Law of Conservation of Mass - 2 and KEY

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Name: Law of Conservation of Mass #2 Complete the following questions: 1. When doing a lab - how is an OPEN system different from a CLOSED system? 2, Use the LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS to fill out the missing information in the table below. Use the example #1 asa guide. Mass of Reactants = Mass of Products { Reaction | Reactant(s) Product(s) He 2 20 34g log | 134g CHa 0; | Co | Tag) ae | gd Hig 23.65 “i | Lio — 246g GHe CO: | 18.9g ~ALOH)s | Als | | 218g 3. Answer the word problems below using the LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS. a) Hydrogen and oxygen react chemically to form water. How much water would form if 14.8 grams of hydrogen reacted with 34.8 grams of oxygen? (Hz + 02> H20) b) When ammonium nitrate (NH«NOs) explodes, the products are nitrogen, oxygen, and water. When 40.0 grams of ammonium nitrate explode, 14.0 grams of nitrogen and 8.0 grams of oxygen form. How many grams of water form? (NH4NO3 > No + 02 + H20) While the law is known as the Law of Conservation of Mass, it really should be called the Law of Conservation of Atoms. 4. Using the diagrams below explain why the name Law of Conversation of Atoms would be an equally valid name. 2H2 + O02 > 2H20 Hz + Cl; > 2HC1 eo 8 Law of Conservation of Mass #2 Name: Complete the following questions: 1. When doing a lab - how is an OPEN system different from a CLOSED system? Open system allows akoms (mass) bo eker or leave, Trig contd cause Khe masy ko INEMERSE or Jecrease . In w closed System mass 15 always conserved 2. Use the LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS to fill out the missing information in the table below. Use the example #1 as a guide. Mass of Reactants = Mass of Products Reaction Reactant(s) Product(s) pj) | km O 20 ‘mass 34g 10g 134g, 2) | CHy Oe COz #20 Bu. alg mass 12.2 14g, Gea 200g | SU.2- 205 3) Hg0 Hg 0: | mass. 23.68 tee] 1G 130g |aSL-13 = a) Li O LO ai.u- 5.7 mass 13.4 57g 24.68 5) CH O On H20 BO 4 | mass 18.9 ile Wd 4 | 156g | 30-15.u 6 AM(OH)s AlLOs #20 ‘mass 21.5 i -] 21.8, o7e | 3. Answer the word problems below using the LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS. a) Hydrogen and oxygen react chemically to form water. How much water would form if 14.8 grams of hydrogen reacted with 34.8 grams of oxygen? (H2 + 02> H20) H2 + O2 > W290 \WBq 34.85 PF Yay 4 Reactant sive = Product de b) When ammonium nitrate (NH«NOs) explodes, the products are nitrogen, oxygen, and water. When 40.0 grams of ammonium nitrate explode, 14.0 grams of nitrogen and 8.0 grams of oxygen form. How many grams of water form? (NHiNOs > No + Oz + H20) Nay NOx 7 Ny * Oa * 20 NO 9 —_ Wg 4 Bq + \Zoa, Noa = 224 + \B, While the law is known as the Law of Conservation of Mass, it really should be called the Law of Conservation of Atoms. 6. Using the diagrams below explain why the name Law of Conversation of Atoms would be an equally valid name. 2H2 + O2 > 2H20 H2 + Ch > 2HC1 » & w» @ » %2@@ @ Reactant s e Yatoms of H F Qatems of O Make br Aveta - YU atoms ef H t+ Qatems of O & Same of H and Same te of O ov the reactant ano product Side <7 Predacts ~ Fae He of H atems on the Boactant and Product | side ~ Squek + of CL atems on kis Keac tan b awe! Product sido.

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