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Lesson Plan in MAPEH 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Interpret the Pandanggo Oasiwas
B. Enjoy learning through active participation
C. Execute the 2 basic steps of pandanggo oasiwas
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Pandanggo Oasiwas
B. Materials: LCD Projector, Visual Aids, Laptop
C. References: Internet
III. Procedure
A. Activities
-Opening prayer
-Checking of attendance
B. Review
C. Motivation
-The teacher will show a zumba video and let the students to dance
D. Development of the lesson
1. Activity
-The teacher will show a video about pandanggo oasiwas
and let the students to observe.
2. Analysis
-The teacher will ask questions
1. Are you familiar with this dance?
2. Have you seen this kind of dance before?
3. Are you familiar with Pandanggo sa Ilaw? Do you think
this dance is related to Pandanggo sa Ilaw?
3. Abstraction
-The teacher will introduce the 2 basic steps of Pandanggo
Oasiwas. The students will practice those steps for 5
4. Application
-The students will interpret the 2 basic steps of pandanggo
IV. Evaluation
-The students will execute the 2 basic steps by group.
V. Assignment
-Research in advance about more dance steps of Pandanggo Oasiwas

Prepared by: Cecille Ann D. Tumampil

Lesson Plan in MAPEH 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Interpret the literature of Pandanggo sa Ilaw
B. Enjoy learning through active participation in class
C. Execute the steps of Pandanggo sa Ilaw
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Pandanggo sa Ilaw
B. Materials: LCD Projector, Visual Aids, Laptop
C. References: Internet
III. Procedure
A. Activities
-Opening prayer
-Checking of attendance
B. Review
C. Motivation
-Basic steps in folk dances
D. Development of the lesson
1. Activity
-The students will be group into 5. Each group will think a
folkdance that they remember at least 3 steps and they will
perform it in front.
2. Analysis
-The teacher will ask questions
1. Why is it difficult to execute the steps in folkdance?
2. As a student, how can you help to preserve folkdance?
3. Abstraction
-Since the students have their groups already, the students
will interpret a steps each group. The teacher will give 5
minutes to practice with the guidance of the teacher.
4. Application
-The students will combine the 4 steps given with their
group. After 5 minutes they will present it in front.
Execution: 10%
Participation: 10%
IV. Evaluation
-Group dancing
V. Assignment
-Practice the steps

Prepared by: Cecille Ann D. Tumampil

Lesson Plan in MAPEH 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Explain Pasigin
B. Describe the nature and the background of the dance
C. Execute the 2 basic steps of Pasigin
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Pasigin Dance
B. Materials: LCD Projector, Visual Aids, Laptop
C. References: Internet
III. Procedure
A. Activities
-Opening prayer
-Checking of attendance
B. Review
C. Motivation
-Video Presentation
D. Development of the lesson
1. Activity
-The teacher will show a video and let the students observe.
2. Analysis
-The teacher will ask questions
1. Why is this dance called as one of the rural dances?
2. Why do you think this dance still exist?
3. Abstraction
-The teacher will give the students a copy about Pasigin and
they will read it for 5 minutes. After that the teacher will give
the students a round tape and after that the students will
pass it to their seatmates, the teacher will play the music and
when the music stop and the round tape stop to the certain
student, the teacher will ask a question and then they will
4. Application
-The student will interpret the 2 basic steps of the Pasigin
with the guidance of the teacher.
IV. Evaluation
-The students will execute the 2 basic steps of the dance by group.
V. Assignment
-Research in advance about more dance steps of Pasigin.

