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 Submitted by:
Abdullah baig (2017-ME-509)

 Submitted to:
Engineer Lolak

 Investigation of Fouriers law for linear conduction in one dimension along a single bar
 Study the conduction of heat along a composite bar and calculate overall heat transfer
 To investigate the effect of change in cross sectional area on the temperature profile
along a thermal conductor


Investigation of Fouriers law for linear conduction in one dimension along a single bar


There are three modes of transfer as follows:


Conduction includes the zero bulk velocity of the substance

Convection Involves the bulk movement of particles

Radiation involves the electromagnetic waves

Conduction is defined as the heat transfer mechanism in which heat is Transfer from cooler part
to the hot part due to vibrations of atoms or movement of free electrons.
 It is normally held in solids.
 Conduction can also take place in fluids but as they have low thermal conductivity so they
are not considered suitable for the conduction mechanism.
 Conduction is well understood by FOURIER’S law of heat conduction.

Factors affecting the rate of heat transfer by conduction.

 Temperature Difference
 Length
 Cross-Sectional Area
 Material


Φ =  kA ΔT

There are specific laws for each process such as FOURIER S LAW for conduction,NEWTONS LAW
for convection .In this experiment we have to proof the Fouriers law so fisrt we will explain
about this law
The Fourier's law is also called the law of heat conduction, states that the time rate of heat
transmission through a material is proportional to the negative slope in the temperature and to
the area, at right angles to that slope, through which the heat flows from one to other surface.
We can describe this law in two alike forms: the differential form, in which we consider the flow
rates or fluxes of energy locally and the integral form, in which we observe the amount of
energy flowing into or out of a body as a complete object

Fourier’s law of heat conduction:

Q= -kA(dT/dx)
Where , Q= Heat flow rate K=Thermal conductivity

A=Cross sectional area dT/dx=Temperature Gradient


• Negative sign in Fourier’s equation specifies that the heat flow is in the direction of negative
slope temperature and that aids to make heat flow positive

• Thermal conductivity ‘k’ is one of the transport properties. Other are the viscosity related
with the transport of momentum, diffusion coefficient related with the mass transfer

• Thermal conductivity ‘k’ provides an indication of the rate at which heat is transferred
through a body by conduction process

 The value of k varies with X Y and Z directions

 K is the material property
 K is the function of temperature
 K varies directly as square root of T for gases

Assumptions of Fourier equation:

• Heat conduction is steady state. Unidirectional heat flow

• Bounding surfaces are isothermal

• Isotropic and thermal conductivity ‘k’ is constant

• Constant temperature slope and linear temperature profile

Features of Fourier equation:

• It is valid for all matter

• It helps to define the transport property ‘k’

• First make sure that the main switch initially off

• Secondly insert a brass conductor (25mm diameter) into the linear module and do clamp

• Turn the heater power control knob control panel to the fully anticlockwise position and
connect the sensors leads

• Than on the power supply and main switch the digital readouts will be illuminated

• Turn the heater power on control to 3.1 Watts and allow sufficient time for a steady state
condition to be attained before recording the temperature at all six sensor points and the input
power reading on the wattmeter (Q). This procedure can be repeated. After each change,
sufficient time must be allowed to achieve steady state conditions

• Plot of the temperature, T versus distance, x. Calculate the theoretical and actual thermal

SR HEAT T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9


• There is sudden temperature drop in the graph this is due to the contact resistance between
the two surfaces

• There is gas entrapped between the junction due to which resistance increases and
temperature drop on junction

• Ensure that the temperature measurement points are aligned along the longitudinal axis of
the unit

• It’s necessary to give some time to the apparatus to develop steady state otherwise
temperature values varies improperly and we get some abnormal behavior of the temperature

• Be sure to amply coat both surfaces of the sample where contact will be made to reduce
thermal contact resistance

• Be careful not to touch any surfaces (metallic or plastic) on the heating end as they might
cause a burn

• If not indicated on the apparatus, all temperature sensors are number from left to right

To study the conduction of heat along a composite bar and evaluate the overall heat transfer


Conduction is defined as the heat transfer mechanism in which heat is Transfer
from cooler part to the hot part due to vibrations of atoms or movement of free electrons.

