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Pathfinder: Kingmaker Walkthrough and Guide

Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Amiri Builds

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1 Beast Lord (Second row melee damage dealer)
2 Off-tank

Beast Lord (Second row melee damage dealer)

The build starts with combining Amiri's so-so early game damage with an Animal Companion to really
make her shine. The spells she picks are purely about increasing her damage, we're not going to waste
time, feats or abilities in trying to fix her abysmal AC. Between your frontline tanks and her animal
companion, she should be moving into melee to engage last anyhow.

Her spells will really help her throughout the game, especially toward the end. Lead Blades makes her
already oversized Bastard Sword count as Huge sized. True Strike is THE spell for Vital Strike feats. And
of course, external spells like Animal Growth and Enlarge Person only serve to wildly spike up her

I've done about 6 different Amiri builds at this point, toying with standard Barbarian / Tanks /
spellcasting, and this is by far my most favorite. The build evolves and changes as you play it, but the
highlight is that it never lags. She ends up as a top performer the entire game.

Skills Athletics, Mobility, Lore (Nature), Perception, Lore (Religion)

Important Gear Oversized bastard sword



16 > 20 13 > 14 (at level 20) 16 10 12 10

Final Build

Barbarian Fighter (Two-Handed) Sacred Huntmaster Ranger

2 7 6 5

Leveling Guide

Level Take

2 Sacred Huntmaster - Gorum (Deity) - Strength (Domain) - Animal Companion Smilodon - Bless,
Divine Favor

3 Sacred Huntsmaster - Boon Companion - True Strike

4 Sacred Huntsmaster 3 - Precise Strike - Expeditious Retreat

5 Sacred Huntsmaster - Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword - Aid, See Invisibility

6 Sacred Huntsmaster - Favored Enemy: Humans +2 - Invisibility

7 Sacred Huntsmaster - Power Attack, Outflank, Lesser Restoration

8 Ranger - Strength +1 - Favored Enemy - Magical Beasts +2

9 Ranger - Cleave RF, Cleaving Finish

10 Ranger - Endurance, Favored Terrain - First World

11 Ranger - Animal Companion - Continue, Improved Critical: Bastard Sword

12 Ranger - Strength +1 - Favored Enemy - Fey +2 Humans +4

13 Two-Handed Fighter - Critical Focus, Sunder Armor

14 Two-Handed Fighter - Greater Sunder Armor

15 Two-Handed Fighter - Vital Strike

16 Two-Handed Fighter - Weapon Specialization: Bastard Sword

17 Two-Handed Fighter - Blinding Critical

18 Two-Handed Fighter - Greater Vital Strike

19 Two-Handed Fighter - Great Cleave

20 Barbarian - Feat

This build has been generously provided with permission by Roahin and is current to December 1, 2018.
Not lore-friendly. At all.

Stacks flat damage bonuses quite high. Can sport about 60 AC with legendary proportions. Ok-ish
damage with Sense Vitals late. Nothing too spectacular, as Amiri tends to be, but does have some
damage and can take a hit, so there’s that. If you need a second tank and CBA to get a merc - it is a
serviceable option.


Main Skills Perception, Lore: Nature, Athletics, 3 Mobility

Secondary Mobility. Stealth, Trickery are all decent choices. You have 29 spare points - pick what
Skills you need.

Important 1h weapon of choice, Medium armor, light shield, +AC items, +Stat items



16 > 20 13 > 14 (at level 20) 16 10 12 10

Final Build

Barbarian Ranger (Freebooter) Alchemist (Vivisectionist) Stalwart Defender

8 10 1 1

Leveling Guide

Level Take

2 Ranger

3 Ranger - Shield Bash // Two-Weapon Combat > Two-Weapon Fighting

4 Barbarian - Guarded Stance

5 Ranger - Dodge

6 Ranger

7 Ranger - Outflank

8 Ranger - Two-Weapon Combat > Improved Two-Weapon Fighting

9 Barbarian - Improved Unarmed Strike

10 Barbarian - Animal Fury

11 Barbarian - Crane Style

12 Barbarian - Beast Totem, Lesser

13 Barbarian - Shield Master

14 Barbarian - Beast Totem

15 Ranger - Improved Critical✝

16 Ranger

17 Ranger - Bashing Finish

18 Ranger - Two-Weapon Combat > Double Slice

19 Alchemist - Shield Focus

20 Stalwart

✝Whatever 1h weapon you fancy. Scimitars and longswords are good. There are some ok Bastard Swords out there as well.

Good Ranger Spells: Lead Blades, Sense Vitals, Featherstep (Mass), Delay Poison (Communal), Resist
Energy (Communal).

This build is current to November 17, 2018.

All builds on this page have been generously provided with permission by InEffect.

Last edited on Sep 11, 19 9:30am

Aug 7, 19 04:22am

When you make Amiri an Inquisitor, you fail to mention which god to take, and which domain.

Aug 13, 19 04:33am

Build has been replaced with a better one that lists deity and domain.

Aug 18, 19 11:10pm

Which is, of course, the build that I was using and no longer have any reference for anymore now
that I've hit level 11. D'oh.

Aug 26, 19 07:54am

You can find it here or use the respec mod.

Last edited by chautemoc :: Aug 26, 19

Oct 11, 19 10:51am

Hi, I am using your Beast Lord Build for Amiri but her animal companion doesn't seem to spawn. Even after
resting, zone transition and removing her from the party. Any Idea how to fix this? She is lvl 11 at the
moment. Besides Ekundayo there are no other party members with animal companions. I am not using any
mods. Great Guide btw

Oct 11, 19 11:07am

No idea, sorry. She works for me fine. Try reporting it using the in game tool/googling.

Nov 10, 19 12:32pm

Following the Beast Lord build by the letter, very powerful and fun build btw, and Cleaving Finish doesn't
seem to be available at level 9 anymore, or is it only to me perhaps?... Only Cleave, Power attacks an
Intimidating (sorry if wrong names, I don't play in English version) available to pick from the "additionnal
fighting skill" tab. Maybe a small change is in order.

Nov 11, 19 02:39pm

pick cleave for the combat style feat - then u can pick cleaving finish for the normal feat

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