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3.14 Self: You have a very good sense of self.

2.71 Body Movement: You like to move, dance, wiggle, walk, and
to spend time by yourself and think things over.
swim. You are likely good at sports, and you have good fine
will often take in information from another perso
motor skills. You may enjoy taking things apart and putting
it over by yourself, and come back to that perso
them back together. Incorporating body movement into your
to discuss it. You like working on projects on you
learning will help you process and retain information better.
You often prefer to learn by trial and error. Effec
Here are some ideas.
techniques to enhance your learning include kee
journal and giving yourself time to reflect on new
 Trace letters and words on each other's back. and information. More ideas:

 Use magnetic letters, letter blocks, or letters on  Go on "guided imagery" tours.

index cards to spell words.
 Set aside time to reflect on new ideas a
 Take a walk while discussing a story or gathering information.
ideas for a story.
 Encourage journal writing.
 Make pipe cleaner letters. Form letters out of bread
dough. After you shape your letters, bake them and
 Work on the computer.
eat them!

 Practice breathing for relaxation.

 Use your whole arm (extend without bending your
elbow) to write letters and words in the air.
 Use brainstorming methods before rea
 Change the place where you write and use different
kinds of tools to write, ie., typewriter, computer,  Listen to and read "how to" tapes and
blackboard, or large pieces of paper.
 Read cookbooks.
 Write on a mirror with lipstick or soap.

 Take a walk and read all the words you find during
the walk.

 Handle a Koosh ball or a worry stone during a study


 Take a break and do a cross-lateral walk.

2.7 Social: You like to develop ideas and learn from other people. You like to talk. You have good social skills. Effective
1 techniques of enhancing your learning using your social intelligence include taking part in group discussions or discussing a
topic one-to-one with another person. Find ways to build reading and writing exercises into your group activities, such as:

 Reading a dialogue or a play with other people

 Doing team learning/investigating projects

 Setting up interview questions and interviewing your family, and writing down the interview

 Writing notes to another instead of talking.

Student Name: Dasiah Byrd
Date: 2/8/2020
Portfolio Artifact Description: Music in You: Using the syllable patterns
and structure in the words of the original song... change the lyrics of the
original song to those you want to transform into the music to teach kids
your content.
What you learned: This assignment was really a test for me. I am not very
musically inclined now do I like freestyling information. However, once I
found the right song and decided what I wanted to teach my students it all
seemed to flow. I am learning that I sometimes make things seem way
harder than they actually are, once I get it done, I’m like “wow was that it?” I
feel this is both a good and bad thing, good because I strive for perfection.
But it’s bad because I add more pressure on myself then needed.
ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS
(NETS)•S Addressed: Standard #6 6d: Students publish or present
content that customizes the message and medium for their intended
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: The music in your
assignment is definitely something I would use in the future. This is a
definite way I know that children will learn and understand a task. I know for
myself when I hear something catchy, I will actually take the time to learn
the words. I would use this activity to simply teach my class to do
something, for example a classroom routine.
What are your feelings about using MI theory going forward in your own
classroom? What are your thoughts about your strong and weak
intelligence? Reflect back to classrooms or favorite teachers from your past.
Was this person teaching to your strength?
I believe that multiple intelligences in the classroom is important. Every
student does not learn the same and may not take the same from an
experience as another student does. As a teacher it is important to teach the
children individually, this is so nobody is left out. I believe that I personally
am a person that has to see or read something a few times in order to
actually understand it. Growing up I can remember my biology teacher
writing things down and ensuring that we always took notes, it gives you
something to go back and read. Your personal notes are also “your words”
putting things in you something you wrote instead of what the book says can
also help.

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