Ranking Guidelines DM.-086-S.-2020 PDF

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oe Bw Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION X SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL February 10, 2020 Division Memorandum No. 08/ , s. 2020 APPLICABLE GUIDELINES FOR NEW/VACANT TEACHING, TEACHING RELATED AND NON-TEACHING POSITIONS, RECLASSIFICATION OF SCHOOL HEAD POSITIONS AND AUTOMATIC UPGRADING OF ELIGIBLE PUBLIC ‘SCHOOL TEACHERS THROUGH THE EQUIVALENTS RECORD FORM (ERF) SCHEME TO: OIC, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent SGOD and CID Chiefs Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors Elementary and Secondary School Heads Non-Teaching Personnel All others concerned. 1. This memorandum is issued to update all concern with the existing hiring, promotion, reclassification and ERF guidelines for teaching, teaching related and non-teaching positions. The following existing guidelines still remain effective until officially amended, revoked, rescinded, or modified through the issuance of a Deped Order: * DONo. 7, s. 2015, Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Positions Effective ‘School Year (SY) 2015-2016 * DO No. 22, s, 2015, Hiring Guidelines for the Remaining Teaching Positions Effective School Year (SY) 2015-2016 * DO No, 3, s. 2016, Hiring Guidelines for Senior High School (SHS) ‘Teaching Positions Effective School Year (SY) 2016-2017 * DONO. 9, s. 2016, Reinforcement of DepEd Order Nos. 7 and 22, s. 2015 as the Hiring Guidelines for Kindergarten to Grade 10 Teaching Positions + DO No. 92, s. 2016, Addendum to Deped Order No. 9, 9. 2016 (Hiring Guidelines for Senior High School (SHS) Teaching Positions Effective SY (SY) 2016-017) * DO No. 49, s. 2016, Guidelines on the Hiring of Contractual (Full- Time and Part-Tie] Teachers in Senior High School + DO No. 50, s. 2017, Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Positions in Schools Implementing Indigenous Peoples Education Effective School Year 2016-2017 ‘Address: Osllao St, Poblacion 1, Oroqueta City, Misamis Occidental ‘Contact Number: 0577 ~ 8062187 E-mail Address: dened misoce@yahoo.com Website: deped-r as = Republic of the Dhilippines Bepartment of Education REGION X SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL ¢ DO No, 51, s 2017, Amended Qualification Standards for Senior High School Teaching Positions in the Technical-Vocational- Livelihood Track and Other Clarifications on the Hiring Guidelines © DO No, 66, s. 2007, Guidelines on the Appointment and Promotion of Other Teaching, Related Teaching and Non-Teaching Positions © DONo. 42, s. 2007, The Revised Guidelines on Selection, Promotion and Designation of School Heads © DECS Order No. 57, s. 1997, Further Implementation of the Career Progression System for Master Teachers * DO No. 97, s. 2011, Revised Guidelines on the Allocation and Reclassification of School Head Positions © DECS Order No. 52, s. 1999, Automatic Upgrading of Positions for Eligible Public School Teachers Through ERF Scheme in consonance with Budget Circular No. 2004-1 dated January 23, 2004 2. Further, attached in this division memorandum as Enclosure No. 1 is the General Guidelines for Master Teacher promotion. 3. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. JOC, EdD, CESO VI 1s Division Superintendent Schools Division Superintendent Assistant, OIC, Office ‘Address: Oslao St. Poblacion 1, Oroquleta City, Misamis Occidental Contact Number: 0977 ~ 8062187 E-mail Address: doped misocc@yahoo.com Website: deped-misoce net fhe fe we Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Cducation REGION X SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL Enclosure No. 1 to Division Memorandum No. 026, s, 2020 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR MASTER TEACHER PROMOTION 1. Only those who are actually teaching shall be considered for Master Teacher position. This includes teachers who besides assuming special assignments have regular teaching loads. 2. Positions for Master Teacher (MT) shall be allotted proportionally on the basis of number of teachers. The number for the division shall likewise be distributed proportionally among all districts. 3. An allotment of one (1) MT position per subject area for at least 5-7 teachers should be the basis in the secondary level (DECS Order No. 70, s. 1998) 4. If there are not enough qualified teachers in the district to fill the number of MT position allotted to it, the positions may be filled by a qualified teacher from other districts; provided, however, that such teacher shall serve in the district where the MT position have becn allotted. CREDIT POINTS PER CRITERION A. DEMONSTRATION TEACHING for demonstration teaching shall be supported with the following: 1. Lesson Plan 2. Certificate of recognition/commendation as demonstration teacher duly signed by authorities in the district/division /regionl/national as the case may be. 3. It should be corroborated by 3 to 5 teachers present during the demonstration teaching. 