Sharples 2001

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Solar Energy Vol. 70, No. 3, pp.

237–244, 2001
 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd
Pergamon PII: S 0 0 3 8 – 0 9 2 X ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 9 2 – X All rights reserved. Printed in Great Britain
0038-092X / 01 / $ - see front matter / locate / solener


*Centre of the Built Environment, School of Environment and Development, Sheffield Hallam University,
Unit 9, Science Park, Howard Street, Sheffield S1 1WB, UK
**School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK

Abstract—A wind tunnel study was carried out to investigate the airflow through courtyard and atrium
building models located within an urban setting and exposed to an urban atmospheric boundary layer.
Ventilation strategies resulting from the use of different courtyard and atrium pressure regimes (positive
pressure and suction) were examined. The model buildings were monitored both in isolation and in idealised
urban environments of varying group layout densities. The effect of wind direction was also observed. The
results from the study suggest that the open courtyard in an urban environment had a poor ventilation
performance whilst an atrium roof with many openings operating under a negative (suction) pressure regime
was the most effective. Changing the wind direction from perpendicular to the building façades to a 458
incidence angle had the effect of making the differences in the observed flows between all the models much
smaller.  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. INTRODUCTION tion and reducing energy consumption is the

atrium. The atrium form was originally used in
A key feature of urban sustainability is the design
ancient Greece and Rome, where it was an
and use of energy efficient buildings within the
uncovered internal roof opening to allow daylight
urban context. Many urban buildings are large,
in and smoke from fires out. This uncovered form
non-domestic structures used for office, commer-
was extended in traditional Arab architecture to
cial and industrial purposes. Such buildings have
create a larger courtyard space. Courtyard spaces
frequently used mechanical ventilation and / or air
were covered with glass in wrought iron frames
conditioning systems to create their internal en-
during the 19 th century when these materials
vironments, and the use of such systems has
became widely available as a result of the In-
increased dramatically throughout Europe during
dustrial Revolution. The modern origins of the
the last decade (Santamouris and Asimakopolous,
atrium can be traced back to the construction of
1996). Apart from the global consequences of
the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Atlanta in 1967
energy-intensive, highly serviced buildings there
(Saxon, 1994). The atrium building has proved so
has also been concern related to the health of the
popular that most large commercial buildings
occupants of such buildings (Turner and Binnie,
completed during the last 25 years contain some
1990). In response to these issues there has been a
form of atrium, often as a central core circulation
revival of interest in the use of natural ventilation
space. Although this has other environmental
for non-domestic buildings to provide an internal
implications, such as for solar gain, daylight and
environment with satisfactory thermal comfort
thermal comfort, this study has focussed on the
and good indoor air quality. This revival has
ventilation and airflow performance of the atrium.
incorporated both major research projects (Limam
The atrium building utilises both stack and
et al., 1997; Kukadia, 1998) and the production of
wind forces to generate air flows through the
design guidance and design tools (CIBSE, 1997;
room spaces adjoining the atrium well. In summer
Allard, 1998) to help engineers and architects
the stack force can be dominant and the atrium
integrate natural ventilation solutions into their
well acts as a chimney to vent warm air out of
rooftop openings. For other times of the year wind
One building type that has been thought to
forces may create pressure gradients between the
offer great potential for utilising natural ventila-
outer façades of the buildings and the inner
façades facing the atrium well. A complex mix of
parameters will determine the magnitude and

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: direction of the wind-induced internal airflow.
144-0114-225-4794; fax: 144-0114-225-3206; e-mail: These include the magnitude and distribution of the pressure coefficients around and inside the

