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Hall Organizing Web Portal is an application under project website for creating and
developing Hall s, products, advertising and etc. This project is developed Star Hall Trade Fair,
Coimbatore. The project is developed using PHP, JAVA Script, HTML as front end and
MYSQL as backend. The project handles the details about the Hall and Stall given to the client
to view in their website.

The main purpose of Hall management system is to provide a platform for the users to
view the information about the Hall s that took place in the past and the ones which are about to
take place in the near future. They can first login into the website and see through the
information such as details about the Hall s like the venue, theme of the Hall , participants, chief
guests ,etc.


 Home
 Admin
 User
 Hall detail
 Booking hall detail

This project performs the task of developing a web application that enables the
Hall management and faculty to retrieve the data very easily. The main purpose of Hall
management system is to provide a platform for the users to view the information about the Hall
s that took place in the past and the ones which are about to take place in the near future. They
can first login into the website and see through the information such as details about the Hall s
like the venue, theme of the Hall , participants, chief guests ,etc.The administrator can login and
update the information, delete any unwanted data, arrange the information accordingly so that
the user can go through an user friendly and know all the where about of the concern.

Corporate Developments represents a major step in the evaluation of the requirements.

Display the information and produce the result at a faster rate and cheap operating cost. The
project is aimed to get the quick reports so that owners can know the status of their business in a
faster way. The general objective of this project is to contribute to the development of these
systems as well as to study the social impacts of a state-of- the-art prototype. More specifically,
an interactive, distributed multimedia system will be developed, which will take advantage of
recent advances in the areas of multimedia modeling and development, middleware platforms
and coordination models, parallel and distributed software engineering, digital libraries, and
networking techniques.

The existing system is manual. The user has been maintaining their system manually is a
tedious job. The user needs to change all the process to be systemizing which is doing manually
now. The users are interested to speed up the operations and all the operations must be done
automatically. While writing a paper records the management have to keep the records very
carefully as the entire data is written in those books.

 Lot of paper work required.
 Man power was more.
 Everything is paper based hence it is very time consuming.
 More than one person cannot access the data at same time.


Proposed participant registration system will eliminate all the manual intervention and
increase the speed of whole process. System will allow student to fill the form online, system
has inbuilt validation system to validate the entered data. After successful submission, system
will give unique registration ID for each participant. Improve management productivity,
satisfaction and retention by Eliminate paper trails and manual process with complete online
management for handling management for registration of Hall s.
 Participant can login into system by using this registration ID and can give online
 System will generate the hall detail instantly and store the details for further use.
 Manage all stall information easily in comprehensive participant record Simply Hall
Management System with easy record management.
 Faculty can easily manage the entry and exit of the member who are participating in
certain Hall s
 The required information can be secured easily.
 Time will not be wasted in the process.


System : Intel Core 2 Duo
Hard Disk : 250 GB
Monitor : 15 LED
Mouse : Logitech
Ram : 2GB
Operating system : Windows XP, Windows 7
Coding Language : PHP, JSP, HTML
Designing : Photoshop
Back End : My SQL


PHP stands for php Hypertext Pre-processors and is a programming language which is
used for writing web applications from ordinary web page to full blog or forum. Being a server-
side scripting language PHP runs on the web server,unlike the client-side languages which run
on the web browser and gives a lot of possibilities other programming languages cannot.The
server-side code appears to be more protected than client-side one as it stays on the web browser
and the visitors are not able to view and edit it.When the web page opens,PHP sends only the
output(not the very code) to the visitor’s browsersso it may be sure no one will pilfer user
script.However, PHP code that is kept within a server and runs scripts is an open source which
means that it is easily accessible.PHP is available for free and is well supported being provided
with source code so the users can easily build and customize it according to their own


 Options for working with HTML code. e.g. inserting PHP in the HTML page.
 Facilities for creating graphics.
 Function of addressing to database. e.g. MySQL.
 Ease at handling web forms and setting cookies.
 The possibility to check email by POP3 or IMAP.
 PHP can be used also for command-line scripting and perfectly connects with most web
servers, platforms and operating systems as well as database system of relational types.

