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Communication skills in contemporary

corporate milieu

Submitted by: submitted to:

NAME:Avisek Sil Mr.devesh kumar sharma
ENROLLMENT NO: A6257319034
SESSION: 2019-22

I would like to express my thanks of gratitude to our
communication skills teacher, sir devesh kumar sharma for
his able guidance and support in completing this assignment.
I would also like to extend my gratitude to Amity university
to let me have the opportunity to study in their esteemed

Table of contents
Sl. Page no.
1. introduction 4-5

2. Communication skills In 6-15

coporate environment

3. conclusion 16-17

4. reference 18

Communication is basically the act of transferring information from one place to
can be done through any medium like reading , writing , speaking,etc . Communication is
very important in our day to day lives . communication happens everywhere if we see
practically birds communicate ,computers communicate through internet even atoms
communicate if exchange of electrons and protons may be considered as information

Types of communication:-

 Verbal – verbal communication is exchange of information through the help of

speaking or sign language . Verbal communication is the most efficient way of
communication because here the chances of misinterpretation is the lowest . This is
because the face to face interaction portrays the emotion of a person and thus
clarifying the intent of the say.
 Non verbal – This type of communication makes the use of body language , gestures
and facial information to transfer information . This type of communications makes
use of any one of these at a time . This is less efficient than verbal communication
because here is a chance of misinterpretation and thus loosing the efficiency of the
conversation or communication.
eg:- if someone is showing “closed” body language like crossed arms or legs , they
may be feeling angry or anxious or nervous . If they show “open” body language like
both feet on the floor or arms at the side of the table , they are thinking positive and
are more open to information.
 Written – written communication is the type where typing of printing symbols are
made use of to transfer information . This is least efficient communication in terms of
real , emotional communication but is very helpful in maintaining records of valuable
information . Written communicative symbols (hieroglyphics) of ancient times are a
source of knowledge now, thus we can see why written information is very necessary
for understanding the past.
 Visual –visual communication is done through the basis of art , drawings , sketches,
charts transfer information . Here the communication can be used to quickly
learn new idea or new page .

Whereas , Communication skills are a set of skills required to properly portray an idea or
thought to a group of people or an individual. These types of skills are very important for
people from all the walks of life. The ability to properly present one in front of others is a
demonstration of communications skills of that person. These particular set of skills makes
oneself understandable in front of an audience. These not only involve portraying thoughts or
ideas but also absorbing them , it’s like understanding and being understood , both goes hand
in hand with each other.

Communications skills are best defined as “the abilities used when giving or receiving
information”. Communication skills are different in different platforms or environments. Like
for instance communication in social media is much easier ,quicker and more open to than
communicating face to face. The factor of what you guess people are thinking and what the
really think matters in the field of effective communication . Empathy is a very important
ability needed for communicating efficiently.

Communication skills in corporate

Communication sills are the skills or abilities

Developing communication skills can help many aspects of your life, from your professional
career, to social gatherings, to your family life.

In today's hectic world, we rely heavily on sharing information, resulting in greater emphasis being
placed on having good communication skills. Good verbal and written communication skills are
essential in order to deliver and understand information quickly and accurately. Being able to
communicate effectively is a vital life skill and should not be overlooked.

In contrast, poor communication skills can have a negative impact - a poorly delivered message
may result in misunderstanding, frustration and in some cases disaster.

Communication can be defined as the process of understanding and sharing meaning. To

communicate well is to understand, and be understood. This can be achieved in the following

 Verbally - your voice

 Visually - e.g. images, graphs, maps, infographics
 Non-verbally - e.g. body language, eye contact, gestures
 Written – e.g. books, websites, emails

Listening is an important part of communication

Being able to actively listen is an important communication skill. It’s easily overlooked, as people
tend to focus more on what they want to say, rather than listening to what the other person is

Knowing when to pause to allow the other person to talk is an important skill. It conveys respect
and a willingness to hear the other person’s point of view.

Active listening skills will help you and your colleagues have more open and useful exchanges,
where each contributor’s point of view is expressed and heard. This should lead to a more positive
working environment.

Importance of communication skills:-

1. Valued in the workplace

If you are applying for jobs or looking for a promotion with your current employer, you will
almost certainly need to demonstrate good communication skills. Communication skills are
needed to speak appropriately with a wide variety of people whilst maintaining good eye contact,
demonstrate a varied vocabulary and tailor your language to your audience, listen effectively,
present your ideas appropriately, write clearly and concisely, and work well in a group. Many of
these are essential business skills that employers seek.

Having the ability to listen carefully, speak clearly and put others at ease is valuable in any
organisation and can involve a wide range of skills:

 Listening to others and showing interest in what they say

 Dealing with telephone conversations appropriately
 Encouraging interest and interaction from others in your team
 Expressing an opinion or asking a question clearly
 Being able to persuade others

2. In demand by businesses

Oral and written communication proficiencies are consistently ranked in the top ten desirable skills
by employer surveys year after year. Employees are often encouraged to take online courses and
in-person training to improve their presentation and communication skills.

