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Running head: Philosophy Statement 1

Joseph Castellanos

Professor Robert Shkorupa

Edu 201


Philosophy Statement

Life has been a learning experience. One of the best pieces of advice I have heard

is “you are never to old to learn.” Some might argue that this is false, but those that do, are the

ones that can afford to learn a thing or two. In this manner of thinking, I believe and have come

to accept that anyone who is willing to learn can and should be afforded that opportunity to do

so. I believe that students should be empowered to change their communities and in turn

perceptions of themselves through social justice efforts. Education can come in the form of

knowledge from facts of the natural world, history and math. It can also present itself, if and

when the student is willing to look within themselves and accept that they are special and unique.

I will assist students in discovering and accepting their uniqueness in the world.

As an educator my goal is to encourage my students to reconstruct society into a new and

more just social order. I will model democratic ideals in my classroom. My students will be

encouraged to take an active involvement in their educational objectives and social priorities. As

an educator I must be caring and compassionate to my students while trying to make a

connection that values the uniqueness of the student. My role in the classroom is that of

facilitator. My role is to assist students in approaching situations with standards of objectivity.

Students should use schooling as an emancipating force, a way to conquer and overcome,

whatever negative circumstances might come their way. As an educator it is my role to help

students look within themselves and find the truths, they are passionate about. One person’s
Philosophy Statement 2

measure of success does not necessarily carry across to all individuals. As such my role as an

educator is help each student identify their inner strengths and raison d’etre. Students should be

allowed to explore and gain knowledge through ideas and concepts they find interesting.

As an educator, I understand that communication is a two-way relay. The best teachers

are those who are not great speakers but great listeners. As an educator I will be attentive and be

willing to adapt; never failing to forget that each of my students is a unique individual. As an

educator I will be honest and accountable, always taking time to asses my own biases and

prejudices, that might preclude me from viewing the individual student as unique and special. In

the classroom I will provide authentic learning activities that both instruct students and help them

improve their communities. I will guide and integrate learning activities so that students can find

meaning and drive to excel. I will make every effort possible to relate to each student in an

honest and professional manner. As an educator I will create environments for my students that

are free, open and stimulating to their individual styles of learning.

The role of the student is to become a rational problem solver, a socially aware citizen

who is prepared to live comfortably in our ever-changing world, while also taking efforts to

reshape it into a more just and democratic society. Students should learn competencies that will

make them efficacious members in the world and allow them to combat injustices they notice in

it. As an educator I will instill in my students a yearning to learn and a passion to promote

positive changes in their communities and the world at large. The role of the student is to learn to

accept personal responsibility for their own actions and to understand themselves deeply and be

at peace with the qualities that make them unique. The purpose of school should be to have

prepared global citizens who are ready and willing to make positive changes in their

communities and abroad.

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