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Healing Your Liver

by Medical Medium

Intro:! Find out what’s making you sick and how to heal. Anthony William is the Medical

Anthony:! Hello. I’m Anthony William and you’re listening to the Medical Medium Radio Show
where each week, I talk about the most advanced healing information and secrets
about health, much of which is not found anywhere else and it’s decades ahead of
what’s out there now.!

! As I’ve always said, who has 10 or 20 or 30 years to wait for answers to their
illnesses, especially when there’s a trend out there or a fad that’s out there and
that fad or trend needs 10 years or 15 years to burn out? And we’ve been following
it because we’re just doing like everybody else is doing and that’s the consensus
and that’s the information out there and we just lost 10 years. I don’t want that
happening to anybody out there. I don’t want that happening to any of us. !

! So we have to have the information so we don’t waste 10 or 20 or 30 years of our

lives because time is precious. Do you have a year to just throw away or just
waiting for answers? No, no, of course not, of course not. !

! So this show is really about, the Medical Medium Show is really about getting
information that works and isn’t just the same stuff over and over again that’s been
circulating. Let’s be honest, we’re actually getting sicker as a society. We’re not
getting healthier. Even with all the great stuff we do have at our fingertips and all
the good things going on, every day, every year, there are more and more people
with chronic illness developing at every single age. It wasn’t like it was 20 years

! I remember when I used to go into nursing homes and see clients back in the old
days. I remember 30 years ago, going into a nursing home to visit a client and how
she or he was doing. And I didn’t see any young people in the nursing homes.
They were just all in their 80s and they’re all in their 90s and that’s pretty much
mostly what it was. !

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! But now, you’d get somebody in their 70s. And then I’d go in the nursing homes 25
years ago, then 20 years ago. And I saw younger people. They’re in their 60s in
the nursing homes. And then 20 years, 15 years, 18 years ago and sometimes
you’d get one in their late 50s. Go in there now and you see people in their 30s in
nursing homes, people in their 30s in nursing homes chronically, debilitatingly ill,
diagnosed with every diagnosis possible and they’re dying at 30 years old and 40
years old. !

Go around the country. Somebody should do it. Somebody should do it, run a
survey and actually do this and see what went wrong. !

So are we getting the right information we need? I’m on a tangent now about this.
Are we? I don’t know because it’s different than what it used to be. !

Like I was saying, when I used to go in the nursing homes to see clients to help
them through their process, their healing process and everything and see them in
person and everything, well now like I said, there are people in their 30s, people in
their 40s, of course lots of people in their 50s, lots and lots of people in their 60s.
It’s not just people in their 80s and 90s anymore. So you tell me what’s going on
there. Right? !

So that’s why we have to get more answers and Spirit has blessed me with that
opportunity to get those more answers because healing is precious. Life is
precious. !

Today’s show is about healing your liver. Your liver is responsible for flushing
toxins out of the body. We know that. But with the amount of toxins, viruses,
bacteria we are exposed to along with unhealthy diets and lifestyles, our livers are
overburdened. Getting your liver back to optimum functioning is critical for good
health. I’ll explain how we’re going to do this today. !

I told that we are going to go deep into the liver today and cover as much as we
can and we’re going to do that. Feel free to call in, just call in, no problem. I’m
going to do some reads. Spirit will find out what’s going on with your health and
what’s going on in your life. !

So Canada, US, it’s (866) 254-1579. Around the world, international, it’s (760)
918-4300. Remember to go to my website, where you can
download your free chapter of my new book, Medical Medium: Secrets Behind
Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal.!

Yes, how to finally heal. If you’ve tapped into the book, give it some time. It’s a
thick book. There’s a lot of stuff in there and you got to look for it. And sometimes

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some things may not resonate right off the front line, right off the beginning, but as
things develop in your health, you’ll find something that does resonate or for a
loved one or someone else. So always keep that in mind. !

The bottom line is when it comes down to healing, when it comes down to getting
information, when it comes down to our bodies healing, when it comes down to
being sick, this is all the important stuff in our lives, the real important stuff. If you
are not feeling good, how are you going to take care of your loved ones? How are
you going to take care of yourself? How are we going to do the things we need to

And so health matters. Health is the biggest piece of the pie. So I want everybody
getting better. And if it’s three steps up and two steps back and three steps up and
two steps back, if we’re doing that, that’s fine. Let’s do that. Let’s go three steps
up and two steps back as we’re climbing that ladder to health. !

If we got to take baby steps, we’ll do it that way. Some people jump faster. But
whatever it is, we’re all moving together and that’s the plan. And hey, we’re going
to all move in together. We’ll do that. Let’s move in together and we’ll help each
other that way too any way we need to do it. !

If this is your first time show and you’re listening here and you just logged on to
this, it all started for me at age four. I woke up one morning and heard a voice.
And it was perfectly clear. It’s like someone standing next to you, talking right at
you, right in your ear. And that voice said that it was going to be with me for the
rest of my life and was never going to go away. And I diagnosed my grandmother
of lung cancer at age four hearing that voice when no one didn’t even think
anything was wrong with her, going on with her. !

They took her in three weeks later out of curiosity. Why was a four year-old saying
grandma has lung cancer? They took her in and she had lung cancer. It started
there with me and I dedicated my entire life doing this. It’s all I’ve ever done and
I’ve helped tens of thousands of people recover, get the information they needed
to move forward. !

