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Name: Bea Rossette D. Castro Score:

Grade Level/Strand: XII - STEM Date:

Activity Title: The Skeletal System

Learning Competency/ies: 1. To describe the parts and function of the skeletal system
2. To explain the importance of the skeletal system in the survival of animals
Values Integration: Valuing life and appreciating one of the most wonderful gifts God has designed for us –
the human body.

I’m sure you’ve seen a picture of a skeleton many times in your life. It can seem scary until you consider
the fact that a skeleton spends all day with you – even at this very moment, there is a skeleton with you! A
skeleton (just like one in a book or museum) never leaves you alone, no matter where you go or what you do. It’s
inside you all the time. If you removed all your skin and muscles, you would be mostly skeleton. Of course, you
wouldn’t enjoy life much without your skin and muscles, but it’s true that a creepy skeleton is inside you. If that
makes you shake a little, let’s just imagine life without a skeleton. If you had no skeleton, you would flop around
like an octopus. You would have no form or structure; you would look like a blob on the ground.
A. Illustrate and label the parts of the skeletal system. The parts are given in the box

Cranium Clavicle Carpal Sacrum

Hyoid bone Scapula Metacarpal Patella
Rib cage Humerus Phalanges Tibia
Sternum Radius Femur Fibula
Vertebral column Ulna Coccyx Tarsal
Tarsal Metatarsal
B. Answer the following questions:

a. What are the functions of the skeletal system? Give four (4).

b. How does the skeletal system contribute on the sensory and motor mechanism of organisms?

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