Recent Advances in X Ray Microtomography Applied To Materials

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Recent advances in X-ray microtomography

applied to materials

S. R. Stock

To cite this article: S. R. Stock (2008) Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to
materials, International Materials Reviews, 53:3, 129-181, DOI: 10.1179/174328008X277803

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Recent advances in X-ray microtomography
applied to materials
S. R. Stock*
This review highlights recent advances in X-ray microcomputed tomography (microCT) as
applied to materials, specifically advances made since the first materials microCT review
appeared in International Materials Reviews.1 Improvements in instrumentation are covered, and
one focus is microCT using phase (as opposed to absorption) contrast. Instead of grouping
studies by disciplines, the reviewed reports are organised by type of application, specifically the
study of the spatial distribution of phases, of cellular solids (including static and temporally
evolving structures, fibrous network solids, mineralised tissues and biomedical applications), of
channel structures, of deformation, fatigue and fracture, of processing and of corrosion and
environmental interactions. Metrology applications are covered briefly, and several applications
where microCT is combined with position resolved X-ray scattering are described in more detail.
The accuracy of microCT reconstructions is discussed before data handling challenges are
outlined. The review closes with speculations on the future directions of materials microCT.
Keywords: Microtomography, X-ray imaging, Synchrotron radiation

Introduction arbitrarily takes the same definition as in the first review,

namely that microCT describes tomographic imaging
Less than a decade ago, microcomputed tomography or with y50 mm voxels, which is volume elements).
microtomography (microCT) of materials was reviewed Nonetheless, a feel for the increase can be gained by
in this journal by this author.1 A reader might ask why a considering the SPIE conference series Developments in
second review is needed so soon after the first. One finds X-ray Tomography (1997, 1999, 2001, 2004 and 2006); it
an answer to such a reasonable question by considering spans biology to engineering and its proceedings has
the very rapid development of instrumentation and the grown from 266 to 340 to 374 to 802 to 682 pages
concomitant increase in accessibility (and in publication respectively, which represents a saturation of this
rate) that have occurred since the mid 1990s. particular forum (limited to the papers that can be
Dedicated microCT instruments at the third genera- presented in a 3 day symposium). The slight decrease in
tion synchrotron X-radiation sources (e.g. APS, ESRF pages from 2004 to 2006 probably represents a decrease
and SPring-8) and at other storage rings have multiplied in frequency (3 year gap preceding 2004 and 2 year gap
opportunities for three-dimensional (3D) imaging at the preceding 2006).
highest spatial resolution and contrast sensitivity, but Some authors of microCT studies use synonyms
daily access is not an option. Multiple manufacturers (including microCT, X-ray tomographic microscopy,
now offer affordable, turnkey microCT systems for computerised microtomography, the recent nanoCT and
routine, day to day laboratory characterisation by even just tomography) in describing their studies, and
scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Recently, com- this complicates the search for relevant papers. Further,
mercial nanoCT systems (claimed spatial resolutions the same class of structure, requiring similar analysis
substantially below 1 mm) and in vivo microCT systems tools, can occur in disciplines spanning the life sciences
(for small animals) began to appear in research to art conservation to the physical sciences and engineer-
laboratories. ing, and reports appear in a wide dispersion of journals
The increase in microCT papers since the first and conference proceedings. One example is cellular
International Materials Reviews (IMR) review1 amounts solids with trabecular or spongy bone and bone growth
to an explosion. Quantifying the rate of increase in scaffolds found in the biomedical literature and with
publication of microCT papers is problematic because metal foams in engineering publications. These two
of artificial issues such as the division between factors combine to hinder newcomers finding pre-
microCT and conventional tomography (here the author vious paradigms on which to base their analyses and
to produce examples of unneeded (except perhaps in
an existential sense) sweat expenditure via wheel
Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Biological Chemistry, reinvention.
Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA Considering the following experiment in locating
*Corresponding author, email microCT papers relating to foams, a class of cellular

ß 2008 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and ASM International

Published by Maney for the Institute and ASM International
DOI 10.1179/174328008X277803 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 129
Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

solids described in more detail below. Over the past needed differs from that in the first two subsections,
several years, the author desultorily collected nine nanoCT is discussed in a separate, somewhat shorter
papers on microCT of cellular solids (excluding those subsection. Phase microCT, mainly performed with
on trabecular bone) without any particularly purpose synchrotron radiation, is the subject of the rather
beyond the possibility of writing this review. A literature lengthy (fourth) subsection. Fluorescence microCT and
search in Compendex, a database for engineering microCT employing X-ray scattering (small angle X-ray
papers, on ‘microCT and foam’, revealed one paper scattering, SAXS, and wide angle X-ray scattering,
(one of the nine); on ‘microtomography and foam’ WAXS, or diffraction) are the subjects of the fifth
produced 30 hits (three more of the nine) and on subsection; these two modalities are treated separately
‘tomography and foam’ resulted in 139 hits (six of the because they require translate-rotate data collection and
nine). Separate searches on ‘cellular solid and tomo- different detector configurations. Alternative approaches
graphy’ or ‘wood and tomography’ or ‘scaffolds and to tomography are discussed next, and the section ends
tomography’ would be required to reveal the other three with a discussion of reconstruction improvements.
papers of the nine; note that the middle search yields 204 Before developments embodied in the current genera-
hits most of which are irrelevant to microCT. tion of laboratory and synchrotron systems are dis-
This review examines developments since the first cussed, it is useful to reiterate the interplay between field
review appeared in this journal1 and except where of view (FOV), the number of detector elements and the
needed for understanding the more recent developments, minimum corresponding voxel (volume element) size
this earlier material will not be described again. To a (Fig. 1). Exact reconstruction requires the specimen to
great extent, organisation of the papers in different remain in the FOV for all rotations (i.e. FOV equals or
topical areas is arbitrary. Further, many papers could be exceeds the specimen diameter as in Fig. 1e); otherwise,
discussed in more than one subsection. The reader difficult to predict errors will result from parts of the
familiar with some of the literature, might, therefore, be specimen rotating into and out of the FOV (i.e. the
surprised at where a given paper appears. One hopes situation in Fig. 1a and b for points A and B). If
that this reader will not be surprised by significant the specimen diameter is fov and the detector has N
omissions in the literature reviewed. elements, then the minimum voxel size containing
Developments in instrumentation will be covered first physical information is vox5fov/N (note that one can
because these dictate what has been possible in the always reconstruct with smaller voxels, but this is strictly
applications that follow. The subsections of the instru- a mathematical exercise). For a 5 mm diameter speci-
mentation section are listed at the start of that section. men and a 1 K detector, reconstruction can be with
MicroCT of the distribution of phases is the first 5 mm voxels; recent literature reports increasing use of
subsection of the materials applications section. Cellular 2 K detectors which would result in 2?5 mm voxels of the
solids such as foams and trabecular bone are covered same specimen. At least one manufacturer of a com-
second because the analysis techniques extend those mercial, tube based system offers a 4 K62 K detector
illustrated in the previous section. Channel structures, and capability to produce (8 K)2 voxel reconstructions.
essentially the converse structure of foams (minority As a very rough estimate, spatial resolution is somewhat
phase being open space instead of solid like in foams), worse than twice the voxel size, but metrics such as the
are considered after cellular solids. Cracks are often an modulation transfer function are required for more
important feature in fatigue, deformation and fracture precise discussion of resolution. Effects like penumbral
applications, and, because measurement of quantities blurring (finite X-ray source size) or optical and
such as the 3D spatial distribution of crack openings is mechanical imperfections may degrade spatial resolution
not dissimilar to what is required with channel struc- beyond what is expected from the voxel size.
tures, these applications are summarised next. Defor-
Angular sampling is another important variable. The
mation and crack opening/closing studies often require
Nyquist limit2 defines the rotation increment consistent
repeated imaging of the same specimen, and this thread
with a given spatial sampling, i.e. voxel size. In (1 K)2
is continued in subsections on processing and on
synchrotron microCT reconstructions, the author
corrosion and other environmental interactions.
employs 0?25u angular steps over 180u (somewhat more
MicroCT’s use in metrology is covered in a separate
than 700 projections), and this appears adequate to
section following the materials applications section.
produce sharp reconstructions. When the size of the
Multimode studies (microCT plus another modality
reconstruction is doubled to (2 K)2, the angular incre-
such as X-ray microbeam diffraction mapping) are
ment is decreased to 0?125u. Sample geometry has an
covered in the next section. Accuracies of microCT
important effect on the acceptable level of angular
reconstructions and of various measured quantities and
undersampling. For example, long, straight edges will
data handling challenges are discussed in separate
cause worse streaking in the case of angular under-
sections. A prognosis for the future of microCT imaging
of materials concludes the review. sampling than they would under conditions of adequate
The dynamic range within the projections is extremely
Instrumentation important in dictating the levels of contrast that can be
This section covers laboratory (absorption) microCT retrieved reliably from reconstructions. The X-ray
first with the primary emphasis on available commercial intensity flux through the specimen and the exposure
systems and on promising new developments that have, time determine the total number of X-ray photons
for whatever reason, not appeared on the market. The incident per image pixel and hence dictate the levels of
second subsection reviews synchrotron (absorption) contrast that will exist in a reconstructed slice provided
microCT. Spatial resolutions substantially below 1 mm the detector is not saturated by light photons; the
are the province of nanoCT, and, as the instrumentation condition for optimum contrast was discussed in the first

130 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

1 Field of view (FOV) and specimen diameter. The X-ray beam illuminates area shaded grey. a and b Points A and B
rotate into and out of FOV. c and d Illustration of how placing centre of rotation to one side of FOV and rotating
through 360u provides data missing in a and b. e Entire specimen diameter is within FOV, but smallest voxel size is
limited by number of detector elements. Points C–E remain in FOV. f Local or region of interest tomography where
FOV is much smaller, points C and D remain in FOV while E moves in and out and only region within dotted line is
reconstructed. Here the voxel size (region diameter divided by number of detector elements) can be much smaller
than in e

IMR review1 and is not repeated here. Not only do the detector at any position, incident beam inhomogene-
specimen characteristics affect contrast sensitivity, but ities produce decreased contrast in slices from the
several instrument characteristics also have a role. The dimmer areas of the beam. It should be emphasised
number of light photons produced per transmitted X- that noise is X-ray count limited and for the very
ray photon (i.e. the fraction of X-ray photons absorbed inefficient optical coupling, noise is at best limited by the
by the scintillator and the output of light photons per detector’s full well capacity (which in turn has fewer
absorbed X-ray photon) is an important variable, contrast levels than one thinks because of the largely
especially given that detectors have limits to the unexamined interplay between number of light photons
maximum number of photons that can be collected produced per absorbed X-ray photon and the small
before saturation. Dynamic range in the projections fraction of light photons collected by the optics).
(range of intensities from positions where the beam There are some tricks that can be used to preserve
misses the sample to where the beam is most attenuated the required voxel size for larger than ideal sample
by the specimen) also is constrained by the bit depth of diameters. A rotation axis placed to one side of the FOV
the area detector used (a 12 bit detector allows and 360u specimen rotation doubles the specimen
differentiation of 4096 levels; a 14 bit detector increase diameter possible for a given voxel size (Fig. 1c and d);
this four times). Noise in reconstructions decreases the author has used this successfully with synchrotron
(more precisely, the signal to noise ratio increases) with microCT, and some manufacturers use this in their fan
increasing average counts in the projections, so use of beam instruments. Local or region of interest (ROI)
the entire dynamic range of a 14 bit detector will tomography is another approach (Fig. 1f), but discus-
improve contrast (roughly) by a factor of 2 compared sion of these (to a greater or lesser extent) approximate
to a 12 bit detector.2 Decreased noise in reconstructions reconstruction methods is postponed until the subsec-
can be achieved by frame averaging if the incident beam tion on alternative tomographic methods.
is reasonably stable: one expects four frame averages
with a 12 bit detector to provide comparable signal to Laboratory (absorption) microCT systems
noise ratios as are obtained with a 14 bit detector. Turnkey systems with presets for voxel size can be
Because reconstructions are invalid if the beam saturates obtained from a number of vendors. Table 1 is a recent

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 131

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

Table 1 Commercial laboratory (absorption) microCT systems with manufacturer’s listed voxel and reconstruction sizes
as well as notes on specimen sizes: adapted from table compiled and copyrighted by Steven Cool, Radiation
Monitoring Devices (used with permission) and supplemented by additional entries

Manufacturer Model (application) Reconstruction size, voxel Notes

BIR (BioImaging Research) MicroCT (specimens) ,50 mm; 10242 [a]

Bioscan NanoSPECT/CT (in vivo animal) ,200 mm [b]
Biospace c IMAGER-S-CT (small animal) 250 mm [c]
Gamma Medica-Ideas X-O (small animal) To 43 mm; 5123–20483 [d]
GE [e] EXplore Vista PET/CT (small animal) … …
EXplore Locus MicroCT (in vivo) 27, 45 or 90 mm isotropic [f]
EXplore Locus SP MicroCT (specimen) To 8 mm isotropic … [g]
EXplore Locus Ultra CT … [h]
Nittetsu Elex Ele Scan (specimen) … [i]
Ele Scan Mini (specimen) … [j]
Phoenix X-ray Nanotom To 0.5 mm [k]
v|tome|x| 240 To 4 mm [l]
Scanco Medical XtremeCT (human peripheral in vivo) 41–256 mm; 5123–30723 [m]
vivaCT 40 (in vivo animal) 10–72 mm isotropic; to 20482 [n]
MicroCT 80 (specimens) 10–74 mm isotropic; to 20482 [o]
MicroCT 40 (specimens) 6–72 mm isotropic; to 20482 [p]
MicroCT 20 (specimens) 8–34 mm isotropic; to 10242 [q]
Shimadzu SMX-225CT-SV3 (specimens) To 40962. [r]
Siemens [q] Inveon Multimodality To 15 mm [s]
MicroCAT To 15 mm; to 40962 [t]
Skyscan 1074 (portable) 22 mm; 5122 [u]
1076 (in vivo) ,9 mm isotropic, ,15 mm [v]
1078 (ultrafast in vivo) 47 mm, 94 mm; (48 mm)3 [w]
1172 (specimens) ,1 mm, 2 mm, 5 or 8 mm [x]
1178 (high throughput, in vivo) 80, 160 mm; 10243 [y]
2011 (nanotomography) 150, 250, 400 nm [z]
VAMP TomoScope 30 s (rapid examination) 80 mm [aa]
Xradia MicroXCT 1–6 mm; 10242 [bb]
NanoXCT 50–70 nm; 10242 [cc]
NanoXFi , 8 nm [dd]
XuM ,100 nm [ff]
X-tek Benchtop CT 5 mm [gg]
HMX(ST) CT Feature detection to 1 mm [hh]
Venlo CT … [ii]
[a] Specimen diameter up to 25 mm, length up to 55 mm.
[b] One, two or four SPECT detectors.
[c] Maximum object size: 100 mm length, 90 mm diameter.
[d] Maximum object size: 97 mm length, 93 mm diameter.
[e] General Electric, previously enhanced vision systems.
[f] Specimen diameter up to 85 mm.
[g] Specimen diameter up to 40 mm. Cone beam system.
[h] Diameter up to 140 mm, long axis up to 100 mm/rotation.
[i] Examples of operating parameters given in user reports.340
[j] Diameter up to 45 mm, length to 50 mm.
[k] Diameter up to 125 mm, length to 150 mm.
[l] Diameter up to 500 mm, length to 600 mm. Other variants of this industrial system are available.
[m] Diameter up to 125 mm, scan length up to 150 mm.
[o] Diameters from 20 to 38 mm, scan length up to 145 mm.
[p] Diameter up to 75?8 mm, scan length up to 120 mm. Cone beam system.
[q] Diameter up to 36?9 mm, scan length up to 80 mm. Stacked (40) fan beam system.
[r] Diameter up to 17?4 mm, scan length up to 50 mm. Fan beam system.
[s] Diameter up to 140 mm.
[t] Previously CTI and Imtek.
[u] PET, SPECT, CT. Diameter to 100 mm.
[v] Cone beam. SPECT option.
[w] Diameter up to 68 mm, scan length up to 200 mm. Cone beam.
[x] Diameter up to 16 mm. Cone beam.
[y] Diameter up to 48 mm, scan length up to 140 mm. Cone beam.
[z] Diameters 20/37 mm or 35/68 depending on version.
[aa] Diameter up to 82 mm, scan length up to 210 mm.
[bb] 0?5–1 mm for maximum resolution, 11 mm maximum diameter (9 mm voxels). Cone beam.
[cc] Diameter up to 40 mm, axial length up to 37 mm. Cone beam.
[dd] Diameters 0?5–12 mm; 16 slices.
[ee] Phase imaging.
[ff] SEM based instrument, phase and absorption imaging.
[gg] Field of view (20 mm)2.
[hh] Diameter up to 50 mm.
[ii] Few details available online.

132 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

compilation of vendors and their systems, a listing that and for different sampling resolutions based on the
is almost certainly incomplete. Instruments range from number of projections collected. One instrument with
single fan beam to stacked fan beam to cone beam which the author is familiar offers five diameter
systems,3–9 and manufacturers’ websites should be holders and three ‘resolution’ settings. An example
consulted for specifics of their systems. Commercial of thorough characterisation of the dependence of
lab microCT systems designed for studying specimens morphometric indices (see cellular materials subsection
with diameters y10 mm can be expected to produce below) on scan parameters in one commercial system
highest resolutions with voxels between 1 and 10 mm in appears elsewhere.25
size. It is not uncommon for specimen diameters greater Because lab microCT employs polychromatic radia-
than 20 mm to be accommodated, although a moment’s tion, one expects it to provide lower contrast than
reflection should make it clear that not all 20 mm synchrotron microCT with monochromatic radiation,
diameter specimens can be studied (e.g. beam penetra- and a simple example suffices to illustrate the magnitude
tion is a problem for Ti samples). It is very difficult to of the effect. Suppose X-rays with photon energies
discuss data collection rates without going into con- between 15 and 20 keV comprise the beam used to study
siderable detail as data collection rates and reconstruc- a specimen containing multiple (spatially resolvable)
tion times can vary widely for a single instrument phases including Al. Because the mass attenuation
depending on chosen operating conditions. Collection of coefficients m/r of Al for this ranges of energies spans
data for 40 slices in 25 min is a reasonable order of 7?96–3?44 cm2 g21 respectively,26 this significant smear-
magnitude figure for the highest sensitivity sampling (i.e. ing of absorptivity makes it very difficult to distinguish
smallest voxel size with the largest integration time). different phases, particularly in the presence of partial
Generally, reconstruction times for the highest resolu- volumes, i.e. voxels partially occupied by two or more
tion/highest sensitivity settings are longer than the time phases. Some quantitative comparisons are possible if
required for data collection, but this depends on one computes the effective energy of beam and com-
variables such as computer architecture and number of pares the experimental linear attenuation coefficient(s)
processors, and the resulting lag builds up considerably with the value(s) calculated for the phase(s) at the
for large numbers of slices. Intermediate resolutions and effective X-ray energy (see Ref. 27 for an illustration).
sensitivities, therefore, are often used for large datasets Another example is calibration for calcified tissue,
in order to increase throughput and also to decrease the described in Ref. 28.
hard drive space required to store the data. Low contrast may be improved by infiltrating contrast
In vivo microCT systems for imaging small animals agents into specimens (e.g. brominated silane in wood,29
have been available commercially for several years,5,10 iodine based solutions in microcracks in a polymeric
and the radiation doses received by the tissue being matrix composite,30 and lead chromate based polymer in
imaged are surprisingly low. Other descriptions of in blood vessels31). Dual energy microCT has been applied
vivo systems have also appeared.11–16 Somewhat lower to analysis of several ZrO2/Al MMCP specimens, and
resolution clinical systems designed for imaging the this approach enhanced the detectability of the particles
human periphery (appendages), and hence constrained enough that quantitative analyses of void clustering, of
by required dose limitation, are also to be found and are particle clustering and of particle-void association in
termed peripheral quantitative CT (pQCT) systems. fractured specimens could be performed.32
The interplay of the different components of microCT For someone new to microCT, it is a daunting task to
systems has been carefully considered by Davis and decide which microCT system to purchase (the other
Elliott.17–19 Cone beam systems are susceptible to option of build it yourself is inadvisable unless
certain classes of artefacts, and Davis suggested that manufacturers do not provide the required capabilities
improve reconstructions would result by combining data off the shelf and the builder has considerable experience
(for the same specimen) collected with short and long with X-ray imaging and with instrumentation and
source specimen separations.20 Other systems’ develop- software development}. The recent paper by Schena
ment has also been described.21 A dedicated cryo et al.33 discusses design considerations for a custom built
microCT system has been reported,22 and at least one system, and Davis and Elliott34 discuss a new, custom
manufacturer’s system has been used in a subzero (C) built low noise, high definition system. As Table 1
environment. Because tube based microCT systems demonstrates, there are quite a number of choices, and it
operate under conditions of photon starvation, there is is unreasonable to expect any one instrument to be able
considerable impetus to use X-ray optics to increase to do everything imaginable. The author would ask (and
X-ray intensity. One lab microCT system has been answer) the following questions: what are the ranges of
developed that employs polycapillary X-ray focusing sample diameters that it is essential to scan? What are
optics to increase the flux passing through the specimen the elemental compositions of the specimens of interest,
without increasing penumbral blurring.10,23 Gurker and will the X-ray beam penetrate the specimen? What
et al.24 describe a system using bent multilayer optics are the minimum dimensions of the features that are to
for focusing; although the reported system is a pinhole be studied and what is their contrast? What specimen
design (single channel detector in the translate rotate throughput is required, and what analysis software is
geometry), the authors indicate that the system can also needed? What computer platform is used? How does
be used in a fan beam geometry. data archiving work? Once possible solutions are
Before an experiment using lab microCT is designed, identified from websites and literature, the best answers
it is important to appreciate the interplay between the to the above questions will be found by contacting the
different possible instrument settings and the micro- manufacturer expressing interest in a specific system and
structure of interest. Turnkey systems might have presets arranging for them to scan several specimens embodying
for voxel sizes based on the specimen holder diameters the applications for which the system is intended. A