Even if we had a bypass, the map that’s out there and the information that’s out
there, even if it was different things that help people move forward and heal, we
have to deal with it. That’s what I’ve been offering all these years for people. !

I’m not saying that all the information out there is bad. That’s not it at all. We have
great information out there. I’m just saying that we got over 200 million sick people
in the US alone. I’m not talking about globally. They have symptoms that are

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unexplainable, that are a mystery. No one knows what’s going on, they get
different diagnoses. I’ve dedicated my life to air that out with the voice I hear every
day. So that’s a little bit about me. !

First of all before we go into the liver, I just want to say I’m honored. If you’re
listening, I’m honored, seriously. If you’re out there and you want to listen to this
show, it means a lot to me because it means you want to get better and you want
the information and you want to heal. It warms my heart to know that you care
about yourself, you care about others and you want that healing to happen. I’m
truly honored that you’re listening. I really am.!

So today is about the liver. I wanted to do a show just about the liver because of
how important our liver is to us and how it takes the heat. Do you take the heat in
your life at all? Has there been a moment in your life where, “Oh man, I’m taking
the heat. It’s way too much heat. This is too much for me right now?” Has that

Our livers take the heat every day and they take abuse every day. Is there a time
in your life where you’ve had to handle some abuse in some way? I have. We all
have that in our lives. !

And then the liver also takes the hit. It takes the hits for us. It’s like, “Hey, I wish
someone was taking the hit for me this time.” You know what? Our liver is taking
the hit for us every day. It takes a beating. Every day, it takes a beating for us, for
us so we can get through our day and our lives. Its job is to keep us balanced. And
liver problems are rampant. Globally, they’re rampant. The world has liver issues
and conditions. !

Our livers are working for us. They’re the workhorses. Do you know anybody
working hard? Are you working hard? You’re working hard on your healing
process, you’re working hard on taking care of your kids, taking care of your
grandchildren, living life, battling, dying out fires. You’re working hard, right? And
some of you might be working just off the charts hard and some people you know
might be working just way off the charts hard. !

But I can tell you this and I can guarantee you this. Your liver is working harder
than that. Your liver is working harder than you are. Even if you got five jobs and
you got a thousand responsibilities, your liver is working harder than you. It really
is. !

Our liver is doing everything to keep us balanced. It’s doing everything to keep us
balanced. Let’s talk about some of the jobs that our liver does. This is important. !

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One of the jobs that our liver does to keep us balanced and is working hard for us
is to process fat. It breaks it down and it releases it as an energy source. This is
one of the jobs that the liver has to do. But this isn’t an easy job. It’s not an easy
process at all. It puts a serious strain on our liver because bile production – do you
know bile? – is produced to break down fats, to help aide in digestion. !

So if you got a really intense amount of fat coming into your diet, your liver is
working hard. It’s producing more and more bile and more bile. And this is all in
the name, all in the sake of saving your pancreas. !

One of the responsibilities that the liver has is to save your pancreas. That’s what
it does. So that’s another job the liver does. It’s to store things away. !

Do you store things away at the house? Do you store things away at home? Do
you have a closet full of stuff, a garage full of stuff, an attic full of stuff, a basement
full of stuff, a room in the house filled with things that you just don’t really use?
Maybe it’s a guest room, maybe it’s a hallway in your apartment and you’re filling
up stuff in there. Do you have that going on at all?!

The liver likes to hoard. It likes to store things away for a couple of reasons
though. This is important to know. !

One reason is it stores things away to bring back on a rainy day for your body to
use. So it stores some things that are important away so that when you need it
and you need it the best time you can get it, it brings it back out. It brings it out for
you to use. It takes it out for the body to absorb and use it, to reabsorb and use.!

It’s like when we need a cardboard box to ship something. Did you ever have that?
When you’re looking for a cardboard box because you got to ship something to
someone, you start looking around, you’re like, “I knew I stored a box somewhere.
Now, I need that box. I stored it away somewhere and I need it.”!

The liver is like a processing center. It’s processing everything, virtually

everything. This is to ensure that anything harmful enters the liver. This is another
responsibility of the liver. If anything harmful enters it, it gets neutralized. !

Think about how hard that is, anything getting in there, any toxins such as
pharmaceuticals, pesticides, heavy metals, viruses, bacteria, plastics. These
things have to be converted into unharmful, non-harmful toxins to protect you once
again. Your liver is working for you. That’s what it’s doing. !

So, you’re getting where I’m going with all this because we’re going to be working
for the liver. We’re going to be working for our liver is where I’m getting you to go,

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right? That’s the whole point. So our liver is really working really hard doing all
this. !

And if it can’t convert, if it can’t take the toxin like plastic or a virus or a heavy
metal or a pesticide or a pharmaceutical, if it can’t take it and convert it to make it
safe because it’s getting beaten down and it’s getting run down, then it stores it
away. It stores it away. So if it can’t repackage it in a safe manner and release it
out to the wild yonder, which is your body to keep you safe, it then will store it
away. That’s what it does.!

Now, it stores these toxins away to protect us. But wait a minute. This only keeps
us safe for a while because our livers start to get clogged up. They start to get
stagnant. The liver starts to get stagnant. I can’t even tell you. !

If I walk into a mall and there are a thousand people in the mall, 900 of them have
a stagnant liver to some degree. Some are off the charts, way off the charts. The
fatty liver, some were it’s just sluggish liver. That’s how many liver problems we
have. But we just walk around like humpty dum-dum, whatever, some of us I
guess. And hey, I forget about my liver, unless Spirit reminds me, which Spirit
does. You better start paying attention to your liver. !

