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Instruction Manual

Profibus DP Adapter mPDS

Instruction Manual

Profibus DP Adapter mPDS

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, Anton Paar GmbH assumes
no responsibility for technical or printing errors or omissions.

Nor is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this
instruction manual.

Anton Paar GmbH does not make a commitment to update the information in this manual. Specifications
are subject to change without notice.

All rights reserved (including translation). No part of this document may be translated, reproduced or
distributed in any form (print, photocopy, microfilm or any other process) without the prior written
permission of Anton Paar GmbH.

Trade marks may be used in this instruction manual without being marked as such. These are the
property of their respective owners and are legally protected.

Published by Anton Paar GmbH. Printed in Austria.

Copyright © 2007 Anton Paar GmbH, Graz, Austria

Contact: Anton Paar GmbH

Anton-Paar-Str. 20
A-8054 Graz / Austria - Europe
Tel: +43 316 257-0
Fax: +43 316 257-257


Date: 10.07.2007

Document number:


1 About the Instruction Manual ......................................................................................................... 9

2 Safety Instructions......................................................................................................................... 10
3 Profibus Adapter - An Overview................................................................................................... 12
4 Checking the Supplied Parts ........................................................................................................ 14
5 PROFIBUS Address Setting.......................................................................................................... 16
6 Electrical and Mechanical Installations ....................................................................................... 17
6.1 Mechanical Installation .......................................................................................................... 17
6.2 Electrical Installation .............................................................................................................. 18
6.2.1 Profibus Connection ............................................................................................... 18
6.2.2 RS232 Plug – PC/DAVIS (Data Acquisition Software, Anton Paar)....................... 19
6.2.3 mPDS Connector ................................................................................................... 20
6.2.4 Power Supply Connector........................................................................................ 20
7 Indicator LEDs................................................................................................................................ 21
7.1 Profibus LED.......................................................................................................................... 21
7.2 RS232 – DAVIS LED ............................................................................................................. 22
7.3 mPDS Connector LED........................................................................................................... 22
7.4 Power LED............................................................................................................................. 22
8 Installation of the mPDS Profibus Transmitter in a Profibus Network
(Siemens Simatic S7-300) ............................................................................................................. 23
9 Cyclical Input Data......................................................................................................................... 29
9.1 Meaning of the Bits in the Firmware Status BYTE 1/BYTE 2 ................................................ 29
9.2 Meaning of the Single Bits in the Profibus Adapter Status Byte ............................................ 31
10 Cyclical Output Data ..................................................................................................................... 32
10.1 Set the Digital Inputs of the mPDS via PLC/SPS (Profibus).................................................. 33
10.2 How to Modify Product Parameters of the mPDS.................................................................. 35
11 mPDS 1000/1100 Application Programs ...................................................................................... 36
11.1 Standard Program with DPRn Transducer (Module "1000 Standard DPRn") ....................... 36
11.1.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 36
11.1.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)........................................................................ 36
11.2 Standard Program with SPRn Transducer (Module "1000 Standard SPRn")........................ 37
11.2.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 37
11.2.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 37
11.3 Alcohol Program (Module "1000 Alcohol Program").............................................................. 38
11.3.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 38
11.3.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 39
11.4 General Concentration Polynomial (Module "1000 Conc-Polynomial") ................................. 39
11.4.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 39
11.4.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 40

A90IB33 5
11.5 Product Specific Concentration Polynomial (Module "1000 Prod-Spec-Polynom")............... 40
11.5.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 40
11.5.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 41
11.6 Extract of Wort (Module "1000 Extract-of-Wort") ................................................................... 42
11.6.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 42
11.6.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 42
11.7 Gas Density (Module "1000 Gas-Density")............................................................................ 43
11.7.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 43
11.7.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 43
11.8 Original Extract of Beer (Module "1000 O-Extr-Program") .................................................... 44
11.8.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 44
11.8.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 44
11.9 Petroleum Products (Module"1000 Petroleum-Program") ..................................................... 45
11.9.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 45
11.9.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 46
11.10 Sugar Concentration (Module "1000 Sugar-Program") ....................................................... 46
11.10.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 46
11.10.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 47
11.11 Beverages Program (Module "1000 Soft-Drinks") ................................................................. 47
11.11.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 47
11.11.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 48
12 mPDS 2000V3 Standard Program "StdApp" ............................................................................... 49
12.1 Standard Program with DPRn Transducer (Module "2000 StdApp DPRn") .......................... 49
12.1.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 49
12.1.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 49
12.2 Standard Program with SPRn Transducer (Module "2000 StdApp SPRn") .......................... 50
12.2.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 50
12.2.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 50
12.3 Standard Program with DSRn Transducer (Module "2000 StdApp DSRn") .......................... 51
12.3.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 51
12.3.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 52
13 mPDS 2000V3 Application Programs "Beer (Beermonitor, Original Extract monitor, ...)" ..... 53
13.1 Beer Monitor 2 (Module "2000 Beermon")............................................................................. 53
13.1.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 53
13.1.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 55
13.2 Original Extract Monitor (Module "2000 Oext-Mon").............................................................. 57
13.2.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 57
13.2.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 58
13.3 Extract of Wort (Module "2000 Extr-Wort") ............................................................................ 59
13.3.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 59
13.3.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 60

6 A90IB33
13.4 Mass of Extract (Module "2000 Mass-Extr") .......................................................................... 60
13.4.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 60
13.4.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 61
14 mPDS 2000V3 Application Programs "Beverages (COBRIX, CARBO ...)" ............................... 62
14.1 COBRIX (Module "2000 Cobrix")........................................................................................... 62
14.1.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 62
14.1.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 64
14.2 CARBO (Module "2000 Carbo") ............................................................................................ 65
14.2.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 65
14.2.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 66
14.3 Alcohol Program (Module "2000 Alcohol")............................................................................. 66
14.3.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 66
14.3.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 67
14.4 Alcohol in Proof (Module "2000 Proof") ................................................................................. 68
14.4.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 68
14.4.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 69
15 mPDS 2000V3 Application Programs "Chemistry/Petrochemistry" ......................................... 70
15.1 Petroleum Products (Module "2000 ASTM-Petr").................................................................. 70
15.1.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 70
15.1.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 71
15.2 Concentration Polynomial (Module "2000 Conc-Poly") ......................................................... 72
15.2.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 72
15.2.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 73
15.3 3-Component Polynomials (Module "2000 3-Comp") ............................................................ 74
15.3.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 74
15.3.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 75
15.4 Gas Density (Module "2000 Gas")......................................................................................... 76
15.4.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 76
15.4.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 76
15.5 Application Program (Module "2000 NaOH-Cl") .................................................................... 77
15.5.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 77
15.5.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 78
15.6 Application Program Module "2000 Conc-SV-P" ................................................................... 79
15.6.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 79
15.6.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 80
15.7 Application Program Module "2000 H2SO4-SO3"................................................................. 80
15.7.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 80
15.7.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 81
15.8 Application Program (Module "2000 H2SO4-D20") ............................................................... 82
15.8.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 82
15.8.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 83

A90IB33 7
15.9 3-Components Polynomials General (Module "2000 3-Comp-AI")........................................ 83
15.9.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 83
15.9.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 84
15.10 Density at Reference Temperature and Concentration Polynomials
(Module "2000 Conc-Dref").................................................................................................... 85
15.10.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 85
15.10.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 86
16 mPDS 2000V3 Application Programs "Miscellaneous (Ext-Cell...)".......................................... 87
16.1 Application Program (Module "2000 EXT-CELL") ................................................................. 87
16.1.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 87
16.1.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 88
16.2 Application Program (Module "2000 IBM-BFE") .................................................................... 88
16.2.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 88
16.2.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 89
16.3 Application Program (Module "2000 Milk-Fat")...................................................................... 90
16.3.1 Input Data............................................................................................................... 90
16.3.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)......................................................................... 91
17 Settings on the mPDS 1000/1100 for the mPDS Profibus Adapter .......................................... 92
18 Settings on the mPDS 2000V3 for the mPDS Profibus Adapter ............................................... 93
19 Settings in DAVIS When Using the mPDS Profibus Adapter..................................................... 94
20 Trouble Shooting ........................................................................................................................... 95
21 Technical Data................................................................................................................................ 97
21.1 Profibus Specifications: ......................................................................................................... 97
21.2 Maximum Line Lengths at Different Data Rates .................................................................... 97
21.3 Line Parameters .................................................................................................................... 97
21.4 Power Supply......................................................................................................................... 98
21.5 Profibus D-SUB Plug Pinning ................................................................................................ 98
21.6 Dimensions, Weight, Environmental Conditions,................................................................... 99
22 Document Numbers..................................................................................................................... 100
Appendix A: Certificate ................................................................................................................. 101
Appendix B: Application Example ............................................................................................... 102

8 A90IB33
1 About the Instruction Manual
This instruction manual informs you about the installation and the safe handling
and use of the instrument. Make sure that the instruction manual is easily
accessible to all personnel involved with the instrument. Pay special attention to
the safety instructions and warnings in the manual and on the instrument.

Symbols in this Instruction Manual

This instruction manual features the following symbols:

This symbol calls attention to the risk of accidental injuries or damage to
goods. Do not proceed until the indicated conditions for averting this threat
are fully understood and met.

This symbol calls attention to the risk of instrument damage or
measurement errors. Do not proceed until the indicated conditions for
averting this threat are fully understood and met.

This symbol calls attention to any additional information of use to the

A90IB33 9
2 Safety Instructions
• This instruction manual does not claim to address all of the safety issues
associated with the use of the Profibus Adapter and samples. It is the
responsibility of the user to establish health and safety practices and
determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

• Before using the Profibus Adapter, read this instruction manual completely.

• Anton Paar GmbH only warrants the proper functioning of the Profibus
Adapter if no unauthorized adjustments have been made to mechanical
parts, electronic parts and software, and the following points are adhered to.

• Follow all hints, warnings and instructions in the instruction manual to ensure
the correct and safe functioning of the Profibus Adapter.

• Do not use the Profibus Adapter for any purpose other than described in the
instruction manual. Anton Paar GmbH is not liable for damages caused by
incorrect use of the Profibus Adapter.

• Do not use any accessories other than those supplied or approved by Anton
Paar GmbH.

• The installation procedure should only be carried out by authorized

personnel who are familiar with the installation instructions.

• Do not operate the Profibus Adapter if a malfunction is suspected, or

damages, injuries or loss of life cannot be excluded under all circumstances.

• The Profibus Adapter is not an explosion-proof instrument and therefore

must not be operated in areas where there is a risk of explosion.

• Ensure that all operators are fully trained to use the Profibus Adapter
correctly and safely.

• Due to the nature of the measurement, the measuring results not only
depend on the correct use and functioning of the Profibus Adapter, but may
also be influenced by other factors. We therefore recommend that the
analysis results are plausibility tested before consequential actions are

• The Profibus Adapter contains electrostatic sensitive components. Prevent

damages by e.g. wearing ESD wristbands …. Protect all components
returned for repair using ESD bags.

• Strong electrostatic discharge directly into the housing may cause the
adapter to restart automatically.

• Before carrying out any service procedures, the Profibus Adapter must be
disconnected from the power source.

• Ratings for power supply and ambient conditions must not be exceeded.

10 A90IB33
• Before cleaning, the Profibus Adapter must be disconnected from the mains.
Use a dry or moistened soft cloth for cleaning. Any liquid cleaner or sprays
may harm the instrument.

• The Anton Paar transducers used in the process are often exposed to
extreme working conditions such as shock pressure, sudden changes in
temperature, aggressive samples, etc. which may cause drifts or failure.
Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to periodically check the measured
results and readjust the transducers if necessary.

• Repair and service procedures may only be carried out by authorized

personnel or by Anton Paar GmbH.

• Dispose of the Profibus Adapter according to the country-specific legal


A90IB33 11
3 Profibus Adapter - An Overview
This instruction manual describes how to install and use the mPDS Profibus
Adapter. The Profibus Adapter is always used in connection with an mPDS
(2000V3 or 1000/1100). To understand the contents of this manual it is necessary
to read the corresponding instruction manuals/application program descriptions
of the mPDS.

