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Connected by the oceans; can we work together to protect the


“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what
we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”
― Chris Maser

The opportunity and challenge before us today is to think of development

via the lens of environmental health. It should be the primary concern to
ponder on the World Arena lately. The Science has always been blur or not
transparent in terms of understanding natural phenomenon of earth. We
are already aware about the impact, the consequences and the un-
sustainability of our developmental model. As we always continue to hunt
new ways, we must also think of reconnection with earth. The bitter truth is
that we intentionally do massive damages to the planet and we haven’t ever
learned the tactics of economy without harming nature. There is a need of
fundamental shift in mindset to redefine our relationship with the planet
and its natural enclosure.

The World top risks include climate instability, extreme weather events and
water scarcity features and in this era, the balance of ecologically
sustainable development with economic growth can resolve business and
governmental issues. Although it is pretty simple in understanding in terms
of rapidly growing population because if population is expected to increase
10 million in three decades time then it would be nearly impossible to build
equitable, prosperous and stable future for mankind on such degraded

Securing the earth nearby economic and social advancement is critical for
our prosperity and it additionally makes business sense. Producing better
and expending all the more shrewdly is vital to setting up strong markets
that stay inside our planet's protected working space, safeguard our natural
wealth and add to by and large economic and social well-being.
Progressively organizations are relied upon to address, not to
decline, environmental degradation – it is winding up some portion of their
social license to work.

At this moment the condition of the planet is deteriorating and the weights
on natural systems are developing be that as it may, out of the blue maybe,
we are likewise observing an increase in response accordingly. Regardless
of whether it's stopping deforestation, moving to sustainable power source
or angling economically, there are numerous positive signs as well.

We have without a doubt started an extraordinary change towards

practical living. Presently, we have to concentrate on the scale and speed
of this transition in the event that we will decouple economic development
from environmental degradation. The energy is building and organizations
must be at the cutting edge of progress. Like never before the planet needs
responsive and dependable authority with a deep commitment to
comprehensive development and fair development, both broadly and all
around. There is no opportunity to squander.

“What is the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?”
― Henry David Thoreau

Being resource efficient can enable our business to cut expenses. Here
are a few hints for 'quick wins'- By which we can guarantee our self to be
faithful to each and every point whatever we aspire. There is an
individual based approach where we all need to start from the crux of the
issue for understanding and resolving it to shape future in a better way.

•Involve staff – representatives' ideas frequently result in savings of 5

to 10%.

•Control heating - lessen the temperature in your premises by one

degree and set aside to 8% on vitality charges every year. For optimun
efficiency set the temperature at 21-22°C. Set cooling to just come on
above 24°C. Set timers with the goal that warming possibly goes
ahead when the structure is being used.

•Avoid squandering heat - keep entryways and windows shut when

heating or air conditioning is running, fit draft excluders and ensure
your premises are very much protected.

•Use low vitality lighting. Turn only the lights that are required.
Introduce sensors to turn lights on and off naturally.

•Switch off office gear - a solitary PC and screen left on 24 hours daily
can cost over £50 per year, so turn off PCs, printers and all other
electrical hardware during the evening and throughout the weekend.
•Switch off engines – frequently covered up inside machines,
distinguish and turn off engines amid breaks or employment changes.
Engines driving siphons and fans can regularly be controlled with
'variable speed drives'.

•Compress air costs - decreasing weight by 10% can prompt 5%

savings in vitality. Make little, steady decreases, watching that
activities aren't influenced. Likewise, consistently test for and fix
spills - even a small break can cost more than £700 per year in
squandered vitality.

•Shut fridge and freezer doors entryways. All things considered, it

costs £4 for consistently a cooler entryway remains open. Fit ease
PVC draperies or night blinds on refrigerated cupboards.

•Maintain hardware – and ensure it is working effectively.

•Measure savings - ensure you read your meters consistently, so you

can discover how your organization is utilizing vitality and where it's
being squandered.

“We need the tonic of wildness...At the same time that we are earnest
to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be
mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely
wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We
can never have enough of nature.”
― Henry David Thoreau, Walden: Or, Life in the Woods

According to current literature, there are 12 ways where environment

and development sectors can meet SDGs collaboratively.

1. first of all, by considering environment and development sectors as

one body.

2. By developing and maintaining trust.

3. by using SDGs as a checklist.

4. By creating financial incentives

5. with the support of social entrepreneur

6. by educating children about sustainability

7. by monitoring industrial development continuously

8. by creating host cross sector events

9. by harnessing natural resources

10. by promoting context specific technology

11. by tying funding to joint environmental and developmental sectors

12. by promoting links between environmental and sustainable


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