Anyway, when that liver starts getting clogged up, when your liver starts getting
clogged up, you can get weight gain. So when you get sluggish, stagnant, weight
gain can happen because these are toxins in the liver that can’t be converted,
these poisons. So liver just gets beaten down and it just stores them. !

But when the liver gets clogged, the filter slows down. The filter, if you ever see a
pool, if you ever go swimming in a pool and there’s a filter to the pool, pulling in
dirty water and then filtering it and sending it back out or a fish filter, fish in a little
aquarium in your house or something, there’s a filter in there, carbon-based filter.
If you ever shake that filter, you see all that black stuff come out. That filter is
taking in dirty water and it’s releasing clean water. That’s the job of that filtering

The liver does this because another job of the liver is to make sure it screens and
filters your blood. Your blood has to be filtered. Hey, that’s what the liver is doing.
Do you see the responsibilities it has? It’s really intense. It’s got a lot of intricate,
really complicated responsibilities. It has to filter the blood.!

So when blood leaves your liver, it leaves clean. It leaves clean because it’s going
directly to the heart. Yeah, that’s right. It goes to the heart. So your heart is
pumping and it’s drawing blood from the liver. !

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But your liver can’t be stagnant. It starts getting stagnant and it starts getting
sluggish because it’s got too many toxins and it can’t convert toxins into safer
toxins to neutralize them and then it gets more clogged up, more clogged up, more
clogged up. What happens? Your heart has to then draw harder. It has to suck
harder. It has to pump harder to pull that blood out of the liver. !

And guess what happens – high blood pressure. No one talks about this part. So if
someone’s out there who says, “Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard something before. Yeah,
Mr. Medical Medium has got nothing new,” actually no. High blood pressure is –
most cases just so you know and no one talks about this – from a stagnant liver.
It’s because the heart is working twice as hard as it’s supposed to work and it’s
trying everything it can to pull blood up and pull it out of the heart. !

That’s what it does. A heart has to work harder and harder, pulling and pumping
blood up to the liver. And then if the liver is too clogged up and too stagnant and
too hot and a little too beat up, it starts sending dirty blood up to the heart. How
about that? That’s something to think about. And this creates the high blood
pressure. It’s part of it.!

And look, a lot of people, they don’t have a heart problem, they don’t have a
vascular issue, but yet, they got high blood pressure. Chances are if you’re one of
those people with that mystery elevated hypertensive or blood pressure, that’s
from the liver, that’s from the heart working overtime, pulling blood up. The liver
most likely is clogged or stagnant causing that. So it’s upping the blood pressure. !

So think about this. When you have a straw and you’re drinking water out of a cup
or you’re drinking water out of a glass and it’s just water, so when you’re sucking
through a straw, it’s easy. There’s water coming up, no big deal. But then if you
have cola in that glass, just a little thicker, a little syrupy, that cola with all that
good corn syrup or whatever else is in there, all the crazy stuff in cola and other
soft drinks and stuff like that, when you’re drawing that up, it’s thicker. !

What happens when it’s a milkshake? And you got a straw in a milkshake and
you’re pulling up that milkshake. You need more suction. That’s what happening.
So when the liver is clogged up with gunk and viral products and byproduct like
toxins, plastics, DDT – did I say the word DDT? That’s an interesting one. How
would we still have DDT? !

First of all, our livers have DDT in them. We all have it in us. You’re wondering,
where could it come from? That stuff was banned. Well, it’s not banned in all these
other countries and it’s in the air, it’s floating in the air. The wind just takes it right

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up. That’s how our world works, that’s how the atmosphere works. It takes it right
up and floats it around and rains down on everybody. So there’s plenty that we

So when that DDT is in there floating around, heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride,
something happens to the liver when it gets out of control. Now, we’re going into
out of control land. It’s going to there. !

Now, we got stagnant liver. It’s got too many of these toxins I’m talking about. It’s
holding on to too many of these. And then what happens? Scar tissue. Scar tissue
starts to occur in the liver. !

Millions of Americans alone, never mind globally, have scar tissue developing in
their livers. So we’re going to reverse all this. !

I’m not trying to create a little bit of anxiety with this. It’s not at all. It’s just that
knowledge is power when it comes down to healing. It really is. Sometimes we
have to know. All the time, we have to know what’s going on. That’s how you heal.
You have to know what’s going on.!

When you have all these different toxins, the liver starts to get scarred up. It starts
to have problems. And we need more things in our diets like antioxidants to stop
this scarring. We’re going to talk about that a little bit. !

But there’s another job your liver does. Before we go anywhere, I want to talk
about another job. This is one of the most critical. Just when you thought you
heard it all, just when you thought, “Okay, hey Anthony, that’s enough,” there’s one
more critical job our liver does. It’s storing glucose. !

Remember how I said the liver stores things. It stores glucose. Glucose, what’s
glucose? It’s sugar. Sugar, that’s a scary word. !

“Wait a minute, why does the liver store glucose? Is it a bad or good thing? What
is it?” It’s a critical thing. That’s how we stay alive. We stay alive due to the
amount of sugar the liver can hold on to. !

