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1. State one advantage for stem cells in medical science. How is RBC adapted to its function?

2. What is the function of flagella? How is diffusion different from osmosis? (1+3)
3. Give two functions of WBC. (2)Define diastole. (2)
4. Write two differences between arteries and capillaries. (2)What are the essential features of
blood circulatory system? (3)
5. State the function of coronary artery. (2) Why does mammal require transport system? 2
6. Why is active transport important for us? Is a virus living organism? Explain. (3)
7. Give two functions of fibre. (2) Which part of an animal cell help in respiration? (1)
8. What nutrition is available in chicken? 1 draw diagram of an animal cell. Label all its parts. (2)
Define the term balanced diet. 2
9. How does vasodilation occur? What is the purpose of Bowman’s capsule and loop of henle?


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