238 S. Sharples and R. Bensalem

atrium building, the leakage characteristics of the for densely packed housing in hot humid climates,
façades and the shape of the roof over the atrium with vents placed in the sides of an elevated roof
well. Another key factor is the sheltering effect of ridge. The jack roof was found to be effective in
surrounding buildings in the urban environment. inducing internal air movement. A study by
Recent work by Santamouris et al. (1998) on Riskowski et al. (1998) of the airflow perform-
airflow in urban canyons has indicated how great ance of a number of commercial and fabricated
the drop in natural ventilation potential can be ridge vents provided quantitative data for a range
within urban areas. For atrium buildings sited of wind speeds and directions. The shape of the
within a congested urban area the sheltering effect roof can also have a major role in inducing
may be so great that wind-induced pressures on internal air movement. Kindangen et al. (1997)
the building’s external walls may be very small. performed a CFD analysis of ten roof configura-
Under these circumstances the atrium roof can be tions to study their impact on airflow velocities
the key element for generating sufficiently strong and distributions. For the isolated, cross-ventilated
positive or negative pressure gradients to induce dwelling modelled the shape of the roof did have
satisfactory natural ventilation flows. an effect on the airflow patterns, and, in par-
The use of roof elements to enhance the ticular, air velocities. Wind direction, roof over-
ventilation of buildings in built-up areas is not hangs and roof heights were also important in-
new. Wind towers and wind catchers have been fluences on airflow.
prevalent in the Middle East and North Africa for Some assessments of airflow in courtyard and
hundreds of years, and have formed a key com- atrium buildings have been carried out, mainly as
ponent of the indigenous architecture of those either wind tunnel or computer simulations. Walk-
regions. Fig. 1 shows a wind tower from Iran [9]. er et al. (1993) and Shao et al. (1993) performed
Vents incorporated into the roof ridge and eaves CFD and wind tunnel studies of courtyards. Their
provide a more integrated solution in modern work suggested that courtyards could provide
buildings. Bauman et al. (1988) used a wind adequate ventilation, but that local sheltering
tunnel to investigate a ‘jack roof’ configuration effects in urban areas might create serious prob-

Fig. 1. Wind towers of Yazd, Iran (from Gallo, 1995).

Airflow in courtyard and atrium buildings in the urban environment: a wind tunnel study 239

lems. Alvarez et al. (1998) modelled airflow structed, instrumented and tested in a boundary
patterns in courtyards as a function of their depth layer wind tunnel.
to width ratios. Andersen (1995) provided a set of
formulae for estimating atrium ventilation param- 2.1. Building models
eters such as air velocity, temperatures and venti- The models represented four storey courtyard
lation capacities in terms of openings, heat loads and atrium buildings at a scale of 1:100. They
and building geometries. Guidelines for CFD measured 339 3 339 externally 3 130 mm high.
modelling of atria have been suggested by Schild The central courtyard / atrium was square in plan
et al. (1995). Schaelin et al. (1996) compared with the sides being equal to the height of the
several airflow models of varying complexity with building (i.e. 130 3 130 3 130 mm). The model
measured temperature and velocity data from an walls representing room depth were 104 mm
8000 m 3 volume atrium, and obtained satisfactory deep. Monopitch roofs were placed over the
agreement. courtyard opening to produce a range of ventila-
Many of the above studies have tended to tion strategies. Each roof was 52 mm high, giving
investigate either isolated building models or have a roof pitch of just under 228. The models were
been trying to apply the results to a particular constructed from Perspex and consisted of rectan-
actual full-scale building. Little work has been gular building block modules that could be fixed
done on a parametric analysis of the interactions together to create a range of model types. The
between several factors, such as roof shape, models’ walls and roofs were perforated with
atrium ventilation mode, wind direction and sur- 10 mm diameter holes to simulate building leaki-
rounding buildings. Such a parametric analysis ness. The porosity of the walls (hole area to total
would help identify the best combination of façade area) was 11.4%. Table 1 gives details of
design parameters to maximise the benefits of the various courtyard and atrium roof ventilation
wind-driven natural ventilation in atrium build- strategies investigated in the study, while Fig. 2
ings in urban areas. The experimental details of shows schematically the types of flow produced
just such a parametric study are given in this by these strategies.
paper. Airflow rates through the models were mea-
sured directly with an orifice plate incorporated
into one of the Perspex building block modules.
This device was a square edged plate of 17 mm
In order to evaluate the wind-driven natural diameter inserted between two short brass pipes
ventilation in courtyards and atria in an urban of 25 mm diameter, fitted with two corner pres-
setting a range of model buildings were con- sure tappings. The pressure drop across the tap-

Table 1. Courtyard and atrium roof ventilation models and strategies used in study
Model Roof ventilation strategy
Model A1 Open courtyard, square in plan, no roof
Ventilation strategy: positive driving pressures across courtyard

Model A2 Atrium monopitch roof with no openings in roof

Ventilation strategy: positive driving pressures across atrium

Model A3 Atrium monopitch roof, small area of openings in leeward pitch of roof,
equivalent to 11.4% of total façade area
Ventilation strategy: negative suction pressures on atrium roof openings

Model A4 Atrium monopitch roof, large area of openings in leeward pitch of roof,
equivalent to 30.4% of total façade area
Ventilation strategy: negative suction pressures on atrium roof openings

Model A5 Atrium monopitch roof, small area of openings in windward vertical

element of roof equivalent to 11.4% of total façade area
Ventilation strategy: positive driving pressures on vertical roof openings

