Green Houses

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Khaki jabar complex institute

Gulkhani (greenhouse) and their economic value

Dear farmers, gardeners and agriculturalists! Flowers or greenhouses are called structures or chambers
covered with plastic or brick to make sunlight usable for the plants and provide the temperature for the
plants to grow. A flower box or greenhouse is designed for the winter season in which you can grow
some vegetables, ornamental plants and fruits. Due to poor weather conditions and in winter, it is not
necessary to grow vegetables or vegetables in the open field, so that it is necessary to soak the flowers
and send them to the market. This way we can increase the yield of the vegetables and guarantee the
transfer of the vegetables to the market or market. As it is seen during the winter, many kinds of
vegetables are brought in from abroad, causing many problems, for example a variety of insects,
diseases and the use of herbs. The seeds are brought to the country with the finest specimens of apple
clay type (small sprouts that form similar to cotton on the apple tree), hairy shrimp and pineapple
shrubs that are common in our country. Not to be seen. As well as bringing in vegetables and other
items from abroad, we are losing a lot of money.

In our country, there are many places where highways and barriers are blocked due to heavy snowfall
during the winter season, such as Nuristan, Bamiyan, Badakhshan and others, for example to the
mentioned provinces. In remote areas, however, it is impossible or expensive to spend on one of our
poorer farmers, whose livelihoods are too low and their incomes on the other side are low. The price
rises and eventually becomes infected with food shortages. So the best way to provide food in such
places is to build cauliflower and train vegetables in them. On the other hand, due to poor weather
conditions, farmers are unemployed and unemployed, and households with agricultural, head and work
income levels are very poor. So from the point of view of above, if the construction of gulkhan is
traditionally, it will provide employment to the farmers on one side and their economy on the other.

Another is that the work of Gulkhan is not that difficult, the disabled of the country, who lost their
organs during the last twenty years of war, can carry on the work of the Gulkhans as well as the women
who lost their husbands (widows) and There is no other way to run a house and the other is that in
Afghan society women cannot go to work outside the home, so in such cases they can set up a garden in
the backyard and for them. Ensure working ground. In addition to transporting vegetables to the
market, it can also meet the needs of families with trained suburbs. Also, training of vegetables and
flowers in the green rooms enhances the economy of the family. It is important to note that searching
the market or market for the vegetables and flowers trained in the greenhouse. If this industry is
traditionally found in our country then the number of Gulkhans will increase and the economy of the
country will be strengthened. Before we talk about Gulkhan structure, we need to know about the value
of Gulkhan.
Benefits of Gardens or Green Rooms:

1. Save the subway from wind, rain and cold.

2. Protect herbs from fungi, bacteria, viruses and nematodes as well as endangered insects and parasitic

3. Flowering can be done before and after the arrival of the crop, as well as the growing of vegetables
and other plants after the passing of the growing season, making it impossible in open air or on the field.

4. By harvesting or consuming less water, we can achieve greater yields, for example, aromatherapy has
shown that in order to obtain 3-4 kilos of romaine in the field, one cubic meter of water is required, but
in the flower pots. By irrigating one cubic meter of water we can get up to 75 kilograms of barren.

5. Training of high quality vegetables, free from diseases and pests.

6. Continually produce and ship vegetables to market.

7. Producing and adding high quality seeds in less time for scientific research.

8. Vegetarian farmers training, especially when their training is not possible on the farm or when we
want to market our produce ahead of time.

9. Achieve greater productivity than minimum land as well as provide employment opportunities for the

10. A good means of earning money for farmers and traders.

Construction of Flowers:
The choice of place for gulkhani in the construction of gulkhans is very important in that gulkhan soil
must be new and suitable for cultivation. Because after the construction of the glaciers, if the soil is
salty, then it is necessary to replace the soil and this will require more cost and is not economical. It also
makes it easier to transport and purchase produce as long as it is close to the road and to the market.
Clean water is not required for gulakhani and it is best not to use contaminated water, which is good for
gulakhani. There are also. Flowers also have structures that cut off shade. The ground floor of the
rhizomes should be slobbed or tilted so that the water and the residue of the fertilizers will go out.
Similarly, the glacier should be set up north and south to receive the sun's rays by early morning and
afternoon, and on the other hand, it is also resistant to wind and rain.

In general, the area of Gulkhan is considered 270 square meters by 4.2 meters height, which is 30
meters in length and 9 meters in width. It is worth noting that this area is subject to change, depending
on the prospect of the farmer or the owner of the garden. After the ground has been selected for
glaciers, provide some materials such as pipes or pipes that are covered with anti-rusting material,
which will increase the life of the pipes. If wood is used then the wood will soon come out and do not
last long and the aluminum material is not used because it is expensive and not economical. The
structure of a flower can have many types, such as teeth, can be made like arrows or in other forms.