System requirements:

• mPDS 2000V3: Firmware version V05.00 or higher

• mPDS 1000: Firmware version 2.4 or higher
• mPDS 1100: All Firmware versions
• SPS/PLC: Profibus-DP input according to EN 50170-2, IEC
Memory 100-200 bytes (e.g. SPS S7-300)
Special software modification on PLC/SPS carried out
by the customer or system administrator himself

Application example:

12 A90IB33
Functions available via PLC/Profibus:

• Change of product number (highest priority, Davis cannot change the

product when the PLC is connected)

• Reading all measuring values

• Modification of product parameters

• Firmware error/Profibus Adapter/Application program status information

• Simulation of digital inputs

• All functions of Davis are available.

• The product selection has to be done via PLC/SPS.

A90IB33 13
4 Checking the Supplied Parts
Profibus Adapter was tested and packed carefully before shipment. However,
damage may occur during transport.

1. Keep the packaging material (box, foam piece, transport protection) for
possible returns and further questions from the transport and insurance

2. Check the delivery for completion by comparing the supplied parts to those
noted in Table 4.1.

3. If a part is missing, contact your Anton Paar representative.

4. If a part is damaged, contact the transport company and your Anton Paar

Table 4.1: Supplied Parts

Symbol Pcs. Article Description Mat. No.

1 mPDS Profibus Adapter 17811

2 Connector for power supply and mPDS (RS232)

1 Instruction manual

14 A90IB33
Table 4.1: Supplied Parts

Symbol Pcs. Article Description Mat. No.

1 CD/Disk with GSD file

1 Profibus DP 18689
connector 90° 12Mbit

1 DSUB plug 9 pins, male 54774

for Profibus adapter

1 DSUB plug 9 pins, female 55725

for PC (Davis)

1 Case for DSUB 61505

A90IB33 15
5 PROFIBUS Address Setting
Open the 6 screws fixing the front panel and carefully remove the electronic board
in order to set the Profibus address.

The electronic board is not protected against electrostatic discharge when
removed from its housing. Therefore please discharge at any grounded object
(table, etc....) before touching the board.

Fig. 5 - 1 Electronic head Profibus DP for mPDS

Referring to above figure there are 2 rotary switches on the board for setting the
address in the Profibus network in the range 00 to 99. The rotary switch "x10“ sets
the tens digit the rotary switch "X1" sets the ones digits. Note down the selected
address on the label on the front panel.

This Profibus address must match the address selected in the project in the PLC/
SPS development tool.

The default address set in the factory is "23"!

16 A90IB33
6 Electrical and Mechanical Installations

6.1 Mechanical Installation

Make sure to connect the earth screw on the rear of the adapter to a proper earth
contact in the switchboard.

The Profibus adapter is mounted with its bracket onto a rail in the switch board.
The upper part of the bracket containing a metal spring, is inserted at first and
then the adapter is pushed back and down against the rail until the bracket snaps
in. Check proper mounting by pulling horizontally.

Fig. 6 - 1 Side view

The adapter is only allowed to be mounted close to the mPDS inside the
switchboard. The connection cable between mPDS and Profibus adapter
must be less than 3 m in length.

A90IB33 17
6.2 Electrical Installation

The instructions given in this chapter are to be strictly followed. Installation

and service by authorized and qualified personnel only.

• The connection cables have to meet all local regulations and local
environmental conditions with special attention to mechanical stress.
• If cable lengths exceed 3 m use shielded cables with double insulation
only. The shield has to be grounded on one side only.
• Active signals (power supply) must be signals of SELV circuits (separated
extra low voltage) according to EN 60950.
• All signals connected to the adapter must be isolated from hazardous live
voltage: isolation voltage 4000 V r.m.s., 50/60 Hz.
• Establish a proper strain relief for all connected cables.

6.2.1 Profibus Connection

Use a standard Profibus cable to connect the mPDS Profibus Adapter to the
Typically a shielded 2 core cable is selected.

Transfer rate 9.6 kbps to 12 Mbps

The following components are recommended for the connection to the

PROFIBUS DP 90° connector 12Mbit ( 18689)

18 A90IB33
6.2.2 RS232 Plug – PC/DAVIS (Data Acquisition Software,
Anton Paar)

Fig. 6 - 2 D-SUB plug (female)

Pin No. Signal Description Input/Output

2 TXD Transmit data Output
3 RxD Receive data Input
5 DGND data ground -
Metal Case Shield Shield or PE -

Pin No. 1 (DCD), Pin 4 (DTR) and Pin 6 (DSR), as well as Pin 7 (RTS) and Pin
8 (CTS) are connected inside the mPDS Profibus Adapter to enable the
communication with a PC (Terminal) using a standard connection cable
Lines 2 and 3 of the connection cable are not crossed.

Communication parameter settings:

RS232: Baud rate 9600 bit/s, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit.The RS232 interface
is isolated.

A90IB33 19
6.2.3 mPDS Connector

The terminals „mPDS TXD“, „mPDS RXD“ and „mPDS GND“ have to be
connected to the corresponding terminals „TXD“, „RxD“ and „GND“ on the rear of
the mPDS.

Signal Meaning Input/Output

mPDS GND Data ground -
mPDS TXD Input data from mPDS Input
mPDS RXD Output data to mPDS Output

The maximum cable length is 3 m.

The connector can be removed for easier handling.

6.2.4 Power Supply Connector

+ 24V
Use a DC adapter with an output voltage of 12 ...35 V DC and a shielded 2 wire
cable. The nominal voltage is 24 V DC and the corresponding current amounts to
about 60 mA.

The terminals are protected against reverse polarity.

Make sure to connect the earth screw on the rear of the adapter to the earth of
the switch board.

• The connector can be removed for easier handling.

• The maximum cable length is 3m.

20 A90IB33
7 Indicator LEDs
Each LED is located above the plug it is related to.

Power LED

RS232-Davis LED

mPDS connector LED

Profibus LED

Fig. 7 - 1

7.1 Profibus LED

The LED indicates the status of the Profibus:

LED (green) Description

On The mPDS Profibus Adapter is exchanging data with the connected PLC/SPS
Off The mPDS Profibus Adapter doesn't exchange data with the connected PLC/SPS
(no Data-Exchange-Mode). Baud-Search is active.
blinking (1.4 Hz) The mPDS Profibus Adapter doesn't exchange data with the connected PLC/SPS
(no Data-Exchange-Mode). Baud-Search was successful.
Possible reasons: wrong Profibus address.

A90IB33 21
7.2 RS232 – DAVIS LED

This LED indicates data exchange between the adapter and the PC/DAVIS. Any
time the adapter receives data the LED is on for at least 5 seconds. Normally
whenever DAVIS is running and communicating with the mPDS this LED should
be permanently on. During start up the LED may be off for some moments.

7.3 mPDS Connector LED

This LED indicates a stable communication between mPDS and Profibus Adapter
and must be permanently on during normal operation. Otherwise there is a
communication error to the mPDS.

7.4 Power LED

The power LED indicates that the mPDS Profibus Adapter works properly, If there
is an internal error (Hardware/Firmware) this LED starts blinking and the
mPDS Profibus Adapter is reset and starts up from the beginning.

22 A90IB33
8 Installation of the mPDS Profibus
Transmitter in a Profibus Network
(Siemens Simatic S7-300)
• This chapter uses an example to describe how to integrate an mPDS
Profibus Adapter into a Profibus network with PLC/SPS.
• This example does not claim to address all the issues involved. To
completely understand the information, you need comprehensive
knowledge of the used hardware and software and the tools on the PC.
This knowledge cannot be imparted within the framework of this
instruction manual.

Every Profibus hardware and software looks different. The information and
instructions given here therefore need to be adapted to the different system

The software used in the example is "SIMATIC STEP 7 Version 5.4, Siemens for
project development".

Open a new project using the SIMATIC-Managers (project name e.g.: „mPDS“).

The next step could be, for example, to add a S7-300 station to the project.:
"Insert > Station > SIMATIC 300 – Station“

A90IB33 23
Double-click on "Hardware" to open the following window:

24 A90IB33
Use „Extras > Install new GSD file...“ to add the mPDS from the supplied CD to
the list in the right hand view. The name of the GSD file is „AP_084A.GSD“.

After this installation there should appear the following item in the right hand view:
"PROFIBUS-DP“ > "Additional field instruments“ > "General“ > "Anton Paar“ >
"mPDS“ > "mPDS Profibus Adapter“ with the application program modules.

A90IB33 25
First define a rail, then the appropriate CPU with Profibus support or a Profibus
communication device (e.g. CPU-S7-314C-2 DP), the power supply and the
parameterization of the Profibus.

The screen may look as follows:

26 A90IB33
Select the appropriate application program from the list of modules (e.g. z.B. 2000
Original Extract Monitor“) and set it to slot 1 of the mPDS Profibus Adapter. This
choice must match the settings on the mPDS otherwise a proper communication
to via Profibus is not possible.

A90IB33 27
28 A90IB33
9 Cyclical Input Data
Address Address Description Type, number Range, comment
(relative) absolute of data bits
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255 (mPDS 2000V3)
0 … 31 (mPDS 1000/1100)
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
3 Profibus-Adapter Status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error BYTE, 8 See chapter 11-16
byte (application programs)
5 reserved BYTE, 8
6 For details on input data of
the different application
programs see chapters
application programs 11 – 16.
10 ...
14 ...

Input and output data depend on the selected application program. The
details for all application programs are described in chapters 11 – 16.

9.1 Meaning of the Bits in the Firmware Status


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Firmware status BYTE 1/BYTE 2

mPDS 2000V3:

Status BYTE 1

Bit Position Meaning Error/Status message on the mPDS

1.0 The value assigned to AO#1 does not lie Invalid analog#1 output
within the entered scaling
1.1 Frequency at counter input #2 too high CNT 2 frequency too high
1.2 Frequency at counter input #1 too high CNT 1 frequency too high
1.3 No signal from the transducer Trans. Drop Out
1.4 Analog input # 1 < 0 / 4 mA Analog input #1 below threshold
1.5 Analog input # 2 < 0 / 4 mA Analog input #2 below threshold
1.6 Analog input # 3 < 0 / 4 mA Analog input #3 below threshold

A90IB33 29
1.7 Analog input # 4 < 0 / 4 mA Analog input #4 below threshold

Status BYTE 2

Bit Position Meaning Error/Status message on the mPDS

2.0 Memory error CRC error
2.1 Wrong transducer type selected Wrong PTE type
2.2 The value monitored by alarm channel 2 "X" out of range ("X" is the value
is out of the entered range. assigned to alarm channel 2)
2.3 The value monitored by alarm channel 1 "X" out of range ("X" is the value
is out of the entered range. assigned to alarm channel 1)
2.4 The value monitored by alarm channel 1 "X" too low ("X" is the value assigned
is too low to alarm channel 1)
2.5 The value monitored by alarm channel 1 "X" too high ("X" is the value assigned
is too high. to alarm channel 1)
2.6 The value assigned to AO#3 does not lie Invalid analog#3 output
within the entered scaling
2.7 The value assigned to AO#2 does not lie Invalid analog#2 output
within the entered scaling

mPDS 1000/1100:

Status BYTE 1:

Bit Position Meaning Error/Status message on the mPDS

(depends on the selected application program)
1.0 Temperature too low e.g. Warn. Temp < 0°C
1.1 Temperature too high e.g. Warn. Temp > 40°C
1.2 Error density or sound velocity e.g. Warn. Dens. invalid
1.3 Density or sound velocity too low e.g. Warn. Dens. < 0.767
1.4 Density or sound velocity too high e.g. Warn. Dens. > 1.021
1.5 Error concentration calculation e.g. Warn. Alc invalid
1.6 Concentration too low e.g. Warn. Alc < 0% w/w
1.7 Concentration too high e.g. Warn. Alc > 100% w/w

30 A90IB33
Status BYTE 2:

Bit Position Meaning Error/Status message on the mPDS

(depends on the selected application program)
2.0 Error in the application program,
see program description
2.1 Error at the calculation of density, Calc. Error
sound velocity or concentration
2.2 Calculation of temperature error -
2.3 Calculation of period error No oscillation
2.4 Error at the analog output Warn. AO Error
2.5 Error at the digital input -
2.6 Error at the analog input Warn. AI Error
2.7 No signal from the transducer Transd. Drop Out