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 133

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

second important step is to use a candidate system in widely used and are relatively inexpensive. These crystals
person, either by visiting the manufacturer or the lab of provide light wavelengths with acceptable efficiencies
someone with the instrument being considered. This for CCD detectors; phosphor development continues
may be the only way to verify considerations such as including materials formed through thin film processing
whether there is adequate space within the apparatus for routes.50,63 Radiation damage dictates periodic replace-
in situ stages of various sorts. Friendliness of the ment of phosphor crystals (and optical lenses if they
software is particularly important if multiple users will are in line with the direct beam or prisms if the optical
use the apparatus. lenses are placed off the beam axis). Most instruments
Synchrotron (absorption) microCT can switch between several optical lenses for different
FOV and voxel sizes (Station 2BM of APS routinely
Reviews of microCT at a given synchrotron radiation uses 61?25, 62?5, 64 and 65 objectives providing
source appear periodically and typically update new FOV of 5?4, 2?7, 1?7 and 1?36 mm respectively, when
capabilities.35–62 Because the components required to used with a 1 K detector and twice these values when
perform microCT are readily available, many experi-
used with a 2 K camera43); switches require adjustment
mental stations occasionally perform microCT in
of lens focus and can be completed in a few minutes.
response to their users’ requests. Results in the literature
Most area detectors are (1 K)2 or (2 K)2 scientific grade
increasingly come from dedicated imaging/microCT
CCDs with depths of 12 bits64; the specialised FReLoN
beamlines, not just because they award many more
detector developed at ESRF provides (2 K)2 elements
shifts for microCT but also because the production
with 14 bit depth51.
facilities tailored to a small range of activities are much
Significant advances in beam delivery optics include
more efficient.
wide band pass monochromator systems based on multi-
Synchrotron microCT (without lenses) is typically
layers; these produce surprisingly uniform beams and
performed with voxel sizes between 1 and 10 mm,
increase throughput dramatically compared to single
although routine operation with voxels sizes below
crystal optics.65–67 The system with which the author is
0?5 mm is possible at certain facilities and larger voxel
sizes are used upon occasion at most facilities when familiar is based on a pair of multilayer optics with areas
larger specimen diameters dictate it. Design of microCT of different layer spacings; tuning to different energies is
systems is driven by the portfolio of specimen types that carried out by simple translation to the appropriate
are expected and the features within that need to be positions on both optical elements.65 At ID 19 of ESRF,
resolved. Available resources inevitably play a role in for example, multilayer optics provide DE/E,1022 and
system characteristics, and constant upgrade of cap- corresponding increases in intensity compared to DE/E
abilities is the rule at active synchrotron microCT ,1024 for an Si(111) double crystal monochromator.67
facilities. The systems of which the author is aware are Decreased voxel sizes in synchrotron microCT are
highly modular, and this allows incremental instrumen- typically achieved by increasing the magnification of the
tal improvements. optical lens coupling phosphor to area detector, but
The typical synchrotron (absorption) microCT system there is a limit to what optical magnifications can be
(that uses the parallel beam directly without focusing used. If the beam passing through the specimen is spread
optics) is pretty much the same as was described in the before the phosphor, much smaller voxel sizes can result
first IMR review.1 The essentials are: specimen rotator, (at the cost of decreased FOV and increased data
X-ray phosphor (single crystal or manufactured), optical collection times for a given brightness incident beam).
lens and CCD detector. The available components have Placing a perfect crystal in the beam transmitted
improved in capability and affordability, and it is through the specimen, orienting the crystal to diffract
certainly worth a brief discussion of what has been from a Bragg plane inclined with respect to the surface
accomplished. (angle of incidence less than the Bragg angle and exit
Consider first the mechanical components and the angle greater than the Bragg angle) and using this
physical stability that is required for high quality diffracted beam for the reconstruction allows smaller
reconstructions. Voxel sizes down to 1–2 mm can be voxel sizes for a given lens area detector combination.
achieved with (relatively) affordable positioning and This magnification is only along one direction, and use
optical components. Reconstructions with voxel sizes of a second orthogonally oriented crystal is required to
down to 0?5 mm are not uncommon (and capabilities magnify along the second direction. Asymmetric Bragg
apparently exist for voxel sizes down to 0?3 mm), but magnifiers have long been used in X-ray diffraction
required stability increases system cost considerably. topography (imaging of nearly perfect crystals using
The specimen rotator is the single mechanical motion diffraction contrast),68 and Bragg magnifiers have been
during data collection with the typical rotate only used between specimen and phosphor in microCT.69,70
synchrotron microCT system. A rotator without wobble There has recently been renewed interest in this
(unintended in plane and out of plane translations from approach at the third generation synchrotron radiation
perfect circular paths) would be ideal, but measuring the sources,71–76 and some of these results are described
rotator’s imperfections and correcting for them below in the section on nanoCT.
improves reconstruction quality considerably45,61 (see Various synchrotron microCT facilities emphasise
the section on ‘Reconstruction improvements’). different scientific missions, time domains or spatial
X-ray detector systems in most synchrotron microCT domains. The author’s impressions of some of these
instruments consist of commercially available modules: differences follow (with apologies for its incomplete,
thin single crystal phosphors, microscope objective subjective nature). At DESY, the emphasis appears to
lenses and CCD or other area detectors for optical be on high energy microCT and interferometer based
wavelengths. Cadmium tungstate single crystal phos- phase imaging.48 The various facilities at ESRF appear
phors precut and polished to the desired thickness are to emphasise high spatial resolution, high temporal

134 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

resolution and phase imaging with the propagation

method: for example, polychromatic radiation from a
wiggler source can be used from near real time microCT,
down to 10 s per set of projections for one reconstruc-
tion.77 At SLS grating based phase imaging has received
considerable emphasis. Reports from SPring-8 that have
come to the author’s attention are centred around high
spatial resolution and on phase imaging with inter-
ferometry. At APS, GSE-CARS focuses on geological
applications including measurements at high pressure;78
station 2BM at APS emphasises rapid throughput (rapid
reconstruction via a large dedicated computer cluster,
robotic sample changer, facilities for remote access);
time resolved microCT of evolution of fuel spray (5?1 ms
temporal and 150 mm spatial resolution) has been
achieved using the pulsed nature of the storage ring.79
Absorption edge difference imaging can increase
sensitivity to small concentrations of the element of
interest and is absolutely straightforward at most
synchrotron imaging beam lines. Applications include
transport in low porosity materials80 and in sands;81
mapping of flame retardants (Br and Sb) in polymers;82
mapping Cs adsorption on iron oxide hydroxide
particles;83 mapping new bone formation through
administration of Pb or Sr labels.84 Tetrachloroethane
with 8 vol.-% iodobenzene was used in model studies of
organic, water immiscible phase distribution in porous 2 Anomalous values of linear attenuation coefficient
water filled materials.85,86 Multienergy data collection seen at internal interfaces in synchrotron microCT
and reconstruction algorithms have also received atten- reconstructions. (Top) Slice through tooth of sea
tion for materials where there are no convenient urchin Lytechinus variegatus. 14 keV, 1 K61 K recon-
absorption edges.87 struction with 1?7 mm voxels. (Bottom) Histogram of
Sensitivity limits to contrast agents have been linear attenuation coefficients from area shown in box
investigated. Sensitivity to a fixed concentration of KI in the slice. Values greater than 40 cm21 result from
in water was clearly much better in a coarse sand (mean phase contrast effects, in particular from surfaces just
particle diameter d5050?58 mm in a 6 mm diameter above or just below slice. Reproduced from Ref. 89.
sample) than in a fine sand (d5050?17 mm in a 1?5 mm Copyright Elsevier Inc., 2003
diameter sample) because the larger photon flux in the
former produces a much higher signal to noise ratio;81 purpose.93–95 They produce very small diameter electron
this example is particularly compelling because the beams, i.e. a very tiny X-ray source, essential for
specimens are self-similar, that is, the relative sizes of minimising penumbral blurring and for high spatial
pore and particle do not vary. coherence for phase imaging.
Synchrotron microCT data from sources such as APS, Synchrotron nanoCT reconstructions have been
ESRF, SLS and SPring-8 seem to invariably have a reported using optics to provide submicrometre resolu-
strong component of phase contrast in the reconstruc- tion (parabolic X-ray focusing lenses, asymmetric crystal
tions. Sometimes this can lead to anomalously large magnifiers and Fresnel zone plates). The nanoCT system
values of the linear attenuation coefficient in positions produced by X-radia employs Fresnel zone plates, for
within a specimen that are not easily recognisable as example, as well as image registration software to
being near surfaces. In one study,88 such unexpected correct for wobble and displacement during specimen
contrast (Fig. 2) was not recognised until later.89 This rotation. A recent study by Bay96 illustrates use of
effect may or may not be responsible for contrast Fresnel zone plate optics to approach 100 nm spatial
interpreted as solute segregation (e.g. high local Zn resolution. Nanoplates of c-Ag2Al with different {111}
concentration in an Al engineering alloy90). Con-
habit planes were clearly resolved in the age hardening
siderable care must be taken, therefore, in the inter-
Al–Ag alloy. The reader interested in more details is
pretation of voxel values in synchrotron microCT. In
directed elsewhere.37,72,74,75,97–107
situations like those mentioned above, viewing a movie
paging through a stack of slices can be very helpful. Phase contrast microCT
NanoCT The first IMR review1 mentioned microCT using phase
Commercial nanoCT systems are listed in Table 1; contrast as a future prospect, and considerable progress
commercial desktop systems have been described in has resulted during the intervening years. As the
literature.91,92 Manufacturers report voxel sizes to emphasis of this review is materials applications, neither
100 nm and perhaps smaller; concomitantly smaller the fundamentals of phase contrast nor the esoterica of
specimen diameters than in microCT are required. the different phase imaging approaches are covered
Scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) possesses many except as needed to illustrate the applications. Technical
of the attributes required for nanoCT of small speci- developments have centred in Europe (Cloetens and co-
mens, and several groups have modified SEMs for this workers at ESRF ID-19, workers at the Swiss Light

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 135

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

3 Methods of X-ray phase imaging. a Propagation method. Images with detector near sample are dominated by absorp-
tion contrast, but placing detector far from specimens allows refracted X-rays ‘r’ to interfere with transmitted X-rays
and to produce edge contrast. b Diffraction enhanced imaging (DEI). c Grating enhanced imaging. Grating G0 is not
required with synchrotron X-radiation but is needed to provide series of small virtual sources X-ray tube based ima-
ging. d Bonse–Hart interferometer for imaging. S, M and A are crystal beam splitters, mirror and analyser respec-
tively. Reproduced from Ref. 110

Source and others), in the USA (Chapman and that contrast from changes in the first derivative of
co-workers among others), in Japan (Momose and phase is provided by translation of one analyser grating
co-workers and others), in Australia (Wilkins relative to a second instead of by rotation of the analyser
and co-workers and others) and elsewhere. crystal and its periodic array (the crystal lattice).53,121–125
X-rays are ever so slightly refracted when passing Interferometry for phase imaging is illustrated in Fig. 3d
through solids (indices of refraction differ from one by a (and in the first IMR review1). In the Bonse–Hart
few parts per million), enough so that X-ray wavefronts geometry, a beam splitter ‘S’ produces a reference beam
distort when passing through regions of different and an imaging beam, the mirror ‘M’ redirects the
electron density (see Ref. 108 for an introduction). beams together, the object is placed in one of the beams
With a suitable X-ray source, i.e. one with adequate exiting the mirror and the analyser ‘A’ recombines the
spatial coherence, it is possible to detect changes in reference and object modified beams.62,126–129 An alter-
phase related contrast resulting from X-rays traversing native is the shearing interferometer.130,131 Recently, the
volumes with different electron densities. Most fre- limited FOV of interferometers from monolithic blocks
quently, phase imaging is performed at a synchrotron of Si has recently been improved.132–134 Interferometers
radiation source such as the Advanced Photon Source allow changes in the X-ray phase to be measured
(APS); imaging can also be performed with X-ray tube directly, not merely its derivatives.
sources.109 At this point in the development of X-ray phase
Figure 3110 illustrates four methods where phase imaging, relatively little comparison of the different
effects are used to produce contrast in X-ray images. modalities has appeared in literature. Kiss and co-
In the propagation method (Fig. 3a), the detector is workers135 discuss image contrast numerically for
placed much farther away from the sample than is absorption v. diffraction enhanced radiography. Pagot
normal for X-ray imaging (y1 m v. y1 cm); refracted et al.136 compared radiography for phase propagation
X-rays ‘r’ diverge and interfere with other X-rays at the and diffraction enhanced imaging, but it is not clear
detector plane producing detectable fringes in the image how their conclusions translate to microCT. Wernick
at external and internal boundaries between materials et al.137–139 and Paganin et al.140 discuss different
with different electron densities. Here contrast is representations of phase imaging data, but not
provided by differences in the second derivative of the microCT data; and Mayo et al.141 examine these
X-ray phase.111–117 Images acquired at four or more representations in microCT reconstructions.
specimen detector separations (typically from 5 mm to Grating based phase imaging provides an illuminating
1 m or more) are required to extract the phase infor- illustration of how phase microCT techniques work.
mation,118 and this method can be described as an Consider first the situation where no specimen is present
analogue of the focus variation method in transmission and the spatially coherent X-ray beam passes through
electron microscopy.114 In diffraction enhanced imaging phase grating G1, the lines of which show negligible
(DEI, Fig. 3b), an analyser crystal is placed in the X-ray absorption but substantial phase shift (Fig. 3c). Note
beam after the sample; images recorded with different that grating G0 is typically present only with imaging
settings of the analyser isolate changes in the phase angle with an X-ray tube with large source size. Grating G1
and this method produces image contrast based on acts as a beam splitter, producing the two diffracted
changes in the first derivative of the X-ray phase.119,120 beams used for image formation. Because the wave-
Essentially, the analyser selects only a small angular length of the illuminating X-rays (y10210 m) is much
fraction of the refracted radiation. The grating enhanced smaller than the grating period (y1026 m), the angle
imaging method (Fig. 3c) is analogous to DEI except between the two beams is so small that the beams

136 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

4 Principle of phase stepping. a–d Interferograms of polystyrene spheres (100 and 200 mm diameter), taken at different
relative positions xg5x1, …, x4 of two interferometer gratings. e Intensity oscillation in two different detector pixels
i51, 2 as function of xg. For each pixel, oscillation phase Qi and average intensity ai over one grating period can be
determined. f Image of oscillation phase Q for all pixels. g Wavefront phase W retrieved from Q by integration. h
Image of averaged intensity a for all pixels, equivalent to non-interferometric image. Length of scale bar is 50 mm.
Reproduced with permission from Ref. 123

overlap almost completely as they propagate away from where g2 is the period of the absorption grating.123 The
G1 and interfere. The interference pattern generated phase profile of the object can be retrieved from Q(x,y)
could be imaged directly with an X-ray detector placed by simple one-dimensional integration (Fig. 4g). Radio-
an appropriate distance dg from G1 (see Refs. 121 and graphs at as few as three positions xg are needed to
123 for the relationship of dg to X-ray wavelength l, extract Q if one knows a priori that the intensity oscil-
periodicity and other characteristics of the grating), but lation is sinusoidal, but the reconstructions123 were
lack of spatial resolution of the detector systems has led obtained using eight phase steps per projection. Once the
to an alternative solution, use of an absorption grating set of phase radiographs are obtained at different view-
G2 positioned dg away from G1. The analyser grating G2 ing angles, a pure phase reconstruction can be computed
acts as a transmission mask for the detector placed using the normal methods.
immediately behind it and transforms the local inter- Synchrotron radiation is not essential for phase
ference fringe position into signal intensity variation. microCT.108 The X-ray source size provided by the
Note that the gratings must be parallel. electron beam in an SEM provides adequate spatial
Placing a specimen upstream of G1 produces local coherence for phase microCT,94 and modifying an
wavefront distortions W(x,y) and alters the interference SEM can be an effective way of studying small speci-
pattern. Phase imaging is performed by translating the mens. The fringe formation underlying the grating
analyser grating G2 by small increments xg of the fringe method described in the previous paragraph is indepen-
periodicity g and recording a radiograph at each posi- dent of X-ray wavelength, and, provided a grating G0 is
tion. Figure 4 shows images of polystyrene spheres for used before the specimen (Fig. 4c) to provide a small
different xg.123 The signal intensity I(x,y) at each pixel virtual source size (more precisely, a set of independent
(x,y) in the detector plane oscillates as a function of xg, small sources), a relatively high power X-ray tube and
and the phases Q(x,y) of the intensity oscillations in each gratings can be used for phase microCT.109
pixel are related to W(x,y) via In specimens such as foams where the majority of
volume is air, the total phase shift across the speci-
Q~(ldg =g2 )LW=Lx men varies relatively little, and holotomographic

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 137

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

5 Matching slices of Al–Si alloy quenched from semisolid state using a absorption contrast (sample detector separation
DS57 mm), b phase (propagation) contrast (DS50?6 m) and c phase contrast (holotomography) with DS50?07, 0?2,
0?6 and 0?9 m. Horizontal field of view was y0?9 mm, and data were collected with 18 keV X-ray photons and recon-
structed with effective voxel size of 1?9 mm. Reproduced from Ref. 111 with permission of Lavoisier

reconstruction can utilise the absolute values of the biological specimens.126,145 Real time phase radio-
phase. In solid cylindrical Al–Si specimens such as that graphy of insect respiration produced interesting new
used by Cloetens et al. (y1?5 mm diameter), phase insights,130 and phase microCT, providing the third
shifts will vary over 200 radians at 18 keV,111 and this dimension, will undoubtedly prove very valuable.
dictates that the reconstructions employ the phase
variations with respect to the phase introduced by the X-ray microCT using signals other than
homogeneous matrix (i.e. the X-ray phase relative to absorption or phase
that of the matrix). Signal variations other than changes in transmitted
Cloetens et al.111 provide a clear illustration of dif- intensity can be used as the basis for microCT. The
ferences in absorption and phase enhanced tomography primary and secondary topics of this section are
reconstructions produced with the propagation method. fluorescence microCT and SAXS microCT, and, as the
Figure 5 compares the same slice from an Al–Si speci- signals utilised might be unfamiliar to some readers, a
men (grains of Al embedded in a matrix of very fine Al– brief introduction is provided before experimental
Si eutectic) obtained under three different imaging geometries are discussed and examples of studies are
conditions. The radiographs for the first reconstruction applied.
were absorption dominated (i.e. they were recorded with Several interactions can occur between a beam of X-
a very small specimen detector separation DS); the rays and the atoms in the specimen through which the
radiographs for the second with a single, large DS (edge beam passes. If the X-ray photon energy is high enough,
enhanced interface contrast) and the radiographs at four atoms can fluoresce, emitting photons with energies
DS were combined via the holotomography algorithm characteristic of the electronic shell transition that
(see above) for the third. In Fig. 5a, absorption contrast produced the emitted photons. These characteristic X-
does not allow one to distinguish the Al grains and Al– rays have well defined energies, an energy sensitive
Si eutectic matrix. Edge enhancement allows the two detector can measure the intensity of each characteristic
phases to be seen clearly (Fig. 5b), but because the peak and this intensity can be converted to the
Fresnel fringe intensity varies from position to position, concentration of these atoms within the irradiated
segmentation of the grain and eutectic phases is volume. Detection limits (atomic concentration) for X-
challenging. The reconstruction with variation in refrac- ray fluorescence are much, much lower than for X-ray
tive index decrement (Fig. 5c) clearly shows the different absorption, and the elemental specificity is much, much
metallurgical phases whose difference in density is on the higher for the former; these advantages continue to drive
order of 0?05 g cm23,111 and segmentation is quite development of fluorescence microCT for applications
straightforward. where small concentrations of elements need to be
In interferometer based phase microCT, the spatial mapped.
distribution of polystyrene (PS) and poly(methyl metha- X-rays can also be scattered by structures with
crylate) (PMMA) in a y50 vol.-% mixture were electron densities differing from their surroundings.
imaged.142 The polymers are immiscible (although Scattering from periodic arrays of atoms reinforces
analyses of the values of the refraction indices of both intensity along certain directions in the wide angle X-ray
phases suggest that immiscibility is not total) and form a scattering regime, and scattering from fibrils, particles,
phase separated system. The achieved contrast resolu- etc., can produce peaks in scattered intensity or other
tion was, in terms of density resolution, ,4 mg cm23, characteristic scattering profiles in the small angle
clearly beyond what is obtainable with absorption based regime. The larger the size or spacing of the scatterers,
microCT. the smaller angle of the scattered intensity.
Phase based microCT has been used in a wide variety X-ray fluorescence occurs in all directions, and the
of studies, descriptions of which are folded into the typical experimental set-up positions an energy sensitive
various subsections of materials applications. A few X-ray detector to one side of the specimen in order to
examples are mentioned here in closing the subsection, count the photons emitted from the irradiated volume
including damage in composites143,144 and structures in (in the direction of the detector). Neither an area nor a

138 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

ribbon like X-ray beam appears to be practical for use in significant mass outside of the FOV, dynamic range may
fluorescence microCT due to the confounding cross-fire be suppressed and/or linear attenuation coefficients
from different ray paths through the specimen. One affected. For specimens with complex, highly anisotro-
consequence of sampling along only a single ray (i.e. of pic cross-sections or with high frequency, anisotropic
using a pencil beam) is that data collection rates are internal structure, it is essential to ascertain the extent of
quite low. Quantification requires correction for absorp- artefacts.171
tion of the emitted characteristic X-rays along the path A number of groups/facilities routinely use local
to the detector, and the reader is directed elsewhere for tomography. In a custom built lab microCT system,
more details.146,147 local tomographic reconstruction compared well with
An interesting option is to use a polycapillary reconstruction with the complete FOV.9 Local tomo-
focusing optic to localise fluorescence from a single graphy is routinely used at ESRF, so much so that it is
position along the beam path. This appears to be a sometimes only mentioned in passing.172 Local tomo-
viable option for 3D mapping, an option that does not graphy is particularly effective in specimens with
require sample rotation to provide a complete map of relatively low absorption such as foams; it has been
elemental distribution in a slice.148 applied to good effect to study deformation of an Al
Reports combining fluorescence and phase microCT foam.90
in biomedical applications (organs labelled with iodine Partial view reconstruction, where an angular range of
containing contrast agents) have appeared.149–151 Other projections is unavailable, is related to local tomography
reports of element distributions in organs include in the sense that information is missing. Interpolation of
Ref. 152. Elemental maps in slices of specimens of roots the missing views from the existing data seems to
have been published: K, Fe, Rb and Cl in maho- produce tolerable reconstructions,173 but this sort of
gany153,154 and K, Fe and Zn in tomato.35 Mapping in approximation should be avoided if at all possible. If
small particles has been of interest, both for those of only one or two adjacent projections are interpolated
terrestrial origin (fly ash particles,153 sediment parti- within an otherwise complete set of views spaced 0?25u
cles,155 and diatoms156) and extraterrestrial origin (Si, apart, one will not normally be able to see an effect in
Ca, Fe and Cr maps in a microfragment of the the reconstruction.
Tatahouine meteriorite;153,157 S, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Laminography, also termed tomosynthesis, is an
Cu and Zn maps in a cosmic dust particle;158 Fe and Ni alternative approach mentioned briefly in the first
maps in micrometeriorites159,160). Other studies include IMR review,1 a method that is particularly valuable
Fe nanocatalyst spatial distribution,161 trace elements in for specimens whose aspect ratios are impractical for
a SiC shell of a nuclear fuel particle,162 metal elemental conventional microCT (e.g. plate like specimens).
maps within inclusions in diamond and quartz148 and Recent digital methods have been reviewed,174 although
light elements in biological specimen.148 Spectroscopy from a clinical and not a microimaging perspective, and
related to absorption edges has been used in chemical Fig. 6 illustrates one method of determining 3D posi-
tomographic mapping.163–166 tions from a series of views limited to one side of the
Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) microCT is an specimen. There is a cost in terms of degraded contrast
ideal approach for studying polymer texture: absorption by methods such as the shift and add algorithm
microCT shows no contrast but differences in SAXS illustrated in Fig. 6. Tomosynthesis has been applied
with position can be pronounced.167,168 The complete to microscopic imaging in recent studies of perfusion,175
SAXS pattern must be recorded for a single ray through of integrated circuits176 and of non-destructive evalua-
the specimen; there would be too much overlap between
tion (NDE) of long objects.177 In situations where
patterns of adjacent rays if, for example, a ribbon beam
displacement of well defined features can be followed
were used. In a y5 mm rod of warm drawn poly-
versus rotation, the relative translations of each
ethylene (PE), different layers could be resolved with
resolvable point can be converted in depth from one of
SAXS microCT (see the processing subsection for more
the specimen surfaces. In this approach termed stereo-
details). Tomographic reconstructions of idealised speci-
metry, use of 8–10 views allows a feature’s depth to be
mens using diffracted intensity from different hkl (and
determined to higher precision than in simple two view
different phases) have also been reported.64,168
triangulation; the 3D fatigue crack surface positions
Alternative tomographic methods determined with stereometry were in excellent agreement
Region of interest (ROI) or local tomography is an with conventional microCT.178,179
approach where portions of the specimen pass out of the
FOV during rotation (Fig. 1f). The effect of the missing Reconstruction improvements
mass can be corrected by stitching together lower Reconstruction software must cope with various non-
resolution data for the missing areas of the project or idealities intrinsic in the experimental apparatus and in
using known sample composition and geometry and the X-ray sources and return the highest fidelity
calculating corrected views.169,170 Uncorrected local reconstructions practical. An ideal microCT apparatus
tomography reconstructions are necessarily approxi- would have positioning component errors that are
mate, but the extent to which their fidelity is degraded always much smaller than the smallest information
(geometry, linear attenuation coefficient values) depends containing voxel size specified in the system design. This
on many factors. Errors will become more important as ideal system would employ a bright, highly stable X-ray
more mass remains longer out of the FOV, and one source amenable to flat field correction. It is best to
expects a priori that specimens with anisotropic cross- collect the highest quality data consistent with the goals
sections will provide the greatest problems. In general of the imaging experiment and any practical constraints
terms, the internal geometries in local reconstructions dering the problem at hand. Software sometimes can
will be reproduced with good fidelity, but if there is ameliorate the effects of instrument non-idealities and