So when you hear trend-busting – we’re going into trend-busting. I’m going to
probably get somebody mad at me out there because this is what happens. But
sugar isn’t bad for the liver. Table sugar isn’t good for anything. Table sugar is not
good for the liver. !

Don’t get me wrong here on this. This is another thing that crosses the lines in
strange places. Corn syrup and table sugar and processed sugars of all kinds, I’m

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not talking about that. That’s just bad for everything. We know that. That’s been
established. !

But there are carbohydrates, certain critical carbohydrates like in a sweet potato.
Sweet potatoes got sugar in there. Is that bad for us, a sweet potato? I can tell you
a list of good dozen things a sweet potato does to keep us alive longer.!

So sweet potato is one version. Fruit is another version. Honey, honey is a

medicine. It’s not just sugar. You want the raw honey.!

These sugars have to find their way into the liver. The liver desperately uses
these, needs these. This is one of the jobs. I’ll tell you why. It has to have this
sugar to save your pancreas, to stop diabetes because what happens is it holds
on to glucose so that when you don’t eat, you don’t stress your pancreas and kill
it. !

So that means if you want to go all day long and you’re shopping or you got this,
you’re picking up the kids, you’re going around. You got all that going and then you
don’t eat for five hours, your liver is releasing storages of glucose to save your
butt by the minute releasing it so you don’t have a pancreas crash, so you don’t go
to diabetes, so you don’t get too hypoglycemia, so you don’t get any of that. Do
you see what’s going on there?!

So when you hear out there, “Oh, stay away from every sugar possible. It hurts the
liver.” It’s misinformation. I don’t care what’s backing it. I don’t care what’s going
on because it’s about you. It’s about you getting better. It’s about you healing. !

It’s not what I got to stand for. It’s about making sure you’re getting better. That’s
what matters. And that’s why I don’t really care about backing too many trends
because what am I supposed to do? Be quiet and then just let you not get better in
certain areas of your life just because someone out there is a little upset?!

It’s critical that you know these things. It’s critical. This is about you. This is about
you getting better. So these glucose reserves, they keep you out of trouble and the
more we beat down our liver and the more we’re not treating it good, the more and
more it’s taking in toxins it can’t release anymore and the more and more we
overeat too much fat because it starts to burden it, the glucose reserves drops and
it drops and it drops and then you got diabetes too, that type two diabetes coming
on. !

Your doctor is saying, “Well, your A1C is up there. It’s a little off the charts. You’re
basically pre-diabetes to diabetes now.” That’s when the liver just beaten too down
and not having that balance anymore, not knowing when to release glucose or not

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having enough glucose to release into your blood to stop the pancreas and the
whole insulin resistance process. !

This is intense stuff, also, to stop adrenal fatigue because that comes with the
whole bandwagon. It’s like one of the players in the band. It’s like the drummer.
The drummer is adrenal fatigue and it comes along. That’s it. You need the drum
kit there. And that happens when the liver gets beaten down and the adrenals get
beaten down for all of these reasons. !

So if your diet is way too high in fat and your liver can’t process it good enough
anymore and it needs to produce excessive bile, so excessive bile production
because it can’t handle the load anymore, it can’t handle the fats anymore, it might
have been cute and fuzzy and fine for the first 30 years of your life, but now it just
can’t handle it, so we start getting problems. We start getting the pancreas. It
starts having a problem. We start going all over the place. We get in trouble. We
start getting in trouble. !

See, the liver then starts storing the fat away to protect your pancreas. And it
leads to fatty liver. So now we’re at the doctor’s office. The doctor says, “I think
you got a fatty liver here.” And the liver takes the fat in, it takes it in to protect you,
but in the process of protecting you, it goes too far and the glucose stops
rebuilding that protects the pancreas, protects the adrenals, protects you from
hypoglycemia, protects you from all these different things, protects you from
insulin resistance. That’s how it goes. !

Let me tell you about one more role that the liver has. It has a vitamin role. It
stores away vitamins. How important is that? It stores away your vitamin reserves. !

So when you go to the doctor, whether it’s a natural doctor, functional doctor,
conventional doctor and your doctor does some blood work and he says or she
says, “Well, you got all these deficiencies.” That’s an indication of the liver. They’re
really supposed to be saying, “Your liver has some problems.”!

Do you see how we’re not there yet? Do you see how we’re just not there yet? We
got ways to go. So we got to be protective for people in their health because the
deficiencies mean that the liver can’t store any more vitamins and minerals. It’s not
doing its job. It’s not storing all the vitamins and minerals that it needs to do. Do
you see how critical all this stuff is?!

It plays its role in restoring vitamins. But if it’s too gunked up, it can’t even do that
as good as it needs to do. !

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I’ll tell you one more fun thing. The liver has its own immune system. That’s
something you’re going to hear about 10, 15 years down the road or maybe 20
years. Or maybe I won’t even be here down the road and you won’t be talking
about that. And maybe I’ll come back in another lifetime around and we still won’t
talk about that and then maybe by the third lifetime.!

The liver has its own world, its own immune system, something undiscovered even
until this day of how things work and how it protects you against bugs and
pathogens, toxins, everything else. We’re not there yet. We don’t know all the
recipe in the cake. We’re eating the chocolate cake, but we really don’t know how
much nutmeg is really in there and we don’t really know if there’s ginger in there
either. We can’t quite tell. It’s hidden with all the other lard and all the other sugars
and everything else, the bad sugars and the fondant and everything else you
throw on a chocolate cake.!