9.2 Meaning of the Single Bits in the Profibus

Adapter Status Byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Profibus Adapter Status BYTE

Bit Position Description Comment

3.0 DAVIS online 1 ... DAVIS is active (data transfer in progress)
3.1 reserved
3.2 reserved
3.3 reserved
3.4 reserved
3.5 reserved
3.6 reserved
3.7 mPDS Communication Error Is set to "1", if the communication to the mPDS is
interrupted (e.g. cable broken)

A90IB33 31
10 Cyclical Output Data
mPDS 2000V3:

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range Comment

relative absolute
0 Product number BYTE, 8 0...255
1.0 DI1 BIT, 1
1.1 DI2 BIT, 1
1.2 DI3 BIT, 1
1.3 DI4 BIT, 1
1.4 DI1 enable BIT, 1 1 = active, 0 = set
by mPDS Input
1.5 DI2 enable BIT, 1 -„-
1.6 DI 3 enable BIT, 1 -„-
1.7 DI4 enable BIT, 1 -„-
2 Parameter 1 REAL, 32 0 = ignore
MSB,..,LSB parameter
6 Parameter 2 REAL, 32
10 Parameter 3 REAL, 32
14 Parameter 4 REAL, 32
18 Parameter 5 REAL, 32
22 Index_Param 1 BYTE, 8 0 = ignore
23 Index_Param 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
24 Index_Param 3 BYTE, 8 -"-
25 Index_Param 4 BYTE, 8 -"-
26 Index_Param 5 BYTE, 8 -"-
27.0 Acknowledge command BIT, 1 0...1 „1“ = send
(„Enter“) parameters to

mPDS 1000/1100:

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range Comment

relative absolute
0 Product number BYTE, 8 0...31
1.0 DI BIT, 1
1.1 0
1.2 0

32 A90IB33
1.3 0
1.4 DI enable BIT, 1 1 = active, 0 = set by
mPDS Input
1.5 0
1.6 0
1.7 0
2 Parameter 1 REAL, 32 0 = ignore parameter
6 Parameter 2 REAL, 32
10 Parameter 3 REAL, 32
14 Parameter 4 REAL, 32
18 Parameter 5 REAL, 32
22 Index_Param 1 BYTE, 8 0 = ignore parameter
23 Index_Param 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
24 Index_Param 3 BYTE, 8 -"-
25 Index_Param 4 BYTE, 8 -"-
26 Index_Param 5 BYTE, 8 -"-
27.0 Acknowledge BIT, 1 0...1 „1“ = send parameters
command („Enter“) to mDPS

See application program chapters for a list of product parameters and

corresponding indexes of each application program.

10.1 Set the Digital Inputs of the mPDS via PLC/SPS


The digital inputs can be set via PLC/SPS and Profibus. These are outputs for the
PLC/SPS. One byte of the output data block is used for this purpose.

Address Address Description Type, data Range Comment

relative absolute bits
1 virtual digit inputs (DI_PROFI) BYTE, 8 Digital inputs
to the mPDS

A90IB33 33
For the mPDS 2000V3 the byte DI_PROFI is defined as follows:

Address Address Description

relative absolute
1.0 DI1
1.1 DI2
1.2 DI3
1.3 DI4
1.4 DI1_EN
1.5 DI2_EN
1.6 DI3_EN
1.7 DI4_EN

DI1 through DI4 correspond to the 4 digital inputs of the mPDS 2000 and DI1_EN
through DI4_EN are "Enable"-bits, to determine whether the digital input of the
mPDS-Hardware is read or set from the cyclical data from the PLC/SPS via
Profibus. A "1" activates (Enables) the digital input of the Profibus.

E.g.: DI_PROFI = 0b0011 0101: DI1 and DI2 are read from the PLC/SPS via
Profibus, DI3 and DI4 are read from the mPDS, no matter which values are sent
via PLC/SPS through the Profibus.
DI1 = "1" and DI2 = "0".

For the mPDS 1000/1100 the byte DI_PROFI is defined as follows:

Address Address Description

relative absolute
1.0 DI1
1.1 0
1.2 0
1.3 0
1.4 DI_EN
1.5 0
1.6 0
1.7 0

The single digital input behaves like the 4 digital inputs of the mPDS 2000V3.

34 A90IB33
10.2 How to Modify Product Parameters of the mPDS

It is possible to modify the product parameters using the cyclical output data

Enter the index of the parameter first and then the value.


You want to enter new offsets for the concentration values of application program
'3-Comp' for the mPDS 2000V3. Offset1 = 0.1; Offset2 = 0.2.

The indices are:

Index Description
25 Offset for concentration 1; 'Offset1'
26 Offset for concentration 2; 'Offset2'

Modify the output data block as follows:

Address relative Value

22 25 (Byte)
2 0.1 (REAL)
23 26 (Byte)
6 0.2 (REAL)
27 1 ("Enter")

• Make sure to modify the parameter index first and the parameter value
• Each modified parameter/Index must be part of the output data block for
at least 0.1 seconds.
• Up to 30 parameters can be modified before sending and acknowledge
command ("Enter").

A90IB33 35
11 mPDS 1000/1100 Application

11.1 Standard Program with DPRn Transducer

(Module "1000 Standard DPRn")

11.1.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 31) BYTE, 8 0…31
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
3 Profibus Adapter Status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4, 5 Not used
6 Temperature in [°C] REAL, 32 Temperature
10 Density at measuring REAL, 32 Density
temperature in [g/cm³]
14 Density at reference REAL, 32 Comp-Density
temperature in [g/cm³]
18 Concentration in [%] REAL, 32 Concentration
22 Analog input REAL, 32 Analog-In
26 Digital input DI DINT, 32 Digital-In
30 Temperature in [°F] REAL, 32 Temp-Fahrenheit

11.1.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit"

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

13 Reference Temperature PARAM1
14 Density at reference temperature PARAM2
15 Temperature at measuring point 2 PARAM3
16 Density at measuring point 2 PARAM4
17 Density at reference temperature measuring PARAM5
point 1
18 Concentration at measuring point 1 PARAM6

36 A90IB33
19 Density at measuring temperature of PARAM7
measuring point 2
20 Concentration at measuring point 2 PARAM8

11.2 Standard Program with SPRn Transducer

(Module "1000 Standard SPRn")

11.2.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 31) BYTE, 8 0…31
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4, 5 Not used
6 Temperature in [°C] REAL, 32 Temperature
10 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Velocity
temperature in [m/s]
14 Sound velocity at reference REAL, 32 Comp-Svel
temperature in [m/s]
18 Concentration in [%], REAL, 32 Concentration

22 Analog input REAL, 32 Analog-In

26 Digital input DI DINT, 32 Digital-In

30 Temperature in [°F] REAL, 32 Temp-Fahrenheit

11.2.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

13 Reference Temperature PARAM1
14 Sound velocity at reference temperature PARAM2
15 Temperature at measuring point 2 PARAM3
16 Sound velocity at measuring point 2 PARAM4
17 Sound velocity at measuring temperature of PARAM5
measuring point 1

A90IB33 37
18 Concentration at measuring point 1 PARAM6
19 Sound velocity at reference temperature of PARAM7
measuring point 2
20 Concentration at measuring point 2 PARAM8

11.3 Alcohol Program (Module "1000 Alcohol


11.3.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 31) BYTE, 8 0…31
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4, 5 Not used
6 Temperature in [°C] of the connected REAL, 32 Temperature
10 Density at measuring temperature in [g/cm³] REAL, 32 Density
14 Density at 20 °C in [g/cm³] REAL, 32 Density-20
18 Alcohol concentration in [%w/w] or REAL, 32 Alcohol-%w
concentration in [Proof] if the application
parameter "Activate-Proof" = 1
22 Alcohol concentration in [%v/v] at 15 or 20 REAL, 32 Alcohol-%v
°C and H2O concentration in [%v/v] at
15.56 °C if application parameter "Activate-
Proof" = 1
26 Analog input REAL, 32 Analog-In

30 Stop Signal to "freeze" the concentration DINT, 32 Hold-Input

34 Temperature in [°F] of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-
transducer Fahrenheit

38 A90IB33
11.3.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

8 Offset for the adjustment of the alcohol Offset-%w
concentration in [%w/w]
9 Offset for the adjustment of the alcohol Offset-%v
concentration in [%v/v]

11.4 General Concentration Polynomial

(Module "1000 Conc-Polynomial")

11.4.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 31) BYTE, 8 0…31
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4, 5 Not used
6 Temperature in [°C] of the connected REAL, 32 Temperature
10 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density
14 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Velocity
temperature in [g/cm³]
18 Concentration in [%], REAL, 32 Concentration,
density/ sound velocity at reference Comp-Density,
temperature Dens-Svel-Comp
22 Analog input REAL, 32 Analog-In

26 Stop signal to "freeze" the DINT, 32 Hold-Input

concentration values
30 Temperature in [°F] of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-Fahrenheit

A90IB33 39
11.4.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

1 Offset for the adjustment of: Offset
• concentration
• density at reference temperature in [kg/m³]
• sound velocity at reference temperature in
2 Factor for the adjustment of: Gain-Factor
• concentration
• density at reference temperature in [kg/m³]
• sound velocity at reference temperature in
12 Offset for the adjustment of density at Offset
reference temperature in [g/cm³]

11.5 Product Specific Concentration Polynomial

(Module "1000 Prod-Spec-Polynom")

11.5.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 31) BYTE, 8 0…31
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4, 5 Not used
6 Temperature in [°C] of the REAL, 32 Temperature
connected transducer
10 Density at measuring REAL, 32 Density
temperature in [g/cm³]
14 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Velocity
temperature in [g/cm³]
18 Concentration in [%], REAL, 32 Concentration,
density/sound velocity at Comp-Density,
reference temperature Dens-Svel-Comp
22 Analog input REAL, 32 Analog-In
26 Stop signal to "freeze" the DINT, 32 Hold-Input
concentration values

40 A90IB33
30 Temperature in [°F] of the REAL, 32 Temp-Fahrenheit
connected transducer

11.5.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the

1 Offset for the adjustment of: Offset
• concentration
• density at reference temperature in [kg/m³]
• sound velocity at reference temperature in [m/s]
2 Factor for the adjustment of: Gain-Factor
• concentration
• density at reference temperature in [kg/m³]
• sound velocity at reference temperature in [m/s]
12 Offset for the adjustment of density at reference Offset
temperature in [g/cm³]

A90IB33 41
11.6 Extract of Wort (Module "1000 Extract-of-Wort")

11.6.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 31) BYTE, 8 0…31
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4, 5 Not used
6 Temperature of the connected REAL, 32 Temperature
transducer in [°C]
10 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density
14 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Velocity
temperature in [m/s]
18 Extract concentration in [°Plato] REAL, 32 Extract-Concentr
22 Analog input REAL, 32 Analog-In

26 Stop signal to "freeze" the DINT, 32 Hold-Input

concentration values
30 Temperature of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-Fahrenheit
transducer in [°F]

11.6.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

1 Offset for the adjustment of the extract Offset
2 Factor for the adjustment of the extract Gain-Factor

42 A90IB33
11.7 Gas Density (Module "1000 Gas-Density")

11.7.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 31) BYTE, 8 0…31
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4, 5 Not used
6 Temperature of the connected transducer in REAL, 32 Temperature
10 Density at measuring temperature in [g/cm³] REAL, 32 Density
14 Density at standard conditions in [g/cm³] REAL, 32 Standard-
18 Specific gravity related to air density REAL, 32 Specific-Gravity
22 Pressure from pressure transmitter REAL, 32 Pressure-In
connected to the analog input
26 Stop signal to "freeze" the concentration DINT, 32 Hold-Input
30 Temperature of the connected transducer in REAL, 32 Temp-
[°F] Fahrenheit

11.7.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

6 Offset for the adjustment of the density at Offset-D-ST
standard conditions in [g/cm³]
7 Offset for the adjustment of the specific gravity Offset-SG0