4. Observation tool utilized by observer may be added if there is any. B. LEADERSHIP, POTENTIAL AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS a. Introduced any of the following which has been adopted or used by the school or district - 20 points 1, All claims for criterion “a” shall be supported with proofs/evidences for validation where applicable or to attest to utilization, usefulness or effectiveness ‘Address: Osilao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental Contact Number: 0977 ~ 8062187 E-mail Address: doped misocc@ yahoo.com Website: deped-misocc.net, Bepublic of the Philippines Department of Cducation REGION X SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL The project proposal shall be supported by evidence of data, data analysis in indicators and the terminal report shall contain statistical results. The project should have been acknowledged /noted /endorsed by the school head/education program Supervisor (specific area) and duly recommended and approved by the Assistant School Division Superintendent and School Division Superintendent respectively. Each claim shall be supported with an approved project proposal and a terminal report after project completion. . A certification should be given by the School Head/PSDS on the project tion, usefulness or effectiveness and should be corroborated by at least 5 teachers to attest to the veracity of the claim. Any one (1) of the following shall be given 20 points. For group claims, the points shall be divided equally among the proponents: 6.1 Curriculum or instructional materials Instructional Materials content and development and its effect after implementation shall require supporting evidences of data, data analysis and/or statistical validation. 6.2 Effective Teaching Technique or Strategies This may be a developed intervention program/technique/strategies based on a result of a research finding. 6.3 Simplification of work as in reporting system, record keeping, etc. or procedures resulted in cost reduction This maybe a result of a Continuous Improvement project, a research findings or an offshoot of results of comparative studies. 6.44 worthwhile income generating project for pupils given recognition by higher officials in the Division 6.4.1. The income generating project shall be for the learners 6.4.2. The income generating project shall have been sustained or in existence for at least two (2) consecutive years with a minimum Net Income of Php5,000.00 6.4.3.The terminal report shall include among others how the income was generated, how much was generated, where the income were used, 6.4.4. Fund-raising activities are not considered as income generating project. ‘Address: Osilo St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental ‘Contact Number: 0977 ~ 8062187 Email Address: ieped_misocc®yahoo.com Website: deped-misocc.net fee © SS ‘Republic of the Philippines Department of €ducation REGION X SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL b. Served as subject coordinator or grade chairman for at least one (1) year, Adviser of school publication or any special school organization like Dramatic Club, Glee Club, Science Club, etc. and discharged such assignment. Satisfactorily for at least two (2) years provided such assignment or services are in addition to and not considered part of the regular teaching load. 12 points e 1 Claims for coordinatorship/chairmanship/advisorship must be supported with documentary evidences such as: 1.1 Official designation signed by the school head with term of reference and annotation or statement that such coordinatorship/ chairmanship is outside his/her regular teaching load 1.2 Action Plan and Accomplishment report duly noted /certified by the school head corroborated by at least 5 teachers, Subject Coordinatorship/Chairmanship must be at least one (1) year while advisorship must be at least two (2) years. Such assignments arc not considered as part of teaching load. A copy of the school program shall be submitted as supporting document, For school paper advisers, there should be at least one (1) publication per year printed or mimeographed with the name of the candidate indicated as adviser. Served as chairman of a special committee, such as curriculum study committee, committee to prepare instructional materials, committee to prepare school program and discharged the work effectively. 12 points 1 Curriculum Study Committee may include work on Intervention or Enhancement Program in the different learning areas, assessment, monitoring and evaluation. Committee to prepare instructional materials may include development of instructional materials, development of assessment tools, questionnaires and test materials and quality assurance of instructional materials. Committee to prepare school program may include preparation of school/grade/year/teacher program of work schedule; special educational programs created in support to the different DepEd (CO/RO/DO) program which aim to improve school performance. 