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Dynamic Analysis of Cage

Behavior in a Tapered
Tomoya Sakaguchi
Roller Bearing
A three-dimensional dynamic simulation analysis of a tapered roller bearing was per-
Kazuyoshi Harada formed using commercially available software. Without cage pocket shape simplification,
e-mail: the dynamic motion of the cage and rollers was calculated in six degrees of freedom. The
motion of the cage and rollers was measured experimentally to verify the analysis. Under
R&D Center, all axially loaded conditions, cage whirl was analytically predicted and experimentally
NTN Corporation, confirmed. Whirl amplitude increased as the inner-ring rotational speed and axial-load
066, Higashikata, magnitude increased. The maximum whirl amplitude reached the radial clearance be-
Kuwana, Mie 511-8678, Japan tween a roller and its pocket. Under combined load conditions, the cage also whirled.
However, the whirl amplitude was smaller than only under axial load. Load distribution
due to the addition of radial load to axial load equalized roller distribution. Equally
distributed rollers limited the cage’s movable distance to circumferential clearance be-
tween a roller and its pocket. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.2197527兴

Keywords: dynamics, simulation, cage, tapered roller bearing

1 Introduction In this report, the dynamic simulation tool for cylindrical roller
bearings in two dimensions has been extended into a dynamic
Design of an advanced cage for a rolling bearing should be
simulation tool for a tapered roller bearing in three dimensions.
based on understanding of the interaction forces on the cage.
The purpose of focusing on a tapered roller bearing is that the
However, these cage interactions are affected by the dynamic be- torque of this type of bearing is smaller than that of a ball bearing
haviors of the rolling elements and the cage itself. The only prac- under fully lubricated conditions, as reported by Houpert 关6兴, so
tical method to solve this problem is a dynamic analysis of the tapered roller bearings are expected to come into wider use.
rolling bearing, which can numerically simulate the transient be- In 1989 Gupta 关4兴 conducted a sophisticated dynamic simula-
haviors and the interactions of the cage and the rollers. tion of tapered roller bearings in six degrees of freedom. However,
Dynamic analyses for rolling bearings need a high level of cal- as mentioned above, Gupta’s analysis for tapered roller bearings
culation to numerically integrate the equations of motion due to also limits the pocket to a simple trapezoidal shape. Later, Cretu et
the large load being applied to a lightweight rolling element. In al. researched tapered roller bearing performance with their own
the 1960s, Jones 关1兴 conducted quasi-dynamic analyses, where a dynamic analysis tool, however the tool omits the translational
portion of rolling element motion is analyzed as a statics problem. motions of the cage 关7兴.
Later, in the 1980s, Gupta 关2兴 conducted fully dynamic analyses The purpose of this report is to describe how the cage behavior
of rolling bearings using six degrees of freedom. In the 1990s, of a tapered roller bearing is determined by using a dynamic simu-
Wensing 关3兴 introduced global elastic deformation of the outer lation tool capable of describing its pocket as designed, with no
ring, its housing, and the shaft into the dynamic analysis of a simplification, and in addition, to validate the dynamic analysis by
spindle system consisting of two ball bearings, two housings, and comparison with actual measurements of cage behavior.
a shaft, but this analysis neglected the cage. Consequently, the This analysis can simulate roller skewing. However, this report
rolling element behaviors in Wensing’s simulation are limited to did not address it because it was not measured using the test
statics or kinematics. apparatus.
Only Gupta 关2,4兴 has conducted a dynamic analysis of cage
behavior for a rolling bearing without omission of its component
degrees. However, the pocket shape in Gupta’s simulation is lim-
ited to simple geometry so that implementation of the real pocket
shape of a mass-produced cage requires modification of the simu- 2 Measuring Method
lation source code. Table 1 shows the tested bearing and its operating conditions.
We have developed a dynamic simulation tool for rolling bear- The cage behavior was measured under both axial and combined
ings, which can simulate cage transient motion using six degrees loads while the inner ring was rotating at one of three constant
of freedom and represent the mass-produced pocket shape. As a speeds. As shown in Fig. 1, this experimental apparatus can fix the
first step, we built a dynamic simulation tool for cylindrical roller axial position of the sample inner ring, and apply axial and radial
bearings in two dimensions in the radial plane 关5兴 using the multi- loads to the outer ring. The axial load is applied to the housing of
body dynamic analysis software, MSC.ADAMS 共MSC. Soft- the outer ring through six oil-pistons using external pressurized
ware兲. “MSC.ADAMS” has powerful numerical integration and oil. Under the combined axial and radial loads, a distribution of
visualization features. The numerically simulated cage behavior the oil pressure to the pistons is able to reduce the resultant mis-
correlates with measured behavior 关5兴. alignment of the outer ring due to the radial load to less than
1 / 4000.
Under the combined load, if the load distribution factor ␧ is set
Contributed by the Tribology Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF
TRIBOLOGY. Manuscript received August 9, 2005; final manuscript received March 4,
less than 1, where some of the rollers are unloaded, the outer ring
2006. Review conducted by Liming Chang. Paper presented at the World Tribology moves to the left in Fig. 1, which is relatively far, as compared to
Congress III 共WTC2005兲, September 12–16, 2005, Washington, DC. the measurement distance of the displacement sensors. This is due

