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Name: Grade/Sec: _____ Score: _________________

Subject Teacher: Vida M. Adviento

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the provided space before each

1. What rich content in the web is used with the combination of several media
as a form of communication?
A. image B. multimedia C. press media D. sound
2. What is the appropriate file extension for video format?
A. .jpg B. .mpeg C. .mp3 D. .png
3. What is the appropriate file extension for audio format?
A. .jpg B. .mpeg C. .mp3 D. .png
4. What is the appropriate file extension for image format?
A. .jpg B. .mp3 C. .mp4 D. .mpeg
5. What file extension is used for audio format?
A. .jpg B. .mpeg C. .mp3 D. .png
6. What multimedia content refers to an episodic series of audio or text files
streamed online?
A. courseware B. podcast C. vodcast D. videos
7. What is this “world’s platform for change” that allows the online community
to create or sign petitions?
A. C.
B. D.
8. This refers to the norm of people’s responsible involvement and behavior
with regard to technology use.
A. digital asset B. digital C. national D. people
citizenship citizenship citizenship
9. Which one pertains to the rules for the proper way to behave online?
A. digital asset B. digital attitude C. digital etiquette D. digital law

10. Aside from text messaging, video chat and SM, what other ways can we
use to communicate digitally?
A. e-mail B. mail C. package D. tracking
11. When you’re online, remember to THINK. What does the letter “T” stands
A. talk B. treat C. true D. try
12. What is most popular social media that can be used to promote social
change worldwide?
What is most popular social media that can be used to promote social
change worldwide?
A. Facebook B. SnapChat C. Twitter D. Yahoo
13. What made EDSA Dos protest successful?
A. Facebook B. radio broadcast C. text brigades D. YouTube live
14. The Yolanda People Finder was used to locate people after the storm and
was created by what company?
A. Facebook B. Google C. Microsoft D. Yahoo
_____15. It was a series of protest that happened during August 2013 that was
caused by the misuse of the PDAF.
A. Digital B. Edsa Dos C. Edsa People D. Million People
Revolution Power March
16. What social issue tackles on violent acts that are primarily or exclusively
committed against women?
A. bullying B. drug abuse C. human rights D. women
abuse violence
17. This refers to a social issue refers to unwanted, aggressive behavior that
involves a real or perceived power imbalance that usually happens in the
A. bullying B. drug abuse C. human rights D. women
abuse violence
18. This social issue involves violation of the basic rights of people by treating
them wrongly.
A. bullying B. drug abuse C. human rights D. women
abuse violence
19. What document is used to convince a panel of funders to help a program,
or service becomes a reality?
A. concept paper B. proposal paper C. research paper D. thesis paper

20. In demographics, which of the following data should you collect from the
A. account B. birth place C. contact number D. gender
21. What process in ICT project will you start conceptualizing ideas about your
A. development B. maintenance C. planning D. release and
22. Lee's group started the actual creation of their ICT project. Which process
in ICT project are they doing?
A. development B. maintenance C. planning D. release and
23. Which of the following refers to an information or statistical data presented
in graphical manner to attract the viewer’s attention?
A. concept paper B. infographics C. news casting D. tarpaulin

