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What is a letter?

A letter is a symbol of the alphabet.

E.g., a, b, c, d, etc.

What is a syllable?
A unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without
surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word. E.g,
 Act – one syllable
 Water – (wat – er) – two syllables
 Countrymen – (count- ry – men) – three syllables
 Universal – (u – ni – ver – sal) – four syllables

What is a word?
A word is a single unit of language that has a meaning and can be spoken
or written
E.g., Bottle, Walk, Handsome, Alone etc.

What is a phrase?
A phrase is a group of words consisting a noun but no verb (or) a verb
but no noun and does not have a predicate.
E.g, My neighbor’s dog, in a few minutes, in front of, from the north of

What is a clause?
A clause is a part of the sentence. It has a subject and a verb with a
predicate. It cannot stand by its own in a sentence when it is a
subordinate or dependent clause. It can stand alone in an independent or a
main clause.
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 When the batsman finds a loose ball,
It is a subordinate or dependent clause. It has a noun ‘batsman’ and ‘finds
a loose ball’ a predicate. But it cannot stand by its own because of the
beginning ‘when’.
When the batsman finds a loose ball, what happens? We don’t know the
consequence so it is a subordinate clause.
Now look at the main clause:
 He hits it into a six.
It is an independent or a main clause. It gives a complete thought and can
stand by itself because it has a subject ‘he’ and a predicate ‘hits into a

What is a sentence?
A group of words like this, which makes complete sense, is called a
 Ruba Arain is at the shop.

Kinds of Sentences:-
1) A sentence that makes a statement or assertion is called a Declarative
or Assertive sentence.
 Asad is on a wall.
2) A sentence that asks a question is called an Interrogative sentence.
 Where do you live?
3) A sentence that expresses a command or an entreaty is called an
Imperative sentence.
 Be quiet.
4) A sentence that expresses strong feeling is called an Exclamatory
 What a shame!

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