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The Saturn's Rings Phenomenon

by Mary R Rowe, Ph.D.

"Affirmative action" has made star- institutions. This problem — the Maybe it was a poor paper. Is your
tlingly little difference to America's most minutiae of discrimination — appears to office space more noisy only by acci-
prestigious universities when progress be a major distortion in education. It is dent? Imagine you are the only top ad-
is measured in absolute terms. For formidable not least because of the pet- ministrator whose office is not in the
some academic departments the tiness of individual events and because main building. Can you protest when
percentage improvement is huge, often there are no adequate individual solu- you do not believe an insult was in-
infinite, since, for example, the differ- tions. Throughout the history of science tended — and besides there is not very
ence between no women and one we have found the importance of seem- much space? (And what does one do
woman is an "infinite" percentage in- ingly small events and things: rockets with unintended insults that are still in-
crease. But in absolute terms we are do not fly with grains of sand in the sys- sulting?) Imagine that a woman profes-
moving very slowly in the country's top tem, trauma wounds heal better without sional who was supposed to do a job for
faculties. Recent studies, including one sand in the sutures. a certain department copped out, and
commissioned by HEW to look at medi- now the department somehow simply
cal education, have concluded that we does not seek out another woman,
need careful studies of the ambiance in I deal with dozens of complaints every even though the subject matter directly
education and employment, to see week, of which nearly all are, practically concerns women. Do you describe to
more clearly why affirmative action is so speaking, not actionable. In my institu- them what you think is going on? Some-
slow. tion obviously illegal behavior is very times one thinks it is not worth it to pro-
rare and the administration gives short test. And yet I remember so vividly the
shrift to its perpetrators. Unconscious face of a black student who came back
slights, harassment, exploitation, provi- from his first class in biomedical statis-
In my job, of course, I see many sion of poor service and psychiatric tics. An example given in this class had
reasons for slowness. Some women problems manifested in sexist and ra- been the VD experiments in the South
and blacks are poorly prepared, or so cist behavior are however rather com- which used poor, black men, without in-
ambivalent that they fail to do good mon, in all institutions. formed consent and without proper
work. Some men actively fight the law treatment. This experiment, a longitudi-
of the land to maintain illegal dis- nal study, had been cited as a fine ex-
criminatory practices. But in my job I also Unconscious Slights and ample of long-term research. The
find another factor at work — a problem Invisibility Problems young black student was deeply be-
that does not lend itself to legal redress wildered and hurt. Was it important to
or to improvement in time of economic One becomes aware of one's invisibility protest?
promise, and which occurs with fre- slowly, because it happens only now
quency at the best and most humane of and then and is difficult to identify. We
Dr. Mary P. Rowe is Special Assistant say we are invisible when our name is
to the President and Chancellor for mysteriously left off a list — the list of
postdoctoral openings or of new faculty Harassment, Exploitation,
Women and Work at MIT where she Provision of Poor Service
or of those with committee assignments
also teaches . The examples of dis-
or lab partners. There is a last minute
crimination cited in this study are all
luncheon; only the woman professor is Harassment is not ordinarily actionable.
real incidents in the lives of women and
not introduced. "I was the only woman It is the department head who says "if
minority people in educational institu- on the committee that handled mater- she is given tenure, I will see that she is
tions in the Boston area. This article is nity benefits; they never asked me to so miserable that she goes." It is the
excerpted from a speech entitled, speak." A study group is set up on teacher who refuses to learn a young
"Saturn's Rings;" (the formidable rings inner-city family structures — without woman's name or calls her by the name
around Saturn being made up primarily minority or female members. of someone else, or who calls a young
of bits of sand and ice). Some of the in- black woman by his own cute nickname
formal curriculum for women and for her. It is the professor who systemat-
minorities in large educational institu- These invisibility and other uncon- ically humiliates his female students
tions - the minutiae of discrimination scious slights are difficult to handle. If it about their appearance, or the depart-
-also are like grains of sand, which im- is only you who are addressed by your ment head who loads on extra work to
pede educational processes and good first name, are you sure it is sexism? prove a woman cannot succeed in that
jobs for women and minorities. How can you be sure your paper was job or because he knows she will not re-
turned down because of sexism? fuse.


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