 It is normally held in solids.

 Conduction can also take place in fluids but as they have low thermal conductivity so they
are not considered suitable for the conduction mechanism.
 Conduction is well understood by FOURIER’S law of heat conduction.

Factors affecting the rate of heat transfer by conduction.

 Temperature Difference
 Length
 Cross-Sectional Area
 Material


Φ =  kA ΔT

A composite bar made of two bars of different materials rigidly fixed together so that both bars strain together
under external load.

 Suppose that there are three materials connected in series and maintained at particular temperature, heat is
flowing through the materials due to temperature gradient developed across each material.
Q’ A=Q’B=Q’C
Overall heat transfer coefficient=U=1/AR TH

We learned from the Experiment 1 how heat is transferred through a simple bar. Now we must
extend our knowledge to a bar made up of different materials. As stated in Experiment 1, there
is an analogy between the conduction of electricity and the conduction of heat. Since electrical
resistance is associated with the conductance of electricity, there is also a thermal resistance
associated with the conductance of heat. Composite fluids and solids behave much like series
and parallel combination of resistors in an electrical circuit. Using this approach we can add up
the thermal resistances to find the overall resistance and heat transfer coefficient

Heat transfer through any material is given as,

Q̇=UA ∆T →(1)


= Overall thermal Resistance

U= Overall heat transfer coefficient

Let a solid bar with three sections of equal lengths made of brass, stainless steel and brass again


TH = Temperature at the hot side (brass)

TS1 = Temperature at the hot side (steel)

TS2 = Temperature at the hot side (steel)

TC = Temperature at the hot side (brass)

Then, heat transfer Q̇ across these sections is,

T H −T S 1

Q̇ R1=T H −T S 1 →(i)

Q̇ R2=T S 1−T S 2 →(ii)

Q̇ R3=T S 2−T C →(iii)

Adding (i),(ii),and (iii), we get:

Q̇ ( R1 + R2 + R3 )=T H −T C

T H −T C
Q̇= →(2)
( R1 + R2 + R3 )

Comparing (1) and (2) for heat, we get:

U= →(3)
A ( R1 + R2 + R3 )

From Fourier’s Law,


R= =Conductive Resistance

Thus, (3) gives,

U= →( 4)
∆ x BH ∆ x SS ∆ x BC
+ +
We have two ways to find the overall heat transfer coefficient by finding K total. The first way is
by summing up all the individual K's by methods from Experiment 1. The second way is to
evaluate K total by the overall slope of the plot from the extreme temperatures.

• First make sure that the main switch initially off. Insert the stainless steel section or any other
metals (without sensor) into the linear module and clamp together

• Turn on the water supply and ensure that water is flowing from the free end of the water pipe
to drain. This should be checked at intervals

• Turn the heater power control knob control panel to the fully anticlockwise position

• Connect the six sensor leads (T1, 2, 3 & 7, 8, 9) to the plugs on top of the linear conduction
module. Connect the left-hand sensor lead from the module to the place marked T1 on the
control panel. Repeat this procedure for the remaining five sensor leads, connecting them from
left to right on the module and in numeral order on the control panel

• Switch on the power supply and main switch; the digital readouts will be illuminated

• Turn the heater power control to 3.1 Watts and allow sufficient time for a steady state
condition to be achieved before recording the temperature at all six sensor points and the input
power reading on the wattmeter (Q)


• During assembling the sample between the heater and the cooler take care to match the
shallow shoulders in the housings

• There is sudden temperature drop in the graph this is due to the contact resistance between
the two surfaces

• There is gas entrapped between the junction due to which resistance increases and
temperature drop on junction