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Table 1 Test bearing and test conditions

Bearing type Equivalent of 30310UP5

共Bore ⫻O.D.⫻Width, mm兲 共␾50⫻ ␾110⫻ 29.25兲
Number of rollers 12
C r, N 107,000
Lubrication Air-oil lubrication
with ISO VG100 turbine-oil
Rotational speed, rpm 1000, 2000, 3000
Axial load ratio Fa / Cr 共Fa , N兲 0.02 共1230兲, 0.05 共3080兲, 0.08 共4930兲
␧ under combined load 共Fr , N兲 2.72 共2780兲, 1.49 共5530兲, 1.27 共8380兲
关Fa / Cr = 0.08兴
Outer ring temperature, °C 60± 1 Fig. 3 Clearance between a roller and cage

to a slight compressibility of the oil in the axial loading oil-

pressure circuit. Consequently, the load distribution factor ␧ can-
not be selected as less than one. 3 Dynamic Analysis Model
Figure 2 shows the sensor positions and the coordinate system, In order to numerically integrate the equations of motion on
which conforms to the right-hand rule. Gravity acts in the nega- “MSC.ADAMS,” one must describe the components and their in-
tive y direction. The cage motion on the radial x-y plane is mea- teraction forces. Below are the assumptions and an outline of the
sured by four eddy current displacement sensors located on the calculation methods to describe the interactions used in this analy-
outside of the cage, spaced 90 deg apart. Four additional sensors, sis.
mounted in the axial direction, measure translational and angular
displacements of the cage. Therefore, the cage was designed to 3.1 Assumptions
have the large end rail as a target for the sensors. To suppress • The rollers and cage each has six degrees of freedom.
geometrical imperfections around the pocket, this cage was made • The inner ring has a given rotational angular displace-
on a lathe rather than stamping, which is used to produce mass- ment at a constant velocity and translational displace-
production cages. The cage guide clearance against one roller was ments corresponding to the applied load. It has no de-
0.25 mm in the radial direction, that is Cpr in Fig. 3, and 0.12 mm grees of freedom.
in the circumferential direction, that is Cpc in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3, the • The outer ring is fixed in space.
cage center is corresponding to the outer ring center and the roller • Gravity is considered.
large end is touching its cage pocket surface. • Each part is rigid, but local elastic contact can exist at
their geometrical interferences.
• Interaction distribution between the roller and raceway is
evaluated by the slice technique.
• The friction force between the roller and raceway is de-
termined by considering both oil film and asperity con-
tact factors, and if the film is in the piezoviscous-elastic
hydrodynamic lubrication mode, EHL rolling resistance
关8兴 is introduced 共Fig. 4兲.
• Interaction between the roller large end and inner ring
back face rib acts only on the maximum interference
point. Friction force is calculated similar to that on the
raceway except for the rolling resistance due to sliding
contact 共Fig. 4兲.
• Boundary lubrication conditions are considered at any
time on the contact between the roller and cage pocket
共Fig. 4兲. Rolling surface contact distribution is evaluated
by the slice technique. Additionally, the roller end sur-
Fig. 1 Experimental apparatus
face contact force acts only on the maximum interference

