riba Intermeddle (-med'dl), v. i. masoh
(Ar.). To take an interest in,
champur, masok targan, masoh
ludahkan* To take no interest imdut, see ixterfkre.
in,tiada pdnli, tiada Mrau.^
Intermediary (-me'di-a-ri), s. oraig
Interest, v. t. (awaken interest) da- tnjah, pigantara.'^
ta) gkan fihiran, harghitkan chita' Intermediate (-et), adj. (in the
chita^'^ sukal'on liati. middle ])]ace or
degree) pertrgah-
Interesting (-ing), adj. yarg ninju- an, sdarg; (intervening) berslarg-
Irikan hati, yarg niinhatykltkan slarg.
cliita-rhita* Interment (in-ter'm^mt), s. per-
Interfere (come
(in'ter-fer'), v. i. kuburan.
in collision) mlawan-lawan; (in Interminable (-mi-na-bl), adj.
conveisation) sampoh, miyampoh tlada bperhirggaan,* tiada ber-
(B.) (intermeddle)
champur, ksudahan, tiada herhputusan.
inasolcmulut. niasoh tatgan. To Intermingle (in'ter-ming'gl), v. i.
interfere with, gaiggu,"^ kachau. bercliampur-gaul.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minims, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Intermission (-misli'wn), s. per- tanja'an. Mark of interrogation,.
il n t ian. Wi thoiit intennission ,
tanda sual, tanda tanja [?].
tiada herhputusan, tiada berjda Interrupt (in'ter-rupf), v. t. (stop,,
(Ar.). tiada herdaJ' hinder) 'mparg, skat; (in conver-
Intermit (-mit'). v. i, herhnii^ ter- sation) sampok, mnjampok (B.),
hnti, berslary-slaty. jampokf (cause to cease) berhn^
Intermittent (-t<?nt), adj. hersJarg, tikan.
unchanj-nnchit* Interaiittent fe- Interruption (-rup'sht/n), s. (act
ver, dmam herslarg hari, dniam of interrupting) pri mrgmpargy
lat-lat hari. etc., as above.
Intermix (-miks') \.i. herchanipur- Intersect (-sekf), v. t. (divide into
(jaul. parts) bhagi-bhagikan; (cross)
Intermixture (-miks'chur)^ s.cJiam-
pvran. Intersect, v. i. (meet) bertmu.
Internal (in-ter'nal), adj. dalam, Intersection (-sek'shwn), s. tmpat
sblah dalam; (pertainincr to the
pertmnan; (of roads) sempatg.
heart) batin* (Ar, baTin). Intersperse (-spers'), v. t. tabur^
International (-nash'j/n-al), adj. kan.
bbrapa ban/sa (a), antara bargsa- Interstice (in-ter'stis), s. (crevice)
bargsa. chlah; (interval) jarak.*
Internecine (-ne'sm), adj. ber-
Intertwine &er-
(in'ter-twin'), v. i,
Interpellate (-pel'lat)^ v. t. preksa, Interval (in'ter-val), s. (space)
siami (Ar.).
jarak* sJa* rrggarg, perantara-
Interpolate (in-ter'po-lat), v. t. \v)i, perslmgan; (between pillars)
tarnbah perlrita,'ari, slit.
ruatg/-^ (between joints of fingers
Interpose (in'ter-p5s'), y. t. adarg- or bamboo) ruas;* (of time) slaig^
kan, masohhan, slithan, galargJcan. antara, jurus; (panse, leisure)
Interpose, v. i. Zmi,* masok sama klapargan.*
tigah, see intekfere. Intervene (-ven'), v. i. (come be-
Interpret (in-ter'pret) v. t. (ex- ,
tween) masok, lintarg : (happen
plain) trargkan, artikan, rriana-
to prevent) gndala (Sk.), aval
kan: (dreams) t'abir (Ar.) ;
(Ar. 'aradl) ; (interpose) Zrai,*
(writings) tafsirkan (Ar.) ; (lan- masok sama Ugah (B.).
guages) terjmahkan (Ar.), saJin- Intervention (-ven'shwn), s. (act
of intervening) hat masok, etc.^
Interpret, v.
jadi juru-bhasa.
as above; (mediation) shafaaf
Interpretation (-pre-ta'shun), s.
arti, m'ana, t'abir (At.), tafsir Interview (-vii), s. (meeting) per^
(Ar.), terjmoh (Ar.) ; as above.
tmuan, perjumpa'an.
Interpreter (-pret-er), s. juru-
Interview, v. t. (a prince) niry-^
hadap; (gen.) berjumpa, bertmu.
Interregnum (in'ter-reg'nwm), s.
Interweave (-wev'), v. t. berpakan-
masa pmargkuan.*
v. t.
Interrogate (in-ter'ro-gat),
usnl- Intestate (in-tes'tet), adj. tiud^t
sual, preksa, ta'iya-mnatya,
berwasiai* (Ar. ivasiyat).
preksa,^ taryai*
Intestinal (-ti-nal), adj. prot (a).
Interrogation (-ga'sh-wn), 8. per-

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minims, cure, injure-
thin then.
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil;
Intestine (-tin), adj. (internal) tmpoh masok. To intrench on
dakini. one's authority, tnnindeh prentah
Intestine, s. tali prof, i^i prot, usus oraig.
(X.L). Intrenchment (-ment), s. (fort)
Inthral (iu-tlirawr) v. t. iaivan- kubu; (encroachment) tmpohan.
kanr Intrepid (in-trep'id), adj. brani,
Intimacy (in'ti-ma-si), s. perra- perkam (Sk.).
mahan* ramah;^ I'arib'^ i-^'^- Intrepidity (in-tre-pid'i-ti), s. k-
qarib). branian, perkasa (Sk.).
Intimate (-met), adj. herramahan* Intricacy (in'tri-ka-si), s. srg-
ramah-tamah* rapat, I'avih (Ar.). kerut/'
rafik'^ (Ar. rafiq). Intricate (-ket), adj. sigkerut/^
Intimate (-mat), v. t. MiabarVan, kusut.
bri tahu, rnalumkan. (Ar.) ; (give Intrigue (in-treg'), s. pakatan,
a hijit) Uaratkan (Ar. ishdrat). subahal* elah (Ar. lulah).
Intimation (-ma'shwn), s. kliahar, Intrigue, v. i. pakat, bersubahat.'^'
isarat. as above. Intrinsic (in-trin'sik), adj. (in-
Intimidate (in-tim'i-dfit), v. t.
ward) batin* (Ar. baTin) ; (in-
(make timid) bri takot, iakoti; herent) memarg; (real) sutggoh.
(threaten) vgut* r/ertaJc; (dis- Introduce (in'tro-diis'), v. t. (bring
hearten) tawarkan hati, bachol- in) baiva masok; (put in) masok-
kan :* (so as to prevent some ac-
kan; (make acquainted) knalkan;
tion) srekkan* (to a superior) hadapkan; (begin)
Into (in'too). prep, k-dalam, dalam,
niula'i, mulai (B.).
k'. ma.ok. To chan<^e into, berobah Introduction (-duk'sh7/n), s. (the
act) pri mmbawa masok, pri nug-
Intolerable (in-torer-a-bl), adj. nalkan, etc., as above; (of a book)
iiada terdrifa (Sk.), tiada ter- *
p tg n a la n pn dh uluan."^

Uiifigoig, tiada tertahan. inula-

Introductory (-to-ri), adj.
Intolerance (-ans), s. knrarrj sabar. mula.
Intolerant (-ant), adj. (not en-
Introspection (-spek'shun), s. prek-
during) yarg tiada da pat mnarg- m hati sndiri.
gonj: (not tolerating) kurarg Intrude (in-tro6d'), v. i. tmpoh
Intone masok, inasok tmpat yarg tiada
(in-ton'), v. i. berlagu, ber-
2ikir* (Ar. dzikir). pa tut.
Intrusion (in-troo'zh;/n), s. lial m-
Intoxicate (in-toks'i-kat), v. t. 7a-
11 ill
poll masok.

Intoxicated (-fd). Intrust (in-trust'), v. t. sralikan,

adj. mabok.
ptarohkan,'^ amanatkan (Ar.),
Intoxicating? (-ing), adj. yaig
tNinahokkan, kliamir (Ar.). perch ayakan.
Intoxication (-ka'shwn), kmabok- Intuition (in-tii-ish'wn), s. pig-

tahuan batiu* (Ar. baTin), per-
Intractable rasa an.
(-trakt'a-bl), adj. dgil,
baniahan.'^ Intuitively (iu-tu'i-tiv-li), adj.
Intrench (in-rrench'), v. t. (forti- dujan prg tahuan bat in (Ar.).
fy) kubukan. Intwine (in-twin'), v. t. aryam, blit.
Intrench, v. i. (invade, trespass) Inundate (in'un-diit), v. t. (over-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

flow) sbalclcan* Upnti* 'inpoh;* Inventor (-ter), s. pndapat, yar^

(overwhelm) lampaui* liputi.^ ungadakan, yaig nireka.'^'
Inundation (-da'shwii); s. ayer halt, Inventory (-to-ri), s. dafta?' (Av.)^
aycr sbak/^ 'nLpohan* kojoh* nail: lis (E.).
ai/er (B.). Inverse (in-vers'), adj. snigsarg,*
Inure (in-fir'), v. t. hiasakan. lateTi- nnyingmrg (B.), tej'halek.
kaii,'^ lalikati* Inversion (-ver'sli//n), s. k^^urg^
Inutility (in-u-til'i-ti), s. sia-sicL* saigaii.--'

pri tiaila herguna. Invert (in-vert'), v. t. surgsaigkan*

Invade (in-vad'), y. t. srarg* larg- terhalekkan, surgkopkan* tlukop^
gar ; (encroach on) tmpok ma^sok. kan, tluigkopkan.
Invader (-er), s. piyrcug* plarggar. Invertebrate (in-ver'te-bret), adj.
Invalid (in-varid); adj. (of no yaig tiada hertularg-hlakarg.
force) I in ah, tiada sah Inverted (iji-vert'ed), adj. terhalek.
(Ar.) ;

(null and void) haiah munsukli

Invest (in-vesf). v. t. (dress) pa^
(Ar.). kaikan, persalinkari ;* (with office)
Invalid (in'va-led), adj. Iwali, sakit, aigkat, lantekr^ (adorn) himi,*
Uidzur (Ar.), see txfiem. riaskan (B.) : (siirronnd) kpoig,.
Invalid, s. orarg sakit. leigkoig:* (nione}') jalankan
Invalid (in'va-led'), v. t. (make ill) (/raig), hlanjakan.

datargkan sakif; (classify as sick) Investigate (-i-gat), v. t. preksa,

siasal (Ar.). slidek;* (secretly)
hilargkan sakit.
Invalidate (in-vari-dat),, v. t. tiada-
kan, haf alkali, inansiikhkan (Ar.). Investigation (-ga'slmn). s. p-
Invaluable (-n-a-bl), adj. tiada nireksa'an, siasat (Ar.), risek.*
Investiture (-i-clmr), 8. (clothing)
ternilaikaiK* tiada terhitorg lierga-
indah skali. persalinan;* (ceremony of invest-
iiig) laiiteVan.*
Invariable (in-var'i-a-bl), adj. Investment (-mit), s. (act of in-
tiada herohali, sntiasa (Sk.), ttap,
vestijig) mmakaikan, etc., see
invest: (that with which one is
Invasion (in-va^zh^ai), s. piyraig-
anr invested) persalinan;* (money in-
vested) modal, pokok.
Invective (in-vek'tiv), s. nsta
Inveterate (in-vet'er-et), adj. kla-
(Sk.), cherclia (Sk.)/cJila.
(Ar.), memarg, ttap, kkaL
Inveigh (in-va'), v. i. nsta* clier-
Invidious (-vid'i-ws), adj. yarg mn-
clia* cilia.
datargkan dnjki^ yarg mrgirikan
Inveigle (in-vfi'gl), v. t. ssatkan, hati.
tipu, pujok. Invigorate (-vig'er-at), v. t. kvat^
Invent (in-venf), v. t. (discover) kan sgavkan.

dapat; (devise) adakan; (fabri- Invincible (-vin'si-bl), adj. tiada

cate) reka-reka.* tcralaltkan* ta'holek di-kalafikan.
Invention (-ven'shi/n), s. pndapai- Inviolable (-vi'o-la-bl). adj. yarg
an, reka'an;* (falsehood) holioig, tiada holeh rosak, tiada herrlia-
dnsta;* (wonderful contrivance) chat, tiada hercJda; (of promises)
hikrnat (Ar.). tiada tcrohahkan.
Inventive (-tiv), adj. pandai mrg- Invisibility (-viz-i-liVi-ti). !^. hna-
adakan, pandai mreka.* gic) JiaUimin.*-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, rec^^nt, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, miuMs, ciire, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) law, how, oil; thin then.
Invisible (-viz'i-bl), adj. tiada h- Irate (i-raf), adj. ma rah,
likatan, tanampak, Innjap, ghaib (of princes) murka
Ire (ir), s. marah, berargj* (of
Invitation (-vi.-ta'shn), s. jmpid- princes) miirka (Ar.).
an, surat jniputan, parggilan.
Ireland (ir'land), s. negri Ayerlan,
Invite v.t.
Iris (i'ris), s. mata hitam, hitam
minta, jmput; (ask to one's house, mat a (B.).
to eat, etc.) lawaj^ ajak, ajat Irish (i'rish), adj. den-pada bargsa

(B.) ; (to an entertainment, etc.) Aye Han.

Irk (erk), v. t. pnatkan, susahkan.
jmput, patygUf^ (when address-
iiiof the guest) persilakan;* (re-
Irksome (erk'swm), adj. pnjmu,*
mind ot" invitation) sonsotrj/'^ yarg mryusahi,* susah, sukarj^
Iron (i'ern), s. (the metal) bd;
Inviting (-ing), adj. (of food,
etc.) iiatg mrnhnl-akan nafsu. (Hatiron) strika (D.),ut-tau (B.)
Invocation (-vo-ka'shun), s. pnjru- (C'h.) (chains) rantai, bltggu*

an Cast iron, bsi tuaigan. Corru-

(prayer) d(/a.
Invoice (in'vois), s. daftar dagaty- gated iron, zerg (E. zinc), timah
sari (B.). Magnetic iron, bsi

In>'oke (in-Yok'), v.t.

brani. Pig iron, jorgkorg bsi*
sru/'^ minta,
Wrought iron, bsi tmpawan,* bsi
tmpaan* Iron rust, karat bsi.
Involuntary (-vorun-ta-ri), adj.
tiada srgaja, bid-an drgan sigaja. Iron, adj. (of iron) bsi; (firm) ku-
koh,^ tgoJi. Iron foundry, tmpat
Involve (in-volv'), v.t. (envelop,
tnarg bsi. Iron ore, bijeh bsi.
cover) Jiputi* shihorg; (compli- Iron wood, kayu blian. Iron
cate) kiisutkan; (imply) han-
works, pertnkaigan bsi.
ilotij f^ (entangle in a quarrel or
Iron, v.t. strika (D. strijken), ut-
crime) hahit. tan (Ch. ut-tau), (B.) ; (with a
Involv^ed (in-volvd'), adj. (com-
shell) grns.'^
plicated) hvsut. Ironical (i-ron'i-kal), adj. pryindir,
Invulnerability (in-vurner-a-bil'i- sindiran.
ti), s. kbal; (magic to produce in-
Ironing (i'ern-iug), s. pkerjaan
vulnerability) apoirj,"^ pnimhul* strika (D.).
Invulnerable (-a-bl), adj. klial,
Ironmonger (-mung-ger), s. pnjual
perkakas bsi.
an b-si, taliaii temhak, tiada
li di-
Irony (fr^m-i), s. sindiran.
iiKihni snjata.
Irradiate (ir-ra'di-at), v.t. sinar,*
Inward (in'werd), adj. (inner) da- *
him : (of the miud) baiin'^ (Ar. Irrational (-rash'7/n-d), adj. (void
biVYin ) .
of reason) tiada ber'akal; (foolish,
Inward, adv. (into) h-dalam_, ma-
absurd) bodoli.
f<ol'; (of the mind) batin (Ar.). Irreclaimable (-re-klam'a-bl), adj.
Inwardly (-li), adv. (mentally) da- yaig tiada boleh di-kmbalikan,*
I am batin (Ar.).
yatg ta'boleh dapat balek (B.), see
Iota (T-iVta), s. (small quantity) fJECLATVl.
titek, noia (Ar. nnqTah). Irreconcilable (-rek-ryu-si'la-bl) ,

Irascible (i-ras'si-bl), adj. Ikas adj. tiada terdamaikan,'^ tiada ter-

maiah, prrgus.^ baikkan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Irrecoverable (-re-kiiv'er-a-bl),adj. Irreverent (-^nt), adj. yaty kurary
fidda boleh di-kmbalil'an* ta'boleh hoiinatkaii, tiada mmbri hormat.
da pat haleh\ Irrevocable (-o-ka-bl), adj. tiada
Irrefragable (-refra-ga-bl), adj. terobahkan.
yary tiada iersargkal. Irrigate (ir'ri-gat), v. t. (by pour-
Irrefutable (-ret'ii-ta-bl), adj. yaty ing) dinis* jirus :* (by streams)
tiada dapat di-baiitahi* kojohkan* achap*
Irregular (-resr'n-ler), adj. (not ac- Irrigation (-ga'shwn), s. pri mryo-
i-ordiu.^ to rule) tiada bperaturan; jnhkan mivah/^
(uncertain) ta'tntu; (uneven) Irritability (ir'ri-ta-biri-ti), s.
tiada sama rata, rndah;
tirggi rrgus.* rampiw,'^ bergkerg,'^ as be-
(as writing) chorgkah-margJceh;* low see IRRITATION.

(changeable) berobah-obali. Irritable (-ta-bl), adj. Ikas marah^

Irregularity (-lar'-i-ti) s. pri tiada prryus,'^ prampiis ;* (of animals)
beratur, pri tiada tntu, etc., as
betyketg* grenderg :'^ (itchy) ga-
above. tal, raiarg; (smarting) pret.
Irrelevant (-rere-vrnit). adj. tiada Irritate (-tat), v. t. (excite anger)
kna-miyna, tiada mbit^ (Ar. tlid- mkitkan hati, gusarif (annoy)
ui<l\ sakat; (the skin) miatykan^
Irreligious (-re-lij'?/s), adj. tiada
Irritation (-ta'shim), s. (act of
beragama. irritating) hal mryakitkan hati^
Irremediable (-re-me'di-a-bl), adj.
etc., as above; (the state) gusar,*"
tinda terobatl'an, tiada terbail'l'i*
7narah, gram; (itchiness) gatah
tiada bolek di-btutkan.
mia?y; (smarting) pret.
Irreparable (-rep'a-ra-bl), adj. ya?y Irruption (ir-rup'shwn), s. (of the
ta'boleh di-baikki, yary ta'boteli
sea) 'mpohan;'^
(invasion) p-
di-btulkan; (ol* a loss) ya)y tiada
}yra rgan/'' larggaran.
dapat di-yantikan. Isinglass (I'zing-glas), s. prot ikan.
Irrepressible (-re-pres'i-bl), adj. Islam (iz'lam), s. agania Islam.
tiada tertahan.
Island (Tlrmd), s. jpwte; (very -

Irreproachable (-procli'a-bl), adj.

small) tokoig.*
tiada berchla.
Islander (-er), s. anak pulau
Irreprovable (-proov'a-bl), adj.
Isle (il), s. pulau.
tia.dadapat di-clda, tiada berchla.
Islet (i'lt't), s. tokorg.*
Irresistible (-zist'i-bl), adj. tiada
Isolate (I'so-lat), v. t. asirgkan^
Irresolute bim- sblahkan, sukukan,^ chraikan,
(-rez'o-lut), adj.
baiy, ragu* ta'ttap. jauhkan.
Isolated (-ed), adj. tuiggal, asirg^
Irrespective (-re-spek'tiv), adj. Ir-
s'orang diri.
respective of, dujari tiada hitorg,
drgan tiada pdvii. Isolation (-la'sh?m), s. perasiiyan^
Irresponsible ktu rgga laji* ks'orargan.
(-spon'si-bl), adj.
(not to be trusted) ta'boleh di- Israelite (iz'ra-el-it), s. orarg Ya-
hud.i, oranj J audi, orarq Ibrani
Irretrievable (-trev'a-bl), adj. ta- (Ar.).
boleh di-kmba^ikan . Issue (ish'u). s. hal kluar, kluaran,
Irreverence (-rev'er-ens), s. kurary panrlturan, pancharan, as below;
harm at. (progeny) bneh, kturunan; (out-

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear. carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use. \\s, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; fo5d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
come, end) I'sudahan. Point at
issue,perkara yarg di-hantahi.'^
To join issue, hantah'kan* Side Jabber y. t.
(jab 'her), becliol',*'
issue, perl-ara yarg hersabit* (At. grichau,'^ repek,'^ repet m-
repek (B.).
Issue, V. i. (pass out) Muar; (flow Jabberer s.
(-er), pmbechok,'^'
out) panchnr; (as light) pan-
prepek,'^' mrapek (B.).
char; (rush out) terlcam Muar;
Jacynth (ja'sinth), s. (sapphire)'
(proceed, as progeny) terbit;'^'
batu 11 Ham.
(end, turn out) jadi. Jack s. Jack boots, spatu
Issue, y. t. (send out) MuarJcan, berbtisJ^' Jack fruit, natgka, dim-
lahir'kan^ (Ar. ilaliir) .

pdak. Jack plane. Mam kasar.

Isthmus s. Jack of
(is'miis), s-g7itirg* all trades, oraig yarg tahu
It (it), pron. m,* dia. The pronoun, Screw jack.
s-bararg pkerja'an.
when it is the object, is usually bichu.'^ Union jack, bndera Itg-
omitted, as, take it home, baiva gris.
pula^y; (sometimes) -lali takes its Jackass (jak'as), s. kaldai jantan;
place, as, it is wrong to do so, (conceited fool) biigorg-bagak.^
saJah-lah, Mian huat bgitu; it is Jackal (jak'awl), s. anjirg hutan,.
true, bnar-lah. srigala.
Italic (i-tarik), s. huruf cliondorg,'^ Jacket (jak'et), s. bajii pendek;
h iiriif merirg.'^
(worn by women) kbaya (Ar.
Italicise (i-tari-siz), v. t. chap qab(V).
drgan huruf cliondorg.^ Jackknife (jak'nif), s. pisau lipat.
Itch (ich), V. t. gatal, miaig; Jade (jad), s. (worthless horse)
(slightly) grniyam. kuda mandom;* (vicious woman)
Itch, s. gatal, miarg; (the disease) prempuan jahat.
I'udis. llah-
Jade, y. t.(weary, exhaust)
Itchy (ich'i), adj. gatal, miarg. kail, pnatkan.
Item (rtii), s. perkara, butir.^ Jaded (jad'ed), llah, Iteh-lsu.
Itemize (-iz), v. t. sbothan satu- Jag (jag), y. t. (notch) sumbirg-
satu, see detail. kan.
Iterate (it'er-at), v. t. ulatg'kan.'^ Jagged sumbitg,
(jag'ged), adj.
Itinerant (i-tin'er-ant), adj. yarg sempak,* sompek; (badly) ber-
J)eridar,* yarg mnjmbara,^ yaig grigis; (of hair) tokak-takek, di-
herjaJan-jalati. krip tikus.^
Itinerary (-cr-i), adj. daftar per- Jaguar (ja'gwar), s. hrimaii Ame^
jalanan (Ar.). rika.
Itinerate (-at), v. i.
herjalan-jalan, Jail (jal), s. pnjara,^' jel (E.).
nDgittbara.'^ Jailer (jal'er), s. kpala pnjara,^
Its (its), pron. -rya, ia.^ dia, dia kpala jel (E.), spir (D. cipier)
putya. (X.I.), see WARDER.
Itself (it-self), pron. ia* sndiri, dia Jam (jam), s. (preserved fruit)
sndiri, diri-iya. manisan, jem (E.).
Ivory (I'ver-i), s. gadirg. Jam, s. (crush) Vasak'an,^' krumun-
Ivy (I-vi), s. ddun pamig-pasarg'^ is an; (as logs in a stream) kmig-
somewhat similar. kotan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minims, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tTien.
Jam, V. t.
(pinch, squeeze) ayoi^,* Jeer (jer), v.
t. olok-oloh, sindir.

iipit; (crush together) asak. Jehovah (je-li5Va), s. nama Allah

Jamb (jam)^ s. (of a door) jnarg* di autara oratg Tahudi.
James (jnuiz), s. Yal-ob (Ar. Y'a- Jejune (je-jfin'), adj. ,^la-sia*
(jilh). Jelly (jel'li), (of seaweed) agar-

Jangle (jiiuo-'gl), v. i.
(as bells) agar, jpargf (of fruit) manisan.
gtiirnchaty;* (quarrel, wrangle) Jellyfish (-fish), s ubor-ubor; laui-
hert tghar, b erhalah . * bok;^ (a stinging variety) ampai-
January (jau'u-ar-i), s. jinawari, ampai.
bill an orarg put eh yarg pertama, Jemmy (jeni'mi), s. alahaigka
bulari satu orarg puteh (B.). (Port.), pnuil bsl.
Japan (ja-pan'), s. negri Jpun. Jeopardize (jep'erd-Iz), v. t. datarg-
Japan, v. t.
sanipatg^' kau bahya.
Japanese (jap'a-nez'), s. orarg Jeopardy (-i), s. bahya.
Jpun. Jeremiah (jer-e-nii'a), s. nabi
Jar (jar), v. (clash) herantol-,
i. Armia.
terantok ; (shake) berggar. Jerk (jerk), v. t. (sudden pull)
Jar, s. (shaking) ggar; (harsh sentak, riygut, rurggut (B.), 6"^/-
sound) bmyi jatggal;* (collision) tap; (flick with finger and
antoh. thumb) jntek; (snatch) snjah:*
Jar, s.(biggest) hatg;'^ (next) (up and down, as a fish on a line)
tnipayan.; (smaller) talcar,* bu- rrggut.
yotg, fernarg* tajau/-' kpit,* hm- Jersey (jer'zi), s. baju panas.
pii ;* (an expensive kind) guriy^ Jest (jest), s. jnaka* snda* gurau,
(for iiolding drinking water) chura* laumk-lawak* chalcai)
^7/^/i,* dorak* guchi (N.L). mam -main (B.).
Jargon (jar'gon), s. pelat. Jest, V. i. berjnaka* bersnda,^ bvr-
Jarring (jar'ring), adj. (discor- yurau, bersloroh olok-oJok, ogak- ,

dant) jarggal ;* (shaking) berggar. oga.k* lawak (P.).

Jasmine (jas'niin), s. rnlor, viloti Jester (jest'er), s, klakar, pran*
(X.i.). badut (Jav.).
Jasper (jas'per),
8. batu yasJiib Jesting (-ing), s. jnaka* churaJ^
(Ar.). lowak-lawak ;* cliakap mam-mma
Jaundice (jawn/dis), s. piyal'it (B.).
k'uniig. Jesuit (jez'u-it), s. (E. C.) orarg
Jaunt (jawnt), s. (excursion) ma- xuufu niadzhab SranL*
kan argin. Jesuitical (-it'i-kal), adj. cherdek.
Jaunty (-i). adj. kachal% hebai* Jet (jet), s. (spurt) pandiutan.
(Ar. haibuf). Jet, s. (the stone) merjan* hitam.
Javelin (jav'lin), s. hnbirg ; (with- Jettison (jet'ti-son), v. t. buarg
out iron point) sligif^ (barbed) niuaian k-laut.
sruit.'^ Jetty (jet'ti),s. (wharf) prgkalan*
Jaw (jaw), s. raliutg :* (Xaut., jaws jmhatan, bag an (P.), prgkalan
of a gaff) ternal.'^ lambarg.*
Ja3^ (ja), s. na?ua buroig. Jew (ju), s. oratg Yahudi, orarg
Jealous (jel'ws), adj. cliuiburu : Jaudi.
(envious) drghi. Jewel (juVl). s. jwrmaln. jauhar
Jealousy (-i), s. chmburuan. (Pers.j.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sdre. sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Jewelled (jii'eld), adj. hertataJihan ggar. To jog the memory, ingat-
jferniata* hiiermnia/^ hermaia kan.
(B.). Jog, s. (push) chuit,
ggar, as above ;

Jeweller (Jii'el-ler), s. tuJcarg mas- (turn in a road) slekoh*

perak, saudagar mas-intan, jauhari John (jon), s.(Ar.). Yahya
(Pers.). Join (join), v.
(nnite) safnkan,

Jewellery (jii'el-ri), s. mata-hida, chant umkan:'^ (connect) hnhoig,

hararg mas-pera'k. samborg; (associate) skutukan;'^
Jewess (ju'es), s. prempuan Ya- (place in contact) tmu'kan,^ tunu^
Jiiidi, prempuan Jaudi. kan*
Jewish (ju'ish), adj. hargsa YaJivdi Join, V. i . h erhu l) o lu, hersam b o rg,
(a ). hargsa J audi (a). bertinu, as above. To join in the
Jew's-harp (jfiz'liarp), s. girg- laugh, tumparg tertawa. To join
in v^'ith, seria'l*
Jib ('jil)), s. (Xaiit.) jip (E.). .lib Joiner (join'er), s. tukarg kayu.
boom, pruan jip. Joint (joint), s. (place of joining)
Jibe (jibj^T. i. (X'aut.) herl-'isar. itupat samborg, peril uboty an; (of
'^^^ (jio).' s. tandak chpat. the limbs) .sndi:* (of tiigers)
Jilt (jil^)? V- 1- putus kaseh drgaii. buku; (knot of bamboos, etc.)
Jingle (jing'gl). buku; (space between knots)
v. i. lergnta, gm-
reni-lierg/^^ herdrlrg.'^
ruas:* (of meat) s-prggal.'^ Out
Jinrikisha (jin-rik'shaw), of joint, terkochil*
s. kreta
~ Joint, adj.
Horgkorg, hccha (Ch. he-cliliia (united) bersama-sania',
cMa bserfa.
horse-carriage), larqcha (P.)j>
(B.). Joint, V. t. safukan, huborg, sam-
Job (job), s. (tbrust) tiham: borg, tmuhan,"* as Joi:S'; (provide
witli joints) sndikan :* (separate
(occasional work) kerja liari. By
the job;, bororg. A
job lot, jualan
the joints) pot org, sndi.'^
hororg. A bad job, clilaka, kma- Jointed (-ed), adj. berbuku, ber-
latgan. A good job, nntorg^ niu-

jur,^ haik juga. Jointly (-li), adv. (together) ber-

Job, V. t. (stab) tiham, chochok. sama-sama, berrantam;"* (in con-
Jobber (job'ber), s. pnjual-hlh cert) miiafakat (Ar.).
praeh/'^ Jointure (join'cliur), s. psaka untok
Jobbery (-i), s. Upu-daya. si-j a 11(1(1.^^

Jockey (jok'i), s. pnurggarg kudu Joist (joist ) . s.

gltjar,^ anrhu'^
luruha, joki (B.).
Jockey, v. t. tipu. Joke (jok), s. jiiaka/^ snda,* gurau,
Jocose (jo-kos'), adj. jnaka,^ sloroli, ch liva:^ lairak-lairak/-'
sloroh, chura,^' lawak-lairah/^- chakap main-main (B.).
suka riiain-main (B.). Joke, V. i. berjnaka* bersnda,* ber-
Jocular (jok'u-ler), adj. yaig suka gurau, bersloroh.
herjnaka.^' Joker (jok'er), s. orarg berjna.ka,'^
Jocularity (-lar'i-ti), s. suka-rm* klakar.
wka-suka (B.). Jollification ( jol'li-ii-ka'shwn) , s.

Jog (jog), V. t. (so as to call at- suka-ria.'^ termasa,* suka-suka

tention) chyit:^ (cause to shake) (B.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, 85re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure*
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Jolly (jol'li), adj. (merry) hersiika- hakim; (give judgment) putuskan
suka, hersuka-liati. hukuni; (discern, determine) tim^
Jolt (jolt), V.ber'njut-njut.
i. baig, intukan, ttapkan.
Jonah (jo'ua), s. nabi Yunus (Ar.). Judge, V. t. (try, pass sentence on)
Jolt (jolt), V. t. 'njidkan, bantinj, blcliarakan, (be cen-
'ntaJc. sorious, condemn) salalikan;
Jolt, s. 'njut. (esteem, think) bilargkan, kira-
Joseph (jo'zef), s. Yusof (Ar.). kan.
Joss (jos), s. topehorg. Joss house, Judge, s. hakim; (Moliammedan)
rumah herhala/^ rumah dafoJc{B.). kadli (Ar.) ; (critic) oraig pandai,
)oss paper, her las prada,"^ hertas orayg bijak. A
good judge of
mas Joss
(B.), kertas perak (B.). horses, pandai mmileh kuda.
stick, gharu China* cholok Judgment (juj'ment), s. hukuman,
China,*' hio-sua" (B.) (Ch. hiii"- kputusan, timbargan; (calamity
sent byGod) baiak (Ar. bald').
Jostle (jos'l), V. t. tmpoh; (strono"- The judgment day, hari kianiat.
er) rnipoh;* (elbow) tmbi* si- Judgment hall, balai* mahkamah
go'ty. (Ar.). Judgment seat, kursi bi-
Jot (jot), s.
(])oint) titek, riota* chara.
(Ar. nuqTah). Judicature (ju'di-ka-chur), s.

Jot, V. t. To jot down, tulis periigat- (judicial power) kiiasa hukuni,

an. ])rentah.
Journal (jer'nal), s. (diary) surat Judicial (ju-dish'al), s. deri-hal
pkerja'an s-hari-hari; (book of bichara, bichara (a) ; (apt to
accounts) surat kira-kira; (news- judge) paudai mmbicharakan.
paper) surat kliabar, kertas khabar. Judicious (-WS), adj. (wise, pru-
Journalist (-ist), s. piyararg surat dent) bijak, budiman* pandai
khabar. (B.).
Journey (jer'ni), s. perjalanan. Jug (jug), s. ma}qkok bertaigkai,
Journey, v. i. berjalan. jak (E.).
Journeyman (-man), s. tukaig. Juggle (jug'gl), V. i. bermain silap-
Jovial (jo'vi-al), adj. bersuka-hati. mata.
Jowl (jowl), s. pipi. Cheek by Juggling (jug'gling), s. silap-mata.
jowl, dkat, rapat-rapat. Juggler (-gler), s. orarg silap-maUi.
Joy (joi), s. ksukaan, suka-chita* Jugglery (-i), s. silap-mata.
kgmaran* Jugular (jug'u-ler), adj. krorgkorg
Joyful (joi'fr?ol), adj. bersuka- (a).
chita* bersuka-hati. Juice (jus), s. (ol' fruit) afjer buah;
Joyless (-les), adj. tiada bersuka- (sap) nira*
hati. Juicy (jus'i), adj. bcrayer.
Joyous bersuka-suka.
(-z/s), adj. July (ju-ir), s. btdan orarg put eh

Jubilant (ju'bi-lant), adj. bersuka- yan] ktujoh.

suka alas kmnargan. Jumble (jum'hl), v. t. kachau,
Jubilee (-le), s. taliun yarg klima- ch am pur, champur-gaul.

puloli, termasa* pada tahun yarg Jumble, s. champuran.

klima-puloh, jubli (E.). Jump (jump), V. i. (spring, bound

Judea (jii'de-aj, s. tanah Yahuda. forward) lompat, hamhur,* lam-
Judge (juj), V. i. (be judge) jadi bonj; (leap up in the air) lonjak*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minus, ciire, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tJien.
lonchat; (from a standi ag posi- time) tadi; (present time) ini
tion) rjok.'^ To Jump at, terkam. juya.
To jump down, terjmi. Justice (jus'tis), s. kbnaran, k'adiU
Jump, s. lompatan, lonchatan. an, insaf (Ar. inmf), kpatutan;
Jumper (jump'er), s. haju lasak* (judge) hakim. Chief justice,
Junction (jungk'shwn), s. (of hakim bsar; (in Mohammedan
roads) semparg; (act of joining) law) miifti (Ar.). Justice of the
perhuboryan; (of railways) sem- peace, piyaman (Ar. aman).
pargan; (of rivers) huala. Justifiable (jus'ti-ffa-bl), adj. yarg
Juncture (-chur), s. (point of boleh di-bnarkan.
time) ktika, waktu. Justification (-fi-ka'sh?m), s. (act
June (jun), s. hulan orarg puteh of justifying) pj^i mmbnarkan,
yaty Van am. kbnaran. Without any justifica-
Jungle (jung'gl), s. hutan; (of tion, tiada s-mna-mna,* tiada ber-
large trees) rimba; (secondary sbab, tiada sbab-rya.
growth) hlukar. Jungle fowl, Justify (-fi), V. t. (show to be just)
ayam hutan, ayam hruga* bnarkan, ryatakan bnar; (exoner-
Junior (jun'yer), adj. (in age) ate) Ipaskan deri-pada salah.
muda; (in rank) kcML Justle (jus'l), V. i. see jostle.
Junk (jungk), s. tali yaiy hurok- Justly (just'li), adv. dryan s-patut-
burok. nja.
Junk, s. (N'aut.) jory,"^ warykary. Justness (-nes), s. kpatutan.
Junketing (jung'ket-ing), s. per- Jut (jut), V. i. anjur.*
jamuanf^ makan sdap-sdap. Jute (jilt), (Corchorus capsularis)
Jupiter (ju'pi-ter), s. (the star) sunaroiy btina.'^
mushtari (Ar.). Juvenile (ju've-ml), adj. kbudak-
Jurisdiction (ju-ris-dik'shtin), s. budak'o/n,'^ budak-budak (a).
(authority) kuasa, prentahj Juxtaposition ( juks'ta-po-zish'wn) ,
(sphere of authority) tmpat pren- s. perdampiryan.'^ In juxtaposi-
tahan. tion, berhanipira?i* rapat.
Jurisprudence (-proo'dens), s.

'ilmu fikeh* (Ar, fiqh). k:

Jurist (ju'rist), s. ahli fikeh (Ar.).
Juror (jii'rer), s. a/iH* kursi dua- Kaffir (kaf'fer), s.
oraiy Jarygi,*
blas, ovary dua-blas krosi (B.). oraiy Kapri.
Jury (ju'ri), s. kursi dua-blas, Kale (kal), s. kobis daun, pechai
pniiiibaty bichara, oraty dua-blas. (Ch. peh-chhdi), pek-chai (B.).
Juryman (-man), s. ahli* kursi Kedge (kej), s. (Naut.) sauh kchil,
dua-blas, orarg dua-blas krosi (B.). sauh chmat.
Jurymast (-mast), s. (N'aut.) tiary Keel (kel), s. (N'aut.) lunas prahu.
kapal smantara. On an even keel, tyak.
Just (just), adj. bnar, 'adilj (due, Keelson (kel'son), s. (Naut.) 7iaga-
proper) patut. naya.
Just, adv. (precisely) btul; (exact- Keen (ken), s. (sharp) tajam;
ly) tpat;* (of time) bharu, as, (acute of mind) tajam; (eager,
dia bharu datary, he has just of desire) rajin.
come ; tryah hudak, as tryah hndak Keenness (ken'nes), s. tajam, kra-
mati, just dying. Just now (past jinan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mim<s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Keep (kep), v. t. (hold, restrain) Kettle (ket'tl), s. kndi,* cherek,*
tahan, tahankan, pgarg; (retain) te-ko (B.) (Ch. te-ko').
simpan; (in custody) hurorg; Kettledrum (-drum), s. gndrarg,*-
(guard) jaga, turggu; (preserve, gndarg.
tend) jaga, pUhara; (manage, as Key (ke), s. anak kunchi.
a shop or school) buka; (have, as Kick (kik), v. t. (backwards) tn^
servants or goods in stock) tar oh; darg; (with the sole of the foot)
(hold to, as a promise) pgarg, trajaig; (with the instep or side
pegaig (B.). To keep back, of the foot) sepak; (with the
tahankan. To keep company with, shin) bentes;"^ (downwards, with
bersahabat drgan. To keep house, the heel) 'ncharg;'^ see stamp.
berrumah targga. To keep in Kick, s. tndarg, trajarg, sepak,
mind, taroh dalam hati. To keep bentes,'^ as above.
the peace, berdamai* To keep Kid (kid), anak kambirg.
to one's self, simpan di hati. To Kidnap (kid'nap), v. t. larikan
keep up (continue), malarkanj* orarg^ bawa lari.

(maintain, as a garden) bla.* Kidney (-ni), s. buali pirggaiy.

Keep, V. Kill (kil), V. t. bunoh, matikan;
(remain) tirggal, ttap.

To keep from, pantargkan. To (for food) smbleh; (large animal

keep on (proceed), largsorg; (con- for food) bantai,* potorg (B.) ;
tinue) ttap, malar,
llarkan.'^ (insects) tindas. To kill time,
Keep, s.
(provisions) makanan; sampaikan waktu,"^ chukopkan
(fortress) kota.
Keeper (kep'er), s.
Kiln (kil), s. dapur.
Keeping (-ing), simpanan, p-
Kilogram (kiFo-gram), s. timbarg-
In keeping with, padan an Eropah.
Kilometer (-me-ter), s. ukoran
drgan, s-tuju drgan.
Keepsake Eropah.
(-sak), s. knarg-knargan,
Kilt (kilt), s. kain sergkat yarg di-
tanda perirgatan, tanda mata.*
Keg pakai di negri Skotland.
(keg), s. torg kchil.
Ken Kin (kin), s. kaum kluargaj* sanak-
(ken), s. prgtahuan.
sandara,'^ puaJc,* puak-piiak (B.).
Kennel (ken'nel), s. kandarg anjirg, Kith and kin, dagirg-darah.
rumah anjirg.
Kind (kind), s. jnis, bagai,* ma-
Kerb (kerb), s. see curb.
cham, nika;"^ (race, species) barg-
Kerchief (ker'chif), s. (for women) Taxes paid in kind,
sa, baka.
Ugkolokf- (Javanese, for men) chabotJ*
sapu-targan kpala; (worn on the Kind, adj. berkasehan, berprgasehan,
turban) serban (Pers.), dstar murah hati, prgayarg*
(Pers.). Kindergarten (kin'der-gar-ten), s.
Kernel (kernel), s. (of nuts) isi; skolah bagi budak yarg blum tahu
(of stone fruit) biji. alif-ba-ta,''' Frobelskul (N".L),
Kerosine (ker'o-sen'), miryak tanah, skolah anak-anak kchil (B.).
miiyak gas.* Kind-hearted (kind-hart'cd), adj.
Ketch (kech), s.
(Naut.) kapal satu murah hati.
tiarg s-trgah. Kindle (kin'dl), v. t. pasatg, chu-
Ketchup (kech'-i^p), s. kichap (E.), choh,* njalakan, galakkan, marak-
tau-iu (B.) (Ch. tau-iu). kan.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Kindling (-dling), s. Icayu pmarak* Kitchen (kich'en), s. rumah dapur;

a pi. (in a big house) pnarggah.*
Kindly (kind'li), adj. herpryasehan, Kite (krt),s. (the bird) latg sikap;*
murah liati. (of paper, etc.) layarg-layarg, wau
Kindly, adv. sila* sila-
(please) (D. ivouw).
I'an* sudikan, minta, choha. Kith (kith), s. see kin.
Kindness (-nes), s. prgasehan, Jc- Kitten (kit'tn), s. anak kuchiig.
murahan; (act of kindness) h- Knack (nak), s. kpandaian, k-
hajikan.'^ pantasan.
Kindred (kin'dred), s. kaum-kluar- Knacker (nak'er), s, pmbtinoh kuda
gaj^ sanak-saudara* kaum puak* mandom.*
dagirg-darali. Knapsack (nap'sak), s. bokcha
Kindred, adj. (congenial) lerstuju, galas* (Hind. buqcha from
sama prargai, satu hati. Turk.), also, botsa,* b orsa sol dado.
Kine (km), s. kerhau-lmhu. Knave (nav), s. (villain) orarg
King (king), s. raja, sultan, pnipu, prgechohj* (in cards)
bginda,'^ yaig di-pertuan* yam pekak.*
tuan;* (in chess) raja. Knavery (nav'er-i), s. tipu-daya.
Kingdom (king'dom), s. kraja'an. Knavish (-ish), adj. pnipu, prg-
Kingfisher (-fish-er), s. burorg raja echoh.*
udarg, buroig pkaka.'^ Knead (ned), v. t. adunj* (in the
King-like (-lik), adj. s-laku raja* hand) kpal; (by pressing down)
sperti raja, chara raja. uli;* (in the hand, to press out
Kingly (-li), adj. = kixglike, q. v. juice) ramas; (with the feet)
King-post (-post), s. tunjok-lafgit.* laiyak.
Kingship (-ship), s. mertabat raja Knee (ne), s. lutut.
(Ar), pargkat raja. Kneecap (ne'kap), s, tmpurorg
Kink (kingk), s. pundiig.'* lutut.
Kinship (kin'ship), s. persaudara- Kneedeep (ne'dep'), adj. hirgga
'an, peril uboigati. lutut * sampai di lutut (B.).
Kinsman (kinz'man), s. saudara, Knee joint (ne'joint), s. plipat
kluarga,"* puak,* kaum.* lutut.
Kinswoman (-woo-man), s. saudara Kneel (nel), v. i. tlut,* bertlut,*
prempuan, kluarga,* puak,* berlutut (B.) ; (of camels and
kaum.* elephants) trum.*
Kiosk (ki-osk'), s. balai per- Knell (nel), s. taboh* orarg mati.
arginan.* loche^g orarg mati.
Kiss (kis), s. chium; (the sound) Knickerbockers (nik'er-bok-erz),
kchup.* s, pantlun sluar futbol
Kiss, V. t. (with the nose) chium; (E.), sluar sampak,* sluar katok.*
(with the lips) kchupi;* (all over Knickknack (nik'nak), s. bararg
the face, as a child) krumus,* krupas-krapis.*
gromos (B.). Knife (nif), s. pisau. Chopping
Kiss, V. i. berchium, berkchup.* knife, pararg, golok.* Clasp knife,
Kissing (kis'sing), s. chium, k- pisau lipai. Drawing knife, pisau
chup* raut. Pocket knife, pisau lipat,
Kit (kit), s. alatan (Ar.), klrg- pisau kchil. Table knife, pisau
kapan.* meja.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Knight s. pahlaivan (Pers.) ;
(nit), Know (n5), v. t. (facts) taliUj.

(in chess) kuda. ktahuij* (persons) knal; (under

Knight, V. t. glar drgan paiylcat stand) mrgerti; (be expert) tahuy
pahlaivan,^ paham; (be conscious) sdar;
Knighthood (nit'liood), s. parglcat (recognise) knal, cliamkan;*-
pahlaivanJ^ (sexually) berstuboh dugan,* ber-
Knit (nit), v. i. rajut* halt (B.). satu drgan. To know how, tahu^
Knit, V. t. rajut:* (join) hnhorg. I don't know, 'ntah. It is well
Knitting (nit'ting), s. rajutf^ kait- known, m'alum-lah (Ar.).
an (B.). Knowable (n5'a-bl), adj. yarg
Knob (nob), s. (protuberance) dapat di-ktahui/' yarg boleh dapat
honjol, chomhol, putirg) (on a taku (B.).
gong), tomlol^' Knowing (-ing), adj. (skilful)
Knobby (nob'bi), adj. herhonjol, pandai, pintar (N.I.) ; (intel-
etc., as above. ligent) berakal; (cunning) clier-
Knock (nok), v. i. (strike) ter^ dek.
antoh, ierantoh, tersantok;"^ (rap) Knowingly (-11), adv. drgan s-
klok, katok^ rgaja, drgan s-tahu.'^
Knock, V. t. antokkan, Imtam, ktok, Knowledge (nol'ej), s. (state of
piikol. To knock against, rmpolij^ knowing) prgtahuan, prgertian;
larggar. To knock down, jatoh- (scholarship, learning) prgtahuan,
kan, rhalikan, roholikan, runtoli- kpandaian, 'ilmu.'^ Without my
kan, tumhargkan, see fall. To knowledge, drgan tiada s-tahu-ku*
knock a person's head against , Within his knowledge, dalam
sugunkan kpala k .* Knocked rtial'um-rya (Ar.).
out in a fight ) , per eh
. See head. Knuckle (nuk'kl), s.buku jari^
Knock, s. antok, ktok, Imtam; (the The knuckles, buku lima.
sound) dntamj^ Knuckle duster, buku tumbok,.
Knock-kneed (nok'ned), adj. perg- anah pnuinbok* To strike with
kar. the knuckles, lutu,* klatu (B.).
Knoll (nol), s. (mound) chargkat* Koran (kor'an or ko-ran') s. kur'an^
horggolf (top of a hill) kmun-
chak, puncliak^'
Knot (not), s. (of rope, etc.)
simpol, simpolan ; (bond of union) Label (la'bel), s. surat 'alamat
ikatan; (perplexity) kusut; (in (Ar.).
trees) huku, mata-kayu; (of hair) Label, v. t. buboh 'alamat (Ar.).
sarggul, konde^ (Jav.) (rough- ; Laboratory (lab'or-a-to-ri), s. tm^
ly twisted up) siput; (sea pat kerja tukarg obat.
mile) s-hatu jauli-rya di laut Laborious (la-bor'i-i/s), adj. (toil-
= 1000 Slip knot,
dpa. simpol some) yarg mmnatkan:'^ (dili-
puleli/^ simpol hidop. gent) rajin; (working hard) ber~
Knot, V. t. simpolkan, ikat, sarggul- llaJi*
kanf^^ as above. Labour (la'ber), s. (physical work)
Knotty (not'ti), adj. (full of kerja tulan/,* kerja kasar; (exer-
knots) hersimpol, herhuku; (in- tion) klJahan* kpnatan; (child-
tricate) srgkerut/'' kusut. A knot- birth) sakit beranak.
ty point, simpolan* Labour, v. i. bkerja, bkerja tularg,"^

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
kerja Icuat (B.) ; (strive, work torg (IST.I.) ; (flat, of wood or
hard) berllah;* (be in childbirth) iron) sudip.*
sakit heranak; (Naut., as a ship) Ladle, v. t. chedok, sndokkan*
ondak. Lady (la'di), s. prempuan baik-
Labourer (-er), s. oraiy bkerja tu- baik; ^(European) mem; (Malay)
lari],"^ kuli. 'ncliek, siti (Ar.), tiian;* (Chi-
Labyrinth (hib'i-rinth), s. jalan nese) ryonja, bibi (B.) ; (Indian)
herchaharg-chaban) .
Lac (lak), s. malau,'^ 'mbalau/^ mm- Ladybird (-herd), s. anak-china*
balau* blalarg pijar* (KL).
Lace (las), s. (the fabric) renda Lady's finger (la'diz iing'ger), s.

(Port.) (shoe striig) tali kasut,

; kacharg bende, kacharg Inder.
tali spatu. ^Gold lace, pita 'mas, Ladylike (la'di-lik), adj. chara
kida-kida 'mas* tkat 'mas* per- prempuan baik-baik.
hiasan* bnarg mas [prasan (B.)]. Ladyship (-ship), s. Your ladyship
Lace, V. t. (fasten with a lace) ikat. (in addressing Malay ladies of
Lacerate (las'er-at), v. t. chairg* rank) tok puan* 'nchek.
charek* koyak* rabak. Lag (lag), V. i.
(move slowly) ber-
Laceration (-a'shmi), s. cliuavg- lergali, berlamljat, leka.
chairg* rahak. Laggard (lag'gerd), s. orarg lergah,
Lack (lak), v. t. (want, be without) pticJiorot*
kurarg, ta'cliukop, as, he lacks dili- Lagoon (la-goon'), s. ayer yarg di-
gence, dia kurarg rajin; he lacks leigkorg btirg, londarg* (W.).
food, dia ta'chukop makanan. Lair (lar), s. jrumun*
Lack, s. kkurargan, kpicJiek'an* An Laity (la'i-ti), s. orarg baryak yarg
entire lack, ktiada'an. tiada pargkdt padri, doktor, loyar
Lackey (lak'i), s.
orarg gaji. dan s-bagai-iya, orarg preman (D.
Laconic (la-kon'ik), adj. (of per- vrijman).
sons), pndiam., yanj berkata dtgan Lake (lak), s. tasek, kolam, danau*
rergkas;* (of speech) rergkas* tlaga (N.I.).
Lacquer (lak'er), s. (Chinese var- Lamb (lam), s. anak domba, anak

nish) miryak kayu rigas:* (Ma- biri-biri, anak kambirg biri-biri.

lay) samparg* Lame (lam), adj. temparg, chapek,
Lad (lad), budak jantan; (after
s. pencharg; (of the hip) inchut;
puberty) truna* (walking on the heel) jergkot;*
Ladder (lad'der), s. targga; (a pole (on the toes of one foot) jeigket.
with pins through, or a bamboo Lame, v. t. tempargkan.
with branches cut short) sigai* Lameness (lam'nes), s. temparg^
Peg-ladder, sigai* etc., as above.
Lade (lad), v. t. muatkan, bban- Lament (la-menf), v. i. (mourn)
kan* berdukachita (Sk.), bersusah-hati,
Laden (liid'n), adj. bermuat. bergondah;* (weep) mnargis;
Heavy laden, sarat. (wail) ratap.
Lading muatan, bban*
(-ing), s. Lament, v. t. dnkacliitakan (Sk.),
Bill of lading, surat muatan, le- berchintakan* mnargiskan, ratap-
ding (..), konosment (D.)(N'.I.). kan, as above.
Ladle (la'dl), s. gayorg, pnchedok, Lament, s. dukachita* percliinta-
sndok* sendok (B.) (^ .1.) chen- ,
'an* targisan* ratapan, as above.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min-ws, cure, injure,
hurry; fdod, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tiiQn.
Lamentable (lam'en-ta-bl), adj. tanah, tuan rumah; (of an inn)
(sorrowful) herdukachita,* susah- tuan hotel, kpala rumah makan.
liati; (deplorable) yaiy patut di- Landmark (-mark), s. (boundary
ssalkan. stone) batu smpadan; (prominent
Lamentation (-ta'shi/n), s. (act of object) tanda 'alamat di darat.*
lamentiDg) see lament; (words Landscape (-skap), s.
used in wailing) hiji ratap.* darat an.
Lamp (lamp), s. lampu (Eur.), Landslip (-slip), s. tanah runtoh,
plita, Jcandil
(Ar.) ; (tin lamp tanah rohoh; (small) tanah ter-
without chimney) chargkoh.'^ chbis.*

Lamp chimney, chorory lampu, Lane (Ian), s. lorovg, lurorg (B.).

smprorg lampu (N.I.). Lamp Language (lang'gwej), s. bhasa,

shade, trendak lampu. Lamp chakap, loghat (Ar.). Court lan-
wick, sumhu lampu. Hurricane guage, bhasa dalam.* Foul lan-
lamp, lantirg (E.), lantera* guage, charut.
(Port). Languid (-gwid), adj. Iteh, Isu,
Lampblack (lamp'blak), s. jlaga,* Irgoh.
tlaga* sulavg,^ oyen (B.) (Ch. Languish (-gwish), v. i.
(of per-
o'-ien). sons) mnjadi Iteh; (of plants)
Lamplight (-lit), s. chahya lampu. layu.
Lampoon (lam-p65n'), v. t. tulis Langour (-ger), s, Iteh, Isu, Irgoh.
sindiran. Lank (langk), adj. kurus krirg.
Lance (lans), s. tomhak oranj her- Lanky (langk'i), adj. tirggi mran-
kuda. jau,* tirggi mlonjorg, tirggi mn-
Lance, v. t. hlah dvgan pisau daun jolok (B.) ; (less) panjarg lam-
padi.* pai.*
Lancet s. pisau daun
(lan'set), Lantern (lan'tern), s. lantirg (E.),
doktor (B.).
piadi,^ piso lantera* (Port), kandil (Ar.) ;

Land (land), s. (as opposed to (paper) targloig (Ch.); (glass)

water) darat; (portion of earth's terg (Ch.).
surface) hnua,^ negri, tanah; Lanyard (-yerd), s. (Naut) tali

(ground) tanah. Land breeze, tamli, nayan.

a^gin darat. Land office, pjdbat Lap (lap), s. (on the knees) riba-
tanah (J.). Land rent, hasil 'an;* (circuit on race track) kli-
tanah. Ivrg; (overhang, as tiles) lapisan.
Land, v. i. naik darat. Lap, V. t. (fold) lapiskan.
Land, v. t.
(cargo) purggah; (a Lap, V. i. (with the tongue) jilat.
fish) sentakkan k-darat; (cause to Lapel (la-pel'), s. lipatan baju.
fall) jatohkan. Lapidary (lap'i-da-ri), s. (artificer)
Landau (lan'daw), s. kreta logi pnchanai;* (expert in stones) jau^
bsar. hari (Ar.).
Landing (land'ing), s. (going on Lappet (lap'pet), s. lipatan.
shore) hal naik darat; (landing Lapse (laps), v. i. (slip, slide) glin-
place) prgkalan* (P.) ; hagan chir; (pass slowly) lalu; (become
(level part of staircase) plantar.* void) batal, lunchor.*
Landlady (-la-di), s. same as below. Lapse, s. (error, fault) silap, (Ar.
Landlord (-lord), s. (owner) tuan khilaf). Lapse of time, antara.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; fo5d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Larboard (lar'b5rd), s. sblah kiri night, malam iadi, s-malam. Last
{di kapal), usually port. week, mirggo lalu, mirggo dhulu.
Larceny (-se-ni), s. churi, kchurian. Last year, tahim lain, tahun dhulu,
Lard (lard), s. miryak babi. tahun sudah. At last, prghabisan-
Lard, v. t. miryaki; (as pans in cook- lya, akhir-nja (Ar.), habis-habis*
ing) lensir;"^ also see interlard. To breathe one's last, putus ryawa.
Larder (lard'er), s. bilek pryimpan Last, adv. (previously) dhulu.
makanan, spen (N.I.). Last, klbot kasut,* kalbot spatu.*

Large (larj), adj. bsar; (of area) Last, V.

(endure) tahan; (con-
Inas, laparg; in some expressions tinue, last long) kkal. This rain
raya or agorg, as, jalan raya* will not last long, ini hujan s-bntar
msjid agorg* At large (without sahaja.
restraint), bebas. Lasting (last'ing), adj. (continu-
Largely (larj'li), adv. (usually) ^- ing) kkal; (not fading, of colours)
biasa'an; (mostly) terlbeh skali, taturun.
terutama (Sk.). Lastly (-li), adv. prgliabisan-rya,
Largess (lar'jes), s. hambur-liam- akhir-rya (Ar.).
biir* derma (Sk.), kurnia (Sk.). Latch (lach), s. slak pintu.*
Lark (lark), s. s-jnis burorg pipit. Latch, V. t. slak.'*
Larva (lar'va), s. ulat, brrgaj* (of Late (lat), adj. (tardy) lamhat, le-
mosquitoes) jntek-jntek. wat; (deceased) yarg tlah mnirg-
Larynx (lar'ingks), s, tkak. gal,* yarg sudah mati (B.) ; (of
Lascar (las'kar) s. anak prahu, princes) marhum
(Ar.). The
klasi. late Mr. (Ar.).
Lascivious adj. ga-
(las-siv'i-ws), Late, adv. (tardy) lambat. Late at
sarg,^ miarg,
gatal, perlente night, jauh malam. Late in life,
'(N.I.), perlonteh (N.T.) ; (of sudah 'urnor, sudah ada 'umor
animals) biarg* giarg (P.). (B.). Too late, klewatan, lewat,
Lash (lash), s. (end of a whip) hu- sudah lat.

jorg chabok; (stroke with a whip) Lateen (la-ten'), adj. A lateen sail,
sbat; (eyelash) buhi mata. layer bulu ay am.
Lash, V. t. (strike with a whip) Lately (lat'Ji), adv. bharu ini,
sbat, chaboki; (bind with rope) bharu- sahaja, tadi, dalam sdikit
bbat, kbatj* (tie together) ikat, hari.
kambam* Latent (la'tent), adj. tersmburyi,
Lashing (lash'ing), s. tali prgikat; terlindorg, terslindorg.*
(of rattan) krawat.'^ Gun lash- Later (lat'er), adv. kmdian. Soon-
ings, bndaivat'* mriam. or later, lambat-baigat* lam-
Lass (las), s. anak prempiian, anak bat-laun,* lambat-lawan (B.).
dara, prawan* gadis* dayarg.^ Lateral (lat'er-d), adj. di sblah,
Lassitude (las'si-tud), s.klm.ahan, sblaJi erergan.*
kltehan. Laterite (-it), s. baUt merah.
Lasso (-so), s. tali
pnjrat Inibii, Lath (lath), s. broti; (to which
jrat; (for fish or snakes) tanjol* ataps are fastened) jerjak;* (in-
Lasso, V. t. sank, tanjol* side the atap) brgkawan;* (used in
Last (last), adj. prghabisan, yaig avails) blbas;* (in floors) lantai;
kmdian skali, yarg blakarg skali, (split bamboo laths) bilah.*
cliorot, yarg aJchir (Ar.). Last Lathe (la^/t), s. plarek,* bindu.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Lather (IMh'er), v. i. herhueh, her- Laundress (lan'dres or lawn'dres),
husa (B.). pr-empuan pryucJii kain.

Lather, s. (of soap) hueh sabon;

(of Laundry (-dri), s. tmpat mryuchi
sweat) bueh ploh. kain.
Latin (lat'in), s. bhasa orarg Rom Laundryman (-dri-man), s. dobi,
dhulu kola. tukatgmnatu (N.I.).
Latitude (-i-tud), s. (breadth) Tc-
Laureate (law'ri-et), adj. Poet lau-
luasan, lebar; (freedom from cou- reate, prgaraig sha'ir kraja'an.*
kbebasan; (distance from
Lava (la'va), s. batu hanchor yarg
klnar deri gunorg berapi.
equator) jauh deri khatti 'Uistiwa
(At.). Lavatory (lav'a-to-ri), s. bilek tm-
Latrine (la-tren'), jamban, tmpat
s. pat mmbasoh taigan, tmpat buarg
buarg aijer, tmpat k-surgai/^ kakus ayer.
Laver (la'ver), s. kolah,'^ loyarg
Latter (lat'ter), adj. yarg kmdian, (B.).
Lavish (lav'ish), adj. aborf^ habor*
yarg di blakaiy.
Latterly (-li), adv. kmdian; also see lempah,^ mewah, targan terbuka*
LATELY. targan lebar (B.).
Lattice (-tis), s. jala-jala,^ mata- Lavish, v. t. abor,'^ habor.*
Law (law), s. (rule of conduct) hu-
punai, jarirg-jarirg.
Laud kum, kanun (Ar.) ; (law of Moses)
(lawd), v. t. puji.
taurit (Ar.) ; (Mohammedan law)
Laudable (lawd'a-bl), adj. yaiy pa-
shariat (Ar.) (human govern-
tut di-puji.
Laudanum or lod'-
ment) hukum, preniali; (ordin-
ance, rule) undarg-uudarg, la
num.), s. ayer madat.
(E.), wet (D.) (N.I.) ; (decree of
Laudatory (lawd'a-to-ri), adj. yarg a king) titoJi.'^
Law-abiding (-a-bid'ing), adj. yarg
Laugh (laf), v. i. tertawa, ktaiva; mnurut prentah.
(loudly) ilai* tertawa glak-glak/^ Law court (kdrt), s. t?}ipat bichara,
glakak; (giggle) kekek* kekel* mahkamah dewan (Pers.),
Laugh, s. tertawa, glak.'^ A horse kot (E.).
laugh, ilai* Lawful m-
(law'fool), adj. halal,
Laughable (laf'a-bl), adj. prggli nurut undarg-undarg, sah.
hati, luck'u/^ jnaka* yarg mmbuat Lawgiver (-giv-er), s. orarg yarg
tertawa. mmh uat undarg-undarg.
Laughingstock (-ing-stok), s. p- Lawless (-les), adj. derhaka.
riernawaan."^ Lawn (lawn), s. kalaman berrum-
Laughter (-ter), s. tertawa, glak,^ put, padarg main bola.
ilai;^ see laugh. Lawn, s. kain kasa (Ar. khdsah),
Launch (lanch or lawnch), v. t. kain muslin (Eur.), kain maslin
(hurl) lontar; (cause to slide (B.).
down) lunchurkan,* sororg; (set Lawsuit (law'sut), s. perkara, bi-
going) jalankan. chara, perd'awaan, kes (E.).
Launch, s. (act of launching) plun,- Lawyer (-yer), s. pnolorg bichara,
churan;* (large boat) bargas (D. pguam,* loj/ar (E.), layar (P.),
barkas). Steam launch, kapal api pakrol (N.i.).
kchil. Lax (laks), adj. (loose) lorggar, kn-

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure*?
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
dur; (not strict) Imhot, rergan, White lead, abok chat puteh. To
rirgan (B.), kurarg Jcras. heave or cast the lead, buarg
Laxative (laks'a-tiv), adj. pncha- prum,* buarg duga.
har,'*' julap, ohat chuclii prot. Lead (1^^), v. t. (guide with the
Laxity (-i-ti), s. hal lonjgar, hal kn~ hand) pimpin; (conduct) hantar;
dur, pmiyai yary hnbot. Laxity (direct the way) bawa jalan;
of discipline, prentah yary hurary (draw with a rope, as animals)
Jcras. eret;*(with a stick, as a blind
Lay (la), v. t. (put down) Itak, man) tuntun;* (precede) dhului;
taroh; (cause to lie down) barity- (be a leader to) hulukan.* To
Jcan; (of sick persons) hantarf' lead astray, ssatkan. To lead to
(arrange, as bricks, etc.) susun, (cause), bawa, datarykan, sbab-
tindan;* (make ready, prepare) kan.*
pasary; (a table) atur; (a carpet) Leaden (led'n), adj. (made of lead)
bntary; (place in position) buboli, deri-pada timah hitam; (the co-
bubu (B.), as, buboh alas, to lay lour) kbam.*
foundations; (impose as a burden Leader (led'er), s. pmbawa jalan,
or punishment) tarygorglcan, Itah- pryanjur* pandu,* kpala
han, jatohlian. To
lay aside, tpi- Leadership (-ship), s. rsmi pry-
han, sblahkan. To
lay bare, buka. hulu.
To lay claim to, aJciii.'^ To lay Leading (led'ing), adj. yary mida-
down (surrender), sralihan; (as- mula, yarg dhulu.
sert) tntuhan. To lay eggs, ber- Leadline (led'lin), s. tali prum,*
tlor, To lay hands on, targkap. tali duga.
To lay hold of, pgary, pegaiy (B.), Leaf (lef), s. daun, daun kayu; (of
pant. To lay open, buka. To lay palm trees) plpah; (of nipah)
out (expend), blanjakan; (dis- samir;* (of a book) hlai,* lai.
play) njatakan; (exert) kluarkan. Gold leaf, 'mas kertas, 'mas prada.*
To lay to heart, irgat baik-baik. Leaf insect, blal-ary daun.
To lay up (store), simpan; (con- Leafless (lefles), adj. gondol, tiada
fine) kurory. To lay wait for, berdaun, rergges,* lokos.*
'jidap, mryndap (B.), adary.* To Leafy (-i), adj. (full of leaves) ren-
lay waste, rosakkan. darg, rimbun.*
Lay, adj. yarg tiada berpargkat; see League s. kjauhan
(leg), tiga batu.
LAITY. League, s.
muafakat (kv.), per-
Layer (la'er), s. (thickness or fold) skutuan;* (in a bad sense) su-
lapvi; (course, as of bricks) susun, bahat.*
tin dan.* League, v. i. berskutu,* bermua^
Layman (-man), s. orarg tiada ber- fakat (Ar.).
pargkat, orarg preman; see laity. Leak (lek), s. bochor.
Laziness (-zi-nes), s. krnalamn. Leak, v. i.
(as a roof or vessel) bo-
Lazy (-zi), adj. malas, pmalas. chor; (as fluids) tiris. To leak
Mesa* brat tularg. out (as a secret), pchah.
Lead (led), s. (the metal) timah, Leakage (lek'ej), s. bochor
hitarn; sounding) prum,*
(for Leaky adj. bochor; (of atap
batu dug a; (on a fishing line) roofs)bintarg-bintargan.*
batu ladorg.* Black lead, ararg Lean (len), v. i. (incline) chondorg,
berbku.* Eed lead, sdlirggam.* serget, srenderg;* (rest on the

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; Ice, it, fire
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
hand) bertlJcan;* (on the elbow) Leather, adj. deri-pada kulit, kulit
bertlku; (conform in conduct) (a).
cliondovg. To lean against, san- Leathery (-i), adj. sperti kulit,
dar. liat.*

Lean, adj. kurus. Leave (lev), s. (permission) kbnar-

Leanness (len'nes), s. hkurusan. an, izin; (vacation) chuti. To
Lean-to (-too), s. atap pisarg sikat.* take one's leave, bermohon,"^ minta
Leap (lep), v. i.lompat; (a stand-
t. diri,'^ mnampun.'^
ing jump) rjok; (with both feet) Leave, v. t. (depart from, let re-
lonchat; (as animals) hambor; mam, abandon) tirggalkan; (let
(as fish) lamboiy. To leap down, be) biarkan. To leave alone, biar-
terjun. To leap on, terkam. kan, diamkan. To leave off (de-
Leap, lompatan, lonchatan, terjun.
s. sist from), berhnti, brenti (B.),
Leapfrog (lep'frog), s. main lompat Ipas; (forsake) buargkan. To
katak \kodok (B.)]. leave out, tirggalkan, largkaukan.*
Leap-year (-yer), s. tahun kabisat Leave, v. i. (depart) pergi, bertolak,

(Ar.), tahun panjarg, tahun lun beratykat (N.I.).

(B.) (Ch. lun). Leaven (lev'n), s. ragi, khamir
Learn (lern), (gain know-
v. i. (Ar.).
ledge) blajar, kaji,'^ miyaji; (re- Leaven, v. t. (cause to ferment)
ceive informatiun) dapat tahu. ragikan; (imbue with) champur
Learn, v. t. To learn the Koran, drgan.
mrgaji kor'an. To learn by heart, Leavings (lev'ingz), s. (of food)
hapalkan* (Ar. hafatl). To learn sisa; (on the floor) remah;* (of
the sciences, mnuntut 'ilmu* cloth and other materials) reja;
Learned (lern'ed), adj. bcrihnu,^ (refuse) hampas.
'alim (Ar.), berplajaran, arif Lecherous (lech'er-t/s), adj. ga-
(Ar. 'arif), pandai surat (B.). sarg,'^ miarg, gatal; (of animals)
Learner (-er), s. murid. biarg.*
Learning (-ing), s. (acquisition of Lectern (lek'tern), s. (stand for the
knowledge) plajaran; (acquired Koran) rihal* (Ar. raiial).
knowledge) %lmu* prgtahuan, k- Lecture (-chur), s. prguchapan, prg-
pandaian. A man of learning, ajaran; (on religious subjects)
orarg 'alim (Ar.), pndita (Sk.). khutbah* (Ar. khuTbah), see be-
Lease (les), s. sewa, pajak; (of low.
government land) gran hidop (E. Lecture, v. i. bacha prguchapan,
grant). bershurah (Ar. shuraii).
Lease, v. t. sewa, pajak. Lecture, v.t. (reprove) ajar, tgur,
Leash (lesh), s. tali pnambat. kalut (B.).
Least (lest), adj. yarg kchil skali, Lecturer (-er), s. pmbacha uchapan,
yaty kurarg skali. At least (not yarg bershurah (Ar.).
less than), s-kurarg -kurarg ; (at Ledge (lej), s. kumai,'^ pak,* tery-
any rate) bgimana pun. In the kat-tergkat pak.'^
least, sdikit pun. Not in the least, Ledger (lej'er), s. buku kira-kira.
satu pun tidak, tidak skali-kali. Lee (le), s. tmpat tdoh.
Leather (leth'ev), s. (raw) blu- Lee, adj. sblah bawah argin.
larg;"^ (tanned) Jcuiit, kulit sa- Leech (lech), s. (of the jungle) ;?a-
mak.* chat;"^ (in water) lintah.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ice, it,
; ; fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) law, how, oil; thin then.;
Leek (lek), s. bawarg kuchai (Ch. Legislation (-la'shwn), s. hat mm-
ku-chhdi). buat undarg-undarg .

Leer (ler), v. i. jlirg drgan niat Legislative (-la-tiv), adj. berkna-

jahat, kerliry*
'an drgan mmbuat undarg-un-
Lees s. Madak.'^ darg."^ Legislative council, mo/-
(lez), pi.
Leeward shuaraf^ kraja^an.
(le'werd or lu'erd), adj.
sblah bawah argin, mrgekor argin* Legislator (-la-ter), s. yarg mm-
To buat undarg-undarg.
Leeway (le'wa), s. (Naut).
make leeway, haryut, habas. Legislature (-la-chur), s. majlis
Left yarg mmbuat undarg-undarg."^
(left), adj. kbi, sblah kiri.
Lefthanded (left'hand'ed), adj. ki-
Legitimate (le-jit'i-met), adj. (ac-
cordant with law) yarg mnurut
Leg (leg), s. (gen.) kaki; (from prentah, yarg mnurut hukum;
knee to ankle) btisf (thigh) pa- (lawful) halal; (lawfully born)
anak nikah"^ (Ar. mMn), anak
ha; (of grasshopper) ktekj^
kahioin (B.) ; (proper) patut,
Legacy (leg'a-si), s. psaka, pusaka.
Legal (legal), adj. (conforming to
Legitimize (-miz), v. t. halalkan.
law) halal, mnurut hukum, m-
nurut preniah, mnurut undanj-un- Leguminous (le-gu'mi-nws), adj.
To take legal action, d'awa, deri-pada baigsa kacharg.
buat perkara. Legal adviser, lo-
Leisure (lezh'ur or le'zhur), s. (va-
cant time) laparg, klapatgan, Iga;
yar (E.), etc., see lawyer.
(convenient opportunity) snarg,
Legalize (Iz), v. t. halalkan.
Legally (-li), adv. mnurut hukum,
Leisure, adj. laparg, Iga, snarg; as
dry an halal (Ar. naldl).
Legate (leg'et), s. utusan*
Leisurely (-li), adj. perlahan-la"
Legatee (leg'a-te'), s. (Ar.
wdrith ) han, lambat, plan-plan.

Lemon (lem'z^n), s. limau su^u.

Legation (le-ga'shi^n), s. (em- Lemon grass, srai.
bassy) utusan;* (envoy's resi-
Lemonade (-ad'), s. ayer lamnet
dence) rumah utusan.*
(E.), ayer limon (^.L), limonada
Legend (lej'end or le'jend), s. chri-
ta dhulu kala yarg 'ajaib-aja'ib'^
Lemur (le'mer), s. kuborg.*
[heran (B.)]. Lend (lend), v. t. pinjamkan, bri
Legendary (lej'en-da-ri), adj. deri-
pinjam; (grant, afford) bri. To
pada chrita yarg 'aja'ib"^ [heran lend a hand, tolorg.
(B.)]. Lender (lend'er), s. yarg mminjam-
Legerdemain (lej'er-de-man'), s.
silap mata. Length (length), s. (distance from
Legging (leg'ging), s. lapek btis."^
end to end) panjarg, kpanjargan;
Legible yarg boleh
(lej'i-bl), Q,di}, (as opposed to widtli) bujor;*
(duration) lanjut, lama; (a single
Legion s. pasokan soldado
(le'ji/n), piece, of long objects) s-batarg;
orarg Rom dhulu kala; (mul- (of flat things, as ataps) s-bidarg;*
titude) terlalu baryak. (as partitions) s-pnampaig ;'^ (of
Legislate (lej'is-lat), v. i. buat rope, if cut) s-potorg; (of bamboo,
U7idarg-undarg, kluarkan hukum. between joints) s-riias."^ At

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; Ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f55d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin th^n.
length, prghahimn-nja, akhir-rya Let (let), V. t. (permit, allow) biar,
(Ar.). biarkan, bri, kasi (B.) ; (lease)
Lengthen (length'n), v. t. panjaty- seivakan. To let alone, biarkan,
Iwi, lanjutkan; (as garments, by tinjgalkan. To let down (lower),
adding a piece) torgkah;* (as a turunkan, labohkan;hair) (the
plank of a boat) targkir* yerhargkan. To let fall,
Lengthwise (-wTz), adv. mmbu- To let a person go, Ipaskan.
jor.* To let in (allow to enter), masok-
Lengthy (-i), adj. panjaty sargat, kan, bri masok, lulus.
To let
terlalu panjary, terlalu Ian jut. loose, Ipaskan. To let off (fire-
Leniency (le'ni-en-si), s. (mercy) arms), pasarg; (release) Ipaskan;
bias,kasehan, see below. (pardon) rnahapkan (Ar. madf).
Lenient (-ent), adj. (mild) Imah- To out (release) Ipaskan; (en-

Imbot; (merciful) berkasehan; bsarkan; (lease) seivakan;

(not severe, of a punishment) re- (divulge) pchahkati.
rgan, enteiy (N.I.). Let, s. Without let or hindrance,
Lens s.
(of telescopes, etc.)
(lenz), drgan tiada tersargkot, drgan tiada
kacha troporg; (of spectacles) ka- aral* (Ar. 'aradl).
cha mata. Lethargic (le-thar'jik), adj. yarg
Lent (lent), s. puasa orarg Msihi* imgantok, lalai.

ampat-puloh hari lama-rya [Kris- Lethargy (leth'er-ji), s. rsmi m-

tian (B.)]. lalai, klalaian.
Lenti! (len'til), s. kacharg hijau. Letter (let'ter), s. (written charac-
Leopard (lep'erd), s. (yellow) ha-
ter)hurnf (Ar. iiurdf) ; (written
rimau bintarg* hrimau dalian*
communication) surat kiriman,
rimau akar; (black) harimau ivarkah Letters of ad-
kumbarg, rimau kumbatg. ministration, surat kuasa psaka.
Leper (-er), s. orarg berkusta* Lettuce s. daun salada (D.).
oraig berpryakit jaJiat, ovary taiko discoloration.
Leucoderma, see
(B.) {Q\i.'thdi-ko). Leucorrhoea (lii'kor-re'a), s. puteh-
Leprosy (-ro-si), s. kusta,* piyakit
taiko putelian.
jaliat, pryakit bsar, (B.)
Levee (lev'a), s. (of a king) mn-
(Ch. thdi-ko).
Less junjoig dddi.*
(les), adj. (not so much) ku-
kchil deri-
Level (lev'el), adj. (even, flat) rata,
rary; (smaller than)
datar;'^ (on the same level) s-lari,*
Lessee sama rata; (of two things) sama
(les-se'), s. orary yarg mrye-
Lessen v. Level, V. t. (make flat or horizontal)
(les'n), t. kurargkan,
kchilkan, rergankan. ratakan; (bring to the same level
Lesson as something) araskan;-^ (bring
(les'sn), s. (something
learnt) vlajaran; (something read) down) ratakan drgan bumi; (aim,
as a gun) tujukan; (bring to a
bacha'aru; (rebuke) ajaran, trgkirg,
hardek* common level) samakan.
Lessor (les'sor), s. orary yary m- Lever (le'ver, u. s. lev'er), s. tuil,*

ryewakan. prgumpil; (of a rice huller) gan-

Lest (lest), conj. spaya jargan, asal dar;"^ (of large fishing stakes)
jaryan; (for fear that) takot.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.

Leviticus (le-vit'i-kws), s. hitah i- Library (li'bra-ri), s. perkumpolan

rnamat (Ar.). buku-buku, tmpat mryiiripan buku.
Levity (lev'i-ti), s. (lightness, buoy- Licence (li'sens), s. (authority, per-
ancy) Mampo7yan; (frivolity) mission) izin, kbnaran; (a docu-
rsmi yatrj stasia,^ ment) surat izin, lesen (E.), bslit
Levy (-i), v. t. (collect, as troops) (X.I.) (D. besluit) ; (excess of
krahj* (as taxes) pmgut, kutip* liberty) kbebasan.
Lewd (liid), adj. ladiali, cliabol/^ License, v. t. bri izin, bnarkan.
gasarg* gatal, miaty; (of conver- Licentious (-sen'shws), adj. Zu-
sation) chanct. chah, gasaty,* yatal, rniary, clia-

Lexicographer (leks'i-kog'ra-fer). bol,"^ perlonteh (N.I.).

s. pnjaraiy kamus (Ar. gdmiis). Licentiousness (-nes), s. luchah,
Lexicon (-k^in), s. kamus (Ai.). gasanj,'-^ perchabolan,"^ perlonteh-
Liability (H'a-biri-ti), s. (a debt) an (N.I.).
hutarg; see liable. Lichen (li'ken), s. Iwmut.
Liable (-bl)^ adj. (bound by law) Lick (lik), V. t. jilat; (beat, con-
terpaksa. Contingency is express- quer, si.) alahkanr
ed as follows: a horse is liable to Licking (lik'ing), s.
(si.) gasak,
stumble, kuda terkadarg-kadarg ter- bantai.
sradonj'^ [tersutgkoh (B.)]. Li- Lid (lid), s. tutop, tudory; (eyelid)
able to happen, hams, mumkin klopak mata.
(Ar.). Lie (li), s. boho7y, dusta,'* bid'ah
Liar (li'er), s. pmhohorg, pndusta.* (Ar.). To give a person the lie,
Libation (li-ba'shim), s. persmbali- dustakan.*
an minuman. Lie, V. i. bohory, mmbohory, ber-
Libel (li'bl), v. t. nsta,'^ clierclia,'^ dusta^'
husokkan nama. Lie, V. i. bariry; (prone) tiarap, m-
Libel, s. nsta (Sk.), chercha (Sk.). niarap; (of sick persons) terhan-
Libellous, (-us), adj. pnsta* pn- tar;'^ (on the back) terlntarg; (be
chercha.* situated) dudok; (abide, con-
Liberal (generous)
(lib'er-al), adj. tinue) tityyal; (consist in) jadi
muraJi (abundant, bounti-
hati; deri-pada. To lie down, bariry;
ful) lempalij^ mlepah (B.) ; (not (children's talk) bam.* To lie in
narrow) hehas. wait, 'ndap, adaiy.'* To lie on,
Liberality (-al'l-ti), s. (generosity) tindeh. To over (be deferred)

kmurahan; (abundance) klempah- tatyyoh,* pospofi (E.).

an;^ (independence) khebasan. Lief (lef), adv. (willingly) ber-
Liberate (-at), v. t. Ipaskan, hebas- knan. I would as lief go as not,
kan; (of slaves) merdhekakan pergi atau tidak sama berknan.
(Sk.). Liefer (lef(3r), adv. (rather) rmak,
Libertine (-tin), s. orarg chabol/^ arggor."^ Liefer die than live
orary ludiali, perlonteh (N".!.). 'thus, deri-pada hidop bgini rmak-
ILiberty (-ti), s. (freedom) kbebas- lah mati.
an; (from slavery) kmerdhekaan Liege (lej), adj. (having full au-
(Sk.) ;(leave, permission) izin. thority) 77iaha kuasa; (loyal) &er-
At liberty, bebas. bakti (Sk.).
'Librarian (li-brar'i-an), s. pnjaga Lien (len), s. (right to control pro-
perkumpolan buku. perty) hak"^ (Ar. naqq).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thiu then.
Lieu (lu), s. In lieu of, ahan ganti, light, ryatakan, trargkan. To give
m rggantikan. light, herchahya, bersinar.
Lieutenant (lef-ten'ant), s. hpala Light, adj. (bright) trary, her-
lima-puloh soldado, rrvalim di Tea- chahya, chrah; (of colour) muda,
pal pmrg, letnan (N.I.). Udarg (W.) ; (in weight) reigan,
Lieve (lev), adj.
= lief, q. v. enterg (X.I.) ; (in specific grav-
Life (iTf),(state of being) hidop;
s. ity, as soft woods) lamporg;
(principle of life) hay at (Ar. na- (easy) snarg, mudah;* (of wind)
ycit) ; (duration of life) 'umor, spui-spiii;* (of ships, without
usia (Sk.) ; (vital force) jiwa, cargo) arggal.* To make light of,
ryawa; (way of living) haiiidopan, rergankan, permudahkan.*
klakimn; (biography) hikayat.* Light, V. t. (set fire to) chuchoh;*
The life to come, akhirat. A life (kindle fire or lamps) pasarg, rija-
sentence, hukurn jel sampai mati. lakan; (illuminate) trargkan;
All one's life, s-panjarg 'umor, s- (with a torch or lamp) suloh.
'umor hidop. See spirit. Lighten (llt'n), v. i. berkilat.
Lifebelt (lifbelt), s. haju plam- Lighten, v. t. (illuminate) trajg-
povg.^ kan; (make rergankan,
Lifeboat (-bot), s. prahu pnolorg kurargkan, entergkan (N.I.) (re- ;

orarg karam. duce cargo, of a ship) arggalkan."^

Lifebuoy (-boi), s. hoya,^ hairup* Lighter (-er), s. torgkarg, toako
Lifeless (-les), adj. (without life) (Ch. toa-ko').
tiada berryawa; (spiritless) Mesa,^ Lighterage (-er-ej), s. warg sewa
hurarg cliergas.^ torgkarg.
Life preserver (pre-zerv'er), s. Lightheaded (lit'hed'ed), adj. m-
tali knot* (D. knots = cudgel). rachau.*
Lifelong (-long), adj. yarg s-umor Lighthearted (-hart'ed), adj. ber-
hidop. siika-hati.
Lifetime (-tim), s. 'umor. Lighthouse (-hows), s. rumah api.
Lift (lift), V. t. (raise) argkat, naik- Lightly (-li), adv.
(with little
kan; a higher place) tirggi-
(to weight) rergan; (in small degree)
kan; (with one hand) tatirg;"^ sdikit; (without heed) drgan ku-
(as a curtain or skirt) selak. rarg irgat; (without reason) tiada
Lift, s. (act of lifting) hal mrgarg- s-^nna-mna* tiada bersbab.
kat; (E.), psawat
(elevator) lip Lightness (-nes), s. (buoyancy)
mrgargkat laraig atau orarg dalam plamporg.
rumah.* Topping lift (Xaut.), Lightning (-ning), s. kilat. Forked
mantil. lightning, kilat
Ligament (lig'a-ment), s. (any- kilat samboiy-mnjamborg (B.).
thing that ties) ikatan, perhuborg- Flash of lightning, panah ptir.
an; (of the muscles) urat pry am- Lights (llts), s. paru-parii
horg tularg. Lightship (lit'ship), s. kapal yarg
Ligature (-chur), s. hbatan, barut- rnnjadi mm ah api.
an.. Ligneous (lig'ni-t^), adj. deri-pada
Light (lit), s. traig, chahya, sinar; kayu, kayu (a).
(daylight) siarg; (that which Like (iTkj, adj. (similar) s-rupa,
gives light, as a lamp or light- saw a. Something like, s'akan^
house) api, suloh. To bring to akan,'-' man sama (B.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful): law, how, oil; thin then.

Like, adv.or prep, sperti, sama ksturi;(oxide of calcium) kapur

sperti, laksana, umpama, s-laku* tohor; (birdlime) gtah bur org.
s-rupa drgan. Like father like Lime, v. t. (with birdlime) gtah,
son, bginiana hapa dnikian* juga miggtah; (with calcium) sapu ka-
analc-nja [bgita (B.)]. pur, labur.^^
Like, S-. (counterpart) iara, bandiry; Limekiln (lim'kil), s. dapur min-
(liking, preference) suka.
bakar kapur.
Like, V. t. (enjoy) suka, gmar* Limestone (-ston), s. batu kapur.
akan; (approve, be pleased with) Limit (lim'it), s. perhirgga'an,*
berk nan, berknankan, siidikan. smpadan, aras,* had (Ar. Had);
Like, V. i. suka, sudi. (of time) prerggan masa;* (of
Likelihood (lik'li-hood), s. (pro- measurement) jargka.*
bability) hal yarg boleh di-sargka, Limit, v. t. (apply limits) perhirgga-
hal yafg boleh di-harap. kan,* etc., as
above; (circum^scribe,
Likely (lik'li), adj. (credible) yarg restrict) smpitkan, pichekkan.*
dapat di-perchaya; (probable) Limitation (lim i-ta'shwn), s. (act
of limiting) pri mmperhitggakan,*
yatg boleh di-sargka, yarg di-saigka
boleh jadi; (promising) yatg boleh pri mrympitkan; (that which li-
di-harap. mits) perhirgga'an/^ had (Ar.),
Likely, adv. see above. kpichek'an.*
Likeminded (-mind'ed), adj. satu Limited (lim'it-ed), adj. (restrict-
hati. ed) smpit, sergkat, pichek;* (con-
Liken (llk'n), v. t. (compare) ban- fined within limits) bperhirgga-
diigkan, umpamakan (Sk.), sama- 'au,* berhad (Ar.).
kan. Limitless (-les), adj. tiada bper-
Likeness (-nes), s. (similarity) k- hinjga'an,* tiada terhirgga,* tiada
srupaan; (appearance) rupaj had (Ar.).
(portrait) gambar, ,portret (N.I.). Limn (lim), v. t. tulis gambar.
Likewise (-wiz), adv. bgitu juga, Limp (limp), adj. (lacking stiff-
dmkian juga* ness) Imbek, lusoh; (hanging
Liking (-ing), s. (desire, profei- limp, as a broken arm) terkulai;*
ence) ksuka'an, kgmaran.^' (as breasts) kopak, kopek.
Lilac (iriak), s. (the colour) iirgu Limp, v. i. berjalan tempaig, ber-
niuda* jalan inchut.
Lily (lil'i), s. (Criuum asiaticum) Limpid (lim'pid), adj. jerneh, h-
bakorg. Water lily, tunjoig,^ ira- nirg,'^ bnirg.^
iai kchil. Limulus (lim'u-lws), s.
(king crab)
Limb (lim), s. (of the body) aiy- blaigkas.
goia (Sk.) ; (of a tree) chabarg, Linchpin (linch'i)in), s. pasah
daJian. roda.*
Limber (lim'ber), s. (of a gun) Line (lin), s. (thread or string) h-
kreta niriam yaig di hadapan ber- narg, tali; (long mark) baris; (if
isi pluru. scratched) garis; (ruled on paper)
Limber, adj. Intor. misiar (Ar.) ; (course, route) ja-
Limbo (-b5), s. 'alani barzakh lan; (direction) tujuan, hala;*
(Ar.). (row) baris, jejer,* deret; (short
Lime (lim), s. (Citrus acida) limau letter) surat yarg rergkas; (creases
nipis; (the smallest kind) limau on the hand) rtak; (lineage) k-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Uirunan. Hard lines, nasih ia'- sel) hibir. Hare lip, hihir sm-
bail; untorg malarg. Line of bat- hirg^ hihir somherg (B.). Tro-
tle, ihat piwy* Eailway line, jecting lower lip, hihir jueli.'^

jalan hreta api. Telegraph line, Liquefaction (lik'we-fak'shim), s.

kairat ialigrap. lial mncha'irkan, etc., as below.

Line, v. t. (as clothes) lapis; (as a Liquefy (-fi), v. t. chairkan, enclier-
box with paper) alas. kan (N".!.) ; (as metals) Ihurkan,
Lineage (lin'i-ej), s. Murunan. Liquid (lik'wid), adj. chair, encher
Lineal (-al), adj. (in direct line of
descent) s-jati.'^ Liquid, s. hararg yarg clia'ir.
Lineament (-a-ment), s. nipa, pa- Liquidate (lik'wi-dat), v. t. hliagi-
7'as* kan liutarg, slsaikan hutaig, slise-
Linear (-er), adj. (consisting of kan liutarg (B.).
lines) berharis. Liquidation (-da'slmn), s, lial mm^
Linen (lin'en), s. lenen (E.), Tcat- hJiagikan dan mn/lsaikan liutatg.
tan* (Ar. l^attmi). Liquidator (-da-ter), s. pgawai^
Liner (lin'er), s. (slip of metal) yarg miylsaikan liutarg orarg [o/i-
ganjal,* sndal* sntal (B.) ; ser (B.)].
(steamship) kapal mel (E. mail), Liquor (lik'er), s. rninuman yarg
ka2)al chalu* (Hind. chal). kras, arak.
Linger (ling'ger), v. i. lergah, her- Lisp (lisp), V. i. cliakap telor, her-
lamhatan, herundan;'^ (in disease) tutor telor; (as a child) hertutor
idap* pryaJcit, mrana. pelat.
Lingering (-ing), adj. leiydh, lam- List (list) s. (roll or catalogue) daf-
hat; (of disease) mrana. ter (Ar.), lis (E.), stat (D.)
Linguist (-gwist), s. yarg talin ha- (TsT.I.) ; (Naut.) serget, merirg,
iyak hha^m. sende/rg;'^ (pi.) (field of combat)
Liniment (lin'i-ment), s. ohat go- medan (Ar. maidan). To enter
sok. the lists, masok glatygarg,'^ masok
Lining (iTn'ing), s. (of a garment) medan.
lajnsam; (of a box) alas. List, V. t. daftarkan (Ar.), serget-
Link (lingk), s. (single ring of a kan; as above.
chain) mata; (sleeve link) han- Listen (lis'n), v. i. drgar.
chirg targan; (that which binds or Listless (listTes), adj. (spiritless)
unites) hiihorgan. Isi* t'ada hati; (heedless) alpa
Link, V. t. (unite, join) saml)org, (Sk.), lalal
huhorg, jrepet* jreket* jrait.* Litany (lit'a-ni), s. do'a tohat (Ar.
Linoleum (li-no'li-^im), s. tikar tauhat).
gtah. Literal (lit'er-al), adj. (following
Linseed (lin'sed), s. hiji kattan* the exact words) mnurut satu-satu
(Ar. kattan). perkataan; (real, not metaphori-
Lint (lint), s. kain ohat luka, glm- cal) surggoh.
porg^' (W.). Literary (-a-ri), adj. Literary
Lintel (lin'tel), s. arnharg.* work, kerja karaty-mrgararg. Li-
Lion (Wun), s. sirga. Lion's terary man, orarg 'alim (Ar.),.
share, hhagian yarg hsar. orarg pandai surat (B.).
Lioness (-es), s. sirga htina. Literature (-a-chur), s. (acquain-
Lip (lip), s. hihir mulut; (of a ves- tance with books) 'iltnu* kitab^

no. ask, Tini, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f55cl, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin f/ien.
'ilmu* hararg-mrgararg ; (writ- Livelihood (liv'li-hood), s. pn-
ings) harargan. chanan, pndapatan, kahidopan,
Lithe (\lth), adj. Intor; (of the nafkah (Ar. nafqah). Means ot'
body) lampai* livelihood, rjki (Ar. rizki), jerki
Lithograph (lith'o-graf), v. t. chap (B.).
batu. Lively (liv'li), adj. (brisk in move-
Lithographer (li-thog'ra-fer), s. ment) pantas; (in work) cher-
tuJcanj chap batu. gas/'' ganchaiy.*
Lithography s. 'ilmu* chap Liver (liv'er), s. (the organ) hati.
batu. Urn pa.*

Litigant (lit'i-gctnt), s. orarg yarg Livery (-i), s.

pakaian oraiy gaji.
ada perkara, pnd'awa. Livery stables, bargsal kreta seiva,
stal kuda seiva (D. stal).
Litigate (-gat), v. i. buat perhara,
Livid (liv'id), adj. Ibam.

Living (-ing), adj. hidop, benyawa.
(-ga'shwn), s. bicliara,
perkara, perd'aivaan, d'awa-d'awi.
Living, s. (life) kahidopan; (means
of subsistence) nafkah (Ar.) ;
Litter (lifter), s. (stretcher) u-
(manner of life) klakuan; (bene-
sorgan;"^ (straw) bincha, jrami;*
fice of a clergyman)
(scattered things) bararg yarg ter- pgargan.*
Lizard (liz'erd), s. (the largest) bi-
seraJc; (rubbish) sampah, sarap*
awak : (grass lizard) mrgkarorg*
(of dogs, etc.) pindun.*
bigkarorg, chTgkarorg (B.) (large ;
Litter, (spread straw) serakkan
v. t,
house lizard) tkek, iokek ;*
jrami* taroh bincha; (strew) chichak
(small) chchak, (B.) ;
serak, sepah, kaparkan;* (in dis-
( chameleon ) sumpah-sumpah ;
order, as clothes) prok.
(flying lizard) chchak tcrbaig,
Little (lit'tl), adj. (small) kchil,
kchik (B.) (short in time, small
Lo (15), int. hah^, tergok-lah.
in quantity) sdikit. The little fin-
Load (lod), s. muatan, bban* pi-
ger, jari klergkerg. Little ones,
kill an, targg organ.
kanak-kunak budak-budak (B.).
Load, V. t. 7nua~t, isikan. To load a
Little, adv. sdikit.
gun, mrgisi snaparg.
Little, s. sdikit. Little by little, Loadstone (lod'ston), s. batu brani.
beransur-ansur .
Loaf (lof), s. (lump) ktuL* A
Liturgy ( lifer- ji), s. surat do'a, loaf of bread, roti. Loaf
surat maulud (Ar.).
sugar, gul^ buku.
Live (liv), v. i. (be alive) hidop;
Loaf, V. i. berhaiyut drgan malas,
(have life) bernjawa, berhayat rayau;* (as a thief) imbarg.*
(Ar.) ; (dwell) tirggal, diam,'^ du- Loafer (lof'er), s. oratg haryut.
dok;* (have a house) berrumah; Loam (lorn), tanah gmbur, ta-

(dwell temporarily) tumparg; nah berchampur pasir, tanah

(subsist on) makan. He lives at
ease, kahidopan-rya snaiy. To Loan(l5n), s. (thing lent) pinjam-
live long, berumor panjarg, hidop an; (debt) hutarg.
lama. To live on one's means, Loan, V. t. (lend) pinjamkan, bri
makan modal. pin jam.
Live (liv), adj. (alive) hidop; Loath (loth), adj. ta'-
(burning) berryala suka, ta'sudi, sgan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f65d, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, cil; thin then.
Loathe (loth), v. t. bnchi, gli, chi- Locust (lo'kwst), s. bildlarg.
cJiik,'* bnchi mluat. Lode (lod), s. bijeh di dalam batu,
Loathing {IbtWing), s. gli, chi- karatg, batu tlerarg.^
chik* Lodge (loj), V. i. (spend the night)
Loathsome (sum), adj. (in ap- bermalam* tirggal satu malam
pearance) jijik; (to the taste) (B.) ; (longer time) tumpavg.
jidarf (to the smell) viamy. Lodge, V. t. (give shelter) turn-
Lob (lob), V. umban* t.
pargkan. To lodge a complaint,
Lobby (lob'bi), s. bilek tmpat m- bawa prgaduan.
nurggu. Lodge, s. pondok, teratak* rumak
Lobe (lob), s. cliupitg.''^ Lobe of kchil.
the ear, chiipirg ilitga* Lodger s. m-
(loj'er), orarg yarg
Lobster (lob'ster), s. udaig galah .

7iumpavg, pnumparg.
(-ing), s. tmpat mnum-
laid. Lodging
Local (lo'kal), adj. jnda s-negri, s-
paig, tmpat herm^alam.'^
tmpat. The pain is local, sakit s-
Lodging-house (-hows), s. rumah
tnipat sahaja. tumpargan.
Locality (lo-kaFi-ti), s. tmpat. Lodgment (-ment), s. kdudokan.
Localize (lo'kal-Tz), v. t. tmpatkan* Loft (loft), s. para.*
unjokkan tmpat. Lofty (loftT), adj. (high) tirggi;
Locate (lo'kat), v. t. tmpatkan,^
(noble) mulia.
tntukan tmpat.
Location s.
Log (log), s. bataig kayu; (Naut.)
(lo-ka'sht/n), tmpat,
kdudokan. (common log) (pa- ikan-ikan;
Loch tent) topdal (record book)
(L.) ;
(lok or lokh), s. tasek.
buku perirgaian, jernal (E.).
Lock (lok), s. (forelock) jambul;
Log cabin, pondok deri-pada batarg
(on the crown) bocherg*
Lock of a gun, kayu. Log line (Naut.), tali top-
Lock, s. kunchi. dal. To heave the log (Naut.),
tmpat psawat snajmrg*
buarg ikan-ikan.
Lock, V. t. kunchikan.
Locker Logarithm (log'a-rithm), s. hitorg-
(lok'er), kotak, petak;
an bagi mrergkaskan jalan mm-
(drawer) lachi, toak (B.) (Ch.
Sail locker bhagi dan mrgalL*
thoah). (Naut.),
lokor (E.). Loggerhead (log'ger-hed), s. To be
at loggerheads, bersliseh.
Locket (-et), s. agok,^ loket (E.).
Logic (loj'ik), s. 'ilmu mantik*
Lockjaw (-jaw), s. pn^kit berkan-
kaku. (Ar. rnanTiq), 'ilmu mmikir
clmg gigi,
Locksmith (-smith), s. tukarg kun-
d7gan peraturan.
chi. Logical (-al), adj. yarg mnurut per-
aturan mmikir, sabit di 'akal (Ar.
Lockup (-up), s. kurorgan, lokap
(E.). thdbit).
Locomotion Loin (loin), s. pirggarg, sulbi (Ar.).
(lo'ko-mo'shwn), s.

of Loin cloth, kaiti chawat.

(act moving) pergrak'an;
Loiter v. leka,
(power of moving) kuasa bergrak, (loi'ter), i. lergah,
kiiasa berjalan. berlambat, lanchorg.*
Locomotive Loll (lol), v. i. (recline) bersandar.
(-mo-tiv), adj. yarg
bergrak, yarg berjalan. Lone (Ion), adj. (solitary) turg-
Locomotive, s. enjin kreta apt. gal; (unmarried) bujarg.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Loneliness (lon'li-nes), s. hsuryian, away) palis;* (out of a window or
ks'oraryan. hole) jrgok. To look after, jaga,
Lonely (lon'li), adj. (solitary) tunj- plihara. To look back, toleh.*'
gal; (by one's self) s'orarg diri; To look black, bermuka masam..
(without neighbours, unfrequent- To look down on, pandarg tamata.
ed) suryi. To feel lonely, herrasa To look for (seek), chari; (vermin
dagarg. in hair) slisek;* (expect) harap-
Lonesome (-S7im), adj. s'orarg diri. kan, naritikan. To look forth^

Long (long), adj. (of length or du- jrgok. To look into, preksa. To
ration) panjarg; (duration only) look on (esteem, consider), bilary'
lama, lanjut At long intervals, (be a spectator) pandarg.
jararg. The long vowel sound, To
look out (watch), tinjau.*
madd (At.). To
look up (search) chari; (after
Long, All day long, s-
adv. lama. looking down) toleh.* It looks
hari-liarianj^ s-panjarg hari. Be- to me, pada pmandargan-ku.*
fore long, tiada hrapa lama, tiada Look, s. (appearance, aspect) rupa.
berlanjut masa.* Long ago, lama Look-out (look'-owt), s. (person
sudah, lama dhulu. who watches) pninjau.*
Long, V. i. rindu, irgin, Icpingin Looker-on (look'er-on'), s. orarg
(N.I.) ; (of pregnant women) yarg mmandarg, pmandarg.
idam* mtgidam (B.). Looking-glass (look'ing-glas), s.
Longer (long'ger), adj. Ibeh pan- chermin-muka, kacha muka."^
jaig; (of time) lb eh lama. Loom (l5om), s. tnun. The frame
Longevity (lon-jev'i-ti), s. 'umor of a loom, rumah tnun.
panjarg. Loom, V. i. bludoh* (W.).
Longing (long'ing), s. Jcrinduan, Loop (lo5p), s. lergkar, blit, glorg ;'^
k'ljginan, prgidaman,* hasrat* (for hooks on garments) raharg
(At. uasrat) ; see long. ay am.*
Longitude hjauhan
(lon'ji-tud), s. Loop, V. t. (rope) lergkarkan ;'^ (a
shlah timor atau harat deri Green- curtain) sirgkapkan.
tvich di negri Irggris. Loophole (loop'hdl), s. lobarg p-
Longitudinal (-tu'di-nal), adj. hu- nembaVan."^
jor."^ Loose (loos), V. t. (untie) buka,
Long-lived (long-livd'), adj. ler- luchut, urai,'* orak;* (set free)
'umor panjarg. Ipaskan.
Long-suffering (long'-suf'fer-ing), Loose, adj. (untied) Ipas; (of the
adj. sahar. hair) terurai,'^' mrggerbarg;
Long-winded (-wind'ed), adj. her- tight lorggar;
fitting) (not
kata-kata digan lanjut. To be stretched) kndur; (not firmly fix-
longwinded, leret.* ed) galir;'^ (rickety) gual-gail;*
Look (look), V. i. tergoh, lihat, kleh (insecure) chopol;"^ (as sand or
(P.) ; (more intently) pandarg; earth) gmbur; (as a ring) chluji,*
(still more) tatap,'^ rnorg, amat- blus;"^ (of a cough, or the seed of
amati;"^ (very closely) helek;* a rambutan) lorgkah.
(secretly, peep) intai; (up to the Loosen (loos'n), v.t. (make loose)
sky) trgadaJi; (behind one) to- lorggarkan, kndurkan; (a knot)
leh;* (sideways, without moving bulxa, orak;"^ (the hair) urai*
the head) kerlirg,"^ jUrg; (look gerbargkan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; fo5d, foot, awfool (avrful) law, how, oil; thin then. ;
Loot (loot), V. t. ram pas. winning nor losing, blum alah
Lop (lop), V. t. ( branches of a tree) innaig* ta'kalah ta'mnatg (B.).
tutoh;"^ (cut the end off) pan- Lose, V. i. (suffer loss) rugi; (suffer
clioiy. defeat) alah,* kalah, tewas*
Lop-eared (lop'erd), adj. her- Loss (destruction) krosak-
(los), s.

tlirga mnjuntai* kupity terjbek 'an, (deprivation) k-

(B.). rugiari. To bear the loss, ganti-
Lop-sided (lop'-sld'ed), adj. (not kan krugian. To be at a loss,
properly round) imhal* bimhaty, khuatir. At a loss what
Loquacious (lo-kwa'shi^s), adj. hie- to do, fikiran buntu*
tir, cliramali,'^ chlupar* chloteh.^ Lot (lot), s. (fortune, fate) nasib,
Lord (lord), s. (master) tuan; (ru- untoiy; (die) undi;* (portion)
ler) yaiy di-pei'tuan;* (nobleman) bhagian, untok,"^ tandiiy;* (of
orary hargsawan:'^ (God') Tuhan, land) petak, lot (E.) ; (large
Rahb (At.), Rahhi (Ar.). My quantity) baiyak. To cast in
lord, tuan-ku. House of Lords, one's lot with, s-pakat drgan, ber-
majlis mashuarat* orarg ha7ysa- skutu drrjan* To draw lots,
wan. The Lord's day, tiari mirg- buarg undi.
go. The Lord's prayer, perminta- Loth (loth), adj. sgan, ta'suka.
'an Tuhan (X.). The Lord's sup- Lotion (lo'slmn), s. obat pryuchi
per. Perjam van Tuhan (X.). liika, ayer pnjuchi.
Lord, V. i. To lord it over, tunjoTc- Lottery (lot'ter-i), s. lotii (D.).
kan kkuasaan atas, tunjok pa- Lotus (lo'tns), s. tratai, sroja (Sk.).
tras.'^ Loud (lowd), adj. (of voices and
Lordliness (lord'li-nes), s. rsmi shrill
sounds) ryarirg; (of deep
orarg ban/saivan* rsmi orarg hsar- sounds) gmuroh,* ganiat.*
hsar. Lounge (lownj), v. i. (spend time
Lordly (lord'li), adj. sperti orarg lazily) lergah; (recline) bersan-
hatgsaivanj* (haughty) somborg. dar. See loaf.
Lordship (-ship), s. (condition of Lounging-chair ( lownj 'ing-char),

being a lord) hal oraty barg- kursi malas, krosi sandar (B.).

saivan* Louse (lows), s. kutu; (smaller)

Lore (I5r), s. prgtahuaii, kpandaian. turgau* tuma;* (on cattle) kutu
Loris (lor'is), s. korgkarg* babi. To
crack a louse, tindas.
Lorry (lor'ri), s. kreta muat bararg. To hunt for lice, slisek.*
Lose (looz), V. liilarg, which how-
t. Lousy (lowz'i), adj. berkutu, ber-
ever is used intransitively, as, he tuma.*
lost his knife, pisau~n/a sudah hi- Lout (lowt), s. orarg jarggal,* orarg
larg, or, ia kahilargati pisau-nja.'^ kekok.
To lose control, tiada terklola* Louvre (loo'ver), s. ram jndela*
lagi. To lose ground (fall back), (D. raw = window), kipas tirg-
undor. To lose heart, tawar hati. kap.
To lose one's head, naik birgorg. Love (luv), V. t, kaseh, k.asehi,'* sa-
To lose sight of,- ta'nampak lagi, yarg, chinta'; (sexually) brahi,*
tiada klihatan lagi; (overlook) 'a.shik (Ar.) ; (like) suka, gmar.*
alpakan* To lose one's way, ssat. Love, s. (affection) kaseh, prgaseh-
To lose one's life, mati. To lose an, ksayargan, chinta; (sexual)
one's sight, jadi buta. Neither brahi,* 'ashik (Ar.). A labour of

ate, ask, am, final, eare, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil thin then. ;
love, kerja yarg di-buat dnjan Lubber (lub'ber), s. orarg jarggal*
grnar* Love bird, huroiy srindit. orarg kekok.
Love charm, obat prgaseh* ohat Lubricate (lu'bri-kat), v. t. (make
guna. Love grass, smunchop* slippery) lichinkan; (apply oil)
To play for love, rnain tiada her- buboh miryak.
taroh. Lucid (lu'sid), adj. (shining,
Lovelock (luv'lok), s. jamhul. bright) berchahya, bersinar; (clear,
Lovely (-11), adj. elok, moleJc, clian- transparent) jemeh, hnirg;* (easi-
tek; (of natural objects) pemiai.* ly understood) trarg; (clear, of in-
Lover (-er), s. kkaseh. tellect) siuman.'^
Loving (-ing), adj. pnjayatx);^ her- Lucifer (-si-fer), s. (the planet
piyasehan. Venus) bintarg timor; (the devil)
Loving-kindness (-kind'nes), s. iblis; (match) korek api, machis
kmurahan. (E.), see MATCH.
Low (not high) rndah;
(15), adj. Luck (Ink), s. (fate, fortune) un-
(of price) murali; (of wages) k- torg, nasih, su'ud (Ar. su'ud) ;
chil; (of the voice) Imhot, per- (good luck) untorg, untoTg baik,
lahan-Iahan, plan-plan; (humble mujor,"^ tuah, bertuah (B.). Bad
in rank) rndah, hina; (mean, luck, clilaka, untorg malarg* k-
base) kji* Ita* husok (B.) ; (of malargan. To lose one's luck, jatoh
the tide) sural, timpas. siLud (Ar.). To see what one's
Low, V. i. (of cattle) Irgoh* m- luck would be, lihat tuah-malaig-
rguak* tya* lihat nasih, tergok untorg.
Lowbred (lo'bred), adj. hargsa Lucky (luk'i), adj. beruntorg, mu-
kchil, hargsa rndah. jor,* bertuah.
Lower (-er), adj. terkbawah. Lucrative (lu'kra-tiv), adj. ber-
Lower, v. t. turunkan, rndahkan; untoiy, yarg mndata^ykan laha.'^

(of the voice) Imbotkan; (as the Lucre (lu'ker), s. (profit) untorg,
flame of a lamp) malap;^ (as nets laha;'^ (riches) kkayaan.
or anchors) labohkan, hulorkan, Ludicrous (lii'di-krws), adj. prggli
buaig To lower away (Naut.) hati, piaka,"^ luchu.*
aria (L.). Luff (M), v.i. (Naut.) belok.
Lowering (low'er-ing), adj. rdop. Lug (lug), s.
(of a pot) targkai; (if
Lowest (15'est), adj. yarg ter- two) tlirga,* kupirg (B.).
kbaicah, yarg rndah skali. Lug, v. t. hela, seret.
Lowland (-land), s. tanah hnbah.* Luggage (lug'gej), s. baratg-bararg.
Lowliness (-li-nes), s. kmdahan Lugger (-ger), s. (aut.) prahu
hati. berlayerkan layer hatarg, etc.
Lowly (-li), adj. (in rank) rndah; Lugsail (-sal), s. (Naut.) layer
(humble) rndah hati. hatarg, layer tarek, layer top,
Lowminded (-mlnd'ed), adj. kji*^ layer tuako (Ch.) ; (with battens)
fikiran luchah. layer apit.
Loyal (loi al), adj. stia (Sk.), stia- Lugubrious (lu-gu'bri-i/s), adj.
wan (Sk.), berbakti (Sk.). mar org.
Loyalty (-ti), s. stia (Sk.), kbakti- Lukewarm (luk'worm), adj..mam,*
an (Sk.). sram-sram kuku,^ hargat-hargat
Lozenge (loz'enj), s. potoiyan iva- kuku,* hargat (B.) ; (not zealous)
jek kurarg rajin, lalai.

ate. ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min-ws, cure, injure^
hurry; f65d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Lull (lul), v.t. (soothe) ulit* V Lurch, s. To be left in the lurch,
dok* 'ndonj* dayu* kdapatan budi.*
Lull, s. (cessation of wind) tdoh. Lure (lur),pmikat, umpan.

Lullaby (lura-bl), s. dondarg, rya- Lure, v.t.

(by decoying) pikat;
njian prgxdit* (by bait) umpankan; (by per-
Lumbago (lum-ba'go), s. srgal di suasion) pujok.
Lurid (lur'id), adj. (of light) H-
Lumber (lum'ber), s. (refuse house- Zaw,* teja;"^ (terrible, ghastly)
hold stuff) bararg yarg hurok-hu- dahshat (Ar.).
rok; (timber) papan hroti dan Lurk (lerk), v. i. 'ndap, mrgndap
halak. (B.).
Luminary (lu'mi-na-ri), s. pnrarjr.* Lurking-place (lerk'ing-plas), 6.

Luminous (-nws), adj. (shining) tinpat 7nrgndap.

hercliahya, bersinar; (full of light) Luscious (lush'i^s), s. sdap, sdap
traiy, trarg h7idrarg* chmerlarg ;'^ manis.
(intelligent) trarg. Lust (lust), s. (longing desire) k'-
Lump (lump), s. (mass, as of stone, iiginan, nafsu; (in a bad sense)
wood, iiesh, etc.) Mul,^ toiykol; haiva nafsu; (sexual) sir* shah-
(of wood or flesh) horyhah;* (of wat (Ar.)
gold) pukal;* (pressed in the Lust, V. i. irgin.
hand) A:;?a/!; (rolled into a ball) Lustful (lust'fool), adj. luchah,
gumpal; (hard spot in softer mat- gasarg* gatal, miarg.
ter) buku; (on the person, from Lustre (lus'ter), s. (of a diamond)
a blow) bonjol. Lump sugar, gula
kerlap;* (of silk) tlau;* (of po-
potorg, gula buku. To pay in a lished surfaces) gilap.*
lump sum, baycr skali gus* bayer Lustrous (-trws), adj. berkerlap/^
pukal. bertlau-tlau;* as above.
Lump, V. t. (make into a mass) Lusty (lust'i), adj. kuat, tgap.
gumpalkan. Lute (lut), s. gambus* kchapi.
Lumpy (lump'i), adj. bcrbiiku-
Luxuriant (lug-zhoo'ri-ant), adj.
buku, berglmborg-glmbarg* ber-
(of plants) subur; (of foliage)
khnborg (B.). rimbun.*
Lunacy (lu'na-si), s. gila.
Luxuriate v.
Lunar (-ner), adj. bulan (-at), i. jadi gmoh,
Lunatic jadi subur.
(-na-tik), adj. gila.
Luxurious (-us), adj. berlazat
Lunatic, s. anak bulan, oraty gila.
Lunch (Ar. ladzat), meivah; (of food)
(lunch), s. (light repast)
nemat (Ar.).
alasprot* makan alas prof/* ma-
kan tahankan prot (B.) (mid- ;
Luxury (luk'shoo-ri), s. lazat
(Ar.), n'emat (Ar.), kmeivahan.
day meal) makan trgah hari.
Lunch, V. i. makan alas prot/^ makan Lye (ll), s. ayer abu.
trgah hari. Lying (li'ing), s. (falsehood) bo-
Luncheon (lunch'tin), s. makan horg, dusta (Sk.).
trgah hari. Lying-in (-in'), s. sakit beranak.
Lung (lung), s. paru-paru, rabu.* Lymph (limf), s. bneh chachar.
Lunge (lunj), s. tikam. Lymphatic (lim-fat'ik), adj. Lym-
Lurch (lerch), v. i.
oyorg, uyorg phatic glands (in the groin), biji
(B.), olerg.* klnjaran.

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Lynch (linch), v. t. hunoh orary Magazine (mag'a-zen), s. (store)
drgan maharaja-lela* gdotg snjata, gudarg snjata; (pe-
Lynx (liiigks), s. s-jnis hrimaii di riodical ) mujallah ( Ar. ) .

Eropah. Maggot (-gut), s. ulat, brrga;*

Lyre (lir), s. hchapi orarg dhulu (book-worm) ggat; (in wood or
kola. rice) bubok.
IMC Magotty (-i), adj. berulat.
Magi (ma'ji), s. orarg Majusi
Ma'am (mam), s. mem (E.). (Ar.).
Macadamize (mak-ad'am-iz), v. t. Magic (maj'ik), s. hikmat* ksak-

tambak jalan drgan hatu bsi. tian, hobatan* obat guna, 'ilmu
Macaroni (mak'a-ro'ni), s. lalcsa sihir (Ar.), Hlmu. To practise
grorggaty* magic, jampi.
Macassar (ma-kas'sar), s. Miy- Magic, adj. (having supernatural
hasar. powers) sakti; (made by magic)
Mace (mas), s. (spice) hurga pala, hikmat; (influenced by magic)
burga laivarg* Jcmbarg pala jampian.
(N.I.) ; (weapon) gada (Sk.), Magician (ma-jish't^n), s. pawaig,
chokmarj* (staff) torghat Tcbsaran. oratg hobatan* tukarg mantra
Macerate (mas'er-at), v. t. (soften (Sk.).
by steeping) rndam. Magisterial (maj'is-ter'i-al), adj.
Machination (mak'i-na'shwn), s. majistret (a).
tipu-daya, maTcar (Ar.). Magistrate (-tret), s. majistret
Machine (ma-shen'), s. psaioat* (E.), hakim mahkamah kchil
jntra (Sk.), enjin, meshin (E.), (Ar.).
mesen (N.I.). Magnanimity (mag'na-nim'i-ti),
Machinery (-er-i), s. psawat* jn- s. kbaik'an hati, prargai yaty mulia.
tra (Sk.), enjin, perkaJcas enjin. Magnanimous (mag-nan'i-mws),
Machinist (-ist), s. tukarg mmbuat adj. baik hati.
psawat* iiijiiiir (E.), masnis Magnate (mag'nat), s. orarg bsar.
(N.I.) (D. machinist). Magnet (-net), s. bsi brani.
Mackerel (mak'er-el), s. s-jnis Magnetic (mag-net'ik), adj. yarg

ikan s-rupa ikan trggiri. berkuasa batu brani.

Mackintosh (-in-tosh), s. baju Magnetism (mag'net-izm), s.

hujan. kuasa batu brani; (power of at-

Mad (mad), adj. gila; (with rage) traction) kvasa mnarek.
berargf (as an elephant or bull) Magnetize (-iz), v. t. bri kuasa
mta (Sk.), mnta.* batu brani; (influence) tarek,
Madam (mad'am), s. (of Euro- grakkan.
peans) mem
(E.), Tyonja (N.I.) : Magnificence (mag-nifi-sens), s.

(of Malays) siti (Ar. sitti), kbsaran, kmuliaan.

'nchek. Magnificent (-sent), s. bsar, mulia,
Madden (-dn), v. t. hilargkan 'akal, indah-vndah.
buat gila. Magnify (mag'ni-fi), v. t. bsarkan.
Madman (-man), s. orarg gila. Magnifying glass (-ing glas), s.
Madness (-nes), s. gila. kacha troporg, spai* (E. spy).
Madonna (ma-don'na), s. gambar Magnitude (-tud), s. bsar,' baryak,
siti Mariam. luas, kbsaran, ksargatan.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
M.&gog (ma'gog), s. Majuj (Ar.). rjki (Ar. rizki), jerki (B.), blan-
Maid (mad), anah dara, andk
s. ja, nafkali* (Ar. nafqah).
prempuan, budak prempuan, da- Maize (maz), s. jagorg.
yaiy> gadis* prawaii* nona Majestic (ma-jes'tik), adj. mulia,
(N.I.), bikir (Ar.) ; (servant girl) bsar, yarg ada kbsaran, adikara.
dayaiy-dayarg. A little maid, (Sk.).'
dam suntiJ^
anak Majesty (maj'es-ti), s. (grandeur)
Maiden (mad'n), s. anak dara, da- kbsaran, kmulia'anj (supernatural
ya7y* gadisj* prawan* nona power of kings) daulat (Ar.).
(N.L). Your majesty, daulat tuan-ku,* k-
Maiden, adj. dara. A maiden bawah shah 'alam,* k-bawah duli.^
speech, pvguchapan mula-mula. Major (ma'jer), adj. (greater) Ibeh
Maidenhair fern (-har fern), s. bsar, Ibeh baryak.
paku-paku. Major, s. pargkat prglima yaig m-
Maidenhood (-hood), s. /laZ dara, mrentahkan s-trgah pasokan s-ribu.
per dara' an,^ hal anak dara. Majority (ma-j6r'i-ti), s. (full age)
Mail (mal), (armour) baju zirah
chukop 'umor, ia'itu 21 tahun;
(Pers.) ; surat
(letters) pos (the greater number) kbaiyakan;
(Eur.), surat kiriman; (steamer) (excess, as in voting) klbehan.
kapal mel, kapal chalu^ (Hind. Make (mak), v. t. (cause to exist)
chal). adakan, jadikan; (form from ma-
Mail, V. t. poskan.
(post) terials) bvat, bikin (B.) (N.I.) ;
Maim (mam), v. t. kodorg, kudorg (bring about, cause) datargkan;
(B.) ; (of the nose) romporg. (cause to be) bri, kasi (B.) (N.I.).
Main (man), adj. (chief) yarg ter- To make believe, buat-buat, pura-
utama (Sk.), yarg terbsar. By pura."^ To make bold, brani. To
main drgan kras.
force, Main make for, tuju. To make good
road, jalan bsar, jalan raya* (repair), baikki, kasi baik (B.) ;

Main, s. (high sea) lautan. With (indemnify) gantikan rugi. To

might and main, drgan bersurggoh- make haste, sgra, Ikas, bargat.*
surggoh, drgan s-brapa boleh. In To make light of, tiada indahkan.
the main, kbanjakan-rya. To make merry, bersuka-suka^
Mainland (man'land), s. tanali To make much of, bratkan. To
bsar. make no difference, tiada mrgapa.
Mainly (-li), adv. terutama skali,* To make oath, bersumpah. To
kbaryakan-rya. make of, mrgerti, fikir. To make
Mainmast (-mast), s. (Naut.) out (find out), dapat-tahu;
tiarg agorg, bara dol (L.). (prove) trargkan To make over,.
Main-spring (-spring), s. sprirg srahkan. To make room, bri tm-
bsar (E.), per bsar (N.I.) (D. pat.To make sail (Naut.), buka
veer). layer.To make sure, tntukan.
Maintain (man-tan'), v. t. (keep, To make up (collect), kumpol-
sustain) pliharakan, bla;* (sup- kan; (a quarrel) berbaik, ber^
port) targgorg; (affirm) surggoh- damai;* (complete) gnapkam,:
kan. (from ingredients) champur, bn-
Maintenance (man'te-nans), s. at; (compensate) gantikan; (ad-
(act of maintaining) pmlihara'an, just, as accounts) slsaikan, slise-
targgorg; (that which maintains) kan (B.). To make up one's

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t^en.
mind, tntukan, putushan. To Malefactor (-fak-ter), s. orarg
make use of another's name, per- saJali, orarg jdliat.
hurohkan nama, jual nama. To Malevolence (ma-lev'o-lens), s. iri
make water (Naut.) hochor; (u- hati,* dndam, mtyiri hati (B.).
rinate) ayer kchil.
biiaiy To Malevolent (-lent), adj. iri hati,
make way (progress) jalan, ma- mtyiri hati (B.), yarg mnaroh dn-
ju;* (clear the way) huka jalan, dam.
berkuak. Malformation (mal'for-ma'shi^n),
Make, v. i. In the following phrases; s. baigunan yarg bersalahan.
To make as if, buat-huat To Malice (-is), s. iri hati,* mrgiri hati
make away with (carry off), lan- (B.), dndam.
kan, bawa lari; (squander) boros- Malicious (ma-lish'i/s), adj. (har-
kan; (kill) bunoh. To make off, bouring ill-will) yarg mnaroh dn-
lari, argkat kaki, chabot. To make dam; (with mischievous intent)
up, berdamai* To make up for, prganiaya.*
gantikan, balaskan. Malign (-Hn'), v. t. (speak evil of)
Make, s. buatan. chercha (Sk.), 7ista (Sk.), fitnah
Make-believe (mak'be-lev), adj. one's
(Ar.), jahatkan; (behind
pura-pura,* buat-buut. back) umpat, fitnah.'*
Maker (-er), s. (manufacturer) tu- Malign, adj. (evil-disposed) jahat;
karg; (the Creator) khalik (Ar.). (unpropitious) sial.
Makeshift (-shift), s. prgganti s-
do as a make-
Malignant (-lig'nant), adj. (bent
mantara.'^ It will
on evil) khianat; (of diseases)
shift, jadi-lah, kalaic tiada rotan
berbahya,* trok.
akar pun berguna (Prov.).
Malignity (-ni-ti), s. khianat.
Make-up (-up), s. (of an actor)
Malinger (-ling'ger), v. i.
perhiasan. sakit* siat-siat sakit
pura (B.)
Makeweight (-wat), s. imboli.'*
Malacca s. Malaka. (Ch.).
Mall (mawl), s. (mallet) pmukol
Malacca cane, smambu.
Maladministration kayu;* (shady walk) jalan tdoh,
s. salah prentah. jalan rdop.
Malady s.
Malleability (mal'le-a-biri-ti), s.
(-a-di), pryakit.
hal boleh di-tmpa.*
Malaria (ma-lar'i-a), dmam s.
Malleable yarg boleh
kura; (intermittent) dmam ber- (-a-bl), adj.

slaiy;* (with chills) dmam gigil. di-tmpa,* tmpaivan.*

Jawi Mallet (-Ict)^ s. pmukol kayu,* p-
Malay (ma-la'), adj. Mlayu,
(Ar.). rgtok kayu, gandin (N.I.), martol
Malay, s. orarg Mlayu. (Port.).
Malcontent (raarkon-tent), adj.
Malodorous (mal-o'der-'?^s), adj.
yafg tiada berknan, tasnarg. b'usok; animals) hamis; (of
JVlale (mal), adj. (of men or fish) haryir; (of urine) hanchirg;
men also see putrid.
animals) jantan; (of only)
laki-laki, dlaki (B.), lananj Malpractice (-prak'tis), s. pkerja-
'an yarg tiada patut.
Male, s. jantan, laki-laki, as above. Malt (mawlt), s. biji-bijian di-
Malediction (mal'e-dik'shwn), s. rndam sampai masam bau-rya mau
kutok, sumpah, sranah. buat bir.

ate, ask, am, finol, eare, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Maltreat (mal-tref), v. t. aniaya- Mandolin (-do-lin), s. kchapi.
kan. Mandrake (-drak), s. s-jnis trorg.
Mamma (ma-ma', u. s. ma'ma), s. Mandrel (-drel), s. achi plarek*
male, ibUj ummi (Ar.) ; see Mane (man), s. bulu trgkok.
MOTHER. Man-eater (man'et-er), s. binatarg
Mammal (mam'mal), hinatarg s. yarg makan orarg.
yarg mnjusui* anak-ryd [hasi teteh Manes (ma'nez), s. pi. arwah
(B.)]. (Ar. arwaii, pi. of rto), mla'ihat
Mammon (-mwD), s. Jckaya'an. (B.).
Mammoth (-mwth), s. gajah dhulu Manful (man'fool), adj. brani, laki-
kola. laki, sperti anak jantan (B.).
Man (man), s. (mankind, human Manfully (-li), adv. drgan brani.
being, opposed to beast) manusia; Manganese (mang'ga-nes'), s. batu

(male portion of the race) laJci- kaivi.*

laki, lanarg (N.I.) ; (a person or Mange (manj), s. kurap anjirg.
individual) orarg; (in compounds Manger (man'jer), s. koiak tmpat
denoting trades) tukarg. Man of makanan kuda atau Imbu;
war (Naut.), kapal prarg. (trough) palorgan,* palorg.*
Man, V. t. (supply with men) Irg- Mangle (mang'gl), v. t. charek,*'
kapi d^gan orarg j'^ (guard) jaga, koyak, chairg,'^ robek (N.I.).
turggu, turggui.'^ Mangle, s. kelarg* mrgapit kain.
Manacle (man'a-kl), v. t. pasorg- Mango {-go), s. rno/rgga. The horse
kan. mango, bachwrg, macharg* mm-
Manacles (-klz), s. pasorg. bacharg.* Other varieties are,
Manage (-ej),v. t. (control) klola- kuini, rnmplam-dodol, pauh, ru-
kan/^ pgarg, pegarg (B.) ; (ad- minia.
minister) bla* jalankan, tadbir- Mangosteen (-go-sten'), s. marg-
kan (Ar.) ; (bring into subjec- gis.
tion) prentahkan, jinakkan; (ad- Mangrove (-grov), s. bakau, api-
minister on behalf of another) api.
pargku. Mangy (man'ji), adj. berkurap.
Manageable (-a-bl), adj. yarg ho- Manhood (man'hood), s. hal laki-
leh di-klolakan* jinak. laki; (full age) chukop 'umor;
Management (-ment), s. klola* (manly courage) %aki-laki, hal
hal mmgarg, lial mnjalankan, etc., anak jantan (B.).
as above. Mania (ma'ni-a), s. (violent mad-
Manager (-er), s. kiiasa, kpala, ness) amok; (unreasonable desire)
tuan bsar, ivakil (Ar. wakil). 'ashik (Ar.), gila.
Mandarin (man-da-rin'), s. pgaivai Maniac (-ak), s. orarg yarg mrga-
di negri China,'* koa'^-liu (B.) mok.
(Ch.) ; (small orange) limau ko- Manifest (man'i-fest), adj. ryata^
pek. trarg, lahir (Ar. tldhir).
Mandate (man'det), s. (of a Manifest, v. t. ryatakan, trargkan^
prince) Utah,* sabda (Sk.) ; (of lahirkan (Ar.).
officials) prentah, htikum. Manifest, s. daftar muatan,* meni-
Mandatory (-da-to-ri), adj. yarg fes (B.).
mvjuroh, yarg mmbri hukum. Manifestation (-fes-ta'shi/n), s.

Mandible (-di-bl), s. paroh* knjataan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, more, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, serry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; fo5d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Manifesto (-fes'td), s. swat pmhri Man-of-war (maii'o-w5r'), kapal
tahu, saklar (E. circular). pratg.
Manifold (-fold), adj. (of various Manor (man'er), s. tanah yarg di-
kinds) plbagai* bei'hagai-bagai* pakai oleh tuan-rya.
I) e rjnis-jnis, macham-macham ; Manse (mans), s. rumah padri.
(numerous) banjak. Mansion (man'shwn), s. rumah
Manikin (dwarf) orarg
(-kin), s. bsar.
Tcerdil,* katek;
orarg (model) Manslaughter (-slaw-ter), s. pm-
orarg-orarg, gamhar sgala arggota bunohan bukan drgan srgaja.
manusia;* (puppet) patorg, anak- Mantis (-tis), s. blalarg gambar*
anakan/^ anak-anak (B.). Mantle baju sluborg.
(-tl), s.

Manipulate (ma-nip'u-lat), v. t.
Mantle, v. t. (envelop) sluborgkan.
(as machinery) jalankan; (oper- Mantrap (-trap), s, (dangerous
ate with the hands) kerjakan d-
place) t7npat berbahya, tmpat
rgan targan; (falsify, as accounts) susah, tmpat tabaik.
lanchorgkan ;'^ (control, as mar- Manual (-u-al), adj. (made by
kets) klolakan* 'pga'^, p^ga'^
hand) buatan targan^ Manual la-
bour, kerja targan. Sign manual,
Mankind (man-kind'), s. manusia, bkas taigan.
insan^ (Ar. insdn).
Manliness s. rsmi
Manual, s. buku kchil.
Manufactory (man'u-fak'to-ri), s.
laki-laki, laki-laki, jantan
gdoig tukarg-tukarg bkerja, pabrih
'(N.I.) (D. fabneic).
Manly (-h), adj. (like a man) Manufacture (man'u-fak'chur) s. ,
sperti anak jantan (B.) (brave)
(operation of making) hat mm-
Manna manna buat, pri mmbuat, pertukargan;
(-na), s. (Ar.).
(thing made) buatan.
Manner (-ner), s. (method) pri,
Manufacture, v. t. buat, bikin
pri-hal;"^ (style, fashion) chara;
(habit, custom) 'adat; (deport-
Manufacturer (-er), s. tukarg.
ment, behaviour) tergkah-laku,
tiatah* laku;* (sort, kind) jnis, Manumit (-mif), v. t. merdheka-
Bad manners, kan (Sk.).
hagai/^ machami
'adat yarg kasar. Good manners, Manure (ma-niir'), v. t. baja, mm-
hudi hhasa, 'adat yarg lialus. baja.
Mannerism (-izm), s. rsmi, terg- Manuscript (man'u-skript), s.

kah-laku yarg klaziman* surat talis targan, nuskhah (Ar.).

Mannerly (-li), adj. berhhasa. Many (men'i), adj. baiyak. As
Mannish (man'nish), adj. sperti many as, s-ban/ak, s-brapa baryak.
klakuan laki-laki. How many? brapa baryak'^ So
Manoeuvre (ma-iio5'ver), s. per- many, s-kian baiyak. Too many,
grak'an argkatan* 'akal; as below. terlalu baryak. Many-coloured,
Manoeuvres (sham fight), latehan* pancha-iverna.* Many-sided, yarg
soldado, latehan 'askar (Ar.). mrgandorg bbrapa hal-ehwal.*
Manoeuvre v. i. (move, as troops Map (map), s. pta."^ Map of the
or ships) berjalan-jalan, berlayer world, pta dunia.*
k-sana k-mari; (scheme) cJiari Maple (ma'pl), s. nama pohon*
'akal. kayu di Eropah [pokok (B.)].

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; Ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min-us, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Mar (mar), v. t. (injure) rosakkan, garis; (point aimed at in games)
hinasakan; (disfis^ure) chachatkan. jih,* see bull's eye. Trade
Maraud (ina-rawd'), v. i. samon, mark, tanda perniaga'an, chap,,
rampas. merek (D. merk) (N.I.).
Marauder (-er), s. piyamon, pram- Mark, v .t.(put a mark on) buhoh
pas. tanda, tandakan; (indicate) tun-
Marble (mar'bl), s. hatu marmar jokkan, lyatakan; '(scratch) garis;
(D. marmer), pualam* (Tam.) ; (pay attention to) injat. To
-(veined)batu plirggam.'^ Vari- mark out (select), pileh; (obli-
ous games of marbles, main goli, terate) pararg,* bunoh. To mark
main guli, main j aleak, main time, 'ntakkan kaki.
sitygif main pick eh /^ main pak Market (mar'ket), s. pasar, pkan;*
tiarg. (demand) laku. There is no
March (march) v. i. herjalan; (of market for it now, skararg ta'laku.
an army) herargkat. Market gardener, oraig tanam sa-
March, s. (the month) hulan orarg yur.
pnteli yarg ktiga, hulan march; Market, v. t. jual, jual di pasar.
(distance marched) perjalanan; Marketable (-a-blj, adj. yarg boleh
(tune) lagu herjalan. di-jual, yarg boleh laku.
Marchioness (mar'shi/n-es), s. Marking-ink (mark'ing-ingk), s.
istri MARQUIS, q. v. tinta mmbuat tanda kain baju.
Mare (mar), s, kuda htina. Marksman (marks'man), s. orarq
Margin (mar'jin), s. (edge) tpi, pandai mnembak, ahli mnembak,*
pirggir (N.I.) ; (profit) untorg. orarg piniar mnembak (N.L).
Marginal (-al), adj. di tpi, di pirg- Marl (marl), s. napal,* nampal,*"
gir (N.I.). Marginal notes, tafsir tanah Hat berchampur pasir.
tertulis di tpi surat.^ Marline spike (mar'lin spik), s.

Marigold (mar'i-gold), s. hurga (Naut.) pasdul; (small) prekel.

iahi ayam. Marmalade (mar'ma-lad), s. hal-
Marine (ma-ren'), adj. laut (a), wa"^ kulit limau [7nanisan (B.)].
di laut, deri laut. Marine police, Maroon (ma-ro6n'), tiiygalkan di
mata-mata laut. daratan yarg suryi.
Marine (ma-ren'), s. soldado kapal Marque (mark), s. Letters of
prarg. Mercantile marine, sgala marque, surat izin mrompak.
kapal daga7yan.* Marquee (mar-ke'), s. khemah
Mariner (mar'i-ner), s. klasi, anak bsar.

prahu. Marquis (mar'kwis), s. pargkat

Marital (-tal), adj. laki (a). orarg bangsawan yarg kdua; see
Maritime adj. (near the
(-tim), DUKE.
sea) dkat laut, yarg di tpi
yarg Marriage (mar'rej), s. kahwin;
laut,\ (marine) laut (a), di laut. (the ceremony) nikah* (Ar. ni-
Mark (mark), s. (sign or impres- kaii). Marriage settlement, 'mas
sion left) bkas; (slight) tikas;* kahwin,'^ isi kahtvin.*
(made by smearing) chonterg; Marriageable (-a-bl), adj. yarg
(something to attract attention) sudah boleh kahwin. Of marriage-
tanda, sogok,"^ 'alamat (Ar.) ; able age, 'akal baligh (Ar.).
(wound on flesh) parut, lilorf Married (mar'red), adj. (of men)
(very slight) hakatf (scratch) berbini, heristri;* (of women)
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirro^; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, s5rry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
herlal'i,hersuami{Sk.). Married Mash (mash), s. champuran.
couple, Mamin* Mash, V. t. Jianchorkan, pipis*
Marrow (-ro), s.sumsum,'^ bnaJc* Mask (mask), s. toperg.
oiah tulaix]. Vegetable marrow, Mask, v. t. (the face) tutop, slu-
labu ayer. bofg; (disguise) samar* samar-
Marry (-ri), v. i. herkahwin; (of kanr
men) beristri* berbini; (of wo- Mason tukarg batu.

men) bersuami (Sk.), berlaki. Mason wasp, argkut-argkut.