• Ensure that the temperature measurement points are aligned along the longitudinal axis of
the unit

• It’s necessary to give some time to the apparatus to develop steady state otherwise
temperature values varies improperly and we get some abnormal behavior of the temperature

• If not indicated on the apparatus, all temperature sensors are number from left to right. Be
careful not to touch any surfaces (metallic or plastic) on the heating end as they might cause a


To investigate the effect of change in cross sectional area on temperature profile along a
thermal conductor



The law of heat conduction, also known as Fourier's law, states that the time rate
of heat transfer through a material is proportional to the negative gradient in the temperature and
to the area, at right angles to that gradient, through which the heat flows.

Q= -kA. dx

Q=−kA . Δ x

Q = Heat flow rate
K = Thermal conductivity
A = Cross-sectional area
dT/dx = Temperature gradient
“Thermal conductivity is defined as the property of material to conduct the heat flow through it.
It is also defined as the rate of heat flow through the unit volume of the material when its ends
are maintained at unit kelvin temperature difference.”

 It is purely the property of the material.

 It is independent of the dimensions of material but strongly dependent upon the
temperature of the material. Generally with increase in the temperature thermal
conductivity increases.

Larger the K is more heat can the material conduct


As we change the area heat flow rate is affected.

But if materials are connected in series and they are of different areas, heat flow through them
remains same due to temperature gradient developed in series fashion.

As in the following section there is composite bar with different areas, heat flow is same in h/c as
for the c and s due to extra temperature gradient across h/c.

In industry R values are used extensively to classify performance of insulation for a particular
building. Also at contact of two solid bodies a phenomenon of thermal contact resistance arises
and in practical applications different methods are employed to reduce this resistance. Composite
bars can be used to get required heat transfer rates..
We learned from the Experiment 1, 2 and 3 that how heat is transferred through a simple and
composite bar and in radial direction. Now we must extend our knowledge to the bar having
different cross sectional area. In this experiment we will equalize the heat flow through the hot
region and the heat flow through specimen. And we will find the ratio of their areas which will
be equal to ratio of their temperature gradient.

Fourier’s Law states that the rate of heat transfer is proportional to the cross-sectional area
normal to the direction of heat flow. Since the outer surface is insulated, the heat flow rate qx is
the same for each section of the bar and since it is the same material, the thermal conductivity
k is assumed to be constant

Consider a bar of a certain length comprising of a hot region and a cold region made up of
brass. A steel cylinder is attached in between these regions having a different cross-section then
the whole bar. Consider a bar of a certain length comprising of a hot region and a cold region
made up of brass. A steel cylinder is attached in between these regions having a different cross-
section then the whole bar.


QH = Heat transferred in the hot region

Hot Steel Specimen Cold

QSS = Heat transferred in the steel section

As the heat flow throughout the bar would be same, then according to Fourier’s Law:
Q̇ H =Q̇ SS

K B AB ( dTdx ) =K A ( dTdx )
AB ( ) =m
dx SS s
A SS dT m
( )
dx H

 Make sure that the main switch initially off.
 Insert a brass or any other metals conductor (13mm diameter) section into the linear
module and clamp together.
 Turn on the water supply and ensure that water is flowing from the free end of the water
pipe to drain. This should be checked at intervals.
 Turn the heater power control knob control panel to the fully anticlockwise position.
 Connect the six sensor leads (T1, 2, 3 & 7, 8, 9) to the plugs on top of the linear
conduction module. Connect the left-hand sensor lead from the module to the place
marked T1 on the control panel. Repeat this procedure for the remaining five sensor
leads, connecting them from left to right on the module and in numeral order on the
control panel.
 Switch on the power supply and main switch; the digital readouts will be illuminated.
 Turn the heater power control to 5 Watts and allow sufficient time for a steady state
condition to be achieved before recording the temperature at all six sensor points and
the input power reading on the wattmeter (Q). This procedure can be repeated for other
input power. After each change, sufficient time must be allowed to achieve steady state
 Plot of the temperature, T versus distance, x. Comment on the trend and slope of the

