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Ahmad Fariz

Nabila Khoirunnisa

Fariz : Hallo bil

Nabila : Hallo riz
Fariz : How are you?
Nabila : Im fine, and you ?
Fariz : Im fine
Nabila : What is wrong?
Fariz : Im confused
Nabila : Why?
Fariz : What you watch news today ?
Nabila : News about what ?
Fariz : News that is on crowded in tv
Nabila : I do not know the news
Fariz : News flooding in jakarta
Nabila : Oh jakarta is on flooding again ?
Fariz : Yes, it the news that is crowded
Nabila : Last week i go to jakarta
Fariz : What for ?
Nabila : Visit my brother
Fariz : So what ?
Nabila : He is sick ?
Fariz : What pain?
Nabila : He was flooding
Fariz : I hope your brother get well soon
Nabila : Thank you riz
Fariz : You are welcome, can i speak up ?
Nabila : Speak up what ?
Fariz : You know what this is flooding ?
Nabila : I know, Flooding is overflowed water in river
Fariz : Yes you are right
Nabila : What do you think about flooding?
Fariz ; In my opinion, flooding is flow water excessive soak mainland
Nabila : You know the cause ?
Fariz : Of course , flooding can occur because rain down all the time
Nabila : Then what there are move ?
Fariz : There is. Because blockage line water because junk. Do you think?
Nabila : In my opinion flooding cause lack of region water infiltration
Fariz : Yes you are right
Nabila : In my opinion it big problem
Fariz : Yes, but flooding occur time rain season ?
Nabila : Rain occur around month january to april
Fariz : But that is too harmful public
Nabila : Very public do not have house
Fariz : You right, many public exposed to disease
Nabila : Disease what ?
Fariz : As diare, dbd and tifus
Nabila : But, poor them many thing them lost and be lost
Fariz : And also many place that damaged
Nabila : This is a problem serously
Fariz : Yes, flooding must antipaced
Nabila : We must help them
Fariz : We must give help public
Nabila : Of course, but we must give support from public
Fariz ; All public must help and cooperate
Nabila : Very many way that can do
Fariz : Of course, as give help that them needed
Nabila : How if we notif them help and give they that needed
Fariz : I like your idea
Nabila : do you think we can help what ?
Fariz : we can give food, clothes and drug medicine
Nabila : It can do it
Fariz : Of course
Nabila : However we can help what ?
Fariz : We can go there and we help them
Nabila : In a way ?
Fariz : we help them, we care for them and we can help cooking
Nabila : what else ?
Fariz : we can help them study
Nabila : And we give conseling to them so that do not again
Fariz : We help as throw junk in the place
Nabila : Other than that, we clean up line that water
Fariz : You are rigt. Because very many junk
Nabila : Then, what there is that can we do it again ?
Fariz ; How we make line water that many
Nabila : But, this is dry season
Fariz : This time that right
Nabila : Wah,really?
Fariz : Yes, so we are can do it now
Nabila : you are right. Fariz how about you about Flooding in Jakarta?
Fariz : Flooding in Jakarta is serious problem to everyone flooding is dangerous
Nabila : But Goverment have a program to antisipace flooding
Fariz : Yes, so we are must do it to succes in program
Nabila : How with reforestation? Can be help?
Fariz : Sure.the forestation can do Anticipate
Nabila : Fariz, what flooding can cause someone died?
Fariz : Of course, they can died because be lost and they cold and late give help
Nabila : What else to exemple?
Fariz : Very many some cases
Nabila : How with we as student?
Fariz : We can tell to them so that throw junk wild
Nabila : And we invite them to bring Tupperware from house
Fariz : yes you are right
Nabila : If all work, the flooding can not hapent again
Fariz : So we are must keep nature
Nabila : Ok Fariz see you later
Fariz : See you too

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