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Chapter 8 – Red Rain (pp.


Vocabulary Analysis
Analyzing vocabulary within context can assist a reader in understanding complex text. Below, determine the definition for
each of the terms selected from the chapter. You may use a dictionary if necessary.

menacing p.52

omen p.52

amid p.54

rout p.54

tending p.55

Comprehension Questions. Answer each question based on your readings in this chapter.
1. When Diomedes knocked Hector to the ground with a great blow, what did the other Trojan warriors do so that he was able to get



2. When Patroclus goes to Nestor’s hall to see Machaon the healer (who is wounded himself), Nestor tells him a way to put fear into
the Trojans. What is it?





Chapter 9 – Battle for the Ships (pp. 57-63)

Vocabulary Analysis
Analyzing vocabulary within context can assist a reader in understanding complex text. Below, determine the definition for
each of the terms selected from the chapter. You may use a dictionary if necessary.

breach p.58

reeling p.60

flanks p.60

tumult p.62

Which side are the gods and goddesses on now? Place these names of each of these gods/goddesses in the correct column:
Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Apollo, Athena, Aphrodite.
Greeks Trojans Still can’t tell yet

Comprehension Questions. Answer each question based on your readings in this chapter.
1. Just as the Trojans break through the Greek gates, Zeus turns his thoughts elsewhere, but another god rides out of the sea to help
them. Who is it? Where do he and his chariot come from?
2. Why might the horses be afraid to cross the ditch that was in front of the Greek camp?
(hint: read, think, look at the illustration)


An alliteration is the repetition of an initial consonant sound, such as fighting fleet in flames. Select any character from
Black Ships before Troy and write 3 complete sentences about him/her with alliteration. Highlight the examples of
alliteration in each sentence. (If you want, you may use 3 different characters.)

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________



2. ___________________________________________________________________________________



3. ___________________________________________________________________________________



Chapter 10 – The Armor of Achilles (pp.64 – 68)

Vocabulary Analysis
Analyzing vocabulary within context can assist a reader in understanding complex text. Below, determine the definition for
each of the terms selected from the chapter. You may use a dictionary if necessary.

folly p.64

lest p. 64

lurched p.65

quenched p.66
Comprehension Questions. Answer each question based on your readings in this chapter.
1. Who are the following characters:
You answered these 3 with
a. Automedon ________________________________________________________________
Mr. McGrann last week.
b. Xanthus ___________________________________________________________________
c. Balius _____________________________________________________________________
d. Pedasus ____________________________________________________________________
e. the Myrmidons ______________________________________________________________
2. Patroclus races to the Trojan wall. Apollo reveals to the Trojans that he is not Achilles. How does he do that?
3. “Dying men see far.” What was the dying Patroclus telling Hector when he said these words?

Which of these characters are responsible for Patroclus' death? For each character explain why or why not he is to blame.
(N.B. There may, in your opinion, be more than one character to blame.)

Responsible Not Responsible




Chapter 11 – Vengeance for Patroclus (pp.69-74)

Comprehension Questions. Answer each question based on your readings in this chapter.

1. Who does Thetis go to in order to get new armor for Achilles?


2. What had Hector done that made him feel guilty for the death and destruction of the Trojans?




3. What terrible thing did Achilles do to Hector’s dead body?




What three events, one from the horse-God Xanthus, one by a dying Hector, and one by the action of Achilles himself, are
foreshadowing that Achilles, despite his greatness, will die?

God Xanthus
Simile – A simile is when you say that something – a person or place, an animal or thing – is LIKE something else. A simile
always used the work ‘as’ or ‘like’ as it compares two unlike things.
On page 73, the author uses similes to described the two characters: "Hector running like a stag and Achilles leaping
leopardlike on his heels"

Select any character from the book and write a simile to describe him/her. Highlight the two things being compared.



Metaphor – A metaphor makes an even stronger image in the reader’s head. When you use a metaphor, you are saying that
a person, place, animal or thing IS something else (not just LIKE it!). Metaphors are stronger images than similes. They
don’t mean exactly what the words say.

Select any character from the book and write a metaphor about him/her.



Do not complete
Chapter 12 – Funeral Games (pp. 75-78)
until next week.
Vocabulary Analysis
Analyzing vocabulary within context can assist a reader in understanding complex text. Below, determine the definition for
each of the terms selected from the chapter. You may use a dictionary if necessary.

piteous p.75

lament p.75

mantle p.75

realms p. 75

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