SR NO HEAT T1 T2 T3 T7 T8 T9

 There is sudden temperature drop in the graph this is due to the contact
resistance between the two surfaces.
 There is gas entrapped between the junction due to which resistance
increases and temperature drop on junction.
 In our experiment one sensor is not working so we take estimated value of
that temperature.
 During assembling the sample between the heater and the cooler take care to
match the shallow shoulders in the housings.
 From the graph take the correct hot and cold side temperature.
 It’s necessary to give some time to the apparatus to develop steady state otherwise
temperature values varies improperly and we get some abnormal behavior of the
temperature profile.


To determine the working principle of concentric tube heat exchanger operating

under the condition of parallel flow

 Parallel flow shell and tube type heat exchanger


A heat exchanger is a device that is used for transfer of thermal energy (enthalpy) between two or more fluids,
between a solid surface and a fluid, or between solid particulates and a fluid, at differing temperatures and in
thermal contact, usually without external heat and work interactions. The fluids may be single compounds or

 Parallel Flow Heat Exchangers

 Counter Flow Heat Exchangers

 Cross Flow Heat Exchangers (Finned & Un-Finned Type)

 Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers


Shell-and-tube exchangers are basically non-compact exchangers. Heat transfer surface area per unit volume
ranges from about 50 to 100 m2/m3 (Thus, they require a considerable amount of space, support structure, and
capital and installation costs. As a result, overall they may be quite expensive compared to compact heat
A double pipe heat exchanger can be operated in parallel flow mode as shown in the diagram at the left.
Similarly a shell and tube heat exchanger can be operated in approximately parallel flow by having both fluids
enter at one end and exit at the other end. With parallel flow the temperature difference between the two
fluids is large at the entrance end, but it becomes small at the exit end as the two fluid temperatures approach
each other. The overall measure of heat transfer driving force, the log mean temperature difference is greater
for counter flow, so the heat exchanger surface area requirement will be larger than for a counter flow heat
exchanger with the same inlet and outlet temperatures for the hot and the cold fluid. The process of heat
exchange between two fluids that are at different temperatures and separated by a solid wall occurs in many
engineering applications. The device used to implement this exchange is called a heat exchanger, and specific
applications may be found in space heating and air conditioning, power production, waste heat recovery and
chemical processing. The flow of heat from a fluid through a solid wall to another fluid is often encountered in
chemical engineering practice. The heat transferred may be latent heat accompanying phase changes such as
condensation or vaporization, or it may be sensible heat coming from increasing or decreasing the temperature
of a fluid without phase change. Heat transfer is the movement of energy due to a temperature difference.
There are three physical mechanisms of heat transfer; conduction, convection, radiation. All three modes may
occur simultaneously in problems of practical importance. In the parallel-flow arrangement, the hot and cold
fluids enter at the same end, flow in the same direction, and leave at the same end.

The temperature difference T is initially large but decays with increasing x, approaching zero
asymptotically. It is important to note that, for such an exchanger, the outlet temperature of the cold fluid
never exceeds that of the hot fluid. In figure, the subscripts 1 and 2 designate opposite ends of the heat
exchanger. For parallel flow, it follows that

Th,i = Th,1 Th,o = Th,2 Tc,i = Tc,1 Tc,o = Tc,2

A parallel flow pattern, also referred to as a cocurrent flow, is one in which the shell side and tube side
fluids flow in the same direction. This is widely seen in double-pipe heat exchangers and can be replicated in
shell and tube heat exchangers as well, according to Bright Hub Engineering.
“The dramatic temperature difference at the inlet can cause thermal stress in parallel flow heat exchangers.”