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 139

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

6 Illustration of tomosynthesis via add and shift method for parallel rays. (Left) Image positions of features (on planes
A and B) on detector plane are shown for source positions 1, 2 and 3 relative to object. (Right) Images shifted to
reinforce objects in plane A (star) or to reinforce those in plane B (circle). Features out of plane of interest are
smeared out across detector, and sharp images occur only for focal plane. In this illustration, amount of shift
depends on experimental quantities such as separation between specimen plane and detector and angle of incidence
of X-ray beam

from less than optimum sampling dictated by experi- median filter often does not work particularly well, and
mental requirements. use of a purpose built filter taking advantage of the
In current generations of microCT systems (employ- concentric nature of the rings seems to work well to
ing ribbon or area beams), the only required specimen minimise the rings.183 Ring reduction using 21 pt
motion is rotation (translation along the rotation axis in smooth to the average of all rows of the sinogram (2D
order to enlarge the scanned volume does not affect the plot showing transmitted intensity in the radiograph, for
quality of reconstructions). Specimen wobble, described one slice, i.e. one row of the radiograph, as a function of
in the following paragraph, and rotation axis misalign- rotation angle) offers substantial improvement over
ment, can be significant sources of error in reconstruc- uncorrected reconstructions:61 the actual high frequency
tions. Reconstruction software typically uses each row content of the slices do not appear to be affected, only
of detector pixels to reconstruct a single slice (note that the rings. Sinogram correction algorithms for ring
this is not true of cone beam reconstruction). Tilt of the reduction have also been investigated for lab microCT
rotation axis from perpendicular to detector rows brings data.184 Ring artefacts can also be reduced by small
material from adjacent slices into and out of the beam displacements of the detector during data collection.
for specific ranges of angles; this degrades the fidelity of These and other artefacts in lab microCT reconstruc-
the reconstruction. Such tilts are best avoided by very tions have been recently discussed by Davis and
careful alignment (note tilts of even 0?03u over 2 K Elliott185 and in synchrotron microCT by Vidal et al.186
pixels can shift projected data to an adjacent row), but Sasov187 used data from narrow cone beam system
this can be corrected by post-collection rotation of the and compared slices reconstructed with a fan beam
projection (and resampling of the pixels) to align the algorithm, a cone beam algorithm and a spiral scan
rows precisely perpendicular to the actual rotation axis. algorithm. The quality of slices at the ends of the stack
Automatic routines for this geometric correction are was compared to that at the centre, and this study
described elsewhere.180 should be considered by those interested in different
Accurate reconstruction requires that the centre of strategies for rapid data collection.
rotation be known very precisely, to within a fraction of
a voxel of that in the intended reconstruction. Brunetti
and De Carlo181 reported on a recentring algorithm that
Materials applications
seems to work quite well. The approach is based on the Materials applications continue to be quite varied, and
form of artefacts from centring errors: tails of (apparent) many of the studies reported below could be organized
mass extending from features like the corners of the into a different collection of subsections. Most of the
specimen. These tails increase the numbers of voxels results presented below were obtained with absorption
with non-zero values, and iterating through different microCT, but results of phase microCT or other
trial centres for a representative slice of the volume modalities will be incorporated where they fit into the
allows one to select the ‘best’ centre for reconstructing coverage of different materials applications. Several
the rest of the volume, even in the presence of beam materials microCT reviews and perspectives have
fluctuations, noise and low contrast. Donath et al.182 appeared elsewhere,47,188–191 and these tend to have
developed metrics for optimisation of centre of rotation specific geographic foci, by design, in addition to
corrections. The centre of rotation can also be refined by covering a range of examples. Reviews of more interest
eye, but this is impractical when more than a few to the biologist/bioengineer include Refs. 192–196.
specimens are being imaged. The first subsection below is concerned with the
Ring artefacts, existing even when careful flat field spatial distribution of phases within specimens. Cellular
renormalisation has been performed, often pose pro- solids comprise the second topic reviewed; this rather
blems for accurate segmentation. Correction with a long subsection includes engineering as well as biological

140 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

cellular materials and provides some background into spatial information allowed distinction between quartz
analysis techniques. Channel structures are the third and sanidine, despite the fact that the distribution of
area reviewed; these structures are complements of linear attenuation coefficients of the minority phase
cellular materials. In this and the second subsection, (sanidine) formed an indistinct shoulder of the quartz
the materials scientist/engineer can learn much from the peak. The microCT results agreed with earlier results
biomedical microCT literature. In all fairness; biologists from destructive analysis,201 namely, the distribution of
also have a lot to learn from the rigorous (quantitative) quartz particle sizes indicated action of magmatic frag-
microstructural characterisation practiced by many mentation processes but that of magnetite was largely
materials scientists and engineers. Deformation, fracture unaffected by the fragmentation process recorded by
and fatigue studies are covered in the fourth subsection. quartz. The trade-off between spatial resolution and
Materials processing is reviewed in the fifth subsection, contrast sensitivity is clearly explained in Ref. 200 as it
and environmental interaction of materials is the subject affects these results, but the authors do not provide
of the final subsection. details of the number of X-ray counts recorded in the
Distribution of phases 262 binned detector pixels, and one is unable to assess
the numerical extent to which contrast for a given phase
Note that this use of the word ‘phase’ does not describe
is the spread because of counting statistics. It would
X-ray phases employed in imaging but rather refers to
have been interesting if the investigators had investi-
homogenous regions of matter bounded by a surface
gated frame averaging for improving contrast sensitivity
mechanically separating it from other phases. A
and increasing the small particle detection limit. Of
relatively new application of lab microCT is evaluation
further interest in this carefully done study200 is the
of the spatial distribution of phases in pharmaceutical
documentation of exceptional volumes that diverge
manufactured materials, that is, in solid dosage forms
quite markedly from the rest of the sample: this simple
(tablets and soft gelatin capsules).197 Thicknesses and
result should serve as a caution to all investigators using
interface character in multilayer tablets, microstructure
microCT of small sections derived from larger objects.
of rapidly dissolving tablets produced by lyophilisation
(ice crystallisation followed by drying) and particle sizes Bubble (vesicle) characteristics in basalts provide
within controlled release osmotic tablets are important insight into various processes in magma before, during
characteristics directly measurable via microCT. Non- and after eruption; a distribution of bubble sizes, for
destructive microCT comparison of genuine and coun- example, can be due to multiple or continuous nuclea-
terfeit tablets has the additional advantage of preserving tion processes or differences in growth rates.
the evidence in patent litigation or other legal proceed- Synchrotron microCT of five basalts from different
ings. Pores in pharmaceutical granules have also been locations showed bubbles were spheroidal, comprised
studied with lab microCT.198 Magnetic particles are 45 vol.-% lavas to 80 vol.-% scoria and were at least
being investigated for controlled drug delivery, for 90 vol.-% interconnected.202
example, to tumours, and microCT has been used to The distribution of Cr particles in alumina, deter-
measure these particles’ distribution in tissue of animal mined via synchrotron microCT, was used as the input
models.199 for a finite element calculation of residual stresses arising
In one synchrotron microCT study, quartz, magnetite during cooling from the processing temperature
and sanidine size distributions were measured in pumice (1450uC).203 Hydrostatic stresses were found in the
clasts (isolated crystals surrounded by a low density alumina near the Cr particles. In a separate paper, the
matrix);200 this investigation was undertaken to address authors compared calculations with actual residual
possible limitations of earlier work on the same material. stress measurements.204 Such residual stress measure-
Previous characterisation used a crushingzsievingz ments are readily performed with high energy synchro-
winnowing procedure to quantify the size distribu- tron X-radiation.205 Similar input was used for finite
tions,201 avoiding stereology’s well known limitations element modelling (FEM) of dynamic response of
in transforming 2D data into true measures of the 3D porous (and epoxy infiltrated) shape memory alloy
arrangements in the solid. Such processing, however, specimens.206
tends to cause significant loss of small crystals and Calculations of macroscopic properties have been
frequently fragments larger crystals. This latter artefact performed using actual particle spatial and orientation
is especially significant in that it obscures characterisa- distributions were measured in an Al–20 vol.-%Al2O3
tion of fragmentation generated in magmatic processes. composite. Finite element modelling (FEM) and mean
As the steps involved in the analysis of the microCT data field and multiscale modelling were used to compute
are characteristic of those often encountered in microCT various elastic properties, good agreement with experi-
studies, they are described here in some detail. mental moduli measurements were obtained 207–209 and
In phase quantification studies, the first image somewhat larger fraction of particles fractured in the
analysis step (after reconstruction) is image classifica- interior of the specimen compared to a zone 2–3 particle
tion, that is, assigning each voxel in the 3D volume to a diameters from the surface. Sanchez et al.210 quantified
given phase. The second step is identifying individual graphite volume fraction in Al matrix composites and
grains, i.e. clusters of voxels belonging to a single phase used the microCT determined spatial distribution of
particle. In the study cited in the previous paragraph,200 graphite to calculate flow of Al into the graphite
contrast sensitivity (256 grey levels) was adequate to preform and to simulate the spatial distribution of
quantify the volumes and size distributions for particles strains from deformation of the solid composite. As
greater than 5 voxels diameter in the Bishop Tuff pumice Heggli et al.211 discuss in conjunction with their
clast; noise limited the investigators’ ability to reliably microCT data on a graphite/Al composite, accurate
identify smaller particles. Nonetheless, Gualda and models depend on employing representative volume
Rivers200 found that the combination of contrast and elements that are sufficiently large to be representative

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 141

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

of the material on a macroscopic scale (but are small liver tumours, but success depends on adequate contrast
enough to be tractable numerically); and these authors enhancement,225 a process that may be difficult to
concluded that reasonably accurate predictions of control.
resistivity could be obtained using ensemble averaging Not all medical X-ray applications require full 3D
over a sufficient number of small models. information, and considerations of dose limitation and/
Radio-opaque polymers are desirable for dental or specimen geometry often indictate that simple radio-
applications; Anderson and co-workers212 employed graphy is required. It is worth a brief mention of the few
lab microCT to show that barium methacrylate mono- phase radiographic imaging studies, then, because this
mer did not blend well when diluted in methacrylate, modality may become more important clinically in the
whereas inhomogeneities could not be detected when tin future. Digital phase mammography has received atten-
methacrylate was used. Microdiamond content and size tion because sensitivity per unit dose to tumour cells or
distribution in kimberlite are important indicators of tumour precursors such as microcalcifications is much
the likelihood of finding coarser valuable diamonds; greater than with conventional mammography.226–228
microCT has been applied to the problem of quantifying Diffraction enhanced radiography of cartilage in dis-
diamond content of drill hole cores, as discussed in a articulated as well as in intact joints is quite promis-
report of tomography research at De Beers.213 Void ing,229–232 although the technical challenges of covering
distribution determination in HY-100 steel is one of the the FOV for human joints such as the ankle are
few synchrotron microCT studies of very highly considerable.
attenuating material.214 Catalytic conversion of natural Cellular solids
gas to (clean) liquid fuels via Fe nanoparticles is of
Following the definition of Gibson and Ashby,233 a
interest for lessening internal combustion related pollu-
cellular solid consists of an interconnected network of
tion, and the spatial distribution of these nanoparticles
solid struts (rods) or plates which form the edges and
has been studied with fluorescence microCT.161
faces of cells respectively. In other words, faces separate
The distribution of different carbon based phases in a two cells, and edges, are common to three or more
composite was studied with phase microCT.215 The subvolumes (cells) of the larger structure. The cells in the
refractive index decrements of resin, carbon fibres and present context are, of course, different from the cells
deposited carbon were clearly different and allowed one normally encounters in microbiology. In 3D, the
clear segmentation of the different phases. Absorption cells are polyhedra filling space and such materials are
contrast would have revealed only porosity. often termed foams. If the cells connect through open
Different biological tissue types can be regarded as faces (the only material being struts at the cells’ edges),
phases in the materials sense, and the number of studies the material is termed an open cell foam; if the faces are
employing microCT of tissue specimens, scaffolds for solid, sealing off adjacent cells, it is a closed cell foam.
implants, etc., dwarfs those of engineering materials; Many cellular materials are produced by plants and
needless to say, the budgets are correspondingly asym- animals, including wood, cork and bone. Engineered (by
metric. Mineralised tissues such as bone (apatite, humans) cellular solids employ all classes of materials
calcium phosphate, plus collagen) or echinoderm including composites and are used for: thermal insula-
ossicles (calcite and calcium carbonate) can take the tion, packaging (energy absorption), structures (for high
form of a cellular solid (i.e. plates and struts surrounded specific strengths), buoyancy (marine) and scaffolding
by soft tissue). These studies, therefore, are reviewed in for cell growth. The microstructural characteristics of
the subsection of cellular solids. Likewise, studies of cellular solids are difficult to quantify except with non-
blood vessel and airway networks are covered in the invasive, 3D methods such as microCT. In what follows,
channel structure subsection. MicroCT studies of dense for purposes of simplicity, the solid phase will be
mineralised tissues (cortical bone and sea urchin teeth) discussed as if it occupies a relatively small fraction of
are distributed within other subsections, but pathologi- the total volume.
cal calcifications have also been studied.178,216 Quanti- As noted by Maire et al.,234 cellular solids are often
tative comparisons based on microCT data have shown very challenging to analyse with tomographic techni-
statistically significant differences between control and ques, particularly with respect to the different levels
disease affected tissue.217 within the hierarchy of structural scales influencing the
MicroCT of soft tissue is mostly carried out with materials performance, specifically the scale of the
phase contrast in order to differentiate between different constitutive material and the scale of cellular micro-
soft tissue types, although as recent data on brain structure. The interplay among voxel size, contrast
tissue218 and on fixed lung sections219 showed, this is not sensitivity and FOV is particularly prominent in
always necessary for certain tissue types. Tumour tissue materials such as foams. If, on the one hand, the
has been well differentiated from healthy tissue,126,220–222 distribution of cell sizes is important, then large voxel
and different normal tissue structures (e.g. mammary sizes may be required for the FOV to span the half
ducts) can also be made out.223 An example where in dozen or more cells required to represent the structure
vivo absorption microCT was used to study soft tissue adequately, and an instrument optimised for these
features (lung tumours in a mouse model) is typical of parameters (perhaps an industrial or medical peripheral
such studies: a priori information was necessary to CT system) might prove more efficient than a microCT
differentiate tumours from other features (large blood system. If, on the other hand, features within the cell
vessels).224 Respiratory gating was used in this study of walls are of central importance, then microCT or even
the accuracy of microCT characterisation, and further nanoCT on small sections of the material is required.
details are covered in the section on accuracy. Injection Both scales sometimes can be studied productively
of contrast agents that concentrate in the soft tissue type on the same instrument, and several investigations
of interest has been used to good effect to image murine have employed either two extreme resolution/FOV

142 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

combinations on a single instrument,235 two or more

systems236,237 or local tomography techniques.
A structure like a cellular solid, i.e. a complex mixture
of empty space and solid, requires several parameters in
order to describe its microstructure, specifically, how
much material is present and how the material is
distributed spatially. These microstructural characteris-
tics have largely been defined in studies of cancellous
bone, and unbiased methods of measuring these
quantities are products of these studies.238 The amount
of material is given by the volume fraction of solid VV;
in bone quantification software bundled with commer-
cial software systems and in some literature, this is
written BV/TV (the ratio of bone volume to total
volume). In certain applications, the mean cell size and
the distribution of cell sizes of a foam must be specified
in order for macroscopic properties to be predicted. Also
important is the 3D distribution of solid material, the
components of which can be in the form of plates and
struts (rods); these are characterised by quantities such
as the surface area per unit volume SV and mean
thickness ,Th. of the structural elements. Accurate
values of SV and ,Th. cannot be derived from isolated
slices unless one can assume the individual structural
elements are all plates or all rods: this is one
circumstance where a dataset of contiguous slices is
essential. As discussed in detail elsewhere,239 one cannot
simply make measurements of apparent thickness in the
individual slices of a volume without risk of introducing
7 Two-dimensional illustration of distance transformation
significant, unpredictable bias into the data.
determination of plate or strut thickness, process actu-
An approach called the distance transform
ally applied in 3D. a Dashed circles show that local
method240,241 is a powerful method for determining an
thicknesses are t9 at A and t0 at B. At C, the largest
accurate mean ‘trabecular’ thickness or distribution of
sphere defines local thickness. b Effect of threshold
thicknesses. Analysis proceeds by calculating the metric
level and voxel size on thickness determined. Grey
distance of each solid voxel to the nearest solid
areas represent same section of ‘bone’ and large
(empty)space surface, i.e. this distance is the radius of
square represents region of interest (ROI) for analysis.
a sphere centred on this voxel and fitting inside the Left column shows ROI sampled by 464 voxels while
structure. Redundant (smaller) spheres are eliminated right column shows ROI sampled with (smaller)
producing a set of centres of maximal spheres filling the 767 voxels. Diagonal slashes show voxels considered
structure completely (Fig. 7).242 Thicknesses Th for each to be ‘bone’: in upper row, voxels must be totally
portion of the structure are twice the radii, and this occupied while in lower row, voxels more than one-
allows maps of local thickness value to be produced in half occupied are considered solid. Above/below each
3D renderings as well as ,Th. or distribution of column of voxels is number of ‘bone’ voxels in that
thicknesses. Mean spacing ,Sp. between structural column. Reprinted from Ref. 242 with permission
elements is calculated with the same method by simply
switching the background and object voxels. Iterative emphasised in the examples below. Anisotropy, follow-
opening and closing in 3D (n erosions followed by n ing Odgard,238 can be defined by main directions
dilations with increasing n until no volume remains in (perpendiculars to symmetry planes in the structure)
the image: note that n erosions remove all structures and by numbers quantifying the concentration of
smaller than 2n voxels) is the basis of another method directions around the main direction. The fabric tensor
(granulometry) of rapidly computing the distribution compactly describes orthotropic architectural aniso-
of wall thicknesses in a cellular material;243 the tropy via a 363 matrix of eigenvectors giving main
derivative of the remaining volume with respect to directions and eigenvalues the degree of concentration
structuring element size n gives the (size) distribution of around main directions.245 Alternatively, the degree of
thicknesses.244 anisotropy (DA) can be computed using the mean
Additional quantities of importance include the intercept length (MIL) method.238,239 The structure
connectivity density Conn.D, the structural anisotropy model index (SMI)246 relates the convexity of the struc-
and the structure model index (SMI). Connectivity ture to a model type and allows one to determine, for
reports the number of redundant trabeculae in the example, whether a given structure is more rod like or
structure, that is, trabeculae that can be cut without more plate like. An array of ideal (flat) plates has
increasing the number of separate parts of the structure, SMI50, a set of ideal cylindrical rods has SMI53 and a
and Conn.D is calculated by dividing the connectivity by set of spheres has SMI54. If sufficient ‘air bubbles’ are
the examination volume. A more complete discussion of present within the structure, SMI,0.
Euler numbers, connectivity and edge effects is beyond Generally, the quantification techniques described
the scope of this review238 as these topics are not above depend on, or at least, are implemented with,

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 143

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

binary segmentation and selection of a reasonable which explicitly accounts for varying background, is
threshold separating the phase of interest from all other another approach.244,250,251 In structures where the solid
phases. Specimens containing high contrast phases (e.g. phase is particularly thin and difficult to resolve reliably,
bone where the bone/marrow contrast is y10 : 1 for a the boundary between cells can be determined by a
lab microCT system operating with an effective X-ray distance transformation plus watershed algorithm,252 as,
energy of y25 keV7) have histograms with peaks for example, in the study of evolution of a liquid foam
separated by a valley; these materials can be segmented described below.253 In specimen systems where partial
by choosing a threshold within the valley. Confounding volumes and low contrast dominate, selective iterative
effects that necessitate less routine segmentation include thresholding may be useful: here an initial threshold is
large populations of partial voxels resulting, for guessed and the results of this binarisation are numeri-
example, from structures with minimum dimensions on cally compared to those of different iterations, but it is
the order of the voxel size (Fig. 7). not clear exactly how this had been implemented.254
One frequent segmentation approach is assignment by Segmentation by ‘snake’ or active contour models for
inspection: the operator examines a typical slice or slices boundary detection can also be effective:255 an initial
and selects the threshold which best (to his or her eye) contour is deformed towards the boundary to be
preserves the important fine scale features of both the detected so as to minimise a functional designed to
solid and the surrounding empty space. Given that this have its local minimum at the boundary.256 Spowage
is a highly subjective process, considerable effort has et al.257 described the steps required to identify surface
been devoted to assessing the robustness of conclusions porosity in foams. Lindquist explicitly compares three
derived from small shifts in threshold; the general quite different thresholding methods,29 and the inter-
consensus is that absolute numbers (VV, ,Th., etc.) ested reader can take this paper as a starting point for
will change somewhat with changing threshold, but so learning more about thresholding.
long as the features being quantified have minimum Quite a number of investigators independently devel-
dimensions greater than perhaps 4 voxels, comparisons oped analysis tools for cellular or highly porous
between specimens will be valid (see the subsection on materials that are not too different from the algorithms
microCT accuracy toward the end of this paper for described above. Considerable effort could have been
specifics). The author uses this trial and error method avoided by checking engineering (e.g. Compendex)
but with the following precaution: the threshold is AND medical (e.g. Medline) databases for various
chosen based on evaluation of a preliminary subset of synonyms for microCT and for the type of structure of
specimens, a subset explicitly excluded from the actual interest. When the results of a study are evaluated using
statistical comparison of different treatment groups.247 independently developed methods, it is important to
Before other thresholding approaches are described, it establish whether the algorithms evaluate quantities only
is useful to examine an example of determination of slice by slice or whether via a true 3D analysis; 3D
quantities such as ,Th., ,Sp. and SMI for a cellular analysis algorithms may not be important for quantities
solid, the mineralised tissue of the sea urchin. The such as volume fraction, but are most certainly essential
skeletal elements of sea urchins are termed ossicles and for thickness measurements.
consist of calcite, i.e. calcium carbonate. In all but a few Static cellular structures
specialised cases, all of the ossicles are single crystals, Before covering evolving cellular structures and biolo-
despite having complex external and internal geometries gical/biomedical structures in detail, it is useful to
reflecting their different, highly specialised functions. illustrate the wide variety of cellular materials to which
The design motif of sea urchin calcite (except in teeth) is microCT has been applied. Porosity and grain structure
a highly porous structure (y50 vol.-% occupied by soft in wood have been studied.258–260 Bubble size distribu-
tissue and fluid) that is termed stereom. Stereom has tions in simulated or actual volcanic silicate foams have
many different fabrics (dimensions and arrangements of been quantified with synchrotron microCT, and 2D and
struts and plates),248 and synchrotron microCT has high 3D measures of the distributions were compared and
enough resolving power to study many types of stereom. related to models of bubble growth.261 Open cell
Figure 8 shows a slice of one of the many plates aluminium foams have been used as substrates/materials
comprising the test (protective globe enclosing the sea sources for zeolite catalyst growth, and lab microCT was
urchins internal organs) and of a demipyramid (part of used to characterise the starting cell diameters and strut
the jaw structure).242 Within the region indicated in thicknesses as well as to show that the zeolite film had
Fig. 8b, BV/TV50?487, ,Th.519?5 mm, ,Sp.520?7 mm homogeneous thickness.262 Pd–Ag/SiO2 xerogel cata-
and SMI50?22, i.e. the structure consisted primarily of lysts supported on Al2O3 foams were also characterised
plates. Determination of specific stereom fabric type by microCT.263 Pore initiation by blowing agents in
(e.g. galleried, labyrinthic and perforate)248 from the metal foams has been studied by synchrotron microCT,
segmented volumes will require further development. and pores in prealloyed Al powders nucleated around
The 3D views shown in Fig. 8c and d compare two the blowing agent particles, whereas they tended to
representations: three orthogonal grey scale views (on nucleate around Si particles in Al–Si powder blends.264
the sides of a cube) versus a 3D rendering of the In a more well developed, closed cell foam produced by
segmented volume. For situations where the solid and the blowing agent route, a large number of 3D para-
empty space fractions are anywhere near equal, the meters were quantified for pores (volume fraction,
former representation will generally be more informative equivalent radius, surface area and sphericity), for the
than the latter. distribution of cell wall material (via granulometry)
One alternative thresholding method is use of the between cell faces and edges and for Ti particle
gradient in greyscale value to define the boundary geometric parameters and size distribution.244 Brunke
between phases.249 Adaptive or dynamic thresholding, et al.244 noted their intention to quantify the 3D spatial