Model A6 Atrium monopitch roof, openings in leeward pitch of roof and openings
in windward vertical element equivalent to 30.4% of total façade area
Ventilation strategy: positive and negative pressures on atrium roof openings
240 S. Sharples and R. Bensalem

Fig. 2. Courtyard and atrium roof ventilation strategies used in study.

pings was measured using a digital manometer. tions was estimated at approximately 610%,
The orifice plate was calibrated, in its Perspex reflecting the fluctuations of the manometer sig-
container, against a precision commercially avail- nals. Fig. 3 shows the orifice plate located in one
able flowmeter with an accuracy traceable to of the Perspex atrium models.
national standards. The dynamic pressure in the
tunnel at the top of the boundary layer, together 2.2. The wind tunnel
with the internal pressure in the atrium well at The instrumented model was placed at the
mid height, was also recorded. The flows through centre of a 1.1 m diameter turntable in an
each model were monitored on each floor and on atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel. Two
each façade of the model at two locations wind directions (08 and 458) were investigated.
positioned centrally. The error in flow observa- The tunnel had a working length of 7.2 m with a

Fig. 3. Orifice plate located in atrium building model.

Airflow in courtyard and atrium buildings in the urban environment: a wind tunnel study 241

cross-section of 1.2 3 1.2 m, and a maximum measurements it was possible to derive the refer-
speed of 25 m s 21 . The wind tunnel was normally ence wind speed at the top of the boundary layer,
run at this speed, which produced a windspeed at V800 .
eaves level of 16.4 m s 21 , to produce the maxi- The standard orifice flow equation for estimat-
mum Reynolds number. A series of spires, castel- ing the flow Q though an opening of flow area A
lated fence and roughness elements in the wind is given by:
tunnel generated a suburban type velocity profile
at the turntable with a boundary layer height of Q 5 Cd A([2Dp /r ])0.5 (1)
800 mm and a power-law exponent of 0.245. The
urban environment around the model was simu- where Cd is the discharge coefficient of the
lated by surrounding the model with rectangular opening, Dp is the pressure difference across the
wooden blocks of similar dimensions as the opening and r the air density. The air velocity at
model, where the height of each block, H, was the the orifice plate opening, Vo , is given by Q /A, and
same as the eaves height of the atrium and can be derived from eqn (1). In this study the
courtyard models. The blocks were arranged in orifice plate relationship between Q and Dp was
either a uniform or staggered (checkerboard) established by calibration against a precision,
arrangement. The wall-to-wall spacing between commercial flowmeter with an accuracy traceable
the blocks, Sc, was set at 1.5 and 2.3 times the to national standards. Since Q and A were known
building height H. The lateral spacing, L, was set then Vo could be established
to 0.5Sc for the staggered arrangement and to Sc The results from the study were expressed as a
for the in-line layout. These arrangements pro- non-dimensional flow coefficient CQl:
duced area densities of 0.28 and 0.40 for the
uniform layout and 0.38 and 0.50 for the stag- velocity at an opening in the model, Vo
CQ1 5 ]]]]]]]]]]
gered layout. Area density is defined as the ratio velocity at the top of the boundary layer, V800
of building plan area to building site area. A set of
measurements was also made on all the models in
isolation with no surrounding buildings. or
The blocks were laid out to a fetch radius of
15H (three rows of blocks upstream and three CQ1 5 Q /(A 3V800 ) (3)
rows downstream) as test results showed no
change in measured airflows beyond this fetch. CQt was used to represent the average of all the
The blockage in the tunnel was up to 8% at CQl values measured for each model.
normal wind incidence (08) and up to 11% for the
458 wind incidence direction. Although these
values are a little high it was decided to apply no
corrections to the results.
Each model was secured to the wind tunnel The results of the experiments are discussed in
turntable and the required layout put in position. terms of the average of all the CQ1 model values
The tunnel was run for one hour to allow flow and measured on each model, CQt, and the minimum
temperature conditions to stabilise. Each measure- value of CQl observed in each model for the two
ment consisted of logging the pressure drop Dp wind directions. A comparison is also made
across the orifice plate whilst simultaneously between the CQt values for the models sur-
recording the dynamic pressure in the tunnel at rounded by other building models and when the
the boundary layer height of 800 mm using a models were in isolation. The detailed results
pitot-static tube. From this dynamic pressure from the experiments are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Average flow coefficients CQt for uniform (U) and staggered (S) area densities (D) and wind directions 08 and 458
Model CQt CQt CQt CQt CQt
Ref. Isolation U, D50.28 U, D50.40 S, D50.38 S, D50.50
08 458 08 458 08 458 08 458 08 458
Model A1 0.126 0.179 0.074 0.144 0.071 0.118 0.065 0.126 0.057 0.084
Model A2 0.147 0.188 0.093 0.153 0.086 0.124 0.080 0.119 0.062 0.091
Model A3 0.140 0.166 0.085 0.145 0.087 0.114 0.088 0.122 0.083 0.095
Model A4 0.135 0.159 0.134 0.137 0.136 0.127 0.139 0.135 0.131 0.124
Model A5 0.179 0.189 0.108 0.159 0.119 0.127 0.086 0.117 0.098 0.094
Model A6 0.162 0.162 0.126 0.126 0.100 0.100 0.104 0.104 0.070 0.070
242 S. Sharples and R. Bensalem