Skills potential employers seek:

 Communication (written and verbal)

 Organisation
 Teamwork
 Critical thinking
 Analytical skills

Communication skills are among the most in-demand skills for employers.

3. Helps your career progression

You will need to request information, discuss problems, give instructions, work in teams, interact
with colleagues and clients. If you are to achieve co-operation and effective teamwork, good
human relations skills are essential. Also, as the workplace is also becoming more global, there are
many factors to consider if you are to communicate well in such a diverse environment.

Being able to deliver messages clearly and understand other people means work can be completed
more effectively and to the benefit of the company as a whole.

Employers want staff who can think for themselves, use initiative and solve problems, staff who
are interested in the long-term success of the company. If you are to be seen as a valued member
of the organisation, it is important not just to be able to do your job well, but also to communicate
your thoughts on how the processes and products or services can be improved.

4. Allows you to speak concisely

It is natural to feel some nerves when speaking to superiors or to clients. Communication skills

training will help you learn how best to communicate effectively in a wide range of situations, and
how to be direct in order to get the most out of your dealings with others.

5. Builds better rapport with customers

Customers desire nothing more than to be understood by a company and they wish to feel like they
are being heard and listened to. This is a particularly important point if your business involves a
large amount of contact with customers, either face-to-face or over the phone.

6. Influences how you learn

Communication skills have played an important part of your existing knowledge and beliefs. You
learn to speak in public by first having conversations, then by answering questions and then by
expressing your opinions. You learn to write by first learning to read, then by writing and learning
to think critically. Good communication skills help you absorb information and express your ideas
in a clear, concise and meaningful way to other people.

7. Enhances your professional image

You want to make a good first impression on your friends and family, instructors, and employer.
They all want you to convey a positive image, as it reflects on them. In your career, you will
represent your business or company in spoken and written form. Your professionalism and
attention to detail will reflect positively on you and set you up for success.

8. Other benefits of effective communication

The most successful organisations understand that if they are to be successful in today’s business
world, good communication at all levels is essential. Here is a useful mnemonic to remember the
benefits you and your organisation can achieve from effective communication:

 Stronger decision-making and problem-solving

 Upturn in productivity
 Convincing and compelling corporate materials
 Clearer, more streamlined workflow
 Sound business relationships
 Successful response ensured

Methods of communication

 Verbal communication is delivered and received face to face, by phone, radio, computer,
television and other media.
 Non-verbal communication is delivered and received through body language, eye contact,
gestures, and how we dress or behave.
 Visual communication is delivered and received via charts, maps, images and graphs.
 Written communication is delivered and received through printed or digital media such as
letters, e-mails, books, magazines, and the internet.

Verbal communication

When we communicate verbally, it involves not only speaking, but also requires non-verbal
communication skills – listening, eye contact and body language. Mispronunciations, insufficient
language skills, or struggling with the diction can greatly hamper a person’s ability to get their
message across.

Also, delivering too much information can be as counter-productive as delivering too little. How
we communicate is dependent on the context of the situation too. A different approach is needed
for different situations in order for the information to be meaningful to the listener.

Non-verbal communication

Body language needs to be in line with the verbal content. When used effectively, facial
expressions, gestures and posture can greatly improve the listener’s understanding of the verbal
information being presented. It can also add interest, and help to maintain the listener’s

Eye contact between speaker and listener is important too. If a speaker actively seeks out eye
contact when talking, he or she is judged to be more believable, confident and competent.
However, too much eye contact can make the listener feel uncomfortable, or think the speaker
rude, hostile and condescending; and too little eye contact can make the listener think that the
speaker is uneasy, unsure or insincere.

How much eye contact is considered appropriate though will always depend on the situation, the
setting, cultural expectations, gender, and personality types.

Your body posture, hand gestures and eye contact all express a meaning, often saying much more
than the words you speak. For instance, standing or sitting with your arms and legs relaxed and
open will convey a friendly impression that will invite others to interact with you.

The ability to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues and managers is essential,
whatever sector you work in. Good communication improves teams, inspires high performance
and enhances the workplace culture. Just remember, communication is a two-way process, so take
notice of other people's verbal and nonverbal signals as well as your own.

By teaching yourself how to communicate more effectively, you’ll interact in a more constructive
and productive manner, making the workplace a positive and thriving environment.