144 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

8 Synchrotron microCT data for interambulacral plate of a Lytechinus variegatus and b–d demipyramid of
Asthenosoma varium. a Slice with plate exterior at top: inset box shows magnified section of ossicle indicated by
arrows and horizontal FOV is 550 voxels (2?75 mm). b Slice with enlarged area inset. Black box defines ROI for
numerical microstructure evaluation; pixels are binarised to either calcite (white) or void (black). Horizontal FOV is
687 voxels (3?44 mm). c Grey scale and d thresholded 3D renderings from within ROI defined in b: volumes are both
37 voxels (0?185 mm) high. In a–c, lighter pixel, higher linear attenuation coefficient. In d, higher absorption voxels
are shown solid and lower values are rendered transparent. Reprinted from Ref. 242 with permission

distribution of Ti particles and to relate this to foam of the cylindrical sample, which sufficed to show the
morphology and produced a simple representation, principal foaming direction. Different foaming times
projection of the mass within each slice along the length also altered the distribution of cell wall material.236

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 145

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

X-ray tomography (using a fairly large voxel size, during the first stage of rising allowed the kinetics of
90 mm, dictated by the required FOV for a material with bubble growth to be compared to models. Baking of
cells up to 5 mm diameter) of different structural metal dough was also examined.269
foam types265 revealed differences in cell anisotropy Mechanical deformation of cellular materials is
(distribution of cell volumes and of aspect ratios generally performed incrementally either in an external
quantified as equivalent ellipsoids;266 stereographic testing apparatus or in an in situ load frame specially
projections showing distribution of cell axes versus constructed for microCT. While numerous apparatus
orientation) that correlated with altered mechanical (for applying loads in situ during microCT) have been
properties.266 Defects in the cell walls (corrugations, built since the 1999 IMR review1 appeared, their designs
holes and cracks), however, substantially reduced Young’s differ little from those described previously270–273 and
modulus and strength from theoretical values.266 therefore, do not warrant special mention.
Another lab microCT report of a metal foam267 was With microCT characterisation of foams, there is
followed by detailed FEM of foam deformation234 (see concern that the results of interrupted testing differ from
below). those obtained during continuous loading. The lab
Synchrotron microCT of polyvinylchloride foam (an microCT studies of Nazarian et al.,274 however, found
example where cell diameters were smaller than 0?2 mm) the results of stepwise compression of several types of
showed that a higher processing temperature produced cellular materials agreed well with data from conven-
higher volume fraction of porosity, larger equivalent cell tional continuous testing.
diameters, decreased wall thicknesses and decreased MicroCT observation of deformation of cellular
degree of anisotropy; further, selection of small sub- solids is frequently compared to FEM of the deforma-
volumes produced the same results as for larger volumes tion based on the initial (microCT determined) struc-
of interest.243 Glass foams can be produced from silicate ture. In principle, this allows the step by step FEM
wastes (power generation waste plus bottle fragments predictions of deformation process to be compared with
plus a SiC foaming agent) and used for thermal or experiment and assumptions in the FEM to be refined.
acoustic insulation, etc., a process of considerable The steps involved in meshing microCT for FEM are
interest given the amount of this waste that has been covered elsewhere,234,275–279 and the reader is advised to
accumulating for years. Lab microCT has been used to search the bone literature for further discussion of
relate foam structure and properties with processing approaches for cellular material.
temperature.268 Several microCT studies of elastomeric foams have
Temporally evolving, non-biological cellular structures appeared and include both open and closed cell
The 3D evolution of liquid foams over tens of hours has materials.275,276,280,281 These studies were aimed at
been studied by synchrotron microCT,253 and the improving understanding of deformation processes
progress of drainage and bubble coarsening posed underlying the three stages of the typical elastomeric
particular problems in this study. While the minimum foam stress–strain curve (linear elastic stage I at the
time between each set of projections for a single lowest stresses transitioning into a plateau region, stage
reconstruction was 8 min (10 mm FOV, 10 mm voxels, II, where little increase in stress produces large increases
50 ms exposure per projection and 900 radiographs per in strain and finishing in a densification regime, stage
dataset), nearly instantaneous changes such as bubbles III, of rapidly rising stress). Kinney and co-workers280
bursting or moving produced occasional reconstruction studied 1 mm thick, 15 mm diameter silica reinforced
artefacts. Despite an inability to image a significant (y25 wt%) polysiloxane foam pads. Synchrotron
fraction of thin film area, segmentation of the image into microCT of this closed cell material was performed at
a set of bubbles could be carried out automatically, four deformation levels from 0 to 35% strain, and
using a distance transformation plus watershed algo- analysis concentrated on the fraction of surface con-
rithm. Even with boundary bubbles removed, the nected pores and finite element modelling of the
subvolume contained y26103 bubbles at the start of structure. Because the pore diameters and mean cell
the experiment, an order of magnitude increase over the wall thicknesses were y1/3 and y1/10 the specimen
number of bubbles that could be analysed by other thickness, it is difficult to know whether the results280
techniques such as MRI or optical tomography. A large can be applied to other geometries.
portion of the distribution of bubble volumes could be Plougonven et al.276 studied a polypropylene foam
characterised as exponential at a given time. The authors subjected to alternating cycles of interrupted shocks
of this study also examined the number of faces per followed by synchrotron microCT imaging; this simu-
bubble, a quantity important in coarsening kinetics.253 lates energy absorption behaviour during crashes. The
Rapid synchrotron microCT (,30 s per reconstructed investigators concentrated on behaviour at the meso-
volume) has also been applied to bubble formation in scopic scale of grains (1–3 mm diameter within the
bread, i.e. during the process of rising of the dough 10 mm diameter specimen), and the hierarchy of
where the volume fraction of porosity increases from structural scales of pores in the foam complicated the
y0?1 to y0?7.269 As dough rises over a period of 2–3 h analysis. Phase contrast effects were suppressed before
with relatively stable cell walls, unlike soap bubbles, the filtering suppressed noise, and a distance transform
changes during each data collection increment were operation defined the cell walls. The relative densities of
negligible. The first stage consisted of nucleation and the different grains were then computed as a function of
growth of many similarly sized spherical bubbles. deformation.
Bubble interaction and growth by coalescence charac- In an open celled polyurethane foam, Elliott and co-
terised the second stage, and the third stage was workers281 imaged the structure at 14 strains with the
dominated by coalescence driven formation of large, observations clustered at the critical regions of the
irregularly shaped voids. Tracking individual bubbles stress–strain curve (i.e. the transition between linear

146 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

elastic and plateau regimes, the transition between modelling based on the reconstruction agreed with
plateau and densification regions and in the final stages analytical expressions for the size of the deformation
of densification). Their focus was on strut deformation zone.283
processes, and they employed local tomography to Significant deformation occurs during the manufac-
observe the central y7 mm of a 25625 mm high ture of open cell Ni foams used as battery electrodes,
specimen. The initial stages of compression (below 4% and synchrotron microCT of these foams has proven
strain, in the linear elastic regime) were taken up by very useful in characterising tension and compression
small amounts of bending in struts that were both longer damage.291 In tension, bending, stretching and align-
than average and inclined to the compression axis. More ment of struts were observed, and the particulars
severe bending and reorientation of struts within a depended on the initial anisotropy of the foam.
localised deformation band accommodated strains up to Compression led to strain localisation due to buckling
y23%. After multiple collapse bands have formed and of struts, and this differed from the large rotations
impinged on one another, the densification regime has observed under compression in polyurethane.281
begun. Node and strut models of the deformation were Lab microCT of two syntactic metal foam types
applied, but further improvements were found to be (preforms of hollow ceramic spheres infiltrated by liquid
necessary.281 Brydon et al.282 considered, in much metal of two different Al alloys) was used to characterise
greater detail, numerical modelling of densification of deformation modes and to interpret features in stress–
open-celled carbon foams, whose structure had been strain curves.292 The foam with commercial purity Al
measured by synchrotron microCT. showed barrelling over a large part of its area with
The microCT study of a closed cell polyurethane uniform, rather modest plastic deformation of the
foam275 stands in contrast with that described in the matrix coupled with sphere fracture and a thin crush
previous paragraph. Synchrotron microCT (local recon- band. The foam with 7075-T6 matrix had damage
struction) was also performed on the central portion of a concentrated in two intersecting and much thicker crush
larger specimen (central y2 mm of a 6 mm diameter bands oriented y45u to the compression axis; sharp
specimen) at four strains (maximum of 20%), and the stress drops after the peak stress resulted from the
investigators performed a thorough sensitivity analysis formation of the crush bands.
of FEM parameters and used FEM to fill in the gaps Examining the behaviour of the foam and of the
between microCT measurements. Direct comparison of foam sheet interface in Al sandwich material required
FEM derived strain distributions in the actual foam microCT at two very different scales.235 Nonetheless,
structure showed cell wall rupture occurred at local microCT allowed strains to be calculated based on
strain concentrators. measurements at four deformation states. The interface
Metal foams often fail at significant lower stresses appeared to be sound, and the foam in the sandwich
than expected from theory, and this has motivated behaved like similar free standing foams examined by
microCT imaging of foams after discrete increments of this group.234,293
compression.254,283–287 Even simple analysis methods Repeated observations (after different compression
and modest spatial resolution can provide informative increments) with synchrotron microCT revealed damage
results. Deformation of two fairly dense Al ‘foams’ accumulation in the cell walls and plateau borders of an
produced by powder metallurgy (46 and 37% of full Al foam;90,286,287,294 local tomography was required to
density), for example, was quantified by measuring mean provide adequate spatial resolution within the volume of
interest while allowing the specimen tested to have a
porosity as a function of slice number (compression
large enough cross-section to be representative of the
along the tomographic rotation axis), much like what
foam. Displacement of thousands of micropores within
was carried out earlier for density gradients in chemical
the solid were tracked automatically for each increment
vapour infiltration288 or more recently for liquid
of deformation, and a microstructure gage formalism
foam.253 Displacement of local maxima/minima in mean
was used to calculate maps of the 3D strain tensor
slice porosity could be followed through the different
components. Characteristics of pores and the micro-
increments of deformation as the porosity diminished by
cracks that nucleated from them were quantified for
up to a factor of 2. Correlation coefficients for cross-
plateau borders and cell walls, and the distribution of
sections between two deformation states were never
strain was discussed in terms of these features. The
lower than 0?55, and the data confirm the phenomenon
microCT derived 3D structure was imported into
that the higher the cross-section porosity, the greater the
FEM.286,287 Similar data are required in applications
deformation of that cross-section. Similar approaches
in medicine, for example, displacements in CT images of
were used by others for an Al foam289 and for
lungs through image warping.295
compression of a glass wool.290
Medical CT (in plane voxel sizes a significant fraction Fibrous network solids
of 1 mm and out of plane voxels even larger) can reveal Fibrous network solids are a somewhat different class of
some details of wall deformation of closed cell Al foams cellular materials than foams. Cellulosic fibrous net-
and can identify sites of weakness,285 but higher spatial works, for example, are encountered in papers and in
resolution is required to produce data that can be engineered, low density, wood based fibreboards.
incorporated usefully into numerical or analytical Synchrotron microCT of low, medium and high density
models. MicroCT of indentation tested, low density Al fibreboards was used to determine fibre network
foams (between 0?06 and 0?17% of full density) revealed characteristics and to generate a realistic, ABAQUS
that the deformation zone was confined to a spherical based model for calculating thermal conductivity, a
cap immediately under the indenter with only occasional property important in construction materials; a design
buckling of cell walls farther than one cell diameter from of experiments (DOE) analysis of the model parameters
the zone directly under the indenter. Finite element revealed that fibre density is responsible for 60% of local

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 147

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

conductivity of the network and fibre orientation and Plant roots can be regarded as a fibrous network and
tortuosity represent 25% of the influence of network can be analysed with approaches similar to those
conductivity.296 described above. For example, Kaestner et al.308 studied
Walther et al.297 examined various medium density root networks in two alder specimens.
fibreboards with synchrotron microCT and provide a
Mineralised tissue and biomedical applications
particularly clear account of the challenging image
analysis needed to differentiate the fibre volume from Mineralised tissue is an important naturally occurring
the surrounding air. With a voxel size of y2?3 mm, the biomaterial that has been studied extensively with
lignocellulose fibre walls and the hollow lumens are microCT. Indeed, a number of commercial lab
clearly resolved; both need to be included in the fibre microCT systems were optimized for studying the
mineralised tissue of the widest clinical interest, bone.
volume but real and apparent (noise related) breaks in
In this subsection of cellular materials, the focus in on
the walls were a complication that was overcome. The
cancellous bone, that is, spongy or trabecular bone, and
maximum fibre thickness was y14 mm (6 voxels), so the
on analogous skeletal tissues such as the stereom of
analysis (quantification of fibre diameters and related
echinoderm ossicles. Cortical bone and tooth contain
quantities) should be regarded as quite robust. Quantities
much smaller fractions of open volume, and microCT
such as volume fraction (fibre walls, lumen volume and
studies of these materials are described elsewhere in the
interfibre air) and total surface area per unit volume
(fibre lumen and fibre outer air) were quantified as a
Aging populations are characteristic of countries in
function of specimen density. Individual fibres and fibre
the developed world and have motivated, at least in part,
fragments and their orientations were quantified, and
microCT studies of bone. Osteoporosis is a disease of
fibre bundles (groups of fibers each with contact
increased bone fragility seen in both elderly females and
areas.104 mm2) were mapped. Lux et al.298 provide
males, and the classical view is that decreased bone
similar analysis (but with different image analysis tools)
mineral density (BMD) explains fracture susceptibility.
of synchrotron microCT data for a very low density
This paradigm fails in a significant fraction of patients,
fibreboard and found that the resulting density agreed and the first refinement to this model is the proviso that
with that measured macroscopically. Synchrotron microCT decreased bone competence may also be the product of
studies of paper have also appeared, 299,300 in which inferior bone microarchitecture, that is, impaired net-
paper’s extreme sensitivity to changes in humidity was works of struts and plates of the trabecular bone, a
overcome: shrinkage of even 1% produces displacements major constituent of vertebrae and femoral head, both
of a few micrometers leading to sample motion artefacts. major risk sites for osteoporosis related fractures. Quite
Yang and Lindquist301 applied automatic 3D image some time ago, it was realised that microCT was an ideal
analysis to synchrotron microCT data from a fibrous method for characterising bone microarchitecture, and
polymer mat. Eberhardt and Clarke302 advanced another microCT studies of bone occupied a significant fraction
algorithm for analysing fibre characteristics in cloth. of the first IMR review.1 Biopsies of human tissue or
In four different 3D studies of textiles, lab microCT whole limbs of small animal models continue to be a
was used to quantify yarn diameter and spacing and the major subject in microCT materials characterisation. A
variability in these quantities.303 Incorporating this data few examples of such studies follow.
into stochastic models of mechanical properties pro- MicroCT has examined trabecular bone loss
duced good agreement with experiment not only for the accompanying steroid treatment (for inflammation),309
value of the in plane Young’s modulus but also for the ovariectomy (OVX, mimicking estrogen loss at meno-
scatter in results. MicroCT analysis of the structure of pause)310,311 or sciatic neurectomy311 and gastrect-
polymer fabric used in paper drying has been incorpo- omy312. Post-menopausal osteoporosis is often treated
rated into lattice Boltzmann simulations of fluid flow with bisphosphonates, and several studies of bispho-
and Monte Carlo simulations of vapour diffusion in the sphonates’ effects on bone loss have been reported for
structure,250 but the report is unclear (at least to the animal models.313–316 Parathyroid hormone (PTH)317–320
reviewer) as to whether 2D (possibly very inaccurate) or or fibroblast growth factor (FGF)320,321 treatment of
3D assessments of pore tortuosity were used in the osteoporosis models has also been investigated. Patterns
models. Contaminant classification in cotton fabrics is of bone resorption and the effect of dose were examined
another area where microCT was applied.304 for calvarial culture and IL-1 and PTH treatment.247
The relatively good environmental stability of metals Effects of disease processes on bone (infections, tumours
makes metal fibrous networks attractive for heat and arthritis) have also been examined with
transfer, filtration and catalyst support applications. microCT.322–328
Lab microCT and skeletonisation analysis were used to Synchrotron microCT and synchrotron X-ray diffrac-
study two bonded stainless steel fibre assemblies.305 The tion were used to study the microarchitectural and
distribution of fibre segment lengths between the two physical changes of human vertebrae during fetal
specimens differed as did the distribution of fibre growth;329 interestingly, the trabecular bone network
orientations (shown on stereographic projections), and was denser than in adult vertebrae, perhaps in compen-
this data could certainly be imported into numerical sation for the immature cortical shell in the fetal bone.
models of stiffness (or other quantities) as in Ref. 306. An important maturation stage in the long bones of
Determination of fibre orientation and fibre length many animals is the fusion of the growth plate and until
distributions are also important to the behaviour of microCT was applied to the problem, it was unclear
short fibre reinforced foams, and lab microCT of a whether epiphyseal growth plates remained open
phenolic foam incorporating short glass fibres revealed throughout life in rats, a popular skeletal (trabecular)
fibre preferred orientation attributed to shear generated model for aging humans. Rats are not good models for
during foaming.307 bone remodelling (replacement of impaired bone by the

148 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

action of osteoclasts and osteoblasts does not occur study also compared actual and numerical estimates of
except under unusual conditions), and, if their bones yield stress for OVX versus control versus OVX plus
never ceased to extend however slowly, this would alfacalcidol treated rats.357 Importation into numerical
impact the usefulness of this model. The microCT data models is particularly valuable in highly variable bio-
of Martin et al.330 suggest that growth plate fusion does logical systems because the same starting structure can
take place in rats and the fraction closed follows a be perturbed virtually and the response determined
sigmoidal pattern. numerically.
Changes in snail shells during growth were studied Several in vivo and in situ microCT characterisation
through in vivo microCT.331 studies have appeared. Multiple observations of rat bone
MicroCT has also been used to study an extreme by synchrotron microCT is one example,310,321 and this
case of growth, the regeneration of limbs in adult approach has been extended to mice recently.346 The
newts.332,333 reader should consult the latter study for a nice
Bone structure is expected to change in response to in discussion of the relationship between X-ray dose and
vivo loading. Craniomandibular joints, for example, are signal to noise ratio in the reconstructions. Observation
expected to change in response to different forces of changes in trabeculae in the murine hindlimb
encountered in eating (i.e. to exhibit adaptive plasticity) unloading model is another example.343 Damage accu-
and to attachment of different sized muscles. MicroCT mulation in cancellous bone specimens has been
was used to examine such changes in rabbits (animals followed during in situ loading.44 In situ straining of
eating a hard diet versus those on a soft diet), in bone was the subject of another study.358
myostatin deficient mice versus normal mice (the larger Determination of longitudinal changes in trabeculae
than normal muscle mass of the former has led to by direct comparison of the reconstructed volumes was a
informal label ‘muscle mice’) and in subfossils of the rather more ambitious approach employed in an in vivo
extinct primate Archaeolemur.334–338 One expects differ- lab microCT comparison of OVX and control rats.359 In
ences in bone microarchitecture for animals that are this study, image registration (translation and rotation
phylogenically close relatives but which have different between volumetric datasets) was performed to max-
modes of locomotion. MicroCT analyses of trabecular imise mutual information. The registration algorithm
bone in the femoral head and neck for two primate worked well for the controls, for which changes were
genera showed no difference in cancellous bone volume very small, but the large changes in the OVX animals
density but did show differences in trabecular orienta- required a modified approach based registration of a
tion.339 Changes in bone loading history are easily relatively small number of large invariant structures.
imposed in rat and mouse models and form the basis for Clear patterns of bone resorption and apposition were
a number of microCT studies.340–344 documented for the OVX rats, and new bone formation
The material bone is a discontinuously reinforced was shown to correspond with areas of calcein labelling.
composite of apatite (mineral) nanocrystallites dispersed These results highlight the difficulties inherent in direct
in a matrix primarily of collagen, and it is important to registration approaches and suggest that there continues
realise that in many genera, the mineral content varies to be real value in comparison of overall 3D specimen
considerably from older, mature areas (highest mineral maps [of a particular quantity such as crack opening360
content) to newly remodelled osteons (lower mineral instead of point by point matching (subtraction) of
content). The sensitivity limits of microCT make it ill features]. It is also possible to administer Pb and Sr to
suited for quantifying small differences in composition, living animals in order to label the bone in much the
but a number of studies have shown that the miner- same way as fluorochromes such as tetracycline or
alisation levels in bone can be mapped. Synchrotron calcein as used; imaging to either side of the absorp-
microCT of low mineralised versus high mineralised tion edge increase sensitivity in synchrotron microCT
volumes in trabecular as a function of bisphosphonate studies.84
treatment was the subject of one study.315 Micro- A prominent feature of clinical radiographs is the
radiography of thin sections of bone has long been used texture produced by the (partially) overlapping trabe-
to show remodelling, and determination of the degree of culae at the ends of long bones and within vertebrae. An
bone mineralisation via this method has been compared obvious question is whether analysis of the texture can
to that with synchrotron microCT.316 Synchrotron provide useful information about the trabecular micro-
microCT has also been used to study the degree of architecture, and this has, in fact, received attention.
mineralisation in human normal vertebra, osteoblastic Luo et al.361 used synchrotron microCT to show that
metastases and sites with degenerative osteosclerosis328 plain radiographs contain architectural information
and in different mouse genetic strains.345,346 directly related to the underlying 3D structure; they
Strength in bisphosphonate treated bone has been suggested that a well controlled sequence of radiographs
characterised along with bone microarchitecture in OVX might allow monitoring of trabecular changes in vivo
rats.313 Elastic moduli from indentation measurements and identifying individuals at increased risk of osteo-
have been determined for PTH and FGF treated bones porotic fracture. Later synchrotron microCT based
and structures compared with microCT.320 Bone model- analysis by others examined which 2D texture para-
ling and simulation was the subject of another study.347 meters correlated best with the underlying 3D struc-
MicroCT derived bone microstructures are routinely ture.362 This approach may prove useful for analysis of
imported into finite element models and the response to other cellular solids, for example, metal foams under-
mechanical loading investigated numerically.325,348–356 going high strain rate deformation (with complete
Imaging of entire vertebrae, for example, allowed, via tomographic reconstructions only possible of the initial
importation into FEM, assessment of the contribution and final states), but much more detailed descriptions of
of cortical and trabecular structure to strength; this the radiograph’s texture need to be developed (instead of

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 149

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

9 Three-dimensional views of a Diadema setosum, b Centrostephanus rodgersii, c Echinothrix diadema and d

Lytechnius variegatus showing three orthogonal slices through spines. Insets i–iii are enlargements of fine stereom
indicated by dashed lines. White indicates mineral and black empty space. Symbols w, b, t and c label wedges,
bridges linking adjacent wedges, thorns on outer edge of wedges and central perforated cylinder respectively.
Features labelled u are thin regularly spaced bars connecting central cylinder with adjacent wedge, v are very fine
trabeculae linking adjacent wedges in E. diadema (instead of thick bridges) and k is coarse stereom in which central
cylinder is embedded in E. diadema. Reprinted with permission from Ref. 369, Copyright 2006 Society of Photo-
Optical Instrumentation Engineers

one or a few global measures of texture, a dozen or more bone structures beside implants are described else-
parameters might be appropriate) and a priori knowl- where.367,368 In synchrotron microCT, phase contrast
edge could be utilised (for this example, the known at edges of different low absorption tissue types may
initial structure and corresponding radiograph, the final also aid segmentation in the presence of a very
structure and radiograph and the fact that the ith absorbing material.
radiograph resulted from the i21th structure and Not all mineralised tissues are based on the collagen–
evolved into the iz1th structure). apatite composite system that comprises bone: echino-
Bone formation around implants and the resulting derms, for example, utilise calcite and a trabecular
structural integrity (or lack thereof) is a biomedical structure reminiscent of that in bone. The illustration of
engineering topic of increasing importance as the ,Th. determination above was for the stereom in a
number of hip (and knee) replacements increases. demipyramid of Asthenosoma varium. Sea urchin spines
Examples of microCT studies include the 3D analysis fill a rather different function (they protect the animal’s
of bone formation around Ti implants,363 characterisa- body from predators and high energy, rough surf,
tion of Mg bone implant degradation,364 study of bone environments), and the spines of different phylogenic
around dental implants365 and investigation of human families have different characteristic architectures as
tooth alveolar bone complex.366 One complication in well as a wide range of lengths and diameters. In
many such imaging studies is that the high absorptivity addition to stereom, spines can contain radial wedges or
of many implants such as stainless steel or Ti washes out a dense cortical shell, and reports of structural analyses
contrast in bone. In the author’s experience, this can have appeared recently.369,370 Numerical analysis of the
cripple analysis if contrast is confined to linear, 256 level structures revealed by microCT may shed light onto why
greyscale; such an 8 bit approach seems to be favoured certain characteristic structures have persisted over
in many different analyses, so this is not an academic millions of years, providing insight into functional
concern. Use of non-linear contrast scales or high end advantages conferred by certain structures. Figure 9
clipping can be effective; contrast enhancements for shows the complex 3D spine structure of one type of sea

