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Aptian-Albian Transition in Central Tunisia: Tectonosedimentary and

Paleogeographic Records

Article  in  Journal of Earth Science · October 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s12583-014-0478-7


7 425

4 authors, including:

Ferid Dhahri Taoufik Haji

Faculty of Science of Gafsa/Ecole Polytechnique de Nouakchott University of Carthage


Noureddine Boukadi
University of Tunis El Manar


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Journal of Earth Science, Vol. 25, No. 5, p. 787–798, October 2014 ISSN 1674-487X
Printed in China

Aptian–Albian Transition in Central Tunisia:

Tectonosedimentary and Paleogeographic Records
Imen Marco1, Ferid Dhahri*1, 2, Taoufik Haji1, Noureddine Boukadi1
1. University of Tunis El Manar, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Tunis 2092, UR11ES15 Sedimentary Environments,
Petroleum systems and reservoirs characterization
2. University of Gafsa, Faculty of Sciences de Gafsa, Gafsa 2112, Tunis

ABSTRACT: The Aptian–Albian series are characterized, in Tunisia, by several variations in subsi-
dence rates and records discrete unconformity between Albian and Aptian in central and southern
Tunisia. In central Tunisia Upper Aptian regressions were sustained until the beginning of Albian
with a low sea level stand. In this paper, wells data gathered from central Tunisia exposes well ex-
pressed Aptian–Albian hiatus associated to several partial sedimentary gaps, erosion surface and un-
conformities and correlated with the “Aptian Crisis” highlighted at the Tethyan scale. This latter is
coeval with an extensional regime in concurrence with the African rifting responsible for halokinesis
movements and magmatism and leaded to the establishment of paleoreliefs as much as tilted blocks
and half grabens in central Tunisia. Deposition shows regional hiatus and lateral transition from plat-
form facies to south to, open marine facies to the north. The structural configuration of this domain
within normal faulting, horsts and grabens leaded to the establishment of several distinct basins with
different subsidence rates. Discordances occur specially around and upward uplifted blocks and
emerged land and are especially associated with Aptian reef, karsts and shallow marine facies. They
are unconformably overlaid by the transgressive open marine facies of Albian–Cenomanian series
acknowledged as source rock in Central Tunisia. In addition, the reefal Aptian facies is considered a
potential reservoir rocks in central Tunisia and it is frequently associated to mineralization and Hy-
drocarbure reservoirs.
KEY WORDS: central Tunisia, Aptian, Albian, Hiatus, well data.

0 INTRODUCTION In this paper we use data from petroleum wells of Central

The Tunisian Atlas corresponds during Cretaceous times Tunisian atlas, to illustrate the Aptian–Albian tectono-
to a basin characterized by dominant N to NE-trending exten- sedimentary and paleogeographic records with emphasis to the
sional tectonics regime subsequent to the break-up of Gond- general evolution of the Atlassic chain of Tunisia. The study
wana and plates convergence. During the Aptian–Albian times area covers large part of central Tunisia and match with the
halokinesis movements and magmatism occurred in concur- northern part of the central Atlassic domain (Fig. 1). The Zag-
rence with the African rifting (Guiraud et al., 2005) and leaded houan thrust, the Mrhila-Cherichira fault and the N-S axis con-
to the establishment of paleoreliefs as much as tilted blocks and stitutes three main paleogeographic faults that underlain this
half grabens in central Tunisia (Gharbi et al., 2013; Jaillard et area and was controlled the structure and the deposition distri-
al., 2013; Rigane et al., 2010; Zouari et al., 1999; Boukadi and bution since Mesozoic times. Despite the Triassic evaporates,
Bédir, 1996; Boukadi et al., 1992; Martinez et al., 1991; Bu- the earliest series are Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous in age.
rollet and Ellouz, 1986). The Aptian–Albian magmatic events Alongside the study area, outcropping series are from Jurassic
are attributed to Cretaceous mantle plume activity highlighted to recent (Fig. 1). Their outcrop is linked to the hanging walls
also in the eastern Mediterranean (Segev et al., 2005), in Cen- of paleogeographic faults of the Zaghouan thrust and the N-S
tral Africa (Guiraud et al., 1992; Maurin and Guiraud, 1990) axis. The Triassic evaporites occur mainly along thinned and
and correlated with these highlighted in the Tunisian eastern weakened cover structures as much as Koudiat Halfa, Koudiat
margin (Laridhi-Ouazaa and Bédir, 2004). Hamra, the N-S axis and Cherichira fault.
Along the central atlas of Tunisia, the Aptian–Albian period
*Corresponding author: shows remarkable tectono-sedimentary records and deserves de-
© China University of Geosciences and Springer-Verlag Berlin tailed investigations. This work based on lithostratigraphic corre-
Heidelberg 2014 lation of the Aptian–Albian series in central Tunisia attempt to
offer new precisions on the Aptian–Albian transition with empha-
Manuscript received September 21, 2013. sis of tectonic and paleogeographic controls.
Manuscript accepted January 27, 2014.