Summary of benefits

 Highly valued in the workplace


 Helps your career progression

 Allows you to speak concisely
 Build better rapport with customers
 Enhances your professional image
 Highly skilled communicators make more money
 Good communicators have higher self-esteem
 Most important skill For people entering the workforce
 Communication is among the top traits of successful entrepreneurs
 Effective communication skills aid in development of leadership skills
 Gives you the tools to participate in society

Today’s corporate milieu is highly competitive, and effective strategic human resources are a
key factor in deciding the long-term success of any organization in such an environment.
Harnessing the power and hidden talent of your workforce can be a vital factor and help your
small business gain a significant advantage amongst rivals.

Performance of employees is one crucial area that needs to be constantly monitored, assessed
and tracked. Without motivated and driven workers, it will be very difficult for any
organization to achieve its business goals. Efficient performance management processes can
make a world of positive difference, and ensure that your organization remains firmly fixated
on its path to glory.

Research has shown that a mere 8 % of companies account that their performance

management processes drive high levels of value, while a majority of 58% report that
performance management is not an effective use of company time. This clearly shows that
age-old and traditional performance management methods have lost their utility in today’s
rapidly changing business arena, and organizations need to look for more technologically
aligned solutions for performance reviews.

So, with the dynamic technological shifts and constant changes in business ideology – just
how does an organization devise an effective performance management strategy? It is no
doubt challenging to develop a well-balanced performance management system, however
with the advent of modern performance management software – evaluating the performance
of employees becomes an easy and streamlined task.

Performance Management Software – A Necessity for Any Organization

Managing the performance of employees in an organization is definitely a daunting task, as it

requires a comprehensive assessment of their competence clarity, and work commitment. If
practiced well, performance management can be leveraged as a deliberate tool for an
effective reward and feedback mechanism.

Performance management usher in a revolution of productivity in any organization by

aligning end goals, augmenting feedback reviews, and empowering employees through two-
way communication. It is a holistic platform that can bring about a harmonious relationship
between the management and workers – creating a workplace based on trust and

Today, the software market space is inundated with a host of diverse software suites.
Performance management systems come power-packed with a wide range of features that can
be customized according to your specific business requirements. An affordable solution is
sure to be a lifetime investment for your company and will help you reap some amazing long-
term benefits.

Advantages of Performance Management Software

Employee’s productivity and daily performance can have a deep influence on an

organization’s work culture and overall success. When workers and staff are unclear about
their goals and do not get impactful feedback, they are not able to contribute to the end
business objectives.

Performance management software is a miraculous tool that can bring about an absolute
transformation in your human resource processes. It makes performance management smart,
easy and operative – leading to a sea of change in operational efficiency. Here are some
instantaneous advantages that your startup or small business will accrue by implementing a
top-class performance management system:

Dynamic and Aligned Goal-Setting

It is super important for any company to set the right goals and follow a strict timeline to
achieve them. The business world is moving fast, and the traditionally outdated process of
annual goal setting is not enough to cut the line. A goal created a year ago may not be
relevant in the fast-paced corporate ecosystem, and it is of vital importance that a practice of
dynamic goal setting is followed. Performance management software is a great platform to
simplify the process of setting individual and organizational goals so that everyone keeps

working in the right direction. Cascading goals keep workers across departments aligned on
the right path, and leads to a fair transparency around terminal objectives. A good package is
surely the right choice to keep your company goals structured and controlled in the active
business environment.

Agile Feedback and Deep-Rooted Learning

It is essential for modern companies to facilitate a culture of constant feedback and learning
so that workers can constantly work on improving work processes to the greatest levels
possible. Performance management software suites help to create a systematic framework for
providing timely feedback and thrust up the overall human output or yield in the
organization. They channelize proper feedback which is necessary to create a work
environment based on mutual trust, teamwork, and learning. Employees can be rated on
definite performance parameters and receive constant guidance so that they can improve on
weak areas. There is no doubt that getting a software is the best way to kick-start an era of
continuous improvement and learning in any business company.

Streamlined Career Development

Performance management systems have specific career development modules that chart out
the career path of individual employees and make sure that they are given adequate
opportunities for career growth/development. Performance management software help to
schedule career growth meetings between executives and team members, so that impactful
coaching can be directed. Modern performance management tools help to identify
competencies, career aspirations, and skill gaps in order to augment rationalized career
development programs. Therefore, there is no point in letting old career development
methods ruin the reputation of your workplace – the software will go a long way in ensuring
that your workforce has adequate development opportunities and keep them retained to your
organization for a lifetime.

Real-time Performance Data

Cloud-based systems are a buzzing trend these days, and one of their biggest advantages is
the ability to provide a constant flow of current or real-time data. Performance management
software has the ability to store all essential employee and HR-related information at a central
location so that the required personnel can access it. Another huge benefit of a cloud-based
system is that they work across devices – so any team member just needs to have a working
internet connection to get access to data, and they can use their mobile phone, tablet or laptop
to be connected in an instant. Therefore, there is no need to think twice before investing in
the software, as it is the best way to maintain a repository of critical business information.

