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DLP No.: 3 Learning Area: MAPEH Grade Level: 8 Quarter: First Duration:
Learning Analyzes the factors that affect one’s attitudes and practices related to Code:
Competency/ies: sexuality and sexual behaviors (H8FH-Ib-19)

Key Concepts/ 1. Gender Role - refers to set of roles, characteristics, and expectations of how a man or woman
Understanding to be should feel, think, and act as influenced by parents, peers, and society.
Developed: 2. Sexuality –is an integral part of what we do and who we are; it is the way in which we experience
and express ourselves as sexual beings.
1. Objectives:
Knowledge Identify the factors that affect one’s attitudes and practices related to sexuality and sexual behaviors
Skills Perform & identify the gender roles
Attitudes Appreciation of one’s gender roles
Vaues Can value one’s gender with self- confidence
2. Content/Topic Gender & Human Sexuality
3. Learning  Physical Education & Health (Learner’s Material) p. 209- 210
Resources/  Projector/ TV
Materials/  Powerpoint Presentation
4. Procedure
4.1 Activity:
Pictures will be shown to the students. Can you tell the relationship drawn in the pictures.

1. How family, peers and self affects your behavior being a woman and a man?
2. What do you call the set of roles, characteristics, and expectations of how a man or woman
should feel, think, and act as influenced by parents, peers, and society?- GENDER ROLE

4.2 Analysis:
Draw the symbol for the male gender if the phrase states a usual role for men and draw the symbol
for the female gender if it is the usual role for women.
1. giving birth
2. making a living
3. fixing the broken faucet
4. doing household chores
5. helping the children with their homework
1. How important is it to know your gender role?
4.3 Abstraction: The teacher will give additional input through ppt.
 Gender Role - refers to set of roles, characteristics, and expectations of how a man or
woman should feel, think, and act as influenced by parents, peers, and society.
 Sexuality –is an integral part of what we do and who we are; it is the way in which we
experience and express ourselves as sexual beings. It is the total expression of an
individual’s self-concept.
Gender Role - is often an outward expression of gender identity. It is manifested within society by
observable factors such as behaviour and appearance. Your gender role demonstrates the typical
characteristics of a person in his or her behaviour.
 Sexual Behaviour Standards are behaviours that have come to be accepted by society.
 Social and cultural norms are some of the factors which influence gender roles.
 The aim of education for human sexuality is to develop in a boy the characteristics of the
personality belonging to his sex, and in a girl the characteristic of her own sex, thus turning
a boy into a mature man and a girl into a mature woman.

4.4 Application: Group activity

Write the changes that you expect as you mature from a boy/girl to a man/woman.

Let the students share their output.

5. Assessment
Write down 10 gender roles. Example is done for you.

Example: breadwinner Example: babysitter

6. Assignment Study ahead the Life Skills to Improve Sexual Health.

7. Wrap- up/
Concluding Activity
Prepared by:
Position/Designation: TEACHER I Division: DEPED TOLEDO
Contact Number: 09269260378 Email address: JASELLAY@GMAIL.COM

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