24. Group Lee noticed that their post from Facebook is weak at capturing
audience. They decided to respond to feedbacks and tag their friends to
the video. Which process of the ICT project is being executed?
A. development B. maintenance C. planning D. release and
25. What multimedia content is used to record or share sounds online?
A. audio B. podcast C. vodcast D. video
26. What multimedia content enables you to stream or watch from video
hosting sites?
A. audio B. podcast C. vodcast D. video
27. Yuri wants to find online courses that simulates classroom online. What
multimedia content will he search?
A. courseware B. online games C. online test D. vodcast
28. Lucy visited the website to test her IQ. What multimedia
content did she used?
A. courseware B. online games C. online test D. vodcast
29. Ian missed the last episode of Goblin dramA. What content will he use to
keep him updated from the show?
A. courseware B. online games C. online test D. vodcast
30. Game developers create online games that doesn't require installation to
the computer. What does it called?
A. application- B. browser-based C. online-based D. video-based
based games games games games
31. What program enables you to edit video clips for your ICT project?
A. MS Excel B. MS Publisher C. Notepad D. Windows Movie
32. What is the file format for the finished or rendered video?
A. .jpg B. .mp3 C. .mpeg D. .png
33. Which part of the menu tab does the Title tab located?
A. Animations B. Edit C. Home D. View
34. These are texts displayed at the end of the video that contains the casts
and credits of the video.
A. Credits B. Add music C. Add videos or D. Add videos or
photos photos
35. In Movie Maker, what will you use to add new title before the selected
A. Add music B. Add videos or C. Credits D. Title
36. Using ICT, what can an individual do to advocate social change?
A. create a campaign video C. document all your road trips
B. create video about yourself D. post your family's secret recipe
37. This refers to transferring or posting a file from a different device or
A. convert B. download C. post D. upload
38. It is an act of copying or moving a file from a platform.
A. upload B. download C. perform D. convert
39. Which online platform can you use to post your ICT Project for social
change using a social media?
A. blogging B. bugging C. social media D. stage platform
platform platform platform
40. Which online platform can you use to post your ICT Project for social
change using WordPress or Blogger?
A. blogging B. bugging C. social media D. stage platform
platform platform platform
41. Elijah created an advocacy video about animal abuse. Which social media
should he use to promote his advocacy for a wide range of audience?

A. Facebook B. SnapChat C. Twitter D. Yahoo

42. How can you promote your ICT Project to widen your audience online?
A. add random B. post convincing C. use auto-likes D. use various
video effects description transitions

43. In social media platform, how would you evaluate the trend of your ICT
A. likes B. comments C. poke D. wave
44. This refers to the summary of statistics about your page in Facebook.
A. Insight B. Overview C. Reach D. Visit
45. This refers to the statistics which includes your audience's age, location,
gender, language and country.
A. demographics B. geographic C. holographic D. infographics

46. Which actual interaction done by your audience in Facebook can be used
to gain your post's popularity?
A. chain message B. comment C. poke D. wave

47. How would you manage the development of your social change campaign
posted online?
How would you manage the development of your social change campaign
posted online?
A. add personal B. hire C. monitor the D. use auto-like
48. Maiphoto
Team wants to know professionals post's trend
if how many audience watched their video from
Facebook. Which part of their post should they check?
A. comment B. like C. share D. view
49. In ICT term, what does "platform" means?
A. download B. format C. perform D. upload
50. In evaluating ICT Project, what criteria asks for a clear delivery of
A. clarity B. content C. impact D. popularity
51. What criteria looks for a strong effect of the video to the audience based
from the statistics of project's post?
A. clarity B. content C. impact D. popularity
52. Which of the following is NOT an evaluation criteria for your ICT Project?
A. clarity B. content C. impact D. popularity
53. This refers to an online platform that creates personal account, pages and
groups to share various contents.
A. blogging B. bugging C. social media D. stage platform
platform platform platform
54. Pata Team generated a report regarding on their ICT Projects'
performance. They noticed that the trend of their post's like is very low.
A. fewcould be the reason
Facebook ?
B. no budget for C. no internet D. weak in
friends paid ads connection promotion
55. It is the study of information and communication technologies as a tool for
contextualizing, collaborating, and creating content and experiences for
A. Communication Technologies C. Industrial Technologies
B. Empowerment Technologies D. Information Technologies
56. This refers to technology required for information processing and deals
with the use of different communication technologies.
57. What does your subject ET means?
A. Economical Technologies C. Environment Technologies
B. Empowerment Technologies D. English Technologies
58. Which of the following is a great impact of ICT on society?
A. fast B. more paper to C. pricey D. slow
communication use communication connection
59. As a responsible user of technology, why are you going to think first before
you click?
A. to attract B. to follow trends C. to gain D. to measure
audience popularity limitation
60. Which is the best way to use ICT for educational purposes?
A. sell copied educational images from web
B. cite the author of the researched information
C. share every information posted from Wikipedia
D. copy and paste information from web researches

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