So we don’t really know how it works. That’s how the liver is. It’s complicated,
really complicated. !

But we’re good at liver transplants. I have to commend the medical field for that.
It’s amazing. We can pull livers out and put them back in. We can do a good job
doing it. It’s incredible. Science today in that area is phenomenally moved forward
in such a great way. We’re in a great time, but we’re sicker than ever and more
tired than ever in history. How strange it really is?!

Let’s go over a few things that are good for the liver. B12 is one of the most
important things for the liver that you can do to keep yourself safe, to keep your
liver in a good place, to make sure you’re protecting it. It’s B12.!

But wait, it’s not just methylcobalamin that’s going to do that. It’s not just that
variety of B12. As I’ve always talked about on my show, it has to be
adenosylcobalamin as well. You could get a blend of methylcobalamin and
adenosylcobalamin. !

And I talked about in my book about adenosylcobalamin. That’s going to be the

coenzyme B12 that rules the roost, that runs everything. And you’re hearing it
here. You’re going to hear it here first. So all this time we’ve been doing this show,
you’re hearing it here first. !

So all this time, we’ve been doing this show. You’re hearing it here first and three
to four years from now, you’re going to hear it more and more and more. It’s going
to be going around like lightning.!

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That’s the coenzyme that brings your liver back. That’s the one. The
adenosylcobalamin, that’s the one. So B12 is critical for the liver. It’s very
important to understand.!

Another one, vitamin C. Vitamin C stops scar tissue in the liver. It reverses scar
tissue. It stops bilirubin from going over the charts. It stops a lot of things that go
wrong with the liver, the liver enzymes, everything else. When you’re at the
doctor’s office, you’re worried about your liver. Doctors are worried about your

Vitamin C, but vitamin C comes in oranges. “But wait, we’re told not to eat oranges
anymore.” I’m not being sarcastic today. I think I might have a little touch of that in
me. This isn’t good.!

We’re told not to eat the oranges anymore because of too much sugar. What are
we going to do there? I’ll tell you, the vitamin C in orange is so bio-available. It is
so assimilatable. It could absorb in a way that nothing else does because it’s in its
whole form in that orange. !

So if you’re worried about a liver problem, you eat oranges every day. If someone
tells you not to eat because it’s too much sugar, it’s going to hurt your liver, now
we’re in the badlands. It’s just misinformation. It’s nobody’s fault. But the point is
that’s important. !

Broccoli has got vitamin C in it. We know that. Broccoli does, lots of broccoli for
the liver. “But wait, we’re told not to eat broccoli anymore because it got the
goitrogenic compounds that hurt our thyroid,” which is more misinformation. Don’t
listen there because you would need a 100 lb barrel. I say this all the time. Now,
it’s broke the record thing, 100 lb barrel of broccoli a day. You would need 100 lbs
of it, barrels of it weekly in order to affect your thyroid. So it’s more misinformation
that’s developing as we speak to stop you from healing.!

Not on purpose, not on purpose. Everybody is in it for the same reason, to get
everybody better. But it’s important to know broccoli is critical. So look at that.
Vitamin C is important. !

So let’s talk about some foods. There have to be dandelion greens. Look, I can’t
stand the taste of dandelion greens. I’ve been eating them most of my life. I still
can’t stand the taste of dandelion greens. It’s too bitter for me. But I eat them, I do
force myself to eat them. !

If you want, you can just eat a little bit of it. And if you’re sensitive or you just don’t
like the dandelions, you put a little bit on top of your salad. !

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Dandelion is amazing. If you can get a wild dandelion in the spring, all you need is
one leaf. One leaf, one stem is all you need to move yourself forward. It’s that
powerful when they’re wild. I promise you that. So keep that in mind. !

We’re in January now. Keep that in mind so we can look forward to the spring. And
maybe you can find one at some friend’s yard or somewhere, on a trail. But
dandelion greens really purge the liver. !

Here’s the deal. They purge the liver and they squeeze the liver. It’s like a big
sponge. It squeezes it in a way. It massages the liver, the dandelion greens, the
bitterness. But it does it in a way that that bitterness brings about other parts of
your immune system to encapsulate the toxins coming out and carry it out of the
body. !

So other parts of the body, other parts of your immune system, other things
happening, it helps flush the poisons out. The dandelion, the bitterness of the
dandelion, it activates certain histamines that are the healthy ones that grab on
the things and pull the poisons out so you can detox. So we do a little bit of
dandelion greens.!

Artichokes. If you’re afraid of artichokes because of how they look, we got to get
over it. I had to get over it when I was younger. I was like, “Look at this thing. It’s
so weird, all the leaves.” Artichokes are really important. Artichoke hearts, that
cleanses the liver. It helps bring back the liver. !

Berries, I don’t care what berry you like. Just eat the one you like then. Some
people say, “I like strawberries,” and some people say, “I don’t like raspberries.”
And I understand. I totally get it. And some people say, “I’ll eat any berry. Fine.”!

Whatever berries you eat, bring them on in, blackberries, black raspberries. Wild
blueberries are my favorite because they’re the most powerful food on the planet
for bringing back the liver. So it’s wild blueberries. But bring in all the berries, it
doesn’t matter.!

So kale, let’s talk about that a little bit. Kale is important. That’s a great one. Kale
does wonderful things for the liver. It cleanses it gently in a way. It pushes it gently.
It gives it a shove to release some poisons and helps rejuvenate.!

