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Pagpanglaba: Kuskus, Puga sa Pagkat-on

Jerrico James Abacajan1, Earl John Besario2, Abaigail Lawas3, Hersey Zambo 4
MaEd Social Studies, Department of Social Sciences, Cebu Normal University
1, earljohncebu@gmail.com2, biela13@outlook.com3 4

Abstract- This study aimed to integrate the steps of traditional laundry or pagpanglaba in
Cebuano term to the 21st century education focusing on multiple intelligences such as musical,
arts, and literacy and bodily- kinesthetic. It sought to answer the following: (1) determine the
various steps of traditional pagpanglaba, (2) present the interconnectedness of pagpanglaba to
modern education (3) integrate the steps of pagpanglaba to create various teaching strategies for
the 21st century learners using the multiple intelligences. Education is evolving to fit in to the
modern education enable to stimulate learners’ interests. Despite of different teaching strategies
created by the teachers, the percentage of the students’ interests to learn is still average.Thus,
the researchers were able to come up a study related to the steps of traditional laundry or
pagpanglaba integrated to education to create a harmonious way of sharing and imparting
students’ knowledge in the classroom setting. It is highly recommended that the integration of
pagpanglaba to education must have a strict observation in proper implementation of the
procedures of the learning strategy in the classroom setting. Teachers’ consideration to different
types of learners is a must in applying strategies to real life setting. Teachers should have an
extensive monitoring to students’ progress in applying the following steps of teaching strategy.

Keywords – pagpanglaba, traditional laundry, integrate, education, 21st century

RATIONALE and washing the used clothes using the

hands only. The labandera or
In today’s generation, lots of washerwoman in English term follows
discoveries and changes are felt by the certain steps and if these steps are
individuals. In terms of technological followed thoroughly and effectively,
aspect, humans are very dependent to positive outcome is surely seen after
gadgets and machines as these enable doing the pagpanglaba.
them to make their lives easier and
comfortable. As the world evolves, some In education, the educators also
people are still attached to traditional way follow an extensive procedure to produce
of living for they believed that the globally competitive leaners. Cultural
traditional practices are much better than practices and education are now
modern practices. interconnected and integrated to each
other to produce such learners. The
In the Philippines, some Filipinos steps of pagpanglaba can be integrated
practices traditional way of living. In fact, to education to generate a 21st century
they are still fond to simple and traditional teaching strategies to aid and stimulates
chores in the house without using students’ interests in learning new things.
machines and equipment. An example of This study is based from Dr. Howard
house hold chores where Filipinos Gardner’s theory of multiple
practice it traditionally is the traditional intelligences. The theory of multiple
laundry or known as pagpanglaba. intelligences suggests that the traditional
Pagpanglaba is a Cebuano term of notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing,
traditional laundry where they do the is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner
laundry without using a washing machine proposes eight different intelligences to
account for a broader range of human variety of ways using music, cooperative
potential in children and adults. Dr. Gardner learning, art activities, role play, multimedia,
says that our schools and culture focus most field trips, inner reflection, and much more.
of their attention on linguistic and logical- This study emphasize the four intelligences
mathematical intelligence. However, Dr. namely Literacy, Arts, Bodily-Kinesthetic and
Gardner says that we should also place Musical using the steps of traditional
equal attention on individuals who show gifts pagpanglaba.
in the other intelligences: the artists,
architects, musicians, naturalists, designers,
dancers, therapists, entrepreneurs, and
others who enrich the world in which we
live. The theory of multiple intelligences
proposes a major transformation in the way
our schools are run. It suggests that teachers
be trained to present their lessons in a wide
Procedure: Steps:
1st Prewash by batch. The teacher will give instructions to the
students about the topic and discussed the
holistic rubrics.
2nd separate the white clothes from the The teacher will divide the students according
light and dark colored clothes. to their abilities and capacities.
I – Literacy
II – Musical
III – Arts
IV- Bodily-Kinesthetic
3rd Put powdered soap in the pail with After which, the teacher will give tasks to the
enough water, then put the clothes, white students depending on the topic of the lesson
or light colors first, you have to put the using their different intelligences assigned to
dark colored one last batch. them.
4th After which, start the handwashing. The students will be given time to brainstorm.
5th Rinse the cleaned soapy clothes, Each group will perform the designated tasks
rinsing it 3-4x with fresh or new water to and the remaining groups will give 3 to 4
remove all the soaps in the clothes. feedbacks/comments and suggestions that will
help improve the group performance.
6th Clothes should be rinse and turned The teacher will give his/her feedback and ask
inside-out. further questions about the group performance.

7th After the final rinse, hang the clothes in The students will give their best learning
the hanger, let it dry with the breeze of the experiences whether positive or negative using
air or heat of the sun. SWOT analysis.

Weaknesses –
Opportunity –
The study described the traditional hand washing of clothes or pagpanglaba in
Cebuano term that can be integrated to education to generate a 21st century teaching
strategies to aid and stimulates students’ interests. The various steps of pagpanglaba has
a big role in integrating to education that will guide the teachers and learners to form a
cooperative and creative learning using different intelligences based on Howard
Gardener’s theory. In this study, the researchers only included the four intelligences
based on Multiple Intelligence Theory of Gardner which are the literacy, musical, arts,
and bodily kinesthetic. This allows students to express effortlessly their abilities and
capabilities that will generate new knowledge based on the topic of the lesson. Further,
integration of pagpanglaba to education must have a strict observation in proper
implementation of the procedures of the learning strategy in the classroom setting.
Teachers’ consideration to different types of learners is a must in applying strategies to
real life setting. Teachers should have an extensive monitoring to students’ progress in
applying the following steps of teaching strategy to have a positive outcome.

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