4. Supporting documents shall be: 1. A designation as chairman of the committee ‘Address: Osilo St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental Contact Number: 0977 - 8062187 E-mail Address: ieped_misocc@yahoo.com Website: deped-misoce.net a. Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION X SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL 2. A committee report/accomplishment report 3. Copy of the project/committee output/ program 4, Certification by the school head and corroboration of at least 5 teachers of the school Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by educational authorities, either for improvement or instruction for community development or teacher welfare. 12 points For participation as member of such activity -7points 1, Research shall either be action research or applied research 2, Research proposals should have been acknowledged /noted /endorsed by the Schoo! Head /School Research Committee (SRC), reviewed by the School Division Research Committee (SDRC), and recommended and approved by the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent (ASDS) and ‘Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) respectively. 3. Acompleted research shall have a terminal write-up duly acknowledged and noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved by the ASDS and SDS respectively. 4. Research topics shall be aligned with research agenda of the CO/RO/SDO, and according to level of governance. 5. Research conducted and submitted to fulfill requirements for master and doctoral program are not credited as they have credited for the degree program. 6. Credit of 12 points shall be given for individual research. For group claim, points will be 7 points except for rescarches funded under Basis Education Research Fund (BERF) in which case all members will received 12 points cach. Coordinator of community project or activity or of a program of another agency or coordinator of a rural service improvement activity in a community such as feeding, nutrition, agro-industrial fairs, ete. for at least two (2) years. 12 points For participation as member of such activity - 7 points 1, Community Project or Activity may include feeding program in the community health and wellness and nutrition program, agro-industrial fair, ecological /environmental preservation project, rural improvement project, community literacy program among others. ‘Address: Oslo St., Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental ‘Contact Number: 0977 ~ 8062187 E-mail Add Website: a & 2 Bw ‘Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL 2. The community project is community-based, not school based and sponsored by any of the following” LGU or Barangay, RIC, other government agency or a non-government organization, 3. Project lead project organizer shall be given 12 points; while a member of the project or program as certified shall be given 7 points. 4. Supporting documents shalll be as follows: 1. A designation as coordinator/project focal _person/project proponent/chairman duly signed by the head/chair/president of the lead agency or sponsor. 2, Project proposal/write-up and terminal accomplishment report for the project duly approved by approving authorities, and approved /noted by the ASDS/SDS. 3. A certification of commendation/recognition awarded to the Proponent or member for the project may be included. f. Organized managed an in-service activity or other similar activity at Jeast school level - 12 points 1, The in-service activity shall mainly be for the improvement of instructions and/or professional development of teachers based on development needs. 2, Participants to the in-service training are _ teachers/school heads/parents/community or a combination of both/each group. 3. Supporting documents shall include: 3.1 Training design duly recommended and approved by the ASDS and SDS respectively. 3.2 Memorandum for the conduct of the in-service training. 3.3 Certificate of recognition /commendation maybe included. 3.4 Certification of conduct of in-service training by the school head corroborated by 5 teachers. 3.5 Documents shall clearly show that the claimant is the organizer /initiator and/or program manager of the in-service training. Credited with meritorious achievement - 10 points Such as: 1, Trainor or coach to contestant who rec any form of recognition or place 1*, 2 red prizes, commendations or , 3"! etc, in competition ‘Address: Osilao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental Contact Number: 0977 — 8062187 E-mail Address: deped_misoce@yahoo.com Website: deped-misocc.net, fe Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL 2. Contestant is a bona-fide pupil/student of the school 3. Contest may be academic, socio-cultural, community activity or athletic competition which is not part of a regular lesson/activity. 4. Claim is supported by certificate of commendation or recognition where name of claimant as coach is explicitly stated. 5. Credit points shall be given for each win in any level but not to exceed 10 points. 