150 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

urchin: the radial wedges and hollow centre concentrate is of interest. Many analyses used for cellular solids can
mass where it will be the most effective in resisting be and are used for channel structures with the solid and
bending, and the bridges between wedges and the empty space subvolumes inverted.
perforated central cylinder link the wedges. This Fluid content and drainage were studied in a wide
structure is a single crystal, and the exquisite biological range of porous specimen sizes using an industrial CT
control of mineralisation geometry and crystallography system [76 mm diameter with (368 mm)3 voxels], a
at ocean temperatures is even more remarkable because medical CT scanner [76 mm diameter with (150 mm)26
the calcite’s high Mg content grows at equilibrium only 2 mm voxels] and synchrotron microCT [27 mm dia-
about several hundred degrees Celsius. Several studies meter with (76 mm)3 voxels down to 1?5 mm diameter
suggest that spatial constraint of the mineralisation with (6?7 mm)3 voxels].81 Note that similar comparisons
space controls single crystal calcite growth in sea urchin were performed for trabecular bone237 and for bone
ossicles.371,372 Materials processing employing this containing Ti implants.388 The industrial and medical
strategy and suitable macromolecular crystallisation systems could detect heterogeneous drainage patterns
adjuncts appears to be a very attractive route to but not the pore spaces. In coarse sand, synchrotron
improved cellular solids. microCT could partition the specimen volume into KI
MicroCT imaging of cellular mineralised tissues is doped water, air and solid and reliably detect different
useful even when the microstructure cannot be resolved. interfaces; changes in fluid distribution after drainage
The finest stereom found in echinoderm ossicles can could also be imaged clearly.81 Contrast sensitivity for
have submicrometre dimensions, for example, and water in pores (undoped and doped with tracers such as
nanoCT would be required. Often the ossicle dimensions KI) was established in other work80 and is discussed
are up to a centimetre, and there is a strong desire to below in the section on microCT accuracy. Other
avoid destroying the specimen. In studies of function- synchrotron microCT studies of interfaces and water
ality of ossicles and of phylogenic changes in stereom saturation include Refs. 389 and 390.
microarchitecture, the 3D distribution of stereom fabrics Sheppard et al.255 characterised a number of materials
is of great interest and is largely unexplored for ossicles with porosities between 18?5 and 54% using microCT
other than test plates. Stock and co-workers373 used lab and either compared these determinations to results
microCT to image a demipyramid of the sea urchin from other techniques (see section on microCT accuracy
Lytechinus variegatus at a resolution too coarse for the below) or used the data as input to fluid transport or
trabecular structure of stereom to be resolved. Because other models. In addition to quantification of grain size,
this ossicle consisted of only two phases (high Mg calcite these authors looked at grain coordination number in
and air), the 3D distribution of linear attenuation different types of specimens, pore connectivity and
coefficient values was interpreted in terms of partial local flow paths. Similar analyses were performed by
volumes of calcite. The complex structure revealed by Knackstedt et al.391 on eight different industrial foams
microCT probably reflects the conflicting mechanical (microcellular polyurethane formed by four different
requirements (increased mass for rigidity versus processes), including thermal conductivity, permeability
decreased mass for metabolic savings) and the need for and elastic properties (Young’s modulus). The same
transport to keep cells viable in the stroma (interstices of group describes a vertically integrated centre for the
the stereom). The structure revealed by microCT analysis of transport (and mechanical) properties in a
certainly could be imported into a finite element model wide class of solids.392
and the role of the different features probed numerically,
Polymer foams can be used to absorb oil from
but this remains to be carried out.
spills, and the ingestion of fluids into cellular materials
Scaffolds for bone replacement via osteointegration
such as polyurethane foams has, therefore, considerable
have been actively researched,374 and microCT is a
practical importance but has received relatively little
natural tool for studying these structures that generally
attention. Oil uptake (two densities of oil) of poly-
mimic trabecular bone. As this is a very active field, only
urethane foams (three densities) were examined for two
a few examples are cited here. Biocompatible materials
temperatures (simulating winter and summer seawater
including scaffolds were discussed in Ref. 375, and other
temperatures) using lab microCT.393 Weight uptake as a
reports of scaffold structures and function include
function of time was the principle measure of poly-
Refs. 44 and 376–379. Quantification of bone on hydro-
urethane foam performance, and a few reconstructions
xyapatite scaffolds380 and 3D study of bone ingrowth
and 3D renderings of the as received foam were
into calcium phosphate biomaterials381 may be of
provided. Unfortunately, the foam structure was not
interest to the reader. Bone formation in polymeric
analysed, structure was not correlated with performance
scaffolds has been evaluated by proton magnetic
nor were reconstructions presented of the foam with
resonance microscopy and microCT.382 The fluid
dynamic microenvironment in tissue construct has been absorbed oil.
considered based on microCT data.383 Other studies Blood vessel structure in organs is an important topic
include pore interconnectivity in bioactive glass in medicine and biomedical engineering, and microCT
foams,384 structure and properties of clinical coralline based analysis of these systems of channels is an efficient
implants,385 scaffolds of carbonated apatite–collagen quantification method. The approaches developed can
sponges386 and polymer composite scaffolds.387 be directly translated to materials problems. Ritman and
co-workers9,394–397 described blood vessel quantification
Channel structures and cortical bone for different organ systems including coronary arteries,
Channel structures are simply structures complementary hindlimb vascular trees, kidney glomerular microvascu-
to those of cellular solids: once again, the volume of lature and biliary trees. The hundreds of branches
interest occupies the smaller fraction of the total, but present in a typical organ are typically filled with a
here the empty space (or other phase filling the channels) contrast agent, but phase imaging can also be used to

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 151

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

image blood vessels without contrast agents.398,399 decalcification of the bone) and a two resolution
Automated analysis routines are required, however, if approach (lab microCT, 16 mm voxels, to identify
an adequate number of replicates are to be analysed. volumes of interest for subsequent local tomography
This last requirement is particularly important in reconstruction with synchrotron microCT, 1?4 mm
biological studies where interindividual variability is voxels) have been used to compare an Alzheimer’s
very large. In common with analyses of cellular disease model mouse with the wild type using metrics
structures, the first step in the analysis is extraction of described above.409
the vessels from the image and suppression of noise. It is Corrosion casts of a canine lung and a mouse lung
important to note the tree like nature of the vessel were imaged with conventional CT and microCT
system and branches because this differs from the respectively, and, due to effects like bubbles in the
situation pertaining in cellular materials and conditions polymer, a small amount of manual segmentation was
analysis algorithms. After extraction of the vessel tree, required.410 Analysis of the airway tree structure in
quantitative data can be computed, and numerical terms of generations, etc., was similar to that reported in
analysis of the tree characteristics can be performed Ref. 31; interestingly, the approach was accurate and
(e.g. partition into mother/child sibling relationships for efficient for up to six generations for the canine cast and
the different branches that focuses analysis of function- ten generations for the murine cast, presumably because
ality and dimensional changes onto equivalent portions of instrumentation differences. In vivo quantification of
of the network). regional lung gas volumes in rabbits was recently
Wan et al.31 studied the coronary arterial tree of a rat reported using synchrotron microCT, mechanical venti-
and focused quantification on arterial lumen cross- lation with Xe–O gas and K edge subtraction ima-
sectional area, interbranch segment length, branch ging.411 In vivo imaging with respiratory gating of
surface area at equivalent generation, interbranch and laboratory rodents has been used to examine lung
intrabranch levels. In coronary circulation, arterial damage from tumours and from chemotherapy.412
blood inflow increases during diastole and venous Channel networks have also been studied in cortical
outflow increases during systole; direct comparison of and trabecular bone. In all bones above a certain
microvessels in the myocardium for diastolic arrested thickness, nutrients must be transported actively via
and systolic arrested hearts allowed investigators to canals of various sorts. In rabbits and smaller mammals
identify the characteristics of the capacitance vessels.400 such as rats and mice, the author (and many others)
Pulmonary arterial wall distensibility, decreases of observed these canals to be quite narrow; in larger
which are important in various lung pathologies, was mammals such as dogs, horses and humans, canals are
examined with a liquid contrast agent injected into larger and serve for an additional purpose, as described
pulmonary arteries and imaged with lab microCT at below. The character of the channel systems in cortical
different arterial pressures spanning the physiological bone has been quantified using methods similar to those
range;401,402 main arterial trunk diameter versus distance described earlier in this section.413,414 Internal channels
from the inlet was determined for each of four pressures, in trabeculae have also been described.415
and a linear relationship between diameter and pressure The nutrient canals, termed Haversian if they run
was found for a single point on one vessel. This same longitudinally in bone and Volkman if transversely
group used the self-similarity of the arterial trees to oriented, serve as sites for bone remodeling, that is, the
improve analysis efficiency403 and employed these tools replacement of old, damaged bone with new bone. The
to compare vascular remodeling for hypoxia treated rats process involves the concerted action of osteoclasts
with rats living under normal oxygen partial pres- gouging out old bone followed by osteoblasts depositing
sures.404 Bentley et al.405 reviewed the use of microCT to bone matrix and mineral. The cylinders of remodelled
study alterations in renal microvasculature caused by bone are termed osteons and for some time after they are
development of cirrhosis in a rat model; they found formed contain lower mineral density than mature bone.
changes in microvascular volume fractions in different The decreased mineral levels in newly formed osteons
portions of the kidney that may contribute to changes in have long been imaged with microradiographs of thin
salt and water retention that accompanies cirrhosis. Sled sections of bone, and synchrotron microCT more
and co-workers406 applied semiautomatic analysis to recently has been used to good effect to reveal the
microvasculature in mouse kidneys (simple threshold, qualitative spatial distribution of mineral den-
distance transformation, special routines for local sity.315,316,328,329,414–417 Dyck et al.28 discuss calibration
contact between vessels); Toyota et al.407 studied of mineral levels in lab microCT for various calcified
heterogeneity of glomerular volume distribution in a tissues, but it is normally quite difficult to see remodelled
rat model of early diabetic nephropathy and found osteons in lab microCT. It should be possible to
statistically significant (greater) coefficient of variation quantify differences in mineral density between osteons
within individuals of the model compared to controls. of varying ages within a bone specimen, but this appears
Quantitative microCT analysis of collateral vessel still to be carried out. Standards measurements can be
development after ischemic injury in a mouse model used to remove systematic biases in values of linear
revealed that the vascular volume was reconstituted as a attenuation coefficients resulting from beam harden-
series of highly connected, small diameter, closely spaced ing;418 although this is important for correctly inter-
and isotropically oriented vessels as soon as 3 days after preting mean mineral level, it does not help with
surgical ligation of the femoral artery;408 simple thresh- detection of differences between recently formed and
olding and vessel diameter measurement based on mature osteons.
distance transformation were used. Corrosion casting Reports have been published on determination of Ca/
of the vasculature system in the brain (perfusion of a P ratios for bone from synchrotron microCT scans:
polymer followed by masceration of the soft tissue and linear attenuation coefficients from bone were compared

152 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

to those of two phantoms of calcium phosphate salts environmental interactions and corrosion covers
with different Ca/P ratios.419,420 Although differences in microCT characterisation of these aspects of cracking.
bone mineral density certainly appear to be supported Increasingly, investigators using microCT observe a
by this group’s data, interpretation of differences in given sample four or more times during its evolution,
terms of Ca/P ratios appears problematic at best. In and this will be a continuing theme in the future.
bone, the relative amounts of collagen and mineral are Accounts of microCT studies of monolithic materials
expected to vary, the density of osteocyte lacunae can open this subsection, and reports on composite materi-
alter the apparent linear attenuation coefficients and als, including cortical bone, a natural composite, close
other variations will be present (see the discussion the subsection.
of Dowker and co-workers421,422 and that of Kozul Strain localisation, the concentration of deformation
et al.423). into narrow bands of intense shear, occurs not only in
Thin bands of high absorptivity were found in cellular solids but also in most geomaterials. Viggiani
synchrotron microCT data of bone. In animals dosed et al.429 observed a stiff soil at several strains with
with SrCl2, these were interpreted as zones of bone with synchrotron microCT; a single shear band was formed
high Sr replacement of Ca in the mineral.414 Similar at an axial strain of 2?7%. In situ loading plus microCT
bands of high absorptivity were observed in specimens of concrete has shown that the fracture processes must
of human femoral neck bone in extraosteonal areas near be treated not as a 2D crack but as a system of smaller
to and parallel to the external surface of the cortex; these 3D cracks.430 The non-recoverable work of loading,
features in aged bone were interpreted as regions of high calculated using a linear elastic fracture mechanics
mineral content.424 The author has observed similar approach, in compression of mortar, was determined
high absorptivity bands within cortical bone of animals by measuring the incremental changes in crack surface
including newts and mice, bands that examination of area revealed by microCT as load was increased;430,431
adjacent slices showed could not be due to out of plane the incremental fracture energy rose with increasing
geometrical features producing unexpected phase con- damage indicating secondary toughening mechanisms
trast. The magnitude of the difference is quite striking: such as friction made up a greater fraction of the
linear attenuation coefficients in the mouse cortical bone measured energy.432
were 40% or more greater within the very small volume Several microCT studies have focused on the role of
of hypermineralised tissue than in the ‘normal’ bone, the porosity in failure of metallic samples. Model copper
difference being over twice the standard deviation seen specimens have been manufactured with a regular
for areas of ‘normal’ bone.425 It is difficult to imagine array of interior pores, and their coalescence in the final
that these features, observed by several investigators stages preceding fracture was studied with synchrotron
working as different synchrotron radiation facilities, are microCT.433 MicroCT revealed considerable void
an artefact of some sort, but their origin remains growth but not nucleation of new voids (i.e. no strain
obscure. localisation between the pre-existing manufactured
The current model of bone remodelling holds that voids). Evolution of pore size distribution during creep
Haversian systems are the most active where bone was studied by microCT and X-ray diffraction in a three
undergoes the most extreme loading, i.e. accumulates phase copper alloy;434 details of this study are discussed
the greatest amount of damage such as microcracking later in the section on multimode studies. High velocity
(see Ref. 103 for examples of synchrotron microCT impacts generate refraction waves within the target,
imaging of microcracking associated with bone porosity
waves that superimpose and generate zones of high
including osteocyte lacunae). Clustering of osteons426
density of pores; synchrotron microCT has been applied
might be a result, particularly in bone of aged
to small specimens cut from impact tested Ta disks.435
individuals, and the presence of such a significant stress
These data show that pore volume distribution obeys a
concentrator could lead to unexpected fracture. Several
power law, at least for the larger pores, and that results
studies of channels in cortical bone have focused on
from 2D methods, even with correction, could not be
establishing the equivalence of microCT based measures
extrapolated to the actual 3D distribution. Lab microCT
of porosity and osteon dimensions with long standing
of specimens from five positions in a high pressure, die
methods such as microradiography or histology.424,427
casting of Mg alloy AM60B revealed considerable
Pore content and mineral levels determined from
variability in the amount and distribution of micro-
microCT correlated with axial ultrasound velocity; the
porosity; location of the fracture plane, the fracture
data showed the structure in the outer 1 mm of cortex
strain and the fracture strain agreed with predictions of
(about 1/2 cortex thickness) affected velocity and suggest
a critical strain model based on the initial pore dis-
clinical usefulness of this non-invasive monitoring
tribution.436 Void growth near a notch was followed at
method.416 A rat ulnar loading model was studied with
several loads with synchrotron microCT (y0?5 mm
pQCT, with FEM and with attached strain gages (to
assess load sharing between ulna and radius), and the isotropic voxels) of a cast A356 Al specimen (Al grains
greatest bone formation in response to fatigue loading surrounded by a Si rich eutectic phase), and this study
was found in regions of high compressive strain.428 noted constraint effects on the specimen faces (com-
pared to the middle of the specimen) as well as con-
Deformation, fatigue and fracture siderable void-Si particle spatial correlation.437
There have been quite a number of microCT studies of Fatigued commercial bone cement (PMMA beads in a
deformation, damage, cracks and fracture since 1999, BaSO4 filled PMMA matrix) was studied with synchro-
but not all are covered in this section. Deformation of tron microCT, macroscopic failure was found to be
cellular materials was covered above. Deformation linked to the presence of large voids, crack deflection
studied as part of materials processing is postponed was observed at matrix beads and crack arrest was
until the processing subsection, and the subsection on found within beads.438 In an Al engineering alloy, the

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 153

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

distribution of pore sizes determined from individual lab specimens. One is never quite sure how much the change
microCT slices and from the 3D stack of slices were of constraint (from removed material) affects the
compared: the 2D measurement showed a significantly observations, so some caution should be exercised in
lower mean pore diameter, even after Saltykov-type interpreting these results. Buffiere et al.451 summarise
correction for sampling biases,439 than the 3D measure- their experience in visualising cracks in these types of
ment.440 The interrupted fatigue test specimens showed specimens, as well as the drawbacks and advantages of
the crack tended to deviate toward pores that were near microCT in the presence of significant phase contrast,
the transverse plane (normal to the load axis) that the and a few comments on their studies and others’ follow.
crack was following across the specimen.440 Toda et al.445,446 found that the large transients in
Lab microCT with rather large voxels (0?08–0?12 mm) contrast from the Fresnel fringes parallel to fatigue
was used to investigate the mechanisms responsible for crack surfaces indictated that robust crack opening
rising crack growth resistance with increased crack measurements required use of features somewhat
length (R curve behaviour) in a fairly large specimen displaced from the crack plane. Therefore, near crack
of polygranular graphite.441 After crack extension, the tip opening displacements in in situ loaded AA2024-
crack was held open by inserting a wedge. Significant T351 were measured using small microvoids (a small
crack face contact was observed behind the crack tip, distance away from the crack faces) as fiducials,445,446 in
and the authors report a zone of discrete, low attenua- much the same way that Breunig and co-workers270,452
tion features around the crack tip and in the crack wake, worked with C cores in SiC fibres on either side of a
features that were interpreted as microcracks hypothe- crack in an Al/SiC monofilament composite. The high
sised to be responsible for the R curve behaviour. It resolution closure observations of Toda et al. were in
would be interesting to confirm this interpretation by agreement with earlier work,360,442–444,453,454 namely,
performing either phase enhanced microradiography loss of surface contact occurs gradually up to the
plus 3D stereometry (approach described below178,179) maximum load of the fatigue cycle, mixed mode surface
or by performing synchrotron microCT of small sections contact is very important and near tip contact is
cut from one of the samples. suggested as producing crack growth resistance.
The first IMR microCT review1 reported several Decoration of grain boundaries in Al with Ga liquid
studies of fatigue crack closure in AA2090. Several (the melting point of gallium is 30uC) allowed grain
addition closure studies on AA2090 followed the earlier boundary positions to be correlated with the 3D crack
work,360,442–444 and correlation of fatigue crack path in geometry and changes in crack path, without sectioning
these specimens with different scales of crystallographic the specimen.66,116,447–450,455,456 In this approach, the
texture is described in the section on multimode studies authors first performed the in situ loading experiments
below. In situ loading during synchrotron microCT on the material cut from larger specimens; subsequently
compared patterns of crack opening in two notched Ga was applied. Paths of short cracks are well known
tensile specimens that exhibited different crack geome- to be dominated by crystallography of the few grains cut
tries.443 In small compact tension specimens of the by the crack, and electron back scattering diffraction
centre of AA2090 plates, Morano et al.442,444 compared (EBSD) was used to provide the crystallographic
fatigue crack path and 3D pattern of crack closure as a information needed to understand which changes in
function of applied stress for a specimen cracked under grain orientation produced large deflections in the crack
load ratio R50?1 and one tested under R50?75. Lab path.116 Analysis of crystallographic character of several
microCT was also used to compare the 3D pattern of branches of a short crack in a cast AS7G03 Al–Si alloy
crack closure (as a function of applied stress) in small specimen containing artificial pores illustrated the power
compact tension specimens before and after crack of this approach.116 In the same material, 11 observa-
extension; the voxel size was rather larger than ideal tions for different crack extensions were made of a short
for crack opening studies and limited quantification of fatigue crack that had nucleated in a narrow ligament
opening in the immediate vicinity of the crack tip.360 between a pore and the specimen surface,455 and the
Others addressed this sensitivity issue by cutting a small evolution of the crack front shape was interpreted with
volume of material from around the crack tip and respect to the surrounding grain microstructure and
imaging this with the highest available spatial resolution pore positions. Figure 10 shows a 3D view of the tip of a
(see the following paragraphs), but Ignatiev et al.,178,179 fatigue crack in an AA2024-T351 specimen; the solid
studying fatigue cracks in intact miniature compact material is rendered transparent and only the Ga
tension specimens from the same lot of AA2090 as labelled grain boundaries and crack are shown. Large
described above, adopted a novel approach they termed portions of the crack (cut from the larger specimen to
stereometry (tracking features relative displacements include only the near tip region of the long fatigue crack)
versus specimen rotation in multiple radiographs and were within five degrees of {100} or {111}, with steeply
computing 3D positions from this data, see the section inclined sections following {111};450 these crack paths
on ‘Alternative tomographic methods’ for a brief are those observed in AA2090 T8E41.457
description) and were able to map fatigue crack Ferrié et al.66 studied fatigue propagation in an
geometry in 3D with much smaller voxels than would ultrafine grained, powder metallurgy alloy (AA5091
otherwise be possible. material system with mechanical properties equivalent
Several synchrotron microCT studies have appeared to the T1 condition). This alloy was selected because
of small section of Al specimens cut to contain the tip of fatigue cracks follow highly planar paths, and an in situ
the fatigue crack.116,445–451 The resulting small voxel size fatiguing apparatus was mounted directly on the
and the strong phase contrast in these reconstructions synchrotron microCT rotation stage. Radiography was
increase crack visibility enormously compared to recon- used to monitor crack initiation, and, after each of nine
structions with pure absorption contrast and in intact increments of crack extension, data for reconstruction

