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eel et) emul} MARKET LEADER EOE wa 4 MCE Cae cel get aston Pera | Course components Sais Course Book with DVD-ROM The key course component, [comprising 12 units four Working across cultures sections and four eam, Persie uit. MARKET [ili DvD-ROM Included with the Course Book, [the DvD-ROM includes the Hlossary, extra seltstudy ‘exercises, Course Book audio and Script, inerview videos and Case study commentaries and Grammar references. Vocabulary Trainer vanmarketleadervocatainenet ‘Apersonalised interactive online tootwhich allows students co practise using target language from the Course Bookin a variety ofa. Practice File Aselt-study workbook which provides exta practice for vocabulary, grammar and tng from every uit, Also Includes activities to Improve pronunciation land fluency through day:ta-day functional English, Business Grammar and Usage Provides clear explanations and targeted practice to strengthen any weak points your students may have. MARKET LEADER fete MARKET usa Teacher's Resource Book ‘with Test Master CD-ROM > Includes step-by-step lesson notes anda photocopiable Resource banka further practice exercises. Test Master CD-ROM Included with the Teacher's Resource Book, this CD-ROM contains cigtal, customisable versions of the Test le test, the audio for these tests and 12 further unit tests Test File Sh photocoplable tests Including Four Progress tests linked closely tothe Course Book, an Entry test and an Ext test Active Teach ‘The dita version ofthe Course Book, with interactive activities and secompanying audiovisual resources for use inclasswith Interactive whiteboards or ona computer. ‘Subscription website | srmamarietesdecnet ‘source of information and eatea resources for teachers tosupplament their lessons, including exclusive FT content based lessons. Market Leaders anestensive business English course dasigned to bring the real world of international business into te anguage-teaching classroom. Ithasbeen developed in association withthe nancial Times, one of the worl’ leading sources of professional information, to ensure the maximum range and authenticity of Intemational business content. In ation to new authentic reading texts and stern ‘material, the Thir Edition features @ number of exciting © specialiy-imedinterviews with business practitioners foreach unit © Case study commentaries on DVD-ROM, with expert viowson each case ‘© ‘Working ocrss cultures regular input and tasks to develop students’ intercultural awareness and sks ‘© four Revista urits, ane ater every three main units an interactive Glossary on DVD-ROM (© adeltional photocopfable tas n this Teacher's Resouree Book © Active Teach sofware ta deliver the course dial, ‘ough an interactive whiteboard ar computer 1 Course aims This course is Intended for use ther by students preparing for career in business or by those already wocking whe want oimprove tei English oruruicaton ski. Market Leader combines some ofthe most stimulating recent ideas fom the word of business with strongly task-based approach. Role plays and casestudies are regular features ofeach un. ‘Thnoughout the cours, students ate encouraged to use ‘thelr own experience and opinions in order to maximise Invalvementand leaing 2 The main course components Course Book This provides the main part of the teaching material, vided Into 12 topicsbased units. The topics have been ‘chosen folowing researen among teachers to estabish ‘which are the areas of widest pssibie interest tothe majority oftheir students. The Course Book provides Input in wading speaking ad Istening, wit guidance for iting tasks co. Every unit contains vocebulary- development activites anda rapid review of essential srammar. Teresa regular focus on key business functions and each uniter witha motivating case study tallow students to practice language tey nave worked ‘on dung the unit. For more details onthe Course Book Unis, see Overview of a Course Book unt. ‘er every three uit isa spread called Working across cures, Here students reintroduced to ky intercultural Introduction concepts, developing thelr avareness and sls in order to function effectively in ternational business situations ‘hove ate aso four Revision nits Inte Course Baek that reve and consolidate the work donein the main units ‘andcuiture spreads, ‘Audio and DVD-ROM materials, Al the listening material from the Course Book s avaliable ‘onthe audio CD. A numberof these tracks provide students with exposure to non-native Engish acoents hich they may find challenging to understand, but which wil halp them build confidence in thei on speaking. Al ofthe audio files are also provided in fuly-dowrnloadable [WP formato the DYO-ROMaloning transfer o personal ‘computers and portabe audio payers. The OVD-ROM Is an intagra par ofthe course, AlL12 interes fom the Course Book canbe vienedon the DVD: ROM withthe option ofsubsttles, depending onthe users pyoferance, The interviews are accompanied by 12 vie commentaries onthe Case studs delvered by experienced business consultants. The interviews (which form the main listening focus ofeach un and commentaries provide an ‘opportunity for students to get expert perspectives onthe latestbusines practice through English. None ofthe videos are scripted