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Heritage Month Lesson Plan: Logan Bateman

Grade Level and Content Area: Fifth Grade

Heritage: Middle Eastern Month : January
Nevada State Content Standards:
➢ Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and
information clearly.
a. Introduce a topic clearly, provide a general observation and focus, and group related
information logically; include formatting (e.g., headings), illustrations, and multimedia
when useful to aiding comprehension.
b. Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other
information and examples related to the topic.
c. Link ideas within and across categories of information using words, phrases, and
clauses (e.g., in contrast, especially).
d. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the
e. Provide a concluding statement or section related to the information or explanation

● Recognize the importance of hieroglyphics and how they shaped the Egyptian culture.
● Associate hieroglyphics with modern language and distinguish between different
● Apply knowledge of hieroglyphics to create a name cartouche.
● The teacher will begin by handing out the two hieroglyphics worksheets.
● The teacher will explain that the ancient egyptians used to write using hieroglyphics.
● Next, the teacher will tell the students that hieroglyphics were read depending on which
way the symbol was facing.
● There are seven basic hieroglyphics in this lesson:
○ Water
○ Eagle
○ Weep
○ House
○ Man
○ Storm
○ Woman
● The students will now be required to begin their first worksheet where they will write their
name in hieroglyphics using the list of hieroglyphics on the worksheet.
● On the second worksheet the students will now look at the unfinished sentences on the
page and fill in the blanks with the correct hieroglyph to create a coherent sentence.
● The teacher will begin by handing out squares of cardboard to each student.
● The teacher will then explain what an Egyptian cartouche is:
○ A cartouche is a carved tablet or drawing used to bear an inscription.
○ Ancient Egyptians used these cartouches to enclose the names of
Egyptian royalty.
● The students will now begin to create their own cartouches with their own names
written on them.
● They will begin by cutting out the shape of their cartouches out of the cardboard
square, using the teachers sample as a general example.
● After the students have cut out their cartouche’s shape the teacher will hand out
one piece of yellow construction paper each.
● The students will use the cardboard cartouche to trace the same shape in yellow
● Next, the students will glue the yellow construction paper onto the cardboard with
glue sticks.
● After that, the students will take out pencils and, using a ruler, draw a rectangle
down the center connecting corner to corner.
● Next, the student will trace smaller rectangles horizontally inside their large
vertical rectangle and make one horizontal rectangle for each letter in their name.
● Inside of each of their rectangles the students will draw a hieroglyphic
representing a letter in their name in every rectangle.
● Next to each hieroglyphic the student will also write the actual letter in their
● After that, the students will trace their pencil marks in either pen or marker.
● The students may now decorate the outside of their cartouches.
● Next, the teacher will go around the classroom and help the students hole punch
the tops of their cartouches.
● After hole punching the cartouches the teacher will hand out a piece of yarn to
each student.
● The students will then run the yarn through the hole and tie it off, finishing their
● Cardboard Squares
● Yellow Construction Paper
● Ruler
● Glue
● Pencil
● Pen
● Hole Puncher
● Yarn
● Marker
● Hieroglyphics Worksheets
● The students will be assessed on the completion of their cartouche and on their use of
the correct hieroglyphics.
LEVELS OF BLOOM’S TAXONOMY FOR THIS LESSON: Check all that apply to your

_X_ Knowledge (Know) X__ Comprehension (Understand) _X_ Application


__ Analysis (Analyze) __ Synthesis (Evaluate) __ Evaluation (Create)

___X__ Level 1 __X___ Level 2 _____ Level 3 _____ Level 4

● "Elementary Programs Chapter." Elementary Programs Chapter | TSLAC. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2017.
● Soard, Lori. "Hieroglyphics Worksheets." LoveToKnow. LoveToKnow Corp, n.d.
Web. 18 Mar. 2017.

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