Activities Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Task 1 - Electromagnetic Waves in Open Media

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-rector

Activities guide and evaluation rubric – Task 1

1. General description of the course

Faculty or Academic Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería

Academic Level Profesional

Academic Field Formación interdisciplinar básica común

Course Name Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas

Course Code 203058
Course Type Theoretical Can be ye ☒ N ☐
enabled s o
Number of Credits 3

2. Description of the activity

Type of the Individ

☒ Collaborative ☒ Weeks 4
activity: ual
Moment of Unit 1,
Initial ☐ ☒ Final ☐
evaluation: Intermediate:
Delivery Environment of the
Evaluative score of the
activity: Monitoring and evaluation
activity: 110
Starting date of the activity: Deadline of the activity:
February 15, 2020 March 12, 2020
Competence to develop:
The student applies the concepts of physics and electromagnetism, to
determine the behavior of electromagnetic wave when propagated in
open media, using mathematical methods to solve application
Topics to develop:
- Electromagnetic waves in conductors, dielectrics and insulators.
- Propagation in open media.
Steps, phases of the learning strategy to develop
This activity called Task 1, is individual and collaborative, for its
development you must follow the 7 steps presented below:
Step 1: Explore the academic resource described in the next section of
this document "Activities to develop".
Step 2: Download the “Annex 2 - Delivery format – Task 1” found
in the collaborative learning environment in the "Activity guide and
evaluation rubric - Task 1 - Electromagnetic waves in open
media" folder.
Step 3: Individually, based on the exploration performed, answer the 5
questions proposed in the next section "Activities to develop".
Step 4: Select 1 of the proposed propagation medium in the application
exercise of the "Activities to develop" section and announce it in the
"Task 1" forum.
Step 5: Individually, based on the exploration performed, solve the 5
points of the application exercise, using the chosen propagation
medium. The procedures performed must be shown.
Step 6: Each student must complete the application in its individual
delivery format, verifying the requirements of the evaluation rubric.
Step 7: In the 3 days, before the closing of the activity, the group
leader must gather the delivery formats of each student and compress
in a single file, which must be delivered in the Monitoring and
Evaluation Environment.
Activities to develop
For the development of this activity, explore in the Knowledge
Environment, in Unit 1, the bibliographical reference of Chen, W.
(2005), on pages 513-519, supplement with the aids generated by the
tutor within the forum, to solve the following consultation and
application exercises:
Questions: (write with your own words)
1. What do you mean propagation medium open for electromagnetic
2. Within the propagation mediums, what is mean by the tangent of
3. Of what physical variables does the value of the tangent of losses
4. How are the propagation medium classified from the tangent of
5. What are the propagation parameters of the waves through a
Application exercise:
The following 5-step exercise describes the method to characterize an
electromagnetic wave when propagating in an open environment, for
which, each student must choose 1 propagation media of the 5
proposed in Table 1 and announce it within the forum Task 1 to avoid

Table 1: Conductivity σ and electrical permittivity ε rof some media.

Media Media σ [S /m] εr [ ] Tan(δ) δ [°]

1. 1. Perfect dielectrics
Copper 5.80(Not
x 107 dissipative) 1 Tan(δ) = 0 δ = 0°
2. Good insulators
2. Sea water 4 (Lost low dielectric) 80 0 < Tan(δ) <= 0,1 0° < δ <= 6°
3. Dissipative dielectrics (Dielectrics with losses) 0,1 < Tan(δ) <= 10 6° < δ <= 84°
3. Vegetable soil 1.00 x 10−2 14
4. Good conductors (Good conductors) Tan(δ) > 10 84°< δ < 90°
4. Dry soil 1.00 x 10−4 3
5. Perfect conductors (Perfect conductors) Tan(δ) >>> 10 δ = 90°
5. Sweet water 1.00 x 10−3 80
ε o=8.8542 x 10−12 C2 / N m 2

1. Calculate the tangent of losses Tan (δ) and the angle of losses δ
of the medium chosen in Table 1, if through it travel an
electromagnetic wave E of frequency f =CCC MHz. Note that CCC
are the first 3 digits of your identification number:

σ σ
tan ( δ )= =
ω ε 2 πf ε r ε o

2. According to the result obtained in point 1, classify the behavior

of the chosen medium according to one of the 5 options in Table

Table 2: Classification of propagation media.

3. According to the classification obtained in point 2 and using Table

3 shown below, calculate the following propagation parameters of
the wave in the chosen medium:
a. Propagation constant  (gamma).
b. Attenuation constant  (Alpha).
c. Phase constant  (Beta).
d. Intrinsic impedance  (Eta).

Table 3: Propagation parameters in open media.

Not Lost low Dielectrics with Good
dissipative dielectric losses conductors
 jω √ με jω √ με √ jωμ(σ + j ωε) √ jω σ μo
 0 ση/2 ℜ¿) √ πf σ μ o
 ω √ με ω √ με ℑ() √ πf σ μ o
 √ μ/ε √ μ/ε √ jω μ/(σ+ j ωε) √ jω μo /σ

4. According to the results obtained in point 3 and using the

following equations, calculate the propagation characteristics of
the wave in the chosen medium:
a. Propagation speed v p .
b. Wavelength λ .
c. Speed factor f v .
d. Refractive index n .

5. According to the parameters obtained in the previous points and

knowing that the maximum value of the E wave is 120 V /m,
e. The penetration depth of the δ pwave in the medium.
f. The power Potransmitted by the wave in the medium.
g. The % losses of wave amplitude per unit length.

ent for  Collaborative learning environment - Task 1 forum.
the  Knowledge environment - Unit 1.
developm  Monitoring and evaluation environment – Task 1.
Products Individual:
to deliver Each student, using the Delivery Format – Task 1 found
by in the Practical Learning Environment, gradually presents
the activity in the Task 1 forum until completing the
following structure:
1. Cover.
2. Introduction (indicate what is in the document).
3. Content. (Answer to questions and exercises).
4. 2 conclusions (indicate in them what you learned).
5. 1 reference (in APA format).
The name of the final individual document must be Task 1
- First Name Last Name.pdf.