and, a suc, expose students to authentic examples of natural speech Inadation, the OVD-ROM provides the students with Interactive, solstucy practic activities. Thse allow them torrevisit problem areas and relnforce work done in lass Inhelr own time. The acts provide ute steing practice, epportunkes for taskrepetion and instant, personalised feedback. a ‘The DVD-ROM also ineudes the Glossary, an interactive minklctionary hich provides defintion and pronunciation ofall the kay vocabulary iste atthe back of the Course Book and which encourages further selstud. Vocabulary Tra Tiss an online, sefstudy too that lets stunts take contol of their own leaning. Once students have ‘reated a personal account, the Vocabulary Triner tests ther onthe meaning, spling, collocation and use of vocabulary learnt in class, Their development Isautomatieally recorded so they can chat ther ov progress outside the classraam, Practice Fle This gives extra practice nthe areas of grammar and vocabulary, together with 2 complete syllabus in ‘business wing. In each uni, students work with text ‘models and usefut language, then do awrting task to consolidate the leaming. Adctionally the Practice Fle provides regula self-study pronunciation work (wth {an audio CD and exercises) and a valuable survival language section for students when traveling, }GOMLNI voulan rRopucTION ‘Teachers Resource Book This book provides teachers an overview ofthe whole cours, together wth detaied teaching notes, bekgroune briefings on business content, the Yxt banka the Resource bank The Tent bak provides tio extra FT reading texts per uit, Fallowed up ith comprehension and vocabulary exercises. Te Resource bank provides photocopiable worksheet. bbased communication atte linked to particular sections af the Course Book ris © Listening bank: extra activities based on each Course Book Listening interview © Speaking bank era actitiestsed on each Sil section © Wiring banks a model ansiverto the Course Book Wing tase together ith ansdtonal writing excise Test ile ‘hx photocopable tests are aualableto teachers and course planners te meni students" progres rig the cours. ‘Tere isan Ent teat four ogress tests, whi est both stils and language knowledge andar x st hich ‘eviews the work cone throughout the course Test Master CD-ROM Included inthe Teacher’ Resource Book, the Test Master (CO-ROMisa useful assessment resouro to accompany the ‘course. tindudes dial edable versions othe Test le tests enabling va, tallred assessment. also contains the sccompanyingaudio les anda further 12 unittest. These tests assess students! progres intermsofthe Vocabulany Language nw and Sts sections of thet coresponding units Ful keys ane audseits are aso provided to rake smarking the tests 2s salghtorward a posible. Active Teach “Te tive Teach software provides cial acesstoarange of course component van nteraciewhiteboetdorcomputer. CCampanent neue te Course Book video and aio with priabl serps, the Slossaryineadive actives based ‘onthe Course Book content, eae tess he Teachers Resour Boakandthephonatic chart tals includes the itn i, wich proves ood models for produc writing, and Helpwicecs to makeusigthe sftwareas easy as possible Using Active Tech faites student ngageront and enables clear lvng ofinstrutions and valuable Is ideal for use on a aptop inone-o-one clases, 3 Overview of a Course Book unit ‘Atypical unit consists ofthe folowing sections: Starting up Students have the opportunity think about the unit ‘opie and to exchange ideas and opinions with each other and with the teacher Theresa variety of stimulating activities suchas answering quiz questions, reftecting on difeult declsions, prioritising options and completing chart. Throughout, students are encouraged draw ‘upon theirlfe end business experince as appropriate. Vocabulary Essen! business vocabulary ipresented and practised through awe valty of cwative and engaging exercises. ‘Students earn new words, phrases andcoleations and are given tasks nhich help to ativatethe vocabulary they ‘ead know or have ust eat. ‘Tore further vocabulary practice inthe Practice Roading Students wad intresting and relevant authentic texts from the Fronciat Times and other business sources They develop their reading kills and acqutre essential business vocabulare. The texts provide e contest for language work and scussion fate inthe unk. stoning ‘The authentic listening texts are based on interviews vith businesspeople and experts in tele Feld. Students Gevelop listening sills suchas prediction, listening for ‘specific information andrate-taking. They can, iFthey prefer, wate te Interviews an the DVD-ROM. Language review ‘These sections develop students! avarenessof the common problem areas at upperintermediate level, They focus on accuracy and knowledge of key areas of grammar students already know the grarnmar port, this section serves asa quick check fr them andthe teacher. tey need more explanation, they are refered to the Grammar eference at the Dace of he Course oak. “heres further grammar practice inthe Practice Fle and in the Business Grammar and Usage book (see Extending the course) skis “his section hela eames to develop hel commurication ils nthe key buslness areas of presentations, meetings, ‘negotiations telephoning and social