A90IB33 43
11.8 Original Extract of Beer (Module "1000 O-Extr-

11.8.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 31) BYTE, 8 0…31
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4, 5 Not used
6 Temperature of the connected REAL, 32 Temperature
transducer in [°C]
10 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Velocity
temperature in [m/s]
14 Original Extract in [°Plato] REAL, 32 Original Extract
18 Original Gravity REAL, 32 Original Gravity
22 CO2 concentration from transmitter REAL, 32 CO2-Concentration
connected to the analog input
26 Stop signal to "freeze" the DINT, 32 Hold-Input
concentration values
30 Temperature of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-Fahrenheit
transducer in [°F]

11.8.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

1 Offset for the adjustment of the Original Extract Offset
in [°Plato]
2 Factor for the adjustment of the Original Extract Gain-Factor
3 Offset for the adjustment of the Original Gravity Offset-OG
4 Stored CO2 value used for compensation if the CO2-stored
CO2 transmitter fails.
6 Temperature related Offset for the adjustment OExt-TC
of the Original Extract

44 A90IB33
11.9 Petroleum Products (Module"1000 Petroleum-

11.9.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data Range

relative absolute bits
0 Product number (0 … 31) BYTE, 8 0…31
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4, 5 Not used
6 Temperature of the connected REAL, 32 Temperature
transducer in [°C]
10 Density at measuring temperature REAL, 32 Density
in [g/cm³]
14 Density at 15°C or 60 °F in [g/cm³] REAL, 32 Density-15C or
18 API number at 15°C or 60 °F REAL, 32 API-15C or API-60F
22 Specific Gravity at 15 °C or 60°F REAL, 32 SG-15C or SG-60F
26 Pressure signal from transmitter REAL, 32 Pressure-AI
connected to the analog input
30 Stop signal to "freeze" the DINT, 32 Hold-Input
concentration values
34 Temperature of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-Fahrenheit
transducer in [°F]

A90IB33 45
11.9.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

1 Offset for the adjustment of the density at Offset-D-15C or
15°C or 60 °F Offset-D-60F
10 Product group according to ASTM D 1250 Product-group
(DIN 51757)

11.10 Sugar Concentration (Module "1000 Sugar-


11.10.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 31) BYTE, 8 0…31
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4,5 Not used
6 Temperature of the connected REAL, 32 Temperature
transducer in [°C]
10 Density at measuring REAL, 32 Density
temperature in [g/cm³]
14 Sugar concentration in [°Brix] REAL, 32 Sugar-Concentr
18 CO2 concentration in [g/l] or REAL, 32 CO2-concentration
22 Stop signal to "freeze" the DINT, 32 Hold-Input
concentration values
26 Temperature of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-Fahrenheit
transducer in [°F]

46 A90IB33
11.10.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

1 Offset for the adjustment of the sugar Offset-%w
2 Factor for the adjustment of the sugar Gain-factor
4 Stored CO2 value used for compensation if the CO2-stored
CO2 transmitter fails.

11.11 Beverages Program (Module "1000


11.11.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 31) BYTE, 8 0…31
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4, 5 Not used
6 Temperature in [°C] of the REAL, 32 Temperature
connected transducer
10 Density at measuring temperature REAL, 32 Density
in [g/cm³]
14 Concentration in [°Brix] or [%] REAL, 32 Concentration
18 CO2 concentration bottle value in REAL, 32 CO2-Bottle
[g/l] or [Volumes]
22 CO2 concentration inline value in REAL, 32 CO2-concentration
[g/l] or [Volumes]
26 Density at 20 °C in [g/cm³] REAL, 32 Density-20
30 Oechsle REAL, 32 Oechsle
34 Stop signal to "freeze" the DINT, 32 Hold-Input
concentration values
38 Temperature of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-Fahrenheit
transducer in [°F]

A90IB33 47
11.11.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

5 Factor for the adjustment of the sugar Gain-Brix
2 Factor for the adjustment of sugar Gain-CO2
12 Offset for the adjustment of density at 20 °C Offset-D20
4 Stored CO2 value used for compensation if CO2-stored
the CO2 transmitter fails.

48 A90IB33
12 mPDS 2000V3 Standard Program

12.1 Standard Program with DPRn Transducer

(Module "2000 StdApp DPRn")

12.1.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information below
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Temperature in [°C] REAL, 32 Temp-C
10 Density at measuring REAL, 32 Density
temperature in [g/cm³]
14 Density at reference REAL, 32 CompDens
temperature in [g/cm³]
18 Concentration in [%], REAL, 32 Conc
22 Value of analog input 1(AI#1) REAL, 32 AI#1
26 Value of analog input 2(AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
30 Value of analog input 3(AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
34 Value of analog input 4(AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4

Application program error byte not used

12.1.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit"

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

1 Reference temperature Tref
2 Density at reference temperature Dens-Tref
3 Temperature at measuring point 2 Temp1
4 Density at measuring point 2 Dens-T1

A90IB33 49
5 Density at reference temperature of Dens0
measuring point 1
6 Concentration at measuring point 1 C-Dens0
7 Density at reference temperature of Dens1
measuring point 2
8 Concentration at measuring point 2 C-Dens1

12.2 Standard Program with SPRn Transducer

(Module "2000 StdApp SPRn")

12.2.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information below
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Temperature in [°C] REAL, 32 Temp-C
10 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Vel
temperature in [m/s]
14 Sound velocity at reference REAL, 32 CompSvel
temperature in [m/s]
18 Concentration in [%], REAL, 32 Conc
22 Value of analog input 1(AI#1) REAL, 32 AI#1
26 Value of analog input 2(AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
30 Value of analog input 3(AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
34 Value of analog input 4(AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4

Application program error byte not used

12.2.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

50 A90IB33
The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

1 Reference temperature Tref
2 Sound velocity at reference temperature Svel-Tref
3 Temperature at measuring point 2 Temp1
4 Sound velocity at measuring point 2 Svel-T1
5 Sound velocity at reference temperature of Svel0
measuring point 1
6 Concentration at measuring point 1 C-Svel0
7 Sound velocity at reference temperature of Svel1
measuring point 2
8 Concentration at measuring point 2 C-Svel1

12.3 Standard Program with DSRn Transducer

(Module "2000 StdApp DSRn")

12.3.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Temperature in [°C] REAL, 32 Temp-C
10 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density
14 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Vel
temperature [m/s]
18 Concentration 1 in [%] REAL, 32 Conc1
22 Concentration 2 in [%] REAL, 32 Conc2
26 Value of analog input 1(AI#1) REAL, 32 AI#1
30 Value of analog input 2(AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
34 Value of analog input 3(AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
38 Value of analog input 4(AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4

Application program error byte not used

A90IB33 51
12.3.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

1 Coefficient for the Concentration formula 1 Param1
2 - " - Param2
3 - " - Param3
4 - " - Param4
5 Coefficient for the concentration formula 2 Param5
6 - " - Param6
7 - " - Param7
8 - " - Param8

52 A90IB33
13 mPDS 2000V3 Application Programs
"Beer (Beermonitor, Original Extract
monitor, ...)"

13.1 Beer Monitor 2 (Module "2000 Beermon")

The following chapter describes the input and output data of the
Beer monitor 2 (application program "Beermon-2").

13.1.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, Range

relative absolute data bits
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -“-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information below
5 not used BYTE,8
6 Alcohol in [%m/m] REAL, 32 Alc-M
10 Alcohol in [%v/v] REAL, 32 Alc-V
14 Real extract in [°Plato] REAL, 32 Real-Extr
18 Original extract in [°Plato] REAL, 32 Orig-Extr
22 CO2 concentration adjusted in [g/l] or REAL, 32 CO2
26 Apparent extract in [°Plato] REAL, 32 App-Extr
30 Density at 20 °C in [g/cm³] REAL, 32 D20
34 "Specific Gravity" or “Present gravity” *) REAL, 32 SG20 or PG *)
38 Apparent or real degree of fermentation REAL, 32 ADF or RDF **)
42 Line pressure from CARBO in [bar] REAL, 32 P-Line
46 CO2 concentration in [g/l] or [vol] inline REAL, 32 CO2-CARBO
50 Stop signal to “freeze” the concentration DINT, 32 Hold
54 Temperature from CARBO in [°C] REAL, 32 Tem-CARBO
58 Pressure from CARBO via (AI#2) in REAL, 32 P-AI2

A90IB33 53
62 Oxygen (optional, from an oxygen REAL, 32 O2-AI3
transmitter connected to AI#3) or
temperature from the DPR transducer
66 Value of the analog input (AI#4) or true REAL, 32 AI#4
density from the DPRn transducer
70 Equilibrium pressure from CARBO in REAL, 32 P-Gas
74 “Original gravity” REAL, 32 Orig-Grav
78 Error code from CARBO DINT, 32 ERR-CARBO
82 NaOH concentration (optional) REAL, 32 NAOH
86 Density at measuring temperature in [g/ REAL, 32 Density
90 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Vel
temperature in [m/s]
l94 Temperature in [°C] from the connected REAL, 32 Temp-C
98 Temperature in [°F] from the connected REAL, 32 Temp-F
102 Alcohol (%w/w)/Real Extract ratio or REAL, 32 Ratio-A/E or Ratio-E/
Real Extract/Alcohol(%m/m) ratio A ***)
depending on application parameter
106 Product parameter: REAL, 32 Alc-Offs
110 Product parameter: REAL, 32 OE-Offs or RE-Offs or
”OE-Offs”, "RE-Offs" or "OG-Offs" OG-Offs ****)
depending on application parameter
114 Product parameter: REAL, 32 D20-Offs or AE-Offs
”D20-Offs”, "AE-Offs", "PG-Offs", or PG-Offs or SG20-
"SG20-Offs" depending on application Offs *****)
parameter "SG-AE-Adj."

*) "Present Gravity" is used only if the application parameter SG-AE-Adj=2!

**) "Real Degree of Fermentation" (RDF) is used only if the application parameter

***) Alcohol/Real Extract is transferred if "Ratio-OG"=0; Real Extract /alcohol is

transferred if "Ratio-OG"=2

****) Application parameter "OE-RE-Adj" defines what to transfer:

OE-RE-Adj=0 ... OE-Offs
OE-RE-Adj=1 ... RE-Offs
OE-RE-Adj=2 ... OG-Offs

54 A90IB33
*****) Application parameter "SG-AE-Adj" defines what to transfer:
SG-AE-Adj=0 ... D20-Offs
SG-AE-Adj=1 ... AE-Offs
SG-AE-Adj=2 ... PG-Offs
SG-AE-Adj=3 ... SG20-Offs

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS

0 Original/Real Extract or Alcohol < OExt/RExt or Alc < 0
1 Sound velocity too low SN < 0
2 Basic adjustment error Basic adjustment error
3 Adjustment error alcohol Alcohol adjustment error
4 Temperature difference between “Temp.diff. DPR <-> SPR
DPR <-> SPR is >1°C, additional >1°C”
measuring errors are to be
5 CO2 too high CO2 too high (>20g/l)
6 CARBO transducer error CARBO Transducer Error
7 Wrong transducer type selected Wrong transd. Type
(only DSRn and SPR(n) are

13.1.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

1 Control parameter for the adjustment Control
2 Alcohol laboratory value for the adjustment Alc-Lab
3 Real extract laboratory value for the adjustment RE-Lab
4 Original extract or original gravity laboratory value for the OE-Lab
adjustment OG-Lab
5 CO2 laboratory value for the adjustment CO2-Lab
6 Density at 20 °C laboratory value for the adjustment D20-Lab
7 SG at 20 °C or apparent extract or present gravity laboratory value SG20-Lab or
for the adjustment AE-Lab or

A90IB33 55
8 Alcohol Beer Monitor value for the adjustment Alc-mPDS
9 Real Extract Beer Monitor value for the adjustment RE-mPDS
10 Original extract or original gravity Beer Monitor value for the OE-mPDS or
adjustment OG-mPDS
11 CO2 Inline value for the adjustment CO2-mPDS
12 Density at 20 °C mPDS value for the adjustment D20-mPDS
13 SG at 20°C or apparent extract or present gravity mPDS value for SG20-mPDS or
the adjustment AE-mPDS or
15 Alcohol offset for the adjustment Alc-Offs
16 Original extract or real extract or original gravity offset OE-Offs or
RE-Offs or
17 SG at 20°C or density at 20°C or apparent extract or present gravity SG-Offs or
offset D20-Offs or
AE-Offs or
18 Coefficient for linear correction of a temperature compensation Alc-TCor
error on alcohol.
19 Coefficient for linear correction of a temperature compensation OE-TCor
error on original extract.
20 Coefficient for linear correction of a temperature compensation D20-TCor
error on density at 20 °C.
21 CO2 offset, default = 0 CO2-Offs
22 Product group for the CO2 determination. SpecGroup
24 Coefficient for quadratic correction of a temperature compensation Alc-TCor2
error on alcohol.
25 Coefficient for quadratic correction of a temperature compensation OE-TCor2
error on original extract.
26 Coefficient for quadratic correction of a temperature compensation D20-TCor2
error on density at 20 °C.

