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Major Components of Appraisal Form:

Major Components of Appraisal Form

Evaluation of Form
 Basic Employee Information

Accountabilities, Objectives and Standards

Competencies and Indicators

 Major achievements and Contributions

 Developmental Achievements

Developmental Needs, Plans and Goals

Stakeholders Input

 Employee Comments


 The form asks for the employee's basic information.

 The form asks about the job description, key duties and responsibilities but does not
include objectives or standards.
 It does not include competencies and indicators.
 The form does include space to list major achievements, developmental achievements,
employee comments and signatures.
 The form does not solicit information from all relevant stakeholders.
Characteristics of Appraisal Forms:
Desirable Features of All Appraisal Forms

Evaluation of Form

 Simplicity

 Relevancy


 Adaptability

 Comprehensiveness

Definitional Clarity

 Communication

 Time Oriented

 The form is simple because it is easy to understand and complete.

 The form is relevant if the job description and actual accountabilities is entered.
 The form is not descriptive. Although achievements and disappointments are asked, but
the actual expectations of individual employee are not discussed.
 The form is adaptable because it can be adapted to each employee.
 The firm is comprehensive if all the duties and responsibilities are listed.
 The form does not have definitional clarity.
 The form can be communicated across the organization.
 The form is time oriented as it has a space for past performance expectations and goals
and it also has a section for future targets or next steps.


 EMPLOYEES NAME _______________________________

 JOB CLASSIFICATION_____________________________ HIRE DATE


 DATE OF EVALUATION ________________

 DATE OF LAST EVALUATION ___________________________


 form is used to evaluate supervisory, professional, and general salaried and hourly
employees. Any rate increases, promotions and transfers require a current evaluation form.
 a number for each rating within the scale and write that number in the corresponding
box. Points will be totalled and averaged for and overall performance score. Please review
the Assigning Performance Levels Sheet for a definition of each level.

5-Exceptional 4-Superior 3-Satisfactory 2-Improvement Needed 1-Unsatisfactory


 A. The employee demonstrates skills necessary to per- form job related tasks

 B. The employee reports to work on time.

 C. The employee is rarely absent.

 D. The employee manages time effectively.

 E. The employee exhibits sound judgement in making realistic decisions


 A. The employee maintains an enthusiastic atmosphere toward the customers.

 B. The employee observes common courtesies, is well

 mannered and polite.

 C. The employee works cooperatively with others to promote a positive school/kitchen


 D. The employee maintains confidentiality with all job related information.

 E. The employee does not engage in gossip.


 A. The employee communicates appropriately with all individuals.

 B. The employee is receptive to constructive criticism designed to effect improvement.

 C. The employee can be relied on to complete all aspects of the job with reasonable promptness
and with little supervision.

 D. The employee is even tempered and absorbs routine pressures of the job.

 E. The employee displays sufficient drive to work through job related obstacles.

 F. The employee possesses the ability to quickly under- stand new information and situations.

 G. The employee displays organizational skills which

 promote efficiency in job performance.


 A. The employee follows local, state, and federal guidelines to ensure all meal pattern
requirements are met.

 B. The employee uses, cleans, and maintains equipment properly.

 C. The employee is aware of product guide and control production to match participation.

 D. The employee completes all records accurately and maintains

 these records as directed by Food Service Department.

 E. The employee orders, receives and inspects all foods and supplies in accordance with school
needs and division policies


 A. The employee complies with district and Health Department sanitation procedures/practices.

 B. The employee complies with district uniform policy and/or wears clothing and protective
devices appropriate for safe per- formance on the job.

 Strengths:

 ______________________________________________________________________________

 Suggestions for Improvements:

 ______________________________________________________________________________

 Comments:

 Employee's Signature ________________ Date_______________

 (The signature of the evaluatee indicates that he/she has received and reviewed a copy of this

 Evaluator's Signature_________________ Title: __________________

 Date: _____________________________

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