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Name: / 28 points



Read the short story ‘The Drover’s Wife’ and answer the questions as precisely and
concisely (kurzgefasst, pregnant) as possible. Make sure you use proper English, e.g.
spelling and grammar. Too many mistakes will result in a reduction of points.

1) Setting
1. Look at the three opening paragraphs of 'The Drover's Wife'. What atmosphere does
Lawson create in his description of the physical setting? 2 points


2) Characters
1. Make a list of the personal qualities of this woman as they are presented to the reader.
Differentiate between positive and negative qualities. Indicate where in the text you find
evidence that supports your assessment of character. Consider her... 6 points

 outward appearance  behavior  relationships to

 situation/position  feelings / attitudes others

Positive traits Quotes / textual evidence

Negative traits Quotes / textual evidence

2. What is Henry Lawson saying about the way the environment (that is, the bush) has
shaped the character of the woman in this story? 2 points


3. What is poignant (= evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret) in the image of the wife
reading the Young Ladies' Journal? 1 points

B) TOMMY: briefly characterize him. Provide textual evidence for your assessment. 2 points

C) JACKY: briefly characterize her. Provide textual evidence for your assessment. 1 point


3) Narrator and point of view

Comment on the narrative point of view and its effect on the reader. 1 point


4) Language

1) Comment on the stylistic tone and the mood of the short stories. How does Henry Lawson
convey this mood? 3 points


2) How does Lawson describe the death of the child? 1 point

3) Find 4 different stylistic devices and show what effect they have. 4 points


5) Themes and message

Why do you think a story which presents such a dismal view of the landscape has become so
famous? What does this story tell us about Australian life in the late nineteenth century?
You may want to draw comparisons to the short stories we’ve read in class. 5 points


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