Marry, v. t. kahivinkan, nikali Masonic (ma-son'ik), adj. Masonic
(Ar.) ; (of a man marrying a Hall, rumah hantu.
wife) beristrikan, berbinikan; (of Masonry (ma'sn-ri), s. pkerja'an
a woman marrying a husband) tukaig batu, temhok batu.
bersuamikan ('Sk.), berlakikanj Masquerade (mas'ker-ad'), s. U
(of a parent, giving a son in mar- masa orarg toperg (Sk. tamasha).
riage) mmperistrikan* mmper- Masquerade, v. i. samarkan"^ diri.
binikan; (giving a daughter) mm- Mass (mas), s. (lump) ktul,* torg-
persuamikan^ (Sk.), mmperlaki- kol* guinpal, kpal, see lump;
kan. (large quantity) baryak; (prin-
Mars (marz), s. (the planet) rna- cipal part) kbatyakan; (E.G.)
rikh (Ar.). 7nism. Mass meeting, perkumpoU
Marsh (marsh), s. paya. an orarg ramai. The masses,.
Marshal (mar'shal), s. bntara oraig rarnai.
(Sk.). Mass, V. t. (collect) kumpolkan^
Marshal, v. t. (as troops) atur. kamporgkan.
Marshy (marsh'i), adj. paya. Mar- Massacre (mas'sa-ker), s. prgamok-
shy land, tanah paya: 'an, pmbunohan oraig ramai.
Mart (mart), s. pasar, pkan.^ Massacre, v. t. bunoh oraig ramai
Marten (mar'ten), s. s-J7iis binatarg drgan kbrgisan.
s-rupa dry an sable, q. v. Massage (mas-saj'), v. t. (by rub-
Martial (mar'shal), aclj. (warlike) bing) gosok; (with the fingers and
pahlaujan. Martial law, iindary- .thumb) unit; (with the knuckles)
undarg pprargan. gory oh; (by pinching) ramas, pi-
Martin (-tin), s. burorg layaiy- chit; (with cosmetics) urap, lu^
layarg. lut.^ To be massaged, berurut.
Martingale (-gal), s. (ISTaut.) pn- Massive (mas'siv), adj. (big)
jantan, butoh-bvtoh. bsar; (heavy) brat.
Martyr (mar'ter), s. shahid (Ar.). Mast (mast), s. (Naut.) tiarg,
Marvel (-vel), s. 'aja'ib (Ar.). tiarg kapal, dol (L.). Fore mast,.
Marvel, v. i. heran (Ar. iiairan), tiarg halnan, trirgket dol (li.).
'aja'ih (Ar.), terchrgarg, fajub Main mast, tiarg agorg, bara dot
(Ar.). (L.). Mizzen mast, tiarg piyo^
Marvellous (-Iws), adj. yarg heran, rorg, ktilmi dol (L.).
yarg hair an, 'ajaib (Ar.), t'ajnb Master (mas'ter), s. (of a servant
(Ar.). or house) tnan; (Chinese) toke,
Mary (mar'i), s. Mariam. The tauke (B.) (Ch. thdu-ke) ; (of a
Virgin Mary, Siti Mariam. school) guru; (one who is skilled)
Masculine (mas'ku-lin), adj. laki- ahli (Ar.) ; (of a ship) kaptan,
laki; (Gram.) mudzakkar (Ar.). kpitan, juragaii* nakhoda."^ To be

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
master of one's self, prentahkan riage) tunavgan. Match board-
diri. be one's own master,
To ing, papan jantan htina.
rajakan diri* hehaskan diri. Mas- Match, V. t. (be able to compete
ter key, kunchi s-tolok* Master with) handirg, tara, tolok* sama;
stroke, 'akal yarg smpurna. (contend with) lawan, adu;
Master, v. t. (subdue) t'alokkan (adapt) patutkan, padankan.
(Ar.), tundokkan. To master a Match, V. i. (be similar) berpadu,
science, niasak dalam Hlmu,* jadi s-rupa; (be suitable) padan;
Masterly (-li), adj. (showing skill (tally with) s-bahat,* s-bati.*
or power) pandai, hijak, herkuasa, Matchless (mach'les), adj. tiada
pintar (IST.L). berbandiyg, tiada bertolok* tiada
Masterpiece (-pes), s. pkerjaan sama-iya, tiada tara-iya.
yary indah-indah. Matchlock (-lok), s. istirggar*
Mastery (-i), (supremacy) pr en-
s. (Port.).
tail ; (victory) hmnargan, jaya Mate (mat), s. (companion) ka-
(Sk.). wan, sahabat, taulan,* handai,*
Alasthead (mast'hed), s. kmunchak tmun;* (in marriage) jodoh, ka-
tiarg. wan; (of animals) kawan; (in
Masticate (mas'ti-kat), v. t. rria- chess) 7nat (D.) ; (ship's officer)
mah; (with the front teeth) ku- rn'alim, striman (iST.I.) (D. stuur-
lyah; (as a person without teeth) 77ian). First mate (who super-
(joiyeh* koryel (B.). intends anchoring), juru-batu.*
Mastiff (mas'tif), s. s-piis anjirg Check mate, shah-mat (D. shaak-
hsar. mat).
Masturbation (mas'ter-ba'shwn), Mate, V. t. jodohkan.
ranchap* mlanchak. Mate, V. i. berjodoh, berkaivan.
Mat (mat), s. grass, rattan,
(of Material (ma-ter'i-al), adj. (cor-
rnvgkuarg, etc) tikar; (cloth) poreal, not spiritual) berlmbaga;*
hamparan;* (thick cloth for sleep- (relating to bodily wants) badan
ing on) amhalf (carpet) permai- (a), tub oh* (a) ; (important)
dani; (small, for sitting on) lapek brat, pntirg.
purggovgf (of mngkumy, for par- Material, s.
(substance) bararg;
titions or
covering against rain) (for curry or
incense) rmpah;
kajarg; (to put under lamps, etc.) (collected for building, etc.) ra-
lapek.* Mat sail, layer kajarg. rnuan,* prawis;* (that of which a
Door mat, pnjsat kaki;* alas kaki thing will be made) bakal,* as,
(B.). the materials for a house, kayu
Mat, V. t. (interweave) an^am; (tan- bakal rumah.* Eaw material,
gle) kusut, srgkerutkan.* bararg yarg asal. War material,
Match (mach), (lucifer) korek
s. alat pprargan.* Printing mate-
api, tarek api, cJiolek api* goris rials, perkakas chap.

api* machis (E.) ; (slow match) Materialist (-ist), s. orarg yarg

tunam* swnhu, muraig* (Port.). mryargkal perkara yarg rohani*
Match, s. (equal) tara, handirg, to- [perkara jiwa (B.)].
lok* padan, lawan; (mate) jodoh; Materialize v. i. (take sub-
(pair or set) habat;* (contest) stantial sliape)
berlaku,* jadi.
perlawanan, peraduan;* (pairing) Materially (-li), adv. (in an impor-
perjodohan; (engagement in mar- tant degree) sargatj Not materially

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f5o<l, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
different, tiada jauh heda-vja, kara; (pus) nanah. As a matter
t'ada laiyak sliseli. of fact, S'bnar-rya, pada hakikat-
Maternal (ma-ter'nal), adj. mak iya (Ar.). A matter of fact per-
(a), ihu (a). Maternal aunt, son, orarg mantap.*
7nak saudara. Maternal love, ka- Matter, in the following phras-
v. i.

seh ibu. es: does not matter, tiada

Maternity (-ni-ti), s. lial mnjadi virgapa, tidak apa. What does it
ibu. Maternity hospital, rumah- matter? apa salah? It does not
sakit trnpat beranak. matter to me, sahya tiada pduli.
Mathematical (math'e-mat'i-kal), It does not matter to you, tiada
adj. mnurut Hlmu* hitorgan. kna-mrgna digan argkau.
Mathematical accuracy, kbtulan Matting (-ting), s. (act of making
sperti 'ilmu hitorgan.^ Mathe- mats) aryaman; (mats for floors)
matical instruments, perkakas di- tikar-tikaran ; (for partitions or
pakai dalam Hlmu hitorgan.* for covering) kajarg. Coconut
Mathematician (-ma-tish'an), s. matting, tikar sabot.
aJili 'ilmu hisab (Ar. Htsa&), orarg Mattock {-iuk), s. chargkol bu-
pandai hitorg. rorg."^
Mathematics (-mat'iks), s. Hlmu* Mattress (-tres), s. tilam, kasur
liitoigmi, 'ilmu hisab (Ar.). (N.T.) (thin) glcha;* (thinner

Matins (mat'inz), s. smbahyarg still) lembek* lamat (N.I.).

pada pagi hari. Mature (ma-tiir'), adj. (of fruit
Matricide (mat'ri-sid), s. hal mm- full grown but not yet ripe) tua;
bunoh mak, orwy yarg mmbunoh (half ripe) mrgkal; (ripe) masak;
mak-rya. (fully ripe) ranum; (over ripe)
Matriculate (ma-trik'u-lat), v. i. boryor; (fully prepared) smpurna;
rnasok skolah bsar (college). (fully developed) smpurna; (of
Matriculation (-la'shwn), s. hal full age) chukop 'umor, baligh
masok skolah bsar. (Ar.).
Matrimonial (mat'ri-mo'ni-ol), adj. Mature, v. t. (ripen) pram; (com-
kahivin (a), berkna'an drgan kah- plete) smpumakan.
ivin. Mature, v. i. jadi tua, jadi masak,

Matrimony (-mon-i), kahwin, s. jadi smpurna.

nikah* (Ar. nikdii), hal nikahj^ Maturity (-i-ti), s. hal mnjadi ma-
hal kahwin. sak, ksmpurnaan.
Matrix (ma'tril<:s), s. (mould) Maudlin (mawd'lin), adj. mnargis-
achnan. nargis, njeryeh, mryenjeh (B.).
Matron (-tri^n), s. prempuan parg- Maul (mawl), v. t. (wound) luka-
kat ibu; (housekeeper) prempuan kan; (injure) rosakkan; (as wild
mnjaga rumah sakit rumah skolah beasts) charek.*
dan s-bagai-iya* Is-macham-rya Maunder (mawn'der), v. i. reryeh,*
(B.)]. ryeryeh, mryeryeh (B.).
Matronly (-li), adj. (elderly) ber- Mausoleum (maw'so-le'i/m), s. ma-
'umor; (sedate) sopan. kam (Ar.).
Matted (mat' ted), adj. kusut. Mauve (mov), adj. urgu muda.*
Matter (-ter), s. (substance) bararg, Maw (maw), s. (of animals) prot;
bnda, as,liquid matter, bararg cha- (of birds) tmbolok. Eish maws,.
'ir, bnda cha'ir; (subject) per- lupa-iupa.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Mawkish (mawk'ish), adj. (of sources) pndapatan. By all

taste) pdar;* (of smell) mauvg; means, t7itu, ta dapat tiada, hur-
(of feeling) mual. baya-hubaya* By any means, 5-
Maxim (maks'im), s. perkara yarg bgimana pun. By no means, 5-
tertntu; (adage) hidal.-^ Maxim kali-kali tidak. By means of,
gun, snapary herpsairat.^ oleh, dry an rnmakai, lantaran
Maximuiti (-i-m^/m), s. s-hatydk- (N.I.). A
man of means, orarg
baryak-rya. mampu.* To live on one's means,
Maximum, adj. yaiy terlheh hsar, makan modal.
ymy terlbeh ba^yak. Mean, v. t. (purpose) lindak, mau,
May (ma), v. boleh, dapat, bisa jadi berniat, b erkaliandak ;
(N.I.) (expressing a desire) mu-
; indicate) tandakan, ryatakan.
dah-7nudahan* bararg di-.'^ May- What does this mean? apa arti
be, it may be, bararykali, 'ntali, perkara inif see intend.
'ntahkafi.'*' Meander (me-an'der), v. i.
May, s. (month) bulan orarg puteh kaiy-lerykok, bergkarg-b erykok,
ymy Mima; (tree) nama pokok di leigkatg-leiykoiy (B. ) .

Eropafi. Meaning (men'ing), s. (significa-

Mayor (ma'er), s. dato' bandar,* tion) arti, m'ana (Ar.), ma'na
piyhidu negri, mayor (N.I.). (B.) ; (purpose) kahandak, mak-
Maze (maz), s. (mental confusion) sud.
bifyoiy, kachau, kliru; (confus- Meaningless (-les), adj. tiada ber-
ing network) kusutan, slirat.'^ arti, tiada m'ana-rya.
Mazy (ma'zi), adj. berkusut, kliru. Meanness (men'nes), s. kahina'an,
Me (me), pron. aku, sahya, hamba* kkjian,* lokek, kdkut; see mean.
patek,* beta;* see i. Meanwhile (men'whil), adv. pada
Mead (med), s, padaiy rumput. antara itu, di dalam itu.
Meadow (med'o), s. padaty rumput Measles (me'zlz), s. champak.
di hribah.* Measurable (mezh'ur-a-bl), adj.
Meagre (me'ger), adj. (lean) ku- yary boleh di-aryyarkan, yarg patut
rus; (lacking fertility) kurus, di-sukat.
datrjkal;* (deficient) kuraiy, pi- Measure (mezh'ur), s. (standard
chek* of dimension) ukoran, sukatan;
Meal (mel), s. (of grain) tpo^y (determined extent) jargka;
yarg lagi berchainpur ddak, tpovg (moderation, due proportion) ka-
kasar; (repast) sajian, hidatyan* dar (Ar. qadar) ; (means to an
JVlealy (mel'i), adj. (of potatoes) end) upaya (Sk.) ; (in poetry)
'mpok. mjak (Ar. saj'a). To take mea-
Mean (men), adj. (common, low) sures, mnchari daya-upaya (Sk.),
hina, rndah; (lowminded, base) diari jalan.
kji* Ita;* (stingy) lokek, kdkut, Measure, v. t. (dimensions) ukor;
kikir* chekel* bakliil (Ar.). (quantities) sukat; (value) nilai-
Mean, adj. (middle, medium) per- kan,* taksirkan
(D. taxeeren) ;

trgalian, sdaty, sderhana (Sk.). (estimate) aiyyarkan.*

In the mean time, dalam antara Measureless (-les), adj. tiada b-
itu, di dalam, ifu. perliirgya'an,* tiada berhad (Ar.).
Mean, s. (middle point) perttyali- Measurement (-ment), s. ukoran,
an; (agency) jalan, upaya;* (re- sukatan, jargka.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Meat s. (food) makanan;
(met), 'ihnu ohat* doktor (a), chat (a).
(ediblepart) isi; (flesh of an- Medical officer, pgaivai chat.*
imals) dagirg; (dried) denderg. Medicate (-kat), v. t. obati, buhoh
Meat and vegetables (whatever is obat.
to be eaten with rice) laok. Medicinal (me-dis'i-nal), adj. ber-
Mecca (mek'ka), s. Makkali (Ar.). khasiat.
Mechanical (me-kan'i-kal), adj. Medicine (med'i-sin or med'sn),
f<perti psawat/^ psawaf^ (a) ; s. (the science) 'ilmu obat;"^ (re-
(without 'reflection) drgan tiada medy) obat, pnawar. Medicine
gat. man, paicarg, homo, bornor.^
Mechanic (-ik), s. tukaiy, utas,^ Mediocre (me'di-o-ker), adj. (in-
pandai. diU'eront) kur^arg baik.
Mechanics (-iks), s. 'ilmu hkuatan Mediocrity (-ok'-ri-ti), s. hal mn-
dan pergi'alh'an sgala hnda* jadi kurarg baik.
Mechanism (mek'an-izm), s. (parts Meditate (med'i-tat), v. 1. ter-
of a machine) psaivat.^ mnorg, Irgorg/^ ber'fikir-fikir, tfkur
Mechanist (-ist), s. tiikarg enjin (Ar.).
(E.), masnis (I^.I.) (D. machin- Meditate, v. t. fikir'kan, tmbarg-
ist). mnim barg, niatkari.
Medal (medVd), s. hintarg, pirgat.'^^ Meditation (-ta'shwn), s. hal m-
Medallion (me-dcirjim), s. ganihar ni ikirkan, tfkur ( Ar. ) .

timbol. Meditative (-ta-tiv), adj. termnorg,

Medallist (med'al-ist), s. oraig yarg tfkur
(Ar.), terpgun.^
da pat hintarg. Medium (me'di-ian), s. (middle
Meddle (med'dl), v. i. (with work) point) per-trgaliari; (that which
cliampur, masoh targan; (in con- transmits) pryarnpai;* (in spirit-
versation) sampok, miyampok ualism) jinjarg.^ Through the
(B.), masok mulut; (with per- medium of a broker, drgan jalan
sons) garggu.* To meddle with, brokar (E.).
kacliau, grapai.^ Medium, adj. sdarg, sderhana
Meddler (-dler), s. prggaiggu* p- (Sk.), pertrgahan.
rgacliau, orarg sleiveig.^ Medley (med'li)., s. champuran, ka-

Meddlesome (-dl-szan), adj. yarg cJiau-birau,'^ kachau-belok (B.).

miggarggu,'^ yarg mrgachau. Meed (med), s. pmbalasan.
Mediaeval (med'i-e'val, u. s. me'di- Meek (mek), adj. Imah-lmbot.
e'val), adj. pada zaman pertrgah- Meekness (mek'nes), s. klmbotan
an (500-1500 A.D.). liati, Imbot-hati.
Mediate '(nie'di-at), v. i.
jadi orarg Meet (met), adj. patut, Jayak, pa-
tigali, jadi jmdamai,^' huat per- dan.
damaian* jadi koigcliin (B.) (Ch. Meet, V. t. jumpa, bertmu dtgan;
korg-(diliin) .
(unexpectedly) jrmpak;'^ (inter-
Mediation (-a'shzm), s.

(act of cept) dapatkan; (welcome) sam-

mediating") lial mndamaikan;* bot; (experience, suffer) kna;
(intercession) perdamaian.'^ (come up to, equal) sampaikan.
Mediator (-a-ter), s. orarg trgali, To meet expenses, chukopi blanja.
pigantara/^ pndamai* korgchin [Vo meet half way, jumpa trgah
(B.) (Ch. koiy-chliin). jalan, bhagi dua dalam hal krugi-
Medical (med'i-kal), adj. deri-hal an atau perslisehan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Meet, V. i. berjiimpa, hertmu, her- Membrane (mem'bran), s. slupat,*-
sua; (but not collide) bertmhorg;* slaput* kulit ari."^
(unexpectedly round a corner) Memento (me-men'to), s. peiirgaU
jrmpaJc;* (assemble) herhimpon,* an, tanda mata* sileli mata;* (of
herkumpol. clothes worn) bkas tub oh. "^
Meeting (met'ing), s. (act of meet- Memoir (mem'wor), s. clirita ka~
in(^) pertmnan, perjumpaan; (as- hidojmn oraig.
sembly, congregation) perhimpon- Memorable (mem'or-a-bl), adj.
an/' peril iimpolan, persidaiyan;* yarg patut di-injat.
(for conference) mashvarat (Ar.). Memorandum (-an'dwm), s. surat
Melancholy (meran-kol-i), s. su- perirgatan.
sah-Jiati, duka-cMta,^' mashgliul
Memorial (me-m5r'i-al), s. per-^
(Ar.), gondali,^ gondah-gau- irgaian, tanda perirgatan, knatgan^
lana.'^ Memorial, adj. yarg mnjadi per-
Melancholy, adj. hersusali-liati, irgatan.
herdul'a-cliita,'^' mashglml (Ar.),
Memorialize (-iz), v. t. persmhah-
walarg ( Jav. ) , ghalahah ( Ar. ) .
kan surat permintaan.
Mellifluous (mel-liflu-'W5), adj.
Memorize (mem'o-riz), v. t. hapal-
(of sounds) merdu (Sk.), sdap,
kan"^' (Ar. hafatl), blajar luar
manis. kpala.
Mellow (mel'lo), adj. (soft by ripe- Memory (-ri), s. (the faculty)
ness) mnum; (not rough or harsh) irgaian, knargan, kiiasa mrgiigat.
halus, manis. Menace (men'es), s. iigotan,^' ger-
Mellow, V. i. ramim, jadi manis, as
above. Menace, v. t. ugot,'^ gertak, acliu,*-
Melodious arnarg.'^'
(me-lo'di-ws), adj. mer-
du/-^ sdap.
Menagerie (mo-na'zher-i or -jer-i)^
Melodrama s. wa-
perkumpolan binatarg liar.
(mel'o-dra'ma), Mend (mend), v. t. baikki, btulkan,.
yarg yanj mmilul^an liati.
dandan (N.I.) (by sewing) ja-
Melody (mel'o-di), s. lagu yarg
* liit; (by darning) jrumat, rajut;
merdu/^ ragam,'- lagu.
(nets) bubol.*
Melon (-un), s. kramhoja (Sk.).
The wax gourd, kundor. The Mend, v. i. (in health) smboh,* jadi
baik, pnleh, btali.*
water melon, mndihai/^ tmhihai
Mendacious (men-da'shi^s), adj-.
(Pk.), mnike (B.), smamlca
boliorg, dusta (Sk.).
Mendacity (-das'i-ti), s. rsmi pm-
Melt (melt), v. i. cliaHr, lianchor,
enclier (N.I.) ; (of metals and of
Mendicant (men'di-kant), s. orarg
the heart) Ihnr, lianchor.
minta sdkah, orarg kichak (Ch.
Melt, V. t. cliairhan, liancliorkan, khit-chidh) (religious)
; fakir
enclierkan Ihurkan, as
(N.I.)? (Ar.), darwish (Ar.).
Mending (mend'ing), s. bnaig
Member (mem'ber), s. (organ, jrumat.
limb) arggoia (Sk.) ; (of a society) Menial (me'ni-al), adj. (low,
anah, sidarg* ahli (Ar.). mean) rndah, hina.
Membership (-ship), s. lial mnjadi Menial s. oran/ gaji yarg mnibnat
sidarg atau analc perskuUian.'^ kerja yarg hina, oraig lasak.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, s5rry; use, lis, mimfs, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Menses (men'sez), s. pi. datarg Mere (mer), s. tasek, danau* tlaya
hulan, datarg chmar* dataiy ko- (N.I.).
tor, hedl* (Ar. uaidl). Mere, adj. chuma. . .
.sahaja, haiya
Menstruate (men'stroo-at), v. i. . . .
dataty hulan; (for the first time) Merely (mer'li), adv. see above.
hawa 'adat.^' Merge (merj), v. t. Inryapkan,
Mensuration (men'su-ra'shim), s. hUaiykan.
'ilmu^ mryukor, 'ilmu miyukat. Meridian (me-rid'i-an), s. tiyali-
Mental (men'tal), adj. 'akal (a), tryah laryit, rmbmy*
as, mental activity, kpantasari Merino (me-re'no), s. s-jnis kain
'akal. Mental arithmetic, kira- bulu.
kira chorgak* hitory kpala. Merit (mer'it), v. t. patut dapat,
Menthol (-thol), s. ohat pnivg, ohat pat lit kna, hams dapat.
mentol (E.). Merit, s, jasa (Sk.).
Mention (men'shwn), v. t. shot, Meritorious (nier'i-t6r'i-?/s), adj.
huiyikan. Mentioned, tersbot, berjasa (Sk.). Meritorious work,
termazkur* (Ar. madzkur). 'amal (Ar.).
Mentor (-tor), s. pmhichara. Mermaid (mer'mad), s. bidadari
Menu (ma'nu, U.S. men'yu), s. laut.

daftar nama-tiama makanan.'^ Merrily (mer'ri-li), adv. dryan

Mercantile (mer'kan-til),adj. per- siika-ria* diyan suka-hati.
niagaan (a), dagaryan* (a), sau- Merriment (-ment), s. suka-ria*
dagar (a). siika-siika.
Mercenary (mer'se-na-ri), adj. Merry (mer'ri), adj. bersuka-ria*
(hire) upalian;(covetous) tama'^ bersuka-hati. To be merry, ber-
(Ar. Tania), tmahak (B.). sronok."^
Mercer (-ser), s. omry herkdat kaiti. Mesh (mesh), s. mata jariny, mata
Merchandise (-chan-diz), s. da- jala, balary-balary'^ (W.).
gafyan* barary jiialan (B.). Mesmerism (mez'mer-izm), s. 'iU
Merchant (-chant), s. saudayar, mu pllap.^
ovary herdayaiy,^ oraty heniiaya. Mesmerist (-ist), s. orary pllap*
Merchant, adj. perniayaan. Mesmerize (-Tz), v. t. llapkan.
Merciful (-si-fool), adj. herkaseh- Mesopotamia (mes'o-po-ta'mi-a),
an, ijary mryasehani;^ hlas-liati, s. Irak
{Ai\ Hraq).
j/aiymnaroh sayaty; (only of Mess (mes), s. (meal) saji, hi-
God) rahman* (Ar. raB.7ndn), daiy;'^ (persons eating together)
rahim'^ (Ar. ramm). ovary yary makati s-hidaryan;*
Merciless (-les), adj. yary tiada m- (blunder) silap.
ryasehani, tiada mnaroh sayaiy, Mess, V. i. makan s~hidaryan*
tiada bias, btyis. Message (mes'sej), s. pevkliabavan,
Mercurial (mer-kur'i-al), adj. ber- wevta (Sk.) (from a prince) sub-

ayer raksa; (in temperament) ter- da (Sk.) ; (from a king) titah*

kocholi-kochoh, yopoh-yopoh. Messenger (-sen-jer), s. psuvoh,
Mercury (mer'ku-ri), s. (the ovary suvohan, tambi (Tam.) ; (at
metal) raksa; (the planet) 'u- a Malay court) biduan (Sk.) ; (in
tarid (Ar.). government offices) piun.
Mercy (-si), s. kaseJian, bias; (of Messiah (mes-si'a), s. Almaseh
God) rahmaf^ (Ar. raJimat). (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Messrs. (mes'serz), pi. of Mr. cliara, ka'idah (Ar.) ; (orderly
iuan-tuan. arrangement) aturan, peraturan.
Metal (met'al), s. Ihuran; (in some Methodical (me-thod'i-kal), adj.
compound words) loganv^ (Tarn.) ; h peraturan.

(broken stone) hatu Mikir. Bell Methodism (metli'o-dizm), s. sua-

metal, gargsa (Sk.), loyanj. tu madzhah orarg Msihi,'^ satu
Metal, V. t. (a road) tamhak diyan perkumpolan orarg Kristian.
hatu. Methought (me-thawf), v. im-
Metalliferous (-lif'er-ws), adj. her- pers. agaJi-nja.
logani'^' (Tam.). Metonymy (me-ton'i-mi), s. kias'^
Metallurgy (me-tal'ler-ji, U.S. (At. qids).
met'al-ler-ji), s. 'ilmu'^ Ihuran. Metre (me'ter), s. see meter.
Metamorphose (met'a-mdr'fos), Metrical (met'ri-kal), adj. (as
y. t. jlma (Sk.). poetry) hersajak (Ar. saj'a).
Metamorphosis (-fo-sis), s. pn- Metropolis (me-trop'o-lis), s. kpalai~
jlma an (iSk.), perohahan rupa. negri, ihu negri.
Metaphor (met'a-fer), s. per- Metropolitan (mefro-pol'l-tan),.
iimpama'an, mesal (Ar. mitkal), adj. ihu negri (a).
'iharat. Mettle (met'tl), s. (temperament^
Metaphorical (-for'i-kal), adj. her- spirit) hati; (courage) hrani, per-
'iharat, chyan perumpama'an. kasa (Sk.). To put one on one's
Metaphysics (-fiz'iks), s. 'ilmu'^^ mettle, hri hati, hranikan liati.
irgaian manusia. Mettlesome {-%um), adj. laiykas.'^
Mete (met), v. t. ukor, sulut. To
Mew (mil), s. (of a cat) 7yiau^
mete out (divide), hliagikan, un- iau/^ (stable) hargsal kuda, stal
tol'l'an. kuda (D.). Sea mew, huroixf
Metempsychosis chaniar* hurorg simharg.''-'
sis), s. pindahan roll h-pada lain Mew, V. t. miyiau.
hadan. Mias (mi'as), s. mawas."^
Meteor (me'ti-er), hintarg s. her- Miasma (mi-az'ma), s. haiva husok.
eJcor,hintarg herasap,"^^ hintarg
Mica (mi'ka), s. smndal (KL).
tuju* hintaig heraleh."^ Michael {ml'kel), s. Mika'il (Ar.).
Meteorite (-It), s. hatu tagarf^ Microscope (mi'kro-skop), s. tro-
hatu ptir.* porg yarg rnnamhahi, troporg ha-
Meteorology (-er-ol'o-ji), s. 'ilmu^ raig haJus (B.).
haiva, 'ihnu'^ niusini rihot dan s- Microscopical (-skop'i-kal), adj.
hagai-iya. yaig halus skali.
Meter (met'er), s. (instrument for Mid (mid), adj. trgali. In mid air,
measuring) jam; (in poetry) 5a- di trgah udara, di trgah latar, di
jak (Ar. saj'a) ; (standard of trgah awarg-atuarg*
measurement) meter (D.). Gas Midday (mid'da), s. tTyah liari.

meter, jam gas. Water meter, Middle (-dl), adj. iryah. The
jam ayer. Middle Ages, zaman pertrgahan
Methinks (me-thingks'), v. impers. (500 to 1500 A.D.). The middle
agak-rya, rasa-rya. classes, oraiy haik-haik. The mid-
Method (meth'-zd), s. (way, mode) dle finger, jari hantu.*

jalan, ptua^ (Ar. fatwa), pri* Middle, s. pertrgahan, trgah.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ;^ ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injurPp
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Middle-aged (-ajd), adj. s-tiyah Milch (milch), adj. ijaiy imyusui*
'umor, pertnjahan 'iimor.'^ susu, pralian.^
Middle-man (-man);, s. (broker) Mild (mild), adj. (gentle) manis;
ora7y pukol lohaiy, hrolcar (E.) ; (not harsh) Imah-lmhot; (of di-
(go-ietween) oranj try ah, tlarg- sease) rergan; (of climate) sder-
Ji'ai;* (who buys things to sell liana (Sk.) ; (of tobacco) sdaty.
them again) praeh.'^ Mildew (mirdCi), s. lapok, mlapok
Middling (-dling), adj. sdaty, s- (B.) ; (on clothes) tahi lalat.'^'
derhana(Sk.), pertnjahan. Mile (mil), s. hatu, mail (E.), pal
Midge (mij), s. sra.*" (KI.) (D.).
Midland (mid'land), adj. idii, yaiy Milestone (ipil'ston), s. hatu, hatu
di id II. pal (X.I.).
Midnight (-nit), s. t)yah malam. Militant (mil'i-tant), adj. yarg her-
Midrib (-rib), s. (of leaves) urat prarg.
dmin; (in palm leaves) lidi. Military (-ta-ri), adj. pprargan,
Midriff (-rif), s. (diaphragm) slu- prarg (a).
pat prot.'^' Military, s. tntra* soldado (Port.),
Midshipman (-ship-man), s. pary- 'askar (Ar.).
kat di hawah nialim di kapal Militate (-tat), v. i.
(make w^ar)
pranj. her prarg. To militate against
Midships (-ships), adv. (^aiit.) (hinder), tgahkan.
di pmirgganjan. Militia (mi-lish'a), s. soldado pre-
Midst (midst), s. pertrgahan, tigah. man (D. vrijman).
Midsummer (mid'smn-mer), s. per- Milk (milk), s. susu; (human) ayer
trgahan musim
panas. susu. Milk teeth, gigi suloiy.
Midway (-wa), adv. di tiyah jalan. Condensed milk, susu tin. Cur-
Midwife (-wif), s. hidan, dulnin. dled milk, dadeh* tairu (Tam.).
Midwifery (-wif-ri or -wifri), s. Sterilized milk, susu tawar,^ susu
'ilivv'^'- hidan, kerja hidan. ayer (B.).
Midwinter (-win'ter), s. pertrgah- Milk, V. t. prah susu.
an musim sjok. Milkman (milk'man), s. pnjual su-
Mien (men), s. rupa, sikap. su.
Might (mit), see may. Milksop (-sop), s. o?wy bachol.*
Might, s. kkuatan, gagah, kuasa; Milky (-i), adj. sperti susu. The
(of God) kudrat (At. qudrat). milky way, himasakti (Sk.).
With all one's might, with might Mill (mil), s. (with stones revolv-
and main, diyan s-holeh-holeh, ing horizontally) kisaran; (with
drgan s-hrapa holeh. rollers, a? for sugar, etc) kelarg ;'^
Mighty (mit'i), adj. (powerful) (building with machinery) enjin,
knat, herkuasa;
(physically) ga- as, enjin hras, ricemill; enjin pa-
gah; (of great size or importance) pan, sawmill; pahrik (N".!.) (D.
hsar. fa.hriek).
Migrate (mi'grat), v. i.
pindah, Mill, V. t. (grind) kisar; (make a
ahh. rough edge, as a coin) rirggit.*
Migration (mi-gra'shi/n), s. pin- Millennium (mil-len'ni-?/m), s. s-
dahan, alehan. ribu tahun, zaman k'amanan^
Migratory (mi'gra-to-ri), adj. yarg yaig akan dataig [slamat (B.)].
h erpin dah -pin dah . Milleped (mil'li-ped), s. (phos-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
phorescent variety) Jclmayar; (a Mind, V. t.
(consider, heed) pduli-
kind that curls up) chachinj glaty- kan (Ar. fadluli) ; (attend to)
glarg, ulat morggokj* (that curls irgat; (obey) turut prentah.
into a ball) srgguloty:^ Never mind, tidak apa.
Miller (-ler), s. tukarg Icisar* Mindful (mmd'fool), adj. irgaU
Millet (-let), s. shui,* mnjlai.^ irgat; (of the past) terknarg.
Milliard (mil'li-ard'), s. s-rihu juta Mine (min), pron. ku, sahya (a),
(Sk.), s-ribu milyon (Eur.). aku aku purya.
Milliner (-ner), s. tukarg mmhuat Mine, (gen.) galian, klian (Pk.) ;

topi mem. (open cast) lomborg; (explosive)

Milling (milling), s. riiggit* priok api dalam tanah atau di
Million (-yun), s. jtita (Sk.), mil- laid. Floating mine, priok api
yon (Eur.). tinibol.
Millionaire (-ar), s. orarg yatg ber- Mine, v. t. (by digging) gali; (with
lierta s-juta* I'irggit atau Ibeh a bar or spade) chbakj'^ (drive
[satu milyon (B.)]. galleries) groiggarg;"^ (ground
Millstone (mil'ston), s. batu Msar- sluicing) lampan* (Ch. lain-
an. pan) ; (panning in a stream) Zan-
Mimic (mim'ik), adj. (imitative) riau* chuchi dularg*

iiruan.^ Mimic warfare (man- Miner (mm'er), s. anak

oeuvres), lateharv^ prarg. anak klian (P.), anak parity*
Mimic, s. prgajok. oraig kerja bijeli.
Mimic, V. t. ajok, tiru* Mineral (min'er-al), s. bararg gali-
Mimicry (-ri), s. prgajoh'an. a7i; (rock) batii; see metal.
Mina (mi'na), s. burorg tioig. Mineral, (of metal) logam*
Minaret (min'a-ret), s. mnarah (Tam.) (of rock) batu. Mineral

(Ar.). oil, minjak tanah. Mineral water

Minatory (-to-ri), adj. yarg mrg- (bottled, as apollinaris), ayer
ugot,* prggertak. blanda; (natural) ayer blerarg.
Mince (mins), v. t. (chop fine) Mineralogy (-al'o-ji), s. 'ilmu^'
chncharg, chincharg (B.) ; (sup- baraig galian.
press, weaken the force of) Imah- Mingle (ming'gl), v. i. champur,
han, kurrngkan; (utter half and berchampur, bergaul;* (asso-
conceal half) samarkan."^ ciate) berkawan.
Mincing (mins'ing), adj. bergaya* Mingle, v. t. champurkan, kachau,
Mind (mind), s. (the intellect) banchoh;* see Mix.
irgatan, 'akal; (opinion) fikiran; Miniature (min'i-chur or min'i-a-
(intention) kahandak, 7naksud; chur), s. gambar kchil.
(memory) peiirgatan. To have a Miniature, adj. kchil, kchik (B.).
mind, mau, kahandak. I have a Minify (min'i-fi), v. t. kurargkan,
gi'eat mind, maksud sahya, niat kcJiilkan.
sahya. To lose one's mind, hilarg Minim (-im), s. sukatan obat = safu
^akal. To make up one's mind, titek.

pntuskan, tntukan. To put in Minimize (min'i-mlz), v. t. kurarg-

mind, irgatkan. Out of one's kan, kchilkan.
mind, gila. To see with the Minimum (-mm), s. s-kuranj-
mind's eye, terbayarg-bayarg di kuraig-rya.
mata* Mining (min'ing), s. kerja galian.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; iee, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Mining, adj. galian (a), lomborrj Minute (mi-nuf, U.S. mi-nut'),
(a). adj. kchil, kchik (B.), halus,
Minion (min'ywn), s. hamba yarg sni;* (precise) drgan slidek*

liina. Minutely (-li), adv. drgan slidek*

Minister (-is-ter), s. (servant) Minx (mingks), s. anak prempuan
playan;'^ (of state) mntri, wazvr slamba.^
(Ar.) ; (of religion) padri, guru, Miracle (mir'a-kl), s. niujizat
pndita (N^.I.). Prime minister, (Ar.).
perdana mntn* mntri bsar, marg- Miraculous (mi-rak'u-lws), adj.
ku-humi/'' 'aja'ib (Ar.).
Minister, v. i. layan* Mirage (mi-razh'), s. rupa yarg di-
Ministerial (-ter'i-al), adj. playan'^
bayarg-bayargkan panas*
(a), mntri (a), padri (a), see Mire (mir), s. lumpur; see mud.
MINISTER. Mirror (mir'rer), s. chermin, cher-
Ministry (-tri), s. (service) pla- min muka, kacha mukaf (large)
yananf^ (of state) juma'ah chermin muka dindirg.
mntri. ^ Mirth (merth), s. suka-ria,"^ suka-
Minor (mfner), s. orayg yarg hliim suka.
chukop 'umor (21 tahun). Mirthful (merth'fool), adj. ber-
Minor, adj. kurarg, kcliil. suka-ria (Sk.), bersuka-suka.
Minority (mi-nor'i-ti, u. s. mi-nor'-
Miry (mir'i), adj. berlumpur.
i-ti), s. (in age) lial Mum chukop Misadventure (mis'ad-ven'chur),
'umor; (smaller number) sdikit, s. kmalargan, nahas* {Ar. nanas).
pihak yarg kuraig hanjak."^ Misalliance s.
(-al-li'ans), per-
Minster (min'ster), s. greja orarg jodohan yarg tiada padan.
herkhalwat (Ar.).
Minstrel Misanthropist (mis-an'thro-pist) ,
(-strel), s. piyanjif^ orarg s. orarg yarg mmbnchi sgala ma-
mnjanji. nusia.
Mint (mint), s. (the plant) slaseh,
Misapplication (-ap'pli-ka'shwn),
ruku-ruku; (place for coining) hal mrnakai drgan tiada patut.
tmpat mnmpa ivargj^ tmpat bikin
A mint of money, ter- Misapply (mis'ap-pli'), v. t. salah
waig (B.)
Mil banjak warg. pakai.

Mint, V. t. tmpa* ivarg, tuarg warg, Misapprehend (mis-ap'pre-hend'),

bikin warg
V. t. salah paham"^ (Ar. faham),
Minuet salah ambil.
(min'u-et), s. tarian"^
dJiuIu kala, bertandak dhulu kala Misapprehension (-hen'shim). s.

salali paham.'^
Minus (mi'ni/s), adj. (less) ku- Misappropriate (mis'ap-pro'pri-
rarg, tolak; (without) drgan at), V. t. pakai warg orarg, makan
tiada. Minus herta orarg.
quantity, argka
yarg kurarg deri-pada not Misappropriation (-a'shi^n), s. hal
Minus sign, tanda tolak, tanda mmakai warg orarg.
kuraig. Misbehave (mis'be-hav'), v. i. ber-
Minute (min'it), s. (of time) tergkah-laku ta'snonoh, chroboh,*'
minit (E.) ; (memorandum) surat larggar bhasa.
perirgatan; (record of a meeting) Misbehaviour (-yer), s. klakuan
surat kputusan maskuarat (Ar). tasnonoh, chroboh.^'

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Miscalculate (mis-kal'ku-lat), v. t. Miscount (mis-kownf), v. t. hitorg
salali liitoiy, salah timhary. salali, bilary salah, salah hitory.
Miscalculation (-la/shi/n), s. salali Miscreant (mis'kre-ant), s. orarg
arggaran, salah liitorg. jail at skali.

Miscarriage (-kar'rej), s. Jial ia'- Misdeed (mis-ded'), s. ksalahan, k-

sarnpai, lial tajaya (Sk.), lial gu- jahatan.
gor anah, as below. Misdemean (mis'de-men'), v. i. To
Miscarry (-ri), v. i. (fail to reach
misdemean one's self, buat salah.

destination) ta sarnpai; (be im-

Misdemeanour (-er), s. ksalahan,
successful) tajaya (Sk.), tiada dosa.

liasil;'-^ (of birth) yugor' anak;

Misdirect (-di-rekf), v. t. (a tra-
veller) ssatkan jalan; (a letter)
(animals) satyloiy.^
Miscellaneous buboh 'alamat salah.'^ To mis-
(mis'sel-la'ni-ws) ,
direct one's energies, berusaha
adj. (mixed) cliampitf-baur ,^
champur yaiil; (of diverse sorts) djyan sia-sia.*
herhayai-bayai,^ herjnis-jnis, ma- (mi'zer), s. orary lokek, orary
cham-macliam, serha-neka (Sk.), kikir,* orary cliekel,^ orary kdkut,

rampai-rampai. orary bakhil (Ar.).

Miserable (miz'6r-a-bl), adj. (un-
Miscellany (-la-ni), s.
happy) susah hati, berdukachita
Mischance (mis-chans'), s. (ill for-
(Sk.) (wretched) susah; (mean,
tune) nasib ta'baih, iintory malaiy;

low) kji*
(mishap) hmalargan.
Mischief s.
Miserly (mi'zer-li), adj. lokek, ki-
(mis'chif), (hurt,
kir,* chekel,"^ kdkut, bakhil (Ar.).
damage) hncliana, clilaka, rnu-
dlarat (Ar.) Misery (miz'er-i), (unhappiness)s.
(mishap) hmalaiy-
duka-cliita (Sk.)
an; (trouble) susah. To do mis- (extreme pain)

seksa, srysara (Sk.), 'azab (Ar.

chief, berhuat nakal. To make
'adzdb) ; (wretchedness) ksiisah-
mischief, achum.^
an; (calamity) chlaka.
Mischievous (-chi-v^/s), adj. (do-
Misfit (mis-fit'), s. (of clothes) ta'-
ing harm) ya^y mmbuat bncliana,
padan, ta'kna, tasiiai,'^^ ta'sdaiy.*
yary m^idatarykan mudlarat (Ar.) ; Misfortune s. (bad
(as children) nakal. Veiy mis- luck) unto7y malary, sial; (calam-
chievous, nakal mmbiryas^^' haprit
ity) chlaka, balak (Ar. balaf) ;
(Ar. 'afrit), dajal (Ar. dajjal).
(mishap) kmalaryan, nahas (Ar.
Misconceive (-k(>n-sev'), v. t. sa-
lah miyerti, salah ambil.
Misgiving (-giv'ing), s. shak (Ar.),
Misconduct (mis-kon'dukt), s. kla-
wasanjka (Sk.), waswas (Ar.).
kuari jaliat, klaknan ta'snonoh, Misgovern (-guv'ern), Y.t. pren-
klakuan tasinrggah.^ tahkan diyan tlalim (Ar.), pren-
Misconduct (mis'kon-dukf), v. t. tahkan dryan tiada 'adil.
(mismanage) jalankan salah, pren- Misguide (-gid'), v. t. ssatkan.
tahkan salah. To misconduct one's Mishap (-hap'), s. kmalaiyan, nahas
self, bnat klakuan ta'snonoh. (Ar.).
Misconstruction (-struk'shiin), s. Misinform (-in-form'), v. t. bri
salah ambilan. khabar yaiy tiada btul.
Misconstrue (-stroo'), v. t. salah Misinterpret (-ter'pret), v. t. sa-
ambil. lah mtyerti, salah mnra^ykan, salah

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; fo5d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/iexk.
manakan, salah manaJcan (B.). kayii plo?itar,* hatu plontar,^
Misjudge (-juj'), v. t. salah tim- pluru.
baty, jahatkan diyan tiada 'adil,
Mission (mish'im), s. (errand)
salah pandaiy. psanan; (deputation)' oraiy suroh-
Mislay (-la'),v. t. (misplace) salah an; (Christian) mishon (E.).
'Itah, lelerl-an;* (lose) hilarg. Missionary (-a-ri), s. padri, guru
Mislead (-led'), v. t. ssatJcan. injil, pndita (N.I.).
Missive (mis'siv), s. surat kiriman,
Mismanage (-man'ej), v. t. jalan-
han salah, prentahTcan salah. perkiriman.
Misname v. t. hi nama Misspell (mis-spel'), v. t. salah
lieja^' (Ar. hija).
yarg ta'padan.
Misnomer s. nama Misspend (-spend'), v. t. horoskan.
(-no'mer), yaiy Misstate (-staf), v. t. khabarkan
fa' padan.
Misplace (-plas'), v. t. salaJi Itah,
Misstatement (-ment), hal m-
khabarkan salah, bohorg, perkata-
Misprint (-print'), s. salah chap, 'an dusta.'^
salah cliitah/^ glmlat (Ar.).
Mist (mist), s. kabot, 'mbun asap.
Mispronounce (-pro-nowns'), v. t. Mistake (mis-tak'), v. t. (misunder-
hiinjil'an salah; (intentionally) stand) salah amhil, salah pahani^
pelatl^an, telorl^an.
(Ar. fahani) ; (substitute in
Misquote (-kwof), v. t. salah shot.
thought) sargkakan.
Misrepresent (-rep're-zenf), v. t.
Mistake, s.
Jchaharlian salah, njataJcaii salah, salah amhilan; (fault, error) salah,
ohahkan hhahar.
silap (Ar. khildf).
Misrepresentation (-zen-ta'shi^n) , Mistaken (-n), adj. (in error) sa-
3. hal mJchahafJcan salah, hhahar lah, silap
(Ar. khildf).
dnsta.^ Mister (mis'ter), s. (usually Mr.)
Misrule (-rool'), s. prentah yaiy tuan, 'nchek; (of Chinese) toke
tiada yarg tlalim
'adil, prentah (Ch. tlidu-ke), tauke (B.).
(Ar.). Mistimed (mis-timd'), adj. salah
Miss (mis), s.
(title) mm (E.), icaktu.
nona (N".!.). Mistletoe (miz'l-to), s. api-api,
Miss, V. t. (fail to hit) ta'hna, lun- mndalu api,'^ dalu-dalu,'^ ddalu.
cliasf (pass over) larglah; (feel Mistranslate (mis'trans-laf), v. t.
the want of) iiyin, rindukan; salah terjmah (Ar.), salinkan sa-
(omit) tirggalkan, largJcau.^ To lah.
miss fire, tiada mlalalc* To miss Mistress (-tres) s. (woman in au-
one's way, ssat. To miss a train thority) prempuan yarg nimrentah,
or tram, lunchas.^^ tuan;* (concubine, legal) gundek;
Miss, V, i. To be missing, hurarg, (illegal) kndak, prempuan sim-
hilarg. pan.
Missfire (mis-fir'), v. i. tiada m- Mistrust (mis-trusf), kuraiy per-

lalak.'' chaya, shak (Ar.), waham (Ar.).

Misshapen (-sha'pn), adj. huroh Mistrust, V. t. kurarg perchaya,
rupa-nja; (crooked) erut. tar oh shak (Ar.), taroh waham
Missile (mis'sil or mis'sil), s. la- (Ar.).
rarg lontaran, snjata lontaran, Misty (mist'i), adj. (covered with

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin tTiQU.
mist) berkahot; (dim in appear- Moat (mot), s. pant kubu.
ance) Icabus* Mob (mob), s.
(common people)
Misunderstand (mis'un-der-stand'), orarg hina-dina;'^ (disorderly
V. t. salah paham* (Ar. faham), crowd) krumun, orarg bertbat*
salali miyerti, salah ambil.

Mob. V. t. krumimi.
Misunderstanding (-iiig), s. as Mobile (mo'bil), adj. yarg bergrak,
above; also, (wrong suspicion) sa- boleh bergrak.
lah tampa*
Mobilise (-iz), v. t. krahka?i dan
Misuse ( mi s-fiz ) V. t salah pakai,


Irgkapkan intra* kluarkan sol-

salah mmpergunakan*
Mite (mit), s. (in cheese) ulat
Mobility (mo-bil'i-ti), s. hal ber-
keju; (small thing) chbis* biji;
grak, pergrak'an.
(small person or child) kerdilf
Mock (mok),v. i. (by mimicry)
(atom) hama, jarah* (Ar. dzar-
ajok; (with scorn or contempt)
rah), as, not a mite, s-biji hama
olok-olok, tertawakan; (disappoint)
pun tidak* bH kchewa, kchewa; (by putting
Mitigate (mit'i-gat), v. t. (make out the tongue) ryeryen;'^ (with
less severe)rergankan, kurargkan. lower lip) chbek* jbil,* jhek.
Mitigation (-ga'shwn), s. krergan-
an, kkurargan.
Mock, adj. pura-pura* siet-siet

Mitre s.
(B.) (Ch.), see false.
(mi'ter), (headdress) sorg-
kok kbsaran bishop (X.) ; (of
Mockery (mok'er-i), s. ajok'an,
olok-olok, tertaiva.
joints) hujorg serorg.
Mitten s.
Mode (mod), s. (method) jalan,
(mit'tn), sarorg targan
tiada berjan. ptua* (Ar. fatwa), pri;* (fashion)
Mix v. cham- chara, pesen (E.), modal (N.I.) ;
(miks), t.
pur; (custom) 'adat.
(compound) rampaikan*
banchoh,^ banchu
Model (mod'el), s. (miniature re-
(B.), pudi;"^
(stir together) kachau; (as presentation) chontoh, tuladan, pa-
dough) adon;* (as betel for chew- torg.
Model, V. t. buat patoig, buat chon-
ing) rojak* kapur.
Mixed (mingled)
(mikst), adj.

Moderate (-er-at), v. t. (restrain)
gaul; champur
(varied) berbagai-bagai* rampai- talian, tahankan; (lessen, allay)
rampai, see miscellaneous. rergankan, kurargkan.
Mixture (miks'chur), s. champur- Moderate, v. i. (as wind) rda.

an; (medicine) obat minum. Moderate (-er-et), adj. (not exces-

Mizzen (miz'zn),s. (ISTaut.) mizzen sive) sdarg, pertrgahan, sderhana
mast, tiarg blakarg, kulmi dol (L.). (Sk.) ; (sparing, frugal) jimut,
Mizzle (-zl), s.
hujan rintek-rintek, himmat-himmat (At.) ; (of prices)
hujan rnryai-rnn/ai.^ patut.
Mnemonics (ne-mon'iks), s. 'ihnu'^ Moderation (-a'shwn), s. cJiermat,
mrgirgat. jimat, hal mnaJiani din, sabar, aa
Moan (m5n), v. i. 'rarg* mrgraig above.
dram; (louder) raorg, mraorg Modern (-ern), adj. bharu, bvutan
(B.) ; (of wind) dru,"^ mndru bhani, zaman ini, zaman skararg
(B.). \jman (B.)].
Moan, s. bunji orarg mrgrarg. Modernize (-iz), v. t. bharui.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Modest (-est), adj. sopan, malu; bntar, s-kjap, s-jurus, s-sa'at*

(retiring) pndiam. (Ar. saat).

Modesty, (-es-ti), s. sopan, malu. Momentous (mo-men'tt^s), adj.
Modification (mod'i-fi-ka'shwn), s. saTgat brat, pntirg.
perohalian, Ickurargan, as below. Momentum (-twm), s. lajak.
Modify (-fi), V. i. (change a little) Monarch (mon'ark), s. pmrentah,
obahl'an sdikit; (reduce) Jcurarg- raja.
kan, rergankan, turunkan. Monarchy (-i), s. p'entah s'orarg
Modulate (mod'u-lat), v. t. (in raja, krajaan.
singing) patah lagu. Monastery (-as-ter-i), s. rurnah
Mohair (mo'har), hulu kamhirg.
s. oratg berklialivat (Ar.).
Mohammed (mo-ham'med), s. nahi Monday (mun'di), s. han isnin
MuJiamm ad ( Ar. ) . (Ar. ithnain), Imri snin (N.I.),
Mohammedan (-an), s. oratg Is- liari satu.
lam, muslim, Monetary (-e-ta-ri), adj. warg (a).
Mohammedan, adj. Islam. Money (mun'i), s. ivarg, duit;
Moiety (moi'e-ti), s. sparoJi, s-trgah. (wealth) kkaya'an, herta, herta^
Moist (moist), adj. Imhap, 'mhal;^ bnda. Money matters, perkara
(as sugar) Irgas, herlrgas; (as a waig. Paper money, waig kertas,
floor) ramhah.* not (E.). Eeady money, loarg tu-
Moisten (mois'n), v. t. Imbapkan. nai. To make money, dapat un-
Moisture {-chxii) ^. linbap.
, torg, bikin warg (B.).
Molar (m5'ler), adj. (of the teeth) Money box (boks), s. undil,* die-
gerham, graham. lerg,* taborg.
Molasses (mo-las'sez), s. gida Money changer (chanj-er), s. p-
clia'ir, ayer gula. nukar luarg, orarg berkdai duit.*
Mole (mol), s. (spot on the skin) Moneyed (mun'id), adj. berherta,
tahi Mat, kumharg hertdohf (sea kaya.
wall) pndindirg ombak,"^ pnahan Money lender (lend-er), s. orarg

ombak; (the animal) Unutarg hi- yarg mminjamkan warg, chiti, cheti
tarn s-rupa tikus mondok.
Molecule (mol'e-kul), s. petak yarg Moneyless (-i-les), adj. tiada her-
JialuS'halns dalam hararg yarg tiada warg, papa.*
bertumboh. Monger (mung'ger), s. (used in
Molehill (mol'hil), s. s-klompok composition) pnjual.
tanah s-rupa tanah iahi ktam; see Mongoose (mong'goos), s. cherplai
MOLE. (Tam.).
Molest (mo-lesf), v. t. garggu,* Mongrel (mung'grel), adj. baka
usek, kachau. champuran.
Mollify (mol'li-fi), v. t. Imbotkan. Monition (mo-nish'wn), s. n&-
Mollusc (mol'lusk), s. isi kararg. sihat,* larargan.
Molten (mol'tn), adj. hanchor, Ibur. Monitor (mon'i-ter), s. (one who
Moment (mo'ment), s. (of time) admonishes) pnasihat;* (in
s-klip mafa, s-kjap, s-kjap mata, s- schools) murid harapan;* (war
bntar, s-ktika, s-sa'at (Ar.), s-ch- vessel) kapal prarg kchil; (large
chah;* (importance) kpntirgan.* lizard) biawak.
For a moment, s-jurus. Monk (mungk), s. orarg berkhaU
Momentary (-men-ta-ri), adj. s- wat (Ar.), rahib* (Ar. rdhib).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Monkey (mmig'ki), s. (in general) month., s-hulan suntok,* s-pernama
hra-mwyit, mun/it (B.) ; varieties (Sk,). Next month, hulan tim-
hra, muiyit, hroh, siamaiy/^ lotorg* hoi, hulan diliadapan, hulan datarg,
otyl'a, maivas, hkalij^ Monkey lain hulan.
tricks, tetykali-lahu mutyit. Monthly (-li), adj. tiap-tiap hulan,
Monkey-cup (-kup), s. priolc hra. saban bulan (N.I.).
Monogamy (mo-nog'a-mi), s. lial Monument (mon'u-ment), s. (me-
herbini satu.
morial) periigatan, tanda perirgat^
Monogram (mon'o-gram), s. tin- an; (on a tomb) nesan* (Pers. ni-
danan huruf (Ar. nuruf). shdn) ; (a pillar) tiarg cliandi/^
Monologue (-log), s. perclidkapan Monumental (-men'tal), adj. yarg
s'orarg saliaja. yarg mnjadi perirgatan, yarg mn-
Monomaniac (-ma'ni-ak), s. orarg jadi knargan.
gila s-perlwa saliaja. Mood (mood), s. (state of mind)
Monopolize (mo-nop'o-liz), s. (in praiyai, pkerti (Sk.), tergkali,
trade) pajaJc. ragarn.
Monopoly (-li), s. (in trade) pa- Moody (-i), adj. (peevish) prrgus;"^
jak, pak (N".I.) (D. pacht) (ex- ;
(capricious) clirewet, hanjak ra-
clusive rights) fa'idah mnurygal*
Monosyllable (mon'o-sil'la-bl), s. Moon (moon), s. hulan. Full
perkata'an satu huryi. moon, hulan pernama,* hulan
Monotheism (-tlie-izm), s. hper- lima-hlas (B.). Half moon, hu-
cliayaan yarg Allah itu satu saliaja, lan s-blah. New moon, hulan
'ilmu tauhid (Ar. taunid).
glap, hulan s-liari,^ hulan hharu.
Monotone (-ton), s. huryi s-lari.^ Moonlight hu-
(moon'lit), s. tra'ty
Monotonous (mo-not'o-nws), adj. lan.
(of sound) s-laii;^ (of appearance, Moonstone (-ston), s. hatu hulan.
work, etc.) sama saliaja, s-rupa, Moonstruck (-struk), adj. anah
tiada herolali.
Monotony (-ni), s. lial tiada her-
(m5or), s. (waste land) pa-
Monsoon darg tkukur.'^
(mon-soon'), s. mtisim.
Monster Moor, V. i. herlaholi.
(monaster), s. hararg yarg
Moor, (Naut.) (with an an-
V. t.
sarqat hsar, hararg yarg dalisliat
chor) (ahohkan; (with ropes to
hsar skali, amat shore) tamhat, umharg* (W.).
Monster, adj.
Mooring (-ing), s. (the act) lial m-
hsar/^ see monstrous.
lahohkan; (the place) tmpat her-
Monstrosity (mon-stros'i-ti), s. ha-
laholi, plahohan.
rarg yarg pleh,* haraiy yaig ganjil,
yarg herlainan sifat* (Ar. sifat).
Mooring post (post), s.% (Naut.)
Monstrous (mon'stri/s), adj. (ab- pancliarg, smhuarg.

normal) plek,* ganjil; (horrible)

Moose (moos), s. 7'usa hsar di
dalisliat (Ar.) ; (enormous) hsar
skali, amat hsarj^ hukan main Moot (moot), V. t. hicliarakan, ban-
hukan huatan hsar-rya; see talikan.*
EGREGIOUS. Mop (mop), s.
Month (munth), s. hulan. For Mop, V. t. ksat.

months, herhulan-hulan. A full Mope (m5p), v. i. risau.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
TVloral (mor'al), adj. (virtuous) lii- Morsel (mor'sel), s. s-suap, s-kpirg,
rus; (capable of good or evil) yaiy x-potory, s-chhis,* s-jmput.
tahu haik dan jahat. moral cer- A Mortal (-tal), adj. (subject to

tainty, perkara yair; ta dapat-tiada death ) fana{ Ar. fand' ) yanj akan ,

akan herlaku/^ perlcara yaiy sudah mati; (causing death) yarg mm-
tntii insti jadi (B.). hawamati; (human) manusia (a).
Moral, (conduct, behaviour) Jcla-
s. A mortal enemy, musoli yaty ga-
kuan, feel (Ar.) ; (i^ractical les- rarg.
son) nasihat.^ Mortal, s. (human being) manusia.
TVlorality (mo-rari-ti), s. klurusan Mortality (mor-tal'i-ti), s. pri yarg
liati, khaik'an. fatia (Ar.).
JVloralize (mor'al-iz), v. i. hri na- Mortar (mor'ter), s. (for pound-
siliat.^ ing) Isorg; (for betel nut) go-
JVlorass (mo-ras'), s. paya. hek;* (short cannon) mriam ka-
Morbid (mor'bid), adj. tiada seliat,
tiada siuinan* Mortar, s. (for building) kapur,
More More perkat hatu, lepa.*
(mor), adj. Well, lagi.
or less, Iheh-hurarg, sdikit-baiyak.
Mortgage (mor'gej), s. gadai, surat
A little more than a fathom, Ibeh- gadai.
Tbeh s-dpa. Mortgage, v. t. gadai.

More, Iheh. Any Xo Mortgagee (mor'ga-je'), s. yarg

s. more, lagi.
mm gang gadai.
more, tiada lagi, liahis. Still more,
Iheh lagi. Mortgagor (-jor'), s. prggadai.
Mortification (mor'ti-fi-ka'shwn),
More, adv. Iheh, lagi. More and
hertamhah-tamhah. The
s. dagirg husok; (of the passions)
more, mmatikan
more . . the more, makin . . ma-
lial mnutop nafsii, lial

nafsu; (humiliation) krndahan,

kin, Diiigkin . .
mirgkin (X.I.)
To be no more, (chagrin) sdeh di hati.
(B.). liahis, pu-
Mortify (-fi), v. i.
jadi husok.
Moreover adv.
Mortify, v. t. (the passions) tutop,
(-6'ver), dan-lagi,
matikan; (humilitate) rndahkan
tainhahan pula, s-hagai lagi,* slia-
hati, sdehkan hati.
hadan lagi,* s-perkara lagi. Mortise (mor'tis), s. loharg pittirg.
Moribund (mor'i-bund), adj. ham-
Mortuary (-chu-a-ri), adj. hilek
pir mati, naz'a ( Ar.) .

Morning (morn'ing), s. pagi, suhoh Mosaic (mo-za'ik), s. lantai-hata
(Ar.).Early morning, pagi- pagi. herhuiya.
Morning prayer, smhahyarg suhoh Moses (mo'zez), s. Musa, nahi 3Iusa
(Ar. subun). Morning sickness,
sakit hawa'an hiidak. Morning Moslem (moz'lem), adj. islam.
star, hintarg timor.
Moslem^ s. orarg islam.
Morose (mo-ros'), adj. mororg, Mosque (mosk),
s. msjid (Ar.) ;
muka masam, jargkil* (W.). (small) surau,* larggar.* Mosque
Moroseness (-nes), s. moronj. attendant, hilal (Ar.), noja (Ar.).
Morphine (mor'fen), s. pati clian- Mosquito (mos-ke'to), s. tyamok.
du, morfin, morfia (Eur.). Mosquito-net (net), s. klamhu.
Morrow (m6r'r5), s. (the next day) Moss (mos), s. lumut.
esok-jya,* hesok-nja. Mossy (mos'si), adj. herlumut.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin (Tien.
Most (most), adj. (in number or Motive, adj. yarg mrggrakkan.
quantity) kbanjakan, terlbeh ba- Motley (mot'li), adj. (variegated)
lyak; (nearly all) hampir smoa; berbagai-bagai werna,'^ macham-
(greatest in degree) terlbeh shall. macham orna (B.), pancha-werna
Most, adv. terlbeh, terlalu, terlam- (Sk.); (of two colours) blarg;
pau, terldmjjon (B.), skali. (heterogeneous ) berlain-lainan.
Mostly (most'li), adv. terutama s- Motor (mo'ter), s. (source of
kali (Sk.), istimewaf^ terlbeh power) psawatf (motor car) ma-
skali. toka (E.), mobil (N".!.).
Mote (mot), s. abu argin.'^ Mottled (mot'tld), adj. blarg, ba-
Moth (moth), s. rama-rama;*' rek,* borek*
(very small) ggat, klmbak.'^ Motto (mot'to), s. 'alamat (Ar.).
Mother (mui/i'er), s. r^iak, ibu, Mould (mold), s. (friable earth)
orarg tua prempuan/^ ummi tanah pim,* tanah gmbur; (mil-
(Ar.) ; (polite form) bonda;^ dew) lapok, mlapok (B.) ; (ma-
(of the mother of a rajahs relative, trix) ac/uian: (pattern) tidadan,
or raja's mother of inferior rank) chontoh.
kopek,"^ Mould, V. t. (form) rupakan.
Mother, adj.Mother country, tanah Moulder (mold'er), v. i.
ayer. Mother tongue, bhasa sn- prai,'^ rpiii*
diri. Mouldiness (-i-nes), s. klapok'an.
Motherhood (-hood), s. hal mnjadi Moulding (-hig), s. kumai,"^ lis
ibu. (D. Ujst).
Mother-in-law (-in-law), s. rantua Mouldy (-i), adj. berlapok; (of
prempman, mak mntua, mertua smell or taste) basi.
(B.) (N.L). Moult (m5lt), V. i. luroh bulu* gu-
Motherless (-les), adj. tiada beribu, gor bidu (B.).
piatu. Mound (mownd), s. (artificial)
Motherliness (-li-nes), s. rsDii tompok, tvml)onarb; (hillock) borg^
mak. got,* marggnl,* porgsu;^ (raised
Motherly (-li), adj. sperti mak. by white ants) busut.
Mother-of-pearl (-uv-perl'), s, ku- Mount (mowntj,s. (hill, mountain)
litmutiara, indorg mutiara/^ ge- biikit, gunorg; (riding animal)
warg. kndara'an.'^
Motion (mo'shi/n), s. (movement) Mount, V. t. (get upon) naik; (a
pergrak'an, grak, jalan; (direction hill) daki;"^ (precious stones)
of movement) tujuan; (of mind tatah,* ikat; (prepare for use)
or will) grak. To make a motion knakan.
(proposal), biika rundirgan* buka Mount, V. i. 7iaik, panjat; (increase)
bichara.'^ bertambah.
Motion, V. i. (make a sign) ber- Mountain (mown'ten), s. gunorg.
isarat (Ar. islidrat). Mountaineer (-er), s. orarg ulu,.
Motionless (-les), adj. tiada ber- orarg bukit, orarg gunotg.
grak, diam, terchogok.^ Mountainous {-ii^), adj. ber-
Motive (mo'tiv), s. (cause, reason) gunorg.
mida; (object, purpose) mak-
sbah, Mountebank (mownt'e-bangk), s.
sud. Without any motive, tiada (quack doctor) pnjaja obat; (fool)
s-mna-mna* tiada bersbah. klakar, orarg makan argkat.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry ; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ice, it, fire, ;

mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
Lurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Mounted (mownt'ed), adj. (on Mouthful (mowth'fool), s. (of
horseback) lerkuda, cliiarg huda food) s-suap; (of water) s-tgok.
(B.) (Ch.), herhndaraan.
Movable (moov'a-bl), adj. yaiy bo-
leh di-pindalikan, yarg boleh bet'
Mounting (-ing), s. (of precious
aleli, yarg boleh bergrak.
stones) tatahan,^ ikatan; (of a
sampahr Movables (-biz), s. herta-bnda.
Mourn (morn), v. i. (feel sorrow)
Move (mo5v), v. t. grakkan; (to
another place) pindahkan, aleh;
( Sk. ) ,
herdul-a-ch ita h ergondah,*
(excite to action) baigkitkan;
bercJiinta; (wear mourning) ber-
kabonj* hertolia^ (Ch. tod-hd), (arouse the feelings) pilukan, ra-
bertoa-ha (B.). wankaii;'^ (a resolution) buka bi-
v. t. (grieve for) berduka- chara,^ buka rundirgan.*
chitakwi (Sk.), berchintakan, sbal- Move, V. i. bergrak; (in a sitting

kari; (bewail) ratapkan; (weep

posture) kesut, eigsut;"^ (change
place) pindah, aleh, beridur;*
for) fatgiskan* mnargiskan (B.).
Mourner (slightly from one's place) an-
(m5rn'er), s. orarg ber-
jak;"^ (temporarily) bererak; (by
duka-chita (Sk.) ; (professional)
the force of momentum) lajak;
pratap* tukarg niratap (B.). the without speaking)
(as lips
Mournful (-iool), adj. berduka-
komak-kamek; (a finger or toe)
chita (Sk.), susah hati, sugul*
bersugul (Ar. 7nashghul), gon- chess or
dah^ Move, s. pergrak'an; (in
draughts) jalan.
Mourning duka-chita
(-ing), s.
Movement (moov'ment), s. per-
(Sk.), perch'mtaan, ratapan, see grak'an; (advancement) kmaju-
mourn; (the garb) kaborg* per- an.'^
kaborgan* tolia (Ch. tod-hd), toa- Moving (-ing), adj. yarg bergrak,
ha (B.).
yarg mmbargkitkan, yatg mmilu-
Mouse (mows), s. tikus kcliil.
kan; see move.
Field mouse, tikus padi. Mow (mo), V. i. t. sabit drgan
Mouser (mowz'er), kucliirg yarg
pdaig, potorg.
pandai mnargkap tikus. Mower (m5'er), s. pnjabit. Lawn
Moustache (moos-tash'), s. misai, mower, mesliin potorg rumput (E.
kumis (X.I.). machine).
Mouth (mowth), s. mulut; (of a Mr. (mis'ter), tuan, 'nchek; (of
river) kiiala, maaraj^' To hold in Chinese) toke (Ch. tlidu-ke), tau^
the mouth (as liquids or food), ke (B.).
kmam,'^ kulom (B.). To make Mrs. (-sis), siti (Ar.), 'nchek, mem
mouths at, chbek* jbilj^ To rinse (E.), >yorya (N.I.) (B.).
the mouth, kumor. To eat with Much (much), adv. baiyak.
the mouth full, rnakati mmolok- Much, s. banjak. As much again,
molok, makan terpolok-polok. To s-kali ganda.^ As much as, sama
suck something inside the mouth, batyak drgan. As much as pos-
kulom. sible, s-brapa boleh. How much?
-Mouth (mow^/i), V. i. (in eating or bra pa? Inasmuch as, pada hal,
speaking) komat-kamitj^ komak- sdarg, sdatgkan. So much, s-kian.
kamek; (chewing with the mouth To think much of, indahkan. To
closed) kunjali/^ koryeh (B.). make much of, bratkan. Too

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
much (in excess), herlepaJc' herhagai-hagaij^ plhagai/^' ma-
lepak* Much more, much less, am-mach am
(B. ) .

istimeiva pula.* Multiple (-pi), adj. berhaiyak-ha-

Mucilage (mii'si-lej), s. perlcat, gam njak.
(E. gum). Multiplication (-pli-ka'shi^n), s.
Muck (muk), (manure) haja;
s. ilmu mrgali/' kira-kira dlarah
(dirt) kotor, sampah, sarap* (Ar.), ilmu mmiikolJ^
Mucky (muk'i), adj. Jcotor.
Multiplicity (-plis'i-ti), s. kbaryak-
Mucous (mu'ki/s), adj. (slhny) Jen' an, klempahan.'^
tal, pl'at, herJndir.
Multiply (-pll), V. t. baiyakkan,
Mucus, s. hidir; (from the nose) tambaJii, Ibehi; (by multipli-
iiyus. cation) mrgali.'^
Mud (mud), (deep) s.lumpur, Multiply, V. i. bertambali, bertamhah
Janar;"^ (on a road) hechak, bichak
(B.), lechak, mlechak (B.). Mud Multitude (-tud), s. oraiy banjak^
planks (to walk on), torgkah.^ oraig ramai; (crowd) perkumpol-
Muddle (mud'dl), t. t. (make stu- an; (great number) terlalu batyak.
pid) hirgorgkan; (confuse) ka- Multitudinous (-tu'di-m<s), adj.
chaukan, klirukan.
ya7y terlalu baryak.
Muddy (-di), adj. (as a road)
Mum (mum), adj. diam, snryap.
IcJiah/^ hecJiak; (as hoots) her-
lumoran lumpur; a river
Mum, int. dia?n.
(as Mumble (mum'bl), v. i. lyoryeh/^'
bank) herlumpur; (as water)
kroh. renjeli,'^ muiyam^^ (W.) ; (low-
grumbling) rotok,^ bersurgut
Mudguard (-gard), s. (of a car-
plalian-lalian, bersurgut plan-
riage) sayap.
Mudhole (-hoi), s. lopak, londarg.^ plan.
Muff (muf), s. hantal pmhalut ta- Mumbler (-bier), s. pronjeli.^

Mummery (-mer-i), s. main toperg..

Muezzin (mu-ez'zin), s hilal'^ (Ar.

Mummy mayat yarg di-
(-mi), s.

hilM). prgapkan dnjan rmpah-rmpah, mu-

Diiali (Ar.).
Muffle (muffl), v. t. (conceal, pro-
tect)sluborgkan; (wrap) 1)01111. Mumps (mumps), s. brok hantar
Muffler (-tier), s. sapn-taigan Jiasil* brok hantasil,^ bigok (B.) ;
Mufti see GOITRE.
(-ti), s.
palxiian preman
(D. vrijman).
Munch (munch), v. i. t. mamali;
Mug (mug), s. margkok hertargkai; (as cattle) ragut."^
(of tin) chaloirj*
Mundane (mun'dan), adj. du7iia:

^uggy (mug'gi), adj. Imhap.

(a), (a).
Mulatto (mu-lat'to), s. Ineh cliam- Municipal (mii-nis'i-pd), adj. ne-
puran Kapri dn/an orarg puteh. gri (a), miumpal
(E.). Muni-
Mulberry (mul'ber-ri), s. kertaii.^ cipal affairs, perkara negri, per-
Mulct (mulkt), V. t. dndakan. kara bandar.
Mule (mill), s. baghal (Ar.). Munificence (-nifi-sens), s. k-
Mulish (mul'ish), adj. dgil. m urah an, klempali an.*
Mullet (mullet), s. ikan hulus- Munificent (-sent), adj. mnrah
huliis.'^ liati, Jem pah kurnia-nja (Sk.), ter-
Multifarious (mul'ti-far'i-ws), adj. buka taiyan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) law, how, oil; thin then. ;
Munition (-nisli'i/ii), s. alat pprarg- Musket (mus'ket), s. snaparg (D..
an/^ snjata, alat snjata* snaphaan), istirggar* (Port.).
Mural (mur'al), adj. pada dindirg, Muslin (muz'lin), s. kam kasa,
pada tenibok. (Ar. kha^ah), kain muslin (E.),
Murder (mer'der), v. t. hunoli. maslin (B.).
Murder, s. hunolian, pmhimohan; Mussel (mus'sl), s. kuparg, kijhy,.
(indiscriminate ) amok. ibau.'^
Murderer (-er), s. pmhunoh. Mussulman (-man), s. orary is-
Murderess (-es), s. prcmpuan pm- lam.
bunoJi. Must (must), V. i. (to be neces-
Murderous (-us), adj. yarg mm- sitated) ta'dapat tiada, ta'boleh
hunoli, yaiy. hndak mmhunoli. tidak, msti (E.), psti, wajib
With murderous intent, drgan niat (Ar.) ; (to be morally required)
hndak 7nmhunoh. paint, harus.
Muriatic (mii'ri-at'ik) adj. Muriatic Mustang (mus'tang), s. kuda hu-
acid, ajjer api garam. tan.
Murky (merk'i), adj. rdop. Mustard (-terd), s, ssawi, saivi.
Murmur (mer'mer), v. (of i. water Muster (-ter), v. t. krahf^ krah-
or wind) dru, mndru
(B.) ; (of kan."^
leaves) dsauf (of bees) drgorg; Muster, v. i.
herkumpol, berhim'-
(of a crowd) gmiiroh;'^ (grumble) pon.^'
suiyut, bersurgut, rmyut.'^ Muster, s.
(assemblage) perkiwipol-
Murmur, s. surgutan. The mur- an. To pass muster, di-perknan-
mur of the wind, luiyi argin mn-
dru. Musty (-ti), adj. (mouldy) basi;
Murrain (miir'ren), s. sampar pada (of smell) hapak; (taste of to-
hinatarg. bacco) kayal.'^^
Muscle (mus'sl), s. dagirg lerktul/^ Mutability (mu'ta-biri-ti), s. hal
urat. berobah-obali.
Muscular (-ku-ler), adj. urat (a); Mutable (-bl), adj. berobah-obah.
(strong) kiiat, tgap. Mute (mut), adj. (silent) A;?w;*
Muse (muz), v. i. herfikir-fikir, if- (dumb) bisu.
kur (Ar.), termnoiy, hyorg.* Mutilate (mu'ti-lat), v. t. (deprive
Museum rumah
(mxi-ze'um) , s. of a limb) kodory, kudorg (B.),
gamhar, skolali gamhar, rumah kompot; (of the nose) romporg;
'a jail) (Ar.), rumah pnuntun (of the private parts) panchoty;*
I.'). (castrate) kmbirikan.
Mushroom (mush'r5om), s. chnda- Mutineer (-ner),s. ora^y derhaka..

wan, kulat.^ Mutinous (-nus), adj. derhaka.

Music (mii'zik), s. huiyi-huryian, Mutiny (-ni), s. derhaka.
musik (E.). Mutiny, v. i. derhaka.
Musical (-al), adj. (melodious) Mutter (mut'ter), v. i. rotokf (of
haik suara, (Sk.).merdu thunder) gmuroh.*
Musician (mii-zish'an), s. (at a Mutton (-tn), s. dagiiy kambiiy.
Malay court) hiduan (Sk.). Mutual (mfi'chu-ai), adj. (reci-
Musk (musk), s. ksturi (Sk.), procal) s'oraiy akan s*orarg, satu
anda (Sk.). Musk rat, tikus sama lain, kclua pihak;"^ see be-
ksturi,^ chnchurut. low.

ate, ask, am, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
final, care, car,
mirror old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry ; use, us, min-us, ciire, injure,

hiirryj food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
JMutually (-li), adv. usually ex- Nag (nag), kuda kchil, kuda.
pressed by reduplication, as, mu- Nag, V.
tually affectionate, berkaseh-kaseh- Nail (nal), s. (of the fingers or
an; to promise mutually, berjanji- toes) kuku; (if long) chatggai;*
janjian. (of iron) paku; (of wood) pasak.*
JVluzzle (muz'zl), s. (snout) mun- On the nail, dtgan sgra. To hit
chorg; (of a gun) mulut; (pro- the nail on the head, kata digan s-
tection for a dog^s, mouth) simpai patut-rya.
mulut. Nail, V. t. pakukan; (catch, trap)
Muzzle, V.simpai mulut.
t. targkap, jratkati. To nail a lie,
My (mi), pron. ku, ahu (a), sahya tmplak bohorg.
(a), see i. Naive (na-ev' or nav), adj. tulus
JVlycology (mi-koro-ji), s. 'ilmu'^ hati, puteh hati.
liunut dan chndawari. Naked (na'ked), adj. (of the lower
Myna (mi'na), burorg tiorg.
s. part of the body) tlanjarg; (of the
Myopia (mi-o'pi-a), s. buta rabun. fret and upper part of the body)
JVlyriad (mir'i-ad), s. (10,000) terbuka; (of swords, etc.) ter-
laTcsa; (an immense number) ber- hunus;* (manifest, as the truth)
laksa-laksa. tyata. With the naked eye, drgau
Myrmidon (mer'mi-dim), s. pgaivai tiada pakai troporg atau chermin.
yarg mmbuat kerja kji.* Stark naked, tlanjarg bulat, tlan-
Miyrrh (mer), s. rnur (Ar.). janj bogil, tlanjarg lonchos.*
Myself (mi-self), pron. sahya sn- Name (nam), s. nama; (good repu-
diri, aku sndiri, diri-ku, etc., see i. tation) nama baik. A bad name,
Mysterious (mis-ter'i-iis), adj. nama busok. In name, nama sa-
tersmbutyi, amat sulit.'^ haja. In the name of, drgan na-
Mystery (mis'ter-i), s. raJisia yarg ma. To call names, nsta (Sk.).
amat sulit/^ riisia yarg dalam To make use of another's name,
(B.). perburokkan nama, jiial nama.
JVlystic (-tik), s. (in Islam) orarg Name, v. t. nama'i, namakan, bri
Sufi"^ (Ar. sufi). nama,, buboh nama; (mention)
Mystical (-ti-kal), adj. sulit* sbot,^sbotkan; (specify, appoint)
Aiysticism (-sizm), s. (in Islam) tntukan.
'ilmu tasawuf (Ar.), 'ilmu orarg Nameless (ninm'les), adj. tiada
sufi.'^ bernama.
Mystify (-fi), v. t. (make obscure) Namely (-li), adv. iaitu, ya'ani
sulitkan* jadikan rahsia; (per- (Ar.).
plex, puzzle) biigorgkan, klirukan. Namesake s, orarg s-nama.
Myth (mith), s. chrita reka-reka- This child your namesake, ini

'an."^ chrita dewa-dewa. budak mrgambil nama tuan.

Mythical (mith'i-kal), adj. reka- Nap (nap), v. i. mrgantok, tlayarg.
reka'an* jadi-jadian. To be caught napping, terkna tigak
Mythology (mi-thoro-ji), s. Hlmu leka.
chrita dewa-dewa.* Nap, s. (short sleep) tidor s-bntar,

N tlayarg; (down of cloth) bulu kain.

Nape (nap), s. trgkok.
Nab (nab), v. t. targkap, chkak. Naphtha (naftha or nap'tha), s.

Nabob (na'bob), s. nabob* s-jnis benzin (E.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry ; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ; ice, it, fire,
mirror: old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Napkin (nap'kin), s. tuala targan, tabiat baigsa-rya. The French
serhit (N.I.)(D. servet). national flag, bndera negri Fransis^
Narcotic (nar-kot'ik), s. harary yarg The English national anthem, lagu
mmaboklcan, ohat bins (Pers. bi- negii Irggris.
haush). Narcotics used by thieves Nationality (-al'i-ti), s. bargsa.
are: skut* pukau, hclniboiy, etc. Native (na'tiv), adj. a
(born in
Narcotic, adj. yarg mmabokkan. a
place) ternak;'^ (belonging to
Narrate (na-raf), v. t. chritakah, region) asal, as, Malay is the native-
chertrakanj^ kliabarkan, kesahkan, language in Singapore, bkasa asal
rnch anakan ( Sk. ) , riivayatkan di Siigapnra itu Mlayu; (as
(Ar.). posed to foreign) sndiri, as, one's
Narration (-ra'shz/n), s. lial mn~ native land is best, baik juga negn.
chritakan, etc., as above; (story) sndiri (Prov.).
chrifa, etc., as below. Native, s. anak negri, peranakan. A
Narrative (nar'ra-tiv), s. clirita, native of England, anak negri
chertra* kesah (Ar. qissah), A native of
Irggris. Singapore^
rnch ana (Sk.), riwayat (Ar.).
peranakan Sirgapura.
Narrow (-r5), adj. (of little
Nativity (na-tiv'i-ti), s. (birth)
breadth), smpit, kcliil, kurarg kjadian, jadi. The day of his na-
lebar; (of littleextent) smpit; tivity, hari jadi-nja. The land of
(with little margin) ssak; (of my nativity, tmpat sahya tumpah
limited means) ssak, pichek;* darah.'^'
(niggardly) lokek. A narrow es-
Natural (nach'u-ral), adj. (fixed by-
cape, ryans'^ talpas, liampir kna. nature) asal, s-memarg; (regular,,
Narrow, v. t. smpitkan, kcliilkan,
normal) ya7g biasa; (real, true)
btul, surggoh. Natural history,.
Narrowminded (-mind'ed), adj. Hhnu* tumboli-tumhohan dan sgala
smpit fikiran. Hlmu* kjadian.
yarg bernjawa,
Nasal (na'zal), adj. (of the nose) A natural child, anak gamparg,.
hidorg (a) (of the utterance)
anak zina.'^
snfau. Nasal sore, rstorg, rostorg Natural, s. orarg ksasaran.
(B.). Naturalist (-ist), s. orarg yarg m-
Nascent (nas'sent), adj. yarg bJiaru
nuntut 'ilmu* kjadian.
muJa'i [mulai (B.)].
Naturalize (-iz), v. t. bri hak^- anak-
Nasty (nas'ti), adj. (filthy) kotor,
chmar;* (nauseous) maurg ; negri (Ar. Ho-^g).
fensive) busok; (disagreeable) ta'-
Naturally (-li), adv. (of course)
tntn, tiada shak'^ lagi, ta'dapat
Natal (na'tal), adj. jadi (a). Na- tiada, memarg, patut.
tal Natal place,
hari jadi. Nature (na'chur), s. (the creation)
tmpat tIaJiir (Ar.), tmpat tumpah kjadian; (essential attributes) zat
darah* tmpat chut-si (B.) (Ch. (Ar. dzdt) ; (character) tabiat,.
clihut-sl). pkerti (Sk.), prargai, adat rsam
Nation (-shwn), s. bargsa, kaum (Ar.) ; (kind, sort) jnis, macham.
(Ar.). Naught (nawt), s. = nothing, q. v.
National (nash'i/n-al), adj. (of a (the figure) argka not (E.), argka-
race) banjsa (a) (of a country)
mil (D.).
negri. Their national character, Naughty (naw'ti), adj. nakal, ja-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 5ld, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry ; f 5od, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil j thin t/ien.
hat, dajal, haprit (Ar. 'afrit), '(about) kira-kira, Ibeh-kurarg,
jahat mmhhyas* Far and near, mrata-rata, k-sana
JNausea (naw'shi-a), s. (sea-sick- k-mari. I^ear the wind, miyusur
ness) mahok-laut; (propensity aiyin. ISTearly alike, akan-akan
to vomit) loya;^ (of the stomach) saina,^ hampir sama.
mual, mmual {B.),mdu;* (retch- Nearness (-nes), s. kdkatan, krapat-
ing) jluah, mnjluah (B.). an.
Nauseate (-at), v.i. jmu, mualc* Nearsight (-sif), s. rahun mata,"^
Nauseate, v. t. muahka?i* mdu' huta rabun.
lian/^ jmumn. Neat (net),
adj. (clean) herseh;
Nauseous (naw'shws), adj. mamy. beratur dtyan jimat, nichis
Nautical (-ti-kal), adj. prahu (a). (X.I.) (D. netjes) ; (in dress)
analv praliu (a), as, nautical skill, berantun;* (smart, spruce) apek*
Jipandaian anak-prahu; nautical rarggi.
instruction, plajaran di kapal. Neat, s. lr)ibu. Xeat's foot oil, mi-
"Nautilus (-Iws), s. siput liantu laut. 7yak kaki Imbu.
"Naval (na'vd), adj. laid (a), kapal Neatly (net'li), adv. drgan chermat,
prarg (a). Xaval battle, prarg drgan jimat, diyan berseh.
laut. ^N'aval officer, pgawai lea- Neatness (-nes), s. chermat, jimat.
pal prarg. Nebula (neb'u-la), s. wap bintarg.
"Nave (nav), s. (of a wheel) gan- Nebulous (-li/s), adj. sperti icap,
ta}y-gantaig /^ pusat roda; (of a klain-kahot.
church) trgah greja. Necessaries (nes'es-sa-riz), s. yarg
Navel (naM), s. pusat. harus di-pakai, perkakas, prawis,*
Navigable (nav'i-ga-bl), adj. yarg serba-serbi.
holeJi, di-lalui oleli prahu. Necessary (-ri), adv. (needed) ber-
Navigate (-gat), v. i. herlayer. guna; (such as must be) harus,
Navigate, v. t. (an ocean) lalui; (a msti, teajib (Ar.) ; (obligatory as
ship) layerkan. a duty) ferdlu (Ar.), perlu (N.
Navigation (-ga'shz/n), s. 'ilmu^ I.) ; (unavoidable) ta'boleh tidak,
plaijeran, playeran. ta'dapat tiada. It is necessary
Navvy (nav'vi), s. orarg prggali for, terwajib bagi (Ar.).
parit jalan dan s-hagai-iya. Necessitate (ne-ses'si-tat), v. t.

Navy (na'vi), s. (fleet) aiykatan (make necessary) ferdlukan (Ar.),

laut; (personel) intra laut. perlukan (X.I.), wajibkan (Ar.
Nay (na), adv. (negative) tidak; tod jib) ; (compel) paksa.
(not only so, but) hahkan.* Necessitous (-ti^s), adj. (poor)
Neap (nep), adj. Xeap tide, pasarg miskin, papa.'^ Necessitous cir-
kchil, pasarg anak.* cumstances, kssak'an warg, k-
N6ar (ner), adj. dkat, hampirj^ ra- pichek'an.'^'
vat, dam]nrgf (intimate) dkat, Necessity (-ti), s. (need) hajat
karil)'^ (Ar. qarib). ]^ear side, (Ar.) ; (obligation) kaharusan,
shlah kiri. ferdlu (Ar.), perlu (N.I.) ; (in-
Near, prep, dkat, hampir,'^ rapat digence) kpichek'an.* Of neces-
dig an; (to a mark) sipi. sity, ta'dapat tiada.
Near, v. t. hampiri,"^ dkati. Neck (nek), s. lehir, batarg lehir;
Nearly (ner'li), adv. dkat, hampir, (the back part) trgkok. Neck and
n/aris;* (nearly hitting) sipi; crop, skali giis.^ Neck and neck.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; iee, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
s-fta?'* Muscles of the neck, urat (neutralize the force of) hatalkan.
nireh* Neglect (neg-lekf), v. t. (not at-
Neckerchief (nek'er-chif), s. sapu- tend to) lalaikan, alpakan (Sk.),
tatxjan leliir, s-taryan leliir.^ chapak* hiarkan; (omit) tirygaU
Necklace (-les), s. kalorg* agoh;* kan. To neglect to take steps,
(of cliain) rantai lehir; (tight, as mniryyalkan akhtiar (Ar. ikh-
worn by Tamils) Ichar* tiar) .

Necktie (-ti), s. tali lehir, dasi Neglectful (-fool), adj. Mai, alpa,"^
(X.I.)(D. ddsje). chnai.'^
Necromancer (nek'ro-man'ser), s. Negligence (neg'li-jens), s. lalai,
tukaty sihir (Ar.). alpa.*
Necromancy (-si), s. 'ilmu sihir Negligent (-jent), adj. lalai, alpa,*
(Ar.). chuai;^ leler.'^
Necrosis (ne-kro'sis), s. husolc tu-
Negligible (-ji-bl), adj. yary tiada
laiy. di-indalikan, reryan.
Nectar (nek'ter), s. minuman dewa- Negotiable (ne-g5'shi-a-bl) , adj.
yary holeh lakii,* yary holeh di-
Need (ned), s. (necessity) hajat* jual-hli.
(Ar. TLcijat) ; (j^overty) hpichek- Negotiate (-at), v. i.
an. kpapa'an* hal misTcin. tawar-mnawar ; (in state affairs)
Need, v. t. (be in want of) Tcuranj, bermashiiarat (Ar.).
herl'l-uraiyan; (require) kahandak^ Negotiation (-a'shwn), s. hal tawar-
kan/^ Tjerhajatkan (Ar.). It need
mnawar, mashuarat (Ar.).
not, tausah, usah-lah.^
Negress (ne'gres), s. prempuan
Needful (ndd'fool), adj. heryuna.
Needle (ne'dl), s. jarom. Xetting
Negro (-gro), s. orary Jaiyyi,* orarg
needle, clioban.^ Crochet needle,
Kapri; (of Ethiopia) orary Hab-
jarom kait.
Needless (ned'les), adj. tiada her-
Neigh (na), v. i.
pkek, jrit, jret
yuna, tiada hajat (Ar.), perchuma,
(B.), fiiykek.*
chuma-chuma; (without cause)
tiada s-mna-^ina,* dryan tiada her-
Neighbour (na'ber), s. orary s-

shab. It is needless, ta'iisah. kampoiy, orary sblah-mnjblah sama

m a n us ia, jiran ( Ar . .

Needy (-i), adj. miskin, papa* ssak )

Neighbourhood (-hood), s. kam-

wanj, pichek*
poiy, da i rah (Ar.).
Ne'er-do-weel (nar'-doo-wel), s.

oraw lanjsat. Neighbouring (-ing), adj. ber-

Nefarious (ne-far'i-2/s), adj. kji/^ lianipiran,'* sblah-mryblah.

terlahi jahat. Neighbourly (-li), adv. ramah*

Negation hal m- Neither (nVthev or ne'-), conj. itu
(ne-ga'shtai), s.

rya njkal, persaiyka la n . pun tiada. Xeither nor . . . .

. .

Negative (neg'a-tiv), adj. (deny- pun tidak pufi tidak.. .

ing) yary mnidakkan* yary m- Neophyte (ne'o-fit), s. niu'alaf

n/a?ykal. (Ar.).
Negative, s. (word) perkata'an yary Nephew (nev'u or nefu), s. anak-
mnidakkan;* (veto) tyaJian. saudara (laki-laki), anak kponak-
Negative, v. t. 'an (X.I.), anak pnakan (P.).
(prove untrue)
tidakkan;* (reject by vote) tolah; Nerve (nerv), s. (of the body) urat

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
puteh; (iirmness) IcUapan hati, m.rgamhil pihak hal tiada masoh
chJcal* prarg.
Nerve, v. t. To nerve one's self, ttap-
Neutralize (-trd-Iz), v. t. (of poi-
kan diri. sons, etc.) taivarkan; (efforts or
Nerveless (nerv'les), adj. hnah. opposition) batalkan, hiJaiylian
Nervous (-us), adj. (through fear) kuasa.
grun, Txjri/^ daraJi gm.uroh;* (at a
Never (nev'er), adv. (of past time)
height) riaiy* gayat;* (restless)
bliini pernah, ta'peniah; (of the
gamam;'^ (upset) hati hergobar* future) skali-kali tiada, jangan di-
Nervousness (-nes), s. grun, etc., harap. Never mind, tidak apa,
as above. tiada mrgapa, tidak knapa (B.).
Nest (nest), s. sararg.
Nevermore (-mor'), adv. tiada ..

Nest, V. i. hersararg. lagi.

Nestle (nes'l), vi. (as a child in its

Nevertheless (-the-les'), adv. mski
mother's arms)
herkpit, herhpet pun dmkian* surggoh pun- dm-
kian* dalam itu pun, ttapi.
(B.) ; (on a bed) le^ideh.*
Nestling (nestling), s. anaJc hurorg
New (nu), adj. bharu. The new
dalam sararg.
moon, bulan s-hari,* bulan glap.* ^

Net Newborn (nu'born), adj. bharu

(net),v. (fishnets) hersirat;*

jadi, bharu lahir (At. tldhir).

(small bags) rajut.^
Newcomer (-kum'er), s. orarg
Net, (small bag) rajutf (drift
bharu, sirgkek (Ch. sin-kheh),
net) jarirg; (seine) puhat; (cast-
musaflr (Ar.).
ing net) jala; (bag net) targkul;
Newfangled (-fang'gld), adj. per-
(landing net) farggolc; (shrimp
buatan bharu.
net) sondorq;'^ (crab net) heritor,
New Guinea (nu gin'e), s. Papua,
Newly (-li), adv. bharu, tadi.
Net, adj. berseh. Net proceeds, pn- News (nuz), s. kliahar, iverta (Sk.)^
dapatan berseh* brita (Sk.).
Nether (ne^/t'er), adj. yarg di ha-
Newsboy (nuz'boi), s. hidak yarg
wah, sblah baivah.
mnjaja surat khabar.
Netting (net' ting), s. Tcerja mnji-
Newspaper s. surat
rat;* (network) jarirg-jarvrg. kertas akhbar
khabar, khabar,
Netting needle, choban*
Nettle (-tl), s. jlatarg* Nettle- Next (nekst), adj. (nearest) sblah,
rash,glgata* . dkat; (nearest in rank or age) yarg
Nettle, V. t. panaskan hati. di baivah. Next day, esok-rya,*
Neuralgia (nu-rarji-a), s. sakit
besok-rya. In the next hour, da-
urat puteh. lam satu jam, lagi. Next month,
Neuter (nn'ter), adj. (G-ram.) bu- bulan timbol, bulan dpan, lain
kan jantan dan bukan btina; (in biilan. Next time, Zam kali, bla-
biology) kdi. karg kali (B.). Next year, lain
Neutral (-tral), adj. (taking neither tahun, tahun hadapan,* tahun
side) tiada mnjambil pihak* tiada dpan (B.).
chartipur, tiada masok targan; (of Next, adv. di blakarg, kmdian.
medium quality) sdairj, sderhana Nib (nib), s. mata pena,* mata pen,
(Sk.). mata kalam (Ar.).
Neutrality (-tral'i-ti), s. hal tiada Nibble (i\\\)'h\),Y.\.i.uiggis,gutut.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Nice (nis), adj. (pleasant, as food) tadi,^ malam s-malam, s-malam.

sdap, enah (N".!.) ; (delightful, Late at night, jauli malam. To
agreeable) hag us, manis; (fas- spend the night, bermalam.*
tidious) pmileli, batyah stori (B.) ; Nightcap (nit'kap), s. kopiah ma-
(fine, skilfully made) lialus. lam.
Nicety (nfse-ti), s. l-alialusan. Nightdress (-dres), s. pakaian ti-
Niche (nicli), s. tmpat chiykrory dor.
dalam temboh* IkoJc. Nightfall (-fawl), s. snjakala.
Nick (nik), s. (in wood) tahelc, ta- Nightingale (-in-gal), s. buTbul
koJcj* (in knife blade
or plate) (Pers.).
sumhirg, soinberg (B.). In the Nightjar (-jar), s. burory tukary,
nick of time, pada sa'at yarg burory ktok-ktok.
btul* btiil kna tempo-tya (B.). Nightlong (-long), adj. s-panjarg
Old Xick, iblis, shaitan. malam.
Nick, V. t. takok* takek, sumbirg' Nightly, adv. tiap-tiap malam, sa-
kail, sombeiykan (B.). ban malam (N.I.).
Nickel (nik'el), s. nekel"^ (E.), tm- Nightmare (-mar), s. igauan,* mry-
baga piiteJi. iyo (B.).
Nickname (-nam), s.nama timary- Nightshirt (-shert), s. kmeja tidor,
tiniargan,'-^ glarari, natna glar-glar- baju tidor.
an, nama glar (B.), nama sindir-
Nighttime s. malam liari.
an* Nihilist (nfhil-ist), s. orary yarg
Nicotine (-o-ten), s. cliandu tm- 7uau mmbinasakan syala prentah.
bakau, rachun tmbakau (B.). Nimble (nim'bl), adj. pantos, laju,
Niece armk saudara (prem-
(nes), s,
dras, yancJiary (N.L).
piian), anak kponak'an (X.I.), Nimbleness (-nes), s. kpantasan.
anak pnakan (P.).
Nimbus (-bus), s. sinar kliliry kpala
Niggard (nig'gerd), s. orarg lokek, *
as below.
pada yam^bar orary saleh
Niggardly lokek, kdkut,
Nincompoop (ning'kum-poop), s.
(-]i), adj.
oraty nariar,'^ oraty ksasaran.
kihir/^ chekel,'^ bakJiil (Ar.).
Nine (nin), adj. smbilan.
Nigger (-ger), s.
Jaiygi,^ orary
Ninepins (mn'pinz), s. pi. main
orary Kapri.
Nigh (ni), adv. dkat, hampir,* dam- pa?ichary.*
Nineteen (-ten), adj. smbilan-blas.
Nineteenth (-tenth), yary k-
Night (nit), malam, malam hart.
s. adj.
smbilan-blas, nornbor smbilan-
Night after night, deri s-malam
k-s- malam,, tiap-tiap malam, saban blas (B.).
malam (N".!.), sari malam (B.). Ninety (-ti), adj. smbilan-puloJi.

Night cart, kreta tahi, kreta ta'ik Ninny (nin'ni), s. orary sasar.*
(B.). Night hawk, burory ktok- Ninth (ninth), adj. yary k-smbilan,
ktok, burory tukary. Night soil, nomb or smbilan (B.).
n,ajis jamban.. Night stool, pti Nip (nip), V. t. (between two sur-
jamban. All night long, s-mala^n- faces) apit, chrykam;^ (between
malaman/^ s-panjary malam, s- finger and thumb) chubit, pichit;
malam suntok/^ Day and night, (between the nails) ktil, ytu; (as
siaixj- malam. At night, malam- a crab or pincers) spit; (as insects)
malam. Last night, malam ktip. To nip olf, gntas.^

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
Nippers (nip'perz), s. 'kakak-tua Noisy (noiz'i), adj. bisiry, rioh, 5e-
kchil, ary/iup* piypit. choh*
Nipple (-pi), s. (of the breast) Nomad (nom't7,d), s. orary yaiy m-
putijy teteh, hujoiy susu;* (rubber lymbara*
of feeding bottle) putiiy susu, Nomenclature (no'men-klu-chur) ,
pntil susu;* (of a gun) tmpat nama-nama.

hep snapanj. Nominal (nom'i-nd), adj. nama

Nit (nit), s. tlor Jcutu. saliaja.
Nitre (nl'ter), s. sndaiva* yaram Nominate (-nat), v. t. (designate)
sndawa. sbot, sbotkan nama; (appoint)
No (no), adv. tidah, hukan, jaryan. tntukan.
No, adj. tidah, huhan. 'No more, Nomination (-na'shmi), s. sboian,
tiada layi, t'ada layi, hahis. Of no lial miybot.
account, ya-buhan. Nonacceptance (non'ak-sep'tans),
Noah (n5'a), s. nahi Noli (Ar. s. hal tiada m^iritna.
Nnn). Nonappearance (-ap-per'ans), s.

Nobility (no-bil'i-ti), s, hmidiaan, tiada liadlir (Ar.), tiada unjoh

hhsaran, htiiyyian; (high rank) niuka (B.).
barysa, paryhat. Nonattendance (-at-tend'ans), s.
Noble ,(no'bl), adj. midia, tiryyi; tiada liadlir* (Ar. uddlir).
(of high rank) herbarysa* haiy- Nonchalant (noN'sha-la>f'), adj.
sawan* berpaiyhat, hemsal haih. lalai,
alpa (Sk.).
Nobleman (-man), s. orary bary- Noncombatant (non'kom'ba-tant) ,
saivan* orary berbaiysa* oraiy s.
orary preman (D. vrijman)^
bsar-bsar, orary barysa baik. oraiy yaiy tiada berprary.
Nobody (no'bod-i), s. s'oraiy pun Noncommissioned officer (-kwn-
tidah, fada siapa-siapa. mish'iaid of'fi-ser), s. kopral, sar-
Nocturnal (nok-ter'nal), adj. ma- jan (E.), sersan (N.I.).
lam, pada malam, tryah malam. Nonconductor (-kon-duk'ter), s.
Nod (nod), v.i. (of the head) ary- barary yary tiada mmbaiva panas,
yoh; (as feathers or tufts) Impai;* hiiasa elehtrih, dan s-bayai-iya.
(be drowsy) miyantok; (drop the Nonconformist (-kon-form'ist), s.
head in sleep) snjyok,* teraryyoh orary yary berchrai deri-pada a-
(B.) yama hraja'an.
Nod, s. aryyoh. The land of N"od, Nondescript (-de-skript), adj. yan^
tidor. jil, plek,* lain deri-pada 'adat.
Noddle (nod'dl), s. otah. None (nun), adj. satu pun tidah,
Nodule (nod'ul), s. beryyol* fada satu pun, fada s'oraiy pun,
Noise (noiz), s. bunji, bliana;* (con- sdikit pun tidak.

fused) rioh, bisiry, yadoh, rioh- Nonessential (non'es-sen'shal), adj.

rndah, iiyar,* hyar-baryar,* be- tiada
ferdlu (Ar.), tiada perlu
cJioh* (X.I.), tiada wajib (Ar. ludjib).
Noiseless (noiz'les), adj. tiada ber- Nonexistence (-egz-ist'ens), s. ^-
buryi, diam, snryap. tiada'an.
Noisome (noi's?im), adj. yary in- Nonexistent (-ent), adj. tiada ada,
rosahhan, yaiy mmhinasahan , ber- Nonobservance (-ob-zerv'ans), s.

bricliana,* yary bnclianahan (B.). lalai.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
JNonpIus (non'pliis'), v. t. hiiyory- To poke one's nose in, niasok
h-an, Miriikati. taigan. To talk through the nose,
Nonresident (-rez'i-dent), adj. yairj srgau.
iiada titygal ttap. Nosegay (noz'ga), s. karargan tu-
JNIonresistance (re-zist'ans), s. lial rga.
iiada nilawan. Nosebag (-bag), s. karorg herisi
JVonsense (noii'sens), s. Iwut, sia- hkalan kuda.
sia* cliakap argin, talii argin, Nostril (nos'tril), s. loha?y hidorg.
auta, dory erg (X.I.). To talk Nostrum (-trwm), s.obat yarg ya-
nonsense, rapek, mrapek (B.). hiikan.
Nonsensical (non-sen'si-kal), adj. Not (not), adv. tidak, tiada, hukan,
karat, sia-sia, hukan-bukan, kosorg. jaiyan, ta'a (B.), trada (X.I.),
Nonsuit (non'suf), v.t. tolak hi- tra (N".!.). Not at all, skali-kali
c/iam. tidak. Is it so or not? ya hukan?
Noodle (noo'dl), s. oraig nanar/^ ya tidak?
onug ksasaran, orarg hnak. Notable (not'a-bl), adj. (plain,
.Nook (nook), s. chrok, sudut.'^ evident) trarg, tyata; (remark-
JNJoon (noon), s. trgah lian, huntar able) plek;^ (distinguished) ma-
baijarg-hayarg* trgah hari rni- solior (Ar. mashhur).
harg.^ Notary (no'ta-ri), s. loyar (E.),
Noonday (noon'da), s. tiyali hari. notaris (D.) (N.L).
Noose (noos), s. (set) jrat, ra- Notation (no-ta'shi/n), s. (record)
ck ek;"^ (held in the hand) tan- tanda perityatan.
Notch (noch), s. (in knife blade or
Nor (nor), conj. pun tidak, see j^late) sumhirg, somberg (B.) ; (in
X EITHER. wood) takok,'^ takekj (in trees for
Normal (nor'mal), adj. hperaturan, felling) serpeh;* (in fish or flesh
memarg, hiasa, lazim (Ar.). ISTor- for cooking) klar; (in the end of
mal school, skolah guru. a i^ost) chaiyap.*
North (north) s. utara, paksina. Notch, v.t. sumbity, somberg (B,),
Northeast (north-esf), s. timor- etc., as above; (as hair badly cut)
Jaut, see east. bertakek, tokak-takek, di-krip ti-
Northern (nor^/t'ern), adj. sblah kus.^
viara. Note (not), s. (mark, token) tanda;
Northward (north'werd), adj. arah (explanatory) tafsir (Ar.) ; (me-
utara, hala k'litara/^ arah shiah morandum) perirgatan; (informal
utara (B.). letter) sural rergkas;* (promis-
Northwest (north-west'), s. harat- sory) surat hutarg; (sound of
laid. music) buiyi lagu. Note of hand,
JVose (noz), s. hidorg. Xose or- surat hutarg.
nament, mukuti* (Tarn.). Nose Note, V. t. (observe) perhatikan,
rhig, (of cattle), klikir, kili-kili.* amat-amati,* chamkan; (heed)
Xose sore, rstoiy, rostojy (B.). iigat; (record in writing) tulis,
To blow one^s nose, huarg hgus, buat iiyatan.
'sarg iiyns* prah irgus (B.). To Notebook (not'book), s. buku per-
keep one's nose to the grindstone, irgatan.
tiada Ipas deri-pada kerja. To Noted {-eA), adj. masohor (Ar.
lead by the nose, chochok hidorg. mashhur).

ate, ask, am. final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mini/s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Notepaper (-pa-per), s. kertas Mis. seliat, yarg mnjeliatkari, yarg m-
Noteworthy {-^Qv-thi), adj. yarg fyiiborkan.*
patut di-irgat. Nourishment (-ment), s. (food)
Nothing (nuth'ing), s. satu pun niakanan, rjki {At. rizki), jerki
tidak. Nothing but, harya. ,sa- (B.).
liaja,'^chuma. .saJiaja. To make Novel (nov'el), adj. (new) bliaru;
nothing of (make light of), rergan- (strange) plek.'^
kan, rirgankaii (B.), perniudahan* Novel, s. kesali, chrita.
tiada indalikan; (not understand) Novelist (-ist), s. pigaraig chrita.
tiada mrgerti, tiada dapat. It is Novelty (-ti), s. (newness) kbharii-
nothing to me, ta'kna-mrgna sama an; (new thing) perkara bliaru^
sahya. To come to nothing, 7na- barwg yarg plek.^^
sok argin. To do nothing, arggor.'^^ November (no-vem'ber), s. bulan
Notice (no'tis), s. (observation) per- nobember, bulan orarg piiteh yary
hatian; (announcement) perklia- k-sbJas.
haran, pmbri tahu, pmbrita (Sk.), Novice (nov'is), s. (in religion)
plkat (D. plakkaai). miialaf (Ar.) ; (unskilled person)
Notice, V. t.
(observe) perhatikan, orarg yarg blum biasa, yarg bliaru
chamkan; (heed) irgat; (remark bJajar, magarg (X.I.).
on) ryatakan; (mention) shot. Now (now), adv. skararg,
ini juga,
Noticeable (-a-bl), adj. ryata. skararg ini; (introducing as
Notification (no'ti-fi-ka'sh?^n), s. new sentence) ada-pun* maka,^''
perkliahamn, pmbri tahu, kiyata'an. bhawa.* Now and then, kadarg-
Notify (-fi), V. t. (declare) lyata- kadarg, terkadarg,"^ ada niasa,"^
kan, khabarkan; (inform) bri ada kala,"^ tempo-tempo (N.L).
tahu. Now at last, bharu. Now high,
Notion (no'shiin), s. (idea) irgatan, now low, s-kjap tirggi, s-kjap
fikiran; (opinion) saiyka; (inten- rndali .

tion) maksud. Nowadays (now'a-daz), adv. zaman

Notorious (no-tor'i-ws), adj. ma- jman ini (B.), pada masa ini,*'
sohor (Ar. mashhur), m'aliim zaman skararg, tempoh ini.
(Ar.), tnar."^ Nowhere (no'whar), adv. tidak di
Notoriety (no'to-ri'e-ti), s. nama. mana-mana, di mana-mana pun
To seek notoriety, cliari nama, tidak.
charek nama (B.). Nowise (-wiz), adv. sdikit pun
Notwithstanding (not'wi^/^-stand- tidal:, satu pun tidak.
ing), prep, drgan tiada pduli, Noxious (nok'sli?/s), adj. yaig w-
drgan tiada liirau."^ adv. or conj. rosakkan, yarg mm^binasakan, ber-
surggoli pun dmkian^' bncliana,* yaig mmbri mudlarat
Nougat (noo'ga'), s. (of ground (Ar.), jaliat.
nuts) kacliarg gorirg sira* Nozzle (noz'zl), s. mulut.
Nought (nawt), s. see naught. Nucleus (nii'kli-?/s), s. (central
Noun (nown), s. nama, ism (Ar.). point) pusat; (starting point) asal,
Nourish (nur'ish), v. t. (maintain) permula'an.
bla* plihara, didek; (cause to Nude (nud), adj. tJanjaig, tJanjajgr
grow) bri subor, suborkan; (fos- bogil.
ter, encourage) majukan* Nudge (nuj), v. t. (with the elbow^
Nourishing (-ing), adj. yaig mmbri backwards) sigotg; (sideways)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; fo5cl, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
t?)ibi* sinjoh ;* (with tlie shoul- Nuptials {-^\ia\z),^, kahwin, nikah*
der) serygol* (Ar. nikdn).
Nudity (nu'di-ti), s. tlanja)y. Nurse (ners), s. ptgasoh;* (for prin-
Nugatory (-ga-to-ri), adj. (vain) ces) inarg;"^ (in European service,
sia-siu* perchuma; (of no force) Malay) aya; (Chinese) amu;
tiada berguna, hatal. (N.I.) babii* Wet nurse, mak
Nugget (niig'get), s. totyl'ol, pu- tetek. Hospital nurse, pmbla oratg
kal,'^ Hul* sakit* playan orarg sakit.*
Nuisance (nu'sans), s. (annoyance) Nurse, v.
(suckle) susui,* tetek,

ksusahan, piyakatan; (more se- kasi siisu (B.) ; (tend) bla,* pli-
rious) mudlarat (Ar.). To be a hara, piara (B.), jag a.
nuisance to, usek. Nursery (ners'er-i), s. (for chil-
Null (nul), adj. (of no force) mati, dren) bilek kanak-kanak; (for
hatal; (useless) tiada berguna. plants) smai.
Nullify (nul'li-fT), v. t. tiadakan, Nurture (ner'chur), v. t. bla,* pli-
batalkan, matikan. hara, didek.
Numb (num), adj. tiada bermsa, Nurture, s. (training) pmbla'an;*
kbas,* sbar. (food) makanan.
Number (num'ber), s. (quantity) Nut (nut), s. (iron) kpala pasak;"^
bilaryan; (multitude, many) ba- (fruit) no general term, varieties
lyak; (numeral) afyha* nombor are: betelnut, pinarg; candle nut,
(B.), nomer (N.I.). Out of buah kras; chestnut, brargan; coco-
number, yayy tiada terliitory, yarg nut, n/iur,'^ klapa; ground nut,
tiada terliisabkan (Ar.), yarg tiada peanut, kacharg tanah,* kacharg
tperwna'i.'^ Xumber one, nombor gorirg.
satu. Divination by numbers, Nutmeg (nut'meg), s. buah pala.
tUeh abjad (Ar.). Nutriment (nu'ti'i-ment), s. bararg
Number, v. t. liitorg, bilarg, hisabJcan makanan yaig miytiatkan* badan
(Ar.) ; (give a number to) buboh [kvatkan (B.)], makanan.
nombor; (amount to) berjmlah Nutrition (nu-trish'wn), s. pri m-
(Ar.). rguatkan^ badan, pri mrijehatkan*
Numberless (-les), adj. yarg tiada Nutritious (-us), adj. yarg mrguat-
terliitonj, yarg tiada terhisabkan kan"^ badan, yarg rnryehatkan,*
(Ar.), yaig tiada tpermna'i* yarg mryuborkan*
Numeral (nu'mer-d), s. argka.'^
Nutshell (nut'shel), s. kulit buah
Numerically (nu-mer'i-kal-h), adv. kras; (of a -coconut)
bilargan-iya. Xumerically greater, In a nutshell, digan rergkas*
lb eh bilaigan-nja. Nymph (nimf), s. bidadari, pri,*
Numerous (nii'mer-ws), adj. batyak, deivi,* dewa-dewa (B.).
ramai. Nymphomania '
Numskull (num'skul), s. orarg s. gila urat (Ar.) {pada prem-
drgu* oraig bnak, orarg bbal, orarg puan), gila laki.

Nun (nun), s. prempuan berkhalwat
Nuptial (nup'shal), adj. tiikah O (o), see OH.
(Ar.) (a), kahwin (a). Xuptial Oaf (of), s. (idiot) orarg nanar,'
bed, plamin* ranjarg kahwin (B.). oratg ksasaran.

9.te, ask,km, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; fdod, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Oak (ok), is.
pol:oh branjan hahi.* Objection (-jek'sh^^n), s. lial ta'-
Oakum (ok'wm), s. sahot pmakal* sudi. I have no objection, saliya
jnajun* Boatmen use Jculit glam tiada 'rggan,"^ saliya sudi. To
for caulking. raise objections to, hantalii.'^
Oar (or), s. day org, chiau* (Ch.), Objectionable (-a-bl), adj. (offen-
chawas.'^ sive) tiada berknan, ta'boleh ta-
Oarsman (orz'man), s. anak da- liau; see offensive.
yo7y,^ orarg yarg herdayorg (B.). Objective (-tiv), adj. (external)
Oasis (o-a'sis), s. tanali subur di laliir (Ar. tldliir). Objective
tigah padarg pasir. maksud.
Oat (6t), s. s-jnis hiji-hijian. To Oblation (ob-la'shi^n), s. persmbah-
sow one's wild oats, mnurut hawa- an; (of animals) korban"^ (Ar.
nafsu. q urban).
Oath (oth), s. sumpali; (profane Obligate (ob'li-gat), v. t. paksa^
swearing) hutok, sumjmh-sranah. krasi.
To take an oath, hersumpali, aigkat Obligation (-ga'shwn), s. (binding-
sumpali. To give the oath, suroh power) kuasa yaig mmaksa, k~
hersumpali. To break an oath, u-ajipan"^(Ar. ivajib) ; (state of
makan sumpali. being bound by a favour) liutaiy
Obduracy (ob'du-ra-si), s. liati- budi, liutarg kaseli.
latu, kras liati. Obligatory (-ga-to-ri), adj. harus,
Obdurate (-ret), adj. kras liati. wajib (Ar.), ferdlu (Ar.), perlu,
Obedience (o-be'di-ens), s. turuian (X.I.).
prentah, ta'at* (Ar. Taat). Oblige (o-blij'), v. t. (constrain)
Obedient (-ent), adj. yarg mnurut paksa, krasi, gagalii; (do a favour
pr entail, taat (Ar.). to) buat budi/^ buat baik (B.).
Obeisance (o-ba'sans), s. smhali, su- To be obliged (under a debt of
jud (Ar.), soja (B.) (Ch. cliliiu''- obligation), berhutaiy budi; (be
jid). To do obeisance, mnjunjorg compelled) terpaksa, tadapat
duIU'' tiada.
Obelisk (ob'e-lisk), s. tiarg hatu. Obliging (-ing), adj. baik budi,
Obese (o-bes'), adj. subal.^ tiada liamak.^
Obesity (-i-ti), s. subal."^ Oblique (ob-lek'), adj. (not erect)
Obey (o-ba'), v. t. turut prentah, serget; (not parallel) serorg; (as
turut kata, ikiit kata, taat (Ar.). a blow) tudirg.'^
Obituary (o-bich'u-a-ri), s. per- Obliquity (-lik'wi-ti), s. ksetyetan,.
kli aharan deri-lial orarg bliaru mati. kseroiyan; (moral) liati bergkok.
Object (ob'jekt), s. (thing) hararg, Obliterate (-lit'er-at), v. t. liilarg-
hnda, perkara; (that to which kan, liapuskan.
something is done) yarg di ,
Oblivion (-liv'i-wn), s. (forgetful-
also expressed by substantival deri- ness) klupa'an.
vatives, as, the object of his hatred, Oblivious {-m), adj. plupa,* ta-
khncliian-rya ; (end, aim) maksud, sdar.
kasad (Ar. qasad), tu]\ian;* Oblong (ob'long), adj. panjaigr
(Gram.) maful"^ (Ar. maful). ampat persgi mmanjarg.
Object (ob-jekf), v. i. 'rggan* ta'- Obloquy (-lo-kwi), s. kclilaan,.
herstuju, ta'sudi, ta'sualak. To nsta (Sk.), fitnali (Ar.), bncliana.
object to, 'Tggankan* tgalikan. Obnoxious (ob-nok'shz^s), adj.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

(blameworthy) herchla; (odious) sargkotan, alargan, aral* (Ar.

I'bnchian. 'aradl), gndala (Sk.).
Obscene language)
(-sen'), adj. (of
Obstetrics (ob-stet'riks), s. 'ilmw^
charut, charut-marut ; be- hid an.
haviour) chahol* luchalh, leclie.* Obstinacy (ob'sti-na-si), s. tkak,
Obscene abuse, maJci. ktkak'ari/' dgil, kras kpala.
Obscenity (-i-ti), s. charut, clia-
Obstinate (-net), adj. tkak, dgil^
bol/'' lucliali, leche,^ as above.
kras kpala, kpala hatu, hirgal*
Obscure (ob-skur'), adj. (shaded, Obstreperous (ob-strep'er-i/s), s.

hisirq, rioh. rioh-rndah.

dim) rdofj hlam,^ glap, suram;*
tersmhuryi, su-
Obstruct (ob-strukf), v. t. (block)
(hidden, retired)
lit;^ (humble) liina, rndah; (dif- skat, srgkarg, rhatf' (as a hole or
ficult to understand) kurarg tranj, drain) siimhat, tumpat* sndat;'^
'umum'^ (Ar. gkumiim ?). (get in the way, impede) tahan,
Obscure v. t. glapkan, Mamlcan,* sargkotkan, gndalakan (Sk.), sary-
smhuryilwi. kak, galarg, aralkan"^ (Ar. 'aradl).
Mam* Obstruction (-struk'shwn), s. skat-
Obscurity (-i-ti), s. Icglapan,
suram,'^ sulit* an, siimhat, sigkaig, gndala (Sk.) ;
Tcahina'an; (half-
see above.
light) irang-tmamrg.^'
Obtain (-tan'), v. t. dapat, dapati,
Obsequies (ob'se-kwiz), s. (after
burial) talUn (Ar.).
Obtainable (-a-bl), adj. yaiy holeh
Obsequious (ob-se'kwi-zfs), adj.
tertundolc-tundol' .
m- Obtrude (-trood'), v. t. tmpoh,.
Obsequiousness (-nes), s. lial

nundol'ltan din. tm.poh masok, rmpoh.'^

Obtrusive (-troo'siv), adj. (in con-
Observance (ob-zerv'ns), s. (act
versation) mulut
of obser\^ing) hal mmgarg, hal m- gapil.''^
Obtuse (-tus'), adj. dnipak;"" (of
nurut; (rite, custom) peraturan,
'adat. mind) digii,'^ tumpol, hnak.
Obtuseness (-nes), s. kdrnpaVan,"^
Observant (-ant), adj. ya^g mrg-
chamkan. drgu,^ as above.
Obverse (ob'vers), s. (of a coin)
Observation (ob'zer-va'shim), s.
kpala, ihu,'* see keveese.
(act of observing) lial tnmperhati- Obviate (-vi-at), v. t. (remove from
kan, hal mrgchamkan; (view) p- the path) tpikan, shlalikan;
mandargan; (remark) kata; (in-
(avoid) elak.
formation obtained) chaman* Obvious (-?/s), adj. trarg, ryata.
Observatory (ob-zerv'a-to-ri), s.
Occasion hal yarg
(ok-ka'zlK/n), s.
rumah tmpat mnroporg laigit.* herlaku,'^
perkara; (cause) shah,
Observe (ob-zerv'), v. t. (keep, as asal; (need) giina, hajat* (Ar.
a feast) pganj, pegarg (B.) ; (obey,
mijat) ; (time) ktika.
as a rule) ikut, turut; (pay at-
Occasion, v. t. shahkan,* datargkan^
tention to) iiyat; (notice with haw a.
care) perhatikan, chamkan; (see) Occasionally (-al-li), adv. skali-
lihat, tergok; (say) kata. skali, kadarg-kadary, terkadarg-ka-
Obsolete (ob'so-let), adj. tiada ter- darg,'^ ada kala,"^^ tempo-tempo
pakai lagi. (X'.L).
Obstacle (ob'sta-kl), adj. skatan, Occidental (ok'si-den'tal), adj. s-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ico^ it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, s5rry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
Mah atas aryin,* shlah harat, magh- arms) krit'a* kreta* gulita (B.) ;

rib (At.). (the longest, devilfish) doyak.*

Occult (ok-kult')? adj. tersmbnn/i, Ocular (ok'u-ler), adj. ya7y mlihal,
sulit* (Ar.).
glia'ib The occult yaig di-lihat, yaiy di-liliat diyan
sciences, 'ilmu liikmat (Ar.). maia sndiri.
Occupant (ok'ku-pant), s. orarg Oculist (-list),s. doktor 7nata, iabib

yarg mmakai, oraty yarg mrg- niata* (Ar. Tabib).

diami.* Odd (od), adj. (not paired) sblali,
Occupation (-pa'slmn), s. pnchari- tiada kawan; (of numbers) ganjil;
ati, pkerjaan. Occupation Toad, (left over, extra) Ibeh; (peculiar)
jalan pada tanali sndiri. plek.*
Occupier (-pl-er), s. orarg yanj iiirg- Oddity (od'i-ti), s. plek'ari*
diami,'^ tuan rumah. Odds (odz), s. (in betting) kuya.^
Occupy (-pi), V.
(use) pakai;
t. Ai odds, bersliseh. Odds and ends,
(take ambil; (hold)
possession) kropas-krapisj^ kertak-kertik (B.) .
pgarg, peganj (B.) ; (employ, as Ode (5d), s. slia'ir (Ar.), pantun.
time) gunakan; (as a home) Odious (o'di-Ms), adj. kbnckian.
diamij^ dudoki, tuiggui,^ titygal Odium (-um), s. bnclii.

(B.) ; (as land) mileki (Ar.). Odoriferous (5'der-if'er-iis), adj.

Occur (ok-ker'), V. i. (happen) jadi, vjaiyi, liarum.'^
berlaku/^^ jatoh; (be met with) Odour (o'der), s. ban.
ada, datatg; (come to mind) ter- Of (ov), prep, (from, out of) deri-
itgat. It did not occur to me, pada; (concerning) deri-hal, fasal;
sahya tiada terbyat. sometimes no equivalent is neces-
Occurrence (-kiir'rens), s. hal, per- sary, as, because of, sbab; the days
kara. Occurrences, lial-eliwal,^' of Moses, zaman* Musa, jman
pri-lial.^ Musa (B.) ; the island of Sumatra,
Ocean (o'shan), s. lautan. Pulau Percha. Of late, tiada bra-
Oceanic (o'shi-an'ik), adj. laut (a). pa lama. Of no consequence, tidak
Octagon (ok'ta-gim), s. baiyunan apa, tiada mrgapa.* Of old, dhuhi
dlapan persgi,^ bararg yarg lapan kala. Of one^s self, sndiri-tya.
bersgi (B.). Off (awf), adv. (distance) jauh-nja,
Octagonal (ok-tag'o-nal), adj. d- as, two miles off, dua batii jauh-
lapan persgi,^ lapaii bersgi (B.). nja; when used after a verb, the
Octave (ok'tev), s. dlapan bunji idea is e:^ pressed in Malay by using

dalam layii. a different verb. From off, deri

Octavo (ok-ta'vo), s. bsar-iya ke.rtas atas. Off' and on, kadary-kadatg ,

yarg di-lipat jadi dlapan lapis. terkadaty-kadatg.^ To be off,

October (-to'ber), s. bulan orarg pergi. Be oft', tyah-lah,'^' hincliit.*

puteh yarg k-s-puloli. Come off, go off, etc., see come,

Octogenarian (ok'to-je-nar'i-an), GO, etc. Hands off, Ipas. To be
s. orarg ber'umof dlapan-puloh atau well off(comfortable), snatg;
lb eh. (rich) mampu. To be badly off',
Octopus (ok-to'pws or ok'to-pws), niiskin.
s. (the smallest, spherical) pom- Off, prep, deri, jauh deri, jarak-tya
porg :* (oval) chomek;* (a span deri.'^

long) nus;* (longer, with shell) Off, adj. (riglit side) sblah kanan;
sot org; (small body and long (leisure) Ipas.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ; ice, it, fire^

mirror; 51d, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure.
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Offal (ortal), s. (of meat) tetelf Office (of'iis), s. (duty to another)
(carrion) daniir. jasa (Sk.) ; (charge or trust im-
Offence (of-fens'), s. (crime, sin) posed) pgargan, pegaigan (B.),.
dosa, ksalahan; (anger) marah, Jc-
jawatan;'^ (function) pkerja'an;
inarahan. To
take ofl'ence, amhil (place of business) opis (E.), gu-
salaJi, naik marali, gnsar* rsan* daig, pjabat (J.)^ kantor (X.I.).
aiiieJc marah (B.). Officer (-er), s. pnjaivat* pgaivaif'
Offend (-fend'), v. t. (displease, (military, of high rank) prglima;
make angry) maralil-an, sakitkan (lower) huhibalarg/^ Chief officer
hail; (harm) sahiti. (of a ship), m'alim, striman (N.I.)
Offend, V. i. (sin) luat salali, her- (D. stuurman). Second officer,
dosa; (displease) naikkan marah, m'aUm dua. Medical officer, dok-
kasi marah (B.). tor kompni. District officer, p~
Offended (-ed), adj. sakit hati.
gavmi jajalian/^ kontlel (N.I.) (D.
Easily offended, prgchil hati,^' k- controUeur).
chik "hati (B.). Official (of-ffsh/al), adj. jawatan,*-
Offender (-er), s. orarg salah, orarg pgawai* (a), denis (N.I.) (D.
herdosa. die list).
Offensive (of-fen'siv), adj. (dis- Official, s. pjijawat* pgawai* kon-
pleasing) yarg mnaikkan marak, tlel
(N.I.) (D. controUeur).
yarg mnibakar hati; (of words) Officially (-li), adv. drgan prentali.
pdas; (of behaviour) kasar, biadah Officiate (-i-at), v. i. jalankan p-
(Pers.) ; (disagreeable, of sight
or sound) jarggah"^^ sumharg;* (of
Officious (-?/s), adj. yarg mrggaig-
smells) maunj; (attacking) yarg
gu,^ yaig masok taigan.
mlaiggar. 'To act on the offensive, Officiousness (-nes), s. prggarggu-
7unjrarg musoh.^'
Offer (offer), v. t. (as an act of
Offing (offing), s. (distance from
worship) persmhahkan/^ smbah-
shore) jauh-iya deri darat.
yargkan (B.) ; (present, to a king)
Off scouring (awfskowr-ing), s.
persmbahkanj* (to equals) unjok- ham pas.
kan;* (as a present or bribe) ia-
varkan,^' sororg; (bring to) bawa;
Offset (-set), s. (something given in
exchange) balasan, pertukaran^
(declare one's willingness) htidak,
man; (bid) tawar. To offer in gantian.
Offshoot (-sh5ot), s. chabarg.
marriage, pinarg/^ mminaig (B.).
To offer one's services, Offspring (-spring), s. kturunan^
diri* anak, anak-chucJiii-chichit, anak
Offer, bnah.
(expression of willingness)

Oft (awft), adv. poetic form of
maksiid; (bid) pnawaran.
of marriage, pminargan. To OFTEX, q. V.
make an offer, tawarkan. Often (awfn or awf ten), adv. krap^
Offering (-ing), s. persmbahan; (of krap kali, kuat,^ srirg kali (N.I.),.
animals) korban'^ (Ar. qurbdn). srirg-srirg (N.I.) How often,.

Offertory (-to-ri), s. ivarg persmhah- brapa kali.

nn di greja. Ogle (o'gl), V. t. jlirg, kerlirg,*"
Offhand (awfhand'), adj. seria- main-mata.
merta. Ogre (o'ger), s. raksasa (Sk.), ger^

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
gasi (Sk.), neneh gergasi (B.), Omen (o'men), s. pdah,^ padah,^
jin, dnawa (Sk.). 'alamat, chogan (Pers.).
Oh (o), int. (in addressing God, Ominous (om'i-n?(s), adj. ta'baih

kings, prophets, etc.) ya; (in call- pdali-rya,'^ 'alamat-rya ta'baik, sial.

ing a person) he, Jiai; (to express Omission (o-mish'wn), s. (the act)
pain, grief, etc.) adohi; (surprise)
]ial mnirggalkan, etc., as below,
amholii, ivali. (that which is omitted) ktiiggalan,
OH (oil), s. miiyak. Mineral oil, largkauan/^ largkahan (B.).
miiyah tanali, tniryak gas.
Omit (5-mit'), v. t. (leave out)
Oil, V. (smear with oil) minjahki,
t. tirggalkan; (pass by) largkau/^
lalui* lalaikan,'^ largkah (B.).
sapu miryak; (as pans in cooking)
lenser/^ Ihgsirf^ (lubricate) huhok
Omnibus (om'ni-bws), s. kreta tarn-
miiyak. banjan, kreta pos (E. post).
Oilcloth (oil'klawth), s. kain gtuli, Omnipotence (om-nip'o-tens), s.

tikar gtah. kudraf^ (Ar. qudrat).

(for flooring)
Oilstone (-ston), s. balu asah prg- Omnipotent (-tent), adj. maha
Omniscience (om-nish'ens), s. m-
Oily (-i), adj. hermiryak.
Ointment s.
'arifat (Ar.).
(oiut'ment), miryak
Omniscient (-ent), adj. yarg amat
gosok'an, minjak gosok, miiyak hau-
hauan* minjak raksi.* migtahid.'^

Old or age)
Omnium gatherum (om'ni-?<m
(old), adj. (in years s.
new or recent, ga;^/^'er-?aii), kropas-krapis*
tua, ber'umor; (not
kertak-kertik (B.).
formerly existing) lama; (an- Omnivorous (om-niv'er-ws), adj.
cient) dliulii, dhulu kala, zaman lalu
plaliap/'' blalah,^ mmhujor
dhulu/^ jman dhidu (B.) ; (worn
In one's old age, mlintaiy patah^ (Prov.).
out) bur ok. On (on), prep, di, atas, di alas, pada;
pada masa tua-rya* hila tua-tua
Old maid, anak dara tua. (where motion is implied) k-,^
k'atas/^ di atas (B.) ; (time) pada,
Old Xick, sliaitan, iblis.
as, on Sunday, pada hari mirggo.
Olden (okVn), adj. Olden times, On fire, terbakar, berryala. On
dliulu kala, perba-kala (Sk.).
guard, berjaga. On one another,
Old-fashioned (-fash''wnd), adj. bertindeh-tindeh. On the way,
biiatan dhulu, model lama (N.I.),
tigah jalan. On the whole, dalam
'adat dhulu-dhulu (B.).
sgala lial-ehwal.* Heaps on heaps,
Oldish (-ish), adj. ktua-tua'an."^
Oleaginous (o'li-aj'i-nifs), adj. ber-
On, adv. (forward) k-hadapan,^ k-
minjak. dpan,* di dpan (B.) ; (in continu-
Oleander bwga Jpun,
(-an'der), ance) lagi. Oii and on (continual-

bwrga anis.''^
ly) malar.* To push on, landa.'^
Olfactory (ol-fak'to-ri), adj. pn- Onanism (o'nan-izm), s. ranchap,*
chium.'^ lanchak (B.).
Oligarchy (ol'i-gar-ki), s. prentah Once (wuns), adv. s-kali. At once
orarg sdikit. (immediately), 5-?m^ar juga, drgan
Olive (oViv) , s. zaitun (Ar.). Olive sgra, lantas (N.I.) ; (simultaneous-
oil, miryak zaitun (Ar.). ly) s-kali gus, s-rmpak.* Once and
Omelet (om'let), s. kueh dadar. again, s-kali s-kali. Once for all.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
s-l'ali Once in a while,
sahaja. Ooze, s. lumpur.
* kada
terkadaty-ka daty, irj-kada ly. Opacity (o-piis'i-ti), s. kusam.*
Once or twice, .^-kali dua* satu Opal (6-pal)baiduri (Sk.).

dua kali. Once upon a time, s- Opaque (o-pak'), adj. kusam.*

kali perstua* (Sk. praMawa). Open (o'pn), v. t. buka; (expand, as
One (wim), adj. satu, s-, suatu* an umbrella) kmbatykan; (ex-
asa;* (of things in pairs) shlah. pose) ddah; (draw, as curtains)
For use of numeral coefficients, see sirykap; (begin) mulai. To open
A. All one, sania sahaja, sama the mouth, lyatyakan mulut. To
jiiya. Also see only. open the eyes, chlekkan mata. To
One, s. satu, s'oraty, s'ekor, etc. At open out (as a hook), Irykary,*
one, berstuju. One by one, satu- Ika.*
satu, satu-persatu/^ s'orary Ipas s'- Open, V. i. buka; (expand) kttibary.
oraty. One or the other, saJah Open, adj. terbuka; (of the mouth)
satu. tertyatya; (of the eyes) chlek;
One, pron. omty. (of doors or pots) terblaryahj*
Onerous (on'er-us), adj. brat. (of texture) jarary; (without en-
Oneself (wun-self), pron. sndiri, cumbrance) lapaty; (of the mind,
diri-iya; usually one's self. By not secret) trus traty; (not set-
one's self, sfidinan* s-batary tled) blum slsai, blum slise (B.) ;
karah, s-bataty yalah,* terkotery- (exposed) terddah. Half-open,
kotety."^ terlatyah.^
Onesided (-sid'ed), adj. sblah, brat Opener (-er), s. pmbiika.
sblah; (unjust) tiada 'adil. Open-handed (-hand'ed), adj. ta-
Onion (un'yim), s.
bawaty; (the ryan terbuka, murah, murah hati.
largest) bawaty
jpun,* bawaty Open-hearted (-hart'ed), adj. tulus
btyyala; (smaller) bawaty bsar; hati, Tiiurah hati.
(smaller local ones) batvaty me- Opening (-ing), s. (commence-
rah. ment) permulaan; (aperture) lo-
Only (on'li), adj. tutyyal, s-bataty baty, mulut, chlah, liary.*
karah. He was the only man Openly (-li), adv. trus traty, ryata-
present, chuma dia sahaja yary ryata.
hadlir.* Openmouthed (-mow^/id'), adj.
Only, adv. sahaja, hatya,* chuma, tertyatya; (with astonishment)
juya, hatya. .sahaja,"^ chuma.. sa- termaryu-m.aryu.'^
haja, s-kadar* (Ar. qadar). Openwork (-werk), s. (in needle
Wearing trowsers only, bersluar work or carving) krawaty.
bidat-bulat.* Opera (op'er-a), s. wayaty lyatyian,
Onset (on'set), s. tmpoh, rmpoh,* tntidu, komedi batysawan (N.I.).
sratyan,* attiok, terpa. Operate (-at), v. i. (exert power)
Onslaught (-slawt), s.
= onset, q.v. tunjokkati khasiat (Ar.) ; (of sur-
Onus (o'nws), s. taryyoryan. geons) blah, pototy.
Onward (on'werd), adj. k-hadap- Operation (-a'sh?m), s. perbuatan,
ati,'^ k-dpan, k-ttiuka.* pkerjaan; (in surgery) pttiblahan.
Onyx (5'niks or on'iks), s. batu Operative (-a-tiv), adj. berkhasiat
utiatti.* (Ar. khdsiyat), berksiat (B,).
Ooze (o5z), V. i. leleh, mleleh (B.). Operator (-a-ter), s.
titis. tukaty.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; Ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mini/s, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Ophir (olev), s. Mount Ophir Oppression (-presh'?/n), s. (tyran-
(near Malacca), Gunorg Ledarg. ny) aniaya, tlalim (Ar.) ; (of the
Ophthalmia (of-thrirmi-a), s. saJcit stomach) snoh;* (with pain)
mat a. snak ; (of the spirits) khratan.
Opiate (5'pi-et), s. ohat hius (Pers. Oppressive (-pres'iv), adj. (too
hiliaush), ohat tidor. severe) terlalu kras; (tyrannical)
Opine (o-])In'), v. i. sargka, fihir. prganiaya,'^ tlalim (Ar.) ; (heavy)
Opinion (o-pin'yz/n), s. fikiran, hrat; (of heat) trek.
sargka, hicliara,^ kira, timha^gan. Oppressor (-er), s. piy aniaya.'^'
Of tlie same opinion, sama s-kata.
Opprobrious (-pr5'bri-s), adji (of
Opinionated (-at-ed), adj. dgil, words) 7is{a (Sk.), kjir^ (in-
tkak. cJda.
Opium (o'pi-?aTi), s. apiunf' (pre- Opprobium (-vm), s. kji/' nsta
pared) vliandu, mad at. (Sk.), kclila'an.
Opponent (op-po'nent), s. lawan; Optics (op'tiks), s. 'ihnii^ prglihat-
(adversary) stru.'^ an.
Opportune (op'por-tim), adj. (con- Optician (op-tish'an), oranj yarg

venient) snarg; (timely) her- 7nmhuat troporg dan chermin-

srnpatan,^ pada ktika-rga, htul mata.
kna tempo-iya (B.).
Optimist (op'ti-mist), s. orarg yanj
Opportunity (-tii'ni-ti), s. (fit
m/tyaigkakan s-hararg perkara itu
time) smjat, ktika yanj haik, saat haik.
yarg haik/" pluaigJ^^ favourable A Option of
(op'sh?/n), s. (power
opportunity, paksa:^ (in business) clioice) kuam mmileli, akhtiar
lohanj, chlali (P.)-
{AT.ikhtiar) ; (freedom of choice)
Oppose (op-p6z'), (put in
V. t.
khehasan; other
opposition) adnkan; (contend Local option,
course) jalan lain.
against) lawan, larggar, sorgsorgf^ kuasa mmantargkan arak dalam
(withstand) tahan, tritatg; (in satu da'irah.*
arf^ument) hanialdf (a person's Optional (-al), adj. (not compul-
wishes) Jalui,^ poto'ig.
sory) di-paksa, yarg hukan
Opposed (-pozd'), adj. tiada her-
icajih (Ar.) ; (at one's own discre-
knari, tiada herstuju.
tion) atas timhaigan sndiri.
Opposite (facing)
(op'po-zit), adj.
Opulence (op'u-l<?ns), s. kkayaan.
hertntarg (B.), m-
nnfarg;'^ (across a road or water)
Opulent (-lent), adj. kaya, herherta.
Or (or), conj. atau. Either, .or. .,
shrarg : (other) lain; (different,
haik. .haik. ., atau .atau. ., .

contrary) hersaJalian,^ herlainan.

pun.. pun. Either old or .young,
Opposite, s. hersa'alian/" lawan.
of haik tua haik rn/uda, tua pun muda
Opposition (-zish'^/n), s. (act
pun Is it hot or cold, panas-kah
opposing) perlawanan, lial mna-
sjok-kah. Or else, kalau tidak.
han; (things or people which op-
Oracle (6r'a-kl), (of God) firman
pose) lawan; (in discussions) per-
hantahan,'^ pertnjkaran (B.). (Ar.).
Oppress (op-pres'), v. i. (burden) Oracular (o-rak'u-ler), adj. (with
hratkan; (treat cruelly) aniaya- authority) herkuam.
kan. I felt oppressed, hrat ram- Oral (or'fl.l), adj. drgan mulut,
nja arggoia-kn."^ drgan lafatl (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Orange (or'enj), s. Umau manis, Order, v. t. (command) suroh; (of
manis (B.), jrok (IST.!.).
Jenio kings) Utah* sabda (Sk.) ; (give
Orange, adj. werna pinaty masak, an order for) psan, odar (E).
ji}(j<ja, kuninj Umau. Orderly (-li), adj. (regular) bper-
Orang-outang (o-miig'oo-tang), s. aturan, bperrumahan;* (not un-
rnaiias;^ oiarrj liuian. ruly) dalam sntosa* dalam aman
Oration (o-m'slHm), s. ucliapan. (Ar.).
Orator (or'a-ter), s. oraixj yaiy peiah Orderly, s. soldado surohan* mata-
lidah,'^ oraiT) faseli (Ar.). niaia surohan, ndli (E.).
Oratory (-to-ri), s. (prayer room) Ordinal (or'di-nal), adj. aigka yaiy
sumu;^ lanjgar;'^ (art of public lununjokkan pargkat.*
speaking) iimu''' uchapari. Ordinance (-nans), s. (statute, law)
Orb (orb), s, hidaian. undajg-U7idanj.
Orbit (orbit), s. jalan peridaran Ordinary (-na-ri), adj. (settled)
bulan hiniaKjr' iertntu; (customary) kbiaman;
Orchard (or clierd), s. hhun huah- (commonplace) kbatyakan. He is
buahati. no ordinary man, dia bukan s-
Orchestra (or'kes-tra), s. (band) bararg-baratg oraig. Of no ordin-
hen (E.), ben biola, orkes'''' (E.) ; ary size, bsar-nja bukan buatan,
(Javanese) (/am Jan.* hsar-iya bukan kpalaig.
Orchid (or kid), s. arygrek, lau* Ordination (-na'slum), s. lantek'an
yakat.* Pigeon orchid, airjgrek padri.*
merpati. Ordnance (ord'nans), s. mriani.
Ordain (or-dan'), v. t. (of God) Ordure (oi'Mur), s. tahi,* talk
finnankan (Ar.), takdirkan (Ar.) ; (B.) (euph.) najis (Ar.).