3.1. 08 wind direction been reduced in magnitude as the group layout

Among the structures tested, the courtyard closed up.
model A1 had the poorest ventilation perform- Atrium models A5 (with a porosity of 11.4%)
ance. For any of the urban layouts the CQt values and A6 (with a porosity of 30.4%) operated under
were typically between 0.065 and 0.071, com- positive and near atmospheric roof pressure re-
pared to a value of 0.126 for the courtyard in gimes respectively. Model A5 had CQt values
isolation. The minimum CQl was very low, being from 0.086 to 0.119 (0.179 in isolation), whilst
measured at one location at 0.02. model A6 had CQt scores from 0.070 to 0.126
The closed roof atrium model A2 showed a (0.162 in isolation). Minimum flow values for
slightly improved performance over the courtyard, both models were raised to around 0.06.
with CQt values from 0.062 to 0.093 in the urban Fig. 4 shows, for the 08 wind direction, the ratio
layouts (compared to 0.147 for the isolated case), for each model and each area density of the CQt
and a minimum CQl of 0.04. However, the value measured in the urban layout to the CQt
distribution of the flows within the closed model value with the model in isolation. It is apparent
was uneven, with weak ventilation flows iden- from Fig. 4 that the sheltering effect of the urban
tified on the leeward side of the atrium. This surroundings reduced the average flows through
suggested that improved ventilation could be most of the models from 40% to 60% of the
achieved by encouraging flows to enter via the average flow values when the models were iso-
roof. lated. The exception for all area densities was
Atrium models A3 and A4 both operated under model A4, which had a large number of roof
a roof suction regime, with A3 having a roof openings operating under a suction flow regime.
porosity of 11.4% and A4 a porosity of 30.4%. The combination of big openings and strong
This roof suction mode was in conflict with the suction forces overcomes the effect of the sur-
negative pressure forces that were generated on rounding buildings.
the leeward walls of the model. As a consequence
the CQt values for the low porosity roof model 3.2. 458 wind direction
A3 displayed little or no improvement over the Two major changes were observed when the
other models, with a range of 0.083 to 0.088. The wind direction was altered to 458. Firstly, most of
much greater roof porosity of model A4 created the CQt values for the models increased — that
larger roof suction flows and removed the prob- is, the ventilation performance of the models
lem of the negative leeward wall pressures. CQt improved. Secondly, the range of CQt values
values were now found to be from 0.131 to 0.139, between the different atrium and courtyard
with a minimum CQl never falling below 0.10. It models for a given group density became much
was observed that some of the CQt values were narrower, being typically within 610% of the
slightly higher for model A4 in an urban layout mean value for all models. The average CQt
than when in isolation. This is thought to indicate values were approximately 0.15 at an area density
that the negative leeward wall pressures may have of 0.28, 0.12 at 0.40 and 0.38 area densities and

Fig. 4. Ratio of sheltered to isolated average flow CQt for the courtyard and atrium models: 08 wind direction.
Airflow in courtyard and atrium buildings in the urban environment: a wind tunnel study 243

Fig. 5. Ratio of sheltered to isolated average flow CQt for the courtyard and atrium models: 458 wind direction.

0.09 at 0.50 area density. The high porosity ly, for the suction roofs the negative pressures on
suction roof of model A4 still performed slightly the leeward side of the building counteract the
better than the other arrangements, but the mag- negative pressures on the roof. More efficient
nitude of the improvement was only significant ventilation roof design may involve exploiting
for the highest area density value. Venturi effects or vortex generation at roof lead-
Fig. 5 shows, for the 458 wind direction, the ing edges where accelerated flows could be
ratio for each model and each area density of the utilised.
CQt value measured in the urban layout to the
CQt value with the model in isolation. It is
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244 S. Sharples and R. Bensalem

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