The structural strength of the cage will be less than those of

roller and races. However, in this study we assumed the cage to be
3.2 Roller/Race Way. The interference vector ␦ at each slice
of the roller is calculated by using Gupta’s method 关2,4兴. The
contact force vector q is given by Eq. 共1兲, which is based on the
Palmgren solution,

q = 0.356E⬘Nsl−1/9l8/9␦10/9 共1兲

The friction coefficient is calculated in each lubrication mode,

which is determined by the oil film parameter ⌳ range, as in the
Fig. 2 Schematic of the bearing and the sensors following:

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Fig. 4 Interactions considered in this analysis

冦 冧
␮bd if ⌳ ⬍ 0.01 The friction coefficient ␮hd under the hydrodynamic lubrication
␮bd − ␮hd mode 共⌳ ⬎ 1.5兲 is given by a simple, theoretical traction model
␮r = 共⌳ − 1.5兲6 + ␮hd if 0.01 艋 ⌳ ⬍ 1.5 developed by Muraki-Kimura 关13兴. They consider a thermal re-
共0.01 − 1.5兲6 duction effect, however we neglect it to simplify the model.
␮hd if 1.5 艋 ⌳ Hence, an isothermal traction model was assumed. The introduced
traction model is briefly described in Eqs. 共7兲–共9兲. Furthermore,
this model can be applicable in an isoviscous condition. There-
The oil film parameter ⌳ is based on the central film thickness hc. fore, we applied this traction model to the isoviscous-rigid regime
The central film thickness hc is given by each hydrodynamic even though it has inconsistency on the surface shape treatment,
lubrication mode 共piezoviscous-elastic by Pan and Hamrock
关9兴/isoviscous-rigid by Martin 关10兴兲 as shown in Eq. 共3兲. The ef- Xc 艌 2:S̄ = Diso/⌺iso 共7兲
fect of thermal growth at the entrainment region on the film thick-
ness is introduced by a thermal reduction factor ␾T 关11兴. The Xc ⬍ 2:S̄ = sinh−1 ⌺iso兵1 − 共Diso/4⌺iso兲sinh−1 ⌺iso其 共8兲
isoviscous-rigid regime is mainly intended for use in contacts be-
tween the rollers and outer ring within an unloaded zone. Here,
the two hydrodynamic lubrication modes are determined by com- ␮hd = ␶0S̄/P̄ 共9兲
parison between their central film thicknesses, and this also de- As shown in Eq. 共2兲, the friction coefficient under the mixed
cides whether the EHL rolling resistance 关8兴 is introduced or not, lubrication mode is calculated by a smooth interpolation of ⌳ with
coefficients ␮bd and ␮hd under boundary and hydrodynamic lubri-

再 冎
which is described later,
␾T · hc,PE if hc,PE ⬎ hc,IR cation modes 共Fig. 6兲.
hc = 共3兲 The EHL rolling resistance is given by Eq. 共10兲, which is a
␾T · hc,IR otherwise regression formula of numerical calculation results done by Zhou
and Hoeprich 关8兴. The force vector of this rolling resistance con-
hc,PE = 2.922 W−0.166 U0.692 G0.47Re 共4兲 forms to the reverse direction of the mean velocity vector of the
contact points,
hc,IR = 4.9 UW−1Re 共5兲

冦 冧
29.2 Rel共GU兲0.648W0.246
The friction coefficient ␮bd under the boundary lubrication 共⌳ ␾T if hc,PE ⬎ hc,IR
⬍ 0.01兲 shown in Eq. 共2兲 is given by Eq. 共6兲, which is a modified FEHLr = ␣0
function of Kragelskii’s friction model 关12兴 as shown in Fig. 5. 0 otherwise
The differences are that sliding velocity is replaced with slide-roll 共10兲
ratio and a friction coefficient at zero velocity is set to zero, be-
cause we addressed not sliding but rolling contact with some slid-
␮bd = 共− 0.1 + 22.28s兲exp共− 181.46s兲 + 0.1 共6兲

Fig. 5 Friction coefficient model under boundary lubrication

mode with respect to slide-roll ratio Fig. 6 Effect of oil film parameter on friction coefficient

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Fig. 7 Schematic of cage pocket

