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Through a long persistent practical experience, it has been ascertained

that young English learner feel trouble while learning English grammar.
This book, which mostly deals with primary rules of grammar, is an
attempt to present it easily to beginners. Practitioner, technical writers,
and others who use English language daily to present their work may
also use the book for quick reference and clearing doubts.

You must keep in mind that, The English is a beautiful language. It

means, the language evolved over time with human civilization. To learn
the language, you must read literature, speak, think, even dream in
English. Nothing could be alternative to them.

Many times, it has been presumed that, assimilation of the grammar

rules would substantially help a no native English speaking person to
write correct English. But learning of the grammar highly depends on
memory. Through this book, with a new angle of analytical vision, an
attempt has been made to present the matter in a simple and easy way so
that it can be stored in our memory easily. For practice, the exercises
are given at the end.

Although, an attempt has been made, the first version cannot demand
totally flawless. Undoubtedly, there may be a scope of improvement, and
any constructive suggestion send at would be
heartily considered.
A Point To Essential English presented here is also available in the form
of a book. If you like, you can buy it online or you may contact us at

Tando Jan Muhammad

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