6. The point for the highest earned place shall be granted if wins are of the same event/activity. 7. Credit points shall be given as follows: Ist 2nd 3rd 4th Sth 6th 7th 8th 9th 10" National 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Regional 7 6 5 4 3 Divison 5 4 3 2 1 /Provincial District 93 25 2 15 1 Municipal 1.5 1 5.25 8. Coordinator of BSP and GSP activities or scouts which gained awards will be given points as follows: National ~ 10 points Regional ~ 5 points Division ~ 3 points District - 1 point h, Authorship 10 points Authorship of a book, workbook, textbook or module shall be considered when copyrighted /with ISBN. 2. Authorship of DepEd developed and produced materials shall be included when supporting documents are provided. 2.1 Memorandum where name of candidate is included 2.2 Final copy of the material as published. 3. Sole-authorship of book, workbook, and textbook in module shall be given 10 points, 4. For co-authorship 6 points shall be given. 5. Article published shall be granted 1 point per article provided that article shall be published in a publication/paper/magazine of wide circulation (nationwide or region wide) and educational or technical in nature. ‘Address: Osilao St, Poblacion 1, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental Contact Number: 0977 ~ 8062187 E-mail Address: doped misocc®yahoo.com Website: deped-misoce.net, Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Tanggapan ng Pangalawang Kalihim ‘tice ofthe Undersecretary MEMORANDUM DM-PHRODFO-2020- 09049, 10: Regional Directors ‘Schools ion Superintendents Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board Al Others Concerned rome 26P Seo meh SUBJECT: Clarification on the Applicable Hiring Guidelines for Teaching Positions in ‘School Year (SY) 2020-2021 DATE: February 11,2020 This is to advise you thatthe existing hiring guidelines for teaching positions in Kindergarten to Senior High School (SHS), as stipulated in the issuances enumerated below, shall remain effective until officially amended, revoked, rescinded, or modified through the issuance of a DepEd Order: + DON. 7, 5.2015, Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Positions Efective School Year (SY) 2015-2016 + DONo. 22s. 2015, Hiring Guidelines fr the Remaining Teaching Positions Effective School Year (SY) 2015-2016, + DON. 3, 2016, Hiring Guidelines fr Senior High School (SHS) Teaching Positions Efctve School Year ($Y) 2016-2017 + DONo. 9,5. 2016, Reinfrcement of DepEd Order Nes. 7 and 22, s. 2015 asthe Hiring Guidelines for Kindergarten lo Grade 10 Teaching Positions + DON. 32,s.2016, Addendum to DepEd Order No.3, . 2016 (Hiring Guidelines for Senior High School ISHS] Teaching Positions Effective SY {SY} 2016-2017) + DO No. 49, s. 2016, Guidelines on the Hiring of Contractual (Full-Time and Part-Time) Teachers in Senior High School + DO No. 50, 5 2017, Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Positions in Schools Implementing Indigenous Peoples Education Efetive School Year 2016-2017 + DONo. 51, s.2017, Amended Qualifeton Standards for Senior High School Teaching Positions in the Teclnical-Vocational-Livelitood Track and Other Clarifatins onthe Hiring Guidelines ‘This larification is made in response tothe growing, concems andl uncertainties that have been brought to the attention of this Ofice, particularly on the issue of the applicable hiring guidelines for teaching positions this coming school year (SY) 2020-2021. Said concerns have surfaced following the conduct of the capability building activities on the proposed policies on Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (RSP) last October 2019 to January 2020. As an update, the Department continues its efforts geared towards competency-based human resource by fast BHROD-HRDOARCKCriestomo ‘DepEd Complex, Meraico Ave, Pasig City 1600 BH 636-6549 © 631-0494 SS wor cactantsh Scanned by CamScanner Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education Tanggapan ng Pangalawang Kalihim Office of the Undersecretary tracking the approval and release of the Agency Merit Selection Plan (MSP), and specific hiring guidelines forall groups of positions. 1m line with the foregoing, appointing authoritie/ officers, members of the Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB), and other RSP implementors are hereby directed to observe the applicable DepEd guidelines in the conduct of their respective recruitment, selection, and hiring of teachers this SY 2020-2021. For further inquiries and clarifications, please coordinate with Ms. Chanda Crisestomo or Ms. Sarah Bilag of the Bureau of Human Resource and Organization Development - Human Resource Development Division (BHROD-HRDD) through telephone number: (02) 8470-6630 or email address: bhrod hrdd@ideped.gov.ph. For your reference and guidance. BHROD-HRODACKCristone Denes Complex, Merako Ave, Pasig Cty 16000 636-5549 G ca1-e194 BS on ceoed 01 en Scanned by CamScanner

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