Lilo y Stitch

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STORYTELLER: One dark night a spaceship arrives to the town, there were lights and strange

NANI: (WAKE UP SCARED) What happed? It’s so noisy, I am going to see.

LILO: (sleeping, and wake up) Nani, nani comes here, I feel so bad then it is cold and noisy.

STORYTELLER: While David is in his home he feels worried about nani and lilo. He goes to her

DAVID: (knock on the door storyteller makes the sound) Nani, Lillo where are you? Are you ok?
Please answer I so worried about you.

STORYTELLER: Nani has been capture by the strange creatures from the spaceship.

LILO: David I’m here, I don’t find Nani, can you help me please? I don’t want to be alone again she
in my life.

DAVID: of course my dear Lillo, let’s go to look for Nani. She is ok I know.

STORYTELLER: When Davis and Lillo arrive to they are see the big spaceship, and think that we are
in a real problem. In a moment the silence finishes and they listen nana’s shouting.

DAVID: Don’t worry nani we are going to rescue you.

LILO: please, strange creatures don’t hurt my sister she is my family. (cry)

STORYTELLER: Something strange happened the lights turn off and on and strong noisy leave them
LILO: What is this David? It’s a blue and ugly creature and has bigeyes, look is blue. (a wonder

STITCH: Hello I want to find a new family and I want yours. (Laughing) you are going to feel sad and
alone the same as me, for that reason I can’t come back your sister, i leave with me to my planet.

LILO: No please, you can’t, you can’t…. I’m going to save my sister. I promise you.

STORYTELLER: Lillo and David look for lieutenant Pleakley in his lab and explain all is


Lieutenant Pleakley: Ok I understand everything is Stitch he is a evil, and so bad person. We

together should be catch stitch and destroy its spaceship because they want to destroy our planet.
I am going to call Ganty he can help us.

STORYTELLER: lieutenant Pleakley is calling Ganty and tell him everything.

GANTY: Lilo and David you must be friends of them. Lillo you have an important role here you are
going to be his friend and talk about family love change his bad heart.

STORYTELLER: Lilo goes to the yard and looks for stitch and starts…… Ganty plans.

Lillo: stitch comes here yujuuuuu, stitch I want to talk to you. What do you think about, let’s go to
the park? There I show you something.

STORYTELLER: in effect Stitch appears but with his bad behaviour he starts to destroy everything
he can.
LILO: (run) stitch comes, comes, plaese pay attention to me, look at this photo, this is my family,
you know, years ago I lost my parents and my only family nowadays is….. (crying) and now you
want to separe us.

STITCH: (surprise and sad) I don’t know about it, but understand me lilo i feel alone without love,
my parents were kill by the humas being for that reason I hate all of you.

LILO: Stitch what do you think about it? We have the same history…. I have an idea.

STITCH: tell me.

LILO: Are you looking for a family and nani and me are alone……. (thinking) what do you think if we
live together and can learn about humans we are not bad people.

STITCH: ( SAD AND HAPPY) Are you sure? Lilo I feel so happy, a family is the best new i would

STORYTELLER:Finally stitch leave out nani and goes t olive with them. At the begining was difficult
live with this strange creature stitch but he starts to learn rules, good behaviours and they live

Thanks for your attention.

See you later.

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