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Is presented to:

Elias Buscano Sr. High School in Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Research 2

Angela Marie Villanueva Omas-as
Brayan Miego Garingo

The researcher wishes to express her gratitude and sincere appreciation to the people

who have helped in the realization of this study.

The researcher wishes to express her sincerest thanks and gratitude to her adviser, Mr.

Roldan A. Carpisano, RSW,LPT, for his inexhaustible support in guiding, directing,

reviewing and checking the researcher's work.

To his family, for their love, prayer, and for being an inspiration of the researcher.

To all friends, for strongly believing in the researchers’ capability.

And to this unmentioned’ persons who have helped her in one way or another, her

sincerest thanks and gratitude.

Above all, to our Almighty God for giving her wisdom, protection, courage and good

health for making all things possible to overcome the obstacle to successfully finish this

most challenging endeavour.


The title of the existing topic is “The Effects of Stress on Academic Performance at

Grade 7”. The important motives of this study are to explore the stress impact on the

students’ academic performance. Stress has a key role in student’s academic

performance. This study was to focus on the negative effects of stress on academic

performance of students. The purposes of the study were to investigate; firstly, the type

of stress linked with students’ performance; secondly, to evaluate the effects of stress

on academic performance of both gender students. To achieve the above-mentioned

objectives of the study, the researcher can suggest a reasonable solution for the effects

of stress on academic performance. The data collected for this topic, has been gathered

from all the Grade 7..

Title Page i
Acknowledgement ii
Abstract iii
Table of contents iiii

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 3
Significance of the Study 4
Scope and Delimitation of the Study 5
Definition of Terms 6
Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature 7
Chapter 3 Methodology 10
Research Methodology 10
Respondents of the Study 10
Chapter 4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data 11
Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations 12
Summary 12
Conclusions 13
Recommendations 14


Background of the Study

Stress is a main source of problems being faced by the students during their

academic carrier when they are struggling to get the academic achievements for their

future life. Academic pressure is one of the factors that cause failure among the

students. Stress is the response of mental and action through hormonal signaling, the

perception of danger sets off an automatic response system, known as the fight or flight

response. Commonly stress refers to two things, the psychological perception of

pressure, on the one hand, and the body’s response to it, on the other, which involves

multiple systems, from breakdown to muscles to memory. Stress is a lot of expectation

from self. Stress is the feeling of strain and pressure. Stress is the threating feeling

(Cohen et al., 2001).

Psychological stress occurs when an individual perceives that environmental demands

duty or exceed his or her adaptive capacity. Stress generate psychological disorders

that may arise as downstream (Jex, 2001). Many different things can cause physical

stress, such as fear of something dangerous or emotional, such as concern about your

family or work and a poor outcome in the study. This is a reaction to things around you

that cause stress (Manuel et al., 2003). It is important to note that stress can have both

negative and positive impact on students. Most psychologists assert that moderate

stress motives individuals to achieve and fuels creativity, although stress may hinder

individuals from performance on the difficult task. (Nelson & Simmons 2003). Stress
impact on the emotional and physical behavior of persons. It is perceived as events or

situations that reason individuals to feel tension, pressure, or negative emotions

(Bernstein et al., 2008).

Academic performance is the educational aim that is achieved by a student, teacher or

institution achieves over a specific time. The academic performance of students heavily

depends upon the parental involvement their academic activities to attain the higher

level of quality in academic success. The students are quite emotional especially

females. They are take stress in everything at school level. A lot of factor that influence

in their study like present pressure, teacher’s attitude towards their study, home

strictness, future and job tensions (Hussain et al., 2012).


The study will focus on the factors on the effects of stress on academic performance of

the Grade 7 learners at Elias Buscano Sr. High School.

Specifically, this would attempt to find answer to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of?

A. Name

B. Age

C. Gender

2. What are the factors for student's stress?

3.How can stress affect the students' academic performance?