Marco, I., Dhahri, F., Haji, T., et al., 2014. Aptian–Albian Transition in Central Tunisia: Tectonosedimentary and Paleogeographic
Records. Journal of Earth Science, 25(5): 787–798. doi:10.1007/s12583-014-0478-7
788 Imen Marco, Ferid Dhahri, Taoufik Haji and Noureddine Boukadi

Figure 1. Location of the study area with wells and correlation lines on a simplified geologic map of North-Central Tunisia.

1 GEOLOGICAL SETTING During the Albian–Cenomanian times, the North-Central

1.1 Paleogeography Tunisia constitutes an open marine environment dotted with
In Central Tunisia a shallow marine environment zone Triassic dome heights (Lehmann et al., 2009). An Upper Al-
was established during the Lower Aptian (Ben Ferjani et al., bian transgression (Bismuth, 1973) leads to clay and carbonates
1990). This zone acknowledged as the “Central Tunisian deposition which came to overlain the Aptian carbonated Serj
Platform” extend to the south until the Gafsa Basin with a Formation. Some local anoxic basin are established and seems
broad shallowmarine area and it is characterized to the north to be favorable for source rock formation in correlation with
by an emerged land subsequent to the Aptian regression the Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event well known at Tethyan scale
called the Kairouan Island southern Kairouan (Marie et al., and in central Tunisia (Lehmann et al., 2009; Heldt et al.,
1982; Burollet, 1956). This area is acknowledged as a hemi- 2008).
pelagic transition zone between the shallow marine domain
and the Tunisian Trough northward (Fig. 2). During the Up- 1.2 Lithostratigraphy
per Aptian this area is characterized by shallow marine envi- The Aptian deposition in Central Tunisia is mainly cha-
ronment and by the establishment of a carbonate platform racterized by carbonate and detritic facies (Figs. 2 and 3) which
facies (Lehmann et al., 2009). An uppermost Aptian genera- evolves along paleohighs to reef carbonate facies of the Serj
lized marine regression enlarges emerged area leading to Formation then to open marine facies to the north (claystones
Aptian–Albian series thickness reduction in central and and marlstones). This deposition is especially thick in north
southern Tunisia (Marie et al., 1982; Burollet et al., 1983). Central Tunisia with a Lower Aptian hemipelagic facies sub-
Reefal limestones occur along subemerged uplifted basins sequent to the sea level rise and an Upper Aptian shallow ma-
and karstification can take place in emerged carbonated sur- rine environment characterized by carbonate platform facies
faces. These conditions are favorable for formation of poten- (Lehmann et al., 2009).
tial Aptian reservoirs rock in central Tunisia and for minera- The Serj Formation deposited in widespread carbonate
lization as much as the Pb-Zn deposits of Jebel Trozza which platform at central Tunisia scale, outcrops in many localities. It
was the basis for old mining operations. shows considerable variations in thickness to reach 450–600 m
Aptian–Albian Transition in Central Tunisia: Tectonosedimentary and Paleogeographic Records 789

within a 1 400 m thick Albian series in Koudiat el Baïda (Jebel

Mrhila), and revised later by Zghal (1994) who divided this
Formation into four units: 1) the Fahdene lower clays Lower
Albian in age, 2) the Allam limestones Middle Albian in age, 3)
the Fahdene middle clays Upper Albian in age and 4) the
Mouelha limestones and the lower part of the uppermost clays,
Upper Albian in age.
According to Zghal et al. (1997), the complete Albian se-
quence can be subdivided to five terms: 1) an alternations of
Lower Albian marls and argillaceous limestones at the base, 2)
Lower to Middle Albian carbonated sequence (marls then li-
mestones), 3) Middle Albian alternation of marls and sand-
stones, 4) alternation of marls (unit F0, Upper Albian), limes-
tones (unit F1, Upper Albian) and argillaceous limestones (unit
F2A, Uppermost Albian-Lowermost Vraconian), 5) the term 5,
Vraconian in age is comprised of a clayey sequence within a
bioclastic limestone layers at the base. The uppermost Ceno-
manian is mainly comprised of marly limestones (unit F2B).

