2nd Periodical Exam in P.E. 11 (2016)

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P.E. 11
DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer that corresponds to the questions. Write only the letter.

1. Is a physical activity performed with moderate intensity, with a lot of repetitive movements done
within a long period of time.
a. Muscle and bone strengthening exercise b. aerobic exercise c. walking
2. Exercises that, while at the first half of a person’s life will produce increases in both muscle and
bone strength.
a. Muscle and bone strengthening exercise b. aerobic exercise c. walking
3. Changing your position within a given space.
a. Locomotor movement b. movement c. non-locomotor
4. A movement that allows you to travel from place to place.
a. Locomotor movement b. movement c. non-locomotor
5. Refers to launching of one foot, landing on the same foot.
a. Walking b. running c. hopping
6. A set of steps.
a. Walking b. running c. hopping
7. Just like walking, but launching off ground with both feet.
a. Walking b. running c. hopping
8. Leaping continuously, almost like a run.
a. Leaping b. galloping c. skipping
9. Walking then hopping on same foot in one motion.
a. Skipping b. leaping c. galloping
10. Launching both feet, landing on both feet.
a. Skipping b. leaping c. jumping


1-3. the 3 sources of energy

4-6. the 3 energy systems
7-14. give at least 8 various locomotor movements
15-19. the five basic strength training exercises
20-23. give at least 4 proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment
24-27. give at least 4 benefits of aerobic exercise
28-30. give at least 3 benefits of weight bearing or strength training exercise

Explain briefly and concisely.(10 pts.)
 Why is it that we need to execute/ perform exercise?


Maam Joy

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