(of a king) tiiahkan/^ (of prin- Ore (or), s. batu, a?, batu mas, gold
ces)sabda (Sk.) (by law) tntu-
ore. Tin ore, bijeh.
kan; (clergy) bri pargkat padri, Organ (or'gan), s. (of the body)
lantek.* aiggota (Sk.) ; (musical instru-
Ordeal (-deal) s. (test of guilt or ment) pti bunji-buiyian, pti ryaryi
innocence) prgujian; various me- (B.), organ* (E.), orgel (N.L)
thods being, sumpah yasin/^ sum- (D.). Mouth organ, tiop-tiop.
pah tpok bumi, sumpah tpok kor- Digestive perkakas mirj-
'an;* (painful experience) seksa, hadlamkan makanan.*
sfgsara (Sk.), 'azab* (Ar.'adzdb). rative organs, kmalnan.
Order (or'der), s. (arrangement) Organic (or-gan'ik), adj. (of the
aturan, peraturan, tertib, (Ar.) ; organs) arggota (a) (.Sk.) ; (con-
(custom) 'adat; (public quiet) nected with living matter) hidop.
.^7itosa* am^an (Ar.) ; (command) Organism (or'gan-izm), s. bararg
hukum, Utah* mbda (Sk.), pren- yarg hidop, bnda liidop.
iah; (commission) psanan; (rank) Organization (-i-za'shwn), s. (the
paigkat, mertabat (Ar.) ; (pi.) act) hal mrgaturkan; (the state,
pafTjkat padri. In order to, kerna, thijig organised) peraturan.
sbab h^idak, man. In order that, Organize (-iz), v. t. aturkan.
>i]iajia. Order of battle, ikatan Orgasm (or'gazm), s. shahwat
pratg.* In alphahetical order, ni- (Ar.).
nurut susunan huruf* (Ar. hi/.- Orgy (-ji), s. kUichahan.
ruf). Orient (-i-ent), s. negri yarg di

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, ben, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, care, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
haivah argin* negri di shlah ti- hagi anak piatii,'^^ rumah anal- yaty
mor. t'ada mak-hapak (B.).
Oriental (-en'tal), adj. timor, shlah Orthodox (or'tho-doks), adj. yarg
timor, shlah hawah anjin.'^ htul iman-rya."^
Orifice (or'i-fis), s. lohang, mulut. Orthodoxy (-i), s. iman yarg htul,^-

Origin (-jin), s.
(beginning) asal, perchaya yarg htul.
mula, permmla'an, awal (Ar.) ; Orthography (or-thog'ra-fi), s.

(cause) shah, mula; (spring, foun- 'ilmu^ heja (Ar.).

tain) pohon,'^' poJcoh.
Oscillate (os'sil-lat), v. i. (sway)
Original (o-rij'i-nal), adj. (primi- herayun,"^ hergoyarg; (fluctuate)
tive) yarg ami, yarg asal shili, asas
Oscillation s.
(Ar.) ; (new, not imitated) hharu; (-la'shi^n), ayunan,'^-
(former) yarg sdial-ala ('Sk.), yarg perohalian.
dhulu. Osculate (os'ku-lat), v. t. chium.
Osier (o'zher), s. jndahi,'^ dahu^'
Originality (-naFi-ti), s.

mida'i, huasa mrgadahan.'^ Osprey (os'pra), s. s-jnis huroig

Originally (-nal-li), adv. asal-rya,
mida-mida. Ossiify (os'si-fi), v. t. herohah mn-
jadi tulatg.
Originate (-nat), v. t. (begin)
Ostensible (os-ten'si-bl),. adj. yarg
midai; (bring into existence) ada-
di-ryatakan, yarg di-hhirkan'^ (Ar.
han; (cause to be) shabkan* judi-
"^^ tldhir) .
Jcan, terb it/can.
Ostensibly (-bli), adv. nampak-nja^
Originator (-na-ter), s. yarg mrg-
laliir-nja'^ (Ar. tldhir), rupa-rya.
adalxan/^ yarg mrgluar'kan.
Ostentation <'os'ten-ta'shwn), s. hal
Ornament (or'na-ment), s. per-
Hair or- miyegakkan diri.
prasan (B.).
Ostentatious (-sh^/s), adj. yaig m-
naments, hmga sisir, hurga tum-
lyegakkan diri, hersegak.'^
horg."^ Ostler (os'ler), s. gomhala kuda.
Ornament (-ment), v. t. hiasi,^ Ostracism (os'tra-sizm), s. hal di-
riashan (B.), guhahf (beautify)
toJak deri-pada perchampuran orarg
elohhan, srikan. ramai.
Ornamental (-men'tal), adj. yarg Ostracize v. t. tolak deri-
mnjadi perhiasan, prasaiv (B.),
pada persahahatan'^ [persohatan
yarg rnnjnh-an, eloh.
Ornamentation (-men-ta'shtm), s. Ostrich (os'trich), s. hurorg ontaj^
perhiasari; prasan (B.) (as carv- ;
huroig kasuari, which is properly
ing or patterns) hurga, guhah/'' the cassowary.
awan;'^ (on a white cap, or on the Other adj. lain. The
ends of a pillow) tampok. other side (of water or a road) s-
Ornate (or-naf), adj. hperhiasan.'^ hrarg. Every other day, herslarg-
Ornithology (or'ni-thol'o-ji), s. slarg hari, lat-lat hari. The
'ilmir hurorg-hurorg. other day, hari itu.
Orphan s.
(or'fan), (without fa- Otherwise (-wiz), adv. (different-
ther) yatim
(Ar.) ; (without ly) lain pula; (in other respects)
mother) piatu; (both parents dalam lain perkara; (in different
dead) yatwi-piativ^ (Ar. yatim). circumstances) kalau tidak, lamim
Orphanage (-ej), s. rumah wakaf tidak.'^'

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Otter (ot'ter), s. braiy-hrary* mm- Outbalance (owt-bal'ans), v. t. (ex-
brarg* anjirg ayer.^' ceed) Ibehi.
Ottoman (ot'to-maii), adj. osma- Outbid (-bid'), v. t. tawar Ibeli.
niah (Ar. 'uthmdniah) , turhi (a). Outbreak (owt'brak), s. gmpar.

Ottoman, s. oraty Turki; (couch) Outbuilding (-bild-ing), s. rumah

kalis'^ (E.). blakarg.
Outburst (-berst), s.
Ought (awt), V. paiut, liarus, wajib (of water)
You ought to go, lindak- panchutan* Outburst of anger,
lah argkau pergi, patut argkaii
naik marah, naik mradarg.
Outcast (-kast), s. orarg buargan,*
Ounce (owns), s. timhargan J tahil. orarg bargsat, orarg terbuarg.
Our (owr), pron. kita (a), kami* Outcome (-kum), s. ksudahan,
akhir (Ar.).
Ours hak Outcry (-kri), s. jrit,* mnjret (B.),
(owi-z), pron. kita puiya,
kita* kami hak kami* lolorg,* mlolorg.
Outdo (owt-doo'), V. t. lampaui,*
(Ar. uaqq).
Ourselves (owr-selvz'), pron. diri
Outdoor (owt'dor), adj. di luar
kita, diri kami,* kita sndiri, kami*
rumah; di tanah*
Outer (-er), adj. sblah luar.
Oust (owst), V. t. toJak, kluarkan,
Outermost (-most), adj. yarg di
luar skali.
Out (owt), adv. (outside) di luar;
Outfit (-fit), s.
klrgkapan,* alat
(if motion is impHed) k-luar;
(Ar.) ; (of clothes) s-lrgkap pa-
(away from home) t'ada di ru- kaian.*
mali, tiada hadlir (Ar.) ; (ex-
Outfitter (-ter), s. tukarg jahit.
tinguished) padam. Out and out,
s-rnata-mata. Out of breath, ter- Outflank (owt-flangk'), v. t. kporg
sayap musoh.*
mrgah-mrgah. Out of date, siidah
Jalu zaman^rya* tiada terpakai Outgrow (-gro'), v.t. Ibehi jargka,*
Out of doors, di luar, di bertumboh Ibeh deri-pada jargka.
tanah* Out of joint, terkochil* Outhouse (owt'hows), s. rumah
Out of place, ta'snonoh. Out of dapur, rumah blakarg.
the question, ta'boleh jadi, mus- Outlandish (owt-land'ish), adj.
tahil (Ar.). Out of reach, ta'- (strange) plek;* (barbarous) ka-
boleh sampai. Out of season, bu- sar.

kan musim-nja. Out of shape, Outlast (-last'), v.t. lagi tahan,

gen jut,* erarg-erut. Out of sorts, tahan Ibeh lama.
tasdap badan. Out of temper, Outlaw (owt'law), s. orarg yarg kna
marah. Out of ten, dalarn s- tolak deri-pada jaga'an hukum
puloh. OntottuJie,jarggal butyi,* negri.
takna lagu (B.). Out of
use, Outlaw, V. t. tolak deri-pada jaga'an
ta'pakai lagi. Out of the way, k- hukum negri.
ipi; (secluded) suryi; (wrong) Outlay (-la), s. blanja, orgkos
ta' patut. To put out of the way, (N.I.) (D. onkosten).
bunoh. Nothing out of the way, Outlet (-let), s. jalan kluar, tmpat
memarg. To go out, kluar: (for kluar, pintu.
a walk) berjalan, bersiar. Outline s.
(-lin), (framework)
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; Qse, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry J food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
rargl-a; (of a drawing) gamhar Outside (owt-sid'), s. luar, sblah
gawar-gawar* luar, kulit, lahir'^^ (Ar. tldhir).
Outlive (owt-liv'), v. t. liidop Iheh Outside, adj. yarg di luar, sblah
lama deri-pada. luar, lahir* (Ar. tldhir).
Outlying (owt'll-ing), adj. (dis-
Outsider (-er), s. 07'arg luar.

tant) jauli; (outside) shlali Inar, Outskirt (owt'skert), s. luar.

di luar. Outspoken (owt-spo'kn), adj. trus-
Outnumber (owt-num'ber), v. t. traig.
Ihehi. Outstanding (-stand'ing), adj.
Out-of-door (owt'uv-d5r'), adj. (not paid) hlum slsai, blum slise

shlali luar, yaig di luar, di tanafi.'^ (B.), hlum jlas,* tersargkot.

Outstretch (-strecli'), v. t. (of the
Out-of-the-way {-tlie-wdJ ) , adj. di
chroh, sunji.
arms) hidor, djM7g,* kdarg ;'^ (the
legs, straight out) bei'lunjor;
Out-patient (owt'pa-shent), s. o-
(wide apart) kaigkaiy.
raig herohat di tmpat sndiri.
Outstrip (-strip'), v. t. dhului,'^
Outpost (-post), s. pasoJca7i prgawal
di intra *
lancliaig* (W.).
hadapan Outward luar,
churah- (owt'werd), adj.
Outpouring (-por'ing), s.
shlali luar, lakir* (Ar. tldhir).
Outward, adv. k-luar.
Output (owt'poot), s. Muaran, lia-
Outweigh v. t. Ihehi
hrat, jadi Ibeh brat deri-pada.
Outrage (-raj), v. t. aniayakan, Outwit V.
(-wit'), t. (by cunniipj)
huat mudlarat (Ar.) (a woman) ;

perdayakari,* tipu.
qaqalii/^ krasi, rugol/^ rosakkan Outwork s. kubu yarg
(B.). di liadapan.
Outrage (-rej), s. aniaya, khrgisari, Oval tlorf
(o'val), adj. bujor (of
mudlarat (Ar.).
dishes) joroig.'^
Outrageous (owt-ra'jws), adj. Z-/i,*
Ovary (-va-ri), s. (in birds) prg-
bit as
gararg. kuntum;
ararg tlor;* (in plants)
Outrank (-rangk'), v. t. Ihehi parg-
(in animals and men) peranak,^
tmpat beranak (B.).
Outreach v. t. (by guile) Ovation
(-recli'), (o-va'shi^n), s. ksuka'an
pcrdayakan.'^ orarg ramai, kpujian orarg ramai.
Outrider (owt'rid-er), s. apitan raja Oven (uv'n), s. dapur, prum.^
herkuda.^ Over
yaij] (o'ver), prep, (above) atas, di
Outrigger (-rig-ger), s. (racing atas; (across) shrarg; (on) pada;
boat) slodaiT) f
(projecting row- (all over) sluroh, mraia; (be-
lock) pnalian day org tersampai;'^ yond) Iheh deri-pada.
(projecting spar of catamaran) Over, adv. (on the opposite side)
hatarg katir.* sbraiT); (remaining) tirggal, ter-
Outright (-rit), adv. s-kali gus,^ tirggal: (finished) habis, sudah.
serta-merta, sama s-lpuk* When used after verbs, the Malay
Outrun (owt-run'), v. t. dhului her- verb usually includes the meaning,
and then " over
lari* mnargherlari; (run beyond) "
has no equi-
herlari largso7g. valent. All over, s-gnap tmpat,
Outset (owt'set), s. permula'an, s-rata-rata tmpat. Over again, s-
aival (Ar.). mula, lagi s-kali. Over against,

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51<1, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) law, how, oil; thin then.
tntarg. Over and above, Iheh lagi, bles)Ichoh;* (of starch foods)
tanihahan piila. Over and over kntal; (by frying) hargns.
(again and again), ularg-alek,^ Overdose (-dos), s. obat terlbeh
herularq-idan) ; (turning over) deri-pada jargka.*
g uliry-glantarg , tergnlirg. Overdraw (-draw'), v. t. lampaui;*
Overalls (-awlz), s. slnar lapis di
(an account) Ibehi kira-kira.
luar. Overdress (-dres'), v. i. pakai ter-
Overanxious (-ringk'sh?(s), adj. lalu rarggi.
tersargat khuatir (Ar. khawaTir). Overdue (-du'), adj. lewat, lambat.
Overarch (-arch'), v. t. ruiykup/' Overeat v. makan
(-ef), i.
jrukvp^^ see EAT.
Overawe (-aw'), v. t. takoti, hi Overestimate v. t.
takot, kasi takot (B.). nilaikan terlalu tirggi,'* taksirkan
Overbalance (-bal'ans), v. t. ter-
terlalu tirggi (D. taxeeren).
Overexcitement (-ek-slt'ment), s.
Overbearing (-bar'ing), adj. (arro-
tersargat griihera.*
gant) somborg; (tyrannical) prg-
Overfalls (-fawlz), s. (^aut.) ba-
kat bersaborg.
Over-board (-bord), adv. k-Iaut.
Overburden Overfeed (-fed'), v. t. tamu,'^ talak.
(-ber'dn), v. t. hrat-
kati terlalu sargat.
Overflow (-flo'), v. i. lenibakf' (of
a river) bah, sbak* kojolif (a-
Overburden, s. (in mining) tanali
huarg/'' tanali padi,* tanali kosoig,
bound) lempali,* mlepali (B.).
tanali di atas.
Overflow (-flo), s. (outlet for

Overcast v. liquid) lelelian ayer, nilelehan ayer

(-kasf), (with t.

clouds) sapid /^ glapkan. Over- {>.).

casting (top sewing), lilit ubi. Overgrow (-gr5'), v. t. (with vege-
Overcast, adj. (of the sky) rdop; tation) srnak, rpoli.*
(of the face) muram;* (of the Overhang (-hang'), v. i. (hang
* over) gantorg; (jut out) anjurf^
moon) trarg-tmaranj
Overcharge (-charj'), v. i. Ibelii (overlap) terlbeh.
blanja, taroli herga tiiygi. Overhang (-hang), s. (projection)
Overcloud (-klowd'), v. t. Mam- anjuran,'^ terlbeh.
kan,^ glapkan; (of a hill) saput Overhaul (-hawl'), v. t. (inspect)
a lean* preksa, siasat (Ar.) ; (repair)
Overcoat- (-kot), s. baju luar, baju baikki; (overtake) dapatkan.*
sjok. Overhead (-bed'), adv. di atas k-
Overcome (-kum'), v. t. alalikan/" pala, di alas.
kalalikan, teiraskan."^ Overhear (-her'), v. t, (uninten-
Overcome, v. i.
mnarg. tionally) terdrgar; (intentionally)
Overconfident (-kon'fi-dent), adj. drgar-digarkan;'^' see eavesdrop.
terlalu Jiarap akan diri. Overjoy (-joi'), v. t. sukakan ter-
Overcrowded (-krowd'ed), adj. lalu sargat.
pnoli-ssak. Overland (-land), adj. darat. To
Overdo (-doo'), v. t. lampaui,* ter- go overland, jalan darat, mn-
largsotgkan (B.). darat.*
Overdone (-dun'), adj. (in cook- Overlap (-lap'), v. i. berlapis, ber-
ing) terlalu masak; (of vegeta- tindeli, bertindan.'^

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hiirry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Overlap (-lap), s. terlheh-rya, tin' Overseer (-ser'), s. (foreman) k-
dan* lapis. pala, mmidor (Port.), tandil
Overlay (-la'), v. t. (completely) (Tam.) ; (superintendent) pmrek-
salut;* (only on the top) lapis, sa,* kpala preksa (B.).
liputi* tutop. Overshadow (-shad'o), v. t. na-
Overlie (-11'), v. t. tindeli. orgi/^
Overload (-lod'), v. t.muatkan fer- Overshoe (-shoo), s. kasut gtah.
lalu haryah, isi mumboiy-muni- Overshoot (-shoot'), v. t. (exceed)
horg; (of ships) saratkan Ibeh lampaui,* Ibehi.
deri-pada patut. Oversight (-sit), s. (watchful care)
Overlook (-look'), (watch v. t. pnjaga'an; (omission, eiTor) silap;
over) turggui;* (supervise) jaga; (inadvertence) alpa (Sk.), Idlai.
(pass over without censure) la- Oversleep (-slep'), v. i. terlbeh
(neglect) alpakan (Sk.). tidor.
Overmuch (-much'), adv. terlam- Overspread (-spred'), v. t. (cover)
pau han/ak, terlalu sargat, terlani- liputi,*tutop, tudorgi*
pon haryak (B.). Overstate (-staf), v. t. lampaui,^
Overnight (-nif), adv. (the even- bsarkan.
ing before) 7nalam tadi, s-malam Overstep (-step'), v. t. laigkaliL
(B.) ; (during the night) s-pan- Overstock (-stok'), v. t. simpan ba-
jarg malam. To stay overnight, rarg terlalu banjak. Overstocked,
hermalam, tirggal satu malam pnoh ssak.
(B.). Overstrain (-stran'), v. i. tgargkan
Overplus (-plus), s. haki* (Ar. terlalu sargat, kraskan badan ter-
bdqi). lalu sargat, terlampau mnran.
Overpower (-pow'er), v. t. alaJi- Overt (o'vert), adj. lyata.
kan* kalalikan (B.), tewaskan* Overtake (o'ver-tak'), v. t. (come
falokkan (Ar.). up with) dapatkan;* (capture)
Overrate (-rat'), v. t. kira Ibeh taigkap.
deri-pada patut, agak terlalu ba- Overtax (-taks'), v. t. bri kerja
njak. terlalu trok.
Overreach (-recli'), v. t. (by cun- Overthrow (-thro'), v. t. (upset)
ning) perdayakan* tipu balekkaru; (defeat) alahkan,* ka-
Override (-rid), v. t. (supersede, lalikan (B.) ; (destroy) binasakan,
annul) batalkan, tiadakan.* rosakkan.
Overripe (-rip'), adj. (but still Overthrow (-thro), s. krosak'an,
eatable) ranum, magatg ; (more) kbinasa'an.
lodoh* boryor, moryoh (B.) ; (un- Overtop (-top'), v. t. (exceed)
eatable) busok. Ibehi; (make of less importance)
Overrule (-rool'), v. t. (rule over) rergankan, kurargkan.
prentahkati; (alter) obahkan. Overture (-chur), s. (request) per-
Overrun (-run'), v. t. (invade) minta'an; (in music) lagu per-
srarg,* naikki* datargi;'^ (grow mula'an.
over, as creepers) jalari* Overturn (-tern'), v. t. balekkan,
Oversea (-se'), adj. di sbrarg laut. terbalekkan; (vessels) tlurgkup-
Oversee, v. t. (watch
over) jaga, kan*
tu7ggui;* (supervise) jaga, man- Overvalue (-val'ii), v. t. nilaikan
dori,* kpalakan. terlalu tirggi."^

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, min-ws, cure, injure,
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin then.
Overweening (-wen'ing), adj. Pabulum (pab'u-lwm), s. makanan,
horgkak* kahidopan.
Overweight (-wat), s. tokok. Pace (pas), s. (step) largkah;
Overwhelm (-whelm'), v. t. (sub- (manner of walking) jalan, gaya.
merge) trgglamkan; (cover over) To keep pace with, jalan bersama-
(destroy) hinasakan.
liputi;* sama, berjalan sama s-largkah.
Overwork (-werk), s. kerja terlalu Pace, v. i. largkah, berlargkah, her-
Overwork (-werk'), v. t. kerjakan Pacific (pa-sifik), adj. (not quar-
terlalu sargat.
relsome) pndiam; (conciliatory)
Overzealous (-zeVus), adj. terlalu berdamai.*
rajin. Pacification (pas'i-fi-ka'shwn), s.
Owe (5), V. t. (be indebted) herhu- (the act) hal mndamaikan ;* (re-
targ hudi, berhutarg.
conciliation) perdamaian*
Owing (o'ing), adj. yarg mnjadi Pacify t.
(-fi),(make to be at
hutarg. Owing to, den shah, oleh peace) damaikan;* (calm, still)
shah, di-shabkan oleh*
snargkan, diamkan; (allay anger)
Owl (owl), s. hurorg hantu; varie- Imbotkan hati, sjokkan hati.
ties are: purggok, jampok* t-
Pack (pak), s. (bundle to be carried
tgok* on the back) bhan;* (in a basket)
Own (on), adj. sndiri, sndiri purya.
amborg, garirg (P.) ; (in a cloth)
His own, sndiri-rya. My own galas;* (on an animal) bban;*
house, rumah sahya sndiri. To
hold one's own, bertahan, tiada (bundle generally) burgbus;
Of its own material (bale) bandla (Port.) ; (a quan-
tity, multitude) baryak; (of
(not a separate piece), s-ryawa*
cards) s-kpala, satu kpala (B.) ;
Own, v. t. (possess) purya i,* her-
oleh* milehi (Ar.) ; (admit, con- (of dogs or thieves )^ s-kawan.
Hot pack (dry), tuam; (wet)
fess) mrgaku. dmah.* Pack animal, binatarg
Owner (on'er), yarg mmpunja'i*
mmbawa bban* Pack needle,
orarg yarg ampurya* pmilek ( Ar.),
si-milek (Ar.). The owner of a jarom guni, jarom goni (B.).
house, tuan rumah. The owner of Pack, V. t. (arrange closely) susun;
land, tuan tanah.
(stow) kmrn, dm pan; (fill close-

Ox (oks), s. Imbu, sapi (N.I.). ly) asak, padatkan.* To pack off,

Wild ox (Bos gaurus), sladarg; suroh pergi, ryahkan.*

(Bos sondaicus) bantirg.* tm- Pack, V. i. berkmas, bersimpan.

padau;* (Bos depressicomus) Package (pak'ej), s. burgkus.
anoa* sapi hutan.*
Packet (-et), s.
burgkus kchil;
Oxbird (oks'berd), s. kdidi. (steamer) kapal api mel (E.
Oxygen s. s-jnis wap. mail) ; (of palm sugar) turns.
Oyster (ois'ter), s. tiram. Packing (-ing), (the act) ber-

Ozone (o-zon'), s. s-jnis wap. kmas; (material to fill up) sndal-

an;* (to make joints) alasan; (to
cover a package) burgkusan.
Pact (pakt), s. pakatan, muafakat

Pa (pa), s. (father) pa\ wak* (Ar.), perjanjian.

Ha-tia (B.) (Ch.). Pad (pad), s.
(protection) alas.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, s5rry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f55d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
lapek;"^ (cushion) hantal; (of bour pains, rsa, sakit heranak
aiiimaJs) tapah kaJci, tlapak.^ (B.).
Pad, V. t. alas, lapek* hantalkan* Pain, V. t. seksakan, sakiti; (dis-
as above. tress) susahi; (grieve) dukachita-
Padding (pad'diiig), s. hantal. kan (Sk.), susakkan hati.
Paddle (-dl), v. i. (with the feet in Painful (pan'fool), adj. sakit, hisa,
water) aroiy f (in a boat) pdeh,'^ pdis; see pain.
(Xaiit.) herkayoli, berglibat;* Painless (-les), adj. yary tiada m-
(using a rowlock pnahau) um- tyakiti.
pil; (without a rowlock) satn- Painstaking (panz'tak-ing,) adj.
parg. (drawing the paddle in- yary amhil pduli, yary amhil iryat,
board) kahir;'^' (pushing out- yary amhil hrat.
board) uit. See below. Paint (pant), v. t. (with oil paint)
Paddle, s. (in boats) piyayoh; (at sapu chat; (adorn) hiasi,* riaskan
the stern) liu-liu;'^ (double- (B.) ; (the eyebrows) pantis;*
ended) glibat;"^ (for stirring or (the eyes) chlakkan;'^ (the face)
mixing) sudip;* (larger) dintorg, hdaki,'^ pakai hdak (B.) ; (a pic-
clientoiy (B.). Paddle wheel, ture) tulis,'^ lukis.
roda lamboiy. Paint, s. (oil) chat; (rouge) hdak
Paddock (-dwk), s. padaiy rumput Dierah, podar merah (E. powder).
kcliil. Painter (pant'er), s. tukary chat;
Paddy (-di), s. padi. Hill paddy, (artist) pnidis yamhar.
padi ladaiy. Painter, s. (Naut.) tali pnamhat.
Padlock (-lok), s. kunchi maiyga, Painting (-ing), s. (the act) kerja
ypoh-ypoh.'^ tukary chat, kerja mliikis; (pic-
Padlock, V. t. kimchikan dryan ture) yamhar.
maryya, gpoh-ypolikan.'^ Pair (par), s. (of similar things)
Pagan (pa'gan), s. orarg kafir. pasary; (if joined, as houses) han-
Paganism (-izm), s. snihahyary dory;'^ (as two widths of a sarory,
ora7y kafir. or as iish roes) kampoh;^ (of per-
Page (paj), s. (serving boy) hudak sons) jodoh. A pair of horses,
playan;* (of a book) 7nuka surat.'^ kuda jori (Hind.), kuda handory,^
Page, V. t. huh oh nomhor muka kuda dua, kuda pasary. A car-
surat.'^ riage and pair, kreta jori.
Pageant (paj'ent), s. tmasa (Pers. Pair, V. t. jodohkan, kmharkan.
tamaslia). Palace (pal'es), s. istana; (for the
Pagoda (pa-go'da), s. (Hindu tem- women) maliyai (Tam.).
ple) (Chinese) mnarah.*
kuil;'^ Palanquin (pal'an-ken'), s. plary-
Pail (pal), s. (iron) haldi (Hind.); kin, kreta kuroiy.
(of wood) tory; (small of tin or Palatable (-a-ta-bl), adj. sdap,
71 emat
upeh) tit aha. (Ar.), lazat (Ar. ladzat),
Pain (pan), s. (suffering) seksa, enak (N.I.).
sjysara (Sk.) azah^ (Ar. 'adzah) ; Palate (-et), s. laryit-laryit mulut;
(through sickness) sakit; (vio- (taste) tkak.
lent) hisa; (smsiTtmg) pret^pdeh* Palatial (pa-la'shal), s. ckara raja,
pdis; (in the stomach) snak; (in chara istana, sperti istana.
the body) riyat.* To take pains Palaver (-lav'er), s.
witli, amhil pnat, herusaha.* La- (flattery) pujok.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, ciire, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Palaver, v. i. pujok. Palsy (pawl'zi), s. tepok, lasa;* (in

Pale (pal), adj. pucliat, puchat ?s{,* initial 'stages) sbar, kbas* Impoh.*
puchat Iseh;* (of colours) mudaJ^ Paltry (-tri), adj. (worthless) sia-
Pale brown or red, perarg. sia* ta'guna; (trifling) rergan,ri-
Pale, s. (fence) pagar; (limit) sm- rgan (B.), chiiai* kchil, enterg
padan, kawasaii* (N.!.).
Pale, V. i. jadi puchat. Pamper (pam'per), v. t. (glut) kn-
Paleness (pal'nes), s. kpucliatan. njaiykan; (indulge) manjakan,
Palfrey (pawl'fri), s. kuda turg- horkan (B.).
garg. Pamphlet (-flet), s. surat rergkas*
Paling (pal'ing), kayu pagar. risalah (Ar.).
Pall (pawl), (mantle) laju sli-
s. Pan (pan), s. (iron, with handles)
mut, haju Mlawar;"^ (at funerals) kuali; (larger, no handles) kawah,
kai7i tudorg lorgf (when placed kanchah;* (of copper) grenserg;
over the corpse in the house) kain (of earthenware) blarga; (shal-
raliap,'^ kain smagi (N.I.). low) pasu* paso (B.) ; (of a flint-
Pall, V. i. (lose taste) tawar, mn- lock) tlhya bdil.*
jadi champah. Panacea (pan'a-se'a), s. pnawar
Pallet (pal'let), s. tinpat tidor. sgala pryakit.
Palliate (-li-at), v. t. (by excuses) Pancake (pan'kak), s. kueh dadar,
dalelikanf' (reduce) kurargkan, srabai.*
rdakan, reryankan. Pandemonium (-de-mo'ni-^m), s.
Palliative (-a-tiv), adj. yarg mrgu- tmpat perkumpolan sgala shaitan,
rargkan. gadoh bsar.
Pallid (pal'lid), adj. pucliat. Pander (-der), s. alku, barua, pi-
Pallor (-ler),kpuchatan.
s, narg muda (P.).
Palm (pam), s. tapak targan. Sail- Pander, v. i. talak 7iafsu orarg.
maker's palm (Naut.), pUt layer Pane (pan), s. (patch) tampal;
(D. plaat). (of a window) kotak; (the glass)
Palm, s. no general name, varieties kacha di-skat-skat. A pane of
are: coconut, ryiurj^^ klapa; areca, glass, s-kpirg kacha.
pinarg; sugar palm, kaborg; date Panegyric (pan'e-jir'ik), s. puji-
palm, khurma (Ar.), kromak pujian.
(B.) ; fan palm, palas;* also, ni- Panel (-el), s. (in doors or win-
pali, niborg, lontar* serdarg.* dows) papan kmborg;* (division)
Palmetto (pal-met'to), s. pokok petak.
pal as.
Pang (pang), s. sakit tikam-tikam,
Palmistry (pa'mis-tri), s. 'ilmu sakit mnchocliok-chochok. The
rtak targan.* pangs of hunger, ksakitan lapar.
Palmyra (pal-mi'ra), s. pokok lon- The pangs of death, srgsara maut.
tar.* Panic (pan'ik), s. terpranjat; (ter-
Palpable (pal'pa-bl), adj. (can be ror) dahshat (Ar.), grun, rgri.*
touched) yarg holeh di-jamah; Pannier (-yer), s. kranjarg bban*
(plain, evident) ryata. pal- A (s-pasarg) ; (on elephants) rerg-
lie, boliorc/ tgak-tgak* nam-
pable ka.*
pak-nampak hohorg (B.). Pannikin (-ni-kin), s. kpok.
Palpitate (-pi-tat), v. i. berdbar, Panoply (-o-pli), s.
s-lrgkap sn-
gmirap.* jata.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire *
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Panorama (-o-ra'ma), s. prylihatan Parachute (-sho5t'), s. payorg be-
ganibar s-klilirg.
s-klilirg, lun (E. balloon).
Pant (pant), v. i. term7yah-mrgah, Parade s. (the ground)
ch uryap-charyip, 7igap-rgap ;* medan (Pers. maiddn) ; (review)
(completely exhausted) termryeh- baris, Jatehan baris;* (show, dis-
miyeh;* (long eagerly) rindu. play) tmasa (Pers. tamasha) ;

Panther (pan'ther), s. harimau (pomp) kbsaran, lial mryegakkan

kwinbarg, hrimau hitam, harimo diri.*
kumbarg (B.). Parade, v. t. (show off) denderg-
Pantomime (-to-mim), s. ivayarg kan;* (assemble troops) krah-
klakar;* (dumb-show) isarat (Ar. kan.*
ishdrat). Parade, v. i. (as troops) lateh ba-
Pantry (-tri), s. bileh mryimpan ma- ris*
kanan, spen ( N.I. ) ( Eur. ) .
Paradise s.
(par'a-dis), firdaus
Pap (pap), s. bubor. (Pers.) (heaven) shorga. Bird

Papa (pa-pa', u. s. pa'pa), s. pa, of paradise, burorg chndrawaseh

pak, wak* abah* (Ar. abu), ivalid (Sk.), burorg dewata (Sk.).
(At.), ntia (B.) (Ch. rg-tia). FooFs paradise, ksuka'an si-bahlul
Papacy (pa'pa-si), s. pargkat kpala (Ar. buUul).
padn srani, pargkat papa* Paradox (-doks), s. perkara yarg
Papal (-pal), adj. papa* (a), 7ias- tiada di-sargka, perkara yarg mus-
rani (Ar.), srani. tahil pada fikiran*
Papaw (pa-paw'), s. = papaya, q. v. Paradoxical (-doks'i-kal), adj. yarg
Papaya (pa-pa'ya), s. bttah ppaya, tiada di-sargka, mustahil pada fi-
buah kpaya, bn.ah btek* katis
(N.I.). Paraffin (-fin or -fen), s. (wax-
Paper (pa'per), s. kertas; (news- Paraffin candle, lilin
like) lilin.
paper) stirat kliabar, akhbar
kreta. Paraffin oil, miryak tariah,
(Ar.). Paper money, warg ker-
miryak gas.*
tas, not (E.). Paper weight, p-
nindeh kertas. Paragon (-gwn), s. tuladan.
Blotting paper,
kertas lap, kertas pntap.* Chi- Paragraph (-graf), s. (division in
writing) fasal, bab (Ar.); (the
nese paper (thin), kertas jluarg,*
sign If) tanda fasal.
kertas tlor (B.). Wrapping paper,
kertas burgkus.
Parallel (par'al-lel), adj. (equi-
distant) berttar,* sama s-lari,*
Paper, v. t. alas drgan kertas (Ar.
sama jauh, sama jarak;* (simi-
qarrds) .

Papist (-pist), s. orarg nasrani,* lar) sama, s-rupa.

orarg srani, oratg tian-chu-kau Parallel, v. t. (make to conform)
(B.) (Ch. thien-tsu-kdu) .
samakan, srupakan.
Pappy (pap'pi), adj. sperti bubor, Parallelogram (-lel'o-gram), s.

clia'ir, Imbek. bargunan ampat persagi bujor.*

Par (par), s. sama. At par, saina Paralysis (pa-ral'i-sis), s. tepok,
herga. Above par, Ibeh herga. Jasa;* (in the initial stages) sbar,
Below par, kurarg herga. On a kbas* lumpoh.*
par with, sama digan, s-tara drgan. Paralytic (par'a-lit'ik), adj. tepok
Parable (par'a-bl), s. perumpama- (a).
'an, 'ibarat, kias* (Ar. qids). Paralyze (-Hz), v. t. (destroy en-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
ergy) liilargTcan kiiasaj (render in- baka, batgsa. Of royal parentage,
effective) batalkan. darah raja.
Paramount (-mownt), adj. yarg Parental (pa-ren'tal), adj. orarg
terutama (Sk.), yaiy nombor satu tua (a), ibu-bapa (a), mak-bapa
(B.). (a).
Paramour (-m65r), s. hidah, mu- Parenthesis (-the-sis), s. tanda
Jcah;* (euph.) pakolan.^ kuroig/^ bulari* [()].
Parapet (-pet), s. (of a fort) hubii; Pariah (par'i-a), s. orarg bargsa
(of a bridge) pagar; (of a roof) hina, paria (Tarn.).
pnahan atap; (of a well) temholc. Paring (-ing), s. kulit yarg ter-
Paraphrase (-fraz), s. m'ana kupas.
(Ar.), 7yiana (B.). Parish (par'ish), s. mukim (Ar.).
Paraphrase, v. t. iWanakan (Ar.), Parity (-i-ti), s. bersamaan.
manakan (B.). Park (park), s. (round a house)
Parasite (-sit), s. (hanger on) kamporg; (m a city) padarg;
ptyindi)y/^ prgechek; (of plants) (military) kandarg alat snjata*
pokok pnumparg; (of insects) Parlance (par'lans),s. pertutoran*
kutu. perchakapan.
Parasol (-sol'), s. paijoty. Parley (-li), v. i. berbichara, ber-
Parboil (par'boil'), v. t. rbus spar oh mashuarat (Ar.), berchakap-cha-
masak. kap.
Parcel s.
(-sel),(portion) bhagian; Parliament (-ment), s. majlis ma-
(package) burg kits. A parcel of shuarat krajaan.^
land, s-krat tanahj^ s-kpvg tanah, Parliamentary (-men'ta-ri), adj.
s-potorg tanah. mashuarat (a) (Ar.).
Parcel, v. t. (divide) bhagi. Parlour (-ler), s. bilek mryambot
Parch (parch), v.t. (scorch) layor; orarg, kamer mnrima ttamu
(in a pan) goriiy* gorerg (B.) ; (.N.L).
(by sun's rays) jmor; (make dry) Parochial (pa-ro'ki-al), adj. (of a
kritxjkan. parish) mukim (a) ; (narrow)
Parchment (pareh'ment), s. kertas
kulit kambirg.
Parody (par'o-di), s. surat ajok'an.
Pardon (par'dn), s. ampun, mahap Parody, v. t. ajok.
{At. mafdf). Parole (pa-rol'), s. perjanjian.
Pardon, v. t. (a person) ampuni,
Paroquet (par'o-kef), s. burorg
mahapkan; (a fault) ampunkan,
inahapkan (Ar. ma'df).
Pardonable (-a-bl), adj. yarg boleh Paroxysm (-oks-izm), s. bntan.
Parquetry (par'ket-ri), s. kayu
di-ampunkan, yatg boleh di-ma-
Pare Parricide (par'ri-sid), s. orarg yarg
(par), v. t. (the peel of fruit)
mmbunoh bapa-rya, hal mmbunoh
kupas; (the outer covering of rat-
To pare a hoof, buarg bapa.
tan) rant.
kuku. Parrot (-rwt), s. burorg nuri.
Parent (par'ent), orarg s. tua; Parry (-ri), v.t. elakkan, targkis-

(both parents) ibu-bapa, mak- kan/^ salahkan,* tpiskan.

bapa; (of prmces) ayah-bonda.* Parse (parz), v. t. uraikan satu-satu
Parentage (-ej), s. kturnnan, asal. perkaUian*- tasrifkan satu-satu^

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, ber, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mintfs, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
perhataan,^ Hrab^ (Ar. 'irab), see Participation (-pa'shmi), s. lial
cox JUG ATE, DECLINE. masok-champur.
Parsee (par-se'), s. orarg Parsi. Particle (par'ti-kl), s. (a little bit)
Parsimonious (par'si-m5'ni-'ws), s-chbis,'' s-butir, sdikit, jarah*
adj. diermat, jimat. (Ar.^ dzarrah). Not a particle,
Parsimony (-ino-ni), s. cliermat, sdikit pun tidak, s-biji hama pun
jimat. tiada^
Parsley (pars'li), s. dawn ktunibar. Particoloured (-kul-erd), adj. pan-
Parson (par'sn), s. padri. ella-icerna.'^

Parsonage (-ej), s. rumah padri. Particular

(par-tik'u-ler), adj. (in-
Part (pait), s. (a part) s-hliagian, dividual) tiap-tiap; (not general)
sparoli, s-trgali, s-hrat, s-blali, s- sndiri; (fastidious) chrewet, p-
potorg, etc., according to the me- 7nilehf (special, specific) khas"^
thod of division; (of a book) (Ar. khasa), khusus (Ar. khu-
jelet"^(Ar. jilid) ; (of \}\e body) si/s).
anjgota (Sk.) ; (share, lot) untoh; Particular, s. lial, prif (pi.) hal
(side in conflict) pihah* shlah. ehwal (Ar. aiiivdl, pi. of udl).
For my part, pada pihah saliya."^ Particularize (-iz), v. t. sbotkau
For the most part, hbanjal^an , ter- satu-satu, sbotkan satur-persatu.^
Ibeh haryalc. To take in good Particularly (-li), adv. (very)
part, berknan. To take part in, amat,"^ sargat, skali, terlalu; (es-
bercliampur. In part, sparoli. pecially) istim.ewa.^
Part, V. t. (divide) cliraikan, blah; Parting (part'ing), s. perchraian;
(divide in shares) bhagikan, un- (of the hair) blah rambot.
tokkan; (separate) chraikan, pa- Partisan (par-ti-zan', u. s. par'ti-
rakkan'^ (Ar. farak), asirgkan, zan), s. oraty s-fakat.
jauhkan, jarakkan.'^ Partition (par-tishVn), s. (the
Part, V. i. (break) putus; (depart, act) hal mnchraikan, hal mmblali;
take leave) berclirai, bermohon.^' (interior wall) dindirg, skat.
To part with, Ipaskan, titygalkan. Partition, v. (divide) bhagikan;

Partake (par-tak'), v. i. (take a (by walls) dindirgkan, skatkan,

part) masok, ada bliagian. To A partitioned room, bilek berskat-
partake of, makan. skat.
Partial (par'shal), adj. (not total) Partly (part'li), adv. sparoli, s-
sparoli, s-bliagian, s-krat; (biass- trgah.
ed) beJot k-sblali, chndrorg k- Partner (-ner), s. skutu,'^ kaivan
sblali.'^ Partial to, gmar akan."^ rakan,* tman,"^ korgsi.
To be partial, lakukan brat- Partnership (-ship), s. perskutu-
rergan,'^ tergok brat-rirgan (B.). an;'^ (company, firm) korgsi,
Partiality (par'shi-al'i-ti), s. chn- srikat (Ar. shankat). To be in
drofg liati* brat sblali. partnership, berskutu,* bersrikat
Participant (par-tis'i-pant), adj. (Ar.), berkorgsi.
yarg mnjerta'i,'^ yarg bercliampur. Party (-i), s. (side) piliak;^ (of
Participate (-pat), v. i. (have a troops) pasokan, ktumbokan;*
share) masok, champur, bserta,'^ (persons invited) orarg jamvan,*
heruntok,* champur targan (B.). ttamu"^ (N.I.) ; (entertainment)
To participate in, serta'i;"^ (joy? perjamuan;* (group of persons)
laughter, etc.) tumpaiy. kobok;'^ (participator) orarg s-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirro^; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin than.
fakat. Party wall, temhoh her- things) lial; (permit) sural k-
korgsi. bnaran, pas (D.), sural izin, per-
Parvenu (par've-nu), s. oraty yairj misi (iSr.l.) (D.).
bliaru termasohor (Ar. mashhur). Passable (pas'a-bl), adj. boleh di-
Paschal (pris'kal), adj. faskha lalui; (admissible) boleh di-bnar-
(Ar.), pa^ka (X), kati; (moderate) sda^y, sderhana
Pasha (pa'sha, pa-sha'), s. pgawai (Sk.).

Turki,* bashah (Turk.). Passage (pas'sej), s. (the act of

Pass (pas), V. i. lalu, berjalan Jala; passing) hal berjalan lalu, hal
(di.-appear) Innjap; (hap-
hilarg, miybratg, hal inlintasj* (transit)
pen) jadi; (be current) laku; (be tanibargan; (lane) lor org ; (in a
approved) tahan uji. To come to house) jalan; (between Malay
pass, jadi. To pass away, liilarg, house and kitchen) planiaran;*
Innjap, mati. To pass by, lintas* (clause) bob (Ar.), perkataan.
jalan lain. To pass on, jalan lary- Bird of passage, burorg berpindah.
sonj. To pass off (cease), liilarg, Passage money, tambarg.
herhnti, hrenti. To pass over, s~ Pass-book (pas'book), s. buku kira-
hmnj. To pass through (walk kira.

through) lintas;^ (penetrate) Passenger (pas'sen-jer), s.

tmhtis; (slip through) lulus* tnitipargan, oraty mnambary. Pas-
tlus* chlus* senger steamer (on a regular run),
Pass, V. t. (go by) lalui, lintas;* kapal ckalu (Hind.).
(transmit, deliver) siahlun; (as Passer-by (pas'er-bi'), s. oraty yarg

dishes on a table) soroig ; (allow) lalu, oraty yary lalu-lalatg ,* oraty

bri, bnarkan; (emit from bowels) perjalanan*
berakkan, kluarkan. To pass by Passing (-ing), adj. (going by,
(neglect), lalai; (excuse) mahap- temporary) s-bntar; (exceedingly)
kan (Ar. madf). To pass a law, terlalu. A passing shower, hujart^
adakati hukuni, jadikan liukum. atyiti, hujan s-bntar.
'Vo pass one's self off, samarkan Passion (pash'im), s. (suffenng)
diri* bnatkan diri (B.). To pass stysara (Sk.) ; (state of mind) per-
on (as food), soro7y. To pass rasa'ati hati; (inordinate desire)
over, tiada inryindahkan* tutop- k'iryinan, nafsu; (anger) marah,
kan mata (B.). To pass round, gtiibera.'^ T^assion flower, timurL
idarkan* To pass sentence, ja- dtidarg,'^-' tim-un padary.* In a
toJikan Jiukum. To pass the great passion, marah-rya berapi-
night, bennalam* To pass the api.
time, habiskan liaii. To pass Passionate (-et), adj. patias hati,
through, lintas* trusi* lalui* Ikas rtiarah, beraty,* gmbera.* A
jalan trus
(B.). To pass to passionate love, kaseh yaty attiat
and fro, lalu lalary* pergi balek satgat,* chinta kras (B.j.
(B.) (in front of a place) im-
Passive (pas'siv), adj. (patient)
barg-imbarg* To ask a person to sabar; (not
resisting) tiada m-
pass (dishes at table), 'mi7\ta kiri- laican; (not active) tiada bergrak,
kan* diam.
Pass, (between mountains) gn-
s. Passover (pas'o-ver), s. hari raya
tirg ;* (in fencing) tikam; (in oraty Yahudi, faskha (Ar.), paska
mesmeriziig) raiykup;* (state of (X.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire'
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use. us, minwfi. cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Passport (-port), s. swrat Tcbnaran, pal. Patchwork quilt, gbar tarn
sural izin, pas (D.). pal,'* gbar blah ktupat.*
Password (-werd), s. smhoyan Patchy (-i), adj. bertlau-tlau.*
rahsia:^ Pate (pat), s. kpaJa.
(past), adj. yavg dhulu, yarg
s. pndaram*
s. tmpuroig lu^
Past, s. zaman dliulu, jman dhulu tut.*
(B.), dhidu I'ola. Patent (pa't^^nt, U.S. pat'ent), adj,
Past, prep, (beyond) shlah, shrarg; (open, evident) tra7g, ryata; (pa-
(more than) Ibeh deri-pada; (in tented) yarg mnurggal.*
time) Ipas. Past 2 o'clock, Ipas Patent, s. surat mnurggal.* Patent
pukol dua. right-s, fa'idali mnurggal.*
Past, adv. (beyond) terlargsorg. Patentee (pa't^n-te'), s. orarg yatg
Paste (past), s. (cement of starch) mnu7ygal*
perkat; (dongh) adonanf' (of Paternal (pa-ter'nal), adj. bapa
earth) hanchohan;^ (for imitation (a), ayah* (a).
gems) batu hlanda.'^' To make a Paternity (-ni-ti), s. hal mnjadi
paste, hanchoh.'-^ bapa.
Paste, v.t. perkathan, tampal. Path (path), s. jalan, jalan pintas;*
Pasteboard (past'bord), s. hertas (made by wild animals) dnai;*
thai (Ar. qavTas). (causeway in streets) jalan kaki
Pastime (pastim), s. permainan. lima; (cut in the jungle) rntas,*
Pastor (-ter), s. gomhala; (of a rntis (Pk.).
church) padri, guru, pndita Pathetic (pa-thet'ik), adj. yaig
(N.L). mmhri pilu, yarg mmilukan hati.
Pastoral (-a\), adj. (rural) di Pathless (path'les), adj. (without
dusun/-' (ministerial) guru (a). a path) ya^g blum di-jalani; (im-
Pastry (pas'tri), s. manisan, jua- penetrable) tiada terlintas.*
dah (Pers.), pnduravi/'' epoh-epok, Pathology (pa-thol'o-ji), s. 'ilmu*
tmhosa."^ mrgnal pryakit.
Pasturage (pas'chur-ej), s, padarg Pathos (pa'thos), s. pilu.
rumput, rumput. Pathway (path'wa), s. (course)
Pasture (-chur), s. padarg, rumput, perjalanan; also = path, q. v.
Pat (pat), adj. (convenient) patut. Patience (pa'shens), s. sabar.
Pat, s. (tap) tpok; (of butter) Patient (-shent), adj. sabar, tahan.
ktul.'' Patient, s. oratg yarg berobat.
Pat, V. t. tpok. Patriarch (pa'tri-ark), s. nenek-
Patch Xpach), tampal, s. tamporg;* moyarg.
(on the face for beauty) tahi lalat, Patriarchal (-ar'kal), adj. nenek-
talk lalat (B.). A patch of moyarg (a).
ground, s-kpirg tanah; (smaller) Patrician (pa-trish'^/n), adj. barg-
s-jorerg tanah* sawan,* berbargsa,* bargsa baik.
Patch, V. t. tampal; (as a boat, with Patricide (pat'ri-sTd), s. orarg yarg
planks) sumli,* targkir,* see 7nmbunoh bapa-nja.
LENGTHEN. Patrimony (-mo-ni), s. psaka^
Patchouli (pa-choo'li), s. pokok herta psaka.
nilam.'^' Patriot (pa'tri-wt), s. orarg yaiy sa-
Patch-work (pach'werk), s. tam- yarg akan tanah-ayer-iya.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
thin then.
hurry; f55d, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil;
Patriotic (-ot'ik), adj. yanj sayarg khemah; (detached building) ba-
akan tanah-ayer-iya. lai perargi7ian*
Patriotism (-o-tizm), s. sayarg Paving (pilv'ing), s. batu hampar--
akan tanah-ayer, ivatan (Ar. nub- batu lantai.
an,"^ Paving stones,.
hu 'l-waian). batu mlaka, batu rubin.
Patrol (pa-troF), s. kawalaii sam- Paw (paw) s. kaki binatarg.
harg."-' Paw, v. t. kais, chakar; (of horses)
Patrol, V. i. herkaival, bersamhaiy.* chargkol.
Patron (pa/trwn), s. pmliliara/'' Pawl (pawl), s. (Naut.) pnahan
pnolorg, pnaoiy. bsi, pryaigga bsi, pal (D.)? chok
Patronage (-ej), s. pmlihara'aJi/^ (E.).
jaqaan, pertolonjan. Pawn (pawn), s. bidak/^
Patroness (-es), s. prempuan yavg Pawn, V.
gadai. t.In the Settle-^
mnolorg. ments the w^ord pajak, farm, mo-
Patronize (pat'ron-iz), v. t. (aid) nopoly, is often wrongly used for
tolorg,bantu; (assume the air of a to pawn.
patron) somhoiy akan, mrgada- Pawnbroker (pawn'bro-ker), s.

rgada k-pada.^' To be patronizing, pxg gadai,* toke pajak gadai (Ch..

myyomhoig , mrgada-rgada,'^ tun- thdu-ke).
jok patras. Pawnshop (-shop), s. pajak gadai.
Patronymic (-ro-nim'ik), adj. nama Pay (pa), v. t. bayer. To pay at-
kturunan. tention, berirgat, berjaga. To pay
Patten trompali, cha-
(pat'ten), s. back, balaskan. To pay in (to a
kiak (Ch. chhd-kidh). h?tjok),simpan. To pay off (dis-
Patter (-ter), v. i. (of bare feet) charge), Ipaskan; (requite) balas-
Igum-lgamf- (with shoes) drap- kan. To pay out (Naut.), hulor-
drap;* (of rain on ataps) Itop- kan, lanjarkan.* To pay a visit,
Itap* rek-j^ek* klpek-klpek (B.). I a IV at, ml aw at (B.), tandarg* san-
Patter, s. see above. ja (IST.L), ziarah (Ar.).
Pattern (-tern), s. chontoli, tu- Pay, V. i. (make payment) bayer;
ladan, rupa. (be profitable) beruntorg, berfa-
Patty (-ti), s. tmlosa.^ 'idah, berguna.
Paucity (paw'si-ti), s. kkurargan. Pay, s.
upah, gaji (D. gage - a
Paunch (pawneh), s. prot. sailors pay).
Pauper (paw'per), s. orarg papa/^ Payable (pa'a-bl), adj. boleh di-
orarg miskin, miskin mrgarak dor bayer, patut di-bayer.
ka* Payee (pa-e'), s. yarg mnriina, yarg
Pauperism (-izm), s. kpapa'an.^^ patut murima tvarg.
Pauperize (-iz), v. t. papakan* Payment (pa'ment), s. luarg pm-
Pause (pawz), s. perhniian. bayer, pmbayer,* pmbayeran.
Pause, V. i. berhnti s-bntar, nanti, Pea (pe), s. kacliaiy, kacharg puteh,
brenti (B.). kacJiarg hijau.
Pave (pav), v. t. iJcat batu laiitai. Peace (pes), s. (state of tranquil-
To pave the way, sdiakan dhulu. lity) sjahtra (Sk.), aman (Ar.),
Pavement (pav'ment), s. hamparan sntosa (Sk.) ; (exemption from
batu;* (side walk) jalan kaki w^ar) aman (Ar.) ; (cessation of
lima. war or strife) damai* rukun
Pavilion {pa-YiVyun) , s. (tent) (N.I.) ; (tranquillity of mind)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; Ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
sntosa* A
breach of the peace, Peccadillo (pek'ka-dirio), s. k-
Peace offering (of
pevfjadoliaii. salaiian yatg sdikit, silap.
the Jews), korhan perdamaian;^ Peck (pek), s. (measure) sukatan
(to an offended person) pnurg- orarg puteh
= IJ gantaig ; (large
gal^ (W.), pmhriaii miyororg da- quantity) baryak ; (blow with
7)iai* To hohl one's peace, her- beak) patok, pagiit/^ pagok (B.).
diam diri. To make one's peace Peck, V. t. (as birds) patok, chatok,
with, herdamai dry an* petok/^ pagut,* pagok (B.).
.peaceable (pes'a-bl), adj. (in Peckish (pek'ish), adj. lapar.
peace) dalam sjahtra (Sk.), dalam Pectoral (-to-ral) adj. dada (a).
aman (Ar.), dalam sntosa;* (not Peculate (-u-lat), v. i. tnakari ivaig
quarrelsome) ya7y suka berdamai* kompni.
.'Peaceful (-fool), adj. dalam sjaJitra Peculation s. Jial makan
(Sk.), dalam aman (Ar.), snarg, warg kompni.
sntosa (Sk.). Peculiar (pe-kul'ver), adj. (one's
^Peacemaker (-mak-er), s. pn-
own) sndiri; (special, particular)
damai,* yarg 7nndamaik:an orarg* bukan bararg-bararg* bukan s-
kotycliin (B.) (Ch. korg-chliin).
bararg, khas (Ar. kliass), kliusus
Peachick (pcVchik), s. anak mrak.
(Ar. kliusus) ; (unusual, rare)
Peacock (-kok), s. mrak jantan.
plek,"^ "ajaib (Ar.), lieran (Ar.
Peahen (-lien), s. mrak btina.
^lairan), see particular.
rPeak (pt'k), s. (of a mountain) Peculiarity (pe-ku'li-ar'i-ti), s.
punchak,* kmunchak, merchu.'^
perkara yarg kplek'an*
:PeaI (pel), s. (of thunder) tagar.*
Pecuniary (-ni-a-ri), adj. warg (a).
Peals of laughter, tertawa glak-
A Pecuniary penalty, dnda.
glak,"^ tertawa glakak (B.).
Pedagogue (ped'a-gog), s. guru
peal of bells, locherg s-pra^ggu,* skolah.
s-prarggu lochergr
Pedagogy (-go-ji), s. 'ilmii'^ mrg-
Peal, V. i. (as thunder) hertagar/''
gmuroli;'^ (as bells) herhuryi, Pedal (ped'al), s. (of a bicycle or
'Peanut (pe'nut), s, kacharg tanali,
])iano) pmijak,* tin pat pinjak
kacharg gorirg,
fPear (par), s. huah lai (Ch. Idi). (B.).
Pearl (perl), s. mutiara. Mother-
Pedant (-ant), s. or-arg yarg mman-
dai diri-rya/^ orarg yarg buatkan
of pearl, kulit mutiara, gewatg.
Pearl barley, bras blanda. Pearl diri-rya pandai (B.).
Pedantic (pe-dan'tik), adj. ijarg m-
diver, piylam mutiara. Pearl
mandai diri-rya/-' see above.
oyster, lokan mutiara, siput ge-
Pedantry (ped'ant-ri), s. Jial m-
warg, rorgkas.* Pearl sago, sagu
mandai diri/^
Peasant Peddle (ped'dl), v. i. jaja.
(pez'ant), s. oratg dusun,'*
Peddler (-dler), pnjaja.
orarg pladarg*
Pedestal (ped'es-tal), s. kaki, alas.
Peasantry (-ri), s. oratg-oraig du-
sun,"^ bukit Pedestrian (pe-des'tri-an), adj.
orarg rayat,"^ 07'arg
orarg berjalari kaki.
Peat s. Pedigree (ped'i-gre), s. salasilah
(pot), gambut.'^
"Pebble (peb'bl), s. batu licliin, batu (Ar.), kturunan, susor-galor,'*
kllkir. tromba/^

=ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
thin then.
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil;
Peel (pel), v. t. kupas, huliti,'^ Ico- Pelt (pelt), s. kulit; (when dry)
pek. bluJarg.--'
Peel, V. i.
(as the epidermis) glupas. Pelt, V. t. (with missiles) lempari,
Peel, s. kidit. lontari, rjam, see throw.
Peep (pep), v. i. (look slyly) intai;
Pen (pen), s. kalam (Ar.), penaf
(as chickens) cJii"ap-c]ii"ap; (as kandary;
(inclosu]'e) (smaller)
birds) chit-cJiit. To peep out, Fountain pen, kalam da-

tvat^ Quill pen, kalam bulu*
Peephole (pC'p'hol), s. chlah Ian- Malay pen, kalam kabory,"^^ kalam
rsam'^ (Ar. qalam).
tai/^ dindirg, chlah papan,

lohaix) migintai, Pen, -v. t. (write) tulis ; (shut up,

Peepshow (-sh5), s. pnuniok pta,'^ animals) kandarykan; (persons)
gamha?' negri. kurorg, piri]it.^

Peer v. intai.
Penal (pe'nal), adj. hukuman (a).
(per), i.
Penal code, kitab undarg-undary.
Peer, s. (equal) tara, handiiy, to-
Penal law, hukum yary mndatary-
lok;"^ (nobleman) orarg herbarg-
sa/^ orarg herhargsa tirygi. kan^
seksa. Penal servitude, jel
Peerage kerja brat, bui kerja paksa (N.t.)
(per'ej), s. orarg-orarg her-
(D. ^6>e{ = chain).
haigsaj^ oraiy berhaigsa tiyggi,
daftar orarg herbargsa*
Penalty (pen'al-ti), s. seksa, hu-
Peeress kuman ; (fine) dnda.
(-es), s. prempiian beV'
Penance (-ans), s. pertapa'an. To
bcugsa/^ prempuan berbargsa tiiy-
do penance, bertapa.
Pence (pens), see pexny.
tiada ber-
(-les), adj.
Pencil (pen'sil), s. pensel (E.), pat-
ba7idirg, tiada bertara, tiada ber-
(D. potlood) ; (brush) kalam*
Peevish (pe'vish), adj. prrgus^ China, pit (Ch.).
Peevishness (-nes), s. rryus/^ Pencil, V. t. (with brush) lukis;
(the eyebrows) pantis*
Peg (peg), s. (of wood) pasak; (to Pendant (pend'ant), s. (as from
hang things on) pnjarykot; (of a watch chain) rumbai;
top) pargsi. (eardrops)
Peg, V. t. pasakkan. To peg away,
Pendent (-ent), adj. bergantory.
bantirg tularg.
Pending (-ing), adj. bertaTygoh*
Pegtop (peg'top), s. gasirg paiysi.
tersanjkot, blura putns.
Pelf (pelf), s. (money) ivaiy;
Pending, prep, smantara/" antara,
(riches) kkayaan; (gain) laba,^ s-lama.
untorg. Pendulous (pen'du-lws), adj. k-
Pelican (pel'i-kan), s. buroig un- lepck/' klepakf (of breasts) su-
dah rbah.
Pellet (-let), s. gentel Pendulum (-h/m), s. buaian jam,*
Pellicle (-li-kl), s. slupat/' slaput^ batii jam.
Pell-mell (-meF), adv. tuiygarg- Penetrable (pen'e-tra-bl), adj. yary
larggarg, lintarg-pukarg, porak- boleh di-lut,* yarg boleh
parek, cliampur gaul, kachau- yaig boleh di-lintas,* etc., as be-
bilau,'^ kacho-belok (B.). low.
Pellucid (pel-liVsid), adj. hnirg,^ Penetrate (-trat), v. i. lut,* tlap,*
bnirg/^ jernelif^^ jerni (B.). masok.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice it fire
' '
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure/iniure
hurry; fo5d, foot, awfool (awful) law, how, oil; thin then ;
Penetrate, v. t. tmbus, tlusf^ Pentacle (-ta-kl), s. tapak sleman
chilis* masoh; (a forest, etc.) lin- (Ar. Sulaimdn).
tas* masok. Pentagon (-gun), s. bargunan lima
Penetration (-tra'shwn), s. hal m- persgi* bararg lima bersgi (B.).
n tubus, hal masok; (discernment) Pentateuch (-tuk), s. taurit (Ar.),
iaurit Musa (Ar.).
tajani 'akal.
.Penholder (pen'h5ld-er), s. hatarg Pentecost (-te-kost), s. hari raya
kalam (Ar.), hataty pena,* hatarg orarg Yahudi, hari-raya tujoh
pen. jmaat*
Peninsula hujory
(pen-in'su-la), s. Penthouse (pent'hows), s. s)g-
ianah, smnanjorg/^ spnanjorg:^ k u ap, * pisaig -s ikat * .

Peninsular (-ler), adj. di hiijorg

Penumbra (pe-nmn'bra), s. tpi ba-
tanah. yarg.
Penis (euph.) kalam
(pe'nis), s. (-nur'i-zts), adj. (spar-

(Ar.), psawat* zakar (Ar.). ing) chermat, jimat; (stingy)

Penitence kikir* lokek, kdkut, bakhil (Ar.).
(pen'i-tens), s. kssalan,
tohat (Ar. tauhat). Penury (pen'u-ri), s. kpapaan*
hal miskin.
Penitent (-tent), adj. yarg mrysal,
yaig hertobat.
Penwiper (-wip-er), s. prgsat ka-
Penitent, s. (person undergoing
Peon (pe'iai), s. tambi (Tam.),
penance) orarg bertapa.
Penitentiary adj.
piun, upas (N".I.) (D. oppasser).
People (pe'pl), s. (nation) bargsa,
(jail) pnjara/^ jel (E.).
Penknife kaum (Ar.) ; (persons) orarg,
(pen'nif), s. pisau kchil,
mrikaj* (populace) rayat* orarg
pisau lipat.
ramai, orarg hina-dina;* (with
Penman (-man), s. orarg yaiy pan-
dai mnulis, pandai mfyurat.'^ possessive pronoun) kaum kliiar-
ga* (Ar. qaum).
Penmansiiip (-ship), s. kliat (Ar.
People, V. t. (populate) ramaikdri.
khaT). Pepper s. lada, mricha
Pennant (-nant), s. bndera ular-
Black pepper, lada hitam.
(N.I.) .

ular,"^ panji-panji/^ White pepper, lada puteh, lada

Penniless (-ni-les), adj. papa,* sulah.* Cayenne pepper, chili,
miskin mvgarak daka* lada merah, lada hidop, lada China,
Pennon (-mai), s. bndera ular- chabair' Pepper box, tmpat lada.
Pepper, v. t. (sprinkle with pepper)
Penny (-ni), s. duit Irggris. rnjis lada, buboh lada; (shower
Pennyweight (-wat), s. timbaiyan with missiles)hujani.*
'mas, kurarg sdikit deri-pada ina- Peppermint (-mint), s. miry ah
yam. po'oh (Ch. pok-ho).
Pension (pen'sh?in), s. pencJien Per (per), prep, pada s-. Per an-
(E.), pansiun (N.I.) (D.). num, pada s-tahun. Per cent.
Pension, v. t. bri penchen, penchen- dalam Per diem, pada s-
kan. hari. Per mensem, pada s-bulan.
Pensioner (-er), s. orarg berpen- The pada is often omitted.
chen. Perambulate (per-am'bu-lat), v. t.

Pensive (-siv), adj. tfkur (Ar.), jalanA, lalui.

mlrgorg,* termnorg. Perambulate, v. i. (stroll) hersiar.

-ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin th&u.
Perambulator (-la-ter), s. Icreta tiada holeh dl-perchaya, khianat
hanah-hanak/^ Icreta anak Tcchik (Ar.).
(B.): Perfidy .(per'fi-di), s. khianat
Perceive (-sev'), v. t. (get to (Ar.).
know) amhil tahu, dapat tahu; Perforate (-fo-rat), v. t. (bore
(see) Wiai, nampak; (feel) rasa; through) tbok, tmbokkan*
(be aware) sdar, sadar* Perforated (-ed), adj. took, tm-
Percentage (-sent'ej), s. (discount, bokf^ tmbus; (as perforated zinc)
commission) komsen (E.) ; (rate chrachah.
per cent) dalam s-ratus, persen Perforation s.
(-ra'sh'wn), (the
(Eur.). act) hal mnbok; (hole) lobary.
Perceptible (-sep'ti-bl), adj. k- Perforce (per-fors'), adv. dryan
lihatan, nampak, tampak* paksa.
Perception (-shwn), s. prylihatan, Perform (-form'), v. t. lakukan*
perrasa'an, piyertian. kerjakan, biiat; (a vow) sampai-
Perch (perch), s. (roost) pneiy- kan.
gek;* (measure) ukoran kurarg Performance (-ans), s. (execu-
sdikit deri-pada tiga djxt; (a fish) tion) hal mlakukan* etc., as
ikan kakap. above; (act) klakuan, perbuatan;
Perch, V. i. hhygap, terggek. (on the stage) lakon (Jav.).
Perchance (per-chans'), adv. ha- Performer (-er), s. (in drama)
rargkali, grargan* If perchance, anak wayarg.
jika s-kira-}ya,^ s' andai-rya/^ 'ntali Perfume (per-fiim'), v. t. raksi*
baratykaJi (B.). biiboh bau-bauan;'^ (by smoke)
Percolate (per'ko-lat), v. i.
srap, ukop.*
tins, leleli,'*' mieleh (B.). Perfume (per'fiim), s. bau-bauan;*
Percussion (per-kush'i^n), s. Uop- (European) ayer waiyi.
an. Percussion cap, kep (E.). Perhaps (per-haps'), adv. barary-
Perdition (-dish'itn), s. kUnasaan, kali, 'ritah, 'ntahkan,'^ boleh jadi
krosak'an, jahannam. (fi.).
Peregrinate (per'e-gri-nat), v. i. Peril (per'il), s. bahya, merbahya.*
kmharaj^ rayau. Perilous (-us), adj. berbahya.
Peregrination (-na'shwn), s. lial Perineum (-i-ne'wm), s. ch'lah karg-
miymhara.'^ kaiy, khgkarg, klargka^g (B.), see
Peremptory (per'emp-to-ri), adj. PORK.
kras, tiada holeh di-bantalii,'^ Period (per'i-wd), s. ktika, waktu,
Perennial (per-en'ni-al), adj. 5- masa; (epoch) zaman, jman (B.),
panjarg tahiin, lertaliun-tahun, masa; (limit) perhitgga'an* skat-
tiada berkputusan. an, had (Ar.) (full stop); ti-
Perfect (per'fekt), adj. smpurna, tek, tanda perhntian; (pi. = men-
gnap, chukop-lrgkap. ses, q.v.), dataig bulan/hedl* (Ar.
Perfect, v. t. smpurnakan, gnapkan. haidl). Period before a woman
Perfection (per-fek'shtm), s. k- can remarry, 'iddah (Ar.).
smpurnaan. Periodical (-od'i-kal), adj. (at in-
Perfectly (per'fekt-li), adv. s-mata- tervals) terkadary-kadary; (recurr-
mata, skali. ing) berbaJek-baiek.
Perfidious (per-fid'i-i/s), adj. tiada Peripatetic (per'i-pa-tet'ik), adj.
stia tiada
(Sk.), kperchaya'an. yary 7nty7nbara* yarg mrayau*
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it fire
' '
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Perish (-ish), v. i. hinasa, rosalc; Perpetual (per-pech'u-al), adj.
(die) mati, hilarg. yay-g tiada berhnti, ya?g tiada her-
Perishable (-a-bi), adj. yary Ikas kpiitusan, kkal, baka (Ar. baqd').
rosak, yarg aican hinasa, fana (Ar. Perpetually (-li), adv. sntiasa
fana). (Sk.), sdiakala (Sk.),
Periwinkle (per'i-wing-kl), s. u- Perpetuate (-at), v. t. kkalkan.
nam* siput hitimj^ siput haJcau. Perpetuation (-a'shzai), s. Jial mrg-
Perjure (per'jur), v. t. To perjure kalkan.
one's self, sumpah hohorg, makan
Perpetuity (per'pe-tu'i-ti), s. kkal.
snmpah.'^ In perpetuity, sampai kkal, s-larna-
Perjury (-i), s. sumpah hoJiorg, lama-nja.
sumpah dusta^'
Perplex (per-pleks'), v. t. kachau-
Permanence (-ma-n^^ns), s. kttap- kan, kusutkan, kliru-
an. kan.
Permanent (-ent), adj. kkal, ttap, Perplexed ter-
(-pleksf), adj.
karar (Ar.
qardr). Permanent kacliau, biiyorg, bimharg, kliru.
way, landasan kreta api."^ Perplexity s.
(-pleks'i-ti), birgonj,
Permanently (-li), adv. s-lama- hati kvsut, bimbaiy.
iya, sntiasa' (Sk.), Mai, Perquisites (per'kwi-zitz), s. oleh-
Permeable (-me-a-bl), adj. yarg olehan,"^ pnambah gaji*
boieh di-srap.
Perry (per'ri), s. arggor buah lai
Permeate (-at), v. t. (of liquids)
{Ch. Idi).
si'ap; (of odours) smerbak* mer-
Persecute (per'se-kut), v. t. aniaya-
bak (B.).
Permissible (per-mis'si-bl), adj.
Persecution (-ku'shzm), s. aniaya.
di-bri, lialal; see permit.
Persecutor (-ku-ter), s. prganiaya.
Permission (-mish'-z^n), s. kbnaran,
Perseverance (-ver'ans), s. tkun,
izin,permisi (N.I.) (D.).
Permit (-mif), v. t. biar, bnarkan, tunak,* usalia (Sk.), rajin.
Persevere (-ver'), v. i.
ttap, ber-
bebaskan, bri, bri izin; (of religious
tkun, bertunak,'^ berusaha,'^ ber-
customs) halalkan^ (Ar. iialdl).
Permit (per'mit), s. kbnaran, surat kanjarg.^
kbnaran, surat izin, pas (N.I.)
Persimmon (per-sini'm^m), s. buah
ksmak,^' buah samak (B.), pisarg
Permutation s. tu- kaki (Diospyros kaki).
karan. Persist (-sisf), v. i. ttap, kkal, ber-

Pernicious (per-nish'iis), adj. yarg tkun. To persist in doing a thing,

mmbinasakan, yarg mrosakkan,
Persistence (-ens), s. kttapan.
yarg mndataiykan bnchana, yarg
mmbri mudlarat (Ar.). Persistent (-ent), adj. tkun.
Peroration (per'o-ra'sh?/n), s. hu- Person (per'sn), s. orarg, diri, ba-
jorg perchakapan. targ tuboh.^ In person, sndiri,
Perpendicular (per'pen-dik'u-ler) ,
tuboh;* as, the king in person,
adj. tgak,"^ btul.
tub oh bginda.^ Persons of the
Perpetrate (-pe-trat), v. t. laku- Trinity, uknum'^ (Ar. uqnum, pi.
kan,* buat. aqdmm).
Perpetrator (-tra-ter), s. orarg Personage (-ej), s. orarg.
yarg mlakukan."^ Personal (-]), adj. (individual)

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it,* fire'
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mini/s, cure, injure
hurry; fo5d, foot, aw fool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
sncliri. Personal property, lievta Pertinacity (-nas'i-ti), s. tkun,
sndiri. tgarr'
Personality (-ari-ti), s. Tc'ada'an Pertinent (per'ti-nent), adj. kna,
sndiri;^ tabiat sndiri; (personal patut, herkiiaanr
remarks) sindiran. Perturbation (per'ter-ba'shifn), s.
Personally (-li), adv. sndbi. (of mind) kloh-ksah/^
Personalty (-ti), s. lierta sndiri. Perusal (pe-ro6z'al), s. hal mm-
Personate (-at), v. t. He person- bacha, backa'an.'^
ated the king, dia mnjamarhan Peruse (pe-rooz'), v. t. baclia.
diri-tya mnjadi raja;^ dia buat Pervade (per-vad'), v. t. (of
diri-iya raja.
odours) smerbak* merbak (B.) ;
Personation (-a'shzm), s. lial m-
(till) pnohi; (run through) larat,
njamar.^^ mlarat (B.).
Personification (per-son'i-fi-ka'- Perverse (-vers'), adj. (wicked)
sli^/n), pnjJma'an.'^
jahat, fasek (Ar.) ; (stubborn)
Personify (-fl), v. t. jlmakan^ dgil.
Perspicacious (per'spi-ka'shws) ,
Perversity (-vers'i-ti), s. jahat,
adj. tajam mata, aicasj* (of
mind) tajam 'aJcal.
Perversion m-
(-ver'slum), s. lial
Perspicuous (per-spik'u-?/s), adj.
lysatkan, lial mmbalekkan, as be-
njata, trarg.
Perspiration (per'spi-ra'shwn), s.
Pervert (-vert'), v. t. (lead astray)
ploh, kriiyat (N.I.) ; (in fevers)
ssatkan ; ( misapply ) balekkan.
khalij* (feeling hot through ex-
Pervert (per'vert), s. murtad
cessive clothing) rimas/'' Imas
Pessimist (pes'si-mist), s. orarg
Perspire (per-spir'), v. i, herploli.
Persuade v. t. do yarg mryargkakan sgala perkara itu-
(-swad'), (to
what one does one's self) ajak* jahat.
Pest (pest),
s. (pestilence) hawar,
ajat (B.) ; (what one does not do)
nasihatkan/-' suroh;
sampar; (on vegetation) bnah;*
(coax) pu-
(nuisance) ksusahan, mudlarat
joh, lechok;^ (prevail upon) pu-
jok sanipai jaya (Sk.).
Persuasion Pester (pes'ter), v. t. usek, revgek-
(-swa'zhmi), s. (the
act) hal mryajak* hal nuyajat rergek* berrergek sama (B.).
Pestiferous (pes-tif'er-ws), adj.
(B.) ; (opinion, conviction)
cliara* yakin (Ar.) ; (creed) per- yaig nimbawa pryakit, yarg m-
chaya, iman (Ar.) ; (coaxing) pu-
Pestilence (pes'ti-lens), s. sampar,
Persuasive hawar,
(-siv), adj. pmbujok,
muhit manis. Pestilent (-lent), adj. yarg mm-
Pert (pert), adj. 77iua* muka thai,
baiva bnchana, yarg 7nmbri mu-
chandiS^ dlarat (Ar.).
Pertain (per-tan'), v. i.
Pestilential (-len'shal), adj. yarg
(have re-
ference to) kna-mrgna. mmbaiva ptyakit, yarg mmbri mu-
Pertinacious (per'ti-na'shws), adj.
dlarat (Ar.).

(persistent) tkun, tunak;^ (ob- Pestle (pes'tl), s. antan,* pnumboh

stinate) tgar.^ Isorg,* anak Isorg, alu (Jav.) ; (of

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minMS, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
the goheh for betel nut, etc.) andk Pharisaic (far'i-sa'ik), adj. pura-
gohelc."^ jmra baik* mimafik (Ar.).
Pet s.
(pet), hinatarg permainan. Pharmaceutics (far'ma-ku'tiks or
My pet (in speaking to a child), -su'tiks), s. 'ilmu* mnchampur
buntat, intan. obat, 'ilmu mmbanchoh ohat.*"
Pet, adj. (indulged) manja. A pet Pharmacopoeia (-ko-pe'a), s. kitab
fowl, ayam didek. Pet name, na- obat, daftar sgala obatj^
ma timary^timargan* Pharmacy (-si), s. (the art) 'ilmu^
Pet, V. t. didek; (fondle) cliumbu;'^ mnchampur obat; (shop) kdai
(indulge) manjakan. ohat.
Petal (petal), s. klopak hurga. Pharynx s. tkak.
Petard s.
priok api.
(pe-tard'), Phase s.
(appearance, aspect)
Petition (-tish't^n), s. perminta'an,
rupa, pmandaigan; (of the moon)
sural perminta'an, rkes (N.I.) peridaran.^
(I), request), pmohonan* Pheasant (fez'ant), s. kuau/^
Petition, v. t. minta, mintak, pinta,^ kuarg.'^' Argus pheasant, kuarg
pohonkan, masok rkes (N.I.), ma- ray a.
sok swat (B.).
Phenomenal (fe-nom'e-nal), adj.
Petitioner orarg yatg m-
(-er), s.
plek/^' 'aja'ib (Ar.), heran (Ar.
minta, yarg mmpersmbahkan surat
perminta'an.^ Phenomenon
mmhatu. (-non), s. (appear-
Petrify (pet'ri-fi), v. t.

Petroleum ance) rupa, prglihatan; (strange

(pe-tro'li-?/m), s. (crude
thing or person) kplek'an*
oil) kpala miryak tanah. Phial (ffal), s. buli-buli,^ pies
Petticoat (pet'ti-kot), s. gaun da-
lam (E.). (N.L) (D. flesch).
Philanthropic (fil'an-throp'ik), adj.
Pettifogger (-fog-ger), s. loyar
kbajikan/'' yarg buat liati baik
Pettish (B.).
(pet'tish), adj. prrgus* ha-
Philanthropist (fi-lan'thro-pist),
ryak ragam.
s. oranj yaig miyasehi* sgala ma-
Petty (-ti), adj. kchil, sdikit, ta'-
nusia [sayarg (B.)], yarg berbnaf
mrgapa.* Petty cash, hlanja kro-
kbajikan'^ [^k'baika7i (B.)].
pas-krapis/^ hlanja rnchek-rnchek.
Petulance (-u-lans), s. rrgu^s*
Philanthropy (-pi), s. hal mmbuat
Petulant (-lant), adj. prrgus* kbajikan^^
Philology (fi-lol'o-ji), s. Hlmu^
Pew (pu), s.hargku di greja. rnmbandirgkan sgala bJiasa.

Pewter (pu'ter), s. timah champur- Philosopher (fi-los'o-fer), s. oraiy

an. bijaksana, orarg berbudi* orarg
Phaeton (fa'e-ton), s. bogi (E.). yarg mnchari %lmu sgala budi*
Phalanx (fal'angks), s. pasokan filsafa (Ar.).
beratur rapat-rapat. Philosophical (firo-sofi-kal), adj.
Phantasm (fan'tazm), s. maya berbiidi.

(Sk.). Philosophize (fi-los'o-fiz), v. i.

Phantom (-turn), s. (apparition) chari asa,l-usul sgala perkara.

prglihatan, maya (Sk.) ; (spectre) Philosophy (-fi), s. Hlmu* sgala
hantu. perkara manusia drgan asat^usul-
Pharaoh (far'6), s. fira^on (Ar.). rya, 'ilmu* sgala budi.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, meye, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Philter (firter), s. ohat prgaseh* logy, Hlmu
arggota manusia.*
ohat quna. Mental physiology, Hlniu* otak.
Phlebotomy (fle-bot'o-mi), s. h- Vegetable physiology, 'ilmu turn-
l-amr huanj darah, chandoh hoh-tumhohan*
(XL). Piano (pe-an'5), s. plana, piano.
Phlegm (flem), s. (mucus) hidir, Pick (pik), V. t. (peck at) patok,
dahal-, c/lnia (P.) (Ar. halgham). chatok; (as wool or oakum) soyak-
Phlegmatic (fleg-mat'ik), adj. t- soyak, jonjotf^ (gather, as fruit)
nanj hati/-' ptek; (with pointed instrument, as
Phonetics (fo-net'iks), s. 'ihnu* the teeth) chwrgkil; (the outer
suara. surface) kopek; (choose) pileh.
Phosphorescence (fos'for-es'sens) ,
To pick otf (pluck) ptek; (shoot)
s. pndar,'^' klmayar. temhak satu-satu. To pick out,
Photograph (io'to-f^raf), v. t. pu- fnleh. To pick to pieces, soyak-
kol gamhar, potograp, anibU portret soyak. To pick a quarrel, hargkit-
(X.I.) (D.), pta.^ kan perklahian, charek pasal (B.).
Photographer (fo-to^'ra-fer), s. To pick up (take up), purgut;
tuJcaig gamhar, tukarg puhol gam- (here and there) kutip; (with fin-
bar, t'uliarg portret (X.I.). ger tips) jmpot; (get by repeated
Photography (-fi), s. 'ilmu^ puJcol efforts) dapat.
gamhar. Pick, V. i. (in eating) makan m-
Phrase (fraz), s. perkata'an, hidal* mileh; (steal) churi.
Phraseology (fra'ze-oro-ji), s. per- Pick, (sharp instrument) pnchurg-

tutoran. kil; (pick-axe) chargkol hurorg;

Phrenology (fre-nol'o-ji), s. 'iU (right of selection) kuasa m-
mu'^ mrgnal hhagian otalc. mileh.
Phthisis (tln'sis), s. pryakit hatok Pick-a-back (pik'a-bak), adv. mn-
krirg, hatok lo'sun (Ch. loh-sun). dukorg, mtyopoh.*
Phylactery (fi-lak'ter-i), s. tatg- Pick-axe (-aks), s. chargkol hurorg.
kal. Picked (pikt), adj. pilehan.
Physic (fiz'ik), s. ohat; (a purge) Picket (pik'et), s. (stake) pan-
ohat pnchahar* julap. charg; (guard) pasokan her-
Physic, V. t. ohati. kairal.* Picket fence, pagar hroti.
Physical (-i-kal), adj. (bodily) tu- Pickle (pik'kl), s. (with vinegar,
hohr^ (a), hadan (a) (pertaining ; cooked) achar; (without vinegar
to physics) kjadiati.^'' Physical and uncooked) jrok; (of shell
exercise, S7iam.'^' etc.) knas* pkasam* prg-
Physician (fi-zish'an), s. tukarg asam (B.) (of durian) trnpo-

ohat, tahih (Ar. Tahih), doktor yak,* see preserve.

(E.), dukun* Pickle, V. t. acharkan, jrokkan,*
Physics (fiz'iks), s. 'ilmu^ sgala pkasamkan* huat tmpoyak.*
kjadian. Pick-pocket (-pok-et), s. pryloh
Physiognomy (fiz'i-on'o-mi), s. saku.
'ilmii firasat (Ar.). Picnic (-nik), s. makan herramai-
Physiology (-oro-ji), s. 'ilmu turn- an,* makan rninum di luar ru-
hoh-tumhohan dan sgala yarg her- mah .

iyawa. Animal physiology, 'ilmu Pictorial (pik-tor'i-al), adj. her-

tuhoh hinatajy* Human physio- gamhar.

ate, e.ak, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, firo,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin ti'ien.
Picture (pik'chur), qamhar, pta* s. Pigeon (pij'ifn), s. (beginning with
Itikisan. Picture
frame, ranjka the smallest) merbok, ktitir* t-
gainhar, hiryJiai gamhar.'^ kukur, balam,'^ punai, lembok/^
Picture, v. t. gambarhan, ptakafi* berkok,"^ pergain, rawa;'^ (tame)
liikis, tulis gamhar; (briiio- before merpati, burorg dam/-' buroig kom-
the mind) argka-argkakan. ba (B.) (Port.). Green pigeon,
Picturesque (-esk), adj. (of scen- punai. Green imperial pigeon,
ery) permai,'^ chantek (B.). pergam. Pied fruit pigeon, i-aiva.
Picul (pik'?/]), s. pikul. Spotted dove, tkukur.
Pie (pi), s. s-jnis kueli, juadah Pigeonholes (-holz), s. kotak-ko-
(Pers.), pnaramf^ (small) tm- tak.
Pjggery (pig'ger-i), s. kandarg babi.
Piebald (pl'bawld), adj. hlarg, tom- Pig-headed (-hed'ed), s. dgil, tgar.
pok. Pigment (-ment), s. werna, orna
Piece (pes), s. (fragment, cut off) (B.).
s-poiorg, s-krat, s-prggal/^ krat- Pigmy (-mi), s. kerdil.^
cm;'^ (torn off) s-charek;'^ (lump, Pigtail (-tal), s. (queue) taucharg
block) horgkahf^ torgkol, kf,ul* (Ch. ilidu-tsarg). koncliet;*
tehak,"^ kpiig; (small) c/i& is;* (full (short, of Tamils) kudmi, kdu-
leno^th of cloth) kayu; (of guns) mik (B.).
puchok; (of coins) kpirg; (of facts Pike (plk), s. (spear) iombak.
or news) perkara; (in chess) buah. Pilaster (pi-las'ter).^ s. tiarg mn-
All of a * Of a
piece, dataiT].^^
piece with, s-nipa drgan. To give Pile (pll), s. (fibre of wool, etc.)
a piece of one's mind, trgkirg, har- bidii.
dekr Piece goods, kain-kain. Pile, s. (stake for piers, etc.) pan-
Piece, V. t.
(repair) mrnhaikki; cJiaty, lantak-Jantak.'^'
(unite) samborg; see lengthen. Pile, s. (heap) timbonan, tompok,
Piecemeal (pes'mel), adv. (if cut lorggok, toiygok/" lamb ak ; {stSLcked
berprggal-prggalf (piece by in order) susunan; (pyre) susun-
piece) satu-satu, satu-persatu f an kayu, panchaka (Sk.).
(little by little) beransiir-ansiir. Pile, V. t. (make into a heap) tim-
Pied (pTd), adj. blarg, tompok. bon, timhonkan, tompokkan, lorg-
Pier (per), jmhatan mtf/anjurf^
s. gokkan; (one on another) tindan/^
(landing place) prgkalan,^ bagan susun. Piled up (heaped up),
(P. Pk.) ; (masonry of bridges) mumhorg.
fiarg jmbatan, tiarg gertak.^ Pile-driver (pll'-drlv-er), s. plan-
Pierce (pers), v. t. (thrust into) ti- tak."--

kam, chochok; (penetrate, pass Piles (pllz), s. wasir (At. bawdslr) ,

into or through) trus, tmbus; (as Pilfer (pirfer), v. t. cJioket* churi

weapons) Jut* tlap;* (the ears or sdikit-sdikit, sauk.
nose for ornaments) iindekj^' cho- Pilgrim (-grim), s. (wayfarer)
chok (B.). orani pcrjalanan; (to Mecca) liaji.
Piercing (persuing), adj. (of Pilgrimage (-ej), s. perjalanan,
sounds) njarirg, rsek.^ ziarah (Ar.).. To perform the pil-
Piety (pT'e-ti),' s. bakti (Sk.), k- grimage (to Mecca), naik liaji.
bakiian (Sk.). Pill (pil), s. obat biji, gentel, pil
Pig (pig), s. babi, clielerg (N.I.). (E.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.

Pillage (pil-lej), s. (the act) lial Pincushion (pin'koosh-'wn), s. han-

mrampas; (booty) rampasan. tal pry mat jarom.

Pillage^V. t. rampas. Pine (pin), s. sro' (Ar.); (Dacry-

Pillager (-er), s. prampas. dium elatum) 'ru hukit. Screw
Pillar (-ler), s. tiarg batu; (sup- pine, mrykuaiy, hiykuary.
port) turus.* Pine, V. i. (of sickness) mrana. To
Pillion (-yim), s. tilam plana/^ pine for, rindukan.
til am sela.
Pineapple (pin'ap-pl), s. nanas.
Pillory (-lo-ri), s. pasorg. Pinion (pin'ywn), s. (wing) sayav;
Pillow (-15) ,
s. hantal. Pillow
* (of fowls) kpak.
cas<3j saroty hantal, sampul hantal Pinion, v. t. (with hands behind)
Pilot (pi'lwt), s. m'alim, pandu,^ rem-
kilas; (the feet, as animals)
pawang di laut/^ los (N".!.) (D. piis,'^ rem/pory.^
loads) ^ pallet (E.). Pink (pingk), adj. merah muda,
Pilot, V. t. pandu.* werna samar.'^
Pilotage (-ej), s. upah nialim. Pink, s. hurya turki.
Pimp (pimp), s. alhu, harua, pinanj Pinnace (pin'nes), s. (I^aut.) pinis
muda (P.)-
Pimple (pim'pl), s. (on the face) Pinnacle (-na-kl), s. pmichak,*
jrawat; (on the body) hisul lada. km It n cJi ak, m ercliu .
Pin (pin), s. (of wood or metal)
Pint (pint), s. sukatan Irygris = %
pasak; (pointed and headed)
jarom pnjmat, pniti, jarom pniti. Pintle s. kokot jantan*
Belaying pin (Naut.) tol, tuli- Pinworm
tiili. Hair pin, chochoJc saiygol, (-werm), s. chachiry kra-
wit,''' chachiry grumit (B.).
siput* chocJiok Jconde;* Pioneer (pi'o-ner'), s. soldado yarg
(small) Jcorelc
Jcuphy (B.). Safe-
mmhiika jalan, pnjanjur.'^
ty pin, pin haju, palm hlalaty*
Pins and needles, smut-smutan.
Pious (prs), adj. herihadat (Ar.),
Pin money, nafkah* (Ar. naf- herayama, herhakti (Sk.), saleh*
(Ar. ^dliii).
Pip (pip), s. (disease of fowls)
Pin, V. t. smat.
Pinafore isak,'^ slsma; (seed) hiji.
(pin'a-for), s. kain lapek
dada,^ kain alas dada (B.). Pipe (pip), s. (wind instrument)
Pincers (-serz), s. (small) piypit, suliry, sruliiy China;"^ (tube) cho-
atykupr (large) rayum/^ kakak- rory, saluran, paip (E.) ; (for
tua. smoking) palp tmhakau, unchui
Pinch (pinch), (with fingers or
v. t. (Ch. hun-chhe) (quantity smok-

nails) cliuhit, (with a

ktil, ytil ;^ ed) s-chidim; (whistle) siti.
pull and without letting go) j en- Pipe, V. i. hersulity;^' huryikan siti,
jet f' (in massaging) pichit; (nip tiop suliry.
between hard surfaces) spit, apit; Pipeclay (plp'kla), s. kapur spatu,
(between the finger nails) ytu; tartaJi nmla.'^

(straiten) ssakkan. To pinch off Piper (-er), s. pryiop srunai,^ orarg

(with the nails), gntas."^ tiop sroni (B.).
Pinch, s. (small quantity) s-kotis,"^ Piping (playing the
(-ing), adj.
s-kotil; (as snuff) of
s-jmput. pipe) her'suiiry; (peaceful) sjahtra
At a pinch, dalam kssak'an. (Sk.), sntosa (Sk.) ; (boiling)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
mndideli /^ mndidi (B.) ; (sizz- yarg sayupkan hati (B.), yaty mm-
ling) dsar* dsir,* d^eh* bri pilu.
Pipkin (pip'kin), s. kipsiuu (Ch. Pitfall (-fawl), s.
(hole) plobarg*
hip-sio), chimi.'^ serlirgj* (trap) plant ek* prarg-
Piquant (pe'kant or pe'kaN), s.

pdas. Pith (pith), s. mmpulnr kayu.*

Pique (pek), s.sakit liati, dndam. Pithy (pith'i), adj. (forceful) kuai.
Pique, V. t. sakitJcan hath itself Pitiable (pit'i-a-bl), adj. yarg mm-
ochok* bri pilu, snsah.
Piracy (prra-si), s. ro^npak/^ prom- Pitiful (-fool), adj. (kind) murah
pak{B.). haii,, berkasehan; yanj(piteous)
Pirate (-ret), prompak, lanun^'
s. mmbri pilu; (contemptible) hina.
Pirate, v. t. rampas, rompak."^ Pitiless (-les), adj. yarg tiada m-
Pish (pish), int. cheh, chis. 7iaroh sayarg, tiada berkasehan.
Pistil (pis'til), s. sulor di trgali Pittance (pit'tans), s. (meagre por-
tion) pmbrian. sdikit.
Pistol (-twl), s. pistol (E.). Pitted (-ted), adj. bopetg, berpand
Piston (-twn), s. (of a pump) ko- ckachar;* (slightly) rchak-rdmk.
dok-kodok* kamhir^ (W.), om- Pity (-i), s. sayarg, kasehan, bias;
boh* pranchap. (of God) rahim (Ar.), rahmat
Pit (pit), s. (hole) lobarg tanah; (Ar.).
(mine, quarry) galian, lomboiy; Pity, V. t. kasehankan, kasehani, sa-
(cockpit) glaiyganj;* (trap) plo- yarxji, blaskan.
bmg* serlirg;* (hollow) Ikok; Pivot (piv'^ft), s. (in clockwork)
(pockmark) boperg; (slight pock- hitj org gandar roda;* (in a lathe)
mark) rchak-rchak. Pit of the pargsi.
stomach, hulu hati, bidu hati (B.). Placable (plak'a-bl or pla'ka-bl),
Pit, V. t. (in a contest) adukan. adj. yarg boleh di-damaikan.*
Pitapat (pit'a-pat), adv. berdbar. Placard (plak'ard), s. surat tampal,
Pitch (pich), s. gala-gala, lotek* plkat (1). plakkaat).
Placate (pla'kat), v. t. damaikan*
Pitch, s. (throw) prgumban;* Imboikan hati.
(slope) cJmram. Place (plas), s. tmpat; (house) ru-
Pitch, V. t. (cover with pitch) gala- mail; (country) negri; (rank)
galakan; (throw) lempar, lontar. pargkat. In place, patut. In
To pitch a tent, dirikan khemah, place of, ganti. Out of place, ta-
bnta^rg khemah. snonoh. To give place, undor.
Pitch, V. i. (of ships) arggok. To take place, jadi. To take the
Pitch-black (pich'blak'j,' adj. hi- place of, gantikan. In the first
iam I gam. place, mnla-rmda, pertama-tama
Pitch-dark (-dark'), adj. glap gu- (Sk.). In the second place, k-
lita, maJam buta. dua.
Pitcher (-er), s. jak bsar (E. jug). Place, V. t. biiboh, taroh, Itak; (as-
Pitcher plant, priok kra* sign a place) tmpatkan* tntukan
Pitch -fork (-fork), s. pigait j- tmpat.
rami.* Placenta (pla-sen'ta), s. tmhuni
Piteous (pit'i-?is), adj. yaig mmilu- kchil* vri (B.).
I kan hati, yarg miyayukan hati* Placid (plas'id), adj. tnaig.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Plagiarism (pla'ji-a-rizm), s. hal Plank (plangk), s. papan.
mnchaTykok* karargan orarg lain. Plank, V. t.
(a floor) pasarg lantai,.
Plagiarize (-rTz), v. t. chavgkoh.'^ mlantai/^ padarg papan.
Plague (plag), s. (calamity) lalak Plant (plant or plant), s. pokok;-
(Ar. hala) ; (vexation) hsxisaJian ; (plants in general) tumhoh-tum-
(pestilence) sampar, piyakit lia- boha?i;* (if cultivated) tananam;
war, waha (Ar.), ta'un* (Ar. (creepers) akar; (weeds, etc.)
Taun). Cattle plague, hawar hi- r limpid : (machinery, of a mill,
natarg. etc.) perkakas.
Plague, V. t. (vex) iLsek, ocliok.'^ Plant, V. t. tanam; (in a nursery)
Plaguy (pla'gi), adj. susali. smai; (by dibbling) tugal;* (seed-
Plaid (plad or plad), s. (checkered lings from a nursery) uhah;* (set
cloth) kain tapak cJiatur* kain up, fix) dirikan, ttapkan; (stick irt
dam-dam; (shawl) sal (Pers.). the ground) chachak. To plant
Plain (plan), adj. (even, level) out, ubah, rdeh^ (W.).
rata: (open, clear) trarg, ryata; Plant, V. i. berkbun, berJinma* ber-
(not ornamented) bersahaja* ladarg, bertanam, berchoch ok -ta-
tiada herhias; (not handsome) ku- nam.
rarg elok. Plain food, makanan Plantain (plan'ten), s. pisarg.
'ala-kadar (Ar.). Plain rice, nasi Plantation (plan-ta'shmi), s. kbwi,.
hulat-hulat. Plain speaking, cha- ladarg.
kap tnis-trarg. plain To speak Planter (plant'er or plant'er), s. p-
(of children), herkata petes/^ cha- Jadarg/^ orarg berkbun.
kap tnis (B.). Plash (plash), s. (of oars) gm-
Plain, tanah rata, padarg.
s. rchak.-''
Plaint (plant), s. prgaduan, tudoli- Plaster (plas'ter), s.
a?!,*" pnd'au'aan. obat pupokf^ koyok (Ch. ko-idh) ^
Plaintiff (plan'tif), s. pnd'aiva, prg- (for walls, etc.) lepa.^'
adu,^ orarg yarg d'awa. Plaster, v. t. (a w^ound) buholi obat
Plaintive (-tiv), adj. sai/u/-' sat/up pupok/^ pakai koyok; (walls)
(B.). lepa;"^ (with mud) lumorkan, te-
Plait (plat or plat), s. slampitj^ pek.
Plait V. t. aiyamkan, slampitkan.'^ Plasterer (-er), s. tukarg lepa.*
Plan (plan (drawing) pta,^ Plastic (plas'tik or plas'tik), adj.
gamhar ; (scheme) daya ;* (me- Hat.
thod, way) jalafij 'akal, upaya Plat (plat), s. (plait) slampit;*'
(Sk.), akhtiar (Ar. ikhtidr). To (plot of ground) petak.
make plans (with others), biiat Plate (plat), s. (for food) piiygan;

hickara* (smaller) pinrg; (of unglazed

Plan, V. t. (by drawings) ptakan* earthenware) cJiobek;'^ (of metal)
gamharkan; (devise, contrive) chepir;'^ (vessels of gold and sil-
upayakan (Sk.), rekaJ^ ver) perkakas 'mas perak. Iron
Plan, V. i. (intend) herniat, lindak, plate, bsi lantai.^' Number plate
herkahandak.^ (for license), pin'rg nomhor; (on
Plane (plan), s. (the tool) ktam. the arm) chpras (Hind.).
Plane, adj. (level) rata, datarr Plate, V. t. (overlay) saJut* sador.*-
Plane, v. t. ktam. Plateau (pla'to), s. padarg di tanah
Planet (plan'et), s. hintarg leridar.^ gunorgan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Plated (plat'ed), adj. hersalut* Plea (pie), s. (thing alleged) prg-
Plateful (-fool), s. pirygan. akuan; (excuse) dalek *
Platform (plat'form), s. (of a Plead (pled), v. i. (argue) berban-
tlieatre) parggoiy; (dais) ram- tak;'^ (urge reasons) berbicliara*
hat f' 'Yo plead guilty, mtgakii salali.
(at weddings) ptrana
(Sk.) ; (for drying fish) parggar* To ]3lead not guilty, mryakii bnar.
plantar j"^ (for sleeping on) pn- Pleader (pleder), s. (advocate)
/s%* ainhin,'^ halai-halai. pfjuam/^ pnolorg bicliara, loyar
Plating (plat'ing), s. salidan* (E.).
Platinum s. 'mas
Pleasant (plez'ant), (agree-
put ell.
^ a])le) berknan, sronok (P.) (to ;

Platitude (-tud), s. perhataan sia-

the senses) sdap, enak (X.I.)
( Jav. ) , nemat ( Ar. ) , ladzat ( Ar. ) .

Platonic (pla-ton'ik), adj. Platonic

Pleasantry (-ri), s. jnaka;^ snda,^
yurau, cliura.^
affection, luseh yaiy tiada brahi.^
Platte.r Please (plez), v. t. (give pleasure
(plat'ter), pirggan s. hi-
to) sukakan, puaskan haii, per-
darg,^ pirggan mhan^ (Ar. sa-
knankanf'' (wish, desire) -sv/A-a,
iia?i) ; (of wood) didaig ; (of un-
man. Please sit down, sila-lah
glazed earthenware) cliohek.^
Plaudit (plaw'dit), s. (shouts) so- dudok.'^ l^lease come in, sila ma-
sok."^ Clioba is sometimes used,
rak; (hand clapping) tpok-tpoTc
as, clioba ikat ini, please tie tins.
Please God (God), insha AlJak
(-zi-bl), adj. pura-pura
berhian/' herhian di mata, rupa-
= plea-
Pleasing (plez'ing), adj.
tya haik.
P\ay v. main- sant, q.v.
(pla), i.
Pleasurable (plezh'ur-a-bl), adj.
main; (gamble) main judi.
yatg mnibri ksnkaan, yarg mnju-
Play, V. t. main. To play the violin, ka.kan
gesek biola. To ])lay the flute, Pleasure (-ur), s. ksuka'an, suka,
Hop sulirg. To play the fool, sukachiia (Sk.), suka-ria.^^
main gila.
Plebeian (ple-be'an), s. orarg hina-
Play, s. permainan; (drama) ica- dina* orarg bargsa rndah.
yaiy; (space, room for motion)
Pledge (plej), s. ptarolian, tary-
rrggarg, lya. as
yoryan, perjanjian, yadaian,
Player (pla'er), s. orary bennain; for
below; (security payment)
(in theatres) a?iak icayarg; (gam-
cJiayaran/'' cliayak'an (B.).
bler) pnjudi.'^ V. t. (deposit) ptarohkan;"^
Playfellow (-fel-lo), s. kawan ber-

(guarantee, engage) targgory:

(promise) janji; (transfer as se-
Playful (-iool), adj. yaig suka ber- curity or in pawn or mortgage)
main, bersloroh/^ mlawak (P.), gadai.
luctiu* Pleiades s.
(ple'a-dez), bintary
Playground (-grownd), pada?g s.
tujoli;-' bintary ktika.*
skolali, padarg tmpat bermain. Plenary (ple'na-ri), adj. (com-
Playmate (-nLit), s. kawan ber- plete) clinkop-hykap, ynap.
main. Plenipotentiary (ple'ni-po-ten'shi-
Plaything (-tbing), s. permainan. a-ri, L\ s. plen'i-), s. utusan'^ yaiy

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minus, cure, injure
hurry; fdod, foot, avvfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin f/ien.
di-hri clmkop huasa, vtusan mut- sentak; (pull out) chabot. To
lak (Ar. muTlaq). plnck a fowl, chabot bidu ayam.
Plenitude (plen'i-tud), s. l-Iempah- Plucky (pluk'i), adj. brani.
nn Plug (ping), s. pnjumbat.
Plenteous (-ti-?is), adj. lenipah/^ Plug, Y. t. sumbat, tuinpatf (witlt
vile pah (B.), mewali. part of the obstacle projecting)
Plentiful (-fool), adj. mewali,^ Jem- smpaL
ml e pah (B.), hanjak, jrah* Plughole (plng'hol), s. clirat;* (ins
berjebah* inamur (Ar.). a boat) mata kakap."^'
Plenty (-ti), s. kmewahan, Idem- Plum (plum), s. s-jnis buah di
pahan.^ Eropah.
Plethora (pleth'o-ra), s. Mempali- Plumage s. bulu bu~
Pleurisy (plo6'ri-si), s. salcit paru- Plumb (plum), adj. tgakJ"
paru. Plumb, s. batu tali sipat.^' Plnmlv
Pliable (pll'a-bl), adj. Intor, Imali Plumb
bob, batu tali sipat* line^
liat^ '^
tali si pat.
Pliant (-ant), adj. Intor; (of the
Plumb, Y. t. (make perpendicular)
disposition) Imbot hati.
tgakkanr (the depth) duga/
(-erz), s. pi. l-al-al--tua;
(test) nji.
(small) argkup,^ PWP^^- Plumbago (plum-ba'gd), s. ararg-
Plight (plit), s. lial yarg susali, k- berbkii."^'
Plumber (plum'er), s. tiikarg paip
Plight^ Y. t. (promise) janji^ mrg-
(E.), tukarg ptri, tukarg patri
aku; (betroth) tunarg.
Plinth (plinth), s. kaki tiarg. Plume (pl(35m), s. bidu burorg;
Plod (plod), v. i. berjalan malar/^
(group of feathers) jambol.
bkerja malar.

Plume, Y. t. (clean the feathers)

Plodder (plod'der), s. orarg bkerja
malar * slisek; (boast) mgahkan diri,*"
bsarkan diri.
Plot (plot), s. (plat) petak; Plummet s. (on a fish-
(scheme) dayar (conspiracy) pa- batu
ing line) ladorg;"^ (for
katan, subaliat.'^
sounding) batu duga, prum (L.).
Plot, Y. i.
bcrpalcat, bersubaliat.^
Plot, Y. t. (mark on a plan) tulis,
Plump (plump), adj. sintal*
gmok; (of a child) bulat.
Jukis; (plan)
(Sk.) ; upayakan
(scheme) muafal'atkan (Ar.).
Plump, adY. (direct) bidat; (the
Plough (plow), s. bajak, trggala sound) kchbor* dbap, klmporg.
Plunder (plun'der), v. t. rampas,
Plongh handle, targkai
samon; (at sea) rompak;"^ (com-
Plough, Y. i.
bajak, trggala (Sk.). pletely strip) papas.
Ploughshare (plow'shar), s. mnta Plunder, rampasan.

bajak, surgkal bajak,"^ nayam*

Plunderer s. prampas/^ PW-
Plover (plnY'er), s. The small 1)1 on;
(pirate) prompak, lanun.*
ploYcr, kdidi, bur org kaki dian. Plunge (plunj), v. i. chbur* ter-
Pluck (pink), s, brani. jun,'^ trujun (B.), slam; (as a
Pluck, V. t. (frnits) ptek; (flowers) horse) ronta.
gntas;'^ (the hair) ragut;"^ (jerk) Plunge, Y. t. chburkan,"^ terjun-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hiirry; f55d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
han/^ trujunkaji (B.) ; (weapons) Poetry (po'et-ri), s. various styles
tikamJcan. of poetry are shair, ^ pantun, gu-
Plunger (plunj'er), s. (of a pump) rindam;^ sloka.^'
Jcambu^ (W.), omboh/^ kodok- Poignant (poin'yant), adj. (of
kodok* pranchap. grief) sdeh; (of taste) pdas.
Plural (ploor'al), adj. haryak, Iheh Point (point), s. (sharp end) mata,
deri-pada satu, jami (Ar.). timtory/^ hujoty yary ronchery;"^
Plus (plus), adv. Ibeh. The capital (of land) tanjoiy; (place) tmpat;
plus the interest, modal serta (characteristic) tanda, 'alamat;
drgan burya-tya. Plus sign, tanda (essential matter) tujuan. Points
tambah. of tliecompass, mata aiyin, mata
Plush (plush), s. bldu (Port.), pdoman.'^ To carry one's point,
gatifah'^ (Ar. qanijah), kain jory rnnary dalam perbantahan."^ To
(Ch. md'-jiory). make a point of, berniat. To
Ply (pli), V. i. (work) bkerja; (as a strain a point, Ibehi deri-pada
ship) jala7i, chalu (Hind.). 'adat. Cardinal points, mata-
Ply, V. t. (with questions or re- atyin bsar.'^ A^owel points, baris.^
quests) liputi;'^ (a trade or task) Points (on railway), samboryan.
buat dry an tkun. Winning point (in boat races), tali
Ply, s. (fold) lajns. Jiasil.^ Point of view, timbaryan,
P.M., ptary. pndapatan.'''
Pneumatic (nii-mat'ik), adv. aryin Point, V. t.
(sharpen) ranchory/-^
(a), hawa (a), beraryin. Pneu- roncheiy;'^ (direct toward an ob-
matic tyre, lerery ytah yroiyyaiy.^ ject) tuju, halakanf (indicate)
Pneumatics (-iks), s. Hlmu* hawa. tunjok. To point out, tunjok.
Pneumonia (-mo'ni-a), s. sakit Point, V. i. (with the finger) tun-
paru-paru. jok, siyi.^
Poach (poch), v. i. buru atau jrat Point-blank (point'-blangk'), adj.
mnchuri-churi. triis, btid.

Poach, V. t. rbus tlor tiada berkidit. Pointed (sharp) ron-

(-ed), adj.
Pocket (pok'et), s. kochek, saku cheiy,'^' tajani;
(tapering) lon-
(Port.), kantoiy (^.1,), clios/^ (of speech) tajam.
Pocket, V. t. kochekkan. Pointer (-er), s. (of a clock or
Pocketbook (-book), s. buku per- balance) jaroni; (for blackboard
iryatan yary kchil; (U. S.) pundi- or in learning the Kor'an) pnun-
pundi. jok;* (dog) s-jnis anjiry perburu-
Pocketknife (-nif), s. pisau lipat* an''' [mmbitru
pisaii kchil, pisau buaiy kukii. Pointless (-les), adj. (blunt) tum-
Pockmarked (pok'markt), adj. bo- pol; (useless) sia-sia,^ tiada ber-
pery; (slightly) rchak-rchak. faidah, tiada beryuna.
Pod (pod), s. kulit kachary, chmok:^ Poise (poiz), s. In poise, bertimbal-
Poem (po'em), s. shair (Ar.). an/''
Poet (po'et), s. pryarary sha'ir Poise, V. t. (balance, as a spear)
(laki-laki). timary; (counterbalance) tim-
Poetess (-es), s. pryarary shair baU'
{prempuan). Poison (poi'zn), s. (gen.) rachun;
Poetical (po-et'i-kal), adj. see be- (venom, of snakes, etc.) bisa; (for
low. weapons) ipoh,^ tipas.-^

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; fdod, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tliQU.

Poison, V. t. (put poison on) buhoh Policeman (-man), s. mata-mata,

rachun, buboh ipoh;* (kill by poi- upas (D. oppasser) (K.I.).
son) mrachun* rachmikan. Policy (pol'i-si), s. (system of
Poisonous (-ws), adj. berrachun, management) peraturan, upaya
bisa. (Sk.) ; (cunning, strategy) c7ter-
Poke (pok), (bag) haroiy, guni.
s. deh, daya* 'akal, muslihat (Ar.).
Poke V. t. (thrust) chochok, tikam; Polish (-ish), V. t. (make glossy)
(thrust and stir up) churgkil, (up- yilap;* (as pots and pans) kalai;*
wards, as fruit on a tree) jolok; (metals with a stone) chanai;*
(upwards with a spear) radak; (jewels) upam;* (boots) blary-
'(with a stick or sj^ear) tujah; kin* (E. blacking), blekkiry (B.) ;
(holding a weapon with both (with oil) licliau*
hands) rodok; (the hand into a Polish, s. (for shoes) blaigkin* (E.
pocket) slok; (the head out of a blacking), blekkhg (B.) ; (refine-
window) jrgok; (a fire) upak;* ment) kahalusan.
(in the face with a finger) tun- Polite (po-lif), adj. beradab (Ar.),
jal* tujal (B.). To poke some- berbliasa, tahu 'adat.
thing at a person, sua;* (nearer, Politeness (-nes), s. budi-bJiasa,
or into a person's face) totyoh. adab (Ar.).
To poke fun at, tertawakan, olok- Politic (pol'i-tik), adj. berbudi,
olokkan. budiman (Sk.) ; (in a bad sense)
Poker (pok'er), s. pryochok. cherdek.
Polar (pd'ler), adj. kutub (Ar.). Political (po-lit'i-kal), adj. deri-hal
Pole (pol), s. batary; (when stand- prentahan, berkna'an drgan ^-
ing erect) tia7y; (support for raja'an.
pepper, sireh, etc.) junjoiy* tiaiy Politician (pol'i-tish'an), s. alili

para (B.) ; (stake for mooring or siasat (Ar.).

marking a place) pancliavg; (lar- Politics (-tiks), s. 'ilmu siasat ne-

g^er, for mooring) smbuary;* gri* 'ilmu* mnirentah negri, tad-
(thin, for poling boats, hanging bir negri (Ar.).
clothes, galah;
etc.)(forked) Polity (-ti), s. peraturan, sliarat

chaiygah;* (of a carriage) bom (Ar. sharr).

(D.)'; (of the earth) kutub* (Ar. Poll (pol), s. (head) kpala; (regis-

huth). ter) daftar (Ar.) ; (election) p-

Pole, V. i. t. bergalah, galahkan; viilelian. Poll tax, cJiukai kpala.
(with a forked pole against Poll, V. t. (a tree) tutoli*
branches) bercliatygali* Pollard (pol'lerd), s. pokok yarg
Poleaxe (pol'aks), s. kapak J pun* di-tutoh*
Polecat (-kat), s. musaiy. Pollen (-len), s. abok burga, hama
Polemic (po-lem'ik), adj. berban- burga.
tah* perbantahan* Pollute (pol-luf), V. i. chmarkan*
Polestar (pdl'star), s. bintary ku- najiskan, kotorkan.
tub (Ar. kutb). Pollution (-lu'shim), s. (the act)
Police (po-les'), s. mata-mata. hal mnajiskan; (impurity) k-
Police court, pulis (E.), kantor chmaran* kotor, najis.
ml Police inspector, m-
(N".!.). Poltroon (pol-troon'), s. pnakot,
rinju (Port.), briniu (B.). Police oranj baclioL*
station, rumah pasorg, balai (P.). Polygamist (po-lig'a-mist), s.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

orarg herbini haryak. The wife of Pony (po'ni), s. kuda kchil_, kuda
a polygamist is bermadu, that is, deli, kuda bima,* kuda padi
has rivals. (M.) (B.).
Polygamy (-mi), s. lial berbini ba- Poodle (p5o'dl), s. s-jnis anjirg
tyak, bay oil. permainan.
Polyglot (pori-glot), adj. (of per- Pooh (poo), int. cheli.
sons) yanj bertutor baryalc bhasa; Pooh-pooh (po6-p5o'), v. t. tiada
(of books) yarg berisi baryak bhasa. indahkan, reigankan.
Polygon (-gon), s. bargunan yarg Pool (pool), s. (in a stream) In-
Ibch deri-pada am pat persgi. bok;* (small and shallow) lo-
Polysyllable (-sil'la-bl), s. per- pakf (muddy) laharj* (wallow)
kataan yarg Ibeh deri-pada tiga kubarg.*
buryi. Pool, V. t.
(stakes) kumpolkan
Polytheist (-the-ist), s. oraiy yarg topahf (put together) kumpoU
7)induakan Allah.'^' kan.
Pomade (po-mad' or -mad'), s.
Poop (poop), s. (Naut. after part
miiyak ranibot, miiyak krul* (B.). of a ship) buriian; (deck in the
Pomegranate (pom'gran-et), s. d- stern) tkap linjgi, glmat, papan.
Pomelo (pum'e-16), s. janibua, li- Poor (poor), adj. miskin, papa,"^
7nau bsar, limaii ball, jrok ball
dla'if (Ar.) ; (lean) kw^s; (in-
(N.L). ferior) kurarg baik; (worthy of
Pomfret (pmn'fret), s. ikan bawal. Poor
pity) kasehan, ksian (B.). .

Pommel (-mel), s. (of a sword) rate (Mohammedan), zakat* (Ar.

uluf^ (of a saddle) boTykoL* zakdt).
Pommel, v. t. (with a stick) pa?y- Poorhouse (poor'hows), s. rumah
korg; (with the fists) tumbok; (as miskin.
a woman, with the side of the fist)
Poorly (-li), adj. (in indigence)
gochoh. dalam dalam
ssak, kmiskinan;
Pomp (pomp), s. kmuliaan, khsar-
(indifferently) kurarg baik; (in
an, kmgahan.*
health) ta'sdap badan.
Pomposity (pom-pos'i-ti), s. k-
Pop (pop), s. (the sound) top
mgahan,'^ chorgkak.*
tup, pop. Pop corn, jagorg go-
Pompous (pomp'ws), adj. bermgah-
wgah* chorgkak.'^
Pond (pond), s. kolam. Pop, V. i. (make the sound)

Ponder (pon'der), v. t. mltop (B.) (of berteh) Itas-ltus;

(dart, rush in or out) terpa.
timbarg; (past events) knatg.
Ponderous brat Pop, V. t. (the head out) jrgok.
(-?/s), adj. gdem-
Pope (pop), s. (R.C.) papa.*
Poniard (-yerd), s. kris. Popery (pop'er-i), s. agama orat^
Pontiff (-tif), s. imam bsar; (R.C.)
Srani, agama Nasrani (Ar.).

Popish (-ish), adj. papa* (a).
Pontifical (pon-tif'i-kal), adj. imam Poplar (pop'ler), s. s-jnis pohon*
bsar (a) ; (R.C.) papa* (a). kayu, haiuwar (Ar.).
Pontoon (-toon'), s. plamporg jin- Poppy (-pi), s. pokok apiun,* pokoh
batan thnbol.* Pontoon bridge, madat.
Populace (-u-les), s. orarg ramai.
jmbatan timbol.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ; ice, it, fire,

mirror; did, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, mimis, cure, injure,
thin then.
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil;
POPULAR 387 posiTiorsi

oraiy tiina-dina* orarg haryak, Portend (por-tend'), v. t. 'alamat-

raijat (Ar.). kan, tunjokhan. It portends evil,
Popular (-ler), adj. (of the com- padah-nja jaJiat* 'alamat-iya ta'-
mon people) orarg
(a) ; ramai baik.
(ordinary^ cheap) hbanjakan; (be- Portent (por'tent), s. pdali* pa-
loved by the people) herknan k- dak* 'alamat, chogan.*
pada oraiy ramai, di-gmari oraiy Portentous (por-tent'tis), adj. ta"-
ram-ai* yaty orary-baiyaJc suka haik padah-?ya.*
(B.). Porter (por'ter), s.
Popularity (-lar'i-ti), s. hal di- pnurygu pintu; (carrier) kuli;
gmari orary ramai.'*' (malt liquor) bir Jiitam (E.).
Popularize (-ler-iz), v. t. (make Porterage (-ej), s. iipah kuli.
popular) perlcnatikan k-pada orarg Portfolio (port-f6'li-5), s. buku
ramai; (make generally known) (E. file) ; (office of a minis-
viasohorkan (Ar. mashliur) .
ter) paiykat Dintri.
Populate (-lat), v. t. ramaikan, Porthole (port'h5l), s. jndela ka-
inamurkan (Ar,). pal.
Population (-la'shi/n), s. isi neyri. Portico (por'ti-ko), s. srambi ber-
Populous (-Iws), adj. ramai, tiarg batu.
mamur (Ar.). Portion (por'shi/n), s. (share) bha-
Porcelain (pors'len), s. tmhekar untok; (if cut or divided)
yatg haliis* tandirg;* (dowry) 'mas kaliwin.
Porch (porch), s. srambi. Portion, v. t. (separate into shares)
Porcupine (por'ku-pm), s. landak. untokkan; (distribute) bhagi;
Porcupine quills, duri landak. (cut or divide) tandirg.*
Pore (por), s. lobaiy roma, liary Portland cement (port'land se-
roma.* ment'), s. simen (E.), kapur
Pore, V. i.
tatap.* hit am.
Pork (pork), s. dagiiy hahi. Portliness (-li-nes), s. kgmok'an.
Porker (pork'er), s. habi. Portly (-li), adj. gmok gdemporg.
Porous (por'us), adj. berlobaiy ha- Portmanteau (port-man't5), s. beg
lus-halus. bsar (E. bag).
Porpoise (por'pws), s. lumha-lum- Portrait (por'tret), s. yambar, por-
ba. tret (X.I.).
Porridge (por'rij), s. (of rice or Portray (por-tra'), v. t. (paint,
beans) bub or; (of wheat) suji. draw) tulis, lukis; (describe)
Port (port), s. (wine) arggor port* sifatkan (Ar.).
port tvain (B.) ; (harbour) laboJi- Portuguese (por-tii-gez'), adj.
an; (port hole) jndela kapal; Portuyis, Prirggi* Praiygi.*
(seaport) bandar; (left side) 5- Pose (poz), s. sikap.
blah kiri (di kapal). Pose, V. i. (assume a character)
Portable (port'a-bl), adj. yarg samarkan diri.*
boleh di-aleh-aleh, yaiy boleh di- Pose, V. t. (put in an attitude) si-
pindah-pindalikan. kapkan; (puzzle by questions)
Portal (por'tal), s. pintu gerbaig* biryorgkan.
pintii bsar. Poser (poz'er), s. masailali (Ar.),
Porte (port), s. krajaan Stamhul, Position (po-zish'wn), s.
see COXSTAXTINOPLE. dition) lial, pri* pri-hal;* (at-

ate, 8:sk, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; Qse, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin theiL
titude) hmyvnan;* (if standing) Post, V. t. (placard) tampdl;
perdirian;* (if sitting) kdudoh- (place) tmpatkan;* (accounts)
an; (spot, place) tmpat; (rank, masokkan kira-kira; (letters) ma^
office) patykat, pkerjaan, jawat- sok pos (E.).
an/' mertabat (Ar.). Postage (p5st'ej), s. herga stem
Positive (poz'i-tiv), adj. (real, ac- (E. stamp). Postage stamp, stem
tual) suiygoh; (indisputable) (E.), kpala,* frargko (N.I.).
tniu; (confident) ttap, yakin'^ Postal (-al), adj. pos (a).
(Ar. yaqin). Postcard (-kard), s. poskat (E.)^
Possess (poz-zes'), v. t. (own) her- kartu pos (N".I.).
oleh/^ punjai* ampurya,'^ mileki Postdate (-daf), v. t. huhoh hari-
(Ar.), ada (B.) ; (have in one's hnlan yaiy kmdian.
keeping) tar oh, simpcm; (of evil Poster (-er), s. plkat (D. plakkaat)^
spirits) liaru,^ rasok."^ Some- Posterior (pos-ter'i-er), adj. ter^
times expressed by ber-, as, he pos- kmdian, di hlakaiy, terakhir (Ar.).
sesses many houses, dia herrumah Posterior, s. pwygorg, pantat,
hanjak^^ Possessed by a spirit, huntut.
terkna hantu. Posterity (-ter'i-ti), s. kturunan,.
Possession (-zesh'im), s. (the act) hneh, anak-chuchu-chichit.
hal mmpurya'i,* etc., as above; Postern (pos'tern), s. pintu ma-
(thing possessed) perolehan,"^ lirg,'^ pintu kchil.
lierta, milek
(Ar.). In his pos- Posthumous (pos'chu-mt/s), adj.
session, dalam pgargan-rya, dalam yarg di-pera7iakkan Ipas krtiatian
simpanan-rya. hapa-nja; (of books) yaig di-smr-
Possessor (-zes'ser), s. yarg mm- kan Ipas kmatian prgararg*
punja'i,'^ etc., as above; (pro- Postilion (pos-til'ywn), s. pnurg-
prietor) tuan. garg kuda jori.
Possibility (pos'si-bil'i-ti), s. hot Postman tukary
(post'man), s.

yarg holeh jadi. hantar surat (E.),

pos, posmen
Possible (-bl), adj. yaiy holeh, upas pos (X.I.) (D. oppasser).
holeh jadi; (liable to happen) Post office (-offis), s. pos ofis
mumkin (Ar.), nanti jadi (B.). (E.), kantor pos (N.L), pjahat
It is If it is
possible, harargkali. surat (J.), pjahat kiriman (J.).
possible, kalau holeh, kahu-kalau.'^ Postpone (post-pon'), v. t. targgoh^
As much as possible, s-hrapa holeh, kan,* gantoiy, tempohkan (Port.),.
s-holeh-holeh. pospon (E.).
Possibly (-bli), adv. harargkali, Postponement (-ment), s. per-
holeh jadi (B.) (N.L). taiygohan,'^'' tempoh (Port.).
Post (post), s. tiaiy, turns f (for Postprandial (post-pran'di-al),.
mooring boats) (on
snihiiarg;* adj. Ipas makan.
which something is supported) Postscript (post'skript), s. huhorg-
chagak;"^ (of a door) jnarg;* (stop- an surat kiriman, pnamhahan
ping place) tmpat perhntian; (of surat kiriman.
troops) tmpat herkaival;* (for Postulate (pos'tu-lat), s. perkara
letters) pos (E.) ; (station, office) yarg di-bnarkan dalam perhantah-
jawatan,* an."^
pgargan. pegargan
(B.). From pillar to post, k- Posture (-chur), s. sikap; (osten-
sana k-mari, sana-sini (B.). tatious) segak*

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, care, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin thon.
Posture, V. i. (as a dancer) lerg- Poultice (-tis), s. pupok'an* Im-
gok. pok.
Posy (po'zi), s. harargan hurga. Poultry (-tri), s. ayam-itek.
Pot (pot), s. (of iron) huali; (of Pounce (powns), v. i, sambar, ter-
brass) grergserg; (of metal or kam, serbu.
earth) priok; (of earth) hlarga; Pound (pownd), v. i. (in a mortar)
(for liquids, but not for cooking) tumbok; (as sireh in the gobek)
pasu, paso (B.), buy org, takar* gobek*
gombarg/^ Icndi* dorak;* (of Pound, s. (inclosure) paiin (E.),
metal) hokor,^ batil;* (of horn, kandarg binatarg lava;* (weight)
for ointment) tlap* Flower pot, paim = 12 tahil; (English money)
pasu, paso (B.) ; (large) jam- paun, warg 'riias Irggris = ^8.57.
bargan.* Also see cauldkon, Poundage (pownd'ej), s. kamsen
JAR, PAX. (E.).
Potable (p5'ta-bl), adj. yarg boleh
Pour (por or poor), v. t. tuarg; (in
di-minum. small quantities) chudior* leleh-
Potash (pot'ash), s. garam obit. kan, mlelehkan (B.) ; (as water on
Potato (po-ta'to), iibi, ubi kn-
s. plants) siram, dirus;* (pour out
all at once) churah,
targ* ubi gantarg (B.), ubi brg- tumpah, turn-
gala, kntarg (N.I.). pah-ruah*
Pot-bellied (pot'bel'lid), adj. prot Pouring (-ing), adj. (of rain) Ibat,
buncliit, prot bontit (N.I.).
Potent ber-
Pout (powt), V. i. munchorgkan
(po'tent), adj. kuat,
kuasa. mulut; ( turning the lower lip out )

Potentate s.
chbekj^ jbil/^ jbek.
(-ten-tet), yarg di-per-
timn.'^ Pouting (powt'ing), adj. (of the
Potential (po-ten'shal), mouth) munchorg.
adj. (pos-
boleh see pos- Poverty (pov'er-ti), s. kmiskinan,
sible) 7ja7g jadi,
hat miskin, kpapa'ati* kputusan
Potion warg, kpichek'an blanja."^
(po'shun), s. (dose) had Powder
Love potion, (pow'der),
serbok; (ex- s.
(Ar.), tiap (Ch.).
plosive) obat bdil;
obat guna, obat prgaseh*
bdak, pupor/^ podar* (E.), puyar
Potsherd (pot'sherd), s. tmbekar^'
(D. poeier) (N.I.).
Potter (-ter), s. tukarg priok blarga.
Potter wasp, argkut-argkut.
Powder, v. t. (reduce to powder)
lumatkan* hanchur4ulohkan;*
Potter, V. i. (saunter) berjalan
(sprinkle with powder) bdaki.
lergah-lergah, berjalan termut- Powder flask (-flask), s. kerjmi*
Powdery (-i), adj. lumat*
Pottery (-i), s.
(vessels) pn'ok- Power (pow'er), s. kuasa, kkuatan,
blarga; (place) tmpat mmbuat
prguasaan;* (of God) kudrat
piiok-blarga. Power of attorney, surat
Pouch (powch), s.
(small bag) pon- kuasa. The great powers, kuasa
jen, p^mdi-pundi ;
(for tobacco) dunia.
lopak-lopak; (for sireh) bujam* Powerful (-fool), adj. kuat, gagah,
epok* berkuasa.
Poulterer (pol'ter-er), s. pnjual Powerless (-les), adj. ta'kuat,
ayam-itek. tiada berkuasa, Imah.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f55d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then
Pox (poks), s. (syphilitic chancre) niintak; (ask prayer) berdo'a.
7nata kau;* (tertiary syphilis) Pray (I beg), minta, kira-rya*
sule. Small pox, cliachar, htum- apa-lah* sinbah-lah*
bohan.'^^ Pray, v. t. minta, pinta* pohon-
Practicable (prak'ti-ka-bl), adj. kan.*
yarg boleh jadi, yarg berlahu* Prayer (prar), s. permintaan, do' a
yaiy boleh di-perbuat. (Ar.) ; (to avert evil) do'a tolak
Practical (-kal), adj. berguna, ber- balak (Ar. bald") ; (on behalf of
faidah. the prophet Mohammed) salawat
Practically (-li), adv. (really) s- (Ar.) ; (worship) smbahyarg.
surygoh-rya* yarg btul-iya. Prayer house, larggar* surau.*
Practice (prak'tis), s. (usage, cus- Prayer mat, tikar smbahyarg, per-
tom) 'adat; (exercise for instruc- maidani smbahyaig , sajadah
tion) latelian;* (physical exercise) (Ar.) The five hours of prayer,
snam^' smbahyarg lima vjaktu*
Practise, v. i. (exercise for instruc- Preach (prech), v. i. berkhutbah
tion) blajar, latelij^ biasakan diri. (Ar. khuTbah) ; (discourse) ajar,
Practise, v. t. (for instruction) shurah (Ar. shuran). To preach
lateh* mahirkan (Ar.) ; (do, ex- the gospel, mrgajar injil (X.).
ecute) buat, lakukan* 'amalkan Preacher (prech'er), s. khatib
(Ar.), bikin (B.). (Ar.), guru, pigajar*
Practitioner (prak-tish'^^n-er), s. Preamble (pre'am'bl), s. (in a
Legal practitioner, pguam,* loyar book) prgnalan,* pndhulvan*
(E.). Medical practitioner, dok- Prearrange (pre'ar-ranj'), v. t.
tor (E.). aturkan terdhulu.
Prairie (prar'i), s. padarg brggol- Precarious (pre-kar'i-izs), adj.
brggil* (doubtful) ia'tntu; (risky) ber-
Praise (praz), v. t. puji. bahya.
Praise, s. puji, kpujian* puji-puji- Precaution (-kaw'shwn), s. hal ber-
an. iiyats-blum terkna. To take every
Praiseworthy (praz'wer-^/iy), adj. precaution, habiskan akhtiar (Ar.
yarg patut di-puji. ikhtidr) .

Prance (prans), v. i. (of horses) Precede (-sed'), v. t. dhului,* kpala-

ten,* bertandalc, (of persons, with kan, jalan dhulu (B.).
stiff limbs) berjalan terkjarg- Precedence (-ens), s. hal mn^
kjatg; (with loose motions of dhului,* kdhuluan;* (in rank)
hands and feet) berjalan terktek- pmgkat yarg Ibeh tiiggi.
ktek* Precedent (pres'e-dent), s. (ex-
Prank (prangk), permainan jnaka* ample) chontoh, tuladan.
main gila, knalcala7i.* Preceding (pre-sed'ing), adj. yarg
Prank, v. bersegak*
i. dhulu.
Prate (prat), v. i. repek;* gapil* Precentor (-sen'ter), s. kpdla rya-
rapek (B.). njian.
Prattle (prat'tl), v. i. chiak-miak* Precept (pre'sept), s. hukum, psan-
Prattle, s. chiak-miak* ati, prentah.
Prawn (prawn), s. udarg, udarg lu- Preceptor (pre-sep'ter), s. guru
bok* skolah.
Pray (pra), v. i. (request) minia, Precincts (pre'singkts), s. (limit)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror: old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cfire, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
perhirggaan* smpadan, kawas- orarg yarg di-gantikan, orarg lama.
an;* (district) dairah (Ar.). Predestinate (pre-des'ti-nat), v. t.
Precious (presh'zis), adj. (costly) takdirkan*
(Ar. taqdir).
berherga, yarg ada herga (B.), Predestination (-na'shwn), s. tak^
mahal; (highly esteemed) indah. dir (Ar.).
Precious metals, mas-perak. Pre- Predestine (-tin), v. t. takdir-
cious stones, perfuata. kan (x\r.).
Precipice (pres'i-pis), s. thirg yarg Predicament (-dik'a-ment), s. k-
sanjat churam. sumhan, hat yarg terlalu susah.
Precipitate (pre-sip'i-tet), adj. Predicate (pred'i-kat), v. i. t. kata-
gopoli-gopoli. kan, shotkan.
Precipitate (-tat), v. t. (cast Predicate (-ket), s. sbotan.
down) terjunJcan, trujunkan (B.), Predict (pre-dikf), v. t. tlahkan;*
champakkan; (hasten) hargaU (as a prophet) nabuatkan (Ar.).
kan,* Ikaskan, sgrakan, gopohkan. Prediction (-dik'shi/n), pnlaha7i*
Precipitate, v. i. (form a sediment) nahuat (Ar.).
mndak.'^' Predilection (pre'di-lek'shwn), s.

Precipitately (-tet-li), adv. golot- (liking) ksuka'an, kgmaran;^

golot,^ tergsa-gsa* (disposition to choose) chndrorg
Precipitation (-ta'shwn), s. ter- hati, chondrorg hati (B.).
j'unan/^ gopoh. Predispose (-dis-poz'), v. t. dm-
Precipitous (-ti^s), adj. churam, drorgkan hati.
jroh.* Predisposition (pre'dis-po-zish'-
Precise (pre-sis'), adj. (exact) uii), s.
chndrorg*- chndrorg hati,
Mul, tpat;* (punctilious) jimaU chondro7g hati (B.).
jimat. Predominant (pre-dom'i-nant),
Precision (-sizh'wn), s. khUdan, adj. herkuasa, yarg terutama
jimat. (Sk.).
Preclude (-klo5d'), v. t. (prevent) Predominate (-nat), v. i. herha-
tgahkan, talian; (obviate) hatal- njak-ha njak, h erlbeh-lheh .

kan. Preeminence (-em'i-nens), s. hal

Precocious (-kd'slms), adj. pandai yarg terutama (Sk.), see below.
dhidu deri-pada 'adat. Preeminent (-nent), adj. terutama
Precocity (-kos'i-ti), s. kpandaian (Sk.), mulia skali, bsar skali.
hudak dhulu deri-pada 'adat. Preen (pren), v. i. (of birds) slisek
Preconceive (pre'kon-sev'), v. t. hulu.*
fikirkan terlheh dhulu. Preexist (pre'egz-ist), v. t. ada ter-
Preconception (-sep'shwn), s. fi- dhulu.
kiran terlheh dhulu. Preexistence (-ens), s. k'ada'an
Preconcert (-serf), v. t. aturkan terdhulu, kidam* (Ar. qidam).
ter dhulu. Preface (prefes), s. prgnalan* k-
Precursor (pre-ker'ser), s. prg- vjata-an, pndhiduan.*
anjur.* Prefect (pre'fekt), s. pmrentah.
Precursory (-so-ri), adj. yatg ter- Prefecture (-fek-chur), s. pargkat
lheh dhulu. pmrentah.
Predatory (pred'a-to-ri), adj. yaty Prefer (pre-fer'), v. t. (bring for-
mrampas, yarg mryamon. ward, as a petition) persmhah-
Predecessor (pre'de-ses'ser), s. kan;* (raise in rank) argkat, naik-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin fhen.
lean parykat; (choose rather) lb eh rosakkan, yarg mmbri mudlarat
suka, see below. (Ar.).
Preferable (pref'er-a-bl), adj. Ibeh Prelate (preFet), s. padri pargkat
di-gmari* rmak, arggtir* lagi bsar.
haik. To die is preferable, rmak- Preliminary (pre-lim'i-na-ri), adj.
luh mail, arggor-lah mati.* yary mula-mula.
Preference (-ens), s. see predilec- Prelude (prel'ud), s. (in music)
Tiox; (opportunity to choose) lagu permula'an.
kuasa m mil eh. Premature (pre'ma-tur'), adj.
Preferential (-en'shal), adj. yarg (ripe too soon) rnasak layu; (hap-
Ibeh baik. pening too soon) yary jadi s-blum
Preferment (pre-fer'ment), s. ktika-iya. Premature birth, ber-
parykat. ariak ta'cliukop bulan.
Prefigure (-fig'ur), v. t. tandakan Premeditate (pre-med'i-tat), v. t.

dhulu, n/atakan dhulu. fikirkan dhulu, niatkan dhulu.

Prefix (pre'fiks), s. tambahan pada Premier (prem'yer or pre'mi-er), s.

permula'an. perdana mntri (Sk.), mntri bsar.

Prefix (pre-fiks'), v. t. tambah pada Premise (pre-mlz'), v. t. katakan
permula'an. dhtdu, sbotkan dhidu.
Pregnancy (preg'nan-si), s. lial m- Premise (prem'is), s. (previous
rgandorg, buntirg, hamil (Ar. statement) perkara yary di-sbot
iidniil), berisi. dhulu.
Pregnant (-n<2nt), adj. yarg m- Premises (-is), s. pi. sgala rumdh
rgandoty, buntirg, hamil (Ar.), dalam satu kawasan* [smpadan
berisi. (B.)].
Prehensile (pre-hen'sil), adj. yarg Premium (pre'mi-wm), s. (reward)
boleh mingavg, yarg boJeh pegarg hadiah ; (on insurance)
(B.). bayeran inshuran (E.) ; (advance
Prehistoric in value) herga Ibeh, termahal.*
(pre'his-tor'ik), adj.
pada zaman perba-kala* pada za- Premonitory (pre-mon'i-to-ri), s.

man s-blum ada tarikh* (Ar. td- yarg mmbri i7yat terlbeh dhidu.
rikh ) . Premonition (pre'mo-nish'wn), s.

