Grade 8 Exam - mPAT New

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(Formerly Maliwalo National High School- Annex)


English 8
S.Y. 2018-2019

Name: __________________________ Score: __________

Section: _________________________ Date: ___________

I. Listening Comprehension: Listen carefully and comprehensively as the teacher reads the text.
Answer the questions afterwards. Write your correct answer before the number. Avoid erasures.
_____ 1. What is Nanjus’ yw favorite color?
A. Blue C. Black
B. Green D. Pink
_____ 2. What are the mangoes like in Japan?
A. Same as India C. Big and delicious
B. Hard to find D. Easy to find
_____ 3. How does he like to eat mangoes?
A. Boiled C. Easy to find
B. Cannes D. Dried
_____ 4. What does he think about mango juice?
A. It is really good C. He has never had it
B. It is not that good D. It is healthy
_____ 5. How does he feel about raw mango?
A. It is very good C. It is too sweet
B. It is too sour D. It is not that good
_____ 6. Is mango juice popular? If something is “popular” a lot of people like it. What do you
think is correct?
A. That band has never been popular. C. He went to a coffee shop and he seems popular.
B. She was very popular in high school. D. All of the above

II. Vocabulary: Identify the meaning of italic words.

_______7. Based from the story Makato and the Cowrie Shell, Makato is an orphan boy. Orphan means?
A. A child who has no friends C. A child whose parents are dead
B. A child who has no cousin D. A child who has friends and cousins
_______8. “As he worked on the elephants’ sheds, a tall young man in a splendid costume, followed by
attendants came in. Splendid means?
A. Very impressive and beautiful C. Humble
B. Unimpressive D. Unheroic
______9. Wat Po is one of the 370 temples in Bangkok alone, it is home to the famous Reclining Buddha,
which is said to be 46 meters long. Reclining means?
A. To sit unrelaxed C. To lean forward
B. To sit back or lie down in a relaxed manner D. To lie unrelaxed
______10. Islam is a monotheistic religion. Monotheistic means?
A. They believe in two Gods C. They believe in 1,000 Gods and Goddesses
B. They believe in 2,000 Gods and goddesses D. They believe in one God which is Allah
______11. The old woman was one of the Pra Ruang mahouts. Mahouts means?
A. A keeper and driver of a car C. A keeper and a driver of an elephant
B. A taxi driver D. A worker in palace
______12. “He did the plowing”. Plowing means?
A. harvesting C. watering the plants
B. to dig into or break up (dirt, soil, land etc.) with a plow D. removing dried leaves from the plant
III. Grammar Awareness:
______13. This assignment is a piece of cake. A piece of cake means?
A. Very difficult C. Very easy
B. Simple D. Average
______14. This idiom means someone understands the situation well.
A. Picture paints a thousand words C. Kill two birds in one stone
B. On the ball D. Jump on the bandwagon
______15. The following are idiomatic expressions. EXCEPT.
A. A hot potato C. Hit the nail on the head
B. Ball is in your court D. Hit me up
______16. It contains a list of books or articles, or both, relating to a particular subject.
A. Speech C. Idiomatic Expressions
B. Bibliography D. Cause and Effect
______17. It is a formal address or discourse delivered to an audience.
A. Bibliography C. Idiomatic Expression
B. Speech D. Cause and effect
______18. Feel a bit under the weather means?
A. Healthy C. Sad
B. Slightly ill D. Very sick
______19. “Not spark of decency” What is the idiomatic expression of the given meaning?
A. Someone who lacks intelligence C. Leave out details
B. No manners D. Happens very rarely
______20. These are types of informal English that have a meaning different from the meaning of the
words in the expression.
A. Idiomatic Expression C. Speech
B. Cause and Effect D. Bibliography
IV. Literature
______21. It refers to place, time, weather condition, social condition, and even mood or atmosphere.
A. Characters C. Plot
B. Setting D. Climax
______22. Who is the main character in the story “Makato and the Cowrie Shell”?
A. Bata C. Makato
B. Anpu D. old woman
______23. What are the two types of characters?
A. Protagonist and Antagonist C. Time and place
B. Main character and minor character D. Both a and b
______24. Who are the protagonists in the story “The Two Brothers”?
A. Makato and the Cowrie Shell C. Anpu and Bata
B. Taximan and the lady D. Makato and the King
______25. It is the sequence of events in a story or play. The plot is a planned, logical series of events
having a beginning, middle and end.
A. Plot C. Climax
B. Setting D. Characters
______26. What are the two types of conflict?
A. Protagonist and antagonist C. Round and dynamic
B. Time and place D. Internal and external
______27. What kind of seeds do Makato planted?
A. Monggo seeds C. Guava seeds
B. Lettuce seeds D. Mango seeds
______28. It is the highest point of interest in the story.
A. Plot C. Falling Action
B. Rising Action D. Climax
______29. It is when the problems and complications are resolved.
A. Rising Action C. Resolution
B. Falling Action D. Conflict
_______30. What do you call the pyramid which is known as the tombs of the Pharaohs?
A. The Great Sphinx C. The Temple of Buddha
B. The Great Pyramid of Giza D. The Great Pyramid of Buddha