English. Each section contains a seflanguage box which provides students ‘ith the phrases they net to carry aut the business tasks Inthe regular olepay activities. case studies Each unit ends witha case studylinked to the unit's business tapi. The case studies ae based on realistic business problems or tuations a are designed to ‘motivate and actively ngage students. Students use the language and communication skits which they have aequied while working through the nit. Typical. students vl be involved in discussing business problems and recommending slutons through active group work Fach case study ends witha realistic mtng task, These tack reflec the real world of business correspondence and wl aio help those students preparing for business English exams. Models of writing text types are given in the wilting ile tthe end ofthe Course Book. After students have completed each case stucy they can wah the Case study commentaries on the DVD-ROM Here, a consultant tales about the kusiness issues raised by each case, This mayin tura lead to further discussion ofthe casein class. 4 Using the course ‘Accessibilty for teachers Less-experenced teachers can sometimes findteaching business English a daurting experience. ark leader sets out to provide the maximum support for teachers. The Business bref section a the begining ofeach unit Inthe Teacher's Resource Book gives an overview of the business topie, covering key terms (gen In bold, and whieh can be checked in the sangmian Dietonary of Business English) and suggesting a Isto tiles for further reading and information Authentily oFcontent (One ofthe principles ofthe couse is that students should deal wih as much authentic content as thelr language level allows. Authentic reading andlstening texts are motivating for students and bring the real world business int the classroom, increasing students! knowledge of business practice and concepts. Due tits international coverage, the Finacial Tineshas been ich source of text, vdeo and business information for the course ‘The case studies present realistic business situations and problems andthe communication activites based ‘on them group discussions, simulations and role plays “serve fo enhance the autheniiy ofthe course, Floxbiity of se ‘av escentilrequramant of aushess English materiale {shat they cater forthe wide range of need which students have including diferent areas of interest and specialisation, diferent skills needs and varying amounts oftime avaliable to study Market Leader oer teachers ‘and cours piannes a unique range of feb materials to help meet these needs. There are suggestions in this book on how to ue the unit material extensively intensively, ith fast tack outs through the units focusing mainly on speaking and istening sls. The lesson notes include suggestions on extending the tlassvor trough the DVD-ROM and photacopable materials nthe Text bank and Resource bonk sections of this book. Inadlton ths book eves suggestions on howto extend the course using components inciuing the Pracic ile, the Business Grammar and Usage book, and the Market Leader specialist sees, which develops vocabulary and reading skls (See Extending the couse. 5 Case studies that work The folowing eachnglips withelp when using casestudies: Draw ante studers"knonledge of business and the sword 2 Ensure thatallstudents have understoodthe case and te key vocabulary 2 Encourage te stent to use the language and ‘communication kl they have acquired in he rest of ‘heurit A shoe review othe key language wl ep 4 Focuson communication and fuency dung the ease stu actvtes. Language errors canbe dealt with at ‘the end, Make a record of importanterors and ge students feedback atthe endina sympathelle and constructive way. 5 Allow students teach thelr vn conclusions. Many students expect thereto bea corect answer. The teacher can ge the own opinion but should stress | that chee usualy no single ‘ah ans 6. Encourage creative and imaginative solutions to the | problems Inrrooucrion 7 Encourage students to use people-management sls such as worknginteams, leading teams, delegating and interacting efectvey with each ather 6 Students should identify he key issues ofthe ‘ase and discuss al he options before reaching a decision, 6 Extending the course Some students wil require more input or practice in certain areas, ether in terms of subject mater or sills, than is provided inthe Course Book. In arder to mest thelr needs, Market Ceoder provides a wide range! optional extra materials and components te choose from, Business Grammar and Usage New Edition For students needing mare work on their grammar, this book proves reference and practic in all the most important areas of business English usage, tis ‘organised int structural and functional sections. The book has been revised and updated forthe Third Edition and complements the Language review sections ofthe Course Book. Relevet chapters for further study are ‘eferenced throughout the lesson notes ofthis Teacher's Resource Book inthe Ate glance section atthe start of eachunit, ‘Market Leoder spctaltst tiles ‘Many students will ned to lear te language of more specialised areas of business English. To provide them with authentic and engaging material, Market Leader includes a range of specal-subject books