154 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

difficulty of working with such fragile specimens is

undoubtedly the reason that relatively few experiments
are performed steels, copper or still more attenuating
metals or composites. Even Ti poses challenges for
microCT imaging.
The characteristics of a model discontinuously rein-
forced composite system (0, 5 and 10 vol.-%Ni particles
blended with AA2124 powder and hot extruded) were
studied with lab microCT.459 Particle clustering was
quantified by 2D (SEM) and 3D (microCT) methodol-
ogies, and good agreement was found. Subvolumes of
the microCT reconstructed volume were meshed and
incorporated into FE simulations of the three materials,
and the actual and simulated stress–strain curves
showed quite good agreement.459
Buffière et al.143 used synchrotron microCT to study
a more challenging composite system than Ni–Al:
10 vol.-%SiC particles in a matrix of AA6061-T4. As
the mass attenuation coefficients of SiC and Al differ by
less than 3% at 23 keV, phase enhanced imaging
(detector specimen separation of 830 mm instead of a
few tens of millimetres) was used to provide contrast
between particle and matrix and to enhance crack
visibility. The same volume was compared at five strains
(initial microstructure, at the yield point of the stress–
strain curve and at three strains up to 13%), the fraction
of broken particles was greater in the bulk than near the
surface and FE calculations (normal stress, total stored
elastic energy in particles) were supplied to explain the
observations.143 The spatiotemporal distribution of frac-
10 Three-dimensional representations of fatigue crack in tured SiC particles was mapped in a subsequent
AA2024-T351, highlighting: a crack volume (in green) study.460 Interest in microCT based FEM analyses of
andb grain boundaries decorated with Ga (in gold). particulate reinforced composites continues.461
Specimen was imaged with 1500 views over 180u and The association between deformation induced poros-
reconstructed with 0?7 mm isotropic voxels. Reprinted ity in several Al matrices and particulate reinforcements
from Ref. 450, Copyright (2006), with permission from (ZrO2) was investigated with lab microCT using a dual
Elsevier energy reconstruction technique.32,462 This is an example
where an energy sensitive X-ray detector (and a
were collected with the specimen under maximum translate–rotate or pinhole data collection scheme1) is
applied load. The crack grew more elliptical with required. Variance analysis was used to show that little if
increasing number of cycles with the major axis any clustering of the particles was present and to
perpendicular to the specimen surface, and the authors determine that voids also were not clustered. A direct
attributed this to differences in closure stresses along the relationship between volume fraction of particles and
crack front. Local stress intensity range DK was void volume fraction was demonstrated.32,462 Synchro-
calculated via FEM for the portion of the crack growing tron microCT and in situ loading have also been used to
parallel to the surface and for the portion growing study damage in aluminium–zirconia composites.456,463
perpendicular to the surface. Plots of crack growth rate Indentation damage has been studied in carbon fibre
da/dN v. DK showed comparable power law exponents, reinforced plastic composites, but this study was limited
but the surface curve was displaced to lower DK relative to qualitative comparisons with results of ultrasonic
to the bulk curve and the latter followed the experi- characterisation.464 A more complete focus on detection
mental long crack growth curve. The authors concluded limits for different types of damage in fibre reinforced
that, for the specimen geometry studied, a single Paris polymer matrix composites was provided by a second
equation can predict the observed crack growth study that examined the same cracks before and after
anisotropy provided variation in closure stress along (high X-ray absorption) dye penetrants were added;30 in
the crack front is assumed. Experiments of the sort this lab microCT study, the authors reported crack
described in this paragraph are enormously difficult to detection limits without penetrant that were similar to
conduct and are not to be undertaken lightly. those determined by Breunig et al.,270,452 but cracks
Marrow and co-workers458 performed synchrotron open 0?5–1 mm in y20 mm voxels (opening,5% of the
microCT on a very small ductile cast iron specimen and voxel size) could be detected when penetrant was added.
focused on characterising changing crack front geometry Other polymeric composite systems containing cracks
as the short cracks interacted with pores and graphite and studied with microCT were the elastomeric material
nodules. A gage diameter of y0?35 mm was required to of autotires465 and aged dental composites.466
give adequate transmission through the iron specimen at Fracture of unidirectional composites is generally
the highest photon energy that was practical for use with thought to occur when a cluster of broken fibers reaches
the high resolution X-ray detector (30 keV). The a critical number N*, and microCT is an ideal tool for

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 155

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

assessing whether the critical cluster concept is valid Most microCT deformation studies of bone concern
and, if so, what N* might be for a given composite trabecular bone and were reviewed in the cellular
system. Synchrotron microCT of uniaxially aligned materials subsection above. One bovine cortical bone
quartz fibre, epoxy matrix composites investigated this study used lab microCT to examine short rod chevron
concept with in situ loading, and simple stochastic notched tension specimens for fracture toughness
failure models were reported to underpredict N* by a determination.475 The V shaped notch allows steady
factor of 3–5.467 state crack propagation in a sample diameter rather
In a uniaxial monofilament Al/SiC composite, smaller than a standard compact tension specimen, an
microCT of mechanically induced damage was com- important advantage given limited dimensions available
pared with unloading modulus.468 While this study of even in the long bones of large animals. In principle,
monotonic deformation and of fatigue damage was fracture toughness for this specimen geometry does not
performed some time ago,270 a more complete report require measurement of the crack length, but practically
(other than a thesis) appeared only recently. Macro- realisable geometry does not meet the assumption for
scopic measures of damage (changes in unloading com- the calculation and compliance tests and crack length
pliance and in unrecovered strain) correlated with measurements (via microCT) were used for more robust
microCT quantification of microstructural changes determination of the plane strain stress intensity
(fibre separation, fibre misorientation relative to the factor.475
load axis, fibre carbon core fracture). More recent Nanoindentation is increasingly popular for applica-
generations of SiC monofilaments have improved pro- tions such as quantification of the anisotropy of elastic
perties, so these results are not indicative of current moduli in bone, and such moduli have been shown to
performance. Few complete fractures of SiC fibres were agree well with moduli from load deflection curves.476
observed except after specimen failure; the authors Some assumptions are required in the analysis, and
concluded SiC fibre fractures were responsible for Hengsberger et al.476 used synchrotron microCT to
decreased compliance but, upon unloading, residual provide some of this information (specimen mineral
stresses from intact fibres presumably pulled fracture levels, porosity and cross-sectional dimensions).
surfaces back together in the damaged fibers. Because Cortical bone exhibits good toughness, and two views
this synchrotron microCT data were obtained under of the source of toughness are: bridging by uncracked
imaging conditions where phase contrast was negligible ligaments in the crack wake and microcracking ahead of
(i.e. during the earlier 1990s at CHESS and SSRL), the crack tip. Both absorb energy that would otherwise
crack visibility in the SiC fibres was substantially lower be used to extend the crack. Establishing the relative
than that in the studies reported in the following importance of these mechanisms would suggest treat-
paragraph, and it is not surprising that tightly closed ment strategies for osteoporosis prevention. Nalla and
cracks might be invisible. co-workers477,478 have examined mechanistic aspects of
Uniaxially aligned monofilament Ti/SiC specimens crack growth resistance in human cortical bone by
were imaged with synchrotron microCT under in situ determining crack growth resistance curves (R curves)
loads, and fibre fracture geometry and spatial distribu- and using synchrotron microCT to image the 3D crack
tion were characterised.189,267,469–474 Single fibre, single structure. Fracture toughness rose linearly with crack
ply and multiple ply specimens were studied; artificially length, but there were clear differences in behaviour
fractured fibres within the one ply specimen and fibre between bone from young mature adults (age,41 years
bridging across a fatigue crack in the multiple ply old, described as young bone below) and that from aged
specimen were studied. The SiC fibre fractures were individuals (age.85 year old, described as aged bone in
similar to what had been reported for Al/SiC monofila- what follows). Ex vivo crack initiation toughness
ment composites, namely, wedge cracks and spiral decreased 40% from young to aged bone, and crack
cracks. Careful consideration of synchrotron phase growth toughness present in the young bone was
enhanced microCT renderings of the fractured fibres essentially eliminated over this period. Quantification
identified with wedge cracks (e.g. Figs. 5b and 6 of of the amount of crack bridging versus crack extension
Ref. 472) reveals complex contrast between the wedge (practical only with microCT) revealed considerable
edges (where contrast was the strongest), and the initial bridging for both young and aged bone; after
discussion in this paper clearly identifies small fragments some extension crack, bridging for young bone remained
that give rise to the complex contrast. The fainter comparable to the initial levels but for the aged bone
contrast regions suggest that the SiC material between was virtually absent. MicroCT showed that bridges were
the wedge edges contains additional (albeit more tightly present throughout the specimen thickness (demonstrat-
closed) crack segments (small fragments of the locally ing that SEM data for bridging at specimen surfaces is
shattered fiber). Although this may seem to be a minor valid479) and that cracks tended to follow cement lines
point, the fine details of fibre fracture could provide bordering osteons. The bridging zone length was on the
important insight into interface bonding or into stress order of 5?5 mm long for this human cortical bone.
wave interactions during fibre fracture. The longitudinal While toughness values for bone and dentin, related
sections through the fibre centres also revealed that the collagen–apatite composites, were comparable and were
fibres curve along the length of the specimen (smaller thought to reflect the nanoscale structure, differences in
apparent width of the fibre’s core at top and bottom of time dependent crack blunting between the two miner-
the sections). As an integral part of the study was alised tissues were thought to reflect the very different
microbeam diffraction mapping of strains in the Ti micrometre level structures.
matrix and of the longitudinal fibre strains, more Diffraction enhanced imaging (microradiography)
detailed discussion is postponed until the section on was used along with bone’s diffraction peak widths in
multimode studies. an attempt to identify damage in cortical bone.480

156 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

Neither method revealed damage: even with the tenfold alloy, the investigators were also able to show that rapid
increase in sensitivity to small cracks compared to quenching produces a higher volume fraction of solid
absorption based imaging, this is not surprising because phase than was present at the starting temperature;47
microcracks are very tiny features and the effect of therefore, models based on quenching data may contain
overlapping depths will obscure even larger features. a bias that must be corrected. An earlier report of
This conclusion should not be taken to demonstrate that microCT materials quenched from the solid state
X-ray diffraction cannot reveal useful information for appeared elsewhere.483
damaged bone; as examples in the section on multimode The grain size distribution and number of faces per
studies demonstrate below, this is not the case. grain were measured in synchrotron microCT recon-
Processing structed volumes of solidified Al–Sn with 1, 2 or
3 at.-%Sn;484,485 Sn is immiscible in Al and segregates
Solidification is a profitable processing application for
to the Al–Al grain boundaries. Some areas of the grain
microCT. One application that can be studied readily is
boundaries appeared to be free of Sn, a possible effect of
the inhomogeneous distribution of particles in a dis-
the sensitivity limit, and a special algorithm was derived
continuously reinforced composite. Clustering of rein-
to fill in the missing boundaries. The authors concluded
forcement particles can be deleterious from a fracture
that size distribution agreed with and the number of
resistance perspective or can be used to great effect to
faces per grain differed from metallography data in
provide a component with a hard, wear resistant
(although low toughness) outer surface and a tough
Retained porosity in cast Al–Si was studied as a
internal volume.
function of H2/Ar gas ratio introduced during stirring of
In an in situ composite of Al and TiB2, Watson and
the melt.460 Two populations of voids were observed.
co-workers481 used a novel sampling procedure to
The smaller voids were associated with microshrinkage
withdraw material from the melt and observed boride
when the metal solidified, and the population character-
particle clustering with synchrotron microCT as a func-
tion of melt hold time. Small amounts of melt were istics (equivalent size versus sphericity) did not vary with
drawn off at times up to 2?66105 s and quickly gas composition nor did the volume fraction of micro-
solidified. MicroCT revealed the maximum cluster size shrinkage pores. The larger voids were from artificial
decreased from an initial value of 50 mm to 10 mm at the incorporation of gas bubbles, and the volume fraction of
end of the experiment. Even though the sampling gas pores increased exponentially with H2 content.
technique may bias the clustering results somewhat, Highly non-equilibrium solidification occurs in spray
use of the same method throughout means that the deposition of thermal barrier coatings, and synchrotron
changes observed almost surely reflect changes occurring microCT is invaluable for determining pore shapes and
in the melt vessel. In an Al/SiCp functionally graded for quantifying pore volume fraction in the coating as a
composite fabricated by centrifugal casting, Velhinho function of distance from the substrate.486–489 Different
et al.482 observed slight gradients in particle volume processes produced different pore shapes that can be
fraction away from the SiC rich surface. Because their directly visualised and compared with the results of
mass attenuation coefficients are very similar, SiC and techniques such as small angle neutron scattering
Al are difficult to distinguish based on absorption alone, (SANS) and nanoindentation for elastic moduli deter-
and phase enhanced interface contrast in synchrotron mination.486,489 Gradients in porosity have also been
microCT can help segmentation considerably. correlated with indentation derived moduli and
Solidification with segregation of atoms with different SAXS.487,488
absorptivities is another area where microCT has been MicroCT characterisation of vapour phase processed
applied. This segregation, and the accompanying range materials does not appear to have received much
of solidification temperatures, can lead to undesirable attention since the first IMR review. Bernard and co-
excess porosity or cracks (hot tearing) appearing at the workers reported some results of isobaric chemical
end of solidification. Ludwig et al.77 followed in situ vapour infiltration of a C/C composite.490 Kang
solidification of Al–4 wt-%Cu in 3D with ultrafast et al.491 showed some synchrotron microCT images of
synchrotron microCT. A complete 512 (perpendicular cracks in C fibres grown from the vapour phase.
to the rotation axis)6256 scan (500 projections over Superplastic forming (very high strains in certain
180u) was recorded every 10 s using polychromatic alloys without rupture of the starting material) is finding
wiggler radiation; this was a case where contrast application in aerospace and automotive fields. Super-
sensitivity was sacrificed for temporal resolution. A plastic deformation is generally limited by strain induced
cooling rate of 0?1uC s21 was used for these in situ cavitation leading to fracture. Using synchrotron
experiments; despite the reconstructions encompassing microCT, Martin et al.492 found that the number of
structures averaged over a y1uC temperature range, the cavities per unit volume versus strain (y1,e,y1?7) in
slices were quite clear, showed growth and linkage of the AA5083 followed model predictions and observed
solid phase particles and showed increasing Cu content developing cavity linkage.492,493 Pore evolution from
in the liquid phase. Evolution of the experimentally rolling of an Al–6Mg alloy was studied with lab
determined solid volume fraction with temperature was microCT, and the authors demonstrated that the highly
compared to different solidification models; shrinkage tortuous pores would be difficult to detect in polished
versus solid fraction was linear; SV evolved as expected sections.494 The tortuous pores spheroidised during
and mean Cu content (wt-%) in the solid and liquid homogenisation, and accelerated centreline intrapore
phases (determined from analysis of the linear attenua- coarsening observed during initial, low reduction ratio
tion coefficients) agreed reasonably well with that rolling passes was attributed (through finite element
predicted by the liquidus and solidus temperatures of modelling) to local tensile conditions, a counterintuitive
the equilibrium phase diagram.77 In an Al–15?8 wt-%Cu but not unreasonable result.494

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 157

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

Warm drawing of a 6 mm diameter PE rod down

to y5 mm diameter was studied with SAXS
microCT.167,168 Circular zones of differing lamellar sizes
(longitudinal and lateral) were clear in the reconstructed
slice presented,167 and undoubtedly much more can be
carried out with this approach, especially in specimens
that would appear featureless in absorption tomo-
graphs. It would be interesting to compare phase
tomography to the SAXS derived reconstruction.
Synchrotron microCT of an Al–Mg industrial alloy
(AA5182) has tracked the size distribution and spatial
dispersion of intermetallic particles (iron rich, Mg2Si)
and of voids from as castzhomogenised to hot rolled to
cold rolled to tensile tested state.495 In addition to 3D
views of a small portion of the structure (four thresholds
with Al rendered transparent, voids as black and the
intermetallics in two different greys), numerical values
for mean, minimum and maximum equivalent radii of
the intermetallic particles showed the progression of
fragmentation expected for the different processing
steps. Similar data for volume fraction, number density
and mean equivalent radii were measured for pores. One
limitation in the study with 0?7 mm voxels was that very
small particles (those with the smallest dimen-
sion,1 mm) could not be included in the analysis; the
authors expected that this would be improved with
imaging with 0?3 mm voxels.495 11 Powder displacement during compression. Arrows
Movement of marker particles within metals or in shows particle displacement vectors around down-
unconsolidated powders can be used very effectively ward moving punch calculated from image correlation
to map displacement fields in response to deforma- over: a four 0?5 mm displacement steps (2?0 mm
tion.496–499 Specimens of Al–1 vol.-%Ti (particle dia- total) and b eight steps (4 mm total). Background col-
meters between 1 and 10 mm) were imaged with our scale represents the dilational (volumetic) strain
synchrotron microCT at the 2 mm level, and displace- calculated from particle displacements, effectively
ment gradients for deformations up to 9?5% compres- showing change in density across diametral section.
sion were quantified.496,497 Bulk material flow has also Powder immediately under punch is compacted
been studied in friction stirred welds in Al using the (negative strain), but dilation (positive strain) is
particle technique and synchrotron microCT.498 Closed observed as loosely packed powder is sheared, parti-
die compaction and sintering of powders have long been cularly as it flows around corners of punch and
used to fabricate metal and ceramic components, but upwards against sides of container. Reprinted from
constitutive models for loose powder behaviour under Ref. 499, Copyright (2006), with permission from
intense shear deformation need to be developed. Elsevier
McDonald et al. used lab microCT and image correla-
tion to follow particle displacements when a cylindrical sized particles’ distributions studied with different voxel
punch was pushed into a somewhat wider diameter sizes. The approach was based on simultaneous solid
cylindrical die;499 they report uncertainties in strains of phase and void phase burn (the algorithm moves away
y0?05% and correlate particle displacement vectors from the interface and assigns a value to each voxel that
with dilational strains calculated from the particle dis- equals the number voxels it is away from the interface).
placements (Fig. 11). Generally speaking, these studies The local maxima of burn number was used as a particle
found that high contrast particles (e.g. Ti, Sn or W in Al) centre, and all voxels previously identified as solid were
need to have diameters of several voxels for reliable assigned to one or another particle with additional steps
detection and automated tracking of displacement. required to accurately partition contacting grains.
Particle shapes, size distributions and packing are Particle volume, surface area, orientation, aspect ratio
important in processing and also in fluid transport; and contact statistics flowed directly from the assigned
discussion of those studies related to transport in the particles; computation performance metrics were sup-
open phases is postponed until the following subsection plied and the results for computer generated structures
on environmental interactions. The 3D size and shape and for microCT of a standard sand showed the
characteristics of collections of particles have been approach works quite well.501 Lin and Miller500
studied effectively with microCT;500,501 note that characterised three collections of well defined particles
microCT can eliminate the need to disperse particles with lab microCT: nearly spherical beads, an isotropic
originally in a dense assembly or packing or even in quartz sand and quite jagged rock fragments. The data
a somewhat agglomerated state and avoid artefacts showed the expected surface area versus volume
inevitable in any physical separation process. In behaviour, and the plot for the irregularly shaped
Ref. 501 the analysis algorithm was developed in an particles was offset from that of the beads and sand,
dimensionless fashion, that is, in terms of voxels per unit as one would expect. Fu and co-workers502,503 examined
particle diameter, so that it could be applied to different in situ compaction of powder with lab microCT;

158 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

Richard et al.504 observed granular packing resulting that considerable technical challenges were overcome in
from vibration with synchrotron microCT and Seidler the preparation of unaltered snow specimens for
et al.505 characterised the distribution of granules microCT examination, but these will not be discussed
packed under the influence of gravity. MicroCT derived here.515
particle characteristics from a well characterised ore Understanding reactive percolation (CO2) through
have also been compared with 2D measures.506 porous limestone is important if, as some have pro-
Agglomeration of particles and the breakage of agglom- posed, rises in atmospheric CO2 are to be combated by
erates during compression have begun to be studied with CO2 sequestration in subsurface reservoirs. Synchrotron
microCT combined with numerical modeling.507,508 microCT has followed changes in limestone porosity
Sintering/cementation of powders has also been during flow of CO2 charged water over 36104 s and
studied by microCT;490,502,509–513 new areas include related changing microstructure to increasing perme-
analysis of rapid prototyped material and evolution of ability.514 Other studies directly compared successive
materials with nanoparticulate precursors. Bernard and structures in the same solid–fluid system over 86
co-workers512,514 employed local tomography to quan- 104 s.518,519 As limestone has historically been an
tify porosity elimination and neck evolution in a glass important construction material, its attack by CO2 and
powder and in a lithium borate powder over 1?66104 s by industrial organic pollutants and repair of such
at 700 and 720uC respectively; growth of necks were damage is an important area of research.520 Vapour
particularly well illustrated by matched pairs of render- transport through two types of bricks has been
ings, one showing the solid phase and the second the examined with synchrotron microCT, and the relation-
complementary void space. Sintering of copper and steel ship between permeability, diffusivity and pore size
(Distaloy AE) powders were also studied with synchro- agreed with analytical expressions.183 Water transport in
tron microCT, and changes in pore geometries in copper the proton exchange membrane fuel cell was also
and elimination of very thin interparticle voids but not tracked with microCT.521
large pores in Distaloy were observed with increasing Several studies of soils have appeared.83,251,522–524
sintering time.509,510 Final dimensional changes are Metal contaminant absorption characterisation is a
strongly anisotropic in Distaloy AE Densmix (axial current area of activity.83 In Ref. 83, iron content was
swelling during delubrication and axial shrinkage during mapped, relative amounts of iron oxyhydroxides and
sintering), and repeated in situ synchrotron microCT iron bearing clays were determined semiquantitatively
observations during the different sintering stages (initial and the relationship of Cs adsorption with iron bearing
structure, lubricant burn-off, sintering and cooled materials was imaged using absorption edge difference
structure) were used to investigate these changes.511 techniques.
Analysis of the orientation distribution of three popula- Soil microbes and plant roots microengineer their
tions of pores (highly elongated, near circular and habitats by changing porosity and pore cluster char-
intermediate geometry) was one probe; the second was acteristics. Synchrotron microCT revealed soil modified
an image correlation based, local strain mapping com- by root action over 30 days had significantly greater
parison for the different directions in the compact. pore volume and pore connectivity than in soil without
Corrosion and environmental interactions roots.251,522 These and other results reported indicate
Consideration of the transition of snow to firn to ice that the soil ecosystem exhibits self-organisation in
(porosities of .95%, y40 %, ,10% respectively) relatively short periods of time. Some aquatic plant
follows naturally from the discussion of sintering of species sequester metal(loid) species on root surfaces,
engineering materials. The particles (snow) are at a and synchrotron microCT and other techniques have
relatively high homologous temperature (i.e. a large been applied to show association of As to regions of
fraction of melting temperature) and are frequently enhanced Fe content.523
under pressure from the weight of subsequent snowfalls: The location of the metal species of interest within or
thus, the process and the structures are very similar to at the surface of particles governs the extent to which
those covered above. Properties of snow/firn/ice are that metal may be recovered by leaching operations. In
important in understanding avalanches; if porosity is order to determine how well lab microCT might
closed in specimen cored from ice, an air archive exists function as an assaying tool (i.e. predicting leaching
(atmospheric information) that can be compared to the performance for comparison with actual efficiency),
ice archive (climatic information). Synchrotron microCT Miller et al.525 quantified the volume fraction of copper
of a snow sample collected at the failure site of a slab bearing minerals in contact with the surfaces of ore
avalanche, for example, showed a cohesive layer above a particles. Standards of natural particles of copper
weak layer,515 a situation encountered in skier triggered bearing mineral phases (known to exist in the ore of
avalanches. The metamorphosis of snow to ice depends interest) were used to set thresholds for segmentation
on local 3D curvature and solid vapour surface area; and allowed 3D assessment of mineral exposure versus
under isothermal conditions, minimisation of local particle size to be determined for the ore of interest.
curvature (minimisation of surface energy) is thought MicroCT predicted recovery generally underestimated
to govern the densification of the structure, i.e. a actual recoveries from column leaching tests, an
structure with many sharp, flat grains transforms to a unsurprising result given the finite resolution and
much more rounded structure. Results of synchrotron sensitivity of the microCT system and the additional
microCT of snow at different points during transforma- exposure that partial leaching might produce.525 Silver is
tion have been compared with numerical models associated with pores in certain ores, and Chen et al.526
evolving from real (microCT derived) 3D microstruc- used lab microCT to determine that porosity was
tures, and the agreement between actual and modelled insufficient to allow silver to be leached from the interior
structures was quite encouraging.516,517 One should note of a coarsely ground ore sample.