From above, the contact, friction, and EHL rolling resistance

forces can be calculated on each slice of the roller. The resultant
moments can also be calculated by using the vector product of the
forces and their contact positions on each slice. The summation of
all the interaction forces and moments act on the roller.
3.3 Roller Large End/Inner Ring Back Face Rib. Rollers
contacting both raceways generally contact the inner ring back
face rib. Only contact and friction forces are introduced into this
interaction. The EHL rolling resistance is neglected because a
viscous shear force is thought to be much larger than the EHL
rolling resistance under a rolling contact with a slide-roll ratio of
about 30%.
The large end of the roller is spherical and the inner ring back
face rib is a cone. Hence, their contact yields an elliptical contact
area on their surfaces. All of the interactions in this contact ellipse
are assumed to act on the maximum interference point because the
major axis of the ellipse is much shorter than the contact length
between the rollers and raceways.
Hertz’s elliptical contact theory is applied in order to calculate
the contact force from the interaction, which is the maximum
interference. The friction coefficient is determined by the same
method as it is for the contact between the rollers and raceways.
However, an oil film thickness is calculated with the formulae for
point contact by Brew et al. 关14兴 in the isoviscous-rigid regime
and by Chittenden et al. 关15兴 in the piezoviscous-elastic regime, as
Fig. 8 Measured cage center loci under axial load conditions.
shown in Eqs. 共11兲–共13兲,

再 冎
„a… Various velocities „Fa = 0.05Cr…. „b… Various axial loads
␾T · hc,PE if hc,PE ⬎ hc,IR „3000 rpm….
hc = 共11兲
␾T · hc,IR otherwise

hc,PE = 4.31U0.68G0.49W−0.073关1 − exp共− 1.23k2/3兲兴Re 共12兲 from the maximum interference points, and the boundary lubrica-
tion model is assumed due to the large roughness of the pocket

hc,IR = 128␣r 0.131 tan−1 冉冊
+ 1.683 册冉 冊

Re 共13兲

4 Test Results
3.4 Roller Small End/Inner Ring Front Face Rib. When a 4.1 Under Axial Load. The cage center loci on the radial
roller is in the unloaded zone, the roller contact with the inner ring plane under axial load conditions, while varying the rotational
front face rib may occur. Therefore, these contacts must be velocity and the load magnitude, are shown in Fig. 8. The cage
introduced. center under each operating condition did whirl; that is, the cage
The interaction is assumed to act on only their maximum inter- center turned about the center axis of the bearing with a certain
ference point, as previously described. The friction force is deter- radius at its rotating velocity on the radial plane.
mined using the boundary lubrication model, because they contact From Fig. 8, the radius of the cage center locus tends to in-
at the edge of their surfaces. crease with both an increase of the rotational speed and axial load.
The magnitude of the radius of the whirl motion reached approxi-
3.5 Roller Rolling Surface/Cage Pocket. Interactions be-
mately one, especially in the x direction in Fig. 8共b兲. This shows
tween the roller surface and cage pockets, which is the hatched
that the maximum whirl radius nearly corresponds to the radial
flat plane in Fig. 7, is calculated by using the slice technique
clearance between the roller and cage pocket.
similar to the contact between the roller and raceways. Due to the
Axial displacement of the cage is shown in Fig. 9. The axial
large roughness of the pocket surface, the friction force is calcu-
displacement is normalized by the axial clearance between the
lated by the boundary lubrication model. The pocket surface has
roller and cage pocket and is defined as zero if the cage gets
limited area, so an algorithm to treat the surface edges is added.
contact with the roller large end. Although the axial displacement
3.6 Roller End/Cage Pocket. The roller large and small ends increases with increasing rotational velocity, the displacement is
are a sphere and a plane, respectively. The contacting surfaces of less than 15% of the axial clearance.
cage pocket are planes. In addition, treatment of the surface edges Rotational displacement of the cage is shown in Fig. 10. ␪x and
is required. ␪y in Fig. 10 represent rotational angles of the cage about the x
First, the maximum interference points of contact on the edge and y axes in Fig. 2. Although high frequency signals stand out in
line and the sphere are computed. The interaction forces on the Fig. 10共b兲, the rotational displacements have a fundamental har-
roller are then calculated as the sums of the interactions resulting monic wave equal to the cage rotational frequency. With respect to

