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EDUC 5312-Curriculum and Instructional Design

Classroom Observation Assignment

Observation Form 1

Observation Date: 15 Nov 2017 Observation Time: 45 minutes period

Teacher Observed: Ms. Janelle Curtis Subject/Grade Level: Mathematics / 5th grade

School Observed: KIPP Scholar Academy Observer: Iqbal Begum

1-What was/were the learning objectives/outcomes of the lesson? (Add state objectives if
known, for example, TEKS §111.4. Grade 2.b.)

TEKS §111.7. Mathematics, Grade 5(2),(3), Adopted 2012

2-How did the teacher begin and end the lesson?

The teacher began the lesson with an example to which student can relate and understand. She
gave an example of a sandwich brought for lunch and how you can cut it into equal fractions and
compare them. She explained the topic with some examples and asked for student participation
and answer for the examples. This way she kept the students engaged in the classroom. Lastly at
the end of the unit she asked the students to review the topic and clean their work places and wait
for the bell to ring.

3-What did the teacher use for teaching materials or instructional aids/equipment?

The teacher uses whiteboard and drawings/figures/ tables to explain her topic step-by step. Not
much was used by the teacher in the class.

4- Which instructional methods and strategies did the teacher use? ( lecture, inquiry,
discovery learning, discussions, games or simulations, demonstrations, cooperative learning,
integration of technology, secretive questioning, etc)

The teacher uses discussions, demonstration and cooperative learning. She gives the students to
think, learn and discover the multiples and fractions concept. Most of the students were
answering the discussions form their work place itself.

5-How did the teacher assess learning? (informal, formal, formative, summative, oral, open-
ended, quiz, feedback etc) See Chapter 8 for more information on assessment methods

The teacher assessed the learning through formative assessment method. She gave student time
to solve an example to test their understanding of the concept and to know their difficulties
following the topic. She went to student work stations to know their progress and difficulties.
6- What can you say about the teacher’s philosophy/beliefs and style?
(Traditional/progressive, behaviorist, student-centered vs. teacher centered, authoritative etc)

The teaching style of the teacher seemed to be traditional and student centered. The teacher had
to go to the work stations of the students and keep them engaged in the lesson.

7-How does the teacher manage classroom? Can you identify classroom management
techniques used?

The teacher manages the classroom by engaging them in talk to your partner and asking them
questions and involving them in the class discussion. This sometimes also puts the student into
off topic discussions. She also gives them example questions and time to solve them. All this
keeps the class engaged to the topic.

8-Observe in the classroom setting and determine types of behavior students play when off-
task. What do they do when they are not paying attention? How does the teacher re-direct
them or get them back on task?

Most of the students in the class seem to be engaged in the class. The teacher takes rounds
around the class by going to student chairs to see how they are approaching to solve the problem
around know their difficulties about the topic.

9-How does the teacher communicate with students (verbal, vocal, meta-verbal or non-verbal
communication such as facial, body language, use of space, motion and time?)

The teacher uses verbal communication.

10-Who were the students in the class? What did you notice about them? (Background,
diversity, attitude, motivation, interaction, participation, etc)

The class seemed to be pretty regular. The students seemed to be motivated and were interested
in participating in questions asked as they have been studying it for the past three weeks they
knew the topic very well.

11-What did you see that is effective in engaging students? What do you see that is
ineffective in keeping students engaged?

The main strategy to keep students engaged during lecture or modeling, is walking around the
classroom. This way students know that you want them to be on task and that you are keeping a
close eye on them. Giving them small activity to keep them on task can also serve as a good
engagement. What is not effective is giving student lots of discussion time as they might get off

12-What are the two instructional strategies you observed and would like to apply in your
The instructional strategy I would like to use in my class room is demonstration method. And
walk around the classroom to know their shortcomings. One instructional strategy the teacher did
not use but I would like to use is the arm up activity that would allow student to remember the
last class from the same topic to refresh their minds.

13-What are two important classroom management strategies that you observed and would
like to apply in your classroom?

The teacher kept walking around the classroom thought the period. This kept the students on the
topic because they knew teacher was keeping a close eye on them. Giving them short assessment
kept the student interested in the topic. Game activity would have added some fun to the class
and motivated the students some more.

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