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Student Name: Dasiah Byrd

Date: 2/7/2020
Portfolio Artifact Description: Web Launchpad: Utilize pictures, text and
a word processor to create a kid friendly page for children URL’s.
What you learned: With the wed launchpad assignment I actually learned
how to add the hyperlinks “behind the scene”. Of course, through school I’ve
uploaded web URL’s as a reference, however I learned through this
assignment how to hide the URL and place a word of my own. This
assignment also allowed me to be able to utilize the shapes tool a little
more, as I was created my layout.
ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for TEACHERS
(NETS)•T Addressed: Standard #3 3b: Establish a learning culture that
promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and
fosters digital literacy and media fluency.
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I think this assignment is
perfect for a classroom full of kiddos. I experienced some minor difficulty
myself when it came to the URL, and ensuring they were copied correctly.
So, I know if I could make a mistake this would make things easier. I would
also utilize this for a research paper idea if I were teaching older students. It
could allow them to be creative and also search different sites on the topic of

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