Prejudge (pre-juj'), v. t. timbary in]atan teribeh dhulu, arnaran s-

s-blum di-preksa, putuskan hukum blum berlakii.*
s-blum di-bicharakan. Preoccupation (pre-ok'ku-pa'-
Prejudice (prej'u-dis), s. (pre- shwn), s. fikiran ssak.*
judgment) timhargan mryalahkan Preoccupy (-pi), v. t. (take before-
orarg s-blum di-preksa; (adverse hand) ambil dhulu; (en-

leaning) chondorg hati mlawan gross the attention) ssakkan* fi-

orarg;* (damage) bncliana, mu- kiran terlheh dhulu [pnohkan
dlarat (Ar.). (B.)]
Prejudice, v. t. (bias the mind) Preordain (pre'or-dan'), v. t. (of
chondorykan hati mlawan orary;* men) tntukan dhulu; (of God)
(hurt, damage)
rosakkan, bri takdirkan dhulu (Ar.).
m.udlarat (Ar.). To be pre- Prepaid (pre-pfid'), adj. di-bayer
judiced, dryar hukum tlirya,* ku- dhulu.
pirg rergan (B.). Preparation (prep'a-ra'shwn), s.

Prejudicial (-dish'd), adj. yarg m- persdia'an; (equipment) klrykap-

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
an:* (materials prepared for a Prescription (-skrip'shwn), s.

building) ramuan* (medical) surat ohat.

Presence (prez'ens), s. hadapan,
Preparatory (pre-par'a-to-ri), adj.
hadlrat (Ar.). In the presence
yarg rnnjdiakan.
v. sdiakan, of, jxida hadlrat (Ar.), di hadap-
Prepare (pre-par'), t.
an. To lose one's presence of
siapkan: (with equipment) Irghap-
l-an* alati (Ar.). mind, naik hirgorg.
Present (-ent), adj. (at hand) ada,
Prepay (pre-pa'), v. t, hayer dhulu.
hadlir* (Ar. uddlir) ; (now exist-
Prepayment (-ment), s. bayeran
dhulu. ing) skararg.
Preponderate (pre-pon'der-at), Present, s. (present time) masa s-
V. (exceed in weight or in-
i. karaig, masa ini, ini tempo (B.).
At present, skararg. For the pre-
fluence) Ibehi, lam paid*
s. sent, smantara,* antara ini.
Preposition (prep'o-zish'i/n),
Present, s. pmbrian, hadiah (Ar.),
(Gram.) huruf al-jar (Ar.).
v. t. persen (N.I.) ; (from a prince)
Prepossess (pre'poz-zes'),
beforehand) arnbil terlheh anugrah (Sk.), kurnia (Sk.) ; (to
chon- a prince) persmhahan; (royal gift
dhulu; (bias in favour)
with a letter) birgkis;* (alms)
doryhan hati Ic-pada.
sdkaJij derma (Sk.) ; (tip) baksis
Prepossessing (-ing), adj. yarg
hati, yarg mrggmarJcan*
(Turk.) ; (gift in expectation of
mn/amhil a favour) sagu hati; (between
yarg mn.jatohkan hati*
friends) tanda mata* tanda irgat
Preposterous (pre-pos'ter-i^s), adj.
mustahil (Ar.). (B.). Wedding present, tek-pai
Prepuce (pre'pus), s. Iculop* Present v. t.
(pre-7ent'), (intro-
Prerogative (pre-rog'a-tiv), s.

hale* kuasa. duce) hadapkan, hadlirkan (At.) ;

(right) (Ar. naqq),
(exhibit) njatakan; (give) hri,
Presage (pres'ej), s. (omen) kasi (B.), hadiahkan (Ar.), anu-
pduh* padah* 'alamat. grahkan (Sk.), kurniakan (Sk.),
Presage (pre-saj'), v. t. (indicate) persmbahkan* sdkahkan, as above.
tandakan, tunjokkan, ryatakan. Presentable (-a-bl), adj. yarg
Presbyter (prez'bi-ter), s. ktua patut di-hadapkan, yarg lay ale di-
greja, ktua perkumpolan (X.). persmbahkan.*
Presbyterian (-ter'i-an), s. Pres- Presentation (prez'en-ta'shwn), s.
byterian church, perkumpolan yarg hal mrghadap, hal mmpersmbah^
di-prentahkan oleh ktua-ktua
kan;* (gift) persmhahan* pm-
(X.). brian.
Prescience (pre'shi-ens or presh'i- Presentiment s.
ens), s. prgtahuan mnlah* (foreboding) kbimhargan* khuatir
Prescient (-ent), adj. yarg mrg- (Ar. khawdTir) ; (feeling) rasa.
tahui perkara yarg akan* jadi Presently adv. 5-
[nunti (B.)l. bntar lagi, lagi s-kjap.
Prescribe (pre-skrib'), v. t. (ap- Preservation (-er-va'shz/n), s. (the
point) tntukan; (a law or rule) act) hal mmliharakan* etc., see
Itakkan, perundarg-undargkan ;* preserve; (safety) slamat. In
(medicine) tntukan ohat* hri a good state of preservation, tiada
ohat, kasi ohat (B.). rosak, blum bur ok.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, ciire, injure,
hurry; fdod, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tTien.
Preservative (pre-zerv'a-tiv), adj. pressing) pri mnindeh, pri mnkan,
yaty mnilihara^an* etc., see press. Pressure of work,
Preserve (-zerv'), s. (of fruit) sibok.
manisan, halwa;'* durian in
(of Prestige (pres-tezh' or pres'tij), s.

sugar) Impolc, Impok durian kuasa; (of a king) daulat (Ar.).

(B.) ; (for game) tanah tertntu Presumable (pre-zum'a-bl), adj.
hagi perhuruan* yarg holeh di-sargka, yarg boleh di-
Preserve, v. t. (keep safe) plihara, agak.
jaga; (fish, fruit, etc. in jars) Presume (-zum'), v. i. t. (do with-
prgap;* (in sugar) buat manisan; out leave) branikan din; (infer,
(in salt) garami; (in vinegar) suppose) saigka.
acharhan; (by smoking) salai* Presumption (-zump'shtin), s. k-
Preserved fish (in salt), pda* bi'anian, bsar hati, sargka, persarg-
hiidu* Preserved shellfish, hnas* kaan, as above.
pkasam. Preserved durian (in Presumptuous (-chu-^fs), adj. bra-
tmpoyak; (in sugar) Impok.
salt) ni, somhoig, borgkak.'^
Preside (-zid'), v. i. jadi kpala ma- Presuppose (pre-sup-p5z'), v. t.
sliuarat (Ar.), jadi ktua majlis. saigkakan sudah ada.
Presidency (prez'i-den-si), s. parg- Pretence (pre-tens'), s. (claim)
kat pmrentaJi. P'lgakuan; (deception) pura-puraj^
President (-dent), s. (presiding (excuse) daleh.
officer) ktua majlis, yary di-per- Pretend (-tend'), v. i. t.
tua;* (of a republic) pmrentah, mvgaku, d'aiua diri;* (feign)
ktua; (of a club) ktua. pura-puraf^ buat-buat, samarkan
Presidential (-den'shal), adj. p- diri* siet-siet (B.) (Ch.).
m.rentali. Pretended (-ed), adj. pura-pura,^
Press t. (under a weight)
(pres), v. 7iama sahaja.
tindeli; (by applying pressure) Pretender (-er), s. orarg pura-
tkan; (against something) impit, pura* oraty siet-siet (B.) (Ch.).
empet (B.) ; (between two sur- Pretension (-ten'sht^n), s. prgaku-
faces) apit; (under the arm) kpit; an.
(with the finger tips) pichit; (by Preternatural (pre'ter-nach'u-ral),
kneading) ramas; (to press out adj. tiada kbiasa'an, lain deri-pada
liquid) prah; (to tighten or con- s-hari-hari, Ibeh deri-pada 'adat.
solidate) 'rat* mampatkan; (to Pretext (pre'tekst), s. pryamaran*
squeeze in) asak, padat;'^ (by See PRETENCE.
ironing) strika (D. strijken) ; Pretty (prit'ti), adj. chantek, molek,
(compel) paksa. manis, 7njlis (Ar.) ; (of children
Press, V. i. (push, crowd) tmpoli, and small things) chomil; (of
serhu. To press on, m^aju* natural objects) permai*
mara.* Pretty, adv. (moderately) sdikit.
Press, s. (machine) apitan;* (for Pretty good, baik juga.
treading wine) irek'an;* (printing Prevail (pre-vaF), v. i. (overcome)
office) Unpat chap; (newspapers mnarg, jaya (Sk.) ; (be in force)
collectively) sgala surat khahar. berlaku.* To prevail upon (per-
Pressing (pres'sing), adj. (urgent) suade), pujok sampai jaya*
sargat-sargat, pntirg*
Prevalence (prev'a-lens), s. klazim-
Pressure (presh'ur), s. (act of an (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Prevalent (-lent), adj. (current) Pricker (prik'er), s. pryochok.
berlaku;* (widely practised) lazim Pricking (-ing), s. grnryam.
(Ar.). Prickle (-kl), s. duri.
Prevaricate (pre-var'i-kat), v. i.
Prickly (-kli), adj. berduri.
dolah-dalek* Prickly-heat (-hef), uam panas,*
Prevarication (-ka'shwn), s. dolak- mam human
panas, panas.*
dalekj^ Pride (prid), s. som-
Prevaricator (-ka-ter), s. orarg tkbiu-
borg, (Ar.) ; (arrogance to
others) chorgkak, sorgar;* (inso-
Prevent (-vent'), v. t. tgalikan, lence to superiors) borgkak.*
tahankan, galarg, sargkak.
Pride, v. t. He prides himself, bsar
Prevention (-ven'shwn), s. tgahan, hati-rya.
Priest (prest),
Preventive (-vent'iv),
s. (Moslem) imam;
adj. yarg
(R.C.) padri; (Chinese) osio'^,*
n'galikan. hoe-sio''
(B.) (Ch. he-siu'') ;
Preventive, s. (charm against sami;* (pagan) kahin
ease, etc.) targkal, pnawar.
Previous (pre'vi-ws), adj. dhidu, Priestcraft (prest'kraft), s. 'akal
yarg sudah-svdah.
Prey (pra), s. (plunder) rampasan; Priesthood imamat
(-hood), s.
(seized by birds or animals) marg-
(Ar.), pargkat padri.
v. To prey on Prig (prig), v. t. (steal) choket.*
Prey, i. rampas. (of
Prig, s. orarg borgkak.*
birds)samhar; (of animals) ter-
ham. To prey on the mind, ka- Priggish (prig'gish), adj. borgkak.*
chaukan hati. Beast of prey, hi- Prim (prim), adj. psolek.
natarg huas* Bird of prey, larg. Primarily (prl'ma-ri-li), adj. per-
Price (pris), s. herga, harga; (sum tama-tama (Sk.), mula-mula.
paid) hayeran; (estimation) nalai^ Primary (-ri), adj. yarg pertama

an;* (reward) pmhalasan. To (Sk.), yarg asal. Primary school,

raise the price of, naikkan herga, skolah permulaan.
mahalkan. Cost price, lierqa hli. Primate (-met), s. bishop bsar
Fixed price, herga mati. Selling (X.).
price, payu* herga jiial.
Prime (prim), adj. (first, original)
Price, V. t. nalaikan,'^ taksirkan ymg pertama (Sk.), yarg awal
(1). taxeeren). (Ar.), asal;
(in quality) yarg
Priceless (prTs'les), adj. tiada ter-
terutama (Sk.), yarg baik skali.
nilai* tiada terhergakan. Prime minister, perdana mntri
Prick (prik), v. t. (pierce slightly) (Sk.). Prime cost, herga tiikarg.
chochok, tikam, tusok * To
prick Prime makanan baik-baik,
up (the ears), tgakkan,* lambirg* makanan yarg mulia*
Prick, V. i. (feel sharp pain, in one Prime, s. (youth) masa muda,
spot) mnchochok-chochok ; (over a tempo mil da (B,).
wider area) grnryam; see smart. Prime, v, t. (instruct beforehand)
Prick, s.
(pointed instrument) pryo- ajar.
chok; (elephant goad) kiisa (Sk.). Primer (prim'er or pri'mer), s.
(act or sensation of pricking) cho- bnku permulaan, puncha prg-
chok, tikam. tahnan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, lis, minws, cure, injure,
liurry; f65d, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
Primeval (pri-me'val), adj. per- Printing ink, dawat chap.^ Print-
ba-kala (Sk.), a^al. ing office, tmpat chap, rumah
Priming (prim'ing), s. (of paint) chitak.* Printing press, psatvat
chat s-lapis; (of gunpowder) obat chap.*
pJalaJc* Prior (pri'er), adj. yarg dhulu.
Primitive (prim'i-tiv), adj. yarg Prior, s. ktua rahib* (Ar. rahib).
7nula-mula, asal, yarg awal (Ar.) ; Priority (pri-6r'i-ti), s. kdhuluan.
= PRIMEVAL, q.v.
also To give a person priority, dhulu-
Primogeniture (pii'mo-jen'i-chur), kan.
s. hsuloyyan. Priory (-er-i), s. rumah orarg ber-
Prince (prins), s. (sovereign) raja; khalwat (Ar.).
(son of a king) anah raja, putra Prise (priz), v .t. umpil, ompel
raja (Sk.). A
merchant prince, (B.), churgkU, chorgkel (B.).
saudagar yaig bernama. Crown Prism krun,* grun.*
(prizm), s.
prince, trgku inahota (Sk.), trgku Prison (priz'n), s. (place of con-
bsar,'^ raja muda. hur organ;
finement) (gaol) pn-
Princely (prins'li), adj. (regal, jara (Sk.), jel (E.).
royal) raja (a) ; (fit for a prince) Prisoner (-er), s. orarg salah, orarg
ckara raja.
rantai, orarg terpnjara (Sk.), orarg
Princess (prin-ses'), s. (reigning)
tutopan(N.I.), orarg jel; (cap-
raja prempuan; (wife of a king)
orarg tawanan*
permaisuri (Sk.), trgku ampuan* Pristine (pris'tm or -tin), adj. yarg
to'puan* bini raja (B.) ; (daugh- mula-muJa, yarg awal (Ar.), yarg
ter of a king) putri* ptri.*
Principal (prin'si-pal), adj. (chief) Prithee int.
(pri^/i'e), grargan.*
kpala, yarg terutama (Sk.), ibu.
Privacy or pri'va-si), s.
Principal, s. (leader) kpala, ktua;
perasirgan,* ksulitan,* ksmbunji-
(sum of money) modal, pokok.
an,* rahsia, rusia (B.), see below.
Principality (-pal'i-ti), s. (terri-
Private (pri'vet), adj. (personal,
tory of a prince) kraja'an.
individual) sndiri, patikulir
Principally (-pal-li), adv. teru-
tama (Sk.), istimewa (N.L) (D.); (secluded)
pula* yarg
terlbeh skali (B.). smburyi,* tersmboryek (B.), su-
lit;* (not official) preman (D.
Principle (-pi), s. (source, origin)
aival (Ar.) vrijman) ; (secret) rahsia, rusia
asal, ; (fundamental
(B.) ; (betw^een two persons only)
truth) patgkal; (rule of conduct)
sama sndiri; (special, not general)
sharat (Ar. sharaT), ptua* (Ar.
khas* (At. khass). Private
fatwa) .

Private soldier,
Print parts, km,aluan.
s. (mark) bkas;
soldado tiada berpargkat.
(from a stamp) chap; (printed
Private, s. (soldier) see above.
letter) huruf (Ar.) ; (printed
Privateer (-va-ter'), s. kapal sau-
calico) kain chita.
Print, V. t. (make a mark on) bkas- dagar yarg di-bri izin berprarg.
kan; chap, tkan chap;
(stamp) Privately (-vet-li), adv. diam-diam,
(books, etc.) chap, chitak;* (with drgan sulit.*
colours, as calico) tlpok*
Privation (-va'shwn), s. kpichek-
Printer (print'er), s. tukarg chap. 'an* kkurargan.
Printing (-ing), s. 'ilmu* chap. Privilege (priv'i-lej), s. (favour)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry ; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
kurnm (Sk.) ; (right) hak* (Ar. Procedure (-se'jur), s. (step
iiaqq) (franchise) khehasan.
; taken) perhuatan, pkerja'an.
Privily (-li), adv. diam-diam, drgan Proceed (-sed'), v. i. (go on) ;a-
tersnibutyi* diyan smhotyek (B.). lan; (advance) mara/^ maju;* (go
Privy (-i), adj. (private) sulit;'* on to, pass on to something else)
(knowing) s-taliu. Privy council, largsoiy; (come forth) kluar,
mashvamt mntri/^ Privy purse, terbit*
blatija raja sndiri. Proceeding (-ing), s. (action) per-
Privy, janihan, tnipat k-su7yai*
s. buatan, klakuan. Legal proceed-
tmpat huary ayer. ings, d'aivaan, d'awa-d/awi, dawa-
Prize (prlz), s. (something cap- daiui (B.).
tured) rampasan; (at sea) kapal Proceeds (pro'sedz), s. hasil, pn^
yarg di-rampas; (reward offered) dapatan. Net proceeds, pndapat-
pmhalasan, hadiah (Ar.), pmis an herseh* Proceeds of a sale,
(E.). Prize-fighting, bertinju* warg jualan.
kuntaii (Ch.), hoksirg (E.). Process (pro'ses, u. s. pros'es), s.

Prize, V. t. (fix a price) nilaikan;* (continuous act or operation) per-

(value highly) indahkan. To buatan, pkerja'an. In process of
prize up, umpil, ompel (B.), tuil* time, lanibat laun,'* lambat lawan
Pro (pro), s. pros and cons, ya (B.). A
slow process, pkerja'an
hukan* yarg lambat.
Probability (prob'a-bil'i-ti), s. hal Procession (pro-sesh'wn), s. per-
yaiy holeh di-harap, pri yarg nam- arakan/^ herarak (B.), amhalan.*
pak-tya bnar.^ To march in procession, herarak.
Probable (-bl), adj. yarg di-saryka Proclaim (-klam'), v. t. (declare)
holeh jadi, yaig nampak-rya hnar,
khabarkan; (make widely known)
yarg holeh di-harap. ryujisohorkan (Ar. mashhur), lahir-
Probate (pro'bet), s. ktraryan sural kan"^ (Ar. tldhir) ; (by crying
wasiaf^ (Ar. wasiyat). srukan*
out) waricarkan;* (by
Probation (pro-ba'shwn), s. ujian, drumming) nohatkan (Ar.), tahaU
pmreksa'an, pnchoha'an. kan (Ar.) ; (with a gong) cha-
Probationer (-er), s. orarg yarg di- natgkan/-^ morgmonjkan.*
choha. Proclamation (prokla-ma'shi^n),
Probe (pr5b), s. pnduga. s. sruan* permasohoran, luar^
Probe, V. t. (as a wound) duga, iimr;'* (in WTiting) pmhri tahu,
rajah;* (scrutinize) slidek* k ryata'an, notis E . .
( )
Probity (prob'i-ti, U.S. prob'i-ti), chon-
Proclivity (pro-kHv'i-ti), s.
s. ktulusan, ekhlas (Ar. ikhlds),
dorg hati/^ chndrorg liatij^ chon-'
ptdeh hati.
drorg hati (B.).
Problem (problem), s. masailah
Procrastinate (-kras'ti-nat), v. i.
Problematical lergah, bertarggoh.*
(-at'i-kal), adj.
Procrastinator (-na-ter), s. p- ,

(doubtful) tatntu.
Proboscis (pro-bos'sis), s. (of ele- lergah/^' pa' lergah (B.).
Procreate v. t. h
phants and insects) ftZaZat, mon- . (pro'kre-af),
anakkan, adakan anak,* jad n^^^
chorg (B.) ; (of fish) jorgor;* (of
animals) munchorg, mondiorg
Procurable (pro-kur'a-bl) adj.
J -
ate, ask, am, final,- care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry;
mirror; did, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minMS, cure, i ^' "' '

hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin thf^r
yarg hoi eh di-dapat, yary da pat di- Professed (-fesf), adj. tranj,
peroleh.'^ njata-rijata.
Procurator (prok'u-ra-ter), s. kua- Profession (-fe.sh'?m), s. (avowal)
sa, ivakil'^' (Ar. wahil). prgakuan; (business, employment)
Procure (pro-kur'), v. t. heroleh* kpandaian, pkerja'an, jawatan,*'
da pat. pncharian.
Procurer (-er), s. alhu, harua, pi- Professional (-al), adj. ya}g her^
narg muda (P.)- harapkan"^' upah atau gaji \Jiarap-
Prod (prod), v. t. tikam, cliochoh. kan (B.)].
Prod, s. piyoclioh. Professor (-fes'ser), s. (teacher)
Prodigal (prod'i-gal), adj. horos, gvru skolah hsar, pndita.
hah or, ah or. Proffer (proffer), v. t. (a gift) so^
Prodigality {-gaVi-ti), s. Icborosan. rorg, unjokkan, kluarkan, per-
Prodigious (pro-dy^^s), adj. ter- s mhahka n, * t^a warkan. *
lalu sanjat, terlalu hsar, ser-gam* Proficiency (pro-fish'en-si), s. k-
Prodigy (prod'i-ji), s. 'aja'ih pandaian, khijaVan, kpintamn
(Ar.). (N.I.).
Produce (pro-dus'), v. t. (lead Proficient (-ent), adj. pandai, hi-
forth) haira, hadUrkan (Ar.) ; (as jak, pintar (i^.I.), ahli (Ar.).
a witness) dirikan; (show) tun- Profile (pro'fel), s. nipa; (side
jokkan; (give birth to) kluarkan, face) gamhar erergan muka,* gam-
jadikan, laJiirkan'^ (Ar. tlahir) ; har shlah muha (B.).
(cause) sbabkan/^ adakan; (manu- Profit (profit), s. untorg, laha,'^'

facture) hiiat, hikin (B.) ; (as kJaha'an,"^ pndapaian, hasil; (bene-

land or money) hri hasil; (leng- fit) gn7ia, faidah.
then ) panjargkan. Profit, V. i.
heruntorg, heroleh laha,*
Produce (prod'vis), s. hasil, kluar- h erfa' idah.
an. Jungle produce, hasil hutan. Profit, V. t. hri untorg, hri fa'idah,.
Product (-ukt), s. hasil, kluaran. kasi untorg (B.).
Production (pro-duk'shwn), s. (the Profitable (-a-bl), adj. heruntorg,.
act)hal m/iyluarkan ; (that which h erg una, herfaidah.
is produced) hasil, kluaran. Profitless (-les), adj. tiadu her-
Productive (-tiv), adj. (of the soil untorg, tiada herfa'idah.
or plants) subor; (of animals) Profligacy (profli-ga-si), s. lu-
mmhiak (B.).
hiak, chah.
Productiveness (-nes), s. ksubor- Profligate (-get), s. orarg luchah,
an, khiaVan.* plonteh (N.I.).
Profane (pro-fan'), adj. (unclean, Profound (pro-fownd'), adj. (of
unlioly) najisf (of language) knowledge or wisdom) dalam; (of
hujat,'^' nsta (Sk.) ; (obscene) sleep) llap, ryadar;"^ (lowly) rn-
cliarut. dah.
Profane, v. t. najiskan, hujatkan* Profoundly (-11), adv. amat-sargat,^
nsfakan (Sk.), kjikan.'^ terlalu sargat.
Profanity (-fan'i-ti), s. hujat,* Profuse (-fiis'), adj. (beautiful, li-

nsta (Sk.). ])eral) lempah, mlepah (B.) ;

Profess (-fes'), v. t. mrgakn
(pre- : (abundant) mewah: (of leaves,
tend) pura-pvra,* as, to profess to flowers, etc.) that. A profuse
be good, pvra-pura haik.* perspiration, mandi ploh.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Profusion (-fu'zhwn), s. Mempah- Prolific (-lif'ik), adj. (of plants)
an/^ kmewahan, klhatan, see above. suhor; (of animals) hiak, mmhiah
Progenitor (-jen'i-ter), s. nenek- (B.).
moyarg. ProHx (pro'liks or pro-liks'), adj.
Progeny (proj'e-ni), s. hturunan, lanjut perkata'an-iya. To be
hneh, anak, anak-diuchu-cliichit^ prolix, Jeret.*
Prognosticate (prog-nos'ti-kat) , Prologue (prolog), s. (in a book)
V. t. ^/a/i.* ptgnalan* pndli uluan.
Prognostication (-ka'shim), s.
Prolong (pro-long'), v. t. panjarg-

tlahan,^ pnlahan/'' kan, lanjutkan; (extend in

Programme (pro'gram) ,
s. pm- length) huhorgkan.
hrita, daftar (Ar.), sural peratur- Prolongation (pro'long-ga'shi/n),
an; (scheme) peraturan, tujuan. s. klanjutan,* huhorgan.
Progress (pro'gres or prog' res), s.
Promenade (prom'e-nad' or -nad'),
hmaraanf hmajiian,^ khaiJc'afi, as V. i. herjalan-jalan, hersiar-siar.
Prominent (-i-nent), adj. (jutting
Progress (pro-gi'es'), v. i. (ad-
out) mrganjurf (of a swelling)
vance) mam;^ majuj* (improve)
honjol; (of the forehead) jndol;
hertamhah baiJc.
(of the nose) manchorg; (of the
Progressive (-iv), adj. ya^y mara/'^ Prominent eyes,
teeth) jorgarg*
yairj maju,'* yarg hertamhah haih. 7i)ata mata hlodok; (of
Prohibit (-hib'it), v. t. tgah, lararg, the lower lip) jueh,* terjueh.*
paiitayrjkan, tgalikati, taliankan; Promiscuous (pro-mis'ku-i^s), adj.
(by reli.gion) haramJcan.
Prohibition s.
(mingled) champwr-gaul, cham-
pur-haur;* (indiscriminate) tiada
tgahan, larargan, pantarg. To eat promis-
Prohibitory (pro-liib'it-o~ri), adj.
cuously, ranjah.
yarg miigali, etc., as above. Promise (prom'is), s. janji, per-
Project (-jekf), v. t. (throw for-
janjian, iv'ad (Ar.).
ward) Tduarhan; (devise) upaya- v. t.
han (Sk.). Promise, (engage) mrgaku;
(covenant) janji.
Project, V. i, (jut out) anjur*
Promise, v. i, herjanji.
tajur;* (beyond) terlheh,terkhiar;
Promising (-ing), adj. yarg holeh
(partly) smpal; (as the tongue)
julur; (as the lower lip) jueh;*
Promissory (-so-ri), adj. Promis-
(as the eyes) jojolj* (as the fore-
liead) jndol; (as teeth) jorgarg;* sory note, surat hutaig.
(as the legs) bhinjor; (as a pole, Promontory (prom'wn-to-ri), s.

horizontally) chuar;* (as a full hujorg tanj org.

pocket) landut:* (as a coi*k from Promote (pro-mot'), v. t. (cause to
a bottle) smpal. See prominent. advance) majiikan* jalankan;
Project s. JcaJiandah, (raise in rank) naikkan pargkat,
riiat, niahsud, tujuan.'^ argkat.
Projectile (pro-jek'tTl), s. pluru, Promotion (-mo'slmn), s. naik
Tjam an* pargkat.
Projection (-shwn), s. anjuran* Prompt (promt), adj. chpat, pan-
sandiiy* huku; (of a house) an- tas, Ikas.

jorg* Prompt, V. t. (move to action) shah-

ate, ask. am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f55d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t^en.
han,* as7d* iisotlcan (B.) ; (sug- hiakkan, mmhiakkan (B.) ; (cause
gest) iiyatli'an. to spread) kmhafgkan; (a story)
Prompter (promt'er), s. oraiy yarg masoliorkan (Ar. mashhur).
nuyhyatl'dfi. Propel (pro-pel'), v. t. sororg.
Promptitude (-i-tiid), s. kpantas- Propeller (-ler), s. (of a steamer)
an, hchpaian. kipas.
Promptly (-li), adv. clipat, Ihas, Propensity (-pen'si-ti), s. chondorg
dnjan syra. hati/' chondrorg liati (B.).
Promulgate (pro-murgat), v. i. Proper (prop'er), adj. (one's own)
(publish) warwarhan;'^
Jchiarlwi, sndin; (right) bnar, htul; (fit,,

(make known) khaharkan, werta- appropriate) patut, layak,* padan,

kan ( Sk. ) . liariis; (decent, befitting) snonoh,
Promulgation (prd'mul-ga'shwn) , layak* Not in the proper place,.
hal mTgluarkan, perkhabaran.
s. ya7g bukan-bnkan tmpat-iya.
Prone (pr5n), adj. (bending for- Properly (-h), adv. btul-btul,.
ward) tersurgkor; (prostrate) ter- drgan s-patut-rya, s-harus-rya^
jrumvs* tertiarap; (disposed, in- sigia-rya (Sk. yogia). Properly
clined) diondorg. speaking, s-btid-rya.
Prong (prong), s. (of a fork) mata. Property (-ti), s.
(peculiar qua-
Pronoun (pro'nown), (Gram.) s. lity) khasiat (Ar.), ksiat (B.),
perkata'an ganti nama,^ dlamir* sifat (Ar.) ; (thing owned) herta,.
(Ar. dlamir). heHa-bnda, perolehan* mileh
Pronounce (pro-nowns'), v. t. (Ar.) ; (personal property) bararg-
(words or sounds) huryikan; (ut- barney.
ter rhetorically) ucJiap;
(declare) Prophecy (profe-si), s. nabuat
lyatakan. To pronounce sentence, (Ar.).
jatohkan liukum, lafatlkan hukum Prophesy (-sT), v. i. bernabuat
(Ar.). (Ar.).
Pronunciation' (pro-nun'si-a'shtin) , Prophesy, v. t. nabuatkan (Ar.),.
s. hiiryi perkataan, lidah. tlah^
Proof (pr5of), s. (test) ujian; Prophet (-et), s. nabi, (Ar. pi. an-
(evidence) ksaksian, ktraiyan; bid ) .

(demonstration) kryata'an, ktntu- Prophetess (-es), s. nabiah (Ar.)

an. In proof of, pada mryaksikan. Prophetic (pro-fet'ik), adj. yargt
Proof, adj. (able to resist) talian. mnlah.'-''

Prop (prop), V. t. sokorg, torgkat, Propinquity (-ping'kwi-ti), s. k-

sandarkan, jermarg.'^ prop To dkatan, krapaian.
one's self on the hand, hertlkan;* Propitiate (-pish'i-at), v. t. dainai-
on the elbow, hertlku. kan*
Prop, s. sokorg, jermarg,'^' pnojaty,'^ Propitiation (-a'shwn), s. per-
torgkat: (for a clothes line) galah damaian.'^
pryidai;'^ (for a boat when Propitious (-pish'-ws), adj. (aus-
beached) pryaigga."^ picious) paksa;* (kind, gracious)
Propaganda (prop'a-gan'da), s. pri murah.
m7gmhaiykan/'' Proportion (-por'sh?/n), s. (rela-
Propagate (-gat), v. t. (plants) tion) kadar (At, qadar) ; (portion,,
perharyakkan ; (by causing a share) bhagian, untok. Simple-
branch to root) tut; (animals) proportion (Math.), kira-kira atur-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, firo^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
an tiga. Compound proportion, Prosecution (-ku'sh'z/n), s. prg^
kira-l'ira aturan lima. In pro- aduan, perd'awa'an, saman (E.).
portion, s-braya hadar. Prosecutor (-ku-ter), s. prgadu,'*^
Proportion, v. i. Jcadarkan (Ar.). pnd'awa. Public prosecutor, pn-
Proportional d'aiva raya,"^' loyar kompni.
(-al), adj. drgan
kadar-rija (Ar.). Proselyte (-e-lif), s. mu'alaf
Proportionate (-et), adj. drgan (Ar.).
kadar-iya (Ar.), s-hrapa hadar Prosody (-o-di), s. 'ilmu* mrgararg-
shair (Ar.).
Proposal (-pdz'fll), s. (intention)
Prospect (-pekt), s. (view) p-
niat (Ar.), kasad (Ar.) ; (plan) mandaigan; (aspect) Jiala;* (an-
cMdiar (Ar. iklitidr) ; (offer of ticipation) prgharapan.
Prospect, i.V.
(in mining) preksa.
marriage) pminargan.
Propose berniat, ber- tanah, choba korek.
(-poz'), v. i.

kahandak* Prospective (pro-spek'tive), adj.

Propose, V. t. sogokkanr To pro- yaiy di-liarapi, yarg di-nantikan.
pose pea^e, sororg damai.*
Prospectus (-tus), s. kryataan
deri-hal koiysi yaiy akan"^ jadi
Proposition (prop'o-zish'wn), s.
[nanti (B.)].
(proposal) niat, sogok'an.'^
Prosper (-per), v. i. (succeed) jaya
Propound (pro-pownd'), v. i. sogok-
kan^' (Sk.), hasil; (make gain)
Proprietary (-pri'e-ta-ri), adj. yarg
Prosperity (-per'i-ti), s. slamat,
sjahtra (Sk.), kjay a an (Sk.),
Proprietor (-ter), tuan, yarg
untorg; (advance) kmajuan*
ampurya,'^ yarg mmileki (Ar.),
Prosperous (-per-i/s), adj. slamat,
yarg mmpurya'i.'^'
sjahtra (Sk.), jaya (Sk.), ber--
Propriety (-li), s. ksnonoJian.
Propulsion (-pul'sh^n), s. hal m- Prostitute v. t. wo-
(-ti-tut), (a
lyororg. man) jual* jadikan sundal, kasi
Pro rata (pr5 ra'ta), drgan kadar- jadi jahat (B.) ; (devote to base
7ya (Ar.). uses, degrade) luchahkan.
Prorogation (pro'rd-ga'shwn), s.
Prostitute, s. sundal, pi'empuan
pertarggolian.^ jahat, lonteh (N.!.) ; (Chinese)
Prorogue (pro-rog'), v. t. targgoh- prempuan loki (Ch. l6--ki).
kan.^ Prostitution s.
(-tfi'shwn), per^
Prosaic (-za'ik), adj. yarg hukan sundalan.
sha'i (dull) ta'sdap. Prostrate (-tret), adj. terbarirg;
Proscribe (-skrib'), v. i. (doom to (face upwards) terlntaiy; (face
destruction) tntukan akan binasa; down) tiarap; (in falling) surg-
(outlaw) tolak; (prohibit) tgali- kor-smbam.'^
kan. Prostrate (pros-traf), v. t. (lay
Prose (proz), s. karargan yarg bu- flat) barirgkan, tiarapkan; (over-
kan shair (Ar.). throw) rombak; (by disease)
Prosecute (pros'e-kut), v. t. (carry rhahkan. To prostrate one's self,.
on) kerjakan, jalankan; (at law) tiarapkan diri, sujud^ (Ar. su^
d'awa (Ar.), baiva k-trgah, saman jnd), surgkorkan diri,'* smbamkan
(E. summon). diri*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Prostration (-tra'shwn), s. (in Protuberant (-ant), adj. (of the
worship) sujud (Ar.) ; (by dis- stomach) bunchit, bontit (N.I.) ;
ease) Imah-hu* (of a swelling) brgkak; (of a
Prosy (proz'i), adj. tasdap, tiada monkey's cheek full of food) gm-
mrggmarkan Jiati* bol, tmbolok muiyit.
Protect (pro-tekf), v. t. (shield) Proud (prowd), adj. (haughty)
lindong; (guard) plihara, hlaj^ somborg, chorgkak, sorgarf^ tkbur
jaga; (keep in safety) slamathan, (Ar.) ; (elated) bsar hati. Proud
popi (B.) (Ch. p6-pi). flesh, dagirg busoh.
Protection (-tek'shi/n), s. lindorg- Prove (pr5ov), v. t. (test) uji,
an, plihara an, jaga' an; (by choba; (establish as true) tanda-
charms) 'ihnu pndindiry.* kan, ryatakan, trargkan; (verify)
Protective (-tiv), adj. yatg mlin- sunjgohkanj^ sahkan'-^ (Ar. sail) ;

dorg, etc., as above. by experience) dapat.

Protector (-ter), s. plindorg,'^ pm- Provender (prov'en-der), s. makan-
Uhara,^ pnjaga, prgatval.* an binatarg jinak, bkal.
Protectorate (-et), s. pmlihara- Proverb (-erb), s. perumpama'an,
'an.'^ 'ibarat, bidal.'^
Protege (pro-ta-zha'), s. orarg yarg Proverbial (pro-ver'bi-al), adj
di-pliharakan. Proverbial saying, bibal,"^ ppatah*
Protest (pro-test'), v. i. (bear wit- Provide (-vTd'), v. t. (procure) da-
ness) bersaksi; (declare solemnly) pat, beroleh;"^ (prepare) sdiakan;
hatakan drgan tutu, hersumpah. (supply) bkalkan, Irgkapkan;*
To protest against, lawan, mrgadu (stipulate) tntukan, sharatkan
deri-hal. (Ar. sharr).
Protest (pro'test), s. prgaduan. Provided (-ed), conj. lamun,^ asal,
To doa thing under protest, huat asa, jikalau, sukat.
drgan ta'suka-hati, huat drgan Providence (prov'i-dens), s. irgat-

sgan. an akan hari krndian; (care, fore-

Protestant (prot'^^s-tant), s. orarg sight) himmat (Ar.) ; (as a name
Msihi* yarg hukan Roman Cath- of God) Ar-razzak (Ar.).
olic [Kristen (B.)]. Provident (-dent), adj. yarg mrg-
Protestantism (-izm), s. agama irgatkan hari kmdian; (economi-
orarg Protestant. cal) chermatj, jimat.
Protestation (-ta'shwn), s. ptgadu- Providential (-den'shal), adj. yarg
an. di-takdirkan* (Ar. taqdir).
Prototype (pr5'to-tTp), s. chontoh Province (-ins), s. (dependent
yarg asal, tuladan. country) negri yarg falok (Ar.) ;
Protract (pro-trakf), v. t. (pro- (district) jajahan* desa (N.L) ;
long) lanjutkan; (defer) targgoh- (charge, duty) pgargan, pegargan
kan."^ A
protracted illness, sakit (B.).
mrana, sakit terrgut-rgut.* Provincial (pro-vin'shal), adj.
Protrude (-trood'), v. i. (as bones (countryiied) orarg dusun^ (a),
in emaciation) jrargkarg;"^ (as the ulu (a).
contents of a bundle) terhuraif Provincialism (-izm), s. (of
also see project. speech) pelat.
Protuberance (-tu'ber-ans), s. Provision (-vizh't^n), s, (prepar-
benjol,* bonjol, horgkol,* herggolr' ation) klrgkapan;* (of food) bkal.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
h'lxTy ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) law, how, oil ; thin then.

bras-ptas* sargu (N.I.) ; (stipu- Prune, s. s-jnis huali, ijds (Ar.).

lation) sharai^ (AT.sharr). Prurient (proo'ri-cnt), adj. gatal.
Provision, v. t. hialkan. Pry (pri), v. t. umpil, ompel (B.).
Provisional {-a\), adj. (tempor- Pry, V. i. intai.

ary) smantara,'^ see provision. Pry thee (pri^/i'e), int. grangan.*

Proviso (-vi'zo), s. sJiarat (Ar.). Psalm (sam), s. rnazm.nr (Ar.).
Provisory (-vi'zo-ri), s. drgan slia- The Book of Psalms, Eitah Zabur
rat (Ar.), atas sharat (Ar.) ; (Ar.).
(temporary) stnantara* Psalmist (sam'ist), s.
Provocation (prov'o-ka'shwn), s. mazmur (Ar.).
ajak'an, etc., as below, also see Pseudo (su'do or psu'do), pura-
IRRITATION. pura,'* palsu (Port.), nama sa-
Provoke (pro-vok'), v. t. (call il a a.
forth) terbitkan*
haryhitkan ;'^ Pseudonym (-nim), s. nama palsu
(incite) ajak, ajat (B.) ; (irri- (Port.).
tate) gusari* sakitkan hati; (an- Pshaw (shaw), int. dieh, chis.

noy) usek. Psychology (sl-kol'o-ji), s. 'ilmu*'

Provost (prov'ifst), s. ktua. jitva.
Prow (prow), s. (Naut.) haluan, Puberty (pu'ber-ti), s. baligh
sank lialuan, j org or. (Ar.).
Prowess (prow'es), s. khranian, Pubes (pu'bez), s. ari-ari.

perkasa (Sk.). Public s.

oraig ramai^
Prowl (prowl), v. i. 'ndap, migndap orarg hanjak, oraig 'am (Ar.).
(B.), jlinap* Public, adj. (of the people) orarg
Proximate (proks'i-met), adj. dkat. ramai (a), 'am (Ar.) ; (of the
Proximity (proks-im'i-ti), s. hdkat- nation) riegri (a), kraja'an (a);
an, krapaian. (open, notorious) tyata, masohor
Proximo (proks'i-mo), lain hulan, (Ar. mashhur), m.alum (Ar.),
hid an dpan. tnar;* (for general use) orarg ra-
Proxy s.
(-1),oiwy ganti, kuasa, 7uai (a), 'ain (Ar.).
v:akil*(Ar. ivakil). Publican (-an), s.
Prude (prood), s. prempiian pura- tuan rumah tumpa'rga7i, tva7i ho-
pura* malu [siet-siet (B.)]. tel; (liquor seller) pn.jual arak;
Prudence (proo'dens), s. (careful- (in the Bible = taxgatherer) p-
ness) jimat, himmat (Kv.) ; (wise murgut chukai.
cantion) hijaksana (Sk.). Publication (-li-ka'shwn), s. (the
Prudent (-dent), adj. (careful) act of making known) lial mm'a-
jimat; (circumspect) lijak (Sk.), lumkaTi (Ar.), etc., see publish;
pandai (B.). (of issuing a book) lial 7n7gluar-
Prudential (proo-den'shal), adj. kan; (thing
published) S7irat,
jimat, chermat. surat-kliabar, Icitah* (Ar. kitah).
Prudery (prood'er-i), s. lial pura- Publicist (-sist), s. orarg yarg tahu
pura* malu [siet-siet (B.)]. nndarg-undarg negri.
Prudish (-ish), adj. pura-pura ma- Publicity (pub-lis'i-ti), s. per^
in.* m'ahi7nan pada orarg banjak.*
Prune (pr55n), v. t. (branches) Publicly (pub'lik-lij, adv. rijata-
tutoh;* (twigs) 7nra7itiiyj* (a ryata, di mata orarg, di khalayak
hedge) paras. yaiy ra7nai (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire '

mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; Qse, us, min-us, cure, injure.
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Publish (-lish),v. t. (make known) runtun; (with a jerk) sentak,
malumkan (Ar.), hri taliu, Jcha- rrggut; (as one walks along) seret,
harJcan^ siarkan, loarwarlcan/^ rya- eretj'^ (the hair) ragas. To pull
takan; (send out, as books) kluar- a long face, tarek muka dua-Uas*
kan, lahirkan (Ar. tlahir). huat muka asam (B.). To pull
Publisher (-er), s, orarg yarg mrg- an oar, paut dayorg* tarek dayotg,
rrgkoh day org. To pull apart, siat,
Pucker (puk'er),(gather into v. t. ."(oyat/^ soyak ( B. ) , koyak. To pull
folds, as cloth) (in sew- klepetj"^ down (a flag), turunkan; (a
ing together the edges of a hole) house) To pull the ears,
krmut;^ (wrinkle) krutkan. To j 671jet tlirga, jenjerg tlirga. To
pucker up the mouth, memek. pull in, rapeh."^ To pull out, cha-
Pucker, s. Irut, kdut. bot; (the hair) ragut* ragas. To
Pudding (pood'ding), s. kueh pull up (an anchor), borgkar; (a
(Ch.), Uudal^ skirt or curtain) selak; (halt)
Puddle (pud'dl), s. lopak. berhnti, brenti (B.). To pull up
Puddle, V. t. (make foul, of water) a tree by the roots, bantmi* To
kroJikan; (work up, as clay) cham- pull to one side, as a coat, etc.,
pur, adok* rebehJ^
Puerile (pu'er-Tl), adj. khudak- Pull, s. see above.
hudak'an* hudak-hudak (a). Pullet (pool'let), s. ayam dara.
Puff (puf), s. (of wind or breath) Pulley (-li), s. kapi* takal (D.
limbusan, tiopan;* (pastry) tm- takel), Iron pulley, jin blok (E.).
hosa (Pers.), epok-epok; (for Pulmonary (pul'mo-na-ri), adj.
powder) pnpok pupor* Curry paru-paru (a).
puff, kari pap (E.). Pulp (pulp), s. (of fruit) isi. To
Puff, V. (blow)i. hmbtis. Hop; reduce to a pulp, lumatkafi.*
(breathe hard) termrgah-mrgah ; Pulpit (pool'pit), s. niinbar (Ar.).
(the sound) Ikoh-lkeh;"^ (swell Pulpy (pulp'i), adj. Imbek; (partly
with air) glniborg; (of the stom- decayed) lodoh.*
ach) kmhorg. Pulsate (pul'sat), v. i.
(as the
Puff, V. t. hnibuskan. To puff up, heart) berdbar; pulse) (of the
avgkat-argkat, puji-puji. To be berdnryut* mrgnryut (B.) ; (the
puffed up, makan atykat.
sound) gup-gap, dup-dap.
Puffy (pufi), adj. (of the flesh) Pulsation (pul-sa'shim), dbar, .

hrykak; -(of the stomach) kmborg. dmyut/^ mrgnryut (B.), gup-gap*

Pugilist (pii'jil-ist), s. ahli her- dup-dap (B.).
tinju.'^ Pulse (puis), s. nadi* urat nadi*
Pugnacious (pug-na'shws), adj. mek (Ch. meh). To feel the
yarg suka herklahi, mlawan, ga- pulse, rasa mek, pegarg mek (B.).
ratg, lampa^s targan.'^ Pulse, s. kacharg.
Pug-nosed (pug'nozd), adj. hidorg Pumelo (pum'e-lo), s. see pomelo.
kpek,"^ hidorg dmpak* hidorg m- Pulverize (pul'ver-Tz), v. t.rmok-
norgkat largit kan, handior-lulohkan/^ lumat-
Puke (puk), V. i. muntah. kan.'^
Pull (pool), V. t. (gen.) tarek; Pumice (pum'is), s. batu timbol.
(along the ground, of persons)

Pump bomba (Port),

(pump), s.

heJa; (by the hand or a rope) pompa (N.I.) (D.) (shoes) pam^ ;

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injurf^
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
shus (E.). Chain pump, kinchir* Puppet (pup'pet), s. patorg, anak-
Pump, bomba, pompa (jlSI.I.).
V. i. anak'an.^ Puppet show, wayarg
.Pumpkin (pump'kin), s. labu ayer. patorg; (with shadows) vjayarg
Pun (pun), s. perkataan di-pakai kulit.

drgan dua arti. Puppy (-pi), s. anak anjirg.

Punch (punch), s. (in puppet Purblind (per'blind), adj. mata-
show) pran;* (tool for stamping) kabur, mata rabun."^
pnmbok* Purchase (-ches), v. t. bli.
Punch, V. t. (with the list) tumbok; Purchase, s. (thing bought) blian;*
(with a tool) tmbok;* (to make a (in Jevering) tumpuan* tmpat
hole in) lobargkan, tbok. bertuU.^ Purchase money, pm-
Punctilious (pungk-til'i-ws), adj. bli,'^ harga bli (B.).
(in etiquette) beradab (Ar.), ber- Purchaser (-er), s. pmbli* orarg
tertib (Ar.) ; (careful in small yarg bli (B.).
things) jimat-jimat. Pure (pur), adj. (free from mix-
Punctual (pungk'choo-al), adj. ture) jati; (of gold) tulen (Jav.) ;
(precise) jimat-jimat; (at the (of jerneh, jerni (B.),
exact time) btul, pada ktika-rya. hnirg/^ (morally) suchi; (clean)
Punctuality (-al'i-ti), s. jimut, k- berseh, bersi (B.).
btidan. Purely (pur'li), adv. cliuma, ha-
Punctuate (-at), v. t. buboh tanda rya*
perhntian. Purgative (per'ga-tiv), adj. pn-
Punctuation (-a'shwn), s. 'ilmu* chahar/^^ pryuchi prot, julap, obat
mmbiiboh tanda perhntian. chuc/ii p'ot.
Puncture (-chur),v. t. (prick) cho- Purgatory (-to-ri), s. (E.G.) 'alam
chok, tikam; (perforate) psokkan. barzakh (Ar.).
tmbok see DEFLATE. Purge (perj), v. t. chuchi, berseJi-
Puncture, s.
tikam, psok, lobaiy. kan, bersikan (B.).
Pungent (pun'jent), adj. (of taste) Purification (pur'i-fi-ka'shwn), s.

pdas; (of smell) rnsafy;* (of pnjuchian.

feeling) sdeh. Purifier (-fi-er), s. pnjitchi*
Punish (-ish), v. t. hukumkan, sek- Purify (-fi), v. t. suchikan, per-
sakan, ajar. suchikan.'*
Punishable (a-bl), adj. yarg patut Purity (-ti), s. ksuchian.
kna hukum. Purl (perl), v. i. (murmur, of run-
Punishment (-ment), s. hukuman, ning water) dru.*
seksa, ajaran. Purlieu (per'lii), s. kaivasan.*
Punic (pungk), s. (rotten wood) Pur line (-lin), s.
rabok* Purloin (per-loin'), v. t. cJiuri, ram-
Punkah (pungk'a), s. pargkah. pas, sank.
Punt (punt), s. jalor."^ Purple (per'pl), s. werna biji kun-
Punt, V. t. galahkan* darg* mgu;* (royal apparel) k-
Puny (pii'ni), adj. terrnchat. kunirgan.^
Pup (pup), s. anak anjirg. Purport (-port), s. (design, ten-
Pupa (pCi'pa), s. sarorg ulat. dency) maksnd; (meaning) arti.
Pupil (-pil), s. murid, anak murid; Purport, V. t. (signify) tandakan,
(of the eye) lobarrj mata hitam* tunjokkan.
liitam mata (B.). Purpose (-pws), s. maksud, niat.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, hei^, ferry; icQj it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry ; f o5d, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin then.
kira hati* tujuan* hasad (Ar. Put (poot), V. t. (place, lay) taroh^
qasad), hahandah. On purpose, buboli, tmpatkan;^ (on some*
snjaja. thing) Itak. To put about
Purpose, V. t.(intend) niathan, (Naut.) helokkan. To put away
herniat; (resolve) ttapkan, tntu- (discard), tolak, hiiarg; (for safe
lean. keeping) taroli, simpan. To put
Purposely (-li), adv. srgaja. back (delay), lamhatkan; (re-
Purr (per), v. i. berrgau* her- place) kmhalikan* pulargkan,.
drghor. taroh halek. To put by, taroh,
Purse (pers), s. ponjen, pundi- simpan. To put down (lay down)
pundi; (stocking purse, used by Itak; (lower) turunkan; (sup-
women) pau-pau/^ opau (Ch. io- press, abolish) herhntikan, hrenti-
pau). kan (B.), tiadakan.* To put
Purse, V, t. (the mouth) memeJc. down to, Ulargkan. To put forth
Purser (-er), s. (Naut.) tuharg- (extend as the hand), unjokkan^
ican/. hulorkari; (cause to come out)
Pursuance s. In pur-
(per-su'ans), klnarkan. To put forward, ma-
suance mnurut, mrgihut.
of, jukan.* To put in, 7)msokkan,
Pursue (-si"i'), v. t. kjar, liamhat* sisipkan.'^ To put off (as-
ikut, usirj^ clothes), huka, tavggalkan;^' (turn
Pursuit (-suf), s. (of game) pm- aside) tpikan; (postpone) targ-
hurvan; an enemy) hal m-
(of gohkan/^ tempohkan* posponkan
'^yjci^j (of knowledge) hal mn- (E.) (B.) To put on (as
cJiari; (business, occupation) pn- clothes), knakan, pakai; (charge
charian, pkerja'an. upon) targgorgkan; (pretend)
Purulent (pur'u-Ient), adj. her- hnat-bv.at. To put out (eject),
nanali. kluarkan, halau; (extinguish) pa-
Purvey (per-va'), v. t. Irgkapkan* dam; (displease) giisan;'^ (stretch
bkalkmi. out), hulorkan, unjokkan;
Purveyor (-er), s.
pmhkal* pm- tongue) [ir ,
tongue, as
ajak* snakes and lizards) julor; (the
Pus (pus), s. nanali. head) rojol;"^ (confuse) birgorg-
Push (poosh), V. t. tolak; (with the kan; (publish) kluarkan; (dis-
foot) tojarg.* To push aside, locate) kochilkan.'^ To put the
tpis, ssar;* (with the foot or fin- the hand to, pgarg, pegarg (B.).
gers) kuis. To push forward, To put through, Imbiskan, slsaikan,
sororg. To push in, sisip.* To slisekaji (B.). To put to, tarn-
push off, tolak. To push on, ma- bah. To put to bed, barirgkan.
ra* maju:'^ (under difficulties) To put to death, bunoli. To put
landa.* To push under, susop- to shame, bri malu, 'aibkan (Ar.).
kai (conceal) sorokkan, srok- To put to sleep, tidorkan. To put
kan (B.) to rights, aturkan, btulkan. To
Push, s. (the act) hal mnolak, etc., put to the sword, bunoh dvgan p-
as above. darg. To put to the test, ujL
Pusillanimous (pH'sil-lan'i-mi^s) ,
To put trust in, perchaya,
adj. hacJiol.'^ harap. To put up (expose to
Puss (poos), s. cliirg. view), tunjokkan, dendeiykan;*
Pustule (pus'tul), s. hisul lada. (hoard) simpan, taroli; (erect)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
Mrry; food, foot, awfool (awful) j law, how, oil; thin then.
dirikan; ( lodge ) tumparghan ; Pyrites (pi-ri'tez), s. batu 'mas
(store) simpan; (sheath, as a urorg*
sword) sarorykan. Pyrotechnics (pir'o-tek'niks), s.

Put, V. i.
(go, steer) pergi, tuju. burga api.
To put about (Naut.), beloJc. To Python (pi'thwn), s. ular saiva.
put back (N^aut.), piilarg, lalek.
To put in (Xaut.), sirggah. To Q
put ill for (claim), minta, tuntut.*
To put off (Xaut.), hertolak, her- Quack (kwak), v. i.
(as a duck)
argkat, blayer. To put to sea, bla- ktiak'\ ka"".
yer. To put up, tmnparg. To Quack, s. ora7g yarg mnd'awa din-
put up with (overlook), biarkan; tya pandai*
(endure) talian, sabarkan. Quack, adj. A quack doctor, doktor
Putative (pu'ta-tiv), adj. sargka- 2)okah* doktor auta. Quack
'an, yarg di-sargka. medicine, obat yarg ya-bukan.
Put-on (poot-on'), adj. pura-pura* Quadrangle (kwod'rang-gi), s. ba-
siet-siet (B.) (Ch.). rgunan ampat persgi, halaman yatg
Putrefaction (pu'tre-fak'shwn), s.
di-klilirgi rumah.
busok, danor. Quadrant (-rant), s. perkakas m-
Putrefy (-fi), v. i, jadi busok, ber- twnbarg mataJiari.
danor. Quadrennial (kwod-ren'ni-al), adj.
Putrescence (pu-tres'sens), s. da-
ya7g ampat tahun skali.
Quadrilateral (kwod'ri-lat'er-al),
Putrescent (-sent), adj. berdanor.
adj. yarg ampat persgi.
Putrid (pu'trid), adj. (rotten) bu-
Quadruped (-roo-ped), s. biuatarg
sok; (bad smelling) busok; (of berkaki ampat.
vegetables) chrgis;* (of water) Quadruple (-pi), adj. berganda
bargar;^ (of urine) hanchirg, ampat* ampat kali lipat (B.).
prirg;* (of fish) liaiyir, hamis,
Quadruple, v. t. lipatkan ampat
kaharg* koliorg, bachin;* see
kali, gatidakan ampat kali*
Quaff (kwaf), v. t. tgok, lulor*
Putties (put'tiz), s. pi. kbatan
kaki* kbat kaki* blit kaki.
^^^^%y (kwag'gi), s. Imbek.

Putty (-ti), s. dmpol* Quagmire (-mlr), s. tanah Imbek,

tanah goyarg* paya goyarg.
Puzzle (puz'zl), V. t. (confuse)
kusutkan rn- Quail (kwal), s. puyoh.
birgorgkan, fihiran,
cliam* Quail, V. i. bachol* taiuar hati.
Puzzle, s. (riddle) ika-tki, pnerka;* Quaint (kwant), adj. (curious,
(perplexity) birgorg. odd) plek*
Pygniy (pig'mi), s. orarg kerdil^ Quake (kwak), v. i. (shake) g-
Pyjama (pi-ja'ma), s. sluar baju mntar, bergoncharg, berggar; (of
tidor, pakaian tidor. earthquakes) gmpa; (tremble)
Pyramid (pir'a-mid), s. bargunan gltar* migglitar (B.).
limas china, liaram'^ (Ar. pi. ah- Qualification (kwori-fi-ka'shwn), s.
rdm). (fitness) kpatutan; (capacity)
Pyramidal (pi-ram'i-dal), adj. (of kuasa; (modification) kkurargan.
a roof) limas* Qualified (-fid), adj. (by know-
Pyre (pir), s. panchaka (Sk.). ledge) paharn (Ar. faham) ; (lim-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
ited, restricted) bperhirgga'an* ter, minta ryawa. To give quarter^
herhad"^ (Ar. nad). hri ryawa, hidopkan.
Qualify (-fi), v. t. (make fit) patut- Quarter, v. t. (divide) hhagi ampat;
kan: (make capable) bri Jcuasa; (furnish dudokkan;*-
(limit) hadkan (Ar.), kurargJcan. (temporarily) tumpaTgkan.
Quality (-ti), s. (sort, rank) ma- Quarterdeck (-dek), s. (Naut.)
cJiam, jnis, hargsa; (characteristic, dek di huritan kapal.
attribute) sipat (Ar. sifat), pri* Quarterly (-h), adj. tiga hulan s-
Qualm (kwam or kwawm), s. (nau- kali, tiap-tiap tiga hulan*
sea) dogal;* (of conscience) k- Quartermaster (-mas'ter), s.

ssalan, sdeh di hati shah mrysal. (Mil.) pgaivai yarg mhgkapkan.

Qualmish (-ish), adj. mual, do- soldado;* (Naut.), juru-mudi.
gal^ Quarterstaff (-staf), s. tmhorg*
Quandary (kwon'da-ri or -dar'i), Quartet (kwor-tef), s. (a song)
s. khimhanjan. 7yaryian ampat orarg; (singers)
Quantity (kwon'ti-ti), s. haryak, ampat orarg herryaryi s-rmpak*
hargak-rya. Quarto (kwor't5), s. hsar-rya kertas
yarg di-lipat ampat hlai [lai (B.)]^
Quantum (-twm), hhagian, untok.

Quarantine (kwor'an-ten'), s. kran- Quartz (kworts), s. hatu tlerarg*

tina^ (E.), hot kna tahan, per- Quash (kwosh), v. i. (a rebellion)
iahanan asirg;* (mark prohibiting padamkan, matikan; (a case)
traffic ) gaioar-gawar. huarg kes (E.).
Quarrel (-r^l), v. i. (have a differ- Quatrain (kwot'ran), s. pantun.
ence) hersUseh; (with words) her- Quaver (kwa'ver), v. i. gltar* mrg^
hantah,'^ hertrgkar, herhalah (N. glitar (B.).
I.) ; (fight) herklahi. Quay (ke), s. prgkalan* hag an
Quarrel, perslisehan, pertrgkaran,
s. (P.), pohian (Ch. pho-hien).
herhantalian* perklaliian, as Queen (kwen), s. (wife of king)
above; stori (E.). permaisuri* hini raja (B.) ;
Quarrelsome (-siim), adj. hantah- (female monarch) raja prertipuan;
an,^ yarg suka hersliseh, etc., see (in chess) mntri; (in cards) hihi;
QUARREL. (of ants) raja smut; (of bees)
Quarry (-ri), s. (prey) margsaf raja Ihah.
(stone pit) galian hatu. Queer (kwer), adj. plek* To feel

Quart (kw5rt), s. sukatan Irggris- queer, tasdap hadan.

f chupak. Quell (kwel), v. t. (overpower, per-
Quarter (kwor'ter), (fourth) s. .
sons) tundokkan; (subdue, a rebel-
suku, s-perampat ;* (weight) tim- lion) padamkan, matikan; (allay,
hargan lrggris 21 kati; (of the grief or tumult) diamkan, hilarg-
moon) svku peridaran;* (of the
year) tiga hulan, musim; (of a car- Quench (kwench), v. t. (fire) pa-
cass) pokarg;* (of a ship) lam- damkmi; (thirst) Jiilargkan.
horg* shlah huritan; (of a city) Quenchless (kwench'les), adj. tiada
kampoig; (of the horizon) tei'padamkaji, tiada terhilargkari.
mata argin; (place of residence) Querulous (kwer'n-l-ws), adj. her-
tmpat, tmpat dudok;* (direction) surgut-siirgut.
Jiala* pihak* To ask for quar- Query (kwer'i), s. (question) per-

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; fo5d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

taryaan, siial; (doubt) shah Quickwitted (-wit'ted), adj. hpala

r erg an, tajam 'ahal.
<)uery, v. t. (put questious) tatya, Quid (kwid), s. (of sireh) spah;*
berKual; (doubt) miiaroh shah (of tobacco) sntil,* spah tmba-
(Ar.). hau;* (when it protrudes from
Quest (kwest), s. hal mnchari. To the lips) smpal.
abandon the quest, herhnti mn- Quiescent (kwT-es'sent), adj. tnarg.
chari. Quiet (kwfet), adj. (without move-
Question (kwes'chwn), s. (inquiry) ment) tnarg; (without noise) sn-
sual, pertarya'an; (subject) ryap, diam, spi (N.I.) ; (without
hal, perhara. Beyond question, noise of people) suryi; (peaceful)
tiada shah lagi^' In question sntosa (Sk.), aman (Ar.) ; (after
(under discussion), yaiy di-shot, storm) tdoh; (of disposition)
yaty di-bicharahan. Out of the pndiani; (slow of speech) brat
question, mustahil (Ar.), tausah mulut. To keep quiet, batuhan
harap lagi (B.). diri,* matihan diri, mampushan
Question, v. t. (interrogate) prehsa, diri (B.).
tarya, usiil (Ar.), sual; (doubt) Quiet, s. sntosa (Sk.), aman (Ar.).
mrmroh shah ahan;* (examine Quietly adv. diam-diam, per-
one by one) pisit*
lahan-lahan, plan-plan (N.I.)
Questionable (-a-bl), adj. tatntu, (B.).
hlnm tntu.
Quietude (-e-tM), s. (rest) per-
Queue (ku), s. tocharg (Ch. thdu- hntian; (absence of noise) hsmyap-
honchetj* as
isarg), (short, an, hsutyian; (tranquillity) ^n-
Tamils) hudnii. tosa (Sk.).
Quibble (kwil'bl), s. daleh* To a
Quietus (kwi-e'tiis), s. give
Quibble, v. i. herdaleh-daleh*
person his quietus, bunoh.
Quick (kwik), adj. Ihas, sgra, ha-
Quill (kwil), s. bulu hpah; (pen)
ryat* chpat; (agile) pantos; halam* bulu arysa [pen (B.)].
(alive) hidop.
(of a porcupine) duri landah.
Quick, s. (of the nail) isi-huhu.
Quilt (kwilt), s. (bedcover) clia-
Quicken (kwik'n), v. t. (make dar (Hind.).
alive) hidophan; (resuscitate)
Quilt, v. t. jahit potoryan wajeh.
ha)yhithan;* (hasten) bargathan,*
Ihaxhari. Of the foetus, bererah* Quilting (kwilt'ing), s. jahitan po-
toryan wajeh.
Quickfiring gun (-fir'ing gun), s.

mriam berpsawat* Quinine (kwi-nen', U.S. kwi'nln),

s. obat dmam, hwenen (E.), hi-
Quicklime (-lim), s. hapur tohor.
nina (D.) (N.L).
Quickly (-li), adv. dryan syra, dryan
chpat, dyyan pantos^ banjat-baryat*
Quinsy (kwin'zi), s. sahit hroryhory.

Quickness (-nes), s. syra, hdrasan,* Quintessence (kwin-tes'sens), s.

hpantasan. pati.
Quicksand Quip (kwip), s. slndiran.
(-sand), s. pasir hidop*
pasir tahi blanah.* Quire (kwir), s. huras* {Ax. hura-
Quicksighted (-sit'ed), s. tajam sat).
mata. Quit (kwit), V. t. (cease, stop) ber-
Quicksilver (-sil-ver), s. ayer rasa,* hnti, brenti (B.) ; (depart from,
ra'ia,* rahsa. leave) tirggalhan, Ipas. To quit

ate, ask, am. final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
one's self, lakukan dirij^ haiva Rabble (-bl), s. huru-hara. The
diri. rabble, orarg hina-dina*
Quit, V. i.
(go away) pergi; (cease) Rabid (-id), adj. (furious) gararg,.
herhnti, hrenti (B.). haigat hati;* (fanatical) panas
Quite (kwit), adv. s-mata-mataj s- darah; (of dogs) gila.
halt. Rabies (rab'i-ez or ra'bi-ez), s. gild
Quits (kwits), adj. slsai, sUse (B.), anjirg.
jlas. Race (ras), s
(lineage) kaum-
Quittance (kwit'tans), adv. surat kluarga/^ baka, kturunan; (tribe,,
Ipas. people) baigsa.
Quiver (kwiv'er), s. (for arrows) Race, s. (contest) lumba, perluinba-
tarJcash (Pers.) ; (for blowpipe 'an; (l^aut.) bakat bersaboig; (in
darts) taboiy damak.^ a river) arus berlaga. Pace
Quiver, v. i. gltar* mrgglitar (B.), course, padarg lumba kuda. Pace
terktar-ktar , berggar, gmntar. horse, kuda lumba.
Qui vive (ke-vev'). To be on the Race, v. i. (contend in a race) ber-
qui vive, berirgat-irgat. lumba; (run quickly) berlari dras^
Quixotic (kwiks-ot'ik), adj. ber- Rachel (ra'chel), s. Rahil (Ar.
bfiasa yaiy bukan tmpat-iya. Rdiiil).
Quiz (kwiz), V. t. ejek. Rack (rak), s. (instrument of tor-
Quoin (koin), s. (stone) baiu pn- ture) tratu (Port.) ; (frame for
juru, (wedge) baji.'^ plates, etc.) prgtusf (for clothes
Quoit (koit), porok*
s. or hats) pryargkot, saigkot baju
Quondam (kwon'dam), adj. dhulu. (B.), sampaianf (for guns) p-
Quorum (kwor'i/m), s. ahli majUs 7yargga;* (for smoking fish, etc.)
yarg chukop boleh mnjalankan pvjalaL*
maslinarat f^ chukop bilargan. Rack, V. t. (torture) srgsarakan
Quota (kw5'ta), adj. bhagian, un- (Sk.), seksakan, 'adzabkan (Ar.).
iok, kadar* (Ar. qadar). To rack one's brains, bantiiy k-
Quotation (kwo-ta'shwn), s. (ci- pala.
tation) purgutafi/* (a text from Racket (rak'et), s, (noise) gadoh^
the Kor'an) nas (Ar. nass) ; rioh, bisirg, irgar,^' bhana;* (for
(price) herget. Quotation marks, playing tennis) pnpak bola.*
koma terbalek* Racy (ra'si), adj. (of speech or
Quote (kwot), V. t. (adduce from language) pantas, pintar (N.I.).
an author) pinjam, purgut, ularg- Radiance (ra'di-ans), s. sinar*"
kan;* (cite in a speech) sbot; (a cliahya; (of countenance) sri.

text of the Kor'an) kluarkan nass Radiant (-ant), adj. bersiiiar,'^ ber-
(Ar.). chahya, gilarg-gmilarg ;* (of the
Quoth (kwoth), V. t. Quoth he, kata- face) bersri. Eadiant heat, ba-
rya. harg.
Radiate (-at),v.
R kan/"'
sinarkan;* (heat)
t. (light) panchar-
bri, kluar-

Rabbet (rab'bet), s. lurah btina.'^ Radiation (-a'sh^in), s. pri mman-

Rabbit (-bit), s. huchirg blanda, charkan.*'
arnab (Ar.), tuilu or truilu (jST.I.) Radical (rad'i-kal), adj. (from the
(Port, coelho). root) deri w.ula, deri asal, deri

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

jxirgkal; (thorough-going) sama Railroad (-rod), s. (U.S.) jalan

skali. kreia api.

Radically (-li), adv. (completely) Railway (-wa), s. jalan kreta api.

s-mata-niata. Raiment (ra'ment), s. pakaian.
Radish (-ish), s. lobah puteh. Rain (ran), s. hujan. To expose to
rain, hujankan. To stand in the
Radius (ra'di-7/s), s. jarah deri pii-
sat bidatan h-tpi-ryaJ^ rain, berhujan. Eain cloud, po-
lotriJcan kok hujan* a wan mrgandorg hu-
Raffle (rafii), v. t. (Eur.).
lotri jan. Eain water, ayer hujan.
Raffle, s. (Eur.).
Eain beating into a house, etc., tm-
Raft (raft), s. raUt.
Rafter (raft'er), Ica- pias. A pelting rain, hujan ber-
s. (common)
saii htina* Principal rafter, ha-
Rain, v.
saii jantan.'^
Rain, (pour down) hujani*
v. t.
Rag (rag), s. (piece of cloth) per-
Rainbow (ran'bo), s. platyi.
cha, hain percha (B.), reja kain;
Raindrop (-drop), s. hujan s-titek.
(tattered) percha huroJc. A
Rainy (-i), adj. rainy day, hari
Ragamuffin (rag'a-muf-fm), s.
hujan. Eainy season, musim hw-
oraty hargsat. musim piama.*
Rage (raj), s. heraty* gmhera* Raise (raz), v. t. arykat, naikkan,
mradaty (B.).
thyyikan; (set up) dirikan, tyak-
Rage, V. i.
(with anger) naik mra-
kan;* (cause to rise) baryunkan,
dary, naik hei-ary;* (of the sea or to
barykitkan; (cause grow)
wind) glora;* (spread, of disease) tanam; (bring up, as
arok *
children) (U.S.) 6 /a,* plihara:
Ragged (rag'ged), adj. cJiompary- (cause to come forth) terbitkan.*
champirg, rompary-rampiry* cho- To raise money, humpolkari wary.
hak-chabek,* robak-rabek;* koyak- To raise the voice, n/arirykan suara.
rabek (B.), koyak-rabak; (on the To raise a siege, buka kporyan,
edge, as a sleeve) berjrabai* tirggalkan kporyan.* To raise
chmabai* grigis (B.). To
steam, naikkan stim (E.).
Raid (rad), v. t. srary. raise the price of, mahalkan. To
Raid, s. piyraiyan.^ raise the eyebrows, kryit.*
Rail (rai), s. (of a fence) palary,* Raised (razd), adj. (embossed)
pak pagar* kayu rembat;''^- (of timbol.
stairs) pmgarg targya, susoran Raisin (ra'zn), s. kismis (Pers.
taiyga;'* (of a railroad) landas-
an;* (]^aut.) (wooden) pagar Rake (rak), s. (tool) slkat* chaiy-
trgyalory;* (the bird) ayam- gah* piggar ok; (slope of mast)
ayam. chondorg; (vicious man) orarg lu-
Rail, V. i. (utter reproaches) nsta diah, perlonteh ("i^.I.), raja gila
(Sk.). To rail at, nstakan (Sk.), urat (Ar. 'aurat).
chercha (Sk.), olok-olokkan. Rake, v. t. (collect) kumpolkan;
Rail, V. t. (fence) paqari. (incline) chondorg.
Railing (ral'lng), s. (fence) pagar Rakish (rak'ish), adj. (lewd) lu-
mlintary; (scoffing) olok-olok. chah, perlonfoh (N.I.) ; (Naut.)
Raillery (ral'ler-i), s. yurav, slo- chondorg.
roh* olok-olok. Rally (ral'li), v. i. (as troops after

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin then.

flight) hertahan; (regain health) Range, (wander) kmhara*

v. i.

puleh, htah/' (after fainting) siu- Range, (row) baris, deret, jejer;*

(rank or degree) pargkat; (stove)

Ram (ram), s. hiri-hiri jantan, dom- dapur bsi; (distance) jauh; (for
ha jantan, kambirg hiri-hiri jan- shooting) tmpat mnembak sasar^
tan. an;* (reach, distance a shot goes)
Ram^ V. t. (with the head) sondol; s-pnjnlat* makan*
(a ship) lag a, larggar; (piles or a Rank (rangk), s. (row) baris^
gun) lantak; (compact by pound- jejer* ban jar saf (Ar.) ; (grade)
ing) mampatlcan, asak. paigkat, mertahat (Ar.), derjat
Ramble (ram'bl), v. i. rayauj^ km- (Ar.), taraf* (Ar. Taraf). Rank
hara;"^ (in speech) layau,^ rapek* and file, orarg kbanjakan.

mrapek (B.) ; see stroll. Rank, v. t. atur berpargkat-pargkat.

Ramification (ram'i-fi-ka'shwn), s. Rank, v. i. her pargkat.
chahavg-chaba'fg. Rank, adj. (in growth) subor; (ex-
Ramify (-fl), v. i. herchaharg-cha- treme, utter) s-mata-niata ; (of
harg. smell) liunchiiy, tiapak, trgek, ha-
Rammer (-mer), s. plantak.^ n/ir, see putrid.
Ramp (ramp), s. jalan hersndalu* Rankle (rang'kl), v. i. (in the-
Rampant (ramp'ant), adj. (rearing mind) makan hati.
on the hind legs) juarg;"^ (raging, Ransack v. t.
(ran'sak), rargai,*"
as disease) arok."^
Rampart (ram'pert), s. kuhu. Ransom (-swm), s. thusan.
Ramrod (-rod), s. planiakf (for Ransom, v. t. thus.
emptying the gohek) plantak Rant (rant), v. i. berchakap mmtir.*-
Rap (rap), v. i. ktok; (with knuc-
(-shak-kl), adj. (loose) on a child's
kles, usually head)
chopol/^ lorggar; (out of repair) kitu,* sakal,* sekel,* klatu (B.)>
Ranch (ranch or ranch), s. padarg Rap, (blow) ktok, etc., as above;

mmliliara Imhu kambirg, ladarg. (sound) kltak, kltok.

Rancid Rapacious (ra-pa'shws), adj. (of
(ran'sid), adj. (of taste)
animals) ganas,* huas;* (given to-
pdar;* (of smell) trgek; (slight-
plunder) yarg mrampas; (ava-
ly) prat.'^
ricious) tain a (Ar.), tmahak (B.).
Rancorous (rang'ker-i/s), adj. her-
herdndam, herkarat, iri Rapacity (-pas'i-ti), s. ganas*
tama"^ (Ar. Tania), tmahak (B.)
hati,* mrgiri hati (B.),
Rancour (-ker), s. drgki, dndam, Rape (rap), v. t. gagahi,* rugul,*
cliaholi* rosakkan (B.).
karatan hati."^
Random ta'tntu Rape, s. s-jnis biji ssawi.
(ran'd^/m), adj.
arah, ta'tntu hala."^' Rapid (rap'id), adj. (swift in mo-
Random, s. At random, mramhaig.^ tion, as boats, etc.) laju; (of per-
To shoot at random, temhak m- sons, animals, streams) d7'as; (of
acts or movements) Ikas, chpat,
ramharg* To strike at random,
pukol mramharg* pukol s-hararg hargat,* sgra, pantas.
(B.). Rapid, s. jram,* nam,* chgar.*
Range (ranj), v. t. (set in a row) Rapidity (ra-pid'i-ti), s. klajuan,
aturkan. etc., see rapid, adj.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Rapier (ra'pi-er), s. h'is panjarg Rasp, V. t. kikir, see grate; (of
halm, pdarg ehor blargkas* sound) grat*
Rapine (rap'in or rap'in), s. hal Raspberry (raz'ber-ri), s. s-jnis
mramjias. buah di Eropah. The wild rasp-
Rapscallion (rap-skaryi^n), s. hu- berry, akar kupor,* akar bulan
dak jahat mmhiiyas.'^ mudu*
Rapt (wholly absorbed
(rapt), adj. Rat (rat), s. tikus. Bamboo rat,
in thought) termnoiy, tfhur (Ar.). dkan.'^ Musk tikus turi,*
'To pay rapt attention, amat- chnchurut, chinchorot (B.). Large-
amaii* house rat, tikus mondok. Rat
Rapture (rap'chnr), s. hsuka'an
trap, kuchiig pkak,* prargkap
yarg amat* sargat [bsar skali tikiis.
(B.)]. Ratable (rat'a-bl), adj. yarg patut
Rapturous (-ws), adj. yarg mTyuka- kna chukai.
kan hati, yarg mriakan hati.* Rate (rat), s. (proportion, ration)
Rare (rar), adj. (unusual) jararg kadar (Ar.) ; (speed) dras, laju;
ada, malial; (valuable) indah; (of
(price) herga; (tax) chukai;
the atmosphere) rergan*
(class, order) pargkat. At the rate-
Rare, (U.S.)
adj. (underdone) s-
of, s-kadar (Ar.). At any rate,.
trgah masak. Poor rate (in-
bgimana pun.
Rarefy (rar'e-fi), v. t. rergankan, cumbent on Moslems), zakaf^
rirgankan (B.). (Ar. zakdt).
Rarely (-li), adv. jararg, herkadargf^
Rate, V. t. (chide) trgkiig, tigkerg
by ah tahun*
Rarity (-i-ti), s. (uncommon thing) Rate, V. t. nilaikan,'^ taksirkan (D,) ;.
haraig yarg jararg dapat, haraig knnkan chukai.
(for taxes)
yaig plek*
Rascal Rather (ra^/i'er, u. s. ra^/t'er), adv.
(ras'kal or ras'kal), s. orarg
(preferably) rmak, arggor,'^ lb eh
haygsat, orarg kji,* orarg jahat;
baik; see liefer; (on the con-
(playfully) jharu* (Hind. = pa-
riah .
trary) mlainkan; (somewhat) s-
dikit, juga, as, rather clever, pandai
Rascality (-kal'i-ti), s. hjahatan,
Ratification (rat'i-fi-ka'shzm), s..
Rascally (-kal-li), adj. hargsat,
kbnaran, ktgohan.
Rase (raz), v. t. see raze. Ratify (-fl), v. t. bnarkan, ttapkan,.
Rash (rash), adj. ter- tgohkan.
Ratio (ra'shi-o), s. kadar* (Ar.
(without caution) kurarg jaga; qadar) .

(reckless) mm-hahi-buta* mmbabi Ration (rash'wn or ra'sh'zm), s. pla-

(B.), nskat^ bor,* ransum (N.I.) (D.) (of ;

Rash, s. glgata,* ruam, bdan-bdan* rice) bras plabor,* bras ransum

sarap. (X.L) (D. rantsoen).
Rasher (rash'er), s. s-kpirg dagiig Rational (rash'wn-al), adj. (having
babi salai* reason) ber'akal; (wise) bijaksana.
Rashness (-nes), s. rsmi terkochoh- (8k.) berbudi,* budiman (Sk.).
garyah, kurarg jaga, nekat* Ratlines (rat'linz), s. pi. (Naut.)
Rasp (rasp), s. kikir kayu. tali skat.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tTien.
Rattan (ra-tan' or rat-tan') s. sampai; (strike) kna; (touch)
rotan. jjak; (arrive at) sampai, tiha.

Rattle (Tai'tl), Y.i. krorg-kra'ty; (as Reach, v. i.

(retch) jluak* mnjhidk
the axle in the hub of a wheel) (B.).
Igak-lgolcf (as pots and pans) Reach, s. (distance one can reach)
grodak. s-pnjulat;* (of a river) rantau*
(to fri^^hten birds) hlon- As far as the eye can reach, s-
Rattle, s.

taigj^ kronchorg. pnjulat niata* sojana mata rn-

Raucous (raw'kizs), adj. garau.* mandarg^-^ (Hind, yojan, a meas-
ure of distance). Out of reach,
Ravage (rav'ej), v. t. rosakhan, U-
nasakan. ta'sampai.
React (re-akf), v.t. halas; (mu-
Rave (rav), v. i.
(be delirious)
tually) halas-mmhalas.
Reaction (-ak'shwn), s. halasan.
Ravel (rav'l), v. (as string) hra-
Reactionary (-a-ri), adj. yarg
harg; (as cloth at the edge) ch- undor pula.
mahai* jrahai* grigis (B.).
Read (red), v. i. t. hacha; (make a
Ravel, v.t. (disentangle) orak*
study of) kaji,* mrgaji. To read
"Raven (ra'vn), s. gagak. to one^s self, bacha dalam hati.
-Ravenous (rav'en-i/-s), adj. (of wild
To read between the lines, tahu
animals) ganasf (of hunger) la-
raana yaiy dalam [ma'na (B.)].
par; (after illness) kmarofc* Readable (red'a-bl), adj. yatg boleh
Ravine gaurg.
(ra-ven'), s.
di-bacha; (interesting) yarg m-
Ravish (rav'ish), v.t. (snatch by ryukakan Jiati.
force) rhot; (cause rapture) ria- Reader (-er), s. prnMclia.
kan liatif (rape) gagahi* ru- Readily (red'i-li), adv. (willingly)
gulf^ rosakkan (B.). sudi, drgan suka hati.
JRaw (raw), adj. (not cooked) mn- Readiness s.
(-nes), (preparation)
tali,mantah;* see also half- ksdiaaii; (willingness) kredla'an
cooked; (unprepared) Hum slap; (Ar.).
(of a sore) lechet, mJechet (B.) ;
Reading s. baclia'an.
(of weather) sjok. Raw cotton, Reading desk (for the Koran),
kapas bluin dl-pintal. Raw hide, rehal"^ (x\r. ranal).
blularg* kulit trmtah. Raw Readjust (re'a-jusf), v.t. pasarg s-
material, hararg yarg asal. Raw m.ida, etc., see adjust.
spirit, arak tiada berchampur. Readmit (re'ad-mif), v.t. trimu s-
Ray (ra), s. (of light) sinar; (the mula, trima balek, see admit.
lish) ikan pari. Ox ray, pari Ready (red'i), adj. sdia, siap, mus-
pauh. Spotted ray, pari rimau. taid (Ar.) ; (equipped) hgkap;*
.Raze (raz),v. t. (destroy, demolish) (not reluctant) suka, sudi, redla
hinasakan, rombak; (lay level with (Ar.) ; (quick in action) pantos;
the ground) ratakan drgan humi. (on the point, near) Jiampir,
Razor (ra'zer), s. pisau chukor, Ready money, warg tunai. To
pisaii pnchukor* make ready, v. i. bersdia; v. t. sdia-
/Re (re), prep, deri-lial, dalam hal, kan.
fasal. Real (re'al), adj. surggoli, yarg s-
.Reach (rech), v.t. (stretch out) bnar-nja; (genuine) jati,* btuL
hulorkan, unjokkan; (attain to) Real estate, herta rumah tanah.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
Realgar (re-al'ger), s. bleiwy harg* budi;* (right and fair principles)
hravgan. Vadilan.* By reason of, deri sbab^
Reality (-i-ti), s. kbnaran, perJcara Without reason, tiada bersbab,
yarg hnar. ta'tntu fasal, tiada s-mna-mnu.*
Realization (re'al-i-za'shwn), s. hal Reason, v. i. (use reasoning facul-
inlakvkan* etc., as below. ties) timbarg; (with another) ber-
Realize (-iz), v. t. (accomplisli) rundirg, berbichara* pak-sui (B.)
lakukan* hasilkan; (feel vividly) (Ch. phah-snj).
sda?' akan; (acquire) beroleli/^ da- Reasonable (-a-bl), adj. (rational)
pat. berakal; (just) 'adil; (moderate,.
Really (-li), adv. drgan surygoh-rya, proper) patut.
s-siirggoli-rya, s-htul-rya. Reasoning (-ing), s. timbargan,.
Realm (relm), s.
kraja'an. rundirgan.
Realty (re'al-ti), s. herta rumah Reassemble (re'as-sem'bl), v. t.
tanah. berkumpol s-mula, berhimpon
Ream (rem), s. s-bmykus kertas = pula.*
480 lilai. Reassert (-serf), v. t. katakan
Reanimate (re-an'i-mat), v. t. lii- pula,* katakan lagi skali (B.).
dopkan s-mula. Reassure (-shoor'), v. t. ttapkan.
Reap (rep), v. i. t. (with a sickle) liati.

sabit; (with the Malay knife) Rebecca (re-bek'ka), s. Ribkah (At..

iuaij^ ktam;* (gather, obtain) Rifkah).
berolelij^' dupat. Eeaping hook, Rebate ( re-bat'), v. t. kurargkan,.
sabit. potoig, tolak.
Reaper (rep'er), s. pmmi* Rebel (reb'el), adj. derhaka.
Reappear (re'ap-per'), v. i. nampak Rebel, s. orarg derhaka.
s-mula, terbit s-mula* timbol s- Rebel (re-bel'), v. i. derhaka, laivan

mula. kraja'an.
Reappearance (-ans), s. hal klihat- Rebellion (-yun), s. derhaka.
an s-mula. Rebellious (-yws), adj. derhaka.
Reappoint (-pomf), v. t. tntukan Rebound (re-bownd'), v. i. (as a
s-mida. ball) a7itid,* ambul;'^ (spring back
Rear (rer), s, blakaty. after pressure, as rubber) anjal;*
Rear, adj. blakaiy, sblah blakary; (spring up, as a rod pressed down)
(hindmost) pnchorot,'* chorot 5- biigkas.*
kali (B.). Rebound, s. anjal, aiitul,* ambul,^
Rear, v. t.
(set up) dirikan, tgak- as above.
kan;* (bring up) bla/' plihara. Rebuff (-buf ), v. t. tolak, tahan.
Rear, v. i. (as a horse) berjuarg* Rebuild (re-bild'), v. t. buat s-mula,.
berdiri. bargunkan s-mula.
Rearguard (rer'gard), s. pnutop Rebuke (re-buk'), v.
(gently) t.
intra. tgur, nasihatkan,* kalot (B.) ;.
Rearrange (re'ar-ranj'), v. t. atur- (severelv) tigkirg, herdek,* ker-
kan s-mula. dek*
Reascend (-as-send'), v. i. t. naik Rebuke, s. tguran, nasihat,* trgkirg,.
s-mula. herdek."^'
Reason (re'zn), s. (cause) sbab, Rebus (re'bws), s. tka-tki ber-
mula; (the faculty) 'akal, 'akal gambar.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; fdocl, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
"Rebut (re-but'), v. t. lawan. Receptive (-tiv), adj. A receptive
Recalcitrant (re-kal'si-trant), adj. mind, otak hasah* kpala rergan.
eiyl^ar* (At, iiikar), Recess (re-ses'), s. (cessation of
l^ecall (re-kawl'), v. t. (call back) work) perlintian; (in a room)
parggil halek; (take back, with- anak hilek :'^ see niche.
draw) Icmbalihan: (revoke) ohah- Recipe (res'i-pe), s. ptua"^ (Ar.
kan, hataikan; (recollect) knarg, fatwa), surat ohat.
iTCfai. Recipient (re-sip'i-ent), s. pnrima*
"Recall, s. Past recall, ta'toleh di- orary yary trima (B.).
ohahkan, sudah tlanjur. Reciprocal (-ro-kal), adj. herbalas-
"Recant (-kanf), v. t. murghirkan halasan.
(Ar. munkir). Reciprocate (-kat), v. t. halas-mm-
Recantation (re'kan-ta'shwn), s. halas.

miirykiran. Reciprocity (res'i-pros'i-ti), s. hat

"Recapitulate (-ka-pich'u-lat), v. t. halas-mm halas.
katakan mufassal (Ar.), katakan Recital (re-sit'al), s. haclia'an,
dryan rergkas/^ rergkaskan.^ Jiapalan* (Ar. hafatl).
'Recapitulation (-la'shwn), s. rerg- Recitation (res'i-ta'sh-un), s. ucliap-
ka-san."^ an, hapalan.*
Recapture I're-kap'clnir), v. t. (per- Recite (re-sif), v. t. (repeat) ha-
sons) targkap s-mula; (a city or ucliap; (from memory) hapat-
fort) amMl halek. kan* (Ar. hafatl).
Recast (-kasf), v. t. tuaTy s-mula. Reckless (rek'les), adj. mmbahi-
Recede (-sed'), v. i. undor; (of huta,* mmhahi (B.), huta-tuli,
tides) surut. nekat."^
Receipt (re-sef), s. (act of re- Recklessness (-nes), s. hal min-
ceiving) lial mnrima; (recipe) hahi-huta,'^ nekat.'^
ptua-^ (Ar. fatwa) ; (acknowledge- Reckon (rek'n), v. t. liitory, hilarg,
ment) rasH (E.), risit (B.), surat . kira, hisah (Ar.) ; (account, es-

layeran,kwetargsi (N.L) (D.) ; teem) hilarykan; (calculate, com-

(money received) pndapatan. pute) atygarkan,* taksirkan (D.
"Receipt, v. t. sain (E.), teken taxeeren), kasi avggaran (B.).
(N.I.) (D.). Reckon, v. i. hitorg, herkira-kira.
"Receive (-sev'),v. t.
(take) triraa; To reckon on (persons), her-
(get) dapat; (politely) sambot, gantory k-pada, harap; (events)
papak* ahi-alukan;* (as guests) yakinkan (Ar.). To reckon with,
janiu;* (something unpleasant, slsaikan kira-kira drgan [slisekarb
as a blow) kiia. (B.)]. To reckon without one's
Receiver (in law) loakil
(-er), s. host, tiada amhil tahu.
(Ar.) ; (vessel to receive liquids) Reckoning (-ing), s.
pnadah;'^ (of a telephone) tlirga,'^ lial herslsai, hal herslise
(B.) ; (at
kupirg (B.). an inn) kira-kira, hil (E.), rek-
Recent (re'sent), adj. IJiaru. nirg (N.I.) (D.) ; (Naut.) ayggar-
Recently (-li), adv. hharu. an. To be out of one's reckoning,
Receptacle (re-sep'ta-kl), s. p- ssat. Dead reckoning, (J^aut.)
nadah* hkas* tmpat. arggaran topdal.
Reception (-sh^/n), s. (the act) lial Reclaim (re-klam'), v. t. (land
mnrima; (of guests) perjamuan.* from the sea by filling in) tamhak;

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
(by cultivation) Jcerjakan tanah Recompense, s. balasan,
mati; (reform character) ajak her- upah, paliala, pa'la (B.).
tobat* (Ar. taubat). Reconcilable (rek'on-sira-bl), adj.
Reclamation (rek'la-ma'shim), s. yaiy boleh di-damaikan, etc., as
(the act) hal ninambak, etc., as below.
above; (reclaimed land) tanah Reconcile (-sil), v. t. (restore to
tambaJc. friendship) damaikan;* (make
Recline (re-klln'), v. i. bersandar, content) perknankan;* (make
berbarlrg. consistent) stujukan; (adjust, set-
Recline, v. t. sandarkmi. tle) slsaikan, sUsekan (B.). To
be reconciled, berdaniai* berbaik;
Recluse (-kloos'), s. orarg berkhal-
wat (Ar.), (after divorce) rojok"^ (Av.rufu),
oratrj bertapa.
Reconciliation (-sil-i-a'shwn), s.
Recognition (rek'og-nish'tfn), s.

pn miynal, etc., as below. perdaniaian,* perstujuan, soloh

Recognize v. t. (X.I.) (Ar.), rojok* (Ar. ruj'u),
(-niz), (knovt^
as above.
again) liial; (avow, admit) miy-
Recondite (re-kon'dit or rek'on-
ahu, trima; (appreciate) indah-
dit), adj. dalam, rahsia,"^ rusia
Iwi; (be aware of) sdar aJcati*
Recoil (re-koil'), v. i. (as a spring) (B.), 'umuni (Ar. ghumumf).
Reconnaisance (re-kon'nis-sans) ,
anjalj* (upwards, as a trap) biiy-
Ji'os;'^ (as a gun) tndarg; (return)
s. argkatan mnjlidek neyri.^
Reconnoitre (rek'on-noi'ter), v. t.
kmbali; (draw back, shrink) un-
slidek negri;* (from a distance)
do r.
Recollect v. t.
(rek'o-lekf), iryat,
Reconquer (re-kong'ker), v. t*
falokkan s-muJa (Ar.).
Recollection (-lek'shwn), s. iryat- Reconsider (re'kon-sid'er), v. t. /i-
an, k nary an.
kirkan s-mula, timhaiy s-mula,
Recommence (re'kom-mens'), v. i.
berbalek pula fikiran.
mulai s-nvula, bersniula,'^ mulai
Reconstruct (-strukf), v. t. buat s-
lagi skali (B.). mula.
Recommence, v. t. mula'i pula*
Record (re-kord'), v. t. tulis, surat-
miila'i s-mula, persmidalnn* kan, daftarkan (Ar.).
Recommend (rek'om-mend'), v. t. Record (rek'ord), s. (register) daf-
(commit to
another) ptarohkan* tar (Ar.) ; (official papers) surat
srahkan (B.) ; (speak in favom* of,
kmjaan; (testimony) ksaksian;
vouch for) mryahu; (advise) (memorandum) surat perityatan;
na^sihafkan* iiyaikan, shurkan
(memorial) per'uyatan. To beat
(Ar.). or break the record, mlbehi k'
Recommendation (-men-da'shwn) , mnargan yarg dhulit* Gramo-
s. piyakuan, nasihat, as above. phone record, piritg lagu.
Recommit (re'kom-mif), v. t. srali- Recorder (re-kord'er), s. pryurat.
kan s-mula, pularykan. Re-count (re-kownf), v. t. (count
Recompense (rek'om-pens'), v. t. again) liitoig s-mula.
(requite) balas; (for a kindness) Recount (re-kownf), v. t.
balas gun a* balas baik-rya (B.) ; cJiritakan.
(for loss) yan ti; ( remunerate ) Recoup (-kdop'), v. t. (losses) gan*
upah. tikan; (persons) balaskan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice,
it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Recourse (-kors), s. (recurrence) Recur (re-ker'), v.i. (come back)
ulaiTjan; (resort for aid) lial her- baiek, beridargf^ (more than once)
berulaig-ularg, berbalek-balek.
Recover (-kuv'er), v. i. (from sick- Recurrence (-kur-rens), s. uJarg-
ness) smhoh* piileh, pularg sdia- an.'-^

kala;'^ (mentally) siumanf (from Recurrent (-rent), adj. berularg-

fainting) sdar; (regain former nlarg.
condition) pularg s-mula. Red merah; (of the face,
(red), adj.
Recover, v. t.
(get again) dapat through shame) &ra;* (more,,
baleJc; (repair a loss) gantikun: tlirough shame or anger) merah
(restore from sickness) smhoh- padam. Dark red, merah tua^
pulehkan, kasi haik (B.).
'kan,^ jrau. Eed ant (large), krrgga;
Recoverable (-a-bl), adj. yarg (small, poisonous) smut api. Eed
boleh dapat haJek. eyes (inflamed), mata biji saga;
Recovery (-i), s. ksmholmnf^ k- (through crying) mata balut.*-
pidehan, siuman.^ Past recovery, lied lead, sdlirggam (Tam.), sin-
tiada tei'snihohkan* ta'holeli haik dura (Hind.)." The Red Sea,
lagi (B.). Laut Kalzum (Ar. Qulziim).
Recreant (rek're-ant), adj. pnakot, Redden (red'dn), v. i. (blush) bra.
hacliol.^' muka,"^' naik merah (B.).
Recreate (-at), v. t. (give fresh life Reddish (-dish), adj. kmerali-
to, cheer) sgarkan; (amuse) suka- meralian*
kan liati. Redeem (re-dem'), v. t. tbus. To
Recreation (-a'shwn), s. permainan. redeem a promise, sampaikan jan~
Recriminate (re-krim'i-nat), s. P-
tiidoh-irmudoh* Redeemer (-er), s. pnbvs."^
Recrimination (-na'shwn), s. hal Redemption (-demp'shwn), s. p~
tiidoh-mnvdoh.'^ nbusan.
Recrudescence (re'kroo-des'sf'ns) Redirect (re'di-rekf), v. t. obaJi-
s. ktimholan s-mnla. kan 'alamat surat.^
Recruit (re-kroof), v. t. (repair) Red-letter (red'-let'ter), adj. Red-
hnikki; (reinvigorate) sgarkan; letter day, hari baik.

(enlist) kraJika7i* Redolent (redVlent), adj. ivargi^

Recruit, s. soldado hharu masok. liarom.'^
Rectangle (rek'tang-gl), s. targun- Redouble (re-dub'bl), v. t. ganda-
an ampat persgi mmanjarg. kan.^
Rectify (-ti-fi), v. t. (correct) htul- Redoubt (-dowf), s. kubu, bent erg-
kan. (X.L).
Rectitude (-ti-tud), s. tulns-ekhlas Redoubtable (-a-bl), adj. (terri-
(Ar.), ktidusan, tulus liati, hati ble) liehat (Ar. haibat), dahshat
hhd (B.). (x\r.), haiban (Ar.) ; (valiant)
Rector (-ter), pargkat padri.
s. brani, perkasa (Sk.).
Rectum (-turn), s. jubor (Ar, du- Redound (-downd'), v. i. baiva^ da~
bvr) , klpa^mn. tarykan.
Recumbent (re-kum'bent), adj. Redress, s. (act of setting right)
bersandar, berbarirg. btulkan; (make amends for)
Recuperate (-ku'per-at), v. i. 5m- gantikan.
boh* puleh. Redress (-dres'), v. t. (set right)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mintis, cure, injure*
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
hal mmhtulkan; (reparation) per- kapal pula,'^ turun pula* balek k-
gantian. kapal, balek naik kapal (B.).
Red-tape (red'-tfip'), s. pri di- Reenact (-en-akf), v. t. (a law)
kandoig 'adat (Prov.). kluarkan s-niula.
Reduce (re-dus'), v. t. (in size) Reenforce (-fors'), v. t. see rein-
kchilJcan; (in quantity) Tcuraiy- force.
k'an; (in value) turunkan; (in Reengage (-gaj'), v. t. janji s-

rank) turunkan parxjkat; (in flesh) mula.

kuruskan; (to order) aturkan; (a Reengagement (-ment) s. per-
city or fortress) alahkan,"^ kalali- janjian bharu.
kan. To reduce a fracture or dis- Reenter (re-en'ter), v. t. masok ba-
location, btulkan. To reduce ex- lek.

penses, kumtykan hlanja, enteiy- Reestablish (re'es-tab'lish), v. t.

kan hlanja (N.I.), kchilkan orgkos ttapkan s-mula, etc., see esta-
(N.L) (D. onkosten). To reduce blish.
to powder, hanchorkan, rmokkan. Reexamine (-egz-am'in), v. t. prek-
Toreduce to a pulp, lumatkan."^ sa s-mula.
Reducible (-i-bl), adj. yaiy holeli Refer (re-fer'), v. t. (send, hand
di-kcliilkan, etc., as above. over, a
person) srahkan; (pass
Reduction (-duk'shwn), s. lial m- over, a matter) pulargkan.
njchilkan, etc., see reduce. Refer, v. i. (to a book), prelc'
Redundancy (-dun'dan-si), s. k- sa; (relate to) berhuhoiy/^ ber-
leinpaJian* klampauan.'^ kna'an drgan,^^ kna sama (B.) ;
Redundant (-dant), adj. banjak (direct attention to) sbotkan.
satyat, lempak* terJalu han/ak. Referee (ref'er-e'), s. ovary trgah.
Reduplicate (-du'pli-kat), v. t. Reference (-ens), s. hal mnjrahkan,
ularyi* etc., see refer. With reference
Reduplication (-ka'slmn), s. uJa}y- to, tntargf' akan hal,^ dcri-hal,
an* at as* deri (X.I.).
Reecho (ro-ek'6), v. i. berbalas bu- Refine (re-fIn'), v. t. (purify as
bertalun* bergnia*
iyi, metal) chuchi; (as sugar) berseh-
Reed (red), s. gudaboty :* (of a kan, bersikan (B.) ; (make ele-
srunai) lidah:'^ see sedge. gant) haluskan.
Reef (ref), v. t. (Xaut.) andakkan Refinement (-ment), s. piyuchian,
layer. kahalusan, as above.
Reef, s.
(range of rocks) trumbu;* Refinery (-er-i), s. (for metals)
(of coral) Iwarg ; (Xaut.) andak. tmpat mryuchi; (for sugar) tmpat
lleet points (Xaut.), tali prg- masak.
andak, tali
stop (E.). Refit ( re-fit'), v. t. baikki, Irgkap-
Reek (rek), v. i. berwap, berasap. kan.'^
Reel (rel), s. (for winding yarn) Reflect (re-flekf), v. t. (throw
rah at .-'^ (spool for thread) glen- back) balaskan; (of light) sinar-
doig;"^ (dance) s-jnis tandak oraig kan;* (of a form) rupakan* ba*
Skotland. yargkan* kasi bayarg (B.).
Reel, V. V.
(stagger) oyorg, uyoiy. Reflect, i. (think) terknary, ber-
Reelect (re'e-lekf), v. t. pileli s- fikir ; (meditate) tfkur (Ar.).
mula. To reflect on (censure), chla.
Reembark (-em-bark'), v. t. naik Reflection (-flek'shwn), s. (the act)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
hal mmbdlaslmn, etc., as above; (decline to do) ergkar^ (Ar. m-
( reflected image ) &fl?/ary; (thought) kar), 'rggankan*
fikiran, timhargan; (censure) A;- Refuse (ref'us), s. (rubbish general-
cMa'an. ly) sampali, sarap;'^ (of tapioca,
Reflector (-ter), s. (of a lamp) etc.) liam,pas; (of sago) srampin;*"
pnjrnar/^ (pieces cut off, cloth, wood, paper)
Reflex (re'fleks), adj. yarg di-balas- reja; (of wood) remah;* (of
Ji'an. liquids) kladak.*
Reform (re-form'), v. t. haikhi, Refutation (ref'u-ta'shwn), s. hal
htulkan, majukan* hasi haik (B.). mmpertidakkan,* pertidak'an.'^
Reform, v. i. jadi haik, hertobat (Ar.
Refute (re-fuf), v. t. (prove false)
taubai), herohah. pprtidakkan,* palsukan; (argue
Reform, s. kmajuan.'^ against) bantaln.^"
Reformation (refor-ma'sliim), s.
Regain (re-gan'), v. t. dapat balek,
(the act) hal mmhaikki, etc., see ambil s-mula. To
dapat kmbali,
EEFOiar; (the state) kjnajuan* siiiman*
regain consciousness,
Reformatory (re-form'a-to-ri), s.
To regain one's health, seliat
jel bndak-hndak.
pula,"^ puleh s-mida, 'aflat (Ar.).
Reformer (-er), s. orairj yarg m-
Regal (re'gal), adj. raja (a), kraja-
majukan negrir 'an (a).
Refract (-frakf), v. t. hergkokkan.
Regale (re-gal'), v. t. (entertain)
Refractory (-frak'to-ri), adj. dgil, nemat
jamn,'^ hadapkan (Ar.) ;
(refresh) sgarkan.
Refrain (-fran'), v. i. (keep one's
Regalia (re-ga'li-a), s. alat kraja-
selffrom) tahani dm, ialian 7iafsu. 'an.'^
Refrain, s. (chorus) idargan;* (in
Regard (-gard'), v. t. (look at)
Malay songs) dendarg*
Refresh (-fresh'), v. t. (invigorate) pandarg; (pay attention to) irgat;
(consider, in a certain relation)
sgarkan; (make new) bharui. To
refresh the memory, bri irgat. pandarg, flkirkan, bilargkan, sifat-
kan (Ar.).
Refreshment (-ment), s. (the act
or state) ksgaran; (food or drink) Regard, s. (look, view) pmandarg-
an; (respect, reverence) hormat^
makanan, minuman. Light re-
As regards, in regard to, with re-
freshments at night, iambidj^
gard to, deri hal, fasal, pada
Refrigerator (re-frij'er-a-ter), s.
pihak* intarg*
perkakas yanj mnjjokkan'^ [sjok-
kan (B.)]. Regarding (-ing), prep, deri-hal,.

fasal, tntarg.'^
Refuge (ref'uj), s.
To take refuge, Regardless (-les), adj. drgan tiada
itgat, drgan tiada hirau,^ drgan
tiada pdidi.
Refugee (-ii-je'), S. oranj yaiy ber-
lindorg, orarg yarg bernaoiy.^^ Regatta (-gat'ta), s. perlumbaan'
Refund (re-fund'), v. t. pidargkan, pralin, jinairari* (E. January).
bayer, kmbalika?i. Regency (re'jen-si), s. prentahan
Refusal (-fuz'al), s. lial mnolak, pniargku raja.
Regenerate (re-gen'er-at), v. t.
ergkar"^ (Ar, inkdr).
Refuse (-fuz'), v.
'rggan.^ jadikan s-mula, hidopkan s-mulay
Refuse, v. t. (an invitation) tolak; bargkitkan s-mula; (renew) bharui.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
minws. cure, injure,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort sorry; use, us,

thin then.
hurry; food, foot, awfool (aw ful) law, how, oil; ;
Regeneration (-a'shwn), s. (spirit- rule) aturkan; (put in good Older)
ual) khharuan hati. btidkan, patutkan, dandan.*
Regent (re'jent), s. pmarghu raja, Regulation (-la'shwn), s. (rule)
rkhen (KI.) (D.). peraturan, undarg-undaig ; (com-
Regicide (rej'i-sid), s. pmhunoh mand) prentah, hukum.
raja. Regulator (-Itl-ter), s. perkakas
Regild (re-gild'), v. t. chlop mas s- mmbtidkan psawat.*
mvla, etc., see gild.
Rehabilitate (re'ha-bil'i-tat), v. t.

mm- kinhalikan pargkat.

Regime (ra-zhem'), s. ptua
rentah/^' pri mmrentah. The old Rehearsal (re-liers'al), s. latehan.*
regime, peraiuran lama. Rehearse (-hers'),
(repeat) v. t.

Regimen (rej'i-men), s. (Med.) (for practice) lateh*

ptua mmalcan.'^ Reign (ran), v. i. jadi raja, her-
Regiment s- kraja'an.*
(-ment), s. pasohan
ribu. Reign, s. (government) prentah,
Regimental (-men' td), adj. pasol--
krajaan; (time) masa di atas
takJita (Ar.).
an (a).
Regimentals sol-
Reimburse (re'im-bers'), v. t. (re-
{-talz), s. pakaian
dado. fund) kmbalikan, pulargkaii; (a
Region da'i- person) bayer balek k-pada.
(re'ji/n), s. jajahan*
rah (Ar.), impat. Rein^ (ran), s. (strap) ras, tali ras,
tali karg,* tali
Register (rej'is-ter), s. daftar
lagam; (restraint)
tgahan. To
give the rein to, he-
(Ar.), Stat (D.) {^.l.).
baskan.To take the reins, pga^g
Register, t. daftarkan (Ar.) ; (a
aiiteken (D.) prentah, pegaig prentah (B.).
letter) rajister (E.) .

Reindeer (ran'der), s. rusa sblah

Registrar (-trar), s. pgawai daftar-
Reinforce (re'in-fors'), v. t
daftar* pndaftar (Ar.).
(strengthen) kuatkan; (by new-
Registration (-tra'shi/n), s. hal
troops) bantu.
mndaftarkan* pndaftaran (Ar.). Reinforcement
Registry (-tri), s. ofis daftar-daf- (-ment), s. (the
act) hal mrg'uatkan* hal mm-
tar,'^ pjabat daftar (J.).
bantu; (of troops or ships) bantiir-
Regret (re-gref), v. t. ssal, ssalkan, an.
sayargkan, shalkan.'^ Reinsert (-serf), v.t. ma^okkan
Regret, s. ssal, sayarg. masokkan kmbali (B.).
Regretful (-fool), adj. sbal hati.* See INSERT.
Regrettable (-ta-bl), adj. s&aL* Reinstate (-staf), v. t. kmbalikan
Regular (reg'u-ler), adj. (by rule) pargkat.
beratur, bperaturan;* (steady, Reissue v. t. kluarkan
uniform) tntu, tiada
berslarg, pula* [kmbali (B.)].
tiada berobah-obah, ber'adat. Reiterate (-it'er-at), v. t. katakan
Regularity (-lar'i-ti), s. peraiuran, beniJaig^ularg, bvat berulaig-ularg.
ktntuan. Reiteration (-a'shwn), s. berularg-
Regularly (-ler-li), adv. (in point ulargan.
of time) sntiasa (Sk.), slalu, ter-
Reject (re-jekf), v. t. (throw
tntu waktu-rya.
away) bvarg; (decline) tolak, 'rg-
Regulate (-lat), v. t. (adjust by ga?ikan.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f65d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Rejection (-jek'shwn), s. hal mni- Relationship (-ship), s. perhuborg-
huarg, hal mnolak. an, pargkat, jatoh,* as above.
Rejoice (-jois'), v. i. hersuka, her- Relative (rel'a-tiv), adj. (relating)
gmar* bersuka-chita
(Sk.), her- berknaan;* (referred to some-
suka-ria* termasa (Sk. tamasha). thing) yarg di-bandiigkan.
Rejoice, v. t. sukakan. Relative, s. saudara, sudara (B.),
Rejoicing (-ing), s. ksuka'an, suka- sanak,* kluarga,* dagirg-darah.
chila(Sk.), suka-ria* Relatively (-li), adv. kalau di-ban-
Rejoin (-join'), v. t. (join again) dirgkan.
samhorg s-mula; (a ship, regiment, Relax (re-laks'), v. t. (slacken)
etc.) pularg k-, pulanj, pularg kndurkan; (make less severe or
balek k- (B.). strict) kurargkan; (ease) snarg-
Rejoin, v. i. jawab, bri jaioab, saliut. kan. To relax the bowels, Imbot-
Rejoinder (-der), s. jawab, sahutan. kan prot, lawaskan buarg ayer.
Rekindle (re-kin'dl), v. t. chuchoh Relaxation (re'laks-a'shwn), s. (the
lagi s-kali, ryalakan, galakkan, act) hal mrr/ndurkan, etc., as
marakkan^' above; (cessation from work) k-
Relapse (re-laps'), v. (turnback)
i. lapargan,'^- snarg.
balek, kmhali; (in a bad sense) Relay (re'la), s. ^tZira^.* In relays,
jadi jahat; (in religion) jadi rnur- bergilir-gilir,*berganti-ganti.
tad (Ar.). Release (re-les'), v. t. Ipaskan; (as
Relapse, s. hal balek, etc., as above; slaves) merdhekakan (Sk.).
(Med.) bntan. To suffer a re- Release, s. klpasan, kluputan*
lapse, balek sakit. Relegate (rel'e-gat), v. t. tolak,
Relate (-laf), v. t. chritakan, kesah- sblaJikan.
kan (Ar. qi^fiah), riwayatkan Relent (re-lenf), v. i. jadi Imbot
(Ar.). hati, Imbot, bias.
Relate, v. i. berktia'an digan,"^ ber- Relentless (-les), adj. yarg tiada
hubofy. mnaroh kasehan, tiada berkaseh-
Related (-ed), adj. (by kindred) an, kras-hati.
bersaudara, berhuborg,'^ berdani- Relevant (rel'e-vant), adj. kna,
pirg;* (as brothers) adek-beradek; pat id.
(as cousins) s-pupu; (gen.) ber- Reliable (re-li'a-bl), adj. kperchaya-
kna, kna-mrgna, berktia'an, ber- 'an,* yarg boleh di-perchaya,
h lib org; (mutually) kna-mrgna. amanat (Ar.).
Eel ate d by marriage (parents of Reliance (-ans), s. (trust) harap;
the couple) besan; (husbands of (thing to rely on) chadatgan* In
sisters) biras,* taig-mui (B.) reliance on, bergantorg k-pada, ber^
(Ch. tdrg-miy). harap k-pa'da, berpgarg k-pada.*
Relation (-la'shwn), s. (act of tell- Relic (rel'ik), s. (remaining por-
ing) hal mnchertrakan;* (state of tion) sisa, baki* (At. bdqi), ko-
being related) perhuborgan; (in ret;* (memorial) perirgatan.
kindred) paiykat, jatoh,^ as, what Relict (-ikt), s. prempuan janda.
is his relation to you,apa pargkat- Relief (re-lef), s. kkurargan, per-
rya k-pada tvan, apa jatoh dia k- tolorgan, bantuan, pergantian, as
pada tuan;'^ (a relative) saudara, below. In relief (as carving),
sudara {B.),sanak,* kluarga,* da- timbol. Bas relief, gambar tim-
girg-darah. In relation to, tntarg* bol.

ate, ask, am, find, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/iea.
Relieve (-lev'), v. t. (alleviate) kasi baik (B.) ; (apply a remedy)
renjarikan, myankan (B.), hurarg- obati; (repair, correct) btulkan,
l-an; (help) tolorg, hantu; (take baikki.
the place of) gantikan. Remember (re-mem'ber), v. t.

Religion (-lij'wn), s. agama, iman irgat, knaig, terknarijkan.

(Ar.) ;
also igama and ugama. Remembrance (-brans), s. perirgaf-
Religious (-us), adj. (of persons) an, knargan.
beragama* heriman (Ar.). A Remind (-mind'), v. t. bri irgat
religious book, kitab agama. A irgatkan; (of an invitation) son-
religious teacher, guru agama. sorg.^
Relinquish (-ling'kwish), v. t. Reminder (-er), s. perirgatan, prg-
(leave behind)tirggalkan; (desist irgat/-' knarg -knargan.'^
from) beHinti deii-pada, buarg- Reminiscence (rem'i-nis'sens), s.

han; (give up, resign) biarJcan* irgatan, knargan.

tirggalkan. Remiss (re-mis'), adj. alpa (Sk.),
Relish (rerish), v. t. suka, perknan- lalai, lergah, leka.
kan. Remission (-mish'un), s. (the act)
Relish, s. (pleasant flavour) ladzat hal mrgmbaUkan, below;
etc., see
(Ar.), ksdapan; (taste for) 7iafsu (diminution) kkurargan; (par-
makan; (liking) ksuka'an; (con- don) ampun.
diment) kichap; (savoury things Remit (-mif), v. t. (send back)
eaten with curry) sambal. kmbalikan; (transmit, send) kirim;
Reluctant (re-luk'tant), adj. sgan, (relax) kurargkan, rergankan;
ta'suka, ta'sudi. (pardon) ampunkan, mahapkan
Rely (-ir), V. i. liarap, perchaya, (Ar. madf).
bergantoig, berchadarg.* Remittance (-tans), s. kiriman,
Remain (-man'), v. i. tirggal. warg kiriman.
Remainder (-der), s. ktirggalan, Remittent (-tent), adj. Remittent
swa, baki* (Ar. bdqi), koret.* fever, dmam berslarg-slarg liari,
Remains (-manz'), s. (relics) bkas, dm am kura.
sim; (dead body) maijat, jnazah* Remnant (rem'nant), s. sisa, baki*
(Ar. jindzah). (Ar. bdqi), remah,'^ reja, percha,*
Remand (-mand'), v. t. kmbalikan. kain percha.
Remark (-mark'), v. t. (observe) Remodel (re-mod'el), v. t. obahkan
perhatikan, chamkan; (notice) rupa.
t erg ok;
(say) kata. Remonstrance (re-mon'strans), s.

Remark, s. kata, perchakapan. tguran.

Remarkable (-a-bl), adj. (notice- Remonstrate (-strat), v. i.
able) ryata; (extraordinary) plek* Remorse (-mors'), s. ssal, sdeh sbab
heran .(Ar. iiairdn) , 'aja'ib (Ar.). mrysal, sbal.
Remarry (re-mar'ri), v. i. kahwin Remorseless (-les), adj. ya^g tiada
pula,'^ kahwin lagi skali. mrysal, tiada berkasehan.
Remedial (re-me'di-al), adj. yarg Remote (-mot'), adj. jauh, rrggarg.
mrymhohkan,'^ yarg mnawarkan* Remount (re-mownf), s. kuda turg-
yarj mmbaikki, yarg kasi baik garg bharu.
(B.). Removable (re-moov'a-bl), adj.
Remedy (rem'e-di), s. pnawar. yaig boleh di-pindahkan.
Remedy, v. t. (cure) smbohkan* Removal (-al), s. pindah.
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, s5rry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Remove (-moov'), v. t. (change Renowned (-nownd'), adj. ter-
position of) ,
pindah., pindahJcan, nama,* bernama, hnama'an,* ma-
aleh; (take away) hilaiykan, sohor (Ar. mashhur).
hawa pergi, huka, Uuarkan; (as Rent (rent), s. (crack) chlah;
mat coverings) papas J^ (tear) hoy ah, char eh j'^
Remove, v. i. pindah, aleh. rabak, rabeh; (hedge tear) tiham
Remunerate (-mii'ner-at), v. t. hodoh,* hoyah semparg,^ hoyah
upah. se7nparg-siur (B.) ; (on the edge)
Remuneration (-iVshwn), s. upah. rabit; see tear.
Remunerative (-a-tiv), adj. her- Rent, s. (payment) seiva. Land
untorg. rent, chuhai tanah. House rent,
Renal (re'nal), adj. huah pbygarg sewa rwnah.
(a). Rent, V. t. (the landlord) sewahan;
Rend (rend), v. t. (split) hlah; (the tenant) sewa.
(tear) hoy ah, char eh j"^ (right Rental (rent'al), s. (rent roll) daf-
through) soyat,* soy ah; see tear. tar sewa-sewa.'^
Render (ren'der), v. t. (pay back) Renunciation (re-nun'si-a'shi^n), s.
balas; (give up) srahhan; (con- hal mnjaighal, etc., see renounce.
tribute, give) bri, hasi (B.) ; buha
Reopen (re-o'pn), v. i. t. s-
(cause to be or become) jadihan, mula.
sbabha7i;* (translate) terjmahhan Reorganize v. t.
(Ar.), salin; (cover with plaster) aturhan s-mula.
lepa. Repair (re-par'), v. i. pergi.
Rendering (-ing), s. (translation)
Repair, v. t. (restore) btulhan,
terjmah (Ar.), salinan; (coat of baihhi; (a loss) gantihan; (nets)
plaster) lepa' an. bubul.*
Rendezvous (roN'da-voo), s. tmpat hal mm-
Repair, s. (act of repair)
pertmuan, pertmuan. baihhi. In tiada
good repair,
Rendezvous, v. i. bertmu di tmpat rosah. Out of repair, rosah,
yarg di-tntuhan. bur oh.
Renegade (ren'e-gad), s. (apostate)
Reparation pm-
(rep'a-ra'slmn), s.
murtad (Ar.) ; (deserter) pm- balasan.
belot; (vagabond) orarg baipgsat.
Repartee (rep'ar-te'), s. jaivab yarg
Renew (re-nii'), v. t. (make new)
bharui, bharuhan; (repeat)
Repast ( re-past'), s. sajian,"^ hidarg-
ulaTyi;* (restore) smulahan;
an;'^ (of princes) santapan*
(substitute for a new one) tuhar.
Repatriate (re-pat'ri-at), v. t. hm-
Renewable (-a-bl), adj. yarg boleh
balihan h-negri sndiri.
Renewal (-al), s. hal mmbharui, Repay (re-pa'), v. t. (refund)
etc., see renew. bayer, pularyhan; (recompense)
Renounce (-nowns'), v. t. (dis-
claim) sarghalkan, ta'mvgaku, Repayable (-a-bl), adj. yatg boleh

murghir (Ar. raunhir) ,

Renovate (ren'o-vat), v. t, bharui. Repayment (-mfjit), s. (the act)
Renovation (-va'shwn), s. hal mm- pmbayeran; (the money paid)
bharui. bayeran, pmbayer."^
Renown (re-no^w^i'), s. nama, gah.* Repeal (-pel'), v. t. (a law) ttada-

&te, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sdre, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
A'an,* hvarg, hatalkan, mansukh- Report, V. i.
(present one's self)
kan (Ar.). tun j ok muka, hadlir (Ar.).
Repeat (-pet'), v. t. (do again) Report, s. (statement) pmbri-tahu*
dua-kalikan* buat lagi s-kali, werta (Sk.), brita (Sk.), repot
biiats-mula, idargi;'^ (say again) (E.) ; (rumour) khabar, argin-
katakan piila, katakan lagi skali; aigin; (sound of a gun) das,"^
(recite, from memory) hapalkan'^ dgum* dam.
(Ar. Jiafatl). Reporter (-er), s. (of a newspaper)
Repeatedly (-ed-li), krap, adv. orarg mnchari khabar.
krap kali, heruJarg-ularg, berturut- Repose (-poz'), v. i. (rest) berhnti,
turut, bertalu-taliL,'^ bertubi-tubi* brenti (B.), berhntikan llah;*
To come or go repeatedly, slaroli.'^ (lie) berbarirg.
To do repeatedly, llarkan."^ Repose, s. perhntian.
Repel (-per),v. t. (drive back) io- Repository (-poz'i-to-ri), s. tmpat
lak, undorkan; (resist) tahan; miyimpan.
(oppose) lawan. Reprehend (rep're-hend'), v. t.
Repent (-pent'), v. i. ssal, bertobat (reprove) tgur, herdek* trgkirg,
(Ar. tauhat). trgkerg (B.) ; (blame) chlakan,
Repentance (-ans), s. ssal, tobat ckachatkan.^
(Ar. tauhat). Reprehensible (-hen'si-bl), adj,
Repentant (-ant), adj. yarg rnrysal, bercMa, yarg patut di-chla.
yarg bertobat. Represent (-zenf), v. t. (typify)
Repetition (rep'e-tish'zm), s. nlatg- iandakan; (portray) rupakan;
an* (personate) samarkan diri sperti;*
Repine (re-pTn'), v. i. brgkak di (stand in place of) gantikan, jadi
hati, bersurgut. ivakil (Ar.) ; (set forth, describe)

Replace v. t.
(-plas'), pulargkan, ryatakan.
kmbalikan k-tmpat-rya; (sub- Representation (-zen-ta'shun), s.

stitute) gantikan. (likeness) rupa, gambar; (model)

Replant (re-planf), v. t. tanam s- chontoh, tuladan; (statement)
viula. ktrargan.
Replenish (re-plen'ish), v. t. (fill Representative (-zen'ta-tiv), s.

again) pnohi s-mula, isi s-mula, ivakil'^(Ar. luakil), ganti, kiiasa.

id lagi skali; (cause to abound) Representative, adj. yarg mnanda-
mewahkan, lempahkanj* (stock) kan/^ yaiy mryatakan, yarg mrg-
Irgkapkan* gantikan.
Replete (-plef), adj. pnoli, berisi, Repress (re-pres'), v. t.
ligkap,"^ ssak, cJiukop-lrgkap. restrain) taJiankan.
Repletion (-ple'sh2/n), kssak'an. Repression (-presh'i^n), s. hal m-
Full to repletion, pnoh ssak; (of nahan.
food) kniyarg, muak* Reprieve (-prev'), v. t. targgolikan
Reply (-pir), V. i. jawdb, sahut; liukuman.^
(do in return) balas. Reprieve, s. pertaiggohan*
Reply, s. jawab, sahutan, balasan. Reprimand (rep'ri-mand), v. t.
Report (-port'), v. t. bri tahu, chlakan, herdek.'^
khabarkan, m^alumkan '

( Ar. ) , Reprimand, s. kcliWan.

chritakan. It is reported, koniin, Reprint (re-prinf), v. t.
cliap 5-
kun (B.). mula, cliit<ik lagi s-kali.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire'
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Reprint (re'priiit), s. chitaFan (divorce) chraikan; (disclaim)
bJiaru* chap bharu. miitgkir (Ar. munkir).
Reprisal (re-priz'al), s. pmhalasan. Repudiation (-a'shwn), s. hal m-
Reproach (-proch'), v. t. (charge njargkal, etc., as above.
with a fault) tudoh;'^ (censure, Repugnance (-pug'nans), s. (aver-
blame, chla, salahkan; (by bring- sion) bnchi, gli-glman,^ gli-
ing home to a person his fault) ginan,* gli gmam (B.) ; (as food)
tmplak. mual,'^ mmual (B.). a To have
Reproach, s. tudohan* kchlaati; feeling of repugnance, ralaf^ (Ar.
(i^hame, disgrace) malu, honar ghalat).
(Pers.), 'aib (Ar.). Repugnant (-nant), adj. (con-
Reproachful (-fool), adj. pnudoli/^ trary) mlaivan, tastuju; (offen-
pnchla* sive) kbnchian, mluat.
Reprobate (rep'ro-bet), adj. kji* Repulse (-puis'), s. pnolak'an.
lucliah, perlonteh (X.I.), fasik v. undor-
Repulse, t. (drive back)
(Ar.). kan; (reject) tolak.
Reprobate (-bat), v. t. (dis- Repulsion (-pul'shi/n), s. (the act)
approve) chla; (reject) tolak. hal mnolak; also see repugnance.
Reprobation (-ba'shwn), s. kcJiIa-
Repulsive (-siv), adj. (offensive)
kbnchian, mluat.
Reproduce (re'pro-dus'), (bring v.t.
Reputable (rep'u-ta-bl), adj. ber-
forv^ard again) bawa s-mula,
nama, ternama, knama'an,* ter-
liadapkan s-mula; (bj generation)
bilaig, terhorm-at, mulia.
jadikan, adakan, beranakka^i;
Reputation (-ta'slmn), s. (charac-
(portray) rupakan; (make a
ter) nama; (public esteem) nama
copy) salin. A bad repu-
yarg baik, hormat.
Reproduction (-duk'shnn), s. (the
tation, nama yarg Ita.*
act) hal mnjadikan, etc., as above;
Repute (re-puf), v.t. (account)
(thing reproduced) salinan.
bilargkan; (think, reckon) filcir-
Reproof (re-proof), s. tguran,
kan, kirakan.
kclilaan, hei'dek* trgkirg, trgkerg
Request (-kwesf), s. perminta'an,
Reprove v.t. permohonan.'^
(-pr55v'), (accuse)
Request, v.t. minta,mintak,pinta,*
tudoh;* (censure, mildly) tgur,
kalot (B.) ; (more severely) chla, pohonkan.*
herdek,* trgkirg, trgkerg (B.). Requiem (re'kwi-em), s. (E.G.)
Reptile (rep'tll, u. s. -til), s. bi- smbahyatg arwah (Ar. arwdii, pi.

rwH = soul).
natarg yarg binatarg yarg
mnjalar.^ Require (re-kwir'), v.t. (demand)
Republic (re-pub'lik), s. pmrentah- kahandaki,* tuntut;* (exact)
an orarg baryak. paksa; (need) mau, berhajatkan
Republican (-Ii-ka,n), adj. pmren- (Ar. ndjat).
tah orarg baryak (a). Requirement (-ment), s. kahan-
Republish (re-pub'lish), v.t. kha- dak* tuntutan,* hajat (Ar.), see
barkan s-mula; (of books) kluar- above.
kan s- nulla. Requisite (rek'wi-zit), adj. yarg di-
Repudiate (re-pu'di-at), v. t. (dis- kaJcandaki,* yarg di-tuntut,*
avow) sargkalkan, ta'mrgaku; harus, wajib (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Requisite, s. yarg harus di-pdkai, Reside (re-zid'), v. i. tirggal, diam,*
a pa yaiy msti pakai (B.), yaig di- dudok;* (of princes) smayam*
hajatkan (Ar.). Residence (rez'i-dens), s. tmpat
Requisition (-zish''iai), s. tuntut- tirggal, tmpat kdiaman,* etc., as
an/^ above.
Requital (re-kwit'al), s. pmhalasan. Resident (-dent), adj. yarg tirggal,
Requite (-kwif), v. t. balas, halas- etc.
kan. Resident, s. (one who resides) pn-
Rescind (-sind'), v. t. tiadakan* dudok;* (official) titan bsar, tuan
batalkan. residen (Eur.).
Rescue (res'ku), v. t. Ipaskan, Residue (-dd), s. sisa, baki* (Ar.
slamatkan. baqi), ham pas.
Rescue, s. klpasan, slamat. Residuary (re-zid'u-a-ri), adj. yarg
Research (re-serch'), s. slidek*
lagi tiiygal, yarg Ibeh.
ptylidek'an.-^ Residuum, {-um), s. = residue, q.v.
Resemblance (-zem'bkns), s. k-
Resign (-zin'), v. t. (surrender)
samaan, ksrupaan. srahkan; (relinquish) tirggalkan;
Resemble (-bl), v. t. sama'i, s-
(an appointment) Ipas deri-pada.
rupa dnjan, sama drgan, s-pasarg Resignation (rez'ig-na'shi^n), s.
drgan. an appointment) klpasan; (to
Resent (-zenf), v. t. (be indig- God^s will) persrahan, sahar,
nant) gram, rsan.'^
tuakal* (Ar. tawakkal).
Resentful (-fool), adj. panas darah.
Resigned (re-zind'), adj. (to the
Resentment (-ment), s. gram, will of bertuakal
God) bersrah,
(Ar. tawakkal).
Reservation (rez'er-va'shwn), s.
Resilient (re-zil'i-ent), adj. anjal.*
simpajian. Mental reservation,
Resin (rez'in), s. damar; (used for
yaig tersimpan.
Reserve v. t. soldering) pijar.*
(re-zerv'), (keep
Resinous (-us), adj. berdwnar,*
back) tahan; (retain, keep) tar oh,
bergtah (B.).
simpan; (set apart) asirgkan,
kchvalikan;* (by paying before-
Resist (re-zisf), v. t. (withstand)
tahan; (oppose) lawan, larggar,
hand) tmpah.
Reserve, s. simpanan; (of money) sargkak.
wary chadargan;* (of land) cha-
Resistance (-ans), s. pnahanan,
dargan tanahj* (of temperament) plawanan, sargkak.
malu, sopan-santun (of troops) f Resolute (rez'o-liit), adj. ttap,
soldado hantuan. Forest reserve, tgoh, brani, chkal.*
tanah rimba kraja'an* Resoluteness (-nes), s. kttapan,
Reserved brani.
(-zervd'), adj. (kept
back) tersimpan; (not frank) Resolution (-lu'shi/n), s. (deter-
pndiam. Reserved seat, losi mination) kttapan, ktntuan; (pur-
(KI.) (D. loge). pose) niat, maksud.
Reservoir (rez'er-vwor), s. kolam Resolve (re-zolv'), v. t. (dissolve)
ayer. pcliahkan, hanchurkan; (explain
Reset (re-sef), v. t. (of jewels) doubts or riddles) waikan,* ryata-
tatahkan s-mula;* (of type) atur- kan; (determine) tntukan, ttap-
kan s-mula. kan, 'azamkan (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Resolve, v. i. (dissolve) pchdh, lian- Respecting (-ing), prep, deri-hal,
chnr; (form a purpose) herniat, fasal, tntarg* atas*
ttap. Respective (-iv), adj. masirg-
Resonance (rez'o-nans), s. gaonj, masiig.
taroty* (W.). Respectively (-li), adv. masirg-
Resonant (-nant), adj. herhutyi, masirg.
hergma* hertalun* hergaorg. Respiration (res'pi-ra'shwn), s.

Resort (-zorf), v. i. (go to) dapat- nafas, hal hernafas.

kan;* (have recourse to) chari, Respirator (-ra-ter), s. tapisan
pakai, gunakan, masoh champur. nafas.
Resort, s. (haunt) tmpat orarg Respite (-pit), s. (postponement)
hrumun; (refuge) perlindorgan, tempoh, pertarggohanj* (pause)
pernaorgoji ;* (resource) daya* pet'hntian.
'akal. A
last resort, akhtiar yarg Resplendence (re-splen'dens), s.
akhir (Ar. ikhtidr), habis daya- chahya.
upaya.* A gambling resort, lo- Resplendent (-dent), adj. gilarg-
gok judi. gmilarg,* herchahya, herchahya"
Resound (-zownd'), v. i. herhutyi, chahya, chmerlarg*
her g una* hertalun* hergaotg. Respond (-spond'), v. i. jawah,
Resource (-sors'), s. (expedient) sahut; (act in response) halas;
daya* 'akal, daya-upaya;* (means, (accord) herstuju.
money) watg, hlatija. To be at Respondent (-ent), s. orarg ter-
the end of one's resources, kahahis- d'atva* orarg yaig kna d'awa.
an hlanja, hahis daya-upaya* Response (-spons'), s. jawah, sahuU
mati 'akal. an.
Resourceful (-fool), adj. haiyak Responsibility (-i-bil'i-ti), s. (the
'akal, pandai herakhtiar (Ar. ikh- state) hal inmgatg amanat (Ar.) ;

tidr) .
(the thing) ptarohan/^ amanat
Respect (-spekf), v. t.(regard with (Ar.), targg organ.
special attention) indahkan, so- Responsible (-i-bl), adj. (account-
pani, sgankan; (honour) hormat- able) mnarggorg;
yarg (trust-
kan; (have regard to) herhvhoig worthy) kperchayaan,* yarg holeh
drgan, herkna'an drgan* di-perchaya. He is responsible,
Respect, s. (the act) hot mrgindah- atas dia-lah, pularg k-pada dia, ter-
kan; (honour) hormat, sopan- targgorg atas-iya.
santun* fatlim (Ar. fatlim) ; Rest (rest), v.
(from action) her-
(particular, point of view) hal, hnti, diam; (from weariness) her-
perkara, pihak; (compliments) snarg,* snargkan diri, herhntikan
salam, tahek. With respect to, pnat, herhntikan llah,* herstrihat*
deri-hal, fasal, tntarg* atas* (Ar. istirduat) ; (lie, recline) her-
Respectability (-a-biri-ti), s. na- harirg; (be fixed) ttap; (sleep)
r)ia haik. tidor; (of princes) heradu;* (rely)
Respectable (-a-bl), adj. (of good harap, hergantoig. See also lean.
repute) hernama, yarg ada nama Rest, s. (repose) perhntian, ksnarg-
haik, haik-haik; (moderate) sdarg. an,strihat* (At. istirduat) ; (tran-
Respectful (-fool), adj. drgan quility) sntosa (Sk.), sjahtra
hormat, sopan, heradah (Ar.). (Sk.) ; (support) ptyargga,"^ prg-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car. carry ; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ; Ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tlien.
ampii* Eest house, rumah per- Resume (ra'zu-ma'), s. rergkasanj^
hntiaii. Resumption (re-zump'shmi), s. hal
Rest, s. (remain) sisa, haki (Ar. mrgambil balek.
hdqi) (others) yary lain.
; Resurrection (rez'er-rek'shi^n), s.
Restaurant (res'to-roN, u. s. -rant), kbanjkiian, hal hidop lagi skali
s. rumah mal'an, Mai nasi^Iosment The resurrection day, hari
(X.I.) (D. logement). kiainat.
Restful (rest'fool), adj. snarg. Resuscitate (re-sus'si-tat), v. t.
Restitution (res'ti-tu'shwn), s. (the hidopkan s-mula.
act) hal mmulaiyhan,'^ hal mrg- Retail (re-taF), v. t. jual berunchiU
gantikan; (compensation) halasan, unchit.'^
ganti krugian. Retail (re'tal), adj. berunchit-
Restive (rest'iv), adj. (stubborn) unchit,^ renchet-renchet (B.).
birgal* dgil; (fidgety) terkinja- Retain (re-tan'), v. t. (keep) svm-
kinja;^ ta'tntu rasa (B.). pan; (prevent from escape) tahan;
Restless (-les), adj. glisaJi* lin-
(engage) upah; (by payment in
chali,kloli-ksali;^^ (in bed) gularg- advance) tmpah. Eetaining wall,
galitgf^ see fidgety. tembok pigikat tbiig.^
Restlessness (-nes), s. glisali,* Retainer (-er), s. (servant) orarg
gaji; (retaining fee) pnmpah.*
Restoration (res'to-ra'shwn), s. hal
Retake (re-tak'), v. t. targkap lagi
mmbaikki, etc., see restore.
Restorative (re-stor'a-tiv), s. ohat
Retaliate (re-tal'i-at), v. i. balas
pnjgar'^ hadan \_yaig sgarkan
jahat, belakan/^ tuntut bela.
Retaliation (-a'shw:n), s. pmbalas-
Restore (-stor'), v. t. (repair)
an, bela (Sk.).
baikki; (replace, bring back) pu-
Retard (re-tard'), v. t. (delay) lam-
largkan, kmhalikan; (in health)
batkan, leigahkan; (impede, hin-
pulehkan, smhohkan.'^'
Restrain v. t, der) tahan, gndalakan (Sk.) ;
(-stran'), tahankan,
tgahkan. (postpone) ganto7gkan, targgoh-
Restraint (-stranf), s. pn'gahan.
Restrict (-strikf), v. t. perhiiyga- Retardation (re'tar-da'shim), s. hal
kan* hadkan (Ar.), 'tggatkan/^ mlambatkan, etc., as above.

skatkan, tahankan.
Retch (rech), v. i. jluak,"^ mnjluak
Restriction s. hal (B.).
Retention (re-ten'shwn), s. hal
r}imperhirggakan* skatan. With-
out restriction, tiada herhad (Ar.). miyimpan, hal mnahan.
Restrictive (-tiv), adj. yaiy min- Retentive (-tiv), adj. Having a
retentive memory, piyirgat."^
Result (-zulf), V. i. (come, arise) Reticence (ret'i-sens), s. rsmi m-
jadi, terbit* datarg, hluar, dirsbab- lyimpan rahsia.
kan* Reticent (-sent), adj. pndiam,
Result, s. ksudahan, akhir
(Ar.), yarg mnjimpan rahsia.
yaiy di-sbabkan^^ Reticule (-kul), s. bek kchil (E.
Resume (-zum'), v. t. (take back) bag) ; (of rattan) rajut.*
ambil balek; (recommence) mula'i Retina (-na), s. alas mata hitam.
s-mula. Retinue (-nu), s. prgiriig.^

,te, ask, am, final, care, car, carry eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ; ice, it, fire

mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how^ oil; thin tlien.
Retire (re-tir'), v. t. (go back) Retroactive (ret'ro-akt'iv or re'-

piilarg; (draw back, retreat) nn- tro-), adj. berlaku

yary deri-hal
dor; (recede) svrut; (go to bed) perkara yaiy tlah lalu*
pergi tidor, masoh tidor; (of Retrograde (ret'ro-grad or re'tro-),
princes) masok peradvan;* (from adj.(moving backwards) yary un-^
business) herlinti kerja. dor; (getting worse) makin ta'-
Retired (secluded)
(-tird'), adj. haik.

suryi, sulit;* (on pension) Iter- Retrograde, v. i. undor, makin ta'-

penchen (E.), berpansion (iST.I.) baik, makin kurary, as above.