The inlet temperatures of the two fluids may be significantly different, but by the conclusion of the
process they’re relatively the same temperature. With parallel flow, the wall temperatures throughout the
exchanger will be more uniform than with other flow patterns, noted. When the goal is to wind up with two
fluids that have a relatively insignificant temperature gap, a parallel flow shell and tube heat exchanger may be
the ideal solution, Engineers Edge explained. When there is a notable temperature gap, the cold-fluid
temperature will always be colder than the hot-fluid temperature, Marine Notes pointed out.

It’s important to note that because the heat exchange rate isn’t as high as other flow patterns, parallel flow
heat exchangers need greater heat transfer surface area. As such, it’s critical that facility executives ensure they
have the available floor space for their parallel flow shell and tube heat exchangers, as they may be larger than
another exchanger with a different flow rate.

Additionally, the dramatic temperature difference at the inlet can cause thermal stress, which may result in
vibrations that lead to equipment damage


1. Set the heat exchanger up for parallel flow conditions

2. Switch on the main switch

3. Switch on the heater and set the temperature controller to 60° C and allow sufficient time for a steady state
4. Turn on cold water supply and open the cold-water control valve and set the cold-water flow rate QC = 2.2

5. Switch on the pump and open the hot water control valve and set the hot water flow rate QH = 2.4 L/min

6. Wait until the heat exchanger to stabilize

7. After conditions have stabilized, record the hot and cold-water temperatures at inlet, midpoint and outlet

. 8. After data has been recorded, switch off the pump switch and close the cold-water supply

9. Close the hot and cold-water valves and turn off the power supply cable.


Sr. No Th1 Th2 Th(mid) Tc1 Tc2 Tc(mid) V̇ h V̇ c

(°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) ltr/min ltr/min



The experiment shows that as the water flows from inlet towards outlet the cold water gains heat from hot
water .If enough time or length Is supplied to water to flow both the lines of hot and cold water should meet at
a point but this does not happen because the exchanger cannot be 100 percent efficient.


To determine the working principle of concentric tube heat exchanger operating
under the condition of counter flow


A heat exchanger is a device that is used for transfer of thermal energy (enthalpy) between two or more fluids,
between a solid surface and a fluid, or between solid particulates and a fluid, at differing temperatures and in
thermal contact, usually without external heat and work interactions. The fluids may be single compounds or

 Parallel Flow Heat Exchangers

 Counter Flow Heat Exchangers

 Cross Flow Heat Exchangers (Finned & Un-Finned Type)

 Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers


Heat exchangers are typically classified according to flow arrangement and type of
construction. The simplest heat exchanger is one for which the hot and cold fluids move in the
same or opposite directions in a concentric tube (or double-pipe construction). In the parallel
flow arrangement, the hot and cold fluids enter at the same end, flow in the same direction,
and leave at the same end. In the counter flow arrangement, the fluids enter at opposite ends,
flow in opposite directions, and leave at opposite ends. In the counter-flow arrangement, the
fluids enter at opposite ends, flow in opposite directions, and leave at opposite ends.

In contrast to the parallel-flow exchanger, this configuration provides for heat transfer between the
hotter portions of the two fluids at one end, as well as between the colder portions at the other. For
this reason, the change in the temperature difference, ∆T = Th - Tc, with respect to x is nowhere as
large as it is for the inlet region of the parallel-flow exchanger. Note that the outlet temperature of
the cold fluid may now exceed the outlet temperature of the hot fluid.

Countercurrent flow heat exchangers, also known as counter flow heat exchangers, are designed
such that the fluids move antiparallel (i.e., parallel but in opposite directions) to each other
within the heat exchanger. The most commonly employed of the flow configurations, a counter
flow arrangement typically exhibits the highest efficiencies as it allows for the greatest amount of
heat transference between fluids and, consequently, the greatest change in temperature
A shell and tube heat exchanger can be operated in approximately counter flow by having
both fluids enter at opposite end and exit at the opposite end. With counter flow the
temperature difference between the two fluids remains almost same. The overall measure of
heat transfers driving force, the log mean temperature difference is greater for counter flow, so
the heat exchanger surface area requirement for parallel will be larger than for a counter flow
heat exchanger with the same inlet and outlet temperatures for the hot and the cold fluid.


