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Reducing Signal Noise

in Practice
by Simon Paonessa

Signal noise in an industrial plants is typically not enough to cause DEFINING SIGNAL
environment has the ability to cause a problem. It is when the signal-to-noise
havoc with process control systems. ratio gets to unmanageable levels that NOISE
This electrical noise can inject itself it becomes a problem. Hardware and
onto analog or digital signals and fool software solutions are available to Signal noise, in its most basic
control equipment help combat signal sense, is any unwanted interference
into thinking the noise in particularly that degrades a communication signal.
process variable is Signal noise, in its noisy environments, Signal noise can interfere with both
different from what including noise analog and digital signals; however,
it actually is. This most basic sense, is any filter settings that the amount of noise necessary to affect
miscommunication unwanted interference may be available in a digital signal is much higher. This is
between process existing equipment because digital signals communicate
control equipment,
that degrades a already installed but using a set of discrete electrical pulses
as with all kinds of communication signal. inadequately utilized. to convey digital “bits.” As can be seen
miscommunication, Buying expensive in Figure 1, those electrical pulses
can lead to any new equipment in would require a lot of noise in order to
number of unforeseen, unintended order to filter noise or isolate signals be confused with one another.
consequences. As any electrical should, in most cases, be unnecessary
Conversely, analog signals
engineer will tell you, no system can if proper planning and installation
represent an infinite range of possible
continue to function properly without practices are adhered to in the first
values using an established range,
proper communication. place. Knowing what signal noise is,
such as 4-20 mA or 0-10 V. In this case,
what causes it, and how to prevent it
No industrial facility is going to any unwanted voltage or current spikes
from interfering with signal networks
ever be 100% free of electrical noise. will cause a fluctuation in the message
should provide the right arsenal of tools
The low levels of noise present in most being communicated. Minuscule
needed to keep communication flowing.
variations along analog signals, on Analog Signal Digital Signal
the order of millivolts or microamps,
typically do not result in a significant SIGNAL + NOISE SIGNAL + NOISE
(or even perceptible) discrepancy. High
levels of electrical noise, however, can
produce large variations and therefore
lead to substantial discrepancies making
communication between process control
devices utterly impossible.
As seen in Figure 2, signal noise
injected onto electrical communication
will add or detract from the expected
signal value. In an industrial situation
where vital processes are automatically
FIGURE 1. Noise in Analog and Digital Signals
controlled based on the measurement
of that signal, any variation can lead to
unpredictable and potentially damaging
What we observe Isolated noise from signal
Noise injection can occur
anywhere in the system and at any
physical location in which the network
is exposed. It can be the result of
various factors at any location on the NOISE
network. It may seem a daunting task to
troubleshoot signal noise; nonetheless,
there are some causes that are more
common than others. These common FIGURE 2. Isolated Noise from Signal
causes account for the vast majority
of signal noise interfering with process
control networks.


As discussed in the previous issue Poorly designed electronic circuitry Long segments of wire (especially
of The Current Quandary, ground within devices, which does not provide unshielded wire) essentially act as
loops inject additional current onto the adequate shielding against internal and antennae; they pick up radio waves
signal loop via a voltage differential external sources of noise, will also be and convert them to electrical signals,
between two grounding locations more likely to have signal issues. contributing to additional noise in the
in a multi-ground system. This and system.1
other grounding issues can lead to an
influx of signal noise on an otherwise
functional network.

Devices or wires placed in close

2. POOR WIRING PRACTICES proximity to electrical equipment that
generates strong magnetic fields, such
Poorly wired networks, such as as generators, motors, or power lines,
those not utilizing shielded twisted-pair can pick up some of that interference,
and conduit, are more susceptible to which can contribute to fluctuations in
ambient electrical noise. communications signals.



The most common and obvious In the example discussed in Though uncommon, extreme
problem caused by signal noise is the Figure 3, each device on the network signal noise can lead to an apparent
distortion of the process signal, causing is functioning exactly as intended; loss of signal. Most modern electronic
incorrect interpretation or display of a however, the signal noise caused a equipment have built in noise
process condition by the equipment. miscommunication between devices. filtering. However, in extremely
The addition to and/or subtraction from Consequently the tank remained empty. noisy environments, this filter will not
the process signal translates into an A system experiencing signal noise be enough, which can lead to the
incorrect process variable. To put this fluctuations could inadvertently turn equipment not receiving a signal and no
into context, see the example in Figure relays and alarms on / off at irregular communication taking place at all.
3 below. intervals because the noisy signals are
being misunderstood. A situation like
this results in the improper control of an
industrial process.

