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Logan Bateman
EDU 202

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Lesson Plan

Objective: To identify the levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and to discuss the importance
of said needs in the context of education so that the students will be able to gain a higher
understanding of the material covered.

 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs PowerPoint
 Maslow’s Hypothetical Handouts
 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs-202 Kahoot

● The teacher will begin with a PowerPoint presentation
○ Slide 1 – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
○ Slide 2 – Who is Maslow?
○ Slide 3 – What is Maslow’s Hierarchy
○ Slide 4 – The Hierarchy
○ Slide 5 – Physiological
○ Slide 6 – Safety
○ Slide 7 – Love and Belonging
○ Slide 8 – Esteem
○ Slide 9 – Self-Actualization
○ Slide 10 – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs on ‘Up’
○ Activity: The teacher will then conduct a brief discussion about
how Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs pertains to education through the following
■ Can everyone see how students might not being
able to focus on school depending on what level of Maslow’s Hierarchy
they are currently on?
■ How might a student failing to even meet their
physiological needs struggle in school and affect them as students?
■ Can the other levels affect students just as much?
● State objective: The teacher will then explain the importance of Maslow’s Hierarchy and
that, over the course of the lesson, that the students will be able to discuss and identify
the different levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs so that they will be able to implement
them in their future lives.

 The teacher will then begin the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs-202 Kahoot game.
 This game will be used to assess the students’ understanding of Maslow’s Hierarchy of

Outline for Lesson Plan:

Slide 1
● Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
● By: Logan Bateman
Slide 2
 An American psychologist who developed a Hierarchy of Needs based on the needs and
motivation of humans
 Felt that Freud and Skinner focused too much on the negative
 Focused on the potential and creativity of people
Slide 3
 A psychological motivation theory
 Comprised of five tiers
 Physiological needs
 Safety Needs
 Love and Belonging
 Esteem
 Self-Actualization
 Needs at the bottom must be met before someone can advance
Slide 4
 Maslow’s Hierarchy is arranged in a pyramid with basic needs starting at the bottom.
Slide 5
 Basic biological needs
 All needs are secondary before these needs are met
 Examples: Food, shelter, clothing, and sleep
Slide 6
 Being in and living in a safe environment
 This is the second level of Maslow’s Hierarchy and come directly after physiological
needs are met
 Examples: Stability, freedom, law, and security
Slide 7
 Feelings of belongness and the cultivation and interpersonal relationships
 These needs of social belonging are said to motivate human behavior
 Examples: Friendship, trust, intimacy, acceptance, and the giving and receiving of
Slide 8
 Esteem for oneself
 Examples: Dignity, achievement, and independence
 The desire for reputation and respect from others
 Examples: Status and Prestige

 Maslow comments that the need for high reputations is most important to younger
children and adolescence
Slide 9
 Begins will esteem for oneself
 Self-Actualization is the process of realizing one’s own potential by seeking growth and
peak experiences
 “Finding yourself”
 A very personal process that differs greatly between people
Slide 10
Slide 11

 By clicking the link in the PowerPoint link on slide 11 the teacher will be redirected to a
Kahoot game covering the information just presented
 The teacher will then begin the game, requiring the students to navigate their way to
kahoot and, using the kahoot code, join the game.
 After the game is finished, the teacher will close the lesson by reminding the class that,
as teachers, they must be able to identify and address the different levels of Maslow’s
Hierarchy of needs in order to better interact and teach their future classes.

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