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Personality is a key part of every single one of us, it determines our moods,
our behaviours, how we interact with each other and the decisions we make.
Effectively, our personalities make us who we are. This is why, it is crucial to
study whether our personality is caused by our ancestors, the environment we grew
up in, on perhaps, even both. Genes within a species are all the same - the DNA
within you genes is most likely 99.9% similar to mine. This allows us to use to
develop characteristics that come naturally to us. However, some of us are better at
things than the other. We all have the instincts to learn language and to walk.
Personality Development is not inherited from genes, we develop our
personality from our environment. According to this study “External factors are
likely to play a bigger part in developing the personality of an individual than the
genes it inherits from its parents “. Some people grow up in households where
bullying, meanness, unrelenting teasing, lack of respect and a lack of boundaries
characterize family life. Bullying is all they have ever known. They copy the
interpersonal behaviors they learned, and bullying is conflated with self esteem,
love, and attention.
Much of our personality is based on the adaptation of our abilities, cognitive
abilities and social interests. This adaptability that shapes and forms us can only be
learnt from the interaction with our environment. Personality is caused by the
cultural development and the interactions we have with others and our environment
when we are a child. Studies show that that children raised in foster homes were
influenced greater by their foster parents child raising, than by their genetics.

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