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 159

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

Disordered packing of idealised particles (e.g. spheres, flocculated system.541,542 Drying of mechanically dewa-
equilateral cylinders) has been examined with tomo- tered wastewater sludges and of filtered particulates in
graphic techniques.527,528 Packing in various multiphase mineral processing (filter cake) are two examples where
systems has also been studied,529 and properties of pore microCT has suggested how to improve energy efficiency
networks (relatively large open volumes connected by of these processes. MicroCT has been used to identify
much narrower throats) have received attention.530–532 microstructures resulting from drying sludges and their
The influence of flowrate and porous media microstruc- correlation with drying rates and energy consump-
ture on macroscopic relationships such as capillary tion.543–545 Lin and Miller546–548 used numerical model-
pressure versus saturation can be effectively examined ling to examine flow through well defined simulated filter
with synchrotron microCT.533 Using one idealised cake, and they also simulated flow based on structures
packing system (alumina cylinders, 1 mm diameter, 3– directly derived from microCT.
4 mm length), pore scale modelling and microCT Colloid transport in porous media is often treated as a
visualisation were used to study the spatiotemporal filtration problem, and Li and co-workers549 observed
evolution of liquid phase clusters; behaviour in (with lab microCT) the deposition of 36 mm gold coated
untreated (hydrophilic) and silanised (neutral) packings microspheres in two porous media (glass beads and
were compared.534 Observations of the evolution of quartz sand, both y780 mm mean particle size). In the
water distribution with drying were compared with absence of an energy barrier (native particle surfaces),
numerical simulations derived from the initial micro- the logarithm of the deposited microsphere concentra-
structure, and this sort of analysis typifies the direction tion decreased linearly with increasing transport dis-
many microCT investigations are taking. Numerical tance, a result consistent with filtration theory. In the
modelling of equilibrium distributions of water within presence of an energy barrier (treatment of the columns
partially saturated rock has been based on microCT with polyoxyethylene laurel ether), colloid deposition
derived structures535 and appears to be a very valuable was strongly influenced by local geometry (particularly
approach. grain–grain contacts) and did not vary monotonically
In natural systems such as sandstone, the extent to with transport distance.
which pores are connected indictates not only reservoir Before changing the focus of discussion from porosity
characteristics (see Ref. 490 and the first IMR review1) and transport to environmental attack of solids,
but also the rate of contaminant transport. Cluster consider a recent study applying texture analysis to 3D
labelling analysis of synchrotron microCT data of a 14% microCT datasets of five porous specimens (mineral
porous sandstone suggests that isolated pores comprise carbon forms from different geographical locations with
only 11% of the total porosity and unresolved connec- similar topological structure that differed mainly in
tions between pores may contribute significantly to fluid textural quality).550 Texture refers to the structure
transport.536 Multiscale modelling (lattice Boltzmann contained within a region, and most readers would have
method simulating single and multicomponent fluid little difficulty visualising smooth, rough or periodic
flow) of real microCT derived 3D structures of textures (see Fig. 11.19 of Ref. 252). In the textural
sandstone revealed good agreement with permeability analysis cited here, robust measures of structural texture
measurements on similar rocks.537,538 were extracted from the gray scale images.550 A set of 96
The presence of organic, water immiscible liquids, texture features comprised the texture vector for a
often as blobs, is a key complicating factor in the particular sample that could then be related to the
remediation of hazardous waste sites. The pore scale texture space defined by prior measurements on ‘known’
morphology of such liquids residing in porous media training specimens, i.e. probabilities could be computed
(sand) was investigated with synchrotron microCT, and for the likelihood that a given specimen belonged to
the distribution of blob sizes and morphologies were each population. One expects that, with further devel-
quantified.85 A follow-on study tracked blob dissolution opment, this approach will be valuable not only for
after each of three column rinsing cycles; changes in blob classification of complex specimens but also for rapid
number, volume and surface area determined with (automated) identification of key structural differences.
microCT correlated well with effluent concentrations Construction materials frequently are exposed to
and validated a first order mass transfer expression for aggressive environments over a period of years or even
effluent concentration.86 Note that these studies used a centuries, and, as much of the resulting damage is sub-
contrast agent to enhance blob visibility. Digital surface, a number of reports of microCT applied to
laminography with an X-ray tube source was used to degradation of building materials have appeared.551 One
map residual oil and water saturation in porous of the most important construction materials is concrete,
media.539 X-ray imaging in a lab microCT system and Portland cement used in this composite has been
visualised the dynamic adsorption of organic vapour studied from several perspectives. A collection of useful
and water vapour on activated carbon,540 but the report baseline cement paste (synchrotron microCT) images
left unclear whether microCT or simple radiography was have been published,552 and features such as unhydrated
the modality used. cement particles, regions of hydrated cement and
Transport during filtration has aspects related to ettringite needles were identified. Based on this data,
flushing of porous materials, and filtration studies cement particle shapes were analysed and were expected
typically have focused on efficient elimination of to improve computational models of cement hydra-
water from the remaining solid. Flocculation is one tion553 and to serve as a resource for those needing
method of extracting suspended solids, and character- microstructures for modelling.
istics of the resulting aggregates affect downstream The pore structure of cement based materials seriously
solids recovery. MicroCT has been combined with affects resistance to environmental attack as well as
numerical modelling to predict permeability in a model mechanical properties. Often pozzolans (fine natural

160 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

volcanic ash, fly ash from power generation, diatomac- Siloxanes/silanes mixtures are often applied as wood
eous earth, etc.) are added to cement to produce a fine preservatives, and microCT was used to study penetra-
structured composite. A study of the pore structure of tion of the preservative into two types of wood using
Portland cement composites with pozzolan (neat cement brominated silane as a contrast agent.259 Boundaries
versus 25 wt-% fly ash versus 10 wt-% metakaolin) between treated and untreated wood were clear, and one
found mean pore size and maximum pore diameters expects that with further work improved wood pre-
decreased for the composites compared to the simple servation protocols will result.
cement.554 Chloride permeability is one cement dur- Environmental attack of apatite in tooth enamel has
ability issue, and microCT measured pore structures of a been studied with lab microCT and scanning micro-
reference concrete and of fly ash, silica fume and slag radiography for a number of years by Elliott and co-
modified concretes were compared with results of a workers.561 These investigators periodically examined
rapid chloride permeability test.555 With 4 mm voxels, (over 70 days, with microCT) packed powders of
little pore connectivity over distances of 100–200 mm carbonated apatite in an acidic buffer; these data were
was documented for any of the four conditions; with supplemented by infrared spectroscopy and Rietveld
1 mm voxels the reference concrete showed deep pore analysis of X-ray diffraction of the dissected internal
penetration while the modified concretes showed clear surface. This same group also carefully considered
gaps in connected pore spaces. The somewhat limited microCT derived mineral levels in sound and carious
data showed chloride permeability correlated clearly enamel, and these papers will repay careful study.421,422
with disconnected pore distance.555 A de-/remineralisation model using small coupons
Leaching of cement in mortar (sand plus Portland of bovine tooth (enamel plus dentin) has also been
cement) was studied by repeated synchrotron microCT studied with synchrotron and lab microCT; analysis
of the same specimen over 2?26105 s (the 4 day concentrated on quantifying the gradients of mineral
scheduling window at ESRF dictated the length of the content.562,563
experiment).556 Because of the time constraint, calcium The papers cited in the preceding two sentences
efflux was increased by a factor of 6300 compared to illustrate two approaches to use of values of the linear
deionised water using an ammonium nitrate solution attenuation coefficients in quantitative analyses. Elliott
(which produces the same mineral end products as water and co-workers 421,422 took the fundamental approach
alone). Variation of linear attenuation coefficient m in of relating the linear attenuation coefficients back to
the cement phase was followed as a function of depth mineral standards and expressing measured quantities in
from the specimen surface for four exposure times. terms of absolute amounts of mineral present per unit
Within a zone near the surface, m decreased rapidly volume of tissue. Similar approaches have been utilised
during the first 24 h (8?66104 s), and the authors by Peyrin and co-workers316 on studies of bone as well
inferred that this was due to decalcification of as numerous others including Ritman and co-work-
Portlandite crystals (calcium hydroxide, CH) with little ers.315 Although this approach allows for direct com-
C–S–H (calcium silicate hydrate) involvement. Between parison between studies conducted under different
24 and 48 h of leaching (1?56105 s), m decreased more conditions or with different techniques, extreme care
slowly, indicating that CH was completely removed must be taken to avoid systematic errors that might bias
from this portion of the specimen and that the less comparisons. The quantification of de-/remineralisation
soluble (than CH) C–S–H was being removed, a process of enamel562,563 employed an operational approach,
continuing to the end of the test. The variation of the assuming that linear attenuation coefficient values away
thickness of the leached region agreed with diffusion from the surface were identical from specimen to
controlled kinetics (i.e. square root of time dependence). specimen and scaling all values to this presumed
Naik and co-workers studied sulphate attack of reference. This might be thought to be a poor assump-
Portland cement paste using lab microCT and repeated tion because enamel mineral levels can differ by several
observations on each specimen.557–560 Two cement per cent or more between the tooth surface and volumes
types, different water to cement ratios, two different near the dentinoenamel junction, but the profiles were
cation sulphates and the presence/absence of aggregates normalised to values of the linear attenuation coefficient
were examined. Figure 12 shows how cracks develop in at essentially the same depth from the tooth surface,
the same slice over 52 weeks sulphate exposure (pores thereby rendering this consideration moot. Very little of
within the cement paste are used as fiducials). Figure 13 either sort of analysis has appeared to date, although to
shows 3D renderings of sulphate induced cracking (that be fair, some investigators have explicitly verified that
develops into spalling) in one specimen over 32 weeks of experimental values of linear attenuation corresponded
exposure. As the interpretation of the results depended to values expected for the material being studied.27,564
to a significant extent on use of an additional X-ray Peters et al.565 used lab microCT to analyse root canal
modality (position resolved energy dispersive X-ray geometry by adapting tools developed for histomorpho-
diffraction), further discussion is postponed until the metry of trabecular bone. Other tooth studies include
section on multimode studies. development of a library of microCT images for
Synchrotron microCT has proven very valuable in teaching 3D dental structures,566 an application recapi-
studying wood degradation.258 Fungi enzymes and tulating that of Dowker et al.567,568 described in the first
metabolites degrade the structural integrity of tracheids IMR review.1
(thick walled, tubular structures with hollow centres The dentin/adhesive interface was studied under static
containing air and/or water), and significant strength loading (via synchrotron microCT) and with FEM;569
can be lost early in the decay process. Over the 96 h fatiguing in a solution of silver ions (and imaging at an
following fungal inoculation, tracheid pore volume energy just above the silver absorption edge) allowed
increased somewhat as did pore interconnectivity.258 interface leakage to be studied. Efficacy of endodontic

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 161

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

12 Matching lab microCT slices of cement paste sample produced with water to cement ratio of 0?485 and exposed to
10 000 ppm of sulphate ions in sodium sulphate solution for a 21, b 36, c 42 and d 52 weeks. Crack C1, radial crack
RC1, cracks within body of specimen BC and pores P1–P5 are labelled. Horizontal field of view is a 15?3, b 15?1, c
16?1 and d 15?2 mm; and reconstruction was with 37 mm isotropic voxels. Lighter pixel, more absorbing voxel.
Reprinted from Ref. 560, Copyright (2006), with permission from Elsevier

seals was studied with synchrotron microCT.570 The in quantify the transition from localised corrosion to stress
vivo degradation of Mg implants in bone were also corrosion cracking in steel specimens exposed ex situ to
studied.364 Fissures in enamel and changes in miner- a simulated corrosive condensate environment.573 A 302
alisation were the subject of another report.571 Phase stainless steel wire was heat treated to produce a stress
microCT revealed tubules in dentin, features whose free, fully sensitised microstructure (i.e. one with grain
diameter are only slightly larger than the voxel size in boundary chromium carbides) and examined with
the reconstructions;572 it will be interesting to compare synchrotron microCT after three increments of stress
these results with higher resolution data when it becomes in an acidic environment.574 Analysis centred on
available. identifying bridging ligaments formed during the first
Repeated observations of the same specimen have also increment of crack propagation and on following the
been performed on stainless steel specimens undergoing progressive failure of the ligaments using a combination
localised corrosion573 and intergranular stress corrosion of 2D sections and 3D renderings (Fig. 15), and these
cracking.574,575 Synchrotron microCT observed localised authors noted the presence of unresolved cracks that
corrosion morphology within Al specimens exposed in could still be detected through their phase contrast.574
situ to a chloride environment (Fig. 14), and lab Three-dimensional (3D) finite element models were
microCT was used to investigate the morphology and devised to investigate the development of crack bridging

162 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

13 Three-dimensional renderings of single cement paste sample with water to cement ratio of 0?435 and exposed to
same solution as specimens in Fig. 12. a Nine weeks exposure showing onset of cracking, b 16 weeks exposure
showing widening of pre-existing cracks and formation of new cracks, c 22 weeks exposure showing continued
cracking and d 32 weeks exposure showing spalling has begun. Reprinted from Ref. 560, Copyright (2006), with per-
mission from Elsevier

and its effects on crack propagation and crack could be correlated with fatigue crack path (see the
coalescence in intergranular stress corrosion cracking.575 deformation subsection above).
Liquid metal embrittlement was studied through use
of the model system of liquid Ga applied to polycrystal-
line Al.448 The Ga penetrated many but not all of the
grain boundaries as discussed elsewhere.116 Most studies MicroCT is frequently used to measure internal or
of Ga on Al grain boundaries, however, focused on its external dimensions and shapes both in manufactured
use as a decoration so that grain boundary geometry and biological objects. While this topic is not central to

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 163

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

mesotexture analysis and microCT quantification of

changes in fatigue crack opening; microCT plus X-ray
diffraction of creep damage and diffraction based strain
mapping plus microCT of load redistribution in mono-
filament metal matrix composites. The final examples
are on the composite material bone: internal stress
analysis plus microCT of loaded bone and diffraction
characterisation and microCT of mineralisation versus
fetal age in human vertebrae.

Sea urchin teeth

Sea urchin teeth differ from the urchins’ other skeletal
elements in that the tooth does not consist of stereom
(see the section on ‘Cellular materials’) but rather of a
dense, single crystal calcite structure suited to rasping
food from the surfaces of rocks. As sea urchin teeth
contain their entire developmental history, they have
received considerable attention as a biomineralisation
model. At the tooth’s aboral end, deep within the urchin,
little mineral is present, but by the adoral end, i.e. the
14 Three-dimensional rendering of y200 slices showing cutting edge, mineral has filled virtually all of the tooth’s
sample transparent except for intergranular corrosion volume. Within the tooth, myriad reinforcement strate-
(green) and intermetallic particles (blue). Rendering gies are employed to make a functional structure from
shows heat affected zone near weld in AA2024 after an otherwise wretched structural material (calcite). In
40 h exposure to 0?6M NaCl. Specimen of 0?5 mm dia- order to understand the features’ roles, a brief digression
meter was imaged in situ with 20?5 keV synchrotron on sea urchin tooth structure and its development must
X-radiation and reconstructed with 0?7 mm isotropic precede discussion of the microCT and microbeam
voxels. ß 2006 The Institute of Materials Minerals and diffraction results.
Mining. Reprinted from Ref. 573, with permission Sea urchin teeth have cross-sections shaped like ‘U’ or
( ‘T’ (sand dollars, closely related to the regular sea
urchins discussed here, have teeth with diamond cross-
this review, it is useful to list some of the applications sections), but brevity requires the discussion be limited
falling under the general category of metrology. High to the ‘T’ shaped or camarodont teeth, the subject of this
definition inspection of fuel injector components is subsection. The leg of the ‘T’ is called the keel, and the
being investigated in the automobile industry.576 bar across the top is termed the flange. The five teeth
MicroCT of the auditory apparatus and associated mounted in the five pyramids (each consisting of two
blood vessels has received attention.577–581 Structures in demipyramids, Fig. 8) of the oral apparatus have their
small insects were imaged in an SEM based microCT flanges tangent to the oral cavity and their keels running
system.582 MicroCT of structures in fossil fish583 and in radially from the flange to the axis of the jaw structure.
other palaeontological specimens584 have been reported. Each tooth functions as a T girder, a structure providing
MicroCT was used as the input for quantifying skeletal considerable resistance to bending per unit mass, with
chord lengths for estimating doses received by the cells the flange loaded in compression and the keel loaded in
in the bone marrow during nuclear medicine therapy.585 tension.
Comparison of trabecular structure across different The microstructure of the mature flange and keel seem
mouse genetic strains345 and of femoral heads of two well adapted to compression loading. The flange consists
different primates with very different sizes and loading of a stack of plates paralleling the upper and lower
environments339 were other studies with a metrology surfaces of the bar of the ‘T’ and close to parallel to the
component. tooth’s axis, and the interior of the flange contains thin
needles running along the tooth’s axis and extending
into the keel where they widen into much larger diameter
Multimode studies prisms. The flange plates and needles are compressed
A number of groups have employed X-ray microCT and end-on during eating, a geometry allowing high resis-
another X-ray modality to gain a more complete tance to wear and to catastrophic failure. The keel,
understanding than either method could have provided loaded in tension when the flange is compressed on hard
separately. One example of combined position resolved surfaces, is essentially a composite structure reinforced
X-ray scattering and absorption microCT appeared by fibers (prisms) aligned along the tensile loading axis.
elsewhere.586 Here, the first example is microstructural In addition to the prisms within the centre of the keel,
characterisation of sea urchin teeth: X-ray microbeam teeth of sea urchins such as Lytechinus variegatus, the
mapping and precision lattice parameter determination subject of the multimode studies described below, also
was combined with microCT. The second example is have carinar process plates running along the flanks of
sulphate attack of Portland cement paste where energy the keel. Synchrotron microCT observations of carinar
dispersive X-ray diffraction mapping of reaction pro- process plate orientation in L. variegatus suggested that
ducts was used along with microCT. Three combined these plates (on the sides of the keel) serve to prevent
diffraction and microCT studies of mechanical res- deflection (and fracture) of the keel along a secondary
ponses of specimens provide the next examples: X-ray bending axis, i.e. a situation that might be encountered

164 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

15 Intergranular stress corrosion cracks in sensitised 302 stainless steel immersed in 0?15 mol K2S4O6 acidifed with
dilute H2SO4 to pH 2. Imaging was with 30 keV synchrotron X-radiation and with detector 40 mm from specimen,
and reconstruction was with 0?7 mm isotropic voxels. Labels have following meanings: CA1 and CA3: positions of
crack arrest, L1–L4 uncracked ligaments; C1 and C2: crack segments. Nine rectangular images on left side of figure
are parallel numerical sections (cuts) through stack of slices; vertical direction is direction along which stress was
applied. This data were recorded after initial increment of cracking under applied stress of 100 MPa and with open
electrical circuit. Relative separation between the cuts (in mm) is given by value of x. White blurred edging along
cracks is from phase contrast. Renderings in right hand portion of figure show same volume of specimen after sec-
ond increment of crack growth which was carried out with applied stress of 60 MPa (a, top) and after third incre-
ment under 40 MPa applied stress (d, bottom). Circled numbers identify different grains, and rectangular images at
far right at oblique cuts through volume indicated on renderings (i.e. oblique cut ABCD in b shows ligament L4 in
a). ß 2006 The Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining. Reprinted from Ref. 574, with permission of Maney
Publishing (

when only one side of the flange is in contact with a hard determined by synchrotron X-ray diffraction.27 At
substrate.89 about the point where the keel develops, the primary
Sea urchin teeth mineralise in two stages. The plates skeletal elements begin to be linked with what are
within the flange form first followed by needles/prisms termed columns or discs. The columns are much higher
and carninar process plates. In terms of the macroscopic Mg calcite with x<0?33.27 These columns, linking
structure, the flange forms first followed by the keel adjacent primary structural elements into a rigid
(which begins midway along the tooth’s length). The structure, are often described as being polycrystalline,
stacks of primary and secondary plates consist of but the transmission X-ray diffraction data clearly show
individual single crystalline, spatially separate but highly that the high Mg (x<0?13) and very high Mg (x<0?33)
crystallographically aligned elements. These plates, as phases have their crystallographic axes identically
well as the needles/prisms and carinar process plates aligned. The view of Stock and co-workers,27 therefore,
that form after the flange plates, are termed the primary is that the tooth is a compositionally modulated crystal
mineralised tissue and in L. variegatus, are non- much like multiple quantum well structures from
equilibrium calcite Ca12xMgxCO3 with x<0?13, as molecular beam epitaxy.178 X-ray diffraction mapping

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 165

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

(precision lattice parameter and crystallite size/micro- when the fatigue crack passed through the border
strain broadening determinations) provided additional between near single crystal volumes with different
structural information supplementing 3D microCT orientations. Further, a large fraction of the volume of
derived geometric information. the plate centres of AA2090 T8E41 consists of near
single crystal domains, and this differentiates AA2090
Sulphate ion attack of Portland cement from other Al–Li alloys with similar macrotextures590
Study of sulphate ion attack of Portland cement via and produces decreased fatigue crack growth rates
microCT was introduced briefly above (environmental compared to the other alloys.
attack) where it was noted that microCT showed the
results of the attack but provided little information Creep damage
about the reaction phases producing the damage (i.e. the Pyzalla et al.434 studied creep of a three phase copper
softening, cracking, loss of adhesion, etc., of the alloy (Pb particles in a mixture of a and b brass) using
cement). Position resolved X-ray diffraction with high synchrotron microCT and X-ray diffraction. Three
energy synchrotron X-radiation is a good method of detector systems were positioned so that microCT,
mapping phase content as a function of depth, and using energy dispersive X-ray diffraction and angle dispersive
this method and microCT provided much more infor- X-ray diffraction could be performed sequentially with-
mation than either technique by itself.558–560,587 Energy out realignment or recalibration. The microCT deter-
dispersive X-ray diffraction was used instead of the mined pore size distribution was reported for 10 time
more normal single wavelength methods because the intervals and agreed with an exponential growth
former allowed more precise definition of the sampling dependence. The decrease in diffraction peak FWHM
volume combined with simultaneous collection of dif- ended when the voids start to reach appreciable size and
fraction patterns from multiple phases within this same changes in peak intensity after this point in the creep test
volume. The reader is directed elsewhere for more details revealed texture formation.
specific to this application.559
Sulphate attack is (simplistically) described in litera- Load redistribution in damaged monofilament
ture by one of two classes of reaction and associated composites
damage. The first is gypsum formation which is Failure of uniaxially aligned, monofilament reinforced
associated with loss of adhesion and strength. The composites depends on many factors. MicroCT allows
second is ettringite formation associated with expansion one to study where and at what applied stresses the
and cracking. After considerable sulphate exposure, reinforcements fail; repeated observations of the same
energy dispersive X-ray diffraction identified an ettrin- specimen are particularly important because fibers such
gite rich, gypsum free layer outside of cylindrical cracks as the SCS series SiC monofilaments will often fracture
paralleling the outer surface of the cylindrical specimens several times within a 10 mm gage section; the location
(i.e. C1 in Fig. 12). Inside the crack, i.e. closer to the of each successive break is an important input for
cylinder centre, a gypsum containing volume was modelling. The increasing strain within the fibre, long-
identified.558–560,587 While the same identification might itudinal and transverse strains within the matrix, strain
have been performed by destructive specimen prepara- relaxation to either side of fibre fractures and the fibre
tion (with considerably more effort), the results could matrix interface strength are other important quantities
have been criticised as affected by exposure to the that microCT alone cannot define. As demonstrated by
atmosphere, etc. a series of reports on Ti/SiCf composites, combining
high energy X-ray microbeam diffraction mapping with
Fatigue crack path and mesotexture microCT has proved to be a powerful approach to
MicroCT of cracked AA2090 specimens revealed com- measuring these quantities.467,470–474,591
plex 3D patterns of crack face contact as a function of Preuss et al.470 studied deformation of a single SiC
applied load (see the deformation subsection). Rough- fibre in a Ti–6Al–4V matrix: synchrotron microCT
ness of the crack faces produced the closure effects and revealed the position and morphology of SiC fibre
is intrinsically related to the low fatigue crack propaga- fractures and as a function of applied stress, microbeam
tion rate for this material. The underlying question is diffraction quantified the matrix and fibre strains. At
what drives the crack to assume this highly non-planar each of nineteen loading steps, mapping with transmis-
path: fracture mechanics indicates that the energetically sion X-ray diffraction along the length of the fibre (100
favourable path would be more or less directly across diffraction profiles spaced by 50 mm steps at each load)
the specimen (i.e. a path perpendicular to the applied revealed SiC longitudinal strains of at least 1?5% before
tensile load). Yoder and co-workers457 related the the fibre cracked at the first point (equivalent to a failure
average texture or macrotexture to the faces of asperities stress of at least 6 GPa for E5400 GPa). Above the
(large peaks) on the fracture surface: while this data nominal yield stress for the matrix, strains in the matrix
explained the geometry of asperities and why they, on became only slightly non-linear but the fibre long-
the average, formed, these observations did not identify itudinal strain rose very rapidly. At 790 MPa, the load
the cause of the transition between an asperity and a preceding first fracture, two local strain maxima were
relatively planar section of the crack. Microbeam Laue observed along the length of the monofilament; the next
pattern mapping revealed the scale of crystallographic deformation increment produced a load drop and local
texture between that of individual grains (microtexture) strains approaching zero at the positions of the two
and the average specimen texture (macrotexture).588,589 maxima, positions that corresponded to fibre fracture
This particular type of mesotexture consisted of groups revealed in microCT. Longitudinal strains in the matrix
of 5–10 adjacent pancake shaped grains with nearly were relatively uniform at 790 MPa, but at the next
identical orientations, that is, these adjacent grains deformation state, rose sharply at the positions where
comprise near single crystal volumes. Asperities formed the fibre fractured. In other words, localised strain