 PHP is used for creating dynamic WebPages that interact with the user offering
customized informations.
 PHP offers advantages: it is fast, stable, secure, easy to use and open source (free).
 PHP code is inserted directly into the HTML that makes up a website.When a visitor
comes to the website, the code is executed.Because PHP is a server side technology the
user does not need any special browser or plug-ins to see the PHP in action.
 PHP is easy to understand and learn especially for those with backgrounds in
programming such as C,JavaScript and HTML.
 PHP also runs on just about every platform including most UNIX,Macs and Windows
 PHP has tons of server interfaces,database interfaces and other modules available.
 Of the server interfaces,PHP can load into Apache,IIS,Roxon,THTTPD and
can also be runs as a CGI module.
 Database interfaces are available for MySQL, MS SQL,Informix,Oracle and plenty of
others.If a database is not supported,ODBC is an option.
 The main PHP source repository is loaded with modules and interfaces that users have
written and contributed. There user can find modules for flash movies,PDF
files,calendars and more.


MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS that runs as a server

providing multi-user access to a number of databases. MySQL is officially pronounced ("My S-
Q-L"), but is often also pronounced ("My Sequel"). It is named after developer Michael
Widenius daughter, my. The SQL phrase stands for Structured Query Language.
The MySQL development project has made its source code available under the terms of
the GNU General Public License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements. MySQL
was owned and sponsored by a single for-profit firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, now
owned by Oracle Corporation.
MySQL is a popular choice of database for use in web applications, and is a central
component of the widely used LAMP web application software stack—LAMP is an acronym for
"Linux, Apache, MySQL, and Perl/PHP/Python".
MySQL is written in C and C++. Its SQL parser is written in yacc, and a home-brewed
lexical analyzer named
MySQL works on many different system platforms, including AIX, BSDi, FreeBSD, HP-
UX, eComStation, i5/OS, IRIX, Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, NetBSD, Novell
NetWare, OpenBSD, Open Solaris, OS/2 Warp, QNX, Solaris, Symbian, SunOS, SCO Open
Server, SCO UnixWare, Sanos and Tru64. A port of MySQL to OpenVMS also exists.
Many programming languages with language-specific APIs include libraries for accessing
MySQL databases. These include MySQL Connector/Net for integration with Microsoft's Visual
Studio (languages such as C# and VB are most commonly used) and the ODBC driver for Java.
In addition, an ODBC interface called MyODBC allows additional programming languages that
support the ODBC interface to communicate with a MySQL database, such as ASP or


HTML stands for Hyper text Markup Language, and it is the language in which, until
recently, virtually all Web pages were written. Now, don’t break out in hives when you hear the
word “language.” You don’t need complex logical or mathematical formulas to work with
HTML, and you don’t need to think like a programmer to use it.
Hypertext refers to the way in which Web pages (HTML documents) are linked together.
When you click a link in a Web page, you are using hypertext. It is this system of linking
documents that has made the World Wide Web the global phenomenon it has become. Markup
Language describes how HTML works. With a markup language, you simply “mark up” a text
document with tags that tell a Web browser how to structure it. HTML originally was developed
with the intent of defining the structure of documents (headings, paragraphs, lists, and so forth)
to facilitate the sharing of scientific information between researchers. All you need to do to use
HTML is to learn what type of markup to use to get the results you want


The first step toward understanding and working with HTML is learning the basic terms
that describe most of the functions of this language. You will come across these terms repeatedly
as you use HTML and if you understand them, you will have progressed a long way toward
comprehending HTML, not to mention XHTML.

