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|2 PATHFINDER Character Sheet|

|> Name|< J'Ones |

|> Align|< LN |
|> Deity|< xxxxx |
|> Race|<Hum(Hlf Elf |
|> Gender|< Female/? |
|> Age|< 19 |
|> Height|< 5' |
|> Weight|< 120lbs |
|> Eyes|< Green |
|> Hair|<Dirty Blond |
|> Hand|< Right |
|> Size|< Med |
|> Speed|< 30ft Land |

|!! | Ability| | Racial| | Level| | Magic| | Misc| |2 Current|
|!! | Score| | Bonus| | Bonus| | Bonus| | Bonus| | Score| Mod|
|! STR|> 13| +| | +| | +| | +| | =| | |
|! DEX|> 17| +| 2 | +| +1 | +| | +| | =| | |
|! CON|> 13| +| | +| +1 | +| | +| | =| | |
|! INT|> 16| +| | +| | +| | +| | =| | |
|! WIS|> 16| +| | +| | +| | +| | =| | |
|! CHA|> 13| +| | +| | +| | +| | =| | |

|!! Class| Level|

|> Rogue| 9|
|> Monk | 1|

|Total Level: 10|

|XP : 0|
|!! | Total| Current| Subdual| | Total| | Dex| | Misc|
| HP|> 62|> xx|> | Init|> +x| =|> 5| +| |
|!! | Total| | | | Armr| | Shld| | Dex| | Dodge| | Misc|
|> Full| 10| =| 10| +| | +| | +| | +| | +| |
|> AC| 10| =| 10| +| | +| | +| | +| | +| |
|> Touch| 10| =| 10| +| xxx| +| xxx| +| | +| | +| |
|> FlatFoot| 10| =| 10| +| | +| | +| xxx| +| xxx| +| |
|!! SAVES| | | | | Ability| | | | |
|!! | Bonus| | Base| | Mod| | Magic| | Misc|
| Fort (Con)| +x| =| 7 | +| | +| | +| |
| Ref (Dex)| +x| =| 10 | +| | +| | +| |
| Will (Wis)| +x| =| 7 | +| | +| | +| |
|!! Base| Total| | BAB| | Str| | Misc|
| Melee| +x| =| 7 | +| | +| |

|!! Base| Total| | BAB| | Dex| | Misc|

| Range| +x| =| 7 | +| | +| |
|!! Combat| Total| | BAB| | Str| | Race| | Misc|
| Mnvr| +x| =| 0| +| 0| +| 0| +| 0|

|!! Mnvr| Total| | | | BAB| | Str| | Dex| | Race| | Misc|

| Def| 10| =| 10| +| 7| +| 1| +| 5| +| 0| +| 0|
|2 Weapon:|!3 xxxxxx|3 Weight: x lbs|
| Move Name| Type| Atk| Damage|^ Crit| Range| Type| Special|
| Attack| Melee| +xx| xdx+x| xx-20/x2| - | x| |
| Charge| Melee| +xx| xdx+x| xx-20/x2| - | x| |

|2 Weapon:|!3 xxxxxx|3 Weight: x lbs|

| Move Name| Type| Atk| Damage|^ Crit| Range| Type| Special|
| Attack| Melee| +xx| xdx+x| xx-20/x2| - | x| |

|2 Armor:|!3 xxxxxx| Weight: xx lbs|

| AC| MaxDex | Pen.| SplFail| Speed| Special|
| +x| +x| -x| xx%| xxft| None|

|2 Armor:|!3 xxxxxx| Weight: xx lbs|

| AC| MaxDex | Pen.| SplFail| Speed| Special|
| +x| +x| -x| xx%| xxft| None|
[list]Racial Traits

Type: Half-elves are humanoid creatures with both the human and the elf

[*] (Dusksight (2 RP): When making ranged attacks, characters with this trait can
reroll the miss chance granted by cover to any target in dim light, and take the
better of the two rolls. The miss chance for total concealment applies normally.
Half-elves can take this trait in place of keen senses.)

[*] (Adaptability: Half-elves receive Skill Focus as a bonus feat at 1st level.)