which focus tn reaing sills and vocabulary development. Each boakindudes two tests anda glossary of specialised language, Longman Dictionary of Business English New Edtion ‘Thisis the most upte-date source of eferencein business English today. Compile from a wide range of text sources, allows students and teachers rapid access to clear, stralghtforward definitions of he letest International business terminology. The fully updated New Estion includes an interactive CD-ROM with 35,000 key words pronounced in both Bish and American English, together with practice material fr both the BEC and BULATS exams, and isnav availble as an Phone or Pod touch app to downed from the Pearson Longman website -Morket Leader website: “The Market Lear comanion website provides upto- sta nfermation about the Course Books and specialist, titles and offers a wide ange of materials teachers can set supplement and enicther lessons. In adétion to tests foreach vel, the website provdes links towebstes relevant to units and topiesin the Course Book and also ‘ovinloadable gossaris of busines terms. “The Premier Lessons subscption area of the website has ‘bank of ready-made lessons ith authentic teats from the nancial Times that have student worksheets and answers. These lessor are eguly updated and can be searched order to fndralevant texts forthe uit opie and level that students ae such. Premier Lessons can be usegin the classroom or for selstudy. NOLONGOULNI Contents Notes on units (nclusing Ata glance, Business brief and Lesson notes) Unit2 Communication 8 Unit2 —ntornational marketing 7 Unit3 Building relationships 2 Working actos cultures: Doing business internationally 33 Revision anit A 35 units success 36 Unit Job satisfaction a Unité Risk st Working crass cultures 2: Working in new markets 59 Revision uit 8 6 Unit7 Management styles 8 Units Team butding 70 Unit 9 Raising finance 78 Working acess cultures 3: Monaging international teams 85 Revision unit C 87 Unit 10 Customer service 89 Unie 11. Crisis management 96 Unit 12 Mergers and acquisitions 102 Working across cultures: Intemational negotiations 110 Revision unit 0 m Text bank Teacher's notes Unit Communication Corporate communication wer Unit2 International marketing Slobal brands 1 Globel broads 2 Unit3Bullding relationships Working for free Doing business in Russia unit4 Success ‘Successful wornen Successful stategle change Unies Jb satisfaction Ajab satisfaction survey Flexibility units Risk feputational isk Climate change UUnit7 Management tyes Women managers The future of management Unite Team building Sports coaching and corporate teom bullaing “Teams of ivehundred and teams ofone hundree Unit9 — Ralsing finance Willing ar ess wilting lenders Crowdfuncing ‘customer service ‘ute villages Social media Crisis management isis PR Assessing sk ‘Mergers and acquisitions Expanding abroad Successiul acquistons ‘Text bank key nit 10 unit at vunit 12 13 a4 16 na 120 12 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 wa 144 us us 150 152 154 155 ase 160 162 HOTCOCOHOOEEH Resource bank Teacher's notes 169 Speaking unit 2 unit2 Unies Unita units Unies unit 7 units unit tnt 10 Unita ni 22 Communication Dealing with communication breakdown 175, International marketing Brainstorming, 176 Building relationships Networking wr success Negotiating 179 Job satisfaction Coldealing 180 Risk Reaching agreement 18 Management styles Presentations 182 Team bulging Resolving confiet, 183 Relsing Finance: Negotiating 186 Customer service Active listening 135 fisis management Asking and answering difcultquestions 186 Mergers and acquisitions ‘Making @ presentation 187 Lstening Unita vnit2 Units nia Unies Unite vunit7 Communication Alastair Dryburgh, Head of Akenhurst Consultants 168 Intemational marketing ‘vend Hollensen, Professor of International Marketing atthe University of South Denmark Darroll Kofkin, Chie Executive ofthe Global Marketing Network, training organisation 189 Bulldog relationships Alison Wad, Head of Slob Corporate Responsibly at Cadbury the chocolate maker 280 Success Tom Hockaday, managing Decor Isis Innovation, a technology development company 191 Job satisfaction Nadal Bro0ks, Director of Human Resource, Procter & Gamble (UK) 192 Risk ‘Steve Fowler, Managing Diectr, the Institute of Risk Wanagement a3 Management styles Laurie halting, Author of Management ‘and Organisational Behaviour 134 conrents Units Team building an Collins, Taunder of team-building specialists, Fresh Tracks 195 Unit9 Raising finance Simon Davies, Managing Director (Restructuring the Biackstone Group 196 Unit 10 customer service Philip Nenman-Hal, General Manager Raymond Banc’ e Manat eux (Qustsaisons 197 Unita Crisis management Calg Sivith Professor of Ethics and Social Responsibility, INSEAD In Pais 198 Unit22 Mergers and acquisitions Professor Scott Moelle, Director the MBA Research Centre, Cass Business School 199 Resource bank listening key 200 Writing (Case study model answers ane writing tasks) Unit1 Communication 208 Unit2 International marketing. 