All HTML pages are made up of elements. Think of an element as a container in which a
portion of a page is placed. Whatever is contained inside the element will take on the
characteristics of that element. For example, to identify a heading on a page, you would enclose
it in a heading element <h1></h1>. If you want to create a table, you put the table information
inside the table element <table></table>. To construct a form, you need the form element

Often, you’ll find the terms element and tag used interchangeably. It’s fairly common,
but not strictly accurate. An element is made up of two tags: an opening tag and a closing tag.
Although it might seem somewhat picky to make this distinction, when you begin to work with
XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language), it will be a very important difference to
remember. If you get into the habit of distinguishing elements and tags from the very beginning,
you’ll save yourself some confusion down the line.
All tags are constructed the same way. The tag begins with a “less than” sign (<), then the
element name, followed by a “greater than” sign (>). For example, an opening tag for
the paragraph element would look like this<p> the tags. A simple paragraph might look like
this:<p>this is an HTML paragraph. </p>.Some elements do not use closing tags because they do
not enclose content. These are called empty elements. For example, the line break element
<br>does not require a closing tag. In the case of empty elements, add a closing slash after the
element name, like this <br/>. When a browser sees the slash, it will recognize the element as
one that does not need a separate, closing tag.


Attributes are another important part of HTML markup. An attribute is used to define the
characteristics of an element and is placed inside the element’s opening tag. For example, to
specify the size of an image or graphic on your page, you would use the image element <img />
along with the height and width attributes:
<img height=" " width=" " />

Be sure to notice that an equal’s sign and a set of quotation marks follow both the height
and the width attributes. That’s because attributes need values to go with them. values work
together with attributes to complete the definition of an element’s characteristics.

Often you will want to apply more than one element to a portion of your page. An
essential concept to understand is nesting. Nesting simply means that elements must never
overlap. Web browsers displaying an HTML page can be pretty forgiving if your elements are
not properly nested; however, overlapped elements can create garbled results, particularly if you
are trying to construct frames or tables. Also, when you become familiar with XHTML’s stricter
standards, you’ll discover that overlapping elements are an absolute “no-no.”

HTML provides three different types of lists to choose from when building a page,
including unordered, ordered, and definition lists. Unordered lists are for lists of items where
order isn’t of important. While ordered lists place strong importance on the order of items. In the
case where there is a list of terms and descriptions, perhaps for a glossary, definition lists are
available. Choosing what type of list to use, or to use a list at all, comes down to the content at
hand and what is the most semantic choice for displaying the content in HTML.
With three different types of lists to use within HTML there are multiple ways to stylize
them using CSS? Some of these options include deciding what type of bullet to use on a list.
Maybe the bullet should be square, round, numeral, alphabetical, or perhaps not even exist at all.
Also, deciding if a list should be displayed vertically or horizontally plays a hand in stylization.


Unordered lists are purely a list of related items, in which their order does not matter nor
do they have a numbered or alphabetical list element. Creating an unordered list in HTML is
accomplished using the unordered list, ul, block level element. Each list item within an
unordered list is individually marked up using the list item, li, block level element.
By default most browsers represent each list item with a solid dot. This solid dot is referred to as
the list item element and can be changed using CSS.

The ordered list element, ol, works just like the unordered list element, including how
each individual list item is created. The main difference between an ordered list and an
unordered list is that with an ordered list the order of which items are represented is important.
Instead of showing a dot as the default list item element, an ordered list uses numbers. Using
CSS, these numbers can then be changed to letters, Roman numerals, and so on.
With the introduction of HTML5 also came the introduction of two new attributes for
ordered lists. These new attributes include start and reversed. The start attribute determines from
where an ordered lists should start. By default, ordered list start at 1. However, there may be a
case where a list should start at 5.
The reversed attribute allows a list to appear in a reversed order. A list of 5 items ordered
1 to 5 may be reversed and ordered from 5 to 1. The reversed attribute is a Boolean attribute so it
doesn’t accept any values. Including it within the opening ol will reverse the list. As part of the
HTML5 specification, not all browsers currently support the start and reversed attributes.
Additionally, the value attribute may be used on an individual list item within an ordered list to
change its value within the list. Any list item appearing below an item with an
updated value attribute will then be recalculated accordingly. As an example, if the second item
in a list has a value attribute of 9, the number of that list item will appear as the ninth item. All
other items below this one will be calculated as necessary, starting at ten.