Prepared by: Cecille Ann D. Tumampil

Lesson Plan in MAPEH 7

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Identify the religious festivals in the Philippines
B. Enjoy learning the religious festivals through your active participation
C. Draw a festival mask
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Religious Festivals
B. Materials: Power point presentation, Pictures
C. References: Music and Arts 7 Learners materials p. 266-268.
III. Procedure:
A. Activities
-Opening Prayer
-Checking of attendance
B. Review
C. Motivation
-Video Presentation
D. Development of the lesson

1. Activity
-The teacher will show a video about the festivals and let the
students to observe. After the presentation, the students will give
their observation about the video.
2. Analysis
-The teacher will ask a questions
1. Are you familiar with this kind of festivals?
2. Have you been in this kind of festivals before?
3. Abstraction
-The students will group theirselves into 3 and the teacher will give
each group an assign festival and let the students to discuss.
4. Application
-The students will draw a festival mask.
IV. Evaluation:
-Answer the following questions.
V. Assignment
-List all the non-religious festivals in a ¼ sheet of paper.

Prepared by: Cecille Ann D. Tumampil

Lesson Plan in MAPEH 7

VI. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
D. Identify the crafts, accessories, and body ornaments in Mindanao
E. Enjoy learning the crafts, accessories and body ornaments through
active participation
F. Create a paper layering art
VII. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Crafts, Accessories, and Body Ornaments
B. Materials: MAPEH 7 book
C. Reference: Music and Arts 7 Learners Material p. 222-224.
III. Procedure
E. Activities
-Opening prayer
-Checking of attendance
F. Review
G. Motivation
H. Development of the lesson
1. Activity
- The teacher will give the students a scrambled letters.
- Let the students form the letters in words.
2. Analysis

-The teacher will ask questions

1. Have you seen a crafts, accessories and body ornaments
-Body Ornaments

3. Abstraction

- The teacher will discuss the lesson about the crafts,

accessories in Mindanao

4. Application

- The teacher will give instruction to the students on how to

create a paper layering art.
IV. Evaluation

- Answer the following question on your book on page 225.

V. Assignment

- Advance reading on architectures.

Prepared by: Cecille Ann D. Tumampil

Lesson Plan in MAPEH 7

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Identify the Non- religious festivals in the Philippines
B. Enjoy learning the religious festivals through your active participation
C. Draw a festival mask
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Non-Religious Festivals
B. Materials: Power point presentation, Pictures
C. References: Music and Arts 7 Learners materials p. 266-268.
III. Procedure:
A. Activities
-Opening Prayer
-Checking of attendance
B. Review
C. Motivation
-Video Presentation
D. Development of the lesson

1. Activity
-The teacher will show a video about the festivals and let the
students to observe. After the presentation, the students will give
their observation about the video.
2. Analysis
-The teacher will ask a question:
1. Are you familiar with this kind of festivals?
2. Have you been in this kind of festivals before?
3. Abstraction
-The students will group theirselves into 3 and the teacher will give
each group an assign festival and let the students to discuss.
4. Application
-The students will draw a festival mask.
IV. Evaluation:
-Answer the following questions.
V. Assignment
-List all the non-religious festivals you know in a ¼ sheet of paper.

Prepared by: Cecille Ann D. Tumampil

Lesson Plan in MAPEH 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Identify the different mental illnesses
B. Enjoy learning through sharing and understanding the mentall illnesses
and the symptoms
C. Group sharing that can help mental health awareness
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Mental illnesses
B. Materials: LCD Projector, Visual Aids, Laptop
C. References: Physical Education and Health 7 Learners Material
III. Procedure
A. Activities
-Opening prayer
-Checking of attendance
B. Review
C. Motivation
D. Development of the lesson
1. Activity
-The teacher will group the students into 4, the teacher will
give a cutted pictures to be puzzle for 60 seconds. Let the
students present their work in front.
2. Analysis
-The teacher will present the topic which is the mental
illnesses; Four kinds of illnesses and their symptoms.
1. What is mental illnesses?
2. What are the symptoms of each mental illnesses?
3. Abstraction
-The teacher will let the students to go to their current groups
and each group will be given a topic about mental illnesses
and they will list down the symptoms of each illnesses.
3. Application
-Group singing with a content of mental health awareness
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment
-Research in advance about stress.