1.3 Structural Background

The study area makes part of central Tunisia which is an
intensively fractured and folded Atlassic domain with
SE-vergent anticlines alternating with large synclinal basins
(Figs. 5 and 6). This domain is also characterized by some
NW-SE and E-W grabens corresponding to subsident zones
bordered by active ancient faults occurred since the Lower
Cretaceous. These grabens are probably structured since the
Aptian–Albian times and evolved during the Neogene and Qu-
aternary tectonic events.
The study area is particularly underlined by the
ENE-WSW Mrhila-Cherichira strike-slip fault system (Fig. 5)
comprised of a successions of E-W dextral strike slips relayed
by N60 restraining bends which contributes to the east-verging
thrusts and to the Triassic extrusion along the structures of
Figure 2. Aptian lithofacies map of Tunisia with the loca- Chaambi, Koudiat Halfa, and Cherichira (Haji et al., 2013;
tion of the study area (modified after Tlatli, 1980). Boukadi, 1994). However this fault has significant impact on
the distribution of sedimentation and subsidence with some
around subsident areas and became thin along the N-S axis progressive sedimentary gaps (Haji et al., 2013; Boukadi,
(W8 and W9) and missing around the Kairouan Island. It com- 1994).
prises three units: limestones (base unit), an alternation of marl Foussana and Rohia-Sbiba grabens are two main NW-SE
and limestones (middle unit) and limestones, dolomite and oriented grabens clipped by the Mrhila-Cherichira fault where
some clay (top unit). the junction matches respectively with the Triassic evaporites
The Early Albian deposition took place in marine domain extrusion of Jebel Chaambi and Koudiat Halfa. The
to the north and in the Gafsa Basin but is absent along emerged Rohia-Sbiba graben end at the level of the Mrhila fault to the
areas of Central Tunisia and Saharan platform. During the south but the Foussana-Kasserine graben extend southern this
Albian–Cenomanian times, sedimentation is diverse with three fault testifying the importance of the Kasserine regional fault
partial equivalent formations reaching the lowermost Turonian (Figs. 5 and 6).
age: the Zebbag Formation in the southern and South-Central
Tunisia with limestones, marls, dolomites and gypsum deposits, 1.4 Aptian–Albian Tectonics Overview
and the Fahdene and Bahloul formations to the north with The Tethyan realm is characterized during Early Creta-
marls and limestones deposits (Fig. 4). ceous by extensional tectonics related to the NW-SE Tethys
The complete Albian series in Central Tunisia (Fahdene opening started since the Late Permian and leading to rifts,
Formation) is crossed by two wells northward Jebel Mrhila horsts, grabens and tilted blocks (Dhahri and Boukadi, 2010;
(Fig. 1) and it accomplish 1 600 m thick and it is comprised of Brunet and Cloetingh, 2003; Piqué et al., 1998; Soyer and Tri-
alternating limestones and marls evolving to argillaceous facies cart, 1987; Dercourt et al., 1986). Since the Aptian main tec-
upward. This Formation was defined firstly in the Oued Bah- tonic and eustatic events occurs in both Tethys margins. Olivet
loul anticline core by Burollet (1956) within an et al. (1984) highlighted a southeastern drift of the Iberian
Albian–Cenomanian age, then described by M’Rabet in 1981
790 Imen Marco, Ferid Dhahri, Taoufik Haji and Noureddine Boukadi

Figure 3. Synthetic stratigraphic sketch of the study area.

Aptian–Albian Transition in Central Tunisia: Tectonosedimentary and Paleogeographic Records 791

Figure 4. Albian–Cenomanian lithofacies map of Tunisia, eroded/emerged areas are ignored (modified after Gaaya and Ghe-
nima, 1998).

Peninsula during the Uppermost Aptian–Upper Albien. In the highlighted in Central Tunisia (Bouaziz et al., 2002; Rabhi and
northern Tethyan margin Graziano (2000) describe a Ben Ayed, 1990), the Aptian–Albian tectonics is mainly exten-
syn-sedimentary tensile tectonics, at the end of the Early sional and engenders an important hiatus (Rigane et al., 2010;
Aptian, that he link to the onset of the Austrian orogenic phase Bouaziz et al., 2002; Soyer and Tricart, 1987). Martinez et al.
on the distant Adria plate margin and responsible to the estab- (1991) point out an NE-SW extension of the Tunisian margin
lishment of the central and eastern Alps. during the Aptian resulting from the dextral slip of the
In Tunisia, except scarce local compressional structures Gibraltar-Messine transform fault and engendering strike-slips
792 Imen Marco, Ferid Dhahri, Taoufik Haji and Noureddine Boukadi