(D.) ; (from business) yaiy sudah Retrogression (-gresh'-wn), s. lial
herlinti kerja. undor, etc., as above.
Retirement (-tir'm^nt), s. (se- Retrospect (-spekt), s. chrita deri^
hat perkara yaiy tlali^ lain [sudah
clusion) ksuryian.
Retiring (-ing), adj. (reserved) (B.)].
pndiam ; ( shy ) kmalu-maluan. Retrospective (-spek'tiv), adj. ber^
Retort (-tort'), v. t. (bend back) hia'an dryan perkara yary tlah
V. bri jairab pdas.
Retrousse (re-troos'a), adj. (of the
Retort, i.
nose) intek.
Retort, (reply) jawab yanj pdas;
Return (-tern'), v. i. balek, kmbali^
(vessel) priok bermulutkan clio-
pidary, patah-balek.*
rorg berkalok:^
Return, v. t. (give back) kmbali-
Retouch (re-tuch/), v. t. (revise,
kan, pulatykan; (requite, give
improve) btulkan, baikki. back in reply) balas, balaskan
Retrace (re-tras'), v. t. (draw
tulis s-mula. To retrace
Return, s. (coming back) kdatary-
again) an; (requital, restitution) balasan;
one's steps, pulaiy mrgikut jalan
(payment) bayeran; (profit) un-
datary. to rg, laba;* (report) daftar (Ar.).
Retract (-trakf), v. t. (a promise)
Reunion (re-un'ywn), s. hal bertmu
murgkirkan (iVr. munkir), obah-
pula,"^ pei'damaian,* etc., as below.
kan; (withdraw a statement) Reunite (re'u-nit'), v. t. (after
baiek, tarek balek.
separation) bertmu pula,'^ ber-
Retreat (-tret'), s. (the act) V-
jumpa layi skali (B.) ; (after a
undoran; (place of refuge) tmpat
quarrel) berdamai;^ (join again)
sambo7y s-mula, hiibory s-mula,.
Retreat, v. i. undor, mundor (N.I.). chantomkan.*
Retrench (-trench'), v. t. (lessen) Reveal (re-vel'), v.
t. ryatakan;
kurarykan, kchilkan. divine revelation) wahikan (Ar.).
Retrenchment (-ment), s. (of ex- To reveal a secret, buka rahsia,.
pense) lial mryuraiykan bJanja. pchah rahsia [rusia (B.)]. Ee-
Retribution (ret'ri-bu'shim), s. vealed (discovered), ktara.
pmbalasan, kisas"^-' (Ar. qisds). Reveille (re-val'ya, in the army, e.
Retrievable (re-trev'a-bl), adj. re-vel'l, u. s. rev'a-le'), s. biiryi
yaig boleh di-kmbalikan. trompet pada payi haii.
Retrieve (-trev'), v. t. (get again) Revel (rev'el), v. i.
(feast riotous-
kmbalikan, pulargkan, dapat balek. ly), makan-minum rioh-rndah..
Retriever (-er), s. anjiry yary mry- To revel in (delight in), gmar
yo rygory perburuan.* aka?!.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Revel, s. makan-minum rioh-nidah. lainan; (misfortune) kmalargan,
Revelation (rev'e-la'shwn), s. k- chlaka; (of a coin) burga, erg-
njataan, wahi (Ar, waiiyu), k- ke7g.*
pchahan rahsia, see reveal. Reversible (-i-bl), adj. yarg boleh
Revelry (-^l-ri), s. makan-minum di-balekkan.
rioh-rndah. Reversion (-ver'slmn), s. (of an
Revenge (re-venj'), v. t. halas, estate) baki psakaf (right of pos-
halaskan, helakan;* (spitefully) session) kuasa migambil balek.
hala& dndam. Revert (-vert'), v. i. pularg, balek.
Revenge, s. pmlalasan, bela (Sk.). Re victual (re-vit'l), v. t. bkalkan
To take revenge, tuntut hela. lagi s-kali.
Revengeful (-fool), adj. yarg mn- Review (re-vu'), v. t. (revise) btuU
dndani, her dndam. kan, baikki; (examine critically)
Revenue (rev'e-nu), s. (income) slidek;"^ (inspect, as troops) preksa
liadl, perolehan* pndapatan; baris; (study over again) mndras*
(tax) chukai. Collector of rev- (Ar. daras).
enue, pmuiyut chukai, pmurgut Review, s. (revision) pmbtulan;*
liasil. Eevenue officer, chenterg (examination) piylidek'an,^ pm-
(Ch. chheiy-tery). reksaan; (of troops) baris pm-
Reverberate (re-ver'ber-at), v. t. reksaan; (lesson re-studied) pn-
herhalas hunji, hergmaf^ hergaurg. drasanf' (magazine) mujallah
Reverberation (-a'shwn), s. halas- (Ar.).
an buryi, gma* gaurg. Reviewer (-er), s. pmreksa, pnj-
Revere (-ver'), v. t. hortnati, hri lidek.*
hormat, liormatkan, permuliakan,* Revile (-vll'), v. t. nsta (Sk.),
fatlimkan'^ (Ar. t'atlim). chercha (Sk.), kata'i; (with ob-
Reverence (rev'er-ens), s. hormat, scenity) maki, pisu (N.I.).
i'atlim (Ar.). Revise (-viz'), v. t. btulkan, baikki.
Reverence, v. t. = revere, q.v. Reviser (-er), s. orarg yarg mmbtuU
Reverend (-end), adj. yaiy patut kan.
di-liormati. Revision (-vizh'wn), s. hal mmbtuU
Reverent (-ent), adj. (respectful) kan, pmbtulan.
heradah (Ar.), sopan. Revisit (re-viz'it), v. t. laivat pula*

Reverential (-en'shal), adj. drgan laivat^ lagi skali [mlawat (B.)],

hormat. etc., see visit.
Reverie (-e), s. In a reverie, ter- Revival (re-viv'al), s. hal mrghidop-
mno7y, tfkur (Ar.). ka?i s-mula, etc., as below.
Reversal (re-ver'sal), s. hal mm- Revive (-viv'), v. i. (live again)
halekkan, etc., see below. hidop pula,^ hidop lagi skali (B.) ;
Reverse (-vers'), v. t. (turnback) (recover strength) puleh, sgar;
balekkan; (change totally) obah, (recover, as trade) jadi s-mula,
tukar; (invert) surgsatykan; terbit s-mula,* batgkit s-mula.

(make void, annul) batalkan. Revive, v. t. hidopkan s-mula, sgar-

Eeversed arms, snaparg balek porg- kan, terbitkan s-mula/^ batgkitkan
karg.* s-mula.
Reverse, adj. terbalek, berlainan, Revocable (rev'o-ka-bl), adj. yarg
Iain skali. boleh di-obahkan, yarg boleh di-
Reverse, s. (opposite) laivan, ber- batalkan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) law, how, oil; thin then.
Revoke (re-v6k'), v.
(a promise)
t. Rhinoceros (ri-nos'er-'ws), s. baddk.
ohahhan, (Ar. mun-
murgkirkan Rhinoceros bird (herd), s. 'rg-
kir) ; (a law) orak,* hatalkan; (a gaig/' see hokxbill.
Avill) tiadakan. Rhubarb s.
(roo'barb), (radix rhei)
Revolt (-Yolf), V. i. (turn away) khnbak* (Kl.).
janhkart diri; (rebel) derhaka; Rhyme (rim), sajak s. (Ar. saja').
(be disgusted) chichik/'' gli- Rhymer (rim'er), s.
gman* gli-gmam (B.), jijik, gli; sha'ir,'^
pigararg pantun.
(feel nausea) mual* mmual (B.). Rhythm (rithm), s. lagham (Ar.).
Revolt, s.
(rebellion) derhaka. Rib (rib), s. (bone) tularg rusok:
Revolution (rev'o-lii'sh/m), s. (act
(timbers of a boat) gadirg-gadiig ;*
of revolving) pusirgan/^ puiaran;
(of a leaf) tularg daun;* (of a
(in an orbit) peridaran;* (radical
palm leaf or umbrella) lidi.
change) peridaran dunia,'^ per- Ribald (rib'ald), adj. mncharut.
ohahan; (in government) derhaka,
hum -ham. Ribaldry (-ri), s. charutan.
Riband (-and), s. pita (Port.).
Revolutionary (-a-ri), adj. yaiy
mmhuat derhaka, yaig mrgobah-
Ribbed (ribd), adj. berglugor* ber~
jaliir timhol.^'
yarg mrgharu-hirukan*
Revolutionize (-iz), v. t. ohahkan, Ribbon (rib'b7/n), s. pita (Port.).
haru-birulvan^' Rice s.
(the plant) padi; (soft
Revolve v. i.
or glutinous rice) padi pidut;
(re-volv'), (rotate)
pusirg, putar, see turn;
pusar, (grain in the husk) padi; (when
(move round a centre) idarJ^ husked) bras; (soft rice) pulut;
Revolver (-er), s. pistol mata anam. (boiled hard) nasi, nasik (B.) ;.

Revulsion (-vursh?m), s. A re- (uasi fermented 2 or 3 days)

vulsion of feeling, berbalek hati. tapai; (boiled soft) bub or :
Reward (-word'), v. t. balas, bii (roasted in the husk) berteh;
pahala,* hadiahkan (Ar.)
; (remu-
(young rice crushed) 'mpirg;
nerate)upahkan, bayer. (grains of padi remaining in bras)
antah;-'' (broken particles of bras)
Reward, s. balasan, pmbalasan, pa-
haJa,^ pala (B.), hadiah (Ar.) ;
mhikut. Hill rice, padi hdarg.
(remuneration) upah. Irrigated rice, padi saioah. Rice-

Rewrite (re-rif), v. t. tulis s-muh, straw, roman* Eice bird, pipit

tulis kmbali (N.I.). uban.
Reynard s. rubah Ricefield (ris'feld), s. (irrigated)
saw ah, bndarg;^ hill rice)
(Pers.), see rox. (of
Rhapsodist (rap'so-dist), s. orarg ladarg.
yarg berpantun, prglipor lara* Ricewater (-waw-ter), s. (after
Rhetoric (ret'o-rik), s. (oratory) washing bras) ayer bras; (after
'ilmii'^ uchapan. boiling nasi) ayer kanji, ayer
Rheum (room), s. (of the nose)

irgtis. Rich (rich), adj. kaya; (of soil)

Rheumatic (roo-mat'ik), adj. src^al gmok, subor; (of food) Imak.
(a). Eheumatic fever, dmam k- Riches (rich'ez), adj. kkaya'an^
pialu ktidargan (W.). herta, harta.
Rheumatism (roo'ma-tizm), s. Rick (rik), s. timbonan jrami, rum-
srgal, pryakit srgal-srgal. put, dan s-bagai-rya.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f5o<l, foot, awfool (awful); law, how. oil: thin then.
Rickets (rik'ets), s. pi. argin cha- Eiding school, tmpat hlajar m-
chiiy. nurggarg.
Rickety (-et-i), adj. ta'huat, lory- Rife (rif), adj. (prevalent, abound-
gar, gval-gail* galir* cliopol.^ ing) terlalu baryak, berlempahan*'
Ricksha (-shaw), s. hreta Horghorg, mlempah*
hecha,'^ chia (Cli. cJiliia), largchia Riff-raff (rifraf), s. sampah; (the
(P.) (Ch. Idrg-chhia). lower orders) oratg hina-dina*
Ricochet (-o-sha') v. t. (bound) Rifle (ri'fl), v. t. (seize and carry
amhul/^ anhil:* (on water) titi* off) rampas, samiin; (groove bar-
Rid (rid), v.
(free) t.
rel of gun) alurkan*
hiputJcan ;-^ (clear, disencumber)
Rifle, s.
snaparg laras heralur.
To Rift (rift), s. chlah.
traigJcan, chu.hi, lapargkan.
be rid of, Ipas deri-pada, luput Rift, v. t. blah.

deri-jmda.'^ To get rid of, luarg. Rig (rig), V.

(equip) Irgkapkan.*"
Riddance (rid'dans), s. Mpasan. Rig, s.
perkakas mlayerkan kapal.
Riddle (-dl), s. tlca-thi. Rigging (rigging), s. (Naut.) tali-
tmali. Standing rigging, tm--
Riddle, s. (coarse sieve) ayakan
da wed, ayah dawai. beranj; (with ratlines) labrarg
Riddle, v. t. (with a sieve) ayalc;
Right (rit), adj. (true, just) hnar^
(perforate) tbok-ihokan, tmbok'
tmboJikan* htul, 'adil;"^ (proper, correct)
Ride patut, btul, layak* harus;
(rid), v. i.
(on a horse) ier-
I'uda, kuda (morally) baik, hnar; (legally)
herturggaig, chiarg
halal; (opposed to left) kanan;
(B.) (Ch. cliiiirg) ; (on a bicycle
(opposedto' wrong) bnar, btul;
or carriage) naik. To ride at an- (to
be worn outside) sblah luar.
chor, herlahoh.
Eight and left, kin-kanan. At
Ride, V. t.
(an animal) turggaig,
kndara right angles, tgak.* Was I not
chiarg (B.) (Ch.) ;
right? bolak-kah kata-kuf^
(bicycle) naik. To ride out a
Right, adv. (directly) Mul tpat;*
gale (Naut.), tahar dalam rihot.
(righteously) bnar; (correctly)
Ride, s. perjalanan hertuiggarg. btul. Eight through, trus-mnrus*
Rider (rid'er), s. pnurggarg;* (ad- tmbvs-mnmbus. Eight on, laig-
dition to a manuscript) samhorgan,
sorg k-.
Right, s.
(moral) bnar, baik, hbnar-
Ridge (rij), (of a roof) tularg
an, yarg bnar; (just claim) hah
bumhoiy;* (the covering of the (Ar.) ; (legal power) kuasa. By
ridge) praborg;"^ (the mound be- Di-
rights, s-bnar-nja, s-patut-rya.
tween ricefields) batas* Ridge vine right of kings, daidat (Ar.).
pole, tularg bumborg.'^ To set to right, htulkan, baikki..
Ridging (rij'ing), s.
praborg* Eight of way, hak boleh mlintas*
Ridicule (rid'i-kul), s. olok-olok.
(Ar. iiaqq).
Ridicule, v. t. tertawakan, olok-olok- Right, V. t. btulkan, hnarkan, 'add-
kan. kan,* patutkan, tgakkan,* see
Ridiculous (ri-dik'-u-ls), adj. yaig RIGHT, adj. To right a vessel
mmhuat tertawa, prggli hati,'^ (Xaut.), tgakkan prahu. To-
bukan-bukan. right the helm (Xaut.), tgarkan
Riding (rid'ing), s.
mnurggarg. kmiidi.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Righteous (ri'chws), adj. hrmr, Ring, V. t. (a bell) goyarg, hmyikan,

'adil. pukol.
Righteousness (-nes), s. Icbnaran, Ringleader (ring'led-er), s. kpala
h'adilan. jmkatan glap.
l^ightful (rit'fool), adj. Inar, 'adil, Ringlet (-let), s. (of hair) kriiirq,
patut, harus. kelok,^ krul* (D.).
Rightly (-li), adv. diyan s-patut- Ringworm (-werm), s. kurap.
rya, drgan s-hnar-rya. Rinse (rins), v. t. kinchah; (the
Rigid (rij'id), adj. (stiff) hras, mouth) kumor-kumor; (with fresh
Jioku, tgar;* (severe) Icras Jiati, water after a saltbath) bilas.
tgar hati/" Riot (I'Vut), s. huru-hara. To run
Rigidity (ri-jid'i-ti), s. hkrasan, Ic-
riot, mraja-lela,* bermaharaja-
tgarmi* lela*
Rigmarole (rig'ma-rol), s. harut-
Riot, V. i. buat huru-hara, amok,
anf^ karot (B.), repel', mrapeh bergadoh, gmpar/^
(B.). Rioter (-er), s. prgamok,'^ orarg
Rigor (ri'gor), s. (Med.) gigil. yarg minbuat huru-hara.
Rigorous (rig'er-ws), adj. Jcras, Riotous {-u^), adj. huru-hara, ber-
tgar/-' hrat.
gad oh.
Rigour (rig'er), s. (stiffness) Jc-

Rip (rip), V. t. (by cutting) blah;
I'rasan, ktgaranj* (severity)
(by tearing) koyak, soyat/^ soyak;
Icrasan, khratan, ktgaran hati;*
(along a seam) ttas, rlah* (W.) ;
(of climate) ksjok'an.
(tear up, as floor boards) rrggut.*
Rile (ri]),v. t. (make angry) panas-
kan hati. Ripe (rip), adj. masak; (ready to
gather, as coconuts) tua. Fully
Rill (ril), s. anak ayer*
ripe, ranum, magarg. Half ripe,
Rim (rim), s. tpi, hibir, lergkoTyan* See overripe.
hhgkai* pitggir (N.I.).
Rime (rim), s. 'rnhun-hku* Ripen (rip'n), v. i. masak.
Rind (rind), s. kulit. Ripen, v. t. (by storing after gather-
ing) pram.
Ring (ring), s. (circle) hulatan,
Ripple (rip'pl), v. i. berriak.*
.hulat (B.) ; (for the finger) chin-
chin; (for the ears) antirg-antiig ; Ripple, s. (caused by wind) riak;*
(for curtains) glarg-glargf (for (by a ship or boat) krachak ;*
nose) klikir;* (swivel) kili-kili;* (by a fish) dlan; (eddy) oZa-A\*
(hoop or band of rattan, iron, etc.) Rise (rlz), v. i. (ascend) naik; (as
hrgkai* simpai; (Naut. to run on water) pasarg; (become erect)
a stay or mast) kara; (to hang bargun, batgkit, berdiri; (leave
things from) kle^gkatg ;^ (ferrule) one's bed) barg'un, bargun tidor;
sampak* tmiii;* (arena) glarg- (quickly) birgkas;* (swell
gaig;'* (combination of persons) bread) naik, muai;* (as sun and
pakatan, korgsi (Ch.). moon) timbol, terbit;* (appear)
Ring, V. t. (encircle) hlitkan, lilit- terbit;* (increase, as wind or an-
kan. ger) bertambah; (of value) naik;
Ring, V. i.
(as bells) (the voice) ryariig; (in rebellion)
herburyi; (of metals) gmrnchirg/' gmpar;* (in social position) naik
berdrirg;* (of the ears) dsirg* pargkat; (come to life) batgkit,
hidop s-mula; (adjourn) ber-
herdrgorg (B.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ;^ ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
pcliah, hersurai.^ To rise to the ha), kuda lasak* kuda pakai (B.).
surface, timhol. Roam (r5m), v. i. kmbara* rayau*
Rise, s. (distance risen) naik-rya; larat, lara*
(in gradients) sndalu;* (source, Roan (ron), adj. (of horses) merah
origin) asal. berrintek.*
Risible (riz'i-bl), adj. yary patut di- Roan, s. (horse) kuda merah her^
tertawakan, pryyli liati* rintek;* (leather) kulit rchak-
Rising (riz'ing), s. (rebellion) der- rch ak.
haka, liuru-hara, gmpar* Roar (ror), v. i.
(of animals) aum,.
Risk (risk), s. haliya, merbahya* mraoiy (B.) ; (in pain) raory/^ m-
To run a risk, hahyakan diri* raory (B.) ; (as wind, fire, or
sryaja haliya, adukan un-
mnchari waves) dru;"^ (loud, as thunder,,
tory* haiva nasih, hertuakal (Ar. cannon or storm) berymuroh;*
tawakkal) ; see resigx. (louder, also of the voice) ptir/
Risk, V. t. (expose to danger) hadap- (with laughter) tertawa ylak-
kan k-pada hahya. ylak,"^ tertawa mryylakak
(B.) ;
Risky (risk'i), adj. herhaliya. (as a horse)
Rite (vlt), s. aturan,isti'adat (Ar.), Roar, s. aum, raory,* mrao7y dm*
shanat (Ar.). (B.), as above.
Ritual (rich'u-al), s. aturan, hu- Roast (rost), v. t. (toast before a
kum, prentali, aturan smhahyarg, fire) yaryyary; (cook over a fire)
tertib smbahyary (Ar.). pargyarg, salai;* (on a spit) pa-
Ritualist (-ist), s. orary yaiy pgarg chak;* (in hot embers) bmbam;
aturan smbahyary. (in an oven) hakar; (in a paa
Rival (ri'val), s. laivan; (in poly- VN'ithout oil) yoriry; (a whole fowl

gamy) madu; (by comparison) hi a ])an) masak yolek* masah

handily. opor (T^.L).
Rival, lawan, samai.^
V. t. Rob (rob), v. t. (plunder a person)
Rivalry (-ri), s. perlawanan, per- samon, rompak* prompakkan;
bandiiyan. (B.).
Rive (riv), v. t. blah. Robber (rob'ber), s. pryamon, prom-
River (riv'er), s. surgai, batavg pak. Highway robber, pmhegal.*'
ayer* kali (X.L). Robbery (-i), s. pryamonan.
Rivet (-et), v. t. matikan; (make Robe (r5b), s. (as worn by Arabs)
firm) tyohkan. jubah ; (by wornen during-
Rivet, s. jjaku pasak, pasak bsi di~ and after
pilgrimage) meryok*
pukol mati,* pasak berpayoiy.* (Ar. hurq'a) ; (tied round the^
Rivulet (-u-let), s. anak suryai, head) mlayah:* (dress of state)
anak ayer.* pakaian kbsaran.
Road (rod), s. jalan; (narrow) Robe, V. t. pakaikan.
loroiy; (roadstead) pTabohan. Robin (rob'in), s.
Magpie rol)in,.
High road, jalan raya* jalan bsar. niiirai.*
Eoad metal, hatu tamhak jalan. Robust (ro-basf), adj. kuat, tyap..
Eoad roller, piyyelek jalan* kreta Roc (rok), s. yroda* yurda*
yelek jalan (B.). , Rock, s. hatu bsar, hatu yunoiy; (in.
Roadstead (rod'sted), s. plahohan. the sea covered by tide) trumbu;*
Roadster (-ster), s. (of horses) (treeless rocky island) tokoiy;*
kuda kharyakan (bnkan kuda lum- (coral rock) karaiy. Rock crystal.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tfiQii.
Innjaig,* hahlur* Eock salt, ga- tel. To roll up the sleeves, serg-
rarn galian* serg Irgan* baju [targan (B.)].
Rock, V. t. goyarg, etc., see below. Roll, v. i. (of cylindrical bodies) gu-
Rock, V. bergoyarg, hergoncharg;
i. lirg; (of balls) golek, golarg-
(of cradles) berayun;* (of a ship) golek;* (of ships) berlerggarg,
herolerg;"^ (as a house) berrmbat;* olerg;* (of drunken men) liarg-

(as a chair) urggarg-urggit,'^ org- liok,'^' oyorg* uyorg (B.).

Roll, s. (roller) see below; (of
gak-arggek (B.).
Rocker (rok'er), s. tapdk hursi paper, gulorg; (of cloth)

goijarg.'^ kayu; (a record) daftar (At.) ;

Rocket (-et), s. merchun tuju.'^ (of bread) roti bulat; (sound of
Rocking (-ing), adj. bergoyarg. thunder) gmiiroh* guntor (B.)
Rocking-chair (-char), kursi s. (NX).
Roller (rol'er), s. (to break clods)
goyavg/^ Icrosi goyarg (B.), hursi
p^ggelekj^ kreta gelek taiiah (B.) ;
kuda (to crush in a mill) kelarg;* (on
Rocking-liorse (-hors), s.
which paper or cloth is rolled up)
Rocky berbatu-batu,
pnj gulorg; (on which boats are
(rok'i), adj.
hauled up) galarg/'' galarg-galarg
Rod (B.) ; (on which rope is wound)
(rod), s. (straight stick) kayu
glendorg;'^ (wave) ombak, glom-
sasakf' (for punishment) rotan;
barg. Steam roller, enjin prg-
(for fishing) joran; (measure)
gelek* injin gelek jalan (B.).
ukoran 16^ kaki. An iron rod,
Rollick (rol'lik), v. i. bergurau
batarg bsi. Spare the rod spoil the
'Child, kasehkan anak targan-targan-
kan'^ (Prov.), sayarg rotan andk
Rolling (rol'ing), adj. (undulat-
binasa (B.). ing) brggol-biggil* Eolling-pin,
Rodent (ro'dent), adj. prgurggis. pnchanai*
Roman adj. Rom; (of
Roe (ro), s. (female of deer) rusa roman* romanais.* Eo-
btina, kijarg btina, etc. ; (spawn of man Catholic, srani nas-
lish) tlor ikan.
rani). Eoman nose, liidorg borg-
Roebuck (ro'buk), s. kijarg. kok. See rome.
Rogue (rog), s. (vagabond) orarg Romance (ro-mans'), s. chrita reka-
batysat; (knave, cheat), pnipu, reka'an* konun.*
prgechoh* A rogue elephant, Romance, v. i. reka.*
gajali mta,"^ gaj'ah biigasj^ gajal^^ Romanism (ro'man-izm), s. agama
turygal.'^ nasrani yarg di bawah prentah
Roguery (r5g'er-i), s. tipu-daya.
papa di negii Bom* agama Roman
Roguish (-ish), adj. (of children) Katolik, agama oraig Srani.
nakal. Romantic (ro-man'tik), adj. reka-
Roister (rois'ter), v. i. migatas- reka'an.*
rgatas/^' Rome (rom), s. negri Rom. The
Role (rol), s. lakon (Jav.). Arabic word Rum in literature
Roll (rol), V. t. (a ball) golekkan; refers to Byzantium, the modern
(a barrel) gulirgkan; (round on Constantinople.
itself) gulorg; (press with a rol- Romish (r5m'ish), adj. Roman
ler) gelek; (as a pill) gelek, gen- Katolik (a), srani (At. nasrani).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Romp (romp), s. pergurauan kasar. Rose oil, miiyak atar ( Ar. ) Rose .

Romp, V. i. huas* mmhuas, her- water, ayer mawar (Ar. md'

gurau Jcasar. ward) .

Rood (rood), (R.C.) (crucifix)

s. Roseate (ro'ze-eet), adj. see rosy.
patoixj salih* (Ar. ^alih) ; (the Rosette (ro-zef), s. bo (E.).
measure) suku ekar, see acre. Rosin (roz'in), s. davfiar mata ku-
Roof (roof), s. atap, hurnboty* chirg.
bumhotyan; sotoh (Ar. su-
(flat) Rostrum (ros'trwm), s. (stage)
Tuii). The roof of the mouth, parygorg; (pulpit in mosque)
laryit-largit. Eoof truss, kuda- mimbar* (Ar. minbar).
kuda bumborg* Rosy (roz'i), adj. merah dadu.*
Rook (rook), s. (the bird) burorg Rot (rot), V. jadi busok, hancJior;

gagak kcliil, burorg porg'* (Kl.) ; (of flesh only) berdanor.

(in chess) tir.'^ Rotary (ro'ta-ri), adj. berpusirg,
Rookery (rook'er-i), s. tmpat berputar, berpusar.
burorg gagak bersararg. Rotate (ro'tat), v. i. pusiry, putar,
Room (r5om), s. (space) tmpat, kisar; (as a top) ligat, mjam;*
tmpat laparg; (apartment) bilek, (act in turn) bergiUr* berganii-*
petak, kamar (D.'). (N.I.). To ganti.
make room, buka jalan, buka Rotation (ro-ta'sh?fn), s. hal ber-
tmpat. putar, hal berpusirg; (succession)
Roomy (room'i), adj. laparg, Iga. pergantian, giliran.^
Roost s. pneiggek.
(ro5st), Rote (rot), s. By rote, hapal* (Ar.
Roost, V. i. terggek. liafatl).
Rooster (roost'er), s. ayam jantan. Rotten (rot'tn), adj. (offensive to
Root (root), s. akar; (crown or the smell) busok; (unsound, de-
liead of root, as in palms, bananas, fective) busok, rput,* rpok (B.).
etc.) U7nbi;* (tap root) tunjarg;* Rotund (ro-tund'), adj. bulat.
(aerial jargkarj* (tuber)
roots) Rouge (roozh), s. pupor merah,*
tibi; (root buttresses) banir;^ (of ginchu (Ch. gun-tsu).
a, tooth) umbi;* (of a word) Rouge, V. i. merahkan pipi, ber-
(Gram.) punclia, asal, masdar ginchu muka,* ginchukan muka.
'(Ar. masdar) (origin) asal. Root
; Rough (ruf), adj. (to the touch)
and branch, drgan umbi-akar-nja* kasap,* ksat, grutu; (jagged) gri-
To take root, berakar. gis; (by wear, of the edge of tables,
Root, V. i. (as a pig) sodok; (take etc.) smbir;* (uneven) Ikak-lkok;
root) berakar. (uncut, of stone) mntah;* (of the
Root, V. t. To root out, root up, cha- sea) berombak, berglombarg; (of
bot, bantun.'^ timber) smbulu;* (rude, uncivil)
Rope (rop), s. tali; (foreign) tali ka.sar, chroboh;* (harsh, hard)
blati* (Hind. wildyati = foreign) ; ki'os; (not gentle) ganas;* (of
(of Indian flax) tali ram^i, sounds) garau;* (of wind) kn-
talirame (B.) ; (of coir) tali charg; (of waves) glora.* A
mbot; (of palm fibre) tali ijok.* rough drawing, gambar gawar-
Rosary (r5'za-ri), s. (Ar.). tasbeh gavjar.*
Rose (r5s), s. butga ayer mawar, Rough, s. samsery (Ch. ?), see ruf-
buiga ros, kmbaig ayer r)iawar fian.
(N.I.). Rose myrtle, kmuntirg. Roughen (rufn), v. t. grutukan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire'
mirror; old, not, connect, sdre, sort, sorry; Qse, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Roughness (-nes), s. hasap,^' hsat, (E.). To get up a row, buat
grutu, kkasaran, see rough. stori.
Roughshod (-shod), adj. To ride Row (ro), s. jejer,^ jajcir* deret,.
roughshod over, sehsakan, aniaya- ban jar* nirai (P.), saf (Ar.).
kan, 'azabkan* (Ar. 'adzdh). Row, V. i. berdayorg, berchiau* (Ch.
Round (rownd), adj. (spherical or c/im"), see paddle.
cylindrical) hulat, hundar (N.I.) ; Row, V. t. dayorgkan, chiaukan*
(curved) Ijuntar*- mlrgkorg;* (of Rowdy (row'di), adj. biias*
numbers) g7iap. Eound shoul- Rowel (-el), s. lererg prggertak
dered, hoiykok udarg. kuda.^'
Round, s. (of a ladder) anak targga; Rower (ro'er), s. anak dayorg* pn^
(watchman's circuit) raun (E.), dayorg* orarg yarg berdayorg.
sambary;'^ (cycle) peridaran* Rowlock (rul'lwk), s. (Naut.) p-
Ten rounds of ammunition, pluru nahan dayoig, tul (E. thole) ^
s-puloh biji. kditi, tajok (P.).
Round, adv. klilirg. All round, di- Royal (roi'al), adj. raja (a), kraja-
sini-sana, di mana-mana, k-sana k- 'an (a). Eoyal household, orarg
mari* dalam* Royal mast (Xauu),
Round, prep, klilirg. tabor dol (L.).
Round, V. t. (make round) Irgkorg- Royally (-li), adv. sperti istiadat
kan/" bulatkan; (go round) kli- raja-raja*
liiyi. Royalty (-ti), s.
(royal persons)
Roundabout (rownd'a-bowf), adj. raja-raja; chukai, hasil.
(circuitous) mlergkorg;'^ (in- Rub (rub), v. t. gosok; (with some-
direct) pusirg-blit. thing hard) sntal, gaiyah; (one
Roundly (-li), adv. (openly) rgata- thing across another) gesek; (be-
ryata. tween the finger and thumb) lu-
Rouse (rowz), v. t. (from cover) rut;* (between the hands) kisar ;*
banjkitkan,^ kjotkan; (from sleep) (with the palm of the hand) kisal;
bargiinkan, kjotkan, sdarkan* (the eye with palm) gusal;* (the
jagakan; (stir the emotions) baty- body against anything) gesel,
kitkan* grakkan hati. geseig ;* (medicinally) urut, urap;
Rout (rowt), V. t. (scoop out) sodok; (with cosmetics) lulut;* (clothes
(break the ranks of troops) chrai- in washing) glosok* To rub off
braikan, tmpiarkaii.^ To be (as dirt), sntal* To rub out, /ia-
routed, pchah prarg. pvs, padamkan. To rub up
Route (ro5t or rowt), s. jdlan. (polish), npam*
Eoute march, baris jalan. Rubber (rub'ber), s. (that which
Routine (roo-ten'), s. (regular rubs) prg gosok; (indiarubber)
work) kerja itu juga; (habitual gtah, karet (N.I.).
action) lazim (Ar.). Rubbish (-bish), s. sampah, sarap*
Rove (r5v), v. i. kmbara,^ rayau* Rubbishy (-i), adj. pokah*
larat* lara* Rubble (-bl), s. batu pchah-pchali.
Rover (rov'er), s. (pirate) prom- Rubicund (roo'bi-k'wnd), adj. k-
pak; (wanderer) prgmbara.^ merah-ni eralian*
Row (row), s. (noisy disturbance) Ruby (-bi), s. batu dlima, mani-
gadoh, rnsoli* gmpar* rioli, be- kam* batu merah.
chok/-' kechoh;'^ (quarrel) stori Ruck (ruk), v. berkdut.i.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; fo5d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Rudder (rud'der), s. (Xaut.) h- Rule, V. i. prentaJi, pgarg prentahy

mudi; (European) hmudi chawat; pegaig preritah (B.) ; (as a king)

(paddle used as rudder) Jcmudi berkrajaan; (establish a rule)
u nda tg-u n dargkan * .

Ruddy (-di), adj. Icmerali-merali- Rule, s. (regulations) undaig-

an* undatg; (established order) per-
Rude (rood), adj. (coarse) kasar; aturan; (authority) prentah; (for
(ill-maTinered) kurary-ajar, Tcasar, ruling lines) kayu mistar (Ar.) ;
rhroboh* hiadah (Pers.). To be (for measuring) kayu ukor. As
rude, larggar b/iasa. a rule, bia^a-iya, pada 'adat-rya.
Rudeness (rood'nes), s. hurarg-ajar, Ruler (rool'er), s. (governor) pm-
kkasaran, hiadab (Pers.). rentah; (for making lines) kayu
Rudiment (roo'di-ment), s. (un- mistar* (Ar. misTar).
finished beginnings) asah per- Ruling (-ing), adj. (predominant)
mulaan, hnbaga* yarg terutama (Sk.) ; (controll-
Rudimental (-men'tal), adj. asal, ing) yarg mmrentah.
mula-mula. Ruling, s. (of a judge) liukum,
Rue (roo), v. t. ssal, dukachitakan kputusan*
(Sk.). Rum (rum), s. s-jnis arak di-buat
Rue, s. aroda, sadab (Ar.). deri-pada ayer tbu.
Rueful (roo'fool), adj. berdukachita Rumble (rum'bl), v. i. gmuroh*
(Sk.). bcrdmm-dram; (as the stomach)
Ruff (ruf), s. (on a bird's neck) grodak.
kalorg.* Rumbling (-bling), s. see above.
RufHan (ruf'fi-an), s. orarg brgis, Ruminant (roo'mi-nant), adj. yatg
bitaya* samseiy (Ch. ?), pnjara m ma mall biak*
(B.). Ruminate (-nat), v. i. mamah
Ruffle (-11), V. t. (disturb, as water) biak;'^ (ponder) berfikir--fikir, ter-
kochak; (the mind) kachau; (the mnoig.
hair) kasut. Rummage (rum'mej), v. i. rargai,*
Rug (rug), s. pei'maidani, hambal.* slorgkar.
Rugged (rug'ged), adj. (uneven) . Rumour (ro5'mer), s. khabar argin,
biggol-brggil,^ Ikak-lkok; (rough konun, argin-argin, risek.
on the surface) grutu, kasapj* Rumour, v. t. khabarkan. It is ru-
(wrinkled) berkrut. moured, khabar-nfa, konun.
Ruin (roc/in), v. t. rosakkan, chdra- Rump (rump), s. puiggorg, pantat,
kan (Sk.), binasakan. toigkerg*
Ruin, s. (destruction) kbinasaan; Rumple (rum'pl), v. t. gumal*
(remains of a house, etc.) bkas, Rumple, s. kdut.
krmbasan;* (injury) krosak'an. Run (run),v. i. (move quickly) ber-
In ruins, rmbas* lari; (fiee) lari, ambus* mrgam-
Ruination (-a'shzm), s. kbinasa'an. bus (B.) ; (race) berlumba; (as
Ruinous (-i/s), adj. (pernicious) liquids), lelek* mleleh (B.), alir*
yayg mrosakkan; (dilapidated) jalan; (become fluid) hanchur;
rmbas."^ (travel, go) jalan; (discharge
Ru!e(rool), v. t. (govern) prentah- pus) bernenes* mnanaJi (B.) ; (of
kan; (control) klolakan;* (mark the ears) torek;* (as colours)
with lines) garis. turun. To run a muck, amok.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
To run after (search for), chari; tinuous) bertalu-talu, tiada putus,
(pursue) Jcjar, ikut. To run slalu. Eunning rigging (Naut.),
away, larL To run away witli, iali-tmaU.
larikaa, hawa lari. To run down Rupee (roo-pe'), s. rupiah, perdk
(as a clock), herhnti, hrenti (B.), (N.I.).
mati; (in health) jadi Imali, 'udzur Rupture (rup'chur), s. (interrup-
(Ar.). To run down a coast, susor tion) (breach of con-
pantai, raniau.* To run in, ma- cord) perslisehan;* (hernia) bu-
soJc. To run into, larggar. To rnt*
run mad, naik gila. To run on, Rupture, v. t. (break) pcJiahkan;
trus, lanjsorg, malar.^ To run out (interrupt) putuskan.
(as water)
(finish), liabis, putus; Rupture, v. i. pchali, putus.
panchur. To run
over (overflow) Rural (rod'ral), adj. dusun* (a).
lembahj* (examine) prehsa; (drive Ruse (r65z), s.
(Ar. 'akal, elah
over) gelelc. To run riot, Ihehi Tulah), day a* muslihat (Ar.).
'adat* To run through (spend Rush (rush), s. (plant) kerchut*
wastefuliy), horoslcan; (pervade) mndrorg.* kumpai*
larat* To run up (increase), Rush, s. (movement) tmpohan,
tambah. To run the risk, bawa serbii, as below; (the soimd) dru*
nasib. Rush, V. i. tmpoh; (in attack) terpa,

Run, V. t. (cause to run) jalankan; serbu, luru; (as animals) terkam,

(thrust) tikamkan; (in sewing) luru.*
jlujor. To run down (Naut.), Russet (rus'set), adj. liitam ma^
laga, larggar; (traduce) chla. To nis.
run out, hidorkan. To run risks, Russia (rush'a), s. negri Rusia.
bahyakan diri. To run through, Rust (rust), s. karat, talii bsi* talk
tikam. To run up (a spear), m- bsi (B.), ..

dakkan^ rodokkan; (increase) tam- Rust, V. i. berkarat.

bahi; (erect quickly) Ikas naik- Rust, V. t. bri berkarat, karatkan.
kan. Rustic (rus'tik), adj. dusun* (a).
Run, (the act) plarian; (of steam-
s. Rustic, s. orarg dusun* orarg
ers, regular voyage) chain* In toigoig* pladarg* orarg vlu.
the long run, akhir-rya (Ar.). Rusti'cate (rus'ti-kat), v. i. tirggal
The common run, kbaryakan. To di idu, diam di dusun*
let go by the run, Ipas skali gus. Rusticate, v. t. tolak deri skolali.
A steady run, berlari-lari aiiak* Rustle v. i.
(rus'l), (of foliage)
Runaway (run'a-wa), s. plan* kersek, kersak, kersok; (of skirts)
Rung (rung), s. (of a ladder) anak pnis-pras* gerbus-gerbas,* ksok-
targga. ksak* kersak-kersuk (B.).
Runnel (run'nel), s. tali ayer* Rustling (rus'ling), s. see above.
tularg ayer* Rusty (rust'i), adj. berkarat.
Runner (-ner), s. (messenger) Rut (rut), s. (in roads) bkas
surohan; (of plants) sidor-sulor- roda.
an* Ruthless (rodth'les), adj. tiada
Running (-ning), adj. (successive) bias, tiada kaselian.
berturut-turut; (cursive, of writ- Rutting season (rut'ting se's'wn),
ing) chondorg ; (discharging pus) s. musim binatarg berjantan.

bernenes* mnanah (B.) ; (con- Rye (ri), s. skoi.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Sacrilege (-lej), s. dosa mnajiskan

yatg suchi.
Sabbath (sab'bath), s. (rest day) Sacrilegious (-le'ji^s), s. yarg m-
han perhniian; (Sunday) liari najiskan yarg suchi.
ahad (Ar.), hari miry go. Sad (sad), adj. susali hati, herduka^
Sable (sa'bl), s. sammur (Ar.). chita (Sk.), herchinta* herhati
Sable, adj. hitam. walarg* herhati mutu* sayu*
Sabre (-ber), s. pdaiy. hiha hati* gondah* gondah-gau-
Sabre, v. t. pararg. lana,* mashghul (Ar.),
Sacerdotal (sas'er-do'tal), adj. herma-shghul hati (Ar.).
imam (a). Sadden (sad'dn), v. t. susahkan,
Sack (sak), s. guni, goni (B.), dukachitakan (Sk.), gondahkan.*
kwotg guni, see bag. To get the Saddle plana (Pers.), sela
(-dl), s.

sack (sL), kna tolak, kna halau. (Port.) ;

a camel)
(of skdop
Sack, V. t. (pillage) rampas; (put (W.) ; (of an elephant) rergka.*
in sacks) isi karorg; (dismiss) Saddle, v. t. planakan* pasarg
toJak, halau. plana pasaiy sela, etc., as above.
Sackcloth (sak'klawth), s. kaifi Saddleback (-bak), s. gntirg hu-
guni, kain goni (B.), kain kadut* kit*
kain rawa* Saddlecloth (-klawth), s. alas
Sacking (-ing), s. kai7i gu7ii, kain plana,* alas sela.
goni (B.). Saddler (sad'dler) s. tukarg plana,*
Sacrament (-ra-ment), s. aturan tukaig sela.
smhahyarg, rukun smhahyatg Sadness (-nes), s. ksusahan, duka-
Msihi;* (the Lord's Supper) chita (Sk.), perchinta'an,* sayu,
Perjatnuan TuJian (X.). g and ah.*
Sacred (sa'kred), adj. apart
(set Safe (saf), adj. (unharmed) sla-
for religious purposes) di-untok- mat; (not dangerous) tiada her-
kan hagi agama; (holy, not pro- hahya.
fane) kudus (Ar. qudiis), suclii. Safe, s. (iron) pti hsi; (for food)
Sacred history, hikayat agama.* almari gantorg,* almari makanan,
A sacred place or man, kramat. tu lauic (B.) (Ch. tu), Meat
Sacrifice (sak'ri-fis), v. t. (offer) safe, tudorg saji.
persmhahkan* smbahyargkan(B.) ; Safeguard (safgard), v. t. plihara-
(animals) korhankan (Ar.) ; (to kan, lindorgkan.
drive away evil spirits) semah- Safely (-li), adv. drgan slamat.
kan; (destroy so as to get some Safety (-ti), s. slamat, kslamatan,
advantage) huarg. To sacrifice ksjahtraan (Sk.), aman (Ar.).
to the spirits, huarg anchak, Safety pniti
pin, haju, paha
huarg-buarg (B.) ; (Chinese) sm- hlalatg, ktip hlalatg.* Safety
hahyatg hantu. To sacrifice one's valve, chrat mmhuarg stini* (E.
life, huarg ryawa. steam).
Sacrifice, s. (any offering) per- Saffron (saffri/n), s. kumakuma,*
smhahan; (of animals) korhan kumkuma (Sk.).
(Ar.) (animals, rice, etc., offered
; Sag (sag), V. i. (downwards) In-
to drive away evil spirits) p- dut;* (lean) chondorg,* serget.
ryemah* 'Burnt sacrifice, korhan To sag to leeward (Naut.), hahas.*
hakaran* (Ar. qurhdn). Sagacious (sa-ga'shws), adj. hijak-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; lee, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Sana (Sk.), her'alcal, hudiman Salary (-a-ri), s. gaji (D. gage-
(Sk.), herhudi (Sk.), pintar sailors' pay), pndapatan, hasil.*
(N.I.). Sale (sal), s. (act of selling) per^
Sagacity (-gas'i-ti), s. UjaJc, 'ahal. jvalan; (auction) lelorg (Port.)^
Sage (saj),(wise man) orarg
s. lelarg (X.I.). For sale, hndak
hudiman (Sk.), orarg herhudi di-jual.
(Sk.), orarg 'alim (Ar.) ; (the
Saleable (sara-bl), s. laku, laiis."^

plant) chapa* (KL).

Salesman (salz'man), s. pnjual,.
Sage, adj. hijahsana (Sk.), her'aTcal. orarg yarg jiial.
Salient (sa'li-ent), adj. (project-
Sago (sti'go), s. (prepared) sagu.
The sago palm, rumhia, pokok ing) mrganjur;'^ (conspicuous)
dusun ryata.
sagu. Sago plantation,
Saline adj. masin,* asin.
rumhia.'^ Sago vat, uha* (sa-lin'),

Sail To
Saliva (-Ifva), s. ayer lior, udu
(sal), s. layer. set sail,
huka layer; (begin a voyage) hla- (N.L), hidah (B.).'
Salivate (saVi-vat), v. t. herayer-
yer. To strike sail, turunkan
lior,* herudu (^.L), herlior, her-
layer, gulorg layer. Battened sail,
ludah (B.).
layer apit. Foresail, trirgket suai.
Sallow (-15), adj. puchat-kunirg.
Lateen layer hulu ay am. Lug
Sally(-li), s. serhu. A sally of wity
sail, layer tarek, layer top, layer
hatarg, layer tuako (Ch.). Eoyal
Sally, V. i. serhu kluar.
sail,layer tahor. Sprit sail, layer Salmon (sam'iin), s. (tinned) ikan
sokorg. Studding sail, layer das-
sal am.*
tor. Topgallant sail, layer sagor. Saloon (sa-loon'), s. hilek orarg'
Topsail, layer gawe; (of fore and kdai arak.
aft schooner) layer haliu. datary; (11. S.)
Salt (sawlt or solt), garam, uyah
Sail, V. i. herlayer, hlayer.
Sailcloth (sal'klawth), s. kain layer, * asin.
Salt, adj. masin
kain mota.*
Salt, v. t. hnhoh garam, garami^
Sailor (-er), s. klasi, matros (D.)?
vyahi (X.I.).
anak prahu,* anak kapal.* sndaiva
Saltpeter (solt-pe'ter), s.
Saint (sant), s. orarg saleh (Ar.), (Sk.), msiu.*
tvali Allah (Ar., pi. aulid), kramat
Salty (sawlt'i or solt'i), adj. masin,*"
hidop. Saint Vitus's dance, sakit asin.
tersentak-sentak. Salubrious (sa-lu'bri-ws), adj. yarg-
Sake (sak), s. For God's sake, kerna mmhri sehat, aryin haik.
Allah. For health's sake, kerna Salutary (saru-ta-ri), adj. (health-
ksehatan.* For the sake of, ker-
fill) yaig mmhri sehat; (bene-
na, oleh deri shah, kerna
shah, ficial) herfa'idah, yarg ada pa'idah
Salad (sal'ad), s. slada (D.), salat* Salutation (-ta'shz/n), s. salam ;*"
(E.). Salad miryak slada.
oil, (toEuropeans) tahek; (to a king)
Salamander (-a-mand-er), s. sman- smhah, soja (B.) (Ch. chhiiY-
dar (Pers.). jia.
Sal-ammoniac (-am-md'ni-ak), s. Salute (sa-luf), v. t. hri salam*
sadir* (Pers. nushddir), garam kasi tahek, argkat tahek,* smhah,.
chium* garam knchirg kuda. soja (B.) (Ch.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51cl, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Salute, s. salam* tahek,smba}i,soja Sand (sand), s. pasir; (coarse) ker-

(B.) (Ch.). sek* gersek.* Loose sand (dry),
Salvage (sal'vej), s. (the act) hot pasir gmbor.
mnjlamail-an; (property saved) Sandal wood) trom-
(san'dal),s. (of
baraix) yarg di-slamatkan. pali, chakiak (Ch. chhd-kidh) ;
Salvation (sal-va'shwu), s. slamat, (leather) kasut bombai,* cherpu
hslamatan. (Tam.), chapal (Jav.).
Salve (salv), v. t. (save) slamatkan. Sandalwood (-wood), s. chndana.
Salve (sav), s. ohat palit."^ Sandbank (sand'bangk), s. btirg;
Salver (saFver), s. dulaiy, cliepir; (if dry at high water) busorgj*
(of wood) haici* (D. hakje). (on a river bar) alargan, alarg.
Salvo (-v6), s. pncmhak'an s-rm- Sandfly (-fli), s. agas.
pdli-.^ Sandpaper (-pa-per), s. kertas pa-
Same (sam), adj. (identical) sama; sir,'mplas* (properly a plant with
(similar) s-rupa; (in age or size) rough leaves), 'mplas sukun* and
s-baya. All the same, sama juqa, kulit pari are also used for the
mma sahaja* juga. He went all same purpose.
the same, dia pergi juga. Just the Sandpiper (-pi-per), s. kdidi.
same as, dua kali lima s-puloli Sandpit (-pit), s. loba?g gali pasir.
drgan. To sleep on the same pil- Sandstone (-ston), s. batu pasir.
low, tidor s-bantal. To eat off the Sandwich (-wich), s. roti berisi
same plate, makan s-pirggan. dagitg.
Sameness (sam'nes), s. ksama'an, Sandy (-i), adj. pasir (a), berpasir.
ksrupa'an; (monotony) hal tiada Sane (san), adj. siuman.*
berobah. SangMinary (sang'gwi-na-ri), adj.
Sample (sam'pl or sam'pl), s. chon- (attended with bloodshed) yarg
toll, tuladan. mnumpalikan banjah darah;
Sample, v. t.
(taste) rasa, kchap. (bloodthirsty) yarg hndah mnum-
Samshoo (sam'shoo), s. sam^u pahkan darah.
(Ch. fhidm-diiii), arak China. Sanguine (-gwin), adj. (confident)
Sanctification (sangk'ti-fi-ka'- yarg bsar harap, yaig yakin (Ar.
sh?m), s. kkudu-san* (At. qudus), yaqin).
ksucliian. Sanitarium (san'i-tar'i-wm), s.

Sanctify (-fl), v. t. (make holy) rnmah makan argin.

kuduskan;* (make pure) suclii- Sanitary (-ta-ri), adj. berksehat-
kan. an.
Sanctimonious (-mo'ni-i/s), adj. Sanity (-ti), s. siuman.'^
pura-pura 'ihadat (Ar.). Santonin (-to-nin), s. obat chachirg.
Sanction (sangk'sh^/n), s. kbnaran, Sap (sap), s. ayer; (if sticky) gtah;
izin, liukum (B.). (extracted from palms) 7iira.*
Sanction, v. t. bnarkan, izinkan* Sap, V. t.(mine horizontally)
bri izin, kasi izin (B.). chbakf' (weaken) 'Imahkan.
Sanctity (-ti-ti), s. (holiness) k- Sapan wood (sap'an wood), s. kayu
kudusan;'^ (binding force) ktgoh- spaig.
an. Sapient (sa'pi-ent), adj. bijaksana
Sanctuary (-chu-a-ri), s. (sacred (Sk.), budiman (Sk.).
place) tmpat kudus'^ (Ar. qudus) ; Sapling (sap'ling), s. atiak pokok,
(refuge) tmpat berlindorg. pokok kchil, pokok muda.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin then.
Sapper (-per), s. soldado pertuJcarg- see satisfy; (of the mind) puas

Sapphire (saf'ir), s. hatu nilam, Satisfactory (-to-ri), adj. (satis-

permata selan.* fying) yarg mmuaskan* hati
Sappy (sap'pi), adj. hasah. [puaskan (B.)]; (sufficient) chu^
Sap wood (-wood), s. guhal (Kl.). kop, yatg mniada'i*
Saracen (sar'a-sen), s. oraiy 'Arab, Satisfy (-fl), v. t. (supply to the
orarg niasJiHk (Ar.). full) ch'ukopkan; (satiate) puas^
Sarcasm (sar'kasm), s. sindiran. kan, kniyargkan; (pay in full)
Sarcastic (sar-kas'tik), adj. yarg jlaskan, bersehkan, bersikan (B.) ,.

rnn/indir. (the mind) puaskan hati, snargkan

Sarcophagus s. hati; (convince) yakinkan (Ar.) ;
(-kofa-gws), lory
hatu* (make content)' perknankan* To
Sardine s. ikan tamhan be satisfied with, sudi trima.
is similar; (tinned) ikan sardin,
Saturate (sach'u-rat), v. t. (soak)
ikan sardincliis (^.I.) (D.)- rndam; (impregnate) srap, Ichap*
Sardius (sar'di-ws), s. lata 'akik Saturday (sat'er-da), s. hari anam,.
liari 'nam, hari sabtu (Ar.).
(Ar. 'aqiq).
Sardonic A Saturn (-ern), s. bintarg zuhal
(sar-don'ik), adj. sar-
donic grin, tertawa (Ar. zunal).
huaya* Saturnine (-er-nin), adj. mororg.
Sash (sash), s. (round the waist) Sauce (saws), s. (dressing) kuah;
hrgkorg; (over shoulder) sleparg,*
(condiment) kichap.
sandarg* slendarg (B.), saiykot
hahu (B.). Saucepan (saws'pan), s. kuali orarg

Satan puteh.
(sa'tan), s. setan (Ar. sJiai-
Saucer (-er), s. pirirg.
Tan), iblis.
Sauciness (-i-nes), s.
Satanic horgkak,*"
(sa-tan'ik), adj. setan (a),
Satchel (sach'el), s. bek (E. bag). Saucy (-i), adj. borgkak,* mgak.*^
Saunter (sawn'ter), v. i. lanchoig,*
Sate (sat), v. t. see satiate.
berjalan termut-mut.*
Satellite (sat'el-lit), s. (attendant)
Sausage (sos'ej), s. (cucumber or
piyirirg;* (secondary planet) prg~ pria filled with meat) sarak*
Savage (sav'ej), adj. (fierce) buas,*
Satiate (sa'shi-at), v. t. (satisfy)
garaig, ganas,* galak;* (not
puaskan, knryargkan; (surfeit)
tamed) liar. Savage tribea, bargsa
jmiikan, jlakkan, muakkan*
orarg hutan.
Satiety (sa-tl'e-ti), s. kpuasan, k- Savage, s. orarg hutan.
knryargan, kjmuan, jlak, muak.* Save (sav), v. t. (rescue) slamat-
Satin (sat'in), s. kain antlas (Ar.),
kan; (keep from being lost) pli-
kain seten (E.).
harakan; (lay up) taroh, simpan;
Satire sindiran.
(in a money box) taborg,* masoh
(-ir), s.

Satirical (sa-tir'i-kal), adj. yarg taborg (B.), ondel.* To save the-

mryindir. trouble, jargan bersusah. To save
Satirist (sat'er-ist), s. pryindir. one's reputation, pliharakan nama,.
Satirize (-Tz), v. t. sindir. simpan nama (B.).
Satisfaction (sat'is-fak'slmn), s. Save, prep, mlainkan, haiya . .
(the act) hal mnchukopkan, etc., di-kchualikan.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Saving (sav'ing), adj. (economical) an, nracha;* (of fish) sisek; (of
chermat* jimat. rust) karat; (graduated measure)
Saving, s. simpanan. ukoran; (on steelyards) mata da-
Saving, prep, inlainkan, harya,"^ di- chirg; (gradation) pargkat.
Jcchualikati* Scale, V. t. (weigh) timbarg; (take
Saviour (-yer), s. yarg mrylamat- scales off) siaig,* psiarg (B.) ;.

kan, piylamat.'^ The Saviour, (climb) panjat.

Juru-slamat (X.). Scallop (skol'h/p), s. (shell) kapis*
Savour (-er), s. (taste) rasa; Scalloped (-Iwpt), adj. (with small
(smell) iau. indentations) grigi* gngis;
Savour, v. i. herrasa, herhau. (rounded) berombak-ombak;*
Savoury (-er-i), adj. sdap, ladzat (pointed) bersiku-kliuuy* Scal-
(Ar.). loped border, biku*
Saw (saw), s. gergaji. Scalp (skalp), s. kidit kpala. Scalp-
Saw, v. t. gergajikan, rloh* (W.). lock (in front), jambol; (behind),
Sawdust (saVdust), s. abok ger- bocheig*
gaji. Scalp, V. t. kupas kidit kpala.
Sawfish (-fish), s. ikan gergaji, yu Scaly (skal'i), adj. bersisek.
gergaji. Scamp (skamp), s. bargsat.
Sawyer (-yer), s. tukarg gergaji Scamp, V, t. (leave unfinished)
papan. brgkalaikan.;* (hurry through)
Say (sa), v. t. kata, hilarg, shot. gopoh-gapahkan.*
U'jar (of God) firman (Ar.) ; Scamper (skam'per), v. i. cheii-
(of kings) sabda (Sk.), Utah;* clietg,*
(of inferiors to a king) smbah;* Scan (skan),v. t. (examine closely)

(repeat, recite) baclia; (suppose, slidek* belek* perhatikan, amat-

as an estimate) taroh-lah* kata- amati* ati-atikan (X.I.).
kan (B.). It is said, konun, Scandal (skan'dal), s. (disgrace)
ada kun (B.). That is to say, main, 'aib (Ar.), honar (Pers.) ;
iaitu, ya'ani (Ar.), arti-rya. (censure) kchlaan; (slander)
Saying (sa'ing), s. kata, perkata'an, fltnah (Ar.). To talk scandal,. '

paiah; (proverbial) bidal,'^ p- bawa mulut.

patali,* p^natah* Scandalize (-Iz), v. t. bri main,,
Scab (skab), s. krupirg,* klupirg* permalukan* 'aibkan (Ar.), chla.
kroperg (B.). Scandalous (-z/s), adj. yarg mmbri
Scabbard (skab'berd), s. sarorg main, kji.*
pdaig, sarorg kris. Scant (skant), adj. kuraig, sdikit^
Scabby (-bi), adj. berkrupirg* her- pichek.*
kroperg (B.). Scantiness (skant'i-nes), s. k-
Scaffold (skaff5ld), s. (for houses) kurargan.
pranchah* aram-aram;* (in Water Scantling (-ling), s. broti.
to fi?hfrom) parggar* Scanty (-i), adj. kurarg, sdikit; (of
Scaffolding (-ing), s. pranchah* money) pichek;* (of hair) jararg^
aram-aram.* Scape-goat (skap'got), s. (one who
Scald (skawld), v. t. (burn with bears the blame) yarg mnarggorg
liquid) Ichor; (immerse in boiling kch la'an, gaJaig-ganti.*
water) chlor. Scapula (skap'u-ia), s. tularg bli-
Scale (skal), s. (balance) timbarg- kat.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, miuMS, cure, injure,
hurry; fdod, foot, awfool (awful) law, liow, oil; thin then.
Scar (skar), s. parut; (slight) Scenery (sen'er-i), s, (views) p-
hakat;* (if the skin is wrinkled) mandargan.
kreput; (on the lips) hirat;'^ (of a Scent (sent), s. bau; (sense of
fresh wound, weal) hilor.'^ smell) pnchium.* A bottle of
Scar, V. t. parutkan. scent, ayer wargi.
Scarce (stars), adj. jararg, hurmy, Scent, V. t. (smell) chium; (per-
mahal. fume) raksi;'^ (perceive by scent)
Scarcely (skars'H), adv. (with dapat ban. Scented, harom*
difficulty) payali, susah. tvargi. Scented woods, pulverised
Scarcity s.
and sprinkled on a corpse, pac/iai.
(-i-ti), l-hurargan.
of Scentless (sent'les), adj. tiada ber-
Scarcity money, I'picheh'an
Scare (skar), v. t. bri takot, tahoti, Sceptic (skep'tik), s. orarg ya?y
mnaroh shak (Ar.) ; (in religion)
hjotkari, gertak, srekkan, jrakan,*
kasi takot (B.). orarg tiada beriman (x\r.).
Scarecrow s.
Sceptical (-al), adj. yarg mnaroh
(skar'kro), prggrun;"^
shak (Ar.), yarg tiada perchaya.
(worked by strings) klontarg*
Scarf (skarf), s. (round the neck) Sceptre (sep'ter), s. torgkat kraja-
sapu-targan leliir, shai;'* (round
the waist) hrgkoiy; (over shoulder
Schedule (shedTil, u. s. sked'ul), s.

daftar (Ar.), stat (X.L) (JJ.),

to carry children) ambinf^ slen-
jdwal (Ar.).
Scarf (skarf), s. (joint) taiygam.'^ Scheme (skem), s. (system) per-
aturan; (plan, project) jalan,
Scarify (skar'i-fi), v. t. (by cutting)
tor eh; (by scratching) garis. upaya .(Sk.), daya-upaya/^ mak-
sud, akhtiar* (Ar. ikhtiar).
Scarlet (-let), s. iverna sdlirggam
Scheme, v. i.
upayakan (Sk.), ber-
pakat, chart jalan, chari daya-
Scarp (skaip), s. thirg yaig cliuram,
churaman.'^ upaya,^ chad akhtiar (Ar.).
Schemer (skem'er), s. orarg yarg
Scathing (ska^/t'ing), adj. (bitter,
etc., as above.
severe) kras, pdeh,^ pdas. Schism s.
(sizm), perchraian.
Scathless (skath'les), s. tiada kna Schismatic (siz'mat'ik), adj. yarg
apa-apa, slamat deri-pada mer- m^icliraikan.
haliya^ (Sk. mara-hahaya) , tiada Scholar mu-
(skol'er), s. (learner)
herch achat.
rid, anak skolah, anak murid;
Scatter (skat'ter), v. t. (strew (learned person) orarg 'alim (Ar.,
about) tabor, hambor; (put here 'ularna).
and there) kaparkan;* (in dis-
Scholarly (-H), adj. 'alim (Ar.),
order) serakkan, porak-parekkan; berilmu.'^
(by leakage) tmpuras;'^ (disperse) Scholarship (-ship), s. (erudition)
chrai-braikan. Scattered, chrai-
kpandaian, prgtahuan, 'ilmu;*
brai, porak-prandaf^ bertmpiar* (maintenance) blanja mirjaji.
be rue pah. Scholastic (sko-las'tik), adj. skolah
Scavenger (skav'en-jer), s. orary (a).
sapu jalan, kuli jalan. School s. skolah, tmpat bla-
Scene (sen), s. (view) pnmndarg- jar, tmpat mrgaji, madrasah
an; (place) tmpat. (Ar.). Boarding School, skolah
ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, miuMS, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

tmpat tirggal. Xormal school, Sconce (skons), s. (fort) kubu;

sl'olak Sunday School, (candlestick) kaki dian/^ kaki
sl'olah skolah liari lilin (B.).
agania (X.),
minjgo (X.). Scoop (skoop), s. (ladle) gayorg^
School, V. t. ajar. pnchedok;* (used in boiling sugar)
Schoolboy (skoSrboi), s. hudalc sudip;* (shovel) pryodok.
anak sl'olali, anak miirid. Scoop, V. t. chedok, sodok, as above.
Schoolfee (-fe), s. hayeran sJcoIah, To scoop up (with both hands),
irarrj sholali, duit sl'oJah. kaup* kaut (B.) (with one ;

Schoolfellow (-fel-16), s. kawan hand) kaui.

^kolali. Scope (skop), s. (room, space for
Schoolmaster (-mas-ter), s. guru action) tmpat, tmpat riygarg, k^
sl'olah. lapargan: (liberty) khehasan.
Schoolteacher (-tech-er), s. guru Scorch (skorch), v. t. layurkan.
sl'oJali. To be scorched by the sun, ber-
Schooner (skoon'er), s. (Xaiit.) jmor.
sl-oiyar, sl-JiJiar, shonir (E.) ; (fore Scorch, V. i. kna apt, liargus.
and aft rigged, with two masts) Score (skor), (notch) takek^

penes (D. pinas) ; (with three takokj* (scratch) garis; (account)

masts) I'eclii (E. ketch) ; (three kira-kira; (twenty) kodi; (reason)
pole masts) heda. sbab.
Sciatica (sT-at'i-ka), s. srgal parg- Score, V. t. (scratch) gaiis, goris ;*-
I'al palia.^ (with a knife) tor eh; (in games)
Science (sl'ens), s. 'ilmur dapat.
Scientific (sT'en-tifik), adj. her- Scorn (skorn), v. t. liinakan, pan-
"ilmu.* darg miidali,'^ permudakkan;^ te-
Scientist (-tist), s. oraig herilmu.'^ igok ta'mata (B.).
Scimitar (sim'i-ter), s. pdarg m- Scorn, s. lial miyhinakan, etc., as
hgl'org* samshir (Pers.). above.
Scintillate (sin'til-lat), v. i. her- Scornful (skorn'fool), adj. yarg
I'ilat, gmerlap.'^ rnmandarg mudali,'^' yary mryJiina-
Scintillation (-la'shwn), s. kilat. kan.
Scion (sr7/n), s. l-turunan, hneh. Scorpion (skor'pi-?/n), s. kala,"^
Scissors (siz'zerz), s. guntirg; (for kala-jrgkirg , kala-jiiykerg (B.).
"cutting betel nut) kachip, kachep Scot (skot), s. orarg barysa Skot^
(B.). land.
Scoff (skof), V. i. oIol'-oloJc. To Scotch (skoch), v. t. (block with
scoff at, ololc-olokkan, tertawakarh. wedge, etc.) sndal/^ sntal (B.).
Scoffer (skof'er), s. piyolok-rgoloh. Scotch, s. (wedge) baji;* (chock)
Scold (skold), V. i. maki, liamun;* sndal,'^ sntalan (B.).
(using obscene words) mncharut. Scotchman (skoch'man), s. orarg
Scold, V. t. (mildly) tgur; (severe- barysa Skotland.
ly) herdek* trgkiry* trgkerg Scot-free (skot'fre'), adj. ta'kna.

(B.) (fig.) smbur.

To escape scot-free, Ipas dryan
Scold, s. pmaki.'^ sJamat.
Scolding (skold'ing), s. 7naki, tgur- Scotland (-knd), s. negri Skotland..
an, herdek* snihiir, etc., as above. Scoundrel (skown'drel), s. orarg
Scollop (skol'li/p), see scallop. kji* orarg bargsat, orarg Ita.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, s5rry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Scour (skowr), v. i. t. sntal, garyah. Scrawl (skrawl), v. i. tulis cliakar
Scourge (skerj). s, (whip) chabok, ayam.
chmtij* (cat o'nine tails) jari am- Scrawl, s. (bad writing) chakar
pai;"^(punishment) seksa; (afflic- ayam.
tion) halah (Ar. hala). Scream (skrem), v. i. pkek, jrit*
Scourge, v. t. sbat, chabokkan* Jcasi mnjret (B.). To scream at,
chabuk (B.) ; (punish) seksakan. pkis* mrnkis*
Scout (skowt), s. pryintai* sulu Scream, s. jrit* mnjret (B.), pkau*
traiy.^' pkek.
Scout, V. t. (ridicule) tertawaJcan. Screech (skrech), v. i. jrit* mnjret

Scowl (skowl), V. i. hrut, bersut* (B.), pkek.

bermuka-masam, muka bsu (B.). Screen (skren), s. (shelter) plin^
Scowl, s. bersut* dorg;* (piece of furniture) adarg-
Scraggy (skrag'gi), adj. (lean) adarg* andarg-andarg kporg
kurus. argin (B.), skrim (D. sclierm),
Scramble (skram'bl), v. i. (on smpiran kain (N.I.) ; (of rattan
hands and knees) rargkak* m- to roll up, for doors or verandahs)
rargkak (B.) ; (struggle for some- bidai, blat argkit-argkit, kre
thing) berrbot-rbot. (N.I.), 7nuili (B.) (Ch. mrg-li) ;
Scrap (skrap), s. (small piece) 5- (for windows, of cane) ram jndela
chbisj'^ (of cloth or paper) s-krat, (B.) (D. raam
= window) ; (parti-
S'Cliarekf (pieces left over) reja- tion) dindirg; (sieve) ayakan da-
reja, koret-koret* Not a scrap, wai. Screen doors, pintu am-
sdikit pun tidak. Scrap iron, bsi barg* pintu jerni* (W.). Awning
bnrok. screens (Xaiit.) perdah (L.). See
Scrape (skrap), v, t. (with sharp LOUVRE.
instrument) kikis; (the scales off Screen, v. t. (shelter) lindorg;
a fish, etc.) siarg* psiarg (B.) ; (sift) ayak.
(abrade) lechet, mlediet (B.), Screw (skroo), s. (screw nail) paku
lias;* (the inside of a coco-nut) skrup (D. schroef) ; (propeller)
kukor.* To scrape up (draw to- kipas. Screw driver, pmutar
wards one's self), kaut. skrup .Screw jack, bichu.*
Scrape, s. (difficulty) ksmahan. Screw pine, mrgkua^g, brgkuarg,
Scraper (skrap'er),s. /7/5riHs"/ mata pandan, rasau.* Screw thread,
kukor,'^' see above. bnarg.
Scratch (skrach), v. t. (mark the Screw, V. t. (turn as a screw) pidar.
surface) clialarkan;* (deeper) Scribble (skrib'bl), v. i. tulis

(jaris; (with sharp things) toris;* pantas-pantas, tulis chakar-ayam.

(deeper) tor eh; (with the nails) Scribble, s. (scrawl) chakar ayam.
gam* gar ok; (as -fowls) cliakar, Scribe (skrib), s. pnulis, katih
kerkau* cherkau; (for food) kais. (Ar.).
To scratch out (erase), potorg, Scrimmage (skrim'mej), s. glut.*
bunoh, paraig* Scrimp (skrimp), v. t. pendekkan,
Scratch, v. i. (as cats fighting) her- kch ilkan, kurargkan.
karat* Scrip (skrip), s. sural akuan.
Scratch, s. clialar* garis, cliakar. Scriptural (skrip'chur-al), adj.
Scraunch (skrawnch), kerpak- v. t. kitab Allah (a) (Ar. kitdb).
kerpok* kertak-kertuk (B.). Scripture (-chur), s. kitab Allah.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin i/ien.
Scrofula (skrof'ii-la), s. piyakit Sculpture (-chur), s. 'ilmu^ mrg-
Ich'ir lunenes'^ [benianah (B.)]. iikir.

Scrofulous (-h/s), adj. herpnjakit Sculpture, v. t. ukir, pahat frntorg.

lehir nnienes.'^' Scum (skum), s. sanipah, samp;*
Scroll (skrol), surat guJojyan.
s. (froth on
water) bueh* busa
Scrotum (skro'ti^m), s. kulit plir, (B.) ; (rubbish on water) kkat;*
l-ulit buak pVir. (in smelting) saiga.*
Scrub (skriib), v. t. (clothes) glo- Scum, V. t. cliedok bueh* chedok
soh;"^ (floors) gosoh; see scour. busa (B.).
Scrub, s. smalt; (secondary jungle) Scuppers (skup'perz), s. (Naut.)
hlular. lobaig ager, orlop lamboiy.
Scrubby (skrub'bi), adj. (stunted) Scurf (skerf), s. klmomor.
ierrnchat. Scurfy (skerf 'i), adj. berklmumor.
Scruff (skruf), s. (of the neck) Scurry (skur'ri), v. i. leicar* ter-
tnjliok. sra-sra* lari gopoh-gapah* ber-
Scruple (skroo'pl), s. iimhaiyan tmpiar* tergopoh-gopoh.
ohat (
= 20 grams); (unwilling- Scurrility (skiir-ril'i-ti) ), s. (ob-
ness) k'lyganan;* (hesitation) scenity) chandan; (vulgar abuse)
Ji-hinihaiyan liati. maki.
Scruple V. i. (hesitate, be reluctant) Scurrilous (skur'ri-h/s), adj. clia-

scian; (be unwilling) 'iggan.'^ rut; (abusive) pmaki.

Scrupulosity (-pu-los'i-ti), s. ji- Scurvy, adj. (low, mean) kji*
utat, I'dlialusan. busok, rndah (B.).
Scrupulous (-h/s), adj. jimat. cJier- Scuttle, s. (shallow basket) poigkis;
niat, herhalus. (for coal) bkas* aranj batu
Scrutineer (skroo'ti-ner), s. pnj- \ tmpat (B.)].

lidel',^ pmhelek* Scuttle (skut'tl), Y.i. = scurry,

Scrutinize (-niz), v. t. helel', sli- q.v.
dek* Scuttle, V. t. (a ship) tbok.
Scrutiny (-ni), s. pnjlideh'an* Scythe (sith),(European) p-

pmheleVan. daig; (Malay instrument for cut-

Scud (skud), V. i. lanchar* ting weeds) tajak*
Scud, s. aican 'berarak,'^ prgarak Sea (se), s. taut; (ocean) lautan;
a^gin.'^ (wave) ombak, glombarg; (swell)
Scuffle (skuf'fl), s. pergluian.^ ohin* At sea (on the sea), di
Scuflflle, V.herglut* hergumol.
i. taut; (confused) kliru, kteru
Scull (skul), Y.i. (Xaut.) (row (B.). A
following sea, ombak
with two oars) ben chary (with one ; miyoroig. A
head sea, ombak
oar over the stern) kuit. pigundak* A heavy sea, glom-
Scull, s. dagorg kcliil, dagarg biirlt/^ barg bsar. A short sea, ombak
dayotg kibas'-' (Ar. kibash) ; bersabo7g. Half seas over, pnirg-
(large, on a toako) chiair' (Ch. priirg Mat. To go out to sea, m-

rliiu"). laut.* To go to sea (be a sailor),

Scullery (skul'ler-i), s. tmpat ber- jadi kla-n.
kiuubali.'^ Sea anemone (se' a-nem'o-ne), s.

Scullion {-jun), s. pigumbali.'^ burari.*

Sculptor (skulp'ter), s. pmaliat Sea gull (se'gul), s, cliamar* 'm-
pat org,* prgukir. br-akr

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) law, bow, oil; thin t/ien. ;

Sea horse (-hors), s. undok-undolc (dry, as timber) jmor; (spice)
(Kl.). riiipahkan; (moderate) Imbotkan.
Seal (sel), s. (stamp) chap, mlrai.'^' Seasonable (a-bl), adj. pada ktika-
Seal, V. t. (fix a seal to) chapkan, nja, pada masa-rya, sperti musim-
mfmikan ;* (ratify) ttapJcan; nja, kna tempoh-iya (B.).
* Seasoning
(clo^eiip) tiiiop. Sealed, ^^r/fl/*^ (-ing), s. (the act) hat
Sea!inj>--wax (sering waks), lah mj7ibiasakan, etc., see season;

(condiment) kicli.ap; (of pepper, i

Seam (sem), s. jahit, jaliitan, satiJc salt, dried prawns, etc. used in |

{l^.L),stik (NJ.) (D.stikken). cooking) prnchah.

Counter-hem seam, jahit tindeh Seat (set), s. tmpat dudok, kursi,
kaseh. French seam, jaliit Bfaioi, krosi (B.), bargku (D. bank) ; (at
satik halek. a wedding) ptrana (Sk.) ; (site,

Seam, v. t. jahil. situation) tmpat; (abode) tmpat

Seaman (se'niaii), s. klasi, anak tirggal, tmpat kdiaman;'^ (of trow-
sers) puiggotg, torgkeig;* (at the
stern of Malay sampans) ktam
Seamanship (-sliip) s. 'ilmn'^' laid,
Seamless Seat, V. t. (cause to sit) dudokkan;
(sem'les), adj. yarg tiada
herjahit; (of a sarorg) tiada her- (of princes) smayamkan*
ka m poh , * si era rgS^
Sea urchin (se' er'chin), s. janek,*"
iiiasu'^ (KL).
Seamstress (-stres), s. prempuan Seaward (-werd), adv. k-laat.
Seaweed (-wed), s. agar-agar, stu*
Seaport (se'port), s. handar.^
Sear (ser), v. t. (with hot iron) latoh;'^ (not eatable) rrgkam*
(Kl.), akar bahar (Ar.). Sea-
slar; (wither) lai/ukan; (over a
weed jelly, agar-agar, jparg."^
fire) laj/ur.
Secede (se-sed'), v. i. undor.
Sear, adj. layu. Seclude v. t.
Search v.
(-klud'), pirgitkan*
(serch), (examine)
preksa, slidek/'^ (as a house for Secluded (-ed), adj. terkurorg,
stolen property) slorgkar, rargai;'^
pirgit;'^ see seceet.
(probe) duga. To search for, Seclusion (-klu'zhwn), s. pirgitan*
chari, cliarck (B.). Second (sek'?/nd), adj. yarg kdua,
Search, s. pmreksa'an, pnjlidek'an.^ nombor dua (B.) ; (another) lagi
Search-light (serch'lit), s. api p- satii.
Second, s. (assistant) tman,* prg-
Sea serpent (se' ser'pent), s. naga apit;"^ (one-sixtieth of a minute)
dtik,'^ sa'at* (Ar. saat).
.Seashore (-shdr), s. pantai. tpi laut. v. t. bantu; (sup-
Second, (assist)
Seasick (-sik), adj. inahok, mabok teken
port a motion) serta'i,*
. laut, mahok oinhak.'^
i^.I.) (D.).
Season (se'zn), s. musim., niasa. Second (se-kond'), v. t. (retire tem-
The dry season, musim kmaraii,'^ porarily) sblahkan.
mimm kmaro (B.)., The wet sea- Secondary (sek'-wnd-a-ri), adj.
son, musim hujan. The padi (subordinate) kurarg, tidak bgitu.
season (rains), musim piama* Secondary jungle, blukar.
Season, v. t. (habituate) biasakaii; Second-class (-Idas'), adj. kurarg

jate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f65d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

baik, pargl-at yaiy kdua, nomhof (Ay.) ; (sure, certain) tntu, tgoh,
dua punja (B.). kukok.'^
Secondhand (-hand'), adj. (not Secure, v. t. (make safe, protect)
new) sudah palcai. pliharakan; (make certain) tntu-
Secondly (-li), adv. kdtia. kan; (make fast) tgohkan; (by
Second-rate (-rat'), adj. parykat tying) ikat; (acquire) beroleh,*
yaiT) kdua. kiiraty baik. da pat.
Second-sight (-slf), s. 'ihmr^ trus Securely (-li), adv. dtgan slamat,
mala, awas* drgan tgoh.
Secrecy (se'kre-si), s. ksuUian/-' Security (-i-ti), s.
(safety) slamat,
Secret (?se'kret), adj. tersmburyi, sjahtra (>^k.), aman (Ar.) ;
smboiyek (B.), suiitj'^ glap. (|>ledge) jdarohan,'^ targgorgan,
Secret, s. rahsia, rusia (B.). A gadaian, chagaran* chagak'an
secret sin, chpiia (B.), chadatgan/^ jam in.
Secretary (sek're-ta-ri), s. (writer) Sedan (se-dan'), s. Sedan-chair,
juru-tulis; (officer of a society kursi usorga7i* morgkoVj* kio (B.)
or of government) stia-usaha* (Ch. kid).
sikutaris (^.I.) (D. secretaris). Sedate (-daf), adj. santun.^
Secretaryship (-ship), s. jabatan Sedative (sed'a-tiv), adj. pnaivar
stia-usalia.''^ bisa.
Secrete (se-kref), v. t. (conceal) Sedentary (-en-ta-ri), adj. biasa
smbuiyikan, rahsiakan; see also dudok.
hide; (separate from the blood) Se-dge (sej), s. kerchut* mndrorg*

kluarkan. kumpai* rmnput taman* rumput

Secretion (-kre'sht^n), s. sgala yarg tig a sagi*
. chuir dalam tuboh* lain deri- Sediment (sed'i-ment), s. kladak*
I'ada darah [badan (B.) |. liampas.
Secretly (se'kret-li), adv. mnchuri- Sedition (se-dish'i/n) ,
s. piyacliuman
churi, diam-diam, dry,an sidit.'^ spay a derhaka."^
Sect (sekt), s. madzhab (Ar.). Seditious (-//s), adj. yarg htidak
Sectarian (sek-tar'i-an), adj. madz- derltaka, yaiy hndak belot, prg-
hab (a) (Ar.). arhum.*
Section (sek'shv/n), s. (part, por- Seduce (-dus'),v. t. (lead astray)
tion) bhagian; (paragraph) bab smtkati; (a woman) bujok.
(Ar.) ; (of territory) jajahan;* (in Seducer (-er), s. pmbujok.
drawing) (lanibar yanj di-blah, Seduction (-duk'shun), s. pmbujok-
gamhar sblah dalam : (of an 'an, was was (Ar.).
orange) uJas : (of durians) parg- Seductive (-tiv), adj. yarg mnjsat-
sa; (cut, as fruits without di- kan, yarg mmbujok.
visions) jorerg f^ (of troops) k- Sedulous (sed'u-lws), adj. rajin,
tumbokan* puak* berikun, cherkasj^''
Sector (-ter), s. tmbererg tajam'^^ See (se), v. t. (perceive) lihat,
(Kl.). nampak; (look at) tergok, lihat;
Secular (-u-ler), adj. (worldly) (understand) migerti; (visit) ber-
dujii'j (a), cliara dunia: (not tmu drgan, jumpa; (meet with)'
clerical) preman (D. vrijman). dapat, kna. To see through, dapat
Secure (se-kfir'), adj. (safe) sla- tahu. To see one through, tolorg
niat, sjahtra (Sk.), dalam aman mmpai habis.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awftil) ; law, how, oil; thin then.

See, V. i. (perceive) liliat, nampak; as orauL^es) idas; (as durian) parg-

(know, discern) tahn, mrqerti. sa; (if cut) jorerq.^
To see about, see to, jaqa, plihara, Segregate (-re-gat), v. t. asiigkan,
tergoh (B.). sblalikan.
See, s. (diocese) jajalian yarg di- Seine (san or sen), s. pukat.
prentahkan oleh s'orarg bishop Seize (sez), v. t. (arrest) targkap:
(with the hand) cliapai, clikau :

Seed (sed), s. (of plants) hiji, (as hawks) sambar; (with the
hijih(B.) ; (when used for repro- finger tips) clikut/^ clikop (B.) ;
duction) hneli; (semen) mani (with the thumb and forefinger)
(At.), aj/er siaii. (B.) (Ch.) ; (off- dtkak: '(take by force)
spring) 1)71 eh, liturnnan. rbot; (Naut.) pral (L.), blit; (by
Seed, V. i. (produce seed) herhiiah. legal process) sel (E. seal), sita
Seedling (sed'ling), s. hneh, hibit (X.L) {Y.citer).
(X.I.). Seizure (se'zhur), s. (fit) pitam.
Seedy (-i), adj.(worn out) buroJc. Seldom (sel'diim), adv. jararg, ber-
Seeing (se'ing), conj. pada hal, kadarg/^ buah taliun.'^'
sbab, sdarg. Select (se-lekf), v. t. pileli.
Seek (sGk), v. (look for) cliari,
t. Select, adj. pilehan, terpileh.
cliareh (ask for) pmta,^
(B.) ;
Selection (-lek'shz/n), s. pilehan.
minta, inintak, pohonl'an f^ (strive Self (self), s. diri. United with
after) tuntut; (try) choba. pronouns, sndiri, hndiri (N.I.)
Seem (sem), v. i. is expressed im- (B.).
personally by rupa-rya, rasa-rya, Self-abasement (-a-bas'ment), s.

nampak-nja, etc., as, he seemed to hal mrndahkan diri.

be ill, rupa-nja sahit. It seems to Self -abuse (-a-biis'), s. ranchap,'^
me, pada fikiran-ku,'^' pada sargka- lamhak (B.).
kiij^ pada kira hati-ku* saliya pu- Self-acting (-akt'ing), adj. yarg
nja fikiran (B.). bergrak sndiri-iya.
Seeming (sem'ing), adj. rupa-nja, Self-assertive (-as-sert'iv), adj.
etc., see above. yarg rnniyahkan diri-rya/^ yarg
Seemingly (-li), adv. (apparently) suka soronjkan diri (B.).
rupa-nja, nampak-rya; (ostensibly )
Self-confident (-kon'fi-dent), adj.
pura-pura.'^ yarg Jiarap akan diri-iya.
Seemly (sem'li), adv. (fit) patut, Self-control (-kon-trol'), s. hal
layak/^ (decorous) snonoh. rrrriaJian nafsu.
Seer (ser), s. (one who foresees) Self-defence (-de-fens'), s. hal mn-
pnilek; (prophet) nabi. jaga diri.

Seesaw (se'saw), s. permainan Self-devotion (-de-vo'slum), s. hal

iirqqarg-u rggit,"^ orggak-orggek miyrahkati diri kerna orarg lain.

(B.). Self-evident (-ev'i-dent), adj. njata

Seesaw, v. i.
urggarg-urggit/^ org- skali, ktam.
gak-orggek (B.). Self-examination (-egz-am'i-nii'-
Seethe (se/Zt), v. t. rbus. sh//n), s. hal mnimbarg rasa sndiri.
Seethe, v. i. mndideli,'^ mndidi Self-important (-im-por'tant), adj.
(B.) ; (violently) glgak. borgkak.'''
Segment (seg'ment), s. (natural. Selfish (selfish), adj. yarg sayarg

ate, ask, am, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
final, care, car,
mirror ; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry

hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
akan diri, yarj mmliharakan diri, (on an embassy) utiis;* (a letter
yarg iiyat akan din. by post) kirim, layargkan.* To
Selfishness (-nes), s. hal sayarg send away, suroh pergi; (roughly)
akan diri. halau ; guests) hantar.
(as To
Selfishness, s. lial sayarg akan diri. send for
(persons), parggil;
Self-possessed (-poz-zesf), adj. (things) psan. To send out,
ttap Jiati. kluarkan. To send round, idar-
Self-reproach (-re-proch'), s. lial kari./'' peridarkan.*

mnchla akan diri. Sender (send'er), s. prgirim,* orarg

Self-sacrifice (-sak'ri-fis), s. see yaig kirim (B.).
SELF-DEVOTION. Senile (se'nTl), adj. orarg tua (a).
Self-satisfied (-sat'is-fid), adj. Senior (-ni-er), adj. (in age) tua;
yaiTj berknan akan diri."^ (in office) Ibeh bsar, Ibeh pargkat.
Self-willed (-wild'), adj. dgil. Seniority (-6r'i-ti), s. (in age)
Sell (sel), v. t. jval; (as a peddler) 'umor; (length of service) lama
jaja; (by auction) lelorg, lelarg bkerja.
(N.I.). Will you sell me (ad- Senna (sen'na), s. daun sua MakM.^
dressed to a person not in trade) The senna tree, pokok sna.
pinta-lah hhagi* boleh-kah hhagi- Sensation (sen-sa'shz/n), s. (feel-
kan salty a (B.). ing) rasa, perrasaan, chita/^ (ex-
Seller (seFer), s. pnjuah'^ pnjaja, citement) gmpar.
orarg yarg jtial (B.). Sensational {-a\), adj. yarg nug-
Selvage (-vej), s. tpi kain. grakkan hati.

Semaphore (sem'a-for), s. palarg Sense (sens), s. (sensation) rasa,

isarat"^ (Ar. ishdrat). perrasaan; (perception) perrasa^
Semblance (-blans), s. rupa. 'an; (understanding) prgei'tian,
Semen (se'men), s. mani (Ar. 'akal; (meaning) arti. Common
mani ) , (
B ) (Ch. sidu)
ayer siau . . sense, 'akal yarg panjarg,* otak
Semi- (sem'i), s-tirjah, sparoh. (B.). Contrary to common sense,
Semicircle (-ser'kl), s. s-tiyah mustahil pada 'akal,'^ t'ada ber'akal
biilatan. (B.). The five senses, pancha-
Semicolon (-ko-lwn), s. koma her- indra (Sk.). The sense of hear-
titek [;].* ing, pnigaran. The sense of smell,
Seminary (-na-ri), s. skolah bsar, pnchium.'^ The sense of sight,
madrasah (Ar.). prglihatan. The sense of taste or
Semitic (se-mit'ik), adj. kturunan touch, perrasaan.
SJiam, iaitu Yahudi dan 'Arab. Senseless (sens'les), adj. (foolish)
Semolina (sem'o-le'na), s. suji.
iiada ber'akal; (unconscious) perg-
Sempstress (semp'stres), s. prem- san, tiada sdar, tiada khabarkan
puan pnjaliit. diri.*
Senate (sen'et), s. majlis maslinarat Sensible f-i-bl), adj. (sensitive)
negri.-''' yaty boleh mrasa, ya)g Ikas mrasa;
Senator (-a-ter), s. alili mashuarat (cognizant) iahu; (intelligent)
negri.* berakal.
Send (send), v. t. (a person) suroh, Sensitive (-i-tiv), adj. yarg boleh
sum (B.), surohkan; (things) 7nrasa, yaig Ikas mrasa, yarg Ikas
kirim ; (person or things if ac- kchil-hati. Sensitive plant, pokok
companied by a person) hantar; rhalu-malu, ptri main.*

ate, ask, am, fnol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mintzs, cure, injure,
liurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Sensitiveness (-nes), s. fnuryai cloth (not the garment itself), kain
Ikas kchil-hati. mndatarg.
Sensual (sen'shoo-al), adj. her- Separately (-li), adv. asirg-asiry*
nafsu. Iain-lain.
Sensualist (-ist), s. orarg yary m- Separation (-ra'shim), s. perchrai-
71 u r ut hau a-n afsu . an.
Sensuality (-ali-ti), s. hawa-nafsu. Sepia (se'pi-a), s. hitam sotorg.*
Sentence (sen'tens), s. (decision) Sepoy (-poi), s. supai, sipai (Pers.
l-putusan; (judgment) hukuman; sipahi).
(phrase) perkataan, ay at (Ar.). September (sep-tem'ber), s. bulan
lender sentence, sudah di-jatohkan ora^y puteh yarg ksmbilan.
link V in. Septennial (-ten'ni-al), adj. yarg
Sentence, v. t. puUiskan hukum, tujoh tahun lama-rya, yarg tujoh
jatohkan hukum. tahun skali.
Sententious (sen-ten'shs), adj. Septuagenarian (sep'tu-a-je-nar'i-
(forceful) k'uat. an), s. oraty berumor 70 tahun
Sentient (sen'shi-ent), adj. yary atau Ibeli.
Septuagint (-jint), s. taurit zabur
Sentiment (-ti-ment), s. (opinion) dan kitab nahi-nabi di-terjmalikan
fikiran ; (tender feeling) kpiluan, k-pada bhasa Grik.*
Sepulchral (se-pul'kral), adj. ku-
Sentimental (-men'tal), adj. pilu. bor (a) ; (of sound) bergauiy, ber-
Sentimentality (-men-tari-ti), s. gma.*
kpiluan. kubor
Sepulchre (sep'ul-ker), s.
Sentinel (-nel), s. pgawal,'^ orarg
(Ar. qubur), makam (Ar.) ;
berkaival* orarg gat* mata-mata
(shrine) kramat.
gat (E. guard).
= sentinel, Sepulture (-chur), s. (act of bury-
Sentry (sen'tri), s.

rumah muryit.* ing) pkuhoran, pertanaman.

q. V. Sentry box,
Sequel (se'kwel), s. (continuation)
Sepal (se'pal), s. klopak hurga.
samborgan, perhuboigan; (of a
Separable (sep'a-ra-bl), adj. yarg
boleh di-chraikan. book) samboiyan; (consequence)
ksudahan-rya, akhir-rya (Ar.).
Separate (-rat), v. t. (disunite)
Sequence (-kwens), s. (succession)
ch raikan, pisah kan:"^ ( detach )
ikut-ikutan;* (arrangement) per-
pnchil;* (disintegrate) prai-prai-
aturan; (consequence) ksudahan-
kan;* (set apart) asirgkan; (of
the sexes) parakkan"^ (Ar. farq) ; 7ya, akhir-nja (Ar.).
Sequester (se-kwes'ter), v. t. (by
(slightly) rrggarykan; (combat-
ants) Iraikan:* (coarse grains
law) tahan; (withdraw into ob-
from fine by tapping the ryiru) scurity) sutyikan.

Sequestered (-terd), adj. suryi,
Separate, v. i. berchrai, berpisah;"*
(disper.se) berpdiah, bcrkchai- Sequestration (sek'wes-tra'blmn) ,

kchai* bertmpiar* bersurai;* s. pnahanan.

(open slightly) rrggarg. Seraglio (se-ral'yo), s. (of a palace)
Separate (-ret), adj. asiiy, berchrai; maligai (Tam.).
(distinct) lain; (as grains) ber- Seraph (ser'af), s. saraf (Ar.),
prai-prai.* A separate piece of rnlaikat.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror: 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Seraphic (se-mfik), adj. sperti Ubadat k-pada (Ar.) ; (wait on)

mJaikat. layani; (food) sajikan, hidarg-
Serenade (ser'e-nad'), s. hun/i- kan;"^ (deliver, as a summons)
hiuyian pada malain hari, lagu srahkan; (ISTaut.) bbat, pral (L.).
nasib.'^ To serve one out, balas. To sei've

Serenade, v. t. hawa lagu nasib* one right, harus.

Serene (se-ren'), adj. (clear, of the Serve, v. i. layan.*
sky) cliuacha/^ chrah; (calm, Service (serv'is), s. pkerjaan, per-
placid) tnarg hati.
amba' an, playanan* khadmat

Serenity (-ren'i-ti), s. tnarg-hati. (At.) ; (religious) smbahyarg;

Serf (serf), s. hamba. (benefit conferred) jasa (Sk.),
Serfdom (serfd^/m), s. perhamba- bakti (Sk.) ; (advantage) guna,
'an. faidah. A dinner service, s-prarg-
Serge (serj), s. hain serja^ (Eur.). guan piiggan-maigkok. Burial
Sergeant (sar'jcnt), s.serjan (E.), service, talkin (Ar. talqin). The
sersan (N.I.). civil service, jaivatan kraja'an.*
Serial (ser'i-al). adj. berturut-turut. Serviceable (-a-bl), adj. berguna,
Seriatim (-a'tim), adv. satu-per- berfa'idah (Ar.).
mtii,'^ sahi-satu. Serviette (ser'vi-ef), s. tuala
Series (ser'ez), s. perturutan. A tanjan, serbet (N.I.) (D. servet).
series of calamities, hmalaryan Servile (ser'vll), adj. yarg mrgJiina-
berturut-turut. kan diri.

Serious (solemn) san-

(-i-us), adj. Servility (ser-vil'i-ti), s. hal mrg-
tun;'^ (really intended) surg- liinakan diri.
cjoh,'^ surgqu (B.) ; (important, Serving mallet (serv'ing mal'let),
crrave) brat; (of wounds) parah; s. morgri (L.).
(of sickness) trok, brat. Servitude (serv'i-tud), s. per-
Sermon (ser'm?m), s. (in mosque) liambaan. Penal servitude, jel
khutbah'^ (Ay. khuTbah) (in ; kerja brat, bui kerja paksa (N.I.)
churches) prgajaran (X.). (D. boei = chain).
Sermonize (-iz), v. t. berkhutbah Session (sesh'wn), s. (the sitting of

(Ar.), mrgajar, as above. a court or council) perhimponan.*

Serpent (-pent), s. ulnr. Set (set), V. t. (place, lay) taroh,
Serpentine (-pen-tin), adj. (in buhoh, tm patkan ;* (on something)
shape) berblit-blit. Itak; (cause to sit) diidokkan;
Serrated (ser-ra'ted), adj. grigis, (cause to stand) dirikan; (fix, as
grigi.'^ jewels) iA'f, tatahkan;* (spread, as
Serried (ser'rid), adj. ssak, rapat- sails) buka; (determine, as time or
rapat. price) tntukan; (put together as a
Serum (ser'wm), s. ayer krupirg* broken bone) cliantom.* To set
Servant (ser'vant), s. orarg gaji, apart, asiigkan, sblahkan, uniok-
playan* hamba, (Ar.), khadum kan. To set aside (neglect), tirg-
jorgos (iS^.I.) (D. jorgens) : galkan; (annul) batalkan. To set
(female, of rajas) dayarg-dayarg. a trap, pasaig prargkap. To set
To be a servant, mahan gaji. a snare, tahan racliek. To set be-
Serve (serv), v. t. (work for) kerja- fore, hadapkar},, mrghadapkan
kan* kerja kerna (B.), bertuan- (B.). To set eyes on, lihat, ter-
kan; (obey and worship God) ber- Uhat. To set fire to, chuchoh*

ate, ask, am, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
final, care, car,
mirror old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry ; use, us, minits, cure, injure,

hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
lakar, tunu (N.I.). To set forth Settlement (-ment), s.
(manifest) ryatakan; (publish) kdudokan orarg asirg;* (adjust-
Muarl'an. To set free, Ipasl-an, ment) kslsaian. Marriage settle-
hehasl'an. 'Yo set in order, atur- ment, isi kahwin.'^ Settlement
han, kmasl'an. To set off (sepa- officer, pgawai smpadan.'^
rate), asirgkan, lainkan; (adorn) Settler s. pndudok.
liiasi,* riaskan (B.). To set on Seven (sev'n), adj. tujoli, tuju
(incite), asut, usot
(B.), adu, (B.).
Iturkan;* (fighting cocks) oja. To Seventeen (-ten'), adj. tujoh-blas,
set on foot, mulai, mulai
(B.), tuju-blas (B.).
jalankan. To set right, htulkan. Seventeenth (-tenth'), adj. ya^y k-
To set sail, buka layer; (begin a tujoli-blas, nombor tuju-blas (B.).
voyage) hlayer. To set the teeth Seventh (sev'nth), adj. yarg ktujoli,
on edge, lyilukan gigi* lyUukan nombor tuju (B.).
gigi. To set up (erect), dirikan, Seventieth (sev'n-ti-eth), adj. yarg
igakkan;'^ (a machine) pasarg. ktujoh-puloh, nombor tuju-puloh
Stt, V.(below horizon) masok, ter-
bnam; (of fruit) berputek; (of Seventy (-ti), adj. tujoh-puloh,
cement) krirg; (have a certain tuju-puloh (B.).
direction) tuju; (of birds) kram, Sever v. t.
(sev'er), (separate)
mrgram. To set about, mula'h chraikan,asirgkan; (by cutting)
mulai To set forth, ber-
(B.). krat, prggal;* (by breaking) pu-
argkat. To set in, mulai, mulai tus, patah; (with a jerk) runtas.^
(B.). To set off, berargkat To Sever, v. i. (be separate) berchrai;
set out, beratgkat. To set to, (be parted) putus.
mula'i, mulai (B.). To set up in Several {-a\), adj. (distinct) Iain-
trade, buka perniagaan* biiat ber- lain; (divers, sundry) bbrapa,
niaga sndiri (B.). ada brapa (B.) ; (of things only)
Set, adj. (fixed) ttap. plbagai.*
Set, s. (suit) prarygu* praigguan, Severally (-li), adv. masitg-masiiy.
pasanj; (division) bhagian, kum- Severe (se-ver') adj. (austere)
polan; (direction) tujuan. kras; (in appearance) ma- brgis,
Settee (set-te'), s. bargku (D. sam; (very strict) kras; (of
bank). wounds) jMrah; (of sickness)
Setting (set'ting), s. (of jewels) payah, trok; (of pain) kuat.
ikatan, tatahan.* Severity (-ver'i-ti) s. kkrasan.
Settle (-tl), s. bargku. Sew (so), V. i. t.
Settle, V. t. (fix, establish) ttapkan, Sewage s. najis lorgkarg,*
tntukan; (determine) slsaikan lorgkaty puiya kotor (B.).
slisekan (B.), putuskan, tntukan; Sewer (-er), s. loiykarg paip (E.).
(colonise) dudokki;* (adjust ac- Sewing (s5'ing), s. jahiian. Sew-
counts) jlaskan;"^ (a debt) lan- ing-machine, enjen jahit. Top
sai* chuchikan (B.). sewing (overcasting), lilit uhi.
Settle, V. i. (become fixed) ttap; Sex (seks), s. jnis jantan-btina, jan-
(dwell) dudok,'^ diam ;* (as dregs) tan-btina-nja. The male sex, suku
dudok, mndak;^ (as birds and in- laki-laki,^ bilargan laki-laki,* jan-
sects) hifggap; (subside) m- tan-rya.
rndah,* tiirun. Sexagenarian (seks'a-je-nar'i-an),

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure.
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
s, oraiy yaig bei''umor 60 tahun Shafting (shaft'ing), s. gandar
atau lb eh. roda.*
Sextant (-tent), s. perkakas mnim- Shaggy (shag'gi), adj. (rough with
baiy malalian. hair) srabot;* (of goats) randok.*
Sexton (-tz/n), s. (the man who at- Shah (sha), s. s/m/i (Pers.).
tends to a mosque) bilal (Ar. Shake (shak), v. t. (move rapidly)
bildl), noja. goncharg ; (cause to sway) yoyarg;
Sexual (sek'shoo-al), adj. jantan- (in winnowing) indarg;* (a pole,
btina. "Sexual characteristics, per- by pushing and pulling) ogah;*
beda'an j an tan -btina. Sexual (up and down, as a bough or floor)
desire, braliij^^ napsu (B.). Sexual ggar; (a cloth) kba^, kibas;
intercourse, perstubohan*' jirna (featheis or hair) kirai;* (the
(Ar.). 'Sexual organs, Tcmaluan. head) gelerg.* To shake hands,
Shabby (shab'bi), adj. (worn) bu- jabat targan.'^ To shake one's
roJc; (despicable) hi7ia. hand (as in jerking water off),
Shackle (shak'kl), s. (chain) ran- kitaikan targ an.*
iai, blrggu,^ pasoty* srgJcIa Shake, i.
bergoncharg, berggar, as

(Sk.); (Naut.) (E.). segel above; (with fear) gltar* mrg-

Shackle, y. t. rantaikan, blrygu- glitar (B.), gntar,* gmntar;*
kan.-^ (with fever) yigil* mrggiqel
Shaddock (shad'dwk), s. (pumelo) (B.) (with cold) glatok* glgut*

jamhiia, limau ball, limau bsar, mrgglugiit (B.) ; (with laughter)

jrok ball (^.1.), lemo jambua
(B.). Shake, s. (in timber) rkahj^ mer-
Shade (shad), (partial darkness)
s. kah.
rdop, naoiy/^ tdoh; (shelter) Un- Shaky (shak'i), adj. (trembling)
do ry an; (spirits of the dead) grnntai'* bergoyarg, berggar;
liantu, aricah* (Ar. arwdn, pi. of (easily shaken) gual-gail.*
run) ; (variation of colour) per- Shall (shal),v. aux. (expressing the
obahan iverna, ayer. Lamp shade, future) akan* nanti, boleh, hndak,
trendak lampu. klak;* (expressing obligation)
Shade, v. t. tdohkan, naorgi* tin- hndak-lah, tadapat-tiada* mau-
dorgkan, as above. lah* msti.
Shadow (shad'5), s. bayarg-bayarg. Shallow (shal'lo), adj. tohor*
Shadow, (throw shadow on)
Y. t. chetek, kurarg dalam; (intellec-
naorgi;^ (protect) lindorgkan; (as tually) fikiran tohor* kurarg
a detective) ikut. 'akal; (as a bowl) lepir, chepir
Shadowy (-i), adj. (full of shade) (B.) (N.I.).
tdoh; (dark, gloomy) klam.'^klam' Shallow, s. (shoal) btirg.
kabot* glap. Sham (sham), s. piira-pura* diista
Shady (shad'i), adj. (full of shade) (Sk.), bohorg.
tdoh; (causing shade, of trees) Sham, adj. pura-pura* dusta (Sk.),
rendarg; (equivocal) glap. lanchorg, palsu (Port.). A sham
Shaft (shaft), s. (stem, handle) ba- fight, prarg latehan* prarg olok-
targ; (of a steamship) batarg kipas olok, prarg buat-buat (B,).
kapal; (of a carriage) bom (D.) ; Sham, V. t. buat-buat, pura-pura*
(of a mine) tbok* lomboiy Siam.* ichak-ichak ( N.I. ) .

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
Shamble (sham'bl), v. i.
herjalan Shapeless (shap'les), adj. ta'tntu
terfrpai-Jcpai* rupa.
Shambles (-biz), s. pi. tmpat m- Shapely (-li), adj. elok rupa, baik
tiiotoiy hbiataty, tnipat potory bntok.
binataty (B.), tmpat intymhleh Share (shar), s. (part) bhayian,
hinatanj. p)erolehan;* (allotment) untok,
Shame s. (sham),
(the feeling) habuan*
malu, 'aib
(Ar.) ; (disgrace) inalu, Share, s. (of a plough) mator-bajak,
honar (Pers.) ; (reproach, igno-
miny) kji* arary di muka. For Share, v. t. (distribute) bhayi,
shame ta'malu. To put to shame,

bhayikan, untokkan, dadar;* (par-

hri malu, kasi malu (B.), per-
take of) dapat bhagian, beroleh
maliikan,* 'aihkan (Ar.), jatoh-
bhayian* To share in the rejoic-
kan ayer muka oraty. ing, tumpary suka.
Shame, v. t. (put to shame) hri
Shark (shark), s. ikan yu, yu; (a
malu, permalukaii* yrakkan rasa The ham-
large variety) jrory.
orary;* see above; (disgrace) kji- mer-headed shark, yu berykory*
kan,^' 'aibkan (Ar.).
yu palaty*
Shamefaced (sham'fast), adj. ter- Sharp (sharp), adj. (of weapons)
iajam, landap (N.I.) ; (pointed, of
Shameful (-fool), adj. A^'i,* 'aib
the nose) manchory; (of a stick or
Ar. ) yary mrnbri malu, yaiy mm-
])encil) ranch ory,* ronchery;* (con-
( ,

buat honar (Pers.).

ical) lonchos;* (pungent) pdas;
Shameless (-les), adj. tiada her-
(acid, sour) sriry;* (shrill) sriry,*
malu, muka thai, muka slamha,*
njarity ; (of pain) pdeh,* pdis;
muka slambak (B.).
(harsh, severe) kras; (keen, of
Shamelessness (-nes), s. hal tiada and
sight intellect) tajam; (fierce)
bermaJu, slamba."^
yarary; (shrewd) cherdek, pintar
Shampoo (snam-p5o'), v. t. see
massage; (clean the head) cJiu-
chi kpala, laryirkan kpalaf'
Sharpen (sharp'n), v. t. (make
sintok fibre) sintokkan kpala* shai^p) tajamkan, ranchorykan,*
roncherykan,* as above; (on a flat
Shandrydan (sh^n'dri-dan'), s.
asah; (roughly, without
kreta s-krat, sado (N.I.) (F. dos-
water) kilir; (on a revolving
Shank stone) chanai,* chanis (B.).
(shangk), s. (of the leg)
Sharper (-er), s. pTyelat.
iulary kriiy ; (of an anchor) ba-
Sharp-sighted (-sit'ed), adj. niata
tary; (of a kn^fe, haft) putiry*
Shanty (shan'ti), s. pondok, tra-
iak* Sharpness (-nes), s. ktajaman*
Shape Shatter (shat'ter),t. (break in
(shap), v. t. (form) rupakan,
tokoh; (adjust, regulate) patut- pieces) spaikan,* ranapkan, han-
kan. chor-lulohkan;* (disorder) kachau-
kan, haru-birukan ;* (health,
Shape, s. (form) rupa, tokoh,
baryunan;* (figure, appearance) nerves, etc.) rosakkan.
roman; (mould) achuan; (for Shave (shav), v. t. (the hair) chu-
cutting out cakes) trap* Out of kor; (of a woman's head) tokory;*
shape, erary-erut. (cut a thin slice) potory layary*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry;
ice, it, fire,
inirror; old. not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, miuMS, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, aw fool (awful); law, how, oil; thin
Shaving (shriv'ing), s. tatal/^ tahi saJiaja; (downright, altogether) s-
mata-niata; (perpendicular) tgak*
Shawl (shawl), s. sal (Pers.). Sheer, s. (Naut.) (upward curve)
She (she), pron. ia,"^ dia {prem- intek.

puari). Sheer, v. i.
(deviate) semparg, m-
Sheaf (shef), s. ihataa, gmalan* njemparg (B,).
In sheafs, hergmal-ymal.* Sheet (shet), s. (piece of paper or
Shear (sher), v. t. guntirgkan. cloth) /i/ai* (of metals)
Shears (sherz), s. (for cutting) kpirg; (bed covering) chadar
guntiry; (for lifting) tiaig sayarg* (Hind.) ; (if used over the body)
Sheath (sheth), s. (of weapons) slimut, gbar/^ (Naut.) tali klat,
sarorg; (of buds) klopak; (of palm daman (L.) ; square sails)
blossoms) klopak mayaiy, sludarg klatbahu. Sheet anchor (Naut.),
magarg;* (at the base of palm sauh bsar.
leaves) upeh. Sheeting (shet'ing), s. kain chadar
Sheathe (sheth), v. t. (a weapon) (Hind.).
sarorg, sarorgkan; (with copper, Shelf (shelf), s. para* papan gan-

etc.) Jajns. toig. Book shelves, tergkatan

Sheathing (she^/i'ing), s. (of cop- biiku. To lay on the shelf, sblah-
per, etc.) lapisan; (of planks) kan.
papan dindiiy. Shell (shel), s. (hard covering)
Sheave (shev), s. (Naut.) kerek, kulit; (of a coconut) tmpurorg;
roda takal, aimk kapi. Sheave (of mollusks, etc.) kulit krarg,
pin, chawu kulit siput; (of pearl oysters) ge-
Shed (shed), V. t. (light) sinarkan, warg; (for cannon) pluru mriam,
pancharkan; (rain, as clouds) priok apt; (framework of a house)
turunkarij churahkan; (tears) /lam- rargka.
hurkanj* (blood) tumpahkan; Shell, V. t. (remove shells or pods)
(leaves, hair, feathers) lurch j* kupas; (as maize) rlas;* (as coco-
(the skin, as snakes) slomo* nut) glotakj (bombard) tembak,
Shed, s. bargsah iarorg* pondok, tembaki*
tratak."^ Shellac (shel'lak), s. *7nbalau*
Sheen (shen), s. chahya, sinar. inmbalau*
Sheep (shep), s. kamhirg bin-biri, Shellfish (-fish), s. isi kararg. Pre-
dornba (Pers.). The fat- tailed served shellfish, knas*
sheep, kumbirg kibas'^ (Ar. ki- Shelter (-ter), s. lindorgan. To
bash ) . take shelter, bertdoh, bernaorg.*
Sheepfold (shep'fold), s. kandarg Shelter, v. t. lindorgkan, pliharakan,
kambirg. naoigi."^
Sheepish (-ish), adj. tersipu-sipu, Shelter, v. i.
berlindorg, bertdoh,
kmalu-nialnan. bernaoig*
Sheep's-eye (sheps'i), s. To make Sheltered (-terd), adj. tdoh, ber-
sheep's eyes, main mata. naorg.*
Sheepskin (shep'skin), s. kuUt Shelve (shelv), v. i. churam* mryu-
domba, blularg domba* ram (B.), jadi churam.
Sheep-walk (-wawk), s. padarg Shelve, v. t. (lay on the shelf)
kambirg. sblahkan.
Sheer (sher), adj. (mere) chuma.. Shelving (-ing), adj. churam.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it ' fire*
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Sheol (she'ol), s. 'alam harzakh Shining (shiji'ing), s.
(Ar.). gmilaig,'^ climerlang,'^^ herMlat.
Shepherd (shep'erd), s. gombdla Ship (ship), s. kapal. Sailing ship,
hamhirg, gmhdla Icmhirg. I'apal layer. Steamship^
Shepherdess (-es), s. prempuan apt. Warship, kapal p'arg. To
gomhala I'amhinj. take ship, naik kapal, turun Jc-
Sherbet (sher'b^t), s. sarhat. I'apal.
Sheriff (sher'if), s. mrmyu hot Ship, V. t. (put on board ship)
muatTtan di kapal; (send) kirim.
Sherry (-ri), ayer atygor.
s. s-jnis
mmhuat kapal.
(ship'bild-er), s. tu- 1
Shield (sheld), s. (weapon) prisai* karg
jharg;^ (small) utar-utar;* (pro-
Shipment (-ment), s. (the act) hal
tection) lindorgan. Gun shield,
mmuatkan; (thing shipped) kirim-
V. t.
Shipper (-per), s. prgirim.^'
Shield, lindorg, lindorgfcan.
Shift V. t. (change the Shipping (-ping), s. kapal-kapal.
aleh, (ex-
Shipwreck lial kapal
(-rek), s.
place) pindahJcan ;
tukar; tukar, pcliah, kapalkapal ter- pcliali,
change) (clothes)
salin. damparf (ruin, destruction) k-
rosak'an, khinasaan.
Shift, V. i. (change position) pindah,
aleh; (when sitting) Icesut, ensut;*
Shipwreck v. t. pchahkan. To be
shipwrecked (by capsizing), ka-
(to one side) mnpi, mmirggir
ram; (by running ashore) dam-
(N.I.) ; (manage) hawa dm.
par;'^ (by sinking) trgglam.
Shift, s. (move) pindahan; (trick) Shire (shir),
jajahan di negri
(Ar. (undergar-
iiilah) ;
ment) haju dalam; (turn in work) Shirk v. i.t. elakkan
(sherk), p-
Shifting: (-ing), adj. (of the wind) Shirt (shert), s. kmeja (Port.),
heraleh, pancharoha*
ganiis (Ar. qamis).
Shiftless (-les), adj. ta'chermat/^
Shirting (shert'ing), s. kain kmeja.
ta'jimat (B.). Shiver (shiv'er), v. t. (with cold)
Shillelagh (shil-la'la), s. hlantan* gltar, glatok,* glgut,* migglugut
plntorg, pmntorg.* (B.), gogoh;* (with fear) gntar;
Shilling (shil'ling), s. silirg (E.). gmntar* gltar, miyglitar (B.) ;
Shilly-shally (shiri-shal'i), v. i.
(with fever) gigil* mrggigel
Shimmer (shim'mer), v. i. hilau*
Shiver, V. t. (break in pieces) rmok-
Shin (shin), s. hdarg-Tcrirg. kan, hanchor-lulolikan.*
Shindy (shin'di), s. gadoli, hisiig, Shiver, s.
(splinter) slumhar.*
rioli, irgar-hargar.^ Shoal (sh5l), s. (sandbank) Mirg;
Shine (shin), v. i. (give light) her- (if dry at high water) iusorg.*
chahya, hersinar; (be bright, of Shoal, s. (of fish) klumporg (Kl.),
polished things) herJcilat. ika7i herkaivan.
Shingle (shing'gl), s. (split wood, Shoal, V. i.
(become shallow) jadi
for roofing) sirap.* tolior.*

Shingle, s. (round stones) hatu Shoal, adj. tolior,* chetek.

lichin. Shock (skok), s. (blow, concussion)

ate, ask, hm, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror: old, not. connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
antok, tmpolian, larggaran; (of Shore (shor), s. (coast) pantai,
earthquake) gm/ja. tj)i pantai, tpi laut.
Shock, V. t. (strike against) antolc- Shore, s. (prop) pnorgkat,'^ pnalian,
kan; (strike with horror) hri dah- pnjaigga,"" pryokorg.
sliat (Ar.), pranjatkan; (with Shore, v. t. sokorg, tojarg.'^'

disgust) luatkan* rgrikan.^' Shoring (shor'ing), s. (in mines)

Shocking (shok'ing), adj. (ter- srorggorg.'^
rible) dalishat (Ar.) ; (hateful, Short (short), adj. (in length or
repulsive) khncMan, mluat, rgri* time) pendek, senjkat;'^ (in
Shoddy (shod'di), s. kaiii yaiy kit- speech or writing) rergl-asj* (in-
ratg hail'. sufficient) kurarg; (stumpy, short
Shoddy, adj. (sham) pura-pu7'a.'^ in proportion to length) moritok;*
Shoe (shoo), s. (slipper) kasut^ (of a boat, beamy) huiitak;* (too
kasut seret; (European)spatu short) seigkat,'^ senterg.* In
(Port.) ; (of a horse) spatu kuda, short, pendek-nja. A short dis-
hsi kuda. tance, tiada hrapa jauh. The
Shoe, V. t. (a horse) pu-kol sjmtu. time is short, waktu sudah sun-
Shoeblack (shoo'blak), s. pmhlarg- tok."^ To run
short of, kkurargan.
kin spatir^ (E. blacking). Short trowsers, shorts, sluar ka-
Shoehorn (-horn), s. sudip spatu* tok,'^ sluar sampak,* sluar pendek.
Shoeless (-les), adj. tiada herkasut, Shortage (short'ej), s. kkurargan.
kaki aiiamj^ Short-coming (-kum-ing), s. k-
Shoemaker (-mak-er), s. tukaig salahati.

ka>(ut,tukarg spatu. Short cut (-kut), s. jalan m-

Shoot (sho5t), V. t. (with arrows) mintas,* jalan pendek.
panali; (with the blow pipe) sum- Shorten (-n), v. t. pendekkan,
jnt; (with darts) damakf (with a sergkatkan,"^ reigkaskan.*
gun) temhak. Shortening (-ing), s. (for cakes)
Shoot, V. i. panali, sumpit, damak/^ ihu.
temhak, as above; (of light) pan- Shorthand (-hand), s. 'ilmu'* m-
char; (of pain) mnikam-nikam, nulis dras.
m ncli ocli ok-*cliocliok , mradak-ra- Short-lived (-livd), adj. he/umor
dak; (of buds) hertunas, her- pendek.
tar ok/'-' Shortly (-li), adv. (soon) sgra,
Shoot, s. tunas, puchok, tarok.* tiada hrapa lama, talama.
Bamboo shoots, rhorg. shoot of A Shortness (-nes), s. kkurargan;
pain, sakit mnikam. (of money) kpichek'an.*
Shooting (shodt'ing), adj. Shooting Shortsighted (-sit'ed), adj. huta
pains, sakit mnikam-nikam, see rahun."^
SHOOT, V. i.
Shooting star, hln- Shortwinded (-wind'ed), adj.
taig heraleh, hintaty tuju* nafas pendek.
Shop (shop), s. (native) kdai; Shortwitted (-wit'ted), adj. kwmg
(European) giidarg, toko (N".!.). 'akal.
To keep a shop, herkdai, huka Shot (shot), s. (missile) pluru;
kdai. (discharge) das,* tas (B.) ; (lead
Shop, V. i. herhli-hlian.* pellets) pnahur; (large) kachaig-
Shopkeeper (shop'kep-er), 5. orarg kachaig;* (distance shot, with
herkdai. arrows) s-pmanah;* '(with ^ns)

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

s-pnembak;* (marksman) oraiy ther, hujan hamhat mntua* hu-

pandai mnemhak. jan argin.
Shotgun (shot'gun), s. snaparg Showy (shd'i), adj. (of colours)'
(I), snaphaan). chindai.'^
Should (shood), v. aux. patut, Shrapnel (shrapnel), s. pluru
harus. mriam hei'isi pnahur.
Shoulder (shoJ'der), s. lahu. Shred (shred), v. t. clitai-chtai,^
Shoulder, v. t. .(carry on the shoul- soyat, soyak (B.).
der) piJcul. Shred, s. chtaif^ (of cloth) soyatan
Shoulderblade (-blad), s. tularg kain.
hlikat^' Shrew (shr5o), s. prempuan p-
Shoulder strap (-strap), s. san- mah Tlie musk shrew, tikus.
danj.'^' turi/^ cknchurut, chinclwrot (B.).
Shout (showt),v. i.
(cry out) triah, Shrewd (shrodd), adj. cherdek,
h'iau (P.) ; (to a person) sru;* piniar (i\.L).
(with pain or fear) jritj"^ mnjret Shrewdness (-nes), s. cherdek^
(B.), pheh, plcauj* (with joy or in kpiniaran (N.I.).
triumph) tmpek, sorak. To shout Shrewish (shrooish), adj. pmaki*
to, laiiiy* Shriek (shrek), v. i. jrit,'^ mnjret
Shout, s, triak, etc., as above. (B.), pkek, pkau.'^'
Shove (shuv), v. t. tolak, sororg. Shrill (shril), adj. srirg* lansirg,*-
To shove away (with the hand), ryarirg, largsi* rsek* mersek.*
tpis; (with the foot) kuis. Shrimp (shrimp), s. hudarg ppai*
Shovel *
(shuv'l), s. pryodok. grago. Shrimp net, sondorg
Shovel, V. t. sodok. Shrine (shrin), s. kranmi, niakam
Shovelful (-fool), s. sodok. (Ar.) ; (model house in spirit
Show (sho), V. t. (exhibit, present worship) balai-halai.'^
in the hand) unjok; (indicate, Shrink (shringk), v. i. (wrinkle)
point out) tun j ok; (display to krut, kdut; (shrivel) kchut, le-
view) nampakkan, perlihutkan;'^ sut;* (draw back) under; (from
(explain, reveal) ryatakan, trarg- fear) srek, jra;"^ (grow less) su-
kan. To show forth, ryatakan. sut, luak* kurarg; (of the face)
To show off (as clothes), siternah- chiykrorg* chrgkorg (B.) (of ;

kan.^ To show the teeth, srgeh- the cheeks) kmpot/^ kmporg,'^

kan gigi. km pus (B.).
Show, V. i.
(appear) nampak, Shrinkage (shringk'ej), s. kkurarg-
klihatan, tampak* an, ksusuian, luak
Show, s. (exhibition) pertunjok'an; Shrivel (shriv'l), v. i. krut, kdut,.
(spectacle) tma^sa (Sk. tamasha). kchut, lesut.'^
Shower (show'er), s. (during sun- Shroff (shrof), s. (moneychanger)
shine) liujan jianas; (brought by orarg herkdai duit, orarg tiikar
wind) hujan liamhat mntua* duit (B.).
liujan argin. A heavy shower, Shroud (shrowd), s. kain kapan*
hujan Ihat, A pelting shower, (Ar. kafan) ; pi. (Naut.) tmbe-
Jiujan herdrau.* rarg; (with ratlines) lahrarg
Shower, v. t. hujani. To shower (L.). Bowsprit shrouds, bosprit
darts on, hujani drgan dainak* perdi (L.). Topmast shrouds,
Showery (-i), adj. Showery wea- tali lerggarg, perdi (L.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; Ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.

Shroud, V. t. (the dead) kapanJcan* Shy, V. i. (as a horse) buary jalan*

(Ar. kafan), buTyhus; (cover, con- Shyness (shT'nes), s. sihi,* main.
i-eal) tidop, smhuiyikan, slubory- Sick (sik), adj. (ill) (of sakit;
kan ; (in clouds or mist) saput.* princes) griiy;* (inclined to
Shrub (shrub), s. pol-ok kchil yary vomit) lindak muntah, lay a;*'
rendaty. (seasick) mabok (laut) ; (dis-
Shrug (shrug), v. t. arrjkat bahii.
gusted) jmu,miiak,* bosan (N.I.).
Shudder (shud'der), v. i. (with Sick headache, prmy. To be sick;
fear) terstmtak, yltar, rtuyyUtar (vomit), muntali; (ill) sakit.
(B.); (with cold) glyut, mry- To feel sick, mual* mmnal (B.).
(lluqut(B.), glatolc.* Sicken (sik'n), v. i. jatoh sakit; (be
Shuffle (shuftl), v. i. (cards) ko- muak*
disgusted) jmu, jlak,
cJiok* banrlioh/^ bancliu (B.) ; v.
Sicken, t. (nauseate) jmukan,
( confuse ) kachaukan. ininuaJkan (B.), loya-
Shuffle, V. i. (at cards) kocliok,* kan/^
banchoh,* banchu (B.) ; (pre- Sickle s. sabit.
varicate) berdolak-dalek;'^ (drag
Sickly (-li), adj. (disposed to ill-
the feet) berjalan terkpai-kpaij*
ness) Imah, 'udzur (Ar.), rntan;
(in a sitting position) kesut.
(in appearance) kuyu;* (nauseat-
Shuffle, s. (evasion) doJak-dalek.*
Shun ing) yary mloyakanJ''
(shun), v. t. jauhkan diri
Sickness (-nes), s. ptyakit, ksakit-
Shunt v.
an; (of princes) kyrhyan.'^
(shunt), t. sempargkan; Side (sId), s. (edge) tpi, pirygir
(on a railway) niryatur kreta.
Shut (X.I.) ; (outer portion in relation
(shut), V. t. tufop, katop; (of
to the rest) sblah; (of long-shaped
the eyes) pjamkan,^ kjamkan; (a
things) ereigan;* (of the body)
door, without fastening) rapat-
rusok, lamboiy (of a ship) lam-
kan; (by locking) kunchikan; (by
bory* ereiyan;* (of flat things)
bolting) kanchitykan. To shut in
To shut off muka; (of a rectangular figure)
(confine), kurory.
To shut out, sgi; (position at or near the edge)
(by a tap), tutop.
sisi;"^ (position opposed to another
tahan. To shut up (close), tu-
part) pihak;"^ (slope of a hill)
top; (an umbrella) kunchopkan;
churaman By the side of, di
(obstruct) ^kat; (confine) kuroiy,
sisi.'^' Side by side, (walking),
phyit* pryap/'' (make silent)
diamkan. bersa'irg;* (sitting as bride and
Shutter (shut'ter), s. (of a shop) groom), bersandivj ."^ On one's
father's side, sblah bapa. To take
papan pintu; (hinged top and
sides, ambil pihuk,* berpihak*
bottom) tintaiy,* tentaiy (B.).
On both sides, sblah-mryblah; (of
Shuttle (-tl), s. (of a loom) tomk*
a river or road) sbrarg-mrybrarg.
blera;* (of a sewing machine)
Three on each side, sblah-sblah
jorgkorg bnary*
Shy tiga orarg* tiga orarg sblah.
(timid, as animals)
(shI), adj.
Viar (as children or horses) p-
: Side, adj. (lateral) di sblah. A side
nakot : (coy) main, kmalu-malu' glance, kerlirg* jlitg. Side posts
of a door, jnarg pintii.*
an, ksilu-siluan,* tersipu-sipu:
Jiimmat Side, V. i. He sided with the king,
(cautious) (Ar.).
dia mryblah k-pada raja* dia ber-
Shy, V. t. (throw) lempar.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
luirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
pihak I'-pada raja/'' dia masolc lnnjap,lsap, yhaih (Ar.). Second
shlah raja (B.). sight, 'ilrnu* trus mata, awas.'^
Sideboard (sid'bord), s. hero"^ Sight, V. t. likat.
(Eiir. Imreaii). Sighted (sit'ed), adj. in com-
Sidelong (-long), adj. (of a glance) pounds, quicksighted, mala
mrgerlirgj^ To give a sidelong lajam; short sighted, mata ra-
glance, jlvy-jluat* hiin.'^

Sidereal (si-dor'i-al), adj. hintarg Sightless (-les), adj. but a.

(a). Sightly (-li), adj. baik riipa.
Sidesaddle (sld'satl'dl), s. sela un- Sign (sin), s. (mark) tanda; (in-
loh prempvan. dication) tanda, 'alamat; (omen)
Sideskid (-skid), s. (Xaut.) pran- 'alamat,padah/^ pdah;'^ (miracle)
niujizat^ (Ar.) ; (gesture) isarat
Sidewalk (-wawk), s. l^aki lima. (Ar. ishdrat) ; (astrological)
Sideways (-waz), adv. (edgeways) rjary* The signs of the zodiac,
mrgererg.'^ hintary dua-hlas, burj (Ar.).
Siding (-ing), s.
(on a railway) Sign manual, tanda taryan.
jalan mnempel.'^^ Sign, V. t. tandakan, 'alamatkan,
Sidle (si'dl), v. i.
(in a standing isaratkan; (affix signature) buboh
tanda tarcjan, turunkan tanda
position) jalan miyererg;'^ (sit-
taryan,^' sain teken (D.)
ting) ~kesut. (E.),
Siege (sej), s.
hpoiyan. Siege gun, (X.L).
mriam pnemhah kola. To lay Sign, V. i. (make a sign) soyokj^
berisarat {At. ishdrat) ,
siege to, hporg.
Siesta (si-es'ta), s. tidor siavg, tidor Signal (sig'nd), s. tanda, 'alamat,
isarat, as above; (of alarm) sni-
Sieve s. boyan;"^ (fisherman's flashlight)
(siv), ayaJc, ayahan; (for
liquids) tapis, tapisan; (tray for
Signal halliards (Naut.),
anjar bndera.
winnowing, pointed) ryiru;
Signal, V. i. bri tanda, etc., as above;
(round) hadary.'^
Sift (sift), y. t. tapis, ayah; (with bersmhoyan,'^ bersnar,'^ bersoyok,*-
as above; (by waving) lambai.
lyiur or hadary, by tossing) tam-
pi; (by swinging) indargf (by Signal, adj. (noticeable) masolior
tapping) tintiry :'^ (examine criti- (Ar. mashhur), ryata.
cally) slideh/^ riseh.'^' Signalize (-iz),v. t. (indicate) ^an-
Sigh (si), V. i. herkloh,^ tarek nafas dakan; (make eminent) masolior-
Sigh, s. kloli/^
nafas panjary; (the Signally (-li), adv. njata-iyata.
sound) hai-hui* Signature (sig'na-chur), s. tanda
Sight (sit), s. (act or power of see- taiyan, tapak taryan, sain (E.),
teken (D.) (N.I.).
ing, also the thing seen) prylihat-
an; (thing seen, view, opinion) Signboard (sin'bord), s. papan
a mata tanda."^
pmandargan; (of gun)
hdil, mjra* pjra.* At sight, apa- Signet (sig'net), s. chap, mtrai;*
hila klihatan.'* In sight, kliliatan. (of kings) kmpa.'^ Signet ring,
To come in sight, nampak, tarn- chinchin pry chap.
pak,'^ klihatan. Lost to sight, Significance (sig-nif'i-kans), s.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry f ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry f o5d, foot, awf ool (awful) law, how, oil thin then.
; ; ;

arti,111 ana
(Ar.), ma'na (B.), A:- Similarly (-ler-li), adv. dmkian
hratan, see below. jnga,^' hgitu jug a.
Significant (-kant), adj. (having a Simile (-le), s.
upama (Sk.), per-
meaning) bci'arti* herniana; umpamaan,* 'ibarat, mesal (Ar.
(important) hrat, ferdlu (Ar.), mithal), kias* (Ar. qids).
perlu (N.I.). Simmer (sim'mer), v. i. mndideli,*
Signification (sig'ni-fi-ka'sli?m), s, hharii Imdak mndideli* mndidi
m'ana (Ar.), ma'na (B.).

Signify (-fi), v, t. {hy a si^n) tan- Simoom (si-mo6m), s.

argin panas
dakan, 'alamatkan; (declare, an- di negri Sham (Ar. samum).
nounce) lyatakan, hri tahu, Simper (sim'per), v. i. sniyum k-
mfalumkan (Ar.) ; (mean) tanda- malu-maluan.
kan. It does not signify, tiada Simple (-pi), adj. (plain, not ab-
mnjapa, fidak a pa, fapa. struse) traiy; (not difficult)
Silence (sT'l^ns), s. snnjap. snarg, mudah;* (mere, not other
Silence, v. t. diamkan, kasi diam than) chuma. .saliaja, haiya.
. . .

(B.). sahaja;* (sincere) tulus liati, hati

htul (B.) ; (weak in intellect)
Silent (-lent), adj. diam, diam-
diam, snnjap; (not talkative) pn- ksasaran; (not luxurious) sder-
liana (Sk.), see plain.
diam. To be silent, hatukan diri,
her diam diri. Simpleton (-twn), s. oraig ksasar-
Silk Raw an, si-tolu, si bahluV^ (Ar. huli-
(silk), s. stra, sutra. silk,
stra mntah* Silk dross, lul).
stra. Simplicity (sim-plis'i-ti), s. trarg,
Silken ktulusan,* kmudahan,* see sim-
(silk'n), adj. stra, sperti
Silkworm (-werm), s. idat stra. Simplify (sim'pli-fi), v. t. (make
Sill (sil),s. hndol.^
clear) trargkan; (make easy) mu-
dalikan,* snargkan.
Silliness (sil'li-nes), s. khodoJian.
Simply (-pli), adv. lianja,* saliaja,
Silly (-li), adj. hodoh, hahltil elm ma.
(Ar. hiihlul). Simulate
Silt (silt), s. lumpur, ianah 'nap.* (sim'u-lat), v. t. (feign)
huat-huat, pura-pura.* To simu-
Silt, V. kamhus,* tumpat.*
Silvan (sil'van), adj. rimha (a). anger, piira-pura marali,*
hnat-hnat marali.
Silver (-ver), s. perak; (coin) wan/
Simulation (-la'shim), s.
perak; (small coins) silirg (E.) ; pura.-^
(silverware) perkakas perak. Simultaneous (sim'ul-ta'ni-ws, u.s.
Silversmith (-smith), s. tukaTy
si'mul-), adj. sama s-masa,* s-
Silverware (-war), s.
perkakas Simultaneously (-li), adv. pada
perak. ktika iin jug a, ivaktu itu jug a, s-
Silvery (-i), adj. perak. rmpak.*
Similar (sim'i-ler), adj. sama, s- Sin (sin), s. (offence
against God)
rupa, s-haryunan,* s-tokoh,* dua dosa; (iniquity) kjaliatan.
kali lima s-puloh.
Sin, V. i. her dosa.
Similarity (-lar'i-ti), s. ksama'an, Sinai (srna-i), s. Tur-Sina (Ar.).
ksrupa'an. Since (sins), prep, smnjak,* deri-
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, ^re
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.

pada masaj^ deri smnjak* Ever dara,"^ blum berlaki, anak dara
since I. came, deri smnjak sahya (B.) ; (sincere) tulus* Single
datmy* Ever since I lived here, combat, perlawanan s orary sama.
s-lama dudok di sini* deri sahija s' orary.

tinjgal di sini (B.). Single, V. t. (choose) pileh: (sep-

Since, conj. (seeing that) sdaiy, arate) lainkan, asiiykan.
pada lial, s-iyampavg* sdaiykan* Single-handed (-hand'ed), adj.
alaiykan* (alone) s' orary diri.
Sincere (sin-ser'), adj. (genuine, Single-hearted (-hart'ed), adj;
real) surggoli, surggu (B.), yaty lulus hati, liati btul (B.).
s-bnar-iya; (honest) tulus/^ lurus, Singleness (-nes), s. (of heart)
suchi hati, puteh liati, eklilas"^ tulus-ekhlas* (Ar. ikhlcte).
(Ar. ikhlds). Singlestick (-stik), s. blbat.'^
Sincerity (-ser'i-ti), s. ktulusan,'^ Singlet (sing'glet), s. baju panas,
ekhlas (Ar.), tulus ekhlas (Ar.). kanji prap, baju dalam.
Sinecure (sl'ne-kur), s. jawatan Singly (-gli), adv. (individually)
yary sdikit sahaja pkerjaan-rya."^ masiny-niasiny ; (one by one) /-
* satu satu
Sinew (sin'u), s. nrat. orary-s orary (B.).
Sinewy (-i), adj. (strong, firm) Singsong (-song), adj. (drawling)
iyap. mleret.'*
Sinful (sin'fool), adj. herdosa, ja- Singular (-gu-ler), adj. (Gram.)
hat. satu, ruufrad (Ar.) (uncommon) ;

Sinfulness (-nes), s.kjahatan. plek,'^ yiiarib (Ar.) ; (extraordin-

Sing (sing), v. i. tyaiyi, herden- ary) lieran (Ar. nairdn).

dary, herdikir"^ (Ar. dzikir) ;

Sinister (sin'is-ter), adj. (un-
(crooning) imyidory;"^
kidory/^^ lucky) sial; (wrong) jahat.
(lullaby) ulit;^ (in pantuns) her- Sink (singk),v. i. (descend) turun:
pantvn, berdondaiy; (of birds) (subside) mrndah ;* (go down in
berburyi, bersiul.'^ Also see v,'iiteT) 'ityylam; (as dregs) mn-
CHxiNT. vSing the praises of, sum- dak;'^ (sink into solids) bnam,*
barkan.* terbnam (B.) (sink down, as a

Singe (sinj), liavyus,v. t.api. kna roof) psok, bobos;'^ (into a hole
The smell of singeing, ban Jiaryit. or mud) prosok, prsok; (as water)
The sound of singeing, siut.^ surut; (as the heart) tawar; (as
tlie sun) turun, rnasok.
Singer (sing'er), s. oraiy mtyaryi,
oraty berdendaiy, pndikir,^ see Sink, V. t. (put under water) try-
siXG ; (professional, at court) bi- glamkan; (into the earth) bnam-
duan* kan; (bring low) rndahkan. To
Singhalese (sing'ga-lez'), s. orary sink a shaft (mining), tbok. To
Seloiy, oraty Selan.'^
sink a well, gali prigi, tbok prigi.
Single (sing'gl), adj. (one only) To sink money in, Ikatkan loarg,
turyyal, also expressed by the
masok wary (B.).
numeral coefficients, as a single Sink, limbalian* plimbah*

grain of rice, bras s-butir, see a; Sinker (singk'er), s. (on a iish

similarly in the negative, as, not a line) batu ladoiy,"^ ladory,*

single grain, s-butir pun fidak;
Sinner (sin'ner), s. orary berdosa.
(unmarried, of men) bujary,"^ Sinuosity (sin'u-os'i-ti), s. blit,
blnm kahiviii (B.) ; (of women) blet (B.) ; (of a coast line) tlok.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Sinuous {-us), adj. herblit-blit, ber- ing, session) perkumpolan. Sit-

hlet-blet (B.). ting room, bilek orarg berkumpol.
Sip (sip), V. t. irop. Situated (sich'u-at-ed), adj. dudok-
Sip, s. s'irop. nja, as, situated on a hill, dudok-
Sir (scr), s. (as a form of address) rya di atas bukit.
iuan; (as a title) datok. Situation (-a'shiai), s. kdudokan,
Sire (sir), s. (in addressing a impat; (employment) pkerja'an,.
sovereign) tucm-ku; (a father, jawaian.^
polite form) ayahanda/^ Six (siks), adj. anam, 'nam.
Siren (sl'ren), s. bidadari laid. Sixteen (siks'ten'), adj. anam-blas.
Sirloin (ser'loin), s. dagirg rusoh. Sixteenth (-tenth), adj. yarg k-
Sirocco (si-rok'ko), s. argin panels anam-blas, nombor anam-blas
di slatan Eropah (Ar. shuluq). (B.).
Sister (sis'ter), s. saudara preni- Sixth (siksth), adj. yarg k'anam,
puan; (elder) kakah, acJii (Tam.), yarg nombor anam (B.).
iachi (B.) (Ch. tod-chi) (young- ;
Sixtieth (siks'ti-eth), adj. yatg ^-
er) adek. Half sister (of the anam-puloh.
same mother) saudara anjirg ; (of Sixty (-ti), adj. anam-puloh.
the same father) saudara s-bapa, Size (siz), s. bsar, bsar-nja; (area)
sudara lain mak (B.). luas.* Of equal size, sama bsar;
Sisterhood (-hood), s, (society of (of persons) s-baya. A
goat of
women) perskiituan prempuan* the largest size, habis bsar kam-
Sister-in-law (-in-law), s. ipar biig, kambirg yarg s-habis bsar.
prempuan Size, V. t. atur mnurut bsar-rya.
Sisterly (-li), adj. adek-beradek, Size, s.
(glue) perkat.
beradek-kakak* Skate (skat), s. (the fish) pari.
Sit (sit), i. dudok ;
V. (of princes) Skate, s. (for skating) spatu ber-
smayam* bertakhta (Ar.) (cross- ;
lunas bsi.* Eoller skates, spatu
legged) bersila; (with one foot on lereig.*
the other thigh) bersila pargkorg;* Skate, V. i. glinchir di ayer batu;

(with the knees in the air) charg- (with roller skates) main spatu
korg;"^ (as a woman) timpoh,'^ lererg.'^^

jleput ;* (squat) tirggorg* jorg- Skein (skan), s. untirg, utas.

kok; (as a hen on eggs) 'ram* Skeleton (skere-twn), s. rargka.
kram, mrgram; (perch) teiygek; Sketch (skech), s. (outline draw-
(fit, as clothes) kna, suai* To ing) gawar-gawar;* (picture)
sit down, dudok. To sit side by gambar, pta.*
side (as bride and groom), ber- Sketch, V. t. (outline) gawar-gawar-
sandirg."^ To sit up (after re- kan;* (in words) katakan drgan
cliniDg) bargun dudok; (watch at rergkas.*
night) jaga. The council is sit- Skew (sku), adj. serorg.
ting, majlis trgah bermashuarat Skewer (sku'er), s. piyochok.
( Ar.) To sit with the legs dang-
. Skid (skid), s. (under a wheel)
ling, berjvniai* dudok
berjun- alas pnahan roda; (supporting
iai* beams) kayu alas. Side skid
Site (sit), s. kdudokan, tmpat. (Xaut.), prancliah.
Sittinj?(sifting), s. (seat) tmpat Skid, V. i. (by slipping) terglinchir^
dudok, kursi, krosi (B.) ; (meet- Skiff (skif), s. kolek.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) law, how, oil; tliin than.
Skilful (skirfool), adj. pandai, Skit (skit), s. sindiran.
hijaksana (Sk.), ahli (Ar.), Skittish (skit'tish), adj. (shy)
chhajj* pintar (X.I.). pnakot; (fickle), linchah.'-^'
Skilfulness (-nes), s. kpandaimi, Skittles (-tlz), s.
pi. main pan-
-Skill (skil), s. kpandaian, hikmat Skulk (skulk), v. i. 'tidap, mnjn-
(Ar.). dap (B.).
Skilled (skild), adj. = skilful, q.v. Skull (skul), s. (the bone) tiy-
-Skim (skim), v. t. (froth or cream) korak; (head) hatu kpala;* (the
kaupf (glide on the surface) crown of the head) tnipurorg,
lancharf^ (above the surface, as jmala (Sk.).
birds) layap;* (glance over) ha- Skullcap (skul'kap), s.
cha skali 'nib as. soigkok kopiah liaji.
Skimp (skimp), v. t. (slight) Skunk (skungk), s. 7nusarg di
cJiuaikan;'-' (make scant) smpit- Amerika.
kan, serykatkan.^ Sky (ski), (vault of the heavens)

-Skin (skin), s. kulit; (when dry largit,argkasa (Sk.) ; (lower re-

and hard) hliilarg;'^ (thin mem- gions of the air, in which birds
brane, as in egg or fruit) slu-
ail fly) iidara.^

yat;'^ (epidermis) kulit ari;"^ (of Sky-blue (skl'bloo'), adj. hiru

a snake, etc., when shed) slomo.'^ laigit.
For skin diseases see discolour- Skylight s.
(in a roof) atap
ation, ITCH, mXGWORM, ctc. kaclta/^atap chermin;* (on the
Skin, V. t. kulit, kiiliti;"^ (peel) ku- deck of a ship) (Xaut.) jndela
pas. gladak, ram-ram dek (D. raam).
Skinflint (skin'flint), s. om/y lo- Slab (slab), s. (of stone) kpirg; (of
kek, largkai jrirg.'^ timber) papan kulit.
Skink (skingk), s.
(ground lizard) Slack (slak), adj. (of a rope)
hrqkaroix), Tflrgkarorg ,^ chirgkarorg kndur; ( remiss) alpa ( Sk. ) lalai; ,

(B.). (inert) hrat; (slow) lamhat; (of

Skinny (skin'ni), adj. kurus. machinery) loiggar. Slack water,
Skip (skip), V. i. (leap lightly) ayer tnarg.
lonchat, lonjak.-'' Slack, V. t. see slacken".
-Skip, V. t. (omit) largkau/^ lalui/^ Slacken (slak'n), v. t. kndurkan,
laiykah (B.). lanihatkan, loiygarkan.
Skip, s. lonchat, lonjak.^ Slacken, i.v.
(become slack) lalai,
Skipper (skip'per), s. (Naut.) leigaJi;(abate) kurarg, rda; (of
naklioda, juragan, kaptan (Eur.). a current or fire) kndur.
Skirmish (sker'mish), v. t. her- Slag (slag), s. sarga.'^
prarg herprai-prai.'^^ Slake (slak), v. t. To slake thirst,
Skirt (skert), s. (lower part of a hilwgkan dhaga,"^ hilargkan haus,
coat) kaki haju; (edge) tjn, piiy- matikan Jiaus (B.). Slaked lime,
gir (N.I.) (garment worn by
; kapur mati.^ Unslaked lime, ka-
Malays) sarorg, kain. pur tohor.
.'Skirt, v. t. (go along the edge of) Slam (slam), v. i.
(as a door) ger-
susor. dani,^ dgam,^ dgap.*
Skirting (skert'ing), s. papan kli- Slander (slan'der, u.s. slan'der), s.

lirg hilek di kaki temhok. umpat, fitnah (Ar.).

:ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Slander, v. t. umpat, fitnahkan Slaver (slav'er), s. kapal hermuat

Slanderer (-er), s. pryumpat. Slaver (slav'er), v. i. herayer-lior.
Slanderous {-ns), adj. prgumpat, Slavery (slav'er-i), s. perliamha'an.
nail (Ar.).
Slavish (-ish), adj. cliara liamha,
cliara 'ahdi (Ar.).
Slang (slang), s. perlataan yaiy
di-rclm* Slay (sla), v. t. hunoli.
di- Sled (sled), s. = sledge, q.v.
Slang, adj. rel-a-relcaan, yarg
rel'a.* Sledge (slej), s. (used in rice har-
Slant v. i. chondorg, sen- vest) andor;* (for hauling timber
from jungle) hntarg.*
derg,^' meriry, serget.
Sleek (slek), adj. licliin-licliau.*
Slanting (slant'ing), adj. chon-
Sleek, V. t. licliinkan.
dorg,^ senderg* mering, serget.
Sleep (slep), v. i. tidor; (of prin-
Slap (slap), V. t. tampar; (the
ces) heradu;* (short nap) tla-
face) spak, tmpeliig, tmpelerg
see pat and smack. yarg; (be drowsy) mrga?itok;
(B.) ;

(pass the night) hermalam;*

Slapdash (slap'dash), adv. kocholi-
(euph. for dying) mnirggal; (as
goiyoli,^ koclioh-gaiyali, gopoh- a top) ligat, mjam.* Go to sleep
Slash (speaking to a child), pergi ham.*
(slash), V. i. t. (strike) ttak,
Sleep, s.
paraiy; (cut in strips) chtai* alas landasan
Sleeper (slep'er), s.
Slash, s. tor eh. krefa api.*
Slat (slat), s. hroti.
Sleepiness (-i-nes), s. mrgantolc,
Slate (slat), s. papan tatu, hatu
loh^ (Ar. laun). Slate pen- ralip* mata hawat (W.).
kalam hatu,* anak hatu tulis* Sleeping (-ing), adj. Sleeping
hatu (B.). Slate roof,
draught, ohat pnidor* ohat tidor.
Sleeping platform, pntas,* halai-
atap hatu loh (Ar.), atap papan amhin.*
hatu (B.).
Sleepless (-les), adj. ta'dapat tidor.
Slattern (slat'tern), s. prempuan Sleepy (-i), adj. miyantok, ter-
pigotor, prempuan ta'rarggi*
Slatternly (-li), adj. ta'raiygi* Sleet s.
(slet), salju hercliampur
liiijan (Ar. ilialj).
Slaughter (slaw'ter), s.
pmhunoh- Sleeve (slev), s. hgan haju, targan
an; (mutual) herhunoh-hunohan. haju (B.).
Slaughter, v. t. (kill in great num- Sleigh (sla), s. = sledge, q.v.
bers) hunoh haryak oraiy; (kill Sleight (slit), s. elah* (Ar. nilah),
for food) smhleh, potovg (B.), 'akal. Sleight of hand, silap
hantai (N'.L).
mata, sulap mata.*
Slaughterer (-er), pryinhleh, s. Slender (slen'der), adj. (thin,
pmhantai (N'.L). slim) halus, gntiig;* (of the hu-
Slaughterhouse (-hows), s. tmpat man body) lampai;* (of the
pnjmhlelian, pau7i (E. pound). waist) rampitgj* (of the neck)
Slave (slav), s. liamha, sahya* 'ahdi jinjarg;* (slight) sdikit.
(Ar.) ; (by birth) anak 'mas. Slice (slls), V. t. liiris; (thin) ma-
Slave, V. i. (work very hard) her- yaig;* (betel nut with kachip)
lasak tularg* hantirg tularg. rack ek.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Slice, s. A slice, s-kpirg, s-potorg, s- khildf) ; (twig) arggoranj'*' (thin
hiris, s-rachek,"^ s-kachip, s- piece, as paper) kpirg; (of bam-
1)00 ) smbilu;* (of wood) slum-
Slide (slid), v. i. glinchir, glonsor* bar;* (for ships) galarg.* To
glansar."^ give one the slip, Input,* elak,
Slight adj. (not much) 5-
(slit), Ipaskan diri deri-pada. Pillow
dikit, kurarg, alarg-alatg /-^ alarg- slip, sarorg bantal, sampul ban-
kpalarg, picJiek; (not severe) tal*
re7yan, rirgan (B.) ; also slen- = Slipknot (slip'not), s. simpol hi-
der, q.v. dop.
Sliglit, V. t. (disregard) permudah- Slipper (-per), s. kasut, kasut
kan,"^ iiada indahkan, pandarg seret, chnela (N".I.), slop (N.L)
r organ, chuaikan/^ alpakan (Sk.), (B.slof).
cliapalc.^^ Slippery (-i), adj. lichin, lechak;
Slightingly (sllt'ing-li), adv. (unstable, fickle) putar-blit, lin-
diyan ohuai^' chah.*
Slightly (-li), adv. sdikit, alarg- Slipshod (-shod), adj. berkasut
alaig.* Slightly mad, gila hhasa.^ klepet;* (careless) lelir,* Irgai.*
Slim (slim), adj. = slender, q.v. Slit (slit), V. t, (cut lengthwise)
Slime (slim), s. (mud) lumpur, blah; (in strips) hiris, tor eh;
lechak ; (from the body) Indir. (along the seam of a coat) ttas.

Slimy (sllm'i), adj. lechak, m- Slit, s. chlah.

lechak (B.), Indir. Sliver (sliv'er), s. (of wood) slum-
Sling umban,"^ andohf^
(sling), v. t. bar.*
as below; (by a shoulder belt) Slobber (slob'ber), s. ayer-lior.
sandarg;* (by a stick over the Slobber, v. i.
back) galas j"^ (in a cloth in Slogan (slo'gan), s.
front) kendorg. mrgrah.*
Sling, s. (for throwing stones) ali- Sloop (sloop), s. skochi (D. schuit-
ali,'^ umban wounded
tali;^ (for je).
arm) kain 'ndul tanjan* 'mhan Slop (slop), V. t.
targan* andohan;"^ (of rope) tali Slops (slops), s.
(liquid food)pi.
andohan."^ bubor; (dirty water) ayer kum-
Slink (slingk), v. i. 'ndap. To bahan.*
slink away, sorok/^ sronoi."^ Slope (slop), s. (of ground) chu-
Slip (slip), V. i. (glide) lanchar;^ raman.
(slide) glinchir, glonsor:'^ (slide Slope, V. i. (slant) chondorg, sen-
forwards) glasar;"^ (sideways) derg;* (of ground) churam; (as
jremhat;^ (err) silap. To slip the arm of a semaphore) junam.*
away (escape), luchut. To slip Sloping (sloping), adj. chondorg,.
down, glolor* lorot; (as a boat churam, terjunam.*
down a bank) gluncJior.^ To slip Sloppy (slop'pi), adj. lechak, m-
out, luchut, Ichitj* (from a soc- lechak (B.), bechak, bichak (B.)
ket) kochil.^^ Slot (slot), s. lobarg, lobarg putirg;
Slip, V. t. glinchirkan, etc., as above. (groove) lurah;* (at the end of a
To slip a cable, luchutkan tali post) chaiyap.*
sauh. To slip in, sisip."^ Sloth (sloth), s. (the slow loris)'
Slip, s. (error) silap, khilaf"^ (At. korgkarg.*

ate, ask, am. final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
Sloth, s. (slowness) klamhatan; nounce indistinctly) huryikan ta-
(laziness) nialas. fratg, genjutkan huryi.*
Slothful (slotli'fool), adj. lamhat, Slur, s. k chla' an.
leiyak, nialas. Slush (slush), s.' hechak, hichak
Slouch (slowoh), V. i. tundok, ber- lechak, slut.*
jalan mmhoiykoh udarg. Slushy (slush'i), adj. Ichah
Slough (slow), s. (mudhole) lo- Slut (slut), s. prempuan ta'rarggi,
pak; (swamp) ;;a2/a. prempuan yarg pakai s-hararg
Slough (sluf), s. (cast off skin of (B.).
a snake) slomo.^ Sly (sli), adj. cherdek. On the
Slough, V. i,
glupas. sly, mnchuri-cliuri.
Sloven (sluv'n), s. orarg tararygi, Smack (smak), v. i. (with the lips)
orarg yarg pakai s-hararg (B.). kchap, kch up-k ck ap
. .

Slovenliness (-lines), s. ta'rarg- Smack, v. t.

sjmk, see slap.
gi, klesa,'^ pakai s-hararg (B.). Smack, s. (with the lips) kchap:
Slovenly adj. (of persons)
(-li), (slap) Ipak, spak.
ta'rarggi,klesa;* (of work) ha- Smack, s. (fishing hoat),
prahu p-
lai-balai* ta'snonoh, klalah* ro- mukat, prahu pnjarirg.
pak-rapek, kloloh (W.). Small (smawl), adj. kchil, kchik
Slow (slo), adj. (not rapid) lam- (B.) ; (too small for a particular
hat, plahan-lahan, plan-plan (B.) purpose) chachil;* (of certain
(N.I.) ; (of a boat) damal;* (di- fruits plants and sometimes
latory) leigah; (behind time) animals) padi; (of rice grains,
lamhat. Slow loris, korgkarg. rain drops, etc.) rnek;* (of
Slow mateh, sumhu* tunam* fowls) katek; (of persons) pen-
inuratg (Port.). dek; (in numbers or importance)
Slowly (slo'li), adv. lamhat, per- .sdikit. Great and small, kchil
lahan-lalian, plan-plan (B.). hsar. Small arms, snjata yarg di-
(N.I.). pakai di piiggaig, snapajg. Small
Slowness (-nes), s. klamhatan, k- talk, hual.
leiyahan. Small, s. the small of the back,
Slug (slug), s. siput darat tiada tarn par an ryamok.*
herkulit. Smaller (smawFer), adj. lagi kchil.
Sluggard (slug'gerd), s. prygan, Smaller than, kchil deri-pada.
ptyegan (B.). Small-pox (-poks), s. chachar,
Sluggish (-gish), adj. (slothful) pryakit ktumhohan.'^
lenjah, malas; (slow) lamhat, Smart (smart), v. i. pdeh,* pdis,
tiada dras. pret; (of the tongue from eating
Sluice (slus), s. pintu ayer. pineapple, hlimbirg, etc.) lidos,*
Sluice, V. t. ratyihalikan,^ lechak- pofotg (B.) ; (suffer, feel pain)
kan. rasa.
Slum (slum), s. tmpat yatg hurok- Smart, adj. (of pain) pdeh,* pdis;
hurok di negri. (vigorous) pantas, kuat; (shrewd)
Slumber (slum'ber), v. i. tidor. cherdek; (of clothing) kachak,
Slumber, s. tidor. segak,* rarggi.
Slur (sler), v. t. (bring reproach Smash (smash), v. t. hanchorkan,
on) chla, chercha (Sk.) (pro- ; hanchor-lulohkan,* rmokkan, spai-

sate, ask, am. final, care, car, carry eve. hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,

mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, niinws, cure, injure,
biirry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
kan,"^ ranaplian. Smashed to Smoke (smok), s. asap. To end in
pieeeS;, liahis
ranap. smoke, masok atyin.
Smattering (smat'ter-ing), s. A
Smoke, v. i. herasap; (use tobacco)

smattering of knowledge, 'ilmu* hisap rokok, makan rokok, m-

yarg clietek, pryiakuan yarg die- rokok.*
(apply smoke to) asap-
Smoke, v. t.
Smear (smer) (with dirt) lu-
v. t. kan; (to cause perspiration)
mor, palit, slekeh;'^ (with col- targas;'^ (to drive off mosquitoes
ours) chonterg. Smeared with or spirits) rahun;"^ (with per-
food' or dirt (as a child's face) fume) iiJcopf' (to preserve, as
chomot, diomot-horerg /^ her- meat) salai.'^ To smoke bhang,
Imuas,* chorerg-morerg. hisap ganja. To smoke opium,
Smell (smel), v. t. chium. hisap chandu, makan chandu,
Smell, V. i. herhau. hisap madat.
Smell, hau; (of burning) hargit;
s. Smokeless (smokies), adj. ta'her-
(of fish) liaiyir. See putrid. asap.
Smelling (smering),s. (the sense) Smoker (-er), s. orarg yarn mrg-
pncliiuman.^' Smelling salts, ga- hisap rokok, chandu, etc. Opium
ram hnchirg kuda, sadir* (Pers. smoker, tahi chandu, tahi madat.
nushddir), garam cliium.'^ Smokestack (-stak), s.
Smelt (smelt), s. ikan tamban stir-' asap, sromhorg,^^ ponel (E. fun-
(a small sardine). nel), smprorg (N.I.).
Smelt, V. t. masak, Ibur. Smoky (-i), adj. herasap.
Smelter (smelt'er), s. tukarg masak Smooth (smo5^/i), adj. (not rough
Ihvran. of surface) rata; (sleek) lichin;
Smelting (-ing), s. klburan. (of water) tnarg; (of the skin)
Smelting furnace, rlau.'^ hahis; (of speech) manis.
Smile (smil), v. i.
snryum, mesm Smooth, V. t. lichinkan, haluskan ;

(N.I.). (timber with an axe) tarah ;^

Smile, s. smyum. A slight smile, (with a plane) ktam; (with sand
snnjum simpul. paper) lampasf (with the sheath
Smiling (smiring), adj. tersnryum. of the bread fruit tree) mmplas;"^
Smirch (smerch), v. t. lumorkan, (cloth with a shell) griis.'^
slekelikanJ^ Smother (smiith/er), v. t. (suffo-
Smirk (smerk), v. i.
sniyum kam- cate) Imaskan; (a fire) pupok;^
hirg.^ bantutkan.
Smite (smit), y. t.
pukol, palu, shat, Smother, v. i,
(be stifled) hnas.
ssah, lumbok, etc., see be.vt; (with Smoulder (smol'der), v. i. ber-
a sword) pararg, ttak; (by a stone urggun.^
thrown) lempar, rja7)%, lontar; Smudge (smuj), v. t. chowMkan.
(with a spear) tikam; (with the Smudge, s.
(dirty mark) chorerg^
open hand) tampar. chomot.
Smith (smith), s. tukarg hsi. Smug (smug), adj. (spruce) p-
Smithy (smith'i), s. kdai tukaiy solek, bersolek (B.), kachak.
hsi. v. i. masokkan
Smuggle (smug'gl),
Smock-frock (smok'frok') s. haju haraiTj glap. Smuggled opium,
lasak, haju kerja (B.). chandu glap.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry j 5ve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Smuggler (-gler), s.
pmhaiva ha- kok-kekek,* tertawa kukuk-kikik
ranj glap.
Smut (smut), s. (soot) chlaga;"^. Sniff (snif), v. i. cliium; (the
(dirtv talk) cliarutan, chakap sound) drgus.*
cliarot (B.). Snigger (snig'ger), v. i. = snicker.
Smut, V. t. choniotkafi. Snip (snip), v. t. guntiigkan.
Smutty (smut'ti), adj. (obscene) Snip, s. reja.
cJiarut. Snipe (snip), s. herkek, tirok*
Snack alas Snivel (sniv'l), s. itgns.
(snak)^, s. protr hudapr
Snaffle (siiaf'fl), s. lagam hersam- Snivel, v. i. (the sound) esak;* (cry
with snuffling) mnargis teresak-
Snag (snag), s. (upright) torg-
Snob (snob), s. orarg sorgar*
gak;* (slanting) choigkak.'^
Snail (snal), s. siput darat. Snobbish (snob'bish), adj. sorgar.*
Snake (snak), s. ular.
Snooze (snooz), v. i. mrgantok, t-
Snap (snap), v.
(break) patah; i.
a (suor), v. i. herdtgkor;* (not
(make sound) kertas-kertus; so kroh* migorok
acliu mrggigit,^ loud) (B.) ;
(try to bite)
choha gigit (B.). To snap at, (still less) sndar*
Snort (snort), v. i. hmbus.
sergah.^ Snout s. mon-
(snowt), muncliorg,
Snap, s. see above.
chorg (B.).
Snappish (snap'pish), adj. prtgus.'^ Snow s.
(sno), saljii, salji* (Ar.
Snare (snar), s. jrat, rachek.
Snare, v. t. J7'at, rachek; (birds) tiirun salju.
Snow, V. i.
pikat, jhak,^ Snowshoe s.
Snarl (sno'shoo), totgkah
(snarl), v. i. (of persons) *
trgkirg; (of animals) krmyeig/^ Snub (snub), Y. t. (by sarcasm)
grnnjeiy,^ korgkeiy.'^^ sindir; (by turning away) le-
Snatch (snach), v. t. (seize) rhot,
igus;'^ (reprimand) trgkirg, trg-
rag id;* (as a bird of prey) satn-
ke?y (B.).
har; (by pulling) seritak, rentak* Snubnosed (snuVnozd), adj. hidorg
sntap; (as the hair) ragut* ragas.
Also see seize. dmpak/^ liidoiy mnorgkat laryit.
Snuff (snuf), s. tmhakau hidorg.
Snatch, s. (fragment, small piece)
Snuff, s. (of a candle) ararg dian*
talk lilin (B.).
Sneak (snek), v. i.
'ndap, migndap Snuff, V. t. (a candle, with scissors)
(B.), jlinap*
gunthg, huarg ararg;* (with a
Sneer (sner),(by facial expres-
v. i.
stick) sugi*
sion) pandarg serorg,* argkat Snuff, V. i. (sniff) cliium.
liidorg* To sneer at, hinakan, Snuffers (snuf'ferz), s. guntirg
giat, ejek. dian* guntirg lilin (B.).
Sneer, s. ejek, giat. Snuffle (-fl)? ^^^- esak*
Sneeze (snez), v. i. hersin, hersity Snug v. i. len-
(snug), (cuddle)
(B.). deh*
Sneeze, . hersin, hersirg (B.). Snug, adj. (sheltered) tdoh; (com-
Snick (suik), v. t. takek. fortal)le) snatg, strihat* (Ar.
Snicker (snik'er), v. i. tertawa ko- istiraTLat).

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, 85re, sort, sdrry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
so 474 SOFT
So (s5), adv. (in like manner) dm- mabok, kttapan liati, sopan-san-
kian;* (in this way) bgini, dm- tun.*
kian ini* im macham (B.) ; (in Sociability (so'sha-bil'i-ti), s.
that way) bgitu, dmkian itu* itu ramahan, ramah.*
macham (B.) ; (therefore) shab Sociable (-bl), adj. ramah* pra-
itu; (such being the case) drgan mail, berramali-ramahan*
dmkian,'^ shab ini (B.) ; (more or Social (soshrtl), adj. oraig ramai
less) Ibch kurarg. 'So and so, si- (a). Social science, 'ilmu* m-
anu, si polan (Ar. fuldn). So. .
njmpurnakan lial orarg ramai.
as, sama. .sperci, sama. .diyan. Socialism (-izm), s. 'ilmu* ninjm-
So as to, spay a. So far, sampai purnakan lial orarg miskin.
skaranj, hirgga skaraiy* So Socialist (-ist), s.
orarg yarg lindak
much, skian. So-so (passably), mrympurnakan hal orarg miskin.
Ibeh-kurarg. So that, spaya, s- Society (so-si'e-ti), s.
IvUgga,^ agar.^ So then, ara- ship) persahabatan;* (associ-
ki^in* digan dmkian* jadi itu ation) pcrskutuan,* korgsi (Ch.) ;
(B.). And
and so forth,
so on, (cultured community) orarg baik-
dan s-bdgai-?ya* dan lain-lain-rya. baik.
Soak (s5k), v. i. (lie in water) rn- Sociology (sd'shi-ol'o-ji), s. =
dam; (draw in by pores) srap. SOCIAL SCIENCE, q.V.

Soak, V. t. rndamkan, Sock (sok). s. sarorg kaki, stoken

Soaker (E.), kaiis (N.I.) (D. kous)y
(sok'er), s. (hard drinker)
boek (B.) (Ch. beh).
ialii arak, taik arak (B.).
Socket (sok'ft), s.
Soap (sop), s.
(European) sabun Sod (sod), s. s-tebak tanah rum.-
(Ar. sdbun) ; (Malay substitutes)
sin t ok* largir* put*
Soda (so'da), s. soda (Eur.).
Soar (sor), v. i. (fly higher and Sodden (sod'dn), adj. (of nasi)
higher) mlargit* naik k-largit,
beryek;* (full of water through
mrgatoan;* (without moving the
soaking) berayer, berrndam.
wings) layarg, mlayaig (B.), im- Sodomite (-i/m-it), s. pmburit,*
Sob (sob), V. i. (the breast heaving) pnjubor,* raja blakarg,* raja pan-
tat (B.).
mnargis tersdu-sdu* mnargis ter- Sodomy s. smburit,* main bla-
sdeh-sdeh (B.), mnargis ter-
kaig, main pantat.
sdan-sdan;* (drawing in the Soever (so-ev'er), conj. Whosoever,
breath) mnargis teresak-esak* baik
bararg-siapa, siapa-siapa,
Sob, s. sdu* sdcJi (B.), esak* as Whatsoever.
siapa pun (B.).
bararg-apa, apa-apa, baik apa pun
Sobbing (sob'biig), s. see sob.
Sober (s5'ber), adj. (not drunk) Sofa (so'fa), s. gta,* kaus* (E.
ia'mabok; (temperate) ia'biasa
minum; ( self-possessed V ttap Soft (soft), adj. (not hard, gentle,
h ati ; grave, sedate ) sopan-san-
tenrler) Imbot; (of moist things)
iun* Imbek; (by cooking) 'mpok; (of
Sober, v. i.
(recover from drunken- nasi through over cooking) be-
ess) siuman* ryek;* (of overripe fruit) ranum;
Sobriety (so-bri'e-ti), s. Jial ia'- (worse) boiyor; (of cloth or paper

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry ; use, us, minws, cure, injure,

hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
through wear) lusoh; (to the Solemn (sol'em), adj. (sombre)
touch) halus; (of sounds) inanis; 'niuram;* (grave, serious) san-
(of wind) spui-sjmi* Also see tun;* (really intended, as a pro-
GENTLE. mise) surggoh, surggu (B.).
Soften (sof'n), v. t. Imhotkan, etc., Solemnity (so-lem'ni-ti), s. (of
as above. manner) sopan-santun/^ muram*
Soft-hearted (soft-hart'ed), adj. Solemnize (sol'em-nTz), v. t. (the
Imbot-hati, piynryian* Too soft- face) niuramkan;'^ (a ceremony)
hearted to ta'sampai,
liati hn- jalankan, aturkan.
da]r^[7nau (B.)]. \
Solemnly (-li), adv. diyan sopan-
Softly (soft'li), adv. (of speaking) santun*
perlahan-lahan, plan-plan (B.) Solicit (so-lis'it), v. t. minta,
(N.I.). jrinta* polionkan*
Softness (-nes), s. Mnibotan, ka- Solicitation (-i-ta'shwn), s. per-
li alusan.
minta'an, pmohonan
Soggy (sog'gi), adj. (of timber, Solicitor (-ter), s. (one who soli-

etc.) herayer; (half-cooked) lagi cits) pviinta*

pniohon;'^ (law-
herhati, 'lyhah-rgkah* yer) pguam* loijar (E.), layar
Soil (soil),V. t. (slightly) chomot- \V.), pakrol (N.I.).
kan; (make dirty) kotorkan; (de- Solicitous (-tws), adj. (eager to
lile) chmarkan* najiskan (Ar.). obtain) i7yin; (anxious) khuatir
Soiled but not dirty, lusoh. (Ar. khawdTrr), bimbary.
Soil, s. tanah. Night soil, tahi, Solicitude (-tud), s. (uneasiness of
faik (B.), najis (Ar.). mind) khuatir, bimbary hati.
Sojourn (soj'ern, u.s. so'jern), v. i. Solid (solid), adj. (compact)
(dwell for a time) tumpary; (for mampat; (not hollow) tumpat;*
one night) bermalam* (firm) ttap, tgoh, kukoh :*
Solace (sol'es), v. t. hibor, lipor (siToug) kuat ; (as flesh) pjal;*

(Jav.), hilarykan gondah* (as opposed to liquid) bku."*"

Solace, s.
pryhiboran. Solid, s. bnda* yaiy bukan chaHr
Solar (so'ler), adj. 7natahari (a). \baraiy (B.)], bnda yary mampat.
Solder (sod'er or sol'der), v. t. ptri- Solidify (so-lid'i-fl), y.i bkukan*
kan, patrikan (B.). mampatkan, tgohkan, etc. as
Solder, s. ptri, pairi (B.). above.
Soldier {^b\ }qt) , ^. soldado (Port.), Solidity (-ti), s.
kmampatan, Jc-

'askar (Ar.), Ioshkar (Pers.), tgohan, Jcbkuan*

pnjurit (N.I.). Soliloquy (so-lil'o-kwi), s. per-
Soldiery (-i), s. bala-tntra,'' intra* ch akapan s'orary sahaja.
Sole (sol), s. (of the foot or shoe) Solitary (sol'i-ta-ri), adj. (single)
tapali. Sole leather, kulit-tapak. turyyal, kturygalan;* (by one's
Sole, s. ikan lidah. self) s'orary din, s-bataty karah,
Sole, V. t. bvboh tapak, tapakkan. terkote)y-kote)y;* (unfrequented)
Sole, adj. (single, only) tutygal. su7yi, spi (X.I.) ; (only) yary satu
see SINGLE. sahaja.
Solecism (sol'e-sizm), s. salah rary- Solitude (-tiid), s.
ksuTyian, k-
kaian perkata'an. s'o7'aryan.*
Solely (sol'li), adv. s-mata-mata, Solo (so'l5), s. lagu sorary-s'orary,
^11 lima, sahaja. tyaryian s'orary-s'orary.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, flre^
mirror; old, not, connptit, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, niinws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
Solstice (sol'stis), s. musim mata- dliulu; (in the future) pada s-
hari tcrlbeh jauh k-utara atau k- suatu masa,^ hari kmdian (B.).
slatan. Sometimes (-timz), adv. kadaig~
Soluble (-u-bl), adj. yarg holeh kadarg, terkadarg-kadarg,* tempO'
hanchor. tempo (N.I.).
Solution (so-lii'shizn), s. (act of
Somewhat (-wliot), adv. sdikit;
dissolving) hal mnjhanchorkan; (also expressed by bhasa, or by re-
(thing dissolved) hanchoran; (act duplication, as, gila-gila, gila-gila
of solving) hal mnrargkan, hal hltasa,'^ somewhat crazy; kmahok-

mnjertikan; (explanation) prgerti- mahok'an/^ somewhat intoxicated.

an, ktrargan. Somewhat alike, akan-akan sama*
Solve (solv), V.
mau dkat sama (B.).
t. irargkan, artikan;
(a mystery) huka, pchah, urai-
Somewhere (-whar), adv. pada
kan* satu tmpat, di mana-mana.

Solvency (sol'ven-si), s. hal holeh Somnambulism (som-nam'bu-

mmhayer hutarg. lizm), igau herjalan* herjalan

Solvent holeh
dalam mrgigo (B.).
(-vent), adj. yarg
Somnambulist (-list), s. oraiy yarg
mmhayer hntarg.
Sombre herjalan miyigau, orarg yarg her-
(som'ber), adj. (somewhat
mnram,* suram;* jalan dalam mrgigo (B.).
dark) rdof), (of
a person's appearance) muram* Somnolence (som'no-lcns), s. m-
suram * njantok, ralip."^
Somnolent (-lent), adj. mrgantok,
Some (sum), adj. (a little) sdikit,
sikit (B.) ralip*
; (a certain) satu, s-, as,
Son (sun), s. anak laki-laki, anak
some person, s-s'orarg,^ some day,
satu hari; (about, with numerals) jantan; (of princes) pU'a.^ A-
d opted son, anak argkat. Foster
haranj, as, some twenty men, ha-
son, anak susu* anak tetek.
rarg dua-puloh orarg; (in quan- Son of (in
Step-son, anak tiri.
tity) hhrapa, ada brapa (B.), as,
some miles away, hhrapa hatu names), bin (Ar.).
Song (song), s. njanjian, dendarg ;
jauh-rya* ada hrapa hatu purya
(poetry) sha'ir;'^ (the music)
jauh (B.) ; (a part) sparoh,
tigah, as, some of them, sparoh- =
Some, .others. ., ada.. ada Songster (song'ster), s. singer,
q.v. ; (of birds) hurorg pandai her-
. ., as, some believe and others do
not, ada oraig perchaya, ada yarg
Son-in-law (sun'-in-law), s. mnan-
tu, mnantu laki-laki, mnantu jan-
Somehow adv. s-hgi-
(sum'liow), tan (B.).
mana pun. Somehow
or other,
Sonless (-les), adj. tiada heranak
tiha-tiha* s-kuiyorg-kuryorg /^ aleh-
laki-laki, t'ada anak jantan (B.).
aleli* 'ntah hgimana-kah.
Sonnet (son'net), s. shair ampat-
Somersault (-er-sawlt), s. main s- hlas haris.'^
nurggarg halek/- turggarg halek, Sonorous (son'or-i/s or so-nor'ws),
pahu (Ch. pha-hu). adj. (loud sounding, of voice) rya-
Something (-thing), s. s-suatu* rirg, hergma* mrgaum.*
apa-apa. Soon (soon), adv. (quickly) Ikas,
Sometime (-tim), adv. (formerly) sgra; (early) siaiy; (in a short

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, ua, minws, cure, injure,
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin then.
time) ta'lama, s-hnlar lagi. As Sorcery (-i), s. hikmat pawarg*"
soon as he came, serta dataiy. As ^ilmu sihir (Ar.).
soon as you can, s-hrapa ckpat-rya. Sordid (sor'did), adj. (base) kji;*
I would as soon go as stay, pergi (covetous) tania (Ar. Tarn' a) y
atau titygal sini sama sahaja k- tmahak (B.) ; (niggardly) lokek^
pada-ltu'^ [saliya (B.)]. kikir/' kdkut.
Sooner (s5on'er), adv. Ibeh Ikas, Sordidness (-nes), s. kkjian,*"
Ibeh siajg, as above; (by prefer- tarn' a, ^ lokek, etc., as above.
ence) lb eh baik, rmak, arggor;* Sore (sor), s. (in the mouth) m-
see LiEFEii. Sooner or later, lam- awan;'^ (on lips or chin) puru/
bat'ba?gat* lambat laun* lambat (on the finger) klurut;* (on the
lawan (B.).
legs) pkorg, tokak; (resulting
Soot (soot), s.
(on the roof) ararg- from itch) kudis; (from abra-
para; (on a lamp) ararg lampu, sion) lechet, lias.*
chlaga* Sore, adj. sakit; (smarting) pdis,
Soothe (sooth), v. t. (by blandish-
pdeh* pret; (of violent pain)
ments) pujok, rayu;* (comfort) bisa. Sore throat, sakit kroigkorg^
hibor; (a child) ulit;* (calm) Sore eyes, sakit mata.
snargkan; (of anger) padam. Soreness s. ksakitan.
Soothsayer (sooth'sa-er), s. tukarg
Sorghum (sor'g^/m), s. batari.*
, iilek, pnilekj pnnorg* Sorrow susah
(sor'ro), s. hati^
Soothsaying (-ing), s. 'ilmu^ iilek,
duka-ehita (Sk.), kduka'an (Sk.),
'ilmii tnorg*
Sooty * gondali* perchinta'an* sayuf^
(soot'i), adj. berslpat ararg
"^ mashglitil (At.), nstapa (Sk.).
berslaput ararg.
Sorrow, v. i. bersusah-hati, ber-
Sop (sop), V. t. chchah. Sopping duka-chita
wet (of shoes), habis basah. (Sk.), bergondah*
bercliinta *
Sop, s. s-chchah.
Sorrowful (-fool), adj. susah hati,
Sophism (sofizm), s. prgajaran berduka-chita (Sk.), berhati-mu-
yaig mrysaikan orarg.
tu* berhati lualarg* hiba-hati*
Sophist (-ist), s.
guru yarg rrnysat-
kan orarg. gondah-gaulana* mashghul (Ar.)..
Sophisticate (so-fis'ti-kat), v. t. Sorry (-ri), adj. (feeling regret)
ssatkan. miysal; (worthless) kurarg-baik.
Sort (f^ort), s. macliani, jnis, bargsa,.
Sophistry (sof'is-tri), s.
bagai,"^ iieka.* Out of sorts (in
yatg pusirg-blit.
Soporific s. obat health), tasdap badan.
bius"^ (Pers. bihaush), obat tidor;
Sort, V. t. (separate) asirgkan, pi-
Ich ; (put in order) atnr.
(used by thieves) pukau, kchu-
skiit.* Sortie (sor'te), s. serbu kluar kota.
Soporific, adj. yarg mnidorkan, yarg So-so (so-so), adj. (middling)
mmhri tidor. sdarg, s-derliana (Sk.) ; (in
Soprano (so-pra'no), s. suara yarg healtJi) ta'sdap badan.
Sot (sot), s. taki arak, pmabok,.
Sorcerer taik arak (B.).
(sor'ser-er), s. pawarg,
bomor,"^ bomo, ahli sihir (Ar.). Sottish (sot'tish), adj. mabok.
Sorceress (-es), s. pawarg btina, Sough (feuf), s. (sound of wind)'
bomor btina.*' drgorg, dsinj, dsau.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Soul (sol), s. (of man) jiwa; (after South-east (sowth'esf), s. trggara*
death) roh (At. run, pi. arwdii) ; see EAST.
(heart, courage, spirit) hati; Southern (su^/t'ern), adj. slatan
(person, individual) orarg. Not The Southern Cross, bintarg pari.*
a soul was there, s' orarg pun tidak Southward (sowth'werd), adv. k-
add. slatan, k-sblah slatan.
Sound (sownd), adj. (without de- South-west (-west'), s. barat daya.*
feet) bliim chachat, tiada chachat; Souvenir (s5o've-ner), s. perirgat-
(healthy) sehat, ryarnanj^ haik; an, tanda perirgatan.
(firm) tgoli, hukoh;^ (true, cor- Sovereign (sov'er-en), s. raja, yarg
rect) ttul, bnar; (of beating) di-pertuan,''^ sultan; (the coin)
trok; (of sleep) Una,* llap, rya- pau7i (E.), iraig mas Irggris
dar."^ (N.L).
Sound, s.
(noise) hu7yi, bhana;* Sovereign, adj. (chief, supreme)
(channel, straits) slat.'^ yarg terutama (Sk.) ; (royal)
Sound, V. i.
berbuiyi\; (measure 7'aja (a), kraja'an (a) ; (pre-
depth) buarg duga, buam pram dominant, paramount) yarg m-
Sound^ V. t. (make a noise) bunji- Sovereignly (-ti), s.
prentah, pm-
kan; (wind instruments) Hop; rentahan.

(measure depth) duga; (examine

Sow (sow), s. babi biina.
by percussion) ktok.
Sow (s5), V. t. (scatter, as seed)
Sounding (sownd'ing), adj. (loud) tahur, tanam; (in a nursery)
smai; (spread abroad, propagate)
tahur; (implant) tanam.
Sounding, s.
duga. Sounding lead,
batu duga, prum (L.). Sounding Sower (so'er), s.
line, tali duga, tali pram (L.).
Space s.
(room) trnpat,

Soundly (-li), adv. see sound. tmpat laparg; (area) luas,"^ kluas-
an;* (interval) jarak,"^' antara,
Soup (soop), s. sop (E.), kaldu
rrggarg, sla;* (between the pillars
Port.). Soup plate, pirggan of a liouse) ruarg ;* (of time)
motykom,'^ pi7ggan sup (B.) . See
also BROTH.
Space, V. t. rrggargkan.
Sour (sowr), adj. masam, asam
Spacious (spa'shws), adj. lapaig,
(B.) (N.I.) ; (cross) muka-ma- luas."^
sam. Sour milk, tairu (Tam.).
Spaciousness (-nes), s. kluasan.*
Sour, V. t. niasamkan.

Source (sors), s. (of a stream) Spade (spad), s.

prggali, sodok,

mata ayer; (cause, origin) mula, tmbilarg,'^chap;* (in cards) s-

koporgCD. schoppen), day org klirg.*
permula'an, asal, pohon,'^ pokok*
Spain (span), s. 7iegri Spari/ol.
pargkal, awal (Ar.).
Span (span), s. (of the hand) jrg^
Sourkrout (sowr'krowt), s. ji'ok kal; (brief time) s-kjap, s-bntar ;
sawi, kiam-chai (Ch. kidm-chhdi).
(of a bridge) ruaiy;* (distance
Sourness (-nes), s. masam. between supports) jarak;* (of a
Soursop (-sop), s. durian blanda. roof) buka.
Souse (sows), V. t. slam.kan, chlop- Span, V. t. (with the hand) jrgkal;
(as a bridge spans a river) lin-
South (sov/th), s. slatan. targi.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injurp,

hurry; food, foot, awfool (^wful) ; law, ho\\i> oil; thin then.

Spangle (spang'gl), s Upol\* White-headed sparrow, pipit

Spangle, v. t. tlpokkan* uban.^ Sparrow hawk, larg raja-
Spaniard (spau'yerd), s. orarg wali, latg juali."^
Spanyol. Sparse (spars), adj. (thinly scat-
Spaniel (-y^l), s. s-jnis anjirg per- tered)jaranj, Irgarg.*
burnan. Spartan (spar'tan), adj. brani.
Spanish (-ish), adj. sparyol. Spa- Spasm (spazm), s. (convulsive
nish fly, dndary* movement) sentak.
Spank (spangk), v. t. tampar Spasmodic (spaz-mod'ik), adj. ter-
(purggory). ^entak-sentak.
Spanker (spangk'er), s. (Naut.) Spathe (sprr^/i), s. (of palms) slu-
layer gu&i (L.), layer gap (E. darg ;'^ (of some flowers) klopak.
gatr). Spatter (spat'ter), v. t. rchekkan,*
Spanner (span'ner), s. pigunchi/' percliekkan.
spana (E.). Spatula (-u-la), s. sudip."^
Spar (spar), s. (round timber) Spavin (spav'in), s. sakit tumif
kayu hulat; (mast) tiarg; (yard) kuda.
pruan."^ Spawn (spawn), s. tlor (ikan atau
Spar, V. i. (with the fist) hertum- kataJc).
bol\, hersanta.k,'^ bertinju.'^ Spawn, V. i. bertlor {ikan atau ka-
^pare (spar), v. t. (nse frugally) tak).
sayarg, jimatkan, cliermathanf Speak (spek), v. i. berkata, ber-

(preserve) plikarakan; (allow to chakap, bertutor, bermadah (Ar.),

live) hri- njawaj^ hidopkan* kasi bichara (N.L) ; (of princes
hidop (B.) :
(give up) bri* To or prophets) sabda (Sk.) ; (of
spare one's self, snargkan diri. kings) titah;* (in literature)
Spare, v. i. (be frugal) chermat* ujar.* To speak
katakan, sbot.
jimat. To speak out, chakap kuat-kuat.
Spare, adj. (scanty) sdikit, kiirarg ; To speak to (address), tgur,
(superfluous) lb eh; (in reserve) sapa.* To speak the truth, ber-
chadarg,^ cliadargan;'^ (lean) ku- kata bnar, chakap bnar. To
rus. Spare time, ivaktu laparg,"^ speak Malay, chakap Mlayu, ber-
tempo snaiy. bhasa Mlayu* bichara Mlayu
Sparing (spiir'ing), adj. (frugal) (N.I.). So to speak, pnaka*
chermat* jimat. Also see chat.
Spark (spark), s.
biirga api. Speaking (spek'ing), s. yarg ber-
Sparkle (spar'kl), s. (brilliancy) kaia-kaia;* (lifelike) sperti hi-
kilat. dop.
Sparkle, v. i. berkilat; (scintillate) Spear (sper), s. tombak; (for
gmerlap;* (twinkle) berklip-klip; throwing) Imbirg, sligi* cham-
(emit bubbles, as wine) glgaJc. pak-buarg j"^ (for fish) sramparg,
Sparkling (-kling), adj. berkilat, tmpulirgj^ kujur.*
gmerlapan/^ berklip-klip, glgak, Spear, v. t. likam, tombaki;* (from
as above. below) radak, rodok; (fish) ti-
Sparrow (spar'ro), s. (generic kam, mryram,parg.*
name) pipit. The common spar- Spearhead (sper'hed), s. mata-
row, bur org greja."^ The Java tomhak, mata sramparg, etc.
sparrow, jlatek* jlantek* glatek. Special (speshVd), adj. (peculiar)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure, '

hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
hukan haraiy-haraty ;* (uncom- Speculate (-u-lat), v. i.
mon) plek;* (designed for a par- berfikir-fikir, timbary-junimbary ;
ticular purpose) tertntu/^ khas* (
theorize ) sa njka ; ( gamble ) judi*
(At. khass). berjudi (B.), bertuakal (Ar.
Speciality (spesh'i-al'i-ti), s. per- tawakkal). .

kara yatg khas (Ar.). Speculation (-Iri'shwn), s. (in

Specially (spesli'al-i), adv. isti- busiiiess) judi, perniayaan tuakal
rueica/^ terlbeh skali (B.). (Ar.).
Specie (spe'shi-e), s.
(coin) wary Speculative adj. (con-
tunai. templative) yary mnimbary;
Species (-shez), s. macliain, jnis, (theoretical) yary di-saiyka; (in
bagai,^ nika, nek a* business) tuakal (Ar. tawakkal).
Specific (spe-sif'ik), s. pnawar. Speculator (-la-ter), pnjudir
Specific, adj. (definite) tertntu,^ Speculum (-Imn), s.
pmbrykar k-
klias"^ (Ar. kliass). nialuan'^' (i^^l-)-
Specification (spes i-fi-ka'slim), s. Speech (spech), s. (power of speak-
hal mmhutirkan,'^' lial miyhot ing) perdi akapan, pert utoran ;*
satu-satu; (written statement) (language) bhasa; (oration, har-
daftar (Ar.). angue) perchakapan, kJiutbah*
Specify (-fi), v. t.
(mention one by (Ar. kliuTbah), uchapan.
one) hutirkan* shotkan satu-satu Speechify (spech'i-fl), v. i.
OT satu-persatu,^ daftarkan (Ar.). rously) berbual.
Specimen (-men), s. chontoh, tu- Speechless (-les), adj. (not speak-
ladan. ijig for a time) klu;^ (unable to
Specious (spe'shi/s), adj. rupa-rya answer) terkunchi mulut.
haik, baik di luar, berknan di Speed (sped), s. dras, laju.
mat a. Speedy (sped'i), adj. dras, laju,
Speck (spek), s. (spot) titek, rin- c]i])at, Ika^.
tek;* (larger) borek;"^ (stain, Spell (spel), s. (turn) yiliranj*
blemish) chachat; (particle) bu- (brief time) tcakiu, masa*
tir."^ Spell, s. (incantation) mantra
Speckle (spek'kl), s. rintek,^ bo- (Sk.), jampi, chuclia, hikmat
rek* (Ar.), sihir (Ar.).
Speckle, v. t. riniekf^ (larger) Spell, V. i. t. eja* (Ar. liija).
borek."^ Spellbound (spei'bownd), adj. ter-
Spectacle (-ta-kl), s.
(show) tmasa kna hikmat (x\r.), terkria sihir
(Sk. tamaslia) ; (sight) piylihat- (Ar.), terkna buatr
an, pmandaryan; (pi.) kacha Spelling (-ing), s. eja'an^ (Ar.
mata* chermin mata. hijct).
Spectacular (spek-tak'u-ler), adj. Spencer (spen'ser), s. (Xaut.) la-
tmasa (a). yer yusi, layer gap (E. gaff).
Spectator (-tti'ter), s. ya?y mman- Spend (spend), v.i. (money) blan-
danj, yaty mlihat, ovary mnuntun jakan. To spend an hour (in
(X.I.), pnuntun (X.I.). work), bkerja s-jam. To spend
Spectre (spek'ter), s. hantu bary- the time (waste time), habiskan
kit^ waktu, habisi icaktu.^ To spend
Spectrum (-tr?/m), s.
pancha- the night, bermalam/^ To spend
irerna krun.'^ a year, mnaJiun.^ To be spent

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, miniis, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

(used), lualc;'^' as, I have not spent Spinal (spi'nrd), adj. tularg-blakaiy
a cent, satu sen pun tiada luaJc* (a).
Spendthrift (speDcI'thrift), s. pm- Spindle (spin'dl), s. (axis) gandar
horos, orary hlanja I'asar (B.). roda;-^ (in spinning wheels; glen-
Spent (spent), adj. (exhausted) dory.'-'-

Iteh, Isu* Spine (spin), s.

(thorn) duri;
Sperm (sperm), s. mani (Ar.), (backbone) tularg-blakarg.
ayer siau (B.) (Ch, sidu). Spinning (spin'ning), s.
wheel, raliat."^
Spermatorrhoea (sper'ma-to-re'a) ,

s. sahit mani mnenes.^ Spinster (-ster), s. anak-dara, pra-

Spew (spu), V. i. muntah. wan/^ gadis.^
Sphere (sfer), s. (globe) hulatan; Spiny (spin'i), adj. berduri.

(the earth) hidat dunia; (of Spiral (spi'ral), adj. sperti rupa
duty) pgatyan, pegargan (B.) ; skrup (D. schroef).
(of rank) pargJiot. Spire (spir), s. mnarah lonchos.*
Spherical (sfer'i-kal), adj. hulat, Spirit (spir'it), s.
(soul) jiiua, roh
huntar* hundar (N.I.). (Ar.) ; (vital principal in ani-
Spice (spis), s. rmpah-rmpali, hum- mism) smargat; (disembodied
bu (X.L). soul) roh (Ar. riiii, pi. arwdiL) ;
Spicy (spls'i), adj. pdas. (supernatural being) hantu, jm-
Sp?der (spl'der), s. lahah-lcibah. balatg* puaka* deica, mambarg,
Spider's web
(spi'derz web), s. sa- poloig, plsit, plset (B.), ponti-
rarg labah-iabah; (pi. in a house) anak, bajatg* pnarggal* setan
sawarg:^ (Ar. shaiTdn), iblis (Ar.), jin
Spigot (spig'wt), s. sumbat torg. (Ar.), 'afrit (Ar.). The Holy
Spike (spik), s. paku bsar. Spirit, Roh Alkudus (Ar.).
Spike, V. t, pakukan. Spirit, s. (liquor) arak, minuman
Spikenard (spik'nard), s. nara- yarg kras, khamar (Ar.), sojn
ivastu.'^ (X.I.) (D. zoopje = sip, dram) ;
Spile (spll), s. sumbat torg.
(made from the sap of the coco-
Spill (spil), V. i. (run over) lem- nut) tuak; (from rice, Chinese)
bakj* (fall or run out) tumpah; samsu (Ch. thidm-chiu) .

(in small quantities) chichir, Spirit, V. t. To spirit away, larikan

irnpurasf (liquids only) jejehf orarg, bawa lari, Imyapkan; (by
(by droi3s) iitek. magic ) I ay a tgka n .

Spill, Y. t. lenibalxkan/^ etc., as Spirited (-cd), adj. (in movement)

above; (pour out) churah. pantas; (in work) cherkas^'
Spin (spin),v. i. (make yarn) plti-
Spiritless (-les), adj. Isi/^' ta'ber-
tal,antelh (Jav.) (revolve) piitar^
hati,^ bachol.^
pusirg; (as a top) ligat; (remain- Spiritual (spir'i-chu-al), adj. jiwa
ing motionless) mjam.-^ (a), roliani (Ar.).
Spin, V. t. (thread) pintal, anteh Spiritualism (-izm), s. Hlmu jin-
(Jav.) ; (a top) pusug. To spin jargan.'-'-'

out, lanjutkan. To spin a yarn, Spiritualist (-ist), s.

pawarg ber-
berkesali,* berclirita. jinjarg.^
Spinach (spin'ej), s. bayam, daun Spirituality (-al'i-ti), s.
pri yarg
gndola'-^ (KL). roliani (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil thin then. ;

Spirituous (-ws), adj. Spirituous Splint (splint), s. blat/" bidai*
Jiquors, arak, minuman yarg kras. tuap'^ (W.).
Spirt (spert), v. i. panchut* Splinter (splin'ter), v. t.
(split in
Spit (spit), V. i. (for roasting) long pieces) blah; (break in frag-
pachak; (point of land) tanjorg; ments) pchah; (break a piece off
(saliva) ayer ludah, ayer Hot. the edge) chompis.*
Spit, V. t. (thrust through) cliochok, Splinter, s. (of wood) slumbar;'^'
tikam, pachak.^ To spit out, (of bamboo) smbilu; (of a shell)
luali,^^ luek;*{hj blowing) smbur. pchahan.
Spit, V. i. berludah; (as
Split (split), V. t.
blah, rkahkan;^
smhnr; (of rain) hujan rintek- (break open) chkah;* (as a
rintek. seam) ttas; (as rattan with two
Spite (spJt), s. dndam, iri-liati,^ knives) ja7gat.*
mrgiri-hati (B.), kchil-hatl Split, V. i. rkah,^ merkah, blah.
Spite, V. t. bnchanakan. Split, s. blahan, rkah* chlah.
Spiteful (spiff ool), adj. yary m- Splutter (splut'ter), V. i. (in stam-
7iaroli dndam. mering) gagap* see sputtee.
Spitfire (spit 'fir), s. Spoil (spoil), V. t. (plunder) ram-
oraty yarg
panas darah. pas, samon, rompak;* (corrupt)
Spittle (spit'tl), s. aye?' lior, ayer
rosakkan, bmasakan, chdrakan
Ivdah. (Sk.) ; (a child by petting) rAan-
Spittoon s. jakan; (by making it become
(spit-toon'), ktor,"^
tmpat ludah. 'cheekf) mvakanr^
Splash v. t. Spoil, s.
(splash), perchek,
rchekkan/^ perchik (B.). Spoke (spok), s. (of a wheel) anah-
Splash, s. roda,^ gigi rodaf (of a ladder)
(of mud, etc.) perchek- anak iargga.
'an, tepek; (the sound) ktim-
porg,'' chpok,"^ chbor,^ drau/'
Spokeshave (spok'shav), s. pisau
chrau;"^ (of oars) drap."^
Splay (spla), v. t. serorgkan. Spokesman (spoks'nifln), s. orarg
Spleen (spleji), s. yarg di-kpalakan berkata-kata.*
(the organ)
limpa kcliil;^ (spite) dndam] iri- Spoliation (spo'li-a'shwn), s. ram-
hati/' migiri-hati (B.). Disease pasan.
of the spleen,
piyakit kura."^ Sponge (spunj), s. burga kararg,
Splendid (splen'did), adj. berUlat, span (E.) ; (parasite) prgindirg.^
cJijnerlaig* mulia,^ as below. Sponge cake, buah ulu/^ banlu
Splendour (-der), s. (brightness) (Port.), kueh bolu.
chahya, kilat; (magnificence) k- Sponge, V. t. ^06-0^ drgan burga-
bsaran, kmulia'an.*' kararg, span (E.).
Sponge, V. i. (cadge for a meal) in-
Splice (splls),v. t.
(ropes) taham;^
(timber) taiggam;'' dhg,* migmdirg (B.), bawa prot.
(by trap-
ping) sambai^ Spongy (spunj'i), adj. sperti burga
Splice, s. (iNaut.) Eye splice, spit karaig.
udarg. Long splice, pies loper Sponsor (spon'ser), s. orarg jamin.
(E. & D.), pies panjarg. Short Spontaneous (spon-ta'ni-'ws), adj.
splice, taham, pies slhg (E.). (of itself) sndiri-rya, drgan akh-
tiar sndiri (Ar. ikhiidr).
Spline (splTn), s. broti.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen., recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tfien.

Spool (spool), s. glendorgj* (in a chit;'^ (as a whale) pargiis;* (out

loom) anak toraJc* of the mouth) smbur.
Sprain (spran), v. t. (by wrench-
Spoon (spoon), s. (of porcelain)
sudu;* metal) (ofchamcha ing) plecliok, plitas (N.I.).
(Hind.) ; (of coconut) sndok; Sprained, terplechok.
(perforated for crushing nasi for Sprain, s. salah urat.
children) plechek; (gen.) sendoh Sprawl (sprawl), v. i. (in lying)
(B.) (N.I.). terlepa; (in falling) terjrumus*
Spoonful (spoon'fool), s. s-sudu,'^ lintarg-pukarg ; (of plants) jalar*
etc., as above. lata, mlata (B.), rayap, mrayap

Spoor (spoor), s. hkas tapah. (B.).

Sporadic (spo-rad'ik), adj. satu- Spray (spra), s. (small branch)
satu, tuixjgal. rantiig.

Sport In Spray, s. (driving rain) tmpias;

(sport), s. permainan.
(of waves or waterfalls) perchek-
sport, bersloroh.
'an ayer.
Sport, V. i.
(play) hermain.
Spray, v. t. panchutkan,* panchit;*
Sporting-dog (sport'ing dog), s.
(with the mouth) smbur.
anjinj perburuan, anjirg pmburu
Spread (spred), v. t. (horizontally,
(B.). as mats) hampar;* (as sails, tents,
Sptirtive (-iv), adj. yarg suka ber-
mats) bntajg; (to view, vertically,
as curtaiiis, posters) teberg* den-
Sportsman (sports'man), s. (hun-
(as the wings, umbrellas)
ter) pmburu. kmbargkan; (as rice on mats)
Spot (spot), s. (mark) titek, titik serakkan, kkarkan,^ lampar'
(B.) (blemish)
; chachat; (on
kan;* (a report) pchahkan,
the skin) bintat, taJii lalat, taik
gobarkan; (a disease) baiva, jarg-
lalat (B.) ; (white blotches) pa-
kitkan; (a scent) smerbakkan,*
nau; (when numerous) blakj* merhakkan ham-
(B.) ; (strew)
(on birds and animals) blanj,
borek* rintek;* (place) tmpat.
Spread, (extend, expand) km-
v. i.
On the (immediately), s-
spot contents of an egg)
barg; (as
bntar iiu juga; (just there) di
ruak, mruak (B.) ; (as trees)
situ juga. Also see spotted.
rambakj"^ (as news) pcliali, go-
Spot, V. t. (mark) titekkan, as
etc., bar; (as diseases and fire) larat,
above; (detect) knal. mlarat (B.), jargkit; (more
Spotless (spot'les), adj. tiuda ber- violently, of arok;*
chachat, tiada berchla. (sores) royak,'^ rebak;* (odours)
Spotted (-ted), adj. berrintekj* stiierbak,* merbak (B.) ; (as
(larger spots), borek,"^ blarg, ber- creepers) jalar* lata, mlata (B.),
blak-blak;"^ (with brown or yellow rayap, mrayap (B.).
spots ) berkarah * .
Spread, s. (cloth to cover a bed)
Spouse (spowz), s. laki, bini; (po- chadar (Hind.) ; (to cover a
lite forms) suaini* istri.'^
table) kain meja; (on the floor
Spout (spowt), s. (of a kettle) for a meal) sprah (Hind, sufrah).
munchonj; (on a roof) panckur- Spree (spre), s. (carousal) k-
an. ludialian.-^
Spout, V. i.
(eject) panchut,* pan- Sprig (sprig), s. rantirg.

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mim<s, cure, injure,
hiirry; fo5d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
s. Ic- sprouts, kcliamhali/^' tauge (Ch.
Spriglitliness (sprit'li-nes),
pantasan. tau-ge).
Sprightly (-li), adj. (in move- Spruce (sproos), adj. kacliak, raig~\
ment) pantas, cliei'kas^'
Spring (spring), v. i. (leap) lom- Sprue (sproo), s. sriawanj^
pat; (with both feet) lonchat; (as Spry (spri), adj. pantas, cherkas.*"
animals) hamhnr; (in a standing Spume (spum), s. bueh, busa (B.).
position) rjoh;'^ (downwards) Spunk (spungk), s. (tinder) ra~
terjun/^ trujun (B.) ; (fl}- back,
as a rod when bent) anjal;* (up- Spur (sper), s. (of a cock, natural)
wards, as a trap) birglcas;'^ (begin susoh;'^ (artificial) taji; (for
to appear) terhitj^ The spring at, horses) piggertak* surgga (Jav.),
terkam. To spring forth (as see goad; (of mountain) chabarg-
To spring up an.*
water), pancJiut/-'
(as plants) tum'boli/'' tumMi Spur, V. t. (a horse) pachu* gertak^
(B.) ; (from bed) hmjkas* kan; (incite) asut, tisot (B.).
Spring, s. (leap) lompatan, etc., as
Spurious (spur'i-ws), adj. Ian--
above; (of steel, etc.) spreiy (E.), cJtorg* palsu (Port.).
per (NJ.) (D. veer) ; (in traps) Spurn (spern), v. t. (with the foot)
joran;'^' (of water) mata ayer;. trajaig; (disdain) hinakan* pan-
(the season) rmisim huiya. darg miidak* tergok ta'mata.
Spring bed, trnpat tidor mvg- Spurt (spert), v. i.
panchut* pan-
chit* panchar, smbnr.
anjal* Spring tide, ayer pasarg
hsar, pasarg rah org.
'^ Spurt, V. t. panchut* panchar;
Springy (from the mouth or a hole) sm-
(spring'i), adj. ter'njut-
Sputter (sput'ter), v. i. smbur lu-
Sprinkle (-kl), v. t. (with the dali ; (as a flame) Itus.*
fingers or an instrument) rnjis,
rchelc* perchelc, perchik (B.) ; Sputum (spu'ti/in), s. (saliva) ayer
ludah, ayer lior; (phlegm) Indir,
(by pouring) siram, dirus/-^ (by
daJiak, kahak.
throwing water) simhali; (seed
or dust) tabur, hamhtir. Spy (spi), V. t. (see) lihat, nampak^
tergok; (examine) slidek* intai^
Sprinkler (water cart)
(-kler), s.
sulu,* kakap.
kreta jalan,* kreta p-
Spy, s. suln*
suloli,* prgakap.
ryiram jalan/'' kreta siram jalan
Squabble (skwob'bl), v. i. bersli-
(B.). sell* berklahi, bertnjkar; (of chil-
Sprinkling (-kling), s. (of rain) dren or dogs) korgkeiy.*
rintek-rintek .

Squad (skwod), s. (of troops)

Sprit (sprit), s. (N"aut.) sokoig.
Spritsail (sprit'sl), s. layer so- Squadron (skwod'r/m), s. (of
korg. cavalry) pasokan berkuda;*
Sprout (sprowt) v. i. hertunas, (Xaut.) aigkatan laid.
hertarokj^ herpuchok; (of hair or Squalid (skwol'id), adj. kotor,
many seeds) rrhop* gerchop.'^ chmar* najis, rocliah* (W.).
Sprout, s. (the first shoot) tunas; Squall (skwawl), V. i. (of children)
(when larger) pucliok, tarok.* chiar^ :* (of women) p/i;eA;, jrit,
Bamboo sprouts, rhorg. Bean jret (B.), pkau* kriau (P.).
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; did, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Squall, s. cliiaf\* pheJc, etc., as Squeal (skwel), v. i.
pkek, jrit, jret
above. (B.), pkau,* kriau (P.).
Squall, s. rihot, aiyin s-hntar, argin Squeamish (skwem'ish), adj.
giinoiy-gunorgan,'^ hadai* Eain loya/^' mdu,"^ dugal*
squall, hujan ribot. Squeamishness (-nes), s. loya*
Squalor (skwol'er), s. hkotoran, Ic- mdu,* dugal.*
chmai'an* Squeeze (skwez), v. t. see press;
Squander (skwon'der), v. t. horos- (harass financially) prah, pulas*
Ican, punahlcan.''-' Squib (skwib), s. sotovg, nus;* (fire
Square (skwar), adj. (four sided) works) merchun. See octopus.
ampat persgi; (not oblique) p- Squint (skwint), (be cross-
v. i.

pat;* (just, honest) 'adil, tulus- eyed) mata julirg; (look furtive-
ekhlas* (Ar. ihhlds) ; (of ac- ly) kerlirg.^
counts) jlas. One square foot, Squinting (skwint'ing), adj. mata
satu IcaJci ampat persgi, satu Icahi juliiy, pote^ (Tarn.
= blind) .

hujor sargkar."^ Square bows Squint-eyed (-id), adj.

= squint-
(Naut.), haluan dmpak.* ing.
Square, s. (the figure) largunan Squire (skwir), s. tuan, orarg-
ampat persgi; (in patterns) dam- kaya."^
^ dam, tapak chatur;* (open place Squirm (skwerm), v. i. ktek-ktek,*
in towns) tmpat laparg; (carpen- gltek, gletek (B.) ; (slightly)
ter's) siku-siku.^ gruit.
Square, v. t. (adjust) patutkan; Squirrel (skwir'rel), s. iupai; (lar-

(of accounts) jlaskan, slsaikan, ger) kraivak"^' (Kl.). Flying

sUsekan (B.). squirrel, tagvan* (KL).
Squash (skwosh), (crush soft
v. t. Squirt (skwert), v. t. panchut,*
things, with a spoon) lechek; panchar; (in small quantities)
(with finger nails) tindas; (un- Ichit;"^ (from the mouth) smhur.
der foot) lapah/'' leryek, laryak; Squirt, s. homha kcliil.

(under a wheel) gelek, lererg;^ Stab (stab), v.tikam, chochok;


(between two surfaces) peryek. (with both hands) tujah :^ (from

Squash, s. laiu. below) radak, rodok. Stabbing
Squat (skwot), v. i.
terggorg* jorg- pains, sakit mryochok-tyochok,*
kok (B.) (Jav.) ; (on a bench) sakit mradak-radak ; (less severe,
herterggek; (as a frog) hertirg- as prickly heat) grnryam.
kir;* (sit witli the knees drawn Stab, s. iikam., etc., as above.
up to the chest) cliargkorg; (live Stability (sta-biFi-ti), s. ktgohan,
on another's land) tumparg di kttapan.
tanah orarg. Stable (sta'bl), adj. (firm) tgoh,
Squat, adj. gmok-pendek, dmpak."^ ttap,"^' kukoh*
Squatter (skwot'ter), s. orarg m- Stable, s. tmpat kuda, hargsal kuda,
numparg di tanah orarg. stal (D.) ; (for cattle) kandarg.
Squeak (skwek), v. i.
(of animals) Stabling (-bliig), s. = stable, s.
dchit;* (of hinges, etc.) her- Stack (stak), s. (pile) lorggok,
kiut^* kiarg-kiut'^, kerryat-ker- torggok,^ susunan. Smoke stack,
lyut* chororg asap, sromhorg,* sromporg
Squeak, s. dchit* chit, kiut^, as {B.)f smprorg (N".I.).
above. Stack, V. t. susun.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, s5rry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Staff (staf), s. (long handle) ha- para (B.) ; (wager) tarohan*
iarg (stick carried in the hand)
; tagan* topah*
torgkai; (by police) hlantan;"^ Stake, V. t. panchargkan* bertaroh,
(for a flag) tiarg; (officers) p- as above.
gatvai* Stalactite (stal'ak-tit), s. juntaian
Stag (stag), s. rusa jantan. kapur yarg mnitis dalam goa.*
Stage (staj), s (of a theatre) parg- Stalagmite (-ag-mit), s. timbonan
goiy wayarg; (open air platform) kapur yarg w^nitis dalam goa*
plantar;'^ (degree of advance- Stale (stal), adj. (of food) masoh
ment) yargkat. A landing stage, argin; (tasteless) tawar; (moul-
pigkalan,'^ lagan (P.)- dy) basij (not new) lama.
Stager (staj'er), s. An old stager, Stale, V. i. (of cvdtle) knchirg.
orajg lama. Stalemate (staFmat), v. t. balui*
Stagger (stag'ger), v. i. oyorg- Stalk (stawk), s. (stem) batarg;
oyorg, oyorg-ambarg* mrguyorg (of flowers and fruit) targkai;
(B.). (of leaves) gaga7g.'^
Staging (staj'ing), s. (scaffold) Stalk, V. berjalan mndada/"'

pranchah* aram-aramj* (to fish Stalk, V. t.

(as game) 'ndap/^ mry-
from) patggar ndap (B.).
Stagnant (stag'nant), adj. tnarg, Stall (stawl), s. (stable) kandarg,
terpndap, hertakorg j"^ (of busi- stal (D.) ; (for merchandise)
ness) ta'jalan. meja tmpat jualan, warorg (N.I.).
Stagnate (stag'nat or stag-nat'), Stallion (stal'ywn), s. kuda jantan.
V. i.
hertakorg.'^ Stalwart (stol'wert or stawl-) adj.
Stagnation (stag-na'shi/n), s. ta- (brave) brarii; (strong) kuat,
ko7gan.^ tgap, gag ah.
Staid (stad), adj. sopan-santunJ^ Stamen (sta'men), s. sari/^ sulor
Stain (stan), v. t. (make foul) lu- burga.'^
mor, chmarkan* hotorkan, najis- Stamina (stam'i-na), s. kkuatan,
kan; (smear) chonterg, cliomot, kcJikalan.''^
slekeh (colour) ivernakan, oriia-
j"^' Stammer (-mer), v. i.
kan (B.) ; (in spots) blakkan;* gagok (B.).
(as the nails) inai; (the teeth) Stammering (-ing), s. gagap."^
grarg,"^ baja.* Stained a yellow- Stamp (stamp), v. t. (with the
ish brown colour, berkarah* foot) 'ntak, 'ntakkan, laryak, see
Stain, s. chmar* cJionterg, slekeh* trample; (crush, pulverise)
werna, orna
(B.), blak/^ inai, rmok; (by pounding) tumbok;
grarg,^' karalian/^ as above; (re- (impress with a mark) chap, bu-
proach) cilia, kcJdaan, ckachat. boh chap, tkan chap; (with a seal)
Stainless (stan'les), adj. tiada mtrai;'^' (as coin) tmpa.'^
chacliat, tiada chla. Stamp, V. i. 'ntakkan kaki, 'ncharg.*
Stair (star), s. taigga; (one step) To stamp on, pijak/^ pinjak (B.),
anak targga. irek/^ laryak.
Staircase (star'kas), s. targga. Stamp, s. (for marking) chap;
Stake (stak), s. (stick driven into (postage stamp) stem (E.)? ^'P<^^^
the ground) pancharg; (for im- raja, frargko (N".!.) ; (form, cha-
paling) sula (Sk.) ; (to support racter) rupa, rsmi, praigai, prargi
creepers) junjorg, jalaran* tiarg- (B.), tabiat.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
Stampede (stam-ped'), v. i. lari Standard, adj. (fixed) tertntu.
liniarg-puharg , lari puntary-paiV' Standardize (-iz), v. t. kadarkan*
tiry* lari turggarg-larggarg. (Ar. qadar), jargkakan.*
Stanch (stanch or stawnch), v. t. Stand-by (-IjI), s.
orarg kperchaya-
tasak* sjai* 'an, orarg chadargan,* orayg yarg
Stanch, adj. (firm, sound) hukoh;* bolch di-harap (B.).
(constant, loyal) tgoh, stia (Sk.) ; Standing (-ing), adj. (erect)
(resolute) chkal* tgak;* (stagnant) tnarg; (per-
Stanchion (stan'shwn), s. (Naut.) manent) tiap, kkal.
stensen (E.)> Hci'^y chtri, tiarg Standing, s. (rank) pargkat; (re-
tenda (Port.). Of long stand-
putation) nama.
Stand (stand), v. i. (be erect) ber- ing, lama.
diri,tgak;^ (stop) berhnti, brenti Standpoint s.
(-point), (place)
(B.) ; (endure) tahan, drita
impat; (purpose) maksud.
(Sk.) ; (hold one's ground) ber- Standstill (-stil), s. At a standstill,
tahan; (immovable) srnjarg;'^ diam. To come to a standstill,
(sticking up, of ])ointed things)
berhnti, brenti (B.).
chancharg. Stand by (Naut.),
Stanza (stan'za), s. pantun, sloka*
bcrsdia; (be near) berdiri di sisi,"^
berdiri dkat; (help) tolorg, bantu. Staple (sta'pl), s. (emporium)
J To stand for (support), tolorg; pkan,'^ ba7idar;* (principal com-
modity) dagargan;"^ (loop of
(lie a substitute) gantikan. To
stand off (as friends), jadi rrg- iron) kokot btina.*
Star (star), s.
biniarg. Shooting
gaig. To stand over, bertarggoh*
To stand out, seo star, bintargberaleh, bintarg
PROJECT. To stand security, ja- tuju/'' bintarg berlari (B.).

Starboard (star 'herd), adj. (Naut.)
mill, (N.I.) (D. borg).
To stand kanan.
still, diam. To stand
Starch s.
kanji, tajin
up, berdiri; (as porcupine's
quills) berchrancharg* berancliarg
( B. ) . To stand up for ( support ) , Starch, v. t. kanji, mrganji,^ kanji-
kan (B.), tajin (N.I.) (B.).
bantu, sblahi,* masok sblah (B.).
Stare (star), v. i. rnorg, mrnorg
Stand, V. t. (set upright) berdiri- '

(B.), blalakkan mata,* bliakkan

kan, tgakkan;* (endure) taJian,
drita (Sk.). Cannot stand, tiada mata. To stare at, tatap."^ To
laratr tiada rut,"^ ta'boleh tahan. stare out of countenance, taiap
Stand, s.
(place) tmpat; (for spec- sampai mmalukan.*
tators at a circus) bargku berterg- Starfish (star'fish), s. tapak sle-

kat; (for hats) pnjargkot/^ sargkot

man* (Ar. Sulaiman).
kopiafi (B.) ; (for plates, etc.) Staring (star'ing), adj. (wide open,
kaki. To of the eyes) bliak; (with pupils
prgtus;* (pedestal)
make a stand, bertalian. rolled upwads) terbuntarg.*
Standard (stand'erd), s. (flag)
Stark (stark), adv. s-mata-mata.
bndera, turggul;'^ (banner) panji- Stark naked, tlanjarg bogil,'* tlan-

panji;'^ (measure) jargka,* kadar jarg tlanjarg bulat-bulat,

(Ay.) ; (grade) pargkat, derjat tlanjarg lonchos,* berpukas.*
(Ar.). Eoyal Standard, cJiogan Stark, adj. (stiff) kaku; (entire,
'alam.* downright) s-mata-mata.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f65d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin iJiQn.
Starless (star'les), adj. tiada her- mulia,^ sajak, hebat* (Ar. hai-
hintaixj. bat) ; (in movement) segak*
Starlight (-lit), s. chahya hintaiy. Statement (-ment), s. perkata'an,
Starling (-ling), s. perlirg* chm- sbotan,"^ chrita; (in writing) su-
perling.^ rat ktraiyan, rnchana (Sk.), p-
Starred (stard), adj. hertlpoh* ryata."^ Statement of accounts,
Starry (star'ri), adj. berbintarg. kira-kira, reJcnirg (N.I.) (D.)*
Start (start), v.i. (move suddenly) Statesman (stats'man), s. mntri.
terkjot, tersentdk;(set out) ber- Statesmanlike (-iTk), adj. biiak"
jalan, berarykat
tolah, (N.I.) Sana sperti mntri.
(B.) ; ,(of ships) blayer; (of Statesmanship (-ship), s. pkerja-
princes) beratykat; (in a race) 'an mntri, 'ilmu* mntri.
berlpasf^ (begin) mula'i, mulai Statics (stat'iks), s. ilmu* kuasa
(B.) ; (loosen, as planks) rrggarg, barary yary diam, see dynamics.
lorggar. Starting point, pargkal; Station (sta'shwn), s. (place) tm-
(in races) tmpat berlpas.'^ pat; (on a railway) tmpat per-
Start, V. t.
(alarm, rouse) kjotkan; siryyahan, perhntian, stasyon
(set in motion) jalankan. (N.I.), statyon (N.I.) ; (of
Start, s. (movement) sentak; (be- police) rumah pasorg, balai (P.) ;
ginning) permula'an, awal (Ar.) ; (otiice, employment) pkerja'an,
(handicap in a race) ganda. A jaicatan;* (rank) parykat, mev-
favourable start (by divination), tab at (Ar.), derjat (Ar.).
largkah ymg baik* The time to Station, v. t. tmpatkan, ttapkan.
start, ktika largkah* By fits and Stationary (-a-ri), adj. ttap, tiada
starts, uncharg-unchit.'^ beryrak, tiada berobah, bersrn-
Startle (star'tl), v. t. kjotkan, pran- jary^
jatkan, kagetkan (N.I.) ; (inten- Stationer (-er), s. pnjual* per-
tionally) sergali.'^ kakas tulis.
Starvation (star-va'shim), s. k- Stationery (-er-i), s. perkakas
laparan, kbuloran. tulis.
Starve (starv), v.
lapar, mati k- Statistician (stat'is-tish'an), s.

bulor, mati kboloran (B.). pndaftar (Ar.).

Starve, v. t. kbulorkan, bolorkan Statistics (sta-tis'tiks), s. 'ilmu*
(B.). bilaryan, daftar (Ar.).
Starveling (starv'ling), s. budak Statuary (stach'u-a-ri), s. (the
yarg kbulor, budak yarg kboloran art) %lmu* mmbuat patorg; (sta-
(B.). tues) patory-patory.
State (stat), s. (condition) lial, Statue (-u), s. patory, patory Im-
pri,^ pri-hal* hal-ehual* (Ar. baya.'^'
aiiivdl, pi. of Ha7), k'ada'an; Statuette (-u-ef), s. patory kchil.
(grandeur) kbsaran; (nation) k- Stature (-ur), s. tiryyi.
raja'an, negri. Status (sta't^/s), s. hal, pri-hal*
State, adj. kraja'an (a). Statute (stach'ut), s. undary-un-
State, V. t. katakan, sbotkan; (in dary.
detail)butirkan* Staunch, adj. see stanch.
Stateliness (stat'li-nes), s. kmulia- Stave (striv), s. (of a cask) papan
'an, kbsaran. tory; (of a ladder) anak taryga.
Stately (-11), adj. (in appearance) Stave, v. t. To stave in (as a boat).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
tmboh* To stave off (push off), Steamboat (stem'bot), s. kapal api,
huaiy, tpis, targhis;'^ (delay) targ- kapal asap (N.I.).
gohkan.'^ Steam engine (-en-jin), s. enjin
Stay (sta), v. i.
(stop) herhnti, (E.).
brenii (B.) ; (wait) nanti, turggu, Steamer (-er), s. (steamboat) ka-
tirggal; (lodge) tumparg. To pal apt, kapal asap (N.I.) ; (in
stay away, tiada hadlir (Ar.). cookery) kukusan.
Stay, V. t. (sustain, hold up) targ- Steamship (-ship), s. = steamboat,
gorg, soTcorg, sargga;* (restrain) q.v.
ialian. Steed (sted), s. kuda turggarg.
Stay, s. (Naut.) tmberarg, perdi Steel (stel), s. baja, bsi baja, bsi
(L.) ; (t'orestay) suai. Topmast
V. t. (make hard) kraskan.
stays {^Siut), tali lerggarg, perdi Steel,
(L.), tahan turut. Steelyard (stel'vard), s. dachirg.
Stay, s. (support) pnolorg, pm- Steep (step), adj. churam, jroh*
bantu, pnarggorg;* (sojourn) p- Steep, V. t. rndam, Ichoh;* (in hot
numpaigan. water) chlor.
Stays (staz), s. hutarg (Jav.), choli Steeple (ste'pl), s. mnarah Ion-
(Hind.). In sta3's (ISTaut.), trgah chos.^ Steeplechase, lumba kuda
belok. mlompat pagar.
Stead (sted), s. In stead of, ganti, Steepness (step'nes), s. kchuram-
akan ganti.^ an.
Steadfast (sted'fast), adj. ttap, Steer (ster), s. Imbu kmbiri^ Imbu
kasi (Ar. Jchasi).
tgoh, chlcal hati.*
Steadfastness (-nes), s. Mtapan, Steer, v.
(Naut.) (direct a ves-
ktgohan, kclihalan* sel) berkmudi, pgarg kmudi;
Steadily (-i-li), adv. ttap, drgan (take a course) tuju.
tgoh; (continuously) sntiasa Steer, v. t. kmudikan, tujukan.
(Sk.). Steerage (ster'ej), s. (Naut.) ku-
Steadiness (-i-nes), s. httapan, Jc- rorg buritan. No steerage way,
tgohan. ta'makan kmudi.
Steady (-1), adj. ttap, tiada ber- Steering (-ing), s. (Naut.) Steer-
gralc, tgoh, hukoh;* (Naut. of the ing gear, psaivat kmudi, loper k-
helm) tgar. mudi (D.). Steering oar, prg-
Steady, v. t. ttaplcan, tgohhan. ay oh kmudi.
Steak (stak), s. s-kpirg dagirg. Steersman (sterz'man), s. juru-
Beef steak, bisteJc (E.). mudi, tekorg (Ch. tai-korg).
Steal (stel), v. i. t. churi, malirg Stem (stem), s. (trunk of tree or
(Jav.), sndal (Jav.), see pilfee. plant) bataig, perdu;'^ (of a wine
Stealing (stel'ing), s. pnchurian. glass) kaki; (of fruit) targkai;
Stealth (stelth), s. hchurian. (of leaves) gagarg;* (Naut.)
Stealthily (stelth'i-li), adv. mn- saok; (fore part of a vessel)
churi-chnri, diam-diam. haluan.
Stealthy (-i), adj. mnchuri-churi. Stem, V. t. soigsorg,"^ daga.*
Steam (stem), s.
wap. Stench (stench), s. bau busok, ban
Steam, v. t. (in cookery) Jcukus; batyar;^ etc., see putrid.
(to cause perspiration) targas.* Stenography (sten-og'ra-fi), s.

Steam, v. i. berwap. 'ilmu^^' mnulis dras.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice it' fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, 'injure '
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin iAen.
Stentorian (sten-tor'i-an), adj. rya- Stethoscope (steth'o-skop), s. per-
rirg, mrntir* kakas mmreksa dada.
Step (step), V. i. largkah, hertapah, Stevedore (ste've-dor), s. kpala
jarykah (N.I.). To step aside, mnrirna dan mmurygah muatan.
tpi, mnpi. To step in, masok, Stew (stu), V. t. rbus perlalian-
sirggah. 'To step on, pijak/^ in- lalian, rbus plan-plan (B.)
jak, pinjak (B.). (N.I.).
Step, V. t. (Naut., of masts) diri- Stew, s. stu (E.), stop (N.I.) (D.
kan, tgakkan* stooj).
Step, s. (pace) largkah; (of stairs) Steward (stu'erd), s. (of an es-
anak tatgga; (footstep) hkas tate) kuasa, ivakil (Ar.) ; (head
kaki; (gait) gaya; (act) perhuat- servant) pmgarg kunclii, juru-
kvncJii* botlir (N.I.) (D. bot-
an, jalan; (Naut., for a mast)
chupu-chupu. To take steps, laku- teller).
kan* Step by step, berpargkat- Stewardship (-ship), s. jawatan
paygkat. Step-, tiri, as, step- juru-kunchi.'^
father, hapa tiri. A false step, Stick (stik), (cut branch) ran-

salah largkak. tirg, dahan; (long slender rod)

Steppe (step), s. padarg luas* galali; (numerical coefficient) ba-

Stepping-stone (step'ping ston), targ ; (of fire wood) puntorg.

s. batu pijak'an* batu tijak'an* Stick insect, blalarg rantirg.^
batu pinjak (B.). Single stick, blbat.* See rod.
or Stick, V. t. (stab) tikam; (cause to
Stereoscope (ster'i-o-skop
timbol. penetrate) chochok; (upright, as
ster'-), s. Iroporg gambar a stake) cliachak; (fasten, as with
Stereotype (ster'i-o-tip or ster'-), a pin) smat; (cause to stick)
s. stirio (E.).
Ikaikan, sargkotkan, as below. To
Stereotype, v. t. (make per- stick in, sisip,"^ slitkan. To stick
manent) kkalkan.
on, tampal, Ikapkan.*
Sterile (ster'il or -il), adj. (of Stick, V. i. (adhere) Ikat, Irgkat
land) dargkal;* (of plants)
(B.), lergket (N.I.) ; (be fixed)
tiada berbuah.
saigkot; (unal)le to get through)
Sterilize (ster'il-iz), v. t. (of land) tersndat.* To stick in the
kuruskan; (of animals) mandul-
throat, mrgklan, (as a bone) ter-
kan;"^ (free from germs) buaTg To stick out, see pro-
kuman. ject. To stick ber-
together ,

Sterling (sterling), adj. (genuine,

jrait.* To slick up
(of pointed
pure) jati; (of British money) things) chancharg, clirancharg ;*
warg Irggris. (of a headdress) ianjak;* (as the
Stern (stern), adj. (severe) kras. end of a plank) jorgkit; (in all
Stern, s. (Naut.) buritan, blakarg. directions) chmorgkah-chmarg-
Sternmost (stern'most), adj. yarg keh.*
cliorot, pncliorot.'^ Stickiness (stik'i-nes), s. pkat,
Sternness (-nes), s. kkrasan. Iket* see sticky.
Stern post (-post), s. (Naut.) saok, Stickle (-kl), v. i. bertrgkar, lawan.
clianda, buaya saok. Stickler (-kler), s. pmbantah,'^ p-
Sternum (-wm), s. tularg papan nrgkar* orarg yarg suka bertigkar
dada* tularg dada. (B.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferrj'; Ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

Sticky (-i), adj. (of liquids) pkat;

Stillness (-nes), s. sniyap, ktdohan,
(to the touch) Iket;* (as moist ktnaryan.
sugar or salt) Irgas, herlrgas Stilt (stilt), s. kaki bajary*
(B.). Stilted (stilt'ed), adj. bermgaJi-
Stiff (stif), adj. (not pliant) hras, myali."^
I'oku; (firm) kukoh,"^ tgar;"^ (not Stimulant (stim'u-lant), s. obat
fluid) pkat; (of a breeze) kn- prarysary.*
clianj; (by stretching, as sails, Stimulate (-lat), v. t. (excite)
ropes) tgarg; (of joints) the yalakkan, yrakkan, barykitkan*
kjarg, kjor;* (through fatigue) prarysarykan.
liyoh; (of a dead body) harykar;^ Stimulus (-Iws), s.
(of cloth) sriTy;* (of hair) ker- pryyalak.^
sarg.'^ Stiff neck, salali bantah Sting (sting), v. t. sryat; (of small
Stiffen (stif'fn), v. i. jadi kras, insects) ktip.
etc., as above. Sting, s. siyat, klip, as above.
Stiffen, V. t. kraskan, etc., as above. Stinginess (stin'ji-nes), s. kikir,*
Stiff-necked (-nekt), adj. (stub- lokek, kdkut, bakhil (Ar. bakhil).
born) dgil, tkak. Stingy (-ji), adj. kikir,* lokek,
Stiffness (-nes), s. kkrasan, k- kdkut, chekel,* bakhil (Ar.), tary-
tgaran,'^' kaku, kpkatan/^ etc., see kai jriry.*
STIFF. Stink (stingk), v. i. berbau-busok.
ftifle (sti'fi), V. t. (stop breathing) Stink, s. bau busok, see putrid.
Imaskan; (extinguish, quench) Stint (stint), v. t. perhiryyakan,*
padain; (suppress) diamkan. Wggatkan.'^
Stigma (stig'ma), s. (brand) hkas Stint, s. perhirgga'an,* 'lyyat,^ had
slar; (stain, reproach) kchla'an, (Ar.).
ch achat. Stipend (stl'pend), s. yaji (D.
Stigmatize (-tiz), v. t. dila, per- gage), pndapatan.
mahtkan* 'aibkan (Ar.). Stipendiary (sti-pen'di-a-ri), adj.
Stile (stil), s. targga mm,anjat pa- ya7y makan yaji, beryaji.
gar. Stipulate (stip'u-lat), v. i. berjanji.
Stiletto (sti-let'to), s. (small dag- Stipulation (-la'shwn), s. perjanji-
ger) tumbok lada;* (in sewing) an, sharat* (Ar. sharT).
pryocJiok. Stir (ster), v. t.
(move) yrakkan,
Still (stil), v. t. diamkan, snryap- aleh; (agitate) kochak, kachau;
kan, tnarykan, tdohkan. (water, to frighten fish, also stir-
Still, adj. (motionless) diam; (si- ring up mud) kburf (rice in
lent) dia7n, snryap, spi (N".I.) ; cooking) kareh;* (instigate)
(calm, as water) tnary; (as the asut, usot (B.), achumf (the
air) tdoh. feelings, as music) ratuankan,*
Still, adv. layi, maseh (^.I.) ; rayukanf (to cause to fight)
(nevertlieless) juga, dalam itu adu,* adukan; (as fighting cocks)
pun, mski-pun dmkian* as, still oja.*
lie would not come, tiada juga ia Stir, V. i.
bergrak, beraleh; (slight-
mail datary. Still more, lb eh anjak;* see move.
lagi. Stir, s. (tumult) ympar,"^ hum-
Stillborn (stil'born), adj. mati hara; (in work) sib ok, kinchary-
dalam prot. kirap.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice it ' fire '
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, cil; thin then.
Stirrup (stir'rwp), s. pmijah haki, Stomachache (-ak), s. snak,
rakap^ (Ar. rihab). mulas, sakit prot.
Stitch (stich), s. jahitan. Back Stone (ston), s. batu; (gem) per-
stitch, jahit (D.
bJcia, kia* stik mata; (of fruit) biji, bijik (B.) ;
stikken) . (the disease) pnjakit kararg;"^
Stitch, V. t. (sew generally) jahit; (testicle) buah plir. Stone ma-
(technically) jahit tikam jjakj* son, tukarg batu. Hearth stone,
(as ataps) chochok. turgku,^ turgku dapur.
Stitching (stich'ing), s. tikam Stone, adj. batu (a).
Different kinds of stitch- Stone, V. t. (pelt) lempar, rjam;
from stones, as fruit) buarg
ing round the neck of Malay coats (free
are karap,
tularg hlut, kait biji.

targan, kait prirggi. Stony (ston'i), adj. (abounding in

Stock (stok), (of a tree) lataig;
s. stone) berbatu; (cruel) brgis;
(strnnp after felling) turggol; (of (very hard) kras mmbatu.
a gun) hatarg snaparg; (of a Stool (stool), s. baiyku (Port.) ;

plane) rumah (ktam) ; (lineage) (evacuation, euph.) najis.*

bneh, baka, asal, darah, kturunan; Stoop (stoop), V. i. tundok; (with
modal-sher* the head lower than the back)
(capital) modal,
(E.) ; (store of goods) hararg, toiggeig; (as a hunchback) borg-
simpanan; (cattle) Imbu-kam- kok; (to pass under something)
hitg; pi. (for the feet) pasorg; susop,'^^ sorok;'-^ (to pick up some-r
(on which a ship is built) pryaig- thing) jrorgkotg/'' jorgkok, jorg-
On the stocks, lagi di-huat. korgf (under a burden) rerg-
V. t. keh;^ (to conceal one's self)
Stock, (lay up) taroh, simpan;
(fill, supply) isi, Irgkapkan* 'ndap, mrgndap (B.) ; (submit)
t'alok (Ar.) (condescend) rn-
Stockade (stok-ad'), s. kubu, hen- ;

dahkan diri.
Stockfish (stok'fish), s. ikan krirg. Stop (stop), V. i. (cease to go)
berhnti, breiiti
(B.) ; (stay)
Stocking (-ing), sarorg s. kaki,
nanti, tirggal; (stay a while) sirg-
stokirg (E.), kaus (D. kous), boek
gah; (reside for a time) tumparg;
(B.) (Ch. beh). Without stop-
(of rain) sriat.'^
Stock-still (-stir), s. diain skali.
To stand ping, tiada berkputusan, tiada
stock-still, berdiri ta'-
Stop, (a hole) sumbat, kam-
V. t.
Stoical (st5'i-kal), yarg m- adj. bus;"^ (a well) tumpat/^ timbus;
nahankan sgala perrasa'an hati-
(obstruct) skat, 'mparg, srgkarg;
(cause to stop) berhntikan, bren-
Stoke (stok), v. t. marakkan* tikan (B.) ; (arrest) targkap;
galakkan (api). (hinder, restrain) tahan, tgah;
Stokehole (stok'hol), s. bilek bai-
(of bleeding) tahan, tasak.* To
lar (E.).
stop dead, berhntikan skali.
Stoker (-er), s.
tukarg api. Stop, s. perhntian; (punctuation
Stolid adj. buta
(stol'td), hati, mark) tanda perhntian, titek.*
torgorg."^ Stoppage (stop'pej), s. ksumbatan,
Stomach (stum'ak), s. prot, usus 'mpa^gan, skatan.
(N.I.) ; (in fun) tmbolok. Stopper (-per), s. sumbat, pryum-

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awtfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
hat; (Naiit.) stopor (E.), tali Stowaway (sto'a-wa), s. oraig ber-
husa, tali hap. smbunji di kapal.
Storage (stor'ej), s. simpanan. Straddle (strad'dl), v. i.
Store (stor), s. (that which is ac- (very wide) karykary.
cumulated) kumpolan; (store- Straggle (strag'gl), v. i. berddai-
house) gudary, gdory; (shop) ddai.^
kdai, gudairj, toko (N.I.) ; pi. Straggler (-gler), s. orary ber-
(supplies) harai(j, klrgkapan*
alat (Ar.). Straight (strat), adj. lurus, btul,
Store, V. t. (lay away) simpan,
trus. To keep
a straight face,
taroli, tarok (B.) ; (supply) hy-
tahan tertawa. To go straight
kapkan.^ through, trus-mnrus,^ tmbus-
Storekeeper (stor'kep-dl), s. orarg
mnmbus. To go straight on
pniimpan harary. (without stopping), nonory, m-
Storeroom (-room), s. gdory, yu- nonoiy (B.).
Straighten (strat'n), v. t. lurus-
Storey (-i), s. (floor) terykat, lo-
kan, btulkan.
tery (Ch. Idu-tery). Straighten, v. i. To straighten out
Stork (stork), s. burory raiygory.'^ (as a hook), Irykatg* Ika/^
Storm (storm), s. (tempest) ribot, Straightforward (-for'werd), adj.
tofan (Ar. Taufdn) ; (tumult) trus-trary, tulus.^
*yadoli, liuru-hara, ympar."^ Storm Straightforwardness (-nes), s.
tulus-ekhlas'^ (Ar. iklilds), trus-
cloud, pokok aiyin.^
Storm, V. t. sraiy, tmpoh, serbu. traty.

Storm, V. i. (of the weather) ribot;

Straightway (-wa), adv. dtyan
syra, s-bntar itu juya, serta-merta,
(rage) marah, ymbera.*
lantas (H.I.).
Stormy (storm'i), adj. (of weath-
Strain (stran), v. t. (stretch)
er) ribot; (of the sea) ylora.'^
tyarykan; (injure) plechok; (fil-
Story (stor'i), s. chrita, kesali, lii-

kayat/^ riwayat (Ar.). Cock and ter) tapis, sariry (N.L).

bull Strain, v. i.
(make violent effort)
story, chrita bukan-bukan.
To tell a story (lie), chakap bo- tran, innran (B.).
Strain, s. ktyaryan, plechok, tran,
as above; (sprain) salah urat;
Storyteller (-tel-er), s. dalary*
(sound of music) bunji; (ten-
Stout dency, disposition) c/fcondo??7 hatiJ^
(stowt), adj. (strong) kuat, Strained (strand),
yayah, tyap; (corpulent) ymok.
adj. (wrenched)
Stout, hitam (E. beer).
s. bir
Strainer (stran'er), s. tapis, tapis-
Stove (stov), s. (iron) dapur bsi; an, pnapis,* sariiyan (N.I.).
(earthenware) kran,^ arylo (Ch. Straining (-ing), s. tran.
ho7y-l6'). Strait (strat), adj. (narrow) sm-
Stovepipe (stov'pip), s. chorory, pit, smpet
(B.) ; (close fitting)
srotnbory/^ smprovy asap (N.I.), ktat; (straitened) pichek.^
somprory asap (B.). Strait, s. (of the sea) slat;* (po-
Stow (sto), V. t. (pack) kmas; verty, distress) kssak'an, kpichek-
(pile up) tinda7i;* (in layers) 'an* ksmpitan.
susun. Straiten (strat'n), v. t. (make nar-
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire'
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
row) smpitkan; (embarrass in Stray (stra), v. i.
(go astray) ssat,
one's circumstances) ssakkan, pi- ksasar (N.I.) ; (wander about)
ck ekkan* kmbaraj^ rayau/^' mrayau (B.),
Straitness (-nes), s. kssak'an, k- haryut.
pichek'anj^ ksmpitan. Stray, adj. (astray) ssat; (of buf-
Strand (strand), s. (shore) pan- faloes and cats) jalaiy.
tai; (of rope) Imbar, pintal. Streak (strek), s.
Three strand rope, tali kmbar Streak, v. t. chore7g.
tig a, tali Imhar tig a. Stream (strem), s. (current) arus;
Strand, v. t. kandaskan* sarggat- (flowing of liquid) aliran/-^^ leleh-
kan^' an* mlelehan (B.) ; (brook)
Strand, y. i. terkandas, tersadai* anak surgai. Down stream, to
tersanjgatf (in a helpless con- go stream, hilir
do\\|a Up
dition, wrecked) terdampar."^ stream, udek,'* iduj^ To go up
Strange (stranj), (foreign)
adj. stream, mudek."^
asirg,^ dagaig, gharib (Ar.) ; Stream, v. (as liquids) alir,* Ze-

(novel, odd, unusual) herari (Ar. leh, rnleleh (B.) ; (as light) pan-
uairdn), plekj^ 'aja'ib (Ar.). char;"^' (of a crowd) berdwyun-
Stranger (stran'jer), s. orarg a- duyun;'^ (as flags) berkihar."^
sinjj^ oraig dagaig, orarg gharib Streamer (strem'er), s. panji-
(Ar.), orarg bharu. panji/' nlar-ular."^
Strangle (strang'gl), v. t. (with Street (stret), s. jalan; (narrpw
the fingers) chkek; (with rope) side street) loroig, lurorg (B.) ;
kujut.^' (where there is a market) Iboh,*-
Strangulation (-gu-la'shwn), s. pkan."^
chkek' an, kujutan."^' Strength (strength), s.
(gen.) k-
Strap (strap), s.
(leather) tali kvatan, kuasa; (of men) gagah;
kidit; (of metal or rattan) sim- (of buildings, etc.) kukohf^ k-
pai. tgohan; (of liquors or acids) A;-
Strap, V. t. ikat drgan tali kulit, krasan. On the strength of that,
simpaikan, as above. oleh, sbab itu. To have no
Strapping (strap'ping), adj. kuat, strength to run, tiada berg ay a hn-
tgap. dak lari.

Stratagem (strat'a-jem), s. 'akal, Strengthen (strengthen), v. t.

elah^' (Ar. ullah), tipu-daya, kuatkan, tgohkan, kukokkanj^
muslihaf^ (Ar. maslanat). kraskan, as above.
Strategic (stra-te'jik), adj. A stra- Strenuous (stren'u-ws), adj. rajin^
tegic tmpat yaty berguna
point, berusaha (Sk.), yarg mmbantirg
dalam praig. Of strategic im- tularg, chcrkas,'^' tasak tularg*
portance, berguna dalam pprarg- Stress (stres), s. (weight) kbrat-
an. an; (pressure, urgency) pri m-
Strategy (strat'e-ji), s. 'ilmu* 7ikan; (of the voice) ikan suara.
mrgatur pprargan. Tolay stress on, bratkan, ferdlu--
Stratum (stra't?<m), s. (layer) la- kan (Ar.), perlukan (N.I.).
Stretch (strech), v. t. (as a slack
Straw (straw), s. jrami;* (of TOipe)rgarg, rntarg; (tightly) tgarg*
padi) roman;"^ (for a horse's bed- kan; (lengthen) panjargkan; (ex-
ding) bincha* pand) luaskan* (the wings) /cm-

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; Ice, it, fire>
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injurp
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, Low, oil; thin then.
batykan; (a drum) sendaJc* To an, perbantahan;* (fight) per^
stretch out (the hands), tadah- klahian; (battle) pprargan.
kan; (the arm) hulorkan, unjok- Strike (strik), v. t. pukol, hntam,
kan; (both arms) dpaiykan;* palu, sbat, ssali, tumbok, etc., see
(the legs) lunjorkan, kjorkan* beat; (come in collisionwith)
To stretch one's self stiffly, kjarg- kna, latggar, lag a, terantok; (as
kan diri; (after sleep or in exer- waves) pukol, tmpoh, bantirg;
cising) bersnam;'^ (lazily) gliat* (with the open hand) spak, tarn-
Stretch, v. i. (spread) kmbarg; (be par; (as a ball) ipak ;^ (with the
extended) luasj* (reach) sampai, fist) tumbok, gochoh; (with the
santak;* (of elastic things) hulor, knuckles) sekel,"^ sakal;"^ (with a
mmanjarrj ; (stretch one's self) long stick dowiiAvards as water)
see above. To stretch out (pro- tbah;* (vertically as a tree)
ject), anjur* Stretched out to ppah;* (as a falling object) tim'
view, terpamparg. pa; (to lower, as flags, tents, etcA
Stretcher (strech'er), s. (in a turunkan. To strike a match,
boat) pnndarg;* (for carrying the goriskan api.* To strike off (de-
wounded) usonjan* duct) tolak; (erase) potorg; (the
Strew (stro5), v. t. (scatter) ta- head) panchorg, prggal.^ To
bur, hambur; (with a sweeping
strike work, 'rggan bkerja* To
strike a measure of grain, aras-
^movement) tebar; (in disorder) kan*
strike two things to-
kaparkan/^ porak-
parekkan; (as clothes in a room) gether, lagakan* It strikes me
prok. favourably, termakan dalam hati
Striated sakija.
(strl-at'ed), adj. (chan-
see also Strike, v. i. (give a blow) pukol,
nelled) berglugorj*
STRIPED. palu; (hit) kna, berlaga;* (be
Stricken stranded) terdampar;'^ (stop
(strik'n), adj. (wounded)
luka; terkna. Fever work) 'rggan bkerja.'^ To strike
dmam. ^ at (threaten), ^acfm. To stnke
stricken, terkna
in (interrupt), masok mulut, sam-
Strict (strikt), adj. (tight) chrut;*
pok,* mnjampok (B.).
(exact, precise) btul; (severe,
Strike, s. 'njgan bkerja.^^
rigorous) kras; (of religious ob-
kuat. Striking (strlk'ing), adj. (in ap-
servances) Strictly pro-
pearance) hebat'^ (Ar. haibat),
hibited, di-laraig skali-kali.
Strictness (strikt'nes), segak.*
s. kbtulan,
String (string), s. tali rami; (of
musical instruments) tali; (of
Stricture (strik'chur), s. (censure)
things strung together) rargkai-
chla, k cilia' an; (the disease) ta'-
lawas knchirg.
an. A string of beads, manek-
manek s-utas. Top string, tali
Stride (strld), v. (with long
steps) largkak panjarg; (strad- String, t. (beads)
y. chocliok; (mu-
dle) kergkarg* kargkarg. sical instruments) pasanj tali;
Stride, s. largkak panjarg. (by uniting) rargkai. Stringed
Strident (stri'dent), adj. krnryau* instruments, bunji-bunjian targan
Strife s.
(contest) per-
(strif), atau bertali.
lawanan; (altercation) pertrgkar- Stringent (strin'jent), adj. kras.

lite, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it ' fire'
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; Ose, us, minws, cure, injure,
hiirry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Stringy (string'!), adj. (fibrous) Strop, V. t. kilir; (on gabus) ga^
bersabot. biiskan.^
Strip (strip), v. t. (plunder) ram- Structure (striik'chur), s. (con-
2ias; (deprive of hair, feathers or struction, edifice) bargunan; (ar-
clothing) bolos;'^ (of bark or rangement) peraturan.
peel) kupas; (a tree of fruit) Struggle (strug'gl), v. i. (contend)
ranjgaJif' (divest of clothing) lawan; (with contortions of the
tlanjargkanj* (tear off, as bark, body) ronta; (wrestle) gumol^
clothes, paper) hopak, kopek; (as a fowl when killed) glupor;
(tear in strips) soyat, soyak (B.). (in great pain or death struggle)
To strip off (clothes), tarygal- kjanj kokol;-^' (in drowning) ter-
kan.^ kapai-kapai.
Strip, s. (piece torn off) soyatanf' Struggle, s.
(of land) s-kpirg.
Strum (strum), v. i. bergndarg.
Stripe (strip), s. (of colour) ja-
Strumpet (strum'pet), s. sundal.
Strut (strut), v. i. jalan mndada,*"
blarg; (blow) palu; (wale)
bilur,'^ bilaif^ (chevron on the mrgliebat.^
mark a. Strut, s. sokojg, ptyargga* tun-
Striped janj.^
(strlpt), adj. berjalor-
jalor;^ blarg.
Strychnine (strik'nen), s. s-jnis
Stripling (stripling), s. oraig
Stub (stub), s. (of small trees)
muda, truna.^
Strive v. i. choba; tmggol (kchil) ; (of pencils,,
(striv), (try)
usaliakan cigars, etc.) (of puntorg;
(make efforts) diri;'^
law an. cheques) kratan.
Stroke Stub, V. t. (grub up) cliabot;
(strok), s. (blow) sbat,
(strike against) tadorgy^ terantok^
pain; (injury) balak (Ar. bala), Stubble (stub'bl), s. jrami.^
palu; (stroking) gosok; (striking Stubborn (-bern), adj. dgil, tkak^
of a clock) pukol; (in writing)
kras kpala.
garis; (of apoplexy) pitam; (in Stubbornness
tarek day org; (-nes), s. dgil, h-as-
rowing) (some-
'^ kpala, ikak.
thing accomiDlished) kjay a' an.
v. the
Stubby (-bi), adj. inontok.'^
Stroke, t. (with hand) go- Stucco (stuk'ko), s. lepa."^
Stud (stud), s. (nail) paku kpalai
Stroll (strol), v. i. bersiar. To go
payorg;'^ (collar button) bntarg'
for a stroll, makan argin, plsir dasi (D. dasje).
(N.I.) (F. plaisir). Stud, s. trnpat kvda beranak.
Strong (strong), adj. kiiat;
(phy- Studding-sail (stun'sl), s. (N'aut.)
sically) gag ah; (firm, solid) Im- layer dastor (L.).
koh,* tgoli, tgap; (of liquors) Student s.
(stfi'dent), (in school)
kras; (of coffee) pkat; (of wind) anak murid; (one who studies)
kncharg; (of currents) dras; (of pnnntut 'ilmu.^'
smell) rnsarg;^ (of taste) pdar;"^ Studied (stud'id), adj. (inten-
(of an army) bsar. thousand A tional) srgaja.
strong, s-ribu banjak-n/a. Studio (stu'di-o), s. bilek pmdis
Strop (strop), s. kidit pigilir/^^ gambar.
pigilir pisau.* Studious (-ws), adj. (given to*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; iee, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
study) rajin miyaji; (diligent) kerdil;* (stopped in growth) ter-
rajin, berusaha (Sk.). rnchat, terynchat.*
Studiously (-li), adv. (deliberate- Stupefaction (stu'pe-fak'shim), s.
ly) siyaja. hinjorg, malok, hius* as below.
Study (stud'i), s. (mental occupa- Stupefy (-fi), v. t. (make stupid)
tion) mulala'ah(Ar.) ; (subject hi?yo7ykan; (by poison) mabok-
studied) pnjajian;'^ (room for kan; (by drugs) biuskan^' (Pers.
study) hilek niutalaah (Ar. muTa- bill ail sh).

laah). In a brown study, termnorg. Stupendous (stu-pen'd^s), adj.

Study, V. i. kaji* mnjaji. (astonishing) heran (Ar. nai-
Study, V. t. (books) mrgaji; (ex- ran) ; (in magnitude) saryat bsar,
amine closely) slidek* biikan buatan.
Stuff (stuf), s. (material) harary; Stupid (stu'pid), adj. bodoh, bbal,
(woollen fabric) Icain panas. tolu, toryory, dryu,"^ bnak, ku-
Stuff, V. t. (fill) isi; (press, pack) rary 'akal.
Stupidity kbodoli^
padat/^ asak; (overfeed) tamu* (stu-pid'i-ti), s.

talak. an, etc., as above.

Stuffing (stuffing), s. of Stupor (stu'por), s. lalai, biiyory.

Sturdiness (ster'di-nes), s. ktyoh-
pillows, etc.)
an, ktyapan, kkuatan.
Stuffy (-11), adj. (ill- ventilated)
, kurarg aiyin.
Sturdy (-di), adj. (resolute) tyoh;
StuII (stul), s. (physically) tyap.
(shoring in gal- Stutter (stut'ter), v. t. yayap,*"
leries) sroiygonjr
yayok (B.).
Stultify (stul'ti-fT), v. t. hodohlian.
Sty (sti), s. kandary bahi.
Stumble (stum'bl), v. i. (trip) ter-
Stye, s. (in the eye) tembel* ben-
antoTc Icaki, tersrandong ;* (stag- tel.
ger forward) terdoroiy* To
Style (stil), s.
(mode, method)
stumble against, tadorg* To
pri/^ jalan, chara, pesen (E. fash-^
stumble along, ierjalan rhah-rem-
pa/i.* To stumble upon, hertmu
Style, V. t. (name) nama'i, glar^
drgan; (see inadvertently) ter-
pandary k-pada. To stumble in
Stylish (stirish), adj. kachak,.
reading, hacha terrargkak-rarg-
segak;^ hebat* (Ar. haihat).
kak* hacha tersarykak-sarykak. Sauve (swSv), adj. manis, Imbot.
Stumbling-block (-bling blok), s.
Suasion s. lial
(swa'zh?/n), mrg-
gndala (Sk.). ajak, pujok.
Stump (stump), s. (of a tree) tury- Suavity (swav'i-ti), s. laku manisj^'-
yol; (of pencils, cigars, etc.) pun- klaknan manis, kmanisan laku*
tory; (of teeth) gigi rompory. Subaltern (sub'd-tern), s. kpala
Stump, V. i. 'ntakkan kaki. soldado yarg di bawah paiykat
Stumpy montok* "
(stump'i), adj. captain.'^
dmpak.'^ Subdivide (sub'di-vid'), v.
Stun (stun), v. t. Iryar* khyarkan lagi skali, bhayikan piiJa* tan-
(B.), hiryorykan. dirg*
Stunt (stunt), v. t. kerdilkan* ter- Subdivision (-vizh'wn), s.
rncliatkan. tandirg*
Stunted (stunt'ed), adj. (dwarfed) Subdue (sub-du'), v. t.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it' fire*
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure'
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
dlahhan* kalahhan (B.) ; (bring diri; (to the will of God) tuakal*
into subjection) tundokkan, t'a- (Ar. tawakkal).
lokkan (Ar.) ; (tame) jinakkan. Submit, V. t. tundokkan, t'alokkan
Subeditor (sub-ed i-ter), s.
pnolory (Ar.), srahkan; (to the opinion
of another) pula?ykan k-pada,
Subject (sub-jekf), V. t. (subdue) pularg akhtiar k-pada (Ar. ikh-
tundokkan, falokkan (Ar.). To tidr) .

be subjected to (exposed to), kna. Subordinate (sub-or'di-net), adj.

Subject (sub'jekt), adj. (under berparykat rndah, berparykat di
authority) falok (Ar.). Subject
to (liable to), krap terkna. Subordinate (-nat), v. t. tundok-
Subject, s. (one under authority) kan, t'alokkan (Ar.).
rayai (Ar. rayat) ; (one who un-
Suborn (-orn'), v. t. adakan'^ saksi
dergoes) yarg kna; (that which is bohoiy [pakai (B.)].
discussed) hal, pri,^ perkaraj Subpoena (-pe'na), s. surat spina
(Gram.) fa'il (Ar.). (E.).
Subjection s. t'a- Subpoena, v. t. saman saksi (E.),
lok (Ar.). spina (E.).
Subscribe (-skrib'), v. i. bertek-yan
Subjoin (-join'), v. t. tamhah, to-
kok. (Ch. ih^h-ien), berlargganan,^ as
tun- below; (cooperate in buying)
Subjugate (sub'ju-gat), v. t.
ran tarn*
dokkan, Valokkan (Ar.).
Subscriber (-cr), s.
Subjugation (-ga'sh^/n), s. hal m- (of
nalokkan (Ar.). oi^ary bertek~yan, orary yarg tek-
Sublet (sub-let'), v. t. sewa di atas yan (B) ; (of a newspaper) orarg
sewa. berlargganan.'^
Sublimate Subscription (-skrip'shwn), s. teh-
(sub'Ji-mat), v. t. jadi-
kan ivap, ivapkan. yan (Ch. theh-ien), warg larggan-
an,^ as above; (to a club) yiiran,
Sublime (sub-llm'), adj. maha
iirggi/'' mulia, saiyat midia; (in
Subsequent (sub'se-kwent), adj.
appearance) hebat* (Ar. haibat). kmdian, yarg di blakarg.
Sublimity (-lim'i-ti), kmuliaan. s.
Subsequently (-li), adv. kmdian,
Sublunar (-lu'ner), adj. ya'ty di kmdian
blakarg, Ipas itu, deri-
bawah largit, yaiy di muka bumi. itu.
Submarine (sub'ma-ren'), adj. di Subserve v. t.
(sub-serv'), tolorg,
dalam laut.
Submarine, s.
kapal prylam. Subservient (-i-ent), adj. yarg m-
Submerge (sub-merj ), v. t. (put nolorg, yarg tundok.
under water) Uyglarakan, slam- Subside (-sTd'), v. i.
(sink to the
kan; (inundate) achap, liputi* bottom) mndak;* (sink, as earth)
ladoiyL''^ turun; (as a wreck in sand) ter-
Submission (-raish'itn), s. hal m- bnam; (become less violent) rda.
ryraJikan diri, hal tundok; (to Subsidiary (-sid'i-a-ri), adj. yarg
God) tuakal (Ar. tawakjcal). umolorg, yarg mmbantu.
Submissive (-mis'siv), adj. rndah. Subsidize (sub'si-diz), v. t.
Submit (-mif), v. i. tundok, t'alok
drgan bantu drgan warg.
(Ar.), srahkan diri, rndahkan Subsidy (-di), s. warg bantuan.
ate, ask, am, fiuaJ, care, car, carry; eve, heu, recent, mere, ber, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Subsist (sub-sisf), v. i.
(have exis- Subversive (-siv), adj. yarg m-
tence) ada, jadi; (live, be sup- rosakkan.
ported) liidop. Subvert (-vert'), v. t. halekkan,
Subsistence (-^ns), s. kaliidopan, h inasakan, rosakkan.
pncharian, rjki (Ar. rizki), jerki Subway (sub'wa), s. jalan dalam
(B.). tanah, jalan di hawah humi.
Subsoil (sub'soil), s. tanah lapis Succeed (suk-sed'), v. i. (follow,
yarg kdua. come next) ikut, turut; (be
Substance (-stans), s. (nature, es- successful) jay a (Sk.), hasil*
sence) k'adaan, zat (Ar. dzdt) ; heroleh maksud:^ To succeed to
(body, matter) Imbagaj* (pur- (property), ivarisi* (Ar. warith)^
port) maksud; (material) hararg. psakai."^
Substantial (-stan'shal), adj. Succeed, v. t. (follow) ikiit; (take

(real) snnjgoli, surggu (B.), htul: the place of) gantikan.

(strong, solid) kuat, kukoli.'^ Succeeding (-ing), adj. herturut-
Substantiate (-shi-flt), v. t. surg- turut, yarg di hlakarg, kmdian.
g h kan/^' sah kan .
Success (-ses'), s. jaya (Sk.), k-
Substantive (sub'stan-tiv), s.
jaya'an,"^ hasil.*
(Gram.) nama, ism (Ar.). Successful (-fool), adj. yarg jaya
Substitute (-sti-tiit), v. t. ganti-
(Sk.), ya7g heruntorg.
kan; (exchange) tukar. Succession s.
(-sesh'-z^n), (se
Substitute, s. ganti; (one who acts quence) turut-tnrutan ; (series)
for another) pmargku.
gilir,* prggantian; (lineage) k-
Substitution (-tii'sh7/n), s. prg- turunan. In succession (se-
quence), herturut-turut, hergilir-
Substratum (sub-stra't2/m), s. (of
gilir;'^ (by descent) turun-tmu-
rock) hatu ham.par.*
run, turun-mmirun (B,). The
Subterfus:e (sub'ter-fiij), s. elah
right of succession, hak psaka*
(Ar. uilali), elak (B.), daleli*
(Ar. uaqq).
Subterranean (-ra'ni-an), adj. da-
Successive (-ses'siv), adj. herturut-
lam tanah, di ham ah micka humi.
turut, hergilir-gilir;^ turun-tmu-
Subtle (sutl), adj. (fine, delicate)
run, turun-mnurun (B.), as above.
lialus; (cunning) cherdek, her-
Successor (-ser), s. ganti.
Succinct (-singkf), adj. (brief)
Subtlety (-ti), s.

Subtract (sub-trakf), v. t. tolak^.

rcrgkas,^^ pendek.
Succour (siik'ker), v. t. toloig, ban-
kuraiykan, ambil, chahot, potorg,
Subtraction (-trak'shwn), s. hal Succour, s. pertolorgan, hantuan^
mnolak, as Succulent (-ku-lent), adj. (juicy)
etc., above; (Math.)
tolak. berayer.
Suburb kamporg
(sub'erb), s. her- Succumb (suk-kum'), v. i. (yield,
submit) tundok. To suc-
hampiran drgan negri* kamporg
dkat negri. cumb to disease, mati shah prya-
Suburban (sub-er'bn), adj. yarg

di kamporg yaiy dkat negri. Such (such), adj. yaig dmkian,*"

Subversion (-ver'shwn), s. khinasa- bgitu, s-macham itu,* sperti itu.
'an, krosak'an. Such and such, ami.

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; Ice, it, fire,.

mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, bow, oil; thin
Suck (suk), V. t. hisap; (the Suffocated by smoke, mati ter-
breast) mryusu* mnetek* hisap salai.^ Suffocated in mud, mati
tetek (B.) ; (as sugar, outside the Ipor.*
lips) ryoryot; (something inside Suffrage (-frej), s. kuasa mmileh
thie mouth) kulom; (the sound) pgawai."^
ksop;"^ (at the corners of the Suffragette (-fre-jef), s. prem-
mouth) ksip. To suck up (ab- puan yarg mnuntut hak mmileh
sorb), srap* hisap. pgawai."^
Sucker (suk'er), s. (of a pump) Suffuse (suf-fuz'), V. t. (over-
kodok-kodok;'*' (of plants) sulor- spread, cover) liputi.* Suffused
suloran.^ with tears, berlinang drgan ayer-
Suckle (-kl), V. t. susuif-' teteki* mata.
hri tetek, kasi tetek (B.). Sugar (shoog'er), s. gula, sakar
Suckling (-ling), s. anak yarg m- (Ar.). Sugar candy, gula batu.
lyusu.'^ Sugar cane, tbu. Sugar mill,
Suction (-shwn), s. prghisapan.* kelarg tbu.* Loaf sugar, lump
Sudden (sud'den), adj. s-kuryoiy- sugar, gida buku,"^ gula potorg.
kuryory* tiba-tiba,* mrgjot-rgjot* Soft sugar, gida pasir. Palm
dnjan s-k japan (B.). sugar (from the coconut tree),
Suds (sudz), s. ayer sabon (Ar. gula mlaka, gida sadapf (from
^dbun). the sugar palm) gida kaborg.*
Sue (sii), V. t. d'awa (Ar.), bawa Sugar with santan and pulut, gidq
k-trgah, saman (E.). To sue for, srawa.*
minta, pinta* pohonkan* Suggest (sud-jesf), v. t. bri fikir-
Suet (su'et), s. Imak; (when an, kasi fikiran (B.), bri shur
cooked) miryak sapi. (Ar.) (intimate) sbotkan.

Suffer (suffer), v. t. (feel) rasa, Suggestion (-jes'chwn), s. shur

rasa if (endure) targgorg, takan, (Ar.).
drita (Sk.) ; (undergo, experi- Suicide (su'i-sTd), s. hal mmbunoh
ence) kna; (as diseases) idap;"^ diri. To commit suicide, bunoh
(allow) biar, bri, luluskanj* in diri.
the sense of undergo it can be Suit (sut), s. (in law) perkara,
expressed by bei', as, to suffer kes (E.) ; (marriage proposal) p-
thirst, berdhaga* minargan,* mminarg (B.) ; (of
Suffer, V. i. rasa'i srgsara* rasa'i clothes) prargguan. To bring
'azab (Ar.), targgoiy 'azab (Ar.), suit, d'awa, da'wa (B.). To
rasa sakit, kna susah, dapat susah. follow suit, chargkok.*
Sufferer (-er), s, yarg mndapat Suit, V. t. (adapt) patutkan, padan-

susah, yarg mnarggorg *azab* kan; (accord with) padan drgan;

(Ar. 'adzdb). (please) perknankan.*
Suffering (-ing), s. seksa, srgsara Suitable (sut'a-bl), adj. patut, pa-
(Sk.), 'azab (Ar.). dan, layak,* s-rasi, s-tuju, m-
Suffice (suf-fis'), V. i.
chukop, nasabah (Ar.).
pada'i.^ Suite (swet) s. (retinue) prgirirg;*
-Sufficiency (-fish'en-si), sf chukop. (set) prarggu,* prargguan.
Sufficient (-ent), adj. chukop, Suitor (sfit'er), s. (in marriage)
pada.'^ pminarg;* (in law) pnd'awa;*
Suffocate (suffo-kat), v. t. Imas. (petitioner) prgadu.*

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen,, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Sulk (sulk), V. i.
rajoh* mrajolc gil; (as troops or forced labour)
(B.). krah;* (in law) dfawa, da'wa
Sulky (sulk'i), adj. prajoh* yaiy (B.), saman (E.).
mrajolc; (morose) muka masam. Summons (-munz) , s. saman (E.).
Sullen (sul'len), adj. muram* Sumpter (sump'ter), s. kuda b-
muka masam. ban.^'

Sully (-li), V. t climarkan,^ kotor^ Sumptuary (-chu-a-ri), adj. deri-

kan, najiskan; (the reputation) hal blanja.
hiisokkan. Sumptuous (-us), adj. (costly)
Sulphate of copper (-fet uv kop'- mahal; (luxurious) ladzat (Ar.) ;

per), s. triisi.^ (splendid) TJiuZm,* indah.

Sulphur (-fer), s. hlerary. Sun (sun), s. mataliari; (sunshine)
Sulphuric acid (sul-fur'ik) s. ayer panas.
api, ayer kras.^ Sun, V. t. jmor. To sun one's self,
Sulphurous (sul'fer-ws), adj. her- berjmor.
Sunbeam (sun'bem), s. sinar mata-
Sultan (sul'tan), s. sultan (Ar. hari.

sulTan). Sunday (-di), s. hari ahad (Ar.),

Sultana (sul-ta'na), s. (raisins) hari mirggo (Port, doming o
kismis tiacla berbiji; (wife of a Lord).
sultan) tufyku ampuan* sultanah Sunder (-der), v. t. cliraikan, asirg-
iAr.). kan;* (by cutting) krat; (by
Sultry (sul'tri), adj. panas trek; breaking) putusj (divide) blah.
(hot and moist) panas berwap. Sundries (-driz), s. bararg kropas-
Sum (sum), s. (total) jmlah krapis/^ kertak-kertik (B.).
(Ar.) (amount) baryak; (pro-
; Sundry (-dri), adj. macham-ma-
blem) kira-kira. cliam, berjnis-J7iis, berbagai-ba-
Sum, V. t. To sum
jmlahkan (Ar.) gai,* plbagai/^ serba-serbi, rupa-
up (recapitulate), ulargi* To rupa (X.I.).
sum up (in other words), wa 'l- Sun-hat (-hat), s.
(native) trendak;
hasil (Ar.). (European) topi.
Summarily (sum'ma-ri-li), adv. Sunken (sung'ken), adj. (of the
seria-merta. eyes) chrgkotg, (slightly) chrg-
Summarize (-iz), v. t. rergkaskan* kra;* (of the cheeks) kmporg.*
Summary (-ri), adj. (brief) rerg- km/pot,'^ kmpus (B.).
kas;* (quickly executed) serta- Sunless (sun'les), adj. tdoh, rdop.
merta. Sunny (-ni), adj. (bright) ber-
Summary, s. rergkasan* chahya; (exposed to the sun)
Summer (sum'mer), s. musim pa- panas; (cheerful) bersuka-chita
nas. (Sk.), bersuka-suka.
Summerhouse (-hows), s. halai Sunrise (-rlz), s. terbit matahari;*
perarginan.* (the time) suboh (Ar. subun).
Summing up (sum'ming up), s. Sunset (-set), s. m.asok matahari;
(abridgement) rergkasan;* (re- (the time) magJirib (Ar.).
capitulation) ulargan.* Sunshade (-shad), s. payorg.
Summit (-mit), s. kmuncliak, pun- Sunshine (-shin), s. panas.
chak* merchu.* Sunstroke (-strok), s. panah mata-
Summon {-raun) , v. t.
(call) parg- hari.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire'
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (avvful); law, how, oil; thin thQu.
Sup (sup), V. t. irop.
Superior, s. ktua, orarg yarg Iheh
Sup, V.makan malam.
Superabundance (su'per-a-bim'- Superiority (-or'i-ti), s. klhehan.
dflns), s. klempahan* hmewahan. Superlative (su-per'la-tiv), adj.
Superabundant (-dant), adj. Lem- ya?g terutama skali (Sk.).
palif^ m.ewah. Supernatural (su'per-nach'u-ral),
Superannuate (-an'nu-at), v. t.
adj. sakti
(Sk.). Supernatural
Ipaslcan shah tua. power, ksaktian.
Superb (su-perb'), adj. sargat Supernumerary (-nu'mer-a-ri).
elok, mulia;'^ (in appearance) /le-
adj, yarg Iheh deri-pada jargka.
hat'-^ (Ar. liaihat). Superscribe (-skrib'), v. t. tulis
Supercargo (su'per-kar'go), s. 'alamat.*
chinchu (Ch. tsim-tsu).
Superscription (-skrip'shwn), s.
Supercilious (-sil'i-ws), adj. rarg- 'alamat surat."^
Supersede (-sed'), v. t.
Supererogation (-er'o-ga'shwn), s.

ganti, ganiikan; (make void)
perhuatan deri-pada patut. hatalkan; see abrogate.
Superficial (-fish'al), adj. clietek,
Superstition (-stish'wn), s.
tolior,'^ kiirarg dalam, see below.
cliayaan yarg hukan-hukan.
Superficiality (-i-al'i-ti), s. 'ilmu
Superstitious (-2/s), adj. yarg per-
chetek,^ fikiran clietek, etc., as
chaya akan yarg hukan-hukan.
amat halus* Superstructure (-struk-chur),* s.
Superfine (-fin), adj.
halus skali. hargunan yarg shlah atas lain deri-
pada alas.
Superfluity (-fiu'i-ti), s. klempah-
Supervene (-ven'), v. i.
piila, jadi pula.
Superfluous (su-per'flu-?fs), adj.
Supervise (-viz), v. t. preksa, jaga.
(unnecessary) herguna,
tiada ferdlu (Ar..), tiada perlu Supervision (-vizh'wn), s.
mreksa'an, jaga'an.
(N.T.) (excessive)
; terlampau*
Supervisor (-viz-er), s. pmreksa*
terlampon (B.).
Superhuman (su'per-hu'man), adj.
Supine (su'pTn), adj. (on the back)
yarg Iheh deri-pada kuasa ma-
niisia. tlntarg; (negligent) lalai, alpa
Superincumbent (Sk.).
adj. yarg mnindeh. Supper (sup'per), s. makan malam^
'I'he Lord's Supper, Perjamuan
Superintend (-in-tend'), v. t. prek-
Tuhan (X.).
sa, jag a; (as coolies) mandorkan.
Superintendence (-ens), s. p-
Supplant (-plant'), v. t. (displace)
mreksa'an, jagaan. tojak, kluarkan
drgan elah,^
Superintendent (-ent), s. pmrek- (supersede) gantikan.
sa* nailir (Ar.). Supple (sup'pl), adj. Imah-lmhot,
Superior (su-per'i-er), adj. Intor, Imah-liat.^
rank) yarg Iheh pargka^t : (in ex- Supplement (-ple-ment), s. (part
cellence) terutama (Sk.), Iheh added) tamhahan; (of a book)
ha.ik, yarg ierlheh haik, paliiy haik samhorgan, hvhorgan.
(N.J.) ; (of merchandize) kpala Supplement (-ment), v. t. tamhah,
kodi* aiggun (N.I.). tokok.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; Ice, it, fire,,
mirror: oll, not, coiTnect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws cure, injure.
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin i/ien.
Supplementary (-men'ta-ri), adj. Suppression (-presh'wn), s. hal
tanihahy tokok. 7)imperhntikan,* etc., as above.
Suppliant (-pli-ant), adj. yary m- Suppurate (sup'pu-rat), v. i. m-
niinfa, yary mmolion* nanah; (if the matter runs out)
Suppliant, s. pmohon,^ nG7ies*
Supplicate (-kat), v. i. t. niinta, Suppuration (-ra'shwn), s. nanah.
miniak, pinta* polionkan* Supremacy (su-prem'a-si), s. kua-
Supplication (-ka'shwn), s. per- sa yary bsar skali, prentahan yarg
min ta 'an, pmoh onan.* teruiama (Sk.).
Supply (sup-pli'), V. t. (fill up) Supreme (-prem'), adj. mahor
isi: siapkan, sdiakan,
(furnish) tityyi/- maha-bsar* terutama
Irgkapkan;* (give) bri, kasi (B.) ; (Sk.), terlalu saiyat.
(act as
substitute) gantikan; Sure (shoor), adj. (certain) tntu;
(provide) hkalkan. (certain to happen) tunai;* (im-
Supply, s. klrykapan* hkal, ganti, plicitly trusting) ttap perchaya;
see al-ove; *
(of food) plabor (positive) suryyoh, suryyu (B.),
Support v. t.
(-port'), (uphold) yakin (Ar. yaqin). To be sure
taiggonj; (prop up) toigkat, so- of, tunaikan.'^
konj, sargga* tojatg;* (with the Surely (shoorli), adv. tntu, ns-
hands) ampu; (a sick man) chaya (Sk.), diyan s-suryyoh-rya*
^apaJi;'^ (endure) tahan, drita psti, pasti (B.).
(Sk.) ; (maintain, provide for) Surety (-ti), s. (security) taryyorg-
plihara; (wife and children)
hla,'^ an, akuan, jamin; (a person)
bri nafkah (Ar. nafqah) ; (sub- orary jamin.
stantiate) smygolikan,^ sahkan; Surf (serf), s.
pchahan ombak,*
(help) tolory, bantu. bueh ylombary.
Support, s. (the act) hal mnary- Surface (ser'fes), s. muka, luar;
gory, etc., as above; (prop) tory- (outward appearance) lahir* (Ar.
kat, ampiian, etc. ; (maintenance) tldhir). On the surface, pada
prabla'an* pmlihara'an;* (of a (Ar. tlahir).
family) nafkah (Ar.) (to recline
Surfeit (-fit), v. t. knryargkan,
against) pryandar;'^' (for pepper jmukan, muakkan,'^ jlakkan."
or sireh plants) jmijory* Surfeit, s.
(oppression of the
Supporter (-er), s. yary mnary y org, stomach) snoh;* (satiety) kjmu-
yary mn/okory, pryampu,*' etc. an, kjlak'an.
Suppose (-poz'), V. i. t. sargka, Surge (serJX, s.
(wave) ombak,
kira, fikir; (conjecture) agak. glombarg.
Supposing (-iug), conj. jika s- Surge, V. i.
waves) jularg;*
kira-rya* mesal-rya,, umpama- (of a crowd)berpusu-pusu.*
nja,'^ s-andai-vja,* asal.* Surgeon (ser'j?ai), s. doktor yarg
Supposition (sup'po-zish'^/n), s. imymbohkan luka dan s-bagai-
sanjka, fikiran, ayak-ayak. rya,* doktor potorg.
Supposititious (sup-poz'i-tish'^/s) , Surgery (-jer-i), s. Hlmu'^ mrym-
adj. lanchory* palsu (Port.). bohkan luka, bilek doktor bkerja.
Suppress (-pres'), v. t. (put down) Surgical (-ji-kal), adj. deri-hal
berhniikan, brentikan (B.), pa- luka dan s-bayai-nja.
damkan, tiadakan;* (restrain) Surliness (ser'li-nes), s. muka ma-
tahan; (conceal) smburyikan. sam, rryus.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
oiirror: 61<l, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimta, cure, injure,
hurry; f56<l, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Surly (ser'li), adj. masam mnlca, Survival (ser-vi'val), s. hal maseh
hei'sut* priyus,* muka hsu (B.). hidop."^
Surmise (ser-miz'), v. t. saiyka, Survive (-viv'), v. i.
liidop, maseh
fikir; (guess) agah, gamah* hidop* lagi tirggal.
(Pk.). Survive, v. t. hidop lb eh lama deri-
Surmount (-mownf), y. t. (over- pada.
top) lampaui;'^ (overcome) dlali- Survivor (-er), s.
ya7g maseh hi-
Jcan* kalahJcan (B.) ; (exceed) dop/''
Ibehi, Ihehkan (B.). Susceptible (sus-sep'ti-bl), adj.
Surname (ser'nam), s. glaran; (of yarg Ikas mnrima, yarg makan
Chinese) se" (Ch. si""). nasihat* yarg mudah di-nasihaU
Surname, v. t. gla7\ kan^
Surpass (ser-pas'), v. t. Ihehi* Suspect (-pekf), v. i. t. taroh shak^

lampaui,^ lalui* Ibehhan (B.). tampa,^' tomah'^' (Ar. tuhmah).

Surplus (ser'ph/s), s. (remaining) Suspect, s. orarg yarg di-tomah
&X"i* (Ar. hdqi), sisa, Iheli, k- (Ar.).
tirggalan; (allowed over and Suspend (-pend'), v. t. (hang)
above for contingencies) lasi* gantorg; (delay) tahan, targgoh-
Surprise (ser-priz'), v. t. (attack kanf (stop for a time) batalkan
unawares) sergap;'^ (strike with srnntara*
wonder) hairankan, pranjatkan, Suspenders (-erz), s. tali sluar.

kjotkan, t'ajubkan (Ar.). Suspense (-pens'), (anxiety) s.

Surprise, s. sergap* terpranjat, bimbarg, khuatir (Ar. khaiudtir).

terkjot, fajvh (Ar.), Suspension (-pen'shwn), s. hal ber-
Surprising (-ino-), adj. lieran (Ar. ganto7g, hal mnahan, etc. see sus-
Hair an), 'ajaih (Ar.). pend. Suspension bridge, /m-
Surrender (sur-ren'der), v. t. balan gantorg.
(yield np) srahkan. Suspensory (-so-ri), s. andoh.^
Surrender, s. pnjralian. Suspicion (-pish'^yn), s. wasargka/^
Surreptitious (sur'rep-tish'ws) ,
shak (Ar.), ivaham (Ar.), tarn-
adj. mnchuri-chnri, glap. pa,^ tomah (Ar. tuhamah), p-
Surrogate (sur'ro-get), s. ganti. nampa'an.*
Surround (siir-rownd'), v. t. kli- Suspicious (-us), adj. (inclined to
lingi, letykoryi;'^ (a town or fort) suspect) yarg mnaroh shak, hati
kporg. ralat* (Ar. ghalai) ; (liable to
Surrounding (-ing), adj. klilirg. suspicion) yaig mndatargkan to-
Survey (ser-va'), v. (view) li-
t. mah. "^

Jiati* tatap;"^ (examine) preksa; Sustain v. t.

(-tan'), (support)
(as land) ukor, sukat. targgoig; (nourish) &Za;* (en-
Survey (ser'va), s. pmreksa'an, dure) tall an; (prove by evidence)
sukatan tanah, ukoran tanah; (of trargkan.
ship) serhe (E.). Sustenance (sus'ten-ans), s. (the
Surveying (ser-va'ing),'s. 'ilmu'^ act) hal mnarggorg, hal mmbla;*
mrgukor tanali, 'ilmu* mryukat (food) makanan, rjki (Ar. rizki),
tanah. jerki (B.), bkal.
Surveyor (-er), s. pmreksa* tu- Suture (sfi'chur), s. jahitan.
karg ukor tanaJi, mntri ukor Suzerain (su'ze-ran), s. yarg di-

(M.). pertuan* yam-tuan.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure.
hurry; f65d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Suzerainty (-ti), s.
pmrentahan weakness) oyorg* uyorg (B.),
atas raja yarg di-t'alok* loyorg;* (as a dancer) lerggok;
Swab (swob), v. t. ksat. (as a small tree) lay ah;* (as
Swab, s. prysat.*
Icain hanging objects) berayun*
Swaddle (swod'dl), v. t. (the body Sway, s. prentah. To bear sway,
only) bar at; (including the arms) pgarg prentah, pegarg prentah
hdoiy. (B.).
Swaddling-clothes (-dlingklofc), Swear (swar), v. i. (take an oath)
s.kain lampin. sumpah, bersumpah; (curse) ber-
Swagger (swag'ger), v. i. (swing- kutok* sranah. To swear at, sum-
ing the body) eg ah;* (swinging pah, sumpahi, kutokki.* To
the arms) jalan terlerggarg-levg- swear by (trust implicitly) , harapi,
gaig, jalan lerggarg-lerggok; (in harapkan (B.).
act) somhorg, segakkan diri;* Swear, v. t. suroh sumpah, sumpah-
(boast) bsarkan diri, mgahkan kan.
diri* mrgatas-rgatas.* Sweat (swet), v. i. berploh, kluar
Swaggerer (-er), s.
orarg pryom- ploh, berkriigat (N.I.) ; (slight-
Ijorg* orarg pryegak* ly) Iket,* bergtah; (during fever)
Swain (swan), s. truna di dusun* kbah; (become moist, as metals)
Swallow (swol'lo), s. layarg-layarg .
Sv'allow, V. t. (food) tlan, liilor;* Sweat, V. t. (by artificial heat)
(liquids) tgok. targas.*
Swamp (swomp), s. pay a. Sweat, s.
ploh, krirgat (Jav.).
Swamp, V. t.
(Naut.) trgglamkan; Sweater (swet'er), s. baju panas.
(ruin) hinasakan. Sweaty (-i), adj. berploh; (slight-
Swampy (swomp'i), adj. Swampy ly) berhgas; (less) bergtah, Iket.*
land, tanah paya. Sweep (swep), v. i.
(with a broom)
Swan (swoii), s. joyinah (Pers.). sapic; (over the ground, as a bird)
Swap (swop), V. t. (exchange) tu- lay ah.*
kar. Sweep, V. i. sapu; (remove by
Sward (sword), s. padarg riimput. brushing) hapus;* (as crumbs
Swarm (sworm), s. (of bees) ka- with hand or rubbish with the
wan lb ah;* (of people) kumpol- foot) kuis.
an. Sweep, s.
(large oar) dayorg batarg;
Swarm, v. i. (of bees) bertualarg;* chiau* (Ch. chiu^).
bubus;* (throng
(of flying ants) Sweeping, adj. (covering many
together) berkrumun, germut* thiugs) rata-rata.
To swarm around (something), Sweepings (-ingz), s.
uroig* huroiy* sarap.*
Swarm, v. i.
(climb) panjat, kra- Sweep-stakes (-staks), s. lotri
bat* (Eur.).
Swarthy (sworth'i), adj. kulit lii- Sweet (swet), adj. (to the taste)
iam. manis; (to the smell) waigi, lia-
Swathe (swil/A), s. barut, kain rom;* (to the ear) sdap, rnerdu;*
lampin. (pleasant to the eye or mind)
Swathe, v. t. bbat, barut, bdorg, see manis. Sweet potato, kledek.
SWADDLE. Sweet, s. manisan, halwa;* (in
Sway (swa), v. i.
goyaig; (through bottles) gula-gula.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d. foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Sweeten (swet'n), v. t. manishan, Swindler (-dler), s.
pnipu, prgelat,
sdapkan. jmjechoh* pnchurarg.
Sweetheart (-hart), s. hkaseh. Swine (swin), s. babi, chelerg
Sweetmeats (-mcts), s. halwa,* (N.T.).
manvian. Swing (swing), v. i. (as a tree)
Sweetness (-nes), s. kmanisan, goyaig; (as the legs or a cradle) j

hwaiyian. ayiin;'^ (as the arms) lerggarg;

Sweet-scented (-sent'ed), adj. (the body) liatg-liok;* (of a
wanji, liarom.^ broken branch or leg) terkulai;"^
Swell (swel), v. i. (of the flesh) (of a child in a cradle) buai*
hrgkakj (with dropsy) smhap; (of Swing, s. buaian* bo-bue (B.).
the stomach) kmhorg; (of a blad- In full swing, drgaii bebas^
der) glmborg, klmhorg (B.), hun- Swing bridge, jmbatan buka-
tal; (as rice when boiled) muai* katop,* jmbatan buka-tutop.
Swell, s. (large wave) alun.^^ Swinging (swing'ing), adj. (to
Swell, adj. (dandified) kachak. and fro, of short things) kontal-
Swelling (sweFing), s. hrgkak; (on kantil; (longer things) berayun.*
the forehead or
head) hinjul* Swinish (svvin'ish), adj. chara
binchut, hinchul;* (of the stom- babi.

ach) prot hunchit; (in women Swirl (swerl), s. (eddy) olak*

from ovarian disease) husorg; Swish (swish), s. dsau.* *

(of the
legs) untut; (of the Switch (swich), s. (twig) rantirg;
neck) hgok,^ gondorg;^ (of the (of cane) rotan; (of hair) ch-
testicles) burnt* bodek, bodek mara; (on railways) semparg^
bsar (B.) ; (of mumps) brok mrg- kunclii-landasan.*
hantar liasilj^ brgok (B.) ; (of the Switch, V. t. ssah, blasali f^ (on rail-
eye from a blow) bokop,* bakop* ways) sempargkan, belokkan.
Swelter (-ter), v. i. berjmor, ber- Swivel (swiv'l), s. ergsel (D.).
panas. Swivel gun, lela,"^ rntaka.*
Swerve (swerv), v. i. lenchorg. Swollen (swdl'n), adj. brgkak,
Swift (swift), adj. dras, laju, bjykak-brykil;* (of the face or
chpat, pantas. eyes) bakop* bokop;* (with
Swift, s. layarg-laymg. weeping) balut/^ also see swell-
Swill (swil), V. t. ^o^oZ;. ing.
Swill, s. makanan babi. Swoon (sw5on), v. i.
Swim (swim), v. i. bernarg; (on Swoop (swoop) v. i.
junam, sun-
the back) lala* (W.) ; (float) tim- jam.*
bol; (be dizzy) pnirg ; (with tears) Swoop, V. t. sambar.

berlinarg. Swop (swop), see swap.