Manages Tailor-Made Performance Programs

Performance reviews are an essential part of human resource processes, however, it is equally
important to take constructive action on the feedback received to make a positive difference.
Performance management platforms have the facility of constructing customized and tailor-
made performance plans for employees to track their periodic progress in an efficient manner.
Under-performing or weal workers who have not been achieving organizational targets can
be detailed for subject training sessions or coaching to help them enhance performance. There
is no lengthy paperwork or administrative form filling, as the entire process is extremely fair,
transparent and highly automated. Getting a performance management system is the ideal
way to curate personalized performance target programs for your workforce and keep them
strongly routed on the path of organizational goals.

Communication, Collaboration, and Recognition

One of the best benefits about the systems is that they establish a seamless routine for
efficient business communication, effective teamwork, and recognition protocols.
Performance software has specific modules that structure communication, make it clear, and
thereby establish a culture of collaboration throughout the organization.

Along with making human resource processes more agile and flexible, the packages focus on
linking performance to learning and bring about a sense of positive competition within the
work environment. Performance management systems are extremely user-friendly and
promote constructive teamwork – thereby breaking the shackles of traditional hierarchy and
making the workplace friendlier and responsive.

Performance management is a holistic tool that pervades every activity in an organization and
is a vital component of long-term corporate prosperity. Companies all over the globe have
realized the immense importance of good performance management tool and the growth of
performance management software over the last decade has been phenomenal.

Performance Management Software – A Miraculous Platform

Performance is prime – if your company’s employees are not performing to the best of their
ability, you are missing a vast pool of untapped resources. Make sure to invest in an excellent
system for your organization to reap a vast amount of diverse advantages. There are tons of
performance management suites available in the market today – make sure that you conduct a
careful research and buy a software package most suitable to your company needs.

Most suites are also highly personalized and customizable; hence, you can purchase the
modules according to your individual business model. A cost-effective and highly affordable
performance management solution is without a doubt the future of human resource
technology and they are the best way to align your organization on to the fast track of

Human resource is the best investment for long-term corporate results – do not shy away
from implementing a top-class system as your organization will definitely witness a radical
transformation in efficiency, productivity, and workflow management.

Businesses globally are severely impacted by the cost of corporate frauds and regulatory non-
compliance. Even isolated incidents have resulted in severe loss of stakeholder confidence.

The results of our recently completed fraud and compliance survey suggest that while there
has been an increased focus on fraud prevention and regulatory compliance in the last five
years, some companies still don’t see the benefits. To a large extent this seems to be the
outcome of:

Dispersed set of controls in processes, which make it difficult to enforce them and check

Low awareness among employees of the regulatory compliance requirements. Employees

across the organisations surveyed believe that stronger regulatory action is required to check
fraud and improve compliance. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the economic downturn appears to
have had a significant impact on people’s expectations of regulators.

role of IT
Over the last 15-20 years, organisations in India have been enabling core business process
through IT and then moving over to enabling management dashboards or decision support

Use of IT in terms of transforming audit and controls was minimal and, in most cases, was
limited to the IT department providing relevant reports to auditors. In the past decade many
IT-based Governance, Risk and Compliance solutions have been deployed to address this
hitherto largely untouched but important area of an organisation’s functioning. The entire
model of fraud governance and internal audit will change from ‘detect and react’ mode to
‘prevent and pro-act’.

When implemented right, GRC solutions provide the following benefits:

Improved visibility across risk initiatives, thresholds, and appetites;

Fewer risk and compliance violations with automated monitoring of key indicators;

Reduced unauthorised access risk with centralised monitoring and management;

Minimised impact and duration of risk and fraud events;

Decreased cost and effort of compliance.

However, organisations must treat the implementation of such solutions at par with, if not
more than, the core IT transformation or business transformation.

The implementation may not achieve the stated objective if it is not dovetailed into the
overall ‘risk and controls’ agenda of the organisation. It also requires the following:

Involve the right stakeholders — Apart from the IT team, the involvement of key business
and audit representatives, risk officers, and external and internal auditors is crucial to success.
If treated as merely an IT product implementation, other departments are not likely to own
the solution;

Select the right product — There are many GRC products in the market with varied
capabilities. The key lies in selecting one that can integrate seamlessly with existing systems,
and has the roadmap and strength to scale up as the organisation grows;

Change management — A ‘control conscious’ culture is essential to maximise benefits out

of any GRC initiative. This calls for an extensive change management programme along with
the GRC initiative.

IT enablement cannot prevent all frauds, but it can surely make it difficult to commit one by
enabling early warning systems and robust prevention and detection mechanisms. The idea of
IT enablement in the area of compliance and frauds is essentially to enforce a culture of
control awareness and reduce cost as a by-product.

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