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Logan Bateman

EDU 202

Professor Shkorupa

Roster #2

1 December 2019

Observed Teacher: Mrs. Lane

Observed School: Northwest Career and Technical Academy

Field Experience Assignment #1-Become Familiar with the School

1. Observe and Record

a. What procedures teachers follow during bus and playground duties; and/or Jr/Sr High
differences? (Parking lot, between classes, assemblies, assigned/voluntary duties

During her prep period my teacher, Mrs. Lane, will spend her time grading papers or prepping
her lessons for the rest of the day. She teaches sections in both English 12 and English
Comprehension, so she teaches different lessons to different classes over the course of her week.
During passing period she will stand in the hall and greet students as they walk into class and
answer any questions that students may have. I also noticed that during the opening and closing
of the school, teachers and administrators will be seen either patrolling the halls or keeping an
eye on the student parking lot. Many administrators are seen directing traffic and speaking to
students in the parking lot outside.

b. What, if any, are the procedures and/or expectations for student behavior in the
lunchroom, halls, library, and computer lab, other...?

In the lunchroom, students getting hot lunch are expected to file in orderly lines at the cafeteria
counter. Administrators and hall monitors patrol the lunchroom to make sure student behavior
does not get out of hand. Staff expect students to remain orderly and to keep their eating spaces
clean. If staff notices any food being thrown or students who are walking away without cleaning
up their area, they will make sure to remind students to clean up after themselves. Students in the
halls follow similar rules when it come to not littering and that the halls are not a place to being
standing around or horsing around. Staff always encourages students to keep the flow moving
and to hurry to their next class. Though you will find the occasional student speaking to a teacher
standing outside their door. The school library, like any other library, is meant to be a quiet place
for students to work. This center also stands as the student computer lab. There is almost always
a class renting out the many desktop computers available, so the library has some sort of
teaching staff ever-present. The library is meant to be a quiet and focused area with a bit of
lounge space and couches for students to spend their down time. Students are made aware that
the use of the library and its many facilities are a luxury which can be easily taken away if

c. Who are the specialists? What do they do? Where are their rooms (offices)?

Most of the specialists, from the technology specialist who doubles as the librarian to the special
education specialists, are spread far out across the school. Some have offices in the library while
others stick in the administrative zone. The technology specialist helps integrate and practices
with new technology and gives many presentations to staff and students. There is also a specialist
in the graphics department who has a large room and lots of equipment all to himself. He helps
teachers and students alike with printing, designing, and many other creative projects. He helps
create bulletin boards and teachers go there to print all assignments they might have. The other
technology specialists who fix any broken technology have a shoot-off office near the cafeteria.
The sanitation engineers have workspace near the cafeteria as well.

2. Familiarize yourself with the School District Handbook (not to be confused with the
handbook for students and parents) which outlines school wide rules and policies. If you
can secure a copy of the Student/Parent Handbook, do so... Be prepared to access the
District Teacher Handbook on-line because hard copy of this document is often changing.
Note: Ask the teacher, administrator, or office manager to assist you in getting the on-
line web site. Record the information to the following questions:
a. How do teachers handle an adult who wishes to take a child home early?

Any adult who is trying to take a child home early must first arrive at the front office. There they
will digitally sign in and then they will check out their student digitally as well. The office
worker or office manager will double check the information and make sure that they are allowed
to pick up the child by checking their I.D. An office aid will then grab a pass written by the
office worker and retrieve a student for their classroom. It is common practice for the student’s
teacher to provide them some semblance of help or work for the day that they can take with them
in their way out.

b. What are the “fire drill” procedures?

Fire Drill Procedures:

1. Check for evidence of a fire first to make sure it is real. An

announcement will play of the intercom if it a real fire
2. Make sure there is no evidence of violence.
3. Begin evacuation procedure, following the fire exit routes
displayed around the classroom.
4. On your way out grab the folder containing your class number
for attendance purposes.
5. Once the class has evacuated the teacher will take roll and
check for missing students.
6. If there is no evidence of fire the teacher will begin hard
lockdown procedures.
7. If the alarm sounds for three minutes or if the class receives an
evacuation notice, then the class will evacuate.

c. What are the “shelter in place” procedures?

Hard Lockdown Procedures:

1. Secure location behind a locked door

2. Turn off the lights
3. Cover windows
4. Students move to a wall away from the windows
5. Get to a duck and cover position
6. Ensure care for special needs students
7. Remain calm and silent
8. Conduct staff and accountability form via credibility report
google form
9. Teacher takes evasive action
10. Do not admit ANYONE to the classroom
11. Remain in place until told to evacuate, do not leave for fire
12. Refer media inquiry to communication coordinator
d. Do teachers have a first aid kit available in the classroom? What are the universal
There is some type of first aid kit in every classroom, whether it be in the teacher’s desk or on
the wall somewhere. Universal precautions include safety videos that every educator must watch
as well as other development training videos for the teacher provided by the school district to
help prepare them for emergency situations.
e. List ONE thing that was of the most interest to you as you reviewed the teacher

Over the course of my reading I found a section about staffing allowances in schools. I found it
interesting to read about how different schools get different numbers of staff. The section
covered how many staff members were assigned to small schools, new schools, large schools,
and the different grade levels of the education system.

3. Schools are considered a part of the community. Investigate how the school invites the
community to participate in school activities.
a. What types of extracurricular activities occur on the school grounds?

There a variety of clubs and extracurricular activities at Northwest Career and Technical
Academy. Various clubs include DECA (a business and marketing club), The Black Student
Union, Student Council, Future Educators of America Club, HOSA (the medical club), as well as
many others. These clubs also participate in many school events like dances or festivals. Student
Council puts on a fair with booths for each club to kick off every dance they do.

b. Does the school share a “partnership” with the community? (i.e. business
such as: McDonalds, Applebee’s have programs as partners in education with
some schools.) What do the partnerships entail; what benefit to the school and
students does the partnership have?

The school has had a few partnerships. Raising Canes Chicken is one example. However, many
clubs get their own individual sponsors around the community to raise money or to host events.
Dairy Queen is another example. They will help clubs fundraise by donating part of their sales
on a night of business and will sometimes provide food. At various school festivals and dances,
sometime businesses will sponsor them and provide food there as well. The business can get
good publicity and, at times, increased sales. The school can also get some financial benefits and
raises students and club morale.

c. How do parents participate as partners in the schools?

Parents participate in the school in a variety of ways. There is a PTA and parents and staff
maintain a close method of communication. I was lucky enough to observe on a very particular
day of parent-school cooperation. I observed the Bring Your Parent to School Day. Students are
able to invite their parents into the school and observe them as they go through their daily
schedule. This allows parents to see what their children are doing in their classes and gives the
opportunity for teachers and parents to meet.

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