56 A90IB33
13.2 Original Extract Monitor (Module "2000

13.2.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Original extract in [°Plato] REAL, 32 Orig-Extr
10 "Original gravity" REAL, 32 Orig-Grav
14 CO2 concentration adjusted in [g/l] or REAL, 32 CO2
18 NAOH concentration (optional) REAL, 32 NAOH
22 Line pressure from CARBO in [bar] REAL, 32 P-Line
26 Equilibrium pressure from CARBO in REAL, 32 P-Gas
30 CO2 concentration in [g/l] or [vol] REAL, 32 CO2-CARBO
inline value
34 Stop signal to freeze the DINT, 32 Hold
concentration values
38 Temperature from CARBO in [°C] REAL, 32 Tem-CARBO
42 Pressure from CARBO via (AI#2) in REAL, 32 P-AI2
46 Oxygen (optional, from an oxygen REAL, 32 O2-AI3
transmitter connected to AI#3)
50 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
54 Error code from CARBO DINT, 32 ERR-CARBO
58 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Vel
temperature in [m/s]
62 Temperature in [°C] from the SPRn REAL, 32 Temp-C
66 Temperature in [°F] from the SPRn REAL, 32 Temp-F

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

A90IB33 57
Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS
0 Original Extract below 0 "Original Extract < 0"
1 Original Extract above 30 "Original Extract > 30"
2 Temperature below -3 °C "Temperature < -3""
3 Temperature above 25 °C "Temperature > 25"
4 Adjustment error related to original extract or CO2 "Adjustment error Oext or CO2"
5 CO2 too high CO2 too high (>20g/l)
6 CARBO error CARBO Transducer Error
7 Wrong transducer type selected (only SPRn is Wrong transd. Type

13.2.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

3 Original extract process value for the Oext-mpds
4 Original extract laboratory value for the Oext-Lab
5 CO2 laboratory value for the adjustment CO2-Lab
9 Offset for the adjustment of the original Offset
10 Factor for the adjustment of the original Oext-Gain
11 CO2 process value for the adjustment CO2-mPDS
12 Offset for the original gravity OG-Offset
21 Factor for the adjustment of CO2 CO2-Gain
22 Product group for the determination of CO2 SpecGroup

58 A90IB33
13.3 Extract of Wort (Module "2000 Extr-Wort")

13.3.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information below
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Extract in [°Plato, °Brix] REAL, 32 Extract
10 Density at 20 °C in [g/cm³] REAL, 32 D20
14 SG (specific gravity) at 20 °C REAL, 32 SG20
18 NAOH concentration (optional) REAL, 32 NAOH
22 Stop signal to "freeze" DINT, 32 Hold
concentration values
26 Value of analog input 1(AI#1) REAL, 32 AI#1
30 Value of analog input 2(AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
34 Value of analog input 3(AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
38 Value of analog input 4(AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
42 Density at measuring REAL, 32 Density
temperature in [g/cm³]
46 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Vel
temperature in [m/s]
50 Temperature in [°C] of the REAL, 32 Temp-C
DPRn or SPRn
54 Temperature in [°F] of the REAL, 32 Temp-F
DPRn or SPRn

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS

0 Extract below '0' Extract < 0
1 .. 6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type (only Wrong transd. Type
DPRn or SPRn are allowed)

A90IB33 59
13.3.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

8 Offset to adjust the density at 20 °C OffsetD20
9 Offset to adjust the extract concentration Offset
10 Factor to adjust the extract concentration Gain

13.4 Mass of Extract (Module "2000 Mass-Extr")

13.4.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Extract in [°Plato, °Brix] REAL, 32 Extract
10 Volume of the wort in [litre] DINT, 32 Volume
14 Mass of extract in [kg] DINT, 32 Mass
18 Status of the mass calculation DINT, 32 Start
22 NAOH concentration (optional) REAL, 32 NAOH
26 Number of volume pulses since last DINT, 32 Vol-CNT
30 Value of analog input 1(AI#1) REAL, 32 AI#1
34 Value of analog input 2(AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
38 Value of analog input 3(AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
42 Value of analog input 4(AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
46 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density
50 Temperature in [°C] of the DPRn REAL, 32 Temp-C
54 Temperature in [°F] of the DPRn REAL, 32 Temp-F

60 A90IB33
Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS

0 Extract below "0" Extract < 0
1 .. 6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type Wrong transd. Type
selected (only DPRn allowed)

13.4.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

9 Offset for the extract concentration Offset
10 Factor for the adjustment of the extract Gain

A90IB33 61
14 mPDS 2000V3 Application Programs
"Beverages (COBRIX, CARBO ...)"

14.1 COBRIX (Module "2000 Cobrix")

14.1.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Concentration 1 REAL, 32 Concentr
10 Concentration 2 REAL, 32 Alc-BxAct
14 Signal to stop the CARBO (via DI2) DINT, 32 Liquid
18 CO2 concentration adjusted in [g/l] or REAL, 32 CO2
22 Density at 20 °C in [g/cm³] REAL, 32 D20
26 Degree of fermentation REAL, 32 Degr-Ferm
30 Line pressure from CABO in [bar] REAL, 32 P-Line
34 CO2 concentration in [g/l] or [vol] REAL, 32 CO2-CARBO
inline value
38 Signal to "freeze" the concentration DINT, 32 Flowstop
42 Temperature from CARBO in [°C] REAL, 32 Tem-CARBO
46 Pressure from the CARBO via (AI#2) REAL, 32 P-AI2
in [bar]
50 Oxygen (optional from an oxygen REAL, 32 O2-AI3
transmitter connected to AI#3)
54 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
58 Equilibrium pressure from CARBO in REAL, 32 P-Gas
62 Package/bottle counter DINT, 32 Pack-CNT
66 Error code from CARBO DINT, 32 ERR-CARBO
70 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density
74 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Vel
temperature in [m/s]

62 A90IB33
78 Temperature in [°C] from connected REAL, 32 Temp-C
DPRn or DSRn
82 Temperature in [°F] from connected REAL, 32 Temp-F
DPRn or DSRn

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS

0 Concentration outside the Concentration out of range
allowed range
1 Error during adjustment Adjustment error
2 Warning activated Lo/Hi Alarm
3 Alarm activated LoLo/HiHi Alarm
4 Temperature outside the Temp. < -5 or > 105 °C
allowed range
5 CO2 too high CO2 too high(>20g/l)
6 CARBO error CARBO Transducer Error
7 Wrong transducer type Wrong transd. Type
selected (DPRn or DSRn

A90IB33 63
14.1.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

1 Product type (sugared beverages, beer, wine ...) Prod-Type
4 Switch the CO2 measurement on/off (only for CARBO) CO2-off
5 CO2 laboratory value for the adjustment CO2-Lab
6 Lower warning limit for concentration 1 Brix-Lo
7 Upper warning limit for concentration 1 Brix-Hi
8 Lower alarm limit for concentration 1 Brix-LoLo
9 Upper alarm limit for concentration 1 Brix-HiHi
11 CO2 Inline value for the adjustment CO2-mPDS
12 Concentration 1 laboratory value for the adjustment Brix-Lab
13 Concentration 1 process value for the adjustment Brix-mPDS
14 Alcohol laboratory value for the adjustment Alc-Lab
15 Alcohol process value for the adjustment Alc-mPDS
17 Factor for the adjustment of concentration 1 Brix-Gain
18 Factor for the adjustment of concentration 2 (alcohol/brix actual) Al-BaGain
20 Offset for the temperature coefficient of "KB". AK-Offset
21 Factor for the adjustment of CO2 (default '1') CO2-Gain
22 Product group for the determination of CO2 SpecGroup
23 Lower warning limit for concentration 2 Alc-Lo
24 Upper warning limit for concentration 2 Alc-Hi
25 Lower alarm limit for concentration 2 Alc-LoLo
26 Upper alarm limit for concentration 2 Alc-HiHi
27 Lower warning limit for CO2 CO2-Lo
28 Upper warning limit for CO2 CO2-Hi
29 Lower alarm limit for CO2 CO2-LoLo
30 Upper alarm limit for CO2 CO2-HiHi

64 A90IB33
14.2 CARBO (Module "2000 Carbo")

14.2.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 CO2 concentration adjusted in [g/l] or REAL, 32 CO2
10 Line pressure from CARBO in [bar] REAL, 32 P-Line
14 CO2 concentration in [g/l] or [vol] REAL, 32 CO2-CARBO
inline value
18 Temperature from CARBO in [°C] REAL, 32 Tem-CARBO
22 Pressure from the CARBO via (AI#2) REAL, 32 P-AI2
in [bar]
26 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
30 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
34 Equilibrium pressure from CARBO in REAL, 32 P-Gas
38 Error code from CARBO DINT, 32 ERR-CARBO

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS

0 Valve error (P-Gas >= P- E1 valve error
1 Concentration out of range E2 Concentration out of range
2 Equilibrium pressure out of E4 P-Gas out of range
3 Temperature out of range E8 Temperature out of range
4 Line pressure out of range E16 P-Line out of range
5 External stop signal active E32 Stop input active or break
6 Degassing error (impeller E64 Degassing error
7 Air in the measuring chamber E128 air

A90IB33 65
14.2.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the

9 Offset for the adjustment of the CO2 concentration Offset
21 Adjustment factor for CO2 CO2-Gain
22 Product group for the CO2 determination SpecGroup

14.3 Alcohol Program (Module "2000 Alcohol")

14.3.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Alcohol concentration in [%w/w] REAL, 32 Alc-W
10 Alcohol concentration in [%v/v] at 20°C REAL, 32 Alc-V20
14 Alcohol concentration in [%v/v] at 15 °C REAL, 32 Alc-V15
18 Alcohol concentration in Proof REAL, 32 Alc-Proof
22 Density at 20 °C in [g/cm³] REAL, 32 D20
26 Density at 15 °C in [g/cm³] REAL, 32 D15
30 Concentration of water in [%w/w] REAL, 32 H2O
34 Stop signal to "freeze" the DINT, 32 Hold
concentration values
38 Value of the analog input 1(AI#1) REAL, 32 AI#1
42 Value of the analog Input 2 (AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
46 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
50 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
54 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density

66 A90IB33
58 Temperature in [°C] of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-C
62 Temperature in [°F] of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-F

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS

0 Temperature too low Warning temperature < 0 C
1 Temperature too high Warning temperature > 40 C
2 Density too low Warning density <0.767 g/cm3
3 Density too high Warning density >1.021 g/cm3
4 Alcohol below 0% Warning Alc-W < 0%w/w
5 Alcohol above 100% Warning Alc-W > 100%w/w
6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type Wrong transd. Type

14.3.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the

1 Offset for the adjustment of the alcohol concentration in [%w/w] Off-Alc-W
2 Offset for the adjustment of the alcohol concentration in [%v/v] at 20 °C Off-V20
3 Offset for the adjustment of the alcohol concentration in [%v/v] at 15 °C Off-V15
4 Offset for the adjustment of the alcohol concentration in Proof Off-Proof
5 Offset for the adjustment of the water concentration in [%w/w] Off-H2O