and normal faults respectively along NE-SW and NS accidents. lithostratigraphic columns respectively of W2, W1, W4 and
During the Aptian times Triassic salts started to grow up in W7 wells. W2 is drilled near the northeastern edge of the Rohia
Tunisia (Snoke et al., 1988) and the most important halokine- graben, W1 and W4 are drilled in the northern block of the
sisevent seems to be experienced during this period and played Sbiba graben and the W7 is drilled southern the Mrhi-
an important role in the tectono-sedimentary evolution of Tuni- la-Cherichira fault, westward the NS axis (Fig. 5).
sia (Boukadi et al., 1992). Horst and grabens created are dis- These wells are going throw the most of the Cretaceous
turbed by Triassic ascension along extensional zones which series. They show considerable thick variations especially for
uplift some domes and tilted blocks. This configuration stimu- the Upper Cretaceous series as demonstrated by Haji et al.
lates differential subsidence until the Cenomanian times in (2013), Zouaghi et al. (2011) and Zghal et al. (1997). We note
Central Tunisia (Soyer and Tricart, 1987). the lack of the Uppermost Aptian and the Lowermost Albian
deposition (Fig. 7). The Serj Formation make about 622 m in
2 WELL DATA ANALYSIS: STRATIGRAPHIC COR- the Massanerh structure (W2), 433 m in the Oued Bahloul
RELATIONS AND OBSERVATIONS (W1), 736 in Argoub el Gara (W4) and is totally missing in the
Fourteen petroleum exploration wells drilled in the study Zaouia and the NS axis area (Fig. 6, section I). These thickness
area were studied (Fig. 1). Stratigraphic columns were analyzed variations are also shown in the section I of Fig. 6 where the
and compared to correlate and point out the evolution of the paleogeographic faults of the N-S axis, Trozza, Bahloul and
Aptian-Albian series along the studied area based on three Ballouta impacted highly the distribution of Cretaceous deposi-
correlation lines (Figs. 7, 8 and 9). We focused especially to the tion.
Aptian-Albian transition; hence post-Cenomanian series are not The Fahdene Formation Albian–Cenomanian deposition
drawn in some stratigraphic columns. makes about 850 m in Massanerh structure, 416 m in the Oued
Figure 7 illustrates the first correlation line drawn for the Bahloul and is totally missing in Argoub el Gara and the
eastern part of the study area. This correlation comprises four Zaouia area. In Argoub el Gara the Turonian series overlays

Figure 5. Structural map of the study area.

Aptian–Albian Transition in Central Tunisia: Tectonosedimentary and Paleogeographic Records 793

Figure 6. Geological cross-sections along the study area (modified after Haji et al., 2013) showing the Aptian–Albian hiatus
and the thickness increase of the Aptian–Albian series to the north. Section I show that this hiatus is absent to the north of
Ballouta fault. This hiatus is no highlighted in the Kasserine graben because of the lack of data. 1. Triassic; 2. Jurassic; 3.
Valanginian–Barremian; 4. Aptian; 5. Albian–Cnomanian; 6. Turonain–Maastrichtian; 7. Neogne; 8. Quaternary;
9. Aptian–Albian Hiatus.

