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My Reflection In The Nature And Importance Of Mathematics

Back in elementary and preschool days, we are already thought simple math equations
such as basic additions and subtractions, it was really hard for me at first to understand
Mathematics because most of the time it is really confusing. As time passes by when high school
started, I get to learn the other parts and examples of equations and problem solving. We thought
about different types of equations back in high school such as algebra and trigonometry. At first I
thought Mathematics is only focused on people who really needs to study mathematics, just like
engineers and architects. But when I think about it carefully and when I understand na purpose of
it, I realised that mathematics has a very wide range of equations and problems, it is really used
on everything and even in science we use mathematics.
Based on the Ted talk video that we watched and my understanding, Mathematics is
creative or invented. It is said that mathematics has theorems and theories that can be used as a
tool for it to be significant and useful. Science also includes mathematics, and there are equations
and laws that is made by scientists and mathematicians that still used until now, to prove that a
certain equation is relevant and us.
For me, I think that there is really a beauty and power in mathematics. As stated earlier
mathematics is used on everything. For example in Science, mathematics is used to solve dosage,
and measurements of a certain medicine or even testing something. Next is in Engineering and
Architecture, there wouldn’t be useful buildings and structures if we didn’t use mathematics. We
have to use mathematics to solve for the number of measurements so the building will be strong
and useful. Even in our everyday lives, we use mathematics to solve all of our expenses, bills and
even in commuting, we use it to solve how much we have to pay for transportation fares.
Mathematics is powerful and beautiful and most of the time it can be playful.
As an Architecture student mathematics is very relevant for me since my course really
needs it. Architecture uses mathematics for several reasons, it is necessary for architecture
because mathematics is used to solve for measurements such as geometry. Architecture also uses
mathematics for their design can be useful and can create beautiful structures and buildings.


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