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Because China is a communist state, there is no official religion and more than half of the
population claims no religious affiliation or identifies as atheist. About a quarter of the people
practice Taoism and Confucianism and other traditional religions. There are also small numbers
of Buddhists, Muslims and Christians. Although numerous Protestant and Catholic ministries
have been active in the country since the early 19th century, they have made little progress in
converting Chinese to these religions.

There are seven main dialects of Chinese — Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka, Wu, Min, Xiang and
Gan. Pŭtōnghuà, the type of Mandarin based on the speech in the capital Beijing, is the official
national language of mainland China. Many Chinese are also fluent in English. The written
language is symbol-based.

Like other aspects of Chinese life, cuisine is heavily influenced by geography and ethnic
diversity. Among the main styles of Chinese cooking are Cantonese, which features stir-fried
dishes, and Sezchuan, which relies heavily on use of peanuts, sesame paste and ginger and is
known for its spiciness.
The Chinese word for rice is fan, which also means meal, and it is a staple of their diet, as are
bean sprouts, cabbage and scallions. Because they do not consume a lot of meat — occasionally
pork or chicken — tofu is a main source of protein for the Chinese.
Tea is the beverage of choice.

The largest festival — also called the Spring Festival — marks the beginning of the lunar New
Year. It falls between mid-January and mid-February and is a time to honor ancestors. During
the 15-day celebration, children receive money in red envelopes for good luck and people
thoroughly clean their homes to signify a fresh beginning. The holiday is marked fireworks and
parades with dancers dressed as dragons

The Filipino Religion

Before the introduction of Christianity, the Filipinos were mostly pagans. They worshipped
spirits which they believed dwell in objects like trees, mountains, and rivers. They worshipped
nature, the sun the moon, and the stars. They also believed in a supreme God or deity. Because
of their belief in a deity and in animate or living things their religion was called animo-delsm.
It was not long after the Spain colonized the Philippines that the Filipinos become Christians.
Today, majority of the Filipinos are Catholics. But a group of Filipino Catholics headed by Mr.
Gregorio Aglipay founded the Philippines Independent church. This splinter, nationalistic group
does not recognize the Pope as the head of the Catholic Church. But their beliefs and doctrines
are the same as of the catholic. This group are called Aglipayan after their founder. 
Religion in the Philippines is marked by a majority of people being adherents of
the Christian faith. least 92% of the population is Christian; about 81% belong to the Roman
Catholic Church while about 11% belong to Protestant Christian and independent Catholic
denominations, such as Iglesia Filipina Independiente, Seventh-day Adventist Church, United
Church of Christ in the Philippines and Evangelicals. Officially, the Philippines is a secular nation,
with the Constitution guaranteeing separation of church and state, and requiring the
government to respect all religious beliefs equally.
According to national religious surveys, about 5.6% of the population of the Philippines
is Muslim, making Islam the second largest religion in the country. However,A 2012 estimate by
the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) stated that there were 10.7 million
Muslims, or approximately 11 percent of the total population. Most Muslims live in parts of
Mindanao, Palawan, and the Sulu Archipelago – an area known as Bangsamoro or
the Moro region. Some have migrated into urban and rural areas in different parts of the
country. Most Muslim Filipinos practice Sunni Islam according to the Shafi'i school.[4] There are
some Ahmadiyya Muslims in the country.

Courting and Wedding

In some rural areas, the practice involves a night serenade called Harana where the boy
serenades the girl he is courting with love songs. The young man also serves the girls family by
performing daily chores such as chopping wood, mending the fence, etc. These actions were
originated in the past when boys were too shy to court the girls directly and parents arranged
the marriage of their children. Engagement and marriage are two events where the provinces in
the Philippines differ in their rituals and practices. A bride is not supposed to try her wedding
gown before the wedding as this could bring bad luck.
Respecting Elders

Another trait that has lingered on is respect to elders.Ar an early age,Filipinos are tauught to
respect their elders and obey their will. It is common practice,especially in the province,to kiss
the hand or forehead of ones grandparents or older relatives,as a sign of greeting and
respect.Elders are key in the family,and their advice usually followed.Children are taught to
attach"po" or"Opo"to whatever they say especially when speaking with older people.

The Bayanihan Spirit

Bayanihan or the spirit of helping one another is said to have been inherited by the Filipinos
from their Malay forefathers. In the rural areas, bayanihan is reflected in many ways. During the
planting and harvest seasons, all members of the family and neighbours help out without
expecting payment in return. Helping one another is also carried out in such activities as when
having a party where neighbours, friends and relatives help in cleaning and decorating the
house, cooking, setting the table and entertaining the guests.

Similarities of Chinese and Filipinos

 Chinese and Filipinos have great respect to elderlies. If Filipinos attach po and opo in
their responds or sentences so as Chinese. For example you want to say hello to a
person that is older than you. You should not say nĭ hăo instead you should say nín hăo.
 Chinese and Filipinos both celebrate festivals and other celebrations. People make
rituals and other traditional doings.
 Filipinos are fond of eating rice so as Chinese.

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