Spinach is fantastic for the digestive system, incredible for the gallbladder,
incredible for the liver. Make sure a little bit of that is in there. !

Butternut squash, that’s a good one. That’s a carbohydrate, that spooky

carbohydrate word. Butternut squash, it’s carbohydrate filled with minerals,

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vitamins, enzymes, phytochemicals, antioxidants, nutrients, trace minerals. It’s
critical for the liver. !

Asparagus, that should be on your menu at least a few times a week. Do

asparagus once a day. Once a day, you do it. It would be amazing. !

Apples, don’t forget about apples. We forget about them. We do because we think
we ate one just recently when we really had one two weeks ago, not every day.
Bring in the apples, any kind you like. !

Don’t do the whole green apple thing. The red apples have more nutrition, more
anti-inflammatory properties, more anti-cancerous properties. Just bring in those
apples. They help clean up the liver. If you want green apple only because you like
it, fine. But just bring in more apples, different kinds of apples, even red, delicious.
It’s so powerful with the red skin.!

And grapes, let’s bring grapes in. That’s a big one. Grapes have a cure effect,
curing ability, cure power. They have a healing power. An ancient one going all the
way back since we’ve been here, as far back as that goes, grapes have been
here. So we have to keep that on. We have to be dialed in on that. !

Burdock root, get burdock root tea. You can get dandelion root tea. You can get
roasted dandelion root tea. All these matter. Get nettle leaf tea, that’s another one.
All these are incredible for the liver. Even raspberry leaf tea is amazing for the
liver. !

ALA, alpha-lipoic acid as a supplement, that’s a great thing for the liver. Look for
that in the health food store or order one online and take a little bit. It’s incredible
to bring back the liver and restore it. !

So if you focus on just this whole list here and you’re bringing more and more in,
these things and you’re bringing artichokes in on a weekly basis. And you start
bringing the asparagus in every day. And you start bringing the dandelion greens
and throw them on your salads. And you start doing some burdock root tea in
between it. And you start eating a few more apples each day to get your glucose
back in your liver. !

And you start monitoring. You don’t have to go crazy, but monitor your fat intake.
Fats are healthy. Healthy fats are healthy. They are. But just knock it back 25%.
What’s wrong with that? !

If you think you have a liver condition, if you think everything I’m telling you here
might connect into a liver condition of any kind, any way, then knock back your fats

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25%. If you’re eating five avocados a day, get rid of one. If you’re eating chicken
twice a day, just knock it back one day or you do chicken once a day. Whatever it
is that you’re getting your fat from, wherever that’s coming from, if you’re eating
too many nuts, if you’re eating too much meat, just back it down 25%. Whatever is
your bag, whatever you do, just bring it back 25%.!

While you’re doing everything on this list and you move forward, we roll and we
get there. So that’s the whole deal. We’re going to take some callers.!

Susana, line four. Hey, Susana. Hi, are you there?!

Susana:! Hello. I’m here. !

Anthony:! Hi.!

Susana:! How are you?!

Anthony:! Good, good. You’ve been tired lately?!

Susana:! Oh yes.!

Anthony:! How long has it been? !

Susana:! I got diagnosed the end of 2014.!

Anthony:! Do they tell you one adrenal was… !

Susana:! She basically said adrenal fatigue. But in the cortisol test, I have none. !

Anthony:! Well, the right side, your right side, so your right arm, that right adrenal is worse.
That’s where all the problems are really coming from.!

Susana:! Okay. !

Anthony:! So Spirit says it’s that adrenal that’s the bigger problem.!

Susana:! The right adrenal gland, okay. !

Anthony:! Yeah. If we can get that one up a notch, the left adrenal will actually start being
more normal. !

Susana:! Oh wow. Okay. !

Anthony:! And then you can get back into balance. !

Susana:! […] !

Anthony:! Did your practitioner put you on adrenal supplements? What did they do?!

Susana:! No, nothing like that. I’m going for a naturopath doctor. And she said basically I do
not want to do that. She said, “Let’s look at your diet and start working that way.”

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So all of last year, that’s what I’ve been trying to figure out, what kind of diet to
follow […] !

Anthony:! Wow! I’m proud of you. First of all Susana, you have to eat every hour and a half.
That’s the most critical… !

Susana:! I know. Yeah, I’ve been listening to you and I’ve been grazing. I feel like I’m eating
nonstop. !

Anthony:! I know. It seems like a little bit too much, a little too crazy. Yeah.!

Susana:! Yeah.!

Anthony:! But let me tell you what it does. It stops your adrenals from flooding. So whatever
adrenaline, whatever adrenal hormones you have left in those adrenals, we want
to preserve. This is liquid gold. That adrenaline is liquid gold. !

Susana:! Right.!

Anthony:! So what happens is if you drop your blood sugar, so you just say, “Oh, I got so
much going on. I’m going crazy,” and two hours, three hours go by and your blood
sugar drops, guess what happens. Your adrenals flood. They dump everything
they have into your bloodstream.!

Susana:! Wow. Yeah, my blood sugar was 65. I had one blood test that I went to see her.
And I’m so happy about what you said about eating fruits. I’m totally revamping my
diet right now. !

Anthony:! Well, you have to. Susana, there’s got to be mineral salts in there too. You have to

Susana:! Oh, of course, I need salt. !

Anthony:! Okay, I don’t want table salt. !

Susana:! Right. I have some salt. !