In the 3 days before the closing of the activity, students
must present their final individual work in pdf format in the
Taks 1 forum.
The leader must take the final works of each student and
generate a compressed file .rar or .zip with the name Taks
1 and deliver it in the Monitoring and evaluation
student environment in the Task 1 space.

Figure 1: Group consolidation example.

3. General guidelines for the collaborative work

Planning Schedule of activities:

Steps Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Steps 1-2:
15to22/02 22to29/02
Steps 3-4-5:
22to29/02 29to06/03
Step 6:
29to06/03 06to09/03
Step 7:
Table 4: Development Schedule of Task 1:
of The dates correspond to the year 2020.
for the Table 5: Development environments and resources of the
developm steps of the strategy:
ent of Step Interaction Environment Resources
collaborat Individual knowledge Bibliographies
ive work Individual practical learning Formats
Individual collaborative learning Activity guide
456 Individual collaborative learning Task 1 forum
Collaborative monitoring and evaluation Delivery space

Leader: He is in charge of assuming the coordination of

the development of the activity in the forum. Within the
Roles to process, supervises the assignment of tasks and generates
perform recommendations and clarifications regarding the activity.
by the In the end, it shares a document that must be fed by the
student members to generate the final consolidated group,
in the performs its final revision and delivery.
collaborat Builder: Is responsible for supporting the management of
ive group the leader, contributing to the organization of group work.
Select and develop the activity chosen to finally contribute
to the final consolidation process.
It is suggested to use a model of action within teamwork,
Roles and which allows to achieve the expected results through the
responsib joint action of all participants.
ility for The model of Leaders & Builders, allows one of the
the members to take the role of leader (coordinator) and the
delivery others of builders, each builder develops in parts his
of chosen or assigned task and contributes it in the forum;
products within the process, the builders review the contributions of
by their peers; In the end, the leader shares the consolidated
students work with the contributions of all the participants,
achieving the final product.
Use of The APA standards are the most used style of organization
reference and presentation of information. These are published
s under a manual that allows you to have access to the ways
in which a scientific article should be presented. Here you
can find the most relevant aspects of the sixth edition of
the APA Standards Manual, such as references, citations,
preparation and presentation of tables and figures,
headings and seriation, among others. You can check how
to implement them by going to
In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article 99,
the mistakes that infringe upon the academic order,
among others, are the following: paragraph e) “To
plagiarize is to present as your own work the whole or part
of a writing, report, task or document of invention
performed by another person. It also implies the use of
cites or lack of references, or includes cites where there is
no coincidence between them and the reference” and
paragraph f)”To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational
m policy
resources or results of research products, which have
intellectual rights reserved for the University”.
The academic punishments that the student will face are:
a) In case of academic fraud proved in the academic work
or evaluation, the score achieved will be zero (0.0) without
leading to disciplinary measures.
b) In case of plagiarism proved in the academic work of
any nature, the score achieved will be zero (0.0), without
leading to disciplinary measures.

4. Evaluation rubric
Evaluation rubric
Individual Collaborative
Activity type: ☒ ☒
Activity Activity
Unit 1,
Moment: Initial ☐ ☒ Final ☐
Performance levels of the individual activity Sc
Aspects High score Media score Low score
Concepts The student The student The student 2
about wave understands understands does not 0
propagation concepts about concepts about understand the
in open wave wave concepts about
media propagation in propagation in propagation in
open media by open media by open media for
writing answers writing answers not writing
to the questions to the questions answers to the
asked. asked. questions asked.
(up to 20 (up to 15 (up to 4
points) points) points)
The student
The student
correctly The student
classifies the does not classify
classifies the
propagation the propagation
media based on media based on
media based on
Classificatio the tangent of the tangent of
the tangent of
n of the losses and losses within the 2
losses within
propagation applies them in solution of 0
the solution of
media the solution of physical
physical problems of
problems of
problems of waves.
(up to 20 (up to 15 (up to 4
points) points) points)
The student The student
correctly incorrectly The student does
calculates the calculates the not calculate the
propagation propagation propagation
Calculation parameters of parameters of parameters of
of the waves and the waves the waves within 3
propagation applies them in within the the solution of 0
parameters the solution of solution of physical
physical physical problems.
problems. problems.
(up to 30 (up to 20 (up to 5
points) points) points)
Understandi The student The student The student does 3
ng and writes at least 2 writes a not write 0
applying the learning learning learning
method of conclusions that conclusion or conclusions that
characteriza demonstrate the does not demonstrate the
tion of the understanding correctly understanding
waves in and application demonstrate and application
open media of the method of the of the method of
characterization understanding characterization
and application
of the method
of waves in open of of waves in open
media. characterization media.
of waves in
open media.
(up to 30 (up to 20 (up to 5
points) points) points)
Performance levels of the collaborative activity Sc
Aspect High score Media score Low score
Students Students do
demonstrate not demonstrate
adequate ability
low ability to the ability to
to work in
work in groups work in a group,
groups and
or not create an do not create an
create an
organized organized
collaborative collaborative
collaborative 1
Teamwork final product or final product and
final product, 0
meeting the do not meet the
meeting the
delivery delivery
conditions using conditions using
conditions using
the English the English
the English
language. language.
(Up to 10 (Up to 6 (Up to 3
points) points) points)
Final score

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