Another type of list often seen online, yet quite different than that of an unordered or
ordered list, is the definition list. Definition lists are used to outline multiple terms and
descriptions, often in the case of a glossary. Creating a definition list in HTML is accomplished
using the dl element. Instead of using the li element to mark up list items, the definition list
actually requires two elements: the definition term elements and the definition description
elements add.
A definition list may contain numerous terms and descriptions, one after the other.
Additionally, a definition list may have multiple terms per description as well as multiple
descriptions per term. A single term may have multiple meanings and warrant multiple
definitions. In comparison, a single description may be suitable for multiple terms.
In adding a definition term and description, the term must come before the description.
Subsequently, the term and the following description will correspond to one another. Definition
lists do not have any list item elements; however the default styling of a definition list does
indent any descriptions.

Photoshop is the leading digital image editing application for the Internet, print, and other
new media disciplines. It is embraced by millions of graphic artists, print designers, visual
communicators, and regular people like you. It's likely that nearly every picture you've seen
(such as posters, book covers, magazine pictures, and brochures) has either been created or
edited by Photoshop. The powerful tools used to enhance and edit these pictures are also capable
for use in the digital world including the infinite possibilities of the Internet.
The newest version of Photoshop includes features such as:

 Layer Searching
 Group Clipping Masks
 More information displayed in the user interface.
 More hotkeys
 Crop tool changes

The workspace consists of several components that you will use to create your works of
art. Generally, there are four components in your workspace that you will use while creating or
modifying graphics. These components are as follows:
 The Menu Bar
 The Drawing Canvas
 The Toolbox
 Palettes (There are five palettes by default)

A database is an organized mechanism that has the capability of storing information
through which a user can retrieve stored information in an effective and efficient manner. The
data is the purpose of any database and must be protected. The database design is a two level
process. In the first step, user requirements are gather together and a database is designed which
will meet these requirements as clearly as possible. This step is called Information Level Design
and it is taken independent of any individual DBMS.

In the second step, this Information level design is transferred into a design for the
specific DABMS that will be used to implement the system in question. This step is called
Physical Level Design, concerned with the characteristics of the specific DBMS that will be
used. A database design runs parallel with the system design.



Input design is the process of converting user-originated inputs to a computer-based

format. In the project, the input design contains admin and investor login, new user registration,
company participant, buying fund and selling fund.

The new user can register the site and they can able to view the Hall details, from the
regular updates, they can able to sell their shares. The admin can login to the system and provide
details about the company participants and then he will be update the regular Hall details, and
provide complete description about the Hall and Participants Company details to the user.


The database design involves creation of tables. Tables are represented in physical
database as stored files. They have their own independent existence. A table consist of rows and
columns. Each column corresponds to a piece of information called field. A set of fields
constitutes a record. The record contains the entire information specific to a particular item.

A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to serve
many users quickly and efficient. During database design analyst studies the data to determine
which data will require to store on external storage device. Here the analyst is responsible for
designing a control system that prHall s tempering with the data stored by the computer.


Output design generally refers to the results and information that are generated by the
system for many end-users.

In the project, the output design is made in various features involved as such with various
methods in order to take the data given by the customer and make allocations. In this project
output forms are participants companies and complete description about the users, registered user

The admin can get the details of the user and they can able to view the user daily
activities and their transaction.

Output designs from computer systems are required primarily to communicate the result
of processing to users or sometimes to others systems including machine-based systems. They all
also used to provide a permanent copy of these results for later consultation.



The most important phase in system development life cycle is system testing. The
number and nature of errors in a newly designed system depends on the system specifications
and the time frame given for the design.

A newly designed system should have all the subsystems working together, but in reality
each subsystems work independently. During this phase, all the subsystems are gathered into
one pool and tested to determine whether it meets the user requirements.

Testing is done at two level -Testing of individual modules and testing the entire system.
During the system testing, the system is used experimentally to ensure that the software will run
according to the specifications and in the way the user expects. Each test case is designed with
the intent of finding errors in the way the system will process it.

Testing plays a very critical role in determining the reliability and efficiency of software
and hence is a very important stage in software development. Software testing is done at
different levels. They are the unit testing and system testing which comprises of integration
testing and acceptance testing.


Unit Testing

This is the first level of testing. The different modules are tested against the
specifications produced during the integration. This is done to test the internal logic of each
module. Those resulting from the interaction between modules are initially avoided. The input
received and output generated is also tested to see whether it falls in the expected range of
values. Unit testing is performed from the bottom up, starting with the smallest and lowest
modules and proceeding one at a time.