Swimming (swim'ming), s. (diz- Sword (sdrd), s. pdarg; (short and
ziness) pnirg. straight) sundarg;* (Achinese)
Swimmingly (-li), adv. snarg, ber- klewayg;* (scimitar) samsliir
untonj. (Pers.).
Swindle (swin'dl), v. t. tipu, daya- Sword dance (sord'dans), s. pn-
kan,* perdayakari* kechoJi,* cliak;* (without weapons) silat*"
elat* bersilat (B.).
Swindle, s. tipu-daya. Swordfish (-fish), s. ikan todak;

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sdre, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
(a small variety) ikan puput;* Synonym (-o-nim), s. perkata'an
(very small) jolorg-jolorg. yarg sama sarti, perkataan yarg
Swordsman (sordz'man), s. pn- sama arti-rya.
dekar.* Synonymous (sin-on'i-mws), adj.
Swordstick (sord'stik), s. hlbat.* satu arti, sama m'ana (Ar.).
Sworn (sworn), adj. Sworn ene- Synopsis (-op'sis), s. rergkasan*
mies, musoh dunia akhirat, musoh Syntax (sin'taks), s. 'ilmu* mrg-
hsar (B.). Sworn friends, sa- atur perkata'an, rargkaian per-
habat yarg ikrab ( Ar. aqrab),kiat- kata'an,* mantik (Ar. manTiq),
pai (B.) (Ch. kiet-pdi). Syphilis (sif'i-lis), s. pryakit prem-
Sycamore (sik'a-mor), s. ju7niz puan. Tertiary syphilis, sule.
(Ar.), ara hutan.*' See CPIANCRE.
Sycophant (-o-fant), s. piyargkat/^ Syphon (sl'fon), s.
paip mlrgkorg.*
pmbujok* Syren (sir'en), (Naut.) wisel

Syllable (sil'la-bl), s. buryi,* suku* oigka, wisel gajah (E. whistle).

A word of three per- syllables, Syringe (sir'inj), s. bomba, pompa
kata'an tiga buryi, perkataan tiga (N.L) ; (of glass) bomba kacha;
suku* (of rubber) bomba gtali.
Syllabus (-bws), s.
rergkasan/^ Syringe, v. t. bomba, pompa (N.I.).
Sy.llogism (sil lo-jizm), s. aturan Syrup (-wp), s. ayer gula, strop
hahas'^ (Ar. baiiath). (X.I.) (D. stroop).
Sylvan (-van), adj. rimba (a.). System (sis'tem), s. aturan, per-
Symbol (sim'bi/1), s. tanda, 'alamat aturan; (method) jalan, pri.*
Systematic (-at'ik), adj. beratur,
Symbolic (sim-bol'ik), adj. yarg bperaturan.
mnandakan, yarg mryatakan. Systematize (-a-tiz), v. t. aturkan.
Symmetrical (-met'ri-kal), adj. s-
rupa, sama bhagi, berstuju. T
Symmetry (sim'me-tri), s. per-
stujuan. Tabby (tab'bi), adj. blarg.
Sympathetic (-pa-thet'ik), adj. Tabernacle (-er-nak'l), s. (tent)
pilu, bias, yarg mnimbanj rasa. khemah (Ar. khaimah).
Sympathize (-thiz), v. t. bias, pilu, Table (ta'bl), s. (furniture) meja
iimbarg rasa. (Port). Table cloth (Eur."),
Sympathy (-thi), s. pilu, bias, lial kain meja; (Malay, on the floor)
mnimbarg rasa, insaf (Ar. insdf). sprah"^' (Rmd. sufrah) Table of .

To laugh in sympathy, tumparg contents, daftar (Ar.), fahrasat

tertawa. (Ar. fihirist).
Symphony (-fo-ni), s. (harmony) Tablet (tablet), s. (for writing)
sajak (Ar. saj'a) ; (musical com- loh'^ (Ar. toll).
position) lagu ben biola. Taboo (ta-bo6'), s. pantarg, pmalL*
Symptom (simp't?7m), s. tanda Taboo, V. t. pantargkan.
pryakit, 'alamat pryakit.'^ Tabular (tab'u-ler), adj. yarg di-
Synagogue (sin'a-gog), s. tmpat daftarkan (Ar.).
smbahyarg orarg Yahudi, kanisah Tabulate (-lat), v. t. daftarkan
(Ar.). (Ar.).
Synod (-od), s. rnashuarat oraig Tacit (tas'it), adj. diam-diam.
Msihi* (Ar. maslni). Taciturn (-i-tern), adj. pndiam.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, hgr, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Tack (tak), v. i.
(Naut.) helok, her- tahan; (suppose) sargka; (con-
pal-palj, huarg pal, huarg prai. sider) bilargkan. To take aback,
Tack, V. t. (with pins) smat; (by birgorgkan. To take advantage
stitching) jlujor, lari hnarg. of (use), gunakan; (cheat) per-
Tack, s. (nail) paku smat; (Naut.) dayakan* To take aim, tuju.
kaki layer. To take along, bawa, hantar. To
Tackle (tak'kl), (Naut.) (rope and take away, bawa pergi, larikan
blocks) lopar (D. looper), takal hilaigkan, papas.* To take
(E.) ; (gear of a ship) perkakas breath, bernafas. To take bribes,
kapal, serha kapal, tali-tmali, makan snap. To take captive,
ahah-abali. taiuan.'^ To take care, jaga. To
Tackle, v. t. (undertake to do) ja- take care of, jaga, bla,* plihara.
bat;* (seize, lay hold of) chapai, To take down (lower), turunkan;
paut. (swallow) tlan; (pull down) rom^
Tact (takt), s.hijaksana/akal-hudi. bak; (write down) tulis. To
Tactful (takt'f ooZ), adj. hijaksana, take effect, berlaku* jalan (B.).
herakal-hiidi. To take fire, kna api. To take
Tactics (tak'tiks), s. 'ilmu^ mrg- heart, dapat Jiati. To take heed,
atiir prarg. ijgat baik-baik, pduli. To take
Tadpole (tad'pdl), s. hrudu.'^ hold of, ambil, pgarg, chapai, paut.
Taffrail (taf'rd), s. (Naut.) her- To take in (comprise), kandorg;*'
du di buritaii. (cheat) tipu; (admit) bri masok,.
Tag (tag), s. surat 'alamat* kasi masok (B.) ; (receive) trima;
Tail (tal), s. (of an animal) ekor, (understand) mrgerti; (periodi-
huntut (B.) (of a kite) rambu;
; cals) berlatgganan.'^ To take
(of a coin) burga, eiykerg."^ To issue with, bantahi.* To take
play heads or tails, wain lerap,'^ leave, minta diri,* bermohon.*
main sampak* In playing with To take notice, irgat, pduli. To
two coins, when one is heads and take oath, bersumpah. To take
the other tails, clientorg: Neither off (remove), hilargkan; (the
head nor tail, tiada hujorg pargkal, hat) buka; (clothes) targgal,*
fada kpala buntut (B.). biika (B.) ; (withdraw) undor-
Tailless (tal'les), adj. (of fowls) kan, bawa pergi; (mimic) ajok.
iogelf' (of birds) poiygok.^ To take offence, rsan,"^ ambil di
Tailor (ta'ler), s. tukarg jahit; (In- hati. To take on, trima, targgorg.
dian) derji^ (Hind, darzi). To take one's own course, ikut
Taint (tant), v. t. chachatkan, hati. To take out (remove),
rosakkan, bvsokkan. kluarkan, hilargkan; (draw out)
Taint, s. chachat, krosaVan. chabot. To take over, trima. To
Tainted (tant'ed), adj. (too soft, take part, masok targan. To take
of fish) bonjor. place, jadi, berlakn.* To take
Take t. (take hoM of) am-
(tak), v. sides with, masok sblah. To take
bil, pgarg, pegarg (B.) ; (seize) to heart, berchintakan,* makan
targkap, chapai; (by force) rbot, hati. To take to task, tgur. To
rampas; (convey) bawa; (pick take up (lift) argkat; (arrest)
up) anjkat, pmyut; (choose) pi- targkap. To take up time, hilarg-
leh; (conduct) hantar; (accept, kan waktu.
receive) trima, samboi; (endure) Take, v. i. (as vaccination) jadi;

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
(please) herhnan. To take after, Tamable (tam'a-bl), adj. yarg
ikut, turut. To take to, mulai, boleh di-jinakkan.
mulai (B.). Tamarind (tam'a-rind), s. asam
Take, s. (of fish) tavghapan* jawa, tamar hindi (Ar.).
Taking (tak'ing), adj. (pleasing) Tambourine (tam-boor-en'), s.
herknan. rbana, rdapJ*
Tale (tal), s. cliriia,'kesah,hikayatj^ Tame (tarn), adj. jinak.
rncliana (Sk.), riwayat (Ar.). Tame, v. t. jinakkan.
Talebearer (tal'bar'er), s. pmhaiva- Tameness (tam'nes), s. kjinaVan,
mulut, piyumpat,'^ si bawa mulut Tamil (tam'il), s. Kliyg, Klerg (B.).
(B.). Mohammedan Tamil, Klirg Islam-.
Talebearing (-ing), s. umpat, fit- Tamp (tamp), v. t. asak, lantak.
nah (Ar.). Tamper (tam'per), v. i. (meddle)
Talent (tal'ent), s. (a large weight ganjgu, masok targan. To tamper
of money) bhara (Sk.) (ability, ; with, kackau; (bribe) bri snap,
mental endo^vmcnt) kpandaian, kasi snap (B.).
'akal. Tampion (-pi-wn), s. nal* (D. knal
Talented (-ed), adj. berakal, ahli
= detonation), see wad.
(Ar.). Tan (tan), v. t. (leather) samak;"^
Talisman (-iz-man), s. targkal, (the skin by exposure) jmor.
'azimat (Ar.). Tan, s. kulit samak.^^
Talk (tawk), y. i. berkata-kata* Tandem (tan'dem), adj. berekor-
bertutor, bercliakap, omorg-omorg ekor.
(K".!.), berbichara (N.I.) ; (chat) Tang (tang), s. (of a knife) putirg.
berbual, berbeka* To talk Tangible (tan'ji-bl), adj. yarg
in one's igau,*
sleep, mrgigo boleh di-jamah; (real, evident)
(B.), mamai:^ To
talk delirious- Tyata.
ly, racliau.'^ talk throughTo Tangle (tang'gl), v. i. berkusut,
one's nose, svgau. To talk in- berslirat* berpioh/'' cJiolarg-cha-
articulately, reryeh^' To talk liig."'-

about things one does not know, Tangle, v. t. kusutkan.

gapil.'^ Tank (tangk), s. (cistern) kolam;
Talk, V. t. (languages) berbhasa.* (smaller) kolah; (of iron) targ-
To talk nonsense, karut, rapek, ki'^^
mrapek (B.). Tankard (tangk'erd), s. jak (E.
Talkative (tawk'a-tiv), adj. bletir, jug), pochi* (D. potje).
mletir (B.), bacharf^ chlupar* Tanner (tan'ner), s. tukarg samak
rmilnt bochor, chlampiis.* kulit^
Tall (tawl), adj. tirggi, panjarg. Tannery (-i), s.
tmpat samak ku-
Tallow (tal'ld), s. Imak kmbirg* lit^
minjak kamberg (B.). Vegetable Tantalize (-ta-lTz), v. t. srgsarakan
tallow, miryak Sirgkaivarg* dnjan mmutuskan harap.'^
Tally (-li), s. hitonjan, bilargan. Tantamount (-mo\\Tit), adj. sama^
Tally, V. i. (suit, fit) kna, berstuju, sama sperti.
sama, siiai* Tap (tap), v. t.
(strike lightly)
Talmud (-mwd), s. hadis* orarg tpok, ktok.
Yahudi (Ar. naditJi). Tap, V. t. (palms, to get sugar)
Talon {-un), s. kuku. sadap;"^ (a cask, etc., to draw

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin than.
liquid) chrat;* (rubber trees) po- Task (task), s.
pgargan* pkerja'an
torg, tor eh. yarg tntu.
Tap, (a blow) tpok, htok.
Tasic, V. t. tntukan kerja.
Tap, (a faucet) chrat f"
pili^ Taskmaster s.
(Tarn.). maiidor.
Tape (tap), s. pita (Port.). Tassel (tas'sl), s. rumbai; (on the
Taper (ta'per), s. (candle) dian/" corners of a kite)
antirg-antirg ;*
lilin; (tapering form) lonchos."^ (of a fez) jambul.
Taper, v. i. tirus/^ roncherg* Taste (tast), v. t. rasa, rasa'i; (with
Tapestry (tap'es-tri), s.
dewavgga the lips) kchap;
(by touching
with the finger) chchap.*
Tapeworm (tap'werm), s.
chachirg Taste, s. rasa, perasa'an; (relish)
pita,^ chachirg pipeh* injin, sleraf (the sense of taste)
Tapioca (tap'i-o'ka), s. ubi Jcayu. rasa
Tapir (ta'per), s. badak tamporg,^'
rasa, tkakf (discernment)
Tasteless (tast'les), adj. cham-
Taproom (tap'rdom), s.
tmpat jual
arak. pahr (of rice) bnryai;* (insipid)
tawar; (as water) payau.
Taproot (-root), s. tunjarg^
Tar (tar), s. bolorg* miryak tar
Tasting (-ing), s. rasa, rasa tkak.*

(E.), minjak ter (D. teer), miryak

Tasty (-i), adj. sdap, ladzat (Ar.)i
enak (N.I.).
Tatter (tat'ter), s. chtai.*
Tar, V. t. sapu tar* sapu ter* sapu
tir Tatter, v. t. koyak-rabak, koyak-
miryak (B.), as above.
Tarboosh rahek (B.), chrabai*
(tar-boosh'), s. tarbiis*
Tattered (-terd), adj. chomparg-
{At. Tarbush), sorgkok turki, ko-
champirg, romparg-rampirg , ro-
piah stambul.
Tardily adv. bak-rabek,* krobak-krabek.*
(tar'di-li), lambat,
Tattle (-tl), V. i.
(prate) repek,
Tardy (-di), adj. lambat, leigah. mrapek (B.), bletir, mletir (B.) ;

Tare (tar), s. brat pti, brat guni, (tell tales) bawa mulut.
brat kreta, etc. Tattler (-tier), s.
orarg pletir,* pak
mletir (B.).
Target (target), s. sasar* sasar-
an* Tattoo (tat-too'), s. buryi trompei
Tariff (tar'if), s. daftar chukai,'' miyuroh. iidor.
daftar tambarg.* Tattoo, V. t. chachah.*
Tarnish (tar'nish), v. t. kusam- Tattooing (-ing), s. chachah.*

kan.* Taunt (tawnt), v. t. (upbraid) trg-

Tarpaulin ( tar-pa w'l in), s.
tarpal kiig, trgkeig (B.), herdekf (jeer
(E.). at} olok-olok, giat.
Tarry (tar'ri), v. i.
(wait) tyanti, Taunt, s. trgkirg-herdek.*
turggu; (loiter) leigali.
Taut (tawt), adj. kncharg, tgarg,
Tart (tart), adj. (acid) asam, klat; trek.

(sharp, severe) pdas. Tautological (taw'to-loj'i-kal), adj.

Tart, s.
(small) epok-epok, kueh berularg-ularg.
tat (E.), kueh tar Tautology (taw-tol'o-ji), s. per-
Tartar (tar'ter), s. (on the teeth) chakapan b erularg-ulaig.
karat gigi. Tavern (tav'ern), s. kdai arak.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure^
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin then.
Tawny (-ni), adj. hitam manis, ejek; (make angry) sakat; (by
c/i a ch i- cJiucJii kulit.* importunity) rergek, berrergek
Tax (taks), s. chiikai, hia
(N.I.) ; (B.).
(burden) hhan,'^ targgorgan. Teat (tet), s.
putirg tetek, putirg
Tax, V. t. (impose a tax) chukai- su.ra; (of feeding bottle)putirg
kan; (accuse) titdoh.'^ sn6U, pntil susu (N.I.).
Taxable (taks'a-bl), adj. yarg holeh Technical (tek'ni-kal), adj. 'ilmu^
di-chiikaikan, yarg kna chukai. (a). Technical school, skolah
Taxation (taks-a'shwn), s. hal mn- 'ilmu pertnkaigan.*'
chukai. Tedious (te'di-ws), adj. yarg mn-
Tea (te), s. teh, ayer teh, sliai jmukan, yarg mmnatkan.
(Ar.) ; (the dried leaves) daun Tedium (-wm), s. jm^u.
teh. Teem (tem), v. i.
(be prolific)
Teach (tech), v. t. ajar. biak ; (be full of) berlempahan.'^
Teachable (tech'a-bl), adj. yarg Teetotaller (te-t5 tl-er), s. orarg
suka Majar. yarg inmantargkan arak.
Teacher (-er), s. guru, muallim Telegram (tel'e-gram), s. khabar
(Ar.), pandifa (Sk.). Visiting kaivat, taligrap (E.).
teacher, guru plawat.* Pupil Telegraph (-graf), s. taligrap (E.),
teacher, guru kchil. kaivat.
Teaching (-ing), s. prgajaran. Telegraph, v. t. pukol kaivat, pukol
Teacup (te'kup), s. chargkir teh, taligrap, ktok kawat (N.I.).
chaw an teh.* Telescope (-skop), s. troporg.
r Teak-wood
Teakettle (-ket-tl),
s. cherek.*
s. kayu
Tell (tel),
(count) bilarg, hi-
V. t.

(narrate) katakan, chrita-

jali. kan, bilarg; (make known) bri
Teal (tel), s. llihis.^ taJiu, khabarkan, lyialumkan
Team (tern), s. (of horses or cat- (Ar.) ; (order, command) suroh;
tle) t-pasarg; (of men) pasokan.* (ascertain) tahu.
Tear (ter), s. ayer-mata. To shed Tell, V. i. (take effect) mustajah
tears, mnargis. (Ar.).
Tear (tar), koyak, lobarg. s. Teller (tel'er), s. pmbilarg undi.
Hedge-tear, koyak semparg.* Telling (-ing), adj. berkuasa.
Tear, v. t. koyak, charek,* rohek Tell-tale (-trd), s. orarg mulut bo-
(N.I.) ; (with the teeth) ragut;"^ chor, chupak psok.*
(in strips) soy at, siat; (into Temerity (te-mer'i-ti), s. hal mm-
holes) tmbok;* (a large hole) babi-buta* brani.
glohok;* (slightly on the edge) Temper (tem'per), v. t. (soften)
rahit, sobek.* To tear down, ro- Imbotkan, snargkan; (assuage)
boh, rrggut. To tear off (as rergankan, riigankan (B.), ku^
bark), kupas; (as a sleeve, etc.) raigkan; (of steel) spoh.
champoig To tear out (pull
Temper, s.
(disposition of mind)
out), chabot; (a piece, on the prargai, prargi (B.), tabiat, p-
edge) chabek;* (the hair) ragut,* kerti;* (passion) gmbera.'* To
rurggut (B.). keep one's temper, sahar.
Tearful (ter'fool), adj. berayer- Temperament (-a-nient), s. rsmi.
mata. Temperance (-ans), s. (moder-
Tease (tez), v. t. (annoy) usek^ ation) ksdargan; (frugality) ji-

ate, ask, am, final, cure, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
mat, himmat (Ar.) (self ;
res- Tenant (ten'ant), s. yarg mryewa,
traint) lial mnahani diri. piyewa,'^ orarg yarg seiva (B.).
Temperate (-et), adj. (not exces- Tenant, v. t. sewa.
sive) sdary, sderhana (Sk.) ; (spar- Tend (tend), v. t. (care for) gm-
ing) jimat; (in speech) Imah- halakan, bla/^ (watch) jaga, pli-
Imhot. hara, turggu.
Temperature (-a-chur), s. hawa. Tend, v. i.
(incline) cJiondorg,
Tempering (-ing), s. spoh. chndrorg; (aim) tuju; (contri-
Tempest (-pest), s. ribot, topan bute to) sbabkan*
(Ar. Taufdn). Tendency (tend'en-si), s. chon-
Tempestuous (teni-pes'chu-ws), doig, tujuan.
adj. rihot (a). Tender (-er), s. (one who tends)
Temple (tem'pl), (on the side
pmlihara, pmbla;* (Naut.) kapal
of the head) plipis/^ plipisan* bantuan-; (to a locomotive) kreta
Temple, s. (heathen) rumah her- ayer-kayu enjin*
Jiala;* (Chinese) rumah topeJcorg Tender (ten'der), v. t.
(offer) so-
(Ch. tod-peh-koiy) ; (Hindu) rorg, unjok ; (undertake, as a con-
Jcuil;* (the temple at Mecca) Jc- tract) sayggop; (offer a price)
'abali (Ar.). tawar.
Temporal (-po-ral), adj. (of this Tender, s. (for a contract) pryarg-
world) dunia (a) ; (not eternal)

fana'^ (Ar. fana'). Tender, adj. (easily injured) Jia-

Temporarily (-ra-ri-li), adv. s- lus; (weak) Imah; (immature)

mantara/^ s-bntar, ta'lama. mnda; (not tough) Imbot; (sus-
Temporary (-ra-ri), adj. sman- ceptible, of the heart) Imbot, ra-
tara.^ ican liati,^ pilu; (compassionate)
Temporize (-riz), v. i.
(yield) un- berkasehan, bias.
dorlcan diri. Tender-hearted (-hart'ed), adj.
Tempt (temt),v. t. (test) uji; (put Imbot hati, berkasehan, pryayarg.*
to trial) cJioha'i; (seduce) ssat- Tenderness (-nes), s. kahalusan,
kan, goda.^' khnalian, etc. see tender.
Temptation (temp-ta'shmi), s. Tendon (ten'di/n), s. urat. Ten-
ujian, pnchoba'an, prggoda'an;* don Achilles, urat ktirg.*
(of the devil) was was (Ar.). Tenement (-e-ment), s. tmpat tirg-
Tempter (temt'er), s. prguji, pn- gal, kdiaman,* rumah.
choba, prggodaf' (the devil) iblis Tenet (te'net or ten'et), s. (dogma)
(Ar.), setan (Ar. shaiTan). pigajaran agania; (of Islam) ru-
Ten (ten), adj. s-puloh. Ten cent kun (Ar.).
piece, hupaig (P.)? s-htip (N".!.). Tennis (ten'nis), s. bola jarirg,*
Tenable (ten'a-bl), adj. yanj boleh tenis (E.) (B.).
di-pgarg, yarg holeh di-plihar^kan. Tenon s. putirg;
(-^^n), (in dove-
Tenacious (te-na'shizs), adj. ya7y tailing) knku bajarg.*
mmgaig; (of the memory) ttap; Tenour (-er), s. (tendency) tuju-
(tough, as steel) liut,^ liat; (glu- an; (purport) buiyi, arti, maksud.
tinous) Ihet;'^ (stubborn) dgil. Tense (tens), adj. tgaig, kncharg,
Tenacity (-nas'i-ti), s. kttapan, trek.
Mhetan,* dgil, as above. Tense, s. (time) masa.*

ate, ask, am, final, eare, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry j ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, niinws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how. oil; thin then.
Tension (ten'sh?m), s. kigaiyan, Terrestrial (ter-res'tri-al), adj.
trek. humi (a), di huvii, dunia (a).
Tent (tent), s, kliemah (Ar. kJiai- Terrible (ter'ri-bl), adj. dahshat
niali ) .
(Ar.), hehat*(Ar. haihat) ; (of
Tentacle (ten'ta-kl), s. (of cuttle sounds) hadamat (Ar. 'atlamat).
iish, etc.) jari. Terrier (-er), s. atijirg kchil.
Tentative (-tiv), adj. choha-choha. Terrific (ter-rifik), adj. = terri-
Tenth (tenth), adj. yarg k-s-puloh. JiLE, cj.v.
Tenth ly (tenth'li), adv. k-s-puloh. Terrify (ter'ri-fi), v. t. hri takot,
Tenuous (ten'u-z/s), adj. (thin) kasi takot
(B.), pranjatkan, hri
dahshat (Ar.).
lialiis, nipis; (not dense) reujan/-'
Territorial (-t6r'i-l), adj. tauah
riiyan (B.).
Tenure (-nr), s. (of jiroperty) (a), iiegri (a).
hak (Ar. uaqq) ; (of office) Territory (-to-ri), s.
(large tract)
^ tanah, hnua;^
j aha tan. negri, (district)
Tepid (tep'id), adj. suam/^ sram- jajahan, da'iraJi (Ar.).
<ritm kuku.''' Terror s. dahshat
(ter'rer), (Ar.),
Teredo s.
(Ar. haihat), rgri.^
(te-re'do), kapanj.''''
Term Terse (ters), adj. rergkas/^ pendek.
(term), s. (limit, boundary)
nipadan, perliirggaan,'^ prerg-
Tertiary (ter'shi-a-ri or ter'sha-ri),
Kjan.,^ had (Ar.) (limited time) ;
adj. yarg k-tiga, 2)argkat yarg k-
waktu, masa, had (Ar.) ; (word, tiga.
c.\])L-ession) perkataan, nama; (tes'sel-la-ted), adj.
(condition) sharat ( Ar. sliarT) To .
dam-dam, tapak chatur.'^
Test (test), s. njian, pnchoha'an.
bring to terms, timdokan, falok-
Test, V. t. uji,
kan (Ar.). To come to terms, choha, duga.
tundok. To make terms, berjanji. Testament (tes'ta-m^nt), s. (will)
Term of life, a/rt^
(Ar.). On bad u'il
(E.), surat wasiat (Ar.) ;
terms, asam-klat.
(covenant) perjanjian. The N^ew
Term, v. t. shot, nama'i. Testament, Perjanjian Bharu
Termagant s. (X.).
(ter'ma-gant), preni-
jtuan yatg suka herttgkar.
Testamentary (-men'ta-ri), adj.
wasiat'^ (a)
(Ar. wasiyat).
Terminate, v. t. pntuskan, liahis-
Testator (tes-ta'ter), s. ora7g yaig
kan, sudatikan.
henrasiat (Ar.).
Termination (-nri'sh?/n), s.
ptg- Testicle (tes'ti-kl), s. huah plir,
hahimn, kpatusan, ksudahan.
ah, Swelling of the tes-
(-nws), s. hujoig kreta
ticles, hodek, hodek hsar (B.).
Testify (-fl), v. i. naik saksi, her-
Termite (-nut), s. anai-anai, smut saksi.
puteh (B.), ragap (KL). Testify, v. t. saksikan.
Tern (tern), s.
layarg-layanj laut. Testily (-li), adv. drgan rnjus."^
Terrace (ter'res), s.
(of earth) Testimonial (-mo'ni-al), s. surat
fcnjkat; (Ijalcony of a house)
akiian, .^urat ktraigan.
ta'pe'^ (B.) (Ch. lau-pV'); (flat Testimony (-mo-ni), s.
roof) sotoli"^ (Ar. suTun). kigalaan.
Terrace, v. t. tergkat-tergkatkan. Testing (-ing), s. njian.
Terraced (-rest), adj. herteigkat. Testy (tes'ti), adj. prrgusr
ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere,
her, ferry; ice it ' fire'
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, iniure
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin ^7ien

Tetanus (tet'a-n?/s), s. pryakit her- tion) bliawa,^ ycirg; (a purpose)
Jcanching gigi/^ pryakit berkunchi spay a; (a result) sampai, s-hiig-
gigi^ ga* So that, in order, spay a, s-
Tete-a-tete (tat'a-taf), adj. sama hirgga,* agar^'
s'orcug. Thatch (thach), s.
Tether pnamhat.^ At
(tef/i'er), s. Thatch, V. t.
the end of one's tether, kahahisan Thaw (thaw), v. i. hanchor.
hlanja. The {the, before a consonant tJie),.
Tether, v. t. tamhat. art. itu. The big
one, yarg bsar.
Teutonic (tu-ton'ik), adj. jerman. The third, yarg ktiga, yaig nombor
Text (tekst), s. (original writing) tiga (B.). The older the better^
nuskliali (Ar.) ; (verse, of Koran makin lama makin haik.
or Bible) ay at (Ar.) ; (sentence) Theatre (the'a-ter), s.
parggorg wa-
nas"^ (Ar. ??-ass) ; (main subject) yarg,komidi (N.I.).
arggota karargan.'^ Theatricals (the-at'ri-kalz), s. tva-
Textile (teks'tll), adj. tnunan. yarn, hargsawan.
Textual (-chii-al), adj. nuskhah Thee {the), pron. argkau, see thou.
(a), ayat (a), see text. Theft (theft), s. pnchurian.
Texture (-chur), s. (fabric) tnun- Their (f/tar), pron. iya, ia* (a),.
an, dagirg; (structure) huatan, dia (a), mrika,^' mrika'itu,^' dia-
k'ada'an. orarg punja (B.).
Than {tliXxn), conj. deri-pada, deri. Theirs {thi\Tz), pron. dia purya, but
Thank (thangk), v. t. trima kaseh, Malays usually repeat the noun,,
balas hudi: (towards God) mrg- as, rumali itu hiikan rumah dia,.

ucJiap shukor* (Ar. shukur). that house is not theirs.

Thanks (thangks)^ s. trima kaseh, Theism (the'izm), s. perchaya k-
slink or, as above. pada Allah, iman akan Allah.'^
Thankful (thangk'fool), adj. yarg Theist (-ist), s. orarg yarg perchaya
mnrima kaseh, yarg mmbalas akan Allah/-'
hudi, yarg mmhalas gunaJ^ Them {them), pron. ia,* dia, m-
Thankfulness (-nes), s. hal mm- rika/^ mrikaitu,'-^ dia-orarg (B.).
halas hudi: (to God) shukor Theme (them), s. (subject) per-
(Ar.). kara yarg di-hicharakan; (dis-
Thankless (-les), adj. yarg tiada course) uchapan; perchakapan;
mmhalas hudi, yarg tiada mmhalas (essay) karargan.
guna,"^ yaig tiada mrgna/tg haik Themselves {tJlem-selyz'), pron.
oraig, yarg bo-jin-cherg (B.) (Ch. diri, sndiri-rya, diri mrikaitu,^
ho jin-cherg). diri-rya, diri-iya sndiri.
Thank-offering (-of-fer-ing), s. Then {then), adv. (at that time)
s. persmhahan shukor (Ar.). pada masa itu, ktika itu, itu
Thanksgiving (thangks'giv-ing), waktu (B.) ; (after that, next) s-
ucJiapan shukor (Ar.), uchapan tlali itu/'' lain, kmdian, hharu,
mmhalas trima kaseh (B.). blakarg (B.), lantas (N.I.).
That (//iat), pron. (adjectival) itii; Xow and then, kadarg-kadarg, ter-
(relative) yarg. That is, ia'itu, kadarg-kadaig,* tempo-tempo (N.
yaani (Ar.). That which, ha- L).
raig yarg, apa yarg (B.). Then, conj. (in that case) kaJau
That, conj. (introducing a quota- hgitu; (therefore) shah itu.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry use, us, minws, cure, injure,
; ;

hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin *7ien.

Thence (thons), adv. deri situ, deri Thereon (-on'), adv. di atas-rya.
Sana. Thereupon (-up-on'), adv. (on it)
Thenceforth (//toiis-forth'), adv. di atas-rya; (therefore) oleh itu;*

dcri-pada masa itu* den Mika (at once) s-hntar jug a, lalu,* Ian-
itu, deri itu waktu (B.). tas (N.I.).

Theocracy (the-ok'ra-si), s. pren- Therewith (-witli' or -with'), adv.

iak imam* prentah icali Allali.'^ drgan drgan dia, serta-ma.
Theodolite (-od'o-llt), s. tropoty Thermometer (ther-mom'e-ter), s.

p)ijukat tanali. pnimharg panas.

Theologian (the'o-l5'ji-an), s. ,
Tiiese (thez), pron. ini.

orarg 'alim;^ 'ulama'^ (Ar. 'ulamd, Thesis (the'sis), s. (for argument)

pi. of 'alim). perkara yaiy akan di-hantahi;*
Theology (the-oro-ji), s. 'ilmir (essay) karatyan.
agama, prgajaran agama. They (^/la), pron. ia,* dia, mrika,*
Theorem (the'o-r^^m), s. perkara mrika'itu,* dia-orary (B.).
yanj akan di-iyatakan. Thick (thik), adj. tbal; (of cylin-
Theoretical (-ret'i-kal), adj. yaty drical objects) kasar, bsar; (of
di-arggarkari,* yatg di-saigka. liquids) kntal, pkat; (turbid, of
Theory (-ri), s. (hypothesis) arg- water) kroh; (of foliage) rendary,
garan, persatgkaan; (science) rimhon,* rimhon-rampak ;* (of
hair) that; (crowded together)
Therapeutics (ther'a-pu'tiks), s.
mampat, rapat; (of jungle) smak;
'ihna mnchari ohat. (of the pulp of durians, etc.)
There {fliiu), adv. sana, di sana,
di lonak.*
silii; (thither) k-sana, k-situ. Thicken (thik'n), v. t. thalkan,
When nsed with the verb to be, kntalkan, pkatkan, see above.
*Hhere" is not translated, as, Thickening (-ing), s. marykin.*
there was not one, sat a pun tiada. Thicket (-et), s. smak, yompory*
Here and there, sana sini, k-sana Thickness (-nes), s. thai, etc., see
k-inari. THICK.
There, int. nah. Thief (thef), s. pnchuri, si-pnchuri,
Thereabouts (//iar'a-howts'), adv. pak sank, maliry (N.I.).
(near there) dkat situ; (nearly) Thieve (thev), v. i. churi, sank.
Ibeh-kurarg. Thieving (thev'ing), s. pnchurian.
Thereafter (-after), adv. kmdian Thievish (-ish), adj. panjarg ta-
deri-pada itu, Ipas itu, s-tlah itu.* rgan, taigan panjary.
Thereat (-jU'), adv. di situ. Thigh (thi), s. paha; (the joint, of
Thereby (-bl'), adv. olcli itu,* deri sheep or fowls) pukary.*
shah itu. Thimble (thim'bl), s. (for sewing)
Therefore (thar'for), adv. shah lidal,* didal (Port.), sarory jari;
itu, oleh itu,* kerna itu, deri itu (Naut.) tamli (E.).
(X.T.), lantaran itu (N.I.). Thin (thin), adj. (of flat things)
Therefrom (thar-from'), adv. deri nipis; (of cylindrical objects) ha-
situ, deri-pada itu. lus, gntiig,* sni,* kchil, kchih
Therein (-in'), adv. dalam itu* (B.) ; (of liquids) cha'ir; (wide
dalam hal itu, dalam pada itu. apart) jararg; (lean) kurus; (of
Thereof (-of or -ov'), adv. deri- foliage) rerggis.*
pada-nja. Thin, V. t. nipiskan, etc., as above.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then..
Thine (thin), ])yoi\. mu. aryhau Thorn (thorn), s. duri; (curved)
(a), see thou. onak/^ Thorns attached to trees-
Thing (thing), s.
hararg, hnda, per- to protect them against thieves,
I'cmi, hal. sroda,* sratgkak* Thorn fence^
Think (tliingk) , y, i. fihir, irgat, paga}' duri. Thorn hush, pokok
hira (N^.I.) ; (call to mind) Imary; duri.

(ponder) timlaiy; (purpose, in- Thorny (thorn'i), adj. herduri.

tend) hertnaJisud* herniat; (per- Thorough (thur'o), adj. smpurna..
ceive) rasa; (meditate) mrionj, Thorough -bred (-bred), adj. haka
tfhur (Ar.) (guess) agaJc, ga-

mah.^ To think much of, indali- Thoroughfare s. jalan trus;

Ji'an. To think over, fihirkan, (public road) jalan raya, jalan
Think, v. t. (conceive, imagine) Thorough-going (-go-ing), adj. .s-

sargka: (consider) hilargkan,
sifatkan (Ar.), fikirlcan, timharg. Thoroughly (-li), adv. s-mata-
Thinker s.
mata, hahis, pala-pala."^
(thingk'er), oraig yarg
Those (///oz), pron. pi. itu. Those
who, oraig yarg.
Thinking (-ing), fihiran, irgat- s.

an, pram' an, pcrfimhaigan.

Thou (//<ow), pron. argkau, awak^
Thin-skinned kau,* dikau,* harg (P.), hue (IS^.
(thin'skind'), adj.
I.), lu (B.) (Ch.' li); see you.
tlirga nipis.
Third (therd), adj. yarg Higa, yarg Though (tho), conj. sutggoh,* suig-
nomhor tiga (B.). goh pun, suiygu-pun (B.), mski,^
mski pun, jikalau. .skali-pun,.
Third, s. pertiga.'^
hi(rr, as, though it is dark, hiar
Thirdly (therd'li), adv. Itiga.
Thirst (therst), s. haus, dhaga/^ glap pun
Thirst, V. lia us, * Thought (tbawt), s. fikiran, irgat-
i .
dhaga. an, perrasaan, pertimhargan^
Thirst^^ (therst'i), adj. haus, her-
Thoughtful (thawt'fool), adj. her-
Thirteen (ther'ten), adj. tiga-hlas.
itgat-iigat, tfkur (Ar.).
Thirteenth (-tenth'), adj. yarg Ic-
Thoughtless (-les), adj. alpa
figa-hlas. (Sk.), Ipa,'^ lalai.
Thirtieth (-ti-eth), adj. yaig Jdiga- Thoughtlessness (-nes), s. alpa
puloh. (Sk.), Ipa,* lalai.
Thirt}^ (-ti), adj. Uga-puloh. Thousand (thovv'znd), s. rihu.
This {ilth), pron. ini. Thraldom (thrawl'd^m), s. ;?^r-
Thistle (this'l), s. pohoh duri di Itautha'an.^^
Era pah. Thrash (thrasli), v. t. ssaJi , hlasah/''
Thither (fhiih'er), adv. k-sana, k- hdah Jinlani, gasak.
situ, di situ (B.). Hither and Thrashing (thrash'ing), s. ssaJi,
thitlier, k-sana k-mari, k-sana- etc., see a])ove.
sini, Sana sini (B.). Thread (tlired), s. hnaig ; (when
Thole-pin (thol'pin), s. (Naut.) threaded in a needle) klindan;'^'
tol (E. and D.), kliti, tajok (P.). (strand) hnhar, urat.
Thong (thong), s. tali kulit. Thread, v. t. (a needle) chochok;
Thorax (thor'aks), s. hadan. (pass a narrow way) tmhiis.

ate, ask, am. finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, 85re, sort, s5rry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
nurry; lodd, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin i^en.
Threadbare (tlired'bar), adj. means of) oleh;* (because of)
(worn) haus. sbab, lantaran (N.I.) ; (over the
Threadworm (-werm), chachity whole surface) shirok ;* (in the
I'raivit,'^ chachirg grumit (B.). midst of, as water or air) dalam;
Threat (throt), s. vgutan* gertalc. (from beginning: to end) s-pan-
Threaten (thret'n), v. t. ugut*
gertak; (by gestures) acliu, jer- Through, adv.
sampai habis.

kahf (in questioning) glogolc* Right through, trnbus-mnmbus.

Three (tlire), adj. tiga. Throughout (throo-owf), prep*
Thresh (thresh), v. t. (by beating) slur oil, "^ S'panjarg, as above.
haniinj ; (by treading) irek Throughout, adv. trus-mnrus.
Threshold (thresh'hold), s. Indulf Throw (tliro), v. t. lempar, lontar^

Thrice (thrls), adv. tiga kali. loiar;^ (with a twisting: motion)

Thrift (tlirift), s. jiinat, chermat. balirg:* a
mark) temporg,'^
Thrifty (thrift'i), adj. jimat, cher- togan;"^ umban;*
(lob) (up-
mat. wards) lamboig : (downwards)
Thrill (thril), v. t. (to quiver) champal\, hmpas; (as a ship on
ggar. rocks) dam par;* (a man in wrest-
Thrill, s. (of pain) grrmjutf (of ling) hmpas; (cattle, by tying the
liorror) gli. feet) rempus:* (a casting net)
Tkrive (thrlv),v. i.
(prosper) l)er- tebar; (dice) buaig. To throw
untoig ; (by growth) stihor, her- aside (clothes), prok. To throw
subor (B.), ramhak.^ away, buarg. To throw dice,.
Throat (throt), s. (neck) leliir; pareh.'^ To throw dow^n (a build-
(the passage) krorgkorg ; (fauces) ing), robohkan. To throw in
(add), tokok. To throw off
Throb (throl)), v. i.(of the heart) (clothes) targgalkan ;* (reject, dis-
dhar, hcrdhar (B.) ; (of a boil) card) buaig. To throw one's self
dnryut,'^ gerniut/^ mignnjut (B.). down, rbalikan diri. To throw
Throb, s. dhar, dnryut.^ out (expel) halau; (of light) pan-
Throe (thro), s. seksa,srgsara cliarkan. To throw over, tolal'.

(Sk.), 'azah"^ (Ar. 'adzab). To throw rjam. To

things at,
Throne (thron), s. takhta (Av.), throw up (resign), Ipas; (vomit)
drggasana (Sk.). The throne of muntali; (build quickly) Ikas
God, 'arsli Allah (Ar.). buat.
Throng (throng), s. krumunan, Throw, s. A stone's throw, s-pigum-
kiimpolan. ban batu.^''

Throng, v. t. ramaikan. Thrush (thrush), s. (a 1)ird) s-J7iis

Throng, v. i. hcrkriimun. buroig di Eropah; (Med.) sri-
Throttle (throt'tl), s.
(windpipe) aw an.
krorgkorg: (throttle valve) pnu- Thrust (thrust), v.t. (shove) tolak,
top. sororg; (stab) tikam, chochok;
Throttle, v. t. (with the fingers) (with l)oth hands) tojah;* (from
chkrk; (with cord) kujut,'^ kjiit below) radak;* (with a pole) jo-
(B.). lok. To thrust away, tolak. To
Throttle, i. Imas.
v. thrust in, chachak. To thrust in
Through (throo), prep, (from side between, sisip.* To thrust into (a
to side) iriis, tlus* tmhiis: (by pocket), slok. To thrust off.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, s5re, sort, sdrry; use, us, raimts, ciire, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
tolak. To thrust one's self in, Thyself (^/il-self ), pron. diri-mu*
masokkan diri. To thrust out, a7gkau S7idiri.

halau, tolak. To thrust out the Tiara (ti-a'ra), s. makota tiga terg-
hand, unjokkan targan, hidorkan kai.*
tanjan. Tibia (tib'i-a), s. tulatg btis.*
Thrust, s. (stab) tikam. Tick (tik), v.i. dtik.*
Thud (thud), s. buk* dbuk, Ihuk* Tick, V. t. (check off) taiidakan.
Thumb (thum), s. ihu jari. Tick, s. (the insect) kutu babi,
Thumb, V. t. krabek dvgan jari* stgknit* turgau;* (case of a mat-
Thump (thump), s.
(the sound) tress) kain tilam; (credit) hu-
Intam-lntom, pong. targ; (the sound) dtik.*
Thump, (the sound) hitam-
V. t. Ticket s. (on the
(tik'et), railway,
Intom; (with a heavy stick) paiy- etc.) teket
(E.), karchis (N.T.)
korg; (with the fist) tumbok. (D. kaartjes) ; (label) 'alamat
Thunder (thun'der), v. i. ber- umanat (Ar.).
guroh* bergvntor (i^.I.) (B.) ; Ticking (-ing), s. kain tilam.
(fig. make a loud noise) ber- Tickle (-kl), v. t. gletek, glikan.
gmmroh* ptir, mmtir.* Ticklish (-klish), adj. gli; (un-
Thunder, s. guroh* guntor (^.I.) stable) taHtap; (dangerous) ber-
(B.) ; (louder) ptir, tagar;* (lou- bahya.
dest) gledek.* Tidal (tld'al), adj. pasarg-survt.
Thunderbolt (-bolt), s. halilintar* Tidal bore, bna,* ombak bna.*
panah ptir. Tide (tTd),s. (rise and fall) pasarg-
Thunderclap (-klap), s.
ptir, ta- surut; (current) arus. Ebb tide,
gar* surut. Flood tide, pasarg. High
Thundercloud (-klowd), s. pokok tide, pasaig pnoh. Low tide, ayer
ribot. surut, tirnpas.* Neap tide, pa-
Thunderous (-z^s), adj. gnuiroh* saig anak.* Slack tide, ayer
sperti guntor (B.). tnaig. Spring tide, pasarg bsar,
Thunderstorm (-storm), s. ribot. pasaig raboiy,* pasaig pernama.*
Thunderstruck (-struk), adj. ter- Tide, V. t. To tide over, tahan.
clugarg, ternugap* kaku. Tidiness (tl'di-nes), s. peraturan;
Thursday (therz'da), s. liari kha- (of dress) antun.*
mis (Ar.), hari ampat. Tidings (ti'dingz), s. khabar, brita
Thus (//lus), adv. bgini, bgitu, (Sk.), iverta (Sk.).
dmkian* dmkian ini* s-laku Tidy (-di), adj. (orderly) snonoh,
ini.* beratur drgan himmat (Ar.) ; (in
Thwack (thwak), (withs. the dress) berantun.*
hand) tampar, spak, Ipak; (the Tie (ti), V. t. ikat; (knot) simpol-
sound) pak. kan; (tether) tambat; (unite)
Thwart (thwort), s. (Naut.) S7y- sambo ig, liuboig. To tie together
kar; (in which the mast is step- (in clusters) raiykai; (in bun-
ped) srgkar layer. dles) berkas; (lash) sambat.* To
Thwart, v. t. (a person) Untatgi;* tie up (bandage) bbat, barut; (in
(a purpose or plan) bantutkan, a handkerchief by four corners)
batalkan, sia-siakan,* lalui.* punjut;* also see bind.
Thj' (thi), pron, -mv* argkau (a), Tie, s. (knot) simpol; (bond) ikat-
etc., see thou. an; (necktie) tali lehir,* nektai

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ice, it, fire,
; ;

mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

(B.) (E.) ; (bow) dasi (D. dasje) ; tika, dewasa (Sk.) ; (sufficient
(railway sleeper) alas landasan time, opportunity) smpat, pluarg;*
Weta api;* (equality, in games) (extension of time) tempoh
sri, halui* Port.) ; (occurrence, repetition)
Tiebeam (ti'bem), s. alarg kuda- kali. At times, from time to time^
kuda.'^ kadarg-kadarg. In ancient times,
Tier (ter), s. iergkat, pargMt. perbakala (Sk.). In former
Tiff (tif), s. rajok* mrajok (B.). times, dhulu kala. In time (in
Tiffin (tiffin), s. (of Malays) ma- good season), pada ktika-rya;
kan pagi; (of Europeans) inakan (eventually) akhir-n/a (Ar.).
t?yah hari. Time after time, krap-krap, krap
Tiger (tl'ger), s. rimau, liarimau, kali, malar-malar* To kill time,
hrimau; machan (N.I.). sampaikan ivaktu,* chukopkan
Tight (tit), adj. (as a knot) tvaktu* habiskan hari. At this-
chrut;* (tight fitting) ktat; time of day, bgini hari* At the
(firm) tgoh; (compact) mampat, time, pada masa* bila. Jut in
rat/^ ttal; (stretched taut) tgarg, time (for a meal), largkah ka-
kncharg, trek; (of Aveaving) nan.*
kdap;^' (of twisting) srirg* Time, v. t. tntukan tvaktu.
Tighten (tlt'n), v. t. clirutkan^^ Time-honoured (tim'on-erd), adj.
.etc., as above. di-hormati sbab tua.
Tigress (ti'gres), s. harimau htina. Timely (-li), adj. yarg pada ktika-
Tile (til), s. gntirg;
(for roofs) lya. pada waktu yarg patiit, larg-
(for floors) hatu Mlaka, batu ru- kah kanan.*
hin. Timepiece (-pes), s. jam, arloji
Till (drawer) lachi, toak
(til), s. (D.), horloji (KL).
(B.) (Ch. thoah). Timeserver (-serv'er), s. orarg
Till, prep, sampai, s-hhgga,^ hirg- putar-balek.
ga* Timid (tim'id), adj. pnakot, ba-
Till, V. t.
(work) kerjakan; (cul- chol,* Imah smargat,* smargat Im-
tivate) suhorkan; (by digging) bot (B.), kurarg brani.
chargkol; (by ploughing) bajak, Timidity (ti-mid'i-ti), s. Imah s-
trggala (P.). maigat,* kurarg brani.
Tillage (til'ej), s. perhuma'an.* Timorous (tim'er-ws), s. timid,
Tiller (-er), s. (Xaut.) pmgarg k- q.v.
mudi, chlaga kmiidi, pakra kmudi Tin (tin), s. (the metal) timah;
(L.). (tin plate) tin, ten* (E.), ayan*
Tilt (tilt),s. (of a cart) kap (D.), (E. iron), kalirg (X.L).
tudorg, tutop. Tin mine, lomboixj, see mine. Tin
Tilt, V. t. one end) jorgkit-
(raise ore, bijeh.
kan; (lean forward) tundokkan. Tin, V. t. sudor drgan timah.
Tilt, V. i. jorgkit, turidok, as above; Tincture (tingk'chur), s. obat ber-
(with lances) iombaki.^ cl am pur arak.

Timber (timber), s.kayu. Tincture, v. t. see tinge.

Timbrel (-brel), s. rbana. Tindal (tin'dal), s. mandor, tan-
Time (tim), s. ivaktu; (season) dil.*
musim; (long period) zaman, Tinder (-der), s. rabok.*
jman (B.) (shorter) masa,^ k-
Tine (tin), s. (of a fork) mata.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Tinge (tinj), v, t. champur, hna. kain lialus, kain kasa (Ar. khd-
Tinged with yellow, berckampur sah) ; (animal or vegetable struc-
kunirx). Tinged with gall, terkna ture) k'adaan. Tissue paper,
hmpdu. kertas jluarg,* kertas tlor (B.).
Tinge, s. (of colour) irerna, orna Tit (tit), s. pipit kchil di Eropah.
(B.) ; (of taste) rasa. Titanic (tl-tan'ik), adj. amat bsar,*
Tingle (ting'gl), v. i. grnnjam. u?nbarg* bsar skali.
Tingling (-gling), s. grmyam. Titbit (tit'bif), s. nemat (Ar.).
Tinker (tingk'er), s. tukarg tin, Tithe (tl/A), s. (a tenth) s-per-
iiikarg ten'^ (J^^^-)? tukcirg kalirg spuloli.'^
(N.!.'). Tithe, V. t. (levy tithe) chukai s-
Tinkle (ting'kl), v. i.
khitirg, kltiig. perspuloh bhagian,'* chabot s-
Tinsel (tin'sel), s. (foil) pradaf^ puloh satu; (pay tithe on) bayer
kranchatg.* Tinsel spangle, t- s-puloh satu.
Ipok.* Title (trtl), s. (inscription, name)

Tint (tint), (colour) iverna, orna

s. nama; (of a composition) kpala:
(B.) ; (shades of the same colour) (of rank) glaran: (right of
aijer. ownership) liak (AT.iiaqq). Title
Tint, V. t. wernakan, ornakan (B.). deeds, gran (E.), kubrik (N".T.)
Tiny (tl'ni), adj. kchil, kchik (B.), (D. koopbrief).
halus. Titter (tit'ter), v. i. kekek.'^ ^

Tip (tip), s. (end) Itujorg; (of a Tittle (-tl), s. sdikit, sikit (B.).
peg top) paiysi; (gift) haksis Xot a tittle, sdikit pun tidak, sikit
(Turk, bakhshish). pun t'ada (B.).
Tip, V. t. (tip up, lengthwise) jorg- Tittle-tattle (-tat'tl), v. i.
kitkan : (sideways) serge tkan; 'mrapck (i^.).
(give a present to) bri baksis, kasi Titular (tit'u-ler), adj. (normal)
baksis (B.). nama sahaja.
Tip, V. i. joigkit, serget, as above. To (too, emph. too), prep, (express-
Tipcat (tip'kat), s. main clianarg. ino- motion towards places) k-, di
Tipple (-pi), V. i. minum malar.* (B.) ; (towards persons) k-pada,
Tippler (-pier), s. tahi arak, talk sama (B.) ; (expressing purpose
arak (B.), pminiun, pak minum or design) akan* man (B.). To
(B.). go to and fro, ulaig-alirg, k-sana
Tipsy (-si), adj. mabok. k-mari, pergi-dataig, kontarg-kan-
Tiptoe (-to), s. To stand on tiptoe, tirg.*
jergket, bertanjak.* Toad (tod), s. katali puru,* kodok
Tiptop (tip'top'), adj. baik skali, (B.).
nombor satu (B.). Toadstool (t(3d'sto6l), s. chndawan.
Tirade (tlr-ad'), s. kchla^an. Toady (-i), s. ptgaigkat.'^
Tire (tlr), v. i. jadi pnat, jadi If eh, Toast (tost), V. t. (as bread) parg-
jadi chapek (X.L). gau] ; (warm before a fire) gaig-
Tire, v, t. pnatkan. garg, diatg.*
Tired (tird), adj. pnat, Iteh. lleh- Toast, s. 7'oti paiggaig, roti bakar.
Isu* Ijar* Tobacco (to-bak'ko), s. tmbakau,
_(W.), chapek (N.I.).
Tiresome (tlr'swrn), adj. yaty m- tmako (B.). Tobacco box, chm-
mnatkan, yaig mnjmukan. bul tmbakau J^ kpok tmako (B.).
Tissue (tish'u), s. (fine fabric) Tobacco pouch, lopak-lopak. To-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ice, it,
; ; fire,
mirror: old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mintts, c&re, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
bacco pipe, pipa tmhal-au ;* (Chi- biar, luJusknnf' (put up with)
nese) urichue (Cli. liun-clihe). Hidxirkan.
Tobacconist (-ko-nist), s. pnjital Toleration (-a'slmn), s. sabar.
tmbakau, oranj yanj jual tmako Toll (tol),chukai, bia (^\I.).

(B.). Toll, V. t. (a bell) buiyikan.

Tocsin (tok'siii), s. Jodie ly smho- Tomato (to-ma'to or to-ma'to), s.

yan* trory blanda.

To-day (too-dfi'), adv. ini liari, liari Tomb (toom), s. kuhur, makam
ini. (Ar.) ; (of a saint) kramaf.
Toddle (tod'dl), v. i. herfatch- Tomboy (tom'boi), s. bndak prem-
yary main
puan sperti budah
Toddy (-di), s.(iiii fermented palm j an tan.
juice) nira;^ (fermented) hmlc. Tombstone (toom'ston), s. nesan"^
Toe (to), s. jari kakl. Big toe, ibu (Pers. nishan).
kaki. Toe nail, kukii kaki. Tomcat s.
(tom'kaf), kuchiry jan-
Toffee (tof'tl), s. gula tarek. tan.
Toga (to'ga), s. slimut. Tomfool (-fdoF), s. orary main gila.
Together (too-ge//i'er), adv. ter-
Tomfoolery (-er-i), s. main gila.
sama-sama. Together with, serta To-morrow (too-mor'r5), adv.
d)ya7i/' hersama-sama digan. To esok* besok.
live together, dudok s-rumahj* Ton s.
* '(tun), timbargan 2!2JfO
tug gal s-rumali. paun = 16 pikul dan 80 kati. Satu
Toggery (tog'ger-i), s.
koyan-2^ ton.
Toggle (-gl), s. (ISTaut.) simpol pa- Tone (ton), s. (sound) buryi;
(style of speaking)
gay a; (state
Toil (toil), V. i.
hkerja; (work) of mind, temper)
tergkah; (tenor,
(with great effort) herllah/^ b-
drift) kahandak.

kerja kuat (B.).

Toil as
Tone, V. t. To tone down (the
s. pkerjaan, kllalian/
above. voice), rndahkan, turunkan;
modify) rergankan, riiyankan,
Toil, s. (net, snare) jariiy, jrat, ra-
cJiek. kurarykan; (soften) Imbotkan.
Toiler s. berllali.'^
Tongs (tongz), s. pnjpit.
(toil'er), yary
Toilet (toi'let), (act or mode of
Tongue (tung), s. lidaJi; (lan-
dressing) dandanf^ hal mmalcai. guage) bliasa; (of a shoe) lidah
To make one's toilet, herdandan."^ spatu. A tongue of land, tanjoTy.
''J'oilet powder, bdak,
To hold the tongue, berdiam diri,
puporj^ po-
dar* (E. powder). tutop mulut. To put out the
Toilsome (toil'swm), adj. berllah* tongue at, lyenryen.^
kreli.'^ Tongue-tied (tung'tld), adj.
Token (to'kn), s. tanda, 'alamat. (speechless) an
klu;"^ (having
Tolerable (tol'er-a-bl), adj. (en- impediment in speech) telur.
durable) yary boleli di-taliani, ter-
Tonic (ton'ik), s. obat mryuatkan
drita badan.
(Sk.) (moderately good)

sdaiy, sderhana (Sk.). To-night (too-nif), adv. malam

Tolerant (-nt), adj. yaiy mmbiar- ini, 7nalam skarary, ini malam
kan; (forbearing) sabar. (B.).
Tolerate (-at),v. t. (allow, permit) Tonnage (tun'nej), s. muat. What

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
is the tonnage of this ship, hrapa Top, s. (highest part) punchak,*
muat kapal ini. kmunchak; (of a mountain) k-
Tonsil (ton'sil), s. hiji leJiir. munchak, merchu;"^ (of a house)
Tonsure (-shur), s. chulcor di trgali bumboig; (of onions) jambak;*
kpala. (when rank or relative position is
Too (too), adv. (more than enough) implied) kpala; (lid, cover) tu-
terlampauj^ terlampon (B.), ter- dorg, tutop; (N"aut.) head of
lalii; (also, likewise) pun, juga.
lower mast, dularg-dularg On .

Just too late (for a meal), larykah the top of, di atas.
kiri* Top, adj. yarg di atas.
Tool (tool), s. perkakas. To make Top, V. t. (excel) Ibehi;* (cut the
a person one's tool, landaskan tu- top off) parykas."^
larg orary* pakai tularg orarg
Topaz (to'paz), s. yakut kuniig'^
(B.). (Ar. yaqut).
Toot (toot), V. t. (a horn) Hop.
Topcoat (top'kof), s. baju luar.
Tooth (tooth), s.
gigi; (molar)
Toper (to'per), s. pminum, tahi
arak, taik arak (B.).
graham, gerJiam; (of cog wheels,
saws, combs, etc.) gigi; (of forks)
Topgallant (to-gallant), adj.
mata. Canine teeth, gigi anjirg,
(Naut.) Topgallant mast, sabor
gigi tarirg (B.), gigi asu* Front
dol. Topgallant sail, layer sabor
teeth, gigi sri* Milk teeth, gigi (L.).

sulorg,^ gigi susu (B.). Wisdom Top heavy (top'hev'i), adj.

(Naut.) oyoig.
teeth, gerJiarn borgsu, graham
broken tooth, Topic (-ik), s. perkara.
horgsu (B.).
gigi romporg. Teeth with gaps, Topknot (-not), s. jambul.
Topmast (-mast), s. (Naut.) tiaig
gigi rorgak. Overlapping teeth,
samboig, game dol (L.), samborg
gigi hertindeh, gigi berlapis, gigi
dol (L.).
herduko7g* Prominent teeth, gigi
jorgarg. In the teeth of the wind, Topmost (-most), adj. yarg di atas
mryorgsoig a7gin* To blacken
the teeth, graTg gigi* To cast in Topography (to-pog'ra-fi), s. k'-
adaan satu-satu tmpat atau negri.
the teeth, hargkit. To clean the
Topping-lift (top'ping-lift), s.
teeth, sugi gigi,"^gosok gigi. To
cut the teeth, tum,hoh gigi, tumhu (Naut.) mantil.
To file the teeth, asah Topple (-pi), V. i.
(of persons)
gigi (B.).
To gnash the teeth, kertak rbah; (of houses) roboh, ruboh
(B.) ; (of trees) tumbarg, tom-
gigi, gertak gigi. To pull out
To show the barg (B.) see fall.
teeth, chabot gigi.

Topsail (-si), s. (Naut.) (square)

teeth, sigehkan gigi.
Toothed layer gaive (L.), layer bahu, layer
(tootht), adj. hergigi,
"* lintaig.
grigi,* grig is.
Toothache Topsyturvy (top'si-ter'vi), adv.
(tooth'ak), s. sakit gigi. klain-kabot, porak-parek, kachau-
Toothless (-les), adj. tiada bergigi. bilauj^ kacho-belok (B.), borgkar-
Toothpick (-pik), s. churgkil gigi. ba7gkir,* halai-balai.'^
Toothsome (-si^m), adj. sdap, la- Torch (torch), s. suloh, obor (IST.
dzat (Ar.), enak (N.I.).
I.) ; (of resin and leaves) damar;
Top (top), s.
(toy) gasirg. (of coconut leaves) andarg,*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recejit, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
jamotg;* (used as a signal or to Total (to'tal), adj. habis, s-mata-
catch fish) suar* mala. A
total loss, liabis binasa.
Torment (torment), s. seksa, srg- Total, s. jmlah (Ar.).
sara (Sk.), 'azah (Ar. 'adzab). Totally (-li), adv. s-mata-mata,
Torment (tor-ment), v. t. seksa- liabis, skali, sama skali.
kan, svgsarak'an (Sk.) ; (tease) Totter v. i. (shake) go-
usek. yarg, rmbat;*(stagger in walk-
Tornado (-na'do), s. taorg,"^ topan ing) oyory, uyory (B.) ; (about to
(Ar. Taufan). fall) loyory.*
Torpedo (-pe'do), s. pi'iok api her- Touch (tuch), v. i. (be in contact)
narg. Torpedo boat, kapal tor- bertrnu, jjak.* To touch at, siry-
pedo. Torpedo nettings, jarirg gah, dmparg* (W.).
pndindiix) kapal prary* Touch, V. t. (strike lightly) sntoh*-
Torpid (tor'pid), s. (numb) tiada kna; (with the finger and to at-
berrasa, khas; (inactive) Irat tu- tract attention) chuit; (with the
larg, lainhat bergrak. hand) jamah; (feel) raba; (of
Torpor (-por), s. (numbness) kbas; the hands in greeting) jabat;'^
(sluggishness) lergah. (interfere with) sntoh;* (aifect
Torrent (tor'rent), s. (violent the feelings) pilu; rawan/^
stream) rmpohan ayerj^ jram* (reach) sampai, jjak."^ To touch
riam.^ A
torrent of rain, liujan up, baikki.
mnchurah. Touch, s. (contact) tmuan; (the
Torrid (-rid), adj. amat panas* sense) rasa. To be in touch with
panas trek. (in contact), bertmu. Touch and
Torsion (tor'shwn), s. hal nimulas, go, ryaris talpas.*
hal mmutar. Touchhole (tuch'hdl), s.
Tortoise (-ti^s), s. kura-kura, labi- sumbu.
labi, biuku (N.I.), banirgf^ bu- Touching (-ing), adj. pilu, yarg m-
lus;* see turtle. mihikan hati.
Tortoiseshell (-shel), s. sisek, kulit Touching, prep, tntarg, deri-hal.
pryu, kulit karah.* Touchiness (-i-nes) s. iiipis tlirya* ,

Tortuous (-chu-ws), adj. berblit- pendek hati (B.).

blit, chlergkarg-chlergkok j'^ (de- Touchstone (-ston), s. batu uji.
ceitful) pusirg-blit. Touchwood (-woo), s. rabok.*
Torture (-chur), s. seksa, srgsara Touchy (-i), adj. ahmak* (Ar. aH-
(Sk.), 'azab (Ar. 'adzab). maq), slumput^ (W.), pmarah*
Torture, v. t. seksakan, stysarakan nipis tlirya,"^ pendek hati (B.).
(Sk.), 'azabkan (Ar.). Tough (tuf), adj. (flexible and
Tory (tori), s. orarg yary ttap m- strong), Hat; (strong) tyap,
nurut 'adat-lmbaga.* kuat; (not easily broken) tahan:
Toss (tos), V. t. (as a ball) lamborg- (of meat insufficiently cooked)
kan; (as a child) timarg; (the margkar.^^
head) arggol;* (of waves) lam- Toughen (tufn), v. t. kuatkan,.
bovg, hmpaskan. tgapkan.
Toss, V. i. (in bed) golek, glisah* Toughness (-nes), s. liat, kkuatan,
gulirg-garak* gulirg-glantarg* ktgapan.
gulirg-gantaig (B.) ; (on waves) Tour (toor), s.
(circuit) peridar-
terkatorg-katorg,^ mrghmpas. an;* (journey) perjalanan.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it fire'
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Tourist (toor'ist), s. oraiy per- Tracing (-ing), s. tiruan pta.*
jalanan.^ Track (trak), s. (mark left) bkas;
Tourmaline (-ma-len), s. aman)/^ (path of wild beasts) dnai;* (way,
Tournament (-iia-meut), s. (in for- course) jalan ; (beaten track, path
mer times) laielian praiy;'^ (com- liabitually followed) slaroig.*
petition) perlawanan. Track, v. t. ikut bkas, ikut tapak,
Tout (towt), V. i. chari largganan.'^ runut,* unut.*
Tow (to), V. t. tonda.-^ Trackless (trak'les), adj. tiada ber-
Tow, (the fibre) hampas rami,
s. bkas.
hanipas rame (B.) ; (rope for tow- Tract (trakt), s. (area) bidarg.
ing) iali pnonda.'^ Tract, s. (written discourse) surat
Towage (to'ej), s. upah innonda.'^ khutbah* (Ar. khuTbah).
Towards (to-wardz or t5rdz), prep, Tractable (trakt'a-bl), adj. jinak,
(places) miiuju, arah; (persons) snaig di- pa tali,* snarg di-ajar.
Ic-pada, akan,^ sama (B.) (near) ; Traction (trak'shim), s. hal m-
dkat, harnpir* narek, pnarek'an,* prghela'an*
Towel (tow'el), s. tuala (Port), Traction engine, enjen pnarek
kain tkap tuboh* anduk (X.I.). kreta, enjin tarek kreta (B.).
(1). handdoek). Trade (trad), s. (commerce) per-
Towelling (-ling), s. kain tuala. niaga'an, perdagargan;* (occu-
Tower (-er), s. (of a mosque) m- pation) kerja, pkerja'an. Trade
narali (higher parts of a
(Ar.) ; wind, 7nusim. To work at <a
fortress) largun-hargunanJ^ trade, bertukaty.'^
Tower, v. i. (reach upwards) m- Trade, v. i. berniaga, mniaga, ber-

niiggi^ dagary,* berjual-bli.

Towering (-ing), adv. (very high) Trade-mark (trad'mark), s. cliap,
amat tirggi, tirggi skali (B.) ; (of marka-tukarg.*
passion) terlalu, terlampau/^ ter- Trader (-er), s. orarg dagarg* sau-
lampon (B.). dagar, orarg mniaga (B.).
Towline (td'lin), s. tali pnonda.* Tradesman (tradz'man), s. (shop-
Town (town), s. negri; (seaport) keeper) tuan kdai, orarg berkdai,
bandar;^' (market town) pkan;* toke, iauke (B.) (Ch. tlidu-ke) ;

(fortified town) kota; (small (mechanic) tukarg.

town) kaniporg. Tradespeople (-pe-pl), s. orarg
Townsman (townz'man), s. (of the berkdai.
same town) orarg s-negri; (in- Trades union (u'ni-wn), s. per-
. hal)itant of a town) orarg negri. skutnan* tukarg-tukarg [ko7gsi
Towrope (t5'rop), s. tali pnonda.* (B.)].
Toy (toi), s. permainan. Trading (trad'ing), adj. ber-
Toy, V. i. berinain. ^ dagarg,* perniaga'an (a). Trad-
Trace (tras), s. (in harness) jut,* ing vessel, prahu dagarg,* kapal
tali jut* (Hind. jot). dan a ig an.*
Trace, s. (track) bkas; (remains) Tradition (tra-dish'i/n), s. (know-
sisa. ledge transmitted from ancestors)
Trace, v. t. (copy) tiru,* ikut; (fol- ppatah orarg tua-tua;* (custom)
low footsteps) ikut tapak. 'arlat perbakalaj* (of Moham-
Tracery (tras'er-i), s. (pattern) med) hadis* (Ar. iTadlth).
awan.* Traditional (-al), adj. berkturiin-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry ; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry ; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minims, cure, injur**,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, ho\\^ oil; thin then.
an, lurun-imurun,'^^ iurun-mnu- nugajar kuda; (of fighting cocks)
riin (B.). juara.'^
Traduce (-das'), v. t. (represent as Training (-ing), s.
blainable) chlakan; (calumniate) latehan.^
lilnahkan (Ar.) ; (beliind one's Trait (trat), s.
tergkah, rsmi,
back) urn pat. tain at (Ar. Tobl'at).
Traffic (traf'lik), Y. i.
(trade) her- Traitor (tril'ter), s. pnihelot, oraig
niar/a, herjual-hli; (in illicit derhaka, oraig kliianat (Ar.).
trade) mal'an liasil* Traitorous {-us), adj. derhaka,
Traffic, s. (commerce) perniaga'an; khianat (Ar.).
(on railways, steamers, etc.) tam- Tram (tram), s. kreta treni (E.),
banj ; (on the streets) lalu-lalarg* tram (I).).
Trafficker (-er), s. ormg ycuy her- Trammel (tram'mel), s. Trammel
niaga. net, jarirg.
Tragedian (tra-je'di-an), s. orarg Trammel, v. t. (hamper) sargkak,
icajjaig yatg pandai vimblaskan tuhan.
Tramp (tramp), v. t. (tread on)
Tragedy (traj'e-di), s. (drama) pijak, see tra:\iple.
chrita wayarg yarg mnihlaskan Tramp, s.
(journey) perjalanan;
hati; (in real life) kmalanjan (vagabond) orarg bargsat; (sound
yarg mmblaskan hati. of bare feet) Iguni-lgam;'^^ (of
*Tragic (-ik), adj. yarg mmhlaskan, troops marching) drup-drap,*
yarg tnndukakari.^ dap-dap (B.).
Trail (tral), v. t. (track) ikut hkasj Trample (tram'pl), v. t. (tread on)
(drag along- the ground) seret. pijak, injak, pinjak (B.) ; tread (^

To trail arms, Itembct snaparg. down carelessly) lapah;* (inten-

Trail, v. i.
(as clothes on the tionally, as putting out fire or

ground) leret, mleret (B.) le- ; killing insects) lanjak; (as in

scr* berjela; (as creepers) jalar,^ threshing) irek;'^ (to make flat)
rayap, lata, mlata (B.). latam.* To trample on (fig.),
Trail, s. (track) bkas tapak; (of aniayakan, b iiiasakan.
wild beasts) dnai;* (of a field Trance (trans), s. (state of in-
gun) taygkai kreta mriam.^ sensibility) pergsan, hilarg s-
Train (tran), v. t. (teach) ajar; margat.
(exercise) latek;'^ (tame, as ani- Tranquil (trrmg'kwil), adj. (quiet,
mals) jinakkan; (point, as guns) ]iot agitated) tnarg, diam; (with-

halakan,^' petar.'^ out sound) sniyap; (peaceful)

Train, v. i.
(for races) berlateliJ^'' snarg^sntosa (Sk.) ; (after storms)
Train, s. (of attendants) pigiriig f-' tdoh.
(on a railway) kreta api. A train Tranquility (trang-kwil'l-ti), s. h-
of misfortunes, kmalaigan bcr- tnargan, ksnryapan, ksnargan, sn-
iimpa-timpa. To go by train, tosa (Sk.), sjahtra (Sk.).

pergi berkreta-api, jalan sama Tranquillize (trang'kwil-iz), v. t.

krefa-api (B.). Express train, tnargkan, etc., as above.

kreta sombotg. Transact (trans-akf), v. t. (per-
Trainer (tran'er),horses) s. (of form) jalankan, buat; (manage)
oraig yaig mn jinakkan kuda, yarg klolakan.^

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Transaction (-ak'shwn), s. (the Transit (tran'sit), s. (conveyance)
doing) kal mnjalanl^an; (affair, pindahan; (passing over) hal m-
thing done) perkara, perbuatan. ryhraiy, pryhraygan; (passing
Transcend (tran-send'), v. t. Ibehi, across) hal rnlintas.'^ Transit in-
lampaui.'^ strument, Iroporg jnataliari.
Transcendent (-ent), adj. teru- Transition (tran-sizh'iin), s.
tama (Sk.). (change) perohaJian.
Transcribe (-skrib'), v. t. tiru/^ Transitive (tran'si-tiv), adj.
salin. (Gram.) mut'addi (Ar.).
Transcript (tran'skript), s. salin- Transitory (-to-ri), adj. = tran-
an. sient, q. V.
Transcription (tran-skrip'shim) , Translatable (trans-lat'a-bl), adj.
(the act), lial mryalin; (copy) yarg holeh di-terjmahkan (Ar.j,
salinari. yaig holeh di-salin.
Transfer (trans-fer'), v. t. (re- Translate (-laf), v. t. terjmahkan
move) pindahkan; (convey pro- (Ar.), salin. To translate into
perty) tukar nama. Mala}', 7nlaynkan, jawikan,'^ salin-
Transfer (trans'fer), s. (removal) kan dalam Mlayu ( B. ) .

pindahan; (of property) Kal m- Translation (-la'shwn), s. terjmah

nukar nama. (Ar.), salinan.
Transferable (trans-fer'a-bl), adj. Translator (-la'ter), s. pnerjmah
yarg holeh di-pindahkan ; (nego- (Ar.), piyalin. .

ciable) holeh lakii. Transliterate (-lit'er-at), v. t. pin-

Transfiguration (-fig'ur-a'shwn), s. dalikan tuUsan.
pnjlma'an (Sk.). Translucent (-lu'sent), adj. hnirg,^^
Transfigure (-fig'iir), v. t. ohahkan jerneh, jerni (B.).
rupa, jlmakan* Transmigrate (trans'mi-grat), v. i.
Transfix (-fiks'), v. t. tmhus, (migrate) pindah; (as souls)
tmhusi; (with a spit) pachak; jlma (Sk.).
(by impaling) sula (Sk.). Transmigration (-gra'sht^n), s.

Transform (-form'), v. t. ohahkan, (migration) pindahan; (of souls)

ohahkan rupa, jlmakan^' To be prnjlma'an."^
transformed, he^'ohah, jlma (Sk.). Transmission (trans-misli'i/n), s.

Transformation (trans'for-ma'- hal migirim.

sh^m), s. perohahan, pnjhna'an* Transmit (-mif), v. t. (by send-
Transfuse (trans-fuz'), v. t. ganti- ing) kirim, hawa; (suffer to pass
kan. through) hri mnmhus.
Transgress (-gres'), v. t. (a rule) Transmutation (trans'mii-ta'-
, larggar, laluiJ^ shwn), s.
Transgress, v. i. hersalah, herdosa. Transmute (trans-miit'), v. t.

Transgression (-gresh'im), s. dosa, ohahkan.

ksalahan. Transom (tran'swm), s. palarg.*
Transgressor (-gres'ser), s. orarg Transparency (trans-par'en-si), s.

salah, orarg herdosa. k jerneh an, jerni (B.).

Transient (tran'shent), adj. (fleet- Transparent (-ent), adj. hnirg*
ing) yarg Iniyap, yarg tiada kkal, jerneh, jerni (B.).
fana'^ (Ar. fand) ; (brief) s-hntar Transpire (tran-spir'), v. i. (be-
sahaja. come public) tnar,* pchah, ktahu-

ate, ask, am, f.iial, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror; 5ld, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min-ws, cure, injure,
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin then.
fln;* (happen, occur) jadi, datarg, Trapdoor (trap'dor) s. pintu lan-
herlahu/-' tai.'^

Transplant (trans-plant'), v. t. Trapeze (tra-pez'), s. buaian,*

aleh, pindali,anjgor;"^ (from a dondarg.^'
nursery) obah* rdeh'^ (W.) ; Trappings (trap'pingz), s. per-
(with the earth adhering) lirggaS' hiasan, prasan (B.).
Transport (-port'), v. t. (remove) Trash (trash), s. sampah, sarap,*
pindahkan; (banish) huarg negri, hampas.
huarg bomhai; (ravish with joy) Trashy (trash'i), adj. tiada ber-
rawanlcan.^ To be
transported guna, sia-sia.*
witli anger, naik gml)era^' Travail s. sakit beranak.
Transport (trans'port), s. (convey- Travel (walk) ber-
(trav'el), v. i.

ance) pmindahan; (vessel) kapal jalan kaki, berbtisj* (journey)

hermuat soldado atau alat pprarg-
berjalan; (by sea) blayer.
an;* (of anger) gmhera;* (of Travel, v. t. To travel a country,
joy) suka-ria yarg aniat sargat* jrinjajah negri,* mnda'irah ne-
Transportation (-por-ta'shzm), s.
pmindahan. Travel, s. perjalanan, playaran.
Transporting (trans-port'ing), s.
Traveller (-ler), s. orarg perjalan-
yarg mratvankan hati* an, orarg prgmbara,'* ora^g musafir
Transpose (-poz'), v. t. (change (At. musafir).
place) tiikar; (substitute) ganti- Traverse (-ers), s. (in forts) skat-
Transposition (trans'po-zish'^n) ,
Traverse, v. t. (cross) lintaig: (go
hal rnnukar, lial
across) lintas,'^ lalui;* (obstruct)
Transship (-ship'), v. t. tukar skat.
kapal/ pindahkan k-lain kapal. Travesty s.
(-es-ti), ajok'an.*
Transshipment (-m(?nt), s. pmin- v. t.
Travesty, ajok.
Trawl (trawl), v. i.
(by towing a
Transubstantiation (tran'sub-
line) tonda ikan.'^
stan'shi-a'sh^m), (supernatural)
Tray, s.
(of brass) talam;* (small-
pnjlma'ari (Sk.).
Transverse lin- er) chepirf (with a foot) pahar,*
(trans'vers), adj.
smbripf' betel
taig, mlintaig.^ A transverse (for chewing)
chrana;* (of wood) dularg, da-
beam, alaig.^
and lorg;"^ (of woven bamboo or rat-
Trap (trap), s. (for birds
tan) njiru, badarg.'^
animals) prargkap, kuchitg pkakj^
Treacherous (trech'er-ws), adj.
jhak,"^ lapun* serkap; (for ele-
derhaka, pmbelot, tastia,"* khianat
phants) kdah;"^ (spring gun)
blantek* plantek;* (Ar.).
(for fish)
lokah* biibu* serkap, targgok, Treachery (-i), s. derhaka, belot,
khianat* (Ar. khiydnat).
prgreh* tigkalak* lulah;* (for
bentor* bentoh, bintol Treacle (tre'kl), s. gulu cha'ir, gula
encher (N.I.).
(B.) ; (fig.) jrat; (carriage)
kreta. Mouth of a fish or crab Tread (tred), v. i.
pijak, pvnjak
trap, in jap. (B.). To
tread on, see trample.
Trap, V. t. prargkap, serkap, lokah,* Tread, s. (act of stepping) pijak,
bubii* bentor, jrat, as above. pinjak (B.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
Treadle (tred'l), s. (of bicycles) mrggigil (B.) ;
(with qo\(\) gla-
p m ija I'J^ tmpa t pinja k ( B ) . . tok}
Treason (trc'zn), s. derhalia, kliia- Tremendous (tre-men'dws), adj.
nat (Ar.). (terrible) liebat"^
(Ar. haibat),
Treasonable (-a-bl), adj. derliaka,
dahshat (Ar.) ; (very great)
I'll Ian at (Ar.).
bukan buatan, bukati baraiy-
Treasure s. bararg/^ bukan s-bararg (B.).
(trezh'iir), (Yaluahlos)
mata-bnda, I'liazanali Tremendously (-li), adv. amat
(Ar.) ;

terlalu sargat.
( wealth ) kkaija'mi. saiyat/-'

Treasure, y. t. simpan.
Tremor (trem'or), s. ktar.''^

Treasurer s.
Tremulous (-u-l?/s), adj. terktar-
(-er), (of state)
h7idahara,^' pirjliula hndaiiari;'^
a Trenail (trun'nel), s. see treexatl.
(of society) tul'arg ivaixj, p-
Trench (trench), v. t. parit, m-
mgaiy warg/^ pryiyyipan tvarg.'^
marit/'' bikin parit (B.).
Treasury (-i), s. perbndaharaan*
I'Jiazanah'^ (Ar. khazdnah), baitu
Trench, v. i. To trench upon a per-
son's authority, tindeh prentah
'l-mul (Ar.).
Treat oraig.
(tret), v. t. (handle, use)
Trench, s.
parit, lorgkarg.
biiat; (discourse on)
Trenchant (trenchVnit), adj. ta-
bicliaralan; (entertain) jamuf^
obaii. jam, also fig.
Trencher (-er), s.
piiggan liidani,'*
Treat, s. (entertainment)
ksuka'an. To didarg.
an;-'' (pleasure) Trend (trend), v. i. (have a certaini
give a person a treat, chia"^ (Ch.
direction) tnju; (as a beach) lari.
clihid'^), blanja (S.).
Treatise (tre'tis), s. karargan. Trend, s. tujiian, hala/^
Treatment (tret'ment), s. klakiian. Trepan (tre-piln'), v. t.
tularg trgkorak.
perbnatan; (medical) perobatan*
Trepang (-pjing'), s. triparg,'^ ga-
Treaty (-i), s. perjanjian stia.* in at.

Treble (treb'l), adj. (three times)

Trepidation (trep'i-da'shwn), s..

tig a kali, tig a ganda,^ tig a lapis, kiar,'^ gllar, mrgglitar (B.).
lipat tig a; (of sounds) sriiy,'^
Trespass lalui ka-
(tres'pas), v. i.

tirggi. irasan orarg f' (commit an of-

Treble, v. t. tigakan,'^ gandakan bcrsalali. To
fence) trespass,
tiga.^ one's time, liilargkaii tvaktu
Tree (tre),pokok kayu, polion
oraiy, habiskan hari orarg.
kayu.'^ Genealogical tree, sila- Trespass, s. ksalahan.
silah* (Ar. silsilah), susor gdlor.^
Trespasser (-er), s. orarg yary m-
Treeless (tre'les), adj. gondol. lalui kawasan orarg. "^

Treenail (trun'nel), s. pasak* Tress (tres), s. rambut panjaiy; (if

Trellis (trel'lis), s. jala-jala/^ slam pit. '^
mata-punai. Trestle (tres'l), s. kuda-kuda.
Trellis, v. t. jala-jalal'an.^^ Trial (tri'd), s.
prgachu- (effort)
Tremble (trem'bl), v. i. (shake) an;^ (test) vjian: (temptation)
yoncliarg, gtai',"^ ktar* gltar, mrg- pnchoba'an: (affliction) ksusali-
glitar (B.) ; (with fear) gntar, a n : ( jud c a1 ) ich a ra.
i i /;

gmntar;"^ (with fever) gigilf Triangle (trl'ang-gl), s. baiynnan

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mint^s, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
tiga persgi;* (the musical instru- tiga taliun lama-rya, yarg tiga
ment) l-rpncheiri/^ faJtun fikali.
Triangular (trl-ang'^u-ler), adj. Trier (trT'er), s, (one who tests)
fig a persgi, fig a hersgi (B.). ptgnji; (wlio tries judicially) /;-
Tribal (trVhnl), adj. haiysa (a). mutiis/''
Tribe (trib), s. (family) Huarga*
Trifle (-fl), s. perkara yarg reigan,.
kaum (Ar. qauni)^ kaum kluar- perkara kcJiil. A trifle too big,
ga* kaiun krahat (Ar.), chikeweh hmr sdikit.
Trifle, v. i. hifat rergan, huat
(B.) (Ch. chit-ke-c) (race) haiy- ; riiyan
sa; (division of a people) S2iku (B.). To tritle'with (play the
fool with), permainkan/'' main-
Tribulation (trib'u-la'slmn), s. main sama (B.) ; (treat without
seksa, sigyara (8k.), aniaya. respect or seriousness) amhil mu-
Tribunal (tri-hii'nl), s. tmpat hi- dali,"^ pandarg renjaji, tenjok ta'-
chara, mahkamah rnaia (B.).
Tribune (trib'un), s. ktua, prghulu. Trifling (-fling), s. (of small im-
Tributary (-u-ta-ri), adj. yaig mm- portance) sia-sia/^ taherguna,
haj/er npti (Sk.), yanj falok rergan, rityan (B.) (inadequate) ;

tiada drgan sperti-nja, tiada m-

(Ar.) ; (yieldinj^ supplies) ya?g
mmhantu. A tributary stream, mada'iJ'
,anak \^ur(jai. Trigger (trig'ger), s. (of a gun)
Tribute (-ut), s. vpti (Sk.). pmtek,^ pichu* (Port.).
Trice (tris), v. t. (Xaut.) s-tiiygi. Trigonometry (-o-nom'e-tri), s.

Trice, s. s-klip mata, s-sa'at (Ar.), 'ihmr migukor persgi tiga.

s-clichahr Trilateral (trl-lat'er-.l), adj. per-
Trick (trik), s. (artifice) e/a/t* sgi tiga.
(Ar. iiilah),daya,^ 'akal, mus- Trilingual (-ling'gwal), adj. her-
lihat (Ar.) (in trade) putar-
hhasa tiga.
hlit; (of a juggler) silap^mata; Triliteral (-lit'er-l), adj. herhuruf
(prank) knakalan,'^ makar (x\r.) ; tiga"^ (Ar. iiuruf).
(in cards) ianjanf^ pudi."^'
Trill (tril), y. i. kiarkan siiara/"'
Trick, V. t. (cheat) perdayakan,^ herdtar."^^

tip a; (decorate) Jiiasi/^ riaskan Trim (trim), adj. heratur, herhias,

herrias (B.), see below.
T rickery (trik'er-i), adj. tipu-daya, Trim, v. t. (put in order) htulkan,
prgelat, pe7'daya'an* aturkan; (decorate) hiasi,'^ rias-
Trickle (-kl), v. i. (in a stream) kan (B.) ; (make ready by cut-
lelcli, jnhleli (B.) ; (in drops) ting, as a lamp or hedge) gun-
titek, mnitek, chiichor/'' tiris.^ tirg, paras; (Iv^aut.) (balance a

Tricky (-i), adj. prgelat. ship) timharg.

Tricolour (trlkul-er), s. hndera Trim, s.
(dress) perhiasafi* prasan
tiga werna, hndera tiga orna (B.). (B.) (condition) ;?n/ hal.

Trident (-dent), s. sramparg mata Trimmer (trim'mer), s. (time-

tiga. server) oratg putar-halek ; (beam)
Tried (trid), adj. stia,'^ kpercliaya- rasok targga.^
'an,^ yaiy sndah di-uji. Trimming (-ming), s. (of cloth-
Triennial (tri-en'ni-al), adj. yaiy ing) perhiasan* prasan (B.) ;

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use. us, minws, ciire, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tliQU.
(concomitants of a dish) ulam, hararg ; (of electric tramcars)
samhal, achar, etc. joran.*
Trinity (trin'i-ti), s. tathlUh (Ar.). Troop (troop), s. (collection of
Trinket (tring'ket), s. perhiasan people) kumpolan; (of soldiers)
hadan deri-pada 'mas-perak, ha- pasokan.
ra iy
mas intan (
B .
) . Troop, V. i. (move in numbers) her-
Trio (trl'd or tre'5), s. hertiga, duyun-duyun;* (gather in crowds)
orary hertiga.
Trip (trip), v. i. (walk lightly) Trooper (troop'er), s. soldado her-
jalan hertari-tari;'^ (stumble) kiida; (horse) kuda prarg.
srandorg;"^ (of the foot)' terantok, Troopship (-ship), s.
kapal yarg
tersantok;* (err) hersalah.
mmuat soldado.
Trip, V. t. (in wrestling) hentes,* Trope (trop), s. 'ibarat (Ar.).
henteJif^ tiimit;* (an anchor) Trophy (trof'i or troTi), s. tanda
(Naut.) horgkas. kmnargan, perivgatan kmnargan.
Trip, s.
Tropic (trop'ik), s. hliagian hum-i
(excursion) perjalanan;
To yarg herhawa panas.
(false step) salah latgkah.
take a trip, pergi makan argin. Tropical (-i-kal), adj. herJiawa pa-
Tripe (trip), s. ivizab* (Ar. widzab). Trot (trot), v.i. herlari kadam*
Triple (trip'l), s. tiga kali ganda/^
(Hind. qadam-hdz = a. fast trot),
ganda tiga* tiga lapis. Triple herlari kaki.
stia ampat
alliance, perjanjian tiga
Troth (troth), s. (fidelity) stia.'^
krajaan.'^ In troth, drgan s-hnar~rya.
Triple, v. t. gandakan tiga,* tiga-
Troubadour (troo'ba-door), s.
orarg yarg mnjanji lagu nasih.
Triplet (-let), s. kmhar tiga. Trouble v. t.
(trub'bl), (disturb,
Triplicate (-li-ket), adj. tig a-lapis.
agitate) (afflict, annoy)
Triplicate, s. pniga.* susalii, susahkan, haru* mrgaru
Tripod (trl'pod), s. (for pots and To trouble
(B.), gaiggu, usek.
pans) tmgku.* one's self, hersusah. To take the
Trite (trlt), adj. lasak. trouble, amhil pnat, huat susah,
Triumph (tri'umf), s. (in ancient payah,* herpayali* hersusah.
times) perarakan kmnarg- shah
Trouble, s.
(annoyance) ksusahan;
an;* (victory) kmnargan, jay a (calamity) chlaka, kmalargan,
(Sk). mudlarat (Ar.) ; (affliction) an-
Triumph, v. i.
(obtain victory) iaya; (sorrow) dukachita (Sk.),
mnarg, jay a (Sk.) ; ( exult )^
suka k-
mashgliul (Ar.) ; (difficulty)
shah kmnargan.
payahan;* (disturbance) haru-
Triumphal (tri-um'fal), adj. yarg hiru* huru-hara. To take no
mrgirgatkan kmnargan. trouble, tidak pduli, tiada hirau.*
Triumphant (-fant), adj. yarg suka Troublesome (sum), susah,
shah kmnargan. payah, sukar* hrat, prgachauj*
Trivial (triv'i-al), adj. (of little
(of horses) chandi.*
importance) rergan, rirgan (B.), Troublous (-blws), adj. susah.
mudah* chuai.* Trough s.
(trof), (for feeding
Troll (trol), v. i. tonda ikan.* animals) paloig;* (for running
Trolley (trol'li), s. kreta argkat water) saluran, panchuran.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; did, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Trounce (trowns), v. t. ssah, hla- trump up (a charge or story )^
Trousers (trow'zerz), s. sluar, ch- Trumpery (trump'er-i), s. ksia-
lana (X.I.). To wear a sarorg siaan.^
without trousers, hergombaiy* Trumpery, adj. sia-sia*
herkain gombaty* Short trous- Trumpet (-et), s. (musical) trom-
ers, sluar katoh* sluar sampak* pet, slompret (N.L), begol* (E..
Trousseau (troo-so'), s. pakaian bugle). To sound one's own
piyantin. trumpet, puji diri.
Trowel (trow'el), s. (bricklayer's) Trumpet, v. t. (noise abroad) ma-
sudip lepa.'-'
soliorkan (Ar. mashliur).
Truant (troo'ant), adj. ta'hadlir Trumpet, v. i. (as elephants) gru/^
pada pkerja'an;* (at school) yarg groh'-^ (W.).
lari skolah, chahot skolah* yarg Trumpeter s. pniop trom-
luri mrgaji^' To play truant, lari pet/^ slompret
tukaig (N.I.),.
skolaJi. orarg Hop trompet (B.).
Truce (troos), s. perdamaian sman- Truncate (trung'kat), v. t. kodorg,
tara sahaja* kudorg (B.).
Truck (truk), s. wheel)
(small Truncheon (trun'shim), s. blan-
roda kchil, lererg;"^ (barrow) tan.^
kreta sororg;"^ (Naut.) (of a Trundle (-dl), v.t. (as a hoop)
mast) huah hrmharg, huah brgkal. lerergkanj^
Railway truck, grobak kreta api.* Trundle-bed (-bed'), s. tmpat tidor
Truckle (truk'kl), v. i. (yield, bci'lererg*
bend) tundok, falok (Ar.). Trunk (trungk), s. (of a tree) ba-
Truculent (-u-lent, u. s. *tro5'ku-), ia}g; (dead or fallen) purggor;"^
adj. garany, ganas.^ (base of the trunk) pargkal; (of
Trudge (truj), v. i. berjalan diyan animals) batarg-tuboh* tog ok;*'
pnat. (of elephants) blalai; (box) pti,.
True (troo), adj. (not false) bnar, kopor (N.I.) (D. koffer).
suiggoh, ya, btul, sah; (exact) Truss (trus), s. (of hay) ikat*
btid; (faithful) stiaf^ surggoh* kbat;* (for hernia) kpala-ular;*
tidits,"^ hati btul (B.) ; (genuine) (in roofs) kuda-kuda.
jati;"^ (straight) lurus. Is it Truss, v.t. (skewer) chocliok, pa-
true, ya-kah f Was it not true chak*
that I said? bolak-kah kata-kii?"^ Trust (trust), v. t. perchaya, harap;
It may or may not be true, 'ntali- (in God) tuakal* (Ar. tawakkal) ;
kan ya 'ntahkan tidak* 'ntali ya- (intrust) amanatkan (Ar.), p-
kah 'ntah bukan (B.). Out of iarolikan;'^ (rely on) chadaiy*
true (as wheels or tops), imbal* To trust to luck, mmbawa untorg,
Truism (troo'izm), s. memaig. It mmbawa nasib.
is a truism, itu sudah memarg. Trust, V. i.
perchaya, hdrap. To-
Truly (-li), adv. btul, drgan s-bnar- trust in, perchaya akan, perchaya
lya,digan s-surggoh-rya. dalam (B.).
Trump (trump), s. (at cards) Im- Trust, s. (confidence) perchaya,
kum* trup (D. troef). The last harap; (thing intrusted) ptaroh-
trump, sargkakala (Sk.). an, amanat (Ar.).
Trump, V. t. (at cards) potorg. To Trustee (trus-te'), s. orarg mm-
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; Ice, it, fire,,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin theju
ganj amanat (Ar.), huasa, icakil Tuesday (tuz'da), s. hari slasa (Ar.
(Ar. wakil). thaldtlia), hari dua.
Trustful (trust'fool), adj. yary Tuft (tuft), s. (of hair or feathers)
sat()at prrcJiajja, yatg sanjat her- jamholj hocheiy* gomhak;* (if
Jtarap. erect) iajok;'^ (erectile) chn-
Trusting (-iiig), adj.
= trustful, tonj;'^ (of Hindus) kudmi
q. V. (lam.) ; (of grass, bamboo, etc.)
Trustworthy (-wer7/<i), adj. hper- runipu'ti.
chaijaim/^ siia/^ yaty holeh di- Tufted (tuftVd), adj. herjamhol,
harap, Jiandal* heriajok.^
Trusty (-i), adj.
= trust woutity, Tug (tug), V. i. seniak, rtyyut, riiry-
q.v. yut (B.), 'njut; (in rowing)
Truth (trodtli), s. (that which is pa lit.

true) sunjgok,^ hnar, yaiy hnar, Tug, V. t. (tow) tonda.^

hakihat (Ar. Haqiqat) ; (fidelity) Tug, s. (jerk) sentak, rrygut,^ rury-
stia;"^ (accuracy, reality) Jcbnaran, yiit (B.) ; (tow boat) kapal p-
To speak the truth, berkata hnar, nonda.* A tug-of-war, tarek-tali.
chaJcap hnar (B.).
Tuition (tii-ish'wn), s. (guardian-
Truthful (trooth'fool), adj. suiy- ship ) pm lih araan, pmh la an ;*
goli/'' hnar. (instruction) pryajaran; (money
Truthfulness (-nes), s. I'htiaran. paid) upak guru.
Tumble (tum'bl), v. i. (roll to aftd
Try (tri), v. t.
metals) uji;
fro) haniiry diri; (fall, of per-
(test) uji, duya; (by use or ex-
sons) rhah ; (of houses) rohoh.see
periment) clioha; (examine) prek-
sa; (judicially) hicharakan; (at- fall; (play tricks) main pa'hu.
(Ch. pha-hu)y tuiyyary halek.'^
tempt) choha, achu. To try your
adukan Tumbledown (-down), adj. hurok.
luck, tiiaJi* mryadu un-
Tumbler (-bier), s. (glass) ylas
Try, V. i.
(endeavour) choha. Tumbrel (-l)rel), s. kreta arykat
Trying (trl'ing), adj. susah.
Tub s.
haranj, yrohak.'^
(tub), tory. Tumour
Tube (tu'mer), s. puru, harak.
(tfd)), s. choroiy, sromhory* Tumult (-mult), s. liuru-hara, ka-
srompory (B.), tropory, smprory. cliau-hilau* ympar* gadoh, per-
Tuber (tu'ber), s. id)i.
gadoli an, rioJi-rndaJi.
Tuberculosis (tu-ber'ku-lo'sis), s. Tumultuous (tu-murchu-?is), adj.
(of the lungs) hatoh krhy, lo'sun Ihuru-hara, hergadok, gmpar*
(Ch. loli-sun). iujar-hargar/^^ rusoh,.'^
Tuberose (tu'ber-oz), s. sundal Tun (tun), s. pipa (Port.).
malam. Tune (tun), s. (air) lagu, ragam;
Tubular (-bil-ler), adj. herchorory, (harmony) sajak (Ar. saj'a),
sperti chorory. tala.'^
Tuck (tuk), s. lipatan. Tune, V. t. talakan.'^
Tuk, (fold) lipat; (shorten the
v. t. Tuneful (tiin'fool), adj. merdu*
sleeves or trousers) senjsety; (put hersajak"^ (Ar. saj'a).
into) masokkan, sisip. Tuneless (-les), adj. jaiggal,^ sum-
Tucking (tuk'ing), s. trimen^ (E. haig/^ cliaiggoig (X.I.).
trimming) . Tuner (-er), s. pnaJa.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ioe, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Tunic (tu'nik), s. hajii hot (E. l)ack, kmbalikan* To turn down,
coat). Hpat, klepetkan ;'^ (as a light) A;-

Tunnel (tun'ii^l), s. jalan mnmhus chilkan. To turn face down, tia-

hukit, trusan bukit* rapkan. To turn oif (a tap), tu-
Turban (ter'han), s. serhan (Pers.), toij.
'J\) turn on
(water, etc.),
(Pers.) ; (the cloth) sal
ch-iar buka. To turn out(drive out),
(Pers.). kluarkan, halau; (produce) kluar-
Turbid (-bid), adj. hroh. kan; (as a pocket) balekkan;
Turbine (-bin or -bin), s. enjen (with a tap, as gas), tutop. To
pusaran,'^ turn over (overturn), balekkan,
Turbulence (-bii-lcns) s. = tu- tlurgkopkan ;^ (transfer) srahkan,
mult, q. V. pulargkan. To turn tail, balek
Turbulent (-knt), adj.
== tumul- blakuig. To turn the back on,
tuous, q. V. ; (of the sea) her- blakargi.^ To turn one's head,
glomharx], berombak; (relTactory) jadikan g'lla. To turn up, balek -
dgil. kan, borgkar; (as a sleeve) serg-
Tureen (tu-reii'), s. mairjlcolc sop serg. To turn upside down, tlurg-
(E. soup). kopkan,"^ terbalekkan; (confuse)
Turf (terf), s. (sod) s-tebak tanah lintatg-pukargkan, klam-kahoi-
rumputf^ (sward) padaig rum- kan.*
put; (horse-racing) perlumbaan Turn, V. i. (revolve) berpusirg; (as
kuda. wind or water) pusar;^' (as
Turf, V. t. iutop drgan tanah rum- eddies) berolak;'^ (of machinery)
put. bcrputar; (througli part of a
Turgid (ter'jid), adj. (swollen) circle, as tlie wind) berkisar; (of
b/ykak; (of the abdomen) bun- the head or body) berpaUrg; (so
chit; (of language) bsar. as to see) tol eh ;''' (to right or left
Turk (terk), s. oi-arg Turki, orarg in walkiiig) semparg;'' belok;
Stambol, see Constantinople. (right balek; (change)
Turkey (ter'ki), s. negri Turki, aleh, berobah;(become acid) jadi
negri Stambol. masam, jadi asam (B.). To turn
Turkey, s. (the bird) ayam blanda. about, balek. To turn aside
Turmeric (-mer-ik), s. kurgit, tmu ( deviate ) , sempa /?//' lench o ig ;
kuryit/^ A
white variety, tmu (avert one's face) palis.* To
lawak. turn away (the eyes), mletg*
Turmoil (-moil), s. gadoh, huru- To turn back, balek, kmbali, patah
hara. balek.* To turn off, semparg/^
Turn (tern), v. t. (cause to re- lench O'fg. To turn out (go out),
volve) pusirg; (as wheels, cap- kluar; (result) jadi. To turn
stans, etc.) putar; (through part over, guli^g, golek. To turn
of a circle, as the hands of a clock) round, paliig,* balek. To turn
kisar; (the head or bod}^) paliig- sour, jadi masam, jadi asam (B.).
kan; (to the right or left) belok- To turn towards, hadap,* mrg-
kan, sempatgkan;'-^ (back or over) hadap/" (B.). To turn up (ap-
balekkan; (in a lathe) larek* pear), terbit;* (happen) jadi;
See also roll, twist. To turn (be present) hadlir (Ar. nddlir) ;
aside, sempargkan* To turn (curl up) Intek*
away (dismiss) Ipaskan. To turn Turn, s. (a
revolution) s-kali putar;

ate, ask, am, final, care, ear, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry ; food, foot, awf ool (awful) ; law, how, oil ; thin then.
(change) perohahan; (bend) sle- Tussle (tus'sl), s. perlawananj^
Icoh,'^ lerykok;* (successive course) perglutan.^
gilir;* (of rope round anything)
Tut (tut), int. clieh.
but. By turns, tergilir-gilirj^ Tutelage (tu'te-lej), s. pmlihara-
s'oraig Ipas s'oraiy, s'orarxj s-lcali 'an,"^ pmhla'an.*
(B.).- In turn, mnurut giliran.'^ Tutelary (-la-ri), adj. ya7g mm-
To a turn, digan smpurna-rya. liharakan.'^
To do a person a good turn, buat Tutor (tu'ter), s. guru, guru di-
khajikan* huat haik (B.). hawah targan.*
Turncoat (tern'kot), s. murtad Twaddle (twod'dl), s. karutan/^
(Ar.). chakap karot (B.). To talk
Turner (-er), s. iukarg larek."^ twaddle, karut, rapek, mrapeh
Turning (-ing), s. (of a road) (B.).
Twain (twan), adj. dua. To split
sempaiy. Turning lathe, plarek/^
in twain, hlah dua.
hindu.^ Turning point (in sick-
ness), kmlutf (decisive moment) Twang (twang), v. i. (of a tight
sa'at yarg smpurna,^' tempu yarg string) hersiurg.*
haik (B.).
Twang, s. (of the voice) huryi
Turnip (-nip), s. lohak Eropah. mrghidorg* srgau.
Tweak (twek), v. t. pmi.*
Turnkey (tern'ke), s. pnurggu
Tweed (twed), s. kain tuit (E.),
pnjara, pnurggu jel (E. gaol).
triku (N.I.).
Turn-out (tern'owt), s. (equipage)
Tweezers (twe'zerz), s. argkup.*
Twelfth (twelfth), adj. yarg kdua-
Turnpike (-pik), s. (the gate)
hlas, yaiy nomhor dua-hlas (B.).
piniu jalan yarg herchukai; (the Twelve (twelv), adj. dua-hlas.
road) jalan raya.^ Twelvemonth s.
Turnstile s.
(-stll), palarg yarg tahun.
herputar.^ Twentieth (twen'ti-eth), adj. yarg
Turpentine (ter 'pen-tin), s. niiryak nomhor dua-
k-dua-puloli, yarg
piiloh (B.).
Turpitude (-pi-tud), s. kjahatan.
Twenty (-ti), adj. dua-puloh.
Turquoise (ter-kvs^oiz'), s. firuz*
Twenty-one, s-likur.* Twenty-
(Pers. firiiz). two, dua likur* etc.
Turret (tiir'ret), s. (small tower) Twice (twis), adv. dua-kali.
haigun-baigunan;^ (on a v^ar- Twiddle (twid'dl), v. i. hermain-
sliip) tmpat mriam yarg her- main.
putar."^ Twig (twig), s. rantirg.
Turtle piyu, kamlau,^
(ter'tl), s.
Twilight s. (in the morn-
kaloig/^ tuntorg;* see tortoise. ing) trarg tanah; (in the even-
Turtledove (-duv), s. tkukur; ing) snjakala, sahor-limor.*
(smaller) ktitir,^ merhok. See Twill (twil), s. blachu klarai* kain
PIGEON. kipar'^ (D. keper).
Tush (tush), int. chis. Twin (twin), s. anak kmhar.
Tusk (tusk), s. tarirg, siorgf' (of Twin, adj. kmhar. Twin-screw
ele])hants) gadirg. steamer, kapal herkipas dua.
Tusked (tuskt), adj. hertarinj, her- Twine (twin), s. tali rami, tali
sioigj^ hergadirg. rame (B.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min-ws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
Twine, v. i. herblit, lilit. Typhoid (tl'foid), adj. dmam
Twinge (twinj), v. i. choclioh- kpiahi.
cJtochok, tikam-tikam. Typhoon (ti-foon'), s. rihot, topan
Twinge, s. sakit mnchochok-cho- (x\r. Taufdn), taipun (E.).
cliok; (less severe) grnryam. Typical (tip'i-kal), adj. yarg m-
Twinkle (twing'kl), v. i. lerklip-
nandakan, yaig mnjadi tuladan.
Typify (-fi), v. t. tandakan, jadi
The tuladan, 'itibarkan (Ar.).
Twinkling (-kling), s. klip.
twinkling of an eye, s-klip mata.
Typography (tl-pog'ra-fi), s.
'ilmu* chap, 'ilmu chitak*
Twirl (twerl), v. i. herpusirg, her-
Tyrannical (tl-ran'ni-kal), adj.
putar, pusar, see turn.
Twist V. t.
prganiaya,* tlalim* (Ar. tldlim).
(twist), (by wringing)
Tyrannize (tir'an-niz), v. i. ber-
pulas; (by winding or encircling) buat tlalim (Ar.). To tyrannize
blit; (as a rope or cloth in the
over, aniayakan.
hand) puntal;^ (distort) pioh,"^
Tyranny (-ni), s. aniaya, tlalim
riok;* (pervert meaning)
dolak-dalekkan ;^ (thread) pinial; (Ar.).
T^^re (tir), s. simpai roda. Rubber
(with a young coconut, mum-
tyre, gtah roda.
harg) lanarg.^
Tyro (ti'ro), s. orarg bharu bla-
Twisted (contort-
(twist'ed), adj.
ed) erut, hergut; (of the wrist or
ankle) terplechok.
Twit (twit), V. t. (blame, reproach) Ubiquitous (u-bik'wi-tzis), adj.
chla, tmplak; (taunt) giat. liadlir di
pada sgala tmpat,*
Twitch (twich), v. i. t. sentak, mana-mana pun ada.
rrggut* rurggut (B.),rntap;* (of Udder (ud'der), s. (of animals)
the eyelids) hergrak. ambiig susu.*
Twitch, s. (spasm) sakit iersentak- 'Jgly (ug'li)j adv. odoh,* jlek (N.
I.), burok rupa; (and dirty) ko-
Twitter (twit'ter), v. i. herdchit, roh; (of an ugly face) bagai srg-
cliitcliit/^ chi"ap. kalan ta'sudah.*
Twitter, s. (the sound) chit, Ulcer (ul'ser), s. tokak; (larger)
chi"ap. 2?ko7g.
Twixt = betwixt (twikst), antara. Ulcerate (-at), v. t. mnanah.
Two (too), adj. dua. Two edged Ulcerous (-us), adj. bertokak, ber-
sword, pdmg bermata dua. pkorg.
Twofold (too'fold), adj. dua-lapis, Ulterior (ul-ter'i-er), adj. (on the
lipat dua, berganda.^ Q farther side) di sbrarg; (more dis-
Tympanum (tim'pa-n^/m), s. buli- tant) lb eh jauh; (succeeding) di
buli tlirga,^ anak tlirgaJ^ blakaig.
Type (tip), s. (sign, symbol) tan- Ultimate (ul'ti-met), adj. ter-
da, 'alamat; (model) tuladan; kmdian, yaig prghabisan, yarg
(form) rupa; (letters for print- akhir (Ar.), yarg blakarg skali
ing) huruf chap,* htiruf chitak* (B.).
(Ar. nuruf). Ultimately (-li), adv. lama-klama-
Typewriter (tip'ri-ter), s. jntra 'an,* akhir-rya (Ar.), prghabisan-
mnulis* rya.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 51d, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Ultimatum (-ma't^m), s. sogolc'an Unanimity (u-na-nim'i-ti), s. hal
yanj akhir* mnjadi s-pakat, muafakat (Ar.).
Ultimo (-mo), adv. hulan lain, Unanimous (u-nan'i-mws), adj.
hxilan sudah, biilan dliulu, hulan inalii liati,
yarg niaii.'^ Unanswerable (un-an'ser-a-bl),
Ultra (iil'tra), adj. (expressively) adj. yaig tiada dapat di-bantaki*
terlampau/' terlanipon (B.). tiada terbalas, ta'bolek di-jaivab-
Umbilical cord (um-biri-kal kord), kan (B.).
s. tali pusat. Unanswered (-serd), adj. (of
Umbrage (iim'brej), s. gram, letters) di-balas, blum di-
rsan.-'' jawab; (not refuted) tiada di-
Umbrella (iim-brel'la), s. payorg. bantalii.^
Umpire (um'pir), s. (in a quarrel) Unappreciated ( un'ap-pre'shi-at-

orarg tigah; (in games) ampaya ^d), adj. tiada di-indahkan.

(E.). Unappropriated (-pro'pri-at-ed) ,
Unabashed (un'a-baslif), adj. adj. yarg blum di-ambil, yarg blum
nivka slamha, muka slarnhak (B.), di-bri.
muka thai, muka kulit hahi/'' Unarmed (un-armd'), adj. tiada
Unable (un-a'bl), adj. ta'holeh, bersnjaia, badan bulat.
tiada dapat/^ ta'dan (P.), mus- Unassailable (un'as-sal'a-bl), adj.
tahil (Ar.), tidak hisa (N.I.). yarg ta boleh di-larggar.
Unabridged (un'a-brijd'), adj. Unassuming (-sum'ing), adV
chukop-lrgkap, chiikop largkap (humble) rndah hati; (retiring)
(B.). pndiam.
Unacceptable (un'ak-sep'ta-bl), Unattached (un'at-tacht), adj.
adj. tiada berknan. (free) bebas.
Unaccountable (-kownt'a-bl), adj. Unavoidable (unVvoid'a-bl), adj.
(free from control) bebas; (in- yarg tiada dapjat di-elakkan, hams,
explicable) yarg ta'bolek di-trarg- terpaksa. It is unavoidable, apa-
kan, her an (Ar. iiairCin), 'aja- kan-daya, sudah janji,'^ sudah tak-
'ib dir"^ (Ar. taqdir).
Unaccustomed (-kus't^/md), adv. Unaware (un'a-war'), adj. tiada
blum biasa, kurarg biasa. sdar, tatahu.
Unacquainted (-kwant'ed), adj. Unawares (-warz'), adv. s-kunjorg-
bhnyi tahu, blum knal. kunjorg,^ serta-merta, terkjot, ta'-
Unadulterated (nn^a-dul'ter-at'ed), kiahuan.*
adj. tiada berchampur. Unbalanced (un-bal'anst), adj.
Unadvisedly (-ad-vlz'ed-li), adv. tiada ttap.
d}r]a7i tiada mmikirkan. Uobar (-bar'), v. t. buka palarg,"^
Unaffected (-af-fekt'ed), adj. buka slak.*

dfgan tiada piira-pura.* Unbearable (-bar'a-bl), adj. yarg

Unaided (un-ad'ed), adj. tiada di- tiada tertahan, yarg tiada ter-
bantu, sndiri, s orarg diri;^ s' orarg sahar, tiada terdrita (Sk.).
s'oravj. Unbecoming (un'be-kum ing), adj.
Unallo^^ed (un'al-loid'), adj. tu- tiada patut, tiada snonoh, ta'-
len.'^ S7niygah*
Unalterable (im-ol'ter-a-bl), adj. Unbelief (-lef), s. hal tiada her-
yarg tiada boleh berobah, ttap. iman (Ar.) ; (doubt) shak (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful) law, bow, oil; thin t/ien.
Unbeliever (-lev'cr), s. liafir (Ar.), Unceremonious (un'ser-e-mo'ni-
oranj tiada heragama. //s), adj. tiada htertib (Ar.).
Unbelieving (-ing), adj. yarg tiada Uncertain (un-ser'ten), adj. (not
jjcrckaija; (in religion) tiada certain) ta'tntu; (not sure to
t)eriman (Ar.). happen) ta'holeh di-tunaikan;'^
Unbend (un-bend'), v. t. (slacken) (variable) herohali-ohah ; (of
liudurkan; (loosen) huka, orak;* wind) panclia-roha.-^ It is un-
(Naiit. of sails) tatrjgal* huka. certain, 'utalikan ya 'ntaJikan ti-
Unbending (-inf}^), adj. (in will) dak, 'ntali ija-kali 'ntalh hukan
haii hatu; (stiff) kjor/^
i(/ar/'' (B.).
Unbiassed (-bi'ast), adj. tiada brat Unchangeable (-chanj'a-1)]), adj.
sblah. tiada herohali-ohali, ttap.
Unbidden (-bid'dn), adj. tiada di- Uncharitable (-clnir'i-ta-bl), adj.
laira* tiada di-jmpot. kras, htgis.
Unbind (-bind'), v. t. hnka hand, Unchaste (-chasf), adj. kotor, hu-
orak ikatan.'^' sok, chroholi,^ Inch ah.
Unbleached (-blechf), adj. mntah. Uncircumcised (-ser'kum-srzd) ,

Unblemished (-blem'isht), adj. adj. kulop.^''

tiada ctiachat. Uncivil (-siv'il), adj. kurarg ajar,
Unblushing (-blush'ing), adj. kamr, kuraig hliasa, kurarg adab
slamhak (B.), ta'malu.
shiinha, (Ar,), halek adab (Ar.).
Unbolt (-bolt'), V. t. huka slak/^ Uncivilized (-i-lizd), adj. tiada
Unborn (-l)orn'), adj. hluni jadi, bertaiuaddun (Ar.), jaliil (Ar.).
hhun lahir'^ (Ar. ildhir). Unclad (-klad'), adj. tlanjaig.
Unbosom (un-booz'iim), v. t. (con- Unclaimed (-kblmd'), aclj. tiada
fess) aku To unbosom one's di-tuntut.
self, pcliahkan tmhlaty sndiri. Uncle (ung'kl), s. hapa saudara,
Unbounded (-bownd'ed), adj. tiada inaniakr paman (N.I.).
herhirgga,'^ tiada herhad* (Ar. Unclean (un-klen'), adj. kotor;
liad). (ceremoniallv) najis, hadas"^
Unbridled (-brl'dld), adj. tiada ter- (Hind, abdast).
taJian. Uncomfortable (-kum' fert-a-bl ) ,
Unbroken (-bnVkn), adj. tiada her- adj. la'snaig, tasdap.
kvutumn, tiada hersla."' Uncommon (-kom'm?ai), adj.
Unburden (-ber'dn), v. t. (the (rare) ja rang a da, mahal:
mind) lapanjkan liati* hukakan (strange) ptfk.*
hati (B.). Uncommunicative (un'kom-mii'ni-
Unbutton (-bnt'tn), v. t. huka kan- ka-tiv), adj. pndiam, brat lidali,
ciiitg, huka hutaig. mulut brat (B.).
Uncalled-for (-kawkV for), adj. Uncompromising (un-kom'pro-
tiada st-mna-nina,'^ tiada hersJ)aJ). miz'ino-), adj. yarq tiada undor,
Uncanny (-kan'ni), adj. yanj m- dgil.
luratfikau hulu trgkok. Unconcern (un'kon-sern'), s.
Uncared-for (-bird' for), adj. (Sk.), lalai.
tiada di-hla,'^' tiada di-jaqakati Unconcerned (-sernd'), adj. tiada
(B.). pduli, alpa (Sk.), Ipa* lalai.
Unceasing (-ses'ing), adj. ta'sudaJi- Unconditional (-dish't/n-al), adj.
sudah, mtiam (Sk.), malar.
tiada bersliarat'^ (Ar. sharT).

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve. hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, s5rry; use, ns, mins, cure, injure,
iiiirry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
Unconscionable (un-kon'sh^^n-a- (less in number, size^ etc.) kuraiy
bl), adj. tiada herkirgga* terlalu deri-pada. Under age, hlum cliu-
sayyat, terlampau* terlampon kop 'iwior. Under arms, ber-
(B.). snjata. Under fire, mrghadap
Unconscious (-shi/s), adj. tiada plum. Under ground, di bawah
sdar, tiada hhabarhan diri.^ To tauali, dalam tanah. Under sail,
be unconscious, liilarg smargat, m- t7yah blayer. Under sentence,
layarg smargat, terharg smargat. sudali di-jatohkan hukum. Under
Unconstitutional (un'kon-sti-tu'- the authority of, dalam preTitah.
shzm-al), adj. tiada mmirut hu- Under the lee, sblah bawah argin.
kum. Under water, dalam ayer, i7yglam.
Uncontrollable (un'kon-trol'la-bl), Under weigh, under way, trgah
adj. tiada tertalian, tiada ter- blayer.
klola* Underclothing (-klo/Jt'ing), s. pa-
Unconverted (-vert'ed), adj. (not kaia7i dalam.
exchanged) hlum di-tuhar; (im- Undercurrent (-kur'rent), s. arus
penitent) hlum bertohat (Ar. kodok, arus di bawah muka ayer;
tauhat). (tendency) perrasa'a7i sulit.^
Uncooked (un-kookf), adj. mntah. Underdone (-dun'), adj. kurarg
Uncork (-kork'), v. t. chahot sum- 77iasak, lagi 7nntah; (of rice) lagi
bat. biji limau/^ berhati (B.),
Uncouth (-kooth'), adj. (strange) biji nargkaj^ jlantah/^ (of po-
plek;'^ (boorish) kurarg ajar. tatoes) lagi berliati.^
Uncover (-kiiv'er), v. t. buka, ddah; Underestimate (-es'ti-mat), v. t.
(reveal) lyatakan. nilai terlalu
murali,^ arggarkan'^'
Unction (nngk'shim), s. (anoint- kurarg deri-pada patut [arygar-
ing) hal 7nrgu7'ap* hal mraksi.'^ ankan (B.)].
Unctuous (-chu-?/s), adj. (fatty) Undergo (-go'), v. t. (be subjected
berlmak; (suave), manis-madii.'^ to) kna; (pass through, endure)
Uncultivated (un-kul'ti-vat-ed) , targgo7g, tahan, drita (Sk.).
adj. (of land) mati, rarg* Undergraduate (-grad'u-et), s.
Uncurl (-kerl'), v. t. Irgkargkan* 7mirid ya7g blu7n ta7nai (Ar.),
Uncut (-kuf), adj. (of stones) 7nurid yarg blum khatam (Ar.).
blum di-chanai/^ blum di chanis Underground (-grownd), adj. di-
(B.). bawah ta7ialh, dalam tanah.
Undaunted (-dawnt'ed), adj. tiada Undergrowth (-groth), s. smak di
makan gertak, tiada mnaroh takot, 7'i7nba.
nekat/^ Underhand (-hand), adj. (secret)
Undeceive (un'de-sev'), v. t. Ipas- diam-diam, dirjan smburyi, smbo-
kan deri-pada tperdaya,''' njatakan lyek (B.), 7nnchuri-churi; (frau-
ksilapan. dulent) pnipu.
Undecided (-sTd'ed), adj. (of Underhand, adv. To throw under-
things) blu7n tntu, lagi tergan- hand, umban.*
to7g;^ (of persons) linchah iikir- Underlie (-li'), v. t. alasi.
a.n/^ ta'ttap, bimbaty. Underline (-iTn'), v. t. bariskan di
Undeniable (-nl'a-bl), adj. tadapat bawah.
di-sargkalkan, ta'boleli di-bantahi* Underling (-ling), s. orary parykaf
Under (un'der), prep, di bawah; di bawah.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry j ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Underlying (-H'ing), adj. yan] mn- Undervalue (-val'ii), v. t. kurarg
jadi alas.
Undermine (-min), v. t. (excavate
Underwood (-wood), s. smak
dalam rimha; (coppice) hlukar.*
beneath) krok alas; (rum) rosak-
kan, hinasakan.
Underworld (-werld'), s. 'alam
Underneath adv. di harzakh (Ar.).
ha wall. Underwrite (-rlf), v. t. anshuran-
di haicah.
kan (E.), inshurankan (E.).
Underneath, prep,
Underwriter (-er), s. kpala an-
Underpin (-pin'), v. t. sokoty, to-
shuran (E.).
Underrate Undeserved (un'de-zervd'), adj.
(-rat'), v. t. kurarg in-
tiada liar us.
Undersell Undisturbed (-dis-terbd'), adj.
(-sel'), v. t. jual Ibeh
tiada di-garggii*
Undivided (un'di-vid'ed), adj. s-
Underside (sId'), s. shlah hawali.
gnap, s-hidat-hulat.
Undersigned (-sind'), adj. yarg Undo (un-doo'), v. t. (annul) han-
herianda-targan di hawali ini.
tutkan, hatalkan, tiadakan; (un-
Undersized (-sTzd'), adj. kerdil;*
fasten, as knots) orak* huka; (as
(too small in comparison) cha- the hair) gerhargkan; (as clothes)
ckil;^ ta'chukop hsar (B.).
huka kanchirg; (unravel) urai;*
ilnderstand (-stand'), v. t. (com-

(ruin) rosakkan, hinasakan.

prehend) mrgerti, paham, maf- Undoubted (-dowt'ed) , adj. yarg
hum (have knowledge of)
(Ar.) ;
ta holeli di-sargkalkan, ta' dapat
tahu, paham; (have information di-hantahi*
of) dupat kliahar. adv. tiada shah
Undoubtedly (-li),
Understanding (-ing), s. pryerti- lagi,^ tntu.
ati, piytahuan; (agreement) mua- Undress (-dres'), v. t. huka pakai-
fakat (Ar.), pakatan; (intelli- an, targgalkan pakaian.*
gence) 'akal. Undress, s.
pakaian lasak* pakaian
Understate (-staf), v.
kurarg- t s-liari-liari (B.).
kan, kchilkan, kchikkan (B.). Undue (-du'), adj. tinda patut, ta'
To understate one's age, mudakan snonoli, yary inlhehi 'adat,"^ ter-
lampau,'^ terlampon (B.).
Understrapper (-strap'per), s. Undulate (un'du-lat) V. 1. (as
orarg parykat rndah. water) heromhak-omhak.
Undertake (-tak'),v.t. (set about) Undulating (-ing), (of
mula'i; (a new task) tarygar;* ground) hryyol-hrygil,^ ti^ffi-
(take upon one's self) pikul, targ- rndah.
gorg, argkat; (assume as an obii- Undulation (-la'sh?/n), s. omhak-
gation) sarggop, chakap;* omhak; (in a kris) lokj^'
(promise) aku. Unduly (un-du'li), adv. terlalu, ter-
Undertaker (-er), s. pmajak m- lampau,^ terlampon (B.).
iguhnrkan orarg.'^ Undying (-dl'ing), adj. tiada her-
Undertaking (-ing), s.
(enter- kputusan, kkal, baka* (Ar.
prise) pkerja'an; (guarantee) haqa').
prgakuan. Unearth (-erth'), v. t. (uncover)
Undertone (-ton'), s. hisek. huka.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car,carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirroi ; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Unearthly (-li), adv. (supernatur- Unfaithful (-fath'fool), adj. tiada
al) sakti (Sk.) ; (appalling) dah- stia,^' tiada kperchaya'an* khianat
shat (Ar.). (Ar.), ya'tg ta'boleh di-perchaya
Uneasiness (-es'i-nes), s. glisah,^' (B.).
etc., see below. Unfasten (-fas'n), v. t. huka, orak*
Uneasy (-i), adj. (restless) glisahj^ iirai/'' luchut; (the hair) gerbarg-
kloJi-lisah ;* (perturbed, anxious) kan.
himharg, khuaiir; (nervous) ga- Unfathomable (-fai/t'i/m-a-bl),
mam.^ adj. tiada terduga.
Unemployed (un'em-ploid'), adj. Unfavourable (-fa'ver-a-bl), adj.
tiada hkerja, fiada bpkerja'an. tiada berfai'dali, tiada beruntorg,
Unequal (un-e'kwal), adj. tasama, malarg, nahas* (Ar. Jiauas) ; (of
Iain-lain, ta's-rupa, tiada s-haya; wind) sakal* salah.
( uneven ) iasama-rata, thggi-rn- Unfeeling (-fel'ing), adj. tiada m-
dak; (inadequate) tachukop, ta- nimbarg rasa, tiada mnaroh sa-
sampai, tiada mrnada'i.'^ yarg, tiada insaf (Ar. insdf) hati
Unequalled (-kwald), adj. tiada bat'ii, kras hati.
fara-iya, tiada herhandirg, tiada Unfeigned adj. tiada
hertololi* tiada herlawan.
pura-pura,* tulus, surggoh,* surg-
Unequivocal (un'e-kwiv'o-kal), adj. gu (B.), btul (B.),
tru8-traig, tuhis-eklila.r^ (Ar. ikh- Unfermented (un'fer-ment'ed),
Ids ) .
tiada berragi, tiada kJiamir
Unerring (un-er'ing or -er'ring), (Ar.).
adj. (making no mistake) yarg Unfettered (un-fet'tered), adj. be-
tiada silap; (in aim) yaig tiada bas.
lunchas.^ Un filial (-firyal), adj. kurarg ad ah
Uneven (-e'v^n), adj. ta'sama rata; k-pada ibu-bapa,"^ put-hau (B.).
(in length) panjaig-pendek, tirggi (Ch. put-lidu).
rndah, ctiorgkah-manjkeh:'^ (of Unfinished (-fin'isht), adj. blum
surface) ksat, kasap* grutu, kre- liabis; (left incomplete) brgkalai,"^^
tutf (of ground) Ikak-lkok; (of terbargai*
numbers) ganjil. Unfit (-Sf), adj. tapatut, tapadan,
Unexampled (un'egz-am'pld), adj. ta'layak."^
tiada bertuladan, yang hlum per- Unfit, V. t. (disable) Imahkan;
nah jadi. (make unsuitable) ta'padankan.
Unexceptionable (un'ek-sep'shi/n- Unfix (-fiks'), V. t. targgalkan,*
a-bl), adj. tiada herchJa. buka, cliabot, luchut.
Unexpected (un'eks-pekt'cd), adj. Unfold t. buka lipatan;
(-fold'), V.
yaig tiada di-saigka. (to view) 7yatakan, lahirkan*
Unexpectedly (-li), adv. tiba-tiba,^ (Ar. tldhir) ; (explain) artikan;
serta-merta, s-kunjoig-kuiyorg,^ (a secret) buka rahsia, bukalc
top-top."^' rusia (B.).
Unexpired (-pTrd'), adj. blam lia-
Unfold, V. i. (as flowers) kmbarg;
(of palm blossoms, mayarg) urai.*
Unfailing (un-fal'ing), adj. tiada Unfortunate (-for'chu-net), adj.
akan liabis, malar, hkal. '^
tiada beruntoig, malarg, sial, sial-
Unfair (-frir'), adj. tiada tulus-
ekhlas (Ar. ikhlas), tiada 'adil.
Unfortunately (-li), adv. sayarg.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) law, how, oil; thin thou.
Unfounded (-fownd'ed), adj. tiada Unhesitatingly (-hez'i-tat'ing-li),.
hcralas. adv. drgan tiada shak lagi.
Unfrequented (un'fre-kwent'ed), Unhewn (-hun'), adj. (of stone)
adj. sunii. blum di-paJiat; (of wood) blum
Unfriendly (un-frend'li), adv. di-tarali^'
herstni/^ bermusoh. Unhinge (-hinj'), v. t.(a door)
Unfrock (-frok'), v. t. pchafkanJ' chabot deri ergsel (D. liengsel) ;.

Unfruitful (-froot'fool), adj. (of (the mind) rosakkan 'akal.

plants) tiada herhuah; (of land) Unholy (-luVli), adj. (wicked)

kurus, datrjkal.* jaliat.
Unfurl (-ferl'), v. t. (as sails or Unhoped-for (-hdpf for), adj.
flags) hid-a. tiada di-liarapi, tiada di-sargka.
Uni^ainly (-o^an'li), adj. cliargqoni Unhorse (-hors'), v. t. champakkan
hergaya/^ hiirolc rupa, jarggal di deri atas kuda.
mata.^ Unhurt (-herf), adj. slamat , tiada
Ungenerous (-jen'er-?/s), adj. ta- luka.
igan tcrkafop* targkai jrirg* Unicorn (ii'ni-korn), s. kuda jadi-
Unj^entlemanly (-tl-mrm-li), adj. jadian yarg bertandok.'^-
Jcurary hhasa. Uniform (-form), adj. (always of
Un|2:od'y (-srod'li), adj. tiada her- the same form) malar s-rupa,^^
Jmkti (Sk.), tiada ber'ibadat tiada berobah-obaJi; (the same as
(Ar.). others) sama, s-nipa.
Un.^overnable (-guv'ern-a-bl), adj. Uniform, s. pakaian kbsaran, pakai-

tiada tertahan, tiada terklolakan/^ an kompni.

Ungrateful (-gTaffool), adj. tiada Uniformity (-form'i-ti), s. ksama-
mnrima kaseli, tiada mmbalas 'an, ksrupa'an.
gima/' tiada mrgnarg baik orarg, Uniformly (-li), adv. sama rata, s~
bojincherg (B.) (Ch. bo-jin- kata.'^

cherg). Unify (-i\), \.t. satukan.