Journal of Tribology JULY 2006, Vol. 128 / 607

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Fig. 9 Measured cage axial motion under axial load condition
„Fa = 0.05Cr…

the slant direction of this fundamental harmonic wave, when the

cage center is located toward positive y, rotation ␪x becomes
negative. In other words, the cage slants in order to fix its conical
center to the conical center of the outer ring. Hence, under a large
axial load, the cage rotates around the bearing center axis keeping
a constant slant angle and direction against the bearing center
4.2 Under Combined Load. Figure 11 shows the cage center
loci on the radial plane under combined axial and radial load
conditions at various velocities and load distribution factors. The
effect of varying the velocity and the load distribution factor on
the cage center loci is insignificant, as shown in Fig. 11.
However, the loci under the combined load show a smaller
whirl radius than that under the axial load shown in Fig. 8. All the
rollers are loaded under this combined load condition; neverthe-
less the addition of radial loads reduces the cage whirl radius.

5 Analysis Results
Calculated data were arranged for a period of 0.5 s after the
cage behavior became stable in each operating condition.

Fig. 11 Measured cage center loci under combined load con-

ditions „Fa = 0.08Cr…. „a… Various velocities „␧ = 1.49…. „b… Various
load distribution factors ␧„2000 rpm….

This calculation required about 1 h to numerically simulate one

revolution of the inner ring of this tapered roller bearing using an
Intel Xeon 3 GHz processor.
The numerically simulated cage also whirled under most oper-
ating conditions, as did the measured cage.
5.1 Under Axial Load. Figure 12 shows the cage center loci
on the radial plane under axial load conditions at various veloci-
ties and axial loads. As the velocity increased, the radius of the
cage whirl increased. This tendency corresponds to the measured
loci in Fig. 8共a兲. Interaction between the rollers and cage at
3000 rpm is much higher than that at 1000 rpm as shown in Fig.
13, where the both interactions are in stable cage behavior condi-
tions. This interaction rise causes the whirl amplitude to increase.
However, in comparison between the simulated and measured loci
in Figs. 12共a兲 and 8共a兲, loci at the 1000 and 2000 rpm velocities
do not correspond well. This disagreement is thought to depend on
traction force estimation errors between rollers and races. The
0.05 Cr load is a magnitude at which transitional behavior of the
Fig. 10 Rotational displacement of cage under axial load con- cage can be observed. Hence, some geometrical imperfection of
ditions. „a… Fa = 0.02Cr, 1000 rpm. „b… Fa = 0.08Cr, 3000 rpm. rollers in the experiment would cause unexpected traction force

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Fig. 14 Effect of axial load on spacing angles between adja-
cent 5 rollers under axial load conditions „3000 rpm…. „a… Fa
= 0.02Cr. „b… Fa = 0.08Cr.

under the light load move toward their orbital directions by re-
ceiving the cage weight, so the rollers cannot give excitation
forces of whirl motion to the cage.
The numerical simulated cage loci under 0.02 Cr load in Fig.
12共b兲 have a smaller radius of whirl motion than the measured
loci in Fig. 8共b兲. However, a numerical simulated cage locus with
roller diameter variation of 1 ␮m under 0.02 Cr increases in the
whirl amplitude as shown in Fig. 15, where the simulated bearings
under the other load conditions have no roller diameter variation.
In comparing the cage center loci between Figs. 8共b兲 and 15, the
trend of the cage loci corresponds well, even though there is still
a small discrepancy between the cage loci amplitude in the 0.02
Cr loads.
With respect to the axial displacement and the rotational dis-
placements of the cage, numerical simulation results corresponds
well to the measurements.
Fig. 12 Numerical simulated cage center loci under axial load 5.2 Under Combined Load. Figure 16 shows the numerical
conditions. „a… Various velocities „Fa = 0.05Cr…. „b… Various axial cage center loci under the combined axial and radial load. In
load „3000 rpm…. comparison with the cage center loci under axial load, the loci

and it would change the cage behavior like this.