1. Set the heat exchanger up for counter flow conditions by changing the valve direction.

2. Switch on the main switch.

3. Switch on the heater and set the temperature controller to 60° C and allow sufficient time
for a steady state condition

4. Turn on cold water supply and open the cold-water control valve and set the cold water
flow rate QC = 1.5 L/min

5. Switch on the pump and open the hot water control valve and set the hot water flow rate
QH = 2.0 L/min

6. Wait until the heat exchanger to stabilize

7. After conditions have stabilized, record the hot and cold-water temperatures at inlet, mid-
point and outlet.

8. After data has been recorded, switch off the pump switch and close the cold-water supply

9. Close the hot and cold-water valves and turn off the power supply cable


Sr. No Th1 Th2 Th(mid) Tc1 Tc2 Tc(mid) V̇ h V̇ c

(°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) ltr/min ltr/min

University of engineering and technology ,LHR(Nwl campus)

The temperature drops and rise in counter flow exchanger should be more
drastic as compared to the parallel flow heat exchanger.This fact can seen from
the graph.

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University of engineering and technology ,LHR(Nwl campus)



To compare the working principle of concentric tube heat exchanger

operating under conditions of parallel flow and counter flow at
defined flow rates.

 Parallel and counter flow heat exchanger


A heat exchanger is a device that is used for transfer of thermal energy (enthalpy) between two
or more fluids, between a solid surface and a fluid, or between solid particulates and a fluid, at
differing temperatures and in thermal contact, usually without external heat and work
interactions. The fluids may be single compounds or mixtures.

 Parallel Flow Heat Exchangers

 Counter Flow Heat Exchangers


In the parallel-flow arrangement, the hot and cold fluids enter at the same end, flow in the
same direction, and leave at the same end. In contrast to the parallel-flow exchanger, this
configuration provides for heat transfer between the hotter portions of the two fluids at one end, as
well as between the colder portions at the other. For this reason, the change in the temperature
difference, ∆T = Th - Tc, with respect to x is nowhere as large as it is for the inlet region of the parallel-
flow exchanger. Note that the outlet temperature of the cold fluid may now exceed the outlet

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University of engineering and technology ,LHR(Nwl campus)

temperature of the hot fluid.

For the same amount of heat transfer parallel flow heat exchanger is of larger size as compared
to counter flow heat exchanger.The thermal stresses produced in this exchanger are less
because the average temperature profile remains constant.


In counter flow heat exchanger both the fluids enter the exchanger body from different ends
and heat transfer occurs during counter flow condition.

For the same amount of heat transfer the size of counter flow heat exchanger is much smaller
than parallel flow heat exchanger

The thermal stresses produced in counter flow heat exchanger are greater because of a varying
temperature profile across a flow

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o Set the flow rate of hot water at 2 liters per minute. Set the temperature of cold water
at one liter per minute

o After that set the temperature of reservoir at 60, 65, 70, 75 degrees Celsius. Wait for
some time so that temperature of reservoir reaches to steady state

o After that note the temperature reading of hot and cold water at entering and leaving
the heat exchanger

o Find the log mean temperature difference and heat flow at different temperatures.

o Draw the graph of temperature with respect to length of heat exchanger

o Now change the other parameter such as flow rate of cold water by keeping the other
constant. Now draw the graph as draw before with overall heat transfer coefficient.

The results show that counter flow heat exchanger is efficient than a parallel flow heat

LMTD for counter flow heat exchanger is larger than parallel flow heat exchanger which shows
that for same heat exchange the size of counter flow heat flow exchanger is smaller than
parallel flow heat exchanger

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