[*] (Blightborn: Elves from cursed lands and domains of evil develop resistance to
foul influences. They gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against necromancy
spells and spell-like abilities and spells and spell-like abilities with the curse
descriptor, as well as on saving throws to remove temporary negative levels. This
racial trait replaces elven immunities. )

[*] (Blended View (2 RP): Prerequisite(s): low-light vision. Half-drow whose non-
drow parent had low-light vision might be blessed with a legacy of versatile
senses. Characters with this trait keep their low-light vision but also gain
darkvision to a distance of 60 feet. Half-elves can take this trait in place of
multitalented. Source PZO9466)

[*] Low-Light Vision: Half-elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of
dim light.

[*] Elf Blood: Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to


[list]Starting traits


- proficiency with that specific weapon


When you use a tool of your trade (requiring at least 1 rank in the appropriate
Craft or Profession skill) as a weapon, you do not take the improvised weapon
penalty and instead receive a +1 trait bonus on your attack. This trait is commonly
used with shovels, picks, blacksmith hammers, and other sturdy tools — lutes and
brooms make terribly fragile weapons.


[list]Feats Indicate for level,

class, race, etc.
[*] (Knowledge
[*] Endurance
[*] Die Hard
[*] Associate - Sons of Liberty
[*] Associate - Daughters of Revolution
[*] Black Maketeer

[*] Rogue Talent: Combat trick:



[*] Rogue Talent: Ninja Trick -



[*] Rogue Talent: Combat Trick -

[*] Signature Skill (General): Stealth

[*] Improved Unarmed Strike
[*] Weapon Focus (gauntlet)
[*] Hurricane Punch

[*] Rogue Talent: Combat trick -


[*] Rogue Talent/Advanced talent/Discovery:

[*] non-combat Feat: Extra Discovery (
[*] Level 10 Teamwork Feat:

Surge Feat:
Cost 2 ki or a level 2 spell slot worth of spells

Forgotten trick: Rogue trick - Any combat feat

Cloak fighting (move action to gain 20 percent conceal. Perf dance vs percep or
sense motive)
Deadly aim (-1 attack, +2 damage, per 4 bab starting at 0)
Vital Strike (double weapon base damage dice before any bonuses)
Step Up (when an enemy takes a 5 foot step, follow as an immediate action)

Point blank shot (+1 attack and damage rolls within 30 feet)
Rapid Shot

Ninja trick -
Feather Fall
Fast Stealth
Wall climber
Smoke bomb
Slow Metabolism
Slow Reaction (prevents hit enemy from making opportune attacks)
Sudden Disguise
Acrobat master
Blood Debt (gives in harms way and lets ally take hits for me)
Accelerated form (displacement and haste)

Mirror move spell - 3 feats with obvious physical affects.

( )
Combat Casting
Combat Reflexes
Seize the Opportunity
Vicious Stomp
Spring Attack
Exotic Weapon Proficiency
Improved Disarm
Improved Trip
Whirlwind Attack
Improved Critical
Improved Initiative
Improved Unarmed Strike
Deflect Arrows
Stunning Fist
Lightning Reflexes
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Mounted Combat
Mounted Archery
Ride-By Attack
Spirited Charge
Point Blank Shot
Far Shot
Precise Shot
Rapid Shot
Shot on the Run
Power Attack
Improved Bull Rush
Great Cleave
Quick Draw
Shield Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Two-Weapon Fighting
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Focus


[list]Class Abilities Indicate current abilities only


Follow Up (Ex)

(can roll twice on any Diplomacy check made to gather information, and receives the
information for both results. This takes the same amount of time as one check. If
the lesser of the two checks reveals false information, the rogue is aware of it.)

Chemical Weapons (Ex)

(able to retrieve an alchemical item as if drawing a weapon. adds Intelligence

modifier to damage dealt with splash weapons, including any splash damage. adds 1/2
her level to Craft (alchemy).)

Precise Splash Weapons (Ex)

(At 4th level, an underground chemist can deal sneak attack damage with splash
weapons. The attack must be her first attack that round, qualify for dealing sneak
attack damage (such as against a flat-footed target), and be directed at a creature
rather than a square.)

Discovery (Su)

(At 10th level, an underground chemist can select one of the following alchemist
discoveries in place of a rogue talent: concentrate poison, dilution, enhance
potion, extend potion, mummification, nauseating flesh, poison conversion, preserve
organs, spontaneous healing, or sticky poison. She uses her rogue level as her
alchemist level for determining the effects of her discoveries and whether she is
able to select one.)

Alarm Sense (Su)

(intuitive sense that warns when near a magic trap. functions as the trap spotter
rogue talent, but applies only if comes within 10 feet of a magic trap.)