unconformably the Serj Formation. Comparing to the domain cause the final depth of at least three wells doesn’t across over-
situated to the south of the Mrhila-Cherichira fault, the Massa- all this formation. This correlation line shows the lack of the
nerh, Oued Bahloul and Argoub el Gara area seem to be subsi- Upper Aptian and the Lower–Middle Albian series. The Albian
dent during the Aptian with marls dominated deposition. These deposition ranges from 300 to 500 m thick and shows a pro-
conditions persist during the Albian times for the Massanerh gression from shallow marine platform facies to the south, to
and Oued Bahloul and not for the Argoub el Gara area. This an open marine facies to the north (Fig. 8) with rich coquina
can be explaining by the fact that this later is located in the level especially around Tamesmida structure (W12 and W11
uplifted side of a tilted block made by the normal slip of faults wells). The Fahdene Formation overlay unconformably the Serj
during the Upper Cretaceous. Formation and outcrops in Khechem el Kelb (W13) and Assilet
The missed stratigraphic units are possibly eroded subse- (W5) areas (Fig. 5) where it is partially eroded and respectively
quently to the combination of two factors: 1) an Aptian tectonic about 731 and 625 m thick (Fig. 8). But it is remarkably thick
controversial event (Bouaziz et al., 2002; Graziano, 2000; Mar- when it doesn’t outcrops preserving its total deposition around
tinez et al., 1991; Rabhi and Ben Ayed, 1990; Snoke et al., Khechem el Kelb (W14) and Tamesmida (W12 and W11) areas
1988; Soyer and Tricart, 1987) engendering an important hiatus exceeding 1 000 m thick. In fact, Tamesmida area, located
and 2) an uppermost Aptian regression responsible ofemersion northward the Mrhila-Cherichira fault, constitutes an Albian-
an erosion of considerable area especially in the Central Tuni- Cenomanian subsiding basin subsequently to the normal slip of
sian Platform. the northern block of this main paleogeographic fault (Haji et
Figure 8 illustrates the second correlation line which is al., 2013) (Fig. 5). And Khechem el Kelb constitutes an
mainly oriented NS. It comprises five wells, respectively from NE-SW anticline with a southeastern subsiding flank affected
south to north, W14, W13, W12, W11 and W5. The first three by NE-SW normal fault system (Zouaghi et al., 2011).
wells are drilled northern the Mrhila-Cherichira fault and the Figure 9 illustrates the third correlation line which is
others are southward (Fig. 5). mainly oriented NE-SW. It comprises seven wells, respectively
Unluckily the Serj Formation is not fine correlated be- from southwest to northeast, W12, W11, W10, W6, W3, W2
794 Imen Marco, Ferid Dhahri, Taoufik Haji and Noureddine Boukadi

and W1 (Fig. 5). Except W10 which is drilled close to the seems to be the most subsiding area.
Mrhila fault, the other wells are drilled northern the Mrhi-
The thicker Aptian series seems to be deposited around Compare to the Serj Formation defined in Jebel Serj (Tlat-
Tamesmida and Massannerh areas where the Serj Formation li, 1980; Burollet, 1956), the Aptian series crossed by the stu-
exceeds 574 m thick. In these localities, the Lower Aptian de- died wells records some comments on lithology and thickness.
position is mainly marls and clays dominated. Middle and Up- In fact, to the north, the Aptian deposition seems to be domi-
per Aptian deposition is for the most wells from carbonates nated by claystones and marlstones testifying open marine
platform facies (limestones and dolomites). The Fahdene For- facies and fluctuate progressively to the south, to carbonate and
mation overlays unconformably the Aptian deposition and detritic facies of shallow marine platform. This progressive
shows, from southwest to northeast, significant thick variations facies variation is notable around the Mrhila-Cherichira fault
(Figs. 6 and 9). Two subsiding basins separated by relative which can underline the transition zone between the open ma-
uplifted block can be defined respectively in Tamesmida- Der- rine environment to the north and the platform domain to the
neya (W12-W11) area to the southwest and in Ksar Tli- south.
li-Massanerh (W3-W2) to the northeast. This structuring is due The Aptian series are characterized, in Tunisia, by several
to the normal slip of the NW-SE oriented fault. In fact, the variations in subsidence rates and records discrete unconformi-
subsidence of Tamesmida-Derneya block is due to both normal ty between Albian and Aptian in central and southern Tunisia
slips of NW-SE faults and Mrhila-Cherichira one’s, this why it (Ouahchi et al., 1998; Zghal et al., 1997; Ben Ferjani et al.,

Figure 7. NW-SE lithostratigraphic correlation around Hajeb Layoun area (line 1, see location in Fig. 1).
Aptian–Albian Transition in Central Tunisia: Tectonosedimentary and Paleogeographic Records

Figure 8. N-S lithostratigraphic correlation western Kasserine area (line 2, see location in Fig. 1).

Figure 9. NE-SW lithostratigraphic correlation in central Tunisia (line 3, see location in Fig. 1).
Imen Marco, Ferid Dhahri, Taoufik Haji and Noureddine Boukadi
Aptian–Albian Transition in Central Tunisia: Tectonosedimentary and Paleogeographic Records 797

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Tectono-Sedimentary Evidences for Aptian to Santonian
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Extension of the Cretaceous Rifting in the Northern
We thank the anonymous reviewers and the Editorial Chotts Range (Southern Tunisia). Journal of African
Committee of Journal of Earth Science for their constructive Earth Sciences, 79: 58–73
798 Imen Marco, Ferid Dhahri, Taoufik Haji and Noureddine Boukadi

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