A90IB33 67
14.4 Alcohol in Proof (Module "2000 Proof")

14.4.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Alcohol concentration in Proof REAL, 32 Alc-Proof
10 Density at 20 °C in [g/cm³] REAL, 32 D20
14 Stop signal to "freeze" the DINT, 32 Hold
concentration values
18 Value of the analog input 1(AI#1) REAL, 32 AI#1
22 Value of the analog Input 2 (AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
26 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
30 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
34 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density
38 Temperature in [°C] of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-C
42 Temperature in [°F] of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-F

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS

0 Alcohol too low Warning Alc-Proof < 0
1 Alcohol too low Warning Alc-Proof > 200
2...6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type Wrong transd. Type

68 A90IB33
14.4.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

2 Reference density for the calculation of D20 Ref-Dens
3 Reference temperature for the calculation of Ref-Temp
4 Offset for the adjustment of the concentration Off-Proof
in Proof
5 Coefficient of the formula for D20 KA
6 - " - KB
7 - " - KC
8 - " - KD
9 - " - KE
10 - " - KF
11 - " - KG
12 - " - KH
13 - " - KI
14 - " - KJ
15 - " - KK
16 - " - KL
17 - " - KM
18 - " - KN
19 - " - KO
20 - " - KP
21 - " - KQ
22 - " - KR
23 - " - KS
24 - " - KT
25 - " - KU

A90IB33 69
15 mPDS 2000V3 Application Programs

15.1 Petroleum Products (Module "2000 ASTM-Petr")

15.1.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Density at 15 °C in [g/cm³] REAL, 32 D15
10 API number at 15 °C REAL, 32 API15
14 Specific gravity 15 °C REAL, 32 SG15
18 Density pressure compensated in REAL, 32 Density-P
22 Stop signal to "freeze" the DINT, 32 Hold
concentration values
26 Pressure from pressure transmitter REAL, 32 Press-AI1
connected to AI#1
30 Value of the analog Input 2 (AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
34 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
38 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
42 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density
46 Temperature in [°C] of the REAL, 32 Temp-C
connected DPRn
50 Temperature in [°F] of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-F

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

70 A90IB33
Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS
0 Density out of range of the Range error D15
selected product group
1 Density outside the validity Warning D15 < 0.6 g/cm3
range of the used formulas
2 Density outside the validity Warning D15 > 1.2 g/cm3
range of the used formulas
3 ... 6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type Wrong transd. Type

15.1.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

1 Product group according ASTM D1250 ProdGroup
2 Offset for the adjustment of D15 Offset

A90IB33 71
15.2 Concentration Polynomial
(Module "2000 Conc-Poly")

15.2.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Concentration in [%], Density at REAL, 32 Concentr,
reference temperature in [g/cm³] or CompDens,
[kg/m³], sound velocity at reference CompSvel
temperature in [m/s]
10 Specific gravity REAL, 32 SG
14 Stop signal to "freeze" the DINT, 32 Hold
concentration values
18 Pressure from pressure transmitter REAL, 32 Press-AI1
connected to AI#1
22 Value of the analog Input 2 (AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
26 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
30 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
34 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Vel
temperature in [m/s]
38 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density
42 Temperature in [°C] REAL, 32 Temp-C
46 Temperature in [°F] REAL, 32 Temp-F

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS

0 Concentration, density/sound Concentr/CompDens/
velocity below 0 CompSvel <0
1...6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type Wrong transd. Type

72 A90IB33
15.2.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the

1 Offset for the adjustment of concentration or density/sound Offset
velocity at reference temperature
2 Reference density for the concentration formula Ref-Dens
3 Reference sound velocity for the concentration formula Ref-Svel
4 Reference temperature for the concentration formula Ref-Temp
5 Coefficient of the concentration formula KA
6 - " - KB
7 - " - KC
8 - " - KD
9 - " - KE
10 - " - KF
11 - " - KG
12 - " - KH
13 - " - KI
14 - " - KJ
15 - " - KK
16 - " - KL
17 - " - KM
18 - " - KN
19 - " - KO
20 - " - KP
21 - " - KQ
22 - " - KR
23 - " - KS
24 - " - KT
25 - " - KU
26 Density of water in [g/cm³] for the calculation of specific gravity. H2O-Dens
27 Factor for the adjustment of the concentration Gain

A90IB33 73
15.3 3-Component Polynomials
(Module "2000 3-Comp")

15.3.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Concentration 1 in [%], REAL, 32 Conc-1
10 Concentration 2 in [%], REAL, 32 Conc-2
14 Value of the analog Input 1 (AI#1) REAL, 32 AI#1
18 Value of the analog Input 2 (AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
22 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
26 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
30 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Vel
temperature in [m/s]
34 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density
38 Temperature in [°C] REAL, 32 Temp-C
42 Temperature in [°F] REAL, 32 Temp-F

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS

0 Concentration 1 < "0" Conc-1<0
1 Concentration 2 < "0" Conc-2<0
2...6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type Wrong transd. Type

74 A90IB33
15.3.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in

the mPDS
2 Reference density for the concentration formulas Ref-Dens
3 Reference sound velocity for the concentration Ref-Svel
4 Reference temperature for the concentration formulas Ref-Temp
5 Coefficient of the concentration formulas AA
6 - " - AB
7 - " - AC
8 - " - AD
9 - " - AE
10 - " - AF
11 - " - AG
12 - " - AH
13 - " - AI
14 - " - AJ
15 - " - BA
16 - " - BB
17 - " - BC
18 - " - BD
19 - " - BE
20 - " - BF
21 - " - BG
22 - " - BH
23 - " - BI
24 - " - BJ
25 Offset for the adjustment of concentration 1 Offset1
26 Offset for the adjustment of concentration 2 Offset2

A90IB33 75
15.4 Gas Density (Module "2000 Gas")

15.4.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, Range

relative absolute data bits
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Specific gravity (= Standard density divided REAL, 32 Spec-Grav
by air density
10 Standard density REAL, 32 Std-Dens
14 Density pressure compensated in [g/cm³] REAL, 32 Density-P
18 Stop signal to "freeze" the concentration DINT, 32 Hold
22 Pressure from pressure transmitter REAL, 32 Press-AI1
connected to AI#1
26 Value of the analog Input 2 (AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
30 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
34 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
38 Density at measuring temperature in [g/cm³] REAL, 32 Density
42 Temperature in [°C] of the connected DPRn REAL, 32 Temp-C
46 Temperature in [°F] of the connected DPRn REAL, 32 Temp-F

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS

0 Density below "0" Warning Dens < 0 g/cm3
1 ... 6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type Wrong transd. Type

15.4.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

76 A90IB33
The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

25 Offset for the adjustment of standard density Offs-St-D
26 Offset for the adjustment of specific gravity Offs-SG0

15.5 Application Program (Module "2000 NaOH-Cl")

15.5.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Concentration NaOH in [%w/w], REAL, 32 NaOH
10 Concentration NaCl+Na2CO3 in REAL, 32 NaCl/-CO3
14 Conductivity from Transmitter REAL, 32 Cond-AI1
connected to AI#1
18 Value of the analog Input 2 (AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
22 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
26 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
30 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Vel
temperature in [g/cm³]
34 Temperature in [°C] of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-C
38 Temperature in [°F] of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-F

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

A90IB33 77
Bit position Description Error message on
the mPDS
0 Concentration NaOH below "0" NaOH<0
1 Concentration NaCl+Na2CO3 below "0" NaCl/-CO3<0
2...6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type selected Wrong transd. Type

15.5.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

2 Reference conductivity for the Ref-Cond
concentration formula
3 Reference sound velocity for the Ref-Svel
concentration formula
4 Reference temperature for the Ref-Temp
concentration formula
5 Coefficient of the concentration formula AA
6 - " - AB
7 - " - AC
8 - " - AD
9 - " - AE
10 - " - AF
11 - " - AG
12 - " - AH
13 - " - AI
14 - " - AJ
15 - " - BA
16 - " - BB
17 - " - BC
18 - " - BD
19 - " - BE
20 - " - BF
21 - " - BG
22 - " - BH
23 - " - BI
24 - " - BJ

78 A90IB33
25 Offset for the adjustment of NaOH Offs-NaOH
26 Factor for the adjustment of NaOH Gain-NaOH
27 Offset for the adjustment of NaCl/-CO3 Offs-NaCl
28 Factor for the adjustment of NaCl/-CO3 Gain-NaCl

15.6 Application Program Module "2000 Conc-SV-P"

15.6.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Concentration in [%] REAL, 32 Concentr
10 Pressure from the pressure transmitter REAL, 32 Press-AI1
connected to (AI#1)
14 Value of the analog Input 2 (AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
18 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
22 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
26 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Vel
temperature in [g/cm³]
30 Temperature in [°C] of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-C
34 Temperature in [°F] of the connected REAL, 32 Temp-F

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS

0 Concentration below "0" Concentr < 0
1...6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type Wrong transd. Type

A90IB33 79
15.6.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

2 Reference pressure for the concentration formula Ref-Press
3 Reference sound velocity for the concentration formula Ref-Svel
4 Reference temperature for the concentration formula Ref-Temp
5 Coefficient of the concentration formula AA
6 - " - AB
7 - " - AC
8 - " - AD
9 - " - AE
10 - " - AF
11 - " - AG
12 - " - AH
13 - " - AI
14 - " - AJ
25 Offset for the adjustment of the concentration Offs-Conc
26 Factor for the adjustment of the concentration Gain-Conc

15.7 Application Program Module "2000 H2SO4-SO3"

15.7.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Concentration H2SO4 in [%w/w] REAL, 32 H2SO4
10 Density number, sound number REAL, 32 d-s
14 Free SO3 REAL, 32 SO3
18 Stop signal to "freeze" the DINT, 32 Hold
concentration values

80 A90IB33
22 Value of the analog Input 1 (AI#1) REAL, 32 AI#1
26 Value of the analog Input 2 (AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
30 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
34 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
38 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density
42 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Vel
temperature in [m/s]
46 Temperature in [°C] REAL, 32 Temp-C
50 Temperature in [°F] REAL, 32 Temp-F

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the

0 Concentration H2SO4 below "0" Concentr H2SO4 <0
1...6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type selected Wrong transd. Type

15.7.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraphare described in the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

1 Offset for the adjustment of H2SO4 Offset

A90IB33 81
15.8 Application Program
(Module "2000 H2SO4-D20")

15.8.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Concentration H2SO4 in [%w/w] REAL, 32 H2SO4
10 Density at 20 °C in [g/cm3] REAL, 32 D20
14 Stop signal to "freeze" the DINT, 32 Hold
concentration values
18 Value of the analog Input 1 (AI#1) REAL, 32 AI#1
22 Value of the analog Input 2 (AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
26 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
30 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
34 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density
38 Temperature in [°C] REAL, 32 Temp-C
42 Temperature in [°F] REAL, 32 Temp-F

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the

0 Concentration H2SO4 below "0" Concentr H2SO4 <0
1 Density at 20 °C below "0" D20 <0
2...6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type selected Wrong transd. Type

82 A90IB33
15.8.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

1 Offset for the adjustment of the Offset
concentration H2SO4
2 Offset for the adjustment of D20 Off-D20

15.9 3-Components Polynomials General

(Module "2000 3-Comp-AI")

15.9.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Concentration 1 in [%], REAL, 32 Conc-1
10 Concentration 2 in [%], REAL, 32 Conc-2
14 Value of the analog Input 1 (AI#1) REAL, 32 AI#1
18 Value of the analog Input 2 (AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
22 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
26 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
30 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Vel
temperature in [m/s]
34 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density
38 Temperature in [°C] REAL, 32 Temp-C
42 Temperature in [°F] REAL, 32 Temp-F

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

A90IB33 83
Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS
0 Concentration 1 < "0" Conc-1<0
1 Concentration 2 < "0" Conc-2<0
2...7 Not used

