Revision On Possessives and Object Pronouns

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Personal and object pronouns: Choose the correct alternative

1. Class, say hello to Ms Walton. She/her is your new teacher.

2. Your videogames are here. Adam’s got them/they.
3. I / Me like fruit.
4. Come to the cinema with we/us.
5. Lucia is happy today. Loot at she/her.
6. Liam is a nice boy. I like he/him.
7. This is Nick and this is Clara. They / Them are in my class.
8. We / Us get up at 7:00.

Possessive ‘s: Complete the sentences with the words in brackets and ‘s or ‘.
1. This isn’t ____________ (Angela) watch. It’s ____________ (Peter).
2. Where are the ____________ (children) new toys?
3. It’s my ______________ (friends) birthday party today. They are twins!
4. This is _____________(sister) room and this is my ___________(brother).
5. Is this the __________(men) room?

Possessive adjectives and pronouns: Rewrite the sentences with possessive pronouns and adjectives.
1. My dad has got a big desk. His desk is big. The big desk is his.
2. I’ve got a red t-shirt. _______ t-shirt is red. The red t-shirt is ________
3. We’ve got a small car. _______ car is small. The small car is _______
4. Amy and Liam have got an old computer. ______ computer is old. The old computer is _______.
5. Maria has got a new mobile phone. _____ mobile phone is new. The new mobile phone is _____
6. You’ve got a nice bag. _____ bag is nice. The nice bag is _____

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