Sneak Attack

(anytime their target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC, or when the rogue
flanks the target. This extra damage is 2d6. Not multiplied on crit.)

Rogue Talents

(gains a rogue or ninja talent for which they meet the prerequisites (treating
rogue level as ninja level). If a talent requires them to expend points from ki
pool, can instead expend a spell slot with a spell level equal to the number of ki
points they would normally expend. If a talent functions only if they have ki in ki
pool, it functions as long as they still have a spell of 1st level or higher

Discovery (Su)

(can select one of the following alchemist discoveries in place of a rogue talent:
concentrate poison, dilution, enhance potion, extend potion, mummification,
nauseating flesh, poison conversion, preserve organs, spontaneous healing, or
sticky poison. uses rogue level as alchemist level for determining effects and

Careful Disarm (Ex)

(At 4th level, whenever a burglar attempts to disarm a trap using Disable Device,
she does not spring the trap unless she fails by 10 or more. If she does set off a
trap she was attempting to disarm, she adds double her trap sense bonus to avoid
the trap.)

Distraction (Ex)

(At 8th level, whenever a burglar is detected while using Stealth, she can
immediately attempt a Bluff skill check opposed by the Sense Motive skill of the
creature that spotted her. If this check succeeds, the target assumes that the
noise was something innocent and disregards the detection. This only functions if
the creature cannot see the rogue. This ability can only be used once during a
given Stealth attempt. If the same creature detects the rogue’s presence again, the
ability has no effect. )


arcane spells drawn from the wizard spell list. learns, prepares, and casts spells
exactly as a wizard does, including adding new spells to her spellbook and gaining
two additional spells known (of any level she can cast) each time she gains a rogue
level with this archetype.
spells per day allotment as the magus class.


[list]Prestige Class Abilities Indicate current abilities only



SPELL SAVE DC = (Spell Level + Ability Mod + 10)

| 1| DC xx|
| 2| DC xx|
| x| DC xx|
SKILLS (Max Rank = Level, Class Skills get +3 bonus with at least 1 Rank)
|1.7 |! | |! A| |! | |! | |! | |! | |! A|
|! | |! B| |! | |! | |! | |! | |! R|
|! T| |! I| |! R| |! C| |! | |! | |! M|
|! O| |! L| |! A| |! L| |! M| |! R| |! |
|! T| |! I| |! N| |! A| |! I| |! A| |! P|
|! A| |! T| |! K| |! S| |! S| |! C| |! E|
|! L| |! Y| |! S| |! S| |! C| |! E| |! N|
|!> x Acrobatics(Dex)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Appraise(Int)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Bluff(Cha)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Climb(Str)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Craft: All (Int)| | =| 3 | +| 0 | +| 3 | +| 2 | +| | -| |
|!> x Craft: Alch (Int)|24 | =| 3 | +| 13 | +| 3 | +| 5 | +| | -| |
|!> x Craft:_____(Int)| | =| 3 | +| | +| 3 | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Craft:_____(Int)| | =| 3 | +| | +| 3 | +| | +| | -| |
|!> Diplomacy(Cha)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Disable Device^(Dex)|19 | =| 5 | +| 11 | +| 3 | +| | +| | -| |
|!> Disguise(Cha)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Escape Artist(Dex)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> Fly(Dex)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> Handle Animal^(Cha)| | =| | +| 1 | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> Heal(Wis)| | =| 3 | +| 9 | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Intimidate(Cha)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> xKnowledge: all ^(Int)| 5 | =| 3 | +| 0 | +| 0 | +| 2 | +| | -| |
|!> xKnowledge:local^(Int)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> xKnowledge:dunge^(Int)|10 | =| 3 | +| 1 | +| 3 | +| 3 | +| | -| |
|!> xKnowledge:arcan^(Int)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Linguistics(Int)| | =| | +| 3 | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Perception(Wis)|21 | =| 3 | +| 13 | +| 3 | +| 2 | +| | -| |
|!> x Perform: all (Cha)| 3 | =| 1 | +| 0 | +| 3 | +| 2 | +| | -| |
|!> x Perform:Dance(Cha)| 9 | =| 1 | +| 5 | +| 3 | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Perform:_____(Cha)| | =| 1 | +| | +| 3 | +| | +| | -| |
|!> xProfession: all^(Wis)| 5 | =| 3 | +| 0 | +| 3 | +| 2 | +| | -| |
|!> xProfession:____^(Wis)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Ride(Dex)| 7 | =| 5 | +| 0 | +| | +| 2 | +| | -| |
|!> x Sense Motive(Wis)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> xSleight of Hand^(Dex)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Spellcraft^(Int)| 7 | =| 3 | +| 1 | +| 3 | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Stealth(Dex)|21 | =| 5 | +| 13 | +| 3 | +| | +| | -| |
|!> Survival(Wis)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Swim(Str)| | =| | +| | +| | +| | +| | -| |
|!> x Use Mag Device^(Cha)|10 | =| 1 | +| 6 | +| 3 | +| | +| | -| |
^Trained only
6 skill points remaining
[*] English
[*] Latin
[*] Spanish
[*] Iroquois
[*] Cherokee
[*] Dutch
[*] French
[*] Scandinavian
|!!5 GEAR (Weight):|
|!! Item| QTY| Weight| Cost| Location|
| | | | | |
Current LOAD: Light
| Light| Medium (-3)| Heavy/Max (-6)| Lift (x2)| Push/Drag (x5)|
|^ lb|^ lb|^ lb|^ lb|^ lb|
Poncho, leather.
(water resistant.)