This study will be conducted in Grade 7 to find out the Effects of Stress on Academic

Performance in Elias Buscano Sr. High School and they will know the negative effects

in their academic performance. In this study the students can be aware on things that

depression can do to them base on their academic performance. This research would

also be beneficial to teachers and administrators because they will be able to

understand the changes of the behavior perception in life and academic performances

of the students that were engaged to stress. They can easily cope up to the student

attitude. This research would be help to the parents because they can know the effects

of stress to their child. This research would be beneficial to the future researcher

because they can get some information that might needed in their research and some of

their question may possibly be answered by this research.


The main purpose of the study is to provide information regarding stress on academic

performance of the students and how being a good students affect their studies. The

study considers the effects on academic performance such as their actions, works, and


The researchers limited the study to 20 students in Grade 7 enrolled in the school year

2019-2020 of Elias Buscano Sr. High School. Each of the students will be given a

questionnaire to answer.

In order to assure manageability of the collected data, the questionnaire only included

checklist questions and did not include open-ended response items.

The researchers included additional interview questions to clear the details and data

that will be collect. The researcher will also have a follow up questions for those

To state clearly the terms and source of words that had been used, they are
define as follows:
Academic. A member of an institution of learning, a person who is academic in
background, outlook, or methods.
Anxiety. Fear or nervousness about what might happen.

Anxious. Afraid or nervous especially about what may happen, feeling anxiety.

Performance Level. It means the average grade of the said learners and

academic achievements.

Personality. The set of emotional qualities, ways of behaving etc., that makes a

person different from other people.



Ashcraft and Kirk (2001) shows that students with high stress tend to be slower

and more considerate in their action of various aspects of specialized purposes. For

example, these persons give the impression to have particular difficulty with the

carryover role. With the connection between this function and work memory, scientists

have imagined that the extra stress present in highly nervous subjects probably

withdraws resources that can then be used in work memory for activation and rehearsal

as needed for the carrying operation. Although it has been challenged that high stress

individuals may simply be less qualified to be subject to inability and not stress different

studies have given an indication that professional competence is not satisfactory to

explain the phenomena. Instead, it has directed our sympathetic towards resource

reduction models. Specifically, it has been said that concern and disturbing thoughts

compete for the limited pool of resources.

Academic achievement as demonstrated using scores on tests has the end of the years

been used to determine the competence of a student their classroom. The total mark in

the course is a measure of a student’s average academic performance across the

courses being offered in any given class. This research points out it incorporates all the

learning outcomes expected of a student in his/her courses. The outcomes in subjects

or mark is a more generally used measure of academic success. Thus allows it to be

compared with other studies where measurement of academic achievement is one of

the study variables. The output of any course of study reflects the success in academic

performance. Learning process depends on the learning and experiencing for academic

achievement (McKenzie et al., 2004).

According to Bandura (2001) it is possible to learn an assignment and yet perform

poorly in it. Academic success impact on the students because when you get success

in their academic achievements then students feel relax and full confidence in their

study. Other factors, other than the learning process and suffering have the potential of

influencing academic performance on tasks. According to Tepas and Price (2001),

stress can be viewed as, an agent, circumstance, situation, or variable that disturbs the

normal functioning of the individual. Stress is also understood as an effect that is the

troubled state itself. This branching of meaning is doubtfully the most fundamental

source of the confusion surrounding the stress concept. The stress reaction can only

arise if the person perceives the circumstance or assignments as a stressor. Various

demands or stimuli may be referred to as a stressor and may be emotionally or

psychological in nature. Individuals perceive events differently, and the same event

may cause different stress responses from different people.

Academic performance is the educational aim that is achieved by a student, teacher or

institution achieves over a specific time. Academic performance depends on the school,

teacher and staff management. This is measured either by examinations or continuous

assessments and the goal may differ from an individual or institution to another.

Especially teachers play the main role in the academic achievement. Academic
achievement is a period used in school when a student does well in academic’s

performance. Academic performance is the successes which demand from parent’s

family and friends. They achieve or do well in an area of the school and do well in their

studies. Academic performance is not only degree it is the identification of any


Stress is typically defined in two categories, short-term and long term. Stress is

experienced for a short period of time and is usually caused by a traumatic event.