Figure 12共b兲 shows the cage center loci under various axial
loads. The cage whirl amplitude becomes large under axial loads
of more than 0.05 Cr. However, the cage under 0.02 Cr axial load
has no clear whirl motion. To reveal this phenomenon, we show
spacing angles between five adjacent rollers in Fig. 14. The spac-
ing angles under 0.02 Cr load change in the period of the cage
rotation unlike what happens under the 0.08 Cr load. The rollers

Fig. 15 Numerical simulated cage center loci under axial load

Fig. 13 Interaction force between roller and cage under axial conditions with roller diameter variation at only the 0.02 Cr load
load condition „Fa = 0.05Cr… „3000 rpm…

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Fig. 18 Angles between adjacent 5 rollers under combined
load „2000 rpm, Fa = 0.08Cr, ␧ = 1.49…

shown in Fig. 18. Equally distributed rollers limit the cage mov-
able distance as shown in Fig. 17共b兲 to the circumferential clear-
ance between roller and cage pocket, which is half the value of the
radial clearance between them as shown in Fig. 3. This mecha-
Fig. 16 Numerical simulated cage center loci under combined nism causes the loci amplitude reduction under the combined load
load „2000 rpm, Fa = 0.08Cr… as shown in Fig. 16.
Further, the reason for the equal distribution of rollers is as
follows: Rollers in the lightly loaded zone would approach the
under the combined load have a small amplitude, which corre- pocket bars behind their orbital motion. As the roller load de-
sponds to the measurement data. In addition, the effect of varying creases, EHL rolling resistance also decreases in proportion to
velocity and load rating factor on the cage center loci is insignifi- W0.246. However the required traction coefficient to the EHL roll-
cant, which corresponds well with the measured results. ing resistance increases because its normal force decreases. Con-
sequently, it yields a larger slip ratio between the roller and race-
6 Determination Mechanism of Cage Whirl Amplitude way due to the traction curve characteristic.
Under axial loads of more than 0.08 Cr, the cage whirled and 7 Conclusions
the amplitude of the cage center loci reached the pocket radial
clearance between a roller and its cage pocket. In addition, the A three-dimensional dynamic simulation analysis of a tapered
roller spacing angles were not equal as shown in Fig. 14共b兲. roller bearing was performed using commercially available soft-
Therefore, the whirl amplitude of the cage was able to reach the ware. Without cage pocket shape simplification, the dynamic mo-
larger clearance of the pocket in the radial and circumferential tion of the cage and rollers was calculated in six degrees of free-
direction because of the unequal roller distribution, as shown in dom. The motion of the cage and rollers was measured
Fig. 17共a兲. experimentally to verify the analysis. The following results were
However, under a combined load the cage center loci became obtained:
small due to the addition of radial loads to the axial load as shown 共1兲 Under all axially loaded conditions, cage whirl was ana-
in Fig. 16, despite all the rollers being loaded. lytically predicted and experimentally confirmed. Whirl
The following is the reason for the decrease of cage whirl am- amplitude increased as the inner-ring rotational speed
plitude due to the addition of the radial load: spacing angles be- and axial-load magnitude increased. The maximum
tween five adjacent rollers under combined load gradually become whirl amplitude reached the radial clearance between a
equal, 30 deg, from unequal spacing in the early duration as roller and its pocket.
共2兲 Under combined load conditions, the cage also whirled.
However, the whirl amplitude was smaller than only
under axial load.
共3兲 Load distribution due to the addition of radial load to
axial load equalized roller distribution. Equally distrib-
uted rollers limited the cage’s movable distance to cir-
cumferential clearance between a roller and its pocket.

I would like to thank many members in our company with
whom I have discussed this study.

Cr ⫽ radial basic dynamic load rating, N
Diso ⫽ isothermal Deborah number
G ⫽ dimensionless material parameter ␣0E⬘
E⬘ ⫽ equivalent elastic modulus, Pa
Fa ⫽ axial load, N
FEHLr ⫽ rolling resistance of EHL film, N
hc ⫽ central film thickness, m
k ⫽ 1.03␣r2/␲
Fig. 17 Cage movable distances with unequal or equal distri- k⬘ ⫽ thermal conductivity of lubricant, W / 共mK兲
butions of rollers. „a… Unequal distribution „larger movement…. Lt ⫽ ␩0␤ū2 / k⬘
„b… Equal distribution „smaller movement…. l ⫽ width of a slice of roller, m

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Nsl ⫽ number of slices diving a roller PE ⫽ piezoviscous-elastic mode
Pmax ⫽ maximum contact pressure, Pa
q ⫽ contact force in a slice of roller, N
Re ⫽ equivalent radius, m References
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