FIGURE 3. Signal Noise Causing Miscommunication Between Devices

4 mA

115 VAC

20 mA

4-20 mA

5 mA
5.00 RELAY
(4.5 mA TRIGGER)

4 mA STEEL 115 VAC
(4.5 mA ON)


A radar level transmitter is measuring tank liquid level. It The tank empties and the transmitter outputs a 4 mA signal
outputs a 4-20 mA signal (4 mA when empty and 20 mA but, because of extreme signal noise, the relay receives a 5
when full) to a mechanical relay that when triggered at 4.5 mA signal and never triggers or activates the pump. The tank
mA, activates a pump to begin filling the tank. remains empty and the process grinds to a halt.
Δ AMPLITUDE NOISY SIGNAL Wires should also be kept away
from any equipment that produces
magnetic fields, such as motors,
transformers, or large relays with
inductive loads. Wires connecting
different circuits should be installed
perpendicular to one another as parallel
lines are more likely to exchange noise.
Wires should also be kept as short as
possible to avoid acting as antennae.

IDEAL SIGNAL Wiring must always be installed

with the intention of avoiding ground
FIGURE 4. Digital Signals Are More Immune to Signal Noise loops. This is done by only using a
single point of ground for all of the
devices present on the network. If
multiple devices on the network require
BEST PRACTICES If a system needs to be installed grounding, make certain to run the
in an area prone to electrical noise, the same ground source throughout the
As with all industrial process installer must plan on using software entire system on shielded cable.
control connection problems, it is far or hardware noise filters, which are
easier to follow some simple best often included in modern process Keeping these simple best
practices while planning, designing, and control devices. practices in mind throughout the
installing process control devices than it Look in the device's installation
is trying to troubleshoot problems with a instruction manual to process will help
system after it has become operational. ensure noise filters A more effective way to ensure that your
Successful planning can save hundreds are available. An in
of man-hours and untold frustration depth understanding to avoid noise... is to takes signal noise
when it comes to preventing signal of the installation's covert the analog signal into consideration as
noise from interfering with the system. environment and much as the original
devices can save to a digital signal... planning stages.
time and frustration. If the installer of
the setup shown
in Figure 3 on the
previous page had been following
best practices during planning and
installation, they would have known
When it comes to preventing signal
INSTALLATION that AC power lines should always be
noise, the smaller a signal is the more isolated from 4-20 mA signal lines by
As the saying goes, no plan ever running it along shielded cables inside
susceptible to noise it is. Low-level survives first contact with the enemy.
signals such as the pulse signal from independent conduit.
However, installers must make sure
a magnetic pickup flowmeter or the not to let unforeseen environmental
millivolt output of a thermocouple are or device limitations hinder the
highly susceptible to ambient noise. Any installation process or allow for future
amount of noise injected onto these troubleshooting nightmares. Taking
types of systems is bound to have some Signal noise is an issue that all
shortcuts to overcome installation industrial facilities experience by virtue
effect on the signal being transmitted. challenges might be tempting for of having electrical equipment running.
the short-term, but in the future that Signal noise becomes a problem
Though it may be tempting to simply
decision will come at a cost. for these facilities when it interferes
extend the wires from these devices
to connect them to display or control with process signals being conveyed
Installers should always use
devices, it is highly recommended that between devices. This can lead to
shielded twisted-pair wire to connect the
a transmitter or conditioner be used to inaccurate communication of critical
components of the system. Common
amplify the signal before sending it over process variables that can hinder or
mode noise, or noise that is shared
any length of wire. This amplified signal even halt process control systems.
between the two wires of the twisted-
will be able to sustain greater quantities Following some simple best practices
pair, is more easily filtered out than
of noise before its intended value begins while planning and installing your
noise that is only present on one wire.
to be muddled. A more effective way to process control solution can help to
Also, though it may seem convenient to
avoid noise, however, is to covert the keep the communication flowing and
run the signal lines through the same
analog signal to a digital signal instead of eliminate the current quandary.
conduit as power lines, this should
amplifying it. As shown in Figure 4, digital always be avoided. The noise from
signals, with their set of discrete bits, are those 120 or 240 V lines can easily
far more immune to noise than analog. by Simon Paonessa - Technical Writer
make its way onto the signal lines. Precision Digital Corporation

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