spellbook with Efficient creator, Rime Bite, and Harmful surge in it.(secluded
grimoire Book)

21 pages
Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison,
Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Grasp, Jolt, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Oath of
Anonymity, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance,
Scrivener's Chant, Touch of Fatigue

1st - Secluded Grimoire, skim, Keep Watch, Comprehend Languages, Pattern

Recognition, Crafter's Fortune, Blood Money, Vine Strike, fabricate bullets,
Expeditious Construction, celestial healing, Air Bubble, Grappling Scarf,

2nd level - Investigative Mind, Sculpt Simulacrum, Tears to Wine, Visualization of

the Body, Visualization of the Mind, Arrow Eruption, Masterwork Transformation, Mud
Buddy, Mark of Blood, Cushioning Bands, Bestow Weapon Proficiency, Blood

7 3rd level, 2 4th level

spells per day: 6 6 5 3
Efficient Creator (Su)
can spend this boon to use the magic item creation rules to create items with the
Craft skill for one day. When doing this, material costs are equal to half the
final value of the item crafted (rather than the normal 1/3 of the cost for using
the Craft skill). can craft items with a cost greater than 1,000 gp by expending
this boon over successive days, in the same way magic items with a cost over 1,000
gp can be crafted over multiple days. otherwise follow all the rules and options
for magic item creations.
Rime Bite (Su)
ignore frost resist
Secrets of Jatembe (Su)
(prepare 6th level and lower druid spells as arcane 1 level higher)
Harmful Surge (Su)


Mithral Large double-barreled Musket 3d6 ×4 40 ft. 1–3 (5 ft.) ammo 2 5 1/2 lbs. B
and P
Large Socket Bayonet (-2 attack rolls)
2D8 Critical x2 Type piercing
Scope (-1 range penalty per range increment)
Weapon crystal of returning, lesser
Can call from 30 feet away or draw as if with quick draw

Attack rolls:
+7 bab, +5 dex +1 masterwork = 13 - 2 = +11 (basic attack)
swift action Arcane strike + 3 = 14
-4 shooting both barrels at once = 10
Damage rolls:
or 2d4+3 using spell cartridge

Mithral large Dragon Pistol 1d10 ×4 20 ft. 1–2 (5 ft.) ammo 1 1 1/2 lbs. B and P
(-2 to ranged attack rolls)
Weapon crystal of returning, lesser
Can call from 30 feet away or draw as if with quick draw


Effortless laced, Siccatite metal spikes (hot), +1 Fortuituous Large sized Cestus
least crystal of energy assault (+1 Electricity damage)
2d6 damage 19-20/x2 +1 electric (+1 fire damage when using piercing), Bludge or
*Counts as buckler
Gives Cold resistance 5, does 1 point of fire damage each round im grappled
*Add enhancement bonus to Combat maneuver defense checks on bullrush, drag,
reposition, or trip
*Add twice enhancement bonus to Combat maneuver bonus checks on bullrush, drag,
reposition, or trip
*–2 penalty on all precision-based tasks involving that hand (such as opening
* whenever using it to do piercing, I take 1 fire damage from it

-------------------------------------------------- (two sets of this)

Reinforced, Pocketed, dancing, bladed, head, filter, dancing scarf.
*Can be used to wrap head and hide face
*+1 resistance bonus on saving throws against inhaled poisons and other airborne
effects that require breathing.
*+4 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to hide objects on your body
*1d4 points of slashing damage to any creature that makes a successful grapple
check against

*One side of scarf is reinforced with chain links and metal plates. can be used
like a 10 foot length of chain to climb short distances or bind an enemy. A
reinforced scarf has hardness 10 and 4 hit points. It can be burst with a DC 24
Strength check.