Plastic and mattresses are used to cover the shells, as well as metal and wire nets to prevent insects. It
is worth noting that Indari is 94% and plastic is less than 83% transparent against the sun. When the
location was selected, the material was provided, the area was measured and it was determined that
several pillars were needed, then the first line was marked by lime and the second line was made at a
90-degree angle by a wire or a cob. Attention is addressed. And for those pipes that might be used as
pillars, the ground was deep and then the pillars were used to hold the other pipes in place and tighten
them. Similarly, other small pipes continue to be hardened and measured.

When the pillars are stopped and the seams or seams are closed, the plastic is rolled over and tightened
to the pipes in different locations. Glaucoma should be given a lot of attention to its air system, as the
increase in moisture inside the glaciers and the decrease in temperature depend on the humidifier.
There are many different types of gourd in different countries and the possibilities that make it, for
example simple solari green houses, many virtual and advanced green houses and so on.

It is worth noting that the farmers of our country could not, without the possibility, build modern and
modern plants with heating, cooling, ventilation, moisture controller, irrigation, fertilizer and electrical
system. Because on the one hand the tools and machines are not found in our country and other than
that, the construction and work of advanced flowerpots requires skilled people. Given the above points,
the construction of modern and sophisticated florals is impossible in our country. Therefore, it is
important to build a garden that is full of farmers and it is simple, it requires simple equipment and
farmers can come. Sunflowers are used to heat the sun's rays. The daily heat of the glacier depends on
the heat of the sun. The sun's energy, which accumulates inside the cauliflower, enables plants to
continue to thrive in the cold.

Planting of simple cauliflower in areas where puddings, tomatoes and peppers are cultivated, as well as
temperatures where the temperature was between 5 and minus 5, and that could include kohl, spinach,
worm, rosemary, broccoli and Doing more like this is helpful. It is worth noting that the internal
temperature of the glacier varies with the ambient temperature of 3 degrees at night and 25 degrees by
day. When the second plastic cover is extended over one meter across the inside of the vase, the
temperature is doubled (9 degrees Centigrade) overnight.

When frightened by nightfall, a second plastic cover is necessary to use but it is important to remember
that it is best to remove it by day when it is sunny because there is a longer layer underneath it. Cause
to fall. When there is no plastic, we can use other sources of heat, such as electricity and other fuels, for
example oil and wood, but do not forget that the economic value of the material must be taken into
account, such as production. If it is for inquiry then it does not matter but if it is for market or market
then it is not economical and cannot be used.

The following points should be taken into account in the construction of flower pots:

1. Provide more light or light: Light is the most important cause of glaciers and light is very important
for the plants that are grown in vases. Artificial light is used in short days, especially on winter days, as
well as in areas where there is low light. It is important to note that the glacier should be designed to
light it. Similarly, the skylight and cover of the vase should be designed to adequately reach the light
plants. During the summer days, where there is more light than the size, the netting over the cover of
the vase should be fixed to avoid dark light.

2. Heating: Proper heating is essential for plant growth, especially on winter cold and windy days.
Glaucoma covers should be used to reduce heat-induced fatalities, which are sometimes used to cover
two lining. At certain times of the year, especially in the summer season, the temperature of the
cauliflower needs to be reduced so that cooling should be done in such situations. The best fuel for
heating and cooling glaciers is gas.

3. Carbon dioxide preparation: Carbon dioxide is an essential factor in photosynthesis and sugar
formation. Increase in carbon dioxide in flower pots has a positive effect on plant growth, faster growth,
decrease in quantity and quality.
4. Provide sunken blooms: The glacier air is likely to be too wet or too dry; in the case of drying, the air
should be artificially wet and in the case of moisture, the bloom should be reduced.

5. Proper soil use: Light clay should be used in glaciers, ie salt must be fresh. Prior to planting, the soil
of glaciers should be tested to determine its acidity, salinity, as well as the increase and decrease of the
elements and minerals and steps should be taken to improve and replenish it if necessary.

6. Gulkhani Area: Gulkhani area depends on their heating equipment, capital, size, shape and type of
land. The glacier may be constructed in a large area or in a small area, but the important thing is to
consider the environmental conditions (light, sunlight, heat and carbon dioxide).

Dear peasants! It is important to note that some of the disadvantages must be acknowledged when
using Gulkhans, so it is important that you look for them and take appropriate action in time.

1. When exposed to sunlight for three and more days, when exposed to sun, ie heat stored in
sunflowers by sunlight, gradually dissipate, resulting in damaging plants. Or to be disconnected.


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