The units in a system are the modules and routines that are assembled and integrated to
perform a specific function. The programs are tested for correctness of logic applied and
detection of errors in coding. Each of the modules was tested and errors are rectified. They were
then found to function properly.

Integration Testing

In integration testing, the tested modules are combined into sub-systems, which are then
tested. The goal of integration testing to check whether the modules can be integrated properly
emphasizing on the interfaces between modules. The different modules were linked together and
integration testing done on them.

Validation Testing

The objective of the validation test is to tell the user about the validity and reliability of
the system. It verifies whether the system operates as specified and the integrity of
important data is maintained. User motivation is very important for the successful performance
of the system.

All the modules were tested individually using both test data and live data. After each
module was ascertained that it was working correctly and it had been "integrated" with the
system. We hold the system tested with different types of users. were well documented so that
the system can be easily maintained and upgraded by any computer professional at a later

System Testing

The integration of each module in the system is checked during this level of testing. The
objective of system testing is to check if the software meets its requirements. System testing is
done to uncover errors that were not found in earlier tests. This includes forced system failures
and validation of total system as the user in the operational environment implements it. Under
this testing, low volumes of transactions are generally based on live data. This volume is
increased until the maximum level for each transactions type is reached. The total system is also
tested for recovery after various major failures to ensure that no data are lost during the


Implementation is the process that actually yields the lowest-level system elements in the
system hierarchy (system breakdown structure). The system elements are made, bought, or
reused. Production involves the hardware fabrication processes of forming, removing, joining,
and finishing; or the software realization processes of coding and testing; or the operational
procedures development processes for operators' roles. If implementation involves a production
process, a manufacturing system which uses the established technical and management processes
may be required.

The purpose of the implementation process is to design and create (or fabricate) a system
element conforming to that element’s design properties and/or requirements. The element is
constructed employing appropriate technologies and industry practices. This process bridges the
system definition processes and the integration process.

System Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned into a
working system. The most critical stage is achieving a successful system and in giving
confidence on the new system for the user that it will work efficiently and effectively. The
existing system was long time process.

The existing system caused long time transmission process but the system developed
now has a very good user-friendly tool, which has a menu-based interface, graphical interface for
the end user. After coding and testing, the project is to be installed on the necessary system. The
executable file is to be created and loaded in the system. Again the code is tested in the installed
system. Installing the developed code in system in the form of executable file is implementation.



This project “HALL ORGANIZING FOR WEB PORTAL” is design and developed
as per the requirements of the management. Hall management is a glamorous and exciting
profession which demands a lot of hard work and dynamism.

The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to
automate the entire process keeping in the view of database integration approach. The system
makes the overall project management much easier and flexible. It can be accessed over the
Intranet. Various classes have been used for file uploading and down loading. The user
information files can be stored in centralized database which can be maintained by the system.
This can give the good security for user information because data is not in client machine.
Authentication is provided for this application only registered users can access. User can share is
data to others, and also he can get data from others. There is no risk of data management at any
level while the project development is under process.

This project “HALL ORGANIZING WEB PORTAL” can be extended and
improvements can be done easily.
This system very flexible and changes can be made without difficulty. The design of the
Website is created and the system is entirely designed for Stand Alone usage according to the
need of the customer if needed the design is to be published as a website using Domain Server
with Network facility to handle the branch activities also.
In future the online shopping and other online support for the consumers were carried out
through the website. This system is developed using powerful tools and technology. So, even
after the development phase, new applications can be applied and integrated very easily with the
existing system.


1. Thomas Powell, “HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference”, McGraw-Hill,5th Edition,
2. Jason Smith, “Build and Design A Website (HTML & CSS)”, EBook.
3. Ian Lloyd, “Build Your Own Website the Right Way Using HTML & CSS”, 3rd Edition, Site
Point, 2011.
4. Ian Sommerville, “Software Engineering (International Computer Science Series)”,
Hardcover, 7th Edition, 2004. 
5. Andy Harris,“PHP 5 / MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner”, 1st edition ,
Cengage Learning PTR, 2004.


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