15.9.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

2 Reference value for X1 Ref-X1
3 Reference value for X2 Ref-X2
4 Reference value for X3 Ref-X3
5 Coefficient of the concentration formulas AA
6 - " - AB
7 - " - AC
8 - " - AD
9 - " - AE
10 - " - AF
11 - " - AG
12 - " - AH
13 - " - AI
14 - " - AJ
15 - " - BA
16 - " - BB
17 - " - BC
18 - " - BD
19 - " - BE
20 - " - BF
21 - " - BG
22 - " - BH
23 - " - BI
24 - " - BJ
25 Offset for the adjustment of concentration 1 Offset1
26 Offset for the adjustment of concentration 2 Offset2

84 A90IB33
15.10 Density at Reference Temperature and
Concentration Polynomials
(Module "2000 Conc-Dref")

15.10.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 Not used BYTE, 8
6 Density at reference temperature in REAL, 32 CompDens
10 Concentration REAL, 32 Concentr
14 Stop signal to "freeze" the DINT, 32 Hold
concentration values
18 Value of the analog Input 1 (AI#1) REAL, 32 AI#1
22 Value of the analog Input 2 (AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
26 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
30 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
34 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density
38 Temperature in [°C] of REAL, 32 Temp-C
42 Temperature in [°F] REAL, 32 Temp-F

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS

0 Density at reference CompDens <0
temperature below 0
1 Concentration below 0 Concentr <0
2...6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type Wrong transd. Type

A90IB33 85
15.10.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the mPDS

2 Reference density for the concentration Ref-Dens
4 Reference temperature for the Ref-Temp
concentration formula
5 Coefficient of the concentration formula KA
6 - " - KB
7 - " - KC
8 - " - KD
9 - " - KE
10 - " - CA
11 - " - KG
12 - " - KH
13 - " - KI
14 - " - KJ
15 - " - CB
16 - " - KL
17 - " - KM
18 - " - KN
19 - " - CC
20 - " - KP
21 - " - KQ
22 - " - CD
23 - " - KS
24 - " - CE
26 Offset for the adjustment of density at Offs-Dens
reference temperature
27 Gain Factor for the adjustment of the Gain-Dens
density at reference temperature
28 Offset for the adjustment of concentration Offs-Conc
29 Gain Factor for the adjustment of Gain-Conc

86 A90IB33
16 mPDS 2000V3 Application Programs
"Miscellaneous (Ext-Cell...)"

16.1 Application Program (Module "2000 EXT-CELL")

16.1.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Concentration in [%w/w] REAL, 32 Concentr
10 Period in [us] REAL, 32 Period
14 Value of the analog Input 1 (AI#1) REAL, 32 AI#1
18 Value of the analog Input 2 (AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
22 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
26 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
30 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS

0 Invalid transducer constants Invalid Const-A/Const-B
"Const-A" or "Const-B"
1 Invalid transducer constants Invalid transd.const. DA/DB
"DA" or "DB"
2...6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type Wrong transd. Type

A90IB33 87
16.1.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the

1 Parameter to control the adjustment procedure Control
2 Density of standard 1 Density1
3 Period of standard 1 Period1
4 Density of standard 2 Density2
5 Period of standard 2 Period2
6 Transducer constant A Const-A
7 Transducer constant B Const-B
8 Coefficient of the concentration polynomial KA
9 - " - KB
10 - " - KC
11 - " - KD
12 - " - KE
13 - " - KF
14 - " - KG
15 - " - KH

16.2 Application Program (Module "2000 IBM-BFE")

16.2.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Density at reference temperature REAL, 32 CompDens
10 "Closing Time" for digital output 1 REAL, 32 CloseTime

88 A90IB33
14 Target density at reference REAL, 32 Target
18 Status of DO1 REAL, 32 DO1-Ctrl
22 Last deviation between target density REAL, 32 Deviation
and current density at reference
26 Value of the analog Input 1 (AI#1) REAL, 32 AI#1
30 Value of the analog Input 2 (AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
34 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
38 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
42 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density
46 Temperature in [°C] REAL, 32 Temp-C
50 Temperature in [°F] REAL, 32 Temp-F

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS

0 Density at reference Compensated Density < 0
temperature below '0'
1 P-Factor is '0' P-factor = 0
2 Control cycle is '0' Cycle = 0
3 Target density is '0' Target density = 0
4 Density tolerance is '0' Tolerance = 0
5/6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type Wrong transd. Type

16.2.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".
This program doesn't use any product parameters.

A90IB33 89
16.3 Application Program (Module "2000 Milk-Fat")

16.3.1 Input Data

Address Address Description Type, data bits Range

relative absolute
0 Product number (0 … 255) BYTE, 8 0…255
1 Firmware status 1 BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.1
2 Firmware status 2 BYTE, 8 -"-
3 Profibus adapter status BYTE, 8 See chapter 9.2
4 Application program error byte BYTE, 8 See information
5 not used BYTE, 8
6 Fat concentration in [%] REAL, 32 Fat
10 Content of solids in [%] REAL, 32 Solids
14 Fat concentration 2 from the global REAL, 32 Fat-2
18 SNF ... Solids Non Fat from the REAL, 32 SNF-AI1
external transmitter connected to
22 Value of the analog Input 2 (AI#2) REAL, 32 AI#2
26 Value of the analog input 3 (AI#3) REAL, 32 AI#3
30 Value of the analog input 4 (AI#4) REAL, 32 AI#4
34 Density at measuring temperature in REAL, 32 Density
38 Sound velocity at measuring REAL, 32 Sound-Vel
temperature in [m/s]
42 Measuring temperature in [°C] REAL, 32 Temp-C
46 Measuring temperature in [°F] REAL, 32 Temp-F

Application program error byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Application program error byte

Bit position Description Error message on the mPDS

0 Fat concentration below 0% Fat < 0
1 Total solids content below 0% Solids < 0
2 Fat concentration 2 below 0% Fat-2 <0
3...6 Not used
7 Wrong transducer type Wrong transd. Type

90 A90IB33
16.3.2 Product Parameters (Output Data)

For details of the cyclical output data see chapter 10, "Cyclical Output Data ".
Product parameters, which are a part of the cyclical output data, are described in
the following paragraph.

The type of the index is "BYTE, 8 bit", the type of the parameters is "REAL, 32 bit".

Index Parameter Name in the

1 Offset for the adjustment of fat concentration 1 Fat-off
2 Offset for the adjustment of the total solids contents Solid-off
3 Offset for the adjustment of fat concentration 2 Fat-2-off
4 Coefficient of the concentration polynomial KX
5 - " - AA
6 - " - AB
7 - " - AC
8 - " - AG
9 - " - AH
10 - " - AL
11 - " - AM
12 - " - AP
13 - " - AQ
15 - " - BA
16 - " - BB
17 - " - BC
18 - " - BG
19 - " - BH
20 - " - BL

A90IB33 91
17 Settings on the mPDS 1000/1100 for
the mPDS Profibus Adapter
In order to use the mPDS 1000/1100 in combination with the mPDS Profibus
Adapter the following settings must be made:

1. Serial Interface RS232:

- Select "9600N81" in the menu '[Configuration]->[RS232-Format].

- Select "Off" in the menu '[Configuration]->[Bus-Settings]->[Bus-Mode].
This bus mode is only relevant when using the RS232 interface without
Profibus adapter.

2. Product selection:
If the mPDS is connected to a PLC/SPS via mPDS Profibus Adapter, it is not
allowed to select a product number via mPDS. Neither menu [Product-No]
nor the external product selection inputs may be used, the product may only
be changed by the PLC/SPS via Profibus.

3. Application program:
The application program selected during installation and putting into
operation mustn't be changed.
The PLC/SPS reads certain data from the GSD file. If the application
program is changed the input and output data do no longer match the
settings on the PLC/SPS and an error is generated.

92 A90IB33
18 Settings on the mPDS 2000V3 for the
mPDS Profibus Adapter
In order to use the mPDS 2000V3 in combination with the mPDS Profibus Adapter
the following settings must be made:

1. Serial Interface RS232:

- Select "RS232" in the menu [Config]->[SerialInt]->[RS 232/485].

- Select "9600,N,8,1" in the menu [Config]->[SerialInt]->[Format].
- Select "Bus-Off" in the menu [Config]->[SerialInt]->[Bus-Mode]. This bus
mode is only relevant when using the RS485 interface, which was
deactivated above.

2. Product selection:

If the mPDS is connected to a PLC/SPS via mPDS Profibus Adapter, it is not

allowed to select a product number via mPDS. Neither menu [Prod-No] nor
the external product selection inputs may be used, the product may only be
changed by the PLC/SPS via Profibus.

3. Application program:

The application program selected during installation and putting into

operation mustn't be changed.
The PLC/SPS reads certain data from the GSD file. If the application
program is changed the input and output data do no longer match the
settings on the PLC/SPS and an error is generated.

A90IB33 93
19 Settings in DAVIS When Using the
mPDS Profibus Adapter
The PC Software DAVIS and the PLC/SPS can be used simultaneously. There
are few restrictions:

1. Set the interface parameters to '9600,N,8,1' using the menu 'Setup' - 'Edit
line' and deactivate the bus mode.

2. The PLC/SPS which periodically reads data from the mPDS is the master for
the product selection. If DAVIS tries to change the product number then the
old product number is reset by the PLC/SPS. After a few seconds DAVIS
generates an error message.
To avoid this activate "Product Selection on mPDS" in the menu 'Edit line'.

94 A90IB33
20 Trouble Shooting
1. Make sure that the selected application program matches the module
selected from the GSD file.

- If you press the right arrow key on the mPDS 1000/1100 the current
application program is inserted in display line 1.
- If you press the right arrow key on the mPDS 2000V3 the current
application program is inserted in the upper left hand corner of the display.
- The selected module must be checked in the PLC/SPS software (see
chapter 8 in this handbook)

2. The mPDS Profibus adapter sends configuration information to the

RS232/DAVIS channel at start-up. Connect a PC to the RS232/DAVIS
channel and open a terminal program (9600 baud, 8 bits no parity, 1 stop bit)
to view this information.
The configuration data may look like this:

* Anton Paar GmbH *

(c)2004 KU
mPDS Profibus Adapter V1.2.0019
Active Profibus Address: 23
Configuration Bytes: 0xC2 0x9B 0x9D 0x12 0x01 0x40 0x9F
0x40 0x87

If the application program in the mPDS is changed the following information

is transmitted to the PC:

New Configuration Bytes: 0xC2 0x9B 0x9D 0x10 0x01 0x40

3. Check the Profibus address in your PLC/SPS and in the mPDS Profibus
If the addresses match and the Profibus is active the Profibus-LED on the
adapter is "on".
If the addresses are different the Profibus-LED is blinking.

4. Make sure that the data type of the output data matches the data type in your
PLC/SPS program (REAL or DINT).

5. Indicator LEDs:
There is one LED dedicated to each plug. All LEDs are on for 0.5 seconds
when the power is switched on (self test).