Whenever you move at least 10 feet during your turn, you gain a +2 armor bonus to
AC until the beginning of your next turn. Dancing scarves add their enhancement
bonus to this armor bonus instead of providing a constant benefit; other magical
enhancements (such as light fortification) apply whether or not you are moving. In
addition, dancing scarves provide a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff checks made to
feint in combat.

+1 Mithral Clangorous Burglar's Buckler with a buckler Gun and a mithral

Illuminating shield boss
Buckler gun 1d6 ×4 range 10 ft. 2 ammo capacity 8 lbs. B and P
20 item hp, 15 hardness.

The stud at the center of this reinforcing boss contains a covered slot large
enough to insert a sunrod. Installing a light source into an illuminating boss is a
full-round action. If you shake the shield firmly as a move action, you can flip a
metal flap fitted over the slot to conceal or reveal the light source glow.
(currently holding ioun torch)

As an immediate action when the wearer is hit by an attack, the wearer can activate
the shield to create a deafening bang equivalent to a thunderstone. If the attack
is a critical hit, the wearer can instead create a sound burst (Fortitude DC 13
partial). The wearer decides the area for either effect, but must include the
attacker in the area. Neither ability affects the wearer.



(2 base ac, 6 max dex, 0 ACP, 0 ASPF)
(+ DR 3 vs arrows, bolts, thrown daggers, and other small ranged piercing weapons)
(+1 armor)
(+2 ac vs crits)
(+1 ac)

Final Armor: Light Armor (2 sets of this)

(4 AC (+2 vs crits), 6 max dex, 0ACP, 0ASPF
DR 3 vs arrows, bolts, thrown daggers, and other small ranged piercing weapons)




Ability options.
(1 grit or 5 stamina)
(Gunslinger’s Dodge (Ex): At 1st level, the gunslinger gains an uncanny knack for
getting out of the way of ranged attacks. When a ranged attack is made against the
gunslinger, she can spend 1 grit point to move 5 feet as an immediate action; doing
so grants the gunslinger a +2 bonus to AC against the triggering attack. This
movement is not a 5-foot step, and provokes attacks of opportunity. Alternatively,
the gunslinger can drop prone to gain a +4 bonus to AC against the triggering
attack. The gunslinger can only perform this deed while wearing medium or light
armor, and while carrying no more than a light load.

(Steady Aim (Ex) At 1st level, as long as a musket master has at least 1 grit
point, she can take a move-equivalent action to increase the accuracy of a two-
handed firearm. When she does, she increases the range increment of the firearm she
is firing by 10 feet. This stacks with other abilities that increase her range


Familiar (bloodline familiar, tumor familiar, Archetype):
VoidWorm, Protean

Speed: land 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect)

Senses: blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 30 ft., detect law
Defens Abil: amorphous anatomy, freedom of movement; Immune acid; Resist elec 10,
sonic 10
bloodline familiar trait: Squeezer (Ex): The familiar gains the compression
ability, allowing it to move through an area as small as one-quarter its space
without squeezing or one-eighth its space when squeezing

Str 7, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 13

AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +2; Init +3

Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Finesse

Skills Acrobatics +9 (+5 jump), Bluff +7, Escape Artist +7, Fly +19, Knowledge
(arcana) +5, Perception +8, Stealth +15
Languages Common, Protean
SQ change shape (2 forms, both of which must be Tiny animals; beast shape II)
(Mole, Platypus)

Fly class skill (1 Rank) Tiny +4, Dex +3, Class skill +3, Perfect maneuv +8

Bluff Charisma +1, either class skill + 3 and 3 ranks or 6 ranks

Speed 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect)

Melee bite +8 (1d3–2), tail slap +3 (1d3–2 plus confusion)
Space 2-1/2 ft., Reach 0 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +7)
Constant—detect law
At will—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 11), prestidigitation
3/day—blur (self only), obscuring mist
1/week—commune (CL 12th, 6 questions)

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