205 Unit3 Building relationships 206 Unita — success 207 Units Job satisfaction 208 Unite Risk 209 Unit? — Management stytes no Units Team bullding at Unit 9 Ralsing finance au Unit 10 Customer service 23 Unit 11. Crisis management ne Unit 12 Mergers and acquisitions 215 z 8 2 a Zz a Lesson Re Communication ‘Starting wo Each fesson fexliding Suds cscuss what they thik makes a good case studies) is about” communicator and tlk about eferant forms of 45 to 6 enue, This does no ince cdiminisration ad tie speat going thvough homework Lesson 2 Lessons Lesson ach case study is about 115002 hours written and spoken communication. Vocabutary: Good communicators Students look at vocabulary relate to good + and bad communicators. LUstening: Improving communications © Students listen to an expert on communications talking about good practice In the area = Reading: E-mail For and against “| students read an atcle about the good and bad aspects of mall © Language review: ldioms Students da language awareness and practice acttias on some commen idioms. ‘Stills: Dealing with communication breakdown ‘Students listen toa pone conversation between a ‘customer anda supplier and practise skills valved indealing with breakdowns in communication. (Gasestudy: The price of success ‘Reompary that makes and calsh-tech electronic products has internal ad external communication problems. Students role-play the fms cectors and accept orroject salutans suggested by consultants, Ginga Test Fl entry test Practice File ‘vocabulary (page 8) Practice exereses: Vocabulary 182 (ovo-rom Glossary (DVD-ROM) Resource ben Listening (page 188) Practice exercises: Uistening (ovo-kow) Text Bank (pages 114-117) Practice Fle Language review (page 5) Practice Exercises: Language review 182 (ov0-RoW) Resource bank Speaking (page 175) Practice File ‘Survival Business English (page 55) Practice Exercises: Sills (ovoroy) case study commentary (ovo-R0N) Resoutce ban! (age 208) Practice File eiting (age siting Fora fest route through the unit focusing mainly on speaking sls, just use the undertined sections. For one-to-one situations, most parts of the unit lend themselves, with minimal adaptation, tose with individual _studonts, Where ths snot te case, alternative procedures are give = - 2 - UNIT »» COMMUNICATION Ean ‘within companies, communication fll into twe main areas. There isthe communication finformation and technical kowedge needed ta do the jab at hand. Here, paper-based communication is beng replaced by the company Intranet, with intemal company websites nly accessible by employees. Some very lag comparies ae appointing knowledge officers to expat the Information ina company othe full and facitate ts communication to those who need (But inthis age of increasingly accessible information there willne doubt always De the information hosrders, enrpo2es and managers who ind power and pleasure In keeping Information forthemsetves, even fit would be useful t thelr colleagues) ‘Theres also what might be called ‘celebration-exhortation. The internal company magazine is te classic communication channel here It may be produced in-house iy a ‘communiestions ‘department or out-of-house by journalists who specialise inthis area. tay try to demonstrate how the company is putting ts mission statement nto action: the management may try to ‘change employee behaviour by exhortation and by praising the performance of particular departments and individuals. dalug ssanisna Externally, advertisinghas been the most visible fom of communication with customers. Usually this is lesigned to increase product sales, but there i also institutional advertising designed to improve perceptions ofthe company 2s a whole. Companies naturally like tobe seen as human and environmentally aware. Butte communication between companies and their customers Is increasingly becomig two-way, with customer service centres desired to gather information, not just complaints rom customers about all aspects of use of company's products. Ideally {tis nformation Feeds back into product modification and new product design. Additionally Some companies are now using scial software and microblogging sites such as Facebook and “Twitter to communicate wth theircustomers See Unit 10 for more on customer relationship management Equally, company must communicate with ts investors, andiavestr relations are becoming an important specialises ares of public relations, Investors want a know hove helr money is being used and what their prospectsare ‘Then ther isthe wider public audience to attend to, Press conferonces may be called to announce important events such as product launches. Press releases may be sued to communicate more routine information. Theres also the specialised area of cists management and damage control be Unit 11 Whatever a company does, It hasan image, s0itshould try to influence (some would say “manipulate? the moulding ofthis image. This sone reason why the communications industry, inallits forms, is & multbilion-doliar business. Read on Paul Acgent: Corporate Commanicaton, McGrail, 2009 edition Joep Comelisenz Corporate Cammunication: A Gulde to Theory and Practice, Sage, 2008 John Doorley and Helio red Garcia: Reputation Management: The ey o Successful Publ Relations and Corporate Communication, Routledge, 2010, Donald Hislop: Knowledge Management in Organizations, OUP, 2009 ‘Thomas Laura: investor Relations: The Art and Philosophy of Efectve Corporate Communications, Lulu, 2008

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