A90IB33 95
Power LED:

ON: Power supply OK (adapter is in operation)

Blinking: Hardware error, replace adapter
OFF: Voltage too low, +/- interchanged

mPDs connector LED:

ON: Communication OK
OFF or Blinking: • Check interface settings on mPDS (9600N81)
• Cable defective or wrong wiring
• Bus mode in the mPDS is activated
• RS485 (mPDS 2000V3) is activated

Profibus LED:

ON: Communication via Profibus OK

OFF: • Faulty connection to SPS
• A/B wire interchanged
• SPS switched off
• RS485 (mPDS 2000V3) is activated
Blinking: Wrong Profibus adapter address

96 A90IB33
21 Technical Data

21.1 Profibus Specifications:

Company name: Anton Paar GmbH, Device_Man_Id: 275

Profibus-DP: EN 50170-2, IEC 61158
Physical Layer: US Standard EIA RS485, linear bus with
Termination at both ends,
branch line 0.3 m
Possible data rates in [kbit/s] 9.6, 19.2, 31.25, 45.45, 93.75, 187.5, 500,
(Automatic baud rate detection) 1500, 3000, 6000, 12000
max. Segment length 1200 m, depending on data rate and
cable specifications
Model name: mPDS Profibus Adapter
Version: 1.2
Manufacturer: Anton Paar GmbH
ID-Number: 084A HEX
GSD-File: AP_084A.GSD, V3.00

21.2 Maximum Line Lengths at Different Data Rates

Data rate in [kbit/s] 9.6 19.2 45.45 93.75 187.5 500 1500 3000 6000 12000
Line length in [m] 1200 1200 1200 1200 1000 400 200 100 100 100

21.3 Line Parameters

Profibus line type A (IEC 61158) should be used

Parameter Specification
Impedance in [Ω] 135 ... 165 (at 3 ... 20 MHz)
Capacitance [pF/m] < 30
Loop resistance [Ω/km] < 110
Core diameter [mm] > 0.64
Core cross section [mm²] > 0.34

A90IB33 97
21.4 Power Supply

Parameter Specification
Voltage DC 12 ... 35 V (recommended: DC 24 V)
The adapter is protected against reverse
wiring of the power terminals.
Current at DC 24 V 60 mA

21.5 Profibus D-SUB Plug Pinning

The D-SUB plug with 9 pins is defined as follows:

Fig. 21 - 1 D-SUB plug (female)

Pin No. Signal Description Input/output

1 Not used -
2 Not used -
3 RxD/TxD-P Receive/Transmit data P, B-line, positive data line Input/Output
4 CNTR-P Repeater control signal; RTS signal, TTL-level Output
5 DGND Data ground (Reference voltage VP) Output
6 VP Power supply; (P 5 V) Output
7 not connected -
8 RxD/TxD-N Receive/Transmit data- N, A-line, negative Data Input/Output
9 Not used
Metal case Shield Shield or PE

98 A90IB33
21.6 Dimensions, Weight, Environmental

Parameter Specifications
Ambient temperature 10 – 40 °C
Humidity 10 – 90%, non condensing
Dimensions (length x width x height) Ca. 130x66x138 mm
Installation Depth including Profibus Ca. 200mm
Weight Ca. 0.7 kg

A90IB33 99
22 Document Numbers
Document number Date Comment
A90IB33A 30.6.2004 mPDS 1000 included
Preliminary version
A90IB33B 28.10.2004 First official version
A90IB33C 11.11.2004 Improved version
A90IB33D 12.01.2005 Improved version
A90IB33E 06.12.2006 Bier monitor 2 replaces the former
Beer monitor
A90IB33F 10.07.2007 • mPDS 1100
• Alcohol program: "Proof" + "H2O"

100 A90IB33
Appendix A: Certificate

Appendix A: Certificate

A90IB33 101
Appendix B: Application Example

Appendix B: Application Example

mPDS 2000V3 – PROFIBUS DP Adapter mPDS – PLC/SPS

1) Introduction
This application note explains the implementation of x Intrinsic safety (Ex-I) via additional constraints
an mPDS 2000V3 into an existing PROFIBUS DP according to FISCO model
network. It covers the basics of PROFIBUS in
combination with mPDS evaluation units. Please x The physical layer is also called Manchester
refer to the instruction manual "mPDS PROFIBUS- Bus Powered (MBP)
Adapter" for details. x IEC 61158-2: Type of medium attachment unit
(MAU) suited for process automation
2) PROFIBUS PROFIBUS PA specifies the device characteristics
PROFIBUS is a standardized digital in so called profiles, which facilitate the
communications system (fieldbus) for all areas of interchangeability of devices made by different
applications in manufacturing and process manufacturers. Profiles exist particularly for certain
automation. The PROFIBUS protocol is based on devices such as pressure, temperature sensors,
the norms EN 50170 and IEC 61158. Fieldbus flow meters, analog and digital in-/outputs,
systems are industrial networking systems valves/actuators and analyzers.
developed to replace centralized parallel wiring and
prevailing analog signal transmission. There are 2.2) PROFIBUS DP
other fieldbus systems available such as PROFIBUS DP (DP … Decentralized Peripherals)
'FOUNDATION FIELDBUS' , 'CANBUS', was explicitly specified for factory automation.
'MODBUS', 'DEVICENET'. PROFIBUS is one of the Devices such as identification systems, weighing
most important fieldbuses. For details on both and dosing systems, human machine interfaces
PROFIBUS DP (Factory Automation) and and energy-systems are connected via a 2 wire
PROFIBUS PA (Process Automation) refer to the cable. RS 485 is used as physical layer. A
Internet also providing PROFIBUS DP network segment is typically wired
web-based training in German and English. The by a twisted pair, shielded cable at data rates of up
following section can only give a short summary of to 12 Mbit/s (typically 1,5 Mbit/s). There are no
the most important basic characteristics. application profiles available and the power supply
The communication between the process control is provided separately. It is possible to connect
system (master) and the field devices (slaves) can PROFIBUS PA segments to PROFIBUS DP
only operate if and only if the master fully segments using special coupling devices.
recognizes the device-specific parameters and data
formats. Communication parameters of a
PROFIBUS device are defined in an electronic
3) System Requirements
device data base file (GSD file) in a predetermined x PROFIBUS DP Adapter mPDS
format. Downloading the GSD file into the
configuration tool enables the process control x mPDS 2000V3: Firmware version V05.02 or
system to utilize the communication parameters of higher
the device. x SPS/PLC: PROFIBUS-DP input according to EN
50170-2, IEC 61158
x Special software modification on PLC/SPS
PROFIBUS PA (PA … process automation) was
carried out by the customer or system
explicitly specified for process automation. It meets
administrator himself.
particularly the demands of the chemical industry
for use in hazardous areas and for applications
where both power and communication must be
available over the bus. A PROFIBUS PA network
segment consists of a maximum of 32 stations.-
Line, tree and star topology is possible:
x two wire transmission
x 31.25 kBaud (preferred), high speed variants
without bus powering und without intrinsic safety
x synchronous transmission (->Manchester
x optional: bus powering devices (>=10 mA per
device Page 1 of 5

102 A90IB33
Appendix B: Application Example

4) Connection scheme

Figure 1: Connection scheme

5) Settings on the mPDS 2000V3

x Select Interface parameters on the mPDS according to the requirements in the individual
2000V3 “9600N81” using menu system environment.
x Set [Bus mode] ="off" on the mPDS2000V3
using menu [Config][SerialInt][Bus-Mode]
x Select “RS232” using menu

All application programs delivered with firmware

version V05.02 and higher are compatible to the
PROFIBUS DP Adapter mPDS. The available
measuring/display values are transferred to the
PROFIBUS DP adapter periodically. Product
parameters, the product number and the digital
inputs can be changed by the PLC via PROFIBUS Page 2 of 5

A90IB33 103
Appendix B: Application Example

6) Integration of the PROFIBUS DP Adapter mPDS into an SPS/PLC

process control system

ADDRESS: Each component linked to a A PLC uses one part of the memory as input
PROFIBUS network segment must have a unique memory and a separate part as output memory.
address. The address of the PROFIBUS DP The addresses for both the input data and the
Adapter mPDS is set via 2 switches on the output data start at '0' and end at e.g. 1024.
electronic board. Open the 6 screws on the front
How can the PLC receive a certain measuring
of the adapter and set the required address. Note
value from the mPDS 2000V3 into the PLC:
the address on the front using a permanent text
marker. The measuring values from the mPDS
(application program "Cobrix") such as "concentr",
"CO2“… are stored with a specific address in the
supplied by 24 VDC and connected to the RS232
memory allocated to the input data block.
of the mPDS 2000V3 via a shielded 3 wire cable
(GND/RXD/TXD). The SPS/PLC is connected to Referring to the instruction manual of the
the PROFIBUS DP Adapter mPDS using a PROFIBUS DP Adapter mPDS you find out that
standard 2 wire shielded cable (typically with the relative address of the "concentr" of the
violet cable sheath). module "2000 Cobrix" is "6" therefore the absolute
address of the concentration in the PLC's input
memory is 354+6=360. The format of the
SimaticManager): The PROFIBUS DP Adapter
"concentr" is 'REAL' with 32 bits=4 bytes.
GSD file is imported into the software
configuration tool of the PLC/SPS. Usually there The system administrator needs the absolute
are simple methods (drag and drop) to install the address and the format (number of bytes) to be
mPDS on a virtual rail on a PC monitor. In a able to use the "concentr" in a PLC program e.g.
second step the required module (application for displaying this value on the PLC/SPS monitor.
program) must be selected (e.g. "2000 Cobrix").
Each PLC/SPS has a certain memory of e.g. 2048
bytes for the data exchange with all connected How to change a product parameter via
PLC modules and all devices connected via PLC/SPS:
PROFIBUS. The memory is used to receive data You want to enter e.g. a “lower warning limit” of
from external devices (INPUT DATA) and used to "11" for the "concentr' in Brix. The index of the
transfer data to external devices (OUTPUT product parameter "lower warning limit" in the
DATA). mPDS 2000V3 is 6 (see instruction manual
There is a cyclic data transfer between PLC/SPS PROFIBUS DP Adapter mPDS). We use
parameter 1 of the output data block. The relative
and PROFIBUS DP Adapter mPDS. The data rate
depends on the settings of PROFIBUS DP, the address of parameter 1 in the output data block is
used PLC/SPS, the cable length, etc. 2 and the relative address of the "index parameter
1" is 22. The absolute address of parameters 1 is
After selecting a specific module from the GSD file 256+2=258 and the absolute address of the index
a certain PLC memory space is allocated to the of parameter 1 is 256+22=278.
mPDS for input data and output data. The program on the PLC must store '6' as binary
number at address 278 and '11' in the 'REAL'
The cyclical output data are used to change the
format at address 258(i.e. address range 258,…,
product number, to simulate digital input signals of
261) of the output data memory. The changed
the mPDS and to modify product parameters
parameter has to remain in the memory for at
(offsets, alarm limits …).
least 1 second, afterwards additional parameters
The cyclical input data contain the current product can be changed. Indices with value '0' are
number, the measuring values from the mPDS ignored.
and the status/error messages of PROFIBUS DP Make sure to change the required index first and
Adapter and mPDS. then change the corresponding parameter.
There are 5 parameters and 5 indices in the
output data block which can be used to modify
E.g: Module "2000 Cobrix" from the GSD file
product parameters.
x 28 bytes output data are allocated to output So far the parameters and indices have been
memory addresses 256 … 283 transferred to the adapter only.
x 86 bytes input data are allocated to input Setting the last byte of the output data block
memory addresses 354 … 439 (relative address 27, absolute address
256+27=283) for about 1 second to '1' Page 3 of 5

104 A90IB33
Appendix B: Application Example

acknowledges the changes and the PROFIBUS The first byte (relative address 0, absolute
DP adapter transfers the new values of the address in our example 256+0 = 256) of the
parameters to the mPDS. A maximum of 30 output data block is used to select the product
parameters can be changed before an number. The PLC program has to write the
acknowledge command must be transmitted. product as binary coded number into this byte.
This byte allows the selection of all 256 products.
Hint: The integration of the PROFIBUS DP
How to change the product number via
Adapter mPDS into the PLC/SPS must be carried
out by the customer or system administrator
When connecting a PLC via PROFIBUS DP himself. It is not the task of Anton Paar’s agents or
Adapter to the mPDS the product number can service engineers to write/modify existing
only be changed by the PLC. It is not allowed to PLC/SPS programs.
change the product number via external product
inputs or via keypad or DAVIS!

Figure 2 Input/output data block Page 4 of 5

A90IB33 105
Appendix B: Application Example

7) Using SPS/PLC and DAVIS simultaneously

Connect the RS232 of the PC to the RS232 on

the PROFIBUS DP Adapter
mPDS(“RS232/DAVIS”). If there is a large
distance between the adapter and the PC it may
be necessary to use 2 additional RS232/RS485
When DAVIS is used simultaneously with the
PROFIBUS DP Adapter (SPS) there are some
1) The product selection must be carried out by
the PLC, therefore activate the option 'product
selection on mPDS' when creating a new line.
2) Both the PLC and DAVIS have access to the
same parameters. If products are defined with
corresponding limits in DAVIS then make sure
that the PLC does not change the alarm limits too.
There could occur conflicts between the limits
stored in DAVIS, in the mPDS and in the PLC!
3) The refresh rate for new data to the PROFIBUS
will increase from 2 to 5 seconds. Page 5 of 5

106 A90IB33

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