Anthony:! The Spirit is not saying…!

Susana:! I have Himalayan salt. And I’ve been doing the celery juice that you
recommended. !

Anthony:! All right, that’s…!

Susana:! So where do I get my trace minerals from? !

Anthony:! They come from spinach. It’s high in mineral salts. !

Susana:! Okay. !

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Anthony:! Celery, which you’re already doing. !

Susana:! Yeah, I put that in my smoothies. !

Anthony:! Yeah. Lemon. !

Susana:! I see. I do lemon also. !

Anthony:! Good. That’s where all the mineral salts are coming from, these little trace mineral
salts in lemon. Even though the lemon does taste salty, it’s loaded with these trace
mineral salts. !

Susana:! Oh, okay. !

Anthony:! Okay, so phenol. !

Susana:! Phenol, okay. That one, I don’t have yet. !

Anthony:! That’s critical. You have to have phenol in here too. And then you have to have the
potassium. So that’s the mineral salts we’re covering. But what about the
potassium? So you have to have maybe…!

Susana:! Well, I’m doing a banana blueberry cake […] !

Anthony:! There’s your potassium. !

Susana:! Okay, good. !

Anthony:! Yeah, there’s your potassium. And there’s your glucose, the sugar. So that’s the
balance you have to have because with this adrenal fatigue that I see with the
right adrenal gland being like it is, what’s going to happen is you might get brain
fog. It might hit you in the head. !

Susana:! Oh my god.!

Anthony:! Yeah, and the reason why is those are neurotransmitters. Guess what
neurotransmitters run on. They run on sugar and mineral salts. !

Susana:! Okay. !

Anthony:! That’s what creates a neurotransmitter chemical. That’s what creates it. So you
have to do that.!

! The other thing is massage. Have the massage therapist work a little bit more or
an energy healer or a massage therapist and have them do a little bit more work
on the right side of your back, to get the right adrenal the attention it needs. I want
you to do that too. !

Susana:! Okay. I guess […] !

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Anthony:! Start with that, Susana. You’re amazing. Thanks for calling in. !

Susana:! I have one quick question. !

Anthony:! Sure.!

Susana:! You said the right side. All through my life, whenever I have any kind of situation, if
I had a headache, an allergy reaction, it’s always on my right side of my body. And
my left side is fine. I just find that very bizarre. !

Anthony:! It’s not bizarre, Spirit said. That’s the whole point. That’s what the reading was.
Spirit said the right adrenal is the problem. That’s the bad one. And what that does
is that causes a hypertensive nervous system and a hypertensive side on the right
side. !

Susana:! Okay. Wonderful. !

Anthony:! So I would move on to all this. And do what you got to do. And just know I’m proud
of you big time. !

Susana:! Okay. I’m so pleased to talk to you. Thank you so much. !

Anthony:! You’re welcome. You’re welcome. And then we have – hi, how are you? Andine. Hi,
are you there?!

Andine:! Oh my god. I’m so excited. Can you hear me?!

Anthony:! I’m excited. How are you?!

Andine:! Yeah. Wow! I’ve never been so excited and nervous to talk to…!

Anthony:! Hey, you’re making me nervous. I’m nervous to talk to you.!

Andine:! So don’t get nervous. I’ve been listening to all your shows many times and I have
your book. !

Anthony:! Oh, thanks. Cool. !

Andine:! I have almost the same question for me and my son who’s nine. My son is gluten
and dairy free and on the spectrum, but mild on the spectrum. !

Anthony:! Sure.!

Andine:! And his neurologist in New York was also a homeopath. And at five years old… !

Anthony:! Oh, cool.!

Andine:! And it really worked wonders and I don’t really know if it’s working wonders
anymore. That’s four years later. !

Anthony:! Yeah.!

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Andine:! And then for me, the good news is I’ve been eating really well my whole life, the
lemon water, green juice. The bad news is I’ve also been on a very strange junk
food bender the last few years. So I’ll have a green juice with the kale and the
ginger and the lemon and I love it. And the next day, I’ll eat things I can’t even
name on this radio show. !

Anthony:! Listen, Spirit tells me that you’re a thinker. You’re thinking a lot. I ran into thinkers
often. A lot of us are. But this is part of it. So you’re burning the wheels. So you’re
spinning the wheels up there. So you’re processing a lot of information. Were you
under stress a few years ago?!

Andine:! Yeah. This is when your child gets diagnosed with special needs and we didn’t see
it coming because he’s also gifted. This is what people told us. So, my gifted child
is now in a special needs school. So it’s pretty much the most stressful situation
I’ve ever been in. !

Anthony:! Okay. !

Andine:! It’s all going well, but here we are. French fries and kale, so I want to start all over
maybe now, starting now. !

Anthony:! What it does is it makes you spin the wheels up there more by lighting a fire up
there. Basically electricity is going off at a higher degree. There’s a lot more brain
heat happening because your thinking is involved in stress. Some other person’s
thinking might be involved in something else. Somebody else’s thinking and stress
might be in a different level. You have to cool down the engine up there. And that’s
a big deal about you getting better. !

! So what are you doing? What’s for fun? Are you taking care of yourself in between
everything with all that’s going on?!

Andine:! Yeah. I’m also a yoga teacher. So I’ve been into this stuff for really my whole life,
so I have a lot of info. But sometimes that doesn’t matter. You can have a lot of
info and you’re still eating your potato chips because you need it or whatever. !