Unguent (nnirVwcnt), s. mityak Unimpeachable (un'im-pech'a-hl),
gosok'an, minjak gosok (B.). adj. ya7y ta'boleh di-tudoh,^'' tiada
Unhallowed (iin-hallod), adj. berchla, tiada chacliat.
(wicked) jaliat. Unimportant (-por'trtnt), adj. tia-
Unhandy (-hand'i)^ adj. cliarggorg, da brat, reigan, rirgan (B.), alaiy-
kekok. kpalarg."^
Unhappily (-ha]/pi-li), adv. (un- Uninhabited (-in-hrd)'it-ed), adj.
fortunately) sayanj. sinyi.
Unhappy (-pi), adj. (unlucky) Uninterrupted (-in-ter-rnptVd),
malarg, chlaka; (miserable) susah adj. malar,'''' tiada berhnti-hnti,.
Jiad, berdukacldta (Sk). tiada berrnti-rnti.
Unharmed (-harmd'), adj. slamat. Uninvited (-vlt'f'd), adj. tiada di-
Unhealthiness (-helth'i-nes), s. lawa,* tiada di-jmpot (B.).
argin tabaik, liaiva tabaik. Union (u'ni-?/n or un'y7ni), s. per-
Unhealthy (-i), adj. tiada sehat : satuan,* perliuborgan; (harmony)
(of plants) tiada subor; (of perstujiian; (confederation) per-
places) argin tabaik. skutuan,'^ persiikatan* (Ar. sha-
Unheard-of (-herd' ov), adj. ta- rikat) ; (of pipes) samborgan.
k ta huan ta'kruan *
, .
Unique (u-nek'), adj. tiada tara-
ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
mirror;, old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
nja, tiada herhandirg, tiada ber- Unlearned (-ed), adj. tiada berpla-
tolok,* tiada dua-rya.^ jaran, lagi bodoh.
^Unison (u'ni-s?m), s. (harmony) Unleavened (-lev'end), adj. tiada
perstujuan; (in music) sajah (Ar. berragi, tiada khamir (Ar.).
safa.). In unison, s-iala* sama Unless (-les'), conj. jikalau tiada,
s-rmpah. kalau tidak, lamun,^ mlainkan
'Unit (u'nit), s.
yarg turggal; (in jikalau.
arithmetic) aryjca sa;* (standard Unlettered (-let'terd), adj. tiada
of measurement) jargha. berplajaran.
'Unite (u-nit'), v. t. satuhan, huhorg, Unlike (-iTk'), adj. tiada sama,
sambory, tmukan,^ chantomkan.^ ta'srupa.
'Unite, V. i. bersatu, berliuborg, etc., Unlikely (-li), adj. tiada di-sargka,
as above; (of a wound) berchan- ta'boleh di-tunaikan.^
tom."^ Unlimited (-lim'it-ed), adj. tiada

"Unitedly (-ed-li), adv. bersama- bperhiigga'an.'*'

sama, sama skalL
Unload (-lod'), v. t. (cargo) purg-
Unity (u'ni-ti), (oneness), hsatu-
s. gall, bo7gkar;. (a gun) kluarkan
an, k'asa'an* hturggalan;"^ (of pluru.
Unlock (-lok'), v. t. bul'a kuncki.
God) (Ar. tauuid) ;
Unlooked-for (-lookf for), adj.
(harmony) perstujuan.
yarg tiada di-saigka, tiada di-
^Universal (-ver'sal), adj. di mana-
mana, rata, pada s-gnap tmpat, harap.
'am^^ (Ar.
Unloose (-loos'), v. t. buka, orak,^
Universe Ipaskan, luchut; (the hair)
(-vers), s. 'alam (Ar.), 5-
putar 'alam (Ar.), smista 'alam^
Unluckily (-luk'i-li), adv. sayaig.
(Ar. 'dlam).
Unlucky (-i), adj. tiada beruntorg,
University (-ver'si-ti), s.
malaig, Maka, sial, sial-majal,*
bsar, madrasah (Ar.).
nahas'^ (Ar. naiias).
'Unjust (un-jusf), adj. tiada bnar, Unman (-man'), v. t. (dishearten)
tiada 'adil, tlalim* (Ar. tldlim). tavjarkan hati.
'Unkempt (-kemf), adj. (of hair) Unmanageable (-ej-a-bl), adj.
husut. tiada terklolakan.'^
'Unkind (-kind'), adj. tiada mnaroh Unmannerly (-ner-li), adj. kurarg
sayarg, tiada bias, kras hati. bhasa, kitraig ajar, biadab (Pers.).
"Unknowingly (-no'ing-li), adv. Unmarred (-mard'), adj. tiada
tiada srgaja. rosak.
Unlace (-las'), v. t. (shoes) buka Unmarried (-mar'rid), adj. bu-
tali kasut. blum kahwin.
^Unlade (-lad'), v. t. putggah, borg- Unmerciful (-mer'si-fool), adj.
Unladylike (-la'di-lTk), adj. kurarg Unmistakeable (-mis-trik'a-])l),
bhasa, biadab (Pers.). kasar. adj. trarg, nyata.
'Unlawful (-law'fool), adj. liaram, Unmoved (-moovd') adj. ttap,
mlaTggar huhum. tgoh, tnaig hati:^
Unlay (-la'), v. t. (a rope) larap- Unnatural (-nach'u-ral), adj. m-
kan* lawari tabiat,'^ bukan sperti biasa
Unlearn (-Jern'), v. t. lupa. (B.).

tate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; iee, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Unnecessary (-nes'es-sa-ri), adj. entangle) urai,"^ oraJcj* (a mys*
tmda liarus,'^ tiada wajih (Ar.), tery) wmi.*
tmda berguna. It is unnecessary, Unreal (-re'al), adj. relca-reka*
tausali. konun-konun/^ ta'bnar (B.).
Unnerve (-ncrv'), v. t. Imahlcan. Unreasonable (-re'zn-a-bl), adj.
Unnumbered (-num'berd), adj. (unjust) tiada bnar, tiada 'adil;.
tiada terhilarg, tiada tpermana'i* (immoderate) tiada patut.
tiada terliisabhan^ (Ar. Jiisab). Unreasoning (-ing), adj. tiada
Unobliging (un'o-blij'ing), adj. berakal.
hrat siku,'^ hamah* Unrelenting (un're-lent'ing), adj..
Unobstructed (-ob-strnkt'ed), adj. kras, brgis.
(of a view) laivas mata mman- Unreliable (-ll'a-bl), adj. (of a
darg* person) tiada kperchaya'an,'^ yarg
Unobstrusive (-troo'siv), adj. pn- ta'boleh di-harap (B.) ; (of work)
diam, pmalu. ta'snonoh, ta'smrggali
Unoccupied (un-ok'ku-pid), adj. Unremitting (-mit'ting), adj.
(of houses) hosorg. tiada berkputusan.
Unpack (-pjlk'), v. t. horgtar. Unrest (un-resf), s. kloh-ksali,^
Unparelleled (-par'al-leld), adj. glisah."''
tiada herbandirg, tiada sama-nya. Unrighteous (-rl'chws), adj. tiada
(-pin'), v. t, huka smat, cha- bnar^ jaliat, tiada 'adat. ^
hot smat. Unripe (-rip'), adj. muda, mntali,
Unpitying (-pit'i-ing), adj. tiada mantah* blum masak; (nearly^
bias, tiada mnaroh sayarg. ripe) mrgkal, margkar.^
Unpleasant (-plez'ant), adj. (of Unrivalled (-ri'vald), adj. tiada
sight or sound) jarggal,^' sum- herbandirg, tiada bertolok,"^ tiada
barg;-^ (of taste) ta'sdap; (of tara-nya, tiada dua.*
smells) maurg; (troublesome) su- Unroll (-rol'), v. t. bntarg.
sali, yarg mryusalii. Unruly (-rdol'i), adj. ^ia^a terklola-
Unprecedented (-pres'e-dent-cd), kan.'^'
blum p email jadi, bharu.
adj. ya7y Unsaleable (-sal'a-bl), adj. tiada^
Unprejudiced (-prej'u-dist), adj. laku.
sama timhaig, 'adil, tiada brat s- Unseal (-seF), v. t. buka mtrai.^
blah. Unseemly (-sem'li), adj. tiada
Unprincipled (-prin'si-pld), adj. snonoh, chroboh.*
tiada berpgatg Jc-pada yarg bnar. Unsettle (-set'tl), v. t. bimbargkan,.
Unprofitable (-profit-a-bl), adj. kachaukan.
tiada berfa'idali, tiada beruntorg. Unsheath (-sheth), v. t. Jniniis,*
Unpunctual (-pungk'chu-al), adj. chahot.
slalu lambat. Unship (-ship'), V. t.
(Naut.) buka,,
Unquestionable (-kwes'chwn-a-bl), chabot, targgal.*
adj. ta'boUh di-bantalii.* Unsightly (-sTt'li), adj. odoJi,'^ bu-
Unquestionably (-bli), adv. tntu, rok rupa, jlek (N. I.).
ta'dapat-tiada.^ Unskilful (-skil'fool), adj. kurarg-
Unquiet (-kwl'et), adj. hloh-lcsah,^ pandai, kurarg paham.
glisah.* Unsought (-sawf), adj. tiada di-
Unravel (-rav'l), v. t. (cloth) tiras- tuntut,'^ tiada di-cliari (B.) tiada
han;* (rope) srabutkan;* (dis- di-jmpot, tiada di-lawa.*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
liftrry; food, fooi, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
Unsparing (-spar'ing), adj. (li- Unwarrantable (-wor'rant-a-bl),
beral) lemiiah;^ murah-hati. adj. tiada patat, tiada 'adil.
Unspeakable (-s])ek'a-bl), adj. Unwary (-war'i), adj. kuraig jag a,
yairj tiada terlcatahari. lalai, alpa (Sk.).
Unspotted (-spot'ted), adj. tiada Unwearied (-wer'id), adj. yanj ta-
hercJiacliat, tiada berchdra (Sk). taliu pnat, rajin.
Unstable (-sta'bl), adj. liada tgoli, Unwelcome (-weFk^/m), adj. tiada
tattay, goijavj. berk nan.
Unsteady (-sted'i), adj. tattap, Unwell (-wel'), adj. tasdap badan,
goijarg; (of a light) herklip-lclip; kuraig sehat/^ badan kuraig baih
(of persons) gayargj^ (B.) ; (of women) datarg bulan,
"Unstop (-stop'), V. t. bul'a somhat. hedl^ (Ar. imidl).
Unthinking (-thingk'ing), adj. alpa Unwieldy (-weldi), adj. gabok,"^
(Sk.) lalai. umbafg* kekok (B.).
Untidv (-tl'di), adj, iarar(jfji/^ Unwilling (-wil'ling), adj. ta,^udi,
ho tor (B.). 'igganf^sgan, ta'redla^ (Ar.
Untie (-tr). V. t. (as knots) hul-a, ridld), ta'kuasa.
orak;-'' (animals tethered or Unwind (-wind'), v. t. orak.-^
things bound) Ipashati, lucliut. Unwise (-wTz'), adj. kurarg bijak,
Until (-til'), conj. mmpai, Jiiigga/^ kiirarg biidi/^ bodoh.
s-hirgga/^ sukat.'^ Unwittingly (-wit'ting-li), adv.
Untilled (-tiJd), adj. tiada di- tiada sdar.
hajak/^ Unwonted (-wont'f^d), adj. yaig ja-
'Untimely (-tlm'li), adj. ta'kna rarg ada, tiada lazim (Ar.).
waktu-nya. An untimely birth, Unwomanly (-woom'an-li), adj.
gugor. bukan cliara prempuan.
Unto (un/too), ]U'e]:). k-pada. Unworthy (-wer7//i), adj. tiada
Untold (un-told'), adj. (not relat- layak/^ tiada padan.
ed) tiada di-hri taliu; (not count- Unwrap (-rap'), v. t. buka.
ed) tiada terhilatg. Unwritten (-rit'tn), adj. tiada ter-
Untoward (-to'werd), adj. (troul)le- surat. An unwritten law, 'adat.
some) susahj (unlucky) clilaka, An unwritten promise, janji mu-
malarg. lut.
Untrue (-troo'), adj. holio^g, dusta Unyielding (-yeld'ing), adj. yarg
(Sk.). tiada mmbri,'^ kukoh,* kaku; (of
Untrustworthy (-trustVcr-///i), temper) dgil.
adj. tiada kpercliayaan,'^' yarg ta'~ Unyoke (-ydk'), v. t. tatggalkan/^
holeli di-liarap. Up (u])), adv. (on hiirli) atas, di
Untruth (-trdoth'), s. hohorg, dusta atas; (upwards) k'atas,* atas
(Sk.). (B.) ; (completely, after certain
Untruthful (-fool), adj. pmljolioig. verbs) habis. For other uses see
Unusual (-u'zhu-d), adj. yaig ja- the following examples It is all

raig ada, plek/^ tiada lazini (Ar.), up, sudah habis perkara. The
'ajaib (Ar.). time is up, sudah sampai masa-
Unutterable (-ut'ter-a-bl), adj. n/a* sudah sampai tempoh, sudah
yaig tiada terkatakan. sampai jargka-nja. To be up,
"Unveil (-val'), v. t. huka kain bargun. To be up in, mrgerti
tudoig. baik-baik, pah am. To be up to
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror: old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minims, cure, injure.
hurry; f56d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tlien.
(capable of), jadi ahli hagi,* mnatg. The upper lip, bibir atas.
tahu; (purpose) hndah huat, The upper ten (aristocracy), oraiy
iiyat mau huat. To blow up berbargsa* orarg bsar-bsar. The
(distend) glniboiykan, klnibo^y- upper reaches of a river, ulu
kail (B.) ; (explode) Ifop; surgai.* The upper-storey, lotery
(scold) tixjkiiy, ttykeiy (B.). To (Ch. Idu-thg), teigkat yarg di
bring up, pliliara, bla.* To come atas.

up, naik, etc., see come. To eat Uppermost (-most), adj. yarg di
up, makan sampai hahis. To get atas skali.
up, hatyun, haiykit/^ To go up, Uppish (up'])ish), adj. bonjkal'.*
naik. To go up hill, daki* To To be uppish, mrgafas-rgatas.*
go up river, mudek* Hard up, Upright (-rit), adj. (vertical)
pichek* kpichek'an* ssak ivaiy. tgak/^ btul;
(morally) bnar,
To pack up, kmas. To shut up, tulus. Bolt upright, terchgat*
tut op; (be silent) diam. Up and '
Standing upright, bersrnjarg.*
down, naik-turun, rykap-iykip ,* Upright, s, tiarg.
uiyyaiy-urggit. Up to, sampai, Uprightness (-nes), s. kbnaran, k-
hiryya* s-hiiyga,* takat."^ Up tulusan.'^
to date, buatan bharu. ^ot up Uproar (up'ror), s. rioh, rioli-
to much,
ta'brapa bagus; (in rndali, gadoli, irgar-bargar*
jiealth) ta'sdap badan. geger,* liuru-liara.
Up, prep, atas, di atas, k'atas/'' Uproarious (up-r6r'i-7/s), adj.
Upbraid (up-brad'), v. t. (re- ggak g m pita.* Uproarious laugh-
proove) licrdekj^ trgkiry^ trykery ter, tertawa glak-glak, tertaica
(B.) ; (reproach) chla. mtgglakak (B.).
Upcountry (up'kun'tri), adj. di Uproot (up-roof), v. t. (pull up by
ul'U, di darat-darat/"^ di bukit the roots) cliabot, bantunf (as
(B.). trees when the roots stick up in
Upheave (up-liev'), v. t. borgkar. the air) borgkas.*
Uphill (up'liil), adv. tiaik bukit, Upset (-set'), V. t. (overturn) ter-
mndaki* baJekkan; (face down) tlurgkop-
UphiM, adj. (difficult) sukarf^' pa- kati/^ tiarapkan; (overthrow)
yah. To do uphill work, daya.'* hai'u-birukan;* (disturb) kachau-
Uphold (up-hold'), v. t. (support) kan; (with fear) igrikan.*
taiyyory; (aid by approval) 50- Upshot (up'shot), s. ksudahan,
korg, bantu. akhir (Ar.).
Upholster (-hol'ster), v. t. /rtrt.s'i* Upside (-sId), s. Upside down, ter-
rumah [riaskan (B.)]. balek, turggaiy balek, terbalek-
Upland (upland), s. tanah tinjgi. porykaiy* surgsarg ; (in disorder)
Uplift (up-liff), V. t. argkat, tirg- kdam-kabot, porak-parek, kachau^
gikan. bilau,* kachau-belok (B.).
Upon (up-on'), prep, di, pada, atas, Upstairs (-starz'), adv. loterg (Ch.
di atas; (where motion is impli- ldu-tc)g).
ed ) k-/'^ k'atas.^ Upon the whole, Upstart (-start), s. kaya blbok.'^
terjmlah-lah (Ar.). Upstream (-strem'), adv. udek.*
Upper (up'})er), adj. sblah atas; To go upstream, mudek;* (strug-
(higher in rank) yaig lb eh parg- gle against the current) daga.*
kat. To get the upper hand. Upward (up'werd), adv. k'atas*

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; oVi, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.

afas (B.). Upwards of, Ibeh Use, s. (act of using) hal mmakai;-
deri-pada. To look upwards, trg- (need) hajat (Ar.), gima. In
adah. use, ttgah di-pakai/^' lagi di-pakai,.
Urban (er'han) adj. negi'i (a). ,
Of no use, ia'guna, tiada herfa'-
Urbane (er-l)rin'), adj. herhhasa, her- idah. Of use, berguna. Out of
adab (Ar.). use, ta'pakai lagi. To make an
Urbanity (-ban'i-ti), s. lalcu ma- improper use of one's name, jual
nis* lial tahu 'adat (B.). nama, perburokkan nama."^ In
Urchin (er'cliin), s. hudak nalml : every day use, lasak* pakai s-
hari-hari (B.).
see KASCAL. Sea urchin, janeh,*
masu* Useful (iJis'fool), adj. berguna, ber-
Urethra faidali.
(u-re'tlira), s. loharg kn- Usefulness (-nes), s. guna, fa'idah^
Useless (-les), adj. taguna, tiada
Urge (erj), v. t. (incite) asutf^
usot (B.), cliochoh, achum* oja* berguna, asi,'^ sia-sia* perchuma,.
godaf' (to do what one does one's Usher (ush'er), s. pmbatva,'^' pnj-
self) ajak; (insist upon) gagahi*
To urge on (as animals) lianiar; (teacher) guru pmbantu.^
Usher, v. t. bawa, liantar.
gertak, pachu.'^ Usual (u'zhu-d), adj. biasa, lazim
Urgent (er'j^^nt), adj. 6mf, perlii As usual, bagai s-lama,
taholeh (Ar.).
(N". I.), tidak, pntiig/^
iau-kin (B.) (Ch.). To make an s-bgimana biasa, sperti 'adat-nya,.

minta sargat- sperti slalu, bgimana s-hari-hari.

urgent request,
Usually (-li), adv. slalu, biasa-nja.
sargafj minta s-holeh-boleh.
sntiasa, (Sk.) klaziman (Ar.),.
Urinal (frri-nal), s. tmpat buaig memarg, 'adat-lah."^
ayer kcliil, tmpat knclihg. Usurer (u'zhur-er), s. oraig yatg
Urinate (-nat), v. i.
knchirg, hnarg makan burga Ibeh deri-pada patut.
ayer kchil. Usurp (u-zerp'), v. t. rampas, ambil
Urine (u'rin), s. ayer knchirg. dtgan kras, rbot.
Urn (ern), s. gui'i/'' iajan,^ see jar. Usurper m-
(-er), s. prampas, yaig
Us (us), pron. kita, kami/^ see we. rampas krajaan.
Usable (uz'a-bl), adj. ya)g hoIeJi di- Usury (u'zhur-i), s. lal)a berlipat-
pakai. lipat,* ribak"^ (Ar. ribn).
Usage (-oj), s. (act of using) hal Utensil (u-ten'sil), s. perkakas.
mmakai, hal mrggunakan;* (cus- Uterus (u'ter-?/s), s. kandorgan,"^
tom) 'adat. According to Malay rahim (Ar. raiiim), prot.
usage, chara Mlayu. Utilitarianism (u-tiri-tar'i-an-
Use (uz), V. t. (make use of) pakai, izm), s. ptyajaran orarg yarg
gunakanf (treat) lakukan* mnuntut fa'idah Ibeh deri-pada
huat; (accustom) hiasakan. To kbnaran.
use up, hahiskan. To use fre- Utility (-ti), s. gu7ia, fa idah.
quently, lasakkan. To be used Utilize (ii'til-iz), v. t. pakai, guna-
(expended), luak;* as, the rice kan.''
has not been used, 7iasi tiada Utmost (ut'most), adj. (extreme)
liiak.^ yarg hujorg, s-habis-habis ; (last)
Use (lis), V. i.
(be in the habit of) yarg prghabisan, yarg akhir (Ar.) ;
hiasa. (greatest) yaig terlalu sargat.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
Utmost, s. s-hrapa holeli, s-holeh- cJiachar, chutykil, chukit (N. I.),
holeh-vja. Sinai chachar.
Utopian (u-t5'pi-an), adj. ya)rj di- Vaccination (-na'shn), s. pna-
saiyka-sargl'a, yary smpurna baik- Hainan chachar,'^ smm chachar.
nya. Vaccinator (-na-ter), s. tukatg
Utter (ut'ter), adj. (perfect) srn- chiuykil, mntri chaclmr (N. I.),
punm; (complete, entire) s-gnnp, tukarg chukit (N. I.), orarg yary
s-ch'ultop, s-liahis-hahis. Sinai chachar.
Utter, V. t. (circulate, as money) Vaccine (vak-son'), adj. hrieh cha-
kluarlmn; (publish) kluarkan; char.
(speak) katakan, shot, uchap. Vacillate (vas'il-lfit), v. i.
Without uttering a sound, diam- tuate in mind) himharg, berobah-
diam. obah, tattap.
Utterance (-r/ns), s. (speech, arti- Vacillation (-la'sh^/n), s. himbaig.
culation) shotan, perchakapan. To Vacuity (va-ku'i-ti), s. kahampa-
give utterance to, shot, katakan. 'an/^ groiggaiy.*
Utterly (-li), adv. s-hahis-liahis, s- Vacuum (vak'u-?/m), s, kaliampa-
Diata-mata, liahis. Utterly as- 'an* groiggaiy.'^
tonished, s-hsar-hsar heran, heran Vagabond (vag'a-bond), s. (rascal)
. skali.
Utterly destroyed, tumpas. orarg baigsat; (wanderer) orarg
.ptterly exhausted, pnat terlepa. nugmhara/^
Uttermost (-most), s. = utmost, Vagary (va-gar'i), s. teiykah, ra-
q. V. gam.
Uvula (u'vu-la), s. anak tkak.'^ Vagina (-jl'na), s. lohary kmaluan
Uxorious (uks-6r'i-//s), adj. di prempuan, farj (Ar.).
haiuah prentah hini, herkmudi di Vagrant (va'grant), s. oraiy m-
Jialuan* (Prov.), jadi haisikal* tymbara;'^ (tramp) orary barysat.
(si.). Vague (vag), adj. (indefinite) ta'-
Uxoriousness (-nes), s. kruyup"^ tntu; (uncertain) ta'boleh di-
(W.). tunaikan;* (indistinct) kuraiy
V iraty, sayup.'^
Vain (van), adj. (worthless) sta-
Vacancy (va'kan-si), s. (empti- sia,* ta'guna; (ineffectual) per-
groiygargf (leisure) Iga;
ness) ch H ma, ch iima-ch uma, tatuarg*
(empty space) tmpat laparg; (W.) ; (conceited) somboiy akan
(post unfilled) tmpat kosoiy. diri, borgkak:* (of clothing, etc.)
Vacant (-kant), adj. (empty) ko- s i tern a li , * kiwi-ki iri.*
sory, liampa;* (unemployed) la- Vainglorious (van-glor'i-ws), adj.
pary, Iga; (of a post) kosorg; (of yaiy mmyahkan diri,* yary mnun-

the mind) iiya."^ jok patras.*

Vacate (va-kaf, u. s. va-kat'), v. t. Vainglory (-i), s. somlioiy, patras.*
(leave empty) tiiggalkan, Ipas- Valance (vcll'ans), s. durias.*
kan. Vale (val), s. linhah..*
Vacation (-ka'sh^/n), s. (act of Valediction (vrd'e-dik'sh?/n), s. sla-
vacating) lial mnirggalkan; (holi- mat iiiggal, tabek.
days) chuti; (of a school) tutop Valentine (-en-tln), s. tanda mata.*
skolah. Valet (val'a), s. playan pakaian*
Vaccinate (vak'si-niit), v. t. tanam hoi (E.), jotgos (D. jongens).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 5icl, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, min-us, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Valetudinarian (vare-tu'di-iiar'i- Vanila (va-nil'la), s. fanili (N.T.)
an), s.
ora7y herpiyahit. (D.).
Valiant (varyrtnt), adj. hrani, per- Vanish (van'ish), v. i.
Inrgap, lsap_^
hasa (Sk.), pahlawan (Pers.). hilarg, ghaib (Ar.).
Valid (-id), adj. (strong) kiiat, Vanity (-i-ti), s. ksia-da'an,"^' som-
herhuasa; (having legal force) her- horg, horgkak,"^ kiwi-kiivi* se&
lahu,^ sail, salieh'^ (Ar. saHin). VAIN".
Validity (va-lid'i-ti), s. sah. Vanquish (van'kwish), v. t. alah-
Valise (-les'), s. hel- (E. bag). kan* kalahkan (B.), teiuaskanJ^
Valley (varii), s. ImhaJi^ Vanquished, alah,'^ kalah (B.)^
Valorous (-er-//s), s. hrani, perJcasa teiras,'^' kchundarg*
(Sk.). Vantage ground (van'tej grownd),
Valour (-cr), s. hrani, khranian, s. tmpat hertuali,^ tmpat haik.
peril asa (Sk.). Vapid (vap'id), adj. (insipid) ta-
Valuable herhrrga,
(-u-a-bl), adj. ivar;^ (spiritless) Zs*.*

herga iirggi; (costly) malial; Vapour (va'per), s. icap, 'mhun asap^

(estimable) indah, ma?iah.^ Vaporize (-iz), v. t. jadikan toap.
Valuables (-biz), s. pi. tnata Irncla. Variable (var'i-a-bl), adj. herohali-
Valuation (-a'sli^/n), s. nUalcui,'^' ohah; (of wind) heraleh-aleh^
taksiran (D. taxeeren). pan eltar oh a.
Value (vrd'u), s. herga, liarga; Variance (-ans), s. (variation) ner-
(utility) guna, fa'idah. ohahan; (discord) persliselian.'^
Value, Y. t. nilai,'^ Jiergakan, taksir At variance, hersliseh, tiada her^
(D.) ; (esteem) indahkan. stuju.
Valueless (-les), adj. tiada her- Variation (-a'sh?/n), s. perohalian.
herga, ia'guna, tiada di-indahkan. Varicocele (var'i-ko-seF), s. hu-
Valuer (-er), s. pnilaij^' tukarg tak- mi*
sir (B.). Varicose vein (-kos van'), s. hrg-
Valve (vrdv), s. (of a pimip) ko- kak urat daraJi.
dok-kodok* Steam valve, pnutop Variegated (var'i-e-gat-?d), adj.
wap, hal (E. valve). panclia-werna (Sk.), blarg/
Vamp (viunp), s. (of a boot) miika (smaller spots) horek;* (as tor-
spatu. toiseshell) berkarah.'*
Vampire (\'ani'])Ir), s. (bloodsuck- Variety s. (diversity)
ing ghost) largsuir,'^ pnarggal,"^ beza (Sk.),beda, perbeda'an;*'
pontianak. Vampire bat, kluarg. (sort) jnis, macliarn, neka*
Van (vtln), s. (front) haluan,'^ Various (var'i-?/s), adj. macliam^
liadapanj^ dpan (B.). inacliam, jnis-jnis, berbagai-
Van, s. kreta hararg, grohal'/^ bagai* plbagai,* Iain-lain.
Vandal (van'drd), s. orarg ganas^' Varlet (var'l^t), s. orarg haigsat.
Vandalism (-izni), s. nafsa lindak Varnish (-nish), s. saniparg/'^ bar^
mmhinasakan. nis (E.).
Vane (van), s. tinggid-tuiggul Varnish, v. t. sapu sainparg/' sapu
argin.^ barnis.
Vanguard (van'gard), s. pasokan Vary (var'i), v. t. ohah, obalikan^
kpala tnira.* bedakan, lain-lainkan.
Vangs (vangz), s. (Xaut.) (in Vary, v. i. berohaJi , beraleli, ber-

boats) lalai; (on ships) ternal. beza (Sk.), berbeda.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
Vase (vaz or vaz), s. (for cut muka; (worn at pilgrimage) mer-
flowers) tmpat bury a; (of stone gok* (Ar. burqa) ; (covering the
in gardens) jamhaiyati.* whole body) layah.*
Vaseline (vas'e-len'), s. minjalc Veil, V. t.
tudorg, tudorgi; (com-
heslin (E.). pletely sluborg; (conceal) sa-
Vassal (-sl), s. hamha raja. mar."^ To veil with the saroiy,
Vast (vast), adj. hsar skali, amaf one hand raised over the head,
bsar;* (in extent) amat luasj^ tudory lirgkop.* In other ways,
luas sliali. tudoTy sahaja.*
Vastness (vast'nes), s. kbsaran, Vein (van), s. (in the body) vrat
kluasan.^ darah; (in w^ood) urat; (streak
Vat (vat), s, torg bsar, legir (I). of colour) barek'* (in damascen-
legger) ; (for sago) uba.* ing) pamiirf^ (disposition of
Vatican (vat'i-kr/n), s. isiana papa mind) praryai, prargi (B.), pkerti
di negri Bom (E. C). (Sk.), chondorg liali.^

Vaticinate (va-tis'i-nat), v. i. ber- Vellum (veFlum), s. kertas kuUt.

nabuat (Ar.), tlah."^ Velocity (ve-los'i-ti), s. dr-as, laju.
Vault (vawlt), s. liglioig;^ bilelc Velvet (vel'vet), s. bldii stra,'^

berlrglcoiy.^ baldu sutra,* joiy stra (B.) (Ch,

Vault, V. t. hgl'oigl'an,'^ rlorg/^ jidry).
\>ault, V. i.
lompat. Velveteen (-en), s. bldit bnarg*
Vaunt (vawnt), v. i. iugalikan jory bnanj (B.) (Ch.).
diri* bermgah* Venal (ve'nal), adj. yarg boleli di-
Veal (vel), s. dagirg anak hnbu. jual.
Vedette (ve-def), s. pnjaical ber- Vend (vend), v. t. jual; see sell.
kuda.'^ Vendor (vend'or), s. pnjual, orarg
Veer (ver), v. i. (as wind) aleli, yarg jual (B.).
kisar; (of a ship, deviate from Veneer (ve-ner'), v. t. salut digan
true course) bias. kayii.^
Vegetable (vej'e-ta-bl), s. sayiir, Veneer, s. mluian kayu.^
sayur-sayuran, sayur-mayur;* Venerable (ven'er-a-bl), adj. di-
(used as condiments) ulam. Iwrmatkan sbab tua, mulia.'^
Mixed vegetables cooked together, Venerate (-at), v. t. liormatkan,
sayur lodeli.'^ Jiormaii, permuliakan* fatlirnkan
Vegetarian (-tar'i-rni), s. orarg ma- (Ar. fatUm).
kan sayur. Venereal ( ve-ner 'i-al), adj. brahi.*
Vegetate (-tat), v. i. makan tidor. Venereal disease, sakit prempuan.
Vegetation (-ta'shwn), s. tumboh- Venetian (ve-ne'shan), s. kipas
tumbolian. tirgkap, ram jndela* (D. raam
Vehemence (vehe-mens), s. kknat- window), see sckeen, wixdoav.
an, kkrasan, ksaryaian.'^ Vengeance (venj'ans), s. pmbalas-
Vehement (-ment), adj. kuat; (of an, bela. To take vengeance, tim-
wind) kras, kncliary. tut bela.
Vehicle (-hi-kl), s. (conveyance) Venial (ve'nial), adj. yarg boleh di-
kreta; (that which conveys) yarg ampuni, yarg boleh di-mahapkan
mmbawa. (Ar. ma'df).
Veil (vfil), s. kain tudorg, iudory Venison (ven'zn), s. dagirg riisa

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; vise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hiirry; f65d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
Jcijaty plandolc dan s-bagai-nja* Verbose (-bos'), adj. banjak cJia-

[s-macham-rya (B.)]. kap, iileret.*

Venom (-um), s. (of animals) hisa; Verbosity (-bos'i-ti), s. leret.*

(malice) iri liaii* mrgiri hati Verdant (ver'dant), adj. (green)

hijau; (flourishing) subor.
Venomous hisa, iri Verdict (-dikt), s. kputiisan, putus
(-^/s), adj.
hati,"^ mrgiri hati (B.), as above.
hukum (B.).
Vent Verdigris (ver'di-gres), s. karat
(vent), s. loharg; (touchhole)
lobaig sumhu, lohaiy plalak.'^ imbaga.
Verdure (ver'jur), s. tumboh-tum-
Vent, V. t. (let go, as anger) Ipas-
bohan ya^g hijau, liijau-hijauan.'^
Ventilate v. t. a Verge (verj), s. tpi, perhirga'an,'^'
(ven'ti-lat), (as
masokkan phggir (ST. I.).
room) aigin; (sift,
Verge, v. i. (tend towards) chn-
examine) slidekj* (make public)
laliirkan* tld- drorg k-pada; (approach) ham-
kluarkan, (Ar.
Ventilation s.hal m- Verger (ver'jer), s. (in churches)
ora7g jaga; (in mosques) bilal'^'
masokkan argin, etc., as above.
(Ar. bildl), noja.
Ventilator (-la-ter), s. (Naut.) Verification (ver'i-fi-ka'shwn), s.
pnarggok argin, chororg argin. kbnaran. ,

Ventriloquist (ven-tril'o-kwist), s, Verify (-fi), v. hnarkan, surggoJi-

orarg pandai mtyayupkan suara- kan,"^ tntukan, yakan, sahkan, ta-
nja* hakikkan* (Ar. tanaqiq).
Venture (ven'chur), v. i. (dare) Verily (-li), adv. drgan s-bnar-jya,
hrani; (run a risk) sigaja mn- drgan s-suiygoh-rya,'^ suiggoh-
chari hahya, adukan untorg*
lah,* nschaya (Sk.).
Venture, s. (risk) bahya; (specu- Verity (-ti), s. kbnaran.
lation) perniagaan tuakal* (Ar. Verjuice (ver'jiis), s. minuman
tawakkal). At a venture (at yaig asam.
random), mrambarg.^ Vermicelli (ver'nii-chelli or -seF-
Venturesome (-s^^m), adj. brani, li), s. mi-soa^ (Ch. ml-soa^),
nekat.* laksa (Pers.).
Venus (ve'nws), s. deivi orarg Vermilion (ver-miFywn), s. sdlirg-
Rom;* (the planet) bintarg babi* gam (Tam.).
bintarg zulirah (Ar.). Vermin (ver'min), s. binataig
Veracious (ve-ra'shws), adj. surg- kchil-kchil yarg najis.
goh, surggu (B.), bnar, btul. Vernacular (ver-nak'u-ler), s,

Veranda (-ran'da), s. srambi, sla- bhasa sndiri, bhasa anak-negri.

sar,"^ Ipau* branda (Port.), srg- Vernal (ver'nal), adj. musim-biirga
kuap/^ anjorg* (a).
Verb (Gram.) perkata'an
(verb), s. Versatile (ver'sa-tU or -til), adj.
yarg mryatakan perbuatan,* feel (changeable) berobah-obah;
(Ar.). (many sided) berbagai-bagai prg-
Verbal (verb'al), mulut. A
adj. tahuan* baryak tahu hal (B.).
verbal promise, janji mulut. Verse (vers), s. (in poetry) pan-
Verbatim (ver-bVtim), adv. sata- tun, slokaf (in the Koran or
satu perkata'an. Bible) ayat (Ar.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); Jaw, how, oil; thin thexx.
Versed (verst), adj. pandai, paham, Vetch (vech), s. (Abrus preca-
ahli (At.). torius) akar saga btina.*
Versifier (ver'si-fi-er), s. prgararg Veteran (vet'er-an), s. soldado yarg
pantun. masak dalam pkerja'an-rya, sol-
Versify (-fl), v. i. herpantun, her- dado lama.
sloha,'^ bershaii\* Veterinary (-i-na-ri), adj. Veteri-
Version (ver'slum), s. (trans- nary surgeon, doktor binatdrg,
lation) terjmah (Ar.), salinan; doktor yarg obatkan binatarg
(description) chrita. (B.)
Versus (-s?/s), prep, mlaivan. Veto (ve'to), s. larargan, tgahan.
Vertebra (ver'te-bra), s. s-ruas tu- Veto, V. t. lararg, tgahkan.
larg hlaliaty.^ Vex (veks), v. t. usek, ejek, salcit-
Vertebrate (-bret), adj. hertularg kan liati, kchilkan hati.
blakaTy. Vexation (veks-a'sh?/n), s. (irrita-
Vertex (-teks), s. I'mimchal'. tion) ejek'an; (trouble) susah,
Vertical (-ti-kal), adj. tgak/^ her- seksa.
diri htul. Vexatious (-shz/s), adj. prgusek,
Vertigo s.
pnirg kpala.
(-go), pigejek, susah.
Very (ver'i), adv. haiyak, amat* Via (vi'a), prep, (by way of) jalan.
savgat, terlalu (which precedes Viaduct (-dukt), s. gertak* jm-
I the adjective), slcali (which batan.
follows the adjective). Vial (vi'al), s. buli-buli.*
Very, adj. (real) htul; (self-same) Viand (-and), s. makanan, rj'ki
juga. The very day, hari itu (Ar. rizki), jerki (B.).
juga. Vibrate (vi-braf), v. i. (oscillate)
Vesicle (ves'i-kl), s. (on the Rkin, berayun;* (quiver) bergntar, ber-
containing fluid) hintat, Until. ktar/' ggar.
Vespers (-perz), s. smbaliyarg Vibration (-bra'shwn), s. ayunan*
maglirih (Ar.). gntaran* ggaran.
Vessel (-sel), s. (receptacle) bkas;'^ Vicar (vik'er), s. pargkat padri.
see JAR^ bucket; (boat) praliu, Vicarious (vi-kar'i-?is), adj. (act-
kapal; (blood vessels, etc.) urat. ing for another) pmargku; (sub-
Vest (vest), s. (waistcoat, Arab) stituted) gantian, prgganti.
sadariah (Ar.) ; (European) wes- Vice (vis), s. ksalahan, kjahatan,
Jcet* (E.), rompi (N. L) (D. dosa.
rompje) ; (singlet) baju dalam, Vice, s. (the tool) ragum.*
kanji prap. Vice, adj. na'ib (Ar. nd'ib). Vice
Vest, V. t. (clothe) pakaikan; (en- President, na'ib yarg di-pertua.*
dow) hri; (commit to another) Vice (vi'se), prep, ganti.
srahkan. Viceroy (vis'roi), s. wakil raja,
Vest, V. i. (as property) pidarg. 7na7gkti-bumi.*
Vestibule (ves'ti-bul), s. srambi. Vice versa (vT'se ver'sa), adv.
Vestige (-tij), s. bkas, tanda; (re- balek-poygkarg.*
mains) sisa. Vicinity (vi-sin'i-ti), s. proxim-
Vestment (vest'ment), s. pakaian. ity) kdkatan, krapatan. In the
Vestry (ves'tri), s. bUek pakaian di vicinity of, dkat, hampir.
greja. Vicious (vish'^/s), adj. jahat.
Vesture (-chur), s.
pakaian. Vicissitude (vi-sis'i-tud), s. (alter-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, firs,
mirror ;^ old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, haw, oil; thin then.
nation) pergantian; (change) kaTif (by backbiting) umpat,
perohalian, peridaran.* fitnahka7i (Ar.).
Victim (vik'tim), s. (of a sacrifice) Villa (-la), s. j'UTnah kampory,*
korhan'^ (At. qurhan) ; (sufferer) rumah berkbun (B.).
yaiy hna chdra (Sk.), yary hna Village (-lej), s. kampo7y, dusun.*
mudlarat (Ar.). Villager (-er); s. orary kampory,
Victimize didrakan
(-iz), v. t. oraty dusun.
Villain (-len), s. orary jahat, oraiy
(Sk.), tipu, perdayakan*
Victor (-ter), s. yarg niriarg, yary kjV^
Villainous (-us), adj. kji,'^ jahat
jaya (Sk.).
Victorious (vik-tor'i-ws), adj. 7n-
7mry, jaya (Sk.). Villainy (-i), s. kkjian,^ kjahatari:
Vim (vim), s. usaha (Sk.).
(vik'to-ri), s. kmnaryan.
Victual (vit'l), v. Vindicate (vin'di-kat), v. t. b7ia7'-
t. hkalhtn,' sargu-
kan (KL). kan, suryyohkan/^ sahkan; (de-
Victuals (vit'lz), s. (food) 7nakan- fend) lindorykaTi.
Vindication (-ka'shtm), s. kljtiar-
an, rjki (Ar. rizki), jerki (B.) ;
a7i. Undo ry an.
(for a voyage) hkal, sargu(NJ.).
Vindictive (vin-dik'tiv), adj. busoh
Videlicet (vfde-lis'et), adv. iaitu,
liati, yary 7nnaroh dndam.
yaani (Ar.), iisually viz. Vine (vin), s. pokok aryyor.
Vie (vi), V. i. Iawa7i, bertandiry.* c
View Vinegar (vin'e-ger), s. cliuka.
(vu), V. t. lihat, pandary;
Vineyard (-yerd), s. kbun a7yyor.
(inspect) preksa; (consider) per-
Vintage (-tej), s. musim nuntek
hatikan,'^ ti7nhary, sifatkan (Ar. aryyor.
Qifat). Violate v. t.
(vi'o-lat), (do vio-
View, s.
prylihata7i, pmandaryan, lence rosakkan,
to) laryyar;
ti7nba7yan, as above; (intention)
(rape) ruyul,* rosakka7i (B.).
maksud, kahaiidak, 7iiat. Point Violation (-la'shim), s. (nonobser-
of view, timharya7i, pndapata7%.^ vance) plaryyaran; (rape) ruyulJ^
In view of the fact, sbal, sda7y. Violence (-lens), s. kkuatan, yayah,
To have in view (rely on), cha-
kkrasan, aniaya, 7nudlarat (Ar.),
da7yka7i/^ (intend) be7'kahandak.'^ as below.
With a view to, spaya. Violent (-lent), adj. (forcible)
Viewpoint (vu'point), s. pndapat- kuat, yayah, arykara
(Sk.); (fierce) yanasf (severe)
Vigil (vij'il), s. hal berjaya inalam. kras; (of disease) trok, pay ah f'
Vigilance (-ans), s. jaya, jimat. (using unjust force) pryaniaya.*
Vigilant (-rmt), adj. (watchful) Violet (-let), s. s-J7iis bury a di
jaya, iiyat-iryat, ati-ati (N.I.) ; Eropah; (the colour) uryu.^
(circumspect) jimat. Violin (-lin'), s. biola (Port.),
Vigorous (vig'er-Ms), kuat, adj. 7'bab (Pers. rabab).
yayah, tyap; (energetic) ber- Violinist (-ist), s. 07'ary mryyesek
usalia,"^ yary aTnek pnat (B,). biola.
Vigour (-er), s. kkuatan, usalia Violoncello (ve'o-lon-chel'lo or
(Sk.). -sel'lo), s. selo (D.).
Vile (vil), adj. kji,'^ jahat. Viper (vi'per), s. s-jnis ular di
Vilify (viFi-fi), v. t. jahatka.n, kji- Eropah.
ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort sorry; use, us, minws, curef injure,

hurry; food, foot, awfool (aw ful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
Virago (vi-ra'go), s. prempuan Vision (vizh'wn), s. (faculty of
samserg, male jantan (B.). seeing) prglihatan; (thing seen,
Virgin s. anak dara, gadis apparition)
(ver'jin), prglihatan, khayal
(N.I.), prawan (N.I.) hikir (Ar.) ; (phantom) maya (Sk.),
Ar. ) The Virgin, siti Mariam.'^
. hantii.
Virgin, adj. dara,^ anak dara (B.). Visionary (-a-ri), adj. (of per-
Virgin gold, mas tulen* Virgin sons) yarg miyargka-iyargka ;
soil, fa?iah rimha. (fanciful, imaginary) bukan-
Virginity (ver-jin'i-ti), s. dara,* bukan.
perdara'an* bikir (Ar.), anak Visit (viz'it), v. t. lawat* mlawat
dara (B.). (B.), tandaig* sanja (X.I.) ;
Virile (vir'il), adj. laki-laki. (ceremonially) unjotg;* (for re-
Virility (vi-riri-ti), s. laki-laki. ligious purposes, as graves) ziarah
Virtually (-li), adv. p(ia sgala (Ar.) ; (call in on the way) sirg-
hal-ehual-rya* gah; (from house to house) ja-
Virtue (-chii), s..
(power, as of jah; (for inspection) preksa. To
medicines) khasiat (Ar.), ksiat visit upon, balas k-pada.

(B.) ; (moral excellence) k- Visit, s. lawatan* iandaigan,* etc.,

haik'an, puteh liati; (merit) jasa as above.

(Sk.) ; (chastity, of women) hal Visitation (-a'shz/n), s. (inspec-

dara,'^ perdara'an,"^ khersianCB.). tion) pmreksaan; (retribution)
{"irtuous (-chu-ws), adj. haik, hnar, pmhalasan.
tulus. Visitor (-er), s. yatg mlawat, orarg
Virulence (^dr'n-lens), s. hisa, dn- datarg, ttamu (N.I.).
dam, as below. Visor (viz'er), s. tentarg ktoporg*
Virulent (-lent), adj. (poisonous) Vista (vis'ta), s. pmandargan deri
Msa; (malignant) berdndam. chlah*
Virus (vT'r?/s), s. bisa, badi. Visual (vizh'u-al), adj. piglihatan
Visage (viz'ej), s. muka, paras* (a).
wajah (Ar.), durja (Sk.). Vital (vl'tfll), adj. (of life) hidop,
Vis-a-vis (ve'za-ve'), adv. ber- hay at* (Ar. JLaijat) ; (essential)
tntargan. harus, wajib (Ar.). Vital force,
Viscera (vis'ser-a), s. pi. isi prot. huasa hay at (Ar. nay at). Vital
Viscid (-sid), adj.
= viscous, q.v. statistics, daftar 'iimor manusia.*
Viscount (vT'kownt), s. paigkat Vital part, see vitals.
oranj bargsaivan* yarg k'ampat Vitality (vT-tal'i-ti), s. (principle
[bsar-bsar (B.)], see duke.
of life) haijat (Ar.) ; (animation)
Viscous (vis'la^s), adj. kntal, pkat, ksgaran, rsmi yarg sgar, harkat
berlndir. (Ar. narkat).
Visibility (viz'i-bil'i-ti), s. hal k- Vitals (vftalz), s. atggota yarg
lihatan, ktara. miybabkan hidop-mati*
Visible (-bl), adj. yarg klihatan, Vitiate (vish'i-at), v.t. (injure)
nampak, tampak* Barely visible, rosakkan, chachatkan, chdrakan
habus* sayup* Plainly visible, (Sk.) ; (contaminate) busokkan,
ryata, trarg, lantarg* Visible chmarkan;* (make void) bantut-
momentarily, klibat. Visible in- kan, batalkan.
termittently, liilarg-hilarg nam- Vitreous (vit'ri-ws), adj. kacha
pak* (a).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen., recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; 5ld, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
flurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) law, how, oil; thin then.
Vitriol (-id), s. trust f (liquid) beriuap, Ikas hilarg; (of tempera-
ayer api, ayer hras* ment) berobah-obah, Imchah/^
Vituperate (vi-tu'per-at), v. t. Volatilize (vo-lat'il-iz), v.t. jadi-
(scold) tvglciiy, tvgkerg (B.) ; kan wap.
(abuse) maki, nsta (Sk). Volcanic (vol-krm'ik), adj. gunorg
Vituperation (-a'shi/n), s.
tryking, berapi (a).
maki, nsta (Sk.). Volcano (-ka'no), s. gunorg berapi,
Vivacious (vi-va'shws), adj. pantos, gunorg berasap.
chergas* gancharg (N.I.). Volition (vo-lish'wn), s. kakandak,
Vivacity (-vas'i-ti), s. kpantasan. ktntuan, kputusan.
Viva voce (vi'va vo'se), adv. drgan Volley (vol'li), s. tembak'an s-
(viv'id), adj. (of light) trarg V. tembak s-rmpak^'
Volley, i.
mmarichar,^ trarg mryala; (live- Volt s. sukatan kuasa elek-
ly) chergas* trik.
Vivify (-i-fl), v. t. hidopkan. klan-
Volubility (voFu-biFi-ti), s.
Vivisection (-sek'sh?/n), s. hal nun-
chara7i,^ kpantasan.
blah binatarg drgan hidop-rya.
Voluble (-bl), adj. lancliar,'' pan-
Vixen (viks'n), s. ruhah btina* tas.
fox; (cross woman) prem- Volume (-um), s. jelet"^ (Ar. ji-
puan pradarg:^ bsar; sound ^
lid) ; (size) (of
Viz (viz), adv. ia'itu, ya'ani (Ar.).
Vizier (viz'yer or vi-zer'), s. wazir"^
Voluminous (vo-lu'mi-nz^s), adj.
(Ar. wazir), mntri.
(large) bsar; (diffuse, of writ-
Vocabulary (v6-kab'u-la-ri), s. ka-
mus kcliil'^ (Ar. qamus). ings) Ian jut*
Vocal (vo'kal), adj. drgan mulut, Voluntarily (vol'un-ta-ri-ly), adv.
drgan kahandak diri, drgan redla
drgan suara.
Vocation (Ar. ridld), drgan bebas.
(vo-ka'shim), s. pkerja-
'an, pgargan, pegargan (B.) ja-
Voluntary (-ri), adj. drgan ka-
hatidak hati sndiri, drgan suka-
Jiati, bebas.
Vociferate (-sifer-at), v. i. ber-
berkriau* mrgkis*
Volunteer (-ter'), s. bolantir (E.),
triak, bei'sru,^
soldado preman (D. vrijman).
Vociferous (-if^s), adj. bertriak-
triak, bergadoh. Volunteer, v. t. sororgkan, sogok-
Vogue (Yog), s. 'adat smantara*
In vogue, lazim (Ar.). Volunteer, v. i. (be willing) sudi
Voice (vois), s. suara, bunji suara. lindak, suka mau (B.) ; (offer
one's self) sogokkati diri."*
Voice, v.t. (utter) katakan.
Void (void), adj. (empty) kosorg, Voluptuous (vo-lup'chu-ws), adj.
hampaj* (being without) hurarg, (of things) ladzat (Ar.), n'emat
drgan tiada; (ineffectual) 5m- (Ar.) ; (sexually) shahwat (Ar.) ;
sia;* (without legal force) mati, (of persons) berladzat (Ar.).
batal. Vomit (vom'it), v. i. muntah.

Void, s. (empty space) grorggarg* Vomit, v.t. (from the stomach)

Void, v.t. (emit) kluarkan; (an- muntalikan; (as chimneys, vol-

nul) bantutkan, batalkan. canos, etc.) kluarkan.

Volatile (voFa-tTl or -til), adj. Ikas Voracious (vo-ra/sh^/s), adj. (gree-

e^te, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful) law, how, oil; thin then\
dy) glojoli, plahap* A voracious Vulture (-chur), s. hurorg rerg,*
appetite, imfsu terhuka. hurorg nasar (Ar.).
Voracity (-ras'i-ti), s. glojoh.
Vortex (vor'teks), s. olak* kaivah
Votary (v5'ta-ri), s. orary herniat, Wabble (wob'bl), v. i. see wobble.
orarg herJcaul (Ar. qaul), orarg Wad (wod), (for stopping a

hernadzar (Ar.). hole) pnjomhat; (for guns) nal

Vote s. suara, undi.
(D. knal detonation) .
Vote, V. t. (elect) pileli; (by ballot) Wadding (wod'ding), s. kapas
undikan; (grant, determine) hri, gulorg.
tntuka7i, kasi (B.). Waddle (-dl), v. i.
Vote, V. i. hri suara, huarg undi. Wade (wad), v. i. arorg,* herjalan
Voter (vot'er), s. pmileh. trus ayer chetek (B.).
Votive (-iv), adj. yarg di-niatkan. Wafer (wa'fer), s. (thin cake)
Vouch (vowch), V. i. To vouch for, krepek; (rolled wafers) kueh ro-
aku, saksikari. kok,* kueh hlanda (B.).
Voucher (vowch'er), s. surat k- Waffle (wof'fl), s. huah ulu priig-
trargan, surat kryata'an. gi*
Vouchsafe (vowch-saf), v. t. kur- Waft (waft), V. t. layargkan.
niakan (Sk.), anugrahkan (Sk.), Wag (wag), V. t. (the head) grak-
izinkan, kasiijin (B.). kan,"^ goyarg, lerggarg;"^ (the tail,
Vow (vow), s. niat, nadzar (Ar,), as dogs) goyarg, kihas.
kaul* (Ar. qaul). Wag, s. klakar.-^
Vow, V. i. herniat, hernadzar (Ar.), Wage (waj),v. t. (stake) hertaroh.
herkaulj^ To wage war, herprarg.
Vowel (vow'el), s. huruf saksi"^ Wage, s. usually pi. upah, gaji (D.
Ar. uuruf)
( Vowel point, haris,
gage - sailors'pay) .

nota^ (Ar. nuqTah). Wager (wa'jer), s. ptarohan.

Voyage (voi'ej), s. playeran. Wager, v. i. hertaroh.
Voyage, v. i.
hlayer. Wages (-jez), s. see wage.
Vulcanite (vul'kan-it), s. gtah kras. Waggish (wag'gish), adj. (of per-
Vulcanize (-iz), v. t. kraskan gtah sons) klakar,* dajal (Ar. dajal) ;
drgan hlerarg. (of acts or sayings) jnaka.*
Vulgar (general, usual)
(-ger), s. Waggle (-gl), V. t. kihas-kiha^.
lazim (Ar.) ; (plebeian) hina, Waggon (-gwn), s. kreta hararg-
rndah; (coarse) chrohoh,* kasar, hararg, grohak,"^ kreta herroda
kurarg ajar. Vulgar fractions, ampat.
pchahan hiasa."^ Waif (waf), s. hudak hanjut.
Vulgarism (-izm), s. perkata'an Wail (wal), v. i. ratap,"^ mratap
kurarg lialus. (B.) ; (in a set form) herhiji-
Vulgarity (vul-gar'i-ti), s. klakuan ratap."^
ta'snonoli. Wain (wan), s. = waggon, q. v.
Vulgate (vul'get), s. kitah taurit Wainscot (wan'skwt), s. papan
dan dalam hhasa Latin*
injil salutan temhok.*
Vulnerable (-ner-a-bl), adj. yarg Waist (wast), s. (of the human
holeh di-lukakan, holeh di-makan body) pirggarg; (of a ship) p-
snjata, tiada khal* mirggarg;* (garment worn by

fi,te, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; f55d, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tlien.
women) clwli (Hind.), hutaiy Walking stick (wawk'ing stik), s.

(N.I.). torgkat.
Waistband (wast'band), s. (of Wall (wawl), s. (used as a fence)
trousers) phygarg slitar. pagar batu, tembok; (defending
Waistcoat (wes'k?/t), s. (Arabian) a town) deival (Pers.), kota; (in-
sadariah (Ar.) ; (European) tves- closing a building) tembok; (in-
ket (E.), rompi (KI.) (D. terior partition wall) dindiiy.
rompje). Wall knot, kpala lalat;* (double)
Wait v. i. (stay) nanti, tirg-
(wat), buku bmban* Wall paper, ker-
gal, turggu. To wait on (as a tas pnam/pal dindirg. Wall plate,
servant), layan;* (visit) lawat* futop tiarg* alary.
To go to the
mlawat (B.). wall, alah* kalah.
Wait, s. (halt) perlintian. To lie Wall, V. t. pagarkan.
in wait, lindap, 'ndap, migndap Wallet {\\oV\ei), s. (knapsack)
(B.). bokclia (Turk.), botsa, borsa; see
Waiter (wafer), s. (servant) KNAPSACK.
play an;* (salver) chepir* Wall-eye (wawl'T), s. (light grey)
Waitress (-res), s.
prempuan mata yu.*
playan/^ dayarg-dayarg. Wallow (wol'lo), V. i. bcrkubaiy.
Waive (wav), v. t. (relinquish) Walnut (-nut), s. jauzah (Ar.).
iiiggalkan, Ipaskan, hiarJcan. Walrus (-r?/s), s. gajah-mina* t
Wake (wak), v. i. (not to sleep) Waltz (wolts), s. tarian orarg
jaga; (be awakened) sdar, sadar,"^ Eropah*
hargun, jaga, terkjot. Wan (won), adj. pucliat, puchat
Wake, V. t. sdarkan, 'bargunkan, Isu*
kjotkan, bargkitkan* Wand (wond), s. torgkat halus.
Wake, s. (Naut.) (of a ship) alur Wander (won'der), v. i. (ramble)
kapal, krachak. kmbara* rayau,* mrayau (B.) ;
Wakeful (wfik'fool), adj. (vip- (go astray) ssat; (be delirious)
lant) jaga, berirgat-ityat; (of the rachau* AVandering aimlessly
eyes) hersrgkarg mata, tersrgkarg about, klibarg-klibut.
inata. Wanderer (-er), s. pigmbara*
Waken (wak'n), v. t. = wake, q. v. Wane (wan), v. i.
(diminish) rda,
Wale (wal), s. bilur* bilai.* susut; (of the moon) turun.
Walk (wawk), v. i. berjalan kaki, Want (wont), v. t. (lack) kurarg;
mmbtisf* (stroll) bersiar; (be- (need) berliajatkan (Ar,), berka-
have) berlaku.* To walk along handakkan;* (wish for, desire)
a log or plank bridge, mniti. To mau, Imdak, kahandaki*
walk in, masok. To walk on tip- Want, V. i. (be lacking) kurarg, k-

toe, jergket. To walk

straight pichek'an.*
ahead (without looking right or Want, s. (deficiency) kkurargan, k-
left), nonorg,* mnonorg (B.). tidak/an,* kpichek'an;* (poverty)
Walk, V. t. (a horse) jalankan. kpapa'an,* kssak'an; (need, thing
Walk, s. (stroll) persiaran,"^ makan needed) hajat* (Ar. iidjat).
atyin; (gait) gaya; (way, road) Wanting (wont'ing), adj. kurarg,
jalan; (sidewalk) kaki lima; tachukop.
(conduct) klakuan. Wanton (won't?/n), adj. (free) fee-

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ien.
has; (dissolute) chabol* jalarg;
Warlike (wor'lik), adj. j)aldawan
(heedless) tiada hirau* (Pers.).
War s.
(wor), praijj, ppratgan.
Warm (worm), adj. panas, liaigat.*
Civil pranj sama s-negri.
war, Warm, v. t. panaskan, liargatkan;*
Holy war, prarg sahil (Ar. sahil). (over a fire) garggarg. To warm
one's self before a fire, herdiarg
Man of war, kapal praixj. War-
War dance, diri.*
cry, tmpek-soralc.
Warm-hearted (-hart'ed), adj.
pnchak* haik liati, liati piyayarg.^
Warble (wor'l)l), v. i. hersiul.
Warbler (-Mer), s. burorg ymy her- Warmth (wormth), s. panas,
siul. kahargatan ;* (radiant) haharg;
Ward (of the body) haha,* suhu;'^
(word), v. t. (protect) pli-
liarakan, Uirggu, jaga. To ward (zeal) usalia (Sk.), rajin, gerarg
off (a blow), tpis, targhis;* (turn
To ward off dis-
Warn (worn), v. t. (give notice to)
aside) tpikan.
hri tahu, kasi taliu, kasi iigat
ease, iolak pnjakit.
(B.) ; (admonish) nasihatkan;
Ward, (guard) kawalan:* (pro-
(caution) lararg, hri amaran.*
tection) jaga an, pmliliara'an;
To warn off, lalau.
(child under a guardian) analc
didek'an;* (division of a town)
Warning (worn'ing), s. laraigan,
amaran (Ar.).
J fiamporg; (notches in keys) gigi.

s. weaving^
(worp), (in
Warden (word'n), s. (watchman) tali
lorgsin;* (Kaut.) pnchmat,
pnuiggu; (of a prison) kpala pn- tali cJimat.
jara, Icpala jel, sipir (N.I.) (D.
Warp, V. t. (twist) Idirg* krekot-
cipier) .

kan; (pervert) heigkokkan;

Warder (-er), s. (in a prison) p-
(Naut.) huaig cJimat.
nwygu, ivadar (E.) ; (native sub- Warp, V. i.
(as planks) Idirg,*
w^arders) mata-mata jel; see
glditg;"^ (be twisted) krekot, ke-
Wardrobe (-rob), s. (for clothes) Warped (w5rpt), adj. hiarg-hiut.*
almari, Imari (Port.), grohok;* Warrant (wor'rant), v. t. (sanc-
(apparel in general) pakamn. tion) hnarkan, izinkan, hri izin,
W^ardroom (-room), s. hilek makati kasi ijin (B.) ; (guarantee) targ-

hagi sgala pgawai kapal prarg. 907g.

Ware (war), s. dagargan* haraig- Warrant, s. (for arrest) waren
bararg. Glass ware, hararg-haraiy
kacha. Warrantable (-a-bl), adj. yarg
Warehouse (war'liows), s. gdoirj,^ holeh di-hnarkan.
gudarg; (shop) gudaig, toko Warrier s.
(wor'rier), 07n}g praiy,
(N.I.). pahlaiuan (Pers.), huluhalary,*
Warehouse, v. t. simpan dalam pnjurit (N.L).
gudarg. Wart (wort), s. kiitil,'^ mata ikan,
Warfare (wor'far), s. ppraigan. dagirg mnempel.*
Warily (war'i-li), adv. digan her- Wary (war'i), adj. herirgat-iryat,
irgat-irgat, ati-ati (N.I.). herjaga, jiniat, ati-ati (N.I.).
Wariness (-nes), s. injat, jaga, To be wary, chega.*
jlmat, cliega.'^ Was (woz), see be.

ate,. ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure^-
iurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Wash (wosh), v. t. hasoh, chuchi Waste (wast), v. t. (ruin) rosak-
(B.) (properly, to clean) ; kan, hinasakan; (spend) hahis-
(clothes or dishes in large quan- kan; (squander) horoskan, huxirg^
tities) Icumhalif (the body, ap- Waste, V. i.
(in sickness) mrana;
plying water with the hands) (become thin) susut.
jlumf (the whole body, bathe) Waste, adj. (uninhabited), suryi;
mandi; (of princes) hersiram;* (devastated) rosak-hinasa. Waste
(with native soap) largiri; (the land, tanah datgkal,^ tanah ian-
scalp with sintoh fibre) sintoh;* dus."^ Waste paper, kertas huarg-
(for tin) lampan;"^ (rice before an/' kertas ta'pakai.
cooking) koseJc; (rice, fish, etc.,
Waste, s. (squandering), pmhoros-
in a basket) hinchah. To wash an; (needless destruction) k-
out (obliterate), hapus."^ To rosaVan; (loss) krugia7i; (de-
wash one's hands of, Ipashan diri serted region) padarg tkukur*
deri-pada. Washed away by the tanah hlantara;"^ (refuse) ham-
current, di-haiva arus. pas.
Wash, V. (one's self) hasoh miika,
Wasteful (wast'fool), adj. horos.
hasoh targan, berjlum;* (the head Waster (-or), s. pmhoros.
and neck) herjaramf (with fresh Watch v. t.
(woch), jaga, turggu,.
water after a sea bath) lilas; *

kaivali,'^ perhatikaii, intai.

(clothes) hasoli kain, chuchi hain. Watch, V. i. (be awake) jaga; (li3'
' This cloth will wash, kain ini ta-
vigilant) herityat-irgat; (keep
tunm, kain ini tahan hasoh, kain
guard) herkawal.^ To watch for,
taluntor (N.I.).
7iantikan. To watch over, tii7ygu,.
Wash, s. (things washed) hasoh- kawali.*
an;* (medicinal) ohat basoh; Watch, s. (vigil) kawalan;"^
(wave caused by a steamer) (period for watching) giliranj*
alun.* Hair wash, ayer ramhot.
(small timepiece) jam kchil, har-
Wash bowl (-bol), s. hokor*
To be on the watch
loji (D.).
hatil;^ loyarg (^.1.). Watch and watch,
for, nantikan.
Washer (-er), s. glaiy-glaiy skrup Watch case, ru-
(D. schroef). mah jam.* Watch chain, rantai
Washerman (-man), s. dohi,
Watch glass, chermin jam.
hnara/^ mnatu (N.I.). Watch guard, tali jam. Watch
Washerwoman (-woom'an), s.
night, smhahyarg tahun hharu,
prempuan chuchi kain.
smhahyary samhot kpala tahun
Washhouse (wash'hows), s. rumah

pm- Watchdog (woch'dog), s. anjirg

Washing (-ing), s. (ablution)
mnjaga rumah.
lasohanf (clothes washed) kain Watcher s,
(-er), pnjaga.
haju dohi.
Washout (-owt), s. hkas ayer hah. Watchful (-fool), adj. heriigat-
herjaga, ati-ati (N.I.),
Washtub (-tub), s. torg hasoh kain, iiyat,
torg chuchi kain-haju (B.).
Watchfulness (-nes), s. jaga,
Wasp (wasp), s. (large) tahuan;
(smaller) krawai* nanhg,"^ piy- irgat-iigat.

rgat.* Mud wasp, argkut-argkut.

Watchmaker (-mrik-er), s. tukarg
Wassail (wos'sel), s. kluchahan.* jam.

ate ' ask am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,.
use. us, minws. cure, injure,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry;
law, how. oil; tliin theit
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful);
Watchman (-man), s. jaga, oraiy Waterfowl (-fowl), s. burorg-
jag a, pnurggu, pryawal* burorg yarg mnchari makan di
Watchtower (-tow-er), s. hatgun- ayer.
ba)gwia?i* Watering cart (-ing kart), s. kreta
Watchword (-werd), s.
perlcaia'an pnjiram jalan.
smhoyan.'^ Watering pot (pot), s. piyiram
"Water (waw'ter), s. ayer; (of a jambaiyan.*
diamond) ayer inta7i; (of silk) Water lily (lil'i), s. tratai kchil,
barek* To hold water, tiada ati-ati pay a.*
hoclior, tiada tiris.* To make Water-logged (-logd), adj. k'ayer-
water, buarg ayer kchil, knchhg; an.*
{'Nsiut.) bo cJior.k' ay eran* High Waterman (-man), s. (ferryman)
water, pasarg pioli. High water pnambarg.*
mark, tikas* bakat* Low water, Watermark (-mark), s. (of tide)
ayer timpas. bkas ayer naik; (of paper) barek-
Water, v. t. (make wet) basalikan; barek.* High water mark, tikas*
(by pouring) simbalif (by bakat.*
sprinkling) dims* siram; (by Watermelon (-mel'mi), s. mn-
jerking the fingers) 7'njis; (give dikai, smargka* (Jav.).
drink to cattle) bri minum; (di- Water mill (mil), s. j?itra ayer.*
lute) clia'irkan, champurkan ayer. Water pipe (pip), s. paip ayer,
*^ater, v. i. (fill with water, as pancliuran, pili (Tam.).
eyes) berlinarg; (take fresh water, Waterproof (-proof), adj. talian
as ships) ambil ayer. His mouth ayer, tiada bochor, tiada tiris.*
watered, cha'ir ayer lior-rya* Waterproof, s. (the cloth) kain
ayer-lior-nja mleleh (B.). gtah; (rain coat) baju hujan.
AVaiter-bottle (-bot'tl), s. balaty Water snake (snak), s. ular ayer.
ayer;* (of leather) greba* (At. Waterspout (-spowt), s. putirg
qirbat). bliorg.*
Water buffalo (buf'fa-l5), s. ker- Watertight (-tit), adj. tahan ayer,
bau. tiada bochor, tiada tiris.*
Water carrier (kar'ri-er), s. tukarg Waterwheel (-whel), s. jntraayer.*
ayer. Waterworks (-werks), s. kolam
Water cart (kart), s. kreta argkat ayer.
ayer; (for sprinkling) kreta pn- Watery (waw'ter-i), adj. cliair,
jirus jalan* kreta siram jalan
encher (N.I.).
Wattle (wot'tl), s. (of a cock)
Water-closet (-kloz'et), s. jamban, pial.* A wattle fence, pagar
kakus (N.I.). sasak.*
Water course (kors), s. (stream) Wattle, V. t.
sasak,* ranjarg.*
batarg ayer;* (for irrigating) tali Wave s,
(wiiv), ombak; (large)
ayer.* glombarg; (swell) alun;* (ripple)
Water cress (kres), s. smarggi* riak;* (signal with the hand)
skti* isarat (Ar. ishdrat).
Watered (waw'terd), adj. (of silk) Wave, V. i. (as a flag) berkibar;*
berbarek.* (as the hands when drowning,
Waterfall (waw'ter-fawl), s. (low) terkapai-kapai.
jram ;* (high) ayer terjun. Wave, V. t. (back and forth) kibas;

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, ben, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror: old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minwa, cure, injure,
Mrry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
(downwards, to beckon) lamhai; lay a;* (very weak) letah;* (in
(in any direction, signal) hri health) rntan; (of material
isarat (Ar. ishdrat). tilings) takuat, ia'kukoh;* (in
Waver (wa'ver), v. i.
(flutter) her- character) fa'Uap. A weak place-
hibarj'^ (vacillate) liinbaiy, her- (in rope, etc.), rntan.
ohah-ohah. Weaken (wek'n), v. t. Imahkan^
Wavy (wav'i), adj. (of hair) ikal* Itelikan.
Wax (waks), s. lilin : (in the ear) Weaken, v. i.
jadi Imali, makin
tahi tlitya, tailc huphy (B.). Ifeh.
Bees wax, lilin sambarg,'^ hanlalc Weakly (-li), adj. rntan.
( B. ) ( Ch. Jian-ldh ) . Paraffin wax, Weakness (-nes), s. klmahan, k~
lilin hreia. Sealing wax, lah"^ (I^-) ? IteJian; (fault) cliachat, chdra
chi-kerr/ (B.) (Ch. isiii-kcnj). (Sk.).
Wax, V. i. (increase) hertamhah ; Weal (wel), s. (stripe) hilnr,'^
(of the moon) naih; (become) bilai;* = wale.
jadi. Weal, s. (happiness) hhagia (Sk.),.
Way (wa), s. (road) jalan; (inter- sjahtra (Sk.).
val) jaraJc;'^' (plan, method) Wealth (welth), s. kkaya'an, lierta,.
jalan, iipaya/'' pri,'^' ptua^ (Ar. hart a.
fatiua), chara, Ixa'idah (Ar.). Wealthy (welth'i), adj. kaya, her-
By the way (in passing), dalam h erta.

pada itu. By way of (for the Wean (wen), v. t. clirai susu.

purpose of), mahsud-rya. Cover- Weapon (wep'//n), s. snjata, alat

ed way, plantar."^ In the family 'pprarga7i.*
way, huntiiy, niix]andorg, hamil Wear (war),v. i.
(iS'aut.) tv7'ut.
(At. iidmil) In the way, mlintarg.
, Wear, v. t. pakai. To Avear away
On the way, tiyali jalan. Out of (consume), hahiskan, haus. To*
the way, tpi-tpi, h-tpi; (secluded) wear down (by rubbing,), laiyaJi*
sun/i; (wrong) ta'patut. Right (^Y.). To wear off (as paint)
of way, liah holeh mlintas.* Un- glupas."^' To wear out, hahiskan,.
der way, trgali Mayer. To give hurokkan, haus. Worn (as ropes,,
way (withdraw) undor; (yield) etc.), rntan, see weak.
hri, kasi (B.) ; (fall) runtoli,* Wear, v. i. (endure) tahan.
rohoh. To have way on (Naut.), Wear, s. (consumption) haus.
lajalc. To make way (progress), Wear and tear, krosak'an shah di^
mara,^ maju;'^' (clear the way) pakai.
huka jalan, herhiak. Ways and Wearable (war'a-bl), adj. yaiy
means, daya-upaya (Sk.). holeh di-pakai.
Wayfarer (wa'far-er), s. ora^y per- Weariness (wer'i-nes), s. kpnatan^
Waylay (wa'la'), v. t. adarg. Wearisome (-s7,/m), adj. yaig m-
Wayward (-werd), adj. (dis- mnatkan, yaig mnjmukan.
obedient) derhalca; (wilful) dgil, Weary (-i), adj. pnat, llah* cha-
tlcak. pek (X.I.), Injin: (relish exhaus-
We (we), pron. hita; (excluding ted) jriiu.
the person addressed) kami.* Weary, v. t. pnatkan, jmukan, as-

Weak (wek), adj. (physically) above.

Imah, It eh, Iteh-lsu* dla'if (Ar.), Weasel (we'zl), s. hnturorg.^

ate. ask. am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror: 51d. not. connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin them
Weather (we^///er), s. (season) baji* bajikan* sndal;* (force
musim, masa;* (climate) liawa. a wedge) slit, masokkan.
in, as
Cold weather, musim sjuJc. Dry Wedlock (wed'lok), s. hal nikah
weather, kmarau, musim Tcmarau. (Ar. nikaiL), hal kahiuin.
Fine weather, chuacha* chuacha Wednesday (wed'nz-da, u. s. wenz'-
haik. Wet weather, musim Jiu- da), s. hari rabu* (Ar. arb'a)^
jan, liari liujan. Under stress of hari tiga.
weather, shab hna ribot. To make Weed (wed), s.
(plant) rumput;
good weather, (Xaut.) pandai (mourning) kahoig* perkaborg-
main glomhaiy. an* tolia (Ch. tod-ka), toa-ha
Weather, v. t. hujan-panaskan ;* (B.).
(endure) talian; (force a way Weed, y. t.
mrurnput, tajak.* To
through) landa;* (pass to wind-
weed out, cliabot, buarg.
ward of) landa shlah atas argin,'^ Weedy (wed'i), adj. berrumput.
Weather, adj. shlali atas at gin. Week (wek), s. jma'at (Ar.), mirg-
Weather-beaten (-bet'n), adj. go (Port. do7ningo-l.ov{[), mirg-
yarg sudah hna liujan panas. gu (B.).
Weatherbound (-bownd), adj.
Weekfy ^
(wek'li), adj. tiap-tiap
jmaat/^ mircjgo-mirggo, saban
'berlindoig deri-pada rihot.
Weathercock s. mirggo (X.L).
(-kok), tiuggul-
* tufggul argin*
Weep (wep), v. i. targis/^ mna^gis.
Weatherwise (-wiz), adj. yaiy
Weeping (wep'ing), s. taigisan.*
taliu pergrah'an liaiva*
Weevil (we'vl), s. Eice weevil, katu
Weave (wev), v. t. (cloth) tnim;
(basketwork) aryam.
Weigh (wa), v.t. (with a balance)
timbarg; (in the hand) tatirgf
Weave, v. i. hertmin.
Weaver (ponder) timbaig. To weigh an-
(wev'er), s. pnnun/ chor, boigkar sauli.
tuJcarg inun.
Weaver bird (herd),
Weigh, V. i. brat, as, it weighs two
s. tmpua. dua kati Ta
Web (web), s. (fabric) tnnnan:'^
weigli on
(bear heavily), tindeh.
(of a spider) saraig laha-laha,
Weighbridge (wa'brij), s. dachiig
puimbaig kreta.
Wed (wed), y. t. (of men) ber-
Weight (wat), s. (heaviness) brat;
binihan, berisfriJcan (Sk.), (of (pressure, burden) kbratan, brat;
women) berlakihan, bersuamiJcan;
(for pressing down) pnindeh;
(Sk.) ; (join in marriage) kah-
(for use in scales) batu timbarg-
loinkan, nikaJikan* (At. nikdn).
an, batu dachirg, buah timbarg-
Wedded (wed'd^l), adj. (at- an.*
tached to) 'ashik (Ar.), gmar* Weight, v.t. (make heavy) brat-
slap,"^ gila. kan; (load down) tindeh.
Wedding (-ding), s. pkerja'an ni- Weighty (wat'i), adj. brat; (im-
kali-kaliwin,'^ kerja kaliwin.
portant) pnti7g.*
Wedge (wej), s. (for splitting) Weir (wer), s. (dam) 'mpaigan;
baji;* (for tightening a loose (fish stake) kelorg.
mast, or under short leg of a Weird (werd), adj. (supernatural)
table) sndal.* mkti. (Sk.).
Wedge, V. t. (iix with a Avedge) Welcome (wel'kwm), adj. (pleas-
ate, ask, am, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire '
final, care, car,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use. us, minws, cure, injure, '

Utirry; food, foot, awfool (awful) ; law, how, oil; thin then.
ing) yaiy di-perhnanhan, herhnan, Westerly (west'er-li), adj.
- west-
talk; (free) bebas. ern q. V.
"Welcome, slamat dataiy.
int. Western (-ern), adj. barat, sblah
Welcome, sambotan.
s. barat, sblah atas aryin*
Welcome, v. t. sambot, silakan/^ Westward (-w^erd), adv. k-sblah
papalc/^ alu-alukan j"^ (give free-
dom to) bebaskan. Wet (wet), adj. basah; (damp) Im-
Weld (weld), v.t.
samboiy drgan bap; (of salt or sugar) Iryas, ber-
mnmpa,'^ siar,^ kipai^ (W.). hyas (B.) ; (rainy) hujan. Wet
'Welfare (wel'far), s. slamat, un- through, dripping wet, basah

tory, sjaliira (Sk.), aman (Ar.).

Welkin (-kin), s. largit. Wet, V. t. basahkan; (by sprinkling)
Well (wel), s. prigi, tlaga/^ sumor rnjis, perchek; (by soaking) r?i-
dam. To w^et the head for cool-
ness, berjarainJ^
Well, adj. baik; (in health) seliat,
Wether s. domba kmbiri,
njaman.^ To get well, smboh.'^
kambiiy kmbiri, biri-biri kasi*
Perfectly well, sgar-pugar.^
Wet nurse (wet ners), s. mak
"Well, adv. (rightly) btnl, baik,
niak tetek.
elok,^' bagus; (fully) chukop; Whack (whak), s. sbat, palu; (the
(satisfactorily) drga7i s-patut-rya.
As well as, sama sperti, serta.^ sound) si^^ap.
Whale (whal), s. ikan pans.
Well off, beruntorg, berherta,
Whalebone (whal'bon), s. ulu tu-
mampu.'^ Well to do, berherta,
lanf (W.).
mampu/'' Whaler s. mncliari
(-er), kapal
Well-being (-be'ing), s. nntoiy, ikan pans.
sjahtra (Sk.). Wharf (whorf), s. jmbatanj^ prg-
Well-bred (-bred'), adj. berbhasa, kalan,'^ bagan (P.), pbian (Ch.
tahu 'adat.
Well-informed (-in-formd'), adj. Wharfinger ( whorf 'in- jer), s. orarg
berplajarati, 'arif (Ar.). kpala prykalan*
Well-known (-non), adj. masohor What (whot), pron. (interrogative)
(Ar. mashhur). apa, mana; (if quantity is im-
Well-meaning (-men'ing), adj. plied) brapa; (exclamatory) byi-
mana, btapa,* alarg-kahj* (re-
Well-nigh (-ni');, adv. hampir, lative) yatg; (whatever) bararg
yarg, bararg apa, apa yarg (B.).
Welter (wel'ter), v. i. (wallow) What though, suiygoh pun, mski
berkubarg; (roll in dust or blood) pun. What for, apa sbab, knapa.
berglumarg.'^ Whatever (whot-ev'er), pron. ba-
Wen (wen), s. risa.^ rarg yarg, bararg apa, baraiy apa
Wench (wench), s. gadis,^ bikir yarg, apa-apa yarg, bararg s-
(Ar.), praivan (Jav.). suatu.
Wend (wend), v. i. pergi. Whatsoever (-so-ev'er), pron.
Were-tiger (wer'tT'ger), s. oi'a^y WHATEVER^ q. V.
kmrhy."^- Wheat (whet), s. gandom (Pers.),
West (west), s. barat, atas aiyin,^ trigu (Port.).
maghrib (Ar.). Wheedle (whe'dl), v. t. pujok, bu-

ate, aslc, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then..
jok* cliuinhu* rayu,^' Jcelcheh, Wherein (whar-in'), adv. yarg di
gulakan* dalam-iya.
Wheel (whcl), s. (of a carriage)
Whereof (-of or -ov'), adv. yarg
roda, lerciy; (of machinery) jn- deri-pada-nja.
traf (Naut.) hmudi, pmutar k- Whereon (-on'), adv. yarg di atas-
mudi; (bicycle) kreta lererrj, nja.
kreta roda (B.) ; (used by pot-
Wheresoever (whar'so-ev'er), adv.
ters) larek."^ Paddle wheel, roda hararg di mana pun, di mana-
mana pun.
Wheel, V. i.
Whereto (whar-too'), adv. yarg k-
Wheelbarrow (wherbar-ro), s. pada-nja.
kreta herroda satu, kreta sororg, Whereupon (whar'np-on'), adv. s--
tlah itu."^
kreta tolak (B.).
Wherever (whar-ev'er), adv. hararg
Wheelwright (-rit), s. tukaig
di mana, di mana-mana, hararg
Wheeze (whez), v. mrgah-rmyali. i.
Wherewith (-with or -with), adv.
Wheezy (whez'i), adj. srak.
yarg oleh-rya, yarg serta-ryaj* (in-
Whelp (whelp), s. (of animals)
a7iak. terrogative) drgan apa.
Wherewithal (wharVii/i-awl'),
When (when), adv. (interrofjative) adv. drgan apa.
;> kapan (N.I.) ; (at
hila, hila-kali,
the time) apabila* hila, apakala^^
Wherry (wher'ri), s. sampan tarn-
serta, ttkala* dmi,'^ ktika, luaktu,
Whet (whet), v. t. asah, kilir, cJia-
masa* tempoh, tertipu (B.) ; (of To whet the
nai,^ chanis (B.).
past time) s-tlah* kmdian deri-
hukakan nafsu, bukakan
pada; (while, whereas) sdarg. slera.'^'
Whence (whens), adv. deri mana. Whether (whei/i'er), conj. jika,"^
Whencesoever (whens'so-ev'er) ,
kalau, jikalau. Whether or no,
adv. deri mana pun haik.
hgimana pun, 'ntahkan ya 'ntah-
Whenever (when-ev'er), adv. ha- kan tidak.
rarg hila* bila-hila pun. Whetstone (whet'ston), s. hatu
Where (whar), adv. (interro- asah, hatu chanai,'^ grinda."^
gative) mana, di mana, k-manaf Whey (wha), s. ayer dadeh.*
(relative) tmpat, as, the home Which (which), pron. (interro-
where he lives, rumah tmpat tirg- gative, following the noun) mana,
gal-rya. yarg mana; (relative) yarg;
Whereabout (whar'a-bowt'), adv. (whichever) mana, yarg mana.
tnlarg mana, 'ntarg mana. Whichever (which-ev'er), pron.
Whereas (whar-az'), adv. (since) yarg mana pun, mana satu.
sdarg; (when in fact) pa^Za Jial,"^ Whiff (whif), s. hmhusan, tiopan.*
yarg s-htul-rya (B.). While (whil), s. antara. Worth
Whereby (-bf), adv. (by which) while, herfa'idah, herguna. A
yarg oleh-iya; (interrogative) hgi- long while, lama. A long while
mana. ago, sudah lama,"^^ lama dhulu.
Wherefore (whiir'for), adv. (there- While, adv. antara, smantara*
fore) shah itu; (why) knapa, sdarg, s-lagi, samhil, trgah. To
mrgapa.'^ drink while diving, samhil mn/-

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; iise, us, minws, cure, injure,
^iirry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
lam, samhil minum ayer (Prov.). an egg, puteh tlor. White of the
While, Y. t. To while away the time, eye, puteli mata.
liahiskan iempoli. White, puteh; (as buffaloes)
Whilst (whilst), adv. = avhile, halar;* puchat; (white
q.v. haired) uban. White ant, anai-
Whim (wliim), s. rcigam, terykah. anai, smut puteh (B.), rayap
Whimper (wliim'per), v. i. che- (N".I.). White elephant, perkara
yarg sukar di-lakukan.^ White
Whimsical (-zi-kl), adj. hatyah heat, pijar;^ (of anger) mradatg.
rag am ; (odd in appearance) White horses, omhak hurga IpargJ^
plek* White lie, bohorg yarg tiada mm-
Whine (whin), v. i.
(as a dog) hri mudlarat (Ar.). To show the
I'eiykeig* white feather, jadi ay am htina
Whine, s. kenikerg* spay a slamM (Prov.). Snow
Whinny (whin'ni), v. i. ilaij^ rirg- white, puteh mlpak. In black
kelc. and white, tersurat.
Whip (whip), V. t.
pchut* ssali, Whiten (whit'n), v. t. putehkan.
lonsenf see thrash, beat. Whitewash (-wash), v. t. sapu ka-
Whip, s. cltahok, chmti;'^ (coach- pur, mrgapur.^
man) sais. Whither (whi//</er), adv. (interro-
Whirl (wlierl), v. i.
pusiig; (as gative) k-mana,'^ mana (B.) :

wind or water) pusar; (as ma- (relative) k-tmpat*

chinery) putar; (as a top) ligat. Whithersoever (-so-ev'er), adv.
Whirligig (wherl'i-gig), s. (toy) bararg k-mana, di mana-mana
pusinj atgin,,^ hularg-halirg. (B.).
Whirlpool (-pool), s. olak,'^ pusar- Whitlow (whit'lo), s. klurut,"^ klu-
an aye}'. rutan (B.).
Whirlwind (-wind), s. iaorg* pu- Whittle (-tl), v.t. raut.
saran aigin. Whiz (whiz), v. i. bersioig,^ ber-
AVhisk (whisk), v. t. khas, kuis. dsirg.
Whisker (whisk'er), s. chamhaig,'^ Who (hoo), pron. (interrogative)
jarggot (B.), godek (N.I.) ; (of siapa, oraig mana; (relative)
a cat) misai. yaig, orarg yaig.
Whiskey (-i), s. s-jnis minuman, Whoever (hoo-ev'er), pron. baram-
wiski (E.). siapa, siapa-siapa, bararg s'oraig*
Whisper (whis'per), s. hiselc. Whole (hoi), s. smoa-rya. On the
Whisper, v. i. herhisek, ksuk-ksek.^ whole, dalam sgala hal-ehwal*
Whisperer (-er), s. oraig yarg her- Whole, adj. s-gnap, s-luroh, s-pan-
jaig, s-bidat-bulat. A whole year,
Whistle (whis'l), v. i. hersuil; (as s-tahunsuntok* s-tahun tutop,
a bullet) hersioig;'^ (as the winds) and similarly with week and
dru* mndru (B.), drgorg. month.
Whistle, s. (the instrument used Wholehearted (hol-hart'ed), adj.
by police) siti (E. ?) ; (steam) drgan smygoh hati.
1 vised
(E.). Wholesale (hol'sal), adj. bororg.
Whit (whit), s. sdilcit, sikit (B.), A wholesale business, perniaga'an
s-titek. bsar. A wholesale merchant,
White (whit), s. puteli. Wiiite of saudagar, sudagar (B.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, ^in jure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Wholesome (-mm), adj. (pro- Wideness (-nes), s. kluasan*
moting health) yatg mmhri seliat, Widow (wid'o), s. janda, prempuan
yarg nityehatkan;* (for morals or janda, prempuan hujarg.
prosperity) haik, herfa'idah. Widower (-er), s. laki-laki hujarg,
Wholly (hol'li), adv. s-mata-mata, jantan hujarg (B.).
sk'ali. Widowhood (-hood), s. khujargan.
Whom (lioom), j^ron.
who, q. v. Width (-width), s. lehar, huka,
Whomsoever (hoom's5-ev'er), kluasan,"^' etc., see wide.
pron. = WHOSOEVER, q. v.
Wield (weld), v. t. (authority)
Whoop (lioop), V. i. hersorak, her- pgaig (preutah), pegarg (B.) ;
impek. (use, as a sword) pakai, ttakkan.
Whoop, s. impek-sorak. Wife (wTf), s, hini, prempuan;*
Whooping-cough (hoop'ing kof), (more polite) (Sk.), ahli
hatok salak* hatok rjan*
s. (Ar.).
Whore (hor), s. sundal, prempuan Wig (wig), s. ramhot palsu.
jaliat, lonteh (N".!.). higgle (wig'gl), V. t. ktek*
Whoredom (hor'di^m), s. per- Wiggler (-gler), s. jntek-jntek,
simdalan. jintek-jin tek ( B ) . .

Whose (hooz), pron. (interro- Wight (wit), s. hamha-AUali*

^ gative) siapa (a) ; (relative) yaiy Wild (wild), adj. (living in forest)
rya, as, the man whose brother
. . huta7i (a) ; (not tame) liar; (of
was here, oraixj yarg saudara-iya tame animals) jalarg; (ferocious)
ada sini tadi* oraiy yaiy piitya hnas* ganas* gararg; (ungo-
audara ada sini tadi (B.). verned) tiada terklola* Run-
Whosoever (h65's6-ev'er), pron. ing wild, tiada terhlaj^
see WHOSE and wpioever. Wilderness (wil'der-nes), s. tanali
Why (whi), adv. knapa, iiiiyapa* hlantara,'^ padarg tkukur*
apa shah, apa fasal, awat (P.). Wile (wil), s. 'akal, daya* elah*
Wick (wik), s. sumhn. (Ar. nilah), ruakar (Ar.) ; (of
Wicked (wik'ed), adj. jahat, fasik the devil) wasivas (Ar.).
(Ar.). Wilful (wil'fool), adj. (of set pur-
Wickedness (-nes), s. kjahafan, pose) digan sigaja; (obstinate)
liiasiat'^ (Ar. m' amy at). dgil, tkak.
Wicker (-er), adj. aryaman. Wilfully (-li), adv. diyan srgaja.
Wickerwork (-werk), s. slimpat* Wiliness (wil'i-nes), s. cher'dek.
Wicket (-et), s. (small gate) pi?itu Will (wil), V. t. (wish) suka, ka-
kcliil. liandaki* mau; (decree, as kings)
Wide (wid), adj. (broad) lehar, titah;'^ (as God) takdirkan* (Ar.
hull a; (ofthe chest) hidarrj; iaqdir).
(spacious) luas,'^ laparg, Iga, Will, V. aux. mau, nanti, akan,*
hidarg, hsar; (far) jauh; (far klakf (expressing determina-
apart) jaraiy, rrggaiy; (of the tion) tntu.
legs) kaiykarg. Far and wide, Will, s. kahandak,'^ mau; (of
di mana-mana, mrata-rata. takdir (Ar.) ; (testament) wasiat
Wide-awake (wid'a-wak'), adj. (Ar.). At will, drgan suka-
chukop jag a, heriigat-irgat. redla* Good will (kindliness),
Widen (wTd'n), v. t. huka, leharkan, murali-hati, kmuralian. Ill will,
luaskan,^ etc., see wide. dndam, sakit liati. With a will.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen. recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mimts, cure, injure,
huiry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin tlien.
drgan rajin, drgan s-halianddk (unexpected good fortune) un-
liati.^ torg mniha-niha.'^
Willing (wiring), adj. sudi, siiha, Winding (wlnd'ing), adj. herblit-
mail, I)e7']i'alianda]v* redla (Ar.) ; blit, berkelok-kelok,'^ lergkarg-
(to work) rajin. lergkok,* lergkarg-lergkorg (B.).
Willingly (-li), adv. drgan suka- Winding, s. blit, kelok.'^
hati, drgan siika-redla,^ drgan Windingsheet (-shet), s. kain
sudi. kapaii^ (Ar. kafan).
Willingness (-nes), s. Ji redla' an Windlass (windks), s. putaran*
(Ar.)^ sudi. (on Malay boats, horizontal)
Willow (wirio), s. dalu-dalu,^ olerg-olerg.*
Windmill (-mil), s. kisaran bularg-
jndahif^ dahu.
>yilt (wilt), layu, mala.'^
V. t.
Window (win'do), s. jndela, jnela
Wily (wiFi), adj. clierdek.
Win v.
(Port.),tirgkap; (with shutters
(win), i. mna7g, jaya (Sk.) ;

hasil hinged horizontally) tentarg.

(be successful) hermitoty, Window blind, bidai tirgkap.*
(Ar.). Window Win-
curtains, largsi.*
Win, V. t.
(gain) dapat; heroleh,^'
dow^ frame, pmidarg tirgkap.'^
(by kindness) amiil hati; (as a Window
To win louvres, kipas tirgkap^
peacemaker) damaikan.^ ram jndela (D. rrtrtTO = window),
a person's affections, amhil hati.
Window pane, kacha jndela, ^ld&
Wince (wins), v. i. tersentak.
Window screen (oi
jndela (B.).
Winch (winch), s, (Naut.) win
cane), ram jndela (B.) (!>.)
(E.) ;
also see windlass. Window shutter, tudorg tirgkap.
Wind (wind), v. t. (round some- Window sill, bndol tirgkap.'^
thing) lilitkan; gu- (in a ball) x\ls0 see SKYLIGHT.
lorg; (on a reel) glindorgj* (as Windpipe (wind'pip), s. krorgkorg.
a, clock) kunchikan, putar; (cover Windsail (-si),s. (Naut.) wiser
by winding) hbat. To wind up See ventilator.
(in a ball), gulorg; (bring to a Windward (-werd), s. and adj
conclusion) slsaikan, slisekan sblah atas argin.
(B.) ; (as a clock) kunchikan. Windy (-i), adj. baryak argin.
Wind, V. i. (round something) Hit, Wine (win), s. ayer arggor. Wim
lilit; (bend, meander) herdlit- press, irek'an arggor,^ apitan
Hit, herkelok-kelok,"^ lergkarg- arggor.^
lergkok.* Wineglass (wln'glas), s. piala.*
Wind (wind), s. aiyin. Down Wing (wing), s.
sayap, kpak. Or
wind, mrgekor argin.* FoUow^ing the wing (flying), bterbargan;^
wind, argin turut.* Head wind, (travelling) trgah berjalan. Un-
argin sakal,"^ argin dpan (B.). der the wing of, dalam jag a'an.
Wind, V. t. (scent) dapat hau; (al- Winged (wingd), adj. (having
low to get breath) hri hernafas, wings) bersayap.
kasi mnapas (B.). Wink (wingk), v. i. (of the eyes)
Winded (wind'ed), adj. termrgah- berklip, berkijip;* (making s

mrgah. sign) main mala. To wink at

Windfall (-fawl), s. (of fruit) diamkan, tiada ambil tahu, buta-
huah yarg luroh,"^ huah terlrah;* kan mata.

ate, ask, am, finol, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,

mirror; old, not, connect, s5re, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injura,
hurry; f5od, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin JTien.
Wink, s. s-Mip mata, s-lcjap; (hint) mmandai"^ diri-rya [pandaikan
isarat mata (Ar. ishdrat). (B-)].
Winkle (win<('kl), s.
gonjgorg;'^ see Wisely (-li), adv. dtyan bijaksana.
PERIWINKLE. Wish (wish), v. i. (desire) man,
Winner (win'ner), s. yaty mnarg. hndak, berkahandak,* suka, ber-
Winning (-iiing), adj. yavg mry- hajat (Ar.) ; (consent) sudi,
gmarkanj^ yarg mrgamhil hati, sualak.^ To wish for, iryin, ka-
manis. handaki/* rindu.
Winnings (-ningz), s. (at gamb- Wish, s. rnaii, kahandak* suka,
liiig) kmnaiyan. maksud, hajat* (Ar. ndjat),
Winnow v. t.
(by tossing)
(-ii(3), hasrat"^ (Ar. iiasrat).
fampi; (by shaking sideways) Wisp (wisp), s. yumpal*
indary;* (by striking the sieve Wistful (wist'fool), adj. (medita-
with the fingers) tintiry; (by tive) termnory-mnory .

pouring so that the wind sepa- Wit (wit), s. (mental faculty)

rates the chaff) aryin.'^ 'akal. At one's wits' end, habis
Winsome (-s^an)^ adj. hersuha- fikiran, fikiran buntu* Out of
chita {Sk.),ria;'^ (in appearance) one's wits, yila.
hersri. Witch (wich), s.
prempuan tukaiy
, Winter (-ter), s. musim sjoli, mu- sihir (Ar.).
sim diryin* Witchcraft s. obat
Winter, v. i. mnahun.'^' yuna.
Wintry, adj. sjok. With (wi//^), prep, (among) serta,"^
Wipe (wip), V. t. (for drying) diyan, bersama-sama, serta dry an;
Tcsat;"^ (for cleaning) yosoh, sapu. (by) oleh, dvyan.
To wipe away, wipe out, hapus* Withal (wi/Zi-awF), prep, oleli-rya.
Wire (wir), s. kawat, dawai. Wire Withdraw v.
(-draw'), i. undor,
gauze, ayakan daumi.'^ Wire tarek din.
rope, tali kawat, tali hsi. Barb-
Withdraw, v. t. ambil balek, tarek
ed wire, kawat berduri.
balek; (an undorkan; army)
Wire, V.
(telegraph) pnkol tali-
(money from a bank) ambil, k-
yrap, pukol kawat. luarkan.
Wirepulling (wir'pool'ing), s. (in- Withdrawal s. hal mryambil
trigue) pakatan, subaliat.^ balek.
Wiry (wir'i), adj. kuat, tyap. Withe (with), s. kaiju sasak.*
Wisdom (wiz'dwm), s. (of God)
hikmat (Ar.) ; (sagacity) hijak- Wither (wif/i'er),' v. i. (wilt)
sana; (discretion and judgment) mala/^ (shrivel) layu.
hudi (Sk.), hudi bichara;'^ (skill, Wither, v. t. (over a fire) layur.
Withers (-erz), s. pi. parykal try-
dexterity) kpandaian.
Wise kok kuda.*
(wiz), adj. bijaksana, berbudi
(Sk.) budiman (Sk.), pandai, Withhold (wi^/i-hold), v.t. (hold
pintar (X.I.). back) tahan; (keep back) simpan.
Wise, s. In any wise, s-barary daya- Within (-in'), prep, (inside) da-
upaya* apa macham pun (B.). lam, di dalam, sblah dalam; (in
In no wise, skali-kali tidak. the limits or compass of) dalam,
Likewise, byitu juya. antara. Within reach, s-pryapai.*
Wiseacre (wiz'a-ker), s. orary yary Within, adv. dalam, di dalam.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror ;_ old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, mintts, cure, injure,
hiJrry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Without (-owf), prep, (outside) Wolf (woolf), s. gui-g (Pers.). To
di luar, sblah luar; (not with) keep the wolf from the door, Ipas-
djgan tiada, diyan ta'usah. With- kan deri-pada klaparan.
out cause, tiada hershab, tiada Wolfram (woolf 'ram), s, amaig.*
s-mna-mna.* Without delay, Woman (woom'an),
prempuan. s.

drgan sgra. Without fail, ta'holeh Womanhood (-hood), s. rsmi

tidal', jargan tidak. To do with- prempuaii, tahiat prempuan.
out (omit), iiiygalkan, hiarkan. Womanish (-ish), adj. (of men)
Without, adv. di luar, sbldh luar. c^iara prempuan.
Without, conj. (unless) mlainkan,
Womankind (-kind'), s. sgala
hanya.'^ prempuan, prempuan-prempuan.
Withstand (-stand'), v. t. (resist)
Womanly (-li), adj. (of women)
lairan ; (stand against) tahan.
cliara prempuan, berrsmi prem^
Withy (with'i), s. kayu sasak."^
Witiess (wo5m), s. kandorgan* ra-
(wit'les), adj. kurarg
(Ar. raiiim), tmpat her-
Witness (person or thing
(-nes), s.
Wonder (wun'der), v. i. (marvel)
which gives proof) saksi; (testi-
heran (Ar. uaircin), fajuh (Ar.).
mony) ksaksian, ktrargan, kryata-
'an. To bear witness, hersaksi, Wonder, s. heran (Ar. iiairdn)^
'aja'ih (Ar.). To wonder if or
naih saksi, kasi saksi (B.).
whether, mnaroh sliak akan.* To'
Witness, v. i. hersaksi, naik saksi, wonder why, himharg, khuatir
kasi saksi (B.).
(Ar. khawdtir) .

Witness, v. t. (see) lihat; (attest) Wonderful (strange)

(-fool), adj.
saksikan; (be present at) liadlir heran, plek,* 'ajaih (Ar.).
(At.). Wonderfully (-li), adv. (surpris-
Witticism (wit'ti-sizm), s. sloroli. ingly) plek;"^ (greatly) sargat,
Wittingly (-ting-li), adv. drgan haryak.
srgaja. Wondrous (wun'drz/s), s. = won-
Witty adj. herjnaka,* her-
(-ti), derfully, q. V.
sloroh. Wont (wont, u. s. wunt), s. 'adat,
Wizard (wiz'erd), s. tukaiy sihir khiasa'an.
(Ar.), paivarj], homo, homor.* Wonted (Av5nt'ed), adj. hiasa,.
Wobble (wob'bl), v. i. (as a loose lazim* (At. Idzim).
stake or tooth) g^ial-gail;* (as Woo (woo), V. t. chunihu,'^ rayu."^
a top) lerggok; (as a kite) Wood (wood), s. (grove) gom-
terjalJ^ ponj;* (forest) rimha, liutan;
Woe (wo), s. (grief) duka (Sk.), (timber) kayu. Heart wood.
dukacliita (Sk.), percliinta'an,'^ tras.* Sap wood, gubal.* The
gondali-gaulana;'^ (calamity) woody exterior of palms, ruyorg.*
chlaka, halak (Ar. hala'). Wood maggot, hfihok.
Woe-begone (wo'be-gon), adj. her- Wooded (wood'ed), adj. herhutan.
dukacliita (
Sk. ) , hersusah-hati, Wooden (wood'n), adj. kayu (a).
mororg. Woodman (-man), s. orarg mjihary
Woeful (-fool), adj. (sorrowful) kayu, pnharg kayu.'^
herdukacliita (Sk.) ; (wretched) Woodpecker (-pek-er), s. hlatok.*"
sasah. Woody (-i), adj. (having trees)

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin th&A.
herhutan; (having wood fibre) Workable (werk'a-bl), adj. yaty
hertras* holeh di-kerjakan, yary holeh her-
Woodwork (-werk), s. perkal'as laku.*
kayii. Workaday (-da), adj. lasak.
Woof (woof), s. pakan.^^ Workbasket (-bas'ket), s. khan*
Wool (wool), s. hulu domha, hula kmpu* hakol jaitan (B.).
l-a)nhity biri-hiri. Worker (-er), s.
tukary, kuli, orary
Woollen (wool'l^n), adj. deri-pada yary hkerja.
hulu. Woollen blanket, kamli, Workhouse (-hows), s. rumah mis-
Tcamhli (Pers.), slimut kamli. kin.
Woollen cloth, kain panas, sakhlat Workman (-man), s. oraiy yary
(Pers.), kain siyklat (B.), lakari* hkerja, orary upalian, kuli; (arti-
(D. laken). ficer) tukaiy.
Woolly (-li), adj. deri-pada hulu, Workmanship (-ship), s. huatan,
herhidu; (of hair) kritiiy, kreteiy. ktukaryan-* (skill) kpandaian.
Woolly bear (caterpillar), ulat Workshop (-shop), s. rumah per-
hulu. tukaiyan.*
Word (werd), s. perkata'an, kafa, World (werld), s. (universe) 'alam
patah, klimah (Ar.) ; (of a pro- (Ar.) ; (the earth and its inhabi-
phet) sahda (Sk.) ; (of a king) tants) dunia; (the globe) humi;
Utah;* (of God) firman (Ar.) ; (the inhabitants of the earth) isi
(promise) janji. By word of dunia. For all the world (exact-
mouth, diyan mulut, dryan lafatl ly), htul; (for any consideration)
(Ar.). In a word, pendek-rya. skali-kali. World without end,
To eat one's words, hersarykal. kkal, s-la ma-lama-rya.
In other words, iva 'l-hasil (Ar.). Worldliness (werld'li-nes), s. rsam
Word for word, katakan satu- dunia.*
persatu.* Worldling (-ling), s.
oraiy yary
Wording (werd'ing), s. rarykaian iryat dunia sahaja.
perkata'an. Worldly (-li), adj. chara dunia,
Wordy (-i), adj. (verbose) haryak ikut rsam dunia.*
chakap, pleret.* Worldly-minded (-mlnd'ed), adj.
Work (werk),v. i. (labour) hkerja; yary iryat dunia sahaja.
(as a cooly) herkulif (act, Worm (werm), s. (earthworm)
operate) jalari; (move) beryrak- chachiry; (insect larva) ulat,
yrak. brrya;* (in wood) huhok; (in
Work, y.t.jaJankan. To work in, books) yyat; (intestinal) cha-
masokkan. To work out (effect), chiiy, chachiry hiar-hiar* chachiry
kerjakan, datarykan; (a problem) kermi. Tape worm, chachi7y
vraikan;"^ (a mine) hahiskan. pipeh* chachiry pita.* Thread
To work up (stir up), haiykit- worms, chachiry krawit* chachiry
kau; (expend) hahiskan. yrumit (B.), chachiry panjary
Work, s. kerja, pkerjaan; (thing (B.).
produced) huatan; (book) karary- Worm, V. t. To worm things out of
an-, (needlework) jahitan. Good a person, korek, risek.*
works, 'amal (Ar.). Iron works, Worm-eaten (werm'et'n), adj. di-
tmpai kerja bsi. The works of makan huhok, di-makan ulat, di-
a watch, psatuat jam.* rnakan yyat.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirro?*; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin then.
Wormwood (-wood), haru fa'idah. Worth while, lerguna,
China* herfa'idali.
Wormy (-i), adj. herulat. Worthless (werth'les), adj. tiada
Wornout (worn-out'), adj. hnrol\: herherga, etc., see worth; (vile)
(by friction) haus; (by exhaus- kji;'* (useless) sia-siaf (un-
tion) pereh, terpereh (B.). worthy, of persons) pokah*
Worry (wur'ri), v. t. (as a dot? hy Worthy (wer7/n), adj. (valuable)
barking, etc.) kachau, haru, garg- herherga, indah; (suitable, adapt-
gu* useh; (by tearing) chareh;* ed) layak,* patut, padan.
(cause trouble) ronsergkan ;* Worthy, s.
oraig niutahar (Ar.).
(annoy, tease) useh, sakat, giat Would (wood), V. aux. man, nanti,

(B.), gargguf (by importunity) akaii,'' klak* Would that, muga-

rergek, mrergek (B.), kechek, 7nuga*
doigerg.* Would-be (wood'be), adj. (pre-
Worry, v. i.
(feel trouble and tending to be) yaiy huat-huat,
anxiety) ronserg* risau, naik palsu (Port.).
risau. Wound (woond), v. t. lukakan;
Worry, s.
(anxiety) khnatir (Ar. (injure the feelings) sakitkan
khawdtir), ivasivas hati* wasarg- hati, higkakkan hati*
ka (Sk.). Wound, s. luka. Three wounds, *

Worse (wers), adj. Weh jahnt,

luka tiga liarg. ^ ^

makin jahat, hertamhah jahat, Wrangle (rang'gl), v. i. hertrgkar,

eh ta'haik, above. herhahil,* herhalah (N.I.).
etc., as

Worship (wer'ship), v. i. hersm-

Wrangle, s. pertrgkaran.
hahyarg, herhiiat 'ihadat (Ar.).
Wrangling (-gling), s. pertrgkar-
an, perhaMlan.'^
Worship, V. t. (with reli2fious exer-
cises) smbah, soja (B.) (Ch.
Wrap (rap), v. t. (by winding
round) hhat, khat,* harut, halut,*
chhiiY-jid) ; (of Hindus) pujaf holot (B.) ; (with swaddling
(as a lover) 'ashik (Ar.).
clothes) hdorg; (as with a gar-
W^orship, s. (religions) smhaliyaig ,
'ihadat ment) sluhorg, slimutkan; (as a
(Ar.) ; (title of magis- hill with clouds) saputj* (as a
trates) iuan.
parcel) huigkus; (roughly) holot.
Worshipful (-fool), adj. yaig ter-
h or mat.
Wrapper (rap'per), s. (of a par-
cel) kertas huigkus; (garment)
Worshipper (-er), s. oranj yanj kain sluhorg. In a yellow wrap-
smhahyatg, orarg yarg miy7nl>ah.
per, herhalut kunirg*
Worst (Averst), adj. yarg jahnt Wrapping-paper (-ping-pa -per),
skali, yarg palirg jahat (N.I.), s. kertas-hurgkus.
yarg ta'haik skali. Wrath (rawth), s. marah, gusar*
Worst, V. t. kalahkan
alaJikan/^ gram ;
(of kings or God) murka
(B.). (Ar.).
Worsted (woostVd), s. hnanj huJu, Wrathful (rawth'fool), adj. (of
hnarg pa^ias."^ persons) pmarah;"^ (of the face
Worth (werth), s. (price) herga, or passions) marah (a).
harga; (utility) guna, faidah Wreak (rek), v. t. halaskan.
(Ar.) ; (merit) jasa (Sk.). Wreath (rcth), s. (of flowers) ka-
Worth, adj. herherga, herguna, hcr- ranjan hurga, male (Tam.).

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirro-; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, cure^ injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law, how, oil; thin t/ten.
Wreathe {reth), v. t. Ulit, blif. Wrinkle,' s. (of cloth) kdut; (of
Wreck (rek), s. kapal pchah, hipal the face) krut; (whim) ragani,
terdamparf (destruction) Ic-
rosak'an, khinasa'an. Wrist (rist), s. perglargan targan*
Wreck, v. t. (destroy) roi^nl'l'an, Wristband (rist'band), s. lipatan
binasakan. hgan baju*
Wrecked (rekt), adj. kna karaiy, Writ (rit), s. surat saman (E.
ferdampar;* (destroyed) rosak- summons), surat sita (X.T.) (F.
hinasa. citer). Holy writ, kitab Allah.
Wren (ren), s.
pipit kcliil di Write (rIt), v. t. talis, suratkan:
Eropah. (compose) karary. To write to,
Wrench (rencli), v. t. (by twist- ki7%m surat k-pada, layarykan
ing) pulas, piatj* (by pulling) surat* k-pada.
sentak, my gut, rwrjgut (B.), un- Write, V. i. talis, karaig surat kirim-
jun* rrgkoh;"^ (sprain) plecliok. an.
Wrench, s. sentak'an, plecliok'an: Writer (rit'er), s. pnulis, juru-
(spanner) prgwichi* spana* tulis, krani, ruukatib'^ (Ar. mu-
(E. spanner). kdtib) ; (author) ptgararg, yarg
Wrest (rest), v. t. pulas, sentak, as ampunja sahibu 'l-hikayat
al)ove; (pervert) balekkan. (Ar.).'
l\^irestle (res'l), v. i. bergumol, ber- Writhe (rWi), v. i. (as a snake)
glut,* bergusti* {Hmd.'kushti). berblit-blit; (as human beings)
Wrestler (res'ler), s. 07'(ng pandai gldiig-gliat.'*
berglut,'^ ahli gusti* Writing (rit'ing), s. tulisan, surat,
Wrestling (-ling), s.
perglutan.'^ khat (Ar. khaT). Writing desk,
Wretch (rech), s. (miseral)le per- meja talis. Writing paper, ker-
son) oraig ksusalian, orarg ber- tas talis (Ar. qarTas).
dukachita (Sk.), orarg sial, Wrong (rong), adj. (morally)
bdbah (Pers.) ; (vile persons) jahat; (incorrect) salah, tersilap;
orary liina, orarg kji,* orarg (improper) ta'patut, ta'snonoh.
barysat. Wrong, s. ksalahan, kjahatan;
Wretched (rech'ed), adj. (miser- jury) bncliana, clilaka, aniaya,
able) susah, berdukackita (Sk.), m/udlarat (Ar.). x\lways in the
sial, malaig; (poor and mean) wrong, serba salah.
liina, hina-lta.'^ Wrong, V. t. bua,t bncliana, buat
Wretchedness (-nes), s. ksusalian, chlaka, chlakakan, aniayakan, bri
dukacliiia (Sk.). mudlarat (Ar.).
Wriggle (rio^'gl), V. i. (of persons) Wrongdoer (rong'doo'er), s. oran]
gliary-gliut,* gltek;* (worms, salah, oraig berdosa, prganiaya.*
etc.) ktek-ktek, terktik-ktik (B.) ; Wrongful (-fool), adj. ta'patut,
(less violent) gruit.'^ tiada 'adil, tlalim'^ (Ar. tldlim),
Wring v. t.
(ring), pulas; (to Wrongheaded (-hed'ed), adj. tkak,
squeeze out
moisture) prah. dgil, bitgal.'^
Wringing wet, basali kuyop. Wroth (roth or rawth), adj. marah,
Wringer (ring'er), s. kelatg/^ giisar,* grain; (of kings and God)
Wrinkle (-kl), v. t. kdutkan, krut- murka (Ar.).
kan, see below. Wrought (rawt), adj. tmpa'an.*
Wrinkle, v. i. berkdut, berkrut. Wry (rl), adj. erut, bergut .

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire,
mirror,-^ old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minws, ciire, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful); law. how. nil; thin then.
Yearning (yern'ing), s. k'irginan,
krinduan, rin du-dndam*
X-rays (eks-raz'), s. sifiar yarg m- Yeast (yest), s. ragi, kJiamir* (Ar.
nrusi hararg yarg Imhot."^ kJiamir).
Yell (yel), y. i. hertriak, ji'it, mnjret
(B.), pkek, pkau* terpkek-pkau
(B.). To yell at, sergah.*
Yacht (yot), s. pralin atau 'kapal Yell, s. triak, jrit, mnjret, pkek^
perluinhaan, shoclii (D.scliuitje) ; pkau*
(of Malay rajas) lanclianj;^ see Yellow (yel'lo), adj. kunirg. Light
330AT, BARGE. yellow, kunirg muda, kunirg ayer
Yam (yam), s. Madi. Yam-bean, (B.).
snfhuarg* See aroid. Yellowish (-ish), adj. kkiinirg'
Yap (yap), v. i. herdrghhy.'^ kwiirgan."^
Yard (yard), s. (measure) ela Yelp (yelp), y. i.
(Port), jar (KI.) ; (Naut.) Yeoman (yo'man), s. tuan tanah.
priian, andarg-andarg.
Yes (yes), ady. ya; (affirmative
Yard, s. (enclosure) halaman, kam- replies are usually made by re-

porg, I'awasan* petition of the yerb used in the

Yarn question, or by the pronouns
(yarn), s. (of wool) hnaiy
huhi, hnarg panas;'^ (one thread sahya, tuan,* tuan-ku* etc. ,

or strand of a rope) Imbar. Yesterday (yes'ter-da), adv. s--

Yaw y.
malam, klmarin* kmarin* The
(yaw), i.
day before yesterday, klmarin
Yawn dhulu, kmarin (B.).
(yawn), s. kuap,^ mrguap Yet (yet), conj. (neyertheless)
(B.) (open wide) igaiga, see

ttapi, dalain itu pun.

Yet, ady. (besides) lagi; (still)
Yclept (i-klepf), p.p. hernama. niaseJi* maseh. .lagi;*
Ye (ye), pron. kamu.''^ (even)
jnga, pun. Not yet, blum, blum
Yea (ya), ady. (yes) ya, sahya, Xeyer yet, blum pernah.
iuanf (not only so, but) hah-
Yew-tree (ii'tre), s. chban* sn-
kan^ tada* (Podocarpus neglectus).
Year (yer), s. ialiun, musim,'^ Yield (yeld), y. t. (produce) kluar-
mnaJi (Ar,). Leap year, tahiin
kan, bri; (give up, surrender)
panjarg, tahun lun (B.) (Ch. srahkan.
lun), tahun kahisat (Ar.). A Yield, V. i. (submit) tundok, srah-
whole year, s-taliun simtok* kan diri, falok (Ar.) ; (assent)
Yearling (yer'ling), s. Mnatarg her- berknan, kabul* (Ar. qabiil) ;,

'uinor s-tahun.
(give way) bri, kasi (B.).
Yearly (-li), adj. s-taliun. Yield, s. hasil (Ar.), perolehan,"''^
Yearly, ady. tahun-tahun, tiap-tiap pndapatan.
tahun, saban tahun (N.I.), 5- Yielding (yekVing), adj. (flexible)
hila^g tahun* Yearly memorial Intor, liui.*
feast, knduri liol* (xVr. iiaul - Yoke (yok), s. (for oxen) kok, kayu
year). lasa;* (of a rudder) tar g an h-
Yearn (yern), y. i. irgin, rindu, mudi; (bond) ikatan; (couple)
rindu-dndam.'^ pasaig.

ate, ask, am, final, care, car, carry; eve, hen, recent, mere, her, ferry; ice, it, fire^
mirror; old, not, connect, sore, sort, sorry; use, us, minus, cure, injure,
hurry; food, foot, awfool (awful): law, how, oil; thin t/iefc.
Yoke, V. t. (oxen) pasaty; (join Yuletide (ul'tid), s. hari jadi Al-
to,i;-etlier, couple) jodohkan. mascii, liari jadi Tulian Isa (B.).
Yolk, s. merah tlor.
Yon (yon), adj. = yonder, q. v.
Yonder (yon'der), adv. di situ,
Sana, di sana. Zeal (zC'l), s. usalia (Sk.). rajin,.
Yonder, adj. itu, yarg di situ. ghairat (At.), taat (Ar.Taat).
Yore (yor), adv. Of yore, dhulu Zealot (zeFwt), s. oraiy panas
kala. daruk .

You (u), pron. Icamu.^ ^Yhen used Zealous (-?/s), adj. herusalia (Sk.)^
in the sino-idar, anjl'au, a wale, la rajin, clierkas,* panas darali,^
(B.) (Ch. li), etc., see thou; also ta'at (Ar.).
polite forms of address, incite/ Zebra (ze'hra), s. liemar (Ar.),.
tuari: Chinese) haha, toke,
(to hevtar blaig,* kuda hlarg (B.).
taul'e (B.) (Ch. tlidu-ke) ; (to Zenith s.
(zen'ith), rmhatg.'^
princes) 'lyku, trgku, tuan-ku, k- Zephyr (zei'er), s.
aigin spui.*
bawah duli."^
Zero (zer'o), s. (naught) not (E.),.
Young (yung), adj. muda. nul (1).).
Younger (yung'ger), adj. Iheli
Zest (zest), s. (appetizer) pmbuka
7iafsii, umpan tkak;* (keen enjoy^
Youngest (-gest), adj. hoixjsu. ment) ?'ia,* gerarg (X.I.). To-
'Youngster (-ster), s. hudak. add zest, sdapkan.
Your (ur), pron. pi. kamii,^ -mu,^ Zigzag (zig'zag), adj. heigkarg-^
lu punja (B.) ; (sing.) -mu,'^ anj-
bergkok. bergkak-bergkok (B.)^
kau, ajgkau punja, lu purya (B.),
biatg-biuf,'^ semparg-siur, peri-
etc., see you.
Yours (iirz), pron. argkau punja,
Zig-zag, s. siku-kluarg.'^
tuan-punja, lu punja (B.), etc., Zinc (ziiigk), s. tiniali sari.
see you.
Zodiac (zo'di-rdv), s. The signs of
Yourself (iir-self), pron. diri-mu/^
the zodiac, biniatg dua-blas.
argkau sndiri, kamu sndiri.*
Youth s. k-
Zone (z5n), s. (of the earth) bliagi^
(nth), (youthfulness)
an bumi.*
hudal'-hudak'an,'^ lial hudak;
Zoology s. 'ilm,u^'
(childhood) masa muda,"^ rmaja (zoo-ol'o-ji),

(Sk.) (young man) oranj muda,

truna (Sk.). Zoroastrian (zo'ro-as'tri-rtn), s..

Youthful (uth'fool), adj. muda, oranj Majud (Ar.).

rmaja (Sk.). Zulu (zoo'loo), s. orarg Kapri.

An Introduction to the Lang-uag-e of the Straits-born

Chinese (Baba Malay).

The terms High and Low Mala}', which appear to have origin-
ated with Dutch, have given rise to a great deal of controversy,,
and to some confusion and misunderstanding.
As used in Java and other parts of the Netherlands Indies
the term
meaiis thelanguage of Mala}^ literature, and as the classical
literature of the Malays was written when Malacca and Acheen
were the great centres of Malay power and learning, it is not
surprising to find that the language of Malay literature is the
language which is spoken to-day all along the sea coast on both
sides of the Straits of Malacca, with only this difference, namely
that a few words of foreign origin used in the classical literature
never became assimilated in the spoken language, and therefore
continue to be purely literary words, and are not understood hj the
common people. It is a remarkable fact that the Malay language
in the Straits of Malacca lias remained practically the same for
centuries. The English of the time of Queen Elizabeth is now
almost unintelligible to those wlio have not made the literature of
that time a special study; but the letters written in Malay from the
court of Acheen to Queen Elizabeth and King James I. of England
could to-day be read and thoroughly uiulertood by any 4th standard
1)oy in the Malay vernacular schools of the Straits Settlements.
In the Dutch Indies, however, the only parts where this language
is now spoken are the
IJiouw-Lingga Archipelago and the East
coast of Sumatra lience to the vast majority of Dutch residents

in the East the Malay of the Straits of Malacca is an unknown

tongue, and those who have studied it for the most part know it
only as the language of Malay literature, and look upon it as being
practically a dead language, whereas it is really a very live language-
in those jjarts of the Archipelago where it is spoken.
On the other hand the term
is used in the Xetherlands Indies to describe the language employed
by Europeans, Eurasians, Chinese, and other foreigners in Java
as a common means of communication between themselves and the
Javanese, Sundanese and other inhabitants of that most populous

of all the islands of Malaysia, which contains ])robably more than

three-fourths of the entire population of the Archi])elago. The
immense numerical preponderance of the Javanese and Sundanese
has resulted in the admixture of a very large proportion of the
words of those two languages in the "Low Malay ^' of Java, so
that the Malays of the Straits of Malacca have difficulty in under-
standing it. On the island of Java there are very few people of
the Malay race properly so called, and the " Low Malay '' of Java
is not the spoken
language of the Malays at all, but merely a jargon
concocted by the mixed multitude of various tongues who live
together in that island, and must necessarily have a common lan-
guage as a means of communication. Having been made the
language of the Dutch government. Low Malay is fostered

by the strong arm of the law, newspapers are published in this

bastard dialect, and it promises to be the permanent colloquial
language of the southern part of the Archipelago.
In the British possessions on the Malay Peninsula the linguis-
tic conditions are entirely different. Here the strongest native
race numerically is the Malay, and there is absolutely no other
native language to compete with the Malay language' for the
ascendancy. There are, however, two very distinct dialects of
the Malay language spoken on the Malay Peninsula, namely,
(1) The pure Malay as it is spoken by the Malays among them-
selves, with its peculiarly terse idiom, its grammar of prefixes and
suffixes, and its immensely rich vocabulary of words of pure Malay

origin; and (2) The so-called colloquial Malay of the Settlements,

the common means of communication between Europeans, Chinese,
Tamils, Malays, and all the other nationalities of these great
trading centres, which has comparatively a very small vocabulary,
and makes l)ut little use of those grammatical changes in the form
of words which make the pure Malay language so ex])ressive.
Of these two dialects we will first deal with


As already stated aliove in our remarks on what the Dutch call

Higli Malay,'' the spoken language of the Peninsula Malays is
in fact the language of Malay literature, and has undergone prac-
tically no change whatever in the past three centuries. This is
due very largely to the fact that the Malays hold themselves almost
<mtirely aloof from the peoples of other races who come here to
trade and to develop the natural resources of the country, leaving
tlie heavy manual labour of the mines and ])lantations, and all
the wholesale and retail trade to be done by the Chinese. The
only imi)ortant changes which have taken place in the spoken lan-
guage of the Malays in the past 300 years appear to have been
through the addition of those Arabic words required to express
the religious ideas which have come to them through the teachings
of Mohammedanism. Even when the Malays are in the closest i^ro-

ximity to the busy life of our great trade centres their speech is
only very sliglitly affected, so little do they come in contact with
people of other nationalities; hence it comes that the Malay lan-
guage is spoken with practically the same purity at Telok Blanga,
or in any of the other outlying villages of Singapore as it is in the
villages of the interior of Malacca or Johore. Those wh have
dealings with the Malays, and desire to speak their language
correctly, as they themselves speak it, must study Malay literature,
and especially such modern works as the writings of the famous
Munshi A})dullah, or the recently published Kiddles written by
Guru Sleiman of the Malay College at Malacca, which are in an
excellent conversational style.
From what has just been said, it is plain that throughout our
British possessions the pure Malay language is the language of the
villages. On the other hand the language of the great Settlements
and large towns and of the markets and shops everywhere, in fact
the business language of the Malay Peninsula, is

that is to say, Malay as it is spoken by the Malay-speaking Chinese.

This is quite a distinct dialect, the prevailing characteristic of

which is its tendency to follow the Chinese rather than the Malay
idiom. It is true that the number of Chinese words which have
become assimilated with this dialect is not very large, and that
many words have been borrowed from English, Portuguese, Dutch
and Tamil, and from other neighbouring tongues, but it is rightly
called Baba Malay," for it is largely the creation of the Baba
Chinese, and is their mother tongue, so that it belongs to them in
a sense that no other people can or do claim it as their own. In
this respect it differs greatly from the so-called Low Malay " of
Java, for though those Chinese who are born and live in the Dutch
Indies all speak that language, yet they have not by any means had
the strongest influence in its formation, for Low Malay " has a
very much stronger affinity with Javanese and Sundanese than it
has with Chinese, and has not been so much affected by the Chinese
idiom as the Baba Malay of the Malay Peninsula, the Chinese in
the Dutch Indies having always been few in number as compared
with the natives of the country. In the British Settlements, on
the other hand, the Chinese have always had a commanding in-
fluence in all business affairs, and in a proportionate degree have
left their impress upon the language in which the business of the
Settlements has always been transacted, and in which it will pro-
bably continue to be carried on long after the present generation
has passed away. The fact that Baba Malay is now, and is likely
to be for an indefinite period, the business language of Singapore,
Penang, and the Federated Malay States, would in itself be a
sufficient reason why it should be studied as a distinct dialect; but
a still more weighty reason is found in the fact that it is the

mother- tongue of the majority of the Chinese women and children

in the Straits Settlements, and of a considerable and increasing
number in the Federated Malay States. It is the language of the
homes of the Straits-born Chinese the most highly educated and
the most influential section of the Chinese community in the
British possessions, and therefore it is the language in which the
women and children of tliis important class can most readily and
most successfully be educated. The pure Malay language, as the
Malays themselves speak it, the Babas will never learn, for they
despise it, calling it Malayu liutan tlie language of the jungle.
Their dialect Baba Malay they look upon as the language of
the refined and wealthy class of Malay-speaking Chinese. That
being the case it is hopeless to try and force upon them what others
consider to be Classical Malay/' however much superior it may
be from the view-point of the scholar and the historian. Baba
Malay is the language of the man of the street; it is a strong and
virile tongue, more easily acquired than the pure Malay, and

sufficiently expressive for all ordinary purposes; moreover it has

a remarkable capacity for borrowing and assimilating such words
as it needs from other languages. It is sure to live. When the
principles of its grammatical construction are better understood,
when those who speak it are able also to read and write it correct-
ly, and when it has a literature of its own, Baba Malay will prove
itself to be an adequate medium for conveying thought and for

imparting instruction.


Malacca, being the oldest foreign settlement in Malaysia, is

the most favourable place to study the history of Chinese immi-
gration to this part of the world, and the origin of the dialect
which they now speak. It is now nearly 400 years since Europeans
first made
their appearance at Malacca, but the Chinese were there
some time before that. Bukit China, the burial ground of the
Chinese from time immemorial, was so called before the time
when the Malay history " Sjarah Malayu " was written, which is
more than 300 years ago. The first immigrants were probably
from Amoy, for nearly all the words of Chinese origin w^hich
Iiave come into the Malay language approach more closely to the
sounds of Hok-kien than to those of any other dialect, and the
Babas of all the old families claim to be Hok-kiens. There is
also very little doubt that the Chinese who came to this part of
the world in the early days were exclusively males, that they
married Malay women, but brought up their children as Chinese.
Even to the present day the marriage customs of the Baba Chinese
approximate more closely to those of the Malays than to those
of the natives of China, but intermarriage between the Babas and
the Malavs has entirely ceased, and probably for hundreds of years
past the Babas have married exclusively amongst their own people.

'The Baba communit}', lioAvever, is still growing by the same pro-

cess which must have been going on for centuries, something after
the following manner: An immigrant comes from China, and
as soon as he has saved up enough money he opens a small shop
in a Malay village, where he soon learns to make himself understood
in the Malay language. When he is able to support a wife, he looks
out for a girl from some of the poorer Baba families, or perhaps
a daughter of one of the numerous concubines to be found in the
homes of the wealthy. Baba women of this class are to be found
to-day in all the villages of Malacca, married to small shopkeepers,
who were born in China, and S2)eak Malay very imperfectly; their
-children, however, are Babas pure and simple, and in many cases
know nothing whatever of the Chinese language. They have
learnt the Malay language from their mothei's, and from constant
association with Malay children in the village where they live;
in fact they know much more Malay tlian they are generally given
credit for, Xevertheless there is a marked difference between
the Malay spoken ])y these Chinese children and that si:)oken by
the Malay children with whom they seem to mix so freely; but
this is of course easily accounted for by the influence of the
Chinese parent upon the language spoken by their children, for
however intimately the children of different nationalities may be
thrown together in their games, the language of the home must
necessarily have the strongest influence upon them. As time went
by and the Babas became more numerous, they would begin to form
a community by themselves and would not come so much into
contact with the Malays; this would ])e especially the case in the
town of Malacca rather than in the villages, in fact it is noticeable
even at the present day that the Babas in the villages speak much
more like the Malays themselves than those who live in the town.
As the Babas in tlie town ceased to associate with the Malays, their
peculiarities of idiom w^ould tend to become fixed, and their speech
would be influenced less and less by the Malay standards of pro-
nunciation, grammar or the use of w^ords. The Malays have had
a literature of their own for hundreds of years, and a considerable
proportion of the population have been able to read and WTite for
probal)ly at least 300 years, and their literature has undoubtedly
tended to maintain the purity of their spoken language; the Babas
on the other hand have never learned to read and write Malay,
hence their knowledge of the language has always been purely
colloquial, and therefore the more liable to be corrupted.
The differences between the Malay language as spoken by the
Babas and the colloquial language of the Malays themselves are
principally as follows: (1) They have introduced a number of
words of Chinese origin most of which are wholly unknown to the
Malays; (2) They are entirely unacquainted with a large number
of Malay words which are in common use among the Malays them-
selves; (3) They mispronounce many Malay words, and in some

cases have altered the pronunciation so much that the word is al-
most unrecognisahle and (-t) to a great extent they use the Chinese

idiom rather than the Malay, putting their sentences together in

a way which is quite different from the colloquial language of the-
Malays. We will consider these different points one by one.
1. Words of Chinese origin.

In dealing with the question of the Chinese words used by the-

Babas it must first be remarked that their pronunciation of such
words is Malay rather than Chinese. The Hok-kien Chinese in*
the pronunciation of their words use seven very clearly defined
tones/' and the meaning of a word depends entirely upon the
tone of voice in which it is pronounced. Of the use of these
tones the Babas for the most part know absolutely nothing, and
rfthey ever pronounce a Chinese word correctly as far as the tone-
isconcerned, it is by accident rather than by design. I am refer-
ring of course to those Chinese words which have become in-
corporated with the Baba Malay language ; many of the Babas can
speak Hok-kien Chinese with some fluency, and when doing so-
must of necessity use the tones, though usually very imperfectly,
yet when speaking Malay they use Chinese words without attempt-
ing to give the correct tones, and in some cases Chinese words have-
been so much corrupted that it is difficult to recognise their deriv-
ation. This we will illustrate later on.
The Chinese Avords which are most frequently used in Baba
Malay are undoubtedly the pronouns goa, "I,'' and lu, "you.*'"
In speaking amongst themselves the Babas never use the Malay pro-
nouns aku and aigkau, but curiously enough for the pronouns of
the 3rd person singular and 1st person plural they invariably use
the Malay dia and kifa, and never use the Chinese equivalents.
It is well known that in polite conversation the Malays avoid the
use of pronouns as far as possible, whereas the Chinese use pro-
nouns with much greater freedom; in this respect the Babas con-
form to Malay usage. Children would never think of using the
pronoun lu to their parents, and in conversation with their seniors
the greatest care is taken to use the proper form of address, so that
all the little children know the proper titles to be given to all
their relations; it is a remarkable thing, however, that these-
relationships are expressed by Chinese and not by Malay words,
exceptions to this rule being the words for mother (male) and
younger brother or sister (adeh) and elder brother (abarg). The-
Chinese words for the various relationships have in most cases
the prefix rg which is used by the Chinese in addressing relatives,
but this is corrupted sometimes to n and m
by the Babas for in- :

stance for father the Babas do not use the ordinary Hok-kien word
pe or Im-pe, but the more unusual word tia-tia in the form 'ntia',
for grandfather, Icorg has become 'rglcory; elder sister, ioa-chi has
become iaclii; father's elder brother, peli, is 'mpek; father's younger

brother, chel'j is 'nchel-; sister's husband, cliid-hu, is chau; and so

Another very large class of words which the Babas have
borrowed from the Chinese language are those relating to household
affairs. The construction of their houses is Chinese in plan rather
than Malay, and they have given Chinese names to the different
parts of the house the front room or hall where the idols are
placed is called the tia^^ (Chinese thid'^) ;
the centre court open
to the sky is chimche {cliliim-cliV^) ; the upper floor is loterg (Idu-
terg) ; the inside balcony is laryJcan (Chinese Idrg-kharg, open
space) ; bedroom is paiykeiy {pdiy-kery) the outer balcony open to ;

the sky is la-pe" ( ? Idu-pi'^) ; a lamp is tery or tarylory (teiy-lidry) ;

a carpet or rug is tanak (thdn-d) ; paint is chat (chhat) ; and even
a cockroach is kachuak (ka-tsodh). Kitchen utensils are called by
Malay names, but anything peculiar to the Chinese receives a
Chinese name, as, tea pot, tekuan
(te-kodn) ; soup spoon, try si
(thry-si) ; chopsticks however are known as
kettle, teko (te-ko-) ;

miinpit, presumably a corruption of the Malay spit; the table at

wliich they eat their meals is invariably known hy the Chinese name
toh: to cook by steaming is known by the Chinese name tim (tlm),
but Malay words are used for all other cooking operations; many
kinds of food are known by Cliinese names, such as, hami (hah-ml),
tauyu (tdu-id), kiamcliai {kidm-clilidi) , kucliai (ku-chlidi), pe-
chai (peh-chhdi) , chaipo (chhdi-p6'), kiieli chary (k'e-chdry), kueh
tiaii (ke-tidu), etc. Several articles of clothing have names of
Chinese origin, that which is most familiar being of course the
queue, tauchanj {thdii-tsary) also we have Chinese mourning,

toaha (tod-hd) ; a child's binder, oto {io-Ur) ; a man's purse, opau

(io-paii) ; a woman's purse, kotoa (kJiO'-tod) ; stockings, boek
{hell) to adorn one's self, chiykan diri (isry) ; and we might here

mention the flat-iron, utau (ut-tdu).

might be expected, nearly everything connected with the

religious ceremonies of the Babas is known by names of Chinese

origin: the Chinese temple is bio (bid), the Buddhist priest is hoe-
sio (he-sill'^) ;
the idol is topekoiy (tda-peh-koiy), sio-hio {sio-liiu'^)
is to burn incense, kui {kid) is to kneel, and teyan {toe-ien) is to

give a subscription.
Business affairs, medicine, and games (gaml)ling) also con-
tribue a number of words of Chinese origin, such as, korysi {korg-
si) association or company, taiike {thdu-ke) head of a firm, jiho
(ji-Jw) shop sign; koyok {ko-idh) plaster, po'ho {poh-hd) pepper-
mint, peA'rt^ {poeh-kak-hiu^^) amseed, seTyse {sien-si'^) teacher; and
the following games, pakau { pliah-kdu) , susek (su-sek), chki {chit-
ki)y kail {kau), tan {tan), etc.
The Babas also used a good many words of Chinese origin to
express abstract ideas, but not always to express the same meaning
that the word conveys to the Hok-kien Chinese. For instance,
for ungrateful the Babas use bo-jin-chery {bd-jln-chety), for a

sarcastic or ironical remark they use siaupi {sau-phi), to be satis-

fied kmn-guan {Ixam-guan) nice, liomia (ho-mid), etc.

It should be remembered that for nearly all the ideas and

objects mentioned above the Malays have their own proper words,,
whicli they would use among themselves. Those Malays who come
frequently into contact with the Chinese are of course well ac-
quainted with such words as goa and hi, loteig, telcnan, Icucliai,
and so forth, but with many of the words of
pecliai, toalm, taiikeh,
Chinese origin given above even the Malays in the town of Malacca
are quite unfamiliar. Similarly the Babas are utterly unacquaint-
ed with the Malay equivalents of nearly all these words.

2. Malay irords which are nnl'nown to the Bahas.

From what has been said above it is evident that the Babas are
unfamiliar with those Malay words of which they are accustomed
to use the Chinese equivalents, but there are also a large number of
other words in common use among the Malays of which the Babas
are entirely ignorant. It is of course well known in European
countries that those who cannot read their own language use but
a very small number of words in ordinary conversation; we can
only hope to acquire a large vocabulary in our own language by
constant reading. With few exceptions the Babas read absolutely
nothing in the Malay language, and consequently their knowledge-
of Malay words is very limited. The Malay language is rich in
synonyms, and has words to express the finest shades of meaning;,
but where a number of words have somewhat similar meanings,,
the Baba uses only one or two to express them all. For instance,.
for looking and seeing the Malays use the words lihat, pandarg,
tergok, nampali, tarn pal', trgadah, mnoleh, tileh, heleh, etc.; but
the Babas hardly ever use any of these except teigoh and nampa'k,
and occasionally lihat and panda rg. Similarly they make the one
word taroh serve the purpose where the Malays use taroh, huhoh
and Itak; and the word arg'kat is used by them where the Malays-
would say pikul, helek, tatarg, kando^g, kendoig, junjorg, dokorg.
Many of the Ba1)as would know some of these words if they heard
a Malay use them, but they for the most part do not know the
exact shades of meaning which they express, and consequently they
do not attempt to use them. Where the Malays use two words of
somewhat similar meaning, the Babas generally use one to the
entire exclusion of the other, for instance they use lerjumpa and
not hertmn, tuarg and not churali, pegarg (for pgaig) and not
chapai, tigkar and not hantah, spah and not tarn par, hosorg and
not hampa, panas and not hargat. Of the formation of derived
words from roots l)y means of prefixes and suffixes the Babas as
a rule know nothing whatever: in many cases however they use
derived words, but do not seem to understand their connection with
the root word: as for instance the word pnjapii, broom, is w^ell
known, but they would not understand its connection with sapu^

to sweep, and if one should use the form mnjapu they would pro-
bably not know what was meant. In some cases they nse only the
derived form, and do not know the root at all: mnarigis, to weep,
and mnari to dance, are of course in common use, but the root
words targis and tari are utterly unknown. On the other hand if
a Baba knows the root word it does not at all follow that he
will understand the derivative, he knows suroli, but knows nothing
about piyuroh :
tiuggu he uses, but pnurggu is practically un-
known. All the prefixes and suffixes are used by the Babas in
connection with certain words, but not with others, in fact they use
them without knowing why or how they should be used. The
suffix i, however, which forms transitive verbs, is practically never
used, and in the one word midai in which they do use it, they have
no idea that they have a derivative from the well-known word
mula, for they pronounce it simply mulai, and then go so far as
to make it a transitive verb over again by adding the other similar
suffix -l^an, making the extraordinary combination miilaikan. In
the same way the Bahas make other derivatives of their own manu-
facture which are never used by the Malays, and sound to them
exceedingly barbarous; for instance I have actually seen in print
such forms as hherselian, hliariikan for hharui, 7nmhikinkan, etc.
Even some of the simple prepositions are never used by the Babas :

instead of k-, to a place, they always use di, which properly means
" ''
and drgan, with, is very little
at ;
hagi, for, is almost unknown,
used, sama l)eing made to do duty
where the Malays use dtyan,
pada and even akcui. Such words as are used in the polite
phraseology of the Malays are never used by the Babas, and few
of them would even know the meaning of such words if they were
to hear them I refer particularly to such words as honda, adinda,

kakanda, which the Malays of all classes use in their private cor-
respondence, and also the form of address to persons of superior
rank, and pronouns used by inferiors to superiors, the various
words for speaking, such as, firman of God, titcdi of a king, sahda
of a ])rophet or person of high rank, kata of equals, smhah of in-
feriors addressing a royal person. This whole system of phrase-
ology is practically unknown to the Babas, and so is also the great
bulk of the religious phraseology of the Malays. It is however
unnecessary to go further in these matters, for enough has been
said to show very plainly how much of the Malay language is a
sealed Ijook to the Babas.

3. Malay words mispronounced hy the Babas.

The Babas have no difficulty in pronouncing every letter in

the Malay language. In this respect they are entirely different
from the immigrant Chinese, who find it utterly impossible to
sound the letter r or d, and who always change final s into t, and
make sundry other changes to suit their own peculiarities of speech.
The Babas mispronounce Malay words either because they find

their own way easier, or because they think it more elegant. They
have no difficulty in sounding the letters b and I, but instead of
amhil they say ambek or even amek, and for tinjgal one sometimes
hears tiiygek. Final ai is always toned doAvn to e and an to o, as
sujye and pulo for siuyai and pulaii. Final li is never sounded
at all, so that rumah becomes ruma, bodoh is bodo, and boleh is
6o?c; thus they make no distinction between the sound of final ai
and eh, both being e to the Baba. On the other liand final a is
generally sounded as ak, and sometimes final i becomes ik thus :

instead of bapa, baiva and pnla, we have bapak, bawak and pulak.
These corruptions of the sounds of the final letters cause a great
deal of confusion in some words; for instance the Babas always
pronounce cltari as charik or cliarek, and have no idea that this is
quite a diiferent word, and means to tear; there is also a similar
confusion between bawa, to bring, and bawah, below. The Babas
also frequently drop the h in the middle of a word, as baru for
bharu, saja for sahaja, saya for saliya; and they have a slight
tendency to drop the h at the beginning of a word, as in the words
hati, lianjut, etc. The Malays sometimes fail to sound initial h,
but they never fail to sound the final li, and sometimes go so far as
to carry the li over to the beginning of the next word, as rumah
horaiy, tlah hada, etc. Other corruptions can hardly be class-
ified, so it is best to give a few examples at random, for instance,
bergitu for bgitu, ktaiva for tertawa, rti for arti, kreja for kerja,
piara for plihara, pegaty for pgarg, sumpit for spit (chopsticks),
mnimpi for mirnpi, kmantin for prgantin, smonjek for smburyi.
Words of x\ral)ic origin are generally corrupted more than pure
Malay words, for example, peda for fa'idah, j-er'ki for rzki, akerat
for dkhirat.

4. The Baba idiom is Chinese rather than Malay.

Perhaps the most striking peculiarity in the way that the

Babas make up their sentences is the very frequent use of the pos-
sessive particle purya, which they use precisely as the Hok-kiens
use the particle e; but purya being a longer word is much more
cumbersome, and produces awkward sentences, thus, Dia purya
mak-bapa ada dudok makan di sblah purya meja." Such phrases
'' "
as tiga bulan puiya lama," sperti macliam itu purya kreta,"^
are in constant use, and sound ludicrous to a Malay. These senten-
ces are all taken from the writings of the Babas themselves. Here
is another typical sentence, Ini macham puiya orarg fikir apa
yarg baryak salah ta'patut buat, dan apa yarg sdikit salah bolehl
buat. Apa "punja bodoh satu fikiran inif The redundency of
the puiya is not, however, the only peculiarity of this sentence,
the writer of which, though he is unable to speak Chinese, has
given us a very close approximation to the Chinese idiom, and the
whole sentence is absolutely unlike anything that a Malay would
say. In the first place such expressions as ini macham and apa

yarg are never used by Malays ;

instead of ini viacham pun/a orarg
fikir, a Malay would say pada fikiran oraiy yaiy dmkian; and
instead of apa yaty hatyak salali, a Malay would say ksalahan yarg
hsar; a Malay would probably say the whole sentence somewhat
as follows: Pada fihiran orarg yarg dmkian, ksalahan yarn hsar
tiada patut di-perhuat, dan ksalahan yarg sdikit holeh di-perbuat.
The last clause '\ipa purya bodoh satu fikiran inif" is even more
utterh^ foreign to Malay idiom. It will be noticed that in the
above sentence as reconstructed in the Malay idiom, the passive form
di-perhuat is used; the Malays of course make a great deal of use of
this construction both in writing and in conversation, but the
Babas hardly ever use it at all. Another peculiarity is that the
Babas almost always make the adjectival pronouns itu and ini,
that and this, precede the noun which they qualify instead of
following it, as it should be according to Malay idiom. Again the
Babas use the verb " to be " quite differently from the Malays ;
take such sentences as, ''Ini ada htiil salali;" "ini macham piuya
orarg yanj hodoh no Malay would ever use ada in such a connec-
tion at all. They also follow the English idiom of placing the
^' '' ''
verb to be at the end of a sentence, thus, hrapa chantek dia-
orarg ada," how beautiful they are." Another Chinese idiom is
" " "
the use of dataig for here or hither," as the Chinese use Idi,
as, ''knapa fada hawa dia datargf. and Kalau lu jalan datarg/'
P "
email is used in the sense at some time," as opposed to tamper-
nah, "never," in the same way that the Hok-kiens used hat and
m-hat, as, kiida yarg sudah pernah taiggorg seksa," " a horse
w^hich has suffered at some time ;
" " kuda
yarg sudah pernah ja-
ioh/' "a horse which at some time has fallen;" these quotations
are from the translation of "Black Beauty" by Mr. Goh Hood
Keng, who speaks very little Chinese. The following may also be
given as examples of phrases which are distinctly Chinese Di-
piarakan sampai mnjadi orarg," "taken care of until he grew
" " "
up = Chinese chia'^-ldrg; orarg yaig kna dia pukol," the man
who was beaten by him " - ho' i phah.
The list of words on the following pages, though not by any
means complete, will be useful for reference.
Being principally corruptions of Malay and Chinese words.


Baba. Chinese. Malay. English,

Hio-soa hiu"-soa incense stick
Hoe-sio he-siu Bhuddist priest
Homia ho-mia fortunate, nice
Hu, kertas hu hii magical charm, amulet
Hun ]iun one-tenth of an inch
Jamut lyamok mosquito
Jiho ji-li5 sign over the door
Jerki rzki food
Jijit ejek tease
Jong JlOIg velvet
Jose Jiau"-se shiny silk (crape)
Jiista dusta false
Ivachuak kji-tsoah cockroach
Ivalot ka-liit (?) reprove
Kamguan kam-goan willing
Kau kan a game
Kaiiclu malicious
Kek-ki kek-khi irritate
Kek-sim kek-sim broken-hearted
Kiam-chai kiam-chhai salt vegetables
Kiam-siap kiam-siap niggardly
Kiasai. sin-kia"-sai bridegroom
Kichiak khit-chiah beggar
Kimpo kim-po wite of maternal grand-
mother's brother
Kimpocho kim-po-tso* ancestors of above
Kioighi kioi]>:-hi congratulations
Kitaig ki-taig (?) tea cup
Kmantin pigantin 1)ride or bridegroom
Ko ko- father's sister
Komba (Port.) dove
Ivoigsi koi^-si company, firm
Kopo ko--p6 great paternal aunt
Kotoa kh6*-toa woman's purse
Koyok ko-ioh medicinal plaster
Ksiat khasiat ])0wer, virtue
Ksian kasehan pity
Ivuchai kii-clihai leeks
Kueh tiau ke-tian vermicelli
Kiieh chaig ke-tsaig rice in bamboo leaves
Kui kui to kneel
Kiili po kn-li-p6 female sen^ant
Kuntau kun-thau boxing
Knpiig tliiga ear
Kusin ku-sin aphis
Lanchak anchak offerings to spirit
I^i]zkan laiTZ-khaig space round chimche
L^pe'^ lau-pi terrace roof



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