______31. How many Gods and Goddesses do the ancient Egyptians believe in?
A. Only one C. 2,000
B. 4,000 D. 1,000
______32. What do you call the 4-legged animal that lives in the desert?
A. Dog C. Cow
B. Goat D. Camel
______33. Where did the Egyptians put the organs that they have removed on the body of a dead
A. Canopic jars C. Container
B. Plastic D. Trash can
______34. Who became very jealous in the story “The Two Brothers”?
A. Anpu C. 9 Gods
B. Bata D. Wife of Anpu
______35. This is the final outcome or untangling of events in the story.
A. Characters C. Climax
B. Resolution D. Plot
______36. It is the opposition of forces which ties one incident to another and makes the plot move.
A. Conflict C. Rising Action
B. Climax D. Falling Action
______37. The Two Brothers is a/an _________________ folktale.
A. Thai C. Egyptian
B. Bangkok D. Singapore
______38. The Taximan’s story is from what country?
A. Thailand C. Egypt
B. Philippines D. Singapore
______39. It is the formal writing of the ancient Egyptians. A system that employs characters in the form
of pictures.
A. Papyrus C. Calligraphy
B. Hieratic D. Hieroglyphics
______40. Who is the younger brother in the story The two brothers?
A. Bata C. Makato
B. Anpu D. Lay Choo
______ 41. Which are not belong to the group based on the Do’s and Don’ts of Singaporean Culture and
A. Don’t take off your shoes C. Know the law regarding drugs
B. Leave some food D. Don’t toss your trash
______ 42. What is the name of the daughter of the taximan?
A. Anna C. Lay Choo
B. Isabel D. Madam
______ 43. How many percent are the Chinese cultures in the Singapore conglomeration?
A. 6% C. 75%
B. 70% D. 76%
______ 44. How many percent are the Chinese cultures in the Malay conglomeration?
A. 15% C. 6%
B. 76% D. 10%
Every morning, the younger brother followed his oxen and worked all day in the fields, and every evening, he
returned to the house with vegetables, milk, and wood. He laid all these before his elder brother, and he took
with him his bread, and he drove the cattle into the field. Because Anpu loved his younger brother very much, his
wife became very jealous and she wanted to destroy Bata. One day, when Anpu and Bata were in the fields, they
needed some corn, so Anpu sent Bata home to get some. The younger brother found the wife combing her hair
and said to her, “Get up and give me some corn that I may run to the field for my elder brother is in a hurry. Do
not delay.” At eventide, Anpu returned home earlier than his brother because Bata had much work to do in the
fields. Anpu was met by his wife, who was crying bitterly. She showed him her arms and legs which he had painted
black and blue and accused Bata of having beaten her up. She pretended to be in great pain. She did not give him
water to wash his hands with. She did not light the fire for him. She pretended that she was very sick.

_______ 45. What does Bata bring after work?

a. Herbs, water and rice c. Vegetable, milk and wood
b. Woods, bread and water d. Rice, milk and wood
_______ 46. What is the reason why Anpu’s wife got jealous to Bata?
a. Because Anpu is always with Bata. c. Because Anpu adopted Bata.
b. Because Anpu wanted Bata to stay at home. d. Because Anpu loved Bata very much
_______ 47. When Anpu’s wife got jealous she wanted to;
a. Destroy Bata c. Shout to Bata
b. Make Bata her servant d. None of the above
_______ 48. When Anpu returned home, what did he saw?
a. A lot of corns on the table c. Bata was cleaning their house and cooking for their dinner
b. His wife combing her hair d. His wife pretended crying bitterly with painted her arms and legs.
_______49. What could have happened to Bata?
a. He was killed by Anpu because he thought Bata beaten his wife. c. He went far away and met a girl.
b. He was punished by working all day in the fields. d. None of the above.
_______50. What colors of paint did the wife use in her arms and legs?
a. Black and Green c. Blue and Gray
b. Black and Blue d. Blue and Red

Prepared by:


Teacher I

Teacher 1


Principal III

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