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Larsen 1

Juston Larsen Roster #

Professor Shkorupa

Education 202 2001

04 September 2017

Case Study 2 Jennifer Gordon

How would you describe the problem in this case?

Jennifer Gordon a student teacher is having problems with her second student teacher

mentor Mrs.Williams.Which is causing Jennifer who had previously worked in advertising for 14

years question if she really made the right choice in leaving her previous job to become a teacher

or to not pursue a teaching career any further. The students had loved her in this class as well has

last class from her previous mentor,which helped Jennifer continue her journey. Mrs williams

kept pushing Jennifer to her limits and bluntly being rude and unprofessional toward Jennifer.

Embarrassing and reprimanding Jennifer constantly in private and once in front of the class

Jennifer almost asked to switch, but being the bigger person she stuck through it. There was

nothing wrong with the way Jennifer was treating the students, She cared for them as teacher

should teaching that aged group of kids. Theses students are just like the teachers own kids at

this age, they should be cared for as the same, but in a professional manner and that was what

Jennifer was doing but Mrs Williams Did not like that. Jennifer grew this mentality from her

previous student teacher mentor Mrs. Gina Meyer, who set up this style of teaching for Jennifer.

From the start of Jennifer's first day with Mrs.Williams it was off to a bad start. Mrs Williams

treated Jennifer as if she was a less superior person. Not once did Jennifer received positive
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constructive commentary, constant negativity can change any person's perspective on a job, let

alone not allow room for improvement. Mrs Williams did not provide Jennifer with any room to

improve but instead provided her with constant negativity. With being said the major problem

with this entire case study is Mrs. Williams, not ability to provide a great example of good

teacher to Jennifer Gordon.

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