Prepared by: Cecille Ann D. Tumampil

Lesson Plan in MAPEH 7

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. Identify the musical characteristics of representative music selections

from Mindanao
B. Appreciate the importance of moro/Islamic music through listening
C. Perform a dance that interpret moro/Islamic music
II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Musical selections from Mindanao

B. Materials: LCD Projector, Visual Aids, Laptop

C. References: Music and Arts 7 Learners Material
III. Procedure
A. Activities
-Opening prayer
-Checking of attendance
B. Review
C. Motivation
D. Development of the lesson
1. Activity

-The teacher will give the students a music to listen and let them to
understand what is the interpretation of the music.

1. What interpretation of music does tell us?

2. Is the music interpret happiness or sadness?

2. Analysis
-The teacher will give a music that presents moro/Islamic
music and let the students to guess it
1. What have you observe after you hear the music?
2. What kind of feelings it potrays?
3. Abstraction
-The teacher will give the music to the students and let them
identify if they recognize the music correctly.
4. Application
-Group dance that interpret its music.

IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment
-Research more about moro/Islamic music.

Prepared by: Cecille Ann D. Tumampil

Lesson Plan in MAPEH 7

VI. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Identify the different non-communicable diseases
B. Enjoy learning through active participation
C. Demonstrate helpful practices in the prevention and control of
non-communicable diseases
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Non-Communicable Diseases
B. Materials: LCD Projector, Visual Aids, Laptop
C. References: Physical Education and Health 7 Learners Material
III. Procedure
A. Activities
-Opening prayer
-Checking of attendance
B. Review
C. Motivation
D. Development of the lesson

1. Activity

-The class will be divided into 2 groups. The students will

find a words in a word puzzle. The students will be given 2
minutes to answer.
1. Analysis
-The teacher will ask a questions.
1. What is NCD?
2. Who among you here has NCD?
3. Can you name some NCD?
2. Abstraction
-The teacher will discuss the NCD’s together with the
3. Application
-The teacher will group the students into 5. Let the students
discuss about NCD and give 3 helpful practices about NCD
and after that the students will present their work.
IV. Evaluation
-Quiz in a ¼ sheet of paper, give atleast 3 helpful practices in the
prevention of NCD.
V. Assignment
-Research about communicable diseases.

Prepared by: Cecille Ann D. Tumampil

Lesson Plan in MAPEH 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Differentiate Eustress and Distress
B. Enjoy discussing eustress and distress through active participation
C. Apply eustress and distress through a role playing
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Eustress and Distress
B. Materials: LCD Projector, Visual Aids, Laptop
C. References: Physical Education and Health 7 Learners Material p.
III. Procedure
A. Activities
-Opening prayer
-Checking of attendance
B. Review
C. Motivation
D. Development of the lesson

1. Activity

-The teacher will show a video about stress and let the
students to observe.

2. Analysis

-The teacher will ask some students to share their ideas

about stress.
4. Abstraction
-The students will discuss eustress and distress with the
guidance of the teacher.
5. Application
-The students will have their role playing.
IV. Evaluation
-Differentiate eustress and distress and give each example.
V. Assignment
-Advance reading about mental illnesses.

Prepared by: Cecille Ann D. Tumampil

Lesson Plan in MAPEH 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Discuss the instrumental music of Mindanao
B. Appreciate the importance of instrumental music through essential
C. Group singing that presents the different instrumental music of
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Instrumental music of Mindanao
B. Materials: LCD Projector, Laptop, Speaker
C. References: Music and Arts 7 Learners Material
III. Procedure
A. Activities
-Opening prayer
-Checking of attendance
B. Review
C. Motivation
D. Development of the lesson

1. Activity

-The teacher will play a music and they will going to identify
what kind of instrument it is.
2. Analysis
-The teacher will ask a question:
1. Have you experience to play an instrument?
-Made of bamboo
3. Abstraction
-The teacher will discuss the lesson about instrumental
4. Application
-The teacher will instruct the students to group theirselves
into 6 and they will produce a sound of the assigned
instruments using their voice with the criteria of:
Tone Quality – 10%
Participation – 10%
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment
-Research more about instrumental music in Mindanao.

Prepared by: Cecille Ann D. Tumampil


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