Anthony:! You’re eating a potato chip because you’re trying to get glucose to the brain. You
need to know something. If you eat a hot pepper, a real hot, hot pepper, the only
thing that’s going to cool it down in your mouth is going to be sugar. !

! So if you go to a hot pepper contest someplace where they got every hot pepper in
the world and you got 100 people that are about to do daredevil stunts eating hot
peppers. I’ve never been to one of those, but I saw one on TV. If you go to one of
those, you’ll see that they’re shoving sugar in the people’s mouth to cool it down

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fast because you can’t put water in to cool down hot pepper heat. It has to be
sugar. !

! It’s the same thing with the engine, the Antifreeze in engines. To cool down the
engine, it’s not water that’s in there to cool down the engine. It’s Antifreeze, which
is sweet and syrupy. And that’s why Antifreeze is dangerous because dogs like to
drink it because it’s sweet, because sweet cools. !

! So if you got stress and you’re running around, you have a lot on your plate,
you’re doing all these things, you’re taking care of the children, you have all the
responsibilities and you don’t get enough sugar, which is the healthy kinds, you’re
going to be eating things you can’t name on the show. !

Andine:! And I am doing your wild frozen blueberries every day. !

Anthony:! That’s the right kind of sugar. That’s the right kind, the highest antioxidant food on
planet Earth today. There are antioxidants in wild blueberries they don’t even know
how to chart yet. They took 50 years.!

Andine:! I really love everything you say about them, even the personality of the wild
blueberry. They’re like my little warrior foods. !

Anthony:! Yeah. !

Andine:! They’re probably keeping me alive. I think I want to ask Spirit. I’ve done
macrobiotic in the past and I feel great. I’ve done Paleo and that feels great. So is
there anything that Spirit thinks when it scans me, when you scan me that…!

Anthony:! You got a calcification in the right breast and it doesn’t look like a problem. But if
you go to the doctor, if they ever do an exam, they might find it. It’s a little past

Andine:! Yeah, I found it. I found it. Yes, I found it. !

Anthony:! Yes, Spirit sees that. That’s one thing. And then your liver is slightly sluggish, the
very thing I’m talking about on the show. So it is. It’s sluggish and it’s hot. It’s
stagnant. That’s one thing to be concerned about. !

! You got food allergies. Stay away from dairies. Stay away from wheat. We know
that. You probably know that. That’s another thing to be concerned about. !

! I don’t see anything scary from what I’m looking here and what Spirit is showing
me. But you did run some inflammation at one time, a little higher than you do now
in certain joints. !

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Andine:! Yes, right on 800%. I’m an arthritic-esque because I’m a yoga teacher. I think I […]
If I wasn’t so physical, who knows where I’d be at 52 now? !

Anthony:! Yeah. Totally, that’s what Spirit sees, all of that. So what I suggest…!

Andine:! So no gluten ever, right? I’ve done gluten-free many times. And I’ve fell off the
gluten wagon two weeks ago and I feel like crap. So there you go. !

Anthony:! No gluten. And just to understand that, whether you’re Paleo, whether you’re
macrobiotic, whatever it is, you bring in more leafy greens. You bring in more fruit.
Fruit and leafy greens, other vegetables, you bring in more of those. I would bring
in the artichokes and I would bring in lots of asparagus and artichokes to try to get
that liver in a better place. That’s one thing. !

Andine:! Okay, great. !

Anthony:! And then bring in things like the wild blueberries, more apples so there are more
anti-inflammatory compounds for the arthritic stuff that we see. And do things like
pomegranate seeds to try to help dissolve the calcification in the breast that we
see on the right side. !

! And do other things like mache. It’s a green. Do red leaf lettuce, Spirit says, for the
calcification. It helps the calcifications. And you got some others too in there, but
they’re all bile. !

! The thing is you look good though and I’m proud of you. And I want you to keep on
forging ahead. I’m blown away. I’m going to let you go. !

Andine:! Thank you.!

Anthony:! I hate letting you go, believe me. I want to stay on the rest of the day and talk to
you. And we’re heading to the end of this show. !

So all right, mark your calendar for next week’s show, 5 PM Eastern, 2 PM Pacific
where I will be talking about healing from mold exposure. Mold exposure, it’s
common knowledge that mold exposure can make you sick, but there’s more to it
than just avoiding moldy areas. Mold is often just trigger that worsens an already
existing condition. !

This is important to know, everybody, this is, because we all live in mold one way
or another and some of us have been exposed to really dangerous toxic mold. We
know that. It can make you really sick. But there are other things that we have to
build up in our bodies so we don’t let mold rule the roost and take us down. This is
an important show. !

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I never thought I was going to do the mold show coming on this year because I
had so many different shows, but I know it’s a big topic, it’s a big deal. I want
people to have clarity. I want them to know what’s going on and what to do. So
don’t miss the mold show and everything about it. It’s so important to understand. !

Anyway, remember to go to my website, and I offer so much,

I offer a lot of things. So for people that can’t afford something or whatever, I offer
information every day on the Facebook pages, articles I write and put out just so
you can get the information to help you move forward and heal. It means
everything to me. Go to my Facebook, and everything else. !

It’s about getting you better. I care. That’s the truth because I have to, because it’s
about you and I know you need the help. I’m here. It means everything to me. It
really does. I want you to live your life the way you feel you want to and need to
and take care of your loved ones. Bless…!

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