Acute stress is sometimes considered as beneficial and can create motivation. Its study

further provides an example where a student is approaching a deadline, which is

causing the student stress. The stress that is caused due to this deadline is considered

good because it is temporary and hence helps the student to focus and complete their

task before the given time. A student being stressed during an examination is a very

common depiction. Some of the symptoms by which stress is identified include a

headache, shortness of breath, and dizziness. (Seki et al., 2002).



This chapter presents the discussion on the research methodology of the study.

The subjects, sampling technique, research instruments, procedure of the data

gathering that will be used for accurate data analysis and interpretation.

Research Methodology

The study was descriptive in nature. Descriptive research is concerned with how what

or what exists to some preceding event that has influenced or affected a present

condition or event. In this study, data was collected through questionnaires by using

survey method in order to measure and describe the general features of the aspect.


The researchers selected 20 respondents. The respondents from Grade 7



This chapter presented, analyzed and interpreted of data gathered in this study.


F % F %

I cannot get the money I 8 40% 12 60%

need to pay for school.

I do not have the money to 11 55% 9 45%

pay basic expenses.

My parents control how 12 60% 8 40%

much money I spend.

I have trouble managing a 13 65% 7 35%

I have no friends. 0 0% 20 100%

I have trouble meeting a 3 15% 17 85%

I am fighting with my 12 60% 8 40%

A family member/friend has 10 50% 10 50%

been sick or died.

I find it hard to express my 10 50% 10 50%

I am lonely, I miss my 11 55% 9 45%

We conducted a survey on the class of Grade seven, the number of our

respondents is 20, this is the result or percentage of our Research Topic, 8 out of 20

(40%) students said that they cannot get the money they need to pay for school, 12 out

of 20 (60%) students said that they can get the money they need to pay for school, 11

out of 20 (55%) students said that they didn’t have the money to pay basic expenses, 9

out of 20 (45%) students said that they have the money to pay basic expenses, 12 out

of 20 (60%) students said that their parents control how much money they spend, 8 out

of 20 (40%) students said that their parents can’t control how much money they spend,

13 out of 20 (60%) students said that they have trouble managing a budget, 7 out of 20

(35%) students said that they are not having a trouble managing a budget, 0 out of 20

(0%) students said that they have no friends, 20 out of 20 (100%) students said that

they have a friends, 3 out of 20 (15%) said that they have trouble meeting a

boyfriend/girlfriend, 17 out of 20 (85%) students said that they are not having a trouble

meeting of boyfriend/ girlfriend , 12 out of 20 ( 60%) students said that they fighting with

their partner/parents/friends, 8 out of 20 (40%) said that they are not fighting with their

partner/parents/friends, 10 out of 20 (50%) students said that their family member/friend

has been sick or died, 10 out of 20 (50%) students said that their family member/friend

are not sick or died, 10 out of 20 (50%) students said that they find it hard to express

their feelings, 10 out of 20 (50%) students said that they not find it hard to express their

feelings, 11 out of 20 (55%) students said that they are lonely and they miss their

family/friends, 9 out of 20 (45%) students said that they are not lonely, and miss their

Summary of Findings
This study aimed to determine The Effects of Academic Stress Performance
Below are the summary of findings:

1. Most of the respondents has the following: cannot get the money they need to pay for

school (40%), can get the money they need to pay for school (60%).

2. Didn't have the money to pay basic expenses (55%), have the money to pay basic

expenses (45%).

3.Their parents control how much money they spend (60%), their parents can't control

how much money they spend (40%).

4. Have trouble managing a budget (65%), not having a trouble managing a budget


5.Have no friends (0%), have a friends (100%).

6.Have trouble meeting a boyfriend/girlfriend (15%, not having a trouble meeting of

boyfriend/girlfriend (85%).

7. Fighting with their partner/parents/friends (60%), not fighting with their

partner/parents/friends 40%).

8. Their family member/friend has been sick or died (50%), their family member/friend

not sick or died (50%).

9. They find it hard to express their feelings (50%), they not find it hard to express their

feelings (50%).

