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Briones, Raffy Jay L.

January 11, 2020

GED107 / A12 Assignment 2

Moral Dilemma

1. What are moral dilemmas?

A moral dilemma is a situation in which the agent is in conflict of choosing between two
or more actions. The agent is presented with two or more actions in which the agent has a
moral reason and an ability to perform each of those actions. In this situation, the agent
cannot act all of those actions at once and no matter what act the agent will perform, it
fails to follow his/her morals.

2. Enumerate in bullets (a.b.c.d.) the four crucial features of moral dilemmas.

a. The agent is required to do each of two (or more) actions.
b. The agent can do each of the actions.
c. The agent cannot do both (or all) of the actions.
d. The agent thus seems condemned to moral failure.
3. What is the fifth crucial feature of moral dilemmas.

“No matter what she does, she will do something wrong (or fail to do something that she
ought to do).”

4. What are the two criticism to argument of moral residue. (in bullets)
a. The argument is question-begging
b. The second objection challenges the assumption that remorse and guilt are
appropriate only when the agent has done wrong

5. Enumerate the 8 types of moral dilemmas. Briefly explain each.

 Epistemic dilemma- It is a situation where in there are two or more moral
requirements that is conflicting with each other and the agent doesn’t know which
requirement or which option prevails.
 Ontological dilemma- It is also a situation where in the two or more moral
requirement is conflicting but neither is overridden. In this case, the agent cannot
determine which requirement is stronger than the other.
 Self-imposed dilemma- it is a situation where in the conflict arise because of the
agent’s wrongdoing.
 Dilemmas imposed on an agent by the world- It is a situation where in a certain
event in the world influenced the agent to be in a situation of moral conflict.
 Obligation dilemmas- In this case, the agent faces a situation where in two or
more of her options are morally obligatory act but it is impossible for him/her to
perform all actions.
 Prohibition dilemmas- In this case, the agent is in a situation where all of his/her
actions are forbidden.
 Single agent dilemma- In this situation, the agent is forced to act on two or more
equally the same options but he/she cannot choose both.
 Multi-person dilemma- In this case, the situation the agents are involving several
persons such as family, organization, community, etc. They are expected to come
up with a decision that will solve a moral issue.

6. Then give one situational example of the following dilemma:

a. Epistemic dilemma- For example, you’re on your way to the church to attend the
Sunday mass. You’re in a hurry because the mass will be going to start soon. But
suddenly, you encountered an injured man from a vehicular accident, there are no
bystanders in the area that could help the injured man. In this situation, you need
to choose between attending a Sunday mass or helping the injured man. In this
case, the agent is already in conflict and cannot determine what option should
b. Prohibition dilemma- For example, in an island, you’re a boat operator and you
currently have two passengers on board. Suddenly, you encounter a series of large
waves that caused a severe damage to your boat. As the boat operator, you
instructed your passengers to wear life vest since the boat is about to sink. But
there are only two available life vest. In this case, you need to choose if the two
available life vest will be given to your passengers leaving yourself without a life
vest or one life vest is given to your passengers and the other life vest will be
yours. In this situation, all of the possible actions of the agent is forbidden.
c. Self-Imposed dilemma- For example, John is running for the position of governor.
During his campaign, in order to gain votes from the farmers, he promised them
that he will be giving a financial support when he won the election. At the same
time, John seeks some financial support from different real estate developers.
After the election, John won and proclaimed as the governor. In that situation, he
is in conflict since he promised to support the farmers and at the same time,
allowed different real estate developers to develop some agricultural lands in their
province. In this case, John created a dilemma because of his wrongdoings.

7. Discuss the given case by analyzing the given question

The mood at Baileyville High School is tense with anticipation. For the first time in
many, many years, the varsity basketball team has made it to the state semifinals.
The community is excited too, and everyone is making plans to attend the big event
next Saturday night. Jeff, the varsity coach, has been waiting for years to field such a
team. Speed, teamwork, balance: they've got it all. Only one more week to practice,
he tells his team, and not a rule can be broken. Everyone must be at practice each
night at the regularly scheduled time: No Exceptions. Brad and Mike are two of the
team's starters. From their perspective, they're indispensable to the team, the guys
who will bring victory to Baileyville. They decide-why, no one will ever know-to show
up an hour late to the next day's practice. Jeff is furious. They have deliberately
disobeyed his orders. The rule says they should be suspended for one full week. If
he follows the rule, Brad and Mike will not play in the semifinals. But the whole team
is depending on them.

1. What type of moral dilemma is it?

It would be Epistemic dilemma because the moral agent (Varsity Coach) cannot
determine if he should follow the rule or give Brad and Mike an exemption. This also
means that the moral agent cannot determine which option is morally right or wrong.

2. What are the dilemmas in the case?

a. Epistemic Dilemma
b. Prohibition Dilemma
c. Single-agent Dilemma

3. If you were the Varsity Coach, what should you do in order to at least find a solution
to the dilemma? Discuss the feasibility of your choice by also indicating the type of
Ethical Theory (previous topics) you used in order to come with the solution

If I were the varsity Coach, I will not follow the rule so that Brad and Mike can play
in the semifinals. My choice is influenced by utilitarianism since I believe that it is for
the greater good. Utilitarianism states that the most ethical choice is the one that will
produce greatest good for the greatest number. In this situation, the whole team is
depending on Brad and Mike; without them the team might lose in the semifinals.
The community is also excited for the big event, and without Brad and Mike, the
event would not be that successful. In this case, it can be considered as two against
many where in by choosing not to follow the rule, it will produce greater good for the
greatest number.

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