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GRADE 11 HUMSS QUARTER 2nd Semester 2nd Quarter
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

The learner understands the meaning and dimensions of democracy The learner understands how ICT enslaves, emancipates, and empowers
A. Content Standards
Using any form of oral presentation, the learner explains creatively the ill
B. Performance Standards effects of undemocratic practices related to factors such as gender biases,
The learner organizes and mobilizes an event that deals with a significant global
poverty, political marginalization, racial inequality, cultural domination, crisis
of representation and politics of recognition. issue, using ICT.
C. Learning Competencies/ Distinguish/differentiate participatory Distinguish/differentiate participatory Explain how information communication technology can facilitate social
Objectives from representative democracy from representative democracy relationships and political movements (occupy movements)
Write the LC code for each 1. Define representative HUMSS_MCT12-IIa-c-5 HUMSS_MCT12IId-f-5

Representative Democracy Participative vs Representative Social Relationships Political Movements

II. CONTENT Democracy


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource
(LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources

A. Reviewing previous lesson Word Completion. Supply the letters Jigsaw Puzzle Ask: Ask: From our lesson yesterday, How
or presenting the new in each number to complete the The students will arrange jumbled
lesson 1. What are the social events that you ICT can improve your relationships with
missing word: pieces of pictures related to
representative democracy. had attended? other people?
2. How do you greet your loved ones
during those events?

B. Establishing a purpose for Activity: Follow the leader (Shagili- Word Juggle. Rearrange the jumbled1. State the objectives for the day. 2. State the objectives for the day.
the lesson shapopo) letters to form a word related to the
1. Explain how ICT empowers in 1. Explain how ICT helps in facilitating
1. A student will be assigned to topic
perform body movements which the 1. RMEDURFENE (Referendum) facilitating social relationships? political movements?
class will follow in sequence. 2. EITESPLBIC (Plebiscite)
Individual Activity: Directions before video presentation:
2. A student to the right of the 3. OENLCIET. (Election)
assigned leader will follow his 4. PLEPOES ITNIAIVTEI (People’s 1. In your notebook, complete the 1. Settle down and avoid unnecessary
movements until the rest of the class Initiative)
table. movements while watching.
performs all the body movements. Ask:
Processing Questions: 1. What did you notice about the 2. List at least 5 significant people in 2. Jot down important information.
1. How was your experience in jumbled words?
your life and determine how you a. Video Presentation:
following the movements of your
leader? 2. How are the words related to one connect with them. b. “Ang Pulitika Noon at Ngayon”
2. What are the tips on how to easily another?
Nam Relatio Means/ Ways of c.
follow the mechanics of the game?
3. How important is the role played e nship Communication
by the leader in the success of the
group’s activity?

C. Presenting Ask: Picto Analysis: 1. Ask six students to post and read Ask: 1. What have you observed in the
examples/instances of the 1. Who are the people who Show pictures of participatory and their outputs in front of the class.
new lesson video?
represent your barangay? representative democracy. 2.The teacher will ask:
2. What are the distinctive 1. What can you say about the 2. How does politics change from past to
characteristics of your barangay? pictures? a. What are the major means of
3. Identify the people who participate 2. How are the pictures different from communication posted on the table?
in the projects and activities of your each other 3. How does media/ICT influence
barangay. 3. What do you think is the prevailing b. How often do you use them?
Philippine politics today?
4. How does your barangay theme of the 2 pictures? c. How will you maximize those
implement its community projects?
means of communication to
strengthen your relationship with
D. Discussing new concepts Fill out a table according to the Using a Venn diagram, compare and Group Activity: Role Playing Ask: ‘What is political movement? Cite
and practicing new skills #1 people involved and their duties and contrast the terms related to some examples of political movements
1. Class will be divided into three
responsibilities. Participatory and Representative in the Philippines.’
Processing questions: Democracy. As the class shares their ideas, the
2. Each group will present their play
1. Based on your answer on the teacher will write their answers on the
according to the role of ICT in
table, what can you say about the Based on the answers in the Venn graphic organizer on the board.
strengthening relationships in: Group
manifestation of representative diagram, what are the main
1: Family
democracy? differences between Participative and
Group 2: School
2. Do the members of the community Representative Democracy?
Group 3: Community
show participatory democracy? Why
3. Each group will take down notes
or why not?
about the play of the other groups.
(Class will be advised to jot down the
roles of ICT as presented by the other
E. Discussing new concepts Ask: Based on the role pay of each Group Activity: 1. The class will be
and prcticing new skills #2
group, how ICT helps in strengthening grouped into three (3).
relationships? 2. In their own creative way, think of
ways in making a political campaign
through the use of ICT.
F. Developing mastery (leads Mini Skit: Mini-debate: Divide the class into two A.[Discussion] A. Presentation of output.
to Formative Assessment Create a 2-minute play showing the groups (gender, seating Deepen the content of their plays.
3) B. Deepening of content based on their
responsibilities of a arrangement) and call B.Class Activity: Concept Mapping
leader/participant in a representative representatives to defend their presentation.
democracy. position on participative or 1. Using meta cards, they will write
representative democracy. down the roles of ICT as presented by
the other groups. Concept Map
2. Then, they will post their meta cards
on the graphic organizer on the board.
G. Finding practical Ask: If you were tasked to plan a Brainstorming: Ask: Ask:
applications of concepts project in your barangay, what would The class will be divided into four
and skills in daily living How will you strengthen your 1. How does ICT influence your
it be and why? groups and each group will make a
project proposal about a relevant relationships with your loved ones political perspective?
issue affecting the following sectors through ICT? 2. How will you use ICT to make
(health, education, environment,
your political movement
1. Cite instances in your project stronger?
proposal wherein the aspects of
participative or representative
democracy are applicable.
2. How did your group come up with
the project? Did you experience
democratic participation in composing
your project proposal?
H. Making generalizations and 1. What is the importance of As a Filipino student, which practices The Teacher will ask: The teacher will ask:
abstractions about the representation in democracy? in the Philippines can benefit from
lesson 1. How does ICT empowers social 1. How does ICT facilitate political
2. In what ways do the constituents employing democratic and/or
benefit from representative representative democracy? relationships? movements?
- citizen representation
- a place to turn to
- high participation
I. Evaluating learning Divide the class into four groups and QUIZ Reflective Essay: Recitation
ask the students to compose a Instructions: Write R if the situation
In 50 words, how will you further How ICT promotes politics in the
political campaign highlighting the pertains to Representative
benefits of representative democracy and P if Participatory expound your relationship with other Philippines?
democracy. democracy:
people in the world?

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. sWhat difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Prepared: Checked: Reviewed & Recommending Approval: Noted:

Jojo A. Pescador Cherry E. Carlos, Ph.D. Marnelli C. Sonza John Silvester A. Alipio, Ph.D.
Teacher II MTI, Mentor OIC Asst. Principal Principal I

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