10. They are lonely and they miss their family/friends (55%), they are not lonely and

miss their family/friends (45%).


Based on the findings in this study, the following conclusions drawn here:

Grade 7 students’ academic performance is affected by the stress mainly by the

main source as identified in this study, including financial support. By identifying these
main factors, which lead to stress among to the performance of the students. This

research was conducted to study the effect of academic stress on students’

performance. Academic stress among students has long been a topic of research study

and researchers have recognized different important stressors which include excessive

assignments, unhealthy competition among class students, fear of failure, poor

interpersonal relationships in class or with lectures, and family problems.

Most of the teachers give punishment to the students in a classroom on their

weakness and shortcomings. Majority of teachers do not provide feedback to the

students properly, which may be helpful to overwhelm their weakness and

shortcomings. The teachers should give encouragement to the students and also to

extend personal attention in the classroom. Most of the teachers often fail to clarify the

objective of the lesson during class which creates a great hindrance to understand the

objectives and the same later on put the student under stress at the end.

Most of the students complain that they have no opportunity to meet their teacher in free

time for learning purposes and to understand the true meanings of the lectures

delivered. Most of the students replied that they feel proud and their teachers treat them

equally in the classroom and out of the classroom.


The current research was conducted to identify the impact of stress on students’

academic performance at Grade 7 level. Stress scores equal effect among male and

female students. Findings of this study show that the teacher can plays a vital role in
removing students’ academic stress. To minimize the effect of students’ academic

performance in Grade 7. The teachers should provide good teaching methodologies to

enhance the learning skills and ideas for students. The teacher should provide proper

guidelines about exams and tests. Parent and other family members have key role in

student’ academic performance. The possible gap between teachers and students may

try to cover by calling the parents’ meeting regularly especially once in a month.

In addition, parents should help their children for homework. At home, parents

should check the schoolwork of their children to give an impression to sort-out the

difficulties being faced by them during learning process. Qualified, experienced, well-

behaved and skilled teachers are the main source to guarantee the input of quality of

education. The students must aware of the relevant topics while taking examinations

and tests actively and efficiently. The parents and teachers should play an important

role in a students’ life for setting a realistic role for future practical as domestic life in

order to be successful and well trained personality.


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Name: ______________________

Grade & Section: ___________


1.I cannot get the money I

need to pay for school.

2.I do not have the money

to pay basic expenses.

3.My parents control how

much money I spend.

4.I have trouble managing

a budget.
5.I have no friends.

6.I have trouble meeting a

7.I am fighting with my

8.A family member/friend

has been sick or died.

9.I find it hard to express

my feelings.
10.I am lonely, I miss my

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name : Angela Marie Villanueva Omas-as

Address : Purok San Vicente Barangay Olympog
General Santos City
Birthday : September 30, 2001
Place of Birth : General Santos City
Age : 18
Height : 162
Weight : 42kg.
Religion : Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Parents : Angelito Omas-as & Alma Omas-as
Language Spoken : English , Filipino ( Cebuano, Tagalog )

Educational Background

Secondary Elias Buscano Sr. High School

Purok Balsinang Barangay Olympog General Santos City

Primary A. Biscayda Elementary School

Purok Biscayda Barangay Olympog General Santos City
Learning Insights : The best legacy of student is to keep on expanding his mind
through acquiring the best knowledge and experiences.
Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name : Brayan Miego Garingo

Address : Purok Biscayda Barangay Olympog
General Santos City
Birthday : February 15, 2001
Place of Birth : Lying in Conel
Age : 18
Height : 5’9
Weight : 58kg.
Religion : Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Parents : Marita Garingo & Melvin Garingo
Language Spoken : English , Filipino ( Cebuano, Tagalog )

Educational Background

Secondary Elias Buscano Sr. High School

Purok Balsinang Barangay Olympog General Santos City

Primary A. Biscayda Elementary School

Purok Biscayda Barangay Olympog General Santos City
Learning Insights : The best legacy of student is to keep on expanding his mind
through acquiring the best knowledge and experiences.

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