166 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

concentration occurred in the matrix in the vicinity of produce rings of increased intensity on area detectors.
the SiC breaks. Fitting the data to a partial sliding Force applied to a specimen distorts the unit cells and
model allowed the authors to estimate a constant inter- alters the Debye cones. Hydrostatic applied stresses
facial friction shear stress of y200 MPa that was (those with equal magnitude in all directions) uniformly
significantly higher than results from fibre push-out alter the diameter of cones, whereas deviatoric stresses
tests. The authors note that blind application of con- (those with directionality) change the shape of diffrac-
ventional full fragmentation post-mortem analysis of tion rings. Similarly, SAXS peak positions (from the
fragment lengths would suggest a significantly higher collagen D period) alter in response to applied stress.
interfacial strength (y700 MPa) and suggest that fibre X-ray scattering measures quantities such as dhkl in
strength decreases after the first fast fracture event. cAp or the D period in collagen, and changes in these
Well defined defects were introduced into a single ply quantities define the internal strain imposed during
Ti/SiCf composite, and redistribution of loads from loading, i.e. strain in cAp is ecAp5(d–dinitial)/dinitial and in
damaged fibers to neighbouring ones was investigated collagen is ecollagen5(D–Dinitial)/Dinitial. Internal stress is
with microbeam diffraction mapping.471 Load redistri- a quantity derived from internal strain, and stress sij and
bution around damage sites increased the load in the strain ekl are second rank tensors related through the
nearest neighbour fibers by y25% and second nearest fourth rank elastic constants Cijkl, i.e. sij5Cijklekl.
neighbours by y10%. The interfacial fractional shear Describing the conversion of deviatoric strains to
stress was found to be similar or slightly larger than that deviatoric stresses is beyond the scope of this review,
cited in the previous paragraph. Reverse sliding was and the reader is directed elsewhere for details as
observed during unloading and produced compressive pertains to bone internal stress measurements.592,593
residual stresses near the fibre ends. Wedge crack The inverse of the slope of macroscopic strain emacro
geometry was frequently observed.471,472 (measured by an attached strain gage) as a function of
In the examples of a single fibre and a single ply sapplied (measured by the load cell of the mechanical
composite described above, simple phase enhanced testing apparatus) is Young’s modulus for the specimen.
microradiography would have sufficed to correlate fibre Such slopes for the WAXS and SAXS data (ecAp and
fracture and maxima/minima in the fibre and matrix ecollagen versus sapplied) reflect Young’s modulus for the
strain profiles. In multiple ply composites, the over- individual constituent phase of bone. While this last
lapping fibre images necessitate use of microCT, and extension may not be strictly correct, it does provide a
microCT plus microbeam diffraction mapping was numerical operational probe of how the the individual
applied to multiple ply Ti/SiCf to determine the stress phases differ from pure (inorganic) cAp or collagen. For
partition between fibre bridging a fatigue crack and a section of canine fibula, the resulting moduli (90%
broken fibres.473,474,591 Initially, strain mapping aver- confidence limit) are: Emacro524?7(0?2) GPa, EcAp5
aged over the entire thickness of the specimen,473 but 41(1?0) GPa and Ecollagen518(1?2) GPa.593 The value
subsequent experiments used a narrow receiving slit and for Emacro is in good agreement with moduli of similar
2h scanning to limit the gage volume to a single SiC fibre bone types reported in literature; for cAp, it is about
plus the surrounding matrix material.474 Strain distribu- one-third of that of inorganic apatite; for collagen, it is
tion in an intact fibre in the crack wake was compared at least nine times higher than one would expect.593 The
for maximum and minimum applied loads, for example; data demonstrate the extent to which the local environ-
strain distribution as a function of distance from the ment affects the different phases’ response to applied
crack plane was analyzed using a partial debonding load.
shear lag model.474 Measurements of crack opening
In the studies described in the preceding pair of
displacements showed that the fatigue crack front
paragraphs, microCT was used to measure cross-
bowed out between fibers when it emerged from a ply
sectional area and to account for internal porosity.
and advanced preferentially towards fibres when the
This is a rather trivial use of microCT because of the
front was between plies.591 Further, the 3D distributions
simple geometry. In specimens containing bone in
of crack opening were measured for three stress
complex geometries, however, i.e. specimens containing
intensities characteristic of a fatigue cycle (Kmax, Kmin
trabecular bone or cortical plus trabecular bone, deter-
and Kmid), and very little variation in crack opening was
mination of the spatial distribution of bone segments
observed parallel to the crack front irrespective of the
and of their orientation relative to the load axis will be
proximity to bridging fibres.591
essential for proper interpretation of the scattering data.
Bone Obtaining such 3D maps is impractical except through
X-ray scattering measurement of internal strains (and microCT, especially when one considers that that the
conversion to internal stresses) in loaded bone (or different bone segments may suffer significant relative
tooth dentin and enamel) is a relatively uninvestigated displacements during loading, displacements that may
research area and one where a combination with change from load to load and that may not be preserved
microCT will provide valuable insight. For bone, the during post-testing serial sectioning.
collagen D period (y67 nm) along the fibril axis X-ray diffraction and synchrotron microCT were
produces SAXS peaks, and the Angstrom level periodi- combined in a study of changing mineralization during
cities of carbonated apatite (cAp) crystallites produce fetal vertebrae growth.329 From microCT, trabecula
diffraction peaks in the WAXS regime. While the were much thicker and more widely spaced in the
mineral nanoparticles in long bone have a pronounced interior of the vertebrae than in the peripheral volume,
crystallographic texture, there are still enough orienta- and bone volume fraction increased linearly over
tions present to produce more or less complete cones of gestational ages of 16 through 24 weeks. X-ray diffrac-
diffracted intensity for monochromatic X-rays; Debye tion revealed a linear increase in crystallite size with age
cones from different hkl exist simultaneously and and a linear increase in lattice parameter ratio c/a (both

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 167

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

over the same gestational range as above). As complete crushing/sieving/winnowing method.200 Yarn dimen-
understanding of bone mechanical properties depends sions and spacings in 3D textiles and their variability
not only on properly incorporating microarchitecture were identical in measurements performed with lab
but also inclusion of proper materials properties (in microCT, surface scanning and optical microscopy of
bone these include crystallite dimensions and distortions cross-sections.303
of the apatite unit cell), more studies of this sort need to Sheppard et al.255 found good agreement between
be completed and the data imported into numerical simulations of mercury invasion capillary pressure based
models of elastic moduli, etc. In another study, dif- on 3D pore quantification in four varied specimens
fraction with small diameter synchrotron X-ray beams (microCT based) and actual measurements performed
was combined with synchrotron microCT to character- on the same specimens, with the main differences being
ise coronary atherosclerosis in vitro.594 It may be that attributable to microporosity below the resolution limit
diffraction based measures of crystallite size, microstrain in the reconstructions. In a specimen of packed, mono-
or a/c ratio will help define the natural history of such disperse beads (3?0 mm nominal diameter), the algo-
pathological mineralisation processes or even the rate of rithms of Sheppard et al. determined a mean particle
development of these dangerous structures. diameter of 2?98 mm (full width at half maximum:
y0?06 mm, slightly less than one 63?4 mm voxel) in the
Microct accuracy reconstruction; in a second specimen of unconsolidated
sandstone, the distribution of particle diameters from
The question of how accurate microCT reconstructions
lab microCT agreed with results of laser light scattering.
are, has received considerable attention. The many
Accuracy and precision of lung tumour volume
direct comparisons have established beyond doubt that
measurements were determined from respiratory gated
microCT provides accurate reconstructions of specimen
in vivo microCT of a mouse model.224 Lung tumour
volumes; further, microCT’s limitations are nearly as
volumes were both reproducible (2% operator varia-
well established (that is not to say that microCT data
cannot be, and has not been, misinterpreted or the bility) and accurate (6% average error), and tumour
technique misused or misapplied). Also important is number assessed at necropsy correlated significantly
understanding what can be resolved (spatial resolution, with microCT. Relatively poor contrast between soft
differences in values of linear attenuation coefficient) tissue types (tumours, blood vessels) was typical of
and what can be detected (sensitivity limits). Knowledge absorption microCT, but the authors employed careful
of the dependence of spatial resolution and contrast differentiation procedures. Spatial resolution was some-
sensitivity on experimental parameters as well as the what limited in both microCT (91 mm isotropic voxels)
intrinsic microstructural characteristics is central to and in optical inspection (0?5 mm detection limit for
reasonable interpretation of microCT data. tumours). Despite these limitations, this study is
Assessing the accuracy of microCT reconstructions convincing, in no small part because of the thorough
requires comparison of reconstructions with the results account provided.
of another independent technique on the same specimen. Davis discussed expected image quality and accuracy
Lab microCT versus microMRI (magnetic resonance in data obtained with a lab cone beam microCT
imaging) provided one comparison,355 and synchrotron system;599 different specimen geometries were examined
microCT versus scanning acoustic microscopy of osteo- for different cone beam angles. Correction for beam
nal bone furnished a second example verifying hardening in microCT quantification and the effect of
microCT’s accuracy.595 Bone formation in polymeric beam hardening on resolution have been discussed.600
scaffolds was evaluated by proton magnetic resonance Determination of actual versus nominal resolving power
microscopy and microCT.382 Physical sectioning com- was described elsewhere.601
pared to microCT slices has been the subject of still One investigation of the reproducibility of microCT
other studies confirming validity of reconstructions: data collection found the results stable with respect to
confocal optical microscopy of thin serial sections replication, and displacement of the 6 mm long ROI by
contrasted with microCT of lung specimens;596 histology up 4 mm along the axis of the trabecular cored specimen
versus microCT of cortical bone,427 and histomorpho- produced little change in microscopic parameters.602
metry versus microCT of biopsies of cancellous Olurin et al.25 examined the dependence of morpho-
bone.597,598 Calcein labelling is a standard method used metric indices for closed cell Al foam and for two
to show where new bone is formed, and, in a long- thicknesses of Al foil as a function of scan parameters in
itudinal in vivo study of rat tibiae positions of calcein a lab microCT system and found characteristics such as
labelling matched positions where microCT showed new volume fraction and mean feature thickness did not
bone had formed.359 depend appreciably on voxel size for their specimens and
MicroCT determination of cortical porosity and of scanner.
mineral levels showed good agreement with the results of Examination of potential differences in reconstruc-
axial ultrasound velocity measurements in the human tions produced by different microCT instruments has
radius.416 MicroCT versus radiography of the same been the subject of other studies. For example, results of
portions of human femora showed good agreement the second generation versus the third generation
for measures of cortical porosity.424 Over a significant synchrotron microCT as well as absorption versus phase
range of strains (y1,e,y1?7), Martin et al.492 found microCT have been compared for claws of cats (bone as
excellent agreement between the volume fraction of well as tough cornified tissue).603 Comparisons of lab
cavities measured with synchrotron microCT and and synchrotron microCT are particularly informative
macroscopic measurements of density. The distribution for applications such as bone or tooth around metal
of particle sizes in pumice clasts showed good agree- implants where there is a large difference in absorp-
ment between synchrotron microCT and the classic tivity: One such study examined bone surrounding Ti

168 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

implants388 and a second characterised bone around maximising throughput was essential, and this dictated
dental implants.365 that the 2-BM specimen placement robot45 would be
Repeated imaging of the same trabecular bone speci- used. One shift was lost to overnight problems with the
men with three different systems (voxel sizes between 14 robot, but otherwise the robot performed smoothly. A
and 2 mm) showed that the larger size provided adequate total of 91 specimen volumes were imaged during the
parameterisation of the trabecular structure,237 a eight shifts (1?3 specimens/h); with the present hardware
result to be expected because trabeculae are typically and operating system one reckons that the maximum is 3
y100 mm thick, i.e. on the order of 5 voxels along the specimens/h (1200 s/specimen). It is instructive, there-
minimum dimension. The effect of different scanning fore, to examine the durations of various portions of the
and reconstruction voxel sizes on trabecular bone data collection cycle and their effect on throughput.
parameters was examined for one instrument, and, for The November run was done with a 2 K62 K
the extreme case (voxel size of 110 mm versus mean detector coupled with an optical lens to a single crystal
trabecular thickness of 120 mm), differences in specific of CdWO4, and views were collected every 0?25u
surface area (i.e. per unit volume of bone) were as large (significant angular undersampling outside the central
as 100%.604 This study suggests that morphometry region of 1 K voxels diameter). Two-thirds of the speci-
studies performed on low resolution pQCT systems mens were reconstructed with 1?4 mm isotropic voxels
should be evaluated very carefully before being accepted and the balance with y2?8 mm voxels. All but six
(see Ref. 605 for discussion of circumstances where specimens were imaged with 20 keV photons; otherwise
pQCT is accurate). 26 keV X-radiation was used. Typical acquisition times
In a study of liquid foam with synchrotron microCT, were 0?2 s/view (slightly fewer than 4 K counts collected
variation of segmentation threshold by ¡3 units (on a at the most intensely exposed pixels of the reference
256 level grey scale) altered the volume fraction of liquid images) or less using the double multilayer mono-
phase by on the order of ¡2%.253 Lab microCT data chromator (DMM), for a total of y150 s of actual
were collected on trabecular bone biopsies (6, 23 and acquisition. The other 87% of the time is occupied
230 weeks old porcine vertebrae); the three data sets mainly by sample motions and handshaking among
were investigated systematically using a range of seg- various hardware components. Removal and placement
mentation levels that an observer might select; the of specimens occupies no more than a couple of minutes
segmented scans were converted into FEM and a per specimen. Loading the specimen holders onto the
variation of 0?5% in threshold produced a 5% difference robot sample tray (up to 24 specimens per tray) requires
in bone volume fraction and a 9% difference in maximal y10 min (the specimens are placed on the holders while
stiffness for the most sensitive data (6 week sample with the previous tray is being collected), so this is a negligible
the lowest bone volume fraction).356 delay when spread over multiple specimens and multiple
Altman et al.80 examined how well porosity could trays.
be quantified in various geological specimens; they The difference between specimens actually imaged (91
employed fluid containing high contrast ions (Cs or I) specimens) and the expected throughput (192 specimens)
and compared reconstructions obtained above and arises from sources other than those listed above. Some
below the ion’s absorption edge. This difference imaging ‘wasted’ time is inevitable between finishing one tray and
approach maximises sensitivity for the atomic species in starting the next, but this is a very minor component. In
question, and Altman et al. established detectability the absence of other effects, writing to an old disk array
limits and uncertainties using a series of solution (the late 1990s technology) was about twice as slow as
concentrations in model, large diameter specimens and writing a newer disk array (2006 parallelised and
examined the effect of pore diameter on sensitivity to Cs
scalable array); however, data for most of the trays
in absorption edge difference imaging.80
described above were written with the newer array. The
The examples provided in this section centre on
y50% decrease in data collection rate is probably
geometric assessment and not accuracy in contrast
produced by non-optimum tuning of the various
interpretation. As the considerations affecting contrast
network and hardware components.606
sensitivity were briefly discussed in the instrumentation
Reconstructing the data sets at the tomography
section and as examples of analyses of linear attenuation
facility at station 2-BM of APS is very rapid compared
coefficient (and estimates on the validity of the data)
to other aspects of data handling, and most users can
were provided in the examples on mineralised tissue, the
expect to leave the facility at the end of their shifts with a
discussion will end here with the note that much more
significant fraction of their data reconstructed but
needs to be carried out in this area of data analysis.
probably not in hand. Currently data is in HDF-4
format; each stack of 2 K slices from a single specimen
Date handling challenges amounts to 20–25 GByte, depending on the amount of
The large amounts of data collected with lab microCT dynamic compression possible, and writing this data to
systems (potentially running 24 h of every day) and with DVDs is no longer practical. During the November 2006
synchrotron microCT (see below) are very challenging to run, transferring 1 TByte data (40–50 specimens) from
handle. While the specifics vary from system to system, the data analysis cluster (Linux) to an external USB-2
considering a single example (from the author’s recent hard drive attached to a PC running Windows required
experience at the synchrotron microCT facility at station 40 h. When the drives were attached to a Linux machine
2-BM of APS) illustrates the main points. and formatted as ext2, the transfer took 15 h.606
In November 2006, nine 8 hour shifts were assigned, Data collection rates will continue to increase. One
and the principle goal was to image a large number of hopes that the overall infrastructure (network, disks,
sea urchin spines for a detailed comparison of design etc.) keeps pace, or, at least, does not lag further behind.
variations within one phylogenic family. As such, Of course the biggest bottleneck of all is the lag between

International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3 169

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

bringing the data home and actually doing something conditions. Peripherals purpose built by manufacturers
with the data (even just paging through slices). for their commercial microCT systems are already
appearing and will undoubtedly appear in future
Speculations on future trends publications. Emphasis will surely continue on repeated
observations of the same specimen: a wider range of in
Several trends for future micro- and nanoCT are clear situ and in vivo studies with increased data acquisition
from recently published studies. First consider data rates. Approaches such as that of Bay96 (and many
presentation and what constitutes an ‘adequate’ study. others for deformation of cellular materials, cited
Many recent microCT papers incorporate colour above), i.e. computation of local strains from incre-
images (if not in the hardcopy, then in the online mental microCT or nanoCT derived deflections, will
version of the journal). As the human eye distinguishes probably be used more frequently as computing power
more levels of contrast in colour images than in continues to increase. Such digital image correlation
greyscale images, colour is sometimes used to increase techniques are not, of course, the exclusive province of
the dynamic range visible in slices, but this is used less
those doing mechanical testing, and one expects their
frequently than one would expect. Colour has been used
increasing use in quantitative studies of temporally
primarily to present four- or more dimensional data or
evolving structures.
to label different discrete subvolumes within 3D render-
More studies will appear on very fast phenomena
ings, and these types of colour images will be increas-
using gating to freeze movement such as found in sprays;
ingly important in descriptions of scientific and
such gating is quite involved, however, so the number of
engineering studies. More than a few colour figures
such studies will remain relatively small. The author
have appeared, however, that could have been equally
expects data acquisition rates to increase with tube
effective as greyscale images, but this, perhaps, is an
based microCT systems, but the biggest changes in this
overly pedantic observation.
area will probably occur at synchrotron radiation
Supplemental data, in particular movies, posted on
sources. Studies in real time involving changes occurring
journal websites, have become an increasingly important
component of publications. Movies paging through a over several minutes (time averaging over times
stack of slices, showing different perspectives of a approaching 10 s) will continue to increase. As new
rendered volume or removing outer layers of an object generations of undulator sources are commissioned, the
and exposing interior structure are popular supplements. author would not be surprised if, in the next decade,
Earlier, microCT was used to create physical models data acquisition advances to the point where (512)3
with rapid prototyping manufacture (e.g. osteoporotic reconstructions with greater than 8 bit contrast can be
and normal trabecular bone355) but this is too expensive obtained for time intervals of 1 s or less. Exactly how to
to do on a routine basis and 3D renderings (spinning or store and process such amounts of data will be a
viewing perspective under user control) can be produced continuing challenge.
without particular difficulty or expense. Studies looking at evolution in the structure of
Some groups maintain websites where extensive individual specimens should emphasise incorporation
microCT or CT datasets are posted. For example, the of proper boundary conditions which in practice means
digital morphology website ( larger volumes of material surrounding the volume of
includes anatomical data on a wide variety of animals, interest. Incorporation of microstructure directly into
renderings and slices of which can be viewed in a variety finite element or other numerical models will be an area
of ways. The visible cement website552 maintained by that will continue to grow. Reconstructions using 2 K6
NIST contains synchrotron microCT datasets and 2 K detectors are now standard, and introduction of
serves as a standard for benchmarking new analysis 4 K detector widths (in the plane of reconstruction) will
programs for this class of materials. be a direct approach for preserving spatial resolution
As the number of microCT publications has while examining large diameter samples. More frequent
increased, expectations for the quality of and depth of use of local tomography also is expected at synchrotron
analysis in published studies have risen. What was a radiation sources, although specimens with significant
strong PhD thesis in the early to the mid 1990s, became, absorption will be limited in size by the decrease in
by the late 1990s (in this author’s opinion), only an contrast from the extra absorption of the material
adequate MSc thesis. The same is true of papers in outside of the region of interest: sensitivity is severely
archival journals. Although long explications of analysis affected by noise accompanying large decreases in the
methods and of the principles of microCT data collec- number of photons traversing the material of interest.
tion remain appropriate for theses, very little of this The author hopes that the manufacturers of commercial
should appear in journal papers, given previous cover- microCT systems will add the option of local tomo-
age in literature. One now expects not only interpreta- graphy data acquisition to their systems (if this
tion of geometry defined via single thresholds of capability is already incorporated in an off the shelf
structures but also (brief but rigorous) consideration of system, the author is not aware of it), but this may be of
numerical values of linear attenuation coefficients. If too limited an interest to be commercially supported.
binary segmentation is used for numerical analysis, short MicroCT use will be applied more often as part of
but detailed examination of the effect of threshold studies integrating it with other scales of testing and
choice should be incorporated; more complicated seg- analysis or with other techniques such as X-ray micro-
mentation routines require presentation of more details. beam diffraction mapping. The multimode studies
Future studies will incorporate more elaborate load- described in a preceding section provide examples, but
ing apparatus and environmental chambers (furnaces, one should not forget that methods other than those
cooling stages, high pressure chambers) and more elabo- employing X-rays can be used. One expects more studies
rate and better calibrated monitoring of experimental will centre on key specimens linking microscale (samples

170 International Materials Reviews 2008 VOL 53 NO 3

Stock Recent advances in X-ray microtomography applied to materials

with optimum dimensions for contrast sensitivity) is minimised while allowing good statistics to be
with macroscopic scale of more normal engineering collected in the scattering pattern. Changes in folding,
specimens. Some intermediate sized specimens may also etc., accompanying crystallisation, can also be avoided.
need to be studied to complete the linkage between Reconstruction of 3D macromolecule is then under-
different structural scales. Although such studies are not taken from analysis of the scattering pattern. One
as novel as they were a few years ago, the earlier supposes the macromolecule orientations could also be
demonstrations may actually make it easier to organise altered over time by reorienting the laser beam, some-
the resources required for more detailed, multiscale thing which is quite simple to do with standard optics,
research programmes. and perhaps this information would help with the
More nanoCT and phase micro/nanoCT studies will reconstruction.
appear in the future, especially as more commercial In summary, the reviewer sees a period of consolida-
nanoCT systems are installed. One expects in the near tion in the area of materials microCT characterisation.
future to see commercial phase microCT imaging Instruments are widespread, new applications will
systems using the grating method or perhaps the certainly appear but truly novel developments or appli-
analyser crystal (diffraction enhanced imaging) method. cations will be few as investigators concentrate on
The propagation method will probably not be used exploiting areas pioneered in the last decade. Of course,
because of the large but precise translations needed. the thing about the most profound innovations is that
Stability issues may be a critical determinant of whether they seems to come out of nowhere, so it will be
it proves practical to produce commercial phase interesting to see whether the next few years bring
microCT systems. Crystal optics of any sort can be surprises in the area of nano- and microCT.
finicky, and implementing a robust system of collecting
lab based diffraction enhanced phase radiographs will Acknowledgements
probably require considerable additional hardware (e.g. The author is grateful to his former student, K. Ignatiev,
feedback circuitry) to guard against optics drift. Collect- and to his current collaborator for synchrotron
ing views at three or more positions of the analyser microCT, F. De Carlo of APS, for their helpful
crystal will increase data collection times, therefore, by discussions in the interim between the completion of
at least a factor of three compared to normal absorption this review and the publication of the earlier materials
microCT acquisition (and this does not include the effect microCT review in this journal. The collaborators and
of decreased flux from the optics, i.e. from wavelength former students mentioned in the earlier review certainly
rejection due to beam monochromatisation). Grating contributed to the ideas mentioned in the present
based phase microCT systems should be relatively paper, and this has been and continues to be greatly
stable, and the micrometre sized translation of the appreciated. Steven Cool provided a table of many
second analyser grating should not be too difficult to current microCT manufacturers and the models they
implement with current piezoelectric translators. All sell, and the author thanks him for permission to
wavelengths passing through the specimen contribute to abstract information from his table. Numerous investi-
image formation. Whether the translation of gratings in gators have taken the time to explain certain aspects of
a commercial system can be controlled robustly enough their microCT work, and the author hopes that the
for day in and day out data collection by users or staff description of their studies accurately reflects the quality
without extensive experience remains to be proven. of the work. The author also greatly appreciates the time
The range of voxel sizes one sees in literature goes spent and helpful suggestions advanced by the referees
down to y100 nm, and one expects this limit to inch and key reader.